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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/M2PvsLBqZbZAUBAcA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-semifinals-ktnh


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics
►Round 4 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScioSqR8TFzcmOqnmD8mM1RzTZegIVbhec9rY6gIYKeU_JrGA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
https://pastebin.com/dKkEugw8 (embed)
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: >>145513517
►Quarterfinals: >>145529477
►Previous: >>145529477
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OC Anchor
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>Your time has come Miss Foster. Your time has come

>Not that I wish to imply you have been, coming, in the thread. No one is more wholesome that is left, but all the campaigning in the world will go to waist unless…well...let's just say your posts have, dubbed again

>A FAR girl in a WEAK place can take things much TOO far for the board...

>So post, Frankie anons. Post or, face the asshits
so uhhhhh when do we like score?
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Starting off strong
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I am ONLY voting for the girl that gives the BEST nighttime cuddles. So which is it?
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Mars needs (You), anon! Vote for Queen Tyr'ahnee!
Pomni and ENA are the most expected, boringfag picks since it fits the theme of the last five years
Jucika and Marceline are in the middle
Tyr'ahnee and Kim are close to an upset but not there
Frankie and Blackfire are the absolute chaos candidates for either being low seed or would cause a cultural shift for /co/
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Bow to your Queen
spitevote ena
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Alright anon, get in bed, it's time for cuddles (and for you to vote Pomni)
Yeah it needs one thanks for asking
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I need to make something sexy for Pomni, ideas?
Already did my man.
>cultural shift for /co/
What the fuck are you talking about?
Well, gentlemen, post who you'll be rooting for next year
First tell me who you're voting for
You need to put in serious effort to find somebody who can match her in cuteness
what do her panties look like?
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Oh Jesus Christ, the host's a faggot!
>verification not required
When Ms. /co/ is finally happy.
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I'm not voting for Frankie over meta bullshit
Finale is gonna be ENA and Jucika, anon.
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She's aging better ;)
Just say it
Draw something super fetishistic that will make people think it's a falseflag.


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It's not the way you laugh that touched my heart
It's not the way you stretch that tears me apart
Many many many months go by
I sit at my computer and cry
Patiently wanting Ep. 3
Don't want no waifu
Cause Pomni, it's you
You should hear what they say about your show
"Zoom, zoom"
They say you'll never ever be Ms. /co/
"Rigged, rigged"
It doesn't matter what anons say
I'm gonna vote for you any old way
What can I do, when it's true?
Don't want no waifu, no waifu
Cause Pomni, it's you.
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I’d always be there for you, can you be there for me?
Her having a twerk-off against Tyr both oiled up and naked.
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Well Starbros, another year another loss. Congrats to Frankie fans everywhere! The gates of Waifuhalla await - but beware, Blackfire still lurks in the shadows! Will she succeed where Star failed? Time will tell!
I need Pomni covered in baby oil while twerking NOW
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The Comic Girls Alliance has lost two of its remaining four members. With Starfire and Gwenpool now having join the fallen, all hopes for a Comic Ms. /co/ now rest squarely on the shoulders of

Vote the two of them off to a Comic Girl Finale
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Some Swimsuit Lacey for the swimsuit round that isn't happening in Barred.
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Vote for Frankie Foster!
I happen to think she'd be a nice change of pace for a winner, plenty of content, good series overall, she's cute, she's got plenty of spunk, and she's talented.
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show me
Not fooling anybody anon. Just look at how much the threads have exploded since ENA and Pomni have gotten elite 8.
You're an incest fag
Frankie and Blackfire are the most expected, boringfag picks since it fits the trends of the last five years
Tyr'ahnee and Kim are in the middle
Jucika and Marceline are close to an upset but not there
Pomni and ENA are the absolute chaos candidates for either being recent characters or would cause a cultural shift for /co/
Say his name
so uhhhhhh heheh uhhhhhhh like never? heheheheh
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Yo how should I prank this yellow whacko? Is it even possible to get her miffed? Gimme something to work with here guys.
Sorry Starfirebro, would have been happy with either. Frankly I'd rather her than Blackfire, if I'm being honest.
Colored version of my clothes swapped drawing.
It's cool that Marceline won becuase it means this is still relevant.

Also this is an endorsement of Marceline now
Faggot. I'm voting for the one you want to lose
Yes, because they are the favorites, so they get discussed the most
This isn't hard, this is /co/ 101
>Loves Daffy
Best girl, hands down.
Don't tempt me. I'm bored and LOVE the chaos.
Call her a tranny
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So not the drama, not me that’s the creepy Kim guy.
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At this point I can't tell if it's a falseflag against Blackfire, a double falseflag against us, or just schizos schizoing everywhere. It's really, really fucking exhausting. Frankie is cute, Blackfire is hot, let's just have some fun ok?
>Get in loser, we're going to Goth Park
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>cause a cultural shift for /co/
Merely following in Spinel's footsteps.
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show me the cock
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And when I see myself
I'll always know where you are
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>the most expected, boringfag picks
Is their a good art program to provide a 'weathered paper' effect? I'm looking to do some Jucika art, and would like to keep that effect.
i was here last year, thw whinyness just didn't stand out to me cause artists are usually like that anyway. the shota stuff is news to me, but caring about that is gayer so you just one-upped him
Something not totally retarded?
Fine! You asked for it! I'll get drawing.
Ms. /co/ 2024 Quarterfinals 5.40 WR (Any% PC)
>attached utensils to their arm
what deep cut /co/ lore is this?
>People are calling ENA a tranny when there's a character whose name is literally Tyr'anny right there
This is more like it. Honestly I'm sure Frankie knows some Imaginary Friends Blackfire could hook up with. Or maybe she could give her one of those violent Brooklyn ponies as a 18th birthday present?
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this whole debate over who is or isn't a chaos candidate is stupid and i would like it to be over because it's clear nobody is going to change their minds
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Draw her mudwrestling Tyrahnee!
Forgive them Kim, they've been mindbroken by autistic shitposters who use IMG filename formats, they know not what they do.
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I think it pretty cool actually the support Frankie's gotten this year. People have actually been vocal about her for once.
There are no chaos candidates. chaosfags want to latch onto one but they've fucked up the tournament so much there's no distinct pick you can truly call the chaos pick.
Your taste sucks
What's the password? I tried Captain Hook, but OP is a huge faggot
I'd just slap an image on and use blending filters
Anon you're replying to someone with an IMG Kim pic
The Frankiebros in this thread have inspired me to finally get around to watching Foster's Home. I'll order the DVD sometime this week.
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horny fucks
Right track wrong pirate.
>the most expected, boringfag picks
If we were talking about her sister, I'd see where you're coming from even if I fucking hate this whole "muh boring picks" mentality, but the fact that she has made it farther then her more popular sister in the same bracket is, for lack of a better term, most unorthodox.
>5.40 seconds
anon. we wanted to see a sausage.
Oh boy, Marceline's got fetish fuel potetial in droves due to her shapeshitfting
>Got this one, easy
>Didn't get Master Shake
Someone should do a memes of /co/ a week before the tournament, like how tg does.
Oh hey, it's the brapper
Post more ENA feet
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>ty vs pomni
beach boxing coming, maybe more
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man i just wanted to find some tyr'ahnee clips to post what the fuck is this
>chaosfags want to latch onto one but they've fucked up the tournament so much there's no distinct pick you can truly call the chaos pick.
This lol. What happens when you chaosfag chaos into the default state.
Which is it?
1/4. This speedrun is invalid because you lost.
Honestly McCracken's been treated pretty badly by the industry as of late actually
r8 my picks

>Frankie (She's has more character to her and is funny, unlike Blackfire who is just sex appeal)
>Marceline (last 2010s girl. Is hot, and I like calarts noodle style. ENA doesn't deserve to be here)
>Pomni (CHAOS CANDIDATE! I'm really hoping she crushes Ty like she crushed Chel. Fuck both of those)
Jucika (the pic of Kim is really fucking hot, props to the artist, but she's still way too fucking basic and boring 2000s nostalgia bait. Jucika is a fun oddball and some Eastern European representation which we desperately need)
>bug fetish
dare i even ask
I'm aware, not everyone who uses said IMG filename format is a shitposter, I've seen that Kimfag before in previous threads and they're legitimately supporting her.
god porky should be my bf
>chaosfags want to latch onto one
>but they've fucked up the tournament so much there's no distinct pick you can truly call the chaos pick.
That is our true goal. No one gets to have fun, not even chaos chads.
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If you want my vote:
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Tell me about Marceline. What's her story?
John Silver
What did your parents do that made you such an insufferable /tnt/ fag
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Oh okah
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Eh 50/50 on your choices.
i'm having fun because i don't care who wins at this point since it's been so fucked up lol
No do one for Barred and Bottom
>but the fact that she has made it farther then her more popular sister in the same bracket is, for lack of a better term, most unorthodox.
It's because they used the ugly man-faced comic version of Starfire instead of the cute cartoon. Since cartoon Blackfire looks pretty much the same as cartoon Starfire, its no wonder she's doing better.
Nah, too predicable and popular.
Blackfire is the true black sheep.
Don't vote for Ponmi she's not a real girl, HE's a man trapped inside a girl's body. We all know that.
Fucking Treasure Planet...
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>"Aww come on! I was really making it far this time."
>"Well, I guess I can't say this wasn't a likely outcome, Tyran'hee and her fans are always a force to be reckoned with in this contest."
>"At least we all had fun together while it lasted. Congratulations to Queen T and the rest of the Elite Eight, and good luck to you!"
>"And thank you all so much for voting me all the way to the Round of 16! I hope you'll all be back next year to help me out again."
Now you're walking the way of the chaos chad.
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Whoa man, you're fast! Algebraic OC.
I actually can't tell what the password is for this one and I bet I'm gonna feel like a retard when I do.
The comic version is fine, the real problem was using a real life cosplayer as part of the pic
Hey don’t feel bad man it slipped me up too, I was always more of a muppet treasure island guy.
Yeah I think a sub 5 might be possible
What was my only correct choice
Fuck it, I might do the all three tournaments category
Good. Keep these posts coming anon. We need more posts for Pomni.

gonna fix the hair and some of the overflow colors I left in
Good. He deserves it.
Roy Rogers
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Vote for Ena!
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Vote for Jucika!
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Give me ENA requests. NOW
Pomni and Tyr naked both painting each other with black and white paint
she's a girly girl, don't slander pomni you fiend
Laughing shoes.
Thanks. Just be sure to vote for Queen Tyr'ahnee.
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true chads know that pomni is, in fact, chizuru from rent a girlfriend
ENA eating a hamburger.
Stomped to death by Marceline
Ena hugging anon.
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Just doing my part
If Frankie wins, will they become ARTS, or RATS?
Add a new fifth member?
ENA booba
ENA's cute panties
As long as KP and Blackfire lsoe, i'm fine with whoever wins
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What is this, Mystique trying to sneak into the tournaments again? I love my daddy and I want to show how much I love him with sex. Lots and lots of hot, sweaty, bed breaking sex.
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Honestly, I'm tired. We all are. Takes a bit to get going because no one does art in Qualifiers anymore except girls who barely get in. Randomized Brackets have not been kind to Frankie this year either.

>Round 1 we fought a 4 girl alliance which did extremely good last year

>Round 2 we had to fight Shego, a top seeded FARTS girl.

>Round 3 we had to fight Alice, who is Top 16 tier multiple years, and we also had massive falseflagging problems during these two rounds.

>Round 4 we had to fight lead SCKT Girl and Year 1 Runner up Starfire.

>Now it's her sister who's had real good poll images and fits the bad girl type /co/ loves

We haven't had a single easy round. Really we could have lost a couple times without hard campaigning and a bit of good luck to counter all this bad luck(Ruby's alliance tore itself apart over the Cheesecake thing and Tiff was fighting a same series girl. Shego...actually no that was genuinelly just a hard fought fight. Alice got caught out falseflagging. Starfire was in a bad place with that unfortunate image. And Blackfire doesn't have a .gif monopoly anymore thanks to swimsuit round changing the pics this time). It's a constant struggle with no time to relax, no easy safe fights, constantly dealing with falseflaggers on the left and morons on the right. But I can't give up. Frankie Foster isn't out yet. Good luck to you Blackfire, may the best girl win.
>Paid by Blackfire simps.

Not biased, I say.
yoga poses, anon. yoga poses
Ahh, the reverse reverse falseflag. Clever
isn't that the NTR manga I have never read Rent A Girlfriend but I heard it had NTR
ENA dying in a car crash
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>uhuh check it out i just voted in ms. co
>uhuhuh thats gay
>huhuh we're gay
There's no IMG file name
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Vote for Marceline the Vampire Queen!!! She's gonna go all the way this time!

repost with better hair and some cleaned-up colors that were out of the lines

Summertime https://vocaroo.com/1hQ2ELbDjA1F

Bad Apple https://vocaroo.com/1emJfcjGOiFQ

Aint no Rest for the Wicked https://vocaroo.com/18ZWDwwvCRlC
I'll admit Frankie doesn't do much for me, but I do feel bad that she and a couple others have been stuck in midcarder hell for this long. If every horse I have left in this race somehow bites it, I'll consider throwing a vote to her
Tyr would ditch Dodger's ass so fast for Duck Avenger lets be real
i don't think so. i haven't read it either though. it's one of those dime a dozen romcom mangas and it doesn't have a lot of redeeming qualities or gimmicks to really save it
>The Kimfag using mobile images is the only one seriously campaigning for her while the Kimfag with non-mobile images is the autistic incestfag falseflagger when it's supposed to be the other way around
We sure live in interesting times.
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Whoever picked Starfire's image this year was either a imbecile or a sabotuer. I'm sorry about what happened. Blackfire was blessed with one of the only GIFs in the polls, that's helped a lot. I won't lie I'm glad it's gone this time, I want a fair clean fight, but Starfire didn't deserve what happened this year.
An AT character finally made E8.
ENA 9 inch throbbing trans clitty
Based except for ENA
The fact that she got so far even when gimped by the image is still pretty impressive on its own
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hell yeah we did
Race: Tamaranean
Age: 19ish
Profession: Student

Frankie Foster
Race: Human (White)
Age: 22
Profession: Foster Caregiver

Race: Geometric Humanoid
Age: Ageless
Profession: Incomprehensible

Marceline Abadeer
Race: Vampiric Cambion
Age: 1000+
Profession: Vampire Queen / Musician

Race: Martian
Age: Who’s asking?
Profession: Queen of Mars

Race: Human turned Digital Avatar
Age: 25
Profession: Accountant

Race: Human (White)
Age: 20
Profession: Hustler

Kim Possible
Race: Human (White)
Age: 14
Profession: Student
Jucika is only 20?
I imagined her as like 30
And sadly, the falseflagger is still the one with the most presence in the threads.
Kim's only 14? I thought she was in high school
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Eva getting Pantsed By Marceline, reveling an M on her panties.
The main character gets hard thinking about being cucked in a page.
that sounds fun. i'm gonna do it too
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You vote for the troq you're going in a cell block.
I'm pretty sure Kim was about 15 or 16 at the start of her show. The opening has an easter egg that refers to her as a sophomore.
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Not ntr, but the main character is a turbocuck who imagines his rented girlfriend fucking another guy, and proceeds to cum his swim trunks while making this face
Worst false flag campaign ever.
someone make a sexy fighting game with these characters
>Profession: Hustler
>Kim's only 14?
The show takes place from her first year of high school to graduation
Year of the coom, year of the yawn.
pick the one that was actually barred
Jesus Christ Japan...
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>There are people on /a/ who legitimately read this garbage
That's beautiful anon. I'm already gonna for her this round but this is still very much appreciated.
Kim is in highschool the show ends with her graduating highschool, this guy is an idiot.
I don't quite get that myself. The rest of Team FARTS was wiped out two rounds ago, meanwhile SCKT Coalition had all their girls until last round and still has half of them plus a sister who looks just like their main except more of a baddy.
Frankie hasn't been in the elite 8 in 5 years. Raven is the FARTS powerhouse, she's been rigged out. Twice.
And if we're talking the girls currently in, Kim and Queen Ty'rannhee both have stronger track records. Frankie had two good years and was merced by Spinel in 2019, nothing really of note sense. Lost to spite in 2021, caught up in the furry rigging in 2022, and may or may not have been rigged against in 2023 NSA won't release the documents.
I don't really care right now, Blackfire is a pretty similar level and it ought to be fun, but everyones spinning so many narratives and I just...I don't know, it's overwhelming I guess.

Back to the art grind.
Blackfire should say occupation: wife
Second year actually
>Profession: Incomprehensible
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When's Pomni gonna get her daily dose?
Chel got Skibidi’d…
Kimmy is presumably 18 by the end of the series, cause she graduates High School in the finale. When do they say she's 14?
so that's where it's from
I'm ok with Ena of Frankie. Ena is cute and Frankie has been a longrunner for a while, so she deserves it in stead of the other CN girl that got robbed last year
Don't let the gayops get to you Frankiefag, keep doing what you can for your girl and hope that she can win.
drew this in just twenty minutes because fuck you it's funny https://files.catbox.moe/ehzojl.png
Someone please draw Pomni making this face.
give me something to fap to before bed
The pitch bible says she's 15
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Here you go bro
An anon attached utensils to his arm to be more like which /co/ character?
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(What I mean is Frankie is hardly the strongest girl in the bracket. SCKT is a more consistently dangerous and high seeding team than FARTS post-21 and Frankie isn't even their best member. Frankie had a good run in 2018 and 2019 and never really recovered from being Spineled in 2019 in the final four, that's it, she's struggled to even get top 16 since. It's not even really widely believed she would have won 2019 without Spinel, Raven was the favourite and had better margins)
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Maybe in one of the flashbacks or time travel episodes when she looked like this.
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Here's the Bottom
Fap to ENA
Gwen. Stop trying to rig Ms. /co/ and focus on your boxing skillz
Sorry I haven’t watched kim possible since I was like 10 and just googled it and put the first thing that came up my bad
that would be hilarious
>it's "funny"
Voting against ENA against gay shit
The m stands for micro.
>middle aged
Frankie is 22
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Someone needs to update this with Chel and Wendy in there.
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I recall someone saying they were making a 52 Card deck ala the Iraq War set using infamous Ms. /co/ girls? (Winners, E8s, notable strong contenders). What came of that?
Damn, look at the size of that thing! Voting for ENA now.
I can’t believe we’re doing ANOTHER Kim Possible vs Jucika rematch during the swimsuit round. Kim is never going to win against that icon.
Did incest really get Kim to E8?
What we NEED is a vocaroo
Fuck, I just want to hear the manic chicken honking get more and more intense
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Pomni leaving Ms. /co/ as the winner during the last thread
I still don't know who Jucika is.
>ENA fags are actual fags
Well, we're back in the Elite Eight. Fuck I'm nervous this has been a rough match spread
No people were ignoring that guy and voting for Kim cause they like her, or so they can watch her get cucked again at 4th place. One of the two for sure.
Mr Krabs....
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this is not particularly what i expected as far as ms /co/ oc
>anon can't tell a joke
It's gonna come down to Frankie or Pomni. Calling it now.
I’m at work right now, can someone do a full page screenshot of this round’s poll images so we can add it to the wiki later?
Maybe post it here?
Basically soft core porn European Betty boop.
Dubs and your girl has to fatpost.
Trips and it's vore or stepford(your choice)
Pomni voring Chel.
It's clearly a falseflag attempt to get silent picks to be more vocal and produce more OC.
Because EVERYTHING needs to be 9D chess in this goddamned tournament!
>vore two seconds apart
What the fuck?
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>luv Frankie
>luv ENA
>luv Tyr'ahnee
>luv Jucika
is as simple as that
I like this, but how would it work? Does this imply they're normally fleshed colored, and we only ever see them post-paint? Or are they going to be painted the opposite, T turns white and Pomni turns black?
Damn, you saw right through my clever ruse...
Or did you? ;^)
Some "joke".
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>a jester
>a jester created in the last year
>a squash and stretch cartoony jester girl who blew up the board created in the last year
I'm not sure if I'd be ready for that again anon. Too many bad memories from a different time. Knowing our atrocious luck this year though...god no
I'm confused. It's nothing?
My vote for these gals :
>Frankie Foster (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends)
>Marceline (Adventure Time)
>Queen Tyr'ahnee (Duck Dodgers)
>Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
I want marcy to soul-vore me.
Nah, it's Jucika and ENA.
gay caption but sexo image
What would Pomni do if I busted a nut on her face?
Pomni trying to take off her swimsuit only for the show’s automatic censors to activate
>pomni wearing blackface
oh no...
I vote disqualify ENA but reserve a spot for him in Mr. /co/ to make it fair.
No they are black and white respectively so pomni would be painting tyr white while tyr paints pomnis body black
They would both be kneeling at their 3/4ths pose using small paint brushes to make it more sensual
Also you'd be fighting ENA before that. Cartoony spazy weird girl in a Peruvian Schoolgirl Uniform from a Peruvian creator. Blessed and Cursed
That's the one! I'll get working on it!
we already did vore
I imagine Pomni is like Double D from that one episode. Completely decimates her opponents in every round through accidents and clumsiness.
You know, Omni-Man would look real good making this face while thinking of his favorite women getting pounded by yours truly.
fat arse
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Hey guys, I'll
The girl.
Pomni is just the zoomer equivalent of Harley Quinn.
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>How about we all just calmly discuss our girls good aspects?
Alright that's TADC done, that was, surprisingly fun for a cartoon that I would have never watched if it wasn't for this tournament, I half expected it to be Youtube Kids tier nonsense but it can actually take itself seriously despite being so colorful and saturated it could be mistaken as a cartoon for actual kids, hopefully it's future episodes will be just as good.

I can see why Pomni became a massive FOTM waifu, too many people would be able to relate to her being stressed out and struggling to figure out what she should make of herself while she's trapped in the digital world, also helps that she's got a really cute design and can be easily drawn as a shortstack.

Likely gonna be voting for Tyr'ahnee still, but depending on who she goes up against if she manages to survive this round I might hop on to the circus train, all of the picks currently in are ones that I like to at least some extent.
You'll what?
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>one digit off
Get fucked, John! We all know you're pathetic in bed.
What girl are you most confident WONT win?
Time is a flat circle.
>bully Jessica and Chel all tournament
>have a good life at their expense afterwards
This entire tournament has been completely biased towards to silent waifu type characters and no one is speaking up about it.
Also Pomni is a Russian name.

On a mostly unrelated note what generation is Jucika from?
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If Tyr happens to win, who else besides Daffy or Marvin would be perfect for her? I was thinking on Aku but, it would be yet another villain champion for Mr. and I'm assuming people are getting bored of the concept.
Blackfire, but going to throw in a runner-up and say Jucika.
Donald Duck :)
your waifu
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I was going to main Daffy this year, so it's going to be more pressure if Tyr'ahnee is up for grabs.
Doofenshmirtz literally landed on mars once.
blackfire, also kim because if she makes it past this round people are gonna put her in 4th again for the meme
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it was released around the time boomers came of age, but i imagine a big audience would've been silent gen or even greatest generation
ENA voring Marcy.
I just got back from trivia. There were themed rounds and one of them was cartoons and comics. I'll post the questions.
First one: which comic strip is Peppermint Patty from?
Shouldn't have aired your secret fetish out in public Kimbo.
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alright well i'm going to bed
go tyr'ahnee!
Donald Duck or Megamind
>Jucika herself born 1960s
Ok that might be a problem with Russian Pomni then. If she was super old or super young it would be fine
>couldn’t get there in time to nominate Rapunzel
>forgot to even vote in qualifers because of work
>she didn’t make it in, but apparently more people waifu a propane tank
God I hate my life, at least I can rest easy knowing one vote never mattered in these things.
You know she didn’t anon it’s one false flagger that’s been doing it to her every round. It doesn’t even make sense the /co/ joke about Kim has always been her being a cuck queen not anything with incest.
You know, I don't think the image really makes a difference. But some people need to learn to pick a decent image in case they DO get in
They have nothing in common outside the jester theme and even that's downplayed for Harley in recent years barring Caped Crusader.
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Creepy Susie lost by two votes. Which yes, still isn't one vote, but I hope you're at least a little haunted now.
This isn’t a fucking trivia question for /co/ fags you dumbass
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>tfw Lute is still in the tournament
Jessica was not silent.
Abused clown girl that Audiences find loving and want to hug… Gee anon there’s nothing in common with them at all.
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>How ze fuck did I lose 3 voters when it mattered most? Life just hands me one blow after another
>no one is speaking up about it.
They wouldn't be silent then would they?
So whose massive tits need drawing?
If Pomni wins there's only one right drawing to make.......And that's her in terrified confusion as to what the fuck she just experienced and horror getting sucked back into the circus.
>Caine: "CONGRATULATIONS, POMNI! You've just experienced the absolute WORST the internet has to offer, and won a prize that means ABSOLTUELY NOTHING! A portion of your very soul will be immortalized forevermore in the halls of this very website! See, here's even a nifty winner's portrait of you!
>Muffled Screaming
>Pomni: "Is...Is that m-?"
>Caine: "WHOOPS! No time for the afterparty, we got to get back to the circus!
>BOOP! Pomni's gone.
>Caine: "Thanks for having us, /co/! And remember: I KNOW AND SEE EVERY THING YOU POST AND DRAW.....Okayseeyalater!"
Kim, Frankie, and Darkfire need OC more than anyone else.
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>Hey gals, ole' Cherrywell scored a keg! Let's all relax our inhibitions and see where our fingers end up...on the ballot box, I mean.
Also, Candace became the queen of Mars.
Kim is the chaospick for this round given prior history
Again, that hasn't been Harley's concept in ages. Now she's a strong independent hero/villain who don't need no Joker. Not to mention Pomni isn't violently psychotic.
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Password is John Silver btw
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that one /v/irgin from a couple of threads ago, who should I vote between Blackfire and Frankie? rest of the votes are
>ENA (shame about Jessica but oh well, sorry Marceline)
>Pomni (I like both, I don't really care who wins in this)
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>*angrily tapping Crescent Rose against the ceiling like an old lady in a shithole Bronx apartment*
HEY! Keep it down up there! SOME people are trying to sleep! Ugh.
>Ahh, I could use a good long vacation until Bob is back from that new Job of his at Bing.
I think you should pink Frankie cuz she's had a dedicated anon giving her lots of content, plus you can't beat a down-to-Earth, overworked redhead.
Honestly Jester is the only version of Harley I've liked since BTAS. Punky rebel Harley isn't independent of the Joker, she's only in defiance of him. It'd be like saying "I hate Harry Potter" but instead of calling the franchise shit, you dress up as a Slytherin and yell "hail Voldemort". Jester is an inversion, the OG was a psychiatrist tormented by her patients. Now, she's a psychiatrist tormenting her patients.
Still not too keen on the show, but it was a cool idea and a take I wouldn't mind seeing more of.
Who the fuck is Kim Possible?
Maybe they wanted to switch it up after the same fetish got old. Makes me wonder what they'll switch up to Bob when cuck posting finally tires out.
>threads actually become somewhat tolerable once it starts getting late
Oh wow, who would have guessed?
I WONDER who a good chunk of the thread shitters trying to start shit and derail are...
At least it can’t get any worse than this.
I don't care if she jobbed. Ruby finally made it in! That's my girl.
I've started reading Cheesecake's comic for the meme. It's funny, and the chubby girls are surprisingly cute sometimes...
Are you saying it's only Americans that are responsible for this?
Europeans (objective mutts)
It's still US hours
Someone who's obsessed with bumping uglies with her dad.
Yes, blame the zoomers, give us more votes for Pomni!
EuroGODS and CHADstralians as always proving to be master race of posters
It's uh.. a redhead, pointed hair, who wears green, bad attitude, don't vote her.
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>I've started reading Cheesecake's comic for the meme. It's funny, and the chubby girls are surprisingly cute sometimes...

No, you don't wanna go down that pipeline anon.
its spics
its always spics
anyother answer is wronf
We know Frankie
Bejitabros everywhere can confirm this is true
Ruby got in? Who was she up against?
Beer. Bears. Bears live in the woods. Woods, wood, wood carving. You carve things with a knife, knives were derrived from arrowheads used to tip spears...Spear...

The Monarch as a weird "fuck my enemies husband" deal

Honestly we were not ready or productive at that time at all and were being falseflagged horrifically. Ruby gave us a run for her money and might have won, but her alliance was kinda falling apart and fighting eachother which cost them.
Frankie who?
Okay guys, one match up can still be swayed for me here.

Between Frankie and Starfire, which one would be the most likely to be the Dom in a relationship with men?
Yes that’s why Pomni is the zoomer Harley.
This is that bait people keep talking about isn't it?
oh, the chocolate girl.
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>HE's a man trapped inside a girl's body.
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Frankie would be the one bold enough to tell you you meant Blackfire and mixed up Starfire with her sister, if that's what you mean.
Starfire got scared when she saw Frankie shitting everywhere so that makes Drankie the Dom doesn’t it?
Yeah, I hope that she gets in next year and gets to continue even farther! Btw, what is Cheesecake's comic and is there a link? My curiosity is piqued.
they don't have genitals you idiot
Oh no, it's totally real. We really don't want you to vote for Pomni. Anything but that.
I'm a thread late but I finally found this, just wanted to share it cuz Ippo is based
>the real Pomni is nothing but weak lame ryona b--ACKACKACKACKACK
dumb motherfucker he's talking about the fags going after zoomers.
Vote for her!
Fuck alright my bad, which one (Frankie and Blackfire) is the most likely to be a Dom in a relationship with a man?
Woops wrong link, meant to post this one
Cheesecake's anon said this was her's http://creamybeamy.comicgenesis.com/d/20050727.html and this one was by the same author and might be better http://muertitos.comicgenesis.com/d/20040921.html

Keep me posted, I'm too scared to click on comic links from /co/ ever again and there's not anything else going on at this hour. Maybe some review bits of a jobber comic would be funny
Not really bait, just saying she’s just like Harley when Harley came out. Hopefully she doesn’t turn into modern Harley.
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Chel thought that but look what happen
Again they're not all that similar but whatever
lol not watching this
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Blackfire will Dom you in bed, but she's a gold digger and a scallywag(her first appearance was her framing Starfire for theft and trying to steal her identity). Frankie wouldn't be hard dom, but she has a lot of pent up frustration and hates taking orders every day.

So if you specifically mean a long term relationship, Frankie, Blackfire is leaving yo ass when the money runs out or when the cops are after her.
Okay, I was not expecting Kim Possible of all characters to be the strangest E8 member this year in terms of tournament presence.
It cost literally everyone in that alliance
>Ruby lost her chance to take out Frankie with support from the alliance before she started building momentum and recovering from the scatfag shitposts
>Tiff lost the alliance buff to counter the MLAATR fanbase vote being split
>Creepy Susie lost by two fucking votes which was 100% directly because of the alliance infighting losing her votes
>XJ-6... okay she was probably going to job anyways
Teen Girl Qualifier Squad needs to get its shit together by next year or they might as well disband
Ugh no what the fuck is that goblin looking woman thing. Hell no you want to say an attractive girl is over sexualized that’s fine but please don’t show me that thing, like I can handle ugly but that’s like circus ugly.
The fuck would that have to do with time of day?
>oversexualization of Kim Possible
>thumbnail reading "this is a hot mess"
>comments are disabled
Yeah I'm thinking you should go fuck yourself.
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They’re very similar anon but I’ll agree to disagree with you.
When did Pomni get an abusive boyfriend again?
I know she lost but did the Glister Anon still did a pic with her and Burnbot?
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Voting Blackfire guarantees you having not only the queen but also the princess of Tamaran for yourself, 2x1.
According to the fanart that’s the rabbit.
She started out as a sexy vampire lady that kicked the squatters Fin and Jake the dog out of her property, and then felt bad for them and generously gave allowed them to keep her property because she owned another home elsewhere. And then Jewbecca Sugar came along and made her a seething Dyke and ruined all the other characters too. Marceline then kwab'd to the Evil Demon that killed Jirens master and family.
Tiff getting screwed over by randomized and fighting Vexus was genuinely a massive problem as that completely split the manpower. Last time she got some good matches with gave time to cooperate.

I don't even think XJ-6 had an Anon, Ruby and the OG Tifffag sided with Cheesecake in the dispute and broke with the main alliance, Tiff was split vote by the Vexus R1 bad luck, and while Creepy Susie limped into R2 she had ticked off way too many people to pull the same rally around the alliance move Tiff did in 2023.
Chelbro btw not sure if that matters
I'm just skimming through teh first one but its actually kinda funny. The incest joke was actually pretty good.
Thanks for the link!
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Gummigoo would never.
I think Buttersworth was the saddest lost
Wish she coulda made Elite 8
I mean I’m not one, but if you are I’m surprised.
None of that would have happened if it wasn't for a Susiefag kicking out Cheesecake, at least the other one who draws made an apology pic for her campaigner.
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>that spoiler
Do tell!

XJ6 was literally just added in to smother Cheesecake's spot in the picture and to try to outflank Vexus. Zero anons
This. Why are Chelbros acting this way?
Good, more posts like this. More votes for Pomni!
at least he actually fucks and doesn't orbit around popular girls in hopes of getting a bit of their luck
>I'm just skimming through teh first one but its actually kinda funny. The incest joke was actually pretty good.

Is it the 'God Shoved a 30 pound metal miracle up my uterus that day' page joke from Jezebel?
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Delivering for anon who wanted Fink with Teri. I had a shock when I googled "teri tawog" for a reference photo only to see a very softcore porn drawing I did of her as the third result on google images. For this drawing, I originally was gonna draw a short comic of Fink biting off Teri's arm and then using it to shoot a spitball at her, but felt it was too similar in concept to the Cera pic I already did, so I did something closer to anon's request.
Ragatha reminds me of Frankie. Shame no one remembered to nominate her.
You have to love how Pomnifags are malding over Pomni being called Harley Quinn. Almost as if they know their waifu isn't all that original.
I got similar vibes from her too, strange she didn't get in this year.
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I'm intrigued. Tell us what you find
Linking the swimsuit poll pictures for posterity
The funny thing is I’m not even insulting her, I even said hopefully she doesn’t turn out like modern Harley.
So its revealed that the main protag is actually an alien, and that her mom was inseminated with her by a machine. The mom decided to raise her anyways, but tells the protag that since they're not technically related and both single that they could hook up. The protag says no. It got a good chuckle out of me.
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Decided to make Marceline doodle this time
Rip Tinkerbell
>I had a shock when I googled "teri tawog" for a reference photo only to see a very softcore porn drawing I did of her as the third result on google images.
Marceline's the best.
>Pomni is anxiety ridden avatar in a jester costume that was somehow trapped in a computer program and has to survive day by day
>Harley is a perky minion to a villain that she was once a shrink for and assists him in his acts of violence in order to gain his love
Not sure if you're really dumb or trolling.
Jucika was first published in 1957, but was stuck in a pro-Communist magazine for her first year before escaping to a more free speech magazine. There she flourished.
Calling her zoomer Harley and then doubling down while also insulting modern Harley seems very back handed.
Why'd Cheesecake get kicked out anyways? I mean Cheesecake was literally never going to qualify but it's not like her being a perma qualifiers jobber was going to have any effect whatsoever on the other characters. Was it because the guy who kicked her out was afraid the alliance would gain a reputation as "the literally who/jobber group" because of her or something?
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I've never seen even close to so much talk for someone sub 500 seed as this cheesecake girl.
>Pomnifags having a meltdown over their pick being called the new Harley Quinn
He's just a Pomnifag double falseflagging to get extra pity votes.
Possibly, also probably figured that kicking her out in favor of a new character might get their fans to warm up to Susie.
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FYI, Stephanie Cherrywell was 25-26 when she was writing this, mid 2000s. Just good to keep in mind. The visual polish definitely went up with the later stuff like IntraGalactic.
as the ancient Hawaiians used to say "the best campaign is a double falseflag"
She was robbed.
KEKni deserves no less
You can't even call what's going on here a meltdown or comparable to what's happened the last few threads.
Based Tito
too much falsefagging
This is seemingly what happened. Cheesecake burst onto the threads and did decently well in 2022, Susie was in the middle of a rut then.

Oooh, I'm curious to hear what mysterious mysteries lurk within.
Vote 4 Pomni! Why? So you can get your government issued clown gf!
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Heya, I want to know if there's still interest in the propose for Elite Eight a banner or drawing of the silhouettes of the participants be made almost as the reference image.

What do you think?
What a silly little cuck! Fitting for a rigger.
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I'll be working on some requests from last thread. Which will be involving Pomni and Tyr.
Double falseflagger faggot...
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So softcore that maybe it wouldn't be accurate to call it porn to begin with. Here's my google results when I search "teri tawog", with the pic in question present. Link to pic on FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53449560/
>Pomni when she imagines anon voting for Tyr
Tyr cucking Pomni
Looks fucking kino! DO EET!
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Jokes on you I'm triple falseflagging
>cheese to meet you
Mating Press
Tyr boiling Pomni alive
Kek that's actually funny
This is actually entertaining so far. The author's sense of humor is on point. So far, the comic's main gimmick has been acting as a parody of anime tropes from different genres, along with references and well timed jokes. Not bad so far. Pic here is a nice spin on the first magical girl transformation.
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 (new)
Part 8 (new)
Tyr putting Pomni on the guillotine
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Sorry, forgot to post the image in the last post
Tyr karate chopping Pomni in half
Kill Jester
Pomni banging on a monitor from the inside trying to get out and Tyr just throwing the monster out of the window.
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Zamn! Pomni looks like THIS? Caine ain't gonna let anything peek out! https://files.catbox.moe/tw65uu.png get past him here
Tyr firing Pomni out of a cannon
I kek'd
>5.4 seconds
Improve typing speed by playing typing games
whatever you do, bring back Caine with a chicken dick on the sidelines, or something similarly slapstick
Tyr feeding Pomni rat poison
How pathetic, anons would rather spend last round talking about your husband than you.
lmao this just reminded me that fanggang betrayed the nimhrods, just as i predicted last year. i'm a fucking prophet. listen to me mext time and then maybe your pick will win
You like modern Harley?
>a male crossdresser will win barred
Tells you about these tournaments doesn't it?
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Jucika fucked her enough, and for that, she will have to do as my new wife this year... now all you have to do is vote for her, and fuck her.
This is the kind of content I was hoping for, nice!
What a coincidence, the same will happen here.
If we're counting Jester then yes
Bugs got in 2018. Why would he be barred?
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I always liked classic Harley so if anything the comparison is a compliment.
higher res
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Nice to see you admit to ripping off the original
>Well THAT'S a SIGHT for SORE EYES!! WHA-!??! The ENTIRE ELITE 8 are ALL going to TAKE TURNS FUCKING MY BOYFRIEND JAX?!?! TYRAHNEE FIRST?!?! And YOU are going to repeatedly MILK Jax's MICROPENIS with your F-CUP BREASTS !?!? B-but you are TOO LARGE! You will RUIN him for EVERYONE ELSE!!! EHHH??!? And after TYRAHNEE EMPTIES the BALLS of my beloved with her IMPLAUSIBLY LARGE FEMININE ASSETS, FRANKIE and BLACKFIRE will DOUBLE-TEAM him?!?! EHHHHH??!?! You're both gonna WORSHIP his PURPLE RABBIT PENIS with your tongues with TALENT that I could NEVER HOPE TO REPLICATE?!?! JUCIKA is going to perform SECRET HUNGARIAN COMMUNIST SEXUAL TECHNIQUES on his PROSTATE?!?! ALL while ENA WHISKS his MIND away with AWAY with PLEASURE like a BLUE HURRICANE?!?!? TOGETHER you are GOING to PWN his DICK with your CLIT/BROWN/TAINT AREA?!?! HE WON'T even know who is FUCKING him since you will be SO FAST?!!?! WOOHOO!! HUUUHHHH?!?! NOOO!!! KIM!!! PLEASE DON'T HACK INTO MY CAMERA DURING THE MONEY SHOT!!! I NEED IT FOR MY GOONING SESSION PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DON'T!!! I BEG YOU! JUST LET ME FILM IT!! WAIT REALLY?!?! THANK YOU MISTRESS POSSIBLE!!! THANK you for letting me see you FUCK my BUNNY BOYFRIEND!! And that must leave us with MARCELINE! SAY WHHAAA-?!?! You are going to SWAP BODIES with ME and FORCE me, in YOUR body, to WATCH YOU, in MY body, get RAILED by JAX?!? And YOU'RE SAYING that seeing Jax fuck MYSELF, will RUIN my ENTIRE WORLD-VIEW?!? My WHOLE WORLD will SHATTER as I have an IDENTITY CRISIS from seeing such a HORRID and TRAUMATIZING thing?!?! And this will cause me to develop a DISSOCIATIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER, which will require YEARS of EXTENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC CARE, which will EVENTUALLY FAIL and DRIVE me INSANE?!?! And then, I will be FORCED to be ADMITTED into a MENTAL ASYLUM where I will be LOCKED and TRAPPED in a SMALL PADDED ROOM, with only a SMALL window to see my BELOVED FUCKING OTHER WOMEN THROUGH?!?! YABBA DABBA DOO LET'S GET THIS TRAIN GOING!!!
Sore loser.
I just thought of the perfect idea for an Elite 8 drawing. It's gonna take me awhile though, definitely not gonna be done this round. All I need is for you to vote Pomni.
The Mona Lisa is a crossdresser?
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Damn that looks good
Why are you looking so pissed, Bob? You got an upgrade this year!
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It's Gummigoo. Tsk tsk, this is amateur posting.
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It's quite alright. I'm voting for POMNI POWER!
Bobby what have I told you about them zoomer toons
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Salute your queen
How did you get the TADC Episode 3 script?
I'm stroking my nose hair right now.
It’s ok dad lots of guys are into it.
Please say its swimsuits
KEKni, quit fantasizing and prep the stacies.
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Because a hotter wife means I have to witness hotter sex without me getting involved! Now get voting and fuck my wife, I've got Deadpool Funko Pops to dust off!
heck yeah anon!

Vote for MARCELINE!! Lets take her all the way to victory!

Gary Come Home https://vocaroo.com/11WHUKsAxo2U

All I Wanted https://vocaroo.com/14GrzZyFYdvE

California Gurls https://vocaroo.com/1e9DwpJd9Q59
I hate zoomers so much it's unreal
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Most of Steph's stuff is a broad parody of something. Creamy Beamy(and the Y2K era Flying Suit Reiko) is 90s anime, Muertitos is newspaper strips and Saturday morning cartoons, IntraGalactic is Classic Scifi with a touch of Futurama. Creamy Beamy is definitely the most openly kinky though, you'd have to stick with Muertitos for a good while for it to be noticeable.
This? Canon.
Reposting this art I drew during nominations, in case anons haven't seen it. It kind of fits the swimsuit theme of the top 8 threads.
No lies detected as expected from STACYni.
Still voting Pomni but the Chel stuff does make me wanna rewatch El Dorado, I ain't seen it in years
BoBo Bobobo??
you collect Fucko Pops? Syndrome that's pathetic
Is Bobposting this year's Omnimanposting? Because that was the only thing that salvaged last year's Ms. /co/.
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Syndrome, I can quit literally see from the computer screen. Get off the web and stop false flagging Bob, it's just embarrassing.
This is literally the most interesting thing on the thread right now.
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>KEKni, [illogical headcanon]
Checked! Also, makes sense. I'll have to check more out later but she's definitely went for that vibe. And yeah, Creamy Beamy definitely has kinky stuff in it.
Remind me why zoomer picks aren't banned?
Tune into the Ms. /co/ stream!
4chan character.
Ms /co/ stream?
someone said they were gonna make one for the E8
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Bob is a smart man. The wisdom of great strength. He can tell by just looking at her that fucking Jucika would give him every sexual disease under the sun. Someone so absurdly weak as Jucika couldn't handle true strength anyways.
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does your girl hate ninjas? this will determine my vote
Too bad he sucks this year because he ditched Pomni even though he said he'd support her.
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No vote for Juicka and fuck my wife! I have Funko Pops I need to get to too mister!
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I commission art of my waifu even though she’s a mainstream waifu, is that wrong?
Vlad… not you too…
You fuck funkopops?
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It's so fucking over. Let's face it, Pomni will win because this board is filled with autists.
Fuck off Jack. You're a cuck and your son is a simp for the worst goth girl on /co/
When's it gonna happen, the afterparty? And what do you show for Jucika? Unless she has an obscure animated TV special or something I don't know about (which isn't entirely out of the question, I mean CATHY got one), you're effectively down 1 of the E8.
Not at all.
Hilda and her mother are shit and finished.
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Because that'd be totally Ohio. If you can't handle the wash, get out of the skibidi.
I do the same so no even if she's obscure
What happened to the normal people? Pomni isn't for ms. /co/
Yeah people said I reminded them of the red guy so I listened to there advice and used John Batman instead.
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Flying Suit Reiko is still partially lost though and uh, it's REAL old webcomic vintage. That one is an acquired taste. (Pictured here). IntraGalactic meanwhile no longer has it's original site up due to costs. So Muertitos and Creamy Beamy are the ones you can actually find today easily.

Anyway have fun with GPCB, it's not a super long read especially compared to Muertitos
She squeaked by with just 4 votes. She's probably; no, DEFINITELY getting the spitevote.
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Forgotten and abandoned.
Spitevote with your lives people. None of these bitches deserve it their placing.
you can make one right now
hey remember when porn of her and The Monarch was made at the end of Mr 2022?
>Pomni still causing seethe
Based clownQUEEN
And that would be a bad thing because....
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Actually friendo, they need to vote for Jucika and fuck my wife. There's a whole backlog of MCU movies I need to catch up on.
It's bad, dude. Expect more and more attempts to smear her since she fucked Chel's record.
Pomni beat Chel by 28 votes.
but theres already tons of art of her
>cheesecake still getting discussed 4 rounds in
Creepy Susie anon in shambles
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Actually I'm a simp for my mom; she has a nice ass and big tits. My dad's totally a cuck tho.
Because she only has two episodes to her name.
And here's why that's a good thing!
Funny how only one of the girls here qualified this year, and it was the last one you would expect
how popular? and also is it for some sort of specific thing like you have a toe inflation fetish?
Fellow Pomnischolar, you need not worry. We shall overcome.
Guys, guys. There's no need to argue. I'll fuck Jucika AND your loser wives. Your Funko Pops and MCU movies are safe.
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more of this I see
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Hold it pal; they need to vote Jucika and fuck my wife. I need-KIMBERLY YOU GET AWAY FROM MY ZIPPER THIS INSTANT!
Not if you vote againts her.
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Thank you for the ideas, after all the fight stuff I had no time to doodle her.
I like pulling out my nose hair, does anyone else?
>it's an anti-Mr. Incrediblefag and Industrycuck crossover episode
This. She needs to earn her dues; this isn't a charity.
Spitevoting away.
Nicely done.
im not seeing a swimsuit here?
She was gonna get spited anyways for being a zoomer pick, if she’s gonna go down she might as well go down making all the whiners cry.
Look at what she's done to all these cartoon dads...
Hey, Dr. Possible, I didn't know your wife had a Ph.D in dick-sucking. Your daughter just can't compare.
If I don't like her, I won't vote her. If I prefer Queen Tyr'ahnee I'll vote for her.

Where's the spitevoting there?
disney waifu
highly specific ideas
>Jenny crash
K. Voting Frankie then.
>Using that yoga request that anon made to draw Ena feet
Cheeky little bastard, but any excuse for that is a good one.
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No, but I remember other art from it.
Also I wonder why (well that was unintentional) the new season wasn't discussed, or if the episodes posted here have even officially been released yet.
>highly specific ideas
well that's all the justification you need
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I know y'all ain't pulling this shit. I have an audition for Hamilton to prepare for so you all vote Jucika and fuck my wife.
She’s with Stats now.
An anon mentioned they wanted to see me focus on feet, so I tried to throw that in.
I'd rather fuck your daughter
Sorry bunnies with actual campaigns aren't allowed only silentfag ones are like Lola.
What's the Barred password?
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That's the spirit anon! Let her go down on you, really make her your bitch. I'll be watching you two from the close-Kimberly I swear to god if you don't get out of that closet...
it's so fucking gay why is barred making us look at ms.
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If Pomni's so great why does Harley look for like her jester loooooijjjjjkkkkk
Found it
Honestly what is there to hate about Bob Parr, I legit want him to win next month.
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No doubt she's recruited them all into her simp cult. The great whore's wiles know no bounds. Luckily her luck has run out and her thousands of vulnerabilities are now open for Kim Possible to make short work of her this round.
he didn't stop that man getting raped
i wouldn't really call that porn. doesn't look like he wanted to help anyone coom
I don’t know about that Lolong, you’ve been predicting she’d job since round 1 yet she’s still in.
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Not great at art but I wanted to add icons to these brackets.
Unironically what the fuck even is you problem.
requesting ENA/Pomni to comment on how they sound similar since they share voice actors
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Gadzooks, the Rick and Morty marathon is today! Hurry, vote Jucika and fuck my wife, I don't want to miss a single episode!
To be fair, Mr. Huph wouldn't let him. Maybe he's the actual cuck, because he wouldn't get anymore entertainment if Bob intervened.
Not bad.
This man? Lolong will back in mr.
I don't think being slammed through multiple walls is entertaining
Is it possible to add vote percentages to the challonge site?
You know, the more I look at this, the more I don't hate the current E8. How good the tournament is still depends on who wins however.
I'm so proud of Elinor, she did get so far for being that new of a contender.
Lolong would never back a Jucika supporter.
IC is incapable of thinking of anything original by this point.
All he does is shit out some of the most cliched lewd material ever written.
I quite like IC’s Jucika art, although i haven’t seen him post this year.
the strongest...
why would anyone look for that
Does he need to spell it out for you? Jucika's a weak whore.
Hate that this fag shares the same Initials as the Jucika drawfag.
Cucking is based thoughbeit
the original Bob cuck thing is played out and gay but expanding the joke to every single cartoon dad is slightly funny ngl
the funny
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Whats a waifu?
you really need a waifu G
>c and f are rlvery close on the keyboard
Message to all /co/ dads ITT:
I'll happily fuck your wives, but they'll have to wait until I'm done fucking Jucika, and knowing her stamina, it might be a while.
No E
I'm referring to the guy who's been spamming incest shit non-stop. He's been doing this since last year and it's getting old right quick.
While I know it's unlikely, I hope Blackfire wins because comic book characters don't really do well in this tournament.
5 hour energy
Its not a drink, more like a drink
Dipper Pines-sama!
Beavis and Butthead…
No one is voting her for a comic appearance though.
Jucika's going to win.
Safe to say if her image were here comic appearance she would not have gotten this far.
Based CHADvis and CHADhead. I won't forget to vote for you guys.
Frankie should win desu, she's always deserved it.
Comicbros take what they can get
Just give her the crown already, she was robbed harder than Chel.
It's better than nothing.
You kidding? She'd shit up the place…literally.
Hey Quan-Chi! I want to hear you refute this from Dracula

I don't see that happening either sadly.
Based. Fuck zoomer indie picks.
Reminder that Jucika has no real legacy, she was only discovered like 4 years ago by coomers.
Based Optimus Primal
Definitely spirevoting her out next year
and her image ruined by that one guy
>that one guy
You're gonna need to be more specific.
Pomni is so sexy bro's...
>he doesn't know about JudynumtempSAkleinerpoonerwoonerdickpoopschizo
Get with the times man. Every bad post that ever happened was because of him.
dubs decide which E8 girl gets lewds
Not at all, otherwise i would have voted for her.
I recognise your art from earlier in the tourney, glad to see you're still sticking around
Tyr'ahnee marrying Pomni
Tyr'ahnee marrying Pomni's butt
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This was her tournament all along
Yami Yugi
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I think Asuka SUCKS
>involves actual E8 girls and it's actually dubs instead of trips
We have a winner.
Now we're talkin
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>POV: Pomni's butt
Ah come on man we JUST got past this.
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As we all know, trips override dubs. They have to be honored in some way.
Pomni's butt is on heat!
Maybe Asuka can watch while being in the chair
I wonder if Pomni's fans will have a melty over this.
Asuka you retard, he said "E8" girl, you can't even get 8 votes total. You could've gotten septs and nothing would change.
oh my god let if fucking go already
>Loona's butt causes calamity
>Pomni's butt is embraced and loved
Loonabros... not like this...
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Here, your trips have been honored.
Nah Pomnibro, you don't get to squirm out of this humiliation ritual
Pomni falseflaggers whatta we do about this?
DAMN. I should've voted for Asuka if I knew she looks like that
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Welching out already I see
Pomnifags are all coomers so they'll just fap to it
Asuka should never be honored.
Don't go and call me out like that
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She's been rollin' pretty well ever since the start, but can she roll all the way to end? I'd like to think so.

Vote Pomni!
Calamitous ass is one helluva title though.
Wait, I just realized that Shego lost to Frankie a second time in this tournaments history.
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>you can't even get 8 votes total
Welch out of what? You got completely unearned art, and the guy never specified it had to be GOOD lewd art.
Holy shit that's good art
I hope it's next threads OP
You're going to pretend to be Circusfags "having a melty" and do the whole "ZOOMERS SEETHING" song and dance again when nobody acts like how you're trying to protray them. As per usual.
so just to Marvin to Grievous in 2021
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Screencapping this.
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Rule of trips
And your trips were honored
Dubs decide how Asuka gets clowned on more
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That man is being RAPED
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Batmantis will take care of this menace
She watches the marriage Clockwork Orange style
Woah I absolutely love your art dude. Are you the same guy that was doing some of the Murder Drones art back during the Qualifiers and Round 1? This is really good stuff.
She's forced to watch Pomni and Tyranhee time against her will
Forced to cosplay as Pomni.
Goku and Vegeta run over her
Pomni farts in her face accidentally
Gets AIDs.
She marries Loona's butt in Chel's place
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Converts to Islam
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And that Asuka girl has AIDS, Bob.
>posting lies
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Switch Kim with Tyr and I can word this
>a glimmer of light hidden between the cuck roleplay and GETS baiting
You're alright anon. Kino art
both Kizaru and Asuka? man Loona's butt is a weeb
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Digits have to be honored Retardsuka.
Damn, I wanted the second butt wedding. Fuck Asuka.
Someone could still draw it if they wanted
>She marries Loona's butt
Kill yourself furfag
This anon gave Asuka aids.
Okay, you can have the second, Asuke gets the third.
>me and Bludsuka are marrying a dog butt
ain't no way bluds
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This is for the anon who got quads get a few rounds back
Here is Pomni pegging Peni

>Loona's butt marries both Chel and Asuka
Uhuhuhuh Loona's butt is a slut
>She marries Loona's butt in Chel's place
Long live furchad
Truly the /trash/ queen
Loona's buttbros...
I'm late, and probably not getting dubs, but I may as well throw in a suggestion of her getting armpit vored by Marie Kanker.
>we will finally get to see the elusive clit ring
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>Wins /aco/ at a 2-1 sweep
>two girls marry her butt
>pic related from S2E8 made the board a frenzy
Loona is THE ass queen of /co/, it's indisputable
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And then we sacrifice Asuka to our lord and savior, satan.
Asuka getting raped by Beavis and Butthead when?
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Helluva ass
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Misato-san, why do you make me roommates with that retard
You forgot Kizaru gets to marry the butt too.
Ooh, so close.
No that was not meant to be a Johnny Test reference, it's not my fault they used that line a lot.
I think we can end it with >>145535033 at least in terms of which order everything happens.
I actually like Misato. But probably not for the reasons you'd expect.
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I agree but she is the first Ms. /trash/ since we weren't allowed to make it in /aco/ thanks to "Eastern media"
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I don't want that trash, send her up.
Forget any of the actual contestants, Asuka is the Battler of /co/
It was called "aco" at the time she performed, trash is a retroactive thing but whatever. She's still the queen, and in polygamous fanny marriages
buttbro's we eating good tonight
Nobody said she was getting anal vored though.
>she is the first Ms. /trash/
What does that make Rouge then?
Yeah, not trying to deny she's a champion though. Just saying /trash/ is for the better because there we're not being limited by such hypocrite moderation as /aco/ is. Coayy did say he was interested on that and the barred tournament guy said he could try /aco/ at some point again.
throw her into the pit
Someone already said she was going in a pit.
Ms. /aco/ since her tournament happened in the board. They let the threads happen and the only issue were some pics of Rouge getting deleted here and there.
>fucking TRIPS
It's not her night
The second (and last) Ms. /aco/? Furry or not, her tournament still happened on the board.
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I didn't know she was gonna be THAT bad. Sorry Shinji. At least you still have Akko.
She's actually the best EVA girl so no shame in liking her.
There are 2 ICs. Industry Cuck, and myself. I just post drawings.
>You may now kiss the butt
If /v/ had digits the entire contest would just be trying to torment him with numbers
Dubs confirm.
>/aco/ jannies indirectly helped Loona ruin Fang's chances of being the first Ms. /trash/ with all and her own general in there
Gets turned into a marketable plushie.
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With these digits, I shall take all the prior dubs as my own punishments and dish them out myself!
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With these, I shall EAT you
>JOBatron actually got dubs
Oh shit…
No no, the dubs say she marries her butt in Chel's place. It's a bride swap.
Maybe if you had gotten trips.
With these dubs the same punishments will happen to you.
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>Megatron now has AIDs, is married to Loona's butt, is getting armpit vored by Marie Kanker, and is falling down a pit
Can Transformers get AIDs?
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There's probably an equivalent.
There's the cosmic rust, so maybe that's what he got.
Megatron I'm trying but I can't get past the CAPTCHA
I'll take the numbers Optimus obtained and use them to curse his allies
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With these dubs, every girl who lost in r1 are proclaimed the real winners
So when Megatron dies of AIDs, does Loona's butt get all his assets?
That's the power of science!
Loona my beloved....
Dexter saved the tournament!
Starscream would dispose of his aids ass into outer space where he'd be reborn by Unicron so now he's feuled by aids
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Based and Propanepilled
Loona's butt is now leader of the Decepticons to Starscaream's eternal seething.
>Judyfag won
Will we ever bring Goku to justice for killing Jimmy?
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>I won before Lute could
I am at peace now
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Huh. I'm certain this is just dirt.
>false flag
while you're bickering abpjt Pomni fucking Blackfire will probably win.
JOBxter is kidnapped by Bejita with these dubs
What about Marie? Does she at least get a consolation title for what she did to Asuka and Megatron?
AIDS doesn't kill people though, it just makes it easier for diseases to kill you, even ones that would normally just be inconvenient instead of life-threatening.
But yes, the asset transfer thing would probably still happen.
but didn't Propane replace Pomni?
I want Loona's butt's assets.
>Nani out
>Chel out
>Jessica out
Zoomers are gay confirmed.
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YamCHAD is here with those dubs to save the other boy genius.
>Pomni in
>ENA in
Zoomers are super straight confirmed.
>Yamcha killed Dexter
first Jimmy and now him… is no boy genius safe from /dbs/?
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oh wait never mind Jimmy is the only dead one
No, he killled Bejita.
>Bulma left YamCHAD for THIS
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I still miss
So can somebody draw all that stuff happening to Asuka and/or Megatron?
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Dexter is so cool..
Why'd PEDOku have to kill him...
>Megatron stole all the dubs
>Optimus gets him aids with his own dub
>Dexter makes all round 1 losers winners
>Bejita tried to steal Dexter but got killed by Yamcha
This has been an eventful night
he knew too much
hey wait if Megatron now has all of Asuka's punishments that means Asuka is free
In the end, it was always her tournament
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Numbers for the Number girl
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What a waste. This could all have been used on getting more votes for Chadni.
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You mad?
Where's all the campaigning?
Give Dexter a harem with all the girls who lost in R1
5 and you get raped by carnage
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We're all enjoying the spectacle.
Those are space aids
In Asuka's assuka
I don't think that's how that works.
Besides, Marie's got two pits, that's enough for both of them..
Why would anyone campaign for a bunch of coomer picks?
Chadni can always get more dubs. It's time for the KWABs to have their time in the spotlight.
campooners lost
it's a shitpost tourney now
Get drawing
You dropped this 5
I am.
ok here's a dub, now get going drawing the triple marriage to a butt
Are you drawing what I was talking about?
I'm drawing my wife leave me alone
What's were we talking about? I was too busy drawing to notice.
GETformers are always a riot, I’ll support JOBatron and Starscream next month.
Asuka and Megatron getting punished like >>145535187 said
I love jucika
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Yes it's here
Blackfire lasting this long is impressive.
Vote Jucika for Ms. /co/ 2024!
Go Emilia! Go!
a pyrrhic victory is still a victory.
she lost to Deedee in the first round, but some anon drew a cute pic of her fangirlig over meeting Deedee. it was wholesome.
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I've done my duty already.

Yeah, and thanks man. Glad to know I left an impression.
Thank you for your service, MDCHAD.
How does one marry a butt
>wastes milliseconds shifting to vote Jucika
Love your style, nigga. Very good.
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Ask your father
>something came up so I can't work on my Elite 8 drawing the whole day
Damn. I'm still working on it but I don't know if I can finish it soon.
Sometimes we have to settle for good enough.
>who will be papa's next chef of 2024?
When will lolong finally respect her strength...Nice artwork anon. Good to see some late night high quality OC
Anti-Jucika fag status?
Vote Blackfire
Oh, looks like Candlejack got du
thread so fucking dead
Truly an imposaible choice to make for /tnt/
Who has time to draw when you can shitpost?
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You have a cute mouth, Pomni...
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They should have delivered on the butt wedding.
At least she made some friends who are welcomed to Chilblain Hall
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I'm just glad Glister had some fun
Eh... She's not really a seething dyke. If anything she was made a bit more chill and peaceful once she got with PB.

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