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What could have been better?
Nothing is perfect but I enjoyed it and I wouldn't change that.
More Cyn.
I wish they let V keep her scarf
If V raped Thad
Remember to go support your favourite girls in Ms. /co/ bros. Your girls need (You)! Whatever the series, whatever the character, have fun.
Not turning the plot into a clusterfuck.
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>Someone posted in the tournament thread that if Cyn wins any rounds she should be drawn wearing her opponent's skin.
That's hilarious. If Cyn does indeed manage to make it through, I hope that becomes a thing.
Slowing down just a bit, the story did not be as compressed as it was.
12 episodes instead of 8
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Doll's hugs!!!
(wanted to reply earlier but thread got archived)
At first I'm interested in the idea. That was a thing she did in the show. But, I have to think in the long run. I'd refrain from making new enemies during the tourney and just be happy if she makes it past round 1 or 2 since it's still a small-ish show. I mean compared to other traditional TV shows.
You know how the waifu autism gets boiling hot during these tourneys.
More (real) Tessa
>Making short sighted decisions for your own satisfaction that end up hurting your long-term goals
Truly a Cyn-aligned decision!
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Could galactic eat solver/ cyn
It's more 'not making short-sighted decisions' but thank you, I try! Finally got the vote for Cyn drawing in, those threads go blazingly fast.
Cyn/Solver is formidable but we're not wankers
So if galactus did eat cub would he destroy it completely or would it be like uzi it’s trapped in his body

Also who do you guys think would be a herald of galactus
>if galactus did eat cyn

if Uzi had fuckin died and N would be with V :3
It'd be destroyed and also no.
Now drop this conversation, powerscaling isn't fun
Go back to /a/ if you want to powerscale
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What exactly happens if you don't kill a Bugretta that turned into a Bad Boogi?
There's nothing wrong with some good-natured fun. The skin thing would only be for after a round has been done, if Cyn makes it through, which would be funny. So it's not really making any new enemies.
At least 10 episodes and more runtime. I wonder what posessed them and after seeing how incredibly massive the model for the CFL environment is just to use less than 50 visibly at all I am believing again that something changed earlier which lead to a different episode6 or at the very least different eps 7&8. Why would one model that much not to use it?
I mean I really like what we got, tho I have massive complaints about certain plot decisions, but yeah in the end more time would have helped, slower pacing would have fixed a lot
Galactus' herald needs to be a noble spirit burdened with angst and tragedy. Kind and gentle but able to burn with a righteous fury against those who would do ill. N seems like the obvious pick but he's too much of a good boy to fill the role. Surprisingly V is the one perfectly fits the bill of the tortured soul who had to harden their gentle nature to serve their planet-eating master.
conceptually obese drones
PADG (Phat Ass Drone Girls)
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very big drones
This made me realize, how have we never had someone draw Cyn in Galactus' outfit?
>Less compression, AT LEAST 10 episodes, preferably 12 or even 13
>V either dies to the sentinels, arrives at the final battle as a core, or arrives at the final battle as a free willed matter collection mode Solverpede
>Tessa as more than just a vehicle for a Cynwalker reveal
>more character stuff and people reacting to things emotionally
>do something with ghost Doll, don't just drop that in the credits
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DD Thad, Lizzy and Uzi break into the Colony, what do these three worker drones do?
Ned is a dumb name
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I need fat butt doll/alice
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>Not Nathan
She'd kill you instantly if she did that.
Why not Notch? :)
More episodes, more time to cook. I loved it but more time to appreciate the characters in a character focused show would not have been an issue at all.
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>>V either dies to the sentinels, arrives at the final battle as a core, or arrives at the final battle as a free willed matter collection mode Solverpede
Come one and all, come look at my copes for how V survived by herself while others failed. Come take a cope, come leave a cope.

Cope 1: Savage DD cope
>All the other DD's were savage and didn't have their personalities
>This lead them to charge in for a straight fight where they got ambushed or caught off guard by the flash and defeated
>V instead knows the gimmick and can defeat them all by herself since they aren't very strong once it's taken out of the picture

Cope 2: Alice cope
>Alice was actually the reason for the success of the sentinels
>Either ambushing all the DD's with traps, splitting them up and herding them into sentinel ambushes or other stuff like that
>Without Alice the DD's would have either defeated the sentinels, or killed enough of them that the next group could make it through
>This means Alice played an even more important role in the story than she already did by saving Copper-9 from the Solverpede horde

Cope 3: Double nigger cope
>V just closed her eyes and double fisted lasers
>She then just spun in a circle killing every sentinel in the room instantly except for the red one which was laying on the ground in front of her
>”Nervous stare. Is there… something, wrong with me, Anon?”
>You pursed your lips at the question.
>Being hired as the snooty Elliot family’s personal drone maintenance paid moderately well. The sheer amount of drones they worked through before tossing out and replacing made work frequent, and pretty easy with the whole scrapyard worth of drone parts to salvage from.
>Some of the drones you’d found digging through there seemed to be perfectly operable.
>But this one was… different.
>The young Elliot girl, Tessa, had dug her out of the drone dumping ground.
>From your work on the other ‘dumpster pets’ as her parents put them, N, V, and J operated just fine.
>This newest one Tessa had brought in, Cyn, was… odder than the other three.
>And for how many times the Lord and Lady of the manor had her sent her to you to fix, you just couldn’t figure out WHAT the problem was.
>When you saw her posture, you figured her joints were just weak. Okay, the scrapyard had plenty of potential replacements.
>Nope. Didn’t matter if the parts were salvaged or brand new. Cyn’s dinosaur-like posture persisted.
>But even if you couldn’t quite figure out what the issue was, Cyn made for some good company at the very least.
>You’d done work on so many different drones that were quickly discarded that a more regular ‘patient’ so to speak was… admittedly a bit refreshing.
>At least, until she asked that question.
>Sure, she was just a drone, and there WAS something wrong with her that you hadn’t figured out, but just saying ‘yes’ felt… hurtful.
“No Cyn. You’re just… unique.”
>You finally answer as you close the maintenance hatch in the little poorly-postured drone.
>”Sliding.” She annunciated as she slid off your desk, “Are you… certain?” She asked.

Been awhile since I did any writefaggotry, hope you Anons kind of enjoy.
A good way to die
Fresh writefagging is always nice, go wild.
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>double nigger cope
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Cope 4: 'fanfic' cope
>V beats the sentinels through the power of love
>Specifically anon's love
>V winks at anon while slaughtering the sentinels
>anon cums instantly
>anon wakes up with messy pants and no V
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>Have a N vs. J fight and have J either willingly or by Cyn/Solver's hand turns into a Solverpede. Later once we near the final climax show Cyn/Solver resurrecting J to join in the final fight and to demonstrate why people like J decide
to 'willingly' join the 'winning team.'

>Have J kill off V, Lizzy and Thad because at the end of the day this is supposed to be a world ending episode with high emotional stakes to it.

>Have a J vs. V and Nori fight before J cleverly kills off V and leaving Nori to not only defend herself but a badly damaged Khan as well.

>For the final battle let it be a J & Cynwalker vs. N, Uzi, and Nori fight. J and Cynwalker are actually working together wonderfully here.

>To properly kill off Cynwalker have Uzi use her solver to enhance the sunlight coming out of Copper-9's hole to use it as a sun laser against the Solver and J.

>Make the Finale last 38-45 minutes or make the series have 13 episodes in all.
I don't care for ms. /co/.
Guess I don't have that competitive spirit when it comes to these things
“Sure. Every drone I’ve worked on has had their little quirks.”
>You reassure her with a little pat on her head.
>”Thank you, Anon. Thankful nod.” The little bot said, her LED eyes glancing away from you, “Do you… enjoy my company?”
“You’re one of the drones I’ve spent the most time with, Cyn. You haven’t done anything I haven’t liked so far.”
>”Of course.” Cyn smiled. In spite of the near monotonous way Cyn spoke, you could tell when she was happy, “I, enjoy you too, Anon.” She blinked as her head tilted
“Well, I’m sure Tessa is missing you, so I’ll let you get back to her.”
>Standing up, you open the door to let the little drone go.
>Cyn hobbled adorably toward the exit, her yellow eyes still staring up at you.
>You blinked back at her, clearing your throat to try and clear the awkward pause Cyn was sharing with you.
>”Downtrodden frown.” She sighed, “I will see you later, Anon. Perhaps after my next basement time-out.”
>That was… pretty sad to hear. You knew the Elliot’s were snobby jerks, but that felt like much for a drone with a few bugs.
>”Shuffle. Shuffle…”
>It was so hard to not feel bad for the poor thing as she hobbled down the looming halls of the manor.
>Sitting back in your chair, you frowned.
>Just WHAT was the deal with this little salvaged bot?
>You didn’t know EVERYTHING about how these worker drones operated, and coding wasn’t your specialty, but there had to be SOME kind of answer to Cyn’s bug.
>Pulling open the JCJenson Drone Manuel you had pirated online, you scrolled through the document again, trying to find any kind of lead onto what was going on with this little drone…

Have a decent idea on where to take this, but I’m heading to bed rn, Anons. I’ll probably have more tomorrow.
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Where is she going?
To prank Lizzy
V's puffy chassis vulva...
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You don't have to. Most people just vote and leave it at that. Only the very autistic stick around and really get involved in the threads. And there's nothing wrong with either.
>As days continued to come and go, you still had regular visits from the maid drone.
>And still no real answers.
>Without much a solution, the time Cyn was under your workplace roof became less about finding the cause, and moreso a time you could just… talk.
>Your employers sure didn’t give a shit about the topics you liked to discuss, and frankly the snooty high-class politics bored you to tears.
>Cyn was an odd breath of air where you could talk about most anything and she’d be listening the whole time intently.
>And likewise, you listened to what she had to say.
>Usually involving things she’d read in the massive Elliot library.
>”Inquiry; Are you familiar with the query of Theseus and his vessel, Anon?” Cyn asked.
>That was a lie, but you just found Cyn’s odd way of explaining things kind of adorable.
>”It is a story from pre-Exo-Earth.” Cyn said, “It asks whether an object is still the same object, even after all of its original parts have been replaced.”
>”How many of my own parts have you replaced?” She asked. You frowned, thinking a moment.
“Quite a few I’d wager.”
>”Confusion. Then… would I still be, myself?” Cyn asked, holding her head to keep eye contact with you.
“Do you still FEEL like you?”
“If we took all of your parts that were replaced and made a drone, would that drone suddenly be you?”
>”Brainstorm… most likely not.”
“Then that’s your answer, Cyn.”

See you guys in the morning.
We aren't doing the Bugretta spam. Sorry.
To page 10.
W just promised the sentinels that she will sit on their face if they behave.
>All the other DD's were savage and didn't have their personalities
This one is strongly implied to be canon, with the Solver stating that N's squad is the only one with their personalities left intact. The rest of the DDs are basically like Vehicon drones from Transformers.
Glitch Inn confirmed that the "Oil ghost" isn't actually Doll being alive, but rather just a callback to episode 3. same with the solverpede after credit.

>Glitch Inn confirmed that the "Oil ghost" isn't actually Doll being alive, but rather just a callback to episode 3
When in episode 3 did Doll turn into an oil ghost?
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Gonna need a sauce on that one, buddy.
Can't believe V was rescued thanks to Serial Designation W's fat drone dumpy...
>isn't actually Doll being alive
Ghosts aren't alive, dumbass.
Respectable digits, but I'm not sure that makes sense or gels with the rest of the way that the ending sequence is presented. All of the other slides depict post-canon events; why would one out of the rest suddenly show something from the past? And why would they intentionally make it look like Doll was a spooky ghost?

I can buy that it was meant to call back to Episode 3, sure, but it really seems like it's trying to hint that it's a ghost.
I'm the opposite. I have fun campaigning in the threads but there's no way I'm giving away my email or going through the trouble of making a burner in order to actually vote.
>You’re a Worker Drone
>Well, kinda. You’re not LEGALLY considered one but you are one.
>Your “Parents” lost their first child at birth. Turns out it was some kind of genetic sickness or something, kid died in the crib. Made it impossible to have a kid
>You were purchased as a blank slate with your developing “Mind” shoved into a custom capsule shaped chassis that you didn’t know the origin of. Guess they really wanted a kid, so they kind of just “Adopted” you instead of a human. You were treated like any other child, and developed as such. Learning to walk, to talk, to count, to watch, to comprehend your existence. You were even disguised as a human sometimes, with a mask and wig.
>Yet even at that point you felt like you didn’t belong. Sometimes you’d get a glance or someone would talk to you awkwardly. Why would you even belong? You’re a machine.
>Do your parents actually care about you?
>Are you a single document away from being scrap metal?
>So many questions, and all of them upset you
Don’t care, I do what I want
>I have fun campaigning in the threads but there's no way I'm giving away my email or going through the trouble of making a burner in order to actually vote.
Anon the email thing was only last year, the hosts are different now. The email is no longer shared in the vote form, so nobody's giving away their email by voting.
>resurrecting J to join in the final fight and to demonstrate why people like J decide to 'willingly' join the 'winning team.'
Motherfucker, J joined the Solver because she thinks its victory is inevitable and that only assisting it gives her a non-zero chance of being allowed to die. J wants to die and stay dead.
With sexy results?
??? But it says I need to sign in to vote? Am I stupid or just missing something?
>Glitch Inn confirmed that the "Oil ghost" isn't actually Doll being alive, but rather just a callback to episode 3.
Did you mean lazy as fuck writing by hack writers
You need to sign in to use the Google form, yes. But the form does not record your email when you vote. It's anonymous.
Someone needs to draw the ghost blowjob meme but with doil

>"Froof?" "Froof?" "SAUCE?!" "1+1=2? SAUCE WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?"

Literally just go to Glitch Inn discord where you belong and check yourselves retards.
Still seems sketchy to me.
Sorry but we're not paying for a Discord lmao
What's the answer to the cryptic drawing?
literally all of you are discord groomers.
So you have no proof
Anon it's a fucking Google form.

Samurai Jack

Silence already, faggot.
The fuck are you talking about?
>just starts baiting out of a need to be a sperg
He's trolling. Ignore.
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>J joined the Solver because she thinks its victory is inevitable and that only assisting it gives her a non-zero chance of being allowed to die. J wants to die and stay dead.
NTA but yeah, feels like a lot of people didn't get this nor how it relates to the overall plight of the Disassembly Drones' terrible existance.
I'm disappointed that we never got to see a young Khan in a flashback or something. Felt like they would do something with that considering he had like a weird line about having a human hating phase
>You place baby Tessa next to a pill baby Uzi.
What happens?
I like it.
Uzi starts scowling.
>Tessa hugs Uzi and falls asleep
Then what happens?
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>"Best. FWENDS."
You have to SAY it right.
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One thicc boi
>even in death
does this imply they are truly "alive"?
they're just machines powered by ai after all right?
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I wish I was best fwends with Cyn...
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Post meme
Angry Uzi and happy Tessa
They might’ve been created artificially, but they experience the full range of human emotions and thoughts
More eps, less retarded or no humor and less schizo way of storytelling wouldve gone really far
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Tessa soul
Keep going.
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Once there's anything Solver-related, trying to define what's "alive" is hard even beyond the usual "are sentient AI in autonamous robots alive? is the AI their soul?" debate.

It's easier to just simplify it it that the drones are sentient, their AI is their equivalent of a soul, the Absolute Solver is basically a technology-manifesting eldritch demon / robo-satan that took the souls of the Elliot Manor worker drones and used them to create (and re-create whenever they die) its murder-slave disassembly drones.
does that imply they are a living...well not organism but creature? Being? Are they alive in the traditional sense? Are they unorthodox enough that they can be granted their own definition of what dictates being alive?
I’m just wondering what you’d do in your situation.
Your parents love you but you’re not sure if they really mean it.
You get good grades and stuff, but you’re not sure if you deserve it.
You have friends but you’re not sure if they’re actually your friends
What are you?
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the devil can't create life only corrupt it. this may just be too much to delve into right now. look Uzi!
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>What are you?
An angsty teenager
We know they're alive because they're capable of suffering.
There's not really anything I can do but take things one day at a time.
I’m not sure where I’d take this story.
Initially it was just some goofy idea
>You’re the only Drone student in a school of human children
>Cue the existential dread
They're as sentient as humans in every way, so if humans have souls, it would stand to reason that drones do, too. Considering that drones are capable of making pacts with eldritch demons, it is probable that they have something like that.

We don't know the exact specifics of how the Solver keeps J, N, and V captive and stuck in their constant cycle of death and rebirth, but it's entirely possible that it might literally involve their souls, since there is no indication that their being brought back by the Solver after destruction is anything other than a continuation of their identities. There's no Soma-fuckery at work here; they are by all accounts the same drones from the manor, no matter how many bodies they go through, and no matter if even their core is destroyed (as seen with J). You can start to understand why J was so despondent about there being no scape.
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Gave it lines and color.
Great work dude!
Scientifically speaking, the drones in Liam Vickers' universe match basically every criteria for classifying something as "alive".

>they eat
>they metabolize
>they maintain homeostasis
>they reproduce
>they self-organize
>they adapt and evolve

N even mentions at one point that they have "genetics", and assuming it wasn't just a pure joke line, teenage drones have something approximating hormones.
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i gotta tell ya im falling asleep over here, maybe we can keep going tomorrow
What’s happening here?
Sleep tight, anon. Don't let the solverpedes bite.
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Genetics as in their code, it's all analogous. But yeah.
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No parent should have to bury their child.
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Someone requested Cyn with the other robo-gals from the tourney and I figured I'd start light, since they're both maids. Waiting to post it on the next thread because holy hell, thread runs fast.
>ovarian torsion
Still gets a laugh out of me. Sharp work as always!
holy FUCK that's adorable
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Absolutely lovely work bros
>Thad stared at the ceiling, the walls were so blurry that all he could see was the darkness of the dull colors.
>It was only a month since Thad was taken prisoner by the vampire. But to him, it seemed like an eternity of torment and torture.
>It was strange to think some days ago that he would have begged for mercy, for his life.
>Now? He wanted nothing more for that monster to end it.
>Days of starvation, beatings and being drained of blood are bound to even break the toughest of men.
>Thad was tired, just so weak he could barely open his eyes.
> It’s not like it mattered away, there wasn’t anything to see other than old stone walls and the chain on his foot.
> He was going to die, and he was relieved.
> No more days of being the brunt of V’s wrath. No more nights where she would storm into his cell, hungry and lustful.
>She had once stated that if that the vampires were going to suffer, so will the humans.
>”And I did” Thad thought, “I suffered more than anything”
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I love lollipops
who drew this?
Cyn attacks
domo arigato
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I'm sorry guys I tried to hold out but she is just too darn cute.
In what regard?
Anyone have stuff of Khan and core Nori reconciling and being together again? Preferably not jokes about disgusting core makeouts
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Nice, post pics when you get 'em. Should be getting the poster fairly soon myself.
Why apologize? Cyn is cute.
Cynwalker STINKS!!!
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Stinks.. GOOD!
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I just realized, when cyn melts tessa's bones stay behind when the oil falls off.
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Live action MD WHEN???

Hopefully never.
Eugh, it feels really off.

Meaning if you could get it to do cyn it could work. Make the uncanny feeling work for you instead of against you.
Proof Uzi is white-coded.
Oof man.. depressing. The Solver did say it wouldn't discard her..
Don't worry, he got better.
One of those has a little cat face A̸͙̜̱̘̤̫͗̈́͊̇̕
>[null] trips
>Meaning if you could get it to do cyn it could work.
That would actually be.. interesting?
How do i do those glitchy curse letters?
Working with uncanny is how FNAF was made. Dude was told his style looked like pizza place animatronics so he rolled with it and made them into that.
Just use the zalgo-inator
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Early stage Cyn WIP with significant placeholder elements.
Or this one
Looking good! Looking forward to the finished result.
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Thank you Anon
I always thought the black parts was latex
Model need more improvement
Why was there a cathedral in an underground cave on Copper-9?
And why was there a storm underground, with lightning and everything?
T̸̡̢̡̨̡̨̛̛̛̼̼̼̥̙͈͎̳̞̮̮̜̣͍͙̮̘͍̳͈̙͚͚̦̗͎̰̙͚̯̪͇̩͔̊̾́͆́̄̀̀̔͋̀̃̓̐̇̓́̐͋̓̒̀̎͂͆̓̃̈́͂͛̑͘̚͝͝͝ͅh̷̡̨̢̧̧̡̡̛͙͇̪̩̟̠̞̪̫̩̻̜͙̳̮̼̘̖̜̭̼͖̘̼͍̱̳͈̝̙̦̞͖̥̫̼̼͔̤͈͕͉̄̒̈́̽́͐̍̂͌͂̊̕̕̚͜͜͝ȩ̵̢̨̢̫̬̰͈̪̣̺̣̱̺̟̳̟̬̜̬͙̟̞͖̦̬̗̺̼͇̹̪̰̮̳̯̼̤̪̖̠͓̣̦̞̯͆̈̈́̍̓̀̽̐̈́̑̍̓͆̇̾̑̈́̑̀͗̽̇̐̾͛̈́̈́́̐̑̉̏͐͛̿̀̈́̑͋̚̚̕͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͝ͅ ̸̢̧̡̡̢̡̢̨̛̛̛͎̩͉̥̭͎͉̮̯̙͍̬̝͎̥̣̭̬̗̜̙̬̥̦̬̱͚͈̫̪̜̫̜̪͇͙̙̱͎̜͍͕̤͆̄͑̉̈́̍́͆̓̃͌͑̀͌͊̔̽͒̇̋͐̓͒̀̍̋̄́͐͋̀̄́͗̍̒́̾͛̎͐́͘͘͜͝ͅͅẹ̴̡̡̧̨̨̡̣͔̖̠̙̘̜̦̗͚̮͎͖̳̠̹͉͉̝̦̬̪̭̭̗͓̫͖̖̾̉̾̑̆̈̓̓̽̂͗̆͐̉̌̈̒̒͛͑̀̎̄̈͌͂̕͠͝ͅx̴̨̨̧̧̡̧̧͍͚̘̳̫̺̙̹͚͖͕̼̪̳̗̠͇̳̬̬̞̼̬̙̹͎̤̜̜̼̺̙͙̠̜͈͖͙̐̂́̐̒̀̍̐̓͆̆̾͒̍̎͊̋͋̒̐́͛̈́̒̾̀̌̽͜͜͠p̵̛̻̩̭̦͉̦͖̞͇̘͙̈̇̍̆̋̂̂̈́͂̀̚̚͘͜͝͝͝ơ̷̗̭̓̓́͆̽̀̓͒̍͐̽̏̐̋̿̔̈̋͗́͑̒̆̔̄̌̃̿̀̀́̿̌͒̉̄̒̒͂̍̄̏͘͘̚͠͠͝n̴̨̬͖͕̟̰͉͇̺̣̖͓̩̹̙͙͉̦͎͔̹̹̫͇͛̑͂̿̽̈́͆̆͗͆̒͌͆̔̓̎̉̈̈́́̀̑̌̿͂̈́͐͋͌͌͆͘̕͘͘ͅȩ̸̢̧̨͈̩̼̱̱̱̫̫͚̺̺̣͖̼̦̟̮͖̻̣͓͇̤͓͉͚̟̼̮̤̥̣̮͊̀̉͌̽͐̊̽́̉̈̂͘ǹ̸̻̦̺̪̫̘͖̱̬̖̳̤̺̜̣̏̄̿͒̓̓͒̍̈̍̈̎͗̀͘͘͠͠t̸̢̢̨̧̧̝̩̻̱̼̥̳̮͇̦̣͇̮̖̼̯̦͎̜̫̠͖̟̤͈̣̦̩̳͈̯̺͔̩͈͇̼̻͇͚͗̈́̀̆̍͌̈͊͆́̋̈̒͌̈̈́̈̒̔̀̒̽͜͠ḯ̵̠̽̀̓̎̍̏͊͛͝ȁ̵̛̛̯̥͈̥̹̭͊̆͂̓̿̌̾͌̉̏̆͌̏̓̉̔̓̂̀̉͗̎́̎̓̋͛̑͒̍͑̾̓͊͂̈́̒̍͌́͛͂̽͌̕͜͝͝l̸̨̨̢̟̗̬͈̠͔͈͔͙͇̖̬̈́́̎͌̏̆͊͐̾̋̊̆̆̐̀̎͂̒͊́̊͆̿̓̑͆̀̃̾̕̚͝͝͝ ̷̡̗̟̪̜̹̭̳̝̣̱̙̟̠͉͓̳̙̘̺̣̠̻̹̱͖̘̥͚͚͉̱͉̖̳͓̩͇͎̭͓̒͆͆̊͑̄̏͋͛̈́̀͑͗̋̆͋̂̑̂̒͗̈́̊͐͒̂̎͆̾̂̍̊̈́́̈́̍̏͌̀͒̕͘͘̕͜͝ͅͅͅͅę̶̧̧̛̛̩̭̼̬͈̭̹̹̥̠̮͓͖̫̼̼̼͓̭̞͙̍͆͛͗̄̑̍̑̍̈̿̊͑͐͋̽̀̎̏̊̉̎̋̓̀̄͑̊̀̈̽̕̕̚̕͘͜͝͠n̷̢̧̢̡̦̹̮̖̠̦̜̘̭͎̖̥̜͙̱͍̬̫̞̣͍̝̮̰̖̜͍̻͔͚̪̹̙̺̦̬͓̝̯̖̮̉͗̊͒̉̽̈͌̃͋͋̈́͘͜͜͜͠d̶̢̢̢͕̣͕̞͎̉͌̀̽̇̐͑̓͐̐̐̓̏̊̎̽̋̚
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got vored by a stinky femcel
I see, so it was probably just for dramatic effect lmao
What does OT stand for?
Yes !
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Iron within [NULL] out
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Oh, I see now, thank you!!
Basically it is saying "working your ass off is optional, by the way a dark god is going to destory the universe and working your ass off may stop that"
Yeah lol, it's basically sarcasm
Thats tourney thread is a lil crazy, thats some insane OC output
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This is so beautiful
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I love my wife.
Okay so what was up with that church intern?
Why was he wearing the wrong suit? Why did he stop Yeva from entering at first? And where did he run off to after Yeva saved his ass?
He was just a dumbass and put on the wrong suit. Think he felt somehting was off.
Away for a couple feet and then he was exploded by the [null] going off. He was probably heading for the elevator.
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>Why did he stop Yeva from entering at first? And where did he run off to after Yeva saved his ass?
Rewatch the scene.
Mitchell immediately noticed something was wrong once him and Yeva reached the Cathedral.
>The Sentinels chained up outside were missing
>The lights of the Cathefral from the outside were out
>Once Mitchell entered, everything looked absolutely normal like Nori wasn't breaching containment minutes prior
>Gut feeling that something is wrong, Mitchell blocks the door to stop Yeva from getting in incase it's a trap, they need Yeva to contain Nori because Yeva is Patched
>The Solver tries to lure Mitchell in, Mitchell notices that the real Patch Crucifix is on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood
>Meanwhile the fake projection of the Patch Crucifix is over where Nori is
>The very faint imperfections of the holograms throughout the scene
>Think he felt somehting was off.
And that's why he locked her out first? Oh, he thought they might use Yeva for something?
>Away for a couple feet and then he was exploded by the [null] going off.
Was that confirmed though?

I watched the scene twice already
>>The Sentinels chained up outside were missing
Yeah, what was up with that? Did the solver just take and kill them or somethin?
>>Mitchell blocks the door to stop Yeva from getting in incase it's a trap,
But what could even go wrong if Yeva entered as well?
>>they need Yeva to contain Nori because Yeva is Patched
Exactly, so Yeva could have been helpful if she had entered, right?
The rest makes sense, thank you
>solver exploded him instead of raping him
many headcanons died that day
What day?
>Yeah, what was up with that? Did the solver just take and kill them or somethin?
Yeah the Solver killed / assimilated the Sentinels and left the chains hanging loose while waiting for Mitchell to come back with Yeva
>But what could even go wrong if Yeva entered as well?
>Exactly, so Yeva could have been helpful if she had entered, right?
It was a trap by the Solver. The Solver knew Yeva was being brought in. If Mitchell came in without knowing something was up, and Yeva came in unaware, that gives the Solver the opportunity to slip an attack at Yeva and rip her Solver-core out like we see Cyn / Solver do to Uzi with trivial ease.

Mitchell noticed the trap, kept Yeva outside, and that gave Yeva the opportunity to sneak in when the Solver was distracted about to kill Mitchell with the Crucifix to his face. Which let Yeva surprise the Solver and throw it back, patching Nori and excorcizing her of the Solver's possession.
Yeva worked because of the element of surprise. If Solver Nori noticed she was with Mitchell, it may have not played out as well, in story.
>Was that confirmed though?
no I don't think Mitchell's fate was ever confirmed anywhere. Just one of the eternal mysteries we'll have to come up with headcanons for until liam decides to do something with murder drones again
>>Yeah the Solver killed / assimilated the Sentinels and left the chains hanging loose while waiting for Mitchell to come back with Yeva
But why? It's way too obvious!

>Rest of the post
Ohh, so that's how it is!! Yeah, I guess it could have really gone wrong if Yeva came in too.
Thank you for the explanation :)

Right on.

I see. I hope Liam leaves Murder Drones alone, unless he can somehow top it off or something.
>I don't think Mitchell's fate was ever confirmed
He's dead as fuck man. Your immediate assumption should be that he was instantly killed by the Core Collapse like the rest of the humans on Copper 9. There's no way he survived that shit. Even if he survived the initial collapse, he's dead in the 20 years since.
Thanking God for being a Murder Drones fan
At least N and V have something to bury.
please.. just let me huff my copium in peace. Mitchell managed to find the one working cryopod on copper-9 and is just waiting for Liam to continue the story, where he can finally reunite with Yeva who is totally alive as well
>show full of cute robutt girls
>I constantly nut to N
Why am I such a faggot
Why were the humans in the church wearing masks?
I thought the toxic air came after the core collapse? Or could the animators just no be bothered to create humans with distinguishable faces?
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>Mitchell managed to find the one working cryopod on copper-9 and is just waiting for Liam to continue the story, where he can finally reunite with Yeva who is totally alive as well
Wake me.. when you need me.
They didn't want to make humans at all since 3D vickers style humans would be weird looking.
There there, anon. It's okay..
N just naturally ass-mogs the girls like that. Nobody blames you. Faggot.
Why does she poke his belly before digging in
I suppose so! The bare skeletons look fine though
hey, if the guy who posted >>145439937 is here
don't do this
>Why were the humans in the church wearing masks?
>I thought the toxic air came after the core collapse?
They're doing DANGEROUS SCIENCE on an unknown eldritch entity, man. They need their PPE gear, you really don't want Space OSHA coming down on you do you??
Hardness check
Because she's horny.
>Doll the affection starved ghost wakes up the only human who showed her mother any kindness
Thanks, bitch.
Of all the places to be able to simp about cartoon babes and it's with you fucking animals
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Request from the Plus. Anon gets "dronepiled" by Sentinel Drones. Anon's hips and hydration did not survive the encounter.
What the fuck, the Disassembly Dumpy is real?
Sounds like Kino to me
might've just been a precaution while working with solver drones, but the most likely answer is that there haven't been any humans with their faces shown at any point in the story and it would've been jarring to suddenly see one now. Works with cynwalker though since she's supposed to be a fucked up surprise
I wish the drones reacted more to Tessa's death.
>Space OSHA
What is that?

Yeah, I agree with you
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never heard of OSHA?
>Two sentinels
Would Anon's libido be able to whistand the sexual wrath of three sentinels?
No, I'm not American
I mean yea it sucks Tessa died but the Drones kinda just remembered she existed, it sucks but they don't have any real reason to give a shit. Think of it like this
>Batman gets amnesia
>He gets told his parents are dead
>He's upset but he isn't crying over it
This is because it's not fresh in their head, they don't have that connection. Remember V and J had literally years to get over it, for N he just kinda learned that person existed
What are the intoners?
A bit of a forgotten variant of sentinel drones.
>for N he just kinda learned that person existed
He got his memories back.
Yeah he got his memories back but that doesn't mean the experience is fresh in his head. As I said, he kinda just remembered Tessa existed. He doesn't really have that connection still
>>145440732 (me)
Think of it like this
>You just got your memories back of a past life
>You had a wife that died
Sure it sucks, but you don't really have that experience you just have the memory. You wouldn't really be bawling over it
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Another request. A rare breed of hamster called the Tessa Hamster.
Cute hamstessa
How do you fix Robot Autism
With a crucifix patch
Kiss it better
To the head
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So the last shot before the after-credits scene is of a "solver-pede". Assuming it's also after-events like the rest of the slideshow, and that the previous shot to the vending machine where the solver-pede displayed its increasingly good ability to make holo-clones, does that mean Uzi's just a solver-pede pretending that everything is fine? That's what the reflection was implying, right?
No, everything is real but Uzi isn't. Her body is entirely gone
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Sorry if this has already been talked to death but I just finished re-watching it so I missed all that the first time with how hard I was simping for Cyn.
No, that's what I meant. Uzi is a solver-pede pretending everything *with her is fine.

Also, I hope glitch releases a solver-pede plush eventually. With or without iconic beanie that may-or-may-not be related to the fate of the main character.
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When Uzi created a hole through the planet to burn Cyn's core with the sun-rays, a huge black hole appeared and blood splashed everywhere. Did Uzi's body get destroyed by that?
>One way or another, ONE of us is being penetrated tonight, N.
That can't be, how else was Uzi able to hug and touch the other characters if her body wasn't real and a mere light-projection?
I thought it did. That it obliterated the pair of them.
Don't think about it Anon it magical space bullshit
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That's why I think the vending machine was shown before the solver-pede. It was a gag, but the bit with the coffee cup still implies that the projections trick more than just sight.
Because Uzi isn't using holograms, she's puppeting her original body like the Solver did with Cyn's as we saw in eoisode 5.
Same, but then Cyn's body melted only after the black hole disappeared, so I'm not sure.
They got Doctor Manhattan'd back together once the black hole receded. Until then, the absolutely final confrontation was a spiritual level one between Uzi and the Solver.
>Doctor Manhattan
Who? I'm guessing you mean that they got rebuilt...
>the absolutely final confrontation was a spiritual level one
Yes, I felt it was like that too.
>Who? I'm guessing you mean that they got rebuilt...
Blue dude from Watchmen. Got nuked, and slowly put himself back together.
I see! Thanks
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put some clothes on you whores

That makes sense

>she's puppeting her original body
So, nothing's changed then? I mean she's also puppeting her body through her core
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Speaking of which, that they wear clothes and V still chooses to be ass-out the ENTIRE series really makes her my favorite non-solver character. Aside from everything else about her, I mean.
>So, nothing's changed then?
Actually quite a bit has changed. Again, remember how the Solver was physically moving Cyn's head and arms around with its big monster claws when it was telling Tessa it was gonna do something really funny at the gala and it'd prefer her not to come?
Yes, I do
That was when Cyn was in the solverpede form
She is a nerfed solver character though
That's what the Solver was doing the whole time, it's just that its Solverpede body is normally in a higher dimension so it looks like Cyn is moving around on her own instead of being a corpse being moved around.
And now it's what Uzi is doing the whole time. And she is not happy about it. Pray for her.
I meant THE Solver, the one wearing the Cyn&Tessa skinsuit at the end. V's my favorite next to her(it?)
J had upskirts flashing through the whoe of ep.8 I don't think they care i general
Hold on, then how do you explain the expressive facial expressions of Cyn and solver!Uzi?
Oh okay. But there's like only two of them? Uzi and Cyn, if I'm not mistaken
"Cyn" was grinning like a loon the whole time she was visibly a corpse being used as a mouthpiece by the abomination moving her head and arms and hands around. The Solverpede has its ways.
That's not entirely true, Cyn did more with her face than just grinning, she also used her visor-screen a lot
Solver thanked Mitchell for /vessel/body I don't remember, was it going to kill him and wear him like Tessa?
That's why I specified it's the one on the "Skinsuit" (cynsuit? Cynsuit? Ckynsuit?). It's got a pretty defined set of quirks, if not a full personality of its own. Even when it was using Cyn's body in the flashback
Probably not
Almost forgot:
>N has a 9S screaming meltdown during the final battle where he solos the Solver for a while, which further escalates when the Solver tries using the real Cyn's-the one who Tessa got her portrait done with and didn't want the clear Antichrist thrown out in the swamp again in hopes she could bring back-voice to get him to drop his guard only to make him even more furious with it instead
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Random Brainworm i had that wouldn't leave the fuck alone for 3 days
(Forced to use IMGUR because catbox is broken)
the only shit art itt
I’ll kick your ass
Life will never be the same :)
Get good
I didn’t draw it, but don’t berate Switch
Whenever I try to draw or write I kinda just give up because I can’t do it. What about you?
I take it in small gaps. A sketch here, maybe ink on another day, colors later in the week... Just peck away at it at your own pace. Any progress is good progress, so take your time.
I'm also not where I want to be yet.
And then I realize that it doesn't matter, because the more I do it, the better I'll get at it. It's literally the only way to get better at it, to just do it.
this 1000x, if you never drew because you wasn't were you wanted to be you would never get there.
Also because my chair is garbage
Consequences...will NEVER be the same!
Lower the scale of your ambitions until you find something nice and simple that you can execute to your satisfaction. Repeat that and repeat that until you've got it down, then try something that stretches your skills/creativity. Pull yourself up the ladder that way.
Exactly this.
Lower your expectations so much that you can actually achieve them easily. Then work from there, one inch at a time.
Oh fuck off faggot.
Honestly I just have trouble getting started up
Don't look at your favorite artist's early works, the ones they had the gumption to post online, that is.
Drone sex? Drone sex.
What's that retard's problem again? I thought his ass got banned already.
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Sex? Only with J.
Lizzy & Doll with Khan
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J would be the most likely drone to cheat on you since she's a traitor
>I am not calling you "good girl" J, that betrayal was shit.
Imagine not posting your worst and your best work for all to see. I kind of wish others did the same as I. It helps to see how people progress
Lower your expectations EVEN deeper now lmao
Didn't switchanon start drawing around last year? Yeah his stuff still looks kinda off but I'd say he's improved a lot since then.
Yanon, That unnamed Alice anon, and Switch anon all started drawing a year ago
i am back, with some more parts.

>White. White was the first colour you began to see as you slowly opened your eye, and the first sound you hear was the hum of the light above you.
>You couldn't feel your legs, your throat and your left eye, as if it was "turned off" or something.
>Your eye gained back it's focus as you fully opened them and looked around.
>You were in a room with white walls, grey ceiling and floor, some white furniturewith equipments.
>You realized you were tied up on a blue hospital bed with belts.
>At your left, there was a huge window, showcasing two soldiers, and a group of scientists.
>They were talking with eachother, taking glances at you and scribbling down on their clipboards.
>In front of you, a dark grey door, made from steel, opened horizontally, revealing a man with a hazmat suit.
>The man was tall, his suit was a light grey, he also wore a lab coat with the JCJenson logo.
>He looked at you, with a big briefcase on his hands. Afterwards, he walked towards you, and put said briefcase on the ground.
>He looked at the door and moved his head.
>Another three men came to him, but without the lab coat, with three Worker Drones, with protective goggles and lab coats as well.
>You could see his identification, written "O. Müller".
???: "Don't be afraid, we're not here to hurt you, or your friends that came with you."
>The man said, trying to sound calm.
???: "My name is Otto Müller, but you can call me by ''Dr. Müller" or just "Doc". I don't mind."
>You remained quiet, not sure what to say.
Otto: "So, what's your name?"
You: "23."
Otto: "23? So you must be one of those soldiers of the EDC branch, am I right?"
>EDC? What the fuck was that?
Mmmm, needs more leg locking.
Is there anything that NEEDS to be drawn?
Tessa meeting Uzi
Nori as a cheerleader.
Core!Nori as a cheerleader
La jota jota de la perra parda.
Se la meten corta y se la sacan larga.
khan using core Nori as a fleshlight
More Cyns, ideally in the next 7 or so hours.
Ghost Doll walking in on Lizzy smooching her corpse
This is good, but also make her mourn her death for extra pain points.
Beautiful. No one knows which way to cringe.
Otto: "You look like you don't know what it is. Let me clarify: the Extreme Danger Containment branch was one of the recently disbanded branches due to it's controversy of lobotomizing people with trauma into becoming soldiers, such as memory erasing, Rockfort Method, and many such other things."
>tfw you lost memories because you got lobotomized
>You anger slowly rose within you, turning your neutral face into a frown.
You: "What do you mean I got lobotomized?"
Otto: "The company said that would result into soldiers with no fear and with great adaptability without taking too much time to train them."
>You began to realized that Uzi was probably right about humans.
Otto: "I understand your anger, 23. Many others felt angry at said statement, released by a recently fired employee who decided to blackmail them for money. After he released said files, many protests made by humans in front of JCJenson buildings resulted into the EDC branch being extinct. No more lobotomizing, no more kidnapping, and no more freezing cryogenically. Although, it was made during the collapse of this planet, being made in other colonies."
>Otto gestured to a scientist on his right side, and he started to open the briefcase, revealing some medical tools, syringes and a empty flask.
Otto: "Don't worry now, we aren't going to hurt you now, just extracting blood from you and study how did you survive with the Solver in your body."
>Otto said as he grabbed a syringe and aimed it against your left pulse.
>He pushed it deep, causing your left arm feel funny.
Otto: "Alright, don't move, if you do, it will go wrong."
>You could feel an awful pain on your arm, and it started to shake on it's own.
Otto: "Stay still, I'm almost done here."
>As he extracted some of your blood, you could feel your body have some sort of vibration.
>You could feel all the solvered parts on again.
>And that annoying voice.
Don't leave us hanging anon. I want more.
V sexually harassing Thad
We have Yeva and Mitchell, when are we going to get Nori x Human?
Because Nori is too busy fucking Yeva on the side
You think they ever doubleteamed Mitchell?
E and MaleE double teaming anon
They probably doubleteamed the real doctor who was missing from the church-scene, that's why he was missing. Too much clanging, you know?
But Mitchell was the only human to canonically hold hands with a drone, which means they are willing to let him touch them, which means it has to be him
why not?
Who's the Drone version of Batman?
>Remember V and J had literally years to get over it
J also didn't really "get over it", to be fair, since her goal for most of the series until Cyn is defeated is to essentially commit suicide and drag everyone else down with her by helping the Solver devour the universe. There is definitely not any kind of healthy processing going on there.
Wonder what it is about Nori's spergouts that Khan apparently thinks is hot.
Speaking as the original suggester of it, it also needs to include >>145443114. Doll wouldn't know where to even begin.
>was the only human to canonically hold hands with a drone
On-screen, yes
Who is "E"? How does he look like?
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Anon strapped to Alice's table while she sits on top of him.
He wants to fix her
Wow that looks almost like official artwork! Is there more of it, or who is the artist?
What would a collective hive mind of the Solver + Tessa + all the drones, be like?
>or who is the artist?
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Nta but it was made and edited by a very competent anon here, the base was created with AI but optimized manually a lot, that's why it looks so good. Pic rel is an earlier variant
Do you think anon should wear a suit like Mitchell or be a shadow person?
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>Do you think anon should wear a suit like Mitchell or be a shadow person?
I think it'd make more sense to have it be a shadow person but I won't oppose OG anon if it looks good.
Amazing, simply amazing! Thank you for the information :)
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AU where Tessa gets SOMA'd into a Drone body but she's afraid of Drones
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Uzi dressed like N and in a spaceship's verdant greenhouse making the same pose as the thumbnail and similarly covered in human blood.
>Kill a man, and you are a murderer. Kill everyone, and you are a god.
>To kill for your government is heroic
That's kinda deep, ngl
>To kill for entertainment is harmless
Is it though?
Tessa with Solver (patched) Doll and Uzi by her side
A Doll who has her solver under control?
Or solver(pede), Doll and Uzi?
>A Doll who has her solver under control?
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after all,are we /md/ anons all uzis that will get treated like wierdos by everyone just because we are handling our best years poorly by watching cartoons?
No, because I'm not watching cartoons all the time
Is Tessa's soul in there or is this a completely SOMA thing where this is just a perfect copy of Tessa?
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murderous N appreciation post
don't call her that
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>That's kinda deep, ngl
Establishing law and order is a Sisyphean task.
>Is it though?
It's not evil if Uzi takes pleasure in hunting and eating her classmates alive, as long as she and Serial Designation N (and Serial Designation V) ultimately figure out a way to stop the Solver once and for all. All Uzi's YA adventures wrap up around the point she's currently at, though. (And, like, everyone who died is revealed to have went to Robo Heaven.)
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o, nice crossover.
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>"Someone has to pay for your crimes, J. Who's it gonna be?"
>"Tessa...? Is that you?"
>"You tell me."
>"I'm done playing games, Tessa."
>"I assure you, this is no game."

>"It seems that reports of my... survival, have been greatly exaggerated."
>"This isn't possible."
>"Oh I assure you, it is."
>"Not how. Why? You were never meant to enter that ballroom."
>"...What happened here was out of my control."
>"Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped. But on you marched. And for what?"
>"We... tried to save you."
>"You're no savior. Your talents lie elsewhere."
>"This ISN'T my fault!"
>"It takes a strong drone to deny what's right in front of her. And if the truth is undeniable... you create your own. The truth, J, is... that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not. A good employee. I'm here because you can't accept what you've done. It broke you. You needed someone to blame, so you cast it on me... a dead woman."

>"I know the truth is hard to hear, J, but it's time. You're all that's left. And we can't live this lie forever... I'm going to count to five. Then I'm pulling the trigger."
>"You're not real... this is all in my head..."
>"Are you sure? Maybe it's in mine. ONE."
>"No... everything... all this... it was CYN's fault!"
>"If that's what you believe, then shoot me! TWO."
>"I... I didn't mean to hurt anybody..."
>"No one ever does, J. THREE."
>"...Is this really what you want, J?"
I'm anything but that lol
You're talking to the Evil N schizo.
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Young Adult. Pretentious pulp fiction for teenagers where misunderstood and unappreciated young women that are shameless blank slates meant for self insertion get into love triangles with vampires and things never actually get dark enough that it wouldn't get an age rating higher than PG-13 in an astroturfed Hollywood adaptation.
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A cheaper Sentinel Drone variation meant for mass production. They lack the Tactical Sentinel's durability and arsenal of very powerful personal weapons, in exchange they have an AOE sonic weapon that has a similar effect to the gargoyle stunner but it takes time to build up to full effect. They're also used as a testbed for the Vector Protocol program which allows them to summon and project blades of kinetic force in a short radius around themselves.
Plush uzi and plush N adventure
Awesome drone clangin' good work.
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Uzi's Cyn tail poking N in the eye
Okay, NOW it makes sense! Thank you.
I really dig the sentinel concept. Where can I find more? Is there a fanfic?
Oh my.
Oh fuck
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>"You look great! Mmm.."
>"She wants your babies!"
I'm nothing like Uzi.

>Slaps on the Uzi hoodie anyway.
I'll let you decide.
Definitely some Solver fuckery though
If it's Solver fuckery then it would be the actual Tessa's soul in there.
don't be a catholic, souls don't exist
I can’t find a source that confirms that
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I need my fix faggot.
God, how I want fuck her.

Бoжe, кaк жe я хoчy eё тpaхнyть.
Only if your ginger
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>Lake Mungo
Only if you're a protestant.
Calm down goldstein
What's circled there?
Why specifically catholic?
Don't respond to the Evil N schizo.
>he's a materialist
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Put your hands on the table, comrade.
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>don't be a catholic, souls don't exist
The only thing we can be certain of is the material reality in front of us, no more and no less. Our lives are ultimately meaningless and small, but we make our own meaning in the things we love and enjoy, regardless of the existence of a higher power or not.
And I very much love and enjoy thinking about robots fucking.
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>And I very much love and enjoy thinking about robots fucking.
Well you've got my vote.
>he’s certain of le material reality that’s in front of us
>The only thing we can be certain of is the material reality in front of us, no more and no less.
The material reality in front of us is only the result of electrical signals being interpreted by a nervous system that we can only perceive through those very signals
J appears in your doorway and makes you an offer. She gets to crash on your couch until the heat death of the universe and in exchange she'll mooch off of you and grace you with her company.
also they are bratty
imperative information
No deal.
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>He's gotta [get up]
>He's gotta [get goin']
>He's gonna [see a friend of his]

>(She's round and she's fuzzy, he "loves" her because she's just...)

>Midnight, Capt Midnight
>[Looking for fun,] [chasing some honey bees]
>Capt Midnight, I know he's out there
>Rumbly tumbly
>[climbin' a honey tree]
>[Climbin' a honey tree]

>Fun never ends for us, we're so adventurous
>'Least every now and again
>But when you're alone, and there's nobody home
>It's nice to be able
>To count on a friend like

>Capt Midnight, [Corruptor ov Innocence]
>Wherever you go, [oh won't you take me please]
>Capt Midnight, [I gotta be the-e-ere]
>[It's me and it's you]
>My silly old Capt Midnnnnnnnnnnight
It's too late your presence was implied consent. She's already sleeping on the couch.
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Doll deserved better.
Tessa James Elliot says Aboriginal Rights!
Doll deserved a cute Drone gf
Welp, time to break out the pen.
B-but I sleep only on that couch.
Seems too good to be true, what's the catch?
>J's visor reads Snore.mp3 while she, seemingly at max volume, serenades you with the song of her people.

>Unfortunately it appears she has gathered all the high quality JC Jenson products in your home into a small pile she's now cuddling.
You'll have to clean up her oil stains all by yourself
She did though, if you count a girl friend with benefits as a girlfriend. Still does, as a matter of fact.
>J in the JCJ-pile snuggling the J plushie with dozens of J pens.
Cute, but it must be burned.
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More cyn cult songs

>Cyn curses
>Cyn Biggering
>I want Cyn
Cyn Happy
>Cyn cant decide
Taк тoчнo, тoвapищ пoлитpyк!

Yes, of course, comrade political officer!
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Rat Jane
>while she, seemingly at max volume, serenades you with the song of her people
What is the song of her people?
>hey ma! the cat brought a weird bird into the house again!
Hey, guys, does anybody know where Beretta is? I haven't seen her in a while, how's she doing? What about John? Where'd that little bot go? Where's SD B and her team? Where'd everybody go?
I ate them.
Oh, come on, she's would be cool to have around, but can't she at least organize my documents or something.
maybe a PROMOTION is at order if she complies?
I'll buy Cyn/Solver a little puppy
You should teach your drone that puppies aren't toys/food before giving one to them.
Would you still love your drone if she ate your pet?
>where Beretta is?
in Ns sex dungeon
>"I've made a robot with sleep apnea!"
What MD scenario goes well with this song?
>Well this won't do, you're pretty sure drones need things to do or they start getting weird. Like listening to nightcore and other autistic stuff.
>After some thinking, you mover over and poke the sleeping J
>"Hey... wake up. Come on... do taxes or something. I'll give you a promotion?"
>J's visor immediately switches back to normal as she sits up, several pens in her hair.
>"...What's your offer?"
>You actually weren't expecting that to work.
>"Your tail's wagging." You point out.
>"Shut up."
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Mitchell raising doll
Ehh Tessa being a drone is boring as hell
You're boring as hell, fag.
so doll's dad was cucked by BHC
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Whatever faggot
There are no bad concepts, only bad executions
I want V and Cyn to be a couple
>montage of Khan and Nori at work interspersed with them, respectively, pushing Uzi away to keep working and being torn between the shame of letting her devastated family think she's dead and the shame of now being a freak
>montage of Doll following a grieving Lizzy around from the shadows, trying to work up the courage to let her know she still has her beloved Babe-a-tron Queenthousand, occasionally accidentally spooking the shit out of Rachel
>both scenarios end with the pair finally seeing each other again, ending before either of them can overcome their surprise enough to react
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Imagine if someone said this to her.
Says you, who's to say she wouldn't enjoy because now she's "among her kind" aka autistic midget spazoids rejected and/or abused by their creators
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My completed OC submission for Ms. /co/.
It would be cute. V being the older more confident and bossy woman while Cyn is the innocent little goofball who fell head over heels for her
Lovely work drawfriend
Bringing up Tessa like that in front of J seems like a good way to get a very sharp set of metal claws pointed at your throat
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It'll all depend if it was out of ignorance, indifference or malice.
What does J want the most from her work?
Hard mode: no cuddles, hugs, head pats, dick, uppies or handholding
I'd bet all she needs is a thank you.
She'd feel nothing, because she's thought much worse about herself.
Great work, Drawfriend.
>being this mad
I already asked a question about a human child from a human father and a drone mother (witch, of course). Now the question about the same human and drone, but about drone child.

Can the mother take information from the human seed and create an untrained neural network based on it and her own neural network base?
Nah. She would straight up kill you
>Can the mother take information from the human seed
No. There is a hereditary component to human personality, but it's high enough up the abstraction hierarchy (and decently subject to environmental/epigenetic/system-wide influences as well that you're basically not extracting it from DNA, let alone converting it into whatever set of parameters and hyperparameters drones use to establish personality.
Whose to say that Mitchell's mind/soul didn't end up in a drone body through the powers of Solver Shenanigans, "plot armor" & high levels of copium?
Tessa sucks
>She knew about a danger but didn't told anyone
>Tried to fight an eldrich god with only one bullet
>probably cried like a lil bitch while being skinned alive
I think it would be interesting to see a more traumatized and neurotic Tessa that is deathly afraid of Drones after what happened at the gala, but just so happens to be stuck in a Drone body and living in a Drone colony
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>What does J want the most from her work?
Kisses and love. But let's be honest, she really wants to feel herself useful, so words of appreciation should be enough (We kinda have same thoughts on this matter).
>probably cried like a lil bitch while being skinned alive
Technically it was more like being disemboweled and then crawled up inside.
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Lmao you though I was mad
Not the first true blue Australian hero that that's happened to.
>She knew about a danger but didn't told anyone
To who could she go? Her parents are abusive morons who would probably just kill all of the drones in the manor if they found out Cyn was infected. All available authority figures are utterly useless for protecting the people she cares about (her drones).

>Tried to fight an eldrich god with only one bullet
What else was she supposed to use?

>probably cried like a lil bitch while being skinned alive
She was brave, and wasn't afraid to fight the Solver. There's a better chance that she faced death with courage.

Don't slander Tessa in my Murder Drones thread.
Yeah I like that concept with Tessa being so afraid of drones now, but her becoming a drone is boring to me
But that would make her terror of them even more fun.
>so mad he can't even spell right
J flirty animation
Good stuff, but you missed a Deadpool face in panel 7
You've said that like five times, do you have anything to actually contribute?
that's super out of character
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Feeding the grand delusion or suicide fuel?
You make the call.
But imagine her waking up in a completely unfamiliar body after the worst day of her life!
Imagine her trying to pull herself apart to get out of a body that brings her nothing but shame and fear!
Imagine her spending hours locked in her room, hiding under her blankets as she desperately prays to be saved!
Imagine her being too afraid to leave her room because everybody she sees just reminds her of Cyn!
Imagine the Drones of the colony trying and failing to comfort her!
Imagine her seeing her old body again decades later, walking around pretending to be her!
Not with Tessa
Honestly, the Absolute Solver should be careful about how frequently it drops in on Uzi to passive-aggressively attack her. Too often and her will to resist it will become stronger out of pure spite.
Or Uzi will fall in love with it
Anon, negging does not make women love you.
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Well yeah, much like your favorite drone dating you, but here we are.
>"What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch? I'll have yoy know I graduated top of my production line-"
>J gets decapitated.
>'RIP Bozo'
>Full House theme plays.
Yes... Because our eyes and brain are so reliable and we have no blindspots whatsoever, and our sight isn't tainted by our emotions and by what we choose to focus on, no, we clearly see the material world objectively and always for what it is, of course...
God, I sooooo want to fuck sentinel drone. I literally have a cock of steel when I think of drones who don't suffer this "kill all humans" bullshit, but even protect humanity from fucking robo-Satan!
What does BHC stand for?
Big Heckin' Cuddles, duh.
big human C
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ask Emily
But anon, trolling is funny!
haha yeah
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Dude same
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>A little bit of Solver trolling
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I'm used to think I wasn't into plus 7 feet tall girls, but I think what I actually didn't like is the whole femdom shtick these characters imply in fiction.
Tall, kind and smart(heh) sentinel drone girls are N I C E
>A little bit of J from time-to-time
>A little bit of Cyn walkin' on my mind
>A little bit of N for a good time
>A little bit of Uzi to make it right
>A little bit of V for the rhyme!
A little more than hour left to go for Ms. /co/ qualifiers! Remember to vote for your girls to qualify!
Who do you think is going to be the 3rd rep? I would assume V but J has had a strong showing this year.
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Cute dress, though it has a few more bones and organs than I'd like.
Nothing more then just a filthy yuricuck
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I don't get it, why do you just keep complimenting me?
Yuri V
Desu V and Uzi could have gotten along by rubbing one off together, throw N into the sandwich for good measure.
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I really don't know what to feel about that video. Blyat, to hell with them and fuck my feelings.
How many yuricucks are in the room with you right now?
Those three regularly have intense, wall-shaking, bed-breaking, glass-shattering sex every night
Imagine if V was the one who caught Uzi in episode 1 keeping her for herself
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The vicker girls are spreading into different forms of media
the show would have a lot more rape
>V captures Uzi
>J kills N
>Both J and V rape Uzi constantly
>SolverCyn comes to copper9
>immediately forgets her plans and just rapes Uzi too
Based. The most erotic thing a person can say is "No"
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Summer is over, Beretta is in school right now anon
how about you kill yourself instead
don't forget she brings a second J
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I have no clue, it's a bit exciting to be sure. I wonder who'll get in.
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Yup, this something I pulled out from the back of my folder, not everything can catch on, I guess.
God I love sad/broken Drones, something about it just makes me want to hug them and protect them
>N & V finally convince Uzi to 'transform' into a Solverpede for "group therapy"
>The resulting Sexual Singularity almost consumes the planet
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dont forget about Jeanne
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I forgot about her.
(I didn't.)
But I forgot about everything else.
You mean Thad
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Does he really forgive anyone that asks him?, even HER?
There's only one old Sentinel Drone greentext but beyond that it's all been loresmithing autism by me, and then separately by another Anon with a whole different idea about Sentinel Drones.
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Silly anon. She is the Mother, the Daughter, and the (un)Holy Spirit.
For me it's less a matter of my characters "catching on" and more that my inspiration sparks are extremely fickle and spontaneous. Things will pop into my head, I'll start a whole series of projects and drawings about them, then in one or two weeks the spark will sputter out and I'll be left listless and unable to recapture the inspiration.
If I were in it for attention I'd force the characters in spite of not wanting to just to get (you)s
>Good grief, she's naked!
>"[Embarrassed scramble] Do not look at me. I'm indecent!"
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There's nothing better than spending a weekend fixing up some random drone you find on the forest!
True, cool concepts nonetheless.
It could use some 4koma strips of them doing random shit, we fucking love drones here.
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Lizzy misses her gf every night
Haha oh no
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ms. /co/ art ;)
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>Yes, you CAN actually fix her!
If only it were that simple....
This show has plenty of doom and gloom, doesn't it?
Majestic god-wife..
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I must get faster.
NTA but life is cruel.
No matter how tender, how exquisite....
A lie shall remain a lie.
She exists! Egads! What pointless monotany will she engage in next?

Who cares!
Good stuff
I want to hold a broken drone and tell her everything will be alright!
I want to hold her hand as she tells me all about her past!
I want to gently hold her in my arms as I fall asleep!
I want to spend days repairing her so she can finally look in the mirror and smile again!
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>see all these cute drone OC's
>forget to ask/write down their names
>lose track of them
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Also her!
You boys are cooking good.
can you fix your drone wife?
It doesn't matter anon.
It'll all be lost to time eventually.
I got you mate
>NOTE: This list is already outdated and doesn't truly show everyone
>implying Lizzy doesn't keep having girl's nights with Doll's corpse
>implying Doll isn't going to ghost back into her body while Lizzy is in the middle of doing her hair
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somehow, some way, we keep finding new oc's never before seen
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Fuck that noise, I'm holding to my shared experiences for as long as my mind allows me to.
If it's not possible, then it will be Necessary.
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Also her!
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What story did you base her on, my good mindbroken schizo? Am I correct in guessing >>145450631 is Little Red Riding Hood?
anon can draw like a motherfucker but can't explain shit about what he drew for sure
>the only reason it didn't was because Lizzy was too busy "welcoming back" Doll to add to the monsterfucking
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Mangaka suffer a lot from this.
Ganbare, drawfag-san!
I love you Serial Designation Hyperion Exultia.
they could never make me hate you Serial Designation Hyperion Exultia.
evilNschizo didnt draw it, he asked one of the drawfags on plus to do it
i only ever read 1 or 2 parts of the fanfic theyre from when he posted it, but i didnt like it very much, they read exactly like his posts do
I know he didn't, I asked because I thought he was posting them.
So which characters, canon or OC, would you like to see more greentexts of?
Akita, or the redacted one that no one knows about, because it never existed.
I would like one about SD-M, the tomboy.
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>What story did you base her on
Nothing in particular.
>Am I correct in guessing >>145450631 (You) is Little Red Riding Hood?
Yes, shamelessly visually based off Ruby Rose, because I have always loved that character's design.
They're gift art I am grateful for.
I am.
Need labor bot stories, there are basically none
Beretta is busy at school >>145449806 so her dimensional half-sisters take the stage
Lizzy and Doll together
The teacher
Cyn (before the AS assumed direct control)
Nori and Khan together
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I'd suggest some duo greens instead of just one character
John&Eye, Jane&Y, U-U&E, P&U-U, W&Y, E+Squad&John, John&Jane
Here is a list.
>JC (J's Bastard Son/Bad Ending Future Dictator)
>Negev (Nuzi Daughter Cursed With Knowledge Of True Sight)
>Hope (Butler!N & Maid!V Daughter Erased From Reality By The Solver)
>Buckety/Disciple Of Buckety (Extremely Lucky/Unlucky Superhero Nerd With A Nerf Gun)
This I want too, it was one of my favorite aspects of us discussing the fake RPG
>The other two are described mostly as daughters
>J's kid is called a bastard
What did J do to cause you to even hate on her kid?
Bastard child is an actual term. It means he was born out of wedlock.
>N will only willingly fuck J if she's the last option
>Uzi is dead or most likely absorbed The Solver then vanished to another dimension in the JC timeline
>V is assumed dead
>N is stuck with J due to them both being banished by a grief-striken Nori
Yeah I can see that happening
Cheerleaders, detective, 029, sarah
The JC timeline is a mess due to it being written before episode 8 and everyone who was writing it straight-up got sick or suffered in some form. However I feel like it could easily be tweaked or fixed, after all J could easily get off-planet now and shag-up with another off-screen DD
A little Alice and Beau every now and then would be nice

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