The Monte Cristo from Bennigan's was one of the greatest sandwiches ever invented. RIP.
>>21123902>Bennigan'snow that's a name I've not heard, for a long... long time...
>>21123902you just unlocked a memory stored very very deep in my brainin high school me and my 3 best friends would meet up every friday at one of their houses to play super smash bros, mario tennis, etc on n64 then we'd go grab dinner somewhere, ended up at bennigans multiple times and that monte cristo was always the go to
>>21123920i used to go there with my grandpa when i was young. they used to make some wagie in a bear suit play with me. ive never tried a monte cristo ever it sounds weird. a cali diner by me sells it though should i really waste $16+tip on it?
>>21123902>was one of the greatest sandwiches ever invented. RIP.Cheddar's-From-Scratch-Kitchen really does a very good rendition of the Bennigan's masterpiece.Now all we have to do is get someone to duplicate those Bennigan's broccoli bites w/sweet mustard dip.
>>21123902Ye, there's still the shell of a Bennigan's that never got torn down right off the freeway. I pass by it on my way to work, faded striped window shades flapping in the wind>>21124768Seconding Cheddar's Monte Cristo, their honey butter croissants are very good too
Why sugar, anyway?
>>21124768I went to Cheddar's exactly once and ordered that monte cristo. It was shit. It was 50% breading. Like to the point when I got it, my girlfriend asked if I gotten something different or other than a sandwich. That was after waiting 45 mins to get seated, and shitty service in general. GF even emailed Cheddar's corporate pointing out how shit the service was, how long the wait was, how fucked up the entire meal was and they just apologized telling us to give it a second chance. fuck cheddars.
>>21124808Hit or miss experience, sounds like.I think the Bennigan's version from my memory was an actual club sandwich, the middle piece of bread was there, where at Cheddar's it's just a double stack of filling. The batter was spot on and it was satisfying. It's not the best item on the menu though.
>>21123902>>21123920There are six locations left and several delivery only locations
>>21124768>Cheddar's-From-Scratch-KitchenI remember this place when it was Cheddar's Casual Cafe. Loved going there as a kid but I assume it's shit now like all other restaurants of that type
>>21123902Yeah it was where I first had a Monte Cristo sandwich. It was so good. I've got Bennigans to thank for one of my favorite sandwiches. >>21124768Cheddar's is fuckin garbage
>>21123902I had one of those once. It was like scaling some impossible peak of gluttony.
>>21125947Maybe you should stick to impossible burgers cut in half or soylent drinks.
>>21125959I thought the impossible burger was impossible. What's in that soylent stuff anyway?
omfg i loved monte cristos... there was this delicious one here at this little canadian place called kooky canuck but obv with the trump tariff shit they've had to close...>>21125903cheddar's had literally the worst monte cristo i have ever had in my life. completely inedible. shame it took up such a prime real estate spot right next to my school... we could have had something yummy there :(
>>21124768cheddars sucks dude
The chicken tenders are the best thing at Cheddar's, also those crossants you gotta eat in like 20 seconds till they get hard.
>>21123902rip. just let me go back
>>21126052It used to be better
>>21123902>The Monte Cristo from Benniganaccording to google those are just croque-monsieurs
>>21126248Which is just a ham and cheese sandwich
If only the could cook it right, consistently.Obviously we all ordered the same fucking thing, how could you not.The problem was, its apparently a bit tricky to do well, and to plate up a perfectly cooked one was more than a trivial ask and fulfilled only about half the time, with an occasional real stinker
>>21126248>>21126262Google is wrong.
>>21126283it's one of the easiest dishes for them to cook they come frozen and they just throw them in the fryer
>>21126381I wonder if there's a restaurant supplier that sells those or similar.
>>21123902I just wish the turkey and ham were of better quality.
>>21123902kek. there aren't any near fact only a handful in the USbut they are overseas
>>21123902Damn. Last time I jad one was probably 17 years ago.
>>21124756no, just make it yourself.
Not the same but cheddars does a pretty good one. So does Bubba’s.
>>21123902Just have it somewhere else. It's gross with sugar and jam though.
That's what I used to get a Bennigan's in Boston. Was such a good place back inna heyday
For those in the Dallas-Fort Worth area there are many places to get a good Monte Cristo sandwich
never had a monte cristo in my life. I think I will kill myself
>>21127784it's not too late anon
>>21127683We try to avoid DFW ever since that /ck/ tripfag tried to lure kids to a park last summer.
>>21124849Yes I think it's a different operation, they are bringing it back
>>21127683Imagine living there
>>21127660>It's gross with sugar and jam thoughThat’s what makes it delicious. It’s not a Monte Cristo sandwich w/o those
>>21124768That cheddars Monte Cristco should come with a waiver. I've had this twice and I always think yeah thats not much food but always end up destroyed by it.
>>21123902Those were the days. I remember they had a tower of onion rings too.
Just picked up the ingredients to make one. Lets see what the hype is all about
there are two fundamental approaches anon and I'm curious which you are planning.One is to use plain bread to dip and fry, and one is to make french toast first and use that. are you making your cristœ with french toast or no?
>>21128822I always got the raspree seeds stuck in my teeth. it's all a part of the experience
I can't believe someone wrote a massive book about this sandwich>>21125947I've only had one once and I felt like a king eating it. It was such a treat, but I couldn't finish my side(probably fries)
>>21125903This and Ruby Tuesdays
>>21127803what the
>>21129431gotta be the old logo though
>>21123902Is that a fried sandwich? Do americans really
>>21130764Eaten with raspberry jam, even. Gaze upon it and despair