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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Same edition as before, I'm not paid enough for this.

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, go fix your sleep schedule.

Previous: >>20846911
Ah shit, I forgot I wanted to use a gondola. Fine fine, I'll set a reminder for the next /ctg/.
Should I buy a designated melting pot to heat my dripper in?
Don't use stainless steel if you can avoid it it can alter the flavor of coffee unless it's, I forget what it's called in English, it has "its pants on" in French
'Coffee Capital of the World' subedition
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I went to Hominy. I got apple and pear cakes, hazelnut cookies and an apple Danish. Zero self control there. When I went to Mountain Ama it was really good including the food, I had the beef crepes and an Americano. It's what got me into Americanos at all. Went to Tora and she's closed til the 28th ;_;!! So sad. If I had more notice I was coming here I would have asked if you'd like to get a coffee together (not creepy)
I'll take SoCal or Seattle over fucking
I've lived in both and that's a bit of a sad take. It's so easy to find decent coffee almost anywhere in Australia, even small rural towns. Most Americans drink waterslop and don't care to improve or even try new things, stunting the spread of even moderately good coffee. Sorry for your loss.
Is your moka pot ok bro?
Small rural towns are the way to go. Jervis bay for example... whitest sand in the world beautiful scenery, good coffee.
>willingly living on a continent infested with abbos

I guess SOMEBODY had to.
I don't live in NT or WA so I wouldn't know that feel.
I might be moving to St Georges Basin soon kek. Come hang out with me damn it!
I mean, can you not just say the same about "native americans"
>bottomless is spraying a bit
How do I get good at WDT, this is embarrassing
Those poor abbos. Place was probably pretty nice before britain dropped off a bunch of gypsy thieves.
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I'd take injuns over abbos and gypsies any day of the week, though it'd be preferable that they all exited the state of history.
coarser and get that turbo going
?? Je l'ai jamais entendu
try preinfusion or a longer dwell time if you're already doing it
Really? I means patinaed, I remember the English word now
Usually used for stuff like wine glasses, coffee cups, whisky mugs, but also tobacco pipes
Bare stainless steel, especially spun stainless, will react with flavors and usually destroying them
That's why you see those stainless soap bars for washing garlic off your hands and why whisky from a flask always tastes flat
Assuming true, would cast iron be any better or worse?
There's a reason why espresso baskets are made of cast iron.
Better and worse. You'll taste the iron but iron's good for you.
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Does /ctg/ know how to dial for espresso?
Easy. Shot too runny, grind finer, shot choked, grind coarser. Can't find the perfect setting? Go to the closest thing you had to "good" and start adding or removing coffee in 2g increments until you get to the perfect amount.
>Indigenous Australians comprised 3.8% of Australia's population.
and most of that is in NT
inb4 200g down the drain.
>if you'd like to get a coffee together (not creepy)
maybe one day
i am a paranoid schizophrenic remember.(im working on it slowly but shit takes time <3)
>Zero self control there.
yep, that place is lethal.
i just went, spent $30
they go "is that all?" and you're like... ah fuck i guess ill have one of these and one of those for later on, and then you are walking out with like 4 bags with you just wanted a pie
oh and i guess i jinxed the weather.
sorry about that.
6 shots was the most I've wasted on dialing and that was first time making espresso ever. These days if I fuck up a shot because of new coffee I can correct it by feel with the very next shot, at most the second next.
I know, right?
Brazil exports most, followed by Vietnam
I personally like Vietnamese most.
Now now, just go along with him lest he spergs out again.
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How much overlap is there between weebs and coffeefags in your estimation
about tree-fiddy
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about 70%
Show me your machine
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maybe more
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I had to go back to Canberra today anyway, it's raining right now on the way. Just past Goulburn. Also that's exactly how it went, I went for two of the little spiced pear cakes but ended up with the others. Doesn't help that it's small and I feel autistic in there, luckily they are very patient. I haven't had their pies yet, don't think I need to ask if they're good though lel. Did go to Mountain Ama BTW and it was good! I get the spiced beef crepes. Tonight I will go to Kita in Narrabundah for my goff.
>paranoid schizo
I have cptsd (not tumblr tier) so I can empathise with much of your symptoms probably :(
Japan likes its coffee and will write entire characters (Godot) or aesthetics (Persona 5) around it so I'd say: at least two.
let's see. http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/gkaffp/ctg
>Doesn't help that it's small and I feel autistic in there
yeh it doesnt help when you have tourist come in and just cram themselves inside and then stand around window shopping going "ummmmm... ahhhhhh....hmmmmm" like holy fuck bro you can see everything they sell from outside through that giant window.

your food looks good tho.
the korean place a few doors down (Sanwiye) is fantastic if you are a fan of that cuisine, been going there for like 8 years, perfect every time.
also pho moi if you are a pho enjoyer, but just like Cassiopeia they are extremely popular so usually packed.
do NOT go to Yellow Deli its run by the "Twelve Tribes" cult.
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comfy cafe
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>Same edition as before, I'm not paid enough for this.
I appreciate you saving my images and making the OPs, but you could have just asked me to make 'em if you weren't feeling up to it.
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>muh special fancy beans are so rare and delicious
No they aren’t and no isn’t. Pic rel. all you’ll ever need and anyone who disagrees is a larp pig who spent 200 on a nespresso
I don't need that :(
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i think filter coffee is absolutely delicious and espresso is overrated disgusting burnt overly extracted trash
I'm all about the aeropress because I can make really good concentrated coffee with any roast and any grind size I want, with more control over time and extraction than espresso.
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it doesn't come until 11 this morning FUCK
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I don't bother with coffeemakers. I just put 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of course ground coffee into a pyrex measuring cup of boiling water, mix it, then let it steep for 10 minutes with a plate covering it to keep the heat in

I filter it by sticking a paper towel in a funnel and pour it through that into my mug of choice

Realistically, how much am I fucking myself over here?
Lately, I've been brewing my coffee like pic related. It's pretty chill and I've been enjoying the results, but I do measure the water (by weight) and I have a general sense of how much coffee beans I'm using (P2, one hopper-full is ~21g) to brew at a ratio of 1:12.

>Realistically, how much am I fucking myself over here?
So long as you're using good coffee and tasty water, you're not doing too badly. Enjoy your coffee, Anon! :)

>pic related
I used to do that, but I started noticing oils collecting on the surface of the coffee, and I think that might've been what was giving me heartburn? It subsided when I started using my ghetto filter system

Thanks for the encouragement :)
Kingrinder P2. It's a manual (hand crank) coffee grinder.
Sorry. I should have clarified.

Yeah, coffee oils can be a problem for some people. Nothing wrong with filtering it the way you do.

So long as you enjoy yourself! :)
There's no real issue with that method.
Conversely, a Moka pot is like 6 bucks and I've literally thrown one off a mountain so there's no reason not to get one.
There's a lot of really expensive and finnicky options out there but the moka pot is
-No waste beyond the coffee grounds themselves

IMHO the best option if you want to upgrade from instant without laying down fat stacks for gear with a major learning curve or even fatter stacks for a fully automated machine.
Only downside is low volume.
21 grams is the "perfect" amount for a shot, at least for me
anyone else think hoff is looking a bit jacked in the latest video?
looks like chicken little has been hitting the gym
Injuns are at least recognizable as a human at first glance. a total outsider would mistake the average Aboriginal for a hairless gorilla
You guys DID place your pre-orders... Right?
Why are your screenshots extremely low quality jpegs?
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Been having the Keurig caramel salt pods, not bad. I am a milk and sugar (2 small spoonfuls) guy. Not bad and quite tasty. 8oz is enough for me.
Because i sent it as a Facebook message to my friend group and Facebook destroys image quality to save bandwidth.
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I just made black coffee that is neither bitter nor weak but even slightly sweet for the first time ever. I had no idea. Billions of people don't know what coffee is supposed to taste like. They think it's this disgusting shit that has to be watered down or masked with other ingredients. Crazy.
I had to get freshly roasted coffee that's twice as expensive for that, but it's worth it. Never buying supermarket trash again.
Welcome to the start of your coffee tism
>pre-ordering a $1000 grinder
>using facebook to communicate with friends
Hello early to mid 30s anon.
Never posted here. Never had interest in generals.
Just wanted to say that Don Francisco is the best store brand drip coffee, and that there is absolutely no java scene anywhere near as good as around the SeaTac area from ~20 years ago. Bigfoot was always the best.
Starbucks, Dunkin, Tim's, etc. can kiss my white Pacific Northwest ass.
16oz triple shot iced mocha, no whipped cream. Those Bigfoot Java gals always did it juuuuuust right.
did you record every step so you can make it again?
if not...
Why do you instigate?
You're correct, but I don't appreciate it.
I'm way in the middle of it, but I deluded into thinking that above average was good enough.

Of course, it's just a basic Hario Switch recipe that I think I can still improve. The coffee beans made all the difference.
>inhospitable desert wasteland full of spiders bigger than your head
>pretty nice
The meth addicts are an improvement
Nice, I hope you're not pairing it with some cheap shit machine
Where the fuck are you getting $6 Moka pots from?
$3000 for a drink

go be low effort somewhere else.
It'll last 10-20 years, and used almost daily.
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Does /ctg/ enjoy 1:1 shots? They hit so good as pre ride stim.
Why would I want a shitty mazzer?
Philos got great reviews in europe.

What grinder would YOU get in the US for around $1000. I only placed a $1 deposit so far.

Convince me.
The few Americans I've chatted with who got their units early(mazzer offloaded the 6 they brought to sca Chicago in april) have been lukewarm on it. Depends what you're trying to make. i200d burrs are worse ssp MPs, and you can already get $32 mp clones off aliexpress. I'd get two df64s at that price. One with HUs. Or a single df83v. Maybe with brew burrs.
I hate grinder bellows, they look retarded

Also I have no interest in multiple grinders or chink clone burrs. And as you can see im getting the i189d burr set and from what I'm reading online people in europe have been able to use a few other burrs in this grinder too so I'm not super concerned about getting something with tons of existing after market support. Not to mention Id probably be fine with the i200d, it's not like they're THAT different from ssp.
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Didn't even see your burr choice. Those i189d burrs are the 'new' old super jolly burrs. Might as well be stock italmills.
>Easy to dial-in and great with medium-dark roasts, they are the best pick for traditional Italian espresso.
You're allowed to waste your money however you like. X54 might be an option to look at if you wanted cafe style espresso. Would save you like $350 and wouldn't have to wait a month+ to ship.
>not like they're THAT different from ssp.
They're supposed to be multippurpose,allegedly the coffee they produce is closer to cast v2. Stop listening to Europeans.
>Stop listening to Europeans.
Including yourself or...?
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One of those chicago philos owners(who likes it) already wants something else. Take that as you will.
How do I stop coffee from spraying everywhere with my new bottomless normcore portafilter wtf
Yes, they have a problem.

There is someone on reddit who had a hand grinder until he got a Philos in April, he had a MaraX ($1700) (that he bought in January) but upgraded to a Decent ($3700) less than 8 months later.
What grinder are you using now with the ecm?
Some random hand grinder my friend gave me as a hand-me-down.

Might even be chink.

I've only had the ECM for a short while and I feel like I'm limited by my grinder for sure. Just looking to purchase a single shot grinder to replace it and not have to worry about another grinder for awhile at least. I have no plans to upgrade to anything beyond the ECM for a long time.
Lol. Going from a random hand me down to a $1000 commercial single doser because
>well europeans like it and the preorder is only $1
may be the funniest thing I've ever read here. Enjoy.
I mean, i've used my friends' setup too which is a higher end ECM dual boiler and some stupid $2000+ grinder, so I know what $$ gets you, and I think splitting the difference between his setup and a barebones setup makes the most sense.

I've got the money for the expensive setup too, I just don't think it's really "worth" it, as sure, it's better than what I get with my hand grinder, but I can't imagine it's $1000+ better than the Philos. We will see I guess.
>some stupid $2000+ grinder, so I know what $$ gets you
You don't know what $2000 gets you. You know what $2000 got him, with his specific taste. Someone else with the same budget would have ended up on a different target. I could be wrong but I don't think you two share the same mouth. You're paying $1000 to throw darts at the wall and hoping you impress your friend.
> I just don't think it's really "worth" it
If you don't feel its worth it in the first place, your starting budget doesn't need to be at $1000. I spent $2600 on mine because the only other way to get the burrs(I had tried in cafes and enjoyed) was $900+ more, or praying that I found one used for less. You can get blendy med+ espresso in a single doser for much less. Good luck.
What/whom are you riding anon
japan serves coffee in dainty little teacups and it's weird
Did pump pulsing (ghetto pre-infusion) and adjusted to a moderately finer grind. That actually made a huge improvement, way less spitting/channelling.
So if you’ve got a ~5 second dwell time, how long should a ~36g shot take once you flip back on the pump? Mine was ~25 seconds
The thing stopping me from consooming/upgrading is the fact that we are in the early stages of a home-espresso revolution. So much more competition and performance/dollar is way better now than it was 5 years ago. Right now it’s mainly in the entry-intermediate range but I’m sure the prosumer market will be way better in 2030 than it is now
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The tablet controlled setups like the Decent seem like they could be great for ~1/3rd or 1/2 the price.
At almost $4,000 though I just can't help but think how cheap it'll be in another decade.
2am goffee
Df64s are miles better than Mazzer SJs ever were so its interesting to see so much redditor hype over the Philos. 15 years ago SJ was all the rage on coffee forums when cafes were offloading their old heavily used shit cheap and upgrading to mahlkoenigs. Now you don't need to get lucky and spend a few hours decaking rancid grounds and potentially rewinding a motor. You just pay some asshole $400 to import you an improved chinese knockoff.
DE2 is going to be $6500.
We need the Gaggiuino to go super-mainstream. That competition will bring prices down imo
Today was the gravel bike. Just back from a 3h LSD ride.
Gotta get a blend with robusta though as pure arabica doesn't cut it for the pre ride ristretto.
Should have got the 3-in-1. I just embraced the single spout life for high flow profiles over a paragon.
what's that
t. different guy who got a bottomless ~2 weeks ago but finally got it figured out
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Acid makes me so wired, I wouldn't dream of touching coffee before or after. How much did you dose? Enjoy the rest of your trip + poast bike.
Bottomless + a snap on bottom. Flair sells one too.
so I've seen "air induced coffee """"cream""""" labeled as plebish, so what's the patrician choice in this case?
damn that looks like the best of both worlds. i wish i had known about that before buying my bottomless
just had coffe from Peru, but with a twist, is the same exact coffee that I've always had, but with a different machine and different water
eyeballing it, I placed way more coffee than I consumed, meaning the coffee would have been lightly consumed when compared to the little water that I had run through it, in not retarded way, a lot of coffee little water
>so I've seen "air induced coffee """"cream"""""
i assume you mean crema?
the patrician choice is as little crema as possible because it doesnt taste good.
The problem with aftermarket spouted pfs is different machines with the same group lock in slightly differently so you have to fuck around with orings to get them screwed on in the right orientation. These new snap on ones just fix that and let you line up the spouts perfectly. Don't even need a tamping cradle since you can just prep bottomless and snap on a spout after locking in.
>because it doesn't taste good
I can not fathom this take, ok, regardless, what's the good crema?
Hoping my gaggiuino kit ships out tomorrow. Can’t wait to take my GCP to the next level.
It's certainly a personal choice but you're missing out on heterogeneity in the cup my friend. My shots start out bitter, a hit from the crema (delicious and textured), and end slightly sour as the shot cools.
Ah just had an espresso martini. Nothing makes me hornier desu
Post a pic of your gr*vel machine
Okay that's legit awesome but
I hate being poor
Alibaba or garage sales. Amazon has 'em too at times.
I'm starting to think caffeine addiction is a meme.
>Drink the exact same amount of coffee everyday at the same time
>Wake up today, don't feel like drinking coffee
>No cravings, no headaches, nothing
It's probably just an excuse annoying people use to justify being cunts. "Ugh, didn't you know abstinence makes you irritable?" or something like that.
Comes with a worthless basket too. Flair's plastic handled one is only $65 but $12 to ship on top of it. I could have used a spare set of orings for my 58 but amazon overnighted the nc so I went with that. No luck digging through aliexpress either.
imagine not using a naked bottom portafilter LOL
They’re only good for getting your shots dialed in and then they don’t do anything but create a bigger mess.
I don't get drawbacks from skipping coffee but when I was having energy drinks daily I definitely did notice it, same with caffeinated soda like coke, shit's weird
My basket is machined steel billet, not stamped sheet metal. It doesn't deform enough under pressure to give off a single clean stream like cheaper alternatives.
>he fell for the influencer basket
The only thing more pointless than a naked portafilter would be a manual "espresso" machine I guess
Using the Weber for the video example. I bought a PCL cylin pro off taobao. 1100 more holes than the unifilter. Slight taper like a Pullman. Makes great espresso.
Pressurized portafilters are good enough actually
Dumb newfag question but what're the differences between the filter coffees and the insta coffees apart from how you make them
>caramel cookie
Right, my mom did claim to be addicted to cola drinks and that she'd get headaches if she didn't drink them for long. Maybe coffee is just special.
Is this the level of bait we're operating at these days?
Instant coffee is coffee that gets brewed then sprayed onto a sheet and freeze-dried. Filter coffee is beans ground up with water run through the beans to extract the soluble elements.
The main difference is quality. When you make a coffee then dry it you lose a fair bit of flavor and many of the flavors you do get are somewhat Off.

Though for a very easy way to improve instant coffe I recommend the following
>measure out your coffee
>dissolve it in a small amount COLD water bit by bit (you basically want it to be like a gravy)
>pour your boiling water ontop

This both improves the flavor and makes sure you can drink your coffee faster.
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My gaggiuino is delayed at least three weeks. God fucking damnit.
Jej i haven't had acid in a long time. Funny though the first ever acid trip was on a bike, not afar and by a hoffmeme.
LSD in this context means Long Slow Distance also sometimes Long Steady Distance.
>Physiological adaptations to LSD training include improved cardiovascular function, improved thermoregulatory function, improved mitochondrial energy production, increased oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle, and increased utilization of fat for fuel.
Here's the wikipedia article in case you want to read more about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_slow_distance
Coffee and bike rides lead to infinite bliss.

No grævël bice pic sorry.

It's a personal preference, but i love the bitter taste of crema on the first sip of my espresso.

Manual espresso machine is useful if you don't have electricity.

Pairs so well with goffee.
Can someone recommend me a good whole bean coffee I can order from Amazon???
I keep wondering when Hoffmann is finally going to make a video about it, that alone would boost awareness by a huge amount. Would be a good follow up to his video about getting a Gaggia secondhand and modding it to get a cheap machine, since that's not even really doable anymore since people started buying them all up after he made the video.
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Buy a cheap stovetop roaster like pic related and order some green (unroasted) coffee beans to go with it.

This is no laughing matter.
Id volunteer to ship him mine once it's been built but I get the feeling that he really doesn't give much of a shit about espresso. I've heard him say he might only makes one every couple of weeks. I suspect when you were a barista for so many years and made tens of thousands of espresso shots you just can't give two shits anymore.
So in general, filter coffee is just supposed to be better? Thanks anon
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Wonderful day for some coffee.
I used to get it bad when I was drinking like 5 cups a day but now I limit myself way more to like 1-2 and feel fine if I skip a day.
melbourne has the worlds highest spacial density of coffee shops, iirc. thats all we have 'going' for us on the coffee front
Did you drink it purely for the caffeine or for flavour?
goffee makes me tired ._.
More for the flavour, caffeine is a bonus but it's not like I need it. I skip my morning cup all the time and feel fine. I work outside and am pretty active at my job which wakes me up way more than bean water will.
Why do you think there is such a divide between coffee drinkers and tea drinkers? They're both dried plant materials steeped in hot water to extract flavour and caffine
Had a few espressos today. About to start on some $1/g tea from this years harvest. Debunked.
They taste different.
Well not here, but I mean in general. You get snobs from both sides criticizing the other
Yeah but...
You quickly find out those snobs drink bagged lipton or make "lattes" with french press coffee.
Retards and nothing more. Retards will form their entire personality around something trivial and antagonize others because they think it goes against their personality. It's the same thing as console wars, retards will argue which console is better than the other or why PC is muh mustard rays when smart people just buy the consoles they want for the exclusives they want, including multiple consoles at once. I just drink tea and coffee, simple as.
I skipped coffee today...
I was yawning by 10 am and then got a slight headache in the afternoon, what does this mean?
Means you drink too much coffee.
t.Skipped my coffee today, no sleepiness or headache
>I get the feeling that he really doesn't give much of a shit about espresso
Kind of a weird opinion considering he regularly makes videos about espresso gear and techniques. Yeah he's been open about the fact that he personally doesn't drink espresso most days, but that doesn't mean he doesn't "care" about it when his entire job is making content about whatever coffee shit he can find.
Did you see that Zach?
Not that anon but I sort of understand where he's coming from. People can do content about something they don't personally care about. His job is selling coffee and his audience is enthusiasts, many of which are into espresso, he'd make espresso videos whether he liked it or not because it's part of the business. Do I think it's the case? Not really. But I wouldn't be too surprised if Hoffmann wasn't that enthusiastic about it.
"F K"... in the coffee!
I don't see it...
idk I don't care about tea snobs unless they antagonize someone else's hobby.
Tea is literally just immersion brewing so all you need are good tea leaves and a temperature accurate kettle, the shit that some tea autists do makes coffee autists look sane.
I dunno, I'd say the most autistic gongfu brewing is less autistic than some of the weird WDT tools out there or that whole cold ball trend.
The most autistic gongfu brewing is minmaxxing high dollar unglazed pots for favorable flavor reactions.
Honestly completely fine as long as you're using a halfway decent grinder.

If you're buying shitty preground stuff, THAT'S how you're fucking yourself.
Bit of a skewed statistic when you consider that the entire population of your "country" lives packed into 3 fucking cities or whatever
This desu, love my specialty coffee love my quality tea leaves
I literally cannot taste tea I've tried all kinds and it always tastes like warm water
It's not even that I'm addicted to sugar cause I'm not kek I wish I could enjoy it though
So /ctg/ what is the thinkpad of espresso machines?
Not even from raw puerh from a bitter Terroir?
Supposed so but it comes with the meme filter which has to be swapped out
Thank you kind stranger.
I'm looking for an exotic coffee.
About to pour myself some blue mountain~

About to have something smooth~
>About to have something smooth~
petroleum jelly?
Man, I miss that. I wish they had some where I live. Tried it 2 years ago, some of the smoothest coffee I've ever had.
No silly, the blue mountain coffee! You can drink it black without even the slightest bitterness
>he doesnt put petroleum jelly in his coffee
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so who here will take the plunge
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>rafael vinhal, brazil, topazio, red catuai and icatu, anaerobic natural
yo if you love exotic, extremely floral coffee, you have to pick some of this up
holy shit this is insane.
(pic, on the right, already sold out but it might be sold elsewhere)
this is the last bag in my month of brazil and wow, what a send off.
started strong, got stronger, mellowed out, and now ending with a bang.
absolutely fantastic month of coffee.
doesnt get better than this.
(also picked up some pfeffernusse, feels really nostalgic :) )
more floral than the most floral tea i have had.
teacucks btfo yet again.
Knew it would be north of $100. You could buy a flair and a p2 for that.
I had a bag of the anaerobic, was pretty fucking good. I'm not a big one for Brazil coffees but they've had some fucking great ones lately, the Fazenda Taquaral they had was excellent too.
People lose their mind about
>Apple pear fritter at 1800masl
but you can get away with
>sweet desiccated coconut <1000masl
What a clown world.
still have a headache
how long before i can drink coffee again?
The difference being that apple pear fritter is like two orders of abstraction from the base flavors, whereas "sweet desiccated coconut" just tastes like coconut
this coffee doesnt taste like coconut as far as i can tell
but i assume it might if i make it into a milk drink
just as a black filter it does taste like juicy tropical fruits and lavender
but also lots of fragrant dried flower petals
Of course, it comes down to so many variables in the water and preparation method. Out of the flavor notes that roasters print on the bag, I find maybe one, plus another couple that aren't listed. It's a crapshoot.
That sounds really nice, anyway. I haven't had the chance yet to try a nice single origin brazilian, but based on your description it sounds delicious and kind of tea-like.
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Not just any coconut. But perfectly dehydrated, shredded, and sweetened coconut.
the beans smelled like sugar free jelly beans if you know what i mean
yes very tea like
but unlike other very floral coffee i have had this gets less clear as it cools and gets kinda boring, the peak of flavor is when its at its hottest
so ill have to keep that im mind for tomorrow.
and i never read the tasting notes before tasting it for the first time myself
its very easy to have your taste influenced by someone telling you what you should be tasting.
and alot of the time i dont taste what the notes say even if the coffee is still very good
but sometimes i taste more or less exactly what the notes say.
probably do a moka tomorrow
maybe make a cheeky cortado
Opinions on Indonesian (Sumatra) coffee?
I remember drinking it back in 2022, but back then I had a shitty grinder and couldn't tell the difference between most beans
havent had it enough to comment
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and yet, you still posted about it
i posted about it
i didnt talk about my opinions on it because i dont have enough experience
but by saying what i said i was letting you know that i have had it in the past
feel free to sumatra my balls
Your post added nothing to the discussion.
i want to since i just received my switch but i know better :(
im the entire discussion as far as it is right now
Try Earl Grey. It's got a strong smell and taste since it's tea with essential oils, surely you can taste that.
sumatra these beans, not coffee beans but my two teste beans! hahaha. heh.
If I wanted a gimmicky glass immersion brewer for 150 bucks I'd just buy a Yama siphon and spend the other $75 on great coffee.
Unironically want to try one of these, mostly for the coolness factor. It needs to make good coffee though, that's a given. Has anyone in /ctg/ tried a vacuum/siphon brewer?
It looks 100% like a tiktok fad
I'm pretty sure something that's existed for almost 200 years doesn't qualify as a fad.
>expensive and overcomplicated way to accomplish an otherwise simple and since much-iterated upon process for the sake of looking expensive and overcomplicated
Seems like a tiktok fad to me.
It's a two piece device where all you do is boil water and stir coffee in said water. If that's too complicated then you might as well stick to canned coffee because even instant requires you to heat and stir.
Drinking some rn. It's 2PM and I'm in a bathrobe with a cup of Folger's Black Silk with some heavy cream. I've tried to appreciate coffee more but I have a severe lack of physical taste, as in I literally can't due to a medical issue, so coffee is just a bitter drink to me. I don't get any other flavors or notes of whatever the fuck, it's just dark and bitter.
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The first coffee syphons were born in Europe, with the very first created in the 1830s by German company, Loeff. In the coming years, several patents were filed to improve Loeff’s design but it wasn’t until 1841 that Madame Vassieux of Lyon filed a patent showcasing a double “balloon” globe held by a frame – a syphon many of us recognise today.

In the early 20thCentury the US market took a liking to this new brew method and by 1915 they were being manufactured and sold en masse to hotels and coffee shops, as well as becoming popular household items between the 1930s - 1950s.

Hario was significantly influenced by the American culture during this time, and began to produce coffee syphons using heatproof glass. The coffee syphon was the first household product that Hario produced, and in 1946 they began to develop a prototype of the all-glass vintage Cory vacuum coffee pot – a ten serving syphon which came to be the most popular coffee pot in the US at this time. The decline in use of the syphon came in the late 20thCentury as people looked for more convenient ways to brew coffee in the home.
Living your whole life like that must be terrible. My sense of taste and smell are severely dampened due to 'rona right now and it fucking sucks. Freshly ground coffee is one of my favorite smells, these past few days everything I grind smells like... generic coffee smell. And the taste is the same. I might just stop drinking until my shit's recovered because I feel like I'm just wasting good beans for little enjoyment.
Nuh uh, anything that isn't a V60 = TikTok.
Oh it absolutely does. I haven't tasted food or drink in about a decade. I'm never satisfied by food (because I can't taste it) so I voraciously overeat (for the satiation of fullness) and have struggled with my weight ever since. If yours is temporary just chill out about it, it'll pass. Be grateful for what you have.
>wuflu in 2020+4
In other words, it accomplishes the same thing as >>20861098, but with overcomplications just to look flashy.
Siphons brew using heat, pressure, and a vacuum. Bit different than a sauce pan.
I blame my brother. He's always getting sick and bringing in weird shit home. He must've gotten the coof like 5 fucking times already and I got lucky to avoid it every single one of them until now.
>If yours is temporary just chill out about it, it'll pass
I know, but I'm such a dramatic bitch when it comes to disease. I very rarely get sick, like once a year at most, but when I do it's because God cursed me and it's the end of the world. I can't wait for this to pass. So what's your story anyways? I thought you were born with impaired taste but by the way you're describing it that doesn't seem to be the case.
Yes. Everything is an extra complication. Why is that retard even bothering dirtying a pot when you can just chew some beans and swallow hot water instead?
Wooden bean chewing teeth are a tiktok meme from the 1600s. Hot water was invented for the gram.
>Hot water was invented for the gram.
Dysentery-pilled poste. This anone is of lower classe.
I also never get sick. I might feel under the weather for at most 3 days once or twice a year but that's it, nothing more. I get a bad stomach from eating something that was on the border of being turned more often than I get something viral.

My nose was severely deviated and my nasal passages are swollen almost completely shut 24/7. No medication has ever had any effect. My nose is straighter now after some surgery (it used to be noticeably off to one side) and the likely culprit is a severe dust allergy. The allergist was amazed by how reactive I was to it, he said "That's the best reaction I've seen in 20 years." Thanks doc. I believe my severe dust allergy comes from vaccine damage, specifically the accumulation of heavy metals that I suspect my body is just bad at passing (overtime causing them to build up and create immune response issues). My parents put me through the ringer of vaccines as a kid and I got a whole bunch all at once around 10 with my symptoms coming in around 12. So I'm doing what I can to pass the heavy metals (like aluminum) and fix my immune system.
That's fucked. I thought septum surgery would make your sense of smell better, not worse.
My smell and taste didn't change with the surgery, it just made me breath slightly better. Think from 90% blockage to 80%. It at least let the congestion go down a bit and my sinuses actually drained. I had a constant 24/7 headache that would flare up to minor migraines. For a decade. And niggas wondered why I did so poorly in school (I told them they just didn't believe me)!
>Spent over 1000 on my espresso setup
>Coffee tastes worse than what my moka + cheap grinder made
Buy better coffee.
If you're just starting out you're probably fucking something up. Or you could be buying low quality coffee. I did both in the beginning and the result was mud water.
post set up and beans
I prefer woman with hair, myself.
slavs have the worst coffee
>1000 on my espresso setup
what did you buy
>worse than what my moka + cheap grinder made
b8 or you are incredibly terrible at pulling shots
Grind finer
Grind this. *Cums*
Cum finer
... fine.
What does /ctg/ think of Cafe de Olla?
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> naked portafilter
It only generates likes and follows, does not affect the taste
> flair vs real espresso
It only saves money at the cost of concistency and ease of use
> manual vs electric grinder

So if your top priority is instagram likes the naked filter is a good idea and if you want to make inconsistent and slow coffee a manual setup is fine. Why do you undesirables consider these gadgets acceptable? Is it cognitive dissonance because you bought that yourself? If you never used a real machine you should not give advice...
I get what you mean, you practice a lot and then you can make do with inferior equipment. Its impressive to see for sure, like people in the street getting inventive for survival. But "filtered" isnt exactly what comes to mind for those who drive past you on the way to the office
If this is the quality of bait we're gonna get then I'd rather be talking about how fine anon should cum.
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VST basket came in. Now I feel like I'm almost getting too much crema. Espresso is delicious though. Also got a bottomless portafilter and that rat's tail is a fucking work of art. I love coffee so much, bros. Almost as much as I love bikes and anime.
>does not affect the taste
Did anyone claim this? The only benifit people recommend you get one for is to dial in a grind.

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