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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Weeb site edition.

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, have your tried just drinking more coffee and being less confused? Probably helps.

Previous: >>20834057
1st for I keep upping my espresso dose and have no idea when I'm gonna stop. Probably when I can't fit more into the basket.
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I was gonna make this a gondola thread before finding out I have no coffee gondolas. Does /ctg/ have any coffee gondolas?
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Freshly made for (You).
Boooo, that's not very comffee of you.
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Now we dalgin :-DD
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What can i get you anon?
fix my macbook
Is that Mr.Louis "Motherfucker" Rossman from the God damn Rossman Repair Group and famous Right-to-Repair activist offering me a coffee? A cortado please.
I haven't drank any coffee for like a month and a half and have felt like shit so I ordered some bags today to get my groove back. I thought taking a break might be good for me. It wasn't.
>haven't drank any coffee for like a month and a half
>never really been a habitual coffee drinker
>whenever I did drink it was strictly utilitarian for more energy
>somehow also have an extremely high tolerance for caffeine
>basically had to down an entire pot before even feeling anything, would usually drink 2 pots to get really wired
>finally start drinking coffee for flavor and actually enjoying it in addition to the boost
>get into coffee as a morning ritual
>then start taking Welbutrin
>fucking obliterates my caffeine tolerance
>discover the hard way that now 4 cups in one day will send me into full blown heart palpitations and panic attacks
>even just one cup will make me jittery on an empty stomach

And that's my blog post
Any good recommendations for what to do for low caffeine coffee? I still want some energy boost but now drinking normal coffee is a tight balancing act, and I don't like the flavor of just watering it down.
Pussy. I drank 12 double shot espressos last Saturday.
>start taking Welbutrin
Stop that you fucking retard
And you're very cool because of that
But I can't anymore because of medication. Don b mean
Guys my phin filter came it and even just by looking at it, I knew it would not work. The hole is too big. So I tried it out anyways but with only 7 grams. Course grind. Just as I thought, coffee grounds went into the cup. Am I not using it properly? (i doubt that)
Thanks. As you can see, the holes are too big.
Look at the holes there, how is that supposed to filter anything?
>takes drug that charges dopamine receptors
>takes perscription drug that SUPER charges dopamine receptors
Why the fuck would you gimp your superpower with pharmaceutical bullshit? Just drink even more coffee. It's delicious, has numerous health benefits, and doesn't fuck your brain up. I was prescribed welbutrin by a pharma stooge way back and it gave me panic attacks that persisted for YEARS after I stopped.
Light roasts have less caffeine, stick to those. Also, get a thermos so you can slowly sip the coffee over a longer period of time without it getting cold. Pace yourself to not get too wired too fast.
>started antidepressant medication
Have you tried anything else to combat your depression, Anon?

Things like:
>regular exercise
>keeping the same daily mealtime routine
>keeping the same daily sleep/wake routine
>probiotic foods
>cognitive behavioral therapy
>planning time for yourself/hobby on a regular basis
>scheduling and completing chores to bring about a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment
>avoiding refined starches and refined fats
>organizing your living/work space
>keeping busy

Antidepressants should only be used when nothing else is working, but there's no shame in taking them if you need it. I sincerely hope you get better, Anon.
Yeah. I use an aeropress paper filter whenever I'm brewing with fin.
What a faggot. Depression is caused by having a shitty hopeless life, your list of bullshit doesn't change that, especially when people lack the resources to be able to control those things. You're a retarded fag.
Didn't they admit that the whole research on depression and serotonin was based on a lie and not replicable but then nothing changed?
>your list of bullshit doesn't change that
Yes it does
>especially when people lack the resources to be able to control those things
Maybe put some effort into acquiring resources then. Bonus: it'll give you something to do other than mope and whine
No, but pharmaceutical companies definitely lie and exaggerate the effectiveness. That's well documented.
>people lack the resources to be able to control those things
What do you suggest those people do, oh wise anon?
You obviously lack understanding of hopelessness and lack of motivation
Die off and stop dragging everyone around them down with them
Not really. Pop some mdma and tell me those chemicals don’t cause euphoria. Depressed people have brain chemical issues.
Most of the things that anon mentioned are literally free.
If you have ever done mdma, it is very obvious you cannot take antidepressants regularly. Gotta learn responsible drug usage.
No they're not, even the "free" ones require a privileged standard of living
I meant this paper
I didn't say it wasn't a brain chemistry issue, just that big pharma are liars about their effectiveness. They're not useless, just exaggerated.
Yeah its a racket propped up so they can sell shitty ssri's from the 60s.

Yes but overwhelmingly these issues are a downstream effect of poor diet, lifestyle, and environmental toxins. Now the good thing is tha coffee is unironically the best substance to temporarily force you out of the negative feedback loop of learned helplessness and give you that get-up-and-go to make the incremental positive changes that will cascade into a positive feed back loop.
Ah yes, the privileged standard of living of having a floor to do pushups off and spend 15 minutes meditating.
More lies and exaggerations. It's all a big money making game to these people, you can't trust any of them.

The effectiveness of antidepressants has been proven with forced swim tests on rats. It increases the amount of time they're willing to try and survive in a pool of water before they drown to death. Yes, they still die. Depressed rats give up quickly and die.
Not everyone has a floor. Not everyone is healthy enough to do pushups. Not everyone has 15 minutes of peace and quiet everyday.
If you're posting on this website, you more than likely have at least two of those three things.
>Not everyone is healthy enough to do pushups
Then do knee pushups. Next you're gonna tell me you don't have a pillow to place under your knees and they hurt when you do those.
>If you're posting on this website
If you can obsess over coffee, then you ain't poor
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Shut up about mental health. Kill yourselves or don’t. In the meantime here’s a flat white.
goffee best mental health drug.
Misleading, it's only because light roasted beans are more dense than dark
clearpill. bitter but true
lib bait gtfo
enjoy yum
Its just plain uncomfortable to go above 120bpm. Thought I was going to die last time.
>Not everyone has a floor
We got visited by ayylmaos and nobody is talking about it.
Vaxx status?
It's a whale.
Imagine fitting out one of these as your goffee trailer
which 2 cup moka pot should i get?
the metal one
>Any good recommendations for what to do for low caffeine coffee?
I'm afraid I don't have any specific recommendations, but I know that half-caf coffee is a thing these days. Besides that, so is specialty decaf.
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>tfw you run out of goffee
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Ayaka piss is a solid substitute.
looks simple to me
same thing happened with aluminium causing alzheimer's
What is the current cup meta? Clean white, stone, solid color?
>just exaggerated.
also doctors tell patients to stay on them for way way way too long
you build a tolerance to them and instead of trying something else they just up the dosage and then years later your brain is just totally fucked.
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>take a trip to moka subreddit to see if its still as hopeless as last time
>see this
Beautiful beans tardbazzi. Cherish them.
What's with that basket, is it the world's tiniest moka pot?
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Most effective tactic available? My nigga, it's a cup!
For me, it's a tiny enamel metal cup.
Ceramic is still king but unglazed is out. White and at most two supporting colors.
which 64mm burr set produces the least amount of fines?
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What is it? If you don't mind sharing?
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Cool. Where can I buy one?
sick beyblade
I miss gondola threads
Then again i browse different boards now
This is her, 50 years later
Nah, even bums have phones these days
>t. drinks wine in beer glass and grappa in cognac snifter
made 2 espressos with my natural ethiopians. both pulled too fast but it was still good 'spro. will grind finer tomorrow
pre-infusion probably saved the shot from being under-extracted
How do we feel about milk
Good for medium roasts
Completely overpowers light roasts
Post tiny enamel metal cup?
Make beans taste the same
Backup plan when i fuck up my extraction
Maybe I'm a tastelet but imo bitter overextracted espresso works better with milk. The sweetness of the milk covers up/balances the bitterness
is nespresso supposed to taste like cardboard
I'm also on welbutrin and it hasn't impacted my coffee tolerance. I don't feel it's done much of anything really, even after my dose was upped.
The issue with depression is that it makes it very difficult to do any of those things. That's supposed to be the point of antidepressants, to give you a boost so you can do things that will keep you not-depressed after you stop taking them. If your doctor talks about antidepressants like they're a cure and not a crutch then you need to get a better one.
Yeah. Nespresso is minmaxxed for profit margins, they extract absurd amounts of solubles out of coffee to make more instant out of it, so it tastes like shit.
a close relative got a machine recently and I had a cup earlier today and it was foul
are all pod brands as bad or is there any decent ones around? I don't want them to feel bad about the purchase lmao
pretty much all preloaded pods are gonna be bad
you might find some to be less bad but they still really wont be worth the money or the waste
you can however get refillable plastic or metal pods in which you can put good coffee
if you or your loved ones must use a pod machine, please take this extra step to reduce waste and drink better coffee

sippin on a cuppa moka, a blend of washed Ethiopian and wet-hulled Java Sundan
have a dose of some anaerobic honey from Flores, just roasted yesterday, ground up and waiting for me on the counter, cant wait to get to it bros (:
Wellbutrin is also a simulant and mixing it with caffeine increases your chances of having a seizure from it
>increases your chances of having a seizure
It should also have a bitter burnt flavor that makes you want to puke
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Sure. Behold: the tiny enamel metal cup. And somehow I still only fill half of it with a shot.
How did I fuckup and post sideways AGAIN
>How did I fuckup and post sideways AGAIN
It's obvious but probably not to you.
>they extract absurd amounts of solubles out of coffee to make more instant out of it
Are there any mass market instant brands that don't do this? I'm in Ontario, Canada fyi.
>Nespresso is minmaxxed for profit margins, they extract absurd amounts of solubles out of coffee to make more instant out of it
you know nespresso is not instant coffee right?
I'm not a habitual phoneposter, I only take the phone out for pics. And this must be the third time I post a sideway pic lol, in my defense my old phone didn't do this and I used that for 8 years while this one is 6 months old.
I love it. I want to get a boiler lever one day, like that Argos anon was discussing last thread or an Europiccola, but the biggest strength of the Flair is being able to disassemble it in a minute, pick it up and go. I value that because I spend lots of time visiting friends across town and they enjoy espresso too. Can't really go around carrying a big ass machine everywhere. Same for a big grinder, I do want to upgrade to an electric countertop grinder but that hand grinder bag fits in my pocket and I like that.
Yet instant coffee still clears any nespresso pod
wanted to be sure, the way you wrote it implies you have no idea what you're talking about or maybe you're just ESL
A friend of mine has a Nespresso machine and I'm too polite to refuse when he offers a cup. The coffee it makes at least somewhat tastes like espresso unlike the Nescafe pods (Why does Nestlé have two incompatible pod brands anyways?), those things were nasty. Problem is, just like all pod machines, it's either bland or burned to shit and has zero texture. I've had fruit juice that was thicker than pod "espresso".
Which burrs are those?
Burr hands (Anon grinds the beans by rubbing his palms).
c64 wave. Same guys who made the "roller mill" hand grinder.
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I got my $9 magazine and coffee sample.
what was the coffee?
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Haven't tried it yet, but I'm optimistic on central americans. It's only 36g so I better get lucky dialing
>Central American coffee
>Called Himalaya
Coffee is not a hobby
Correct, it is a drink. Coffee brewing, however, is a hobby.
>professional photoshoot for a printed publication
>same disgusting greasy locks as always
>with Ron Jeremy's love child advertising it
This fatty is revolting to look at.
On the same level as taking a shit as a hobby
It's okay to be wrong sometimes, but not to act retarded.
That's why i drink coffee to get on with my day and partake in my hobbies.
Shitting is not a hobby. Wiping your ass after shitting, however, is a hobby.
Are you a shitterfag or a pissingbro? Personally my hobby is sweating but pissbros get the pass.
thats like 5 issues old
You're like 5 issues old.
i am a little behind on my reading i admit but not 5 issues.
What do they even write about in that magazine, is it all product reviews and interviews? I can't imagine getting the content for a coffee blog, let alone a magazine.
Very little reviews in it when I was subbed. Coffee related and adjacent stories. I'm pretty sure they're still doing the free issue if you want to check it out. I'll let an active sub shill their link if they've got it.
It's weird. I'm really into tea, and know all about the different processes to make it, the brewing temps, etc, but I am a total pleb when it comes to coffee. I always end up making a concentrated brew either in a moka pot or french press, and turn it into a pseudo-latte with lots of milk and nothing else. Wat do?
Ditch the moka, study your french press process. Are you using freshly ground coffee from a burr grinder? Very hard to fuck up french press if you use fresh coffee and get the size right, it isn't even that precise.
Hot damn, just got around to trying mine. Might be the best coffee I've had in a good long while, period. Decaf or otherwise.
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>Might be the best coffee I've had in a good long while, period. Decaf or otherwise.
for sure, and it was FREE(sort of)
but it was so intense im actually glad i only got 50g.
i wouldn't be able to handle a whole bag.
did you experience the same notes as i described?
also how did you brew yours?
i had a skim and saw there was an article on the cafe scene in Reykjavík, which im interested in reading because my sister was in Reykjavík a few years ago and said their coffee was shit.
so i will be interested to see if she just got unlucky or if in the article they say it was shit but now its getting better or whatever.

lets see...
>burgeoning coffee culture in the philippines
>specialty coffee of saigon
>meet your producer: indonesia
>a photo-essay on latte art
>a look at the differences in texturing dairy milk and plant based milk, history, terminology ect.
>soccer player talks about coffee and recovery from injury
thats half of the articles, the other half im not as interested in so i didnt mention it :)
great photos as usual.
great paper smell as usual. sort of like the smell of pencil shavings.
I mean the issues I got a few years ago were talking about straightedgers and lesbians through the lens of licking bean.
Yes, I have a nice grinder and a french press. I was using the press before the moka pot, but I heard it's better for latte-type drinks. Is that not true?
had 20g/300ml in a v60

It was slightly overextracted but even with that I caught wind of every note you mentioned. I'm upset I even botched the prep just a little it was so good.
>had 20g/300ml in a v60
roughly the same as me.
I mixed up Nespresso and nescafe
nespresso update: it's half drinkable as an americano
I'll def try to get them to recycle the pods it feels so wasteful
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Did I do good
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Deep fry your beans.
gow phi
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He was never handsome but jeez, why does he do this
Typical NuMale. Fat, weak, liberal and full of mental health problems.
haven't seen that term in a while
do you wipe towards your ballsack from the front or to the back with your hand reaching from behind?
it looks like a lot of large chunks
which is bad
but there is still alot of water on top
which is bad(unless you took the picture while it was draining and not when it had fully drained for some reason)
and there is a mud between the chunks, which leads me to believe that you have a shit grinder, perhaps even a blade "grinder" and you are getting large chunks and a shit load of fines which is creating this impenetrable barrier once the weight of the water on top is no longer sufficient to push water through the grounds making a puddle of water sit on top at the end of the brew and not be able to properly drain.
which is bad.

but thats just a guess.
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I make porridge on the hob every morning. What's the minimum fuss brew method I can do in between stirring the pot?

I take a week off caffeine every month. Apparently that's usually enough to reset caffeine receptors. I definitely drink less coffee after the break than before it.
My grinder is a burr grinder but it's probably shit because it's a Bodum Bistro

In this issue, Lance writes a pretty interesting essay about the beginnings of home espresso, arising from the hands of Achille Gaggia in the 1930s/40s and blossoming into the development of more analytical, controlled tools like PIDs, WDTs, and so on. It's a great piece until he suddenly and unceremoniously digresses from the historical review to reference himself and "Daddy Hoff" (that's a direct quote), which was like the literary equivalent of watching a car crash right in front of you on the highway
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12 whole settings for your coffee grounds? You could get away with half that.
Watching a car crash right in front of you on the highway is pretty rare and unexpected though.
if you really cba i would recommend the humble cafetiere
fucking lol
anon sure seemed surprised by it
did it taste good or bad
thats really all that matters
I really want a 9barista one day. My current espresso maker works just fine and I doubt you can do back to back shots on the barista, but it just looks so cool.
>until he suddenly and unceremoniously digresses from the historical review to reference himself and "Daddy Hoff" (that's a direct quote)
He does look and sound like the kind of person who would do that. He has great coffee info but sometimes in his videos he'll start singing or making strange noises, bringing me back to reality and reminding me that he's still a lolsorandumb loud=funny guy. Like I get lolsorandumb and loud=funny, I grew up watching YTP, but Lance just suddenly inetrrupts a normal video to do it.
>What's the minimum fuss brew method I can do in between stirring the pot?
Pour a french press before starting the porridge.
Ground coffee, hot water from kettle, 1:12 ratio, stir for a minute or two, and let it steep while you prepare your breakfast.
He's just a millennial manchild who never matured. There's millions of them so it's not like Lance is unique.
Yeah he's just autistic. Thats what bothers the spergs here. Fat slob retard with a wife and kid makes them feel bad.
Lance is unique to me because I don't watch many other millennials who do that and his videos are otherwise well structured and informative. It's not the bad humour that's the issue, just go into TikTok and you'll be flooded with that stuff, it's the whiplash between a normal video and TikTok humour.
Hey I used to be a fat slob retard too. Now I'm just a retard (No wife though).
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Unironically just get into decaf. Talk to roasters and see what their process is. Most decafs are shit because they stale faster than normal coffee, sit on the shelf longer and are easier to over roast. If you can get some freshly roasted beans regularly from a roaster that knows what they're doing, you can avoid these issues. I've been lucky enough to find a roaster that will roast beans to any level on the spot. I tend to prefer swiss water processed over the other chemical decaf process. I have yet to try supercritical CO2 decaf beans though.
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I still need to do more blind tastings to really come to definitive conclusions but the Zerohero Z5 does seem to be a pretty decent grinder. I'd be a bit hesitant to get it for the $99 retail price. But the $50 sale price it semi regularly drops to makes it much more attractive.
tried some new beans, different roaster from my usual, medium roast
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And the origin?
always remember a nice bed is the cherry on top of a nice cuppa, no the other way around
Yeah, but how am I supposed to stunt on the haters that will never taste my brew?
I love Saya so much.
live content knowing they wont get to drink your delicious coff
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Y-You too...
poor saya, sort of it was her own fault for not having a crack before the snack whore showed up. but still. poor saya.
Does anyone own a Kingrinder K6? I just bought one but read some shit about rdt making the bearings rust.
>rdt making the bearings rust.
i dont see how that could possibly be true unless you are throwing your beans into a bowl of water and then straining the water off before grinding.
rdt, then shake, then put into the grinder.
I ditched hero ever since they shipped me a unit from the official store that was both opened, have visual defect, and smelled foul to high hell. Only thing I liked was the little bean scoop they included that’s oddly get pretty close to 10g every single time. What grinders do you have to compare it with btw?
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Well yesterday's was pretty tasty despite the flaws (then again I did "learn" how to make a pour over at Starbies lel).
Tried a couple of clicks finer on my grind to see if that would at least eliminate the larger pieces (desu I was going for a medium grind anyway but the comments about the fines getting through made me wonder if I could get away with this). Didn't seem to take any longer though so I wonder if the clicks are too close together or similar? I lowered the coffee ratio a little to avoid it tasting shitty and sure enough, it was the same as yesterday.

I seriously need a more consistent grinder huh
I have a knock-off Chemex that I bought years ago when I was completely oblivious to the subtleties of coffee. This natural ethiopian was good as a pour-over but it would have been better if I had used something like a v60...
I want to buy one but I can't justify it and besides I've got way too much stuff now.
grind finer
i was going to brew
im going to sleep instead.
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just had a craving for french press after a few months of maining 'spro
feels good to be back
Need to grind finer
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Sweet dreams, Anon.
Ok so there's only 4 clicks left to go finer, the furthest ofc claims it's for espresso... I just hate to go too fine and fuck up nice beans since I'm poorfag.
I felt a similar craving yesterday. I didn't want to clean the french press, so I just steeped the coffee in a small saucepan and poured it through a V60.
Today I simply used my Switch.

How'd your brew taste, immersionbro?
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Awesome, sometimes jank just works.
I mixed the remnants from two bags of old but decent beans and actually it came out great. Usually I steep for too long but this time I had a nice broad body with a splash of acidity at the bottom of the cup. Nice.
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Can someone recommend me a seller on Aliexpress to get a K6? It's fucking GONE from amazon I'm so mad I didn't get it when I had the chance. I dont like buying stuff from AE and almost got a C3 ESP on amazon cause of it but I might as well give the chinks another chance.
It's on Amazon for me.
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Good to hear.
Yeah, I like mixing the last beans in my bags too. Makes for an interesting cup, if not an enjoyable one.
I got mine from Jaffee on AliExpress.
Should've mentioned I'm EU, they gone from here
Thanks brother
Lol. I'm glad someone saved this.
I guess astringent is the right word? that's what seems to be happening to the coffee I buy if I don't finish it right away
do I need to start grinding beans?
because even the premium fancy bag of coffee I bought which was good black when I first opened it now needs a splash of dairy to be palatable

this is all becoming very complicated
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wait for the 11.11 sale if you can
you need to be grinding your own beans. ground coffee has a shelf life of 15 minutes before it starts to go stale.
The complicated is where the good part is. Nietzsche talks about this in Beyond Good and Evil. Alles was tief ist liebt die Maske - The profound loves the mask
>ground coffee has a shelf life of 15 minutes before it starts to go stale
you should tell hoffmeme he admits he sometimes grinds his coffee the night before
repurpose the chemex as a vase
or just get a switch
grinding the night before is fine, especially if the beans are quite fresh
anon was being hyperbolic
i have some kenyan i roasted yesterday that i ground up last night, its just sitting out so it can degas
cant wait to get into it
I'm mad they discontinued the k4, and you can't buy one anywhere.
>discontinued the k4
Since when? Did they discontinue the K3 and the P1 too?
only one way to find out
if its stored in an air tight container
the beans are of high quality
and the beans were roasted within the last week
its fine to grind before you go to bed.
especially if you have a hand grinder.
but those who grind in advance UNDERSTAND there is going to be a noticeable loss in flavor but we do it for convenience.
if you trying to make the best cup you can then yeah, you would never use pre ground of any age.
grinding fresh roasted specialty beans before bed for the next morning is worlds apart from buying pre ground coffee in a bag at the grocery store.
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>covid makes coffee taste like shit
Completely forgot about that. I guess I'll be caffeine free for a couple of weeks
just take caffeine pills
I was thinking about buying tea
>caffeine free for a couple of weeks
That's long enough to break your caffeine addiction and finish withdrawal symptoms. Why go back to it afterwards?
I like the taste.
Absolute noob here, what's the difference between the kinggrinder p0/p1/p2?
Aside from Hoffmann and Hedrick, who am I supposed to watch?
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Bros, I just got pic related and I have to say; that's some of the sweetest floral and heavy aromatic coffee I've ever tried.
No u
life is shit
you're coffe?
You brew with a cezve?
What's that?
when did you realize ctg was cooked?
I am the coffe
fuck off zoomer
Completely different burrs. P2 is a comandante clone for $44 so thats the one to get. P0 is a more "generic" burr design that you see in alot of cheap grinders like the timemore c2 and bodum bistro, but its also the best peppermill $22 can buy.
But what's the difference in terms of results? More fins in the burr = better?
>But what's the difference in terms of results?
depends on what the goal of the burr maker is.
there isnt some universal rule to follow or aim for.
watch these for some context
Very very very generally.
More prebreakers=less aggressive feed/slower grinding=less fines production
Longer grinding path=more time for the particles to even out in size=tighter spread of intended size
Cleaner cups, less "blending" of the flavors in your coffee, "more separation". If you're after "thicker", higher bodied coffee you might want a P1 over the P2.
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Just got this today. I know the Niche Zero isn't considered the best for filter, but I went about half way in the filter zone and made a v60. 15g dose, 200g of water. The best coffee I have had in a very long time.
was just coming here to ask the same kind of question, I was thinking about grabbing a cheapo hand grinder for travel and wanted to figure out what the real difference between those three was.

Worth mentioning aliexpress has the P2 for $34 right now, thinking I'll go ahead and grab it.
I just pulled the tastiest espresso I've ever had and I don't even think it was a good shot (Got a bit of sputtering since I wasn't able to maintain steady pressure). God damn, I hope I can replicate this tomorrow or even improve it.
Thanks I'll do my research. My goal is to try some local roasters beans instead of buying preground. For espresso obviously. Next step would be upgrading my 75€ machine
Catch cup sucks, lid sucks, plastic shell is a bit staticy(according to another anon, ive only used it for pepper) but when it costs like 1.5x a bag of coffee there's no reason not to have one. Lets say ~7.5/10 performance compared to a comandante, at ~1/10th the price. Drop that $34 link for the poor anons.
Just ordered one and now when I look at it they're showing $38, no idea what chink sorcery is happening there but hopefully it works for you

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really liking these this week
Currently my encore and yukafes grinder, which has the same burrs as the MHW R3. Mine was definitely new in box. Honestly I still might somewhat prefer my shimmed encore. But it's a matter of preference, compared to the S3 and Yukaofes in which I definitely prefer the encore.
>Ground for drip
Why are you buying pregrounds when you already have a grinder?
it was from squat and gobble and the only way it comes, i grind everything else
So long as it tastes good and you drink it quickly enough before it stales, I guess.
>Rolled skinny jeans
>top buttons open
>size 9 hey dudes, no socks
>Newest iPhone
>thick rim glasses, non functioning
>$150 haircut
>>the beard
>married to a beautiful and strong woman
>raising her boyfriend's son, proudly
>"Im really moderate, incel."
>hates coffee
>hates tea
>claims to love both
I’m a clean shaven, gun toting, no hair product owning, flannel wearing country boy with dirty work boots who just happens to like good coffee.
who are you quoting?
kinda new to the whole coffee thing, only brands ive had is like deathwish/folgers and want to try other stuff any suggestions?
Get a blog and fuck off.
Go to any decent cafe that makes coffee you would drink, buy beans from them. If they don't sell beans they're not a good cafe.

Depending on where you live, look up good local roasters and try buying directly from them. Counter Culture is pretty close to me so they tend to be my go-to when I'm not buying stuff roasted at a cafe I frequent.
>Got the coof virus
>Didn't lose my sense of taste
>Constantly tired so I can take a nap immediately after drinking espresso
In adversity, I found strength.
Ok, maybe there's no strength this shit sucks.
I use V60 or Origami.
Nice. I think we get wrapped up sometimes in thinking that because particular items of gear aren't the best for one particular thing, that that means that you can't get an enjoyable coffee out of them.
>15g dose, 200g of water
Wild ratio
is it?
Not really that crazy, the pretty typical ratio for 15g dose would be 250ml so like yeah definitely a shorter ratio than most would do but not totally insane or anything.
i just pulled my best shot of espresso and i have no idea how i did it
I bet you used an espresso machine, huh?
It's the eternal chase of perfection that is the basis of the addiction.
you were in a good mood or just the right kind of bad mood and really wanted a nice espresso. taste is an illusion
God I love Moka pots.
>Unle𝗮sh Your Inner B𝗮rist𝗮 with M𝗮ri𝗮's Coffee – Elevate Your Moka Pot Experience! Unlock the Secrets of Italian Coffee Mastery and Savor the Delightful Symphony of Aromas and Flavors with our Premium Coffee Beans. Crafted to Perfection for Moka Pot Brewing, our Coffees Promise an Authentic and Indulgent Journey, Right in the Comfort of Your Home!
You've been to Maria's?
Get dat inner barista back on a leash
>didnt feel like drinking coffee this morning
>day starts out great
>mid arvo rolls around
>total crash
>rest of the day is actual garbage
>drinking my first coffee at 10:30 pm
well not making that mistake again.
I wish I loved mine but I never managed to make great coffee out of it. Always muddier than espresso and less flavourful than filter.
42 minutes and noone has posted the new hoffmeme video? /ctg/ really is dead.
when are you fucking off?
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>redbubble reaction image
/ctg/ really is dead
fuck off retard
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I like Hoff but I wish Hoffags would get out already.
Well it's tasty but idk wtf is going on
>pre-infusion for 5s
>shot pulls crazy fast, 50g in 20s
I'm grinding finer than I was before without preinfusion and those were 40g in 25s
What machine?
modded Silvia
Quad shots are a meme.
What's your dwell time?
Mate, I think he means liquid not beans. I don't even think you can fit 50g of coffee in a normal basket.
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Finally in Katoomba again, after a year. Coffee at the Ama Cafe tomorrow, went to Cassiopeia today and it was nice but busy.
What's up with ozzies and specialty coffee anyways? Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that it's such a weird place to get such a big third wave coffee scene.
im a wired gourmet chad but moonlight as a hoffkino poster
>Finally in Katoomba again
oh shit, glad you got to come here with such good weather.
windy but really nice.
>Coffee at the Ama Cafe tomorrow
i havent had their coffee, i went there with family a while back and the food was shit.
report on how the coffee is.
>went to Cassiopeia today and it was nice but busy.
yeah i stopped going, or even attempting to go.
shit is fucking slammed from opening to closing, so loud that it kinda ruins the vibe.

have you stopped in at tora's gift shop yet?
also hominy bakery, best place in town imo, pricey but worth it.
>its weird that the coffee capital of the world has such a large specialty coffee scene
>coffee capital of the world
Exactly. What makes Australia the coffee capital of the world?
Subpar roasters,flat whites, and a loud vocal minority. Their claim to fame is
>But McCafe copied us!
>>its weird that the coffee capital of the world has such a large specialty coffee scene
Did you just not read my question or something?
>coffee capital of the world
My guy, your country doesn't register on the top 10 coffee countries by production or consumption. I think it's a bit fair to question why third wave coffee is so popular there specifically.
>it's just that it's such a weird place to get such a big third wave coffee scene.
maybe ask a different question?
because i answered you question
the reason why australia has such a big THIRD WAVE coffee scene is because its the coffee capital of the world
it was the coffee capital of the world LONG before third wave coffee became a thing
so obviously the place with the best coffee culture would adopt the newest coffee trends which is third wave coffee.
the question you THOUGHT you asked is "why does australia have such a huge coffee culture"
which you can just google
>After the second world war, Italian immigrants were the first to bring espresso machines to Australia. Cafe culture first flourished in Leichhardt in Sydney due to its high concentration of Italian immigrants.
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Please just let them have this. Australian's need something to feel national pride in. Please.
i accept your concession :)
>because its the coffee capital of the world
By what metric?

>Italian immigrants
Wow! I didn't know Australia was the Italian capital of the world. Man, what a country...
I'm not entertaining your meltdown, go act retarded elsewhere.
>Why is third wave coffee popular in Australia?
>Because it's the coffee capital of the world
>Why is it the coffee capital of the world?
>Because third wave coffee is popular there
Not sending their brightest, are they?
My country is the world's largest coffee producer, second largest consumer, an italian population 4x that of Australia and it doesn't have a noticeable third wave culture. None of what you're saying makes any fucking sense.
>an italian population
*and has an
I shouldn't be this tired at 3PM.
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>This is Aussie shitposting in 2024
oh how the mighty have fallen...
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hues can't afford specialty coffee and brazilian coffee is kinda ass
>>Why is it the coffee capital of the world?
>>Because third wave coffee is popular there
i never said that
go strawman somewhere else
Meh, my bourbon and catuaí beans get 95% the flavour of a colombian or kenyan for 20% the price so it's a good enough tradeoff.
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>My country is the world's largest coffee producer
>second largest consumer
>an italian population 4x that of Australia

italy already had an established coffee culture
america during the war was "full" of italians and didnt want any more and they also already had an established coffee culture
europe already had a coffee culture
australia was taking in huge amounts of italians/greeks but it was a british colony that was slowly separating itself from england and cementing its own unique culture
we already had a tea culture
we did have coffee but the coffee culture was alot more high class and was built around "coffee palaces"
so when the italians came flooding in, and brought espresso, they mixed with australian culture and developed italian style cafe and espresso bars but in a british colony that very quickly accepted this new drink and this new way of drinking it(not in the coffee palace but more on the street in a way)
this meant that australia developed a unique cafe culture that bred better coffee which made the adoption of new styles of coffee easier.
also the post war "out with the old in with the new" help foster this new coffee culture in australia in ways that simply werent possible in other coffee drinking countries.
Isn't it illegal for businesses to import coffee in brazil and prohibitively expensive for home consumers to have anything shipped? How much would something like this cost you after shipping and tariffs and shit?
It used to be illegal to import unroasted beans but you could always import roasted coffee. They lifted the ban on green beans 7 years ago anyway.
>How much would something like this cost you after shipping and tariffs and shit?
That's already too much even without import fees. There's a local geisha producer, 1200m ASL, that costs around 10 euro per similarly sized bag. I've never had geisha of any kind, be it high altitude imported or the medium altitude local, but I don't think the difference in taste would be worth the 44 euro jump in cost. Not that it matters when I'm buying even cheaper 250g bags.
So you can get a different varietal, grown by someone that noone has ever heard of, ~700m lower in a significantly worse environment, for way cheaper? Sick.
Like I said, I doubt the difference in taste is worth a 500% increase in cost. It's just a hunch, but I'd say it's a pretty good hunch since I've had other varietals of Panama high altitude coffee before (Including catuaí and caturra, which we also grow locally and I drink daily so I have a direct point of comparison) while in Panama City. Price is the sort of shit you have to think of in a country where your average João doesn't make more than $1000 a month.
but think how rich /ctg/ anons will think you are
You just need to understand that you're drinking the scraps. There's a difference between third wave and third world.
If I wanted to look rich I wouldn't be using a manual espresso maker and a hand grinder...
You do you, man, I'm not gonna question your lifestyle. I'm just saying, I couldn't taste that 700m of altitude difference and something tells me you can't either. My wallet, however, can feel it pretty well.
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I'm 3 minutes in, this machine looks really interesting but I know it'll be so bad
>All in one superautomatic
If you're a turbonormie maybe.
Semi, super, I honestly don't know the difference. Is having to move the portafilter around enough to not make it a superautomatic?
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If you can't taste the difference between good and bad coffee something tells me you're wasting your time and money regardless. I can get low end specialty grade brazilian "general use" greens for $3.75/lb. I'd imagine they cost less than half that before shipping/tariffs to the states. Probably close to what you're drinking.
>I couldn't taste that 700m of altitude difference
Might as well go all the way then and only use the cheapest pre-ground stuff
>Says brazilian coffee is scraps
>Looks exclusively at commodity grade coffee
Oh come on now.
>I honestly don't know the difference
You've made it very clear.
And I'm really not pointing this out to be a dick. The world is fucked. The cost of a farmer's labor to produce 1lb of beans, the value of the land, and the environmental impact to grow and ship it from brazil to the states should add up to way fucking more than ~$5/lb shipped to my door.
And yes I know it says specialty grade there but I'm not trusting a $3/lb coffee to call itself specialty. That's commodity pricing.
>and the environmental impact to grow and ship it from brazil to the states should add up to way fucking more than ~$5/lb shipped to my door.
I think you're looking at a pretty bad coffee to begin with because locally grown and roasted specialty is anywhere from $12/lb to $20/lb. $3/lb is what you'd find in a supermarket for a bag of bottom of the barrel robusta
I'm saying other countries are paying more for higher grade shit to the point of excess. There's no international homie hookup trickling down prime beans. Most of the world can buy whatever they want from importers, sellers buying from importers, and private individuals looking to part out bags.
It works out to about $6.30/lb shipped for the GREENS. Someone like Bones would buy that grade coffee, roast it up "medium" 15kg at a time, and blend/spray with flavoring for $15/12oz. General use espresso blend type brazilian.
I don't home roast so I'm not sure how much the price is supposed to jump from green to roasted.
>I'm saying other countries are paying more for higher grade shit to the point of excess
That's kind of what I've been saying this entire time. I'm not trying to say you can have a coffee just as good as some top of the line shit grown in the best soils and hand picked by God himself for a dollar, but there comes a point where the pricing gets pretty ridiculous.
Geshas are actually unbelievably good and worth it on special occasions. Tastes more like candy than coffee.
And there's a point where the flavors get pretty ridiculous as well. Tends to directly correlate with price, for a reason. Hope you get to try something exceptional eventually. I've been sipping on some sidra grown in a 1500masl 5acre farm in an ecuadorean cloud forest. Little bit different microclimate compared to lowland clear cut terraces.
I guess I'll give the locally grown one a try when my birthday comes around. It might not be the exact same as the Panama grown one (Or it might, fuck if I know) but for the price it better be damn good.
>Tastes more like candy than coffee.
Sounds good, best espresso I had so far tastes a bit like coffee flavoured candy.
I go to Panama every other year for family reasons so next time I go there, which should be next year, I'll specifically seek out geisha at a cafe and see if it blows my mind. But, at least for Panama grown brazilian coffees (Catuaí and caturra, as mentioned earlier) I wasn't too impressed. Honestly I don't even know why they grow those two specifically when they aren't the best we have to offer, they're mid-tier specialty more than anything.
You ever had smarties? Or sweet tarts? It's sweet and a bit sour, pretty amazing it's coffee.
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OK finally saw all of it.
The problem with a machine like this is that the handholding systems are not really worth it, if you want espresso but don't want to be autistic about coffee then you're better off with an aeropress or a moka and if you want to be autistic about coffee all the features of this machine will get on the way.
>You ever had smarties? Or sweet tarts?
Not sure if I've had those brands specifically but I know what kind of candy you're talking about. Strange, though, because I don't think I'd ever compare coffee to that. I know you're going over how it's sweet and sour and not the actual flavour but still.
>if you want espresso but don't want to be autistic about coffee then you're better off with something that doesn't even attemp to replicate espresso at all
even a pod machine would be a better rec here
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/ctg/'s thoughts on Morgan?
Babby's first coffee snob channel. She's tailored towards normies and is a good entry point but I see no reason to watch her once you take the Hoffpill.
for me its the lancepill
This thumbnail makes it look like she's flashing a massive pair.
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