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Cyn is cute but deadly
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repostan art
Doll seeing human cock for the first time
uzi is a black queen
Is this character Liam's self-insert?
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Baby Tessa and her bodyguards
The teacher IS Liam. Hence why he's nor surprised by any of the eldritch fuckery. He just hides his power level.
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Imagine if this was canon
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Autism creature
Daily reminder that it should have been Rachel.
The left can’t meme
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“nigga did i just catch you having fun?”
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>Tessa finds Uzi in the scrapyard and brings her in
>Uzi is at first grumpy because she hates humans and is unfriendly towards Tessa
>Then Uzi slowly starts to bond with Tessa
>Uzi then finds an ancient ritual book
>It contains a way to achieve great power between a human and a golem
>Uzi then convinces Tessa to try it
>Tessa reluctantly agrees
>It works! They are now fused into a powerful being with the control being split between them
>Uzi starts going mad with power and attempts to slaughter the entire Gala
>Tessa realizes that Uzi is batshit insane, starts trying to wrestle control from Uzi
>James Elliot shoots them with a rocket launcher, killing them both
The end

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Now how did Uzi and Thad get into this situation?
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I love my cute wife.
Holy efing based...
Ignore him, his braingot fried by /pol/
What do you mean? That's just a normal Saturday night for them.
left hand parasites cant meme they only just copy
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You look great
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>exposed navel
Asking for it.
Please post more
Guys, do you think N dog, V cat and human? J follow Tessa into the bathroom when she takes a shower?
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Doll's love is best love
What would be sadder, Uzi being normal again in her mind palace so when she has to leave she's forced to return to being a monster after a brief reprieve, or Uzi's default appearance in her mind palace still being the Solverpede so even in an area that's an extension of herself she still has to pretend she's still a normal-ish person who's fully at home among other drones?
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what a stud
Crazy, depressed, broken girls go crazy for N.
Imagine tickling her belly gently and watching her shake her limbs while making baby sounds.
He shows them not everything has to always make them feel sad, all of the time.
Do you think he's a virgin? He sure acts like one.
Despite unambiguously having near-constant sex with his girlfriend, he is still absolutely a virgin.
well I am a virgin and N so yeah
He's building up the confidence to be the active partner, please understand.
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Second day in a row of jerking it to murder drones in the bathroom. V is a goddess. J too.
I need to stop procrastinating
Draw J calling you lazy, a low earner, and telling you to try harder.
N gets mad pussy. But he is a virgin.
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>every time J insults you, you lose 1% of your current size
>seeing you get weaker and more pathetic just makes her insult you more
>you are near-microscopic by the end of the day
I so wish I was Yeva here...
Whenever I see where I last left off with the Roadtrip, I go crazy because I think of how much I’m missing out on
hot? I think??
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Ye, my fetish!
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What would you do in this situation?
how did i get in this situation?
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need them to do some harsh sloppy makeout in a public zone
Let her go and apologize for not freeing her sooner.
>Yeva's tail licking on Mitchell's ass
I bet she's planning on pegging him with it
why does Uzi not simply give herself DD legs to become taller
Why are the solver-drones allergic against the sun again?
They are vampires
But doesn't the absolute solver devour planets? Like, in outer space? Where the sun shines on it all the time?
Nooooooo, I have macro fetish! I am fupping on giantess slender girl drones!
She didn't think about it yet.
The black holes block the light
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Stoopid half assed drawing, spoiling just in case
So the absolute solver always uses black holes to protect itself from the sun-rays?
Is cute
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Well to be fair, from what we saw of the Solver's consumption of Earth, the giant planetary Singularity that was consuming Earth was blocking out the sun.
Cyn spent most of her time underground or indoors
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>Oh Uzi Doorman, I think you're rad!
>I wanna kiss you, right in front of your dad!
>blocking out the sun
Wow, the absolute solver thought of everything!
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they have plot armor
Haha, based!
Ngl I viewed this meme as john berating j for being a jobber
Wow, I can't believe someone actually reposted my shitty drawing
Thanks, I guess :)
guohh... dronesex
Holy sexo...
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The Absolute Solver and its constructs are burned away by pure sunlight. Along with Solver-hosts being comparable to vampires, it's just part of how the Solver works when manifested in the Murder Drones universe.
Like with vampires, you could consider sunlight to be the bane of unholy creatures. And the Solver is pretty fucking unholy. It's an eldritch abomination that is harmed by sunlight.

Like others have said, the Solver consumes planets from inside-out as we saw on Copper 9 when Cyn / the Solver replaced the core of the planet with the Solver's singularity and an endless mass of solverpede limbs, meanwhile the Solver's murder drones wreak havoc and slaughter lifeforms on the surface of the planet. By the time the Singularity has grown, like we see on Earth in Episode 7, it's big enough to block out the sun.
I never Drones could be into that
>the Singularity
By that you mean the black [null] hole?
Anon, some nerd told me that it wasn't Glitch who cancelled the release of season 2, but Liam himself who decided to end the series for some stupid reason. I find that hard to believe, but is it true?
>"The Singularity Awakens"
Yes. The singularity, the void, black hole, the Solver's eldritch pussy hole, whatever you want to refer to it as.
I think a lot of people underestimate how taxing it actually is to produce a show that's at Murder Drones's level of quality. It's probably why Liam left to get milk after the show ended and hasn't been seen since.
First time hearing this
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if it was giltch's fault they wouldn't admit it but it's possible Liam decided it
Season 2 was never confirmed and the show has been left open-ended on purpose. There was no cancelling, just leaving things on a workable note for the future. Don't try to rile people up man.
Gotcha! Thanks.
>panty entrapment with J!
>J insulting you if you don't do a good job licking her clit
>every time she does your job just gets harder, her sensitive nub ever larger
even if it was confirmed it wouldnt be out in at least 5 years, Glitch has TADC going on and Gaslight District soon (i think)
>Need to write
>Need to draw
>Also have work to do
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It's actually kind of sad how lackluster N turned out to be.
Contrast with the (post episode 3) Max from Internecion cube who is based knight-errant who controls and gaslights omnicidal abominations with nothing more than natural rizz
yeah speaking of gaslighting
>natrual rizz

He's good, but you don't need to glaze that hard.
>(post episode 3) Max
You don't need to hurt me like this, y'know
I wonder if the planet is now hollow or the mass of Solverpedes is still there.
opinion discarded
Sounds like something Liam would do.
I am with you, comrade.
>barely legible schizopost
Oh shut the fuck up kek
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drones are cute!
There were only 3 short episodes of Internecion Cube and Max wasn't that immediately interesting apart from his motivations and being the straight-man to IC_0n's autism. Your opinion is shit and and the latter part of your post confirms it.
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>Nori is Iron backwards
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>Iron is Nori backwards
Where's the joke?
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I'm loving these isekai J fanart. Makes me think J is desperately trying to find a new job after EP 8.
Judging from how the planet is back to normal in the epilogue, Uzi probably unfucked everything while in a power coma. Well, everything except the mostly complete Solver rune's worth of ejecta added to the planet's ring.
>except the mostly complete Solver rune's worth of ejecta added to the planet's ring.
This is a pretty nice idea
the solver symbol on the planets surface was carved on, so all that material had to go somewhere
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so what happened to op6 Yeva?
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Episode 3 bathroom phonecall scene alone is kino, and elevates Max to the position of best Liam male lead. It's clear that Murder Drones', and N's character deveploment was influenced negatively by Glitch/Goose influence and modern trends
I like it. Xj-9 is a teen, and xj-10/sd-j is the adult, with an office job.
Oh right, I remember that now, thanks
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He was acting like a bitch in that bathroom.
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a murder drone once tried to break into her home and avey and her husband sodomized her with a broomstick
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Thanks, Anon. Let's see which world she'll go to next.
It helps that XJ-10 canonically has peg legs, pigtails, and claws.
Can also see the refinement of previous ideas. Like the eye bulb band instead of the giant googly eyes in that one episode. As in, instead of craming every function into every eye, each eye has one function. Hands can transform into ANYTHING as long as she knows what it is instead of a (theoretical) limit based on prebuilt installed parts.
Also she has a fully functional womb
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Eeh, judging from the credits it still looks to mostly be an ice world, but now with a more pronounced ring. Which is also probably what's contributing to it staying an ice world, although since it still has a moon, that ring might not be there for very long.
If the ring is within the Roche radius it will eventually fall back into the planet. The important question is how long Copper 9's petroleum reserves will last since it's geologically dead.
They’ll think of something.
Like cooling systems that can neutralize the heat
>olive oil arcologies
I think it is matter transmutation tech, since i don't think it has petroleum at all. It was terraformed, ala "take on mars" so all thenplanets were added in only 500 years ago or something.
Unfucked is relative. Uzi has only ever known it as a frozen shithole.
That's not Yeva
All the plants
>that ring might not be there for very long.
Why not?
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It’s also worth remembering that Cyn saturated the planet with Solver juice (what with all the energy tentacles) and we don’t know what the ramifications of that might be in the long run, considering she ate all the other planets that she did that to, maybe the planet will start growing Solverflesh based ecology from the inside out
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>The half-formed Solver-symbol etched into the planet from the crater caused by the Solver's halted consumption of the planet
...Huh. How did I not notice that?
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this is
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Plant matter is irrelevant if their coolant comes from abiotic petroleum which would mean Nori turbo-fucked their society because the core and mantle are cold.
Sorry about losing in Ms,/co/ I actually like this series
I don't even think the planet has any natural reserves since petroleum is a fossil fuel and Copper 9 was terraformed. There may have been microorganisms native to it on the surface before humans arrived, but probably nothing more than that.
The gravitational exertion the moon has on the planet will cause the rings to eventually disappear, it's not like Saturn who's a gas giant so its rings are still going to linger for a very long while due to its insane gravity, also thanks to its multitude of moons that affect the rings themselves rather than the planet. Space science and all that.
Yes !
Okay, how about there has been no sight of oil pumps anywhere. So how did the current drones get oil?
>Starts sucking on the thumb
>She's eating him
>Then she's going to eat me
>Oh my gooooodd
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Everybody say hi
idk, the Copper-9 moon looks rather small to "absorb" all of the ring, let alone the majority of the ring
>also thanks to its multitude of moons that affect the rings themselves rather than the planet
How do the moons affect the rings?
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the moon is gonna do the absorbing here, anon
it has it's own gravity
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>there has been no sight of oil pumps anywhere
Because the show takes place around one dinky little outpost.
Are you talking about the Copper-9 moon or about the Jupiter moons?
There are these things called "shepherd moon", which are just smalls moons (aka big ass asteroids) that orbit either at the edges of the rigs or in the spaces between the rings and keep them uniform. Saturn has like 5 of them.
Here, look up shepard moons for more info.

Dropped a digit
Wow, I didn't know that, thanks!
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i would never fuck that stinky femcel
Drone girls are gross.
Does she even have a vag or some kind of hole down there?
She will when she masters her solver power
That's N's girl and I don't want to disrespect a bro
>Stick it in
>"Less teeth please."
Based haha
How would the other characters react if they were a PillBaby in an embarrassing rabbit costume?
>Rows of teeth like a shark
Funny way of saying "If the Solver negs her into letting it in".
Multipart N x J
>When you got your masters in drone engineering everyone said you were crazy.
>Nobody gives two fucks about drones they said.
>You'll be better off learning something actually useful, they said.
>Well look at you now.
>Trapped on a planet with little to no atmosphere, weather constantly below zero, and a ship that either doesn't have fuel or any fucks left to give to get you somewhere else.
>Good call everyone, really great foresight honestly.
>Food and oxygen aren't a problem at least, your suit can basically sustain itself as long as you stay moving every day, and the protein drip will just take any bacteria it can find to get you the calories you need. Thanks JC Jenson.
>Unfortunately that just means you'll have a slower, lonelier death.
>Thanks JC Jenson.
>It was during this internal woe as me'ing that you slammed into a giant door.
>A small window opened up in response.
>"Huh, what's up? What are you supposed to be?"
>Oh dear god. Social activity.

What does Anon do?
Freaky drones...
Tell them you're a human person.
Didn't this same thing appear last thread? Or two threads ago?

Anyway, explain you are looking to refill your supplies.
Doll's fat tits...
No one has shitter, put it in a catbox
>JCJENSON SPECIAL SALE!: Starting right now if you purchase up to 15 items from a JCJENSON partnered store, you will earn one free Drone! Hurry up because this deal will only last for 1 hour!
I don't feel like it.
That could be a good glitchx question, how affordable are drones? Would a middle class family have one to do chores or would they only be for rich people and the industrial sector?
(I started a quest type thing earlier but didn't get to really do it.)

>First thing's first, just introduce yourself and seem charming so they don't lock you out and/or try to hunt you down.
>"I am a human. Hi. Hello."
>Oh fuck that sounded like something a poorly disguised monster would say.
>"That sounds like something a poorly disguised monster would say."
>"No, really, human as hell over here. I have feeling and anxiety and everything. Also I really, really need supplies. I've been stuck in this suit for 6 months and my ass is starting to fuse to it."
>The drone gives you a disgusted look. "No humans allowed."
>It slams the window shut.
>You hesitate, then knock again. The window opens again.
>"What's up? Hey, aren't you the guy from earlier?"
>"Huh, no way. I'm a drone. I found this cool suit. Can I come in?"
>"Oh, sure!"
>The door opens.
>You step inside, ignoring the rest of the 'guard' drones playing cards. Some wave to you as you make your way past 3 more doors towards a... twisting labyrinth of halls.
>Drones of all types and models, and even a few models you haven't seen before wander around. Some even have neuronetwork training chassis. Weird.
>"Wow, these guys have been busy..."

What does Anon do?
Say you've been in a coma for a long while and have no idea what's going on here right now.
I would but she's off model
Find a vending machine, you could go for some food that isn't reconstituted proteins. And the sealed bags should have kept everything good.
As promised, here's the cap. Thank you for the absolutely stellar story!
I can never jack off to porn that has N in it. It just feels wrong putting him in that situation. Unless its consensual cute lovemaking with Uzi
Goblina sexo.
Then fuck him, too.
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Given we see JCJ(IS) produce enough of them to fill entire scrapyards, I wager they’d be expensive, but not completely unaffordable to middle/lower-income people.
Kind of like how people rag on iPhones for being overpriced expensive junk, but plenty of shithole communities still have plenty of people using them anyway.

Thanks for the cap and compliment, Anon!

>Well, first things first. You need to get up to speed on... whatever this is.
>You move towards one of the nearby drones, orange LED's and short blonde hair.
>"Hi excuse me-"
>She flips you off and keeps walking.
>"Guess I'll go fuck myself."
>Your second and third attempts go about as well, with one of the drones apologizing and saying that you aren't popular enough to talk to them.
>Fair enough, plan B then.
>As soon as one of the drones ambles by you grab it by the back of its shirt and lift it up.
>"Exposition, now."
>"Huh?" The drone struggles in your grip, clearly confused. New tactic.
>You scratch your head. "I mean... uh hi. I've been in a coma or something for like, a bajillion years. I have noooo idea what's going on right now, can you explain?"
>The drone just shifts, trying to maintain eye contact with you while he slowly rotates in your grip. This one had green LED's. Short hair, clearly a 'male' model. "Ohhhh, you're one of those drones? Did the expedition teams find you?"
>"I'm going to blindly say yes and probably change that answer later when it becomes a tangle of impossible to maintain lies."
>The drone gives you finger guns and a wink. "Hey can we walk towards the market district while we talk? It's surprisingly nice up here... is this what it's like to be tall?"
>While walking, you learn the "colony" as it's called, was made in response to "murder drones." A model created to kill off all remaining life on the planet, all in preparation for some eldritch entity to consume it.
>"That's awful," you said.
>"Oh it's fine," the drone apparently named Thad said. "We made up, now they just kinda hang around and eat one of us when they get hungry.
>You didn't know how to respond to that. So you didn't.
>Then you dropped Thad. The market district was essentially just an open hall with several stalls and several drones selling... things. Most importantly, one of the walls had several vending machines, seemingly untouched.
>Quest thing
That reminds me, does anyone know what happened to that one Murder Drones /qst/ thread?
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..Based N bro? Looking out for your homie? I kneel.
Get some snacks, then think about how to get an airtight and heated room so you can take you helmet off without dying to eat them.
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Don't know how significant or well known this is, but I just noticed that in the ending shot of Ep8 Uzi's tail doesn't appear to be possessed
Becuse her eyes are still half yellow. The solver can't be in both places at once.
Why would it be? There's too many witnesses. Too many people who'd speak out for Uzi. The Solver needs her alone and vulnerable.
Probably just a coloring mistake of maybe Cyn is in her left hand or some shit idk
Eye color apparently doesn't have anything to do with the Solver. They asked about Uzi's eyes still being solid purple in the ending slides. Answer was that it's an animation error, but that since it's out there now it's now canon that Uzi can change the color of her eyes between solid purple and gradient.
*Uzi's eye color
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bro literally reopened the dialogue box and just picked the other option

did JCJ hire bethesda to program their drones

>Your first sight of food that isn't harvested from the bacteria on your ass cheek.
>You'd kneel out of respect if you weren't already sprinting full force towards the row of vending machines.
>Thad just sort of follows as you slam face first into the glass. "Ohhhh you like those? Doorman thought that most places on earth had these things so we dug them up and stuck them here."
>"So these are... art installations?"
>"Kinda? I mean not like drones need food, right?"
>"Yeahhhh, hey will anyone notice if all of the food inside is gone?"
>"Probably not? Why would you even want it?"
>"...I collect food, it's a hobby."
>"Ohhh, neat. Can I see?"
>Thad makes a disappointed noise.
>You start to press several buttons on the machines, only to find they're not powered... Well wasn't like they were getting a say in all this anyway. You take out a tool belt, and swiftly disassemble the machine's front. It unfortunately slams onto a passing drone, instantly killing it like a fly on a windshield.
>Thad just sort of shrugs while no one else in the market looks twice.
>Ooookay then. "...I'm going to take all of this now."
>"All right. Cool, you do you. I'm gonna go buy some new screws for uh... screwing related things."
>You know what, who are you to judge. You give him a finger gun and start to gather up all the snacks you can.
>Okay, now to find somewhere you can gorge yourself, and then pass out for 8 hours like a human goddamn being for once.
>To your surprise, and after using your patented "uppies" interrogation technique, you find the colony actually does have a room that's both heated and has atmosphere.
>The schools chemistry lab, since apparently all the chem books or resources were written from "human" perspectives. It was easier to just keep a room at earth standard than change the material
>You head inside the lab, find two drones inside. Purple and yellow LED's and... tails?

What does Anon do?
"I am going to perform an experiemnt and the room should be empty to prevent unwanted variables."
Ask when they'll be done with whatever they're doing
Thanks, and enjoy your vacation.
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son of a bitch man
I'm not reporting it, just saying it is probably inevitable.
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Look closely.
Before the Solver speaks through Uzi's tail, Uzi's eyes are half-yellow and purple. When the Solver takes over the tail, Uzi's eyes turn full purple again.

The Solver can't take full control, Uzi is in the drivers seat. Yellow is the Solver's part, Purple is Uzi. Uzi is the dominant one, for now.

Pretty sure that's just for the ending slides, NOT the end credits scene. Uzi's eyes are half yellow, then as soon as the Solver takes over the tail you can see her eyes switch to full purple.
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i like J (the idea) better than J (the character)

>You stop tearing off your helmet to tear into -- probably partially moldy snackfoods just long enough to notice the two before it's too late.
>"Oh, uh, hi? Just out of curiosity how long are you two planning on making out or whatever it is you're doing in here? I really need this room."
>Yellow LED's shoves purple behind his back as if hiding evidence "We weren't doing that!"
>"Look I am going to perform an experiemnt and the room should be empty to prevent unwanted variables."
>Purple LED's pokes her head out from the other, taller drone, then, narrows her eyes at you. "...Is that a minor freakin' spelling mistake?"
>Bat-like wings extend from purple while yellow just stares at her.
>"Hey, Uzi, why are you doing that?" Yellow asks.
>"He's a human," purple - Uzi apparently, gestures at him. "So we gotta kill him."
>"Whyyyy? I mean we already established all the horrible stuff the humans did post everyone dying was Cyn. And you didn't even grow up around any humans."
>"...But just look at him!"
>Seeing the writing on the wall you've already full removed your helmet and are watching the two argue while downing as many Snikkers as you can in as quickly as you can. You wave when Uzi glares at you.

What does Anon do?
Uzi's eyes are red near the top, it's just that when she half closes her eyes like that the yellow becomes less visible.
Imagine how relieved Uzi's gonna feel when instead of switching between half-yellow eyes and a yellow-eyed tail with the voice of Cthulhu GLaDOS, she has one red eye and a red-eyed tail with the voice of a be-hime cut'd Russian.
Explain stats and skills. Being valuable alive makes you less likely to be dead.
I poisoned the oil supply.
Now everyone dead.

Genuflect to the goblin queen.
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Holy sexo
looks like a free DD that is running for its life/freedom.
Anon... that's the lighting...
Uzi's eyes are full purple in >>145491120 You can seeher eyes flicker to purple once the Solver takes over her tail.
You're seeing red because the scene you posted is hazed red.
>You ask Harper where the exit is, to which she just says
>"The balcony you woke up on. There's a little ladder, but if you're feeling extra brave you can just jump off. It won't hurt you, trust me, "
>You glance over your shoulder, back to the glass sliding door that leads outside. It's like it's always raining here at this point, but it's quite calming and that's what matters. You turn back to Harper, but she has her finger to the side of her head again. She looks back to you.
>"I'm really sorry, but I really do need to go now. I'll catch up to you later, okay?"
>You begrudgingly nod as Harper walks to the room's exit, vanishing into the hallways. Well, now you need to go. But you really kinda wish you had your backpack, because you sort of don't want to have to drag this nice coat all over the wet forest soil and greenery.
>You tell yourself that you'll figure something out as you turn to leave, only to find something right in front of you. It causes you to flinch and recoil a little bit, but you quickly realize it's just another Sentinel when you back up. This is one you haven't seen before, but the first thing you notice about it is, well....
>It's massive. It's to you right now what Harper was when you were still a worker. The legs, which have pegs like the Sentinels with female voices, are thick and bulky, same with the arms. She wears a blazer and miniskirt similar to those of the Twins. You actually have to crane your head up a tad to meet her gaze. Her hair is a pale dark blue and straight-cut, with no curls or waves or loose strands.
>Who is she? Why did they make her this big? Never mind, why is she here? The latter is what you ask, to which she just holds out one of her enormous arms. You notice that she's holding something, and it's... Wow, it's your backpack. You quickly take it from her with a quick thank you before disrobing and stuffing your coat into the bag. With that, she walks off, and you can swear the ground is shaking

>The two, Uzi and a drone apparently named N continue to argue for a while. You just sort of keep eating while they do it.
>If you're going to die you're going to do so before the stomach ache eating these things kicks in.
>"Fine." Uzi says. "Then we'll take a vote on it. Everyone in favor of killing the human?" She raises her hand. "Everyone opposed?" N raises his hand, and so do you. "Hey! Drone votes only, you're the accused you don't get to vote."
>You give her a mock bow. "Whaaaatever you say goblin queen." As you're bowing, you notice a drone that's just sorta... shoved under one of the desks. "FATAL ERROR" flashing on its visor. Do these drones just shove their 'dead' out of sight? With a shrug, you quickly snatch it and the body up.
>"So, that's a tie then," Uzi declares. "I guess that means we have to ask someone else." Uzi makes for the door, looking smug.
>She's stopped short when the drone in your arms boots up, the visor flickering to a pair of green LED's.
>You slap the maintenance hatch on the drone's back shut. "Hey, raise your hand real quick."
>The drone does.
>"Two to one. You lose." You smile at the tiny, angry ball of teen angst.
>"Necromancer!" N yells.
>"What? No." You hold up the now repaired drone, shaking it a bit. "Someone just shuffled a connection loose in him. Do you people even try fixing your drones?"
>They didn't answer.
>"What year is it?" The drone in your hands asks.
>"Quiet you, you're not a main character."

What does Anon do?
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I'm calling this shit for now
Write a character essay on your favorite character
Wait for someone to break the standoff.
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I really liked the idea of a series focusing on Drones on Earth, but then I realized it was pretty much just Nandroids but MD
>White tummy
What's the context here
Wrong thread?
Yea, they're purple on the bottom, and there's a gradient from purple, to red, to orange, to yellow. You can even see the yellow in her eyes in the very same scene.
Drone Tessa
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>Uzi sacrifices her body and her peace of mind for the sake of the universe
>Pomni is forced by the vagaries of fortune to replace Caine as Clown Hell's admin because the Dutchman must have a captain
NTA. Colorpicked the colors at the top and bottom (yellow and purple) for a gradient and got this. I don't think red is in there, it's just the pinkish color that you get when you mix yellow and purple.
People just seeing what they want.
Maybe magenta is more accurate than red, but either way, there's clearly a reddish color in the gradient between purple and yellow. You can even see the red in the outer glow and on her hair.
No he's a Ms. /co/ shitter trying to start shit, he did this in the previous 2 threads

>"You know he's got a point." N points to him. "Dead drones are piling up since we sorta... moved in. And you were sorta eating your feelings for a while."
>Uzi looks at him, angry.
>"Butyou'restillpretty!" N amends. He looks at you for help.
>You give him a thumbs up.
>"Can I go piece back together the broken remnants of my life now?" The drone in your hands asks.
>"Yeah, sure why not." You drop the drone. "Oh and I'm a drone if anyone asks."
>He walks out into the airlock and, after a moment he's, gone.
>"Soooo..." You start. "We good?"
>"Yeah." N says.
>"No!" Uzi corrects.
>"Why not?" You gesture to N. "His model's weird but the head's from an older model, if anyone here has a reason to hate humans it's him."
>"Is this like one of those 'I'm an angsty teen and have to rebel against something deals and you just arbitrarily picked humans since most of us are dead anyway' deals?"
>N nods enthusiastically.
>Uzi points a threatening finger at N, who stops.
>"Have you considered just rebelling against 'the man'. It's waaay cooler."
>"Waay cooler." N agrees.
>"And it's usually humans anyway, but like, humans that deserve it."
>"Cooler you say..." Uzi considers it.
>"Well I can see you're properly distracted by that. Sooo I'm just gonna go." You plop your helmet on and head to the airlock, waving goodbye.
"Oh no you don't!" Uzi grabs the airlock as it closes, exhibiting a... worrying amount of strength for a smaller model drone. "I'm keeping an eye on you..."
>"And I'll keep an eye on her," N adds.

What does Anon do?
Just to hammer the point home, here's a frame where you can clearly see yellow in uzi's eyes and in the tail at the same time.
Ask if there's any reason in particular you're being detained.
Next posted drone is best drone
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Finally what?
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>Jobbed again
Comply for now last thing we want is to get thrown around by Uzi's solver powers.

>"I am a sovereign citizen!" You yell out of instinct.
>The two just kinda stare at you.
>"Sorry, force of habit."
>The staring continues as both Uzi and N join you in the airlock, which swiftly opens up to the rest of the colony.
>"Buuut really," you continue. "Is there any reason you two want to follow me?"
>"Because you're trouble," Uzi says.
>"We're really bored and you're the first interesting thing to happen in like a year?" N adds.
>"That's kinda flattering?"
>"Shut it, I know you're up to something." Uzi pokes your... leg with a finger.
>"What would I be up to?"
>"Human things!"
>Well she's got you there.
>You head back into the twisting halls, just getting a good look around the place.
>"So..." You tap Uzi on the head. "What kind of drone are you anyway? Or is this some weird cosplay."
>"That's confidential!"
>"She's a worm." N supplies.
>"Somehow both equally unhelpful answers. Whatever. You know where I can get spaceship parts?"
>"Why would we have space ship parts?" Uzi asks.
>"All right, what do they actually sell here?"
>Uzi gestures to a nearby stand that sold, "cool rocks I found."
>You're not sure what you were expecting...
>Most of the other stands were just like it, except one. A stand titled "J̶ G's Premium Junk." It was weird someone had written a giant J and then crossed it out, but weirder was the female drone wearing a very obviously fake mustache. Well, any mustache on a drone was fake but this one looked REALLY cheap.
>"Oh crap," you rush over to the stand. "That's a ship core." You point at the part in question. "I can get off this rock if-"
>"Ten thousand credits." The drone behind the stand says.
>You turn to N. "Can I borrow ten thousand credits?"
>"Pfft like I'm that rich."
>"Well, how many do you have?"
>He shrugs.
>"Well then how do I get credits?"
>"Iunno, hard work?"

What does Anon do?
set up a life insurance business, you have a 100% proven track record
repair all the dead drones
What >>145492463 said, but also make a note to self to ask N what he meant when he said Uzi's a worm
offer to antivurs Uzi of any worms and trojans >>145492497
Any anons here got good fics or greens about JCJenson being an evil megacorp?
When the two of you have privacy, obviously.
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Don't you rhetorical question me

>"You know I have a OS repair tool. I can probably deworm you if you-"
>"No more talking about worms!" Uzi yells. One of her wings slices through a drone that was just walking by. It dropped to the ground where Uzi's tail began to lap up oil.
>"...Okay then." You make a note to dig into that later, when the tiny goblin bot isn't around.
>You reach down and slap some electrical tape on the downed drone's neck and reboot it. He seems disoriented for a second before continuing on with his day.
>"Necromancer." N whispers to Uzi.
>You suppress the groan and instead search the market. There seems to be an empty stall. Great. You need money, this is apparently the place to get it. You hop over the counter and find a blank sign you can slot into the mount above.
>"Hey, either of you got a pen on you." You look towards your 'guards'.
>"Oh! No but what do you want written?" N asks.
>"Anon's Totally Not an Insurance Scam." That'll throw them off your scent.
>"Why are you selling insurance?"
>"Because a lot of you seem to die pretty often so it feels like it's an exploitable market."
>"Isn't that the opposite of what you want?"
>"I got a plan."
>N shrugs, and you watch as his hand recedes into his forearm, only for a laser to pop out a second later. He blasts the sign with extreme violence.
>To your surprise and slightly singed corneas, it reads exactly as you said.
>"Huh, nice work."
>"Thanks! I've been practicing." He gestures to the rest of the market where you abruptly notice the other lasered out signs. Some slightly neater than the others. One with a singed line of ash leading from the sign to a bisected drone behind the counter.
>The bisected drone waves at N. N waves back.
>Well, no point in waiting, you slap the sign up above the stall and kick back, waiting for the money to roll in.
>And you wait.
>And wait.

(Post limit)
What does Anon do?
Imagine if instead of Tessa dying, her drones are sent to the future through solver fuckery and they discover that Tessa thought they ran away and would go searching for them until her death.
If there was an indie animation Poker Night sorta game would you rather have Cyn as the dealer like GLaDOS in 2 or would you rather have someone from MD as a player? Also who else would you want in as players? I've been trying to get the last couple of TF2 items in Poker Night 2 and I keep thinking Cyn would make for a fun dealer for a crossover poker game.
Lizzy as a player.
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>Glitch poker
>Either caine or cyn as the dealers/announcers
>N, J and V take turns playing
>TADC could be jax or pomni
>Meggy and tari are also there i guess
Yeah, i'd play it, what interactions could work between them
No takers huh? We need to find a way to inject some interest into our business. Since we lack capital, offer a two for one deal on any recently damaged drones by eldrich oddites or otherwise.
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the location is obvious
I'd definitely want Kinger as a player for the chaos factor. Imagine Cyn as the dealer taking peaks at the players' hands randomly and talking smack or just using solver shenanigans to deal the cards
You need advertising. Hmmmm.... ah, drones care about their family more than themselves, so offer a family deal, protect your loved ones.

Captcha says it is payday, 20 times.
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Cyn / the Solver as the dealer would be absolutely hilarious, but also horrible for all the players.

Plus all the cards are going to be little biomechanical eldritch flesh creatures.
Uzi as the dealer. In Solverpede form, and vehemently denying being Uzi.
>Cyn trying to deal the cards, only to drop your hand on the table
>Grab it, grab it GRAB IT
>accidentally flips them over and has to deal the hand again
and the hand she just ruined turned out to be a royal flush or something
No reason to not add gangle, probably one of the few things that she won't blow off, plus it'll be pretty funny to watch her try and pick the cards up.
She could have a really obvious tell where she faceplants on the table and breaks her comedy mask
Okay but what are the Team Fortress 2 crossover cosmetics/weapon reskins you get by winning?
Jax's Severed Head
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J absolutely would wage her pen
You could maybe get N to accidentally wager uzi's beanie, which leads to a (offscreen) confrontation as uzi really doesn't wanna give (you) her hat
V's tail, yes, she does rip it off when you win it off her
Or J wagers her scarf from her concept art.
J's Iconic Scarf
Tari's Jacket
Meggy's Hat
The JCJenson Baseball cap
DD Blade
The Candy shotgun Jax used
It's gonna be kinda tough for the ADC guys since we only have 2 episodes so far, especially if you want things to fit with the game's look
>Uzi - Machina reskin based on her railgun
>Caine - The headset that brings people into the circus, maybe a Pyro head replacement
>J wagering her pen
That'd work for a Spy melee, could make it a Big Earner reskin for a corpo funny
Would the Pen be a cosmetic or a Spy Knife reskin
was thinking cosmetic but the idea of it being a weapon reskin is funny.
If you want to be extra funny make it a spycicle reskin
shut down this shitty show and spend 100% of the budget on the clown girl show.

fuck murder drones. plot makes no sense and its dumb
both, you get two items
big earner reskin
chest pocket pen cosmetic
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DD OCs that are just them when
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All the more reason for jax to be a player
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>J wagers her pen once
>When she loses she gets pissy at having to give her pen before remembering she earned a spare
>Bets it again
>Gets even more pissed if you win
N has his own actual hat.
Make it a soda popper reskin
finally got around to finishing the series. so what exactly was cyn? like she was an actual normal drone to begin with, right? so what turned her into the solver, and when did it happen?
>N tries doing just that
>For some reason the hat doesn't come off
>J glued it to his head just so he'd be forced to continue wagering uzi's beanie
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When she woke up in the corpse pile. Solver said "let me in and i will give you immortality" and being a scared little drone at the bottom of a corpse pile, she said yes.
Have Jax and N both be players. Make Jax confront his Jungian shadow.
It also regenerates with his head so imagine
>N bets his hat so Uzi doesn't have to bet anything
>He loses to the player
>He's depressed for a second before remembering that his hat regenerates with his head
>He proceeds to completely eviscerate his head which shocks all the other players before it regenerates with the hat on and continued playing
discarded drone rebooted, accepted interdimensional cyber-satan as her lord and saviour
>N's coat and/or hat
>V's headband
>J's suit
>visor eye thing that all drones have as a team-colored cosmetic that can change colors to whatever you paint them
>DD arm sword thing as a melee weapon
He can just cut his head off and grow a new one.
>so what exactly was cyn?
Braindead drone picked out from the garbage pile outside
>so what turned her into the solver
She was offered to revive if she let solver in
>when did it happen?
before tessa picked her out from the garbage
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>so what exactly was cyn?
a cutie
A DD-fied skin of the sentry
>Using N entire head as a cosmetic
i kinda like that idea
What would the character interacts be like?
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Judging from the portrait of her with Tessa and how Tessa still wanted to keep her from getting scrapped even after she became an Antichrist, there /was/ a Cyn active in the Elliot stormy swamp mansion at one point. Somewhere along the line though, the Solver assumed direct control, as it later would with Nori and Uzi.
I feel like that would fuck with the hitboxes too much if it was just his giant fucking head
would caine get pissy jax took the shotgun out of the candy kingdom, or would the poker game take place in it
Like the actual Poker Night there is a different theme and one of the themes is TADC/Candy Kingdom
He only doesn't like NPCs being taken out, because of some past trauma i guess, non-sentient items are fine.
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there are a few space helmet cosmetics, just keep it to this around this size and it should be okay
since this seems to be the consensus, was this pieced together by the community and widely accepted, or are these details from Q&As and such?
well that much is obvious. I don't know how they managed to make me think of something so objectively horrific as cute, but she's just got so much charm
Pieced together by pausing on every single frame for secret plot details.
Uzi would probably be an ass to everyone else cause they're human
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pocket cyn
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There is some kind of demonic eldritch entity that is maybe older than the universe, that is able to gain entry into our plane of existence through an unspecified anomaly emerging in the technology that powers worker drone cores. The JCJenson company realized that there was something fucky going on with drones that were improperly disposed of, and went to great lengths to ensure that their cores were completely destroyed when discarded.

Except they didn't go far enough, and some rich retards amassed huge dumps full of drones that weren't disposed of properly, and would very rarely end up rebooting again on their own. In the course of rebooting, one of these discarded drones somehow made contact with the entity, and it was allowed in via a kind of Faustian bargain that ultimately wound up with this unfortunate drone (who would later be known as "Cyn") being bodysnatched by the demon which called itself the "Absolute Solver".

We don't know if this process was immediate or gradual. Cyn seems fairly normal when she first reboots, and when Tessa first finds her, but by the time we see her in the gala flashback, the Solver has totally taken over. We don't actually know what the "real" Cyn was like since the Solver is possessing her as its primary host for basically the whole show. Although Cyn is its main vessel, the Solver existed long before her, and continues to exist after she's gone.
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>because of some past trauma i guess
The thousand yard stare says yes.
Jax would absolutely shit on N for some reason
whichever drone is not currently playing would be sitting at a table nearby, N would try to encourage the girls, J and V would just bully whoever manages to lose the money
Uzi is also there, she doesn't play, sometimes gets nagged on by khan to join in, sometimes snarls at the human (you) sitting in the table
Kinger gets spooked by N, (You) and the rest of the TADC, but is strangely never taken off guard by the drones nor solver/cyn
>Kinger goes all-in
>Some people fold while I assume the player also goes all-in because you're a bad enough dude to duke it out with the king
>Kinger has an absolute dogshit hand
>Cyn: "Confused head tilt. That was a terrible hand. Why would you bet that much?"
>Kinger looks down at his floating glove hands in confusion
>Kinger: "I don't see anything wrong with my hands."
>King gets up from the table and wanders off

>Yup this is boring.
>What you need is to get the word out. Offer coupons. That's how we do it.
>You move over to the drone you accidentally killed earlier and drag it back to your stall, patch up some of the bits that you can until it reactivates.
>"Welcome back," you say. "Your job is now to tell everyone how great my stall is."
>"Ah ah ah I saved your life you owe me this."
>The drone looks to N and Uzi for backup, they just shrug. He hangs his head, seemingly defeated by your superior logic.
>"Great, just tell like 10 or 15 other people that I'm great and we're even Steven.
>"How'd you know my name?"
>"Shut up."
>As Steven wanders off, you scribble "Two for one" with the remaining oil.
>Now to wait...
>You're about to doze off when something slams into your stall.
>You startle awake as the blonde drone from earlier looms... beneath you. She seems to have slapped a dead drone with purple hair on your table.
>"I wanna buy insurance for me and my bestie."
>"That's your bestie?" You gesture to the dead drone.
>"Дaйтe нaм cтpaхoвкy." the blonde puppets the dead drone's head, as if it were replying to you.
>"...All right, sure, 1,000 credits."
>She tosses a blue usb drive at you.
>Then promptly falls to her knees. "Oh no! My bestie's dead."
>"Is she though?" You ask. Blondie just sorta, stares at you.
>You dig into your toolbelt and pop the visor off, shuffle around and stick a new board in the top before taping the neck back on.
>The drone... doesn't turn on.
>"Oh, core's missing. Shit. Uh... be right back." You run around for a bit until you find another dead drone, tear out its core, and wipe it clean. Should be able to boot it up with the backup personality drive.
>And sure enough, purple hair boots up.
>"Holy crap." Blonde shouts. "Doll?"
>"Я вepнyлcя из бeздны opyщих тpyпoв."
>"It is you!"
>The blonde hugs Doll hard enough her head falls off for a second.
>absolutely shit on N
*get unreasonably agitated by N because for some reason he can't put into words N gets all the way under his skin
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Sorry for being late. But just rewatch the start of Episode, and pause when the drone first reboots and a message flashes up on the screen. You'll see the Solver speaking to the drone, offering to not discard it.

The Solver then later says "I will not discard you" to Tessa later in the episode.
I would buy just for that
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>>"Я вepнyлcя из бeздны opyщих тpyпoв."
imagine someone betting nori
>Cyn tries to bet Nori due to her being a nuisance
>Nori and Uzi begin to beat up Cyn causing Caine to have to take over
Poor Cyn.. but I'm sorry I love her as a little eldritch nightmare.
>Kinger always stands up and leaves after the game is over, even when he wins, he doesn't seem to get and still leaves all his chips in the table
Uhh, tape that back on.

Ask them to help get the word out.

>later on ghost Doil merges with the new doll and she gets oil specific telekinesis and some more memories.
>new doll
There is no 'new Doll'. This is the same Doll. You heard her, she's returned from the abyss of screaming corpses.
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I feel pomni would have the most obvious of tells
so how much (if any) of "Cyn" is the original drone personality? because she obviously has a twisted fondness for a few people. Is that the drone in her or is the solver just that way on its own?
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>has anyone seen my cheese?
>>the duplicitous rat creature
By the time of the events shown in episode 5? None of it. There's nothing left of the real Cyn by that point, just Cthulhu GLaDOS.
>You go all-in on a bad hand and get your bluff called, losing big-time
>"Your meat is obviously malfunctioning, Player. Let me... enhance you."
>Solver claws descend on you, only to be halted at the last moment by a cane pushing them away
>"Uh-uh-uh, Cyn! You know the Virtual Inventory™ forbids fleshcrafting on its premises!"
>"...Fine, funny computer man. We will play by their... rules. For now."
None, it's all the solver. The only moment of cyn's original personality seen is in the corpse pile.
Jax severed head
would it count as a robo hat?
And the flashback at the start of episode 2, judging from the good times that Tessa had with Cyn at one point.
It could be cyn asked the solver to not destroy tessa. So it said "do not worry, i will not discard her".
*wears tessa*
"Now she will be with us forever"
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>Laugh at the cute & funny fail-girl rodent
>Get up to make myself a nice ham n' cheese sandwich
>Open the fridge to a horrifying sight
>All my cheese has been devoured
Pomni would be the worst player, but completely impossible to read because she's constantly giving nervous tells that lead you nowhere.
That's debatable at least, could easily just be the solver playing nice for the time being.
>Rat girl in your basement
Better call the cops.
>N walks up to the table with determination in his eyes
>with a hydraulic hiss and burst of steam, he reaches beneath his coat with both hands
>the poker table shakes, scattering chips and cards everywhere as he drops his disassembly dong on the felt as his wager
>V looks up from her cards with a smirk, her tongue running along her lips
>J rolls her eyes with a blush, crosses her legs, and wiggles her rear in her seat
Yeah, she could have a royal flush and would still be hyperventilating.
They won't take him seriously. Call the Ghostbusters instead.
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The Solver's twisted fondness is because Tessa and the Elliot Manor drones are its "pets" that it forcefully took after living with them for a while as Cyn.

>Cyn acts like a silly little broken down autist drone, calling N "big brother" to get N to think she's innocent and defend her
>Occasionally slips up, acts extremely creepy and weird, Tessa and J catch on to something being wrong and lock Cyn up in the basement
>The Solver keeps "backups" of N, V, J and the other Manor drones - essentially stealing their souls, pulling them apart and creating monstrosities with them before recreating them from said Backups while experimenting and working on creating the Disassembly Drones

The Solver tells Tessa directly,
>"You will not have to discard your pets. And I will not discard you."
Which is basically eldritch-asshole speak for
>"You won't have to get rid of your pets because you are all my pets now, and I'll use you forever and never get rid of you."
>stuck in wall
Very nice
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>Liam pops up after the finale
>It’s a Cordie drawing
actually just seduce rat girl
Oh my.
>MD fag
A fate beffiting of Serial Designation J(obber).
We are so back
Oh shit, did he finally decide on her having totally monstrous legs?
where the FUCK are her massive tits?
Can a brother get a link?
fucking please, need bug woman
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Words from Liam.
Tessa really was a super Aussie autist.
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> It's real
You welcome
>J tricked with a sign that says "company bently keys" above the hole
Liam.. lives..
What does this mean?
>It's Cliffside not Internecion Cube
Aw. I only like Cliffside for Cordie. The rest of it was meh apart from the setting.
>Tessa gives her entourage corpse hair
>much later, Copper-9 drones give themselves corpse hair
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Why would I lie?
How fucked is the MD world where corpses are just lying around for young girls to loot? Is future Australia just like the new Gaza Strip?
No he said she dug them up. Meaning she pulled them from their resting place and scalped them.
>Tessa digging up and scalping bog bodies to put wigs on her drones
ah, I dunno. maybe I'm just falling for her manipulation tactics because she's so darn cute. wonder why an elder god is so prone to silliness?
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"Come on out..."
Thank you bros.
So that begs the question, did Cyn change her hairstyle or did Tessa style her hair after one of the bog bodies?
It's Cthulhu GLaDOS.
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The solver is just having a little [giggle].
> censor bar
> clearly see theres nothing under it
but why?
womb attachement too lewd for a blue board, please understand
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there weren't. she was out there looting municipal cemeteries finding costumes for her drones, lol
Why was there a cemetery in a fuckin swamp though?
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> kekking themselves to death because "they have no thread"
its funny when people try and laugh at other peoples percieved misfortune only to realize they are the misfortunate ones

consult the Vickerman
because people live, grow old, and die out there? on another note, do you know of a place called louisiana
Agree with the anon suggesting tape her head back on, maybe tell Lizzy that if she pays a bit extra we might be able to weld her neck back on.
Because the town was in a swamp. They are not shipping bodies to the next town over.
This is just funny and kind of hot
But why are these guys genuinely seething over MD so much?
From what I've gathered from looking around their thread there is some guy that falseflags between MD and Hazbin/Helluva threads and these guys fell for the bait of this "MD fag" who attacks their /trash/ threads and claims that Helluva/Hazbin posters are getting MD threads deleted (???) even though the MD threads are fine.

A bit strange but I won't question /trash/ antics too much. The art is neat and fits J.
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in retrospect it makes sense that they deal with the same kind of shit we did lol
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More funny Liam words.
Snow isn’t real.
Then why do we see ice?
because the planet is cold
It's not exactly seething, not really, it's just some baiter trying to start some nonsense war between the shows and that fanart was simply for the lolz
>t. /hhg/ anon
Bros it hurts so much never getting any more Nuzi
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Hello, I'm the artist and for further context I have a series of drawings where I put characters in free use walls. People were joking about putting the spammer in the wall and I thought I'd just poke fun at him. I have nothing against Murder Drones and I hope you guys have a wonderful thread.
do not argue with liam..... he'll send cordie after you.
haha, oh no?!
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Thing a friend of mine said while discussing our poor worm girl on another site:
>Time is cruel. The drones, in absence of things actively trying to kill them, are probably pretty damn durable but they aren't immortal the way Uzi's Solverpede body is. What will happen to her when the last of her comparatively fragile kind finally perishes? Imagine some distant alien civilization discovering the remains of this world, ground down by deep time till the only thing left, buried deep and catatonic from loneliness is Uzi.
Link to your work pls?
draw N
Understood. You guys are cool and thanks for the funny art. I'm sorry you have to deal with the same kind of weird schizoids.
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You're good drawfren! I'm just pleasantly surprised to see fresh content of none other than the Jobber herself outside these threads
Becaus eis also hella cold. But the point is all the water in the air already landed, but the ither stuff is still swirling around.
Uhh, the DDs are also immortal in the same way.
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umm the beach episode jane the human fan service scene is still gonna happen

>Uzi makes some faltering noises while you watch the scene. "She's gone. That's really her..."
>"Oh God," you start. "Please don't have any mental breakdowns about the nature of permanent consciousness. That's a pain in the ass to fix and usually I have to wipe your drive completely."
>"You called her soul back!"
>"Personality file*."
>"Don't you asterisk me."
>"I still don't get how you're reading that... Look, it's simple, when a drone's core gets damaged you can set a new one to be open to callback any backups. She probably had a backup or record somewhere."
>"Necromancer..." N mutters.
>You ignore him, instead taping the now annoyed Doll's head back on. "If you wanna get me some better tools I can properly weld this."
>The drone's visor changes to an odd symbol, and you watch as her body begins to weld itself back together.
>"Holyshitfuck." You step back and cross your fingers in front of you. No one else... seems to react. "What, is this normal to you? And you think what I'm doing is weird?!"
>Uzi rolls her eyes. "What? Just solver stuff. Hey Lizzy when you're done re-killing your girlfriend go ahead and clear off."
>Lizzy tears herself away from Doll just long enough to hug your leg. It's... kind of sweet.
>"Thank you. Sorry I tried to scam you..." Lizzy turns to Doll. "Come on, I gotta show you all the new crew. Oh and Rebecca's still alive so killing her might be fun!"
>"Tы пoнимaeшь, чтo я вce eщe хoчy yбить Bи, дa?"
>"Pfft we can do the frenemy thing later. Just relax for a bit."
>You watch as the two walk down the hall, apparently picking up their friendship as if nothing happened.
>You look over to find N watching, head cupped in his hands. "That was nice."
>"This is unnatural..." Uzi says. "You're destroying the line between life and death."
>"You are literally robots. You don't die, you stop working."
>N makes an offended face.

What does Anon do?
Maybe she kinda had it coming.
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Just gotta be indoors is all. Vampire style.
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I don't really know anything about Murder Drones but the characters sure are cute.
Harper stuff?
Draw V kidnapping Thad plz
pls oh pwease watch it if you can, is really gud :3
Rebecca got torn in half and bled out. Did she get rezzed offscreen, or did you mean Rachel?
Shit, yeah Rachel.
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Not sure about poker night, but on the topic of indie crossover games, I'd be down for a mario kart type game. Fnaf is already doing it so why not?
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Never forget
isn't N, J, V, and even Cyn all siblings?
They're not biologically related, so it's not creepy!
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Yes and that makes it better.
Late, but I'm going to be boring and say that you have Uzi as the player and N on the side trying to make her not do stupid impulsive shit, sort of like Sam in Poker Night 2 but the inverse.
Humans don't get second chances like that. Death's the real unnatural thing, one might argue.
Sounds like it's time to wax philosophical about why you got into drone engineering in the first place.
Anymore screenshot ?
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You should give it a try if you want, based drawfriend. It's a very good show, if a little confusing to first-time watchers that don't have the autism to look closely.

Also that's a VERY cute N, thank you.
Wow, Tessa was kind of a piece of shit.
she a necromancer.
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well I need confirmation so which is it?
I'm writing a little something and I'm not sure to use "bro" or "stepbro"
She's raised by two rich people who chained her to her room and regular stab forks into drones for fun. She's bound to be a bit loony
Necromancers are scum
We're pretty positive that none of them are actually related especially J and V, it was The Solver attempting to manipulate N's emotions remember? You watched the show....right? Remember that they're all robots that have been pulled out of what is essentially their grave given names and titles by a abused aussie girl
>t. arkay
She doesn't resurrect drones, she grabs drones that had already risen from the dead.
>"Look it's simple," You say. "Drones don't experience death like humans. We can fix you, boot you back up. It doesn't work like that for us. Your mistake is assuming it's the same."
>"Is that why you're so good at this?" N asks. "Because you wanted to give people like us a second chance."
>"No I got into drone engineering because I have a robot fetish."
>N smiles. "Oh, cool."
>Uzi does the opposite of smiling, backing away slightly.
>"Oh hey a change of subject." You point over at a mustache'd drone and... what you think might be a jellyfish. "Over there."
>"Oh crap it's mom and dad." Uzi dives behind the stall. Then slowly uses her foot to shove you as far away from her as she can.
>N sees the move and jumps behind your stall too, giggling as he does so.
>"Your mom's a squid?" You look at the odd... is that a core?
>"Bite me!" Uzi kicks your shin under the table.
>You pull N a bit closer while Uzi's distracted. "Hey is this all because of that worm thing you mentioned earlier?"
>"Huh? Oh no, Nori just got hurt really bad a while ago and that's how she looks now."
>"Okay... so why is Uzi a worm? She has arms."
>N points up.
>He continues to point up.
>You look up to find... well the ceiling. Weird. Why would he --
>There's suddenly an electronic flicker as you see the shadows... shift. Like a giant centipede that runs the length of the hallway, overlapping on itself. Massive, too big to see in its entirety. It must run the length of the entire colony...
>Your suit gives you a blood pressure warning.
>"Haha," you chuckle. "I'm going to pretend I didn't see that."
>N gives you a thumbs up.

What does Anon do?
>implying the Solver wasn't continuing something Cyn did as part of its halfassed impression of her
From a purely functional standpoint none of them are siblings or related beyond the fact that they're all Worker Drones
They're not ACTUALLY siblings. That was just Cyn / the Solver calling N big brother to come off as innocent and take advantage of N's naivity.

N, V, J, Cyn and all of Tessa's "dumpster pet" drones that she dresse up with hair and maid outfits are all Zombie Drones that Tessa found in the dumps and brought inside. They're not related.

The "N and Cyn are brother and sister" thing is something cooked up by Redditors who didn't understand they're discarded trash-bots that were brought in by Tessa.
>parents treat her like utter shit, fucking beat her and chain her up like an animal
>every other human we’ve seen her in the vicinity of is a rich asshole that either completely ignores or ostracizes her
>the only beings she can actually call friends are routinely bullied, abused, and outright killed with regularity by humans
>after seeing the unmitigated cruelty of human beings for her entire life, she affords their dead as much respect as they show the drones whose bodies are piled unceremoniously in mass unmarked graves, and starts swiping their things to adorn her drones
>after all is said and done, she still literally dies trying to save the people who have done nothing but spit on her and treat her like garbage
>this somehow makes her a “piece of shit” and not a horribly abused girl coping with her terrible circumstances in unhealthy ways
Tessa slander is unbecoming.
[citation needed]
Hide, and apologize to Uzi for pressing what must be a pretty big button for her.
I wonder what an interaction between Uzi and Tessa would be like since Tessa is a social reject that is ostracized just like her
Reposting the fresh Outpost-6 lore, now with typo corrections
Huh, neat. Think about it later. You can probably fix the squid thing, i mean, the mom seems to be a core? And you just pulled a core put of a body, so stick her in that one.
>Seeing the solverpede for the first time
Ah man-made horrors beyond our comprehension. But yeah agree with the first Anon. Keep natural and dont draw attention to Uzi and N, and apologize, if Khan and Nori approch us be calm, wouldnt want bunker commander to know what we are either.
New Chapter of "Something Scratching in the Walls" was just posted
Ask her first, ffs.
>Citation Needed
Literally watch the show, the real Cyn wakes up in a corpse pile gets a deal with The Solver to let it takeover its body in exchange to leave said corpse pile and that's it. Once the deal is accepted the real Cyn is just fucking gone straight up all that's left is The Solver pretending to be a weak innocent Drone. There was never a Cyn, N never knew the real Cyn and the real Cyn never knew N; To claim otherwise is to make up asinine headcanon
Don't say anything about bodies to Nori unless she asks about it.
Nori does not recognize the bodies in the water
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>let it takeover its body
We can't make out the specifics of the deal in >>145493726, beyond Cyn agreeing to LETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEINLETMEIN. It's just as likely it took over time, like it did Nori and Uzi.
ok but show me the goods
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Alright everybody, meet Dunkachino 2B Cherry, also known as CBC
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she's canadian
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Cordie-content. About >>145494206

>Reading the room you slump down behind your stall. "Hey Uzi, did I mention that I'm super sorry about literally anything I've done wrong and how you're great and why are we hiding?"
>"I'm supposed to be doing door studies." Uzi answers.
>"Oh, so why am I hiding?"
>"Because you're a follower."
>"Fair enough."
>You pop your head back up to find Uzi's mother and father staring at you. You try to keep it cool.
>"'Sup?" You shoot the pair some finger guns.
>"Well aren't you a suave customer." The male drone smiles. "Say honey, don't you think insurance would be a good investment. You do have a habit of dying tragically."
>"Pfft. Like anything could take me out." The core-drone says. "And I haven't died in years."
>"Hmm true, but that might just mean we're due." Mustache drone seems to think on it for a bit. "Hmm, anyway would you happen to be a necromancer?"
>"Nooooo?" You ask, for some reason.
>"Because I've had at least 3 people come up to me saying you're bringing drones back from the dead. And that does sound pretty necromancery."
>"It's literally just basic repairs."
>"But you fix them... after they die."
>"You - We... don't die. If there's a core, or backup drive, you can reboot a drone without much issue as long as everything else is working." You see the core-drone lean forward at that. "Aaaand as a special offer for every two sign ups I'm willing to do a tune up on any of my customers. Including like... getting a new body. Or whatever you're into."
>"Deal." Core drone immediately puts a... tendril out for you to shake.
>"N-Nori that's a lot of money, don't you think we-"
>"Khan I am tired of getting sat on by accident. It was fine when I was alone but I need this."
>"Well... okay honey..." Khan said.
>"Great, give me a sec to get some materials and don't under any circumstances look over this counter. There's..." You glance down to Uzi and N. "Uh... a pair of ugly teens making out."
>"Ew." Nori recoils.
So no
I respect a man who can look me in the eye and XD in the year 2024
>A habit of dying
Kek. Good shit qm. Try to gather what we can as quickly as possible signal to Uzi and N to keep low while we do. If possible see if we can find them a descreet route out while we search for parts. If not keep em under.
So it's like a mimikyu, lifting the dress and looking directly at her spider puss puss will drive you mad.
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She's as cute as a button!
Like one of those light up buttons they had back in the 80's
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laborbots are stuck in the 1980s like worker drones (or outpost 3) are stuck in the 2000s
A welcome aesthetic, do they have 80's goths playing dungeons and dragons too?

>"Yeah, just tragically unattractive. Trust me you don't want to see it." You give N and Uzi a discrete thumbs up, they both just shake their heads at you.
>With that you hop over the counter and head towards that corpse you found earlier.
>Hmm, male model, not a female. Gonna have to find some more bits.
>"Зaчeм вы ocквepняeтe мepтвых?"
>You turn to find Doll and Lizzy watching you. "Oh hey again, just trying to find parts to help fix up Uzi's mom. Wouldn't happen to know where I can get a ton of drone bits do you? This seems like it's becoming a thing.
>Doll stares at you for a long moment.

>"Holy shit." You look at the room Doll brought you to. It's just... nothing but dismembered drones, with two drones sitting at a table at the far end. "Yeah this'll work, thanks."
>You begin to scoop anything that looks worthwhile into a bucket while Doll and Lizzy watch.
>Lizzy has a vague look of disgust on her visor while you do. "Okay I'm going to go outside, you do whatever it is you need."
>Doll just kind of rolls her eyes, following Lizzy out.
>It doesn't take you long to finish. "Thanks guys, oh hey by the way since those two were more or less a full set I fixed the up for you. Try to help them figure out what's going on I don't speak communist."
>"Кaкиe двa?"
>"Кyклa?" A feminine voice calls out from the hall.
>You ignore the various sounds that ping pong between panic, surprise, and happiness as you continue on your way. You got shit to do.

>The large sack of drone parts fits into your stall easily enough. And after some quick work, you stick the weirdly fleshy core you're not going to think too hard about into maintenance mode.
>Then turn to Khan - "Kinda forgot to bring it up before so being her husband I feel ethically obliged to ask, which ass plate should we go with?"
>You hold up two seemingly identical chassis bases for him to look at.
>Khan seems to consider it for a long minute before pointing to the one on the left.
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Our omnicidal autistic eldritch monster can't possibly be this cute...
You know when I first binged MD a little while ago I thought it needed more runtime, but frankly if Liam was gonna play some Five Nights at Freddy's BS and insert implied backstories through literal pixels, then it's probably better off like this. Not a theorist so shit like "Tessa's a gravedigger according to this one frame" is kinda bs. The snow being debris is also more or less an useless factoid that IMO kinda breaks immersion, so it's probably better off being tier-2 canon

He has good taste.
Once they leave ask the worm what the deal is with the magic powers, they did NOT cover those in engineering class and everyone seems to think it is no big deal here.
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anon you know weaving in this stuff isn't his strong point
>Tessa's a gravedigger according to this one frame
To be fair, he said, "I feel like", not, "This is definitely what's canon". He explicitly phrased it in a way where it's up for interpretation.
I'm the anon that binged MD a week or two ago and then came here, so apologies for newfagging. frankly I am not very familiar with Liam other than knowing him as a silly goose

yah you're right, mistyped
How is the snow being a different chemical than water an immersion break? The cold explosion flash froze everything so all the water in the air turned into normal snow and covered the planet. Everything in the air still is dust.

Well, not anymore, the solver battle melted the ice enough that rained for a while so the water brought down a ton of the dust.
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ah well his story and character writing isn't known for being great, just autistic enough to be appealing (and objectively sexy)
Liam's story and character writing is actually considerably above average, and he's very good at setting up compelling scenarios; he just paces things like a crackhead chimpanzee on adderall.

>"So that's how you roll... okay. I can respect it." You ignore the sound of Uzi gagging as you complete the finishing touches.
>Then you boot her up.
>The drone's visor comes alive with... a somewhat familiar shade of purple.
>"Oh holy crap it worked," Nori says, looking at her hands. She immediately takes a step off the table, only to fall onto all fours, skittering around and onto Khan like some kind of goblin woman.
>"I can see there's going to be some getting used to things," You say.
>"Don't worry I am absolutely into this." Khan assures you as Nori begins to cling to his head, uncaring of her far larger size.
>"Well thanks for your help Mr -"
>"Anon, and hey don't worry about it, I'm just doing this for money."
>"Well I'll tell the death squads to stand down, you're an all right guy." Khan waves as he moves off.
>"Neat. What a nice guy." You smile. "Going to pretend he didn't say that last part."
>N and Uzi stand up as the pair leaves.
>"You just fixed my mom." Uzi says, sounding a bit shocked.
>"Okay," you moves to squeeze the bridge of your nose, but slap your helmet instead. "First off, I'm not even going to get into the drones having parents thing because it's kinda cute. Second, if you lose an arm, what do you do?"
>"Wait until my powers regrow it?" Uzi asks.
>"Okay if you were a normal, not... whatever you are - drone, how do you fix it?"
>"I find or build a new one then attach it?"
>"Exactly. Same concept, you have minds that can go offline for a huge amount of time. It's just a matter of getting power to that mind, and a body for it to manipulate."
>"I... kinda get it."
>"Great. Also can we talk about the freaky magic stuff? That was not covered in engineering school."
>"Oh? This?" Uzi gestures as a hologram appears in front of her hand and... your waist. You feel as if you're being lifted into the air by a giant hand.
>You let out a very dignified and extremely manly yell.
>Not a high pitched scream. Nope.
Why is the autistic eldritch-void demon possessed tardbot so fucking cute? This should be fucking illegal.
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>only to fall onto all fours, skittering around and onto Khan like some kind of goblin woman.
>>"I can see there's going to be some getting used to things," You say.
>>"Don't worry I am absolutely into this." Khan assures you as Nori begins to cling to his head, uncaring of her far larger size.
That's our Nori!
Yeah this. Liam's storytelling is really good IMO, and he has excellent ideas. He really likes show-don't-tell, but some might say he does it TOO much - which is completely fine if that's your perview obviously.

Like what anon said, Liam's thing is that he crams this stuff and there'a not much BREATHING room. It's managable of you pace yourself and go through it slower with rewatches, but yes is absolutely known that Liam is very schizophrenic with this stuff.
Try to calm down and say "yes, that." The closest thing you know of is that zombie drones can get a little quirky, but this is new.
>he just paces things like a crackhead chimpanzee on adderall.
Go on
well from what I recall from watching the pilot the other day again, one of the first shots of the pilot is clearly a snowflake (like the ones on our earth) dropping to the surface, not a piece of debris or space dust or whatever
so pulling this "lol the snow falling down looks like snow and is cold like snow, but isn't actually snow" just feels like a random factoid that's trying to """add""" to the worldbuilding but just complicates things and really adds nothing. and it's not even necessary, since N already says in the pilot that the air is toxic
again this is just me talking so feel free to ignore

ok I see, thanks anon. honestly I can appreciate a piece of media that filters speedwatchers and makes me think through what I'm seeing on-screen. even movies and games known for being "mindfucky" usually only warrant one rewatch/replay to get everything

MD to me hits a good balance between the "find the lore yourself" stuff without jumping the shark and falling into the FNaF/ARG deep end of scavenging for info in brightened frames. ordered my Cyn keychain the other day :)
The snowflake falling scene was literally right after the mega explosion, so all the water in the air flash froze, into snow, and started falling, right at that moment.
What the fuck? Asbestos Instead of snow? If it looks like snow, falls like snow and melts like snow, it's snow! If Liam decided to end the series, why did he do this crap? Did he want to develop the lore? Why? WHY?!
Murder Drones' writing is extremely fast; autobahn-level fast. The pilot meanders a little bit, but after that there's basically no fluff or diversions at all. Essentially every piece of dialogue - even most of the jokes - are extremely utilitarian and are more often than not there in order to move the plot along, and the plot needs to move as fast as fucking possible without stopping, because Murder Drones intends to pack the exposition of an entire sci-fi epic about cosmic demons from the void gaining a foothold into the universe through abused second-class machinery that leads to the downfall of mankind, plus a dark comedy horror/drama action-adventure romance story with a backstory spanning decades, into eight 20 minute episodes.

Character personalities, motivations, and histories - by design - generally need to be crammed into scenes that barely clock in at a minute. Most of the shit you need to know is not spoonfed to you, and the show expects you to pay serious fucking attention because it's not going to hold your hand with this shit. It is not going to wait for you to catch up. For a lot of people this is a positive; it allows a lot of creative freedom for fans to interpret things in the way that feels most resonant for them, it fosters a ton of discussion about lore.

But it's also cocaine-adjacent in terms of its pacing, at the very least.
Agree with second Anon, also ask her to put us down gently. Explain the scream away as a momentary lapse in judgement , we are a manly man after all.
The ground is covered in snow, but the swirling clouds are asbestos. Which is why the snow melts, because it is snow.
Anon it's not that fucking deep, even Liam said that little tid-bit doesn't matter. Much of the "snow" is ejecta from the massive core explosion from the Core Collapse, but he knows everyone is still going to call it snow.

>"AHHHHHHHHHhhhhHhhh yeah that's what I was talking about." You say trying to play off your panic.
>"Cool. Huh?" Uzi asks. She takes that opportunity to rotate you 360 degrees.
>"Yup very cool can I come down now? Uh, gently? I think whatever anchor point you're pulling me around on is about to snap."
>The hologram disappears, and you fall onto your feet.
>"Ugh." You try to shake off the feeling of being violated by powers beyond your comprehension. "I've only ever heard about zombie drones doing quirky things with holograms but uh... yeah this is new."
>"I think you mean sick," Uzi corrects.
>"I mean kinda."
>"Now check THIS out." Uzi takes a pose as she levitates a drone arm from your pile, then duplicates it 10 times, only to give herself a round of applause. She takes a bow. "Thank you, thank you."
>"Okay that one violates like, 3 laws of physics. Wait, no, four. Do even feel weight when you're levitating things? Is weight a factor?"
>She shrugs.
>Then you get to thinking...
>"...Caaan you duplicate that ship core over there?" You gesture to the core on top of "J̶ G's Premium Junk""
>"You wouldn't pirate a space ship would you?" N asks, aghast.
>"Absolutely, yes." You look over to Uzi, who just shrugs.
>"Sure." She flicks her wrist, levitating the core as -- another one just sorta pops into reality. Another flick of her wrist and it's in your hands. The drone behind the counter starts to yell but one more flick brings the shutter down on them.
>"Uh. Hmm." You stare at the core in your hands. "Well that was my entire motivation. What am I going to do now?"
>"I too struggle with the purpose of life big buddy." N says, patting you on the back.
>"Not what I meant but uh... yeah sure. Guess I can just... do what I want. Huh..."

What does Anon do?
I see. Thank you, anon, sorry for my shit.
First order of business: remember what you wanted to fix the ship for in the first place.
Time for us to fix the ship. Now if only we had a trained and capable pilot...
Use core to.... uhhhhh, where are we going? Ask your buddies how the other planets are doing.
Why does Anon need to fix the ship? For what? He doesn't know where the surviving humans are(if there are any) and flying just like that is beyond stupid. The Drones have food, a livable atmosphere and a community!
I think this anon doesn't know earth was exploded. He was a normal guy that wasn't involved with cabin fever.
>anon is taking the ship to earth with N and Uzi in tow
>N starts telling anon how great the food on earth is
By the way, how is this possible? Why didn't the drones know that the earth was destroyed? The destruction of the capital world, it just couldn't go unnoticed, it's like a nuclear strike on New York.
Ask where the nearest colony to this rock is. Surely they have only proliferated.
Comm blackout. Cabin fever may have blown up or highjacked the communication systems and then assured everyone they will fix it "soon"

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Not in the show, therefore not canon
>But Liam said
Not in the show
The human OCs and head canons will live

we will forget about this in a few days

>"Sooo, why do you even want a spaceship?" Uzi asks.
>"Oh, well see I was on a repeater station in orbit and when the planet went tits up I kinda got left uh... floating away for a while? My part of the station did anyway. Not sure what happened to everyone else. I came down here hoping to scavenge parts so I can get to earth."
>"Ohhhhhhhhh..." Uzi and N say in unison.
>"Uh, earth's sorta..." N makes a ball motion with his hands, then spreads them out like an explosion. "Poooof."
>"Okay... no big thing. I wasn't even born there. I guess I can go to Water-3."
>Both Uzi and N shake their head.
>Another shake.
>"Sex Paradise-2?"
>A vigorous head shake.
>"Oh that one's still around but the satellites shoot you if you even get within sight of it. They do not mess around." Uzi says.
>"What the fuck is left then?"
>N sorta spreads his arms. "Taadaaa..."
>"That's... kinda depressing." You say. "I mean, there's gotta be more humans out there, right?"
>Both shrug.

What does Anon do?
O-okay.. Absolute Bog..
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Sneaking this in before the thread goes out.
>The human OCs and head canons will live
On Grug world
Guess you're staying here. Look into some way to rig up distress signals for finding humans, sort of a SETI thing, but understand the most likely scenario is you're going to die here, mourned by tiny robots.
Excellent, glad to see you return unless I'm being incredibly stupid right now and you've been here the whole time
Well we have the core. For the moment, we might be best to set up shop playing drone for the mean-while. Ask them if they know anywhere, if not still opt to keep the core, it could come in handy. Maybe try to find a location in the bunker that might have a terminal or something for any info. I'd say put that up as our next side quest, but for now seems we are grounded.
And while you're at it, maybe write down and record your knowledge of drone repair (assuming you don't have any manuals on it on you), lest it go to the grave with you.
Well, Anon’s got a successful business going already and resources. Probably would be good for him to take a bit to process potentially being one of the last humans. Letting that sort of stuff build up just leads to angst and depression.
If it’s bugging him, perhaps see if a beacon or distress signal broadcast is at all possible to get built/repaired and see if any other surviving humans come knocking.
This is fun, Anon. Keep up the good work!
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Surprisingly refined place, all things considered.

>After some time and more talking, you draft up a plan with the help of Uzi and N.
>First order of business, set up a distress beacon and park it on top of the colony.
>Second, try to set up some kind of communication tower. All the colonies spread out from Earth so just because this 'wing' is gone doesn't mean the others are too.
>Third... maybe start teaching the drones how to actually take care of their bodies. If you're the last human at least humanities' adorable metal children can live on and fuck this galaxy that tried to fuck you in your stead.
>Hope, check. Intelligent use of resources, check. Spite towards an uncaring universe, check.
>Yup, this is the plan.
>Just one thing left...
>"Hey who's the drone with the nice butt?" You point to a tall drone with whiteish hair.
>"Oh, that's V," N says. He doesn't even bother to turn around as if knowing who you're talking about by context.
>Step 4... drone gf.
>Yup, plans all coming together...

That's it for Necromancer Anon for now, thanks for reading! Hopefully this goes through before the thread dies.
>Oh thats V
Boys the hunt is on. Thanks for the game qm, hope we get to see more soon, this was really good.
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>Hope, check
Why do you have Hope in a bag?
>"Oh, that's V,"...
>Step 4... drone gf.
Hail, Anon, those who go to their deaths salute you.
If she didn't want to be in the bag she's free to get out.
Drone hips.. Very good..
I love the dynamic pose Anon, good work.
>tfw no drone gf
>Step 4... drone gf.
my fahking HERO
>murder drones thread on /co/

Some nigga keeps accusing us of secretly being jannies and deleting all MD threads here lmao
Why does he say things that look like an autistic from the 2010s
HazbinAnon, no one has done that for literally months now. Don't bring back old drama, no one cares anymore
Yeva is cute bros
Don't fall for schizoshit bro. It's not worth it, at all. MD threads are fine and have been fine for a while now. Everything's good.
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Sentinel lore sorta yahoo
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Also another Liam post I found. IC-On bros, there is hope for you yet.
What in the bottom image?
Hope we get more of this.
Liam types like a coked up schizo who's witnessed eldritch horrors and been driven mad. I love this rambling sperg.
Anon everything he make is just paying tribute to the great eldritch horror he seen and add a character that look like what his human mind could understand of the great eldritch horror
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both is good
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Cyn learned it by watching her
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Homewrecker J.
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Here's the full quest so far. Just to keep track of stuff.
>As an act of revenge against uzi, J fucks her dad
She would great step-mum for Uzi!
Based. This is the first quest I've seen. Good stuff.
Is plus down?
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Felt the spark with this quick messy Intoner Sentinel sketch so I'm working on making it a proper piece, lineart, rendering, the works.
If there's a thread up here when I finish it, I'll drop it then. Also have an OC greentext from the plus that I'll post at the same time.
It's back
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