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Who is your favorite Drone or character from the show? And why?
J because I can write about her suffering and it feels right.
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Alright, Hear me out: Disassembly drones but BIG.
Big disassembly drones owe me sex.
i really like how she has extra bulk on her joints to compensate for her size
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Lizzy has left me with a MIGHTY NEED! for more monsterfucking Gigastacies.
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Yes. Very much yes. Bigger.
big sentinel drones own me in sex
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Many reasons really, she is smart and actually competent, did far too well than should could have been reasonably expected given her adversaries before and during 6, all while just being a WD (ZD and a few mods ofc, but nothing of that gives her any chance against DD or Solverwitch).
Also one of the least deranged characters, the crawling and a few other antics are ofc a bit crazy, but she isn't recklessly insane like 'a few' others, one of the few characters that actually do something who (most likely) didn't kill innocents willing or not and depending on how the DDs at CFL's entrance died she may not have killed anyone at all, but that might be a bit of a far stretch.
another good example of intelligence and her 'craziness' of a harmless kind is her recation to Uzi's bite, didn't whine a bit, first made sure it couldn't happen again by giving Uzi more magnets, then took care of her broken finger and then went back to take the finger back (from Uzi). Ofc Alice liked cutting it off a lot, not like she was in the wrong tho and Uzi didn't exactly help herself a lot with her condescending early attitude and impulsiveness
Also saved a pillbaby that was at the time useless, speaks for good character imo ('brain scrambled enough to have a child' Nori comes to mind).
Alice also has a very appealing lively personality, voice and looks, together with great lore and a in MD terms very clean record, it's not a hard choice imo, but that's likely still subjective, I certainly didn't look as much into other characters as her to be fair.
Definitely cyn. How much she enjoys fucking with the other characters is just great
V's the one I'd most want to clang though
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Ah well, maybe next time.
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I love my robo-vampire wife.
She reminds me of someone who I loved once. I would like to say more, but it will be better if I don't.
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Definitely feels like spite voting.
>who are unwittingly hosts to an inhuman meat horror that's looking out through their eyes
Human versions of the DDs and witches would be Tzimisce.
Be a good lad.
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damn, the drones really did get murdered
well not really, all of them lost by about 10% of total votes
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Guys I don't mean to rain on your parade but bigger drones mean bigger appetites and that means no one is safe. big cyn would literally eat people whole
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>Cyn lost to SU
That's incredibly sad, I can't believe so many people actually enjoy that show here.
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Oh God, I might not played VTM (To my dismay), but I know how some of them look like.
cyn song anon, if you are still here
i have but one
You're kidding?, that blue hoe is The hot girl from her show, barring her inconsistent personality.
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> named Ivory because she big like elephant
At least Lapis is a real woman
wait we lost?
Welp, I no longer care about this anymore.
>big Cyn skins Giantessa because she’s the only Tessa big enough to wear
Generally bad draws with Uzi getting yet another DC powerhouse and V getting Heed. Dunno about Lapis that might've been sugfuckery that this place suffers from but it wasn't enough to win out against more established entries.
Mommy ozen drone...
Feral Alice sex
That's Ms. /co/ for you. Anything that isn't from the 00s gets rallied while anything from the last couple years gets anti-rallied to ensure no more Spinels happen again.

Not like this show's characters had much personality, anyway.
She's a hard light hologram.
Oh well, shit happens doesn't it? All that matters is that people showed their support. All the art that was created was genuinely incredible. Well done to everyone involved.
As if robots are any better, they’re cold and unfeeling, anon!
So’s Cyn, what’s your point?
Yes, i am saying they are equally holographic in response to "lapis is real".
Outpost-6 has expanded further
Going 0/3 is interesting, but I did figure an SU character would win over Cyn.
We’ll be back anon
You can’t get rid of us
We’re like cockroaches
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It is canon in the show that gems can hybridize with humans.
goddamn by fucking typo dyslexic-ass brain
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How long would it take for a Drone to start shouting racial slur after being connected to Twitter?
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>Murder Jobbers
Point and laugh at them everyone, these are where the losers get to congregate to talk about their canceled show
Just like Tay….
It’s enough to bring a tear to my question mark shaped anonymous eye
>Not much personality
All of the big picks are literal cardboard compared to the MD cast. Need I remind you we were rallied against by an entire discord of literal shitters for their coomer shit character.
Don’t argue with the tournament botherers
Post drones instead
All we got is Ivory and Eveline
You going to shut the fuck up or what
00s characters existed before SJWs. They're automatically better than your SJW communist anti-white poison waifus.
I said this ove in the Ms. /co/ thread but might as well say it over here too for you guys.

I hope all the MDbros that were making such good OC can make some final pieces for this round that just went by. Or, put some support forward for Vexus and Pomni going forward.
I wasn't expecting any miracles, but I had loads of fun and the MD girls brought a lot of creatism autism to the threads yet again. Lets see if Pomni can do anything this year.
>t. tournament botherer
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Thanks man.
Thanks anon, your a cool one. The MD threads always are open if you ever feel to stop by. Best of luck to whoever your picks are.
Cyn be with you anonymous
I'm going to antivote SMG4 characters to spite you.
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Well, well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of colorful losing clowns *honk*
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I'm just really surprised that Mymy managed to win her bout
Don't bring that tribefag shit in here.
is it also supposed to say 'daughters'
as in in plural
I'm supporting pomni out of principle
Please tell me what animes exist that /co/ unambiguously loves and has zero criticisms of. I no longer have time to watch shows that'll end up being wasted time in the end.
>got matched with SU character
>not knowing that one autist that constantly spams peridot lewds st least once week
>not knowing about autistic reddit and SUdiscord
Cyn was meant to lose to riggers
*kisses Pomni on her stupid clown face
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lucky star
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Random showerthought:

What if Murder Drones had a Undertale like ending, where is it's revealed that the Solver was Cyn/Tessa (who died at the Gala and came back wrong) and then uses the drones killed by the DD to resurrect their old form and attempt to 'destroy' the universe by making everything go back in time.
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If it walks like Undertales and talks like Undertales, everybody is just going to call it Undertales
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To be honest we should have seen the L coming. Bejita made the ultimate sacrifice for us, and we all know how well that worked out the first time around with Buu.
tl of pic?
>Super powered autistic girl vs Super powered autistic girl
Ragatha better, and Pomni is a Jester.
> I didn't know where to hide the knife.
> That's why it's in your liver now, sorry, I panicked.
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V, I think she's cute and her backstory is honestly really tragic to me.
J. Twin-tailed brat.
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I don't really browse /co/ outside of these threads so getting 0-3ed was a pretty big surprise, especially after how much MD enthusiasm there was in the threads. Guess the rest of the board just doesn't care. I'll be honest I feel pretty disappointed, I was looking forward to this a lot, like one big final afterparty after the season finale where we could celebrate the show, but now I feel like all my enthusiasm is gone.
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Who do I spite vote for now to get back at the people who rallied against the drones? I just want to help piss them off at this point
You probably wouldn't have been so suprised if the ip counter was still around
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Thanks. Planning on a piece about Vexus and the other robots we lost in round one or something (I did the art of her taking Uzi and Cyn last year). Most of my sidemains also lost, so I'm not sure what I'm doing with the tournie this year. Might push Pomni too since, like it or not, we're related shows. If I see a fun campaign happening, I'll do OC for it.
Hoping we do better in Mr this year!
I personally would rather not have them muck up these threads in retaliation l.
SU is the answer.
Too old, too moeshit.
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anon the tournament is just for fun, don't take it too seriously
>liking Steven Universe
Race traitor.
We really should have promoted Cyncest more
SU fucking sucks, fuck that
I want carnage
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calm down anon
Why not make sub-categories for characters to compete by creation date, so those from the 00s against each other, who from the 10s against each other, etc? Too much work?
>to ensure no more Spinels happen again
What went down with Spinel? I didn't keep an eye on Ms. /co/ back then
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A bit of a shame that Cyn in particular seemed to get spite-voted against in her matchup against Lapis, especially considering all the other Steven Universe girls were voted against and dropped out.

But hey shit happens that's just how it is. The strange posts targetting MD and going after it are definitely quite weird, and you can see how they come into this thread and try to do the same thing here.
Even if there is some fuckery afoot, it doesn't really matter. All the support and art was incredible to see anyways.

Based artbro, and yeah I'm excited for Mr. /co/ too!
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Drones are a rather niche topic on /co/, so it doesn't come as a surprise that it's not big on popularity contests.
No, bad anon. Just vote normally for the funny tourney.
Damn boi he THICC, he made for big sentinel ladies
Not just niche but actively hated by large groups of /co/ fags and Sharty tourists
Cant wait for the one two punch of the threads getting put on hiatus after this Istg
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Remember what they took from you.
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Well lads we tried i got to say it was very fun to root for all the md girls and see all the amazing oc it was an awesome experience. also this tournament mannaged me to stop being a lurkfag and make me cheer for all of our girls insted of only voting for them anyways now I am waiting for Mr. /co/ to vote for n, have an amazing day everyone and thank you for this art and cheer you brought me.
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Would Cyn and Shodan get along? I know that most likely no, but it's funny to imagine how they could interact.
Goodnight anon, see you in the next thread!
love you anon <3
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My fellow Drone chads
We have suffered a terrible loss today its true
but while the battle is lost, the war rages on
while we lick our wounds we should also give energy to our Glitch sisters during Ms. /co/. Its likely the spite voters that went for us will do the same to them. We MD posters have massive autism and OC to give, and while we may have lost our girls the Glitch babes stay strong,
That is to say instead of cursing the tourney we should redirect our energy into supporting all the Glitch girls who now carry on the autism spirit to give them our support as they also get rallied against
who is shodan?
I wish her all the best but I don't have the heart to do any more campaigning when it clearly doesn't do shit.
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I'm saddened by the loss of Cyn in the vote but I hope Pomni makes it if anything.
That is one happy cute puppet on the right. How does the biomechanical eldritch centipede monster get it to do that? She makes it happy and proud, she makes it fearful and ashamed...
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>Anon never heard about one of the best immersive sims and its main antagonist
Well, I strongly recommend you to play System Shock or at least use google to know some things about her.
Absolutelt giving my support to Pomni and some other girls. I don't exactly care about the Round 1 results, I was always expecting the targetted seething towards MD girls and all that mattered was having fun and creating good content.
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>Well that was easy, she didn't even put a fight
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>Worker Drone V and J see Serial Designation T doing this to Worker Drone N
How do they respond?
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>Spite voting
Dont be a faggot anon
Too late <3
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Go and give'em hell kid, at the very least I contributed a tile
V even if my favorite couple is NUZI
I'm gonna anti-vote all DC characters to spite you.

What is that exactly?
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>As punishment for nearly wiping out humanity, all DDs were banished to be menial fast food drones
>Don’t feel sympathy for any of them when you make your order. Remember, they deserved their position there.
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Not a DC-fag, just the first image that came to mind anon
Too bad.
Thread's gone.
You should totally “spite vote” by voting for Pomni and spite the people who didn’t say for you to vote for Pomni
Lapis was one of the biggest offenders on the matter of the double standard SU had with fusions, save yourself the cope of steven and his dad fusing was actually father/son bonding, that gay ass fusion tells another story.
Harper is there as well
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Go fuck yourself J
I can see up your dress from here.
but shes not BIG big like those two
i wonder how the very few boys there are match up to them
J if you wanted uppies just ask.
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You're doing this on purpose so I EMP your ass in retaliation, aren't you?
There's nothing up there to see.
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Harper is more normally sized
It's still a good view
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The Solver is absolutely my favourite character. Flips between extremely fun and extremely horrific on a dime. Super cool antagonist and very entertaining, one of my favourites from recent media I think.
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If there's nothing down there to see, then It won't be a problem if I reach for it from below.
This is exactly how J would act towards anyone posting here.
Imao, imagine simping for a jobber
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Oi really?
Didn't keep up with ms.co but nice to at least see Ongezellig get ahead
It's not my fault she was physically built to please humans.
>All the murder drones lost Ms. co
At least now I don't have to give two fucks about it.
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Yea, back to regularly scheduled doll posting
It's a simple job but an honest one.
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My love for her shall never diminish...
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Oh no, anyways, back to posting drones.
Qué mis ojos se despierten, con la luz de tu mirada yo, a Dios le pido.
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Eh you can sort of give a fuck about Mr. /co/. It's way more chill, but don't be expecting any miracles either. All I really care about is the thread interactions and art anyway.
Speak American, please
Honestly if the new show that's this quality can't even compete in one round against the sheer autism of -
>Literally who characters or someone that's been around forever
I really don't see the point.
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I'll change the language settings.
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Doll would have won miss co
>that's this quality
oh no, no, no... do dronefags really?
She's miss /co/ in my heart
Here's your (you) Anon, spend it well.
>show bad because i don't like it
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I wanted to post a pic about a guy not being interested about working out until a poster said going to the gym is sexist which inspires him to actually go to the gym but I couldn’t find it.

Have this GayGay pic instead.
>Literally who
Huh? Didn't we get knocked out WonderWoman and a Steven Universe character? I'm pretty sure those are massive names
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Kek funn-
>Off-site image
Could doll have truly healed? What's the latest point she could've been saved?
That was referring to the third I have no idea what character that is. The other two have been around forever and are shit examples from their universes.
She can still be saved. Just have faith in Lizzy, she knows her way around monstergirls.
She can heal her body but she needs a large human Anon to heal her mind.
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Half of our stuff are off-site anyway
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I will be forever hers...
It's gonna get scraped and dumped on the booru untagged now tho
I really want to see more art of Mitchell being a dad to doll
Before she got slurped she could have been fixed by putting another drone corpse on top of her to absorb the material.
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While funny, tessa got all her drones from the corpse pile, none were fresh.
>What's the latest point she could've been saved?
When she was knocked out from damage, before Cyn ate her core
>Could doll have truly healed?
Absolutely, I have zero explanation for why she laid there as if she was dead for 5 minutes while Uzi isn't even knocked out for 10 seconds when her chest gets ripped apart.
I love MD to an insane degree, but Uzi and her lorebreaking plot armour I hate from the bottom of my heart
Material. Every time a drone takes damage they need to take from their "matter stock" to recover. Cyn would absolutely know how to drain doll's matter stock to 0 so she couldn't activate her regeneration.
>"That thing over there wants to beat the shit out of you and kidnap me!"
How would each character react if Tessa said that to them?
I don't know. Sounds fun, maybe you should write a greentext about it
Didn't you already make this post this thread?
>N- Oh no, my shit belongs on the inside! It's in my manual!
>J- Incoherent screaming and violence.
>V- Sounds like you should be running instead of spouting exposition.
Same reason why J's corpse could not regenerate from the state Uzi'snrailgun left it in, and the Absolute Solver had to have J's Solver-core hop out of the chest cavity to go into Matter_Collection and form a Solverpede. Material.
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Anyone else thought Tessa was going to be the main villain because of all the weird voodoo shit she has in her room?
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Well.. anon.. TECHNICALLY..
she cute
I know. I meant like if either Tessa summoned the absolute solver or literally became it somehow.
A lot of guys found your behavior back there obnoxious, and honestly I can't blame them, and the reactions towards the R1 losses really didn't do you any favors, but I personally did appreciate your presence there while it lasted, autistic and naive and youthful you guys might be, but you did make a lot of OC that I thought was fun or cute, and you guys are at least sincere about your picks, something that Ms needs more of these days to try and balance out the shit, I don't think you guys will make it past Round 1 anytime soon, but I hope you don't give up because of this, see you all later.
Shouldn’t V be running too?
I thought it was already decided that we didn't?
She's the type to give good advice and not take it.
Cyn and N fucking
Cyn has gathered every coupon book you've ever given an ex in your life and is redeeming 10,000 hours of cuddling. No breaks will be given.
>an ex in your life
So I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding something here.
Multiverse theory or something.
He means next year, and maybe ghe year after that.
V cat plush
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>Nori starts spazzing out over the prospect of getting a new "normal" body, especially now that she's been made aware of the 'Solverpede situation' her own daughter is going through
>She wants to stand in solidarity with Uzi (and frankly she's long since grown used to being a core) yet is afraid that remaining a core would be a cruel & "gross" thing to put Khan through

>Khan earnestly reassures Nori that his love for her is unconditional, and that he'll support whatever decision she ends up making on the matter
>He explains that regardless of body or form she will /always/ be the hottie that he'd fallen in love with all those years ago, and that above all else he's just happy to have her back in his life

>Cue another prolonged make out session between the two
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Season 2.
Kilonova comin'.
I wasn't really paying attention to the thread, was shit actually happening like this Anon's saying or is it just pure autism trying to close out the active threads?
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Am I the only who doesn’t care about mis.co shit and just comes here for the Drones?
I mean, same Anon. The board as a whole has been kinda shit for a while so I only participate in the fandoms I'm currently being autistic about.
haven't lurked in a while, who is le child?

I dont know if MD will still be that relevant by then. The unfortunate and funny thing about how Ms./co/ and other competitions of a similar style to it is the amount of spite voting that happens and how easy it can be manipulated.

In fact, I already see a vulnerability on how the voting system works, and it only takes one autist (and we have a lot of those in the board already) to rig everything.
I was participating only for the drones. I guess i will pop in to vote pomni but i wont be in that thread anymore.
Material has never mattered before or after J got blasted.
Had a similar-ish thought to that one while reflecting on how the "Uzi finding out the people in her life still love her as a worm" green and its responses developed:
>Uzi, after thinking about the roll her mom got on about how if her daughter is stuck as a freak then she's going to stay as a freak, tells her that she appreciates the thought but it's unnecessary
>Nori teases out of Uzi that she feels like she'd be a burden on her mother if she did that
>"What d'you mean, burden? How'd that make you a burden on me?"
>"Mom, just... look at you!"
>"Are you calling me an invalid!?"
>"Of course no-"
>[start telekinesis-ing things around] "You see this?! I am JUST as capable as before! I got by almost twenty years like this, I can make it the rest of my life if I have to!"
>"Mom, I've never seen your face! I've gone my whole life without seeing my moth-"
>"BITE ME!" one of the glaring cameras emerging from the gargantuan biomechanical vermin that suddenly appeared yells in Uzi's voice, as Uzi suddenly collapses like a puppet that's strings were cut
>a hush descends
>"No no no no no no no no no... no, I let go of... Mom, I didn't mean for you to see-"
>"I know... let's just... let's just sleep on it..."
>the monster disappears, and a reanimated Uzi scoops up Nori
>"I'm sorry, Mom..." she says as she holds her mother to her chest
>Nori's front legs hook themselves around Uzi's neck in a hug
>"Don't apologize to me."
>A lot of guys found your behavior back there obnoxious
Oh fuck off.
The only reason J didnt regenerate properly on Episode 2 was because a clone body was immediately taken over when she got blasted. It was also to allow Cyn to personally check what is happening in Copper 9.
>Uzi and Nori get into a shouting match
>Uzi gets so heated she accidentally 'drops the act'
>internal panic
>looks at her collapsed original body, and back at her mom
>Nori's stern gaze has not moved
>she was looking at the real Uzi the entire time
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Anons, I never understood the Louisa craze
Until I saw picrel
J didn't get a new body until the core was stabbed and so her soul returned to cyn. Which is why none of the other drones sent into cabin fever labs were reanimated, Alice kept the cores from fully dying or going solverpede mode.
An average upper class white girl. >>145475211
I have no idea what that anon is talking about, much of the shit being posted complaining about MD or MDfags or otherwise shitting on them for no reason is pretty clearly targetted vitriol out of nowhere accusing people of stuff that never actually happened. MD presence in Ms /co/ has been mostly positive, just lots of OC and having a good time.
The falseflagging shit where the guys going after MD pretend to be MD fans or "angry indie zoomers" is so obvious it's not even worth paying attention to. They just spam and shit up the thread with nonsense after falseflagging and acting like MDfags are acting a certain kind of way.

t. Vexusbro
Probably just some discord tards trying to put down the competition because all this means so much. I swear zoomers are the easiest group to militarize for things like this in the world. Like nolife combined with an absolute need to fit in. And I say this posting autistically in a drone thread.
why are the drones around her? they probably wouldnt even exist yet
>Incoherent screaming and violence.
Are both coming from J?
J should've been the main character
Of course. The moment Tessa and danger clicks into place J turns off all inhibitors and E1M1 starts playing on her visor.
Is this a Netflix show or? Where do I watch this
You can pick it up at blockbuster
Youtube. Let me get that for you.

J would be a good main character for a sequel. She serves her purpose in MD well as the reluctant villain, but she's prime material for a redemption arc story.
>A lot of guys found your behavior back there obnoxious
You mean the guys spamming and brigading against MD merely for existing and producing lots of content? Nobody really did anything wrong, the tournament was absolutely fine and comfy apart from the normal spitevoting and eruption of the same shitflinging and falseflagging being thrown at MD by the same group of people spamming the usual "zoomershit" posts. Absolutely nobody was surprised that MD would get spited, nobody expected to sweep or win, the vast majority of people just enjoyed the ride. Come on dude.
Are you actually retarded
Least obvious troll
What would the premise be? Her coming back hat in hand only to see Uzi is tired and barely holding against the Solver and all hands on deck are needed, ending up unfucking herself in the process of helping keep the Solver contained?
It's on Tubi you elitist
Hey, it's a legitimate if weird question.
If a dismissive reply comes afterward then yeah sure.
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It's so high quality, especially after you realize what actually happened in the series, and that it's essentially an unofficial Black Mirror anime, you could mistake it for belonging to a streaming service. Chill, please.
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I live for shadow Tessa
Look at her go.
I think a lot of what could be done depends on how you'd interpret her last seen act of repairing the ship; figuring out where exactly she's intending to go, if anywhere.

The main villain WOULD probably have to be the Solver again, because that's basically already like the maximum ceiling of antagonist threat level, and the first series already shot to that shit right off the bat.
Did someone hack Glitch for the models?
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my nigga
nta that was generated by AI.
>Thad stared at the ceiling, the walls were so blurry that all he could see was the darkness of the dull colors.
>It was only a month since Thad was taken prisoner by the vampire. But to him, it seemed like an eternity of torment and torture.
>It was strange to think some days ago that he would have begged for mercy, for his life.
>Now? He wanted nothing more for that monster to end it.
>Days of starvation, beatings and being drained of blood are bound to even break the toughest of men.
>Thad was tired, just so weak he could barely open his eyes.
> It’s not like it mattered away, there wasn’t anything to see other than old stone walls and the chain on his foot.
> He was going to die, and he was relieved.
> No more days of being the brunt of V’s wrath. No more nights where she would storm into his cell, hungry and lustful.
>She had once stated that if that the vampires were going to suffer, so will the humans.
>”And I did” Thad thought, “I suffered more than anything”
>It gave Thad a small, spiteful joy that she could not harm him now, as his eyes become to grow heavier each passing second.
>But right before he slipped away, he could faintly see his cell door rip open.
A J-centric sequel is easy though.
>Oh fucking shitballs Copper-9's way more fucked than we thought it was.
>No amount of doors can help us, despite our attempts.
>Cut to a scene of Doorman attempted to door up the planet's core. It fizzes as it reaches it.
>We have only one solution
>Abandon planet
>Great idea, we don't have a ship.
>We know someone that does, though.
>J finishes repairing her ship, hops in, and moves to press the launch button only to get a warning "company drones in blast radius of takeoff"
>She looks at the monitor to find N, V, and Uzi screaming at her to stop
>She considers, finger hovering over the launch button, for a solid minute
>Eventually after a long back and forth they manage to convince J to help evacuate the colony
>Buuut their ship isn't big enough for everyone.
>J thinks that over, tears out the nearest drone's core and does some math. Got enough room for these and we can just rebuild everyone when we get back.
I'll get over it soon, just sucks now. Feels like we were unjustly hated on for no reason. Plus I don't know how many of y'all will be around for it next year and that makes me sad.
Murder Drones looks like something a manchild or a minor would watch, and has a line involving "toxic masculinity" extremely early on in the pilot. This is all intentional.
>Thad awakens to find V pushing her tongue in his mouth, forcing the healing saliva inside him.
>Then she rapes him for 15 hours
If Hazbinfags were able to last a year with just a pilot then I think we’ll do fine.
Remember when getting unironically offended by a joke in a cartoon was something that got you laughed at on this website
Which is funny given the show's extremely straight. I don't think there's a single gay relationship, only friendships people see that way.
Lmao thanks for the confirmation you're just some raiding asshole Anon. But please keep posting in this thread, the fact that you are wasting your time on this earth being a sad cunt is, honestly, probably the peak you'll reach in life and we both know it.
That's the only line I wish I could delete from the show. Thankfully it's the only one like it.
Why would you even respond to this? It's such obvious bait. Seriously.
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guys i want to fuck a human im sorry i just really do and i know we're all drone fuckers in here but if i could have a threesome with Tessa and Lizzy i would
I'd remove the "God N just fuck me" from episode two. Seemed a bit on the nose.
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Are you insane? They should have gone through with it and had sloppy Solver-sex right there. What are you, gay?
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You know what the penalty is.
The MD posters didn't take the losses well, I can say that much, but the tournament itself is also extremely salty in general due to years of bad leadership and controversies, I think you guys just need to be able to shrug off all the insults thrown your way, because you're always gonna be insulted for being zoomers and liking an indie cartoon, as petty as those reasons are to shit on a fandom, Ms isn't a friendly tournament unfortunately.
Pinned comment on this is from fitzy
I hope
Kinda surprised they still do it, honestly. For years it's been shit and mired in drama.
>the tournament itself is also extremely salty in general
This is my main takeaway. It felt like there was way less love for people's own picks than there was hate for other people's.
J in a dress animation
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thanks for the concern but don't worry about us they can't shoot us down we are literally made of titanium
I'm a regular, and a fan. I'm being extremely careful with what I say and how I say it if we actually do have complete newbies to the series here.
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Technically I’m a millennial…
>The MD posters didn't take the losses well
What? Dude are you just taking the falseflagging and brigadeposting against MD to heart or something? Or trying to spread a false narrative? This never happened, the only genuine posts I saw were just happy with all the great OC and art from the drawfags and pledging support to other characters that made ot through.
There's an active effort to shit on Murder Drones if you couldn't notice from the immediate flood of posts falseflagging against and accusing MD of various things when Round 1 ended when the entirety of the tournament was fine and a lot of fun.
Doll seems to be able to do Solver shit better than even episode 8 Uzi.
>Copies items
>Doesn't use her hands in doing so
Never utilises [null] though. Doll is more technical with her Solver usage while Uzi is more brute-force. Doll is clearly more practiced and in-control, while Uzi is.. well. She's a hyperactive autist emo gremlin, what did you expect?
She does seem to be unable to cope with anything she can't immediately Solver squish. Just straight panic when she encountered the squirmy worm.
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>I'm a regular
Can you prove it?
Have you made any fanart or greentext?
The drones all want to sit in your lap but you don't have enough lap to go around.
Caster in a meta that favors melee classes.
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You know exactly who I am, don't you? (Art not mine for newcomers, graciously gifted to me by an anonymous artist inspired by one of my greentexts).
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Would free her and apologize for not getting to her sooner? Yes.
Who knows? Maybe if they worked through their communication issues, they would have been best friends?
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Something tells me terrible things happen to good people on Copper Nine. Just a gut feeling.
Being surrounded by evil is no excuse to do evil. Especially when the drones already want the human D.
Tessa pls
Yeah. That's where Uzi being an autistic weeb that learned how to fight from watching anime helps her out. She can actually fight without the Solver's abilities, unlike Doll who is more technically skilled with the Solver but can't fight without it.
Being able to fight is a big advantage against another Solver host that you can't interact with directly using AbsoluteSolver. Which also factors in to the final fight against Cyn / the Solver.
Yeah, maybe you're right. My apologies, I've been talking to you guys like you're all teenagers, there's no reason for me to be this condescending.
I hope you won't completely abandon Ms because of how much salt there is, I liked the OC and it was nice to see there be a little more life to to the Round 1 threads this year, even if it might be ages before you stand a chance at actually making it through the bracket, the old anons won't be the majority of the voterbase forever, and these tournaments probably aren't gonna disappear unless the site itself dies, you guys might get a legitimate shot one day, even if it's not gonna be any time soon.
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Forgot image.
How cool is that? Edutainment that is actually fun to watch? Do you think a parent had something to do with that? They must really care about what their child watches, if so, and selectively curates and watches it with them.
Okay, last little stretch.
>Everything hurt.
>You lay in a pool of wetness, the past few hours a complete blur. The taste of iron unbearably strong in your mouth.
>What happened? You woke up in the night, and Cyn was…
>Cyn. Or that, THING that sounded like her!
>You wanted to sit up, find some kind of light, figure out what that ungodly creature of robotics and flesh had done, where it took you!
>But you couldn’t see anything.
>Nothing in your body was responding. You could only muster a weak twitch of your fingers brushing up against something smooth and cold feeling.
>At least, until you felt your mouth begin moving.
>”Oh, Anon. You are awake.”
>That monotonous voice rang out that a few days ago, you may have thought was cute.
>Your vision suddenly came back, tinted in yellow and lines of data and input and symbols you couldn’t hope to understand.
>What was going on?!
>You felt your lips curl into an eager smile as you felt yourself sit upright.
>You tried to will yourself to run, look around, at least look at yourself to see what Cyn had done, but nothing aside from your fingers were responding.
>”Excited giggle. I wanted to show you the surprise, personally. Anon.” Cyn’s words echoed in your mind as you started to stumble through the dark hall of your humble little home.
>What was going on?! Why weren’t you in control of yourself?!! You tried to scream for any kind of help, but your body continued to betray you.
>”Searching, feeling…” Cyn hummed as you approached your bathroom, your arms feeling against the wall for a light switch.
>At least for a few seconds before Cyn huffed.
>”Impatient fit.” She grumbled, a glow of yellow flashing just out of your vision as the bathroom light came on, “Giddiness. What do you think, Anon?” Cyn asked as you looked into your bathroom mirror in complete horror…
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I had a sneaking suspicion, although I wanted to absolutely certain so as not to indulge in any overtly schizoid thinking myself.
It being (You) certainly explains why your post (>>145476254) is such an inflammatory dogshit take, but at least you're being '''kind''' enough to temper your more overt faggotry for any newcomers
>Looking back in your reflection was… a crude mockery of…
>Yourself? Life? You weren’t sure. But the longer you stared, the more the urge to puke rose in your throat.
>But nothing came.
>’Cyn…’ you thought weakly, ‘Wh- Wha… what have you DONE to me?!!’
>”You said that close friends… remain together, correct?” Cyn said, “I believe this is… as close together, two friends can be.”
>It was like a drone had tried to take you apart and wear your skin. Bits of metal tubing bursting from your skin, parts around your chest haphazardly sewn together around an exposed drone chest and core.
>Your eyes black sockets with the only signs of life in them the glowing yellow ‘X’s representing pupils.
>And the blood. So much more than you ever thought you had in your body…
>The wide, manic, excited smile on your lips as drone hands, emerging from your own organic limbs, clapped together like a giddy schoolgirl.
>You could only stare in terror as Cyn felt the amalgamated fusion she had made out of the two of you.
>You tried to rack a potential solution, but you’d never felt so… utterly helpless like this. Any pleading or begging Cyn to… even attempt to undo this would most certainly get you nowhere…
>What were you AT ALL anymore beside a passenger in what remained of your own flesh?
>You wanted this to be some nightmare, to wake up back in your bed, normal, and just be with the Cyn you knew.
>Or at least… thought you knew…
>”I knew you would love it, Anon.” Cyn sang, your head tilting as… limbs of wire and muscle grew from your back, carrying the two of you out of your home, “So many things to do. So many delicious planets to feast upon…”
>”And you are one of the few that get to join me.”
>”Every step of the way…”
>”…Cyn-ister giggle…”

That’s the last of it. I don’t think anyone… EXPECTED this to end well? But hey, at least it wasn’t Tessa who got Cynwalker’d in the end…
Yes new dancing Tessa gift
If you liked it, happy to provide. If you didn’t, call me a faggot or something I dunno.
>Nori with Uzi as a baby
>Shoves a 15tb usb drive of anime into her
>"Done, I'm such a great parent."
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Why do I feel like I've seen this exact pose somewhere before?
Very based work writefren!
I'll see to getting this capped at some point tomorrow
Because it's deviantart stuff.
Is it?
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Based Yeva gentlemen, She deserved better than being vored by V.
Is Murder Drones too niche for a Halloween costume?
>"Lizzy... Lizzy... Lizzy, there's something here..."
>"Mmmmhhh... Oh, hey ghost babe..."
>"Я тaк пoнимaю, Peйчeл cкaзaли, чтo вce o нeй дyмaют?"
>"Yeah, we all lit that bitch up... Even N knows how much Rachel had it coming..."
>*long sustained squeak of fear*
>"Oнa в пopядкe?"
>"She's just hyping herself into feeling her sins weighing on her neck, she's fine... Just get in bed..."
>*yelp of mortal terror*
>"MY side of the bed. Can't have my besties fighting..."
>"Cпoкoйнoй нoчи, Лиззи."
>"G'night... Babe-a-tron Queenthousand..."
Shouldn’t be so niche that they can’t make one of Uzi or N.
Oh is she now?
She canonically towers over adult human males
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Don't make me call the faggot police on you again
where are all these dancing Tessa gifs coming from?
Excellent work GB, this is def going into the folder once the screenshot comes out.
From the threads over the year.
I think there's a Source model of her
>I'm far gone enough that as long as she was nice about it, I might be fine as skin
There is, but the gifs are AI generated
Pretty impressive, I couldn't even tell
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Thank you for your kindness, anon.
I think it needs to be understood that Murder Drones will be spite-voted regardless, there is a not-insigficant group of people that will do everything they can to shit on MD or any nu-toons like it, it's just how it is. Most MD fans here just want to enjoy the show, celebrate the characters they like, and make cool stuff such as all the art.
This is just how things are until the show ages enough for more people to understand what it is and give it a chance, as is the case with many new cartoons that gradually age and people get used to them.

Nobody expected to win or anything. People just want to have fun and share their love for this show. MD is just an easy target for said groups of people to dog-pile on because it gets so much creative autism dedicated to it despite being a new, relatively niche thing.
Tex with Sessa.
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Really want to help N, but she so scary from SD T, that only shaking and crying on the spot.
Tells T what she thinks of his father, mother dog, cat, career, friends, lover, wife, children, first sexual experience, last sexual experience and the size of T Jr.
She doesn't hold back in her scolding, and without an ounce of fear.
had a hunch with the weird hickups in the middle
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I think this tourney might've soured ms for some here, but I know some of us are still going to try to make it to mr later this year. We only have one pick who can make it into mr, so we're going all in on him instead of being spread on 3 picks.
On a personal note, thank you. I have fun doing OC for the tournaments and I plan on continuing to do so into my wizard years. These things let me see what people are really excited about, and I get to check out some new things. Wish more voters would adopt that mentality.
It’s still in the “EW POPULAR/NEW THING BAD” area for most of them, if I’d have to guess.
From what I’ve heard the last time someone relatively new won, shit hit the fan in comical proportions, and a lot just don’t want any of that. That and they are just spiteful assholes. Either-or.
Very based artfriend. All you guys are really fucking cool, and thanks for not letting the unfair spite get to you.
If Cyn is here then… where is Tessa?
It has to be Mitchell
Mitchell (forma de papa de Doll) vs Cyn, who wins?
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In a fight.. right?
It's a fight, in a way.
Why did Murder Jobbers jobbed?
We modeled our strategy off the best drone there is, J.
J(with adapter) on V 3D animation
Mitchell would stomp, Cyn coudn't even stand against Thad even in solver form. It's in the bag
Hope this isn’t too big of a request, but can someone make a simple edit animation of the ending gif/slide animation from FNAF SL at the mirror, but with “”Tessa””” as the shadow and solvers eyes opening?(instead of Mike with Ennard eyes)
Depends if he's getting the Solver powerup from protecting Doll and if he has a flashback to his karate master teaching him the five finger instant death flick.
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> Mitch normally: >>145477270

> Mitch if you upset Doll:
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Honestly, the only bit of negativity I felt was not being able to get all my pieces in at the time I'dve liked. But that's life for you. I'm always in for the ride and the art, I couldn't be more pleased with what me and others made.
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I fell asleep and forgot to post this here last night.
New Takamagahara Chronicles chapter thingy. It's a big one.
hee hee
Guys my Oogis starting doing this

during their Enn-Gladiator fights and are now constructing great works of metal and steel, they look like weapons
they want to "Fo oh Fo" the "Hive scummies" down the street at my neighbors house and "Take the Boog an Loot, Nummies fo every Oog"
is everything okay
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You guys are awesome, man. I can't overstate how inspiring you drawanons are. I hope you don't stop doing what you do. I really don't care about the endless seething in things like Ms. /co/ from people who can't just relax, especially when there's such good stuff being made by people like you guys.

Genuinely. All of you drawanons are really great. Every single one of you.
Yeah the tourney treated you worse than the chick from the fatfag comic and that’s saying something
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Oh and also something more from plus. Thanks to the anon that compiled it all.
I'm still very sleepy, it seems.
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Torney-wise, it was alright. I had a lot of fun reading comments or posts about our girl choices.
But what sours me with every year is the constant shit-fling, no matter the waifu choice (I've seen it since 2019).
That wont really stop me from drawing for the rest of ms. /co/ and with soon with mr./co/
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you people are fucking useless!
I don't get it
Oh no, please don't sit on me as a punishment. I'd hate that.
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She's such a caring sister...
>Dobson skibidi avatar
>Personal army
Jesus fuck what a festering shithole.
>look at what these people are saying
>But ohhhh, don't read their names, that is too bad.

Okay so wtf do you want?
Dude, the bait was just out there in the open blatantly labeled, and you took it anyway.
Worker drone levels of gullibility on display here.
How dare you say that in suspiciously low resolution? I have a mind to come stand over there.
I have never used discord, ever, so i don't know what it is supposed to look like.
I don't watch your show but is it feasible have sex with this thing and how would it go if so?
>No eldritch entity will ever be this excited to see you
Why even exist?
Assuming this is real, where the fuck are links to this server posted? How the fuck do you recruit from an anonymous website without posting the link where everyone else can see it?
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I can't tell if you retards are trolling or doing some meta-falseflagging here to try and make MD look bad. This was very clearly satire / bait and fake discord dramafaggery that was played for a joke. Everyone in the threads pretty much understood that, the "sekrit dickord screenshotterinos" were very clearly not real.

That doesn't mean the guys that eternally seethe about MD and "LE INDIE ZOOMERSHIT I HATE IT BECAUSE ITS NEW" and attack at every opportunity aren't faggots, but this wasn't an example of that.
>is it feasible have sex with this thing
She's likely still got the requisite parts, since she's the creator's fetish and all.
>how would it go if so?
If you're lucky, she'll kill you quickly and not do something on the level of Tzimisce fleshcrafting.
Anon I stopped giving a shit like 3 seconds after I posted. Let it die if it's fake.
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>but is it feasible have sex with this thing and how would it go if so?
Technically, as it is an eldritch entity possessing a robot wearing the flesh of an assimilated human girl. And said eldritch entity can manipulate matter however it wants, including flesh..

How would it go? Uhhh..
I didn’t really consider Tessa much.
Judging from pic we saw of her in the aftermath of Cyn’s Gala Rampage, I imagine she got picked up by JCJ(IS) and is eating a nice cheeseburger in some facility while continuing to process the part she unwittingly played in her entire family being dead.
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I don't even think we lasted long enough to piss anybody off in the autistic way
I don't even think anybody was out there organizing "raids" on these threads the first time, it's all us v them alarmism
There's clearly autists trying to fuck with the thread. I didn't even follow literally any of the vote threads, and now that MD is out I probably won't give two shits about it.
If anyone has a scenario they’d be interested in seeing me writefag, feel free to shoot.

Thanks Anon. I suck at making decent screen caps, so I appreciate it.
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She is an unhinged womanchild who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child and is convinced due to a series of bad miracles that she is a Gnostic messiah who needs to destroy the universe. Her most "favored" general is a Starscream tier perpetual traitor and colossal pervert absolutely obsessed with asses and anal, and she mockingly refers to him as her big brother. She is convinced that when she kills people they go to Heaven (they don't) and that this justifies her being a gigantic sperg and imitating all her favorite horror media from the 2000s as she tortures countless billions to death. She loves space and the moon and being an astronaut. Your best chance is to tell her that you want to fuck her ass while she wears her astronaut suit in zero G.
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Damn new Cyn lore just dropped.
Alright pulling this one out of my ass. Post-Episode 8 Uzi somehow manages to Time Travel by accident while trying to use her newfound powers for something incredibly mundane, she discovers that she has traveled back to the pilot episode where she tries to avoid her past self but fails
Why is this anon like this? I know it's just a bit now. But why?
She was perfect for Broly.
All men are slaves to their inhibitions, be glad he's doing it here and not in a public park somewhere.
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im drawing the teacher with punk clothing because hot
>I'm hip
Anon moving into the colony and starting a drone repair service.
>So he got shot in the head and you just assumed he's dead?
>You understand most of your thinking bits are in your chest, right?
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Doll's rest...
I feel like this is a reference to something.
>Rev's chainsaw
First Thad, now the teacher? You are a damn creature. Also based.
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>canonically Australian characters
>post apocalyptic
>now art of the teacher in half punk half gimp get up
Mad max murder drones au when?
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>I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it
>You'll find another life to live
>I swear that you'll get over it
>I know you're sad and tired
>You've got nothing left to give
>You'll find another life to live
>I know that you'll get over it
Yeah kinda fucked up how V just kinda gets away with that and Doll is dead
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The standard height of a Tactical Sentinel is 6'2" so they are in fact taller than the majority of adult men by about 5".
Intoners are the size of tall DDs, about 5'8"
Proto-Sentinels are 5' even.
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>"Sentinel drones aren't canonically real...but I am."
Annoying thing with theory channels is they don't seem to understand characters can lie, or just be wrong. So because uzi called the solver a program in episode 2 it MUST be a program, it is impossible that uzi was wrong.
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>it is impossible that uzi was wrong.
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Or they just can't understand that characters saying things when they don't fully understand what's going on doesn't make that thing true.
Uzi says that it looks like some recovery program.. so it must be a recovery program!

What they ignore is when she literally asks the Solver whether it's a program.
>"So you are a program?"
Theory channels exist to manufacture engagement slop, they almost never have anything of value to add to a fandom.
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testing coloring with that drawfriend's brush
it 3 am, so time to commit BIG eep
>the crotch hatch
...Is there something you want to tell us drawfag?
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Nevermind, we know.
>hey buddy I think you've got the wrong door
I’ve lost track how many people are convinced that the photo of Tessa in episode 6 absolutely has to be real and absolutely has to be depicting what it’s initially presented to be depicting.
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shit looks like funko pops
I’ll pop your funko
What photo?
Speedwatchers are scum
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She just needs some hug correction.
NTA but this one.
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Give me smol
Cute Vee
Maybe Tessa survived na Gala Massacre, grew up a bit and actually worked for JCJ. I can't imagine Cyn just destroying Earth the same night/day of the Gala Massacre.

Unlike in Copper 9, there is definitely no exposed core and the military and other countries definitely attempted to retaliate at least.
>Maybe Tessa survived na Gala Massacre, grew up a bit and actually worked for JCJ. I can't imagine Cyn just destroying Earth the same night/day of the Gala Massacre.
That's what I think as well. There's some unknown amount of time between the gala and cyn [null]ing earth, and it's plausible that tessa was killed at some point between those two events.
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>Imao, imagine simping for a jobber
What is "Mat_Collection"?
Material collection
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Lmao cope and seethe the jobber simper
I've been thinking about this image at work today haha
Uzi's expression is so funny and the way how she so easily manipulated N and how she thinks he fell for her trap is funny too
>>Off site image
What do you mean by that? That it wasn't created by an anon here? If so, how is that an issue?
Okay, and why would the solver show that?
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Alice before she became a Windigo.
The way the solver interfaces with the universe is through AI, so it makes sense that its manipulations would look like code. The meta reason is to show the audience what it's doing.
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You guys are funny.
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Because the Absolute Solver manipulates matter. The Solver collects, consumes, assimilates matter - and can reshape and edit matter to whatever it wants. Hence all the flesh constructs, the fuckload of centipede vertebrae and legs.

When it shows "Mat_Collection" it shows that the Solver is assimilating material for its use. Whether that be the J Solverpede monster assimilating material to grow into a gigantic monstrosity and rebuild J's Disassembly Drone body, or whether that be to consume planets.
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Showing off your cringey chuunibyou-anime doodle proudly in front of the whole class is crazy!
> pulls blanket tighter and grumbles
you honestly thought you could scare her?
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Tessafags will create entire fanfiction level scenarios to explain how Tessa isn't dead and that she's extremely meaningful to the plot despite obviously being set-up to be the dog that gets shot to show how evil the villain is
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> plot literally wouldn't happen
> 4 / 5 main characters wouldn't exist

yeah, irrelevant to the plot
She could've easily have been replaced by literally anyone else
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Yeah, but I like her
Cyn was, yeah. Might be why the Solver decided to assume direct control and get rid of her, it wanted big brother N to itself.
Just wait for the V from the mansion to start trickling back in now that she doesn't have the Solver constantly hanging over her head.
This some Transformers thing?
not happening. it seems V became like lizzy in the end
I understand that MD isn't really a show concerned with having morally spotless protagonists, but I feel like it's hard to place the blame on the Disassembly Drones themselves for most of their victims as opposed to the Solver, since it brainwashed, tortured, and at points assumed direct physical control of them to force them to kill people.

Like, I know they're called "Murder Drones", but it seems pretty reasonable to say that most of the deaths in the show are really the Solver's fault at the end of the day, right?
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In light of the stinger I think this is a cry for help, and "I'm not solved" has two meanings:
>I'm not the Solver's property
>but the Solver will never stop torturing me until I submit to it
Pray for our cute puppet-manipulating centipede girl.
This. People placing blame on the Disassembly Drones is kind of retarded. The Absolute Solver turned them into eldritch-void-powered robo-vampire monsters that need to eat to survive and are used as its murder-slaves to consume planets. How the fuck is it their fault? The Solver is what turned them into that.
>tfw no unhinged womanchild eldritch god gf
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>Your best chance is to tell her that you want to fuck her ass while she wears her astronaut suit in zero G
I'm going to take that into account.
Please stop responding to the Evil N schizo.
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>Lmao cope and seethe the jobber simper
They still could be. It’s not like Doll is gone.
They're gonna have to if Doll is in Uzi's mind palace with (at a bare minimum) the Solver.
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Lmao, wrong country faggot
I choose to believe that Doll is escaped data and is now a completely untethered specter.
That's the other possibility.
Pretty good greentext, buddy. Great work. Keep it up.
Some people forget that they were made that way by the Solver, yeah.
And you set me free~
Looking sharp! Imagine the teacher reusing his old rebellious teenager personality buried deep inside his memory files.
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It was fun for a little while! I'm sending my love to the robot girls who made it past after. Even drew that Tiff and Uzi pic cuz I thought it was a fun idea that Tiff gets to mess with more robot girls. The chad J request was probably the funniest thing I've drawn in a while, I couldn't stop snickering while getting it done.
Yeah, the Ms. /co/ is bound to send some new people trying to check it out. Depends on how they present their question/curiosity, like. Have some manners, but it's also up to you to have a level head. Don't let the tourneys sour the mood here, and there's gonna be occasional new people.
>What went down with Spinel? I didn't keep an eye on Ms. /co/ back then
Steven Universe: The Movie happened right before Ms. /co/ 2019 started.
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We will continue to ball. Maybe the threads will slow, but dronetism is forever.
>Not available
What is it?
Silly me
I’m sorry but Cyn stands no chance on the court. She’s been racking up penalties all season and now the Copper-9 bots are fielding their strongest players? It’s over.
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Shut the fuck up 0ilrig
skeletessa will become canon in season 2
trust the plan
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Best Tessa variant
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Tessa doesn't care that the bitch is hiding in some purple gremlin
Solver got payments due and the aussie is here to collect
reverse terminator where instead of human skin burning off to reveal a robot skeleton it's a robot shell coming off to reveal a human skeleton
What if I gave her uppie right then and there and jammed my tounge into her mouth.
>be Grug, son of Grug
>another flying cave shows up
>not a woman-shaped demon in it like the last one though
>a ghost
>ghost says she needs medicine men to hunt down Sin
>says Sin is hiding in a little purple monster and only medicine men can remove Sin from monster
>ghost wants revenge
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Is there any reason Disassembly Drones can't just make their hands into laser guns that turns anything into oil?
My bad. it's the Forever track but I messed up the URL
At least give her a chance to prove herself!
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What would you like to do with her thighs, anon?
Leave the cute Russian maid's body at once.
Nah come on, she still smiled when N tossed her that drawing page. I think it's just a new chapter for her where she no longer has the Solver threatening her and N but she now also has new people to adjust to. I think the little checkers scene in the end credit is cute and them playing snowball fight too.
Seeing her immediately timid during the corridor scene made me feel bad for her. If I think about the sequence, she was attacked by Cyn (since she was lying down, offline and injured during N's flashback in the last episode) and then N was 'operated' on. Clearly it was a traumatizing process.
Looks like it.
Which is based.
Transformers is cool.
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Here more solverfied Cybertronian
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So how is Uzi going to deal with them?
Avre hangs out with anon while watching the rain and having a cold one
N dick every night.
Obviously, rank up Social Links with Doll and anyone else in the mind palace to better check the Solver.
Also, artist?
Oh, NOW it makes sense!!! Thank you!!!
>merch still selling and episodes still getting views
>implying Scott Ramsoomair will let it die

As long as it can make money, it will live. The story is over but we'll get special episodes at some point.
>we'll get special episodes at some point.
why can't MD fans just accept MD is over
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Just let us fucking cope
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I want to impregnate Tessa
Daaaamn, wish I'd thought of that. What a nice illustration. Also Nori already told her the recipe, don't be a little bitch. Maybe Doll could even serve as an ally in her mindscape now that she knows everything Uzi knows, being in her head and all. 2 patched host codes holding the Solver trapped should keep it at bay forever.
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About that...
Based stepdad anon
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I'm not stepdadAnon, but I want Tessa to destroy my pelvis
And they won't have to do it alone. Especially if others the Solver wronged are in there.
>tessa is 14y old
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MLAATR has been over for 15 or so years, people still talk about it.
Outta ten suddenly uoh zamn, you know the drill.
I don’t get it
It's a reference to a shock gif of a school girl getting rekt'd, in a similar fashion Tessa was.
sorry, all we got is nanite non-milk-substance
A gif of a girl getting skinned?
There is another one of a little girl getting semi-impaled by a large blade from below, by the same artist, I think.
Then there was another one where the same girl is eating ice cream next to the machine and the guts, implying it was all acted.
It saddens me deeply that we will never know how different she used to be
Doll making me dinner...
Condescendingly pat drones' heads
Give drones uppies in front of other drones
Put drones on top of filing cabinets then walk away
Was it real or animated?
Animated, hence why I said same artist.
I don't understand it still why are N and V forgiven so easily after killing so many workers? V especially when she was killing them in plain sight during the camping trip, and the other workers are just nonchalant about it
>V especially when she was killing them in plain sight during the camping trip
What? Nooo, I'm sure those guys will be just fine. Probably. Maybe. I think.
Workers drones just stupid, anon.
She’s a big girl
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N got to suck on half of that?!
They were made in man's image, and from what we see, man in this universe is just stupid.
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post dummies
What would happen if I put E and Wheatley in a room, which one is the most retarded?
J clearly has a fetish.
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Actually her purpose was to be an explanation for where Cynwalker’s skin came from
Wheatley. E is passively dumb, but he is ACTIVELY retarded.
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Two hunks left
Actively kms rn
They are lesser life forms so killing them isn’t a big deal

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