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Shotas are awesome edition
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rip 10 gorillion shotas
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Who's your sonfu?
Can't post shotas from my IP...
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boy kisses
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Wish this artist was still drawing shos, but alas.
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yeah that's life, but i wish they at least didn't nuke all their shit. some of their art is literally impossible to find now, does not exist anywhere on the internet
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Uhm, are we going to talk about why 80% of /cm/ got nuked out of nowhere?
Is this a recurrent thing and I'm just being a newfag??
I mean there's a dedicated thread for that also cute sho
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>/cm/ has a maximum of 150 threads (10 pages x 15 threads per page)
>each thread can have up to 150 files per thread
>that's a maximum of 22500 files in the board
>even when not all threads were at their file limit, most of them had around 60 files at the time of their deletion
>that's 9000 files wiped, many of them shotas
>Tfw i was planning on going through all the previous shota threads to save the pics i liked the most
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I still needed to check the recommend manga thread...
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See >>>/r9k/78606086
Mods did something incredibly retarded that accidentally deleted the entire catalog of 20 different boards. They even issued a lame apology at >>3912881
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Boys just wanna have fun :3
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Need... Sho... BF...
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All those shotas lost to time... Like tears... In rain...
imagine a shota game jam
not on itch, of course
maybe 8*** would be a safer place
Keep posting this artist please; this boy is adorable! I want to rub my tongue up against his braces <3
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Thanks, but, I've seen these (you've already posted them)! Post others as well please!

God I want to protect that smile.
Does Silver is shota?
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??? While the Gen 2 Pokeboys aren't given ages like their Gen 1 counterpoints, Gen 2 was designed to mirror a lot of Gen 1. As such, it 's pretty safe to assume that Gold/Ethan and Silver are 11 like Red and Blue before them. PokeSpe certainly made that assumption back in the day, though they both aged up in the manga over the various arcs (13 in FRLG/Emerald and 16 in HGSS). Only the last appearance in the manga was disqualify either for shota status, and that's just the manga continuity. All game appearances including Masters has the two as preteen boys, the peak of shota.
I think the artist of those knows how to draw what people want. He has a great smile, and while most people get embarrassed by getting braces, he just embraces them and keeps smiling, doesn't let anything get him down, and he knows his smile will be all the brighter once his teeth are fixed. Pure optimism and happiness--something that is rarely attainable in real life, and almost never by someone his age.
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does anyone have the manga page of gon and hisoka in bed? i forgot to save it before the nuke
Random question: are there shota themed audiobooks or audioplays? I need my fix during the day and obviously can’t indulge in visual-material at work; I just want to listen to stories about cute boys doing cute thing.

God I love braces
Maybe there's some shotacon BLcd, not sure tho
Look up in aarinfantasy.com, there's tons of BLcds
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If your normie friends would disown you for wanting to fuck a particular character, that character is a shota.

Admittedly the trend among Silver artists has been to draw him more in his mid to late teens (barf), but some still hold true to the original design.
Who's the artist?
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I posted that one lol
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So cute!
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I wish I was an old timey artist who got commissioned to paint cute noble boys all day.
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Punk shotas are so underrated.
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@_cookio on Twitter.
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Or punk adjacent
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Oliver is the best Vocaloid. His heavenly voice is capable of crushing and repairing my soul. I genuinely want his songs to play during my funeral.
some shotas were made to be raped in their designs
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Feed your shos
I was somewhere between Oliver and Cyrian. What about you anon?
You should marry your shota and lie with him when he turns of age, which is 14 in a lot of European countries.
>sho ties something around his neck so as to make it a cape

He needs cuddles!
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Shos really are the best!
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When I was a boy the dog would bully me by pulling the leash too hard; I'd find it really hard to keep up, partially physically but mostly psycholoigcally. I hated the idea of people seeing me as a weak little boy who couldn't control a dog. I remember collapsing to the floor once or twice in tears.

Happy memories. The inherent joy of all youth.
They wouldn't. People fear dogs. You having it by the leash at all would have been good enough.
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Every man needs his very own sho
Agreed. It would help a lot of people.
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Can't sit still is the only one i relate to
I want to run my tongue along his tan lines.
You're going to gross him out and make him run away in fear
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Not if you do it right.
Shos love being licked!
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and you would know this how?
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Cute pits
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Why are shotas so sexy?
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What does it mean when shos show their tummies?
That you're a fatfuck.
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They want big sister to give their tummy a kiss
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PhD student writes paper about masturbating to shota, gets kicked out of university.
Was he stupid for trying this or is this just anti-shota discrimination?
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It's their mating ritual, it means that they want to mate with you
genuine retard
he deserved it
This boy deserves more art.
He was too based for this world
You have to hide your power level, no matter what. Doesn't matter how liberal/progressive your country is, never reveal your true power levels.
I want to run an ice-cube up and down a sho's bare tum whilst he wriggles and squeals uncomfortably!

Then I'd give him lots of kisses and cuddles for being so brave in allowing me to do weird stuff to him.
Not this faggot again. You know he ran a CP magazine?
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His book was worth it in the end. Nothing's gonna change for the better unless there are people like him willing sacrifice themselves for what they believe in.
yep. history is filled with people who jumped on the grenade for change.
Fun fact: he only got in trouble after a journigger from vice made a clickbait article about it. His work was on Sagepub for 4 months.
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The woman who lodged the initial complaint was head of some academic freedom NGO, too.
>”Yes, I leveled up!”
>”I need more materials, how do I get those?”
> “What’s the matter big bro?” *He’s so hard kek*

>*My dick is gonna burst*
lol kinda based. Also i wonder if cocolo agreed to having his art used.
I thought he was based, I hope he dies
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"I used to think he was cool, but then I found out he published a totally legal magazine! Now I hate him >:("
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I enjoy shos :3
I want to kiss his chest and tum
It wasn’t pron; it was just baity shirtless pics of teenage boys. Just think of MilkBoys Dot Org but in print format.
....didnt know that site existed
Yeah, wishing literal death on someone.
You're the good guy here, congratulations.
THOSE websites have been quietly dodging societal retaliation (normies rage) for decades now.
There are many websites around that edge the child erotica laws, but I suspect the stay alive because they're probably honeypots, I haven't visit them since I was a teenager myself
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That milkboys site seems to be a regular twink porn site. Karl's Destroyer magazine used to be full of (sfw but still controversial) pics of boys under 14.
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Is it? I didn't use to be,
Back then it was more like a gay blog with pictures that ranged from SFW artsy, to NSFW pornographic. All the contributions from teenagers like me at the the time were obviously SFW or otherwise completely legal, and voluntary.
I know it was probably a website full of older men, but for those few that were legitimately having fun with other boys our age, it was a fun experience... I don't visit them anymore, because I moved on, but I kinda regret reading it's just twink porn now? I'll check it out again, someday
Hehe yeah I'm a good boy :3
I just revisited the site for the first time in years and yeah, it seems like it’s exclusively twink content now.

It used to be far more…Greek.
Better pic.
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What's your opinion on shotabutt?
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Best kind of butt
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To be a shota and prey on adult men...
>tfw ywn rest your head on a sho's lap while he gently caresses your face
>when the sho gains sentience of the way men look at him
Would use as a pillow
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Huge fan of onfim the medieval boy
Cute autistic shota
Me on the left
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I would kill to read a shota doujinshi with an encounter like this, holy shit…
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Need to kiss those tummies..
the awkward, but passionate feelings
Impossibly Based Man talking about his Impossibly Cute Boys book
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change this world are the ones who do
And even if there isn't any "significant change" his book exist now and that is what matters, he knew his view on shota was controvertial and he still tried to go further, dude has balls of steel, he was too cool for that cucked British university.
PhD in shotacon manga, you can't be cooler than that.
Why are sho tummies so amazing
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They are soft, warm, and smell like powdered milk.
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sho tums

Karl if you keep spamming the thread I'm gonna spoil your book's thesis for everyone.
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>Karl if you keep spamming the thread I'm gonna spoil your book's thesis for everyone.
I was never going to rear it please do
me (lol)
pyon on baraag
>baraag has bottomless alts
But why aren't these SFW versions there? /cm/ doesn't have a working 3rd party archive, so the pics will be lost if they aren't uploaded somewhere else.
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How do you think Karl's ass/cock looks like?
That’s fucking hot

I want to be 13 again just so that I can slut around.
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I love them so much it's unreal
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No. It's honestly a good book and I'm more or less on his side, but goddamn if it is annoying seeing it in every thread.

Not nearly as cute as any random shota's
Sweet little angels :3
That sho is too skinny
shore bud
Not skinny. He’s fit.
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Just ordered Karl's book bros. I know I'm getting put on an MI6 watchlist somewhere but like I care lmao.
Well, he owes me sex either way
Get in line
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Why would the foreign intelligence service be the one putting you on a watchlist? Dumbass doesn't even know how his own Orwellian surveillance state works.
Idk i just found the pics on Pinterest
sexualized art of flapjack is just a touch too far
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Doesn't go far enough, desu.
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Who's the artist doing all the chromatic aberration Ken?
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smol male (ToT)
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As if I know what the difference is, all I know is they own my arse and I have no freedoms in this shithole country.
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ohhh carl clover you are so perfect
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So cute
Lickable tummy
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It’s late in the season, but I’d love some summer shota pics.
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who this boy?
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justin from grandia, hes very cute
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>toeless socks
Not a footfag, but, cute!

Though hypnotising shos into naughty stuff is immoral! They have to happily and willfully consent to it!
I’ve seen a few versions of this image, including an NSFW variation.

Anyone know the artist name? It’s a super cute OC.
50%OFF, the full sets on kemono

wearing toeless socks and a shortsleeve bodysuit might count as hypnotism consent i'll have to check the rulebook on that one
Who is he!? He's so my type, so cute!!!
Brown skin and a ponytail, adorable, he just need some glasses
Sweaty shota legs...
Other sites?

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