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/ss/ edition
Imagine them voreing each other *glrk* *gulp*
Kaisa looks more horrified that David lost his shotaness than herself becoming a boy
I can't read gay
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Jenny is for sure the best thing to come out of that show.
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Any artists in here taking requests?
I'll be having some free time tomorrow, requests and I might draw some of them on the weekend.
I like ice queen, but any Fem Simon?
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Not a lot compared to IQ
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Requesting thicc Jenny Test at the beach with flat and annoyed Susan and Mary Test
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I know, that's why i'm asking, any hag Simone tho?
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Last one I have

Have fem manny Rivera posing like the bottom reference but in her el tigresa costume
Requesting Timantha as some kind of damsel in distress.
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Request Mr. Venom fighting a symbioted Broodling.
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Requesting rendition of this meme with team M!team RWBY holding the pills
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Genderbent SpongeBob in a scene from Ripped Pants, can be any scene doesn’t have to be from examples
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Requesting a redraw of any scene the artist chooses from the episode "A Hard Day's Day" with genderbend Dexter.
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This >>145532575
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Hypothetically speaking, could this be accomplished with the speed force?
There is a Dexter's Lab book that kind of follows the OG pilot plot, someone made a parody of it.
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Requesting this convict from the powerpuff girl episode Neighbor hood transforming into his character of maid Mary by way of magic corset shifting and redistributing his bulk into an hourglass figure while changing his face and growing blonde hair.
Sexy form of a woman
If the atom has the speed force then maybe
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Rip tebra
You can say that again.
More of the swapped rectangle dogs
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Forgot to attach pic
Rip tebra
I really miss him.
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Halloween season is officially upon us! Any fun costume ideas for this year?
>fem Johnny as a cowgirl (the wild west kind)
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Jen 10 in a Barbarella style outfit
Mr. Venom squeezing into his original outfit, the one with the belly cutout and scarf.
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Sagebush Sid in lingerie, wondering why his - or her - body became so curvaceous and womanly.
Requesting Bart, moments after drinking Professor Frink's "gender bender" potion.
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Like this?

I might do this one if I have time, but do you have any other Barbarella outfits to take inspiration from?

I'm willing to do other Halloween costumes, if I like the idea.
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What other animated gb fanart is there?
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The only other one I can think of at the moment is the fan made recreation of the Danny Phantom Opening except genderbent
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Wait, I lied. TMF made a couple animations
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There's also his gif version of this comic, but the animation is too large to post on 4chan, so here's the link:
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There's a couple Ben 10 ones, but Ben's already a girl in these
I've seen a Carol Danvers-Venom movie edit
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Always thought that was a super cute Timmantha

Love these three as well
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Honestly, regular Timmantha is underrepresented in these threads, compared to TimMILFa
Hell yeah, thanks
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Hello kitty?
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It's this costume from the show
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Requesting R63 aged up to young teen Devlin Levin and Ken Tennyson
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Whenever I see the bottom two and images like it, I can't unsee The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

I even played into it with a f!Ben drawing I did a month ago

Anyways, I'm open for requests because I've got most of the weekend to chill and I haven't caught one of these threads in a bit
>I'm open for requests
Bonus points if it isn't one of the usual girls, by the way. I'm more likely to do characters with interesting designs
I want more of these two.
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May as well post the other Halloween costumes I've already done. Here's F!Jake Long as a Jiangshi
And F!Manny Rivera as an Aztec Warrior
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Requesting Milf Timantha Turner wearing ref clothes
I'm fond of both, there's a lot of fun stuff you can do with TimMILFa, though yeah, regular Timmantha is great too, particularly for scenarios like that pic where she's suddenly having a moment of gay panic, or like >>145544081 where she's causing said gay panic

For some reason I see TimMILFa being confused why it's not lore accurate like the boy's costume
Either way, great pic

Also good ones, don't think I've seen the El Tigre one before
Any ideas for others? For some reason my mind goes to Danny Fenton in a space themed one, like some retro sci-fi looking space suit
Joan is cute. CUTE!

Gimme some requests!
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Already gave my one Mr. V request per thread
>Any ideas for others? For some reason my mind goes to Danny Fenton in a space themed one, like some retro sci-fi looking space suit
Fem!Danny in one of those old sci-fi bubble headed space suits
I wanna see your take on giant mom shane from twelve forever pilot
Jenny Test dressed like either Mary or Susan.
Fem el Tigre posing sexy while in a thong bikini with a big ass while at the beach. She also giving a kissy wink to the viewer
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Requesting rule 63 Mac sitting on top of Bloo
Uhhhh how about Marco Diaz turned into a mermaid?
Requesting these same request from this post >>145532575
Already dispensed this request >>145541009 in this thread
genuinely forgot the plot of this episode. why does spongebob look so happy in the last frame?
He’s not happy he’s embarrassed, his underwear rips off in front of a massive crowd and they make a haha naked joke where he blushes makes one of those embarrassed smiles covers himself and someone wolf whistles
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Hot damn.....
She looks great
There are these
Also could take inspiration from Frankarella
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Thanks for the refs. I'll work on it once I have time
Spooky nun?
Who would be perfect for spooky nun? I'd say Danny Phantom because of the black and white color scheme, but I'm down to hear more suggestions
I remember back in those dial-h theads a while back that grundy would be some kinda ghost nun
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Called mary lamb
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What would be the perfect Halloween costume for Linka?
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because linka is a sister
Dangerously underrated.
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Like these, but why is she pink? The cats are blue and the rabbits are pink. There are no pink cats iirc
There was an episode where the Dad gets a job delivering pizzas, but him having a stable job causes rifts in timespace to open up, forcing the cast and his boss to chase after him. They go through all these rifts and temporarily become alternate universe versions of themselves, including a rule63 version of themselves. In that one shot, Fem!Gumball is pink with blonde hair while the mom is just a buff blue cat
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Season 2, Episode 8 - The Job
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why do cucks insist in putting kaisa and that kid together?
cuz they're friends...
They are cute together.
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I for one welcome our /ss/ overlords
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But fem gumball is pink!
Seriously underrated
Can anyone post Fem Darwin Thanks
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technically, seething that the chad boy is fucking the hot chick makes you a cuck
Based! post moar if you have more Fem Darwin or anyone here
Kaisa and David >>145545245 pls!
Ditto, ain't any other artist like him
i hope the zsa zsa cartoon movie gets out someday
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genies and their literal wordplay
I like that the muscular form is kind of fat, or to be more precise isn't your normal muscular woman look.
Sweet dubs
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I'm willing to take on more Halloween costume requests, but it'll be a bit since I'll be busy this weekend
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>Turn their dudes into chicks
>Mogs all of the Canon girls
Why this is the case with RWBY?
I'm not sure, RWBY is such a confusing show in general lol.
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>Nobody would accuse Miles for his self insert or her being the only character with actual depth
Goddamn shame
Yeah its crazy to think how much better the show would have been with such a simple change.
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Why is she not wearing pants? fucking coomers I swear
Lmao! Based J'onn!
Idk, I don't speak Spanish.
Wait is Booster Gold Canadian?
so I drew this >>145525637 in my own style to get a grasp of the proportions and all and ended up putting way to much work into the sketch

would you like me to render this in color and run with it even though it's just a redraw, draw something else, or both? also any adjustments or suggestions now I suppose
In that comic apparently, in reality no.
Draw something else with girl David
Any suggestions, anon?
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Something scout related maybe? Maybe girl David as a scout leader.

If you are in the David x Hilda's mom train maybe something like with them like Hilda's mom introducing F David to Hilda as her new mom or something.
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... Was it good?
Nice work anon!
I'd still like to see this in color.
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I too enjoy R63 Robbie.
Yeah Robbie is another character who looks better genderbent.
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Well anon, today's your lucky day
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fuck, why can I never get these thing right first try
forgot the blush
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My personal interpretation of Robin/Fem Robbie in universes were little else is changed, is that she’s straight and was dating Wendy because she’s dumb and thought Wendy was a boy
Lol I love that idea and it definitely fits! I can just imagine the ''blink blink'' reaction when she finds out eventually!
Thanks! You have a really cute style.
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There is something dearly endearing about a looser goth girl.
This is pretty cute.
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Agreed, breaking through that dark exterior to the sweet and fun girl inside!
eh no anon, wanting a character fucking a girl that you like instead of yourself, it's literally the definition of a cuck

>inb4 the answer ''I like david and I self insert in kaisa/the girls''
oh ok then, you are a cuck, a troon and a pedo, congrats
I hope someday there's a chess animation project that's either a cartoon or movie.

I'd watch it for the queening(the other term for pawn promotion) alone
>Dates Wendy cause she thought she was a boy
>Doesn't find out she's not until a couple of months after they broke up
I don't know why, but this thought amuses me, particularly if they somehow got quite far while dating and it's Dipper or someone who points this out
>but she literally… HER CHEST!
>I thought those were biceps
>what biceps are that round!
>she’s a Corduroy ok! I thought it was a Corduroy thing.
>Wendy 'dates' her not cause she's into it, but cause she genuinely wants to see how long it will take her to notice
>No one else says anything cause they literally don't give a shit
>Dipper keeps trying to tell her but she thinks he's an idiot
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I prefer Lil' Robin
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This comic gave me and idea about an heroine that can “project” herself onto other people, like she can temporarily make someone a copy of herself when she needs help in fight by example.
I honestly have no idea why but for some reason Dipper is the only Gravity Falls character who I see the gender flipped version being a lesbian
Maybe because I want her to fail or maybe because I find the idea of Mabel trying to get her a boyfriend funny
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Parasite Eve the 3rd Birthday was so close but then it turns out you only see it that way and they don't actually transform.
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here's a short about a queen who used to be a girl pawn
super cute concept, wish there was more of her and Dipper.
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Delivery! took some liberties to your requests, I wanted to draw GB Susan and Mary.
Not that anon, but that pic is perfect
The ass is phat, dont know about gyatt
Oh, man, they're cooking with this one.
Its gyatt
What the hells is that?
I like your pic, it has a pretty cute artstyle, reminds me of the any aesthetic from the mid to late 2000s.
That's a great ass on that Jenny, 10/10
And male Susan and Mary look both perfectly disappointed and appropriately like cute nerd boys
Makes me awooga / 10.
Thank you for the delivery anon, just came back from a night shift and Jenny is gonna be good stress relief
Awfully smug while being in plap distance and two-plaps wide.
The most tasteless rule63, fuck off
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>instead of yourself
that makes you the definition of a butthurt self-inserter.
now we just need a boy Kaisa to go with him
>Getting in...that's not the hard part
>It's letting go.
Sorry, what?
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Literally, gyatt is slang for ass
Not OR but hot damn! Awesome work anon!
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Bunny Buns
If Johnny keeps rubbing it in, Sue and Mary might "slip" and let all their new, bubbling testosterone cloud their decisions.
You wouldn't even have to change her name.
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Very true, it works on multiple levels. God I really wish we had gotten this version of Jaune instead. I wish a lot of things about RWBY were different but that would at least have been a step in the right direction.
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>Innocent, naive farmgirl who wants to be a hero
>Personally trained by the school superstar
She's going to be the shocking "end of innocence" death in Season 3 instead of Pyrrha
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That would be heartbreaking but honestly that might work better than what we got. Pyrrha unable to save her (or his if we genderbend them too) student, the person they were supposed to train and nurture. With all their strength and skill, they still couldn't save her.
>Punished Pyrrhus arc
>His remaining teammates and Rube pull him from the brink of despair
>Gets a second chance of training F!Oscar
Absolutely way better than what we got
Fred, shaggy and Scoob as Miss-teries Inc
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Amen, that would have been so good! God its frustrating how much better RWBY would have been with just a little more thought!
Nice drawing anon, I like the Halloween motif
>If Johnny keeps rubbing it in, Sue and Mary might "slip" and let all their new, bubbling testosterone cloud their decisions.
Mindbreak by hornyness is an underrated idea. Mindbreak or ID a character is kind of boring but making them the source of their own corruption is way more fun.
>how much better RWBY would have been with just a little more thought!
That just explains all of RWBY desu.
It really does, it could have been so good but they just didn't put in the bare minimum of effort to ensure it was.
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She will never be spellin
*Sees pic*
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>''I made it to /co/, how about that!'' Said the girl in the little red poofball hat.
Yeah Darsh makes a cute girl
I kneel
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Would girl Dexter be better at DM?
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Eh, considering her original character, she might be an incredibly brutal DM, with very esoteric dungeon design and brutal encounters
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Since Stevonie started as a hot chick that became a manlier that more they appeared would R63 stevonie start as hunk that becomes a femboy by the end of the show?
The game would be about how awesome her amazonian spellcaster musclemommy is.... so about the same, but her players would be more willing to put up with things from her
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What's the source of this? It looks very accurate to the show
Artist is lolwutburger, it's an old /co/ delivery.
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Hey guys, have any request for Spooky month?
I'm busy at the moment but want to start preparing for it.
Also Bonus points for actual monster requests (Like spider-girl, mermaid, harpy,etc)
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How about Dextra as the Bride of Frankenstein? Maybe with some dialogue, like "DEE-DEE?! WHAT DID YOU DO?" or "I SAID I WANTED TO BE FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER! NOT FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER'S BRIDE!"
Requesting dextra as a chicken harpy,
The kind with winged arms that have clawed hands, like harpies lady sisters from yugioh
Taking any FtM requests?
Eh, since this was one of my childhood ships, how about a dragon girl Dipper and Pacifica. Both older obviously
Both dragons or one human and one Dragon?
>Bonus points for actual monster requests
Requestin' Marco Diaz turned into a cow girl (the mooing kind, not the wild west kind).
Hm... seeing as you said Spooky Month, I can't help but suggest a Skid and Pump GB since Spooky Month is severely underrepped on this board. Feel free to do whatever you want with them, just make it something interesting!
I mean I initially thought it would be funny if it was a couples costume with Pacifica being a princess and Dipper accidentally turning himself into a dragon girl, but since you wanna do more monster girls I say follow your heart
Mr. Venom >>145532421 as the Headless Horseman carrying a winking facisimile of Ms. Marvel's head
(Optionally with Venom Horse)
Requesting Raven from Teen Titans as Demitri from Darkstalkers, almost like a companion piece to Beast Boy Felicia,
I also had a general idea of the Totally Spies girls transformed into 3 buff guys but I'm having a hard time thinking of how to tie it into a halloween related request.
Cricket green as a sexy scarecrow, really liked your take on rule 63 of the character you drew the last time.
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Found it
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Is not quite a slingshot bikini but I hope you like this.
Not that anon, but I like it
....That said, what costume is that supposed to be? I feel like I sorta recognize it, but I'm not sure
it's vampirella
Hey thanks for the delivery
...Y'know, I've never noticed the bird on her crotch before, and amusingly, that's what was throwing me off
Me too until I drew it I assumed it was some kind of Bat. I was confused by it. Speaking of, what do you think about the costume? if Male superheroes have their symbol in their chest do you think its fine if women had logos in their pelvic region?
it isn fine to have male heroes to have their logo on their groin no
It’s more funny when you realize Lance looks a girl.
Btw how even old are Luna and lance?
Is there a name for the concept of guy working better as girls?
Honestly, there's not many other places it can be put, so I'm fine with it
Nice one thank you anon
Yeah, rule63
Any artist that do Frame To Frame/Near accuracy R63?
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Any must read R63 fanfics?
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Slemka's here!
Ready to draw a couple of requesters too
Fem!Danny in a sexy spacesuit Halloween costume
I wanna see your take on shane from 12 forever turning into a giant mom>>145553222
Could you draw this request?
Requesting TG'ed Timmy wearing bikini armor.
How about female older Marco hugging male Star like pic related?
Gives me King Crab Spacecrab vibes
Considering their refugee cover story is them in high school, I'd say in their mid to late teens at least
>Pukes on you
How would you react?
Did something happened to the site? it froze for a while
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They were performing maintenance and recently came back online

Have FemJohnny bravo and FemManny Rivera wearing the left reference as their Halloween costume while posing like the second reference
Is there any with Poof/Peri?
Requesting Dash Parr and Helen Parr swapping ages and gender.
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How about F!Ben/Jen teaching F!Rook how to twerk?
requesting coloring
>/ss/ edition
Anyone has the Spiderwoman / Spiderboy swap?
Probably like Wendy but I'd forgive her fast lol
You should try the older requests
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It was in my Mr. V folder for some reason
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So cute!
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>You will never grab Erica's belly fat
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Requesting Johnny Test cosplaying as Super Saiyan Caulifla
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sorry if this is not what you thought, I'm too much into dungeon meshi lately
>see rule 63 thread
>look inside
>feminization thread
Delivery! I've added a little bit of a storyline
Kek, nice idea for where the suit comes from.
Hah, cute addition, thanks!
Awesome work, Slemka!
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Any drawfriend want to take a crack at F!Randy in this costume? Bonus points if it isn't just F!Randy in a cowprint bikini
Delivery! I hope no one minds that I took this
OR here, thanks very much!
Does anyone have an idea With Generator Rex, been wanting to draw more of it but can't think of something specific
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Maybe have her nanites expand either her boobs or her butt (or both!) and her reacting to it?
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How about invert this, with regular Ben and F!Rex?
I really like the f!Scott Pilgrim stuff. Anything with her and Kim or Roxie would be cool
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Pretty cool!
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It leads into rule 63
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FTM erasure
This is really good! Thank you
Love the old reference too
Is Dipper an harpy or a werewolf?
A chimera from Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi
Code Lyoko? If so, who's the black haired girl in the second pic?
Am I conflating something or do I remember a comic where Pepsiwoman was a symbiote inside a pepsi can and TFed an unsuspecting drinker.
Never seen that before
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Found this one
William Dunbar
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You're thinking of something from latexlovelies, I'm pretty sure. But I went to go make sure and they've deleted all their stuff.
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Extra Grueso!
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That she is (Please tell me that means thicc in Spanish?)
It means that, but if you call someone "extra grueso" they'll think your talking about a Dick or a wall
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I would like more of him and Dipper, I like the sort of looser goth and her only company the kid that doesn't know any better.

I love girl Many, but is quite hard to draw her without looking like Many's mom.
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We need more girls into guy art. Does anyone has anything?
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hope this is of your liking
Bery Nice
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Just pooped in my timeline
As if I didn't ship them already
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a reminder that Gumball is best girl
What do you think of downgrade though Gender Bender?
its a coin toss
That it does
Lol that's what I get for using Google translate. My Spanish is non existent. At least dem hips are as thicc as a wall.
Look. All I want are some hot /co/ women who get transformed into twinks and then milked dry.
Is that so unreasonable?
What about the same but with girls?
Well I want hot /co/ women who get transformed into beefcakes. Doesn't seem like there's room in this thread for both of us.
I'd be up for that, but I prefer cute /co/ boys being turned into hot women
Like who?
Consider Ms. Marvel turning into a twink underneath a beefcake Venom covering.
The bitchier the best, so I say Heather from total drama.
fuck off with that garbage
I like the artist. There is a gutural body horror feel to it.
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A shame they don't get more /co/ commissions.
i mean the venom shit. it's the worst kind of genderbender and you are the only one who keeps talking about it. go off to your contaiment thread
Didn’t this board make its own SU genderbent AU
Stella and the metalmen are more like genderbent rivals with an equal but opposite gimick to Steven and the gems.
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Used her demon form as reference for this one.
I'll try to color every sketch delivery on the thread, I just don't have time to complete them right now
You got any of that serum left over? I need it for um..... research purposes....
source: https://twitter.com/ajmarekart/status/1261345936971722752/photo/1

>I'll try to color every sketch delivery on the thread, I just don't have time to complete them right now
Thank you, if this thread gets archived, you can reply to >>145614845
Do you know if there is a list out there like Inktober but for R63/TGTF?
OR, this is great. Thank you!
Stella and the metalmen
That reminded me of a manga about a boy and his retired adventurer mom
god this is hot
unfems your waifu
requesting un-femed starfire as nother darkstalkers guy
You know that would probably get a pass on genderbending, or at the very least crosdressing
Pyron is the only logical choice, with what being a flaming alien extraterrestrial and all
At one point the boy gets lost in town, the mother than made clones of herself
Only when its unattractive
Is this Concrete?
Whdt is toon growner doing this days?
He's still on dA
None that i know of
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Sorry hateranon
He has a job, probably busy with that, but still draws from time to time.
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May change a few things later to make her more Chicken-Like.
I also wanted to do a Lamia, any suggestions for a snake lady?
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Cobra Commander?
>I was once a man
For all the science based gender bender scenarios we put Dexter and Johnny Test through I’m surprised we haven’t even touched Jimmy Neutron.
Is it the art style that turns people off?
yes, it's a good cartoon but it's pretty asexual when it comes to the character designs
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Superior ship
>Is it the art style that turns people off?
Yeah, I think that is the main issue. Is not ugly but is not appealing either.
I figure it’s the 3d models being hard to faithfully translate into 2d art. I suppose there are the FoP style designs from the Power Hour though.
The 2D designs are way better that both Jimmy Neutron and FOP regular designs.
True desu but idk maybe on blender
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If anyone has some good female Steven Universe on hand, I'd like to see it. It rarely gets posted here
Darkeros draws a nice fem Stephen
Thanks a bunch!

Also how about alladin as a female lamia?
>May change a few things later to make her more Chicken-Like.
Yes please
>Gimme your most random characters and I'll GB them

Just keep it recognizably humanoid and maybe pick out ones that would make interesting designs
How about Timmy Turner’s friends Chester and AJ? Preferably aged up like most Timmantha pics
Maybe have the legs be scaly like real chicken legs?
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Probably too late for the thread, but requesting a 5 party team Rule 63 Dexter(Mage), Timmy Turner(Knight), Johnny Test(Barbarian), Ken Tennyson(Archer), and Devlin Levin(Thief), in lewd clothing
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The design are way more appealing in 2D that 3D, maybe people just can't separate the concept of Jimmy Neutron from its late 90s / early 00s look and feel.

I personally think it has more to do with the silhouette and the designs, While other characters are more open to be R63 redesigns (Giving Dextra big puffy hair, Timantha as a milf/teen/kid) Jimmy Neutron has a very specific look (peanut shaped head, big forehead and icecream cone hair) Is hard to translate those traits to a woman.
>Jimmy Neutron has a very specific look (peanut shaped head, big forehead and icecream cone hair) Is hard to translate those traits to a woman.
alright bet, I'll draw this tomorrow, as long as I have time
Where one see a problem another sees a challenge, Godspeed anon.
he specifically wished for her to bare a son tho
Remember all the fetish comics from the mid 00s? it was a golden age, before the dark times of Tumblr.
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Genuinely pretty cool, nice work GearFae, I see you took cues from TTG Demon Raven for the horns.
Despite being the /ss/ Edition we post few /ss/.

Here is one, Leyend says Mina and the count got cancelled after people found creepy some old vampire dude was hanging out with a little girl. This is of course dumb, however one can see where they coming from after all vampires are sexually charged creatures if not literally at least thematically. But like one fatso in the internet once said most of the times the double standards are the only standards we have, I do believe if the genders where reversed the cartoon wouldn't had this problem since people seem more appropriate for a older woman to hang out with little kids.
>Victor can finally release his repressed homolust for Reed
Could’ve been interesting if this was how it was that season
No N. 1?

I disagree. The should have neen gay
Is Goddard just rotoscoped?
No, is the same 3D model but cell shaded so it looks more like a cartoon.
This is raw as fuck
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Still lacks shadows but I wanted to share it before the thread dies.
should this be young jimmy or an aged up version ala dextra and timantha?
Aged up because I think that’s what most of us are here for
I'd probably default to wanting aged up like >>145651273 said, but if you have a good design for a younger version in mind, I'd be interested in seeing it
What a Hot chick
Not the requester but that's damn nice, 10/10 work as always
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About the time we start talking about when next thread is.

Is dextra suppose to be the Yu gi oh harpy?
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This was my attempt. Don't know how good it turned out but I enjoyed the process regardless
Looks good, Your artstyle makes the jellybean head works. It also reminds me of a videogame but I can't quite put it a name.
cute, should draw her dolled up like her mom
Really funny post anon
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The author of the journals...my sister.

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