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better than 99% of bourbons
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Better than 100% of bourbons
>overpriced, bland, blended scottish shit
You have to be a complete consoomer retard to pay $300 for this, especially whenever the slightly superior green label is less than 1/3rd the price.

People who drink johnnie walker think the only measure of whether a whiskey is good or not is if it's "le smooth"
>"le smooth"
lmao, do you prefer gritty whiskey?
Better than 100% of bourbons and 100% of cognacs
This but laga 16
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Better than 100% of alcoholic drinks
Bourbon sucks. I can't stand how sweet and syrupy it is.
Do you really prefer coal ila over the other islay's? Imo it is the least interesting, and that opinion seems to be shared by most people, so I'm a bit surprised that someone actually has it as their favorite.

My personal islay ranking is:
Ardbeg>lagavulin>laphroaig>coal ila
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Glenfiddich mogs this
You will never be Jon Hamm
only if ur an amerimutt projecting ur pleb bs on to the rest of the world. Cognac is ok, just dont buy the big 4 houses
Not OP but I pull like Don Draper and I got a bottle of JP Wisers 10 from the 70s. Havent cracked it yet but i'm sure it's better than the standard CC he usually drinks
cognac is rubbish suitable for cooking and export
Diageo destroyed this whisky over fifteen years ago... RIP
Tastelet take
>cognac is rubbish suitable for cooking and export
French export it because they don't consume lots of brandy and historically the biggest consumers of brandy were anglos

>Diageo destroyed
it's overpriced rich uncle present whisky. Green Label is great whisky for the price
I genuinely don't understand why any adult wouldn't enjoy an ice cold bottle of light beer.
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why would you pay more for the same thing? a fool and his money...
>big 4 houses
And those are?
You can just write NIGGER you know
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Chateau Googleit 1,2,3 and 4
Jim Beam black label is better.
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the 1%
What is it about cognac that triggers virgins so much?

Hennessy, Remy Martin, Martell, and Courvoisier.
You have shit taste, nigger. Cognac and brandy is for niggers who can't handle anything that doesn't taste like grape koolaid.
Whiskey and bourbon sucks did. either spurge for obscenely priced japcrap or just go grab a handle of old grandad
>What is it about cognac that triggers virgins so much?
The same thing that triggers anyone with a functioning brain - it's dogshit
Reddit The Scotch
>I like bourbon
>I also like cognac
>Pic rel
Best of both worlds. You retards are missing out
>Best of both worlds
No, it isn't
I can tell you are an insufferable human being just by your response
this stuff is really good. i try to keep a bottle on hand but it's so easy to drink through quickly.
Beer doesn't taste good.
Most alcohols taste pretty foul. Then again, you don't consume alcohol for the flavor, you consume it for the effect.
Considering the effect, in my case, is entirely negative (makes me vomit my guts up before I even get a buzz. More than a shot or one beer is detrimental to me), I do not enjoy most alcohol.

Occasional I DO like a shot of amaretto liquor in a cup of coffee or an old fashioned (simple syrup, muddled with bitters, an ounce of bourbon, twist of orange peel and a cocktail cherry on the rocks).
If beer is so foul why did I fall in love at my first sip of Budweiser? I would also much prefer drinking non alcoholic Heineken's at a cook out over soda or plain water.
Kek no
If you'd said Lagavulin 16 or Laphroaig 10 you'd still be wrong but at least have an argument
Of their core lineup for me it's Laphroaig>Bruchladdich>Ardbeg>Lagavulin>Caol Ila>>>>>>>Bowmore
t. virgin
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Beginners Scotch. Women like to drink it with lemon
I don't think you've ever tasted brandy
I had a dram of Glenfiddich 12 in a pub last Saturday and was pleasantly surprised, quite a velvety mouthfeel for 40%. Easily beat out the Highland Park 12 I had before it. Wouldn't buy a bottle but you could do much worse as a casual malt drinker.
Oh look, it's the paid Diageo shill who has been posting here for years.
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>anytime someone mentions liking a product made by the largest whiskey seller in the world they're a paid shill and not just an anon commenting on something he likes.

For me?

It's Talisker 10 year.
Yup, just like how anyone who mentions McDonalds is a paid Mickey D's shill, or anyone that brings up anything but the products I personally purchase and approve of.
Are you black?
Holy gheyyyyyyy
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No, but Cognac is a fine liquor for all races to enjoy.
I assume you drink Martell too
to be frank ,anything is better than corn alcohol
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Elijah Craig has always been my favorite.
just bought bunnahabhain 12 cask strength and glendronach 15 to celebrate acing calc 2
tell your bosses the people want non-chill filtered
i want her to squeeze that lime juice down her cleavage and tell me to lick it up
The regular stuff is alright, but I much prefer their single barrel picks and some of their batch proof stuff.
White women and 'yak. This is surely targeting black consumers
Anything is better than 99% of bourbons
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>Lagavulin 16
>Bowmore 15
>Redbreast 12
I'm a huge fan of Tullamore Dew, the original not the others.

Does anyone know any other whiskey that is alike?
>youtube recommends a channel called "bourbon hunter" where a grown man goes around liquor stores filming themselves looking for cheap prices and asking owners if they have buffalo trace products and s*yfacing over them
>camps outside a store overnight with half a dozen other people for a weller purple top
>this guy gets 10s of thousands of views
why is bourbon culture so fucking cringe? jesus christ
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>weller purple top
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Better than 99% of liquors
I used to think the same thing but after a little while drinking I can genuinely enjoy it for the taste. I just drank some delicious amaretto on the rocks.
>Glendronach 15
Excellent choice.
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I tried Blue Label side by side with the Kirkland 12 year blend, and preferred the Kirkland by a long shot. The Blue Label had a weird wet dog note that was very off putting. Maybe I just got a bad bottle, but at that price point that shouldn't be an excuse. I mainly stick to Glenlivet 12 as a sipper, and the basic Kirkland blend as a mixer.
thanks! I've been researching to find recommendations for real hardcore scotch lovers' whiskies because i wanted something that felt like my first bottle of talisker (many years ago, probably with higher quality tasks) there's so much chill filtered low abv stuff and Glendronach sounded good. got the 12 year first which is chill filtered anyways but I like it so I got the 15 year cause I aced my calc 2 test today and it was really important to me. REally happy with the Bunnahabhain 12 and cask strength tonight. I'm getting into the glendronach 15 next
Bunnahabhain 12 CS is universally loved, great bottle. If you want something like Talisker, definitely check out Ledaig, IMO it's everything modern Diageoed Talisker should be.
blue label is overpriced trash that only exists for rich tasteless arabs and pajeets to flash their money
>Better than 100% of alcoholic drinks

Faggot leave
>all the hating on cognac ITT
I hate tastelets so much its unreal
clynelish 14 is the best whiskey in the diageo portfolio and the only one worth the price of admission, everyone who disagrees hasn't had it
>blue label is
Ehh, it has a mission and it accomplishes it.
>only exists for rich
Nah, it exists for gift giving for the middle class business bros who are too busy huffing their own shit to get into an actual hobby like scotch.
Johnnie walker gold uses clynelish, used to be 18 year aged, but not sure how old it is now that gold label lost the age statement.
>drinking alcohol is a hobby now
fucking grim
Scotch appreciation has been a hobby for over 150 years.
bourbon got the worst of both worlds with scotch price hike refugees who just want decent whiskey under 50 bucks and hypebeast buffalo trace pappy faggots fusing into this unholy abomination that managed to double the price of almost everything in under a decade
>consoooming has been a hobby for over 150 years
fucking grimmer

Wow anon you should leave
>you mean you don't make a personality out of buying shit other people made? You don't belong here!
I bet you unironically watch unboxing videos. Or make them.
you ever get bored of airing out your dogshit complaints to a wailing wall of between 0-12 people
Do you ever get tired of pretending that drinking scotch is meaningful or impressive in any way? Probably not, I just want to hear you say it.
no I actually hate whiskey, I come to threads to talk about things that I hate because it's more fun
Based and Chicago pilled
>actual hobby like scotch.
The hobbyist aspect of whiskey is the worst thing about it. Whiskey guys are almost as bad as craft beer guys.
>Whiskey guys are almost as bad as craft beer guys

What about moonshine guys? Any better?
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I assume moonshine guys are a bunch of southern drunks with stills in the woods who are probably fun to get blitzed with. If they're anything like whiskey or craft beer guys they can get fucked.
>Most alcohols taste pretty foul.
I doubt you've had most alcohols, whatever that means
cognac? MORE LIKE GO YAK amirite
Ive got a nice collection of Glendronach. Probably about 20 bottles covering 15 different varieties. If you ever come across some of the older stuff it's well worth getting. I haven't tried the rebranded 15 yet but it is getting pricey.
America lost alcohol culture in the 20s and never recovered
Should I buy Woodford Reserve Double Oaked or Four Roses Single Barrel? They're both around the same price where I am.
Do you like OAK?
Get the double oak

Do you want an okay single barrel? Get the four roses.
>drinking expensive alcohol supplied by vicious gangs
>risking arrest just for drinking some alcohol
>getting sick from contaminated alcohol
Go back
>If beer is so foul why did I fall in love at my first sip of Budweiser?
You are fat and want to drink carbs. Liquid bread down the gullet
It's an American thing; blacks dictating their behaviour as usual.
>You are fat
>and want to drink carbs
>Liquid bread down the gullet
is the Bunna the 2023 edition?
it's good
It’s good for the price
This makes me sad.
oh, I know. just hoping someone had some luck getting a 2022. I would have suggested opening the Glendronach first since it's a little less extreme. a side by side tasting would be good. Glendronach 12 was my first love, but by the time I got my hands on a 15 it was a little underwhelming and kinda made me happy I didn't get the 18(which had begun to go up already). Glenallachie 10 Cask Strength is pretty decent if the price is reasonable, but keep an eye the batch you get.
the glendronach 15 is delicious, but it's like glenlivet / glenfiddich delicious and at the price I can get glenlivet 18 for $5 more
Glenlivet 18 and Glenfiddich 18 are both about $150-160 after tax and Glendronach 15 is about $125 not to mention 46% and natural color/non chill filtered.
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>Glenlivet 18 and Glenfiddich 18
Glenlivet 18 is $162
Glenfiddich 18 is $135 (and on sale ~$110)

My local only has the 12 year Glendronach, and it's $75.
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>paying over 100 bucks for 40%
what's your problem, are you a fucking faggot?
You're not supposed to feed birds alcohol, dummy
better than 100% of bourbons
>drinks gasoline
Who cares what % it is?

I regularly buy 40-45%, but I also buy 50-60% shit too. If you ONLY buy high proof I assume you're a retard.

Nothing wrong with going for single barrels or barrel proofs or whatever, but if you look at one barrel proof at 51% and another at 62% and you mind tells you that you HAVE to buy the 62% one, you have a problem.
I actually mostly agree with you. I enjoy quite a few rums and brandies at 42-43%. But 40% Is a hard no for me. If a brand is bottling at the absolute legal minimum then they aren't putting the care into their product and are seeking to maximise volume. And/or they're targeting people who don't drink spirits and are scared by flavour. Even Glenmorangie manages to bottle at 43%.
>dilute 62% whiskey down to 40%
>have 11% more whiskey than diluting 51% whiskey down to 40%

in the absence of knowing what a barrel pick tastes like, higher proof whiskey is better value

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