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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/M2PvsLBqZbZAUBAcA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-semifinals-ktnh


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics
►Round 4 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScioSqR8TFzcmOqnmD8mM1RzTZegIVbhec9rY6gIYKeU_JrGA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: >>145513517
►Quarterfinals: >>145529477
►Previous: >>145536120
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It's Blackfire time!
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>post yfw /a/keks CANNOT and will NEVER have a tourney
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Vote for me if you want to see my dream of fucking my dad come true! You don't want to disappoint a girl, right?
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To no one in particular
>sauce: a friend
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Pomni? inmoP
Why is Phantasma calling herself shit?
i hate that we can't skip votes. why do i have to choose between a lesbo and a tranny. im going with the lesbo i guess
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ENA and Pomni are both biological women.
Duh, she's not a grill, dumbass. You can't cook steak on her.
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Does your girl know of the Riddle of Steel? How do they view it?
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You suck at this.
Megatron doesn't deserve to be cured.
you can't run away from being ugly
Honestly I'm shocked Marceline made it this far.
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Goddammit IC, get some new material already. This shit is getting old real quick.
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Cope and seethe falseflagger.
actually ENA lives in a computer
there's nothing biological about her
but yes she is a woman
Do you expect someone who makes a trans coded character to misgender them?
Based CHADren BTFOing the ShartyKEKS
I know right? It's like a Halloween miracle (well, Halloween minus 40 something days). Maybe there's hope for her to win one day after all despite being bi
Hell yeah, brother!
Thulsa Doom, why do you seek Pomni?
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Bar from Miz /coe/ Round 4 here
She is quite literally the incest pick. Look up rule 34.
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AT was pretty big for a time, and fans of both the early seasons of AT and the later seasons agree Marceline is Best Girl.
If ENA was actually trans (she isn't and you know this, your just a falseflagger) then Joel G would tell everyone this.
>(((trans coded)))
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KWABONTHB (Kek What A Bunch Of Non-Tournament Having Bitches)
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mr. sir guymaaaaan, the most recent e8 member is from 2023!
What other boards can sustain a male & female tourney?
>Pomni beat Chel
Holy shit Pomni is going to win this thing isn't she a character from a show created by a tranny who will likely turn out to be a tranny themselves is going to win Ms /co/. This is too perfect /co/mblur is never going to live this down, this is more embarrassing than when a faggot universe character won. Mods should really just merge this board with /lgbt/ already. I'm definitely voting Pomni the shitstorm will be glorious and it'll destroy Digital Circus threads.
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I watched that movie last week. Certified kino.
Vote Marceline!
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Password is John Silver btw
Tournament status?
>the falseflaggers are trying to smear Pomni now
You're pathetically predictable.
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No way fag
Shame Conan can't get into Mr. /co/, and we don't have a /lit/ or /tv/ tourney for him either.
RIP Earl Jones
Still is getting real annoying now. I seen better autism at Mr than anything IC produce.
If they don't have an 18+ character rule I can see that getting shut down fast.
Where did he say ENA is not trans, super gay?
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>Do you have Pomni's votes for the quarterfinals?
>We've got them sir!
>Good, that's one less loose end.
>*static*Pomnibro come in! We have been TRAPPED and BETRAYED by Omni-Man's voters in the voting form!
>Do not trust Omni-Man, I REPEAT DO NOT TRUST Omni-Man*static*
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So who did you vote for and why Anons?

She's sexier than Frankie to me.

Not particularly into ENA and I have more fond memories of Adventure Time and early seasons Marceline.

Basically a coin flip. Either Pomni or Tyr winning is good to me. Whoever wins this match is who I am going to be supporting for the remainder regardless.

I like Kim's swimsuit pic more. Neutral on both otherwise.
Literally the opposite I voted for.
Based voting for who he likes chad
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It's so obvious
>the iToddler switched to posting on a computer
The plot thickens...
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Think you can rate MY picks?
I voted for Frankie/ENA/Tyrahnee/Kim but I respect your honest opinions nonetheless
good point
75% based
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I've found it funny so far
You'll get a 10/10 if you go for ENA. 11/10 if you go for Frankie.
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I just know these two ugly ass clown meme characters are going to make it to the finals and I hate it
She has my vote
Why do people hate traditional waifus
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If ENA was trans then nothing is stopping from joel telling everyone this. The only people that actually believe ENA is trans is mentally troons who attach themselves to everything and mentally ill /pol/tards.
for me it's
I've got a preference for redheads so she's sexier than Blackfire
This was a tossup for me but I'm voting for the one I'm liking the most currently, if Marceline wins then I'm all good for it still
I love clown girls
Refer to what I said about Frankie
Only to you IC; for others, not so much.
After doing the math I have found Marceline has the highest amount of futa porn compared to non futa porn, with over 14% of her lewds being futa. Blackfire comes in second with just under 14% percent. Jucika came in last with only 2%.
He and Asuka WILL be sent to the pits.
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This is how we win
Jenny, Spinel, and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch are already trans-adjacent characters. Pomni or Ena wouldn't really be out of place.
I wish I could find that one comic where Marceline grows a ridiculously large horse cock and shoves it down Bubblegum's throat causing Bubblegum's jaw to extend like a snake

It looked so fucking funny and cursed
>the shitstorm will be glorious
there'll be a shitstorm no matter who wins
>An anon attached utensils to his arm to be more like which /co/ character?

What's the answer?
guys are we seriously trying to defend ena's image by saying she's not trans
everyone knows she's not trans!
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>the schizoRAT has crawled out of his ban
JANNYsquad... KILL
Aiming for an ENA vs Tyr'ahnee finale but I know it's gonna be ENA vs Pomni.
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Take that shit out of here

Always a girl and even the creator confirmed it
She never shapeshifted into a dude as far as I recall. Just stretching the shapeshift aspect of the gems who default as women
Explained in the show. Not a tranny
John Silver
jack spicer
Poor Pomni getting Booty Combo'd kek
Tough choice as I love both but I had to give it to the Tamarenean as evil sexy alien princess is just top tier.

Nothing against ENA but haven't seen the stuff she's in while I've seen a lot of Adventure Time and have always liked Marcie.

Again, no shade to Pomni but haven't seen TADC yet while I grew up watching Duck Dodgers. Again, hot evil alien royalty goes hard.

>Kim Possible
Grew up watching her show too and always thought she was cute, though admittedly I don't remember as much of it as I do other shows. Didn't know who Jucika was until recently, no disrepect intended.
>Frankie Foster
>Queen Tyr'ahnee
>Kim Possible
>Penny Crayon
>Bugs Bunny in Drag
>Mrs. Brisby
>Mona Lisa
>Morton Salt Girl
Now that we've had some time to stop, simmer and think, thoughts?
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Long John Silver maybe
Looks great
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what's your best case scenario for the finale?
mine is ENA vs. Tyr'ahnee
To all the /co/ dads ITT:
Don't worry, I'll still fuck your wives tonight, you just gotta accept that Jucika takes precedent over them.
Trans goals :)
Why not? He's a /co/ character as well right? Or is having a comic and cartoon not good enough?
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Toddler rapist troon
Reminder that in the Jucika vs. Helen match, anons would rather talk about Bob, lol.
Thank you
>The only people that actually believe ENA is trans is mentally troons
So the only people who think ENA is trans are trans people?
With off model fan art?
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Don't you need to be public domain to have a /lit/ turned /co/ character get in? Is Conan public domain yet? I know some Lovecraft stuff is but I'm not sure how much Howard stuff is.
I think they have to originate in a comic or cartoon unless it's a grandfather rule isnt it?
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>Nothing against ENA but haven't seen the stuff she's in
now's your chance
Bob somehow had more OC than Helen that round, lol.
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Two can play this game.
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She's a big girl
He was already known for the books before the comic and cartoons came along. He would fit more in /lit/ or /tv/. If it was just about having a comic, the possibilities would be endless.
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This is a connective map. Claim a tile and draw! Each square tile is 200x200px and there are 25 in total.
>you can request any tile that is adjacent to a completed one. Check the latest update to see which ones are available or have already been claimed.
>you can draw several tiles, but only claim one at a time
>try to make your tile connect to those next to it
ENA might be the sleeper champion but imo whoever wins the Pomni/Tyr'ahnee match will take the whole thing.
Why does she have a male voice?
AND mentally ill /pol/tard.
Gokubros, it's all up to you now
CHADna...I genuflect.
Not yet
True, been meaning to do so anyway.
>Pomni getting ass-bullied by the villainesses Blackfire and Tyr
I wish that were me.
>Don't you need to be public domain to have a /lit/ turned /co/ character get in?
Not at all. Coraline and Brisby aren't public domain for example. Why do people even say this.
>ENA facesits herself
Trans and mentally ill are the same
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, no matter who won, Isaac Clarke LOST
it is how it is
Well, are they grandfathered in then? Otherwise the rules should allow for Conan.
>spam and falseflagging starts when school is over
Aren't the original Robert E. Howard stories public domain now?
The rules are contradictory even setting aside the grandfather rule. For example, Skeletor and Optimus started as toys.
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>spammer is so embarrassed after being called out for iToddler posting that he switches to a PC
>has to get home from school to start using it
Correct, /pol/tards and trannies aren't too different from each other.
Based Starscream.
No, they aren't. /co/'s stance on /lit/ origin characters has always been "common sense".
Question for everyone whose main is out
>Who was your main?
>Which of the Elite 8 would your main most likely support?
Kek it’s always the underage fags acting out like this
Alright, then that makes sense. Maybe Conan is due for a run.
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I hope the spammer realizes I can just put his username into my filterlist.
Time to make Conan the new Kong.
>they're all wearing the swimsuits from the form pictures
It's the little things
uh huh
>he thinks spammers are smart enough to know basic things like this
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I'm here
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So Kim is into incest huh? Time to show daddy's little girl who's big mama when I win this thing.
Why is the shitposting about trannies directed at ENA and not Pomni, Gooseworx is a literal tranny. You people make no sense
i hope the guy drawing the losers in bondage is still around, those were fun
CHADku is the only one that can save us now…..
they all stink and you should feel bad
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>banned from his home IP now
What car does each E8 girl drive?
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These fags killed those kino Chicken Little threads on /v/. They were shartyfags as well
Pomni isn't a tranny
We should also get Abridged Goku in; technically he's also a /lit/ character.
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>there's a real chance it's going to come down to the most meme waifus on this fucking board, Ena and pomni

I swear you are all retarded
the sharteen fears the glitchchad
and yet it is Marceline who is most often depicted with a penis
it's a nice change of pace
>Pomni isn't a tranny
and ENA is?
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I think she can do it
>tripfag calling anyone retarded
But Pomni a cute and ENA a funny...
Pomni is not a tranny either, Gooseworxs own words.
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Kinda funny that logic when you are in a /Comics & Cartoons/
>more falseflagging
Why can't they handle one? Fucking /v/ can. If they can anyone should be able to.
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I get why you're enough of an idiot to think Monarch is one, but the fuck are you getting at with Jenny and especially Spinel?
Abridged Goku is literally an adaptation of Son Goku/Sun Wukong from Journey to the West and Team Four Star is a western animation company.
A cheerleader/dancer so she probably wins.
STICC. Can shake it and bake it but not booty quake it.
PAWG but would be more comfortable headbanging.
Extremely aggressive. More like a threat display than a mating display.
Uncomfortable in her weird child body. Why she's getting bullied.
Practiced and precise, befitting a warrior queen.
No technique but radiating animalistic lust.
i reckon the shitposters want pomni to win because it'll make people angry, whereas ENA is more well-regarded
Opinion discarded
>Why can't they handle one?
/a/ hates fun
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>need to jerk off
I’m using this. Be proud of your oc, Anon.
Witcherbros, it's our year! We have /co/ content!
>I'm a trans girl 2+ years into transition.
-Gooseworxs own words

Should have known Thulsa Doom would be a Pomni supporter. He knows that flesh is stronger and rubber hose is the most flesh around.
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Honestly, I feel like DBZA actually trascended beyond parody shortly after they finished the Saiyan Saga and their production quality ramped up dramatically. I see DBZA as more of a retelling of sorts. A parody makes fun of source material, and while DBZA does that a lot, it also does an equal amount of updates, corrections and vast improvements in areas where the original just doesn't hold up, which puts it squarely in the corner of "improved retelling" or even "a reboot" of sorts. While the original Dragon Ball anime will always have a spot in my heart, I enjoy DBZA more because in many respects, it is just better. It's more entertaining, more accessible to a casual audience, it has better writing, more developed characters, plotlines, better worldbuilding. It also adds numerous little things that weren't available in the original that just enrich the experience even more. I've reintroduced countless friends to Dragon Ball again, after not being able to enjoy the original as an adult, with DBZA and they fucking loved it. I think that says something. When a parody has the ability to rekindle love for something you liked as a kid, as well as act as a genuine replacement for the show for a lot of people, you go well beyond "just another parody".

Side note: I introduced my girlfriend to Dragon Ball with DBZA without her having any prior knowledge of the original shows. DBZA is what she thinks Dragon Ball actually is and I love it.
This the last time I get to participate in Ms /co/ this year as I will be away during the final few rounds
Goodbye /co/
POMNI isn't you illiterate underage
A person being trans doesn't mean eevry character they'll ever make is trans
Tell that to DC
I feel a shit coming on...
/a/ seems like the type of crowd who wouldn't want there to be any sort of competition because they shit their pants at the mere idea that their waifu might lose
forget asshurt waifufags throwing tantrums, the real blight would be people spending hours in the threads doing nothing but bitching about how stupid the whole thing is
The rule was comic or cartoon has to be where they came from wasn't it? No one cares about public domain or anything. It's just the original source material. I'd think that maybe you could nominate comics Conan, but I think the whole amalgam thing means you can't nominate just one.
It’s the same thing we have every single year
Kingpin browses /co/?
Yes, Gooseworx is a tranny. Nobody is denying that. That doesn't make Pomni one. If that was the case everyone else on the Elite 8 would have to be disqualified for being male as they all had male creators.
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Right before changing into his Rhino suit, yeah
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream has a comic adaptation
Hey AM bros…
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>That doesn't make Pomni one.
but it does make digital circus a tranny show for tranny faggots
stop feeding the troll
For you
Marceline vs. Tyr'ahnee
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haha that could only happen on /a/ right? Right?
The one polygonal butt cheek is perfect.
My god....
>Toei simping
Why are /dbs/ a bunch of bootlickers?
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but he's hungry!
Better stop liking The Matrix, then...
Gentlemen, I have come here to say that I love Pomni very much. That is all.
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Forgot Marceline's hat
>The Matrix,
Never even watched it
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Who the fuck invited these poltards in? I swear, whoever thinks this is a good idea should get their asses whooped.
Let me remind you what happened back in King 2022.
>TFSISSIES are more trans then ENA
Unironically this. The original DBZ is incredibly homophobic, with gay characters being depicted as pedophiles
The /a/ tournament was actually decently until the OP's retardation seeped in and he just kept adding characters, and then he said he'd add characters several rounds in desu
if it was at least using a qualifier from the start, it'd have been better received... and then the jannies came anyway
Is that a surprise? Everyone likes Bob.
>Pomni bullying
Terribly in character, kek. Poor girl, hope she can at least make it another round.
>calling out trannies makes you a /pol/tard
>The original DBZ is incredibly homophobic, with gay characters being depicted as pedophiles
so it's accurate to real life
What happened? All I remember was Zorak hype, with everything else being a blur.
I love Pomni too
School day is over kek.
going decently* i mean
>Well, you got yourself caught. What's the next step of your master plan?
So being so weird, jan6
Best case scenario desu.
And then super comes around and Whis, a wise unbeatable master character is flustured seeing Beerus naked. What went wrong?
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Don't lie
For what, making a character that became popular?
Definition of not helping.
Pomni and Tyr'ahnee have more to worry about than ENA. One is the new girl and the other is a former runner-up.
Oh god and the weekend started, so the kids are going to have more free time. The threads are just going to get WORSE.
If I pull her turron off will she die?
>The Matrix
They weren't trannies when they first made it and the third one sucks
But enough about DBS Goku
If ENA vs Tyr'ahnee happens the latter wins. If ENA vs Pomni happens the formar wins.
…’s slave TFS Goku.
What is a sign of being a tranny to you?
Orange man pedo
is Fat Albert a rapist because his creator is?
That's interesting, because it contradicts with something Goose said before about the mirror scene not being a "positive moment," so link or >inspect element
Big eyes.
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My fucking hero! Vote for Jucika so my wife can get fucked!
Rank the Elite 8 based on how much you'd want them to win.

Here's mine

>Frankie (an iconic endearing level-headed girl, great choice for a winner, one of the best possible winners for Ms. /co/ period, and her winning this year could finally break all sorts of curses)
>Marceline (fun mischievous personality, 10/10 character design, and while AT kinda meandered about as it went on I never outright hated it plus it's part of /co/ history and culture)
>ENA (I really like what ENA represents, a distinctly creative internet series that found a niche following on /co/, also she's cute, but I would prefer a more traditional winner this year)
>Jucika (same as ENA, except she's also got the exotic Eastern European touch that makes her stand out)
>Kim (just a hot and likable /co/ girl, I would put her above ENA but it wouldn't feel right for her to win this year with all the falseflagging shit)
>Blackfire (she's a hot bitch and I don't mind her making E8 but not much else to her)
>Tyr'ahnee (I just never saw Duck Dodgers and only know about her from the snippets people mention during tourneys)
>Pomni (I don't like her show and it would be way too early for her to win)
>Is Vambre a pedophile because her creator is one?
Moronic comparison trannies have a track record of headcanoning and trying to turn every character trans or gay pedophiles do not have the same record of making everyone a pedo
Anon, your pager is ringing.
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Orange man Mr. /co/ 2025
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Didn't all of this false flagging start at the exact same time as it did yesterday?
Thank you! I can't stand whatever retard is coming up with such stupid passwords.
Idk maybe the creator literally stating that a character is a tranny?
School ended and all the teens are having meltdowns in the thread.
Fuhrer from Persona got rigged into the E8 by poltards, or at least that's how it happened.
>whatever retard is coming up with such stupid passwords.
Seriously what's the point of these passwords people just tell everyone the answer anyway
Gay people will always exist
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As it was foretold
Because of...my weight
Yes. It always does. School is out it seems.
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Trump STILL hasn't paid what the lawsuit said he owed me
>pedophiles do not have the same record of making everyone a pedo
You've never encountered "pedophile advocates" who accuse people who hate pedophiles of "repressing" then.
Look what you people did; you summoned this annoying-ass bot.
>muh tradition
>Gay people will always exist
You would certainly know
To stop offsite brigading and botting I guess.
How would a literal shitter break a curse
So? Gooseworx passes, she voices the fucking moon in TADC, her voice is hot as shit
>Is Vambre a pedophile because her creator is one?
i hope so, that would be hot
>is Fat Albert a rapist because his creator is?
i hope so, that would be hot
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Deserved better
Bejitabro btw.
>Gooseworx passes
nigga you blind or something
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You need to work on your falseflags.
Trans cope
starfire was sabotaged
Belle is SHIT and FINISHED, her and The Beast can languish in obscurity now
I officially present my judging for this prestigious Ms. /co/ twerk off
10/10, great technique, very experienced, moving herself in perfect sync to the rhythm, clearly putting her skills as a cheerleader to good use
6/10 doesn't have the most shapely booty nor the most refined moves, but has a great understanding of how to work the beat
4/10, a decent rump but clearly inexperienced and awkward, probably doesn't even know what twerking is because it's ahead of her time and upbringing
9/10 Very revolutionary style, by utilizing her head in this bizarre yet effective manner she can keep perfect track of how she's moving her butt allowing her complete clarity over how she's moving it. Also a very fine ass
8/10 Her style is wild and chaotic, not the most refined style yet very full of energy in how she shakes her booty and she works her posture well
1/10, she has no style, she has no grace, has absolutely no control over her body and getting thrown around by the other contestants like a hot potato, and her butt's not even visible
8/10 A very methodical and controlled style, she definitely has great control over her movements even if lacking in the energy of the others, luckily her package comes in just the right size to be made good use of
9/10, clearly this is not her first song and dance and no doubt she has the experience of swaying and rocking her butt in front of a great many gentlemen, not to mention one of the finest asses displayed here
but not as much as chel
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It's all I can ask for! Just vote Jucika and my wife is all yours!
okay but her voice is pretty hot
Imagine letting mentally ill schizos affect your vote.
Someone didnt watch her stream or TADC I see. Go hear the moon's voice and tell me with a straight voice it doesnt sound like a woman's
Your answer is correct
Why isn't anyone calling this out? There's clearly rigging going on.
These are going to be amazing hours
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Come on Emelia!
we're nearly done with the tournament and so celebrity has died
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Black fire isn’t just polluted, she is bloo-looted
>Imagine letting mentally ill schizos affect your vote.
This board really is too retarded to hold these tourneys mods really should shut down Ms /co/ and Mr /co/
Unusually based Tien post.
don't jinx it
Can the ENAfag get me a quick rundown of what happend in this tourney since round 3? Been away for a while and I'm amazed by the chaos going on here.
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Heard there was a swimsuit competition. Some of the losers were forced to participate.
Jimmy took the designated Ms /co/ celebrity death this year, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Bejitasis btw.
File deleted.
you caught me
A happy ending in case Blackfire loses
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I know we all lost horribly in the first round but if you can vote Jucika and fuck my wife, that would be a great consolation prize!
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>fellow Emilia enjoyer
hell yeah
That’s because the tournament was meant for last week but got postponed to this week for the first time ever
So the two major deaths didn’t get postponed and would have happened when the tournament did
ENA is a man??
>Pomnifags can't even tell what a real woman is
Voting for Tyr
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i'm waiting until the whole thing is over to do the recap because fuck, i really don't wanna read through that round 1 results thread again
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Cum on Emilia
>Industrycuck found the one dad in Murder Drones
Falseflagsis btw.
Here, the moon in TADC, voiced by Gooseworx herself.
ENA clearly has two voices of different gender on the shorts.
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hows it going TADC bros
I havent actually payed attention since cyn dropped out lol
>the absolute state of Chel
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My votes and reasoning as of now:

Pic related. She is simply too erotic.
Not only am I ecstatic that she got into the big leagues, finally, but she was one of the few AT girls that made me feel Different(tm).
I'm fine with either since I like both, but I've followed Pomni longer this year and see how far she can go. Also, I love how she is made for psychological torment and abuse.
Not as big on either of them out of the E8, but I personally can't stand Kim's weird cleft lip. And yet at the same time Kim is too unique to just remove it without something being missing. This is the most coin-toss-y match to me. I wish I could make up my mind.
>clearly not a real woman
You're just making Tyr look better by comparison.
'fraid so
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Question for any anons who've been around for multiple tournaments. Has there even been a character, who you initially hated, but have come around to genuinely like and support over time? It happened to me with Jucicka. I hated this bitch when she first showed up in 2020 but I've come around to her.
>Why'd you hate her?
I thought for sure she was just a FOTM coombait character that degenerates would quickly forget and that'd she'd be irrelevant after a year. But her fans stayed loyal all these years and I enjoyed the comic strips they'd post in the thread. It got me to start reading more of the comics and now I think she's alright.
>they're trying to smear dronechads again
absolutely mindbroken
The possibility of getting a teaser for the new episode in this upcoming week alongside Pomni in the tournament could lead to....interesting results.
I’d actually let Gooseworx fuck me.
If you mean my ranking, I never said I vote against Kim because of that shit
Sorry, posted wrong pic
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Speaking of...
>Blackfire is a pedophile
We need Jimmy back to stop her. Get the dragon balls.
Hahahaha called it
But enough about Fang*
Proudly so you mean
Falseflaggers out in full force.
>>clearly not a real woman
Only because you knew that ahead of time. None of this has to do with the tournament, by the way.
Which E8 pairing do you think would be the most likely to engage in lesbian shenanigans?
Worry not IndustryBITCH won’t be able to do anything to CHAD Designation N in Mr.
>drone's think they are circusfags and not utterly mogged by the superior indie show
Now you're just bullshitting, if you werent told ahead of time that the moon was voiced by Gooseworx you'd 100% think it was a woman's voice
orange man treason
Imaginary friends transcend age of consent, officer
>Want to draw for the Tourney
>Stuck at work the whole day
Someone stomp me in the nuts, I'd rather deal with that.
Told you, a friend of everyone, even the imaginary.

What a girl is this Blackfire.
It will ease one daddy picks up the bottle and they have to go to bed, lest they risk angering him
>Boomerkek still trying to hide behind the clown that demolished his oldfag picks
Pomni’s cock is cute
>none of this has to do with the tournament
>still bring up how sexy """her""" voice is
Yup yup yup, Tyr is looking better already.
He died to bring PEDOku's crimes to light...
Anon, do you really want to go down that route when Frankie and Mac are playing tonsil tennis?
Why the fuck does it matter and why are you so insistent on it? It has nothing to do with this tournament!
A tesla with only touchscreens
Evo III with a black paintjob
A fucking schoolbuss with a paintjob
black gtr Skyline
clown car
vintage soviet shitbox like GAZ-M1
glowie truck
Fuck yeah I love me some Luigi's Mansion
Bejitabro btw
>you'd 100% think it was a woman's voice
No one cares about the voice retard you said he passes this implies looks and he does not pass
I wish Akira Toriyama like DBZA.
traps are hot
4chan has always loved traps
traps are our roots
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My daughter jobbed like a bitch but I'm willing to play live music while you fuck my wife if you vote Jucika!
traps are anime characters that actually pass not disgusting 3DPD schizos
then why hasn't a trap won a single tournament m?
I think it helps that Jucika is consistently portrayed as a slut with a heart of gold. Yeah she's flirty and has been around the block, but her comic strips, while cheeky were never outright crude, and Jucika herself is often seen helping/comforting others in actually pretty wholesome ways.
Troq sounds like troon
Dresses like a man
Has the most futa porn
Has a male voice
Probably hiding a moustache behind her mask veil thing
Made by a tranny
Has trannies drawing fancomics about her on twitter
Literally walks around with a moustache

Tranny tournament. Where are the REAL women?
OK kid
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As the father of all men, I get to watch this if you vote Jucika
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>evil woman being evil
Really gets the nogglin jogglin
I'd rather have a woman pretending she's a man than a man pretending he's a woman.
okay tourist
What Motorcycle would each E8 girl ride?
>name is literally TYHRANNY
your mom
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in Queen
That looks painful.
in bottom 128
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As the THIRD father whose daughter jobbed horribly, I will offer off my wife as forgiveness if you vote Jucika. She's barely even been used!
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Pomni Pegging Penni
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Vote for Marceline! Your vampire queen since you were a teen! you loved her then, and you still love her now!

The Paramore mix.
26 https://vocaroo.com/1ngZ6bxzlbWE
All I Wanted https://vocaroo.com/19iY88h3wnzU
Chushcrushcrush https://vocaroo.com/1iw4kfxn3vWW
Decode https://vocaroo.com/1jo4FyyBrhCr
Still In To You https://vocaroo.com/1nSPiv9uTiob
Hard Times https://vocaroo.com/1oQADLgng3Fv
Rose Colored Boy https://vocaroo.com/11uy9LFnlotT
Aint it Fun https://vocaroo.com/1aTnZPBIe8m6
Thats what you get https://vocaroo.com/1kkExsc7NmVu
>Muffet gets he unofficial E8 spot
Good shit.
Where are the western characters?
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Hey Tomar what would you do if a teaser for your iconic show dropped, same day as the beauty contest finals you were in?
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Why did it take so long for the falseflaggers to start targeting Pomni?
Shodan is there.
I don't particularly care for Muffet, but I empathize with her voters when the ostensible reason for pasting the results in a google doc was to PREVENT fuckups like that. She got robbed, plain and simple.
The BVLLS of /co/ will absolutely clobber Designation N(erd).
Isn't muffet western?
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Muffet's there.
Too worried about Chel so the falseflagging was on her
Go back
>Saying POMNI being trans is a theory
Sure, sure
…’s laundry.
Shodan and Muffet are right there where did everything go so wrong for the western game industry
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N is the BVLL, fool
The western game industry was never good
Tomar unban me from fulp station I want to blow up the clowns some more.
My FUARKING HERO and two cannon fodder drones are beside him too I guess.
/pol/ is raiding the tournament
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I regret not nominating Joe Mama.
>Why did it take so long for the falseflaggers to start targeting Pomni?
gee I wonder you do you think most of the falseflaggers are rooting for
>7th 10th
>no 12th
The actual fuck is this nonsense? The Top 8 are perfectly fine without shoehorning the other three in
This reminds me, how come /co/ never gets underwear drawing for their E8?
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Its always a goddamn sharteen
>he lacks the critical information
BVLLS do the fucking, robot boy over there is clearly a bottom slut
Fio is an honorary Western character
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Makin' poo with Majin Buu.
>He doesn’t know
/v/ doesn't like western waifus.
As evidence, I present the full list of western vidya girls to officially make Top 8 in Queen /v/ across its five years
>Muffet* (would've made it if not for host fuckery)
...that's it. King /v/ has more western stuff, but I'm pretty sure TF2 is hard-carrying in that regard.
But enough your cartoon shit
Aren't the underwear drawings a Danganronpa reference?
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>The western game industry was nev-ACK
Because the anon who does it is a /v/ native who mains Demifiend
This is why we need a Toonami ruling for /co/ tournaments
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not when he's on the hunt
his favorite method? the midair grab-fuck-dump
Indie games and old games carry western stuff hard. Modern AAA western vidya sucks ass and I don't know how it came to be like this.
Probably cause of greed, vidya is the biggest entertainment business there is after all.
Usually too busy fighting. Queen /v/ is far more of a loli-loving circlejerk.
>This is why we need a Toonami ruling for /co/ tournaments
Fucking kill yourself
Nintendo was already mogging the west after A-tard-i nearly killed the nascent industry. East forever wins.
drawfags, remake this meme with Pomni as the 10 year old, Jucika as the 20 year old, and Marcy as the dead person
Beautiful, I've been loving your deliveries.
Can I request Gwenpool and Starfire be added for the losers of this round?
And did you do any for the Round of 32? I was anticipating Wonder Woman given the theme of these pics
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It doesn't work. And it doesn't keep the newfags away either way.
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I don't know about you guys but even with the falseflaggers and schizo spam I'm feeling pretty good about this E8, I like all of the picks and there's plenty of good OC being made right now, plus it's hard not to be excited about who might proceed after Pomni actually beat Chel in the last round, feels like anything could happen now.
Sony is singlehandedly killing a good portion of the eastern industry now, I heard PCs selling better in Japan too.
Soon, all will be back to the 1990s status quo, except for SEGA not being relevant.
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Average falseflagger.
It has always sucked in my experience. That's why I stuck to Nintendo and Sony over western shit. RIP Sega.
it would if people stopped spoonfeeding
I don't care if the reboot version of her is a downgrade in every way, no Lara in a /v/ E8 is a travesty honestly.
I agree, this has been a lot of fun despite the drama and all the E8 picks are worthy contenders.
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They thought that Pomni wouldn't make it that far
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They won't. And they never will. The questions aren't much of a deterrent but I kind of like them as a bit of /co/ trivia.
yeah, honestly this tournament and E8 is less shit than some years (2020). Even the spamming and falsefagging isn’t quite as pervasive. Feels good bros, thanks for the fun time
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Stranded in a bus in a city on a street with people. Vote Frankie
>/v/ talk in ms. /co/ again
Alright fine, just don't have a meltdown when someone posts Courage giving a thumbs up during queen.
Okay I went and double-checked King, here's the list of western E8 dudes
>Duke Nukem
>J.C. Denton
>Morshu (made by an American dev, he counts)
>John Ward
so better variety than I thought. And all things considered, 1/3 of King E8 being western is pretty decent.
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The proof is in the timing
I think pomni or ena should win so they don't participate next year
>1 to 6 seeds (besides 3 seed since she had to face the 2 seed early) remaining
This is the most chalk year in Ms /co/ history
I think this actually happened to Frankie during a CN City bumper
Finally someone says it. I really like this Elite 8 and the winner isn't set in stone yet.
Good news is we don’t have to see either of those cunts this year :D
Great idea, vote ENA now
Retard-kun they're not participating next year whether they win or not, they made into elite 8
I think Shinji should get in the Robot and use the Kaioken on the Angels.
they're no longer participating next year regardless of the winner
Requesting Pomni with the Poltergust 3000 being harassed by Phantasma and other ghoulish contestants (or the ghosts of the contestants she had to get through)
>t. nintoddler
I don't wanna console war shitpost here too much but the only real way forward for gaming at this point is the big publishers going to PC or ignorantly staying on locked down systems that bleed customers. PCs offer so much value compared to a big console that Sony's gonna hemorrhage Japanese devs, and plenty of them already go to PC. We'll probably get a stark uptick in Japanese PC games going forward, which is good.
You mean ever again and this is why I was fine with Fang's win.
Pomni sweep
This, let's all vote for ena bros!
They can't participate next year already.
>Pomni gets put in a painting
>her ass is sticking out as the rest of her is frozen
>an honest to god PC fag
Two more weeks, trust the plan! Consoles will lose for sure honest!
That or the sharty
Fun fact: The Matrix creator admitted to trooning out because of porn, lmao.
...of /co/'s laundry
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I just had a horrible thought, but it will never come true. Could you imagine a ms /co/ tournament without Glitch characters?
Go read about autogynephilia, it's all a fetish.
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Shartizens, not even once
Actually the real forward devs are taking is going into mobile games for phones.
The E8 can't participate in the next tournament?
If Fang winning means we never have to see her again why do I see her in posts 100 times per thread in tournaments where she's not even participating
If anything I'm subjected to Fang more than most characters who we're actually voting for
>The Matrix creator
The fact that you say this in singular shows that you probably took this info out of context
>We'll probably get a stark uptick in Japanese PC games going forward, which is good.
This is what PC Master Race shitters actually believe.
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>Pomni is trans!
>I hate Gooseworks!
>I'll vote for Pomni TWO years later, honest guys
>Here's my ten paragraph long /tnt/ approved meta-paragraph on why Pomni is bad
>Pomni is like "insert winner here" and that upsets me!
Yep. I'm thinking Pomni is WINNER MATERIAL, and people our afraid of our girl. Don't fall for the tricks. POMNI POWER!
PC has been the superior platform since emulation became prevalent. Nothing consoles do can do better than a good PC and a PC can also play its own library, which has some extremely unique good classics.
Mobage aren't real vidya, just casinos for retards. I hope the EU regulates it out of existence soon.
The most recent /v/ winner is literally a Japanese PC-only character
Usually at that point it's because the discussion has already devolved into shitflinging. It's a symptom rather than the cause.
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Don’t need to tell me twice STACYni, I’m all on the circus this year.
Trans girls are always winner material fren :)
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But you'll see them the year after, wouldn't you rather not have to see them participate anymore?
Curly has literally been ported to every console lmao
>dodging the answer
You know Grimm can't be seen on Kidtendo lawl
>Trans girls are always winner material fren
I mean yeah what better representation of /co/mblur than a trans girl
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I swear to god I've seen these posts 2 days ago, word for word. I don't know if its deja vu or if I have future vision, or maybe i'm just schizo.
Fuck off, Bob Parr.
Bob Parr’s a cuck.
Bob Parr’s a fag.
Bob Parr hates his family.

Can you fuck off? It's not even a molly thread, you fucking faggot
>PC has been the superior platform since emulation became prevalent. Nothing consoles do can do better than a good PC and a PC can also play its own library, which has some extremely unique good classics.
You shitters have been saying this for years and consoles aren't dead. But keep posting PC master race if it makes you feel better.
What's her top song?
Some day, Nintendo shit won't be playable for free for PC. Not today though.
You’re not the only one, I swear I’ve seen shit happen well before it actually happens, maybe future vision actually is a thing.
>dodging the answer
>n-no I meant THIS winner
lol. We don't need a discord rigged pick for consoles. Eggman should have won.
>He didn't read the rules
You wouldn't happen to also be a Yugioh player, would you?
Pomni is basically Alex YIIK
Not voting for any of these girls because they were created by men which means that each one is literally a dude by association.
The /a/ tournament was so shit it's causing people to go in circles
That assumes they'll still be popular in two years which might not be the case.

How many webtoon characters are still popular from years ago?
ENA maybe
Pomni is a legit FOTM and will only qualify at most 1-2 times with low round expert then never be seen again and that’s if the creator keeps her female
Don't insult Pomni with a comparison to that soi-boi retard
>king of /v/ and ms. /co/ crossover
>it's complete cancer
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Also owned by a PC pick.
Pomni for Mr. /co/ 2026?
If /v/ ever bitches about us being in their tournaments again just post this thread to prove that they’re all hypocrites.
Two weeks, trust the plan.
You can tell how good Pomni chances are by how much people are coping and seething
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You are experiencing the effects of entering your N-field desu
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You literally do the same thing
Which is why it's likely she's going to win.
>Crank that Artichoke
My glorious queen is just like my glorious king Alex?
So what will your next cope be when mobile keeps growing and growing.
>is an absolute retard
agreeded :)
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That Kidtendo is not a mobile platform.
Frankie's campaigners will be playing https://youtu.be/VT6LFOIofRE?si=T3apW5W4WhJy4CXW
ENA's campaigners will be blasting out https://youtu.be/VT6LFOIofRE?si=T3apW5W4WhJy4CXW
Pomni's campaigners will be using https://youtu.be/VT6LFOIofRE?si=T3apW5W4WhJy4CXW
Blackfire's campaign theme would be https://youtu.be/VT6LFOIofRE?si=T3apW5W4WhJy4CXW
Jucika's anthem will be https://youtu.be/tJ3VRdgwmH0?si=G_nYACOdZl-FO-2-
they will all be insane and fighting for their friends
The closer a Pomni win is to being realized the stronger she becomes. It's why I think Tyr is the only thing standing in her way;if she gets past this then I think the hype train for the chaos/meme win will be too strong
>Which is why it's likely she's going to win.
Yes because all the people voting for her are retarded shitposters voting for her as le epic chaos seething shitstorm candidate
Neither is PC :^)
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You should be prepared for the consequences as a tripfaggot with shitty opinions.
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What video games would YOUR waifu be playing?
>Pomni's isn't It Has to Be This Way
it's like you haven't even been here the past few days
Maybe but PC can just emulate mobile phones.
I Squeezed Out the Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who the Father Is
ugly character design, will never be Ms. /co/
>PC can emulate mobile games
>without the mobility
Mobile gods, I kneel in your superiority.
I wish I could find that q&a Tumblr post from gooseworx where a fan says something like "when pomni first arrives in the circus, she seemed to experience heckin' gender euphoria and I wanted to know if she's meant to be a wholesome trannyrino?"
and goose just shuts that shit down
Pomni is not in any single way could be considered a chaos candidate
>6th seed
>Is the same events that happened the last 5 years and is predictable
Based! You show those schizo faggots who's in charge. Don't forget Cuck Fartland*
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ENA Dream BBQ (whenever it actually comes out)
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The final 1v1 will either contain Jucika, Pomni, or Ena.
Screencap this post.
>Grimmcord remnants still coping over being outed
>Implying all this /v/ spam isn't coming from false flaggers
All I know is that Frankie probably wouldn't play Animal Crossing because she already has enough of that sort of stuff in her actual life
>Eggshitters are still buttmad over being run over by winners 3 fucking times
>"Oh I wish I could find proof my hecking Trans pick isn't trans"
It dosen't exist, Pomni is a Tranny
>PC has to rip off Kidtendo
>still lacks the convenience of a phone
Yup, I'm thinking PC has no chance against mobile CHADS
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True, but there's always uglier.

>youtube links
fuck off google shill
The worst part is that it isn't; /v/ermin are this fucking stupid
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>There is a possibility of ENA winning both Ms. /v/ and /co/ in the same year
Oh god...
>Grimmsissy still crying knowing he wouldn’t have beaten John Ward
Of course Pomni is chaos. There's people BEGGING for "le tradition" but circus power pulling through the hate and the spite would be unparalleled glory
I was gonna say that ENA stands no chance on /v/ but with how well she's been doing on /co/ this year, I guess she might at least qualify and maybe even beat some Round 1 jobber

But that's assuming her game actually fucking comes out sometime
ENA originates from a cartoon so she can't enter /v/
Any characters who originate from Dream BBQ are eligible for /v/ though like Froggy
I watched ENA's vids the last time she was in. To this day I do not know what I watched.
How do you think your mains will do next year?
People called out that the posting resembled the sharty well before. Completely unsurprising.

Reminder, the shartyniggers absolutely hate GLITCH productions (TADC and MD) because they got hilariously BTFO'd in their last big raid where the TADC and MD guys laughed at at them for hours straight. Never let them forget.
Spinelbro btw
you're not supposed to
We can also bullshit with the white list excuse. They voted for it after all.
>ENA originates from a cartoon so she can't enter /v/
That doesn't stop them, those retard beg every year for off-topic picks
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not quite as strong of a shutdown as I remember, but
Frankie Foster
Queen Tyr'ahnee
Kim Possible
>Implying the whitelist isn't going to be trashed once /v/ finds out about The Fall of NSA
Good choices
But... I need my books and youtubers to enter...
Some quick boxing stories for Frankie vs Blackfire and Pomni vs Tyr'ahnee. Will try and get some out for ENA/Marceline and (maybe) Kim/Jucika. The former is because I'm not sure if I'm going to do a good job at copying ENA's mannerisms before voting ends, and frankly I haven't seen a lot of KP and wouldn't really know what to do with Jucika?
Anyways, vote Frankie/ENA/Pomni/Jucika!
She's more like a chaos bomb set to go off when she wins. You just know that would be divisive. She's only defused if she loses.
Doctor Doom chads, we still have king!
>Doesn't refute Pomni being trans
Definite troon pick
>Vote Frankie/ENA/Pomni/Jucika
I voted for 3/4, though I could be swayed to vote for Jucika
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Kim's a good girl and so is Jucika, despite being a slut. They'd probably have the best sportsmanship out of the entire E8
You're weird, you're a weird guy.
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Wait there's more? How many waifus are there in ena?
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>pictured: Mr. /co/ 2024 vs. King of /v/ 2024
She did well against full-power Frankie so I really think she has a shot of making it to the top 8
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Cooking with charcoal.
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I save dick by giving it CPR
Don't have a deeper reason than
>Jucika is cute
>Her comics are cute
Don't worry, we will replace it with a grandfather clause or something like that.
Propanesissies... she's dabbing on us
People want something but that is the minority
People want weird shitpost winners. Pomni is the expected winner
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Better than expected
they didn't exist in her time, but Jucika would probably try to catch up on what she missed out on. after that she would play hungarian games like Elastomania and Imperium Galactica.
pomni is not the expected winner what the hell are you talking about
She's by far the most mentioned character in these threads.
Voting for Marceline
Russianbros, ENA is a Ukrainian…
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>Appealing to the electorate
you should know by now that thread presence doesn't correlate to tournament success

Are we really going to start this shit now? I actually like digital circus, don't ruin it for me.


Seriously fuck off man
Trans queen
Ok but which girl is the best at
In the final rounds it kind of does
it's gotta be
How would a random picture ruin a show for you?
>One of the overall top seeds
>Most mentioned
>Most relevant currently
>Most in line with what the last 5 Ms /co/ tournaments turned out to be
Pomni is the favorite by far
Marceline should win because Halloween is next month and vampires are spooky.
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Pomni is in fact my favorite.
I wish we could have normal waifu contests again
Characters who will never win
Obscure, controversial, don’t even let me get started on other topics
Boring, falseflaggers, generic coom pick
>Optimus Prime
One lucky run, relies on GETfaggotry
Enough said
>Isaac Clarke
Pathetic fans, falseflagged Kiryu, schizo spam shit
Stop protecting your mental illness onto other things trsnny.
2 trans queens
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Cute and Daring, that's Blackfire, that's what you deserve.
charcoal is for tranny's
Kiryu deserved it
I don't know if Tyr'ahnee winning would be a miracle or expected, but I'm praying to Mars for it either way.
>Enough said
Dame da, zen zen... dame da!
Propanesisters, not like this……..
every previous round has shown that either this tranny falseflagging is ineffectual or actually means more people vote in favor of the targeted characters, so keep it up, I guess
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>charcoal is for tranny's
Tranny's what?
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she are a winner!!
Either way it is a metapooner vote.
Gets spitevoted into oblivion
She did the best she's ever done this year. So I'm quite hopeful.
2 days ago people also asked about the /a/ tournament, you just have shit memory.
Cut off benis to cook.
Many people appear to not like dickgirls. While everyone of course has their own taste in hentai, I think that a lot of the animosity is due to lack of understanding of the concept. Some people apparently confuse dickgirls with shemales and transsexuals. They are not the same thing. Shemales and transsexuals are former guys who have been altered to look like girls. Dickgirls were never guys. They are total females that have had a fully functional dick attached by some artificial means. They are fantasy creatures and do not exist in real life. Internally they are still fully female, having ovaries, and a love canal that happens to be inaccesible at the moment. Only the external sex organs, the dick and balls, are male.
Dickgirls are appealing in two ways. First, in stories, it is entertaining to see girls having to deal with the same problems that guys do, such as premature ejaculation, getting only one orgasm, and not being able to get it up.

Second, dickgirls are a great way to get rid of guys in drawn porn. One of the biggest problems I have always had in porn of all kinds was the presence of naked guys. Especially when they take the camera off the girl to show his stupid, ugly face. Yet all-girl sex can get boring after a while. So a dick needs to be in the frame somewhere.
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I think these retards might be projecting themselves here.
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life isn't always so simple
we've got two powerful characters going against each other. one old, one new. whatever happens, happens.
Falseflaggers side with no one. They just like trolling.
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>the spammingfalseflaggingBITCH still hasn't learned it's lesson
Top 2 for sure
So you take the dick and give it to another girl. Voila, no more need of guys in drawn porn. Ever. Dickgirls mixed with regular girls can do any sex act known to man. Yet you don't have to look at naked guys any more, just the one male body part that is necessary. It always makes me laugh when someone says “dickgirls are so gay”. First, most gay guys don't like dickgirls any more than the detractors do. They don't like women at all, at least not sexually, and want to look at all of a guy's body, not just the dick. Second, as mentioned above, one of the main purposes of dickgirls is to get rid of guys. Anytime someone brings up the gay thing, I always say: “Why are you calling me gay? You are the one who is looking at naked guys! I don't do that any more.”

Logically, it's no different from girls doing each other with strapons. With dickgirls, the strapons are just living flesh, the girl can feel the sensation from them, and they can shoot cum. I personally despise dildos and strapons because they are inanimate objects. It's comical when someone goes on a rant about how they hate seeing girls fuck each other with actual dicks, then the same person goes on and on about how he loves seeing girls fuck each other with dead artificial dicks.
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>Unironic porn meltdown
>Not even about any character still in the tournament
Someone's losing it kek
Hot but anon this won't end well for you.
I hope she wins too.
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Cool, tourney room service! There are cockroaches in my room, hurry up and eat them
>Why are you calling me gay? You are the one who is looking at naked guys! I don't do that any more.
>any more.
Anon I really think you're in denial over being gay.
Now that the dust has finally settled, who won The Great Twerk-Off of Ms. /co/ 2024?
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with the new episode right around thr corner, pomni's gotta take this
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she broke him

They don't stop the fucking gore spam. They think it's a big joke and derail the threads with horror images. They are already doing it now >>145544210 >>145544293 so it's not even worth participating in.
When is Ms./aco/ or Ms./trash/?
Oh shit, the male TADC characters are going to be unstoppable…
Enjoy the 3 days
Once Pomni and Ena win this round that’s it for the contest
They are going to have the “chaotic spitevote underdog campaign hype” despite being the 1st and 6th seeds and will blow out whoever they are facing to reach the final
Ms /co/ is going to repeat for the 5th time with the two most boring candidates and it’s nothing but expected
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>Shodan as generic uguu~ kawaii moe animu girlu
the weeb problem needs to be solved.
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Pomni is going to blow the competition away
But the tournament will be over by then
It's just characters with enlarged pupils you fucking pussy.
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>Tripfag is such a sensitive little bitch he gets triggered by images of girls with big eyes
>this tournament is going to be another finale/new episode victory
Uh oh! Stinky!
>seethe about Optimus and Isaac of all characters
But why?
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Being at the top feels lonely sometimes
It'll be over for Ms. but just in time for Mr.
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Not her fault she needed Roll's body to manifest in the tournament
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I feel like kinger will probably do the best out of the male characters from the Amazing Digital circus, then followed by Gummigoo or Jax
Assuming they get past round 1.
thank u so much lol ur so cool and brave <3
Bejitatard btw
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I hate Circusfags so goddamn much.
What men are we even supposed to care about? The Bugs ripoff who everyone hates or the shitty teeth?
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Agreed, this one should've been the only Primos rep.
Fuck all of you I'm out. Enjoy your shitty tranny circle jerk threads.
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little pissbaby
ooohhh, ahhh, so scary!!
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Do I have time to shit before the results come out?
see you tonight
Tripfags are so pathetic
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more than enough time. Are you constipated?
>Tripcuck FLED
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>a tripfag literally named "the demon" is scared of girls with big eyes
>Ignoring CHADger
That's no way to treat the mr. /co/ 2024
How did they get away with this in a kid's show?
Not... more than usual.
okay boomer
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Legitimately one of the most embarrassing things I've seen on this site, how are you old enough to post on 4chan yet cry like a baby about images of big eyeballs?
Sonic.exe is eligeble for Mr. /lit/
>it's a "tournament attracts random board schizo X" episode
I hate reruns
For the acceptance speech Jucika bounces up to the podium escorted by this lil number
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>Oh Cause, it's Joel's time to shine
Who said he was old enough to post here? He watches Molly McGee and TADC.
Damn Nut, you always make these tournaments so much fun with your spregfest.
Thanks for the entertainment and now fuck off.
I can see the maidens vagina.
Another issue is: do you have dickgirls with regular girls or just with each other? In other words, is there at least one pussy in the frame? I personally prefer a mixture, though some artists (including DTiberius) draw pictures with all dickgirls. If you do have a mixture, you have to decide who gets what. If the girls in the pic are known toon characters, as in the DT art, I usually want to see what all of them look like with a dick, or at least the characters I like. If they are generic characters, it doesn't matter who has a dick and who has a pussy.

In my stories, I can be more flexible than that, so in nearly all of the stories that have dickgirls (the one exception being Kimitation), the dicks are not permanent and the girls can change from pussies to dicks and back more or less at will. And even in Kimitation, the dicks are attached to transient characters, not permanent ones.
*chucha means fuck in spanish
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She does in fact get stanced up
Why is his name Parker and not Porker?
One type of dickgirl art that I don't like is when they are paired with guys instead of girls. To me it defeats the whole point of dickgirls, which is to get rid of guys.

Anyway, that's my opinion about it, so I invite you to try my stories even if you are against dickgirls. You might change your mind when you see how much sexy fun they are in action. And peruse the art of DTiberius. He's changed the minds of many people about them, including me.
mariya's gonna fucking drown
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1. Burial artifacts (clothes, jewelry) will be preserved and will be used by archeologists to determine gender.
2. If a trans women started HRT while a minor, it will feminize her bone development.
3. Apparently identifying sex from skeletal remains is difficult and often ambiguous.
4. Trans women undergo a change in bone density when started HRT at any age, and future archeologists may be able to test for that.
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>Appealing to an electorate
If ENA wins she should get paired with Kronk since they're both Peruvian
..Well if her heart didn't already belong to Xavier anyways
>he actually typed this cope up
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Ari, ari wayqi
Why would you start HRT as a minor…
So THIS is the stance that will finally allow her to defeat Lolong....
I want to see N and Jax get through in Mr. /co/ just for the sheer shitposting potential.
They tried in /tnt/ but alas, not gonna happen.
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Objectively best choices.
post the baby ena
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The /tnt/ tournaments went quite well however.
I FUCKING SLEPT THROUGH MY ALARM! I'm up now, so everyone who left art prmopts prepare for some machine gun drawing.
Vote for Jucika!
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next post is going to be ENA
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/v/ can manage a board tournament but not fucking /a/ lmao
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That weak jobber stance couldn't stop a puppy.
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Fight me dork
Who's 8th?
this e8 is actually really good
thats how you know it wasn't on /a/
Vampire Hunter D
My HEROES and Shinji
dont like that
My CHAMPIONS........
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What would that look like?
Vampire Hunter D (he was almost /co/ btw, and he might become /co/ in the future)
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-eez nuts
We'll never know cause of ONE GUY
A /tnt/ Ms. /co/? hmmmm
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>Not posting the ANTAGONISTS our HEROES have to face every day
I don't think he'd be illegible for mr. even then
An anctually acceptable top 8.
/a/ would never be able to match this.
This is seriously my favorite E8 screen of all time.
Correction: He became /co/ in 2022
Because I almost cut my throat open when I had to shave for the first time, and my psychiatrist agreed I shouldn't wait until I masculinized further and could start HRT at 16.
What the fuck…
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I feel so sorry for your parents.
I did a small one for round 3 since I ran out of time
Damn and I thought I sucked at shaving
>Vampire Hunter D is a Japanese novel series
How is this /a/? Why does /tnt/ keep doing this?
Too bad he'd run into the same problem as Voltron, Saber Rider and Battle of the Planet characters…unless we can nominate those?
son you actually need to be actively trying to kill yourself to slice your neck using a shaving razor
Either masterful bait or actual future suicide victim.
>Because I almost cut my throat open when I had to shave for the first time
At this point it's just natural selection
My dad OD'd shortly after and I lived with my sister until college
You can nominate Voltron since it's a heavily Westernized IP, the only thing you can't use are the original Golion characters, and almost no one gives a fuck about the original version of Voltron to begin with.
Because you are a mouth breathing retard and lack understanding of common sense.
he has one of the best animated films of all time to his name duh
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well that explains things
I can't tell if you're being serious, copypasting this from ChatGPT or reddit, or really good at making shit up that'll get a lot of replies.
Huh, did not know that was possible,
Most normal bejitasis
Very nice

As for me, I’m almost done with my last assignment. I’m drawing a ventilation system for a building. I wish Jucika luck! VOTE JUCIKA!
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I'm pretty sure Pidge from the latest Voltron series was in this very year, or at the very least made it to the qualifiers and didn't get DQ'd.
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I hate falseflagging because it could work both ways. Just kill yourself.
>huge meme on almost all boards
>incredibly iconic villain
>genuinely hateable and works perfectly as an antagonist
>calls back to real life troubles with real estate investors
How did Frieza not win?
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I just shit myself.
Shhh she's asleep.....
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it's true, I've been rigging it for Tyr by false flagging pomni in the threads, I hope you understand as to why I had to, the reason why I'll reveal in the afterparty
Now I know how to experiment for nominations in the next tourneys
Less than 2 hours left, get your vote in.
I was using a safety, and yeah, having to stare at myself with a face with stubble just overwhelmed me, so I close my eyes and kept trying to scrape it off till I got all bloody.
Cause Griffith is better.
Well >>145544910 sure gave good ol' college try at least
Griffith is so diabolical and unlikable that he has very little competition in a villain tournament
Because Griffith is legitimately that good of a pick, he's the one character that's on the same level of sheer evil and malice as Frieza, and there's as many Berserk fans as there are DBZ fans on 4chan, couple that with him being considered a more solid traditional pick and he managed to take the gold.
But does it change the size of your teeth? Because men have bigger canines than women.
Hell yeah.
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Erm this is like literally gore...
Griffith is a much more personal evil guy. Frieza is a completely destructive psychopath on a galactic scale, but Griffith is such a heinous and irredeemable piece of walking filth with absolutely ZERO redeeming qualities.
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poor girl
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why recette bleed
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this is already better than what /a/ tried to do
I actually do have big canines, I never knew that.
I like them cause it makes me feel like a vampire. I don't really even identify as a trans women anymore, more like a femboy who is Alucard-maxxing. Still on HRT tho.
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Let's hope that path steers right like that one Eltingville fan girl
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there's two hours until the results are in
I'm scared bros
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we out here sleepin
Do you take it in the ass like /co/lucard too?
Victory Assured
Defeated E8 will be turn into MARKETABLE PLUSHIES
So is Frieza, the biggest difference between the two is that Frieza is evil on an absolutely massive scale but the small scale that Griffith is evil on is extremely fucking cruel, what he did to Guts was beyond the pall, Frieza on the other hand hasn't tortured Goku anywhere near as badly, it's a choice between either despising the sheer amount of death Frieza causes, or the sheer amount of agony Griffith inflicts onto just a few people.
>best animated film of all time
/a/tards really believe this
Uhhhhh, Tyr'ahneebros...?
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why does it look like a dog toy
Stupid fucking bitch FUCK POMNI serves this insecure little jester right!
Yeah, I think it's because Griffith's actions strongly affect people that are in the focal point of the audience, while the majority of Frieza's victims are minor or offscreen by implication
>Tetsuo got 3rd over Light because he wrote down "Akira" on the Death Note
wtf this is great
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I love Keijo so much it's unreal
You know it absolutely is.
Tr'ahnee will lose.
Pomni will win.
That's what I'm saying!
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>Appealing to the electorate
Fuck you.
>that bed
Ok, I get the appeal of Pomni as a character, but Jax should be nowhere near a Top 8. He's the worst part of the Digital Circus by a large margin.
Also anyone killed by Griffith and his apostles are tortured forever in the human ghost suffering spiral, so none of Guts friends at the eclipse are freed from pain even after death
Are you not entertained?
Jax is a shit. I'd rather Caine or Kinger get far.
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>Lupin in top 8
Jax is based and the best character. Hope he wins.
banned from queen /v/
Jax will get 3-ruled by Kinger, Caine, and Gummigoo
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I like TADC and don't have anything against Jax, but he really shouldn't be in the Top 8 or close to it, he's the definition of a husbando pick and what few traits he has outside of his horny woman bait personality are all done better by other characters.
Would your waifu make a good president?

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