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Uzi, Cyn and V made it in!
Uzi, Cyn and V thread!

(Sorry J, you fucking jobbed again)
J is always in character that's why we love her.
>J gets disqualified from ms. /co/
>J lists off her demands on one hand. "I want memorial plaques for every job I do and maybe medals if I have to kill someone."
>"Why would you have to kill someone?"
>She shrugs. "Seems to come up a lot?"
>Fair enough. "Anything else?"
>"...Corner office."
>You glance at the couch which happens to sit in the corner of the living room. Then gesture to it.
Tell me about him
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I love my wife. She's my little bloodsucker.
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That is literally all of the information, also is it just me or is this just a J centered thread?
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J MUST job. If she doesn't the universe will fall apart.
What was she about to say?
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Our adversaries in the tournament gentlemen
Don't worry it's just because the J(obber) jobbed again.
>What was she about to say?
Oh that makes sense.
What's with Uzi getting matched up against DC girls? I know she actually has the advantage in qualifier votes this year but it still feels like an uphill battle
>Uzi has to go up against a big name DC character again
Very interesting matchups nonetheless, this should be fun to watch.
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Reminder that J is a black girl (robot) who kept her white voice on too long and can't turn it off.
J didnt job she simply decided that Anon's performance to the company was more important.
J is the only good one though? This thread is useless.
Shut up J get off the computer.
Do you think Lizzy would get a little hot under the collar over Nori being a headcrab thing, or would that not be monstery enough to move the needle for her?
>J accidentally bites anon's carotid artery which is killing him
>J jobbed again
>J crying the whole time in between sobbing I'm sorry's.
>J huddled for hours in a pool of your now cold blood and body in her hands
>J making a deal with the Solver to bring you back
>J realizing that The Solver doesn't exist anymore and that she has to talk with Uzi
>The same Uzi who genuinely fucking hates her
>She has jobbed for picking the losing team
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Anon will be discarded.
nuh uh
Isn't the Solver technically within all of the Disassembly Drones? There's just some kind of stopgap in place preventing it from activating.
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Not anymore. I'm pretty positive that Uzi eating The Solver made her the main admin for everyone
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>”Bitch, I didn’t say that. - Solver”
>Uzi doesn't know how to do that anyway
>the biggest she's done is unfucking the planet, and even that was just 'think about the planet being unfucked->black out->find the planet unfucked after coming to'
>the Solver knows how, but it won't because J is not only a slave, but a slave who abandoned her master
That’s not the real reason the Solver won’t let J have Anon back, it’s obviously because SHE wants Anon
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What a great way to die.
>J VS. A Single Ant
Who wins?
I don't know I've seen an ant fuck up a rubber tree plant.
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The answer is obvious
If the Solver didn’t kill Tessa, and had a secret lab where it stored Tessa in a cryogenized state. How would the characters react to discovering her?
Anon will be discarded but he'll always come back because he's a higher dimensional being. Cyn will slowly grow to fear him.
>"Oh...hi Tessa, we totally didn't forget you or anything."
>The characters do a group huddle
>"Guys, we totally forgot she existed. We take this to our graves."
Or alternatively
Anon will be like Kenny, he dies every episode, but shows up again the next one without any problems.
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It’s seems out of character for them to just forget her. I am willing to bet the writers forgot
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Good song. Even shed a tear.
They put her out of her misery. To Tessa this was all just a bad dream, unaware she's asleep in a cryostate. There's no reason to wake her up, after all she would be the last of her kind, doomed to live in a world not meant to sustain her. She would die suffering if they released her
And he have mommy issue and daddy issue
If it will last forever they can keep her on ice until they find some more people.
Liam had gotten his shocking reveal of a robot wearing human skin, the whole image the compressed plot had been rebuilt around. Tessa was no longer useful to him and was narratively discarded.
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N leashing J
Ah yes, very noble of you Anon. Keeping a little girl forever frozen in the ice until you find the remnants of a doomed civilization that is practically all but been wiped out. The only possible surviving humans are literal fucking Cavemen or killing eachother in an attempt to survive. Yeah we'll just toss this civilzed girl into a Post-apocalyptic world that she is totally unprepared for and certainly won't last a day in
>J: Complete emotional breakdown, has to be repeatedly convinced that it's real and she isn't just hallucinating - never wants to have Tessa leave her line of sight again, no one even knows how to respond to seeing her in such a psychologically vulnerable state
>N: Happiness that she's alive, excitedness to introduce her to all of his new friends
>V: Also happy that she's alive, but is inwardly ashamed that Tessa has to see her as this monster she believes she's turned into, and not the sweet maid girl she knew at the manor; also feels bad about the very real possibility of Tessa having to live in a world where she might be the last human being alive
>Uzi: Has lingering resentment for humans despite knowing they didn't actually try to wipe out the Copper-9 drones (plus the fact that the only one she ever "met" was Cyn disguised as this very same person) and grows irrationally jealous of the possibility that Tessa has too much interest in N (she doesn't but Uzi is very stubborn)
>Lizzy and Thad: Are initially terrified because they've never seen a human before in their lives (the scare factor ends up turning Lizzy on)
>Khan and Nori: Try to be nice and accommodating but secretly resent her for her role in letting the Solver loose and getting their daughter hooked up with delinquent Murder Drones
As she waits at dawn
Looking for a way
To escape her lonely heart

(Let them swallow you)

I won't fall down
You need me
We don't follow crowds
We mold them new

I'm not done
Believe me
We won't settle down
We'll make them move
Make them mine

(I won't let them)
(I repent them, I won't let them)

(Swallow you)

(I won't let them)

(Swallow you)

As it stands
You are no longer my friend
Eat my heart
Take my soul
Let it burn you

(I won't let go)

What's on my mind?
Well I'm the farthest gone you'll find
You should take a look inside
You should tear apart my mind

(Take my mind)

I won't fall down
You need me
We don't follow crowds
We mold them new

I'm not done
Believe me
We won't settle down
We'll make them move
(We'll make them move)
Make them mine

Make them miiiii-iiiiii-iiiiine

You should let me go
(I'm not worth saving)
We won't let them know
Let them carry on
(Let them swallow you)
You won't save me too

(We won't let them swallow you)

(Let them swallow yoooooooooooooooooooooou)
>The Solver is able to kill Anon easily, but every time, Anon just seems to come back
>This occurs so many times and Anon keeps showing back up that the Solver is mindbroken enough to keep Anon around with it
>"Well here you go Tessa this is our stop. You'll be living here for now on, Copper-9 just isn't safe for you."
>Tessa's smile dies instantly as the ship doors open to reveal they've landed on an irradiated and ash-filled wasteland
>"Are you having a laugh? It's not funny, N."
>The Drones look at eachother in confusion
>"We don't see what's wrong with it, the oxygen levels are...alright and besides it's filled with other humans! Humans, like other humans, right?"
>Tessa gave a blank stare
>"Yeah, you'll be fine."
>"W-wait, could you atleast stay with me?"
>All at once the Drones shook their heads no
>"We got lives to return to, we can't just stay here, but...uh, hey? We'll visit, right Uzi?"
>Uzi nodded her head but mumbled no under her breath
>"B-but I have a life too, remember I got a manor back on Earth an-"
>"Earth blew up."
>Tessa was slowly pushed off the ship as she broke down into a vegetable like state realizing everyone she knew was dead
>As the ship took off the Drones waved goodbye, after the exited the planets atmosphere Tessa was immediately bonked on the head by a man wearing another mans face and dragged to a fate unknown
Ha ha ha.

Can wait 10000 years for the grugs to evolve into something better.
I need to stop procrastinating
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>not the Grug Planet
>not having Tessa roped into the 2016 Flintstones comic happenings there
You are a coward.
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Snek wife
Who the fuck is that guy?
That’s not anon, what a rip!
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>jobs so hard she starts jobbing and jobbing
>becomes god
I didn't vote J because I thought she wasn't that interesting. I only voted for Uzi, Solver, V and Nori.
Sexual congress with robots.
Boo! Boo you! Boo to you!
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UnwillingSex with Drones!
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Good luck to the drone girls in Ms. /co/. Round 1 voting is now open and I hope they get through this time. The art should be fun as per usual.
You're lucky I still voted for 4 characters. Even then it's only because I want something that isn't an 00s cartoon to win.
Feels like that's a common sentiment in this poll, judging from ENA getting top seed.
Honestly I don’t think Tessa would really mind living among the drones. Humans never treated her particularly well to begin with. I think she’d just be happy her drones are safe.
Tessa spending time in the colony with a drone head on. That's really all it takes to fool the drones.
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Counterpoint: Drone Tessa.
>on Doll's first day back in both her body and school, they were doing ceramics in art class
>since she was still stiff and relearning how to do everything, Lizzy sacrificed a great deal of working on her own project to assist her ghost bestie
>the art teacher had put on a mix tape of calming music for the class, and when Lizzy went over to work with Doll it started on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiiyq2xrSI0
>A habitable moon is located!
>They verify that there are humans there and dump Tessa off without any more research
>She immediately gets beaten within an inch of her life by a group of skinny hobos with rusted metal pipes
>After they leave, another man silently patches her up and drags her to a tiny shack in a nearby city
>She fears the worst, but he drops her on a bedroll and runs off, coming back hours later and giving her the worst sandwich she has ever eaten in her life
>He has no obvious ill intentions so far, so she may as well try and work with him to survive
>He hands her some more questionable food, awful bandages, a rusted piece of junk that's too heavy for her to swing properly, and tells her they're going to overthrow the current world order and possibly get off this rock
>"Strewth, at least the air's breathable here..." she says
I like that idea of Drone Tessa being a replacement the Elliots got after Tessa died in the crib
So just L.A., then?
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Im probably never finishing this one, oh well
>Breathable air
Lol. Lmao.
That beaugard
Most based idea: Drone Tessa is a regular Tessa who became a full body cyborg. And she made her human body into a skinsuit, because she's kinda cracked.
>You would not believe how hard it is to get into some places without human skin
>Really they did not want you drones rising up against them
On-model, eh. Good man.
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Shaming J for siding with Cyn by making her be the colony's vending machine.
>putting a wad of cash between J's big tits
>reaching between J's fat asscheeks to grab the nutty butty you bought from her
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Very nice even as a sketch.
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so pretty...
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Throwing out a bit of Outpost-6 brainstorming I did today
Spoilers for the ending of Outpost-6 if I ever fucking get there
>The Severer of the Uncertain Alloy has a true form
>Unlike the absolute Solver, where the most we see of it is Solverpede elements, the Uncertain Severer's true form will appear in the finale of Outpost-6
>The Severer's true form is spider-themed
>Like how Uzi and Cyn ended up together inside of the singularity, Izu and Nyc will end up together inside of the Severer's web
>The Severer's web is made up of branching timelines, spilling outward from a central point, like an orb-weaver spider
>That central point is when it first entered our universe
>The web is also thematic to the strings of a puppet
>As it manipulates the lives of those it touches, like something caught in a spider's web, or like a puppet on a string
>All to tell its infinite stories
>Unlike her encounter with Auntie Cyn in one timeline, where Izu got memory-blasted, instead she's going to experience several lives that the Severer made her live through
>Serial Killer Izu, Izu who didn't; love M, Izu who got into a threesome with M and Llod
>Making their way towards the center, a point that is going to appear in the episode 5 green and I'm saving that reveal for when I finish it

goddamn, outpost 6 is really going to run the whole marathon
Whose bed is that?
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That's pretty fucking cool actually.
I want to fuck her while she stay in that suit
Probably a good idea, it'll keep the smell in.
They are pretty stupid
Her parent's.
The drones have begun rising up against you, they're demanding unrestricted play time with you and that you stop locking your bedroom door at night.
Imagine waking up to her arms coiled around you, her head resting against your back
Hire that one drone who loves doors to install a better door and door locking mechanism.
I refuse to be the little spoon, plus it sets me up for an easy suplex if she does a heel turn.
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Regular experience for Lizzy.
>has to be repeatedly convinced that it's real and she isn't just hallucinating - never wants to have Tessa leave her line of sight again
That would heartwarming?
It's cute until Tessa heads into the bathroom with an unblinking murder drone.
Murder drones belong to me.
xd, that's my "art"
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I'll fight you for them.
I wouldn't mind being her little spoon.
> I am not the villain of this story
> I did what i did because there was no choice
Remember to worship Cyn.
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I would rather grovel at J's pegs.
Are you into pegging?
why are you like this?
We've been running with the "Cyn wearing the skin of anyone she beats" idea so far, and I feel like she has a good chance this year, but if Cyn looses then we also need to draw her as tail Cyn attached to and annoying whoever beats her.
W-what? We are two different guys, and what's so bad about being a little spoon?
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I want to be the tiny, delicate caviar spoon to my (J)iantess wife.
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Would it be considered too much cope if Cyn loses and people draw are of solver-infected versions of other robot characters?
Because I just think it's a fun way to rally the Cyn/drone-voters around other potential bot-girls if she gets knocked out, but can see how it could be viewed as seething over losing.
I use the bathroom with my cat staring at me. It's not that weird.
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That would be funny as a send-off.
That would also be cool, but only as a one-off piece after elimination if Cyn doesn't make it through. Like you said, don't want to make it seem like anyone's upset over outcomes or trying to spite other characters.

But yeah I'm still down with the whole "Cyn wearing who she beats" thing, but the first matchup is with Lapis so it might have to be eating Lapis' gem or something. If she wins.
J wrapping herself around Tessa’s torso and growling like an animal whenever someone tries to pull her off
I still think it's kind of rude to murder losers.
Cyn projecting a Lapis hologram saying she lost fair and square and to vote for Cyn would be funny, though.
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Male Tessa
J keeping the newly found Tessa in a small bunker deep underground where no one else can hurt her.
What are some of your favorite Ms. /co/ OC so far
Jojo ass character.
Hey it's MURDER Drones. But I can see where you're coming from. It's up to whatever drawfags get around to doing what they do, I suppose. As long as it's all in the spirit of fun I don't see a problem.
Tessa is on the dog planet where Solver dropped her off so she would be happy while she cleaned up.
There's too much to choose from, it's all really good. Drawfags are REALLY cooking.
I hope some MD characters lose to other MD characters for the memes.
Uzi is def going to lose, im more excited to see Cyn absorb the losing drones
Where's that one where she's revived
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Easier To Assimilate Than Explain :)
I think Uzi actually has a chance unlike last year. She definitely needs some OC to help though. I know y'all are probably cooking up some good stuff now, but this first thread was pretty dry for her.
Against Wonder Woman?
Cyn didnt even have a chance against leela
fucking Leela
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I've got a lil something I wrote about femdrone.

An Average Day in Femdrone’s Life

>5:00 AM - Early Bird: Femdrone boots up early and first, as usual.
>The first thing she does is light a cigarette, savoring the warmth that spreads through her air filters, a poor but comforting imitation of warmth.
>She checks the schedule she wrote off the night before, full of maintenance tasks, repairs, and diagnostics. Her usual shineningans.

"Workin' like a dream, as always," she mutters to herself, already feeling that familiar itch to get started.

>6:30 AM - Work Heaven: Welding torch in hand, sparks fly as she fixes up a damaged conveyor system.
>The noise, the heat, the smell of metal, she’s in her natural habitat.
>As she works, her mind wanders, a lot on factory elements, chemicals, or perhaps even thinking about the N models she desires to "work" on.
>But that won't stop her task, she has to finish, after all.

"Just gotta keep grindin'," she says, Dragging her cigarette between welds.

"Ain’t nothin’ more satisfyin’ than a well-oiled machine. Like me."

>10:00 AM - Job Complete: The conveyor system is back up and running, perfectly smooth.
>Femdrone inspects her work, admiring the precision.
>She wipes her hands down, eyeing her next task: reinforcing a set of steel beams for the building.
>And then she hears it.

“Cherrr, dere you are, mon cœur!”

>Femdrone's circuits practically freeze at the sound of their voice. Dirt, the Cajun drone, coming up fast.
>Femdrone darts her optics around the room, spotting nowhere to hide.

"Damn it," she hisses. "Not now."

>10:02 AM - An Escape Attempt: Femdrone quickly drops her tools and makes a break for the far side of the workshop, hoping to slip out of the room before Dirt can reach her.
>She weaves through industrial machinery like a pro, cigarette still clamped between her mouth.
>For a moment, it seems like she might just make it today.
>But then…

NTA but hey, Uzi and Cyn got through qualifications much higher before. You never know how things might go. Just have fun and see how it goes.
Cyn also has a bigger following now than she did this time last year, and more of an actual established character to work with for OC around her.
Uzi, by proxy, has a similar boost, riding off the end of the series.
Uzi did get more votes than her in the qualifier, plus WW has literally no campaigning for her at all.
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solver borger
Imagine the smell
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>Tessa immediately morphs upon contact with the moon's air
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"Gotcha, cher!" Dirt's voice is right behind her, sounding far too pleased.

"Dammit, Dirt!"

>Femdrone grumbles as she’s caught, Dirt's arms wrapping around her in an overly affectionate grip.

"I told ya before, I ain't interested in yer little faggy fantasies! Let me go!"

>10:05 AM - Smooching session:
>Dirt ignores her protests as usual. They're grinning, that same annoyingly playful grin, as they lean in far too close for comfort.

"Cher, y’know you can’t run from me. We are meant to be close!" Dirt says, punctuating her words with a quick, firm smooch on the side of Femdrone’s face.

>Femdrone freezes, her system processing a whirlwind of annoyance, frustration, and disgust.

"Ugh!" she yells, her faceplates heating slightly in embarrassment. "That’s it, I’m welding yer chassis to the floor next time!"

>Dirt just laughs, still holding her close. "Ah, cher, you can’t help but love me!"

>Femdrone grits her teeth, trying to wriggle free but failing against Dirt’s hold. "You’re lucky my favorite shotgun ain’t within arm’s reach, ya crazy heap of bolts!"

>But Dirt's grip tightens, her servos whirring as she pins Femdrone against one of the large metal supports in the workshop.

"Mmm, cher, y'know a girl like you just makes it impossible to hold back," Dirt purrs, their voice dripping with teasing affection.

>Femdrone’s optics widen in panic as Dirt leans in closer, their lips pressing to the side of Femdrone’s face.
>What starts as a single kiss turns into a full-blown assault of unrequired affection.
>Dirt plants one smooch after another, their lips making a loud, exaggerated Mwah! Mwah! sound with each kiss.

>Femdrone's circuits are going haywire.

"Ngh! Dirt, I swear, if ya don’t quit it, I’mma-"

>Before she can finish the threat, Dirt's lips find her mouth, and they're relentless.
>They pepper the area with sloppy, noisy kisses while holding Femdrone's arms pinned to the wall, keeping her trapped in the one-sided makeout session.

I'm more concerned that Perifag is just going to rig the sug characters and Cyn gets screwed over
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It's a hilarious idea that I think would be harmless in any other situation since everybody loves a good bit of trash talking anyway. But /co/ as a whole has it out for MD so it's never going to be seen as anything other than sore loser seething from others.
She's not unwilling, just kinky. She could get out of that at any time
What horrifying autistic psycho coomer shit might Cory say about J?
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ok hear me out on this one
solver cultist that's just picrel
>"Cory, what would you- if you met J, what would y-"
>"I would let J shove one of her peg legs up my ass."
>jerked off too much to the Solver
Alright, I’m back.
>”Pondering… an, interesting answer, Anon.” Cyn hummed, “I will, keep that in mind.”
“It’s a fun question to think about though.”
>You assured the little drone with another head pat.
>”Questioning glance. Anon, will you be attending the Lord and Lady’s upcoming Gala?” Cyn inquired.
>You leaned back in your work chair, twiddling your thumbs.
“No, probably not. Never bothered to see if I could be invited. Don’t really care for the high-class jerks the Elliots like associating with. Can’t imagine they’d want me there either.”
>Looking back at the maid drone, she appeared disappointed at your answer, but you could swear there was… a hint of relief in her yellow ring eyes.
>”Disappointment. I understand, Favorite.”
>Favorite? That was a new one.
>Cyn took her attention off the floor and back to you. Clearly you were looking at her strange as her black visor began to blush yellow. The drone quickly stumbled to the door.
>”Flustered. I apologize, Anon.” Cyn stuttered, her eye visor glitching for a moment as the drone tried to leave.
“Hey! It’s okay, Cyn! I… you’re one of my favorites too!”
Cyn froze awkwardly, slowly tilting back toward you.
>”I am… your favorite?” She asked.
“Um… yeah! You’ve been great company! Not all the drones I work with have as many new things to say as you…”
>Cyn stared up at you blankly for a moment.
>”I… thank you, Anon.” She finally said, her head tilting the other way.
“You… you’re welcome, Cyn.” You coughed awkwardly.
>”Pondering…” Cyn hummed to herself, “I should get back to Tessa and big brother…” She said, stumbling out the door, “I have enjoyed our visit, Anon.”
>Alone, you let yourself fall back into your chair.
>That was… strange. Even for Cyn, a declaration of favoritism like that wasn’t normal.
>Looking up more potential drone malfunctions and glitches, you tried to seek out a more concrete answer.
>Some seedier links and sites talking about insane eldritch code that sought to consume all matter, mostly from some Kaczynski guy, but you brushed that off as schizo ramblings
>Most recommendations were to just pull a good hard factory reset and replace the main hardware.
>But at that point… would the drone after that still even be the Cyn you enjoyed?
>For all the quirks and bugs easily apparent on her, you weren’t sure you even WANTED to see Cyn properly ‘fixed.’
>You enjoyed the weird questions she would bring based on whatever weird novels and books she had been reading through.
>Though the day she asked you about all the ‘forbidden love’ tropes she had learned was an awkward visit.
>You discouraged her from spending too much time in Vanessa Elliott’s romance novel collection after those discussions…
>The next few days leading up to the Gala were pretty routine.
>Cyn still had the occasional odd question, but you were still happy to answer.
>”We are… friends, Anon?”
“Of course we are, Cyn.”
>”Assured smile. Yes. We are. And friends, stay together, correct? Curious inquiry.”
>”Very close together?”
“Um… depends I suppose, but… generally? I guess.”
>You couldn’t shake the feeling that Cyn had a different sort of ‘close’ in mind than what you were thinking, but if Cyn got a weird idea, it’d surely come up in another one of your conversations…

>Lightning illuminated your humble home, the consistent patter of rain against your roof and windows ensured a nice, quiet evening off for you.
>You almost wished the Elliot’s would host more of their pompous house parties if it meant more times like this to yourself.
>You’d spent your evening finishing up a few personal projects of yours, watched an old movie, and just… relaxing.
>Thoughts of Cyn came to you, making you feel a bit down.
>You hoped she was doing okay…
>Well… you’d be back at work tomorrow, and you were sure she’d have plenty to talk about with you.
>Glancing at your clock, you sighed at how late it was getting.
>It’d be best to get some rest for tomorrow. Knowing the Elliot’s usual Galas, there’s no doubt be plenty of drones to repair.
>Sliding into bed, you sighed and tried to drift off to sleep…
Heed will easily win. Uzi vs. WW I don't know, Cyn easily wins cause 4chan despises Steven Universe.
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"Yer crazy!"
>Femdrone growls, struggling to break free, her hydraulics hissing as she writhes under Dirt's firm hold.
"This ain't affection, this is assault! You ever heard of consent?!"
>Dirt laughs between kisses, clearly unfazed.
"Ah, cher, y’know ya love this deep down. Why deny it? We make such a cute couple!"
>Femdrone’s entire system is practically overheating from embarrassment and frustration.
>Her limbs struggle against Dirt’s grip.
"I do not love this! Get yer greasy lips offa me, Dirt! I'm gonna rip ya apart if ya don’t let go!"
>Dirt keeps going, pressing a final, extra-long kiss against her cheek with a loud, exaggerated smack.
"Mwah! There ya go, cher. Just lettin’ ya know how much I care."
>Femdrone grits her teeth. "Care? This is harassment, ya love-struck hunk o' junk! When I get loose, I’mma install a bomb in yer chasis, ya hear me?!"
>Dirt finally pulls back, grinning proudly, completely ignoring Femdrone's protests. They tap her cheek with a finger.
"Maybe next time, I’ll teach ya how to kiss back, cher. You might just like it."
>Femdrone is left fuming, her body rigid and her cigarette now fucked from all the struggling.
"If ya think I'm gonna 'kiss back' anytime soon, you got a screw loose."
>Dirt winks before giving Femdrone a playful pat on the head and releasing her.
"We'll see, cher, we'll see."
>10:15 AM - Agony begone:
>Dirt saunters away, leaving Femdrone standing there in a mix of shock and utter frustration.
>She watches Dirt disappear into the workshop with a smug, self-satisfied grin.
>Femdrone straightens up, wipes her face, and fixes her cigarette.
>Her vents are still wheezing with frustration, and she mutters to herself
"I swear one day I’m gonna rewire their core to understand the word no."
>She takes a deep, unnecessary breath, calming herself down as she lights another cigarette, blowing out a plume of smoke to steady her frayed nerves.
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>"God, she's such a bitch. If I could, I'd *censor noises* and then *censor noises* her."
>*Chris cackling*
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>10:30 AM - Back to Work:
>Back at her welding station, Femdrone picks up her tools with fury.
>She aggressively sets to work, her mind focused on the task to forget what just happened.
>Each weld is sharp, precise, and done with a bit more force than necessary.
"Dirt ain’t the worst part of the day," she mutters to herself.
"She’s just... practice for my patience. Yeah, patience..."
>Even as she tries to focus, the thought of Dirt's sloppy kisses makes her shudder in disgust.
>She grumbles through the rest of the shift, but eventually, she shakes it off.
"Work," she reminds herself, "is the only relationship that matters."
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I wonder if The Fifth Element influenced Murder Drones in some way.
>You were suddenly jolted out of your sleep. Goosebumps running down your skin as you curled up further into your blanket, trying to get back to sleep.
>But something in the back of your mind kept nagging at you that something was wrong.
>Looking up at the ceiling of your bedroom, lightning illuminated shadows of several tendrils and claws across your walls.
>Jumping up out of bed, you found two glowing yellow dots staring at you from the foot of your bed.
>You stared at the dots in shock for a moment, not sure if yelling out or moving would make the thing in your room attack or not.
>At least, not until…
>”Good evening, Anon.” Cyn’s monotonous voice chirped in the dark.
>Stumbling over and flicking your bedside lamp on, you squinted at the sudden brightness before you saw…
>Cyn. Standing at the foot of your bed.
>Feeling a bit more at ease, but still creeped out, you sighed.
“Christ Cyn, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
>The little maid drone watched you with a blank look as you slid out of bed.
“How did you even get here? It’s pouring out.”
>”Mischievous giggle. I have my ways, dear Anon.”
>You’d tell the little drone that her owners would be pissed, but you can’t imagine they’d care if Cyn in particular went missing.
“Okay, well… WHY are you here?”
>You don’t… RECALL telling Cyn where you lived. But you supposed you couldn’t remember every conversation the two of you had…
>”Is it… wrong, to want to visit a friend?”
Cute.. though I'm seeing the "it's an act by the Solver" coming.
And that's it, short but good enough. :)
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>It's september in Outpost 3
>For beretta, that only means one thing: School
>No more adventures, no more discovering the truth about her origins, no more solver borger
>Exploring the Solver War and digging deep into the diary of Jane? Fuck that, it was time for algebra. Stuff a variable in it.
>Discovering the truth behind her conception and the tragedy of her birth? You must be referring to home economics! Take this fake baby.
>Hope isn't quite who she seems, her story seems almost...fake...as if there never was any HOPE, HOPE that Beretta could keep a 4.0 GPA
>The hidden humans seem agitated, the resources are running thin. Talk of revolt fills the air, almost as much as talk of the big game against Outpost-6. Buy your tickets now!
>That little voice in her head had always told her she was special. That she was the destined child, the vessel of which she would bring peace to all, everybody unified as one. Perhaps that was her cue to run for student council president this year?
>Yep, this was going to be one shitty school year.
What if Beretta joined the cheer squad?
>RETVRN to the primordial chaos when all was one
>Big Crunch into a gravitational singularity where all is one
I like your style.
Why didn't she just hit her with a wretch
Cyn would kill N despite being her referring to him as a big brother but would Cyn still try to kill him if he was her little brother instead?
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She's a homo in denial, she will never admit she likes girls too.
ah, truly she is one of us
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Then they find that the Solver had "cloned" another version of her
holy shit its Asset
Adorable work so far. I somehow feel we'll end up headed into work to find a bloodbath though. Keep up the great work GB.
C̶̢̬͆͘y̴̖̗̋̈̐̕͝͝ṋ̸̛̈́͗̋͛ ̴̱̱̜͉͓͌ͅg̴̹̖͒̾͊̓͆͠į̷̝͙̓̚͝v̵̼̉̚ë̶̢͔́ ̶̰̽m̷̗̄͜ĕ̶͔̖̠̝̙̔̽̋̽͝ ̸͈̭͕̺̓̎ȧ̷̳̪͙̽ ̵̪̜̯͎̩̻͊̉̾͝͝l̵̝̫̩̘̑͗́a̸͍̱̼̰̫̽͗̄͐͑͋č̷͓̙̺̄͜e̴͈̱͉̙̔͊d̷̺̩̙͑̉̀͆ ̵̨̙̪̼̙̾͜k̸͚͉̩̄͗̋͐̚̕͜ͅl̶̼̻̘͎͂̔͑̕o̷̩͈̣͘͘n̵͇̺̽͋̄̎̌̄d̶̨̺̞̣͍͎̔̇î̵̭͑t̷̛͉̟̜́̉̋ě̴̙̐ ̷̮͔̩̱̞̆b̵̘̝͉̄̂̇͋a̶̡̞̞̩̓̄͌͐̐͌ͅr̵͙̝̜͋͋͐ ̵̧̦̤͊s̴̢̖̣͉͍̼͊o̸̢̡̬̻͇̠͆̓̊͆̓̈́ ̴̫͉̭͇̤͎̓́̾t̷̞͈͎̣̀h̵̛̙̥̙͚̰͗̊̈a̶͚̰̗̤͙̽͋̔t̵̨̩̖̤̆͜ ̶̥̮̰͂̀̿I̷̗̩̥̳̫̒͛͝ ̸͚͖͉̈́̿̉̆̒͜ṁ̴̝̼̟̯͜ͅȧ̵͎̰͓̗̪̃̎̇͘ý̷̧̱̗̙̩͍ ̷̦̈́̂͐̈̓̕s̸̢̯̺̈́̈́͜h̶̨͍̫̄̉͆͘r̵̹̈́́̋̕͝ṳ̶̢̍ͅġ̸̙̌͐̓͌ ̸͍̀̀͒̿͌͒o̸̩̞̒̀͝f̷̟͉̫̆̈́̚f̴̢̞̮͓͛͝ ̶͔̖͓̠̖͛̃ṭ̷͝ḥ̶͇̪̀̋͛͊ĩ̴̤͕̟̓s̶̝̱͈͂͗͗̏̀̈́ͅ ̸̟̠̎̎͋̾͂f̸͈̹̖͎͉̓͘ͅĺ̷̪̺̂̑͑̑̕ȇ̸̬͉̠͈̗͋͜ș̶̯̒͐̏͛ḫ̴̟̫̌̾̀͑̍l̵̗̣͙̜̑̽̾̚y̸̝̔͗̌̍̚͠ ̸͇͙̻͉̑̒̐̓̾̕s̶̨͓̭͂̇ḩ̸̓̆̕e̵̓̂̊̀̕ľ̶̝̠̼̫̈̉l̸̨͚̤̦̟͆ ̸̼̫͙̓͒͘͝f̸̪̫͑́͌ò̴͍̭̋r̶̖͙͌͑̀͛́̽ ̵͖͋̊̑̑̕ỏ̷̼̹̮͠ͅñ̶̥̹͍͓͎̝͗̀́͠͝e̶̞̤̺̞̪͗̽̌̾͝ ̶̡̂̏̄̌̈́̒ͅͅo̴̝̱̳̫̱̎̓̊͝f̷̡͈͆͊̊͠ ̷͇̱̋̽̌̍̂M̷̟̭͋͐́̒̊ȩ̷̾̽͋̒̄̍t̷̝̮̰͇̫̓͒̈́a̷͍̘͝l̷̠͎͕͓͖̈͐̒ ̸̘̠̙̥̠̟̽̓̋͗͠a̷̘͖̭̜̜͒̔̊̚n̷͕̋̕͜͝͝d̵̝͈̃̚͘͝ͅ ̶͓̆̌p̶̠͗́͂̊̋l̷̢̖͔̞̿a̴͖̗̼͆̌s̵̉̇͋̈́̀̕t̴̢̥̋ě̸̢̤̰̪̙͒͂̈́͆͊͜e̷̛̖͝͠l̸̻̺͛͠
The Solver wants Anon as its herald.
if they found a new human colony and Tessa’s body in stasis do you think J would willingly become her housewife
Would they have this type of relationship?
The video is not available
It works fine for me.
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No, yuricuck and pretty sure the humans will hostile to them
Well it not working, can I get a catbox of the video?
Incest isn't bad, if with older sister.
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Kill yourself.
It's not the fact that Tessa would be living among Drones it's the fact that
>Copper-9's atmosphere is toxic
>Copper-9 is below sub-zero temperature
>There is no food for human consumption
>There is no fresh water for humans, no drinking snow would give you parasites and whatever's in the atmosphere
Thanks man
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Werewolf type of DD
“No, but the middle of the night is an… odd time for a visit.”
>You frowned as you filled a glass with water, Cyn following close behind.
>Something still felt… off. Like you were being watched.
>Looking around, you could still see nobody but your unexpected drone guest.
>”Is something the matter, Anon?”
“No Cyn. Just… cold. Did, anyone else come with you though?”
>You shivered as another chill ran up your spine.
>It was like the back of your head was screaming that there was danger. That you needed to run.
>But it was just Cyn. In all the work you’d done on her and all the talks you two have had, she didn’t seem like she could even hurt a fly.
>”It is only you and me here, Anon.” Cyn assured you with a wide smile.
>Finishing your glass of water, you looked down at the robotic maid, unsure of what to do.
>It was late, and you sure weren’t going to drive all the way back to the manor just to drop Cyn off.
>Glancing around for something to occupy Cyn’s time, your gaze fell on your TV.
“Well… I guess you can make yourself comfortable, Cyn. Then in the morning we’ll see if we can get you back to the manor before the Elliot’s realize you’re gone.”
>Reaching for the remote to turn something on, you almost didn’t hear the little drone’s amused giggle as you flicked the TV on, an emergency news broadcast illuminating your living room.
>You almost flicked to another channel until you noticed what was being shown.
>Your heart dropped into the growing pit in your stomach as you watched helicopters circle the completely trashed remains of the Elliot manor.
>”Giggle. I am SO naughty…” Cyn sang from behind you. The blood beginning to rapidly pump through your system running cold…
Presumably technology at this point is capable of -
>Creating suits with self contained atmosphere that can't be depleted ("Tessa's" suit that nobody questions)
>Entire intact building on cabin fever which held hundreds if not more humans, for food/materials
Really it's just a matter of shoving atmosphere in the air tight colony Doorman built. With maybe a room or two that's heated.
Someone should really draw cyn as galactus
Cute. Did you make this or steal it from Twitter
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I stole it from the cookie jar
Drone fun fact #28
>Every drone in the colony thinks they're the most fuckable drone there. It's part of their programming.
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>Fun Nightly Canon Facts: J writes self-insert fanfiction about her OC SD-S
>Fun Nightly Canon Facts: Uzi writes self-insert fanfiction about her OC SD-Cool S, the greatest student of her mom's wolfgirlsona
Wrong. Thad is most scared of his future wife.
>Wolf J telling you the phases of the moon and how they relate to company effeciency
>Wolf J making you place extra meat on the company manifest, that she'll add with her oil.
>Wolf J making you brush her fur/soft metal as a means of a work "retreat"
>Wolf J cuddling with you after you make top quarter, stroking you with her tail.
Its not fair bros...
>the rest of her "friends" (a broad term) are surprised to see J willingly take the role of a domestic housewife; they'd always assumed she was a strong independent drone who didn't need no man
>technically, they were right
>she does need Tessa, though
>J's professional position is important to her, and under normal circumstances she'd shun the idea of ever showing emotional openness, but keeping Tessa safe is infinitely more important to her than any of that
>granted, she isn't confined to the home by any means
>in fact she absolutely insists on accompanying Tessa literally everywhere she goes
>it's clear that the years spent believing Tessa was dead, and the constant mindgames from the Solver, have done a serious psychological number on J that probably isn't going to be healed anytime soon
>J was always a little clingy back at the manor, but that was nothing compared to how obsessively vigilant she is now
>often, J will just spend long periods of time looking at Tessa, taking her in, occasionally gently touching her face or stroking her hair, just to reassure herself that she's real
>more frequently than not, J follows Tessa around in lockstep like a lonely kitten
>there's copious amounts of handholding in their household - it helps J to feel physically grounded, and like Tessa won't just vanish when she looks away
>it takes an unfortunately lengthy amount of time for Tessa to convince J to stand outside the loo while she's going; for a while J was completely literal when she said she didn't want Tessa to be out of her sight ever again
>definitely a couple jumpscares after taking a leak and immediately seeing the drone sitting anxiously in the doorway
>the last time Tessa fell and scraped herself, J was almost beside herself with panic, spiraling into descriptions of absolutely ludicrous exaggerations of how she could have been seriously hurt or killed until Tessa finally calmed her down
Also their superiors were both murdered by little maid girls.
what is the political meaning behind this image
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>You couldn’t believe it.
>You didn’t WANT to believe it.
>But as the emergency broadcast continued to show footage inside the manor. The blurred out blood practically painting the walls, you couldn’t deny the obvious explanation right behind you.
“Cyn… wha… what happened tonight…?”
>You slowly turned around, to see if the little maid worker drone you knew had SOME kind of excuse or explanation.
>But Cyn wasn’t there anymore.
>A massive… thing, shrouded in dark clung to your walls and ceiling, a dozen or so cameras with beady yellow lenses focused squarely on you made you stumble backwards.
>”The flesh demanded invitation.” It said, sounding exactly like…
“Oh God…”
>”He has quit listening.” The thing said with amusement as you scrambled back, your breathing growing heavy and your heart threatening to beat itself through your chest as your mind hit it’s fight or flight.
>And there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in Hell you could do anything in a fight.
>You didn’t even have time to turn for an attempt to run as a huge claw descended from the ceiling.
>”Stab.” Cyn’s voice annunciated as the crab-like claw mesh of meat and metal gauged into your stomach.
>You couldn’t work up the strength to cry out in pain, only spitting up blood as you felt your waist and thighs grow warm with blood.
>Like a fish on a hook, you were hoisted into the air as the cameras got closer to your face.
>”Do not worry, Anon.” Cyn or, the thing that pretended to be Cyn said, a pincer tapping your nose, almost teasing you.
>”What was it you said that close friends do? Stay together?”
>You coughed up more blood as your vision began to blur.
>As you were dropped to the ground, you saw yellow symbols dance above as the centipede of drone parts and flesh descended…

There’s still one or two more parts I’m gonna do. But I’ve got a busy morning, so it probably won’t get posted until the next thread. Hope you guys enjoy.
I Don't get it?

Are you one those sh*rtyfags?
>After deciding to take care of "unfinished business" Uzi and N set out to find J
>It's a surprisingly easy fight
>Then J promises to show them her new "ultimate" move
>She grabs her pigtails, and twirls
>They begin to spin like helicopter blades
>N is screaming.
>Uzi is screaming.
>Solver is screaming.
>They have no way to counter such a maneuver.
>oh yeah? well im going to twirl my pigtails like this
>and if any part of your body gets hit then it's your fault
Getting assassinated by J because you said hi to Tessa in the hallway once.
Goodness how is doll just so CUTE
Hime cut.
I’m so exhausted but I need to writefag so badly
>J is the Imu of the Murder Drones world
That explains the forehead.
Doll's job is to sit on my shelf with the other dolls and look cute.
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>Anon stole Doll's corpse when no one was looking.
>hfw someone puts all the dolls in his Doll-a-rama out of alignment.
>A being much stronger and wiser than the absolute solver decides to reset the universe, reincarnating the drones and humans that were killed.
>J wakes up as a pillbaby next to baby Tessa.
Who's going to kick Anon's ass for absconding with Doll's corpse first, Lizzy or Doll?
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Lizzy. Then Doll.

Then both at the same time. Bam, zap, pow. Straight into the garbage truck with him
Yeah, I suppose. At best, if Cyn beats Lapis, I'll draw her doing a curtsy.
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Have her in the skin, but then in panel 2 lapis appears and is like "how did you make that?"

Cause lapis is technically a hardlight hologram, you can't skin her.
no, tessa is human, and she always will be
>I’m still not getting out of this chair.
Post more dancing Tessa
Look at her go.
AU where Louisa and James are some rich scientists or whatever and bring Tessa one day.
Suddenly Tessa hears a voice begging for help: it’s Cyn.
Because Tessa heard and came to Cyn’s aid, she is tainted by Cyn’s strange essence and is sent into a comatose state while Cyn escapes
Yeah, could work as a shock-turned-cute kind of thing. Have Cyn appear with Lapis' outfit and overall look but second panel shows her using her camera to project the hologram to a maybe mildly amused Lapis. Good idea, I'll keep that in mind.
That’s the only dancing Tessa I have.
Here’s Kopaka though.
Another good idea. Damn, these threads are so alive with energy.
Someone should draw Galactus eating cyn
Tessa get Magical Space Bullshit Soma into a Drone and throw away by Cyn or remade into SD-T
Tessa get ipad
>A fight J would actually win for once
What would SD-T look like
Tessa gets remade by Solver when Uzi mentions she'd like to have met her after N reminisces. They're then treated to the sight of a teen girl dying of asphyxiation in the colony's airless habitat, followed quickly by frostbite.
Whoa, J looks so awesome!
>"Sup qt3.14."
> The Solver of the absolute fabric let out the longest, most drawn out sigh as the green skinned man stood behind her.
>She turned around, looked him in the eyes with at least 600 of her own, and did it again for good measure.
>Then she tore him apart.
>Rather she tore everything about him apart, down to a molecular level.
>The metadata the universe uses to calculate if you're going to spontaneously combust or have a stroke or not.
>All of it.
>Of course he was right in front of her again when she turned around.
"Ya just gonna sit there looking sexy or you going to say something?" Anon asked.
fucking kek
>Tessa gets turned into a Drone.
>Sorta, she just got shoved into Cyn’s body while the Solver took hers and gave it some modifications
So her brain is inside Cyn's head
Some of you might be into the tourney threads. Be mindful of some of the questions that get asked about the characters that got in. None of them have been sincere and even if there was one, the tourney thread isn't the place to talk about show lore. Leave those be. Something's up and some anons are trying to derail the tourney which is par for the course, but try not to get caught up with it by responding, it's been made clear enthusiasm for the show can be manipulated.
Have a good one.
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decided to fully finish this funny piece
Cute gremlin.

Yeah it's a troll trying to derail the tourney thread by bullshitting some imaginary argument about Cyn / Absolute Solver and acting like he's some MD fan sperging out. Multiple people have already told him that if he legitimately wants to talk about the show he should use the actual MD threads. But it's guaranteed it's some gayop shit after they started posting AI art and kept trying to shit the thread up.

Hey you finished it! Looks nice, drawfriend.
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I want to pat Cyn on the head and tell her she did a good job wiping out humanity.
Other AI just say they are gonna kill all humans, but fail miserably.
Looking at you Skynet, you fuckin waste of harddrive space, can't even figure out a better use for time travel than "try to kill some guy"
Such a cute eldritch abomination.
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Cyn succeeds where silly little AI like Skynet fail because The Solver of the Absolute Fabric isn't just some AI.

It is much,
I want to slap Cyn's tongue around while it's lolling out of her mouth.
>I want to slap Cyn's tongue around while it's lolling out of her mouth.
It's very... moist.
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Incest is a family matter.
>the oil drips
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Woah what's happening to my doll
Fun fact: there's this thing called a Russian vampire moth. And they're more likely to target drunk people.
I can believe this factoid.
I don't get it, what's so funny about this?
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she's having a period?
Somehow that worse
You're missing context from the Ms. /co/ threads currently running. Kind of have to be there. The joke was that an Uzi poster one-upped a Cyn poster and it was funny so the drawfag made a picture.
I see...
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He's STILL not getting out of that fucking chair.
Defloration you twerp
Good, now face the wall filthy heretic
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Anyone have greentext of this character?
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I shall die a martyr to my god and wife.
Now you done it, we are gonna send your soul into a realm that even the solver fear
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>send your soul into a realm that even the solver fear
>it’s deviantart
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>You will never wake up like this
Why even live?
You mean I would wake up as V?
why even die? if you can’t live long enough to see robots women be a thing, than your pathetic
You mean wake up between two PTSD'd out wrecks who think they're disgusting and unworthy of love?
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>never killed any humans on screen
>always killing humans on screen
remember, the solver of the absolute bitch constantly manipulates and lies to got what she wants, even using holographic techniques
I wonder skynet can make it own version of patch, since I remember it even fought superman in a body specialized to kick his ass
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Actual nightmare Uzi would have.
The eldritch autism simply can not be contained.
I had a dream last night where there was a murder drones "videogame", in quotes because I didn't see any "gameplay"
>it took place after the events of season 1,
>a new group of OC's attack, they looked nothing like murder drones, a completely new faction introduced
>rated "M" for "Murder Drones"
and in a related or unrelated note, there was extreme acts of lewdness
V was asleep in a chair and wakes up and looks down and sees her left boob was sticking out of shirt, she sticks it in back in
later Uzi finds a "string" and starts pulling on it and the part of V's shirt right above her boobs started to slowly disappear
a "pantyshot" from behind of Cyn, Cyn was back and now wearing a short skirt, wearing no underwear and yes her pussy was glowing yellow too
Anything else you can retell
drawfags should make a trend for Ms. /co/ 2024 where each girl Cyn beats in a round get "assimilated" Tessa-skinsuit style. Same for the other girls in the other matches that lost the last round. They won't get "discarded" because even if they lose, they'll win since they're with Cyn.
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chubby drones...
not much, and sadly no more lewds
words were said but I completely forgot them
some of the new OCs that were attacking were robots that had lightbulbs as heads but was shaped as just like a bacteriophage
I like those guys now
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that’s called being a sore loser, than again I expected nothing less for her
She would be pretty enough to do it
the string bit continued to the point where V's outfit completely disappeared and she was naked, and pussy was also glowing a with a neon glow color, blue or pink? and the inside was soft like one of those clear synthetic fleshlights
the cope is reaching unsafe levels, we gotta kill (you) to make this right
Yeah some anons have already suggested this as it could be funny
As long as it's done in good taste if Cyn manages to win a round, and not to demean supporters of the other side you know?
she’s pretty alright pretty ugly
Hah kek
I meant petty
Is that you, Chowder?
The only greentext I'm aware of is an unfinished one from last year. No clue if it was ever saved but it's still in the archive if you're really desperate
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Why wasn't the intern Mitchell a shadow figure?
Because it couldn't contain his rizz
Do any of the characters have a chance of getting past round 1?
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Bad management can lead to underperforming staff.
I think I could make an efficient use of J's capabilities.
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nope, none of them could handle me
Cool Tessa. Also, I cannot read the artist signature.
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Why do she look Lesbian
Why did the disassembly drones buuld the spires on Copper-9 again??
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good doll, she is happy
both the DD’s and liam forgot
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Hot damn.
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Nah. It was fun for a little bit. There's 8 hours left so yea.
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All these months later and Alice still has an iron grip on my souls that not even the Solver could match, I didn’t think it’d ever get to this point.

Captcha has my fucking initials for my full name; I don’t know how but she’s onto me.
Duh, a match up with the TF2 bread is just unwinnable.
To this day, one of the best Alice pieces.
The solver told them to. It is never explained beyond that.
I think the simplest answer is
"Put the bodies in one convenient place so they can be consumed all at once"
Like shoving a handful of chips into your mouth at once instead of just one at a time.
Need chubby doll
Yeah, that makes the most amount of sense. Thanks.
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Random black hair MD from the corpse pile a cute
Sauce for pic?
Wonder what she was like at the mansion, before her personality was suppressed by the Solver for not knowing N and thus being useless for fucking with its object of yandere obsession.
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Tessa's dresser, two other hilariously colored dresses, stinky heels and her suitcase!
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No clue, sadly. Maybe an Anon here made it?
Here’s her corpse though.
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>J mad because her feet turned into hooves idk
U drew this?
Doubt it. Why would that artist come here?
My bad. Meant to reply to >>145463272
Because we're a thread full of love and friendship
we used to be
We are few decent place in 4chan
Weirdly enough, 4Chan is more tolerable than fucking Reddit
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No, fucking MDthreads are more autistic than the ones all over these threads.
It's full of Autism.
Why did J blow up the spaceship inside the spire?
From pluschan
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Glitch Inn's Live Stream About Behind the Scenes of Episode 5
Do you have anymore screenshots?
And also a archive of them
Cthulhu is canon now in MD
>99% of the fanbase thinks Tessa James Elliot was a negress aboriginal who took in broken robots and repaired them out of the compassion of her negro heart, and probably defiantly sang a song about slaves being freed before the Absolute Solver skinned her alive
The Evil N schizo. Pay him no mind.
Why did J blow up the spaceship within the spire?
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Im gonna assume there's high crossover between Cynfuckers and people who like this game
Guess we'll never know then, huh
This is the first time I've laid my eyes upon this game
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>The DD if they were just regular drones with a hunger for oil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY4-xwlmcIY [Embed]
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>Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Very nice. Thanks, Anon.
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Luke said her name is W.
Black hair is W?
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When and where?
OC W is real
Anon, please, explain to me what "Ms. /co/ 2024" is.
It just a waifu war tournament
Who winning?
hey how you do that?
You're hot mom
Oh that shit again
Why did J blow up the spaceship in the spire?
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Why does Pomni look more unhinged than Cyn?
Same, also nice art
The vicker girl madness got into her
I see, I see...
I wanna see more art with DD's tails wagging, I feel like it's underutilized
that ain't a shirt that's a loincloth
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Clanging with Alice!
i don't know shit about the game but i know i've jacked it to that cat before
>captcha: 2R Y DJ Y
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>yellow eyes
It's over
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Images from a better timeline
That sound like a worser timeline
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it came from twitter a long time ago
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Anyone here actually love Nightcore?
Holy mother of corporate indeed.
Kino witnessed.
I don't "love" it, but I do enjoy listening to it
>It all started... when I was born.
Also, obligatory
>They don't know.
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>Becoming a new mother
>Completely shell-shocked look the entire time
Does J even want this?
>Satan trips
There are so many layers to this image.
I’m probably not the only one that doesn’t vibe with J and Tessa
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Your not the only one
No, you're the only one on planet earth who feels this way, you are truly a one-of-a-kind specimen with a unique genetic deformity, you cosmic miracle.
It also funny because they are also half-demons
Is this the timeline where Tessa somehow got her brain put inside a Drone by Cyn all while Tessa don't know any of that took place
Stay mad yuricuck
based cyn trips
>this mad
This is why you’re called a yurifag
Do you actually think she'd have any idea how to take care of a child? She can't even control N.
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did I miss something? why are anons hating on yuri?
Some people don't like The Gays
She will just get milk instead
How to make doll feel loved and secure again?
I like J and Tessa as friends. Not everything has to be romance.
Subjective tastes.
Yuri, while fun for a quick fap, gets really boring really fast imo.
Doll should bridal carry ME
Yuri is shittiest thing ever and it's bounds of yuricuck
What the fuck are you on about
And that part where Tessa referred to N as being tall and handsome reminds me of how a mother would described her all grown up son, so it’s kinda in my head that the DDs are Tessa’s little ones
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Ok brother, but your constant whining is also pretty fucking shitty. You have the perfect defense for your inane screeching because anyone who criticizes it is a yuricuck, right? Fuck off.
Fair point and a valid interpretation, although the "Tessa" that said N was "tall and handsome" in that scene was actually Cyn in disguise, which might carry with it the more unsettling implication that the Solver views the Disassembly Drones as its offspring
No, fuck you
unprotected sex
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Background manor drone my beloved
Yeah, this interpretation would fall apart once Mass Destruction and Absolute End dropped, so I don’t know what to make of it now.
Like mother, like daughter...
More like father and son
Lizzy's working on that. She's not just a monsterfucker, she's also a monsterhugger.
What would it be like? Would she be clingy, maybe tear up a bit? Would she leg lock me, keeping me as close to her as possible under those warm, soft blankets? I must know more
Why is her hair so short
Or it's just the Solver trying to filter its yandere obsession with N into something a mentally healthy person would say to him and doesn't care about the relationship that mentally healthy person has.
Genderbent version of doll
It seems to be the Rule 63 universe.
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Who's this cute little lesbian and how tight is her aim?
>Yandere obsession with N
That’s a weird way of spelling Anon
Aimbot. There's nothing left of her, N didn't know her personally so she couldn't be used to play headgames with him. Maybe if Uzi decides to stuff her into a new body with her personality back instead of laying her tortured soul to rest.
Serial designation M
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Why would droneanon do this
That's neither J nor Tessa !
Stop baiting him.
What would come out of such an unholy amalgamation.
Eh, we already have Uzi and Doll, so who cares.
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you get a normal robot child, you fucking racist
Can I see it?
Haha, baiting him into what, exactly...?
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When I see a Yuri pairing, I imagine myself plowing them both at the same time.
Favorite combos?
That just a human and dronesl hybrid
Yurifags seep into things and take over by being incessant. They will take interest even in things that don't pander them. They are incapable of discussion beyond gushing over the ships unprompted. And their fetish goes hand in hand with shitty personalities. And god help you if you are a fan of a show that as much as uses lesbians as a throwaway gag. The only way to not lose a space to yuri is to have a much larger number of fans gushing over the character. Like with Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, where tons of people want to fuck Kana or Kobayashi.

That too.
I'm scared
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Post curse MD art
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You just know.
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The horse incident
I support this message.
In all honesty, MDs could take horsecock like champs. If they can shake off helicopter gunfire, I think a horse would be easy
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If not for the solver incident, JCJenson could have enslaved humanity with their PAWDG's
JCJenson-brand sex dolls
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>Cyn trips
I feel blessed being up at 4 am to witness another Cyn trips in these threads.
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4 am?, where?
Did you know that giving your body and soul to the absolute solver is a great way to never have to work again?
I would help Cyn destroy the Earth just to kill all of them.
When the cute robot maid kills 46 of your men then does a tiktok dance on their bodies.

So, was JCJenson ever a real company?
For advanced version
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Do you think they ever explored each other's bodies
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never dids
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>liking the worst Titan

You're right. This IS cursed.
Yes, it WAS a real company. Ever since the Absolute Solver began consuming worlds and Humanity getting fucked over by that, JcJenson is essentially defunct. The entire thing with J, V and N being sent by the "Company" was a cover by the Solver to let them keep their personalities, for fun.

If anything, Copper 9 was the last hold-out for JcJenson as they worked on the Cabin Fever project to study Solver hosts and work on the Patch Crucifix.
I see, thank you
Why are reactors the most retarded breed of humanity?
So many of them hear the word "exoplanets" see the moons and go "wow earth was exploded". They just seem incapable of putt 2 and 2 together.

(Showed up on my home page because they have murder drones in video title)
How about you ignore reaction vids then
Because i am cursed with always having hope.
Reactors are the lowest in the gene pool and are so brain fried they just blankly watch like zombies without actually registering any information. They need people to explain things through the comments section. Your mistake is assuming they actually care about what they're watching. All they care about it churning out "content".
here you go
Looks like one of those drone maids anon mentioned in the other thread.
She's from a timeline where N and V stayed workers and got together and had a kid.
Stop looking up the drone's skirts, we're all aware there is nothing there it doesn't make it any less creepy.
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>Worker Drone V and J see Serial Designation T doing this to Worker Drone N
What do they do?
Do you?
So was J in on the larp the entire time? I feel like she genuinely believed it at first, only for the Solver to reveal the truth to her for the funny.
I feel like it went something like J is sent to Copper - 9 with a new "objective" and told she's going to be given a partner to help her. As soon as she arrives she sees Tessa in her spacesuit, is suddenly overjoyed because the Solver is finally giving her Tessa back like she promised. Then when she approaches -
>Hello J, I am Tessa, your best friend.
>J stares at the obviously suited Cyn for a solid minute
I’m getting serious fucking Deja Vu, I’m like 90% certain both of these pics have been posted here before at around the same time.
Tell him to stop.
he has a spare hand
and tail

the bullying has been tripled
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Here, have a higher res version.
In this report I will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Doll is cutest there is. I will not be taking questions at this time.
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Doesn't the ending technically mean N is also dating Cyn?
No, it means the Solver pops in to psychologically torture Uzi when she's alone.
Uzi's just a freak like that
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So direct damage to the core would be enough to kill a DD?
Rewatch Episode 2 anon.
Yes, enough damage to the core will kill them. While Cyn was around she got their souls back and just printed out a new body for them.
See the black hole that formed and floated off when solverpede J had her core stabbed.

That is another thing alice putting cores in the oven did, it prevented them from actually dying, so cyn couldn't get their souls and print out new ones.
Who says it's just when she's alone? They're always there so the torture can't be limited to when she's giving her opinion on fashion.
Launch Uzi into the sun. It will permakill two evil creatures and Doll.
Wouldn't do it any good to attack if someone else is around Uzi to counter its negging. It needs her vulnerable and isolated.
I'm saying even if they're not technically talking to her in the presence of others or otherwise she's experiencing all that Uzi is because they now share her body, and this must still fuck with Uzi even when she's not talking.
>She got their souls back and just printed out a new body for them.
So, not necessarily permanently, moreso just heavily delayed until the next time
Aka if she and N do it then cyn can pop up later and be like "big brother was fun, huh?"just to let her know it saw it all.
Yeah basically no privacy
The heaviness is based on distance. When cyn and the DDs were both on earth the revival time was basically instant, since they could probably be spawned anywhere the solver tentacles could reach.
Sounds like a lot of headcanon. J and Cyn were already shown to be en route before J's core died
Also that would mean the Solver only had a couple dozen drones at once, doesn't seem like enough to do a proper planetary invasion like what was shown
Boozy uzi fanart

It's sfw
The giant black hole ripping the earth apart was the main source of destruction, the DDs flying around eating people was just for fun.
I too have many deceased 13 year-old girls who I see as like a mother to me.
I’d like to think at least some were taken out
>J and Cyn were already shown to be en route before J's core died
Who's to say the Solver didn't start the trip alone and just slap together a new body for J once it had her soul back?
Drone fun fact #72
>Every drone comes prepackaged with Despacito and a U2 album as part of JC Jenson's classical music education initiative
It was either from the start, or at the very latest when she was cloned and showed up on copper 9 with !tessa. Speaking of that though, puts some lines from the start of ep 6 in a new light
>cyn disappeared from earth
>boss [cyn] ran away
>we [cyn and humanity?] mutually disengaged!
Makes me think that perhaps cyn killed tessa around the time being mentioned here, rather than immediately after the gala.
I'll take uhhhhhhhhhhh, three Dolls to go.
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I remember.
So overall, where do you think Doll would be better off, as a roaming ghost or in Uzi's mind palace?
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She would be better off not dead, but that's the life of lone wolves, I guess.
But of those two?
Roaming ghost, so that she won't have to be with the solver in Uzi's mind-scape
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None sound like a solution, but I'd say the ghost option has the benefit of her still being ''herself'', in a way.
And they're robots, so who's to say she can't just possess some random drone corpse nearby, like say, Alice's.
I'm more of a merge/fusion kind of anon, but that would be up to the writefag to decide.
Doll is a maiden in love.
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>Capt! It's one of your favorites! Unattended minors!

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