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Mods made a silly edition
Previous thread: >>3910028
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Mods couldn't even be bothered to pin their half assed apology thread.
>she says, unable to follow the board rules of posting 5-6 images in a general thread
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In my defense I was doing something else, than I noticed the Goroufag made another thread.
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> Goroufag made another thread.
Someone else did
>Mikapedo is schizophrenic
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Gorou what are you doing?
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Today is also Interational Bisexual Day. Do what you will with this information
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Happy birthday little guy
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Happy Birthday little white blonde nigga that looks somewhat like that blond hentai character with Christian iconography!
>somewhat like
That's an understatement considering Fremi was literally based off of that hentai doujin boy. Lyney too (based on another doujin from the same author)
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We love Jeanne prostituée by Ikezaki Misa here.
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The dreaded groomernari strikes again
Just as expected for a Genshin fox
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Lots of nice art coming out for Kinich. He deserves it though
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Can you fix him or is he beyond help?
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Mika is a certified fixed boi
An eternal little boi
No balls boi
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I love genshos so much
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anal sex with all anemo boys
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Barbatos didn’t recognize the wonders of sand dog
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Good ship
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So is the pixel lizard a being of pure hate like in the memes I'm seeing or is it just another case of Genshin fans not playing the game?
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Kinda? He's pretty abrasive but in an tongue in cheek way, some people find it funny others find him annoying. Kinich also has Sasuke's VA while Ajaw has Naruto's so that's the dynamic they were going for a bit.
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he's like a foul mouthed Paimon but meaner and I think it's a big improvement
Reborn in Teyvat with happy endings
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Well it's not like they tried to hide it at all, it's pretty blatant. At least they know how to cater to who they want to cater to (me), and that's a good thing
Pup boy sometimes gives Genshiken Hato vibes ngl.
It’s worsened by the fact he’s either a runt that looks much younger than his actual age or an ara-ara.

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