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are lucky packs worth it, or should i just by secondhand?
t. poorfag
we have a stupid questions thread, use that next time

to answer your question, first answer me this: did you like a majority of the releases from the brand the past year? if so, then yes, buy it. if you didn't like most of the releases or you want something specific, just wait for people to buy them and sell off what they don't want
It depends. The ones I've gotten from baby, I've been easily able to sell the mains I didn't want and get the cost of the bag back, but I usually keep the accessories and blouses, so there's a net gain. There are often at least a few staple items that didn't sell not because they're unpopular, but because they get rereleased every year. I've seen some atepie lucky pack hauls that the buyers were happy with, too. I've also seen items from 2-3 years back in lucky packs, so there's no guarantee it'll all be from last year.

On the other hand, I've heard that the lucky bags from Marble contain nothing but garbage, and I've definitely noticed others struggling to sell lucky pack exclusives (ie, the moitie happy packs) because they're made for the bag, rather than clearance stock, so the quality is mid. I also recommend against the AP lucky bags-- most of the releases this year that didn't sell well were like that for a reason, and will probably be really difficult to offload. Lucky bags are also a bad idea if you have any particular sizing considerations, there's no guarantee anything in there will fit a specific range.

TLDR: YMMV. Lucky bags are fun for experimenting with accessories and items I probably wouldn't have bought for myself, but it's still gambling, so weigh your risk/reward accordingly.
A lot of those bags are made up of shelf warming stock that the store couldn't sell with a few "good" items in some of them so they don't look like a complete scam when people start posting them on social media. If you aren't in a position to take the hit with potential garbage or stuff that might take months to resell then I wouldn't buy one.
No, not worth it.

That aside, I wish Innocent World would bring back Oddment Packs.

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