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How exactly would a drone be able to move around perfectly in human skin?
Is plus down for anyone else?
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Tessa was assimilated by the Solver and combined with Cyn's drone body.
You can see Tessa's bones in amongst all the Solver-gunk when Cyn and Tessa's body melt and break down after Uzi burns away Cyn's core and reveals the Solver's main singularity.
From what I can see, you can see Tessa's hand bones, arm bone, femur, and lower jaw. The rest of Tessa's body melts away with the rest of Cyn.
I am too, what happens?
poor tessa.
Yeah I've been waiting for it to be up again
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Magic duh
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Eldritch flesh magic!
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"move around perfectly" is a bit of a stretch.
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I love my wife.
>"Hello, bitch.."
>"HI, SLUT!"
Looks like someone saved all of glitch inn's content.
Because she is barely even human. Source: The main man himself
Where can i find it?
Tessa just has immense autism. Be patient with her.
Cyn's endgame was not to eat the entire universe but actually to be with N
>Noticed that N had a thing with V
>Got V to error and all other drones in the gala to reduce suspicion
>tried to get with N but get rejected because "muh little sister" and affection for V remains
>breaks the "family" dynamic by killing the rest of the family
>recreates N as original, but N hates and is afraid of her
>recreates N as a DD with modified memories, but just not the same as original
>recreates the original dynamic but Cyn is Tessa
>compromise is not the real thing
>searches entire Earth and exoplanets for a solution to be with N without fear
>Learns of Copper 9 and drones that can manifest solver powers
>Connect remotely to Yeva and Nori, learns of new potential hosts and bodies for Cyn
>Cabin fever labs event ensues
>Drones get patched, scrapping the idea of a new body to partner with N
>Send DD to recon Copper 9
>Learn of Uzi and Doll birth, new potential hosts
>Monitor Uzi and Doll growth
>Yeva warns Doll of AS
>Nori keeps it a secret, making Uzi the prime choice for new host
>Cyn grooms and molds Uzi
>make grooming subtle by slowly influencing her to get first contact with N by rebelling against Kahn
>Episode 1 ensues
>Subtly set relationship preferences, hate V, love N, get annoyed at J
>Give Uzi and N challenges to develop relationship
>Give illusion of freedom by giving DarkXWolf17 admin access
>Destroy patch that can prevent Cyn from being host
>Toy and terrorize Uzi and N to enhance relationship further via suspension bridge effect
>N and Uzi confirm their relationship - ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
>Play with N, Uzi, and J, and fabricate a scenario where she loses
>Lose deliberately and hint to Uzi what she must do to the core by attempting to eat it
>Uzi eats Cyn core, and Uzi and Cyn are now one
>Now Cyn gets to be with N forever
>Slowly influence and mold Uzi to physically match her physical preferences.
Do we have any Yandere Trance art of Cynwalker?
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I think Yanderes suck, and it's not dick!
>Nori reskin for the Spy's Sapper with voicelines like the Ap-Sap
I think that would be cool. She could chat about her experience as a Solver Witch and other shenanigans on Copper-9. Also,
>Bot Killer Weapons but with Murder Drone heads instead
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Jesus Christ, Tessa is such a fucking creep
>both Tessa and the Copper-9 drones get drone hair from dead humans
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Hey guys, murder drones leak guy is back
The dead are not using it so why not use it to better uses
Leave the dead out of this, go buy a wig.
What do you think wigs are made out of
Someone makes sure this is clean like last time?
well, i'm the original uploader and i assure it is. it's just htmls.
But everyone in Toy Story is already grumpy adults. Or was Goose thinking more like the Black Friday version of Toy Story?
There was skepticism about whether or not the file were a virus last time until someone confirmed they were safe, I wouldn’t want anyone to open these under the premise that these files are from the same guy as before only for it to be a trick
Magic, spawn me a wig, anon
yeah I'm sure her parents give her an allowance, right after they tuck her into bed at night with a kiss on the forehead when they tell her she's loved
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The good ending
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I LOVE V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>y were safe, I wouldn’t want anyone to open these under the premise that these files are from the same guy as before only for it to be a trick

here have some more proofs ig lol.
God bless ye anon
I wish V could love V.
thank you, but god won't save me from the solver :(
She wants to nibble you a little bit anon
Just let her have a bite or five, what’s the big problem?
the problem is that i require those organs inside me to survive, otherwise how would i be able to leak more. btw since we gotta spread it more, ehre's again the glitch uploads https://gofile.io/d/9ehz2h
Tessa was the first Burton girl I ever appreciated.
>the problem is that i require those organs inside me to survive
this is fixable, she can make you better
dont belive you
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>Anon brings home the Solver to his parents
>They’re weirded out when they see her nibbling on your shoulder
it's fine, I went into the kitchen to get some refreshments for everyone and when I came back they'd completely turned around and seemed to really like her
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Is he still running with that? Hair disintegrates decently rapidly unless you can keep growing it.
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>Tessa Elliot Roger: Man I sure love being alive and not being a skin suit for a drone possessed eldritch entity
>Uzi Dorkman: Anime, Autism and ANGERY!
>N(igga): I am a one dimensional nice boy :)
>V: I sure do love being cucked
>Pad: I'm forgotten :(
>Jizzy: So am I :(
>Jobber: Tell me about it
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>The Solver makes the casual statement that she erases anyone that causes an issue with her boyfriend, Anon
>>The Solver makes the casual statement that she erases anyone that causes an issue with her boyfriend, Anon
now thats a plot twist
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Tessa got what she deserved
She got my heart.
She literally has an abnormally large head and no nose. Makes you wonder if she was even human in the first place
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>The Solver assimilates Marvin
>Proceeds to kill itself right after
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DD kitty Nori
Sobbing. Sobbing. Sobbing. Sobbing. Oh my god.
>”I never thought robots would wear MY skin!” sobs woman who voted for the Robots Wearing People’s Skin Party
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Shouldn't DD Nori be a wolf?
the difference is those people were already long dead of (probably) non-cyn causes
>internet access vs no internet access
>giantessa showing tessa that it's much more fun to make corpses by punching people really hard than it is to dig them up from the swamp and scrape off their hair to put on drones
>snessa coiling around tessa as she sleeps to keep her safe and let her sleep soundly knowing her parents can't wake her up by beating her with a bag of oranges
>skeletessa putting all of tessa's dug-up bones and other eldritch tomfoolery in the halloween decoration storage and redecorating tessa's room to be more normal
>solverless tessa tutoring tessa in business management and showing her how to crush her enemies
>dronefucker tessa lending her 'daddy' N to be a father-figure for tessa to give her a role model
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What if Cyn used Tessa's grave robbing leftovers to make the flesh wings and other solver appendages?
Looking at it from her perspective, why should she respect the human dead when the drone dead aren’t given any? Her closest friends - probably the closest thing she ever had to a real family - are viewed by her parents as “dumpster pets”. Why wouldn’t a rebellious teenage girl with a morbid streak return the favor at that point?
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>You are Tessa's stepdad
>You are vibing in the same room when Tessa points at the wall
>You follow her finger and see a spider on the wall
>This isn't Australia, so bugs are easy to miss
>You get up and catch it
>Most people hate bugs and kill them wherever they find them but you have compassion for them
>(Unless they are cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and grasshoppers)
>Their senses can't comprehend us and our designs. They are just living their lives
>Because of your perspective and your demeanour, you always act to move insects away and to safety before people squash them dead
>Tessa watches as you try to handle the spider
>It runs across your hairy arm, tickling you
>Then you bring up your other hand to pass the spider to it and prevent it from going under your sleeve
>Tessa gets up and squeals
>"You like spiders! Me too!" she says
>Bless her heart, despite her upbringing and her current living conditions, she is a cheery girl
>The spider settles on the back of your hand and turns towards Tessa as she approaches it
>"You too, huh?" you reply
>It is a mild relief knowing that Tessa has compassion in her
>But then again it could be that she is a weird dork. In an endearing kind of way
>"What kind of spider is it?" she asks
>She is used to the more exotic varieties such as tarantulas, huntsmen, and the Other Mother that she used to sometimes daydream about moving in with
>"It's a jumping spider!" you reply, almost proud of yourself that you know this. "I love them. They are fuzzy and stubby and they wear droplets for hats! This one time I caught one in a bottle and it would follow me around the room with it's eyes. They are very clever!"
>It seems to Tessa that your praise is too big for a thing so small
>Hell, it is so small compared to aussie bugs that she can't see anything
>She gets her face very close and squints
>"I can't see bollo-"
>Tessa backs away and starts slapping her face
>She trips and falls down
>"My hair! It's in my hair! Don't let it get in my ears! It will lay eggs in my braaain!"
>"Calm down dammit!"
>You pretend to pick the spider off of her
>"There! I removed it! Calm down!"
>Tessa gets up with tears in her eyes and runs to the bathroom where she sobs under the shower with her clothes on for a while
>She doesn't sleep that night
>For the following nights she sleeps with her ears and nostrils plugged, causing her to breathe through her mouth and defeating the purpose
>Jumping spiders. They see. They jump. They are in your house
seems to be a host problem, it keeps going up and down today.
If somebody is stealing dead bodies and keeping them, they are 100% having sex with them and/or eating them.
I imagine the solver powers are just adjusting/refreshing it on the fly. The moment it wasn't in control of the "CkynSuit", it melted from the robot parts overheating (and also melting).
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not everybody is doll or anatoly moskvin for that matter
Fuck off
E is gay? (Likes men, aka her boss?)
Since plus4chan is shitting itself, here's the wheel of OCs an Anon made. Roll 2 characters and try to write something about them.
Wrong post?
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>How exactly would a drone be able to move around perfectly in human skin?

Same way Jenny can in her exo-skin. It wouldn't be a big thing.
I'm genuinely engrossed in how Uzi's reaction to becoming that body's new owner seems to be shame, of all things.
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guys what's happening to my wife
I imagine losing what is essentially your humanity and becoming a monster is a bit more than what an edgy teen bargained for. Also Uzi isn't a robotfucker and/or monsterfucker so the appeal is lost on her.
Luckily for Uzi, I have no such weakness. I desire energetic and repeated fornication with the eldritch robot horror.
She's in a blood rage. Only quick fix for that is sloppy makeouts with Lizzy.
>we have come for your nectar
You're going to need a quart of oil and several packs of condoms. Clear your schedule for the week: you'll be busy.
Being afraid of yourself or how others would react is one thing. The shame part intrigues me. Like how Bloodborne wouldn't interest me nearly as much if the Great Ones had just been standard Cthulhus, instead of grieving parents who outlived their children and are being used by the mad scientists who worship them for their own ends.
Cute tummy
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Throw elf down an elevator shaft
The Tessa digging up corpses lore only further fuels my "Tessa and Zombie Anon" shipping.
What if Cyn was an earthy demon and J makes a deal with her to spare Tessa, creating a group of Tessa, some drones and some other rich kids just sitting around watching humanity die
It wouldn't be very fun to watch
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hee heee
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look at this Cute and Funny creature
>When the bitch you've carried through hell calls you her friend
>mfw i accidentally incest
>Murder drones
>yeva is an adult drone
>Still half the height of a human male
>all the murder drones are short
My desire to somehow breed the robots has increased tenfold.
Do you take requests?
Ye, depends on the idea
He looks like he takes commissions from human men.
>Cut to Uzi in the tail because Cyn kick her into it
>Tail-Uzi just tells Cyn to "bite me", and slithers under the covers
>N never has anything short of a threesome
Jax's severed head
Just dye max's purple.
Just like one of my Japanese Animes
Is the issue with only 2 episodes, we don't know if jax has any good stuff in his room or something.
He doesn’t have one
>N gets to fuck Uzi and Cyn and the two can switch at any point
>They fight over who gets control depending on what position they're in
Just as it should be, anon.
N's learning how to draw manga, Uzi pirates anime and listens to nightcore, and Cyn is a yandere. It could only ever end with N becoming a harem protag.
You know what it's like with women on the internet nowadays. You can't take a person's word anymore.
Elf went from on the shelf to down the chute

Do this >>145499215 where being eaten was part of Cyn's plan all along to fuck N.
Yep, until proof presented, men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
this is the murder drones song....
>Uzi pirates anime and listens to nightcore
And so did her mother
my brain is trying to formulate how to translate it into drawa, it is going to take a while....
Could you do something sentimental and romantic about Khan helping Nori reintegrate into society after she spent almost 20 years completely alone?
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Who flies to the stars
And skins pretty gals
She's a drone with a knack for being silly
She's got a pretty fucked up mind
J is her K-9
"Regional Manager!"
She pushes the world towards destruction
This is the theme song
For Murder Drones
Lizzy having a girls night with her vampire bestie V and her ghost bestie Doll?
Were i can find a fundamental list of all the OCs /co/ made so far?
>she's made of silicon, how did that happen?
>"Easier to assimilate, than to explain."
Draw Tessa & Cyn as priestess of the Solver
Actually, when you notice the final fight, Uzi uses a handful of Cyn's usual tactics. She opens the fight with her first attempted attack being a backstab, and she tries going for one again shortly after. After Cyn shows (but doesn't use) her scythe tendrl, Uzi counters by using her wing. Cyn seem especially happy as she looks at the wound Uzi inflicted. Definitely a "holy shit, this is working" face, I think.
Hell, considering Thad had JUST announced he was tossing the gun to Uzi, Cyn could have just teleported to the prone V and N, but instead did a crawl towards them which gave Uzi enough time to get there. Even tossed her pickaxe back to her for the final clash. Reminder: Cyn still has [Null] and her fuckhuge solver tentacles that could have been used at any time.
Sure, this is schizo theorizing, but with the idea of Cyn grooming Uzi, it's fun to think of this as one big tutorial fight for "How to be Cyn"
I hope toxilisk releases her
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God I wish that was me
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I dunno, V doesn't give me that vibe, even considering her size.
Uzi and Cyn, however...
The fight opened with cyn and usi both using a null and them countering eachother.
Not V, other maid turned DD.
I take it the tail is covered by itt
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Nah, I don't want to cuck N.
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>Instead of appearing in discarded drones. the Solver does the standard demon thing like appearing at the foot of Tessa's bed
>The next day Tessa is speaking in tongues and is crawling on the ceiling. It is a obvious case of possession
>But to James and Louisa, they have noticed nothing, only that their daughter is a slightly more disappointing failure
Okay, fair, they opened using another one of cyn's trick instead of the backstab.
NTA, but he is referring to the fact that Cyn has never thrown Null attacks to anyone else other than Uzi, and has not used the skill since.
it's like Edgar from Men In Black
J, don't! Human food will clog up your insides!
Cathedral battle in 7 had solver trying to use [null] on N.
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N doesn't mind
Or slightly less disappointing.
nta but, to be fair, she was doing it from inside Uzi's body. Also that anon said "since" and the conversation was about the Ep8 fight. Considering that CynUzi was spamming them just an episode earlier makes it stranger than she wasn't doing so in the final fight.
Cyn would NEVER have sexual relations with her big brother, N.
Or the same amount of disappointing.
drones with fat asses....
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>N half the time he tries to kiss Uzi
Anon, this is the 7th time you’ve posted drones with fat asses in class
I wish doll would kidnap me for sex...
My godwife always wins (my heart)
Wasn't there a guy who was taking reuqests?
Doll's is NOT that small
rookie numbers
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...The jobbing contest.
they literally were shown eating raw human flesh and bones, she's gonna be fiiiiine.
>Anon bringing the teacher fat-assed drones rather than apples in hopes of winning their favor
>anon, my penis cumming bigly from drone girl ass wasn’t on the rubric
>survives anyway
>can't kill her now because they're in the same body
>gets to be with N in a body he is neither afraid of or has any reason to destroy
Cyn Wins
>u-uzi-sama.... can i suck Ncock just a little bit...
>go sit in the cuck chair FREAK
heh, no way fag!
angering the caged elder god that has several reasons to hold a grudge against you sounds like a very good idea
>“[whispering] if Anon was here he would not treat me so badly”
>“n-nothing [whimper]”
whats KEKyn, vessel of the absolute JOBBER gonna do?
uzi turns into nicole whenever she wants to mentally fodderize the jobber ai
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now this sounds like the voice of someone chosen to take the part of peridot in a steven universe fan parody back in 2019
Who fights hardest for mating presses?
>Uzi's body rotating three feet above the bed, rapidly swapping between Yellow and Purple tail colors
>They decide to split the body vertically
>with Cyn getting the tail mouth and uzi getting her own mouth
>they're both vomitting different kinds of dirty talk at N from both sides
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Had a feeling pic related was referencing something
God I wish I was N...
No, you really don't. Neither of them are good at it, and they eventually start shouting over each other. You can hear
>Bend me over, and f[censored] my p[censored] until I s[censored] so much that my legs break!!! Just completely r[censored] me!!
>Violate my every perceivable orifice, and then create more when you've finished!! You KNOW what I am capable of.
At a wall-shaking volume from several yards away. Poor N is going to have a thousand-yard stare and start drawing awful doujins full of cringey dialogue with his newly-acquired manga mastery.
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>Cyn keeps turning on the automatic language filter
>Uzi's long since given up on trying keep it switched back
>It probably helps that Uzi finds the obnoxious censor *BEEP* funnier than the actual swears
>Cyn used to dream about Anon saving her from her abuse
>then she was THIS close to seeing him
>now Cyn dreams of Anon saving her from her abuse again
AAAAAAAA I NEED TO SAVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>N when I pull my dick out and fuck his face
I fucking kneel anon
>Marvin has a single conversation with the MD cast
>N is curled up on the ground sobbing uncontrollably
>Uzi's angsty teen phase becomes a crippling teenage existencial crisis.
>V considering whether she should have just let Doll kill her.
to be fair, that IS the ideal voice for U-U
It sounds like a grot from DoW1 to me.
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How would each character react if they were abducted by a DD and put on a leash?
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Female!DD with male!WD is best tandem.

Try to change my mind.
True, because N is now her lover, not her big brother
>suddenly Uzi's lights all turn red
>"Бeднoмy джeнтльмeнy нaдoeли вы oбa, гpeбaныe дeбилы. A тeпepь, ecли вы мeня извинитe, я coбиpaюcь нayчить eгo тoмy, чeмy нayчилa мeня Лиззи."
Where adopted daughter Tessa?
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Adorable greentext, thank you anon
>not just her big brother
Taka? Tora? Batta?
N or Anon, she has to pick here
Hey is plus down again?
I can't believe Israel has been filling oogis with explosives.
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Yep, it's been down for hours and only up for literally 3 minutes at random. IT'S MADNESS
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the true endgame
The Coffin of Ndrew and Cynley
She only liked N because he reminded her of Anon
he’s the only male she ever knew so she projected Anon onto him
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She killed millions...
wow....cyn thinks i'm a cute twink?
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Why do you keep talking like Cyn isn't the Absolute Solver puppeting that body?

The Solver doesn't actually care about N in that way,
>"Too bad you've served your purpose. Don't worry, your backups will forgive me."
>Attempts to kill him
The Solver already HAD N, and the rest of its Disassembly Drone "pets", and thoroughly enjoyed messing with N's existance most of all. Because "You always surprise me."
N's backup on Copper 9 was freed from Cyn/ the Solver's hold through Uzi becoming his Admin after kicking the Solver out at the end of Episode 5. And the Solver attempting to kill him is because he served his purpose already, and it can always recreate him once the version of N on Copper 9 is dead.
You may not notice this anon, but despite the many attempts she tried to kill N, Cyn delays it an awful lot
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Yeah, I think the whole looting hair from corpses thing is fucking stupid.
This is now canon no one can convince me otherwise
if he keeps consistently becoming a problem why would she keep bringing him back if not for a strange sort of love? or at least a fixation
Wait Cyn is not a cute and wholesome little drone but in reality a world eating psycho god?
I have no words, Tessa is a creep
If you aren’t you will be
She’ll make you
They know what they did
Tessa is just a girl who loved her drones a little bit too much
refer to >>145499587
Eh, as long as you clean the hair, it shouldn't be an issue.
>implying she would tell James and Louisa where she got the hair
>implying they would care if she did
Oogi's are bred for war
>Ruined the DD's character by having them have no reaction or concern about Tessa where they don't bother giving her a funeral
>Turns Tessa into Jeffery Dahmer
Fuck Liam
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Nori does save N in that moment.
But the Solver delays things a lot on many occasions, very clearly taking enjoyment in the fun of the game.

Did the Solver have to fuck with Uzi's head in Episode 2 and make her question reality and also make her think it ripped her dad in half and ate him infront of her? No, but it's entertaining for the Solver.
I can keep going and bringing up loads and loads of examplesm, but it's a simple fact of the matter than the Solver loves fucking around - and Cyn is the Solver using that body.

>"You know. You're one of the main reasons I wanted you and your team to retain your personalities. You always surprise me. Love doing.. anything."
>"Thanks for clearing the way on this planet too. LET'S EAT."
It is a twisted fixation, but more on the realm of N being a favourite pet because the Solver loves manipulating things and seeing how its pets will react. N is a source of entertainment to Cyn / Solver, she sadistically fawns over him but it's more like the N is the Solver's favourite pet to mess with.
Has anyone asked N there for his thoughts on this?
If Cyn doesn't love N why was she so excited when she first saw him disguised as Tessa
>Wait Cyn is not a cute and wholesome little drone but in reality a world eating psycho god?
Yes, and that's why we love her. Good thing the Solver is such an autistic eldritch void god monster.
Because Tessa would be.
So would you or would you not say the Solver is yandere for N?
Remember he likes to do anything
I don't think drones can say anything against the wish of a human
Millions in tax dollars, you mean.
But which human here?
Are you one of those coping redditors that think N and Cyn are actually brother and sister siblings, and think Cyn is just a crazy drone that wants to fuck N?
she sensed the twinkus
To save Evropa
nta but she still shows similar excitement even well after the reveal
>"Hello, Uzi."
>"Hi, N!"
Yes to everything except the redditor
Imagine if she reacted like this to Uzi instead of N
Could Uzi resist Cyn's natural charming ways?
All twinks in this thread must be sacrificed to cyn
I kek'd. Now I got to make artwork of tessa being a creepy fuck lol
>It only because she used the dead bodies of poor people
If Cyn doesn't love N why does she know his favorite color?
If Cyn doesn't love N why does she know N's dick size?
she's had plenty of time alone with several of his bodies
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Don't you fucking dare to even touch me.
how big.
If Cyn doesn't love N then how do you explain this asteroid carved into the likeness of N's ass on a collision course for this moon shaped like Cyn's face?
>Cyn is so horny she gave J huge boobs V a huge booty and N a dick so long it could serve as a third leg
>Due to their anatomy they are practically useless as DD's
>So would you or would you not say the Solver is yandere for N?
I don't know about using the word yandere, the Solver already owned N's soul like the rest of the DDs it created through the Elliot Manor worker drones.
>"You do your jobs and I leave you and N alone.."
>"Right, V?"
N had his memories suppressed and was allowed to retain his personality for the Solver's own entertainment, and we know that V was left aware and in fear of Cyn / the Solver.
Like I said, this is more like the Solver playing with its pets. It's not romantic love over N or anything.

That's not to say the stuff about Cyn trying to fuck N and call him big brother isn't funny, I'm just saying what the case actually is in the show.
If Cyn is so powerful why was she innocently shuffling behind N in such a sheepish manner?
Cyn enjoys larping as an innocent maiden.
To seduce you, anon.
>romantic love
It's not. It's possessive psycho obsession. It wants to take from him, and take from him, and take from him, and when he has nothing left to give keep taking anyway. Then it fudges with his memories some more to get him chipper and innocent again, puts his soul in a new body, and repeats.
*I'm not saying it was romantic love.
They'll ignore this in favor of their victim complex
Good thing I'm not a twink. Being the British Costanza really paid off.
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That's not Yandere.
The point of yandere is obssessive love to the point of insanity. Cyn / the Solver treats N and the rest of the DDs as toys to play with as she sees fit. It's a result of the Solver's sadism and playfulness, not deep feelings.

Were you "yandere" for your favourite action figure when you were younger?
"Дaвaй пидapac нaхyй" (Converted from translit in original post) can be trasnlated as "Come on fucking faggot" or "Come fucking on faggot".
I played with them like normal instead of torturing or Cronenberging them, so no.
>Two boys
drone sisters, is she into yaoi?
i said HOW BIG
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N's member is around 14 inch
Prehensile, with a long range scope equipped with night vision for covert fucking.
>n plush vs ralsei plush dick size competition
>So would you say-
Why do you believe in this? The Solver mentioned to him as being one of its puppets, a toy that it can make dance and move to its tune
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Imagine what she would have done if she kept Tessa
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>has anyone seen my cheese-
why does she even offer to spare Tessa in the first place? is it just so she could've had someone else to manipulate?
I still say it wanted her as a herald.
Rat wife
Who could forget our ratgirl
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He's a disassembly drone so his dick can retract and the Solver operating in the DDs can make a dick of whatever shape and size needed. Like the DD's hands and their weapons.
beeg tail
i want to pull it
Cyn hardcoded a minimum size limit of 12" for any penis N generates.
Cyn likes knots
Reminder that Cyn changed N's body so he ejaculates disassembly nanites which made his first time super awkward.
I don't think she offered to "spare" her, just kill her later on without seeing the entire Gala being killed
It didn't really offer to "spare" her; it gave her the same line it gave the (original, non-assimilated) Cyn: "I will not discard you."

The Solver lies by omission and fucks over everyone it tries to bargain with like a classical demon. It won't "discard" you, which doesn't actually mean it'll keep you alive, it'll just keep wearing your corpse.
okay, but why wait? just for funsies?
>They heal everything
Uzi will forever remain a virgin
Sex is always painful
Eldritch creatures need to entertain themselves every now and again too Anon. You can't go through life just chasing one objective after another, you gotta stop and psychologically torture the roses every now and again.
>Tessa tries to stop you: execute her for disobedience
>Tessa doesn't try to stop you: execute her for cowardice
It's a win win
>You think death is the end?
>You think DEATH is the END?
>Hahahahaha NOPE
>You'll be back
>I'll bring you back
>I'll bring back over and over and over and I'll make you perform this play and variations of it OVER and OVER and OVER
>Not because I need you to do so
>There are obviously less circuitous ways for me to achieve my goals
>No, it's just because I want you to do so
>Because watching you squirm is funny for me
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laim related but he finally gave cordie full spider legs
covert fucking? isnt that just rape
It's just an asshole. Maybe a situation akin to Unicron where it resents anything besides itself having the audacity to exist.
Only J rapes
More like exhibitionism.
Check under my foreskin.
and this is why Cyn is only into female drones
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Líes. Anon is the main score for Cyn
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Reminder that looking up Cordie's dress to try and get a look at her spider-puss will drive any man instantly insane.
No it her big brother N
Be real Anon, anyone taking that risk is already on the brink of insanity.
You realize cunts need cleaning too, right?
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>And when the torture has completely pushed Tessa over the edge, leaving her in vegetable state, alive but dead to the world around her.
>The Solver curls around her, nuzzling it's human.
>"Don't fret Tessa, I fix you right up. After all, a good pet owner doesn't leave their pets damaged."
>Tessa wakes up, with no memory of her Hell.
I really love Liam's art. Guy has a great style.
drone cunts are self cleaning
Not true. My femdrone won't clean hers.
>Cordie will never hug you with her spider appendages at once and nuzzle her against your cheek
killin my self
Would Doll be in there somewhere? That weird cut to her still-dead body kind of caught me off guard at the end
You got a femcel UZI.314 model
You have to break her habbit anon, femdrones are especially vunerable to the habit of "holding" onto human fluids. You dont want for her to start stinking do you?
Poor anon, must have gotten an Uzi variant...
After she eats the Solver's black hole, Uzi's view turns red as well as purple and yellow, and at one point in the sequence her view is purple but her HUD readout is Doll's from episode 7.
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I found the abrupt cut really morbidly funny.
At least they fished up Doll's body and brought it back to class.

To be fair, Doll's just as quite and stoic as she usually was..
did pocketsteaks draw this?
>Mechanicus after they found a colony of drones
Wasn't it also preceded by similar closeup cuts of V and Lizzy booing?
Would drones be classified as machine spirits or Abominable Intelligence?
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>Checks Xitter
How the fuck does a 13 year old draw this?
Huh...I really should go over the older videos because I absolutely missed some shit, probably. I feel like the code soup that happens after this has some significance but I don't speak the language of sentient rocks so I wouldn't know what their runes mean.
meant for >>145507660
pocketsteaks wishes he could draw this well ever
Dammn, okay fuck the Drones, at least, they look like humans, but how fuck this?
Coping mechanism?
Lizzy would never leave a bestie behind. Especially when she could guilt that cunt Rachel at the same time.
>It's takes years to learn to draw perfectly
>This minor
spiders have abdomens anon
and weves seen her shoot webs
therefore there is a hole
Great work BRRF-anon
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>kissing Cordie on the spinneret
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they have the good autism you have the bad kind
simple as
It's not that hard, space image at the centre is from somewhere else, look at the rest and it's all completely opaque lines with a bit of shading around the null and 'brushes' for the hair, not that many different tones even
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Cube next
Or even better, Kirie...
>they have the good autism you have the bad kind
There's a difference?
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What with plus
We are robo-fuckers, but also monster-fuckers anon.

We ALWAYS find a way.
So how do you mimics it? I don't have an apple pen only paper
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Hey, lads. I’m been trying to hook this Siren friend up with some folks, but it doesn’t seem to be working, they only seem to prefer my company. What can I do to find the right person for them?
he's joking, anon. you're fucking cooked if you're trying to copy this, lol
By not being afraid to fail.
Be realistic
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plus4chan...is gone.
> siren
> in a yellow jacket
god fucking dammit, Liam
everywhere i look
It'll be back by tomorrow (I hope), but it really sucks that it's been down for this long.
That looks nothing like anything Pocketsteaks has ever drawn, its completely opposite of their style. What possibly could have given you this impression
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plus4chan has fallen.
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Huh, I can't believe I overlooked this despite rewatching the episode so many times. I guess all the talk mentioning Doll being "alive" may be true after all.
idk....im being stupid :(
Blackhand said that it was something going on with the host
>Cyn in Uzi's tail, giving her unconsenting fashion advice
>Doll giving Uzi permanent subtitles translating everything she says to Russian
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The drones get you a drone ass for your birthday, they know how much you like them.
How would you improve Oogis?
A lot of people have problems with them not being MD enough, so what are some things you could do to make them more MDish? More grimdark?
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>Millennia pass
>Uzi, Doll, and Cyn's personalities merge
All that's really legible is a lot of instances of $escaped_data, which apparently is used for something or another else irl, but considering how the code up to this point had been consistently relevant to what's happening on the screen, it probably refers to something else here. Probably souls of people the Solver vored getting out because Uzi can't keep down them AND the Solver.
As a list.
>Make them able to talk in complete sentences, even if infantile. Think "my favorite color is porple" type shit.
>More like sapient plushies or mini drones used to save power/store consciousness with much dumber processors than normal drones.
>Actually have a purpose in universe than being there for the sake of being there.
>Be their own characters rather than just dumbass versions of existing ones.

Take it with a grain of salt though, I've got no stake in the Oogie stocks.
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>Doll is still around in the good ending...but not necessarily.
>She only exists within the permissions of Uzi, who is now her administrator.
>Uzi rarely lets Doll go out as an oil ghost of her own accord
>If she is, she's on a short leash...and she has a curfew.
>Otherwise, Uzi uses Doll to have her do errands, bring her drinks in the office when she's thirsty, and also to help rear Beretta
>She's especially great at terrifying toddler Beretta into falling into line
>At this rate, she'll never rebel when she becomes a teenager!
>Doll fucking hates it
>She'd really rather be dead
What would that even be like
Russian and autistic. Probably likes league.
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Mini Drones > Oogis
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Draw skeletessa or solverless Tessa with her daughter
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>Be their own characters rather than just dumbass versions of existing ones.
So, remove the Uzi out of Oogi
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mini-y goes in the TRASH
>Uzi: Angsty, borderline weeaboo, mall goth, good with machines, bad with feelings, parental issues
>Solver: Goofy, morbid, Likes N, extremely violent, likes to tease people, but also can just go for the kill
>Doll: Dry humor, deadpan, cunning, willing to fake her death when useful

I don't know, but I have the horrifying feeling that she'd be a guided missile aimed directly at my preferences once that all evens out.
One Oogi is all right, it's a fish out of water scenario. But when you start to just arbitrarily make every character one it's just a - baby looney toons type deal. There's no longer a context to it.
>Doll showing up to Negev at Uzi's behest, to be the comforting presence she's too much of an eldritch horror to be herself
*is at Uzi's behest
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>"So, can we get a name?"
>"I'm Vegen."
>"...Alright? Can we get a name for your order?"
>"I'M. VEGEN!"
>"...We serve borgers here, ma'am."
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>"Do you ever think you might be going mad?"
>"Oh, All the time. I don't think it's anything to worry about."
Oogis are unironically better as a species then mini drones
>"Hi N [wink] we are going to have sex now blyat"
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>Oi, GPT, what would these three fuse into?
>GPT: https://rentry.org/gmfwfw6x
Personally I like it but wonder if this counds as AI slop or not.
Okay, so a Rape-god.
Poor N. Or lucky N, depending on your point of view.
>"AHHHHHH-to be clear I'm consenting to this but still-AHHHHHHHHHH!"
Considering N...
>V completely neglected him as a DD before meeting Uzi (from his perspective, at least), but he still had enough of a crush on her to fuck up his arm-cannon mid-fight.
>J is shown stepping on him and insulting him, and he responds with a "Thank You" and further goes to say she's "Awesome".
I think he'd really like it, considering how close N is to an "M"
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MILF. I mean I still like her as a core, but giving her a DD body would murder my dick. Also Kahn has SUPERB taste in women.
>Smiling and giving tips while Beau tears him apart, like it's not his first time
I'm starting to think N has done/had some freaky shit done to him.
>The Solver wins, absorbing everyone and everything it comes into contact with.
>However, it all ends up in a parallel dimension inside of the Solver.
>The souls retain some form of individuality but are ultimately connected to the Solver and each other.
>Through willpower, they can create a physical form for themselves, and even temporary exit the dimension
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More Waaagh
>Nori uses you as her gaming chair
>You have withstand her silicone insides warming your willy all throughout her gaming session
I'm fucking killing myself
Fan Animation
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Pic related but pretend it's N saying it.
Cyn is a smelly
Who is smellier, V, Uzi or Cyn?
>V is explicitly called smelly in the show.
>Uzi is a failgirl femcel.
>Cyn is technically wearing a corpse however it still bleeds and has use of its limbs so it is not rotting.
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V, considering that there's nothing suggesting the drones have a sense of smell, it's got to be horrible.
V is the smelliest
Tessa giving CPR to a drone
>she has no human friends
>Tessa will never give you mouth to mouth to try and resuscitate you
A femcel like her would probably freak out seeing a boy unable to run away
Would Uzi like Tessa if she were alive?
Tessa would try to dress Uzi "properly" and Uzi would resist, escape, and start to live in the manors walls.
Uzi the roach
I'm still killing myself, Anon.
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Please don't, Anon.
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Stinks GOOD.
But you'll miss the best shitposting Anon.
>best shitposting Anon
Thats me
might be into her skull collection
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>Bag, what a swell Copper Nine! Time to get my dildo time to get my dildo time to get my dildo time to get my
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Anyways, I'm getting drunk right now.
Gimme some requests so I can save them for later.
Was anyone else oddly aroused when Cyn climbed on top of N and began clawing at him while saying "let me in"?
Cyn, Uzi, Doll, and Tessa all at a control panel a la Inside Out that represents Uzi's head. There is only one button on the console, it says "Fuck N".
Make them explicitly tied to Uzi and make them like Darklings.
Uzi running in a circle like dog chasing it's tail because cyn called her a something mean.
Rat Jane Sex
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Uzi & N making the mistake of visiting a desolated Copper-9 pet store for date night
i cant draw women well
fat sentinel cake
The poster of Ghost (minus the text), with ghost Doll in Patrick Swayze's place and Lizzy in Demi Moore's.
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Heh I'm drunk already and despairing over offmodelness due to skill issue
Spin the OC wheel and draw whoever it lands on.
just go to the booru and look at pics of ivory
>huffing Cyn’s scent
>pressing your face into her soft hair and filling your nostrils with the smell of blood, petroleum and ozone
>feeling dopamine rush to your brain from the stimulus due to a combination Pavlovian conditioning, the Solver nanites in your neurons and your genuine love for Cyn
>Cyn rubbing the back of your head and calling you her “favourite puppet” and telling you what a “good human” you are
V likely smells like oil and dirt. Like...a LOT of oil and dirt, with gunpowder mixed in. That said, she probably also smells faintly like bubble soap, since that's just a thing she can do: blow bubbles.

Uzi probably doesn't smell like much, if not mechanical grease and lubricant since she's a gearhead and her dad is too. She probably stinks like a metalworking shop. Also after the cabin fever episode, she smells oily, too.

Cyn definitely smells like V, but with a heavy helping of dead and/or burning flesh. However, Absolute Solver is bullshit so there's no reason she can't smell decent-ish if the person she's interested in wants that. She'd probably wear some sort of fancy perfume while in the tessa suit, because she's clearly going for an aesthetic.
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You're going to make her cry anon
its a rat creature
I was originally not sure whether I wanted to drink or not. Then I saw >>145507935 and >>145510225 and learned that these were drawn by a 13 year old. So I made up my mind, I'm getting wasted tonight.
(Tomorrow's work be damned)
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>Uzi's constant jabs about V being smelly prompts the Disassembler to ask around for a second opinion
>N cops out by claiming that "we ALL smell pretty bad, dude!"
>Lizzy boldly claims that V "stinks GOOD~"
>Thad claims that V doesn't smell, but it's pretty transparent that he's only saying that to be nice/not get killed

Can V recover from this?
V raping Thad
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ODDLY aroused?
Nigga many people here got absolutely bricked
Yes, through a hilariously out-of-place car-washing montage where the car is replaced by V and the entire thing is shot like a scooby doo chase scene where N and Uzi have a hose, soap, and sponge. N's replaced his chainsaw hands for...chainsaws with scrubbers replacing the chains.
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plus4chan seems to be back for now
Core Nori consoling a distraught Solverpede Uzi
There isn't a moment of Cyn on-screen in episode 8 that wasn't at least a little arousing.
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R gifting S some cat ear headphones
I want her to rape me so bad
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Same, desu
Imagine Uzi waking up stuck in her tail as Cyn trying to kill everyone only for it to be a nightmare as Uzi cry while hugging N
Tessa as a goddess
Imagine Uzi killing N and discarding his core as a means to torture Cyn.
Underage poster detected.
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yuria of londor drone
there's an OC wheel?
Is she wearing underwear?
Probably not, to be honest.
Don't remind me...at lleast I can sleep in tomorrow, not Friday sadly.
Well good look to yoi, have agoosnight. Just wing it, I got over the offmodelnees issue, just kept goin and oooh look there, it has become nice and watachabel
Alice and Dill if you want so
Reminder Cyn should have won and Uzi winning was an asspull
why do you want the evil niggerman to win
She did win
She’s with anon and everything is okay
Who says she didn't?
I'm subscribing to what anon says >>145499215
Cyn won the long game.
I got SD-G and Buckety.
That is sn intense opposite. Once is super glam rainbow, the other is plain, not even a wig, or a body.
Did the creator got bored of the series?>>145510989
Fan art of seeing under the dress when?
the show is like 50% asspulls that's part of why I like it. it's shamelessly ridiculous, over the top, edgy schlock with a hearty helping of genuine artistry
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>Ever so close to her goal
>Yet still out of reach
>One day, she’ll reach (you)
>No matter the cost…
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>ooo you tink yo a gud hive?
>post berri count
Socks with drones (they have found a novelty7 sock shop).
Is there good fan content the series?
Every thread here and on trash & plus (except the ones where we were being raided) we make the best fan content
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She ended up living in a femcels arse that's arguably worse than death
But now when people talk about Uzi's ass they're inadvertently worshipping Solver.
1. Define good
2. I think this is funny
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>Alice heard noises in the laundry room, growling as she gets up and readies the shotgun.
>She looked over to (You) and Beau, you were sleeping in the bed with Beau tucked in your arms.
>Alice’s expression softened as she took in the sight, but immediately sharpened when she heard more scuffling
>She kicked opened the door and turned on the light, only to see Yeva and Nori going through your laundry
>Yeva runs away
>nori scuttles on all fours
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OMG Alicegreen
It should have been wolf ears Instead
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Oogi can't count past two.
Grown ass woman, still acting like a goblin
>Those digits
I will do what I must
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Alice drawing technically looks sketchy but it's alright jn proportions already except axe and feet
Will try making it a snowy forest, bot before Friday tho
Good drawing and dubs.
Did you know that drones can die of sadness? I didn't believe it either at first but extensive testing proves it is possible. I just thought that was interesting.
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Draw Mitchell meeting his niece and spoiling her with his gifts
Please elaborate in as much detail as you can, anon... for science reasons, of course.
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If that were true, J would be dead a hundred times over
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>J had to have made that entire marker by herself
Anything is possible through the power of love
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Reminder Cyntipede should have gotten then Boogi and Oogis keeping her was an asspull
>Cyntipede lubs her more
>Oogis having more berries and lub should have played no part in it
>Cyntipede can actually give Boogis a form of movement by wrapping around them and using their millions of legs to transport it WHILE hugging it
>Cyntipede is an adept hunter and stalker who can more easily get the Boog food then an entire hive of Oogis (even if most of that food is dead Oogis)
>it really hurt Cyntipedes feelings when the Boogi cried for help, I blame Oogis for brainwashing the Boog
Or Uzi helped N and V build it, and J visits when no one else is around
>Test 1
>Drone is confined to a single, mostly featureless cell.
>Only notable amenities are a large red button below a basic monitor.
>Standard internal power source to the drone has been replaced/modified to an external source
>External source is limited to a 24 hour supply. If the drone does not wish to "run out of power" it must hit the button once every 24 hours at least.
>The monitor shows exactly how much time the drone has left to live.
>Upon introduction, the drone immediately presses its 'power' button, supplying it with another 24 hours of power.
>In response, the monitor shows one of its 'friends' lose 24 hours of power, immediately 'dying'.
>Next day shows the 'dead' drone parts being recycled (primarily into branded pens) as per JC Jenson standards.
>Test continues for 7 days until drones designated as 'loved ones' have been exhausted.
>Drone refuses to press the button any further.
>Power runs out.
>Reveal that the power source was never limited and in fact the drone has been decommissioning its friends for no tangible reason.\
>Drone shuts down 72 hours later despite access to plenty of power.
Hadn't considered that.
That isn't loneliness, that's mindbreak.
fuck, man. why?
Enns, kill this creature.
uoohh... give me more Unit 731 Drone experiments...
sure thing, thanks for volunteering to go next
>Your running through the forest.
>Your breath is escaping you.
>The gas mask giving what little air you can breath no help.
>The sounds of far off AA fire still ringing in your ears, the crackles and pops feeling faint.
>You raise your pistol, a rusted and worn five seven keeping your good hand occupied.
>Arm out, sight locked, laser on, arm steady.
>The solver is powerful, even on a planet that had no drones on it.
>The sound of scraping metal rang out, ever so faintly.
>You twist your body around.
>Yellow x's line the trees.
>You aren't surviving this.
Tessa haters are the saddest and lowest specimens in the hierarchy of Murder Drones fans. Real niggas know that she did nothing and wrong and deserved none of this, a real human bean to the end. Don't get it twisted.
I did say 'sadness'.

It's okay Anon all the drones were rehoused in new bodies and given complimentary pens for their work. I'm the writer so it's canon.
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True, but she did make for quite a comfortable dress.
>I'm the writer so it's canon.
oh thank god
>Oogi battle commanders release their Enns commanding them to charge at the pede
>The Enns, simple beings not fit for war, believe hugging to be a form of attack
>The Centipede wraps around all of them
>[giggle] thank you Oo-gay
>it scurries off with all the Enns
she called them gay....
That right there is why Cynfags are niggers
Because she’s hot
Cynfags are based too but they gotta admit that that shit with Tessa was out of line.
>You fire round after round, crackles and rips of metal ring out.
>A claw pierces into your chest right under your left rib.
>Aiming you blast 3 rounds into the drones visor, forcing it to yank it's claw out.
>A flurry of bullets trail after you through the tree line, whizzing by you and pecking the trees like wood peckers used to.
>You get grazed by a handful, a few land an cause a deep stinging feeling.
>A slug round takes a piece out of your leg.
>A drone is gnawing on your stump arm.
>A second is chewing into your shoulder
>A third is trying to get your gasmask off.
>A fierce thrashing gives you space
>Last resort.
>You won't let them claim you.
>You won't let her claim you.
>You plant the barrel to the side of your head.
leaffag mindset
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You're just mad that she's pretty
she gets her looks from her mom
The Solver did say it wouldn't discard her..
She's twelve.
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>The cold causes you to awake with a harsh jolt.
>You scramble to your legs as quick as you can, pistol whipping the 5/7 into your hand.
>You hold it in the ready position, checking your corners and sides.
>It's cold.
>You can see snow slowly plinking down to the ground around you.
>Your chest is beating hard.
>There's a light in the sky.
>It's quiet.
>You look up to see if the solver claimed you.
>What you see is a moon with a ring around it.
>Your breathing starts to slow.
>You lower your gun.
>Your cold but not in pain.
>Where are you?
your new home.
>The unease is colder then the snow.
>You hear rattling in the distance.
>You can't stay here
>You run, as fast as you can with the conditions.
>Your boot prints in the snow behind you long after.
>A Yellow light shining down upon the tread.
out of ten!
That’s a child
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Did we ever get a designation for the black haired DD in the BTS stuff? Supposedly there's one who's W, but I can't tell if the Anon who posted that meant it about her or one of the other episode 6 DDs.
out of ten!
anon wtf
that's an elder god wearing a robot wearing a corpse. it's more than capable of consent
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What would you do when you're on the floor and see this?
A lil old drawing. Should've made the mouth darker
...Is she naked?
knowing I'm almost certainly going to die horribly, *unzips dick*
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That is an ageless eldritch abomination wearing a robot combined with the body of a human Aussie girl, twitterbro
corpsefuckers really coming out of the woodwork lately.
Shit that's a good title for this.

>Unit 731 - A division created by JC Jenson to establish the limits and deficiencies with the current drone models.

Test 2 -
>Reports indicate drones can sometimes reach peak, or even past peak efficiency when 'emotional stimulus' is high.
>Paired drones with a history of (3) years working together are brought in.
>One male, one female model.
>Reports indicate the drones have exhibited 'paired' behavior, as in report 82F.
>Both drones of the pair are the WD210S series, each have a 'lift' limit of 350 pounds.
>For the experiment both drones are placed in a featureless room.
>The ceiling above slowly lowers, and the drones are told it will constantly lower with the modulated strength of 700 pounds exactly.
>Should the drones succeed in 'surviving' for 10 minutes, they will be allowed to leave and return to work.
>The drones seem hesitant, but optimistic as the test is technically within their specs.
>The male drone is then remotely disabled.
>The remaining female drone is left to hold the ceiling in place, nearly double her maximum weight.
>Despite that, results show she lasted 7 minutes until part failure.
>An impressive success, pairings like this should be encouraged throughout the company for maximum efficiency.
If she’s nine she’s mine
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The flesh demands invitation.
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>wow, I really shouldn't stick my penis in there
Fuck it, we ball
dimension timeline travel
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Poster GET. Just waiting on a frame to arrive now.
while working around a bunch of little drones holding hands and canoodling for maximum efficiency sounds cute, still why? why, anon?
Huh, didn't know Murder Drones had alternate languages. So I guess it's time to watch it dubbed in japanese.

Lie back and take it, I guess. Like what am i going to do but scream like a bitch?
Why not?
So wait, is it not actually signed, that signature looks printed on
For the glory of Cyn, of course. And it's fiiine the drones were rehoused in new bodies and work in a nightclub now. They found some matching rings on the ground one night and wear them when their supervisor isn't looking.

But I'm done torturing fictional drones, if someone else wants to take up unethical drone stuff they're welcome.
>The effects of being put on top of filing cabinets and left there on drone psychology
Yea it's not hand signed with a marker or whatever, but then I already knew that seeing that the signature was shiny gold like other parts of the print.
Based sketch.
Fuck it, I'm going in for the Solver Sloppy. See you bros in hell.
Well I should feel ripped off, but whatever, I wanted an MD poster anyways, mine hasn't arrived yet.
You can always mentally torture your drone by reminding them they’ll be scrapped when you inevitably die. Metal tends to outlive flesh
Here's another one. I will make some more later today files.catbox.moe/ech9m1.PNG
J's giant fucking udders and dumptruck...
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do you have a name or a social that you use for art
Iirc they never bothered much with the blackhaired one during behind the scenes, but one was definitely named W, think the one they picked up and got a closer look at, she and the 'emo' hairstyled one were along with the 'changed Cxn'(Cyn with long hair on zhe back) the only original ones, there were several V, N and J in there as well.
I can look for her tomorrow but it's a passing glance at extremely low resolution at best
Always remind your Drone that you won't hesitate to scrap them if they fall behind! It'll get them working far more effectively.
Always remind your Drone that you love them and appreciate their hard work, even on the days things go a bit wrong.
Beating your Drone has been known to reduce stress and improve Drone performance!*

*As long as no vital parts are damaged
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Nah I have different names on all platforms, all other than youtube I only use to look at art. Technically I have a small MD channel but I'm not gonna link it, not posting art there anyways. I post everything here and on trash as well as plus, nowhere else.
Btw really nice green, great surprise, wanted to make a full thing for it but got stuck on the first panel for now
how about Luftwaffe Drilling as shotgun?
heh, basado
hope to see you in the next thread.
Beating your drones voids the warranty. Yes even if you install a masochism plugin.
I thought they can make markers with weird pigments.
Would need to see a second poster if they are slightly different.
I'm around Anon
Not as long as their crucial parts and systems remain mostly undamaged!
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Plus has been back for a while now I discovered
Warranty is about free repairs, you do not get free repairs if you broke it on purpose.
That's only if they find out you did it on purpose
>And how did you get damaged?
>Anon beat the shit out of me.
>I see.

Anon drones can't lie for shit.
Repairing your drone yourself will make them blush though
"How did you get damaged?"
"I-I fell"
"Jcjenson technician fault detection override, password **********. How did you get damaged?"
"Damage occured when struck by owner"
killing this anon >>145513620 with hammers and taking in the drones he abused to repair them and give them a loving home
Bit fucked up they just left the default password to drones as 10 asterisks.
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Thanks, was hoping she'd look like that
Thanks too
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Why do you think the quirks aren't from Cyn's personality?
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Drone tiktok compilation.

With cosplays
Oh no!
Oh yeah!
The duality of man
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I'm not interested
haha oh nooooooooo
I refuse.
J on the other hand...
J x N arts
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I already have been fucked by Emily, sorry not sorry.
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Fake news, Cyn doesn't even exis
> We're currently in the fifth timeline
She's here. Let her in. Now. Now. Now.


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