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Another Caitler thread! Noice!
you retarded or what? do you really think this arm is jinx's?
The arm you see on the person Vi is carrying is muscled. Jinx is skinny. But sure, keep dreaming.
Alcohol did.
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my gurl, heavy is the crown

>This is what you asked (for)
>Heavy is the crown

>Fire in the sun
>Its ashes raining down

>Tired, will it end?
>It keeps bleeding out

>This is what you asked for
>Heavy is the, heavy is the crown

honestly can't tell if it's Linkin Park or not but dope lyrics. might be Mike singing
I need her to step on me asap
I fucking love this song
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She's pretty neat
People who think Caitlyn is a cute cupcake blorbo will hate it, but I love the Caitler arc and how bossy she is.
Vi is a lucky girl.
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A man with blue hair or Jinx?
Male Jinxer. Jinx probably got her goons to infiltrate the enforcers.
Makes more sense than Jinx teleporting towards her lair and having a quick make over.
How woke is this show? I need to know
Very woke
Not woke at all.
100% woke. You see Caitlyn getting leBlacked, Vi gets cucked. Niggers being smart and successful leaders. Lots of faggots, robosexuals and furries just walking around. All decent straight white males getting race swapped and even incest makes an appearence. Avoid this show at all cost. Trannies worship it.
League of lesbians.
Though they have added a lot more gays to the roster recently so it's more balanced than before.
It's a matrilineal society
Lots of races and race mixing
Rampant lgbt with on screen lesbian kissing
Strong female characters and weak, pathetic male characters
Turned my straight edge husband into a lesbian tranny.
Weird making Jinx the boss in arc 2
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Caitler is hot af.
Perfect gentle lady
Whats the global time release for the geeked week exclusive clip?
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>to kn
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Calling it now. Riot is probably Canning the show after this season so they can make a cheaper show. The Arcane "fans" aren't playing the games and buying the skins. Riot also lost a bunch of money from failed projects so why would they spend even more money on a show that isn't getting them new paypigs. Remember, kids. Companies don't do shit unless it makes them money, and Arcane isn't making them money.

Also, give Cait her dress AND make her white again.
If it's the Annency Clip (which is somewhat likely) it will be at least a minute or two. If it's something from act 1, 2-3 minutes maybe 5.
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What are the odds they'll show an Act 3 clip?
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I think it would be awesome to show fullyformed Warwick, funny if they tease the kiss, but going with the annacy clip. Either way it will probably be about 1 minute long. Be nice seeing it with out the water mark.
Poetry in song, sums up Caitlyn's arc in 20 seconds
>canning the show
Heavily doubt. They were able to get some heavy hitters music wise and the show is going to be a smash hit. Netflix was stupid for dropping this, and amazon will throw millions possibly a billion to pick it up after that absolutely abysmal 'rings of power'show.
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Would you say Arcane is still the story about 2 sisters?
Where are you seeing netflix dropped it? They only planned for 2 seasons
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but 15/10 storytelling and imagetelling. for S1.

so S1 does not meet the usual definition of woke, which is: woke at the expense of the storytelling so that the show is unwatchable.

in a sea of garbage woke, S1 of Arcane is the masterpiece of woke, and will be rememberd as such.
Yeah. They only signed for 2 years, and the fight between jinx and Vi was sapposed to happen in the first season. Then they pushed it out. Things change, and Netflix is as notorious about dropping good shows, as the Oakland A's are at selling good players to get first draft pick every year.
Hard for a show to be woke when it doesn't have subtext 2030 propaganda.
Yes it is
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-weak men/stronk women, as generic male and female representations.
-niggers in charge in a XIXth century european society (= ESG quotas)
-lesbians everywhere
-mournings everywhere

+ S2
-all colors clouds
-Gay Pride goons (Margo's)

you're delusionnal
Tranny thread
Kys yurinigs
Ekko x Jinx will be canon too
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pushed by the fugly lesbo? may be.
though i don't think so.
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You guys really think Cait will top Vi during seggs? Remember that Cait hit Vi, then replaced her with rookie, fucked rookie’s brains out on numerous occasions, THEN comes back to Vi and fucks the shit out of her too?? Naw. Vi has to top in order to bring balance again. Otherwise she’ll just look even more pathetic.
Lmao she's such a shipper. Reminder she also made Jayce x Mel happen
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it's not Vi, actually. it's Maddy.
I can see it going both ways.
Vi needs someone to take good care of her, so Cait tops her and treats her like a princess
That or Vi tops the fuck out of Cait, but since Vi is still a virgin it seems quite unbelievable if their first time is like that
Meh, doesn’t really look like her. Be nice to the matte painters, at least they have nothing to do with the story.
I think that after what Caitlyn did, she should be the one making Vi feel good, not the other way around. I think Caitlyn should be the giver and Vi the receiver.
Agreed. After their first time Vi will be the more dominant one.
>I just wanna be a good passenger
Vi just wants to be taken care of/protected for once.
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Always putting up such a tough front. Always needing to be the strong one. She deserves someone who can treat her well.
Tranny thread for trannies by a tranny janny.
Man that kiss is so fuckin cute
that is the lyrics? awesome, fit to Vi perfectly
Sergio you haven't heard the song yet?
the girl you'll want to be your waifu is gonna get blacked pretty soon so you've been warned from the get go
I'm so obsessed with it...I legit think about it 50 times a day
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Pretty damn sure she used Maddie's eagerness and admiration get her off more so then her topping Maddie. Caitlyn would see to her own gratification before anothers as evident in her post nut clearity, and rejection of seeing maddie get her turn. Caitlyn will want to top because a, Vi will be a virgin. It would be sort of a call back to Caitlyn actually knowing how to do something Vi doesn't for once. B, Caitlyn will feel guilty and wants to show Vi that her hands won't hurt her and promise to make her feel good. Caitlyn's yearning to touch someone she loves will be on full display.

Think it might be the blue fish dude
Seek help. There must be more to your life then watching a 20 second clip.
We are getting fed well
Sex scene
November can't come soon enough
>Caitlyn will feel guilty and wants to show Vi that her hands won't hurt her and promise to make her feel good. Caitlyn's yearning to touch someone she loves will be on full display.

Face and hands are white so no. Its human.
Excited to see the 4k high def to be able to appriciate it better.
If we get a sex scene, i wonder how Fortiche didnt sign bankruptcy the animation is up the charts during all of the caitvi scenes
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more updates
If the kiss scene with shitty quality got me obssesed the sex scene will make go insane
I want to see Cait taking care of Vi and being the most soft top ever
will check now
I think I will go clinically insane, let's hope we do get a sex scene
I agree, Vi should let go and let herself love and have a positive relationship with her body for once in her life.
Nope, 37 millions views in 9 days on Riot's channel, execs just nutted in their pants. Attention is today's currency
This. This. This.
Would make sense. She has never made or had lave made to her. And with the level of obsession Caitlyn has shown capable of, you can bet your ass Vi will be delirious and Caitlyn will get some actually sleep.
Even without a sex scene i want them to be soft with each other again i need it..
It's not even funny how much i need this kek
They already made a video for the song haha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgU4HRCnms4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgU4HRCnms4
They are in such a weird place on what to do with Singed. He's easily one of the most interesting and creepy characters in the show. But in the game he is nothing like that at all. Arcane Singed is a true blue psychopath. Ice cold with no regard for life. Game Singed is... A really tall meth head with a busted door he carries around?
How does Fantasy Mengele end up like that
this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbt7rPeCHco
DAYMN... looking fantastic
It was perfect!! Cait's softness slowly advancing and her gaze with desire, Vi confused and then very nervous with her breath hitching as she realized what Cait was going to do.... And the almost desperation of both of them to feel each other more. Just chef kiss
This is my nightmare. They need to keep his monkey paws off her
Pretty sure that when Vi glances down, it wasn't so much at Caitlyn's lips, as it was seeing and feeling Caitlyn's hand rest on her inner thigh before Caitlyn dragged her attention back to her eyes. God that dragged up memories of adolescent love...
Ambessa is taking Singed to Noxus
Cait's obsessive tendency can be redirected to a new obsession which is to make Vi feel good.
thank you man, very kind
Great job!! I'm lovin it
It was so funny and cute to see how lost Vi was, she was shaking like a pudding
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Caitvi post sex scene in S2 leaked
Thank you man, the idea is to do something animated before season 2 starts.
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It's too late for you faggot. Even if they don't get together, it will be confirmed they both have feelings for each other. After that we just wait for the League of Legends Zaun champions overhaul where Jinx will get her new dialogues and the 2XKO story where they're the Zaun tag team.
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God that intense star studying all of Vi's ques.
In the Noxian lore there's a few milestones, Mordekaiser, General Sion arc, then currently if Ambessa takes Singed back to Noxus, there's the Darius, Draven invasion of Ionia, Irellia etc in which Singed is their chief scientist for the Noxians making chem-tech for the invasion.

They could go mad-hatter route, he becomes more and more unhinged as time goes on working for the Noxians, cliche or they just leave him as is and have 2 pseudo similar characters in the universe which I prefer, Arcane Singed is much more interesting a character desu. Would be a shame to undo him just to fit the game
I just know twitter is gonna looove the montages at the beginning of episode 3 and 4
That would be interesting. Make Singed more of a main character. That would make for a smooth transition
The problem is that the lore already exists and is complete, unlike Arcane which was original material afaik. Ionia 'wins' and Noxus is repelled, the end.

Idk if they want to make that kind of show, simply regurgitating existing stories but it does seem like they were seriously considering Noxus in the 3rd installment, Arcane being heavy with LeBlanc and Medarda
did something happen?
This show tricked me into trying League of Legends and for that I'll never forgive it.
kek, there's a tag-team fighting game coming out if you dont like the moba
So I felt like something was really missing in the leaks and it finally hit me. There's none of those artistic, lingering shots in S2. Things like Jinx lighting the flare, or Cait in the shower. Those scenes said so much with almost no movement or dialogue, and it really sucks if we don't get any in s2.

I'm sure the story boarders leaving is part of it, but couldn't the director just ask for a few or something.
Kek. Thats exactly what the end product will be.
We are. Those are purposefully not apart of the leaks. The leaks were for audio purposes and for foreign countries to be ready for editing before release.
>Things like Jinx lighting the flare
episode 6
>Cait in the shower
episode 8
We saw until episode 5
Are we sure? Because for example, the entire funeral scene wouldn’t have been included if that was the case. I’d love of there was more to the leaks than what we’ve seen, but if that’s not the case, we might just need to accept S1’s art direction is vastly superior.
From what I understand, some artist music can be band, or the lyrics could be. But mostly its the whats in the episodes. They could change the song or take it out all together. Never know if something changes in another countries government
1-3 are finished
It really doesn't make sense that it is Jinx because there's no time to develop a story where she needs to infiltrate Piltover again, and fail this time to the point she has to be rescued.
every clips they have shown so far is exactly like it is in the leaks
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Yeah, sure. Same opening intro to huh?
I don’t understand your question? They said in an article the other day that enemy was gonna stay as the intro in s2
It was sarcasm. You watch the first episodes and it shows the intro is temporary. Everything in the corners between 1 and 3 is final rendering of the art. They don't have to mention that certian parts have been edited out because all these leaks were, were for audio editing only. Thats why they are so choppy, fast paced and lacking the finesse. But I tried telling these faggots in the beginning of the leaks and i get le onions jack. Got tired of wasting my time.
I guess we'll see in about 6 weeks
Yup. Been just monitoring for a good while till the music started dropping and made th board fun again.
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Soooo....anyone know what this is in game wise?
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In case of Arcane Netflix is only a distributor not producer, so it's up to Riot to decide what they do next with Arcane after Piltover two seasons story is done. From what we can see Arcane earns enough money to not only pay for itself but to bring profit and attention to the game. So they most likely will continue to make new stories, maybe not with Fortiche though
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-interracial porn
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>weak mind.
listen to me: never, NEVER, try opioids.
would it be oxycontin, or laudanum, or heroin.

you've been warned.
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This won't age well
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As anon predicted
there's an interesting alternativ story to be made from that sketch here.
that, is intriguing.
far better than all the whining lesbianinos garbage we see here and in Avaravacananave.
some nigga shit
My favorite enemy
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Neither will all the fanart of Caitlyn tending to all of Vi's wounds during her pit fighter era.
Ep 4 and 5 will definitely look wildly different. Though story composition and voice acting will mostly remain unchanged.
More people should have died in jinx's bomb attack... and I'd have liked to see more people killed in the falseflag attack at the public ceremony, too. It'd emphasize the pressure in caitlyn more- i don't think a dead mother alone is reason enough to go around gassing civies
Rich kid does what she wants
This. Caitlyn always does what she wants, regardless if it breaks some rules or not
i have the feeling that i'm going to be definately vaccinated against wokism in two months.
dunno why.
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Do you think we'll see a scene in episode 6 where Caitlin thinks about Vi? Because, based on what we saw in episodes 4 and 5, it seems like Caitlin doesn't care?They made it worse by showing her banging someone else while Vi has hit rock bottom as she's yearning for her.
Without being a delulu shipper
The vibe I get from Caitlyn is that she's trying hard to forget about Vi. Jumping into bed with someone she evidently has no feelings for is a clear sign of that
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This will age well

As much as people hate it or don't want to see it, what they both do are coping mechanisms, Vi uses alcohol as an escape route and Cait uses sex. What Cait has with Maddie is a pure interest relationship (although Maddie does seem to be in love with her) but for Cait it's just a hot bed, sex to blow off some steam and someone to tell her part of her problem. But the moment Maddie tries to be affectionate with her Cait rejects it.

Caitler right now is - no time for feelings only business
Big agree with both
You have repeated this like 3 dozen times already stfu.
She may not care, she also might. But Its more shes trying to deal with the fact that shes super villain evil rn. We will know in Act 3
That's exactly what I was typing, that Maddie seems to be in love with Cait and the breakup won't be easy for her.
Maddie is dead.
Problem solved.
But also Maddie could be a spy. Still dead.
Maddie seems to flirt with Vi in episode 1, too
What if we get a big surprise from Mel? What if she is the one waking up Arcane? We don't exactly know why Black Rose is after her. What if her magic abilities will play a part in Jayce and Victor arc?
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Would Arcane creators really have written America, cars and plastic as lyrics for the show?

I think the lyrics we heard in the snippet will go through some big changes. Even the song title was changed.
LeBlanc playing mind games with Ambessa and her memories.
eggzactly what i'm saying, btw.
you get it.
I think more so flirting is admiration, you can tell she's a new recruit and she's super excited. Cait and Vi are legends right now among the enforcers at Piltover after Silco and you can tell what Cait said off screen about Vi got Maddie excited.
Maddie really is very nice and cute
I think killing her would be much cheaper than Maddie simply seeing that Cait and Vi have a strong love for each other and stepping aside.
Quite possible that that moment in s1 is key for why black rose wants to take Noxus down. Makes sense if they possessed mel at that moment and that's why they want her.
This. Exactly. Not only Vi is a virgin, but touch was meant to cause her harm for years and Caitlyn was the first person to give her softness. Until she hurt her too. It shouldn't be easy for Vi to let go during sex and allow herself to be touched in the most intimate way possible, not to mention, finish. She will need to completely trust Caitlyn to let go completely and lose control over her own body. Their sex will be gentle, full of comfort and softness. And Vi will probably cry.
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Agreed, but in the trailer she's either passed out or dead... so maybe she is indeed gonna get killed off
Caitvi reunion and sex happens before the battle in Piltover where we can see Maddie is alive. It suggests she broke up with Caitlyn. The question is if she's going to stay alive.
Sex before or after the battle?
Before makes the most sense. It's when emotions are at their height
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Ha so that confirms that the Ekko x Jinx episode will be episode 7.
Caitvi reconciliation/ seggs ep with the song will be the intro to episode 8, then the rest of episode 8 is the battle we see in the trailer
This red Noxian tower we see for a first time in s1e4 that everyone thinks Ambessa built is Mel's residency we see her making parties in. Noxian style is ugly
Have you guys considered that they just dont have sex?
They will
They already showed caitlyn having sex with maddie who she clearly doesn't love
Vi and cait had a kiss then a fallout and never talked about it
Vi still yearns for caitlyn
Of course there'll be sex between them
Obviously we will have the reunion before the big battle but it doesn't make much sense to me to have sex while they are preparing for war. I don't know why you have ruled out the sex scenario after the battle when it will be easier to sort out the feelings.
Could just not have sex all together !
Mel really living in that goofy ass villain tower
I think we all agree that even though we are also shown Vi's desire and she is not completely a 100% pillow princess, Vi needs to let go, relax and it has to be Cait who takes the lead and touches her with adoration in a super gentle way, showing her that she really loves her and won't hurt her again, making Vi's first time unforgettable and Vi crying at the end from the emotion.
everything is gonna be a parallel atp
You do know the sex is confirmed and only caitvi makes sense? Amanda is over the moon of this specific scene too.

Caitlyn: Listen Vi I know we've had our differences and such but we may die in combat tomorrow and I think it's unfair for you to die a virgin. So how about I make it up to you by giving you the best fuck of your life and ruining you for anyone else?
>Vi crying at the end from the emotion
She's going to be overwhelmed with all the good emotions so much she won't be able to keep herself together. She's surely going to cry. Caitlyn might freak out at first, but those will be happy tears.
For the sex reunion to happen, the hunt for Jinx would have to stop and I don't know how Caitler would accept that.
The theme of this season is forgiveness so it will happen. Caitlyn and Vi will have sex in ep 8
It's probably because of her mother's past. An ancient revenge.
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Is it confirmed though? The Maddilyn scene technically counts
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Maddilyn doesn't count. They don't have sex.
Yeah that scene was post sex
Not even post sex. It was in the middle of the night and it was meant to show us a few things: Caitlyn having a new life with Maddie, them sleeping together, Caitlyn having doubts and suffering from insomnia.
Implied sex doesnt count?
Sex scene is literally a sex scene... not some conversation on a bed
Jeez what an asshole
Might just be a retard
Reminds me I saw another trans Vi fanfic. Pissed me off so I might post the Maddilyn scene on twt
at this point everyone has gotten the kiss scene spoiled
Implied anything doesn't count. No subtext anymore
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hang this bitch
>Still figuring it out
Only Jinx got in the ms./co/ 2024 qualifier. Vote for Jinx!
went there and all that subreddit talks about is vi’s ass
Some think shes trans too. Glad they were spoiled
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Well, it was a travesty what they did to it.
You should post Maddilyn on Krissi posts for her and her faithful lapdogs to see. In that case spoilers are allowed
i’m sure that person already saw the leaks
Any idea what are we getting on September 19?
That was the plan, even if they already saw it. Have to wait until I get home though
vi getting knocked out or being pathetic is better they hate to see their alpha down
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Guessing either an act 1 scene or the pit fighter Vi teaser
Domestic abuse fanart now
LeBlanc is an illusionist spy but it's unlikely Mel was possessed years ago as a sleeper agent for Black Rose.

Mel doesn't even know she's a mage's bastard until KinoBlanc tells her. He starts acting creepy in the pit so you know it's not really him and when Mel shoves his face against the wall asking who he is, LeBlanc does the random face generator thing. So we can assume Mel is her own person for now.

Had a theory Black Rose might be trying to recruit Mel for the Order to keep Ambessa in check, yet to be seen. Depends on what Mel's mage powers actually are, she seems to break free from the black thorns. But if they wanted to kill her they probably could've, don't think she's immortal even though her powers saved her from Super Mega Death Rocket.
DMd the person. They’re either a 4chan troll or just stupid. In any case, the two posts are deleted.

I suggest it’s a troll because apparently they knew about the leaks from last month but didn’t join the dots to figure out the screenshot is from the leak. Duh.
I am having the vision rn
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the updated song list is top of the thread. Linkin Park all but confirmed in ep1, found it on their social media page for Nov 15 release album. they're touring rn to promo the release but the song isn't in the set list, just the single
We need to spam Vi being a pathetic omega and Cait being an alpha fuckboi and then watch them cry
Doing god's work
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looks really angry desu. not the 'oh mah fren just passed out' look. justice for maddie!
Not abusive enough
so heavy is the crown comes out on nov 15 and the song plays in ep1 does that means theres a chance act 1 will be after nov 15?
her eyes look a little red I think
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Ok but where is the cute fanart of CaitVi having a kid and being happy
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Mostly on X.
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It's funny how before the leaks no one even thought of cait hurting Vi. The theories were always about how Vi might hurt cait. Kek these fags aren't subtle at all
Righttt, and it was always Cait was just gonna forgive Vi. Now they are asking if Vi could forgive Cait?

No way they dont know.
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Arcane will end like this
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Ew. Dyke Vi. Need a palette clense from that.
Dude that shit is so cute
that negative ass on vi kek
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the idea of Cait and Vi having kids? Not only is it super cliché, but I also think it doesn’t fit with their characters at all. Both of them risk their lives daily and are incredibly busy. Cait, as Sheriff, is basically a workaholic who doesn’t have time for anything, let alone kids. And Vi, aside from all the trauma and mommy issues, is emotionally immature and reckless. I think Vi would be great with kids, like helping orphans or something, but having her own? No way.
Yeah its not their thing I just think the fanarts are cute.
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Caitlyn needs an heir.
oh shit don't let krissi see this!
Not necessarily. The line might end with her
I disagree. I think Vi would yearn to have a family after losing her own. If Caitlyn and Vi succeed in rebuilding Piltover in Caitlyn's image, I can see them trying for a family. Mostly Caitlyn trying for Vi's sake.
Honestly, before the leaks, I thought it was more likely that Vi would accidentally hit Cait. My theory was that Vi would stop Cait somehow (which I got right), and then they’d start struggling, with Vi accidentally hitting Cait and immediately regretting it. Cait would get even angrier and tell Vi to get lost, leading to their separation. That was my main theory before the leaks.
Except it won't. She's gonna have a beautiful daughter named Lavender, with Vi.
Closer than mine, I thought Caitlyn was going to threaten Vi with prison if she didnt go back to Zaun
And you know what's funny? These are official concept arts. And you know what's not official? transmasc Vi without titties
Next youre gonna tell me Vi is a trans man with a functioning dick
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Nah, but they can have magical babies with hextech technology.
Yeah Vi will be pregnant with Cait pups because we all know Cait is the alpha in this relationship
Is that an actual thing
L m a o, somehow way worse than what actually happened
Leakwatcher spotted
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The fuck is this shit
I mean…Most people I know who are over 35 are married with kids, it’s not cliche, it’s a realistic progression of a relationship.
Vi would be the bottom and the pregnant one if they have kids. Also be is a woman
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I can see both of them carrying

No but we can always dream
Hi Nilo.
Yeah but Cait and Vi are not normal, they don't have a normal life or time for children. Why do you think the game is called League of legends? If it was about normal people it could be called league of losers even though it is in part but let's not get into that.
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Vi is a family oriented person. I bet she will want children eventually.
Couldn't they just adopt?
I wonder why in 99% of the cases Cait is the one who is pregnant, do they forget that Vi is a woman too? In fact I see Vi more pregnant than Cait, Vi seems much more loving and sweet while Cait has always been more reserved, calculating and cold.
Yep, a Zaun child
Its because stereotype
Cause cait is femme = the mother
If Ambessa could find time to have 2 kids and about to be champion, i don't think being league champ can stop the child potential.
What will most likely happen.>>145443615
This is Arcane tho
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God its twitter in here. See you guys later.
I was thinking something real bad was gonna happen and knew if Vi was at rock bottom it was gonna be like that.
One day they posted on reddit the image from ep4 of Caitlyn and Maddie and asked: what's her name, can someone help me?
For now, Vi needs to deal with all that trauma and her mommy issues. In fact, I feel the opposite for two reasons:
1 After what happened with Jinx, I think she’d be really insecure, worrying that something like that could happen again, and that she might fail to take care of someone again.
2 Related to that, Vi had to grow up fast and almost act as a mother to the others. Vander made it clear that everything that happened was her responsibility, and that’s something that will haunt her for life. Vi doesn’t need kids; she needs stability, a purpose in life, and for someone to take care of her (Caitlyn) for a change, so she can finally feel safe.
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and like this
KEK, almost spit out my drink. Thats a good one
That's bullshit and we all know it
No. Jinx will die
Mommy issues = Caitlyn?
Timebomb is a good ship but it's shame that Jinx is kinda crazy.
Ekko deserves better he is a good k
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Vi is the one with mommy issues (or at least the biggest ones)
Powder looks cute
All Vi has is drinking issues
>Vi calling Cait mommy
>It's funny how before the leaks no one even thought of cait hurting Vi.
Plenty of people did. Either Vi hurts Cait or Cait hurts Vi. Just the majority would've never believed Cait could ever do such thing because "she's a sweetheart"
Ambessa sure had them snusnu style, she took a potential breeder of good pedigree with Piltover status and was like "you are going to be the father of my children, let's have sex now" And after destroying him she gave birth but she didn't even raise them because she was busy beating the crap out of others and conquering sure the father and maids raised them.
Caitler gon Caitler, still a banger

>The rise of industry in the fissures has lead to the air becoming increasingly toxic
>They call it the grey
>I've instructed our architects to devise a ventilation system
>The people of the underground deserve to breathe

>Can I do right thing for the wrong reason
>Is it bad that I'm making face with my demons

>Just to make sure I finish what you began
>And I ain't afraid to lose a life or ten
>If it means that I get to win in the end

>So Imma do this on my own
>Step into the danger zone
>Pull the pin and watch it blow
>I would rather die alone
>Oh, I would rather die

>Come out and play
>Let it rain down hellfire
>(inaudible) and touch me (today) and no way too far away
We all know she do every night Cait ravage her pussy which canonically will be exclusively hers because Cait is going to be the one woman Vi will have sex with.
Adoption exists. I could imagine them saving a little kid somewhere and Vi goin all puppy eyes to Caitlyn because she would never sent such child to the street or some kind of facility.
Since its known Mel can use magic wont her ending be exile from Piltover? Then she can go chill with black rose
Vi was fine with the kid dying when she was with Jayce and Cait was fine with killing a kid if she hadnt been stopped
Cait is nice in general in the Lore but I hate the headcanon many have created of her being a dorky autistic sweetheart because of S1. Good thing Cait is now a real character in S2.
Xitter user viollynt is that you?
THIS. Vi might be an adult, but deep inside of her there's a lot of that little girl that watched her parents being butchered to death on the bridge.
You really should go and watch this scene again. She didn't believe in what she said and you can see her reaction to the body AFTER Jayce leaves. She's not showing her vulnerable side just to anybody.
>They call it the grey
caitlyn has mommy issues too bro
Exactly. Vi hasn’t had the chance to grow up in a healthy way, which has caused her to develop a big insecurity and avoidant attachment, along with many emotional and psychological issues. Just because they aren’t as visible as Jinx’s doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
They gave Caitlyn the best songs
Not as big as Vi’s, though. Cait feels like her mother was never there for her, but for Vi, her mother truly wasn’t there because she died. Vi had to grow up quickly, and she desperately craves the protection and comfort that only her mother could give. That’s why she hallucinated Cait as her mother, because deep down, she felt safe with her and longs for that protection from Cait.
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They will burn down Amanduh's house if this doesn't happen
Facts I can't wait to listen to the whole version until my ears bleed
I want the sex scene to not happen and CaitVi to end as friends just to see the reactions
It was like an Anon said here the other day
After Amanduh made that shitty comment about the sex scene, if it doesn't happen she's the one who's screwed and will have to hide in a bunker until the minions calm down
>Not as big as Vi’s, though.
cassandra’s absence is what makes the mommy issues worst read more about it
Exactly. Vi may see herself as the one that protects other people. But even a protector needs a protection. On top of that, for the majority of her life she faced trauma, pain, suffering, starvation and death. It's only natural she craves for the person who showed her kindness and gentlesness like no one except her own mother. Vander was a good person, but it's not the same. Last time anyone trully took care of her and made her feel safe was when she was a little girl and her mom was still alive. Caitlyn brought those feelings back and made her craves for it, like a starving person for food.
Shippers really think they deserve this. They dont even care about the rest of the show they are so focused on the lesbians fucking
she should have never made that comment those people will go crazy
me too lmao
Wow the resemblance is uncanny
Who else will have sex then besides CaitVi?
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Cait and Maddie duh, they are established
No one.
maddilyn of course
You guys think if this sex scene thing gets too toxic just remove it if it ever existed, I love Arcane, but the reason I started watching it honestly was because of the interaction between Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx
nah they wouldnt, I like to troll but I think its just a few people in an echo chamber complaining
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being quite honest, what screwed up Arcane was only having 2 seasons instead of 3
>the resemblance
>dark blue hair
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Ppl are so obssesed with the sex scene its quite disturbing.
It basically goes like this:
Arcane is bad bc no Caitvi sex
Arcane is the Best show bc of Caitvi sex
they have been animating the same characters for more than 9 years now they wanna move on to other regions
Yes the show needed another season to explore 2-3 more characters from Piltover/Zaun.
But Arcane has been a resounding success, the acceptance of these characters has been incredible, it would not be unreasonable to think that they could revisit Piltover.
its like nobody cares about the plot
I think it's a big deal to have a sex scene between 2 women on a very popular show. It's rare. It's usually between two men.
doubt it, I think act 1 airs on Nov 2 or 9 (end of Worlds 2024 or week after) and the song is in ep1 so before the album comes out on the 15th. then Linkin Park fans that buy the album might also go watch Arcane if they hadn't already. Linkin Park was secretive about the new album, only just promo'd it late August

Spotify has the s2 album out on Nov 23rd so there's a lot of cross-promoting going on
It's not! The problem isn't Caitlyn and Vi's relationship, the problem is their fandom (fanatics)
/co/'s the idiots board.
no exceptions.
t.4chan minus /co.lgbt/
true their fandom sucks
Don't worry Freud and I are close friends, you should apply the same example
I honestly think it's because it's been teased for so long. going on what? a decade? It went from fandom to cult because of thirst and starvation.
Just this
champions can't die
Ok fine. She will fake her dead then.
Or she will in fact die but Ekko might use the Z-drive and only Ekko will know that Jinx is still alive
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Idk about that i've been shipping them for almost 10 years now but i don't consider myself part of their cult. I'm 33 yo.
For me pretty much everyone on Arcanetwt are bunch of horny teenagers.
>everyone on Arcanetwt are bunch of horny teenagers.
They started working on S2 before S1 was even out, they didn’t know it’d be such a big hit and how obsessed people would get with the lesbians.

Whatever we get in S2 is what they originally planned. I suspect that if they knew the fandom sensitivities better, they’d have toned down the DV. At the end of the day, if Caitvi have a kiss, a sex scene AND are implied to end up together, the shippers will be happy and forgive any other questionable writing choices throughout the season.

Try to get in the shoes of a devoted shipper. Some people have been shippers for +10 years atp and it’s an amazing feeling to see how your ship becomes canon. The sex scene would just be the cherry on top and an amazing payoff. But now it’s been teased so much, that if it doesn’t happen or if it’s not the dykes, people will get mad and reciee bomb S2.
anyone else find it kinda tragically funny how unlucky Vi has been in regards to love? Jinx got to see Caitlyn naked before she did, rookie/maddie got to fuck Caitlyn before she did as well.

poor girl can't catch a break.
Agree, you can immediately see the difference in age. There are plenty of older shippers who are excited for the sex scene and for them to become a canon couple, and we don’t act like our opinion is the only valid one. Most of arcanetwt are like 22 at most and haven’t touched grass in their life. Just wait until they see a dominant and authoritarian Caitlyn, willing to do anything to achieve her goals, who beats up Vi, becomes supreme commander, and has sex with someone else. They won’t be able to handle it
I bet Vi was Caitlyn’s first meaningful kiss though. Had it not been for everything that went down afterwards, I think that’d have been the start of her relationship (?).

Idk, given all the hints and clues, before Vi, Caitlyn was just a chad fucker that liked to sneak girls into the house.
I think the DV made sense tbf and was good for the plot and the evolution of the characters
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31 y/o lesbian here
This is precisely why caitvi is so appealing to me. They've a very realistic, adult relationship. Though I admit I don't have anything against the 20 year olds who ship them, I just can't see myself becoming a fanatic like krissi or nina or coming up with headcanons like them being trans, autistic or whatever else
Well to be fair to Vi, I'm sure Cait has fucked several girls even before she met her. However, Vi should feel lucky because now with all that experience Cait has, she's going to have the best first time ever, not only losing her virginity to her favorite person in the world, but that person knows what she's doing and will take good care of her.
Stop treating them like a straight couple. Lesbians in general don't deal with that weird idea that a woman has gotta be their first otherwise you're a loser
These people are so annoying that they make other people who would normally have no problem with certain headcanons come to hate them. They are the plague of arcanetwt fr
Agree. These ppl are lacking some irl experiences
It will be kind of annoying and fun to watch them lose their shit on november.
I think it's very cute that Vi's first time is with Cait who has a lot of experience. Also realistically sex between two people whether they are women or not it sucks more and it is more complicated than if one of them knows what they are doing and can guide the other one.
the funny thing is most of them are new fans. a lot of piltover’s finest og shippers actually despite the arcane fandom because they are very annoying. the tv show fandom ruined the ship for so many old shippers too
i meant to type hate or despise*
Ive shipped them before Arcane and man I just want my lesbians to be fuckin happy. I dont know what the deal is with Riot and having their gays couples breakup and abuse eachother but I just need fuckin crumb
The main issue with Caitvi is that its shippers have had a long time to come up with headcanons. The more mature fans will embrace whatever happens, they’re in for the ride, but the younger fans tend to be more into fandoms and some of those fans mental stability depends on whether their headcanons come true or not.

And Arcane S1 had some clichés, like some people made the brothel scene Caitvi’s entire dynamic, and then because Caitlyn was a bit dorky and awkward many assumed she was autistic. Shit like that.
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Pumping to Jinx
People with headcanons like that make me irrationally angry which is why I troll shippers so much.

I want what whiny retard to get back here so I can egg them on some more
Wanting to force their hc on everyone. Krissi and Nina are in fact freaks.
I am itching to go spam spoilers and make them meltdown
What's this weird obsession with literalwhos on twitter?
They are mentally ill and I like bullying the mentally ill
When I get home
Lol i’m a lesbian myself. I meant that it’s funny that Vi keeps getting so close to getting with Cait, but someone else keeps beating her to it. Who cares whether she’s a virgin or not.
Vi is written to be miserable
Its getting old atp, ike come on just fuck nasty already
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Don't forget to throw Jay, Sorin and Viollent(or whatever the fuck caps she uses) into the mix. Annoying fucks.
Don't worry. Vi will get her cupcake
Whoever refers to Vi as "he" is in my sights.
Thanks Amanda
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More after I get some grub
I'm baffled at the amount of twt users casually referring to Vi as a he/him
Top Kek anon.
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dumb fucks
what fic is this
Fuck off tumblrina. Mad vi is a depressed little bitch?
This is literally the scene after the kiss.
You mad twt freak?
Won't let me post link

Called Kiss me with your eyes (love me with your lips)
your goat got cucked cursedcatra
Please do it!
You need to make a crop of Caitler beating Violet and then looking down on her while Violet is lying on the ground and spam it every time someone says "but Caitlyn is such a cute dorky sweetheart, she would never ever hurt Vi".
Good idea, I'll put it together once I get home and grab food
You should make a burn account on twt and spam in the comments the shot of Cait smiling while Maddie tells her she's her leader
You're doing god's work
I got the burner just need to get home
Keep us updated anon
Keep us updated
get a life and leave people alone with their headcanons. they don't hurt anyone.
the trailer views stopped at 37 millions.
none's watching it since 2 days.
disaster confirmed.
Nah those people are toxic af they deserve it
S2 is even better than S1
you’re forgetting the most important parts:
dictator caitlyn
and caitlyn hitting vi
Yeah I wrote those right before I walked out the door
37m in 10 days is A LOT for a Netflix series
Hmm they sometimes do, though. Remember when someone on Twitter drew a picture of Vi in a skirt and got bullied so much for i, even Amanda had to step in to stop it? People who firmly believe Vi is trans was giving the artist so much shit for being transphobic, and the artist apologized and deleted the drawing. Eventually she re-uploaded it with Amanda’s support, but wild that they even apologized in the first place.

I haven’t been following this Krissi thing very closely, but if they’re another twitter user bullying people for not believing their headcanon, I’d say it’s well deserved.
those people spend their time harassing others just because they don’t share the same headcanons as them
Actually they do. If you have a different hc they get mad and start bullying so yeah. They deserve it.
>Remember when someone on Twitter drew a picture of Vi in a skirt and got bullied so much for i, even Amanda had to step in to stop it?
It was a dress. and it was a kid who did the art, a 14 year old. They harassed a minor over some stupid fanart I don’t think the kid ever came back after that
The artist that drew Caitlyn with the cigar was getting harassed by then

Fuck these retards
Toxic as fuck.
i’d rather scroll thru jilcofag spam than this butthurting over twitter users ffs
we need to bring back the theories
Hit us your best theories then.
We need more content, otherwise we’ll keep ruminating over the same stuff
Mel will be forced to use her magic against Ambessa in piltover. Promptly exiled by the new council afterwards.

Goes to Noxus to help black Rose.
Yea like who's gonna top
Who do you think will be the one to face Ambessa in the final battle like 1vs1? I bet Jinx.
No please not again no no
Dude it's obvious...Caitlyn screams top.
No 1v1. Cait, Mel, and Vi. I'm telling you guys that stare in ep 1 meant something.
Mel will turn to the black Rose
Are we finally getting and official realese date next week?
I don't understand why they are taking so long to announce it.
They’ll switch to appease the fans and so no one is completely wrong and they don’t go whine on twitter over it
you know that look ambessa and vi shared after the attack? and in stillwater that look ambessa gave jinx in enforcer disguise those two moments got me thinking
Warwick and Vi.
caitlyn bounces on vi’s footlong strap of course
My bet is Vi.
Warwick i don't really know what they Will do with him. No clue what to.expect from act3
new clip in 4 days lets see what we get
>I haven’t been following this Krissi thing very closely, but if they’re another twitter user bullying people for not believing their headcanon, I’d say it’s well deserved.
She's the most toxic person I've ever seen on any social media, in any of the fandoms.
2 months until for s2 and no official release is kind of strange
They're switches. But someone here once mentioned Vi being a service top and I love that idea even more.
wrong its the other way around
>someone here once mentioned Vi being a service top and I love that idea even more.
someone on twitter you mean
Weird.. considering the fact that the whole Arcane s2 album will be available on november 23
Exactly this those assholes are shameless for them headcanons are fine as long as they align with their own beliefs, like with transmasc Vi. But the moment it doesn’t, they call you transphobic and harass you. Every time an artist draws Vi in a dress, Krissi and her minions harass them until they delete the fanart and sometimes even their account.
I wish we didn't know Ambessa was going to be a champion. She can't actually die, she'll just retreat from the fight.
This decision wouldn't have much emotional weight because Caitlyn doesn't really care about the alliance, they're just a means to an end to find Jinx.
Why would Ambessa want to captured Vi? Ambessa wants warwick
i like this headcanon m8
Sergio pls don't tell at me I'm shy
No, because their will analyse every single micro frame to push their hc's and justify it. It's much more better if Cait who has the experience clearly tops Vi and take care of her because anyway most of us think that Cait is the top of the relationship and only a few believe that it is the other way around and that although they are always the same people, they bark very loudly.
This Cait is going to fuck Vi with her big hexcock
you don’t headcanon vi with he/him pronouns? that means you’re transphobic this is their logic
Sergio, why are you screaming bro?
I like this theory. Caitlyn will need to choose between Jinx and Vi. She'll pick Vi again like she did in S1.
right why was bro screaming
Pray that something new comes out on the 19th, otherwise we've already discussed everything to death and we're just here like junkies destroying our brains.
You're TheShy?
But if they are not allies they would be enemies, they could accuse Caitlyn of treason or something like that, I think what Ambesa would seek with something like that is to completely subjugate Caitlin, I imagine if the confrontation between Ambesa and Caytlin against Vi Jinx and Warvik takes place, anything could happen so that they can escape. Vi stays to cut the way or something.
i working and sometoimes prees de cap and forget,, and lazy to wrtie all over again
Caitlyn will find out about Vi and her gang being the ones who broke into Jayce's lab when they are both in bed relaxing after sex.
yep, and soon Anon will come asking for:
>'new threeeead'
poor guy, he doesn't even know he's the most addicted of us all
Hmmmm, actually valid
Omg i remember when arcaneshow announce the artbook or the s1 on 4k and in the caption they put VIOLET and powder and those bitches went crazy..
Anyone else peep the potential foreshadowing with Mel and Caitlyn, especially in episode 1? They are the only 2 characters that have the flower petal theme going as well. I expect them to work together towards the end.
Fuckkkkkk I guess I'm transphobic after all :(
It's just I love her being a strong badass cis woman who is proud to be a woman and who has already enough problems for on top of that push some dysphoria on her to make her trans
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I can only hope anon they do look so hot standing next to each other
Look, I honestly don't think so, Mel would probably die for Ambessa and Jayce's character development. But it would be nice to see them team up before their inevitable death or fall into madness.
Say hello to the nigger tranny faggots everyone.
Mel is eventually going to break out of the Black Rose purgatory she's in and will try to stop Ambessa. The only other person in the story with a big connection to Ambessa is Caitlyn, them working together is more likely than not.
This is a troll account (it is your account, anon) but it is kinda funny how some accounts (not this one) are trying to kill a gay relationship and make it a straight one.
dude Mel is the most beautiful animated character I've ever seen
i know i would eat her poops straight from her hole.
I wonder if Vi leaves her pregnant before or after Cait beats the shit out of her and leaves her to be the ruler and go with someone else. Poor people don't want to accept that their delusions don't exist and that not only Vi is not trans, she is a cis woman and she is SHE, but she is a bottom and Cait's lapdog, if anyone would be pregnant it would be her.
Nono I think this person is real one of those who think Vi is transmasc but for some reason with the ability to have a functional dick. It's like Vi has been a man becomes a trans woman and then transmasc is so stupid. Please these people make my eyes bleed.
What the fuck kind of mental illness is this?
the sex scene should be mel and caitlyn
Mel dragging Caitlyn out of her dictator arc would be much better than the corny shit involving Vi and Jinx people theorized on here.
I second this. With Mel developing shape shifting powers.
Mel was LeBlack all along.
Vi is power bottom
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>going into 4chan to screencap and posting it on a public social network, pretty much doxxing yourself in the process
how do people reach this level of retarded? is it something in the water?
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When I think about it, this is quite suspicious that Black Rose captured Mel when she was just about stop her mother from forcing on Piltover martial law. It's almost like LeBlanc wanted Ambessa to do what she was doing only faster. If she was only after Ambessa, she would try to kill her again during months she was a mentor to Caitler. But she didn't. LeBlanc wants Ambessa to get hextech
ooc! vi should be the ones blushing with puppy eyes as we see in s2
Krissi's alt.
Twt and 4chan asylum
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Vi is a bottom plain. For her to be a power bottom she would have to boss Cait and we all know that the bossy one who calls Vi a good girl is Cait.
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Nah I like this dynamic more
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Absolutely yes
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My face when I see those twt retarded
speedwatcher! rewatch s2 again. dom caitlyn and puppy vi canon
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Vi is a beautiful woman with a vagina, tits and she/her pronouns. Now get the fuck out.
fck she was really angry
I left some leaks for krissii but she blocked the burner boys.
>it was like she was looking at walking garbage
this is work of art
the scene where caitlyn becomes caitler is kino
She's extremely beautiful. So sad she got with Jayce that goofy looking dumbass
Tired as hell so I didn't edit anything, maybe will when I'm off
Listen to this anon
I can even taste the leaks
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I don't care. It's my personal preference
I love my lesbians, but Mel makes me even more gay.
Jayce you lucky idiot
true. fuck jayce, vi and maddie
mel should be with caitlyn instead
I don't want to be the one pointing out the contradiction but you do realize that there Cait is the one who is dominating right?
CaitVi fan on twt, you're doing God's work
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My personal view is that caitlyn is a power bottom and Vi a service top. And anyway why is this even a discussion? Lesbians irl are all switches
what happened that you are all horny today?
caitlyn is being the top in that art not dominant
You're welcome I got blocked so I'm going back tomorrow
why are you saying it like its a bad thing
I got perma banned from twt for posting about the leaks. They're really a bunch of fucking butthurt pussies
>LeBlanc wants Ambessa to get hextech
Yep, that way the Black Rose can swoop in and take it from her once she gets her hands on it.
And if they have doubts idk please someone give them the official lol websites to see if hopefully they can read and discover that Vi uses she/her pronouns, refers to herself as "girl", has no dysphoria and has always been a woman.
Hopefully we get a flashback of how Vi gets the tutu and we see Vi's mother telling her "my precious girl Violet" or something like this.
And well it is clearly seen how Vi in the lol has her boobs very proudly.
You need more then
You are cooking anons
she got more chemistry with mel than with maddie
Maybe a need new eyes because for me she's the top and also the dom, she's smirking while she pleasures Vi. Idk we need the opinions of other anons
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I'm a lesbian and not in all the cases we are switches even though most of them do have this dynamic. But pillow princesses and stone tops exist
You are not wrong
I just want the answer for the tutu. Like did she have a favorite dress as a kid and she wears it as a reminder? Her mother maybe? I haven't a clue.
Mel’s hand on Caitlyn’s shoulder oh I ship them
dude she has zero chemisty with maddie....
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Can someone tell me the point of this character?he has one line...
To give Corin his shield.
i think its part of the uniform? it looks like the same thing caitlyn has in white but it looks like vi teared part of it and painted it in pink kek
That’s the whole point
Alright so I hit that catra bitch, krissi, viollynt, and some others. Who am I missing
We may know something after watching eps that haven't leaked. He behaves like Vi's bodyguard
anon you should post supreme commander caitler and the whole martial law thing
Well done anon. We are probably a subject on their personal discord right now.
I kinda think Caitler is sexy, but gotta admit I hate the whole Cait x Maddie thing. Ngl, I have done the same in the past (break-up with ex, meaningless rebound to try and get over it) so in a way it feels realistic for Cait to do the same. But man, domestic violence PLUS a super quick rebound after break-up with Vi?? It's like the writers are trying to make her as unlikable as possible.

I hope they have an amazing redemption arc in store for her. I wanna see a level of redemption that matches Zuko's on ATLA at the very least. Doubt they can achieve that in the little time left though.
Fuck em
It's either Nov. 2 or Nov. 9. S1 released on Nov 6 2021, the last day of Worlds 2021 that year.
It'll likely be the same this time. if not then one week after.

Tentatively Nov. 2, 9, 16, and confirmed album drop Nov 23. Linkin Park's new album drops Nov. 15th with their one featured song, all lines up neatly

People forget that the game and esport are really what's behind the show, so they'll work around the esport schedule.
He's good friend with Maddie
If you are not hardcore Caitvi shipper, then Cait in s2 is finally very likeable, she does bold things and explains why she does them. Great character development.
But since writers are destined to deliver us CaitVi endgame, I am curious how they do that
we’ll need one
It is clear that the album will be released together with the end of the series, so we should wait for the premiere to be on the 9th.
He is friends with a lot of lesbians.
Nice anon, you're 4chan hero
why can't krissin get a permaban for bullying people...
Because she made friends with big accounts and in believe a massive tranny faggot. So you know, she has her own form of plot armor.
Dude it's been 8 months since the fallout. It's not unrealistic for caitlyn to have a bed partner
>domestic violence PLUS a super quick rebound after break-up with Vi??
in all fairness, there's a huge time jump from ep 3 to ep 4. it's been many, many months maybe even a year. Jayce/Ekko/Heimer/Mel all missing, Salo says to Lest about Mel, 'when you've been missing this long, you're not coming back'.

Cait/Maddie, Ekko's boi, all have their (annual) memorial services in ep 4. Ambessa quips that only recently has Maddie been hanging around Caitlyn more and more, they probably haven't been together the entire (year).
anyways maddilyn endgame
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So happy!
That's so disgusting.
but does it really make sense for LeBlack to reveal herself to Ambessa, threaten to stop her and then let her continue doing what she's doing? Like some kind of weird reverse uno card power play
this guy was cooking with Mel years ago, idk about the locket of the iron Solari until just now.

Black Rose wants the artifact/Mel, which was my theory about Black Rose recruitment. Now that LeBlanc has discovered who Mel really is, she'll try to get her to join them back in Noxus

KinoBlanco makes it a very clear that the Ambessa affair and its product or whatever was inherited (assuming genes) is what's important to them. Might be the artifact, theorized to be grafted to Mel's body, but she's not seemingly wearing it in s1
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I guess the answer was yes
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Rabid shippers are always funny
I hope in November we have a thread to laugh at the reddit caitvifaggs and twt meltdown
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I am legit looking more forward to meltdowns than i am to the show, and I genuinely love the show. That singular week between acts 1 and 2 is going to be sweet nectar of salt.
Yes when Vi is DV'd by Caitler
Amanda better hide in her basement that whole week
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>I kinda think Caitler is sexy
Shipfags foaming at the mouth when this releases in HQ hahahahahahhaha
>whole week
for the rest of the year (being optimistic)
they will be. i loved this moment. it was kino
Meanwhile the general audience (the people who actually matter) will think this moment is peak tv.
and that’s because it is
It all depends on how it ends, I have faith it will be a masterpiece.
Didn't Ella Purnell cry when recording for the finale for S2 and said something sling the lines of no one will be happy with this ending
if she delivers the long-awaited sex scene
she will be instantly forgiven by the minions
But as Anon above said the overall audience that really matters will be focused on the show in general
Yeah and weren't there going to be a huge Vi vs Jinx fight this season?

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