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why do people drink it? it all tastes like medicine
you don't drink it for the taste
then why do people always go “omg this drink is so sweet i think you’d like it”
it sounds like you have no tolerance for the sting of alcohol and need it to be covered up by sweetness to palate it
maybe i don’t want my drink to sting me, maybe i want it to be enjoyable
It makes grinding in old JRPGs tolerable. I can grind old DQ games for hours when I'm drinking but multi hour grind sessions are miserable while sober.
Thats what i think of alcohol, its either medicine or food.
Your dad should have jizzed into a sock when he had the chance.
youll get used to it bud. its like coffee, hundreds of millions of people enjoy it unsweetened every day
You sound like you're 19. A lot of the 19 yer olds I speak to say the same thing. Somewhere along the line, you become an alcoholic anyway,
It's retards unable to cope with their shitty existence with a sober head doing their best to ignore it and pressure other people into joining them in their miserable moping and drunken stupidity.
Quitting alcohol was among one of the best decisions I ever made.
i’m 22 almost 23 and i’m considering whether to drink at thanksgiving
>it all tastes like medicine
Alcohol tastes vary as much as soda. If you haven't found anything you like the taste of, you have tasted enough different types.
because weed is illegal in most places
They think it makes them look "cool"
after questioning some alcoholi... ahem... serious drinkers, I have concluded that some people either cannot taste allcohol, or because of some genetic defect actually like the taste of ethanol.
What about the wine drinkers who have a single glass for the flavor and not the intoxication? Are they defective?
high expectations I couldn't live up to so it was easier to fail deliberately and immediately than try
its a psyop to poison the populace socially engineered to seem like the thing to do that 'everyone' does

daily coffee is another such psyop that people only 'need' to get back up to baseline after it starts wearing off. the flavor is delightful so daily decaf if you are obsessed with it. or a monthly coffee bean ice cream or tiramisu to really enjoy it

glad to see you paving your own way

God speed
ingest or legalize thc seltzers, way better buzz than alcohol hits faster than eating weed cookie etc and dont have to overdo it to enjoy the buzz like alc
its poisonous but addictive shit, truth is people are retarded and still preffer to drink this satans piss instead of smoking weed
Damn i would love some medicine that tastes like the fruity shit i mix
I must be really sensitive to alcohol cause even that stuff tastes disgusting to me. For me the only way to make it palatable is to use less than 1% alcohol so why even bother with it at all
tastes bad at first because your brain recognizes, correctly, that ethanol is poison
after a while of drinking it without negative effects, your brain recognizes it as "probably not that bad of a poison" and it'll lose that bitter vileness, but drink too much and puke once and that resets and you have to get yourself reacclimated to it again
is it even worth getting acclimated towards to begin with? i'd say so, if it helps you stop being such an uptight autist
Because it is medicine, and I'm in dire need of treatment
it's medicine for the soul
yeah i'm pretty sure people who are actual alcoholics just taught themselves to like the taste of ethanol
those people are lying to you about their drinking habits
religious reasons aside, I believe most people would end up liking alcohol if they bothered trying a bit of everything. The process itself would get them used to alcohol and there's so many drinks and flavors you're bound to find something you like, and the buzz itself is pleasant. Imo the biggest issue is they start with some cheap pissbeer or whiskey or bottom shelf vodka and understandably find it vile.
because they have issues (which are of their own fault), the alcohol helps them cope
>why do people drink it?
I call it a cultural addiction. Sadly, the last time we tried to "sober up" only lasted thirteen years, between the ratification of two amendments.
Check with the faggot OP, posting above you.
Yes, yes, everybody is secretly an alcoholic - now go kill some more braincells while I taste a nice tipple of caribbean rum.
we got a fucking MENSA member here boys
You have to be at least 14 to post here
You have to be at least 35 to post here, kids. I'm embarrassed for you
A bullet to the head would be more effective.
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They make alcopops and flavored liquors for people with a child's palate like OP
It releases GABA and Dopamine in the brain, which makes you feel more socialised and is the source of the pleasurable 'buzz'.
Dude, dunk a shot of fireball into a bottle of angry orchard crisp apple. It literally tastes like liquid apple pie with an atomic fireball melted on top. It’s very very easy to cover up the alcohol taste, hence why every brand has some sort of malt liquor/wine cooler now: for children like you.
Try a white russian. Also booze loosens people up and it helps socializing which leads to relationships
Your parents tried to cure your ailments with whiskey
For what it's worth, the temperance movement was huge among the working class for decades before prohibition started in earnest.
So it'll be another few decades of a neo-temperance movement before a new crack at Prohibition, combined with the stated goal of the War on Drugs, can begin in earnest...
And they'll both fail again, because both you and it are retarded
Did you leave this blank post on purpose, or was there some error on your end?
It makes you feel good. Also, are you an autist by chance? I've found they have a really hard time understanding why people do different things, and they're usually quite belligerent when it comes to alcohol consumption
>they're usually quite belligerent when it comes to alcohol consumption
Yeah, especially after they've "had a few..."
he did. his mom was a homeless sock
It helps us not feel feelings
i enjoy a little bit of sting or heat, it oddly goes well with the sweetness, and compliments the feeling of being drunk
crossfading is the best way to drink
>instead of ingesting one intoxicant, try another!
drink early. eat around lunch. drink some more. eat before sleep.
Some of us just aren't high on life.
I never asked if you were "high on life."
and I never asked you to reply to me
maybe stick to the door-to-door religion
>the door-to-door religion
Which one? I'm subscribed to neither.
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Seethe more, pothead
>Which one?
I don't care. Pick your favorite, fag
>Pick your favorite
Non-applicable, then.
Both of your "societies" are sitting behind the public library shouting and/or laughing at pigeons.
Then leave? Nobody is keeping you.
Autists and underagers both suffer from it. The idea that they sell something at the gas station that alleviates psychic suffering for 3 to 12 hours at a time is unfathomable to them.
>Autists and underagers both
Imbibe as much as possible whenever they have access to it, yes.
>psychic suffering
That's weird; your types generally also think ethanol is a poison. Of course, you then subscribe to one of a number of cults venerating a number of different poisons...
You are such a retard it's unreal, we get tightwad fagposting threads in here constantly (like this thread) demanding an explanation for why people consume something that makes them feel better for a while. Mostly, I can only assume, from people who are just suffering forever with no end in sight and who are unwilling to consider the possibility of a way out.
Give a gin & tonic a try.

1 part gin to 4 parts tonic to start out. I loved that even when I was a kid who thought beer was disgusting.
>an explanation for why people consume something that makes them feel better for a while
You just said it. I know that's the explanation, I just don't think it's a good one.
>people who are just suffering forever with no end in sight and who are unwilling to consider the possibility of a way out
Yes, anyone who isn't consuming psychoactive substances for fun must be living in some form of Hell that overlaps with shared reality...
>anyone who isn't consuming psychoactive substances for fun must be living in some form of Hell that overlaps with shared reality
>anyone who isn't consuming psychoactive substances for fun must be living in some form of Hell
That's so pathetic for both of you, I don't know where to start...
what a waste of satanic trips
You can start by killing yourself
I won't be joining you for a drink, no.
This is like someone asking why people eat steak, because it all tastes like blood, or asking why people eat spicy food. If you think Chimay Blue or a Riesling Trocken taste like medicine then you have no palette. Sorry.
>This is like someone asking why people eat steak
Steak isn't a drug.
I like beer, but not cheap boomerbrew or hipster hopshit.

Do some manual labour then have a decent beer when you're hot and exhausted, I guarantee you'll be more refreshed than ever.
Because that slight haze numbs the aches and perks up the happy levels.

Anything more than tipsy is a waste of time.
>a beer
>slight haze
Are you a teenage girl?
Actually steak can be a drug for some folx. Look at carnivore diet retards like Ja/ck/. Have you seen how that n-person eats steak?
I have minimum three schooners after work. That's the haze I'm talking about cunt. I'm on the bus right now with almost two litres of piss I'm gonna unload on my neighbours fence 'cause fuck him.
>bus posting
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I'm not classy or successful, and I'm as ashamed of myself as I am classy and successful.
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What if I do both cunt?
I'm drunk and high right now.
Posting in public is the issue. Wait until you get home.
I'm man enough to admit that I think liquor is really yucky and makes me gag.
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just wanted to lol at the fact that J Kenji has alcohol shakes.
That's not a pedantic point of splitting hairs; chemically, nothing in steak has been found to act as a psychoactive substance. If there was, thousands of backyard chemists would be taking time usually spent "cooking" meth trying to chemically isolate it, like that time someone thought there was a drug in bananas.
>well, some people are REALLY into it, so for them it's "like a drug"
Now THAT is worthy of an ">ACKSHUALLY."
If only medicine tasted like alcohol...
Anyway, it's an acquired taste, in the sense that if you get used to the burn and stop being overwhelmed by it there's a nice array of tastes in the glass.
Drinking enough (too much) numbed me to the burning sensation of alcohol.
Like many things, it's a matter of getting used to.
The first time when i drank was like 16, normal here in Europe (still remember when the legal age for smoking and drinking in my country was 16 until I turned 18).
Anyway I did it not for the taste but the buzz or you know getting drunk, but after I turned 19 and discovered weed at university the world changed for me. Stopped drinking alchool and I drank it as a party animal.
After weed I stopped drinking I didn't liked it, too much to drink to get the buzz too expensive and made me feel like shit, but but.... It made me appriciate real drinking, now I only drink on occasions like birthdays and only a glass of wine. It's really good if paired with the right food but yeah IG i'm with you.
It makes tv shows more enjoyable
I get really sick when I don't drink it.
>those nails
uh oh
He's ethanol dependent, and you're surprised that he adds ridiculous colors to his body?
>I traded one addiction for another
Cool story, bro.
what kind of Gin should i start out with?
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It tastes all awful imho but the more i drink the more the simulation im stuck in seems more tolerable

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