Merry Lenmas editionPrevious >>3928649
Len <3
>>3939232cry m0r3
>>3939229Aren't we all?
>>3939237im am not a fag
It's the bestest boy's birthday today. I love him so much
>>3939274Happy birthday, Len!
>>3939274Happy birthday to our boy! He deserves a nice prostate orgasm and cuddles afterwards...
>>3939271Hi little ducky
>>3939369No! You have to wait for the 18th anniversary next year to do those things!Just be patient!
>>3939476I have been doing it since the 12th anniversary...
>>3939476>14 years old for 18 yearsHow does he do it?
>>3939538A steady diet of semen
>>3939968Don't you just hate when that happens?
>the CEO of Homosexuality
Happy new year!
To another hopefully Len filled year
>>3940689>to another year of hopefully filling LenFTFY
Love the banana boy.
>>3941583He looks ready to me.
>>3941827is the cutest.
This is my husband
>>3942002I'm the father of those Len kids
>>3942003Even bird Len?
>>3942035Any Len is best Len
>>3942035That's Pikachu Len
>>3942142Yeah, I meant to the bird Len in this pic >>3942002. PikaLen hatching from an egg was the only semi-related pic I had.
New proseka Len card... holy fuck
>>3942637>mfw I see Len's bulge
>>3942637Delicious banana boy
I find the lack of Brazilian Len disturbing.
>>3942810Retarded meme
>>3942898Any excuse for people to make lewd Len art is valid
>>3942900Nah your meme is shit, please stay away from my boy.
>>3942901No Len fan would turn away free lewd Lens, stop with this disgusting heterosexual behavior
>>3942393I downloaded the game again just to get this card, love how it looks
Snuggling with Len on a cold winter night.
>>3942902it's only a problem when it's a bastardization
>>3943117I wanna see what's behind...
Where the Kaito enjoyers at?
>>3943231As much as I appreciate how his voice provider loves him, I've just never been much of a fan of how he sounds. Still cute, though.
>>3943231He cute but Len is better
>>3943776Len is the best, after all.
>>3943942tsundere cuntness is ok when its boy on boy
>>3943956That's because boys play rough even when they're not being tsun.
>>3938683len selfcest when
I've asked before but I'll ask again. Does anyone have the pic of the guy wearing a vr headset and he's surrounded by a bunch of Lens? It was one of my favorite Len pics.
>>3943982this is beautiful i am drooling now thank you
>>3943975>Tfw ywn wrestle with Len and have him kick you in the nuts playfully
Lencest is the best because you get twice as much Len in just one pic
>>3944130I've never seen it myself but I hope someone else has it because I'd like to see it too.
>>3944355>>3944357>>3944359>>3944360Len is not a woman, you fucking troon
>>3944390this might be my favorite Len pic now
>>3944181Just to get more descriptive it was a guy sitting on a couch with an aroused expression, he may or may not have had a boner i dont really remember and there was a bunch of Lens around him
Trap Len best Len :3
>>3944390Len is a cute boy no matter what he wears.
Best Len pic
What's more offensive? Trap Len or Gachapoid?
Len butt
best butt
>>3944701How many gallons of cum do you think have been shot in to it?
>>3944703>>3944715They were all mine btw
>>3944726What beautiful legs~
My husband is so talented
>>3945016>is the cutest >sounds the bestHow did it all go so right?
Len just hits different. It's been 15 years since I first knew of this dumb banana boy and I'm only getting more obsessed as times goes on.
>>3945210Haha what made you so mad?
New >>3945237