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►►Vote: N/A
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-semifinals-ktnh


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics
►Round 4 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScioSqR8TFzcmOqnmD8mM1RzTZegIVbhec9rY6gIYKeU_JrGA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: >>145513517
►Quarterfinals: >>145529477
►Semifinals: Youre here
►Previous: >>145545719
perifag theme
I'll admit that Pomni isn't forced but as I've said many times in the last week, we don't really see ENA threads ever outside of tournament season. It's fucking weird that we can see characters like Chel or Lola or yes, even Pomni, every single week, but ENA is at the same tier of popularity despite only getting mentioned when it's time to vote for her.
Concerned this is taking an hour, especially if we found the prime suspect.
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...Poll will be up shortly.
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Ah good, the real thread will get deleted again
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So while the Main tournament is in flames (as usual), how are we feeling about the side tournaments?

Fuck all of you hosts

Someone throw up an exit poll
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even if this is real anyone using this to claim pomni was rigged in earlier rounds is an idiot
>riggers are stealthy enough to slip past the hosts in previous rounds
>but they suddenly decide to go full retard here for no reason
it doesn't add up!
Goddammit, how long do we have to wait here? At least NSA took like 30 minutes to send out the results.
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HAHAHA, now Ms. /co/ is ruined! Serves you right for giving me AIDS!
Your opinion on Shadow the Hedgehog?
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Perifag is the absolute worst tourney regular, if you can even fairly call him that.
Oh yeah, by the way

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Chat how cooked are we
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Why can't we just go one tourney without Steven Universe being the absolute worst thing there is
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Gonna kms. No matter what happens after, we're getting the asterisk.
>fake thread
Ponmi was spammed voted by rigging retards. Live with it. It's Spinel all over again.
no wonder people were so pissed, lol
this might be true
Yeah, I'm more convinced now that it was Perifag. What a sad way for Pomni to go out, even if I wouldn't have liked her to outright win.
based clown ass trips
No, that'd be you.
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I hope my chances of fucking my dad are not ruined
shit and finished
He seems detached from the tourneys after Peridot got BTFO. He is an enemy of them and a tourney terrorist though. I don't think he actively participates outside of that.
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I really wanted Pomni to win, she didn't deserve this shit
Nonstop rigging https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69270102/#69327146
>People admitted they rigged against Zoomer picks in Round 1 and one fag even said he bought multiple accounts just to do so and somehow it wasn't noticed
>This is somehow noticed
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>There is massive possibility that Chel was robbed of her fourth elite entry
>She in fact pulverized Pomni
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Whos winning?
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Spinel won fair and square . Rigging is a perfectly legit stratigy
it's so fucking over
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I honestly kind of miss fusefag.
ENA is way more forced and artificial than Pomni.
She's really the only problem.
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So that was a fucking lie.
I pick rigged shit like Pomni and ENA
Can we see the other round trends?
What are Kimmy's chances to getting into the 4th place this year?
I told you guys in round 1 it was being rigged by him. Even posted the reddit links.
it was Jucika
>character literally gets rigged for
>noooooooo we can’t asterisk because…
If this is legit then it’s the most direct asterisk since Spinel.
Well, it's definitely not the final round. Something doesn't add up.
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Eris's revenge
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This was noticed because it was in excess of 200 votes in an extremely short timespan, brainlet.
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Which drawfaggot is this
I told you, triple the rigging.
That's just character autism
>Chel got rigged against twice in a row
Holy kek
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[G I G G L E ]






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been pretty fun , been some tough choices and some fun out comes.
>Three 1s all in a row
>If singles
Anon, that just means it's triple rigged
Which Ms. /co/ candidate is the strongest supporter of Israel?
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Why can't us zoomerbros just be left alone? Why does shit always have to be thrown our way in these?
This doesn't prove anything
>has a new sequel to 2000 mules all of a sudden
I don't think we've eliminated these possibilities:
>that post is not perifag
>it is but he's lying
>Pomni isn't the rigged pick
Chelfags, we're strong against riggers!
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Well fellas it's been fun.
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CHAOS always finds a way
Post your queen of /v/
Pomni seems like she would but never voice it
You are such a gay nigger perifag I can't believe I actually thought you were based in the beginning.
>More falsefagging bullshit
>Perifag being a fag
Sure is elite 8 time
>N...no, I totally intended to get found out.
>But now I'll totally rig it in the final and nobody will know! Please just...draw my obscure waifu first.
Is there a more pathetic poster than Perifag?
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It was done with Pencil, ain't me. I go full digital, rare case I do draw physically it's with pen.
Wait. what happened? I missed a thread or two while at work.
I should draw a zoomer golden face jak anal voring a millennial one.
NSA was framed
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>Perifag only takes responsibility after the rigging happened
>Rigging only happened this round and not in prior ones
>Not even confirmed who was rigged
Kim Possible, Ron is Jewish
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Blackfire-ers please remember.
>Chel gets rigged against AGAIN
Then who's the rigged pick?!
Maiden this year is a bit eh unfortunately.
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I pray that ENA makes it, bros
see >>145549630
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>1 hour
That big?
>it's not the final round, which Perifag clarified he'd do this in multiple times IF they made it
So that presumably isn't actually Perifag. I also wouldn't exactly call that art good, no offense to the person that gave it to him.
So either he altered the deal or it's not Pomni, I assume.
Maya Fey!
Might as well give the crown to ENA now
Peri is rigging for her also but isn’t the one getting the flack while Pomni is done
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Kill Jestah
Never apply rationale to retardation
Valdimir Putin
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Perifag rigged and hosts caught it.
All of them.
Kinda looks like Billy but could be a lot of others.
No, the person that wanted rigging can go fuck himself and the art is terrible
Well I'm not NSA
Maiden of /co/ / Ms. /co/ Bottom 128 Semifinals
I would be okay with calling that bad art for trying to reward one of the biggest faggots on this entire fucking site.
I just think the results of this not reflecting the day to day zeitgeist of the board is, if not suspect, then at least a little disappointing.
Look at the catalog on any given weekday. You'll see some some characters are flavors of the month" in that they get threads because their show is new or ongoing or there's some twitter controversy about their creator
And then there's the (usually because of rule 34) characters that are evergreen. you won't see a funbag friday thread without Panda Delgado or Power Girl, for example.

Then there's ENA. A character that half the people here can't even say what she's from but she's super totes popular you guys really.
it makes sense, he said he didn't want to do it before the last round because it took too much time so I suppose he meant it would take too much time to do it without getting caught
Presumably Perifag decided to be a shit once Elite 8 rolled around
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We've not eliminated them, sure, but I think the most likely answer is
>Perifag is a retard (there's a lot of supporting evidence for this) and legitimately thought that nobody would notice him spamming 200 votes in an hour.
>Now he's playing damage control and pretending that it was his plan all along.
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If hosts don't speak up NOW then I am going to SHIT
The funniest part of this is that the rigger wouldn't have been caught if they could have just avoided hornyposting around a crude ass drawing.
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Post >YFW
This isn't fun anymore. Every year it gets harder to enjoy this because the hosts keep fucking up. I don't care who wins or who "wins" anymore. Unless there's a TOTAL regime change, I'm done with Ms. /co/, period.
This is actually a 4D chess move by anti Pomni haters
Nobody actually cares about rigging. They just want an excuse to remove characters they don't like and get others to spitevote them...exactly what boomers are doing to Pomni.
ms. /co/ ruined by sufags once again
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Might as well shut down the tournament if you don't show the results by 21:00:00
If something as basic as showing audited results can't be done then might as well close down.
>ENA was the true silent majority pick all along
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The Germans and their local collaborators in Montenegro fought against the Yugoslav Partisans. After the Germans withdrew from the Montenegro and evacuated towards Austria, the fascist leader Sekula Drljević attempted to create a government-in-exile in the neighbouring Independent State of Croatia (NDH), which was a German quasi-protectorate. Drljević also created the Montenegrin National Army, a military force set up by him and the Croatian fascist leader Ante Pavelić. However, his government-in-exile, known as the "Montenegrin State Council", was dissolved after the fall of the NDH government.

Montenegro was later taken over by the Yugoslav Partisans of Josip Broz Tito, and became part of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia.
An area of the Italian governorate of Montenegro was occupied by German forces in September 1943, after the Armistice of Cassibile, in which the Kingdom of Italy capitulated and joined the Allies. Italian forces retreated from the governorate, and from neighbouring Albania. German forces occupied Montenegro, along with Albania, and the territory remained under German occupation until Axis forces evacuated in December 1944.[1]

During the occupation the area was administered with Wilhelm Keiper as the general representative. He was initially subordinate to "Military Commander of Albania and Montenegro" Theodor Geib until spring 1944. After this time, Keiper's Montenegrin area command was independent and put directly under Commander-in-Chief in Southeast Europe Alexander Löhr. Ljubomir Vuksanović became head of the National Administrative Council established in October 1943, and officially appointed in November the same year.
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See you next year!
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Continuing Steven Universe hate from previous thread trips.
Seriously, how big is that rig?
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We've finally cleared the suspicious votes. Here's the before and after of what characters were voted for and make your own judgment.
We don’t care stop rigging Perifag
Why would hosts fucking TELL the riggers how they were caught?
If it was that obvious they could have just deleted them without saying anything and move on, instead they alerted them to their folly and now they won't make this mistake again in the future and be harder to catch.
Proud fools...
Just eliminate Pomni/ENA, claim you got the riggers and let’s settle in for a comfy endgame.
Are you implying that we should just go on with any results, even with obvious rigging? Only obvious fuck-up here is the hosts not opening the forms yet.
Was there proof or something? Or was it just this >>145495909 post from a bit ago? If it's just this one then I wouldn't really put much stock in it. The guy just spams his triangle. I don't really expect him to have the ability to do anything else.
NSA would’ve had this figured out by now.
There's no such thing as a silent majority.
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I'm curious, what do you think was the correct response was in this scenario?
Too many unconfident lines and too small to be him.
ENA and jucika are the riggers
Why does Augie begin posting this pasta at any sign of a tourney crisis? Is this like a coping mechanism for him? Does that calm him down? I wonder
>implying le revolution will change anything
You fags might actually ignore rigging if you were in charge.
But it's okay when it happens to Chel, got it
>Penny vs Emilia

Well this will be fun Emilia bros.
I just love drama
This isn't on the hosts. It's the voters. You're all insane.
I do have suspicions Perifag just claims he did things he didn't actually do, he tried to claim he rigged round 1 and that's why there was 200 more votes than round 2, but also tried to claim all his rigged votes were removed in round 1 when asked why peridot lost the vote. He can't get his story straight.
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Will the bad luck ever fucking end
I really don't like her, and I want Tyr to win, but I would be mad if Tyr won because of rigging. If Pomni had won without anything like this, then I would congratulate you
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The ass isn't even Peridot's
It's hardly even Peridot OC
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What did this funny jester do to deserve this hate
Why has she been persecuted so much from the very beginning
Over-the-road-racing big
There's been previous rigging around Peridot in the past, not to mention the drawing was delivered as shown by >>145549662.
>A character that half the people here can't even say what she's from
Who doesn't know about her webseries? Half of them are over 10 mil views
Or he/she just did a more sloppy job in that regard
NSA would've picked the winner by now, yes.
New hosts are still gonna do the same thing and now they're just scrambling to find a way to make it look believable.
NTA but delete suspicious votes, move on, and don't ever mention it
SEETHE boomerfag
Are we talking the same Billy? Because if so you must be joking. He's nowhere near that level yet.
WTF steven universe is alive on trash? i thought people moved on from that shit.
Look guys we can finally vote for Ms. /co/!
Can you eat Perifag?
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The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc. The term cold war is used because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two superpowers, but they each supported opposing sides in major regional conflicts known as proxy wars. The conflict was based on the ideological and geopolitical struggle for global influence by these two superpowers, following their roles as the Allies of World War II that led to victory against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945.[2] Aside from the nuclear arms race and conventional military deployment, the struggle for dominance was expressed via indirect means, such as psychological warfare, propaganda campaigns, espionage, far-reaching embargoes, sports diplomacy, and technological competitions like the Space Race.
Ah, a nice clean tournament.
While we're waiting, let's talk animation. Post your favorite animated series and favorite animated movie! For me, it's:
>The Simpsons
>Beavis and Butthead Do America
>we will open the results
>1 hour later
This but with Kim/Frankie
Kill Jestah
never underestimate autism
>It's been an hour
>They haven't even opened the forms yet
That's a good drawing.
I've never watched Beavis and Butthead Do America, is it good?
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New popular thing isn't allowed to win a popularity contest. Rig or not there will always be a bunch of fags crying rig. Its been in every contest. That or spite voting
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Nice try, Invisible Woman didn't qualify.
the reason why this ordeal is taking so long is because they don’t actually know how to tell what is and isn’t a real vote, lol
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Fuck this. I'm hungry. I'm sleepy. I need food and a nap. Tell me who gets the asterisk when I wake up.
Coomers still love it, perifag is one of them. Most of the OC creators have moved on so it has become one giant goon pit.
don't forget to vote for Ceci for the possibly TRUE Ms. Co
Oh fuck this I'm done with this bullshit every year, can the hosts just do the email thing again?
John Kricfalusi
Spinel won
Fang won
You just have to get gud
I don't know anon, this sounds really flimsy. I mean, it's a nice piece but I wouldn't put any stock into it.

That's what I'm thinking too. He knows his reputation and can just say he'll do something and that would cause a shit fest regardless of if he did anything or not. I don't really think he'll do anything and even if he did I doubt it would be more than a blip.

there are 2 threads, sorry guys it's over, mods ban the tournament before there is a winner.
mods pleas just ban these tournaments it isn't worth this shit
which girl do you think he would vote for?
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horribly, horribly true and unfortunate quads
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>noticed that my main lost by about 170 votes
Days later i remembered his ~200 alt accounts, what a shame...
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Which one of y'all niggas is cheating?
Imagine rigging an entire contest on a Mongolian basket weaving site for your mid waifu.
NSAbro btw
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The audacity of this nigga. I kinda respect it.
Probably want to have the real results AND the rigged results debut at the same time to avoid confusion.
you can go into the archive and find that Spideranon posted a catbox link to the very same chart I just posted.
I agree, if it's so obvious they should've said nothing and then just carried on, but as they also already stated, none of them made any actual plans for how to counteract rigging on this scale.
They did and people still bitch and moan about them rigging whether they did or not
>five hosts
>four matchups
>one hour later
This is gay
Jucika, he probably grew up on her comics, she might’ve been his first fap too for all we know
>debut at the same time to avoid confusion.
That will do the opposite though
Should all zoomer toons be banned for the constant rigging from their fandoms?
Ms. *
Fuck this im going to bed, wake me up when these HOSTS* can get their balls unglued from their assholes and give us real answers
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Anons, lets figure out who's the nigger responsible for drawing this in the /sug/ general thread:
This is the picture in question that the perifaggot said motivated him to cheat, as admitted by him here:
I want both of them crucified.
I don't draw Peridot no more, even less for Perifaggot
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Let's go, Ceci bros! (I'm a little surprised she was in the bottom 128 in the first place, honestly)

Oh boy.
>for your mid waifu.
It's even more pathetic Perifag is doing it out of sheer spite
t. Queen of /a/ host
So this is just a big joke right? You're all making mountains out of mole hills for fun, right? There's no way anyone really thinks he's going to do anything or be able to change anything right?
>Nice Peri ass
But there's basically no Peri ass in that pic, fuck is he on about
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Quads of truth
Based Billy. I kneel.
its a no give it up kidneystones
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Cope hijacker your attempts to take over failed horribly.
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Now that an already controversial character has been named in this, is there ANY amicable solution to this clusterfuck? Any ideas? I don't envy the hosts in the slightest for this situation.
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WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?
Hi birchy
How much you wanna bet the rigged character was gonna win anyways
we will make it there and the results still will not be available
The digits showcase the validity of this statement.
TADC was only ever popular on this board to shit on, literally from the very first thread. this is not a "popularity" contest, it's a voting contest, people don't vote on things just for being exposed to them while also hating them.
Go to bed, it’s what’s best
>new and popular
>easy to false flag
This controversy might be enough to tip the spite vote scales against her...

Its all so tiresome.
I just sharted my daiper...
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Psyanon here.

Thank you everyone for being (relatively) patient through this. But the wait is soon over

5 Minute Warning
Why doesn't Hostman just kill the Riggler?
Honestly, if she was gonna win it, it would've been for last year's tourney
0% if the results wouldn’t change they would have just kept quiet.
This year silentfags won.
Two actually; Perifag brought up ENA
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I know this might be a terrible time to post OC but have a little levity in these trying times
I fucking hate this. No shade to you man, but I fucking hate this
please be real
You've delivered slower then Maiden of /co/
That's not supposed to be a burn. That's actually a pretty good piece.
>5 Minute Warning
what does that mean psy
are you gonna leak the emails?
What a lying nigger all the threads were about lust, loving the girls, talking about liminal space world building, and of course you fags being upset that records were being broken
I know that isn't a real Pomnifag who drew that.
I will vote Pomni to spite the spite in spite of the spite.
How? One result would be labeled rigged, the other not.
It's THE blueprint for an action-based comedy.
>What did this funny jester do to deserve this hate
Falseflag Chel
If that's really you, you should put on a trip like the other people running this thing so they don't need to come in after and confirm that it's true.
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I'm not looking forward to this
So she’s a more obnoxious omni-man?
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I'm ready to PURGE the rigging fags
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Maybe Psyanon just has recording problems and they all wait for him?
Thank you for eliminating Pomni and ENA’s FRAUDULENT votes.
I think perifags goal is just to straight up kill /co/, basically he's upset that the mods didn't allow him to have retarded waifu threads up 24/7 so he declared a war that spread from a fight against "staff abuse" to against the entirety of /co/ itself.
I wouldn't be surprised if he starts attacking storytime and draw threads if he's successful in killing tourneys.
She was fucking robbed and I'm glad she'll get justice
No real way to win, if they delay the results to quickly clean up the rigs so no one starts accusing the picks they don't like of being rigged, then people get suspicious they are holding off the votes and claim rigging anyway.
Is there a way to check the votes before the results come in, and just check in periodically and look for those sorts of anomalies and correct them before results are out?
No one's gonna try to rig maiden of /co/(?)

And if they did, no one would care.
I curse these digits, whomever hits them will shit themselves spontaneously.
2 more weeks!
NTA, and while on any other site I might agree with you, I think 4chan is a special case because the if there's one thing that anons are defined by (other than casual racism) and bigotry it's sheer contrarianism.
People here will *absolutely* vote for something they hate if they think it'll piss people off. Doubly so if they can be annoying about it.
>I know that isn't a real Pomnifag who drew that.
bury your head in the sand all you want the truth remains the same
very cool
don't give him ideas, retard
We dont know the results, almost all the contenders at this point had a lot of supporters. And if it really was a Pomni fan, its even dumber because TADC is already huge.
So do yours.
At this point kill /co/
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I just thought she was funny and was enjoying the circus power
I didn't want to get involved in all of this
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Holy shit, These digits speak absolute truth There will NEVER be a 1 year probation period, new shows are just as valid as old shows. Get over it.
But anon he was based for making those janitors so mad!
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imagine if after all of this it's revealed that even with the rigging pomni lost
I want to think Psyanon and Spideranon for breaking through the silence here to restore some small semblance of sanity.
>falling for basic reverse psychology
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redraw for an oddly relevant situation
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No, I run a tight ship. No issues with the studio. And no, they were NOT going to do like last year and have me read the results. That was, to say it lightly, a disaster.
Alright, how bored are you guys? There's no way any of you really think this will lead to anything.
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Shut the fuck up
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Hurry the fuck up. What's the deal?
Dutch would rigg for pomni
New rule idea
The Spinel rule of characters created 1 month before the tournament being banned changes to 10 years to prevent all recent relevancy rigging. In additional, all Steven Universe is banned
my thread refresh button is broken
the Mods should punish him by banning steven universe
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God I'm not even going to bother posting in this thread even if ENA survives this, it's just too cancerous.
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It's their fault. Every year, we tell the hosts to just remove rigged votes and not tell the thread about them; and every year, they release a big graph saying 'LOOK AT ALL THESE RIGGED VOTES, DON'T WORRY, WE REMOVED THEM.' And then the thread melts down over how the tournament is rigged and how some popular pick should be eliminated and how the mods are in on it; when all we really want is the hosts to shut the fuck up and remove the votes.
>Rigging a FOTM guaranteed winner
What a retard
Worth it!
Based digits telling the truth.
--Pomni, 2024
unless its your pick, right?
They kind of already did by sending the General to /trash/
How much is your equipment?
Hey birchy i was mad sorry
>TADC was only ever popular on this board to shit on
You must be joking. The first episode spawned weeks of thread after thread continuously. It was ridiculous and it wasn't shitting on it or anything. There were genuine fans going nuts and making OC and even OCs for the show. There's no way you can genuinely say the show wasn't popular here unless you're trying to be a revisionist.
Who would your candidate for Mrs,/co/ nominate for Mr./co/?
Nothing is happening.
Calm down, Alex
This but unironically and give it the unteralterbach treatment too.
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>Peridot is rigging
>Peridot head looks somewhat like SHODAN
>NSA tried to co-opt SHODAN's campaign in Queen /v/ to shit on Amaterasu
Could it be?
Six months would be fine.
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that was because the show ended
wouldn't steven universe already be banned by the 10 year rule?
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>Look, I'm RIGGING
>"gives Pomni 500 votes"
You just blatantly cheated!
This. explicitly stating there was rigging just kills the tournament forever.
Cope revisionist fag there's been TADC threads out the ass ever since the first episode came out and the majority of them were because they loved it.
rigga was detected riggin and now the host are trying to "fix" that bullshit
Ah, there it is. So it balances out now.
I'm telling you. It's a hater playing 4D chess
Are you assuming the rigging was for pomni with no evidence?
God you riggers are obvious
One year, reset with a new season/movie/special.
Perifag (known board spammer and Ms. /co/ rigger) is offering to rig in exchange for Peridot OC art
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Dronefags are trying to take over the thread and destroy the tourney.
5 minutes?
Please explain this
HOW were they caught
What evidence is there?!
It became popular here all of the sudden. In 2022 only Primal was the new show even doing some numbers here. Where did you come from? I thought you people didn't touch 4chan.
Well if they didn’t say anything people would still be shouting WHERE ARE THE RESULTS, THERE IS RIGGING IN PROCESS. There’s no pleasing them
they “forget” this advice every year so the anons can’t give them slack so they can stuff the ballots themselves
Someone attempted to rig Ms /co/ and Dinesh D'souza is now making a new movie about it.
>Still letting MD live in his head rent free
We sincerely apologize for the delay, we've dealt with the irregularities present and the votes are now up for viewing, these are the official results for The Ms. /co/ 2024 quarterfinal, along with that, we're posting the forms for the semi finals, we will work to deliver these results in a timely and reasonable manner next time, catching these irregularities so late was a mistake on our part.
►►Vote: https://forms.gle/4tkiwLMHWrQsNXAGA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-finals-9off
Every time psyanon says 5 minutes it ends up being like 20
Pomni will lose.
How Perifag felt last night, probably
This is predictive programming for the 2024 election.
oh no no, friezabros, 5 minutes wasn't enough
See >>145549753
There was a sudden huge increase in votes at one time
Have you not seen Xavier? it's a show reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ3pNiVXHE8
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Why the fuck did you mfs make me use my email to participate? That ain't gonna do shit cause mfs will make smurf accounts. Need to have a verification system. Or fuck it host a giant Kahoot match and have people vote for Ms /co/ on that.

If it's possible, they should check the votes every few hours and remove the rigged votes before results so that doesn't happen.
Shut up, Billy!
Hosts drew a blue line, so they're currently rigging the votes to fix it
WTF how did Jucika stomp KP that badly
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I know your reading this perifag, it dosen't matter if this tournament survives or not, once were done with this, I will turn /sug/ into a complete wasteland full of scat and gore, I know what proxies you use, I have them and i have more.
You brought this on yourself, nigger.
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>3 fucking votes
yeah... welcome to the club pomni
Tournaments have changed, the rigging is getting worse!
the threads are in chaos and my pick is now cursed!
Should we blame the zoomers?
Or that annoying perifag?
Or should we blame discords on the side?
He probably rigged it for pomni anyway!
>pomni out
Hosts are pulling a NSA
Why does it feel like ChatGPT wrote it

The microphone was the most expensive part of it. Everything else I got on sales at music stores.
>Pomni and ENA lost
Who was rigged for then? Did the person who rigged win?
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>Pomni rigged out by the hosts
Frankie my girl made it
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>Pomni and ENA jobbed
Way to fucking go
Love it
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and the results aren't even good
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Literally nothing. It's just some faggots deciding the green triangle spammer is some how some massive threat that can warp the board and everything on his own. If it wasn't so far beyond what I think he's capable of I'd think this was some bullshit false flagging that he himself is doing to try and make himself seem powerful or something. He's nothing and I don't know why some are acting like he's going to do anything.
>the irregularities
Is that how we call rigs now?
Very funny.
>Jucika won by that much
What the fuck?
Frankie Foster*
Queen Tyr'ahnee*
For all that people talk about ENA being unnatural as a winner, when have people liked Jucika this much?
Everyone except Juckia is a worthy winner
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Jucika made it through!
Not such hot shit anymore zoomies.
Well, jumping ship to Tyr'ahnee. Win this cursed tournament
>host rigging
Oh fuck off.
Kim is doing fucking nothing.
>Perifag hates Tyr
>Perifag rigs Pomni
>if Pomni wins, Tyr is eliminated
>if Tyr wins, her victory is questioned
Perifag won.
stop being retarded
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>Pomni lost by 3 votes
Riggatron, for as long as I walk this planet, I will make you regret what you've done.
Going off the results, assuming the hosts were trying to figure out how to handle the Peririgging. The other three were fair margins, while Tyr'ahnee is barely ahead. It explains the delay at least, compared to Balls originally saying the results wouldn't be reflective.
Just communicating this shit is already 100x better than NSA, so thanks
>Juckia is still in
It comes down to a Hungarian newspaper comic to clutch for comics...good luck...
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>Hosts deleted the THREE VOTES Pomni needed to make it
Biggest fucking rigging since 2022, holy shit
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>KP and Blackfire lost
>ENA lost
Not nice
Yeah, this is important, was Pomni the one that was rigged for?
It’s confirmed the rigged character was Pomni
Perifag’s rig claim was likely right
>Optimus Prime
humiliated and defeated
all destroyed
deactivated permanently
I was her main WAY back in 2020, really happy to see she beat her record, let’s get to the finals!
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and the shitposting has begun
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>no more troons
This! We blow them the fuck out; these tournaments are saved
So you are being a revisionist. That's fine. Just be open about it. If you weren't there when the first episode dropped you don't have to lie about it. There was thread after thread for the show. Artist after artist doing things for it and a near endless amount of posting. It only happened all of a sudden because the episode dropped then and there.
>ENA amd Pomni lost
There you go falseflaggers, are you finally happy now?
Now will you stop fucking the tournaments now?
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>Pomni lost just by 3 votes
Baka strong fairy
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>Pomni and ENA disqualified and can't compete for another 2 years.
Whelp I'm done here, perifag get ready for a absolute flood of scat and gore on /sug/ for the coming year, I will start tomorrow.
>Pomni and ENA """"lost""""
How EXTREMELY convenient. I guess you just removed a bunch of votes that were ""rigged"" for Pomni and ENA right?
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>The hosts went and rigged Pomni out
Are you fucking kidding me
Ah, well. Democracy's a scam, anyway.
I voted. I have one specific pick I'll be rooting for.
Kill all turkmenistans
They did nothing different from NSA. In fact NSA told us more.
Okay but there were certainly three legit votes for Pomni within that time frame
I call bullshit
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>ENA's peen dot gif
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My girl Frankie made it to the elite 4 that’s SUPER!
>Jucika 60%
Looks like this is going to be Jucika cruising to a victory
Based I hope you make that place miserable.
>It’s confirmed the rigged character was Pomni
No it wasn't, all we have is guesswork.
What's the problem here exactly?
Maybe they just showed it to their discord friends.
Is people voting against the rules now?
We now have real women!
Would have been nice for it to go smoother, but I at least appreciate the transparency.

Going to not let the rigging attempt affect how I vote Pomni in 5th-8th, even if I do think she might be fucked now as a result.
Yes, hope the rest of you have fun. See ya 2026
Honestly I don't even care who wins. I'm satisfied with all these options.
Congrats to Frankie on a well fought battle! We tried our best Blackfire bros, there's no shame in losing to a worthy foe!
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Give em hell.
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>ENA lost

>Pomni lost

I'm calling bullshit. Those two were the center of attention way too much to lose now
>3 votes
This is proof the hosts rigged it.
>oooh sorry guess she was 3 short, that makes her victory seem real right:)?
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But of course, we have to protect democracy even from democracy.
There's no way Marceline won by that fucking much
Don't forget the slopjaks.
I swear to fucking god if this was because of the incest faggot!
>pomni out
Oh no no no no Dronefags BTFO'D again.
I was positive blackfire would've won but we frankie bros are still in
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We gave her what she always wanted anon an exit.
Answer us motherfucker, WHO WAS THE RIGGED CHARACTER
Before I vote I need confirmation that's a canon depiction of Jucika's proportions.
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Have the Goodkid mix while I whip up some more covers and some art <3

Break https://vocaroo.com/1fBiUoZxEpM6

Witches https://vocaroo.com/1hevli3iEMJx

From the Start https://vocaroo.com/11ImEqcZg4IY

Madeline https://vocaroo.com/11xJ4ceThhn0
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ah well, i was one of the few that would be happy with either result
well done Marceline! do us enabros proud and win this whole thing
>TFW my open double flaseflagging to get people to vote for Pomni, was actually a triple falseflag to make people vote against her
AHAHAHA! I always win!
>ENA lost
>Jucika won
...yet optimistic.
I hope so, the proxy that perifag *mainly* uses is tuxler, I have that plus a massive paid for trove of proxies.
Yeah, again there EASILY could've been three more legit votes for Pomni
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No NSA would "claim" rigging with absolutely zero evidence. Here they at least gave spideranons chart
>Tyr'ahnee beat Pomni
Perifag directly said she was rigging Pomni and that ends up true
Did you miss the bullshit with Pomni?

Will admit I'm surprised ENA lost by a fair margin to Marceline. I was expecting real close results.
* * * Enjoy your eternal asterisk * * *
>Tyr'ahnee vs. Jucika
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>Pomni finally gets booted but I can't even gloat and laugh and the obnoxious zoomers because of riggers throwing everything into question
Please someone kill Perifag
Beyond based.
Someone put a fucking asterix on that character, stat!
Looks like it. Funny, isn't it? That's all he needed to do, talk about maybe doing something.
I'm coming with
Yet another year where no one will be happy because there will always be people claiming something is illegitimate, good job guys.
Pomni will never be relevant again btw
Of course anon!!! NOBODY voted wihjn that time period after all :)))) we just need to remove those votes!!!! YAYYYY THE CLASSICS WIN!!!!
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Jucika... I'm positive. You've grown. I'm pretty confident that you can win.
Give it your all, and fight for a result that you can be proud of.
>Maybe they just showed it to their discord friends.
it's Ms. /CO/ not Ms. Dicksword, you sword swallower.
I personally dont get the appeal of ENA
I'm not changing my mind with Tyr'ahnee, but should I vote for Frankie or Marceline?
I can believe Pomni losing but ENA losing is way too fucking weird
>Tranny hosts rigger fucks over Pomni and ENA and now they will not get to compete in Ms. /co/ for another two years
Fuck the sharty, gore and scat is enough.
Well worth it mate, well worth it.
I'd rather see Tyr'ahnee get a second shot at finals. She's a fan favorite, she's gotten fair hype this year, and it would just be nice for her to restore normalcy here.
Silentfags. Best campaing; do nothing and people won't hate you.
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They'd only hide it like that... if they were still in despite the rigged votes.

THEREFORE, the rigger was Frankie, Marceline, Queen Tyr'Anee or Jucika!
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WELP. Nice rigging.
I hope you're all ready to go through this shit again until the end of the competition. I will personally commission more ballot stuffing across the board.

Also, See you in Mr. /co/ competition
Vote Jax
Vote Kinger
Vote Caine
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Thread theme.
Maybe not too relevant right now, and I probably should've had this out a couple rounds ago, but I said to Karine-anon I'd work more on it and I'm a man of my word.

Congrats for your pick getting into the Elite 8 btw (anti-elite 8?). You might not have gotten into the semi's but you still got a pretty damn good result!
My wife is a curvy one
>Jucika mulching Kim
yeah nothing suspicious here...
Dude ENA is in literal who territory and Marceline is from one of the biggest cartoons of the 2010s.
Whoever does win this is getting an asterisk.
They will never enter this tournament again!
>Say you rigged for a character
>All voted within an entire time period for her removed
How (((convenient)))
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I fucking lost in the worst possible way. Not even any honor to it.
hosts rigged it, all the Perifag and Pomni shit was a smokescreen
>There's no way that many people had decent taste
I'll never regret this day, the day you failed to save the clown
I know
It’s going to be Frankie vs Jucika, and Jucika is going to win the tournament because she’s getting 60% blowouts in quarterfinals against a powerhouse and Frankie is going to be spitevoted to hell
No need to follow further, the end is very clear
ENA winning that much was suspect to me anyways.
>Even up to the elite eight, Jucika's strongest opponent was STILL Karen
Oh what could have been
I don't remember who the last bitch is.
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both sides are fucking retarded
>but da zoomers!
shut it
>b-but da boomers!
you too
the fact we reached to the point to just kicking out characters because of either side's ridiculous distate towards them is downright mentally ill behavior
Honestly I figured the Tyr/Pomni matchup would be naturally close, as every Pomni matchup has been. There is not a single way to have done this that would make anyone happy.
It's Frankie.
This. And to what, fucking Marceline? RIGGED
NSA would say there "was" rigging and go on, and wait hours to say who was rigged without any proof whatsover, this is better
We had the same level of evidence in 2022. This isn't the first time.
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See you in two years when her finale airs and the hype pushes her into the victory seat.
Nobody is betting an eye but why the fuck is Marceline doing so fucking good this year???
I voted 3 times, 2-1 Pomni cause I didn’t care but know I wish I voted for Pomni 3 times for the 1 vote difference. All well
>ena lost
you're fucking with me, right?
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Pomnibros, ENAbros... were leaving...
There is NOTHING stopping perifag from continuing his rigging, let's take our votes with us.
Oh yeah, reading the thread now and I kind of get what's going on

Guess I'm pivoting to hard campaigning Frankie cause she's the only one left I really give a damn about. Any OC requests?
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>kills your girlS
sorry not sorry
Even if I knew what Ena was from I wouldn't have voted for her because her defense force is obnoxious as fuck.
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Sorry for not answering questions in the other thread, dinner was getting cold
Sure, pic related
You think I don't know my probability theory to know that already? The ballot stuffing is obvious due to the sudden peak when no such trend was ever seen (unironically, even the infamous round NSA gave out didn't have one)
The method for finding the rigger's target was by taking a sample of the given period and finding whether
>two party polling. If a small random sample poll is taken where there are only two mutually exclusive choices, then this is similar to tossing a single coin multiple times using a possibly biased coin. A similar analysis can therefore be applied to determine the confidence to be ascribed to the actual ratio of votes cast. (If people are allowed to abstain then the analysis must take account of that, and the coin-flip analogy doesn't quite hold.)
Held true AND also by taking the probability chance of a given string of votes of a given match and seeing if it was plausible. Sudden huge jump in vote number in the dead of night + unlikely probability of most targeting the same character(s) + total count being anomalous = pretty sure safe to say ballot stuffing
And to reiterate, this round had a HUGE increase whereas previous ones were on a slight decline in total vote number
I was part asleep and part at work during the 24-hour period, hosts were suspicious, gave me the sheet(I'm not a host so don't have access by default nor ask for it)
I say this with not a single ounce of irony, I'm actually surprised some wannabe rigger was fucking brain-dead enough to be this obvious, so I don't even care
Yes I know you're probably memeing but still
in the span of 30 seconds we went from
you are all fucking retards
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"Well worth it mate, well worth it"
Don't write off Tyr just yet
>perifag was actually the rigging hosts all along
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This happens EVERY FUCKING TIME, someone gets cheated out and they aren't allowed in for two more years
>Blackfire out

it's over
Yes there is, it's "Pomni wins because she blatantly did"

>Oh wow just 3 votes short how heckin close!!!
The hosts blatantly rigged it. It's objectively true.
>NSA would have rigged it for my pick
You have to admit, old /qa/ knew how to completely assrape a thread.
Smoke, you fucking amity pedophile jackass, why'd you have to indulge perifag?
>spideranons chart
a made up chart
Thank you for sharing the rest of the trends.
Where's Barred? I need to vote
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ENA sisters... there's always mr. /co/, right???
>Pomni gets rigged against
>Rigging is suddenly fine
Two faced faggots.
Is she still doing and fucking her dad or is that joke dead now?
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I don't like these results, but I have your backs now Tyr'ahneebros.
Yeah but the picture used on the ballot makes her boobs look bigger than that.
I need to know if she's canonically supposed to be bigger than Tyra'hnee. How can I vote for who has the bigger boobs if I don't know for sure?
I've been faux upset for Pomni but I'm legitimately upset about ENA. Was she rigged for or did she legitimately lose?
Zoomerfags got oddly quiet since the results dropped...
I hate these tournaments
Perifag is dead. No one will ever draw for her ever again.
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Nice art anon but you didn't specify who I should rig for in the final round
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That is also a canon drawing of her. Jucika was used in ads too.
Wait.... I WON? Like... For real???

Holy shit I thought Marceline was losing this one for sure. I wouldn't mind losing to ENA either. This tournament has turned my perception of how much /co/ likes Marcy upside down
Tyr'ahneefags suddenly okay with host rigging if they get to win
It's fangfags all over again
I would but... she could be THE RIGGER
Yeah, this is another year of the asterix it seems. Guess in one way or another they're all going to be now.
>tranny hosts fucked over the tranny characters
yeah that doesn't add up
Here are my votes
>5. ENA
>6. Pomni
>7. Blackfire
>8. Kim Possible
This is the way
Once the tourney is over, tell us who perifag rigged for
Unironically yes. Get fucked zoomie
Jucika is the most relatable between the zoomer voters and the millennial voters, and Tyr is now going to be a victim of Peri drama
There’s basically zero chance Jucika doesn’t win now
Kys underage
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Looks like another year of the asterisk.
Tell me why I should vote for /yourgirl/
Marceline is just solid and she's gotten nice OC throughout the tournament. Every semi-finalist is just fairly agreeable aside from arguably Jucika.
HA to that guy who kept saying:
>”Joel already would've told EVERYONE if ENA was a tranny”
Over Dragon Ball images YOU LOSE!
This is why /v/ tournaments are superior
Don't rig for anyone because rigging is for chumps
Fuck Tyra'hnee. She already won her tournament.
Anyone could be THE RIGGER, Satan. It's probably you.
isn't this from a gay porn artist
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I'm absolutely livid at how this was handled, no fucking way did Pomni and especially Ena lose.
Hosts rigged them out and won't even let them in next year.
i didn't know xe was transitioning
No that wouldn't make everyone happy because we already know there was rigging.
>blatantly did
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I still like all the picks in, but damn this thread and the last one was fucking miserable.
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Ah. Yea thats from her magazine.
Is it confirmed to be him? Wouldn't be surprised to be honest he's actually kind of an asshole
NTA but if she wasn't a literal who why are there so few threads about her?
We still talk about Adventure Time regularly. I've never seen a single full episode of the show and I still know most of the characters' names from osmosis. You literally cannot say that about Ena.
Seethe zoomer

Not that far off for me. I might be able to be swayed on Kim and Blackfire's spots, but otherwise I feel confident in my votes.
That's still a thing? I thought that died out after the show ended.
>Say how they did it, gets called faggots who only gave the rigger a way to rig harder net time
>Don't say how they did it, people start posting about how the hosts rigged it against X with baseless accusations
Welcome to politics
It's a real fucked situation regardless; because we'd be having the same conversation if she'd won by three votes. When the margin is that small, how can you determine that the one vote you removed wasn't a legitimate one that would have given her the win? When it's that close, it's essentially just the pick of the host.
This, I'm voting against Tyranhee and Marceline because they are BLATANT host pet picks, rigged as fuck
Ha ha ha ha, you think pomni and the rest will be * clean next time they get there shot? No no no anon you don’t get it all 8 will be remembered and blamed for this the autism runs deep in these tournaments and it flows with the passages of time to be used on any favor of another waifu. Time dose not forget anon’s don’t forgive. Why do you think Kim’s old curse was brought up. Any weapon that can be used will be used in these tournaments. It’s not about rigging and FairPlay it’s about getting caught and knowing when to be cocky.
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Why else would the hosts hide this info? Only if it would damage currently running candidates. The Rigger must be one of the girls who won.
In order to not jinx it, Mr is gonna be 10x worse.
she's a queen
she deserves MORE
Pomni made E8 in her first year an ENA made E8 alongside her. That's good. There was a load of amazing OC since the start.

Indie new-toon bros ate good this year. It was nice.
>Ena losing is weird
At best she's a mid tier slowly climbing her way up the ranks. She's not some powerhouse who should easily win every matchup.
And the same goes for Marceline for that matter.
It was just a match between two decently liked mid tiers, one just happening to have more silent enjoyers, or the other more silent haters, however you want to look at it.
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It's HIS year
Okay then.
I'll admit I'm still a little torn but I will have to vote my ethics. She's got my support.
Dronetards are seething right now.
would be the absoultute worst winner of everyone left
Where are the results.
I'm voting against Marceline for total zoomer death.
I am voting for Frankie because she wasn't turned into a lesbian and it would permanently change FARTS to ARTS
Don't be retarded, Pomni is actually popular. The "rigging" was the most convenient fucking shit alive, the fact that it was down to a 3 vote difference is the most obvious proof they rigged it to make sure it was "close enough to make it seem real"

Bullshit. I call fucking bullshit. Hosts rigged out Pomni.
More believable than Tom and Daffy losing together in the Final Four. Sometimes miracles happen.
Pfff OBVIOUSLY the franks rigged it
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Here's a good list of ban evasion utilities if you guys want to join my war against /sug/ tomorrow.
Replace the 0 with a o, the I with a y, and the @ with an a.
who rigged who
Karenbros win even in death
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>At best she's a mid tier slowly climbing her way up the ranks.
You lost.
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>tfw your vote COULD had saved pomni
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The results were the friends we made along the way.
Voting for the formation of RATS
Are you being serious? She's popular on a niche area of the internet, that's it.
what is the password?
Perifag OPENLY admitting to rigging Pomni before this came out, and OPENLY admitting to rigging against Tyr’ahnee before because she beat Peridot
How fucking obtuse do you have to be to make ups schizo conspiracies on how Pomni was treated unfairly when everything matched up with what was later revealed
Welp only one I care about left is Tyr
I'm just guessing, but the pic perifag was salivating over looks like his style
You love to see it!
You know, it's a hell of a coincidence how the two girls most affected by the Venture Bros cancel are being singled out here.
Maybe because damaging candidates is bad in the first place, no matter if they won or lost? Imagine your main gets rigged for, loses anyway, and then the hosts say "hey this character is a fucking cheater lmao". You would never be able to campaign for them again.
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Guys i found a pic of the rigger!
and #1 seed never wins besides Fang
Call me butthurt but I'd much rather have had ENA lose to someone like Jessica than Marceline.
Zoomers lost cause of the crazy shit talking they did the last round.
You all still don't get the meta.
Hosts will likely only release the original vote numbers after this is over.

Choose wisely gentlemen... because you might be voting for a RIGGER
seethe zoom zoom queen tyr'ahnee has always been a powerhouse from a far more beloved cartoon than your FOTM shit that will be forgotten a couple of years like a zoomer shit
There’s multiple answers for this password anon. Just put in last years winner if you forgot the rest.
Or you know the faggot could have been lying just to stir shit.
>Jucika still in
... this particular orgy has been going on kinda long
I like this better.
You wanted your girl to win? RATS, the popular girls won again
why does this hit have to happen every time
can we not go ONE YEAR without rigging nonsense
whether or not pomni and ena were rigged for or against, I don't care, I am just so goddAMN TIRED
Damn, if only I rigged more.
She's going to be conveniently out during the running of her show when she's actually getting episodes because of E8

It's so fucking obvious they rigged against her it's not even funny.
it's not that hard, just find an elite eight girl from last year.
Info is easy to find
The real winners were the silentfags.
ENAfags are a bunch of sore losers lmao.
>muh meta
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You’ll all be grateful to the organizers rigging Pomni out once TADC wraps up and the final episode reveals she was a man before getting zapped into the digital world.
>Perifag has always been rigging for Pomni.
>Except for in the quarter-finals, when he decided to drop all subtlety and reveal himself for no reason; even allowing the character he hates to progress.
Are you dumb?
And now Marceline is going to eat shit. Tough luck zoomers.
Then explain Ena's loss
This, fuck adventure time
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I mean, I already want Frankie to win but I want it to be know that Marceline will be punished for this injustice.
OK and you realize people would likely vote against someone popular who wasn't their favorite, right? So that their actual favorite could be likelier to win.
is this revenge for giving you aids?
Oh dang was so rigged anyone who doesn’t realize that is an idiot.
It's a meta tourney. You've seen it in action this year.
>Zoomers lost cause of the crazy shit talking they did the last round.
Honestly this. Even if I didn't have an established rule set for who I vote for the zoomer cartoon guys have been smug and obnoxious this whole damn tourney and while they may think "that's just campaigning" it can have the opposite effect.
ENA did lose by a lot more than I thought she would... Interesting.
He's a lying faggot anon. He doesn't have to do anything for people to freak out as has been shown here in this thread and the last one. Why would he bother when regardless of what he did fags would obsess over him and blow up like this?
I still have not seen the ACTUAL RESULTS
How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe such a basic fucking false flag?
>Oh no, perifag admitted Pomni is rigged!!! Now it's gonna be totally acceptable when we remove all her votes, teepee!
Shadow Pomni will get in next year
They could be but it wouldn’t match up exactly with what six hosts verified after she said so
I would be happy with either outcome of the Frankie/Marcy match. I find both Tyr and Jucika HEAVILY overrated but am leaning Jucika for the moment
Ok I lost an entire day today, so post all the Pomni vs Chel pics I KNOW you made
everyone already has their girl in mind nobody even publically announced that they were changing their votes due to annoying campooning
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Just do what I do and enjoy the fanart man. It's a burst of work that's actually pretty good. Last year was a bit disappointing, sure, but most of the time it gives good hit.
They're rigged btw
>Oh sorry she was 4 votes off instead of 3
Total host death
Check the last round form.
This! It’s especially ridiculous since they were eating shit all tourney but then got big heads
The actual results do need to be shown for transparency I thought, what happened to that?
I'm on the Tyr'ahnee Train now. I love ebony bitches.
Fuck this. Sounds more to me like bias against Pomni & ENA to me. Terrible Ms. /co/ this year.
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ENA And Pomni Was BETRAYED By Tranny Hosts and TRAPPED in the RIGGING Chamber For Millennia!
I thought we were going to get original results as well what happened?
Seed means basically nothing since most silentsfags doesn't engage with the qualifiers. They just ride with whatever is being served.
At best it's an indicator of who might be a popular campooner.
ignoring /v/ winners since you might as well also include /mlp/ and the highest non-Fang and non-rigged winner is #4
Jucika is far more suspect than those two no way she beat Kim by that much
>the very first threads: new Glitch show? what about murder drones? wtf is this shit? (around 1-10 replies each thread)
>the next few threads: 50% ok this is overdone lorebait cocomelon content farm for toddlers, at least not vivziepop. 50% i want to fuck the jester
>the next threads: omg Circuschads we are at 99999 million now, start seething please
yeah it was "loved" by everyone just like The New Norm praise threads are totally unironic and not bait.
We know something is off in that graph, no shit. What we don't know it who was rigged, we just have to trust his word.
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My mind will not change.
>non-Fang and non-rigged
so, non-rigged
agreed. Show the fucking results.
If you Pomnifags wanted to win, you should've made more alliances. You were bitter with the other choices and failed to do a sane campaing. So naturally silentfags voted againts you.
No one likes incest
>everyone already has their girl in mind
Not everyone who I vote for changed every round.
Oh cool, the most annoying cunts are out. I like this Final 4.
Yeah, did hosts just decide not to do that? Why did they do that?
>Jucika winning by that much
Yeah I'm calling bullshit
And popular isn't even the right word, just known. She hasn't had a legit video in almost a year. Not only in literal who territory but not even relevant at the moment in the indie cartoon space.
Kim had way too much porn and Jucika has the least so the onion anon voted for the later.
The posts acting like LE SEETHING ZOOMERS aren't believable in the slightest. At least Pomni made it to E8, and TADC only had two episodes.
>t. rigger host
weak willed faggot
I'd switch order for Kim & Blackfire, but I can't fault you for the rest.
It's been amazing to see them lose this badly.
No, no, that can't be possible, we got rid of the riggers! And they just so happened to be the two most controversial characters.
literally exactly the same as how i voted, nice
Ok cool. So you weren't there on the threads and are just making things up. That's fine. Thanks for clearing that up.
Voting Frankie and Jucika
Not out of spite but I want to change FARTS and if Jucika wins it would be a pretty big upset.
Yep, I've already cast my spite vote against them both. will dust off my other accounts to really hammer this shit home.
They could've won with a simple alliance.
Against Kim Possible who has always been on the lower end of the "powerhouses" and was pretty unremarkable this year besides the incest shit? No I can believe it
>Pomni rigs against girls, actively shits in them hard after beating them, then when caught tries to shitsling in how other girls were akcually rigged
Pomnifags are sincerely the biggest losers I’ve ever seen outside SUfags
I'm voting for Frankie for total zoomer death.
wouldn't trannies want Ena and Pomni to win though?
you give me aids I kill your girls
Same. I don't mind my picks losing, most of course do lose. But it is one thing to lose in a fair contest and lose in this shitshow.
If it wasn't for Jucika I would stop voting this year.
Friendly reminder the only #1 seed that has won so far was Fang
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Thing is, I do believe Tyr'ahnee is an extremely powerful competitor and likely would've beaten Pomni anyway, but now everyone is going to be bitching for the next 2 years because of rigfaggotry. Same shit happened with Fang vs. Chel, nobody will ever let it go or ever forget it. It's all tainted, and I wish for nothing more than Total Gem Death now and forever.
What the fuck are all these people narrativizing Pomni's loss for? It was 3 votes out of 700, such a slim margin that it could've been entirely up to chance.
ENA is the cybergirl who really got fucked over hard, going up against Marceline.
What, so we can be told that Pomni was ToOoOoOotally rigged for? And that perifag just conveniently outed himself for no fucking reason?

Again, the fact that Perifag "admitted" and then Pomni lost is concrete proof the hosts rigged it against her. It's so fucking obvious. Three votes? It's so blatantly trying to make it look like it was close it's not even funny.
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>Already trying to revise history because he can't handle a zoomer toon being popular
Kim's a professional jobber. watch her get 8th place like usual.



This! As a Chelfag it has been glorious to see them get what's coming to them.
TADC is overrated anyway. I don't like where the writing is going and the writer is mentally ill. The fanbase overhyped and overstayed its welcome.
Dude they deleted Pomni and Ena votes just to favor them, it's blatant. Pomni "lost" by THREE votes that they claimed were "rigged", when it's THAT small of a margin she absolutely could've won honestly
And not a chance in hell did Marceline win by that much, blatantly not believable in the slightest
Marceline vs Jucika can still happen for the zoomer finals
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RIP Pomni

Send in the Clowns https://vocaroo.com/1k71f3wPoFUB
Dipshit hosts revealed that the best time to fuck with the results is right now. Let the tourney eat shit, good luck figuring this one out ya cunts
Fuck off, false flagging bitch.
Yup. Whoever wins gets the *. Tourney's fucked.
If Tyr'ahneefags accept this they are just as dishonorable as fangfags
You did well enough. Thank you.
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You lost zoomie.
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What do you mean anon? They were respectful this whole time, what could they have done to deserve this?
>written while having an entirely straight face
I blame balls
This. It did not deserve to beat Chel.
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Karine anon here. Thank you! That means a lot. Didn't get a single girl in the top 128 but elite 8 in bottom 128 is still nothing to sneeze at. Here's hoping she does better next year.
Great, now everyone is going to spitevote against Tyr'ahnee. I hate you all.
The Chel falseflagging and cocky shitting legit turned me against them.
>Chel got rigged against two straight years
>Hosts announce there's been extremely obvious rigging
>Perifag conveniently admits he was rigging against Pomni for absolutely fuckall reason
>Pomni "loses" by an ridiculously close call
Are you really unable to connect the dots?
Sorry bro, Marceline has been marked for Termination.
shut the FUCK up
Nah judging by the vote total she beat Chel and Chel would have gotten slapped by Tyr
why are you guys pushing an actual dyke for ms /co/
My methodology is consistent. I vote for whoever has the bigger tits.
That changes depending on the round.
For example, if we ended up with Kim Possible versus Pomni, I would've voted for Kim. Unfortunately, Kim got put up against Jucika.
Having said that, this effectively means that Pomni and ENA would basically never get on my ballot.
>baiting and falseflagging till the end
Sorry she didn't win Anon.
Stop trying to change the past the threads are achived pomni voters weren't being faggots to anyone
Spite voting against them to make it not happen. Total zoomer death.
So when can I vote for Ms. CO?
>Pomni bear Fang
In the biggest rigger contest
Btw just before this is used for shitflinging I'm the one who drew this and I'm a chelfag. I know it was mean but it was also too funny of an idea to pass up.
Please sir, take your meds before talking here.
Don't bother trying to reason with them anon. Look at how these fags are acting. They don't care. They just want an excuse to shit on something and are making things up.
I couldn't care less whether a character is gay or not
>exact 1 minute difference between posts
>all according to plan
>zoomer tranny webslop characters lost after all that bragging for getting into E8 and beating the "boomer" picks
I'm glad we can all call out what they did. Pomnifags tormented poor Chel that it wasn't even funny.
>goes back to spending 100 bucks on some millennial streamer faggot
All the Kim Possible posting this year has been fucked up incest shitposting. That's bound to leave a bad taste in some peoples' mouths.
The only reason Pomni is hated is becuase it's specifically an internet show, which from boomers gets the impression of "not being a real cartoon"
If Amazing Digital Circus was a show on DTVA or CN, everyone would love it
Do it anon, it won't unasterix the winner.
It's mean and she doesn't deserve it but it is still pretty funny
So who do femanones vote for?
I meant people like this dude >>145550886 implying that Pomni somehow didn't campaign effectively enough.
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Hey nothing wrong with that, I’m just happy a clown died today.
>Hosts say the rigging was done for a specific character and people start complaining that they're now rigging it against said character
>Hosts don't say which character the rigging was done for and people complain about a lack of transparency
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I really find it mind-scratching how ENA beat Jessica but proceeded to job to Marceline. Both are near identical when it comes to seed, results and support. They're both characters who have participated in every Ms. /co/ iteration but Marceline for some ungodly reason is seemingly into semi-finals all of the sudden.

Legitimately would've rather had Jessica Rabbit proceed than someone like Marceline.
>Great, now everyone is going to spitevote against
Just retarded zoomers and as we can see they're too impotent to stop her
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Did not expect this to happen. I guess indie clowns are no match for Queens.
And it's going to be hilarious to see Marceline lose. Zoomers fucking lost.
If you did then it was a legit bad call cause she was seriously getting buried by the falseflag spam. You basically helped turn her into a bitch jobber.
At least don't samefag so obviously.
>Boomers ruining things for the new generation once again
Seems about right
The day of the pillow is coming
No I think it's a real cartoon. I just think Pomni is boring.
All the femcels are waiting for the Mr /co/. And I'm voting for that snake nigga from PPG to spite some anons.
Because people were worried Jessica would beat their favorite so they vote for any competition she had, it's as simple as that.
>everything is a conspiracy
you should try >>/x/ instead
>Rigger literally admits who they were rigging for
This. Maybe Kimfags should have actually campaigned.
It was fun, she very cute!
It's all so fucking tiresome. Just a few minutes ago the narrative was that Perifag was rigging for Pomni so she would lose and we needed to spite him by… voting for Pomni.
>have no idea what to write that week
>decide to let the main character finally get the girl out of nowhere
Toriyama was based for this
You didn't you could've made an alliance with other fags to get more votes.
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well, tonight hasn't been all bad
my Cyn figurine finally showed up after almost a month of waiting
I wish there was this type of quality control during king and sometimes queen. Ms/co/fags are the best gatekeepers on this site.
I can believe it. Jessica has the stigma of being a "coomer" character. Marceline doesn't, so that'll result in more treated more favorably amongst a certain demographic.
three weeks from today
Its a girl
I only drew it after she already lost, so it didn't actually impact her vote.
People saw what you threw against Chel during Pomni’s match and then the fanart pissing on her and her fans after she lost
Now we see how you’re making up how you didn’t rig despite Perifag confirmed it before it even was revealed but even more trying to smear Tyr as one with no basis
People can see how you act and you act like cunts
Don’t act like she’s the first internet cartoon loved by people. Boomers had Homestarrunner and trust me my older cousin still makes bad strongbad references.
>weren't being faggots to anyone
Even if we give you the benefit of the doubt on not being the ones false flagging Chel, you faggots were practically dancing on Chel's grave
A strange game, the only winning move is not to play.
be honest anons
Are you still having fun with the tournament?
Don't look at me; Jucika is the zoomer pick so I'm going with Tyr for total zoomer death.
He is just an autistic fag trying to dtir shit up. He has been doing it from the start.
Man, I cant wait to see how much further this competition is fucked with now that Pomni and Ena have been rigged out.
Of course anon! The rigger just admitted they were rigging to help it be more clear they were cheating! Trust the science!
and spinel
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it's rayup
Anons, we are greater in number. We have more power. If we think Pomni really won and the votes were tampered with, we can just commandeer the tournament and make our own forms. Just like the French did hundreds of years ago. We have more power than we think we do.
They so obviously were. The fucking falseflag shitposting was insane. Fuck you faggots.
Jessica needed a little push or a drawing that round. I couldn't make since I'm in the military.
Fuck off Industrycuck
She lost by three votes directly after the hosts admitted to removing a bunch of her votes for rigging. Sure, maybe there was rigging, there's evidence for it.
But when you lose or win by three votes, it's essentially just the hosts deciding whether or not you win. Who's to say that they didn't mistakenly remove three legitimate votes and push her out of the tournament? I'd much rather they'd just not told us about the votes and kept up the illusion that she'd just narrowly lost; rather than the reality that one of the hosts was looking at the literal one vote that would have decided the winner and then pushed it towards their preference.
>underage straight bussin doesn't know what comes before zoomers
>I'm the one who drew this
prove it
And that's why I'm voting against that dyke
Pomnisisters, not like this...
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Do you own tournament.
At least Pomni lost to a good character and just as great of a winner, ENA is the real travesty here
It doesn't matter who wins the main tournament now, They'll have an asterisk on their name. Good thing I was putting my energy into the side tournaments
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For once in our lifetime, we could have voted for some fresh blood from newer entries, and what we end up getting are these same DOGSHIT characters that we often saw in previous tournaments (good enough to get into the top 8, but not good enough to be the number 1). I can see why most artists left and didn't want to spend an amount of effort drawing their waifu for the tournament anymore (since they're going to end up dealing with retarded hosts bias and spite voting rigger faggots). This tournament is rigged as shit, it's not even fun anymore.
Opinion disregarded.
Chelfags eating good this year.
>doki my beloved
you think /vt/ would want to do a tournament? it could possibly be as bad as an actual /a/ tournament
>Blatantly rig against character
>Ignore anyone pointing it out
>Your blatant rig gets forced through and the character is banned for the next 2 years
It's quite smart, really. I bet you're laughing it up in your discord call.
Oh sure, no one is suspicious by how much Jucika beat Kim. Typical.
>but the shitposting
And that leads to a 70-30 win? Come on now.
I'm mentally exhausted and at this point just voting to rescue my favorite of the remaining girls from this shitshow for good.
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Alright, questions for the hosts. I smell bullshit
>What makes you guys so sure those votes you removed were Perifag's? Sure, there's the weird timing but normal anons vote then too
>What about the margins? Blackfire and Kim lost by pretty large Margins where even a big vote dump in their favor wouldn't save them. but Ena, and ESPECIALLY Pomni (THREE VOTES)? Would have leaving those three votes let Pomni win, what made you so sure they were rigger votes? Were you comfortable working within that range?
>Where's the original, unedited raw votes you promised to show us?
>How many votes were removed exactly to create this results?
If is a dine drawing and in the spirit of ms. /co/. Don't worry about them, they don't think there is anything wrong with the pic either, just want to start shit.
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Not anymore. Whoever takes the crown is getting the * by the spiteful losers. I'll just take solace in the fact that Pomni, ENA and Blackfire bowed out before that could happen.
enough with you
I don't get Pomni. She has no remarkable characteristics outside of annoying and scared girl who helps her friends sometimes.
ENA and Pomni are the true dogshit
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Lets go Lacey!
>I'd much rather they'd just not told us about the votes

>"Hey hosts, why are the results taking so long?"
>"No reason, nothing unusual is going on"
>Pomni loses by 3 votes
Please tell me how this scenario would be better
how many layers of falseflagging are we at now
If you pick loses, why would you do art?
Barred! finally! Let's go!
Well they HAVE to get the asterisk. Girls were CHEATED out by the hosts, nothing is fair about their *win
Ryona. She's made for abuse.
I would be happy with any of these winning now except Jucika, but Jucika has somewhat won me over with her good sportsmanship this year.
No one likes incest.
cope harder
Jessica Rabbit had a lot of falseflaggers that were trying to ruin her chances. Like, don't we forget they tried to falsefalg a discord raid for Jessica and even got Jessicafag banned for three days just for a innocent post. She had constant push-back, especially when "Boomer vs Zoomer" happened in round 4 where she was intermingled with the whole shitflinging.
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>Tyr'ahnee actually beat Pomni
Holy fucking shit. I don't know how I can reward you all after work.

Give requests for the Tyr 3d model here
didn't they already do a tournament twice with the same results?
link the posts or gtfo
we were happy about Pomni not about chel losing stop making assumptions out of spite
chelfags will job the exact same next year and bitch and moan all the same
Two of my mains are up against each other right now, which is honestly amazing because I thought one of them could never make it this far, but the circumstances of it all kinda suck ass
>For once in our lifetime, we could have voted for some fresh blood from newer entries
We did vote.
Sure I am. I don't take the tournaments too seriously but I got a good laugh at the meltdown some anons are having.
I’m so glad someone got that.
That’s what I’ve been saying, man! I think it would be even worse than an /a/ tournament, you would inevitably see the actual vtubers finding out about the tournament and encouraging their viewer bases to vote for them
Well Emmybros, no matter what happens this round, I'm just glad we technically reached the semifinals
yes, it's only an image board poll
I've no clue but if they have then good on them
True. I call total bullshit on this one. Hosts are scared of the backlash if they reflected the actual results, Pomni clearly had the highest support out of anyone and aside from some shit talking not a lot of spite voting.

This whole competition has been invalidated and I hope to see more tampering and spamming until it finally ends and is shuffled away.
Unironically get him to confess. The biggest problem with Spinel is we caught it too late. Biggest problem with Fang and Wuya is lack of transparency. Meanwhile 2018's winner is legit because OP broke down and revealed Cap. Tag Team was saved because Numnuts outed rigging the results in a manic fit. Get Peri to actually confess and we're fine
I felt bad for Chel, but I thought it was funny.
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wait what
that's fucking absurd there is no way that happened legit
Well a lot happened, but I'm still glad to see Tyr'ahnee back in semi-finals. She's my main pick left to take the crown.
Can't they remove votes before the results? Is it impossible to do that while the form is still open or something?
Fuck off zoomer shit
>trannies and pedos lost
>traditional waifus won
Yup it's Tifa's year for queen this year.
We did you fag. Fucking Pomni isn't enough?
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At least this tournament isn't as bad as the /a/ tournament
>Cutesy girl gets thrown into traumatizing situations again and again and again
She's the western kobeni.
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The jester fell, but The King shall rise!
I have never, not even once, seen Kimfags produce much content for these threads.
Tyr raping Marvin
Yeah, the F4 is quite good
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Alright Balls, that's enough outta you. Get the fuck out of these tournaments. I didn't care about your leave, I didn't care about the way you handled rigging, I didn't care about you rigging Pomni out, but this is where you truly fucked up.
I'll be watching Duck Dudgers to celebrate.

I want her crushing Ponmi and everyone looking.
Basically this
If you're taking requests then have her tuck Emily Prime in bed and have her tell her a bedtime story.
Ya'll are tweakin. I'm outta here. See ya tomorrow
They caught it late, hence the whole shitstorm that went down.
>Tyr'ahnee* actually beat pomni*
>"Jucika is the zoomer pick bro!"
>Hungarian comic than ran from 1957-1970

60/40, but yeah.
I was having in the last round, then Perifag did his thing and ruined it.
Nigga, its a 60-40 win.
>*Tyr'ahnee got 3 votes deleted to "beat" Pomni
Lol. Lmao, even.
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Marceline is still in; we need Tyr and Frankie to win this if we want pedos and trannies gone.
Why is Mrs. Brisby barred?
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You're not me, fuck off
>Tyr'ahnee fucked pomni in the ass with a massive strap-on and pomni later died of a perforated colon
Yes. I'm sad we couldn't just get a normal damn Ms. /co/, but considering everything we've been through this could have gone a lot more south. Going to just make the best of it.
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We're in the final 4 again. Except this time, something is different. The Peruvian Girl and the Jester of the Board's delight, they lost last round. Perhaps this time, things will be different
No the Elite 8 ban is actually good here
In two years less people will remember Pomni was rigged plus all sorts of shit might happen in her show that will overshadow this
At this point not really
alright you got me, I'm actually a famous vtuber but I won't announce who I am until X date in the future because reasons
He literally already confessed, before it was proven that the character he said he rigged was the one that was, but people are in insane denial about it
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Honestly I'm happy my pick made it into the Third Round. Getting slightly more relevant characters like Bee from Bee and PuppyCat into the Top 128 is a long-shot to put it lightly, so maybe the key is to just find more wildcard picks. It makes the Bottom 128 a lot more interesting and hopefully gets more eyes on the obscure stuff they're from.

Here's to another tournament!
Maybe the males will have a better chance
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How could this happen? I thought now that NSA was canned that we wouldn't have another Asterisk tournament. Fucking deadshits.
They should have someone regularly checking for suspicious activity
It regained popularity years later thanks to young people on Twitter
He's such a cocky faggot that it wouldn't actually take much. It's why I can kinda see that confession in /trash/ being genuine.
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You don't own Loona and they're fair questions. You fuck off.
Up until tonight yes. Chaos and shitstorms are fun and fit right in a 4chan tournament. But this is just a spergfest, most posts right now are giving me second hand embarrassment.
Frankie is a literal teenager
>Pomni clearly had the highest support out of anyone and aside from some shit talking not a lot of spite voting.
"The highest support" translates to being loud and obnoxious, which results in the contrarian nature of anons kicking in. You did this to yourselves. You can't be out and proud and not expect a hatedom to form in response to you. That's just simple physics. Equal and opposite reaction.
I've got plenty of fanart of characters I like so yeah, feeling pretty great.
>got to see boomerfags and zoomerfags btfo in the same tourney
Come on Pomnifags. Commeting here doesn't mean you have more power. People can lurk and vote but not campaing.
she's not. brisbys decided to crash the party
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She's 22 zoom zoom
Dancing in celebration among

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>they did it again
As a drawfag, I'll be happy to do some pieces for Tifa since she's fun and headstrong. Also was my first vidya crush.
God I hope it's Kinger's time to be king. Let our boy shine.
yeah Reed is funny
The guys in TADC are better anyway. Pomni is like fucking Doug Funnie making E8.
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You mean 60-40. Pay better attention next time.
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Don’t worry guy Pomni and ENA can get their revenge next year
Do you think i was born fucking yesterday?
Chelfags are now vindicated
Kinger is based so I wouldn't mind if he went far.
She will face the full wrath of spit voting.
Shame really, She seems kind of nice.
I'll humor this just for fun. Does Marceline ever actually date anyone way younger than her in the show? I only remember Ash, who is immortal, and Bonnie, who despite her whole can of worms is less than 200 years younger. Not a glamorous selection, but both do seem within her boundaries.
The natural order has been restored. Thank goodness. Fuck the annoying zoomerfaggots.
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Frankie's the only one of the 4 with zero issues arising this time around (though honestly I think the Jucika and Kim accusations are utterly baseless, chill a bit) so maybe just maybe she'll avenge being spineled in 2019.
Yeah, considering who you're voting for
Rules. They won't.
No they can't, because they're stuck-up with their eltie 8 ban
>having fun in a /co/ tourney
It wasn't enough to be a nuisance in /funkg/ and /exeg/?
This. Fucking Caine and Jax are based.
one of the first threads after the first episode was actually out:
"kinda sucks"
"getting sick"
"Why is this shit getting shilled so hard"

oh i almost forgot when there were like 30+ threads spammed daily and everyone got tired of it after the first day, thanks for making me remind myself by going back in the archive.
Based Samechad winning against himself
Tyr'ahnee in dominatrix outfit.
Or maybe wedding dress, either would be good.
The interesting thing is that thanks to the elite 8 rule ENA isn't allowed to compete next year, and given that the only time anyone talks about her is to shill her for the tournament, that means the next time anyone posts about her is going to be in 2026.
He can restore the honor of the circus.
>Pomni out
Vote Frankie for Total Zoomer Death!
If it was then Blackfire who won after Peri said she was for Pomni then it would be clear BS
That his claim a hour before was proven real shows it ways, but you will always be in denial
Maybe is time we split the tournament. The two sides won't get ever along. It's obvious some anons here are super one-sided.
Assuming they all don't get spite voted and/or out in round 1 I wonder who will make it furthest?

My bet is on Kinger or Caine. Jax feels like an early knockout to me for some reason
Honestly yeah. I'm going to pivot to Frankie for girls but I'm 100% carrying Kinger through to the end with OCs. Dude would deserve a win
Frankie is a zoomer character
If there was rigging there why doesn't it show in Spider's graphs? If there was rigging and it was subtle enough why tonight's rigging wasn't?
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Where's the unedited vote forms we were promised?
>The guys in TADC are better anyway.
this is true of literally everything ever
This! Marceline is literally the only thing standing in the way but we're almost getting back to normal.
I just don't care about TADC.
We should ban second time elite 8 winners for 2 years at least to allow new winners in.
>Dude looked at the first few posts and decided that was the whole thread
Anon you retard stop being a headline faggot we can see the whole thread
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>The Jester and the Peruvian...they're gone, right?
>Then maybe my luck is finally turning around for once.
>Next episode is focused on him and Zooble
Hopefully it's a good one
Okay, what is everyone predicting for the actual placements? I'm predicting that the finals is a "redemption arc ending" between Frankie and Tyr'ahnee, although beyond that I'm not sure on how the actual placements will go. Even 5th-8th seems like it might be incredibly polarized this time.
Are we really doomed to have rigging faggots for hosts forever?
>LOL sorry Pomni lost by 3 votes after we removed the "rigging", see you in two years!
>Jucika BITCH
Well now those /co/ntrarians will see Tyr'ahnee and Marceline fucking buried in spite votes.
Ms /co/ REALLY needs a 2009 and earlier bracket and a 2010 and later bracket, because this is getting retarded. every year with this shit.
Obligated theme:
No they have to wait a year out since they’re in the elite 8, but honestly it’s for there own benefit, the break allows people to forget the previous year so they aren’t judged as harshly by spite voters when they return.
MLAATR's girls are much better than the men.
You love to see it. Hopefully mr. /co/ will have even more zoomer blowouts.
I am a zoomer and grew up watching Frankie
I'm still voting for her but true zoomer death is Jucika who I am also voting for
Closer to the finish line than I ever could have hoped! The fight's not over yet, but the fact we've made it this far makes me so happy.
Congrats on getting this far, let's make this a good clean fight!
That's the real power of the Elite 8 rule.
I guess to further clarify, Pomni herself doesn't stand out among her fellow competitors, while her male costars do so a little bit more.
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>Queen Tyr
Who the fuck keep voting these worthless jobbers?
Would you rather your waifu did worse and missed the E8, or did better and was recorded forever as part of an E8 but missed a year?
I mean Frankie and Jucika's weren't affected by that so even by that logic.
Nope, have to vote Frankie and Jucika because they weren't rigged. Tyranhee and Marceline literally didn't win, they have to go.
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>got AIDS
>rigged GETposter Pomni out in retaliation
>CHUDimus is out until 2025
>BASEDscream is too weak
Anons... I... I think this is GIGAtron's year.
in 5 years you are going to say 2024 was fun
Holy shit…
I am so ready to see the tournaments heal. We need this match up so bad.
She should have really bowed to Jessica. Not only would it be nice to see the latter in, but ENA could have also leveraged Dream BBQ after so long. Now she's tied up as one of the most controversial girls in the Elite Eight this year, with the zoomer fighting being a big reason for that.
Both were too much for the imaginary monsters to handle anyways. I guess your boss will be happier that you sent them away to some families who will teach them a lesson or two about respect.
anon Perifag is anything but subtle
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No more words
my reaction to the information
Are you retarded? Perifag just decided to randomly be extremely blatant about rigging, rigged for Pomni, admitted it FOR NO FUCKING REASON, and then she loses by "3" votes after one of the hosts says "Heh, all votes from this hour are clearly rigged, better remove them all!"

It's so ridiculously fucking convenient.
>Zoomer character
>Gen Z started in 1996
>Oldest zoomers are 28 this year
>Foster's Home is 20 years old
Calling something 'zoomer' is meant to be a way of insulting something new and different, but does it even work anymore when what counts as 'zoomer' could be nearly 30 years old?
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Elite 8 cant participate next year.
Unless the tournament organisers are finally willing to entertain lifting that archaic rule. In all honesty, after this debacle, its the least they can do.
Frankie is a worthy queen.
Should hosts publicly announce rigging, or attempt to clean the rigged votes without disclaiming it?
Agreed. I think the two sides are biased. I don't want people spitevoting a character just because of age. We should go to /tnt/ and seriously consider it.

Plus, we can't handle these many characters.
>Marceline literally didn't win
You forget to take your pills earlier?
I'm SO fucking tired of both Pomni and Chel.
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IF Cumanon isn't a pussy he needs to make it next thread's OP
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i swear to FUCK if ena gets 8th again for the meme i'm gonna be pissed
Same with millennial; most of them are nearing 40 at this point
It's over.
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>5 years ago, I fought 200 Peruvian facebook accounts in under a day. And the board just fucking watched
>Tomorrow, there will be no quirky Jesters, no Peruvians.
>I know (you) understand
For what it's worth, Adventure Time is nearly 15 years old by now. It's definitely more zoomer than Foster, but not by as much as you'd think. We have high schoolers out there now who were born the year Adventure Time started.
I'm barely turning 30 next year.
>>Gen Z started in 1996
It started in 1997 not 1996
Stupidest ruling imaginable. Raven, Eggman,John Ward, Ena, and Pomni are ALL fucked over for it
You already started playing though, by announcing it at all. I know you're tying to do the "not announcing who did it" thing, but you fucked up by announcing the rigging at all then. You're pussyfooting, you can't say you're gonna be transparent than not be that. You already committed to telling us about the rig at all, now we already have misinformation campaigns against everyone possible. Just commit and tell us the details, you've already lost.
Hence you're barely a millenial
Kim Possible got gassed by the Hungarian Arrow Cross member Jucika.
I'm seeing Frankie just sweep the rest of the tournament without any real challenge. I'm talking 70% or more; just a complete Frankie sweep.

We can't stop people from rigging the tournament, it's not possible. What we can do is catch as much rigging as possible and present the face that everything is legitimate as a result; and hope that /co/ trusts the hosts enough to not let incredible amounts of cheating sneak through. Otherwise, we get shit like this, we're people are legitimately wondering if the hosts chose Tyr to win by a tiny margin, instead of that being the actual results of the poll.
You aaight
Marked for death
Marked for death
You aaight
What the fuck did Marcy anon do? ENA had zero votes removed.
If you're worried about the Pomni votes trending one way or another slightly more none of the other matchups were close enough for that to effect them.
Marceline's been putting in work. I want to win, but let's keep this fair and cool. ok?
think about this: if Frankie wins the tourney, then FARTS passes to name ARTS
Still gonna get armpit vored after the final round is over.
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Martian Victory Parade over the hordes of Pomni-Spammers
We lost them. teehee
Balls literally admitted he’s as Digital Circus Fan in /tnt/ before the tournament even began, don’t be retarded he’s not going to throw a character he likes under the bus without it being a credited rig
Oooh, got some bad news for you on that front, redhead. They say misfortune awaits anyone who has a vampire queen cross their path. And won't you look at it, the two of us are right in each other's paths right now...
>Pomni losing by 3 votes against a regular powerhouse is suspicious but not Jucika some nobody European comic blowing out Kim
Nice try faggot
Round 5 is finished, and what en ending!
4 fantastic teams left, all with the final champion standing. We've also had another 3 team eliminations.
As always I will be updating with Elite 8 placements as they come in over the next rounds.

>Villainous Vengeance
Queen Tyr'ahnee managed to kill the jester, but was this well worth it, or will it potentially hurt her going forwards?
>The Tube
With both ENA and Pomni gone, these tubes have been tied, and their channel deleted!
>Redhead Revival
A valiant final stand from Kim Possible, but this was one sitch that was simply impossible. And with that, this has become a Redhead Reburial!
>Alt Alliance
Marcy manged to to mangle the mysterious minx that is ENA. But will the alts stay in control, or will they be deleted?
>Fire and Water
The final flicker of Blackfire has burned out, and this team has proven to be too elemental for /co/!
>The Awakenings
Frankie managed to show that she's still got it, even though she recently turned 40. But can she make it to the finals, or is she simple old news at this point?
>European Vacation
Looks like this vacation has been extended. Jucika has come far, but will she be able to extend her tour all the way to Mars?

With that let's remember the ones we've lost, and pay our respects to the 4 who didn't make it this round, and the 120 others we've lost so far.
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I do quite enjoy her newer look. It's a lot more fitting for her.
That sounds like a good idea. Likewise to you, here's to next year!
yet I hate both generations
>inb4 skbidi toilet wins mr. /co/ 2024
And as we know this is a very precise science
Pick your poison, everyone!
>Tyr'ahnee or Marceline winning, and are given an asterisk because they were "host picks"
>Frankie or Jucikia win, and they are considered illegitimate due to "spite voting against Tyr'ahnee/Marceline influencing the results"
Pomni will be forgotten next year
Marceline is still a zoomer pick, not a traditional waifu. Sorry but that's how we save the tournament.
more like in 2028
He should be banned and not count it as /co/.
Balls literally admitted he’s as Digital Circus Fan in /tnt/ before the tournament even began by doing the “Ohio” meme, they did not choose to rig her out
Fucking this. Why is everyone suddenly ignoring that?
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>This round was handled so bad it made Cumanon quit
She has an active show!
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I don't think so.
dude this is how Perifag acts he is a schizo with an IQ of 10
So the oldest zoomers would have been kids when this kid show started airing? Wow...
I'm surprised Ice King hasn't shown up to support Marcy.
I don't think Marceline and Jucika can realistically win against Frankie and Tyr either way t b h.
They keep it for this reason >>145551383
Total zoomer death
Kings shouldn't have used incest,
So they planned this far ahead of time is what you are saying
you mean the posts 99% about porn of the jester?
yes i was there when threads about it made up half the board and people wanted to get it banished to /trash/
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Why the fuck is Marceline being lumped in there, did I miss something? Peri was rigging for Pomni.
This day shows that announcing them is literally no better
>Literally most perfect string of coincidences ever just so happen to take place to remove most controversial choices
Jucika's fucking winning this lol. No bad meta bad blood and has just been smashing it since Karen.
Cumanon was never made out to be a host
Anon, for Pomni votes to be removed other characters STILL had to get voted for, and enough votes were removed Ena was likely cheated against. Pomni is by far the most cheated one though.
>ENA had zero votes removed.
How tf would you or we know this?
I think people are wary of using Ice King after last year's falseflag.
Pretty much. 't least not without giving up on the layers of anonymity we have.
>Why is everyone suddenly ignoring that?
Because Digital Circus fags are disingenuous little shits
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>John Ward
I could care less. His game gets no threads on /v/ at all nor gets discussed in indie generals anymore.
>The hosts PLANNED being Perifag and saying they are fans of a show to rig her out later (?)
Unironically meds
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>Cumanon with an identical trip to his previous posts on /tnt/ saying he doesn't want anything to do with Ms again
Please tell me this is some kind of joke I'm too retarded to understand please me we need fucking good hosts to keep this shit going.
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We have no proof of who was rigged, only falseflaggers accusing characters they don't like.
She did miss the elite 8 thankfully.
Hopefully by next year she'll have had an episode that will generate more fans than she has now and return strong in 2025!
omg i watched that cartoon as a child
Marceline is 2010s garbage, that makes her the pick zoomers are latching on to. We need a traditional winner this year.
One episode a year is active?
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From penisanon on /tnt/
>we didnt say it was perifag
>they were all done within specific timezones of unusual uptick, as evidenced by spider's graphs, and done in very short limited timespans from eachother
>This was a possible option we were considering but ultimately decided against it, Balls posted about it before we made a unanymous choice
>128 votes, hence why it took a while
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Doesn't even matter who moved on the semifinals, fact of the matter is that everyone will never let it go and we'll get another asterisk winner. I want to die.
Anon, it was three fucking votes. Even if they didn't rig tt on purpose, the fact that they removed rigging by just erasing votes from a specific period of time means they 100% removed genuine votes.

Pomni was rigged out.
Definitely great candidate for Barred.
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We're at the stage of the tournament where all eight contestants are being accused of rigging. I personally think that the fact that they made it this far means that it's undeniable that they're all cheating.
So was there any confirmation that the one who drew the peridot x pomni art was Smoke, AKA that Amity drawfag?
Because it'd be pretty funny if Pomni was rigged and ultimately had her chances of winning ruined by a SU fag and an Owl Housefag.
You see. Everyone who didn't vote for Ponmi were the host rigging it...

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Because by that logic you could literally say every girl here is rigged. So why put us and Tyr in the safe bucket and Marceline not?
None of the matchups were razor thin so the Pomni votes would have to skew like 70% for another girl which is statistically unlikely since they were all botted
dubs of truth. they are gone
I was there too anon. WE ALL WERE
Stop with the bullshit it was the same fags who hated TADC and tried to get rid of them
Regardless this is a moot point because I am not convincing you and you aren't me
Frankie's track record
>2018: Lost to the winner early on.
>2019: Lost to the winner in Semifinals
>2021: Denied Elite 8 by some one of the lamer cartoon milves.

Tyr'ahnee's track record
>2018: Knocked out early on in a mirror match.
>2019: Lost to Frankie, who made it to SemiFinals that same year.
>2020: Reaches the Final, loses to Dr Mrs The Monarch because her show just ended.
>2022: Makes it to Elite 8 and loses in another mirror match.

Based on these metrics, I think the steam is running out on the Frankie train while Tyr'ahnee has always maintained a steady pace of biding her time for the right moment to strike.
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True. Anyone saying "this is the rigger" is lying to you. Noone knows, and people claiming otherwise are Federal Agents.
>why are fans of a tranny show acting mentally ill
we'll just never know
They really are. So glad to see them get fucked over, any way possible.
Faith fucking blows as a video game and is a tournament meme, I do agree there but he was still rigged against
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please tell me they didn't throw out legitimate votes over nothing.
i feel like people are overestimating how easily we hand out asterisks
>John Ward
/tnt/ gassed campooner pick
Marcy wu is the least popular Amphibia girl you still would’ve been knocked out.
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128 votes and it WASN'T Perifag!?
Still voting against the dyke vampire
>least popular Amphibia girl
I thought that was Sasha.
Ok, no lies detected there, but the slash porn FAITH gets is so fucking good.
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Good luck! It's a good big 4
Hoping for Laura too!
>Btw even when we were confirmed rigged we’re going to smear others with how SHE was rigged out by people who said they are fans of her show because ???
Sincerely you ar the biggest cunts I’ve ever seen on Ms /co/, especially how you smeared in Chel before and after her win
I have more respect for Murderdrones then Circusfags. And no one trusts in you anymore
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128 votes were removed.
Pomni was VERY likely rigged out
Ena was possibly rigged out
It wasn't even Perifag
Frankie and Jucika are still safely within the margins, even with 128 votes against them they still would have won
Only because of all these Riggers.
Nope, real. This whole ordeal made him tired of it.
I can't believe the other Broly won
Only to be overthrown by Hungarian Goths when Queen Jucika reigns.
For normalfags. On /co/ Marcy is the punching bag.
Literally every character has been mentioned as asterisk
I don’t sincerely care who is said is “asterisked” here because that said for everyone
Now to be fair Dr Mrs The Monarch had one of the best campaigns ever, her drawfags had all the girls who lost to her joining her as her henchman that was a stroke of brillance.
Why don't we just re-run the quarter finals from the top, then? Then no one can complain, and it only takes an extra day
It was three fucking votes. Even if they didn't rig it on purpose, they did it by removing legitimate votes. Not everyone here is a fucking child with bedtime at 9 PM.
>>Btw even when we were confirmed rigged
Liar, yet again.>>145551575
>Okay, so every single opponent that Chel went against was mocked horribly
>but somehow Pomnifags KNEW they would go up against Chel and played 5d chess from the start to make her look bad!
>I also believe Pomnifags are stupid inept zoomers
the second one. I know ill be spite voting.
Because when everyone's asterisked, no one will be...
Why did they bully Chel so much?
>Literally every character has been mentioned as asterisk
yeah but only 3 of them have stuck and i don't think we'll be getting a 4th this year
>128 votes
There is a clear weird uptick that I also think is rigging but how do they know the exact number of votes?
Say there were 200 in a time when it is normally between 50 to 80. How many are truly illegitimate? Which ones are illegitimate ?
>He got worn out by the annual rigging accusations.
Maybe he wasn't built for it.

For the same reason you can't just redo a referendum. You take the results you get, you can't just keep running the quarter-finals until you get what you want.
Which is stupid, because this happens literally every single year on every single tournament. Last year alone we had the Wuya and grimm """rigging""", and the year before was zorak.
I think the spooktober streams and serenity storytimes are more fun
I'm not falling for your shit. You don't give a fuck about rigging, because if you did, you'd be complaining about the ridiculous three vote difference.
Spinel and who else?
Friendly banter and honestly that drawing was hilarious.
>Not rigged
lmao bitch has zero presence on /co/
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How is spite voting not legitimate?
Sounds like a cope
No confirmation, but I'll show the delivery here https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69199808/#69269561
And link his pixiv here https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/38937364
Kill Jestah
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Whats happening now?
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Yes, but it would shut out any accusations of rigging and mod tampering. If Pomni loses again we know that Pomni losing was legit. It at least seems worth a shot, if only to get people to shut up
Yeah the shit was going on with Chel since round 2. How is it all Pomnifags' fault?
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I kept saying this
You guys just wanted someone to blame and a character to target.
This is why hosts need to release the rigged vote numbers to see who it was, without it people can just lie about who was rigged as much as they want.
Next Tourney, we need an Anti-Flavour-Of-The-Month rule. I'd propose characters being inelligable for it if:

>Animated Series character: The first season of their show has to have finished airing 6 months before the start of the tournament.
>Movie/Short/Special: Has to have aired 6 months before the start of the tournament
>Comic series: Their comic has to have debuted before the beginning of the previous Ms /co/ contest.

It's shit that we have to have rules like this, but you autistic fucking apes proved you can't be trusted.
Fang and arguably Wuya
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You know what, like I said last thread there may not be a /co/nensus these days. Keep bullying perifag the more he spills the better, but everyones in their own mindscape.
If you support Pomni she was robbed by the hosts just like what happened in 2023. If you're against her she was rigged in just like in 2019. Were legitimate Pomni fans screwed over, was the hype ever real?
Both cheating and rigging have happened and lying has happened so nobody trusts eachother. We are literally the microchasm of America.
Did the margin votes effect the results for the others? Who knows? Was Marcy unfair? ENA screwed out? What about me? What about Jucika?
Shut up, no more Spite. I haven't campaigned with spite even against literal shitflingers and I'm not starting today.
Pomni got rigged against Anon. Chel just did even shittier
falseflag season?
No you don't understand if zoomer cartoons lose it was rigged, if boomer cartoons lose it's legit.
They said they didn’t “say” it was Perifag, not that it wasn’t them
This is after Balls said he’s a ADC fan and he wouldn’t spite out a character he likes, and wouldn’t let this happen if it wasn’t truly just
Sincerely you are the biggest cunts and your compulsive lying is sickening me
Hosts removed ""le unusual"" votes, leading to Pomni losing to a 3 vote difference.
Hmm my instinct says no.
The tournament has collapsed. There was a lot of vocal support for Pomni and ENA. Now that they're gone, Marcy and Tyr will be spite voted. On top of that, now because of what's happened the hosts cant intervene again.
Fuck zoomer shit
Hosts rigged the tournament to kick out Pomni, at least two people are mad!
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Chelfags... They really are trying to be the villains of this tournament.
I'm not throwing Marceline under the bus, I'm just saying that we can't know how much the riggers and the hosts messed up the results.
Pretty much everyone but Jenny
The solution is to change from a bracket system to a Swiss system
If you guys wanted Pomni to win you really shouldn't have started comparing her to Spinel
>Frankiefag trying to act like he's superior to everyone else because he's a fencesitter
Voting for Frankie for total zoomer death.
I guess she chose him instead
I will see a Frankie Jucika finale.
>This is after Balls said he’s a ADC
he made one fucking joke post on /tnt/ months ago, shut the fuck up
Awfully convenient that a Frankiefag is trying to make himself look reasonable here. Wouldn't be surprised if you'd done some shit and you're now trying to look nice and friendly.
When has Balls claimed to be an TADC fan? The most he's done was a silly "What in the skibidi rizz" post on /tnt/
Anybody could make a dumb zoomer joke like that, pro or anti circus
I'm 90% sure the anon spamming about zoomer is Perifag.
Case and point
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My waifu is never getting a tournament spot, let alone getting anywhere near the elite 8.
Marcybro btw
Frankie must win, she literally did nothing wrong.
>At this point a literal can of root beer would be the least controversial winner of ms. /co/
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Well, here we go. I tested this on another board and it seems to work here, so let's see I can make this trip thing work. Fingers crossed!




Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:

Round 5:
He made some obscure joke that’s only known and made by ADC fans
How angry you are when lying does not make you or your character come off well
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>"Y-you're lying!"
>irreverent information
>ad hominim
I don't care about the opinion of someone as dishonest as you.
Pomni is too underdeveloped to compete. I feel like the creator must make some more episodes to flesh her out more before we decide if she's good enough. I feel like posters were going off with her fanart and fanbase alone and not necessarily the character herself.
i missed the last 4 hours, wats going on
Give it to me straight. Is StatsAnon really dead?
Why so fucking obtuse, just give it a simple
>Has to have debuted before the beginning of the previous Ms /co/ contest.
Simple, easy, clean cut, no mess, no fuss. If their FOTM has lasted for over a year, then it's not a FOTM, it's FOTY.
Oh fuck off Marcyfag; Frankie has been shit posted to death since the start. I've noticed Marceline hasn't had any shit turned her way though…
Pomni tried rigging the competition.
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WOW, this is a HUGE blunder.
Is this the biggest fuckup in the tournaments history??
We need to go back to throwing schizos and hyperautists in loony bins
I mean isn't that how the US did it in 2000?
Hey faggot Pomni can't try again until 2026 after everyone will have forgotten about her show, guess you shouldn't have been such falseflagging cunts
Pomni was rigged out and now just general shitflinging about rigging because of fuckery going on with the votes at the last hour resulting in 100+ votes removed. Everyone calling for * to those remaining. Y'know, just another shit ms /co/
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Oh this is some quality Chaos.
The poopposting and complete dead silence for the first four rounds?
Quite literally ONLY Jucika is clean, somehow. I don't even like her but at least if she wins she'll be gone for good and be the ONLY clean candidate left
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i'm voting for marceline
i'm voting for tyr'ahnee
no i don't care that they were possibly rigged even though i supported ENA and pomni
>Verification not required.
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Alright, I'm back home and ready to work on some requests but, what happened exactly? Why were votes removed? Did Tyr make it legitimately? I don't think the vote count has moved past the regular 680-700?
>Noooo stop shitting on us! You just hate zoomers!
>Also anyone who's nice is obviously malicious!
What happened Pomniggers? I though it was the InChels who were meant to be the sore losers.
>I feel like posters were going off with her fanart and fanbase alone and not necessarily the character herself.
People voting for character because of superficial reasons? In Ms. /co/? No fucking way.
Pomnifags are the biggest losers along with Kimfags. Zoomer toons need to be punished.
>The host being a ADC fan isn’t relevant to if he rigged against ADC [ad hominim]
Kek and keep using the image used by “the rigger” that helps
This tournament is yet another addition to the ever growing pile of "Reasons Democracy doesn't work"
Just nominate Shadow Pomni from the upcoming episode lmao
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But I can't forbid characters from ongoing series that way.
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Anti-culture Girl from a situationist comic.
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Nope, this still sucks and I still don't feel better.
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Struck a nerve I see, truly Chelfags never recovered.
You did it, Psyanon!
Meanwhile Chel will forever be remembered for being in a good movie. Having actual sex appeal helps.
I'm just going to say that all Steven Universe content should be banned from these threads from here on out. Their fans are unhinged and cannot play by the rules. Hell they drove someone to suicide before!
Hey piss off, Frankie's cool
Given the production time on TADC episodes Pomni might be viable in 2026 still simply from still getting content.
Pomni *lost by a three vote margin, after the hosts admitted removing 128 votes. it's a mess. There's no good way forward.
Fuck off you're trying to sit here and become the compromise candidate that's going to get everyone to rally around them.
Pomnifags get what they deserve.
Hosts removed over a hundred ""suspicious"" votes leading to Pomni losing by THREE

Even if it wasn't malicious, there's literally no reason to way to prove they didn't accidentally remove three legitimate votes
this is said everywhere, it only stings more because the expectation that things will be clean was unfortunately and (and very much expectingly) broken
I'm sure there's been worse years but for those really feeling the sting, this year hurts the most
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I'm a zoomer and voted against the zoomer picks, does this make me no longer a zoomer?
Reminder that Comic Anons are consistently chill, and never cause this sort of drama
>Pomni is too underdeveloped to compete.
While I agree, Fang winning means this isn't actually an issue. You don't need to be much of a character to win.
You're okay, Tyr'bro. It looks like someone may or may not have stuffed the ballet for Pomni. I don't think that's really your fault. I sincerely hope you don't get an asterisk, that'd be gay.
Marcybro btw not sure if that matters
Trips of truth
She made it legit and Pomni rigged but the hosts put her in such a fucked position it’s pretty much over for her
This is quite literally the only agreeable option forward. Just Permaban Steven universe for constant tournament fuckery
>marceline btfo ena
nani za fukku
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I'm going to RAPE Tyr'ahnee.
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Trips of truth in a sea of Chaos. Truly we are blessed.
>Threads could have been comfortable if Perifag didn't exist
>The exact same picks could have lost and people would have gotten over it eventually if Perifag didn't exist
>The semi-finals could have been at least somewhat tolerable and not turn into another falseflagging and shitflinging contest if Perifag didn't exist
She might still be good for 2026. It seems to be about 4-5 months per episodes and there may be delays. Figure 2-3 eps a year and I think it was projected to be 8 episodes?
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Welp, at least she was dealt with faster and wasn't given a higher place
Comic anons don't exist.
Hosts detected a bunch of rigging for Pomni and delayed the results to remove it. Once they'd done so, Pomni had lost by 3 votes. Everyone is now arguing that there's no way to remove 200 votes with accidently removing at least 3 legitimate ones; and if she only lost due to host fiat.
>promising pick loses in a round with results that we know for a fact have been tampered with
>"durr, why is you whining, you lost fair and square!"
Frankie being straight is enough reason to vote against Marceline. Fuck dykes.
Post your comic picks for Mr. /co/
Host rigging, please understand
>He doesn't remember
lmao even
Fang is an animal, the comparison isn't fair. Fang was always gonna get limited character because that's how animals are. Not human. But still, even then, Fang had more episodes with her than Ponmi.
Right? It's always something. There was Spinel, ballot stuffing previous years, now this
You did it. Trips are definitely needed in these threads, sometimes you posted about things other than the audios and we couldn't be sure it was you.
>guys we are so much better than you we totally never cause drama guys please vote for us please please please
spitevoting all comic picks forever now
Someone dumped 500 votes in under a minute at around 1:30 am.
I don't think people understand just how big Adventure time was at its peak here. It had to have it's draw thread.
I think the moral here is /co/ is not ready to ever know rigging ever happened and it should never be said to everyone
Because you schizos cannot even handled proven rigging and it fucks up the image for everyone
Not enough. I won't reveal details because HE is probably watching, but remember how we got rid of fusefag?
Yeah but that's my point when literal animals can win complaining that Pomni is shallow doesn't really make sense.
>I've noticed Marceline hasn't had any shit turned her way though…
Aside from the schizo who keeps posting the same stuff about AT "being the most damaging show in animation"?
Literally the only hot SU girl is Lapis so sure, go ahead, I don't give a fuck.
He'll just fuck with it anyway or claim to be to stir controversy
What the fuck does that actually do to stop perifag from rigging out of spite?

IF he rigged it, that is.
I've seen "what the skibidi" used as a joke well beyond just TADC, and even then it was clearly meant to be a dumb response towards the absolute buffoon running "Queen of /a/". The fact some people are actually acting or pretending like he seriously shills Pomni over an unrelated gag is embarrassing. The joke was just that both Circus and Skibidi are being shoved down poor Gen Alpha's throats with YouTube slop. That's it.
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I see. Well this is worrying to me I just hope it actually meant the way it meant. But if Pomni really won against Tyr is something that will keep me thinking.
I mean, maybe Tyr'ahnee won fair and square but the number of counts were probably bigger and the 128 votes MAY have been votes for both Pomni and Tyr which may have resulted in a bunch deleted of the latter. Just a theory though. I just don't want Tyr tarnished after getting to so far, I hope she's free like Skeletor.
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>my girls got knocked out early and are free from this autism for another year
oh are you that dude who lies about the first tournament? That OP was trying to be cheeky/funny with a fakeout, and royally miscalculated
No one is better, we're all terrible in some way
>NSA would've given Pomni a 2nd/3rd place fuckery
Yeah, they got off easy
Oh wow, one faggot posting one sentence. Totally comparable to poop and incest.
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Sure, but your assumption is that removing SU from the tournament will stop Perifag from fucking with the tournament, which it absolutely won't.
No, people are just bloodthirsty, and desperate to turn any information against any girl they don't like. Fanbases of girls suffering is worth lying, it's clear.
Fang still had a full season the first run and most of her second by the time she won. Pomni has two episodes out of nine or ten. That is NOT enough to fully judge her.
Pretty much, he Pomni-Spammers played themselves. They used spambots to give her too many votes so the mods punished them for it.

Honestly, if they had done the sensible thing and harness their autism to get tumblr and twitter involved, they probably would have won legitimately.
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I hate all of you.
Winning a side tournament and being entirely controversy-free right now feels good
>What the fuck does that actually do to stop perifag from rigging out of spite?
It denies him ever getting a win. Anyone can spite vote or try to rig
>why were votes removed?
Too much in a short period.
>which ones were removed
That is anothe story.
This is the first one where i actively participated.
I genuinely have no idea what any of you people are talking about half the time and just vote for whoever i like best in a given match. I made a few posts for one of the characters i liked, and just tried to have fun with it, but she got defeated a while back so i haven't posted a whole lot since then. All-in-all, i would describe it as a neutral experience.
round 1 bros... we fucking WON
Hell, I'd like to see Steven Universe permabanned to /trash/ in a perfect world.
>How could Popular zoomer chick, who also have plenty of boomer fans, beat semi-popular zoomer chick, with barely any boomer fans?
It truly is a mystery.
>DroneCHADS win again
Sadly, this is likely true. Barely anyone here can give a better solution.
It'll make it harder for him to fuck with it for one. He can never win with Peridot.
Ok but Pomni beating Tyr by 128 votes does seem kind of rigged. In no way should that match have been a blowout
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It won't, but it will feel really fucking good though.
Bro, I've heard Vinesauce say 'what the skibidi?' Mocking Gen Alpha's retarded lingo is hardly a TADC exclusive thing.
Why are you assuming this is gonna stop perifag from spite-rigging the tourney?
it is
It was a difference of three, anon. After over a hundred votes were removed. Malicious or not this isn't even close to an verified victory. Even if Tyr "won" there's no way to know and obviously all the people who voted for Pomni, like me, don't want a rigged result
If your Queen had won in a fair fight, that'd be just fine. She's cute and curvy. But for the moment–
>It'll make it harder for him to fuck with it for one
No, it won't. He'll just start botting controversial picks, or spamming the thread with peridot, or doxxing the hosts, or some other retarded schizo shit.
New blood eh? You'll get used to the autism eventually.
128 maybe rigged isn't the same as 128 verifiably rigged by the hosts.
Tyr will be spite voted out. Sorry bro, blame Steven Universe.
>128 votes erased
>3 votes difference
I agree that there is proven rigging this year.
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truly, the only winning move is not to play
if it will save our reputation...if it will keep us out of controversy...then we will continue to job!
This. Tyr can't win now, it just wouldn't be legit. She has to try again in two year's time.
He'll just choose at random. It's more about pissing people off.
Comics anon literally throw fits about the teen titans girls and MAWs Lois not counting as 'real' comic girls and always try to mess with their poll picture
You're not getting the point, anon. It was a difference of THREE. that means if there were THREE legitimate votes out of those 128, it would have been an upset.
Yeah, exactly. Vinny keeps bringing it up because it's an easy joke with Gen Alpha right now.
Propanebros we won?
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I'm just gonna vote in a way where Jucika or Frankie get the crown and end up branded with an asterisk. The ones left that I like don't deserve the eternal shitflinging.
I came expecting dogshit and I got dogshit. Then again I skipped 2023 and my last experience was 2022 (which was pretty shit)
That’s a fools errand.
This is my second one, they get a little bit like this . Kind of funny. I end up enjoying the side ones too.
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Thank you Frankie.
>Jesterfags fellating themselves
Dronebros were the real heroes of the contest. Made a shit load of fun oc and got out before it went to shit
This is her third time in. I find this logic retarded.
Ironically, MAWS Lois lost early this year. Guess the DCAU version was hard carrying her in 2023.
TADC < Duck Dudgers.

Maybe if TADC gets more episodes this opinion will change.
I never seen this sore loserness in queen except towards the end.
How is that not a valid complaint though? Voicing an opinion isn't "Messing with the poll picture" either. They have no power over what the OPs do
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I knew our girl Margaret "Pip" Woolworth Carrington von Schumacher Chanel Astor Livingston Compte de Saint-Exupery Mountbatten Windsor Armani Roosevelt Von Trap Wykeham Hearst Montgomery Rothschild Johnson & Johnson Disney Dolce Gabana Von Walmart II Montgomery de Volkswagen Geico Vanderbilt Lannister van Burean Butterworth How I Met Your Mother Dubble Bubble Louise-Dreyfus Ludwig Morgan Stanley Dumont Lamborghini Forbes Zuckerberg Winthrop Winfrey Remy Martin Fitzwilliam Kennedy Motel 6 Pornhub Fairchild Pritzker Davenport von Apple Monty Python Ellsworth Aston Martin Burns Quimby Scorpio Ziff Spongebob Hilton DuPont Kinkaid Winslow Coors Oviatt Marlboro Pembroke Huffington Bush Mellon Sinclair Mellencamp Starbucks van Dyke III Montgomery Marriott Barrington Chatsworth Big League Chew Chesterfield Kensington Longbottom Bottomtooth Nottingham Burgermeister Meisterburger Tudor Hapsburg Rockefeller Onassis truly won
Same. Feels goog man.
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Wtf is going on this year? Where are all the spitevotters and oldfags voting against anything made after 2010? How are 3 fom characters running so far into the tournament????
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I will be there for our overlord, but i propose the better version of the character. (Toonami rule)
>Frankie deserves eternal shitfligning
uhhh fuck you dude
Everything being the same, rigging and all, but Pomni wins in the final result, would Pomni fans accept this as legit?
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Circusbros, what's our plan now?
The hosts aren't going to un-rig themselves
Voting for Marceline so she gets that asterisk.
Make your own tournament.
>Being upset that one of your picks actually qualifies and does decently for once is a valid complaint because she got popular through a cartoon
>Balls making a very specific TADC fandom meme needs to be ignored because ackually he was making fun of them
>Perifag admitted she rigged for Pomni BEFORE the results were revealed need someone be ignored because hosts said they didn’t directly say it was Perifag before
I like the amount of mental gymnastics you have to go through to lie about stuff that was proven before and how ackually the hosts were rigging against Pomni because I said so
>Circusbros, what's our plan now?
Host a tournament using Twitter poll
Sore losers tears are the best tears
post the image where she's pregnant with Broly's child you coward
>Rigging was found and dealt with
>No one even accuses Pomni fags or ENA chads of doing the rigging, and it's basically just seen as a freak incident
>Pomni fags starts to comploon and say they got rigged against
Unironically worse than Chel fags.
Seems AT fags are taking off the kid gloves
She's one of the /co/ classics, ain't she? It's the least likely outcome that she gets shit on as illegitimate. At most they'll say boring and move on. Play meta games, win meta prizes.
They were damage controlling before the hosts released the results. Of course they only care about their pick doing well.
Make ready to raise the True King Kinger to his rightful throne so that he may bring peace to the board
As much as I'm indifferent to her, Tyr's head on a platter is all I have left in this tournament. I don't care who wins, where the girls I love place in the 3rd-5th bracket, nothing. Once shes gone, I'm gone.

Justice must be served.
Nothing, the results aren't gonna get walked back. It's just going to be a shitty race to the end where the results are forced through and most of the artfags bow out.

The tournament is unironically dead
What are the results cause the bracket thing ain't updating.
I'm having gastrointestinal issues right now
I don't know, but I feel like it should involve masturbating to clowns.
going to reddit
least obvious revisionism
>Toonami rules
he can show up even without that made up rule thanks to the franchise rule allowing non-/co/ characters from /co/ series
This is incredibly satisfying.
>utterly TRASH Chel and try to make her some battler jobber tourney meme
>utterly piss their pants and whine next round when their zoomer fotm pick unexpectedly loses
Complete sociopaths. I'm gunning after any TADC pick in mr. this year.
I'm just wondering, where were all these accusations of Marceline being a "zoomer dyke" before? Why do you only care now?
all I know is that I hope my mains for the side tournaments make it through to the end
whoever wins for the main tournament, I'll be sure to applaud for the result because this is all good fun
You faggots lost, boohoo.
Be indifferent and then nominate Ragatha for next year
The Tyr'ahnee beheading sounds incredibly insincere. Going to bet it's the same couple anons, and that they're going to keep at it for years just like the Fang bullshit.
>found and dealt with
And how are you sure that every single vote within that time-frame was rigged? Literally Literally that was necessary was THREE.
Iunno. Writefag for other chicks?
>tfw like Pomni and Tyr planning to support whoever won
>Now retards are targeting because of outside bullshit
Fucking lame
Mr. /co/ Here we come!
Shill Kinger and Caine for Mr. /co/. Atleast if they end up bowing out early we'd have good fun with their wacky personalities.
As chelfag, it makes me so happy for them to eat shit. Burn zoomers burn.
Should we let Pomni run next year as a compromise?
>Complete sociopaths.
Agreed. There really is something wrong with Pomniggers.
When hosts are riggers, nobody wins! Hooray!
>most of the artfags bow out
They already did. You shitposters, falseflags and spitefags drove them away.
They don't want to acknowledge a situation where a character they have never heard off wins simply due to demographics. but it's going to happen one year, You can't create more oldfags and 4chan has open borders.
Unironically campaign for Kinger when Mr. Co comes around.
>Like all the picks still in
>It's going to become awful for all of them because of this
You also could argue they didn't get rid of enough rigged votes and the number is actually higher. You're presuming victimhood with little evidence. If the hosts are to remove any votes at all, the potential for a result to change by a slim margin exists.
>get walked through why the comment by Balls had nothing to actually do with TADC
>still call it a "very specific TADC fandom meme"
You seem incredibly stupid. That's all I have to add here.
I just want a good, clean bought with no spite or rigging.
Marcyanon, you still taking song requests? How about uh...Mexican Radio. Either WoV original or AZ cover either works for me. Whatever happens let's have some fun.
If Pomni won by three votes none of you clowns would find it fishy.
>Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Freunde. Ohne Ihre Hilfe wäre ich nie so weit gekommen. Ich habe noch zwei weitere Gegner, bevor ich endlich den Sieg erringen kann. Also unterstützt mich weiterhin!
Vote for Laura!

>Du hast es gut gemacht; Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns wieder!

>Schön dich wiederzusehen, Emilia. Hoffen wir, dass wir uns beide beim Finale treffen.
>1 minute apart
Good. Artfags need to acquire more taste outside of Twitter trends.
I will fuck over these picks because you all did the same to Chel.
Kek this
Why does Mr never have this problem ever while this is around the 12th time for Ms /co/
WE ARE 128
The tears haven't started yet, When Marci and Tyr are gone - then you'll see tears.

Justice will be served.
Well done bro
Pomni did better than Chel, retard
It would have been 'tainted' regardless since it would be too ambiguous
This is the truth.
I feel bad for Tyr'ahneebro though, he's been working hard for this
Actually I'm gonna ask the anons.
Mexican Radio: Wall of Voodoo original or Authority Zero cover?
I'm sure a 80s vs 00s question won't cause any problems
No lies detected.
None of this would've happened if you just married your wife Furry Buttocks
The threads didn't turn into a shitstorm last year around this time and were surprisingly decent by Ms standards, could' have still been true this time, could have.
This is why we throw the campooner meme at them. They care more about new shit than classics.
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Mr is bros being bros voting for characters they like because they're cool
If Pomnin won people would have spite voted against her. This sounds like pre-emptive damage control
How are you sure they removed all of them?
There's exactly as much evidence that they removed to many as there is that they removed too few.
For all we know Ponmi could have lost by 20 votes. If you want to doubt the numbers, that shit goes both ways.
If these fags were smart, they wouldn't be throwing in Marceline alongside Tyr'ahnee as a "rigged pick" when there's zero evidence to that.

>muh ENA
She didn't have 1-to-1 overlap with Pomni.
If anything, Jucika seems more likely
Bring it on, dickhead.
I don't know if you're still reading this but how about Marceline teaching Frankie to play bass?
>I thought you said you were punk rock?
>I am, goddammit!
Now that she has an actual chance of winning instead of just being a joke pick; we need to convince people not to vote for her. I thought this was obvious. Why would we care about her before she was a threat?
Isn't it just as plausible there were other rigged Pomni votes that either slipped by and were done small scale elsewhere, as it is that 3 or 4 legitimate votes got caught in the cross fire?
Best to just quietly shuffle away and hope for the best.
I'm glad we're all united on a common enemy.
Why does it feel like most people here don't have integrity? Like they'll flip flop over whether something like hosts deleting rigged votes is good or bad depending on how it affects their picks? Or that they'll act like it's completely uncalled for when someone slanders their pick, but takes glee in slandering picks they don't like? Is it really just a loud minority of shitposters or are most people legitimately just hypocrites?
Pomni has had TWO episodes of a long series. It's in it's early stages. Did Pomnifags really think they should win the whole fucking thing going off of that?
>everything I don't like is trannies!
>stop whining just because the vote was rigged and the hosts won't tell us any more specifics!
I’m not a pomni fan but your best play now is to bid your time and bow out gracefully. The more vocal you are about being cheated the more likely you’ll get spite voted against in 2 years. The smart play is the fang play bow out as graceful as possible be polite and civil now and in 2 years burn everything in your path and salt the ground Mercy is dead and soon will be your “competitor's”
Extinction Party is almost 5 years old, it's not FOTM.
If people want so badly someone involved in this ordeal that is a TADC fan, I'll just drop by and say I've been following it since before it even had brainrot content and even drew for some of the early threads.
Not as early bird when it comes to ENA but also always liked her show and also drew fan art of her before.
Cant help but find hilarious some of the reactions my match drawings with trip on got when from my perspective I was just drawing characters from shows I like as I always did, lmao
OOOOHHH But NO ONE found it suspicious when NSA literally made Battler lose to Edgeworth by ONE FUCKING VOTE, RIGHT?

We are not going to take into account that tournament had the original polls CLOSED (to this day) which may prove Battler won and NSA wanted a reaction by making lose like that, right?
Mr. is full of excellent choices, why rig against someone you are okay with losing to?
>Frankie anons trying to appeal to both sides for sympathy votes
spite voting you guys
Would you have called it legit?
Except their entire logic is that they found out it was rigged because of a giant spike. That means if there were even three votes during that spike Pomni could have won. Any "evenly spaced out rigged votes that got through" are indistinguishable from normal votes and always have been, they're counted as normal and that's what we presume in most turns.

There is a considerable chance Pomni lost because of the hosts removing legitimate votes.
It probably would have been worse because fags have been gradually seething more and more over the course of the contest when Pomni didn't job out like Ragatha and Gangle so they'd bitch about NEW THING GETTIN RIGGED FOR JUST LIKE SPINEL REEEEEE!!!!

It's the same tired bullshit and unfortunately Pomni is an easy scapegoat for them due to being from a popular new thing rather than an old established thing.
I will say, while I've mostly peeked in, yeah I feel bad for the guy seeming depressed. I don't think this gave Tyr'ahnee an unfair win, honestly and I hope he doesn't let it get to him.
I hate Circusfags so goddamn much.
Nope. Still would've been tainted AND Pomni would've been asterisk memed on for being contemporary to Spinel
Authority Zero. Total Boomer Anihilation
What part of zoomer total death do you not understand? Plus no one wants a dyke for a waifu tournament.
The hosts only removed votes, even if 128 votes were against Jucika, she still would have definitively won agianst Kim Possible. How hard is it for you people to understand what a MARGIN is?
COPE. Talk shit get hit zoomie.
>If Pomnin won people would have spite voted against her. This sounds like pre-emptive damage control
That’s literally what Pomnifags were doing when people started catching up with Perifag being behind the rigging
>noooo, I don't care about Perinigger rigging I’m still voting for Pomni!
>bringing up fucking Battler
You can't make this shit up.

>We are not going to take into account that tournament had the original polls CLOSED (to this day)
That has jackshit to do with this tournament.
I don't know who that is.
To be fair its a ludicrously popular series
She WILL NEVER make it into the E8 again.
We know Marcybro
They're too new to this tournament and didn't just hightail it after losing, fuck man, I watched the show because of their campaigns and liked it and now I have to see this shitstorm because they think the hosts are suspicious.
And you would have said it was legit right?
>7099 results

>6910 results

>Betty Boop
>5671 results

>mrs. the monarch
>2199 results

For one thing don’t be running smear campaigns against who you rigged against trying to claim you were rigged when all evidence is shaken that
Makes you look as much of cunts as when you smeared Chel after she lost
This. It's the same over at /v/. They're better artfags in drawthreads and generals excluding gachatrannies but there's gold there rather than these contests which jerk off the same candidates from the same association meta group or game/show.
I genuinely think this rigging was a false flag. If someone is so dumb to do it in such an obvious way why would he only do it now and not any other round?
Battler is a fucking faggot and if Battlerfans had a brain they'd ask to permanently retire as the King of losers, it's the best possible outcome that can happen for him.
There's also what happened with Reagan and the Explosives
Everyone hates perinigger
we know for a fact it was rigged, boomer. even if she'd won this round it wouldn't have been legit with all of the discarded votes
Yup. Close matches happen, and this battle could've gone either way.
TADC will see that streak come to an end.
Yeah because it was obvious Ponmi was getting spammed voted by Perifag.
M-monarchbros... I don't like the looks of this...
In all honesty, no Ms. /co/ will go without an asterisk ever again. It's just too easy to get one. It doesn't even have to be the fans themselves.
NSAbro btw
>they'll flip flop over whether something like hosts deleting rigged votes is good or bad depending on how it affects their picks
Yes, that's me
The falsflagging was going on before she went up against Chel! Why is it now that Pomnifags were always smearing her,
I'd say it's a mostly people trying to stir shit for their own laughs, and some autists who take a random 4chan tourney way too seriously
Chelfags were already making themselves look bad since Fang.
Don't ever compare me to that bitch, Battlerfag. Now go drink a Pepsi.
Autism and a need for attention? You went Manic that morning? Untreated BPD? We've seen this before
>You should just accept the rigged result and hope it won't get rigged again
Anyone have any drawing ideas between Frankie and Marceline
NSAbro btw
Is Pepsiman eligible this year or was he in the last one?
Not everything is a falseflag.
Frankie stabbing her in the heart
>MAWs Lois not counting as 'real' comic girls
No I just hate MAWS
>Accept defeat gracefully
I remember when the zoomies said this to the boomers LOL.
Explosivas. Izzy and Cherrybomb.
Reagan from Inside Job with the himbo.
In hindsight I should have been more specific. The ones Temp fucked up after Numnuts fucked up
I once was curious, then I was sympathetic. Now, I am filled with pity. I wanted to draw you a Peridot, but now I cannot. You have made it such I cannot even talk about her without making sure everyone knows I am not you. I loved peridot, but you have somehow, to an extent, ruined her for me.
Frankie dressed as Blade and Marceline as Morbius fighting.
>inb4 Perifag just pulls another blatant vote surge during finals so no matter what people will have a stroke about rigging no matter who it is
Marceline sucking the red out of Frankie's hair turning it white
Uh but Spideranon I say they were rigged against because they were so actually you hate ADC now
Boomersister what is our responce?
We're not going anywhere. This result has galvanised us. See you in the Mr. /co/ Comp.
Knocked out by Rayman in Round 4 last year, he's eligible
"Total zoomer death" is very different from not wanting a more dubious result to play into the winner. Besides, Marceline is nearly a decade older than ENA with an even bigger gap before Pomni. This is just incredibly disingenuous.
Cool your jets retards.
It's an online poll for a beauty contest.
It's not like the Queen Tyr'ahnee is going to pass a tax policy that will affect the board and (you)
Broly helps Frankie out
depends on if a Grandfather is added or not because the whitelist definitely is getting removed
Except when it obviously is.
please stop saying things
I swear every fucking loss in this was either to spite someone or it was rigged, Ms /co/ is garbage and I wish I could break free from it
You know, I weren't going to accuse Pomni fags of doing the rigging and just say it was Perifag, but with how fucking childish they've shown themselves to be after this, I'm 100% going to say they did it. Pomni fags rigged Pomni, and they get what they deserve.
Chelfags was buckbroken by NSA and had the dinosaur live rent free in their heads for 2 years, thinking that they would've won against her. Only then were they embarrassed even harder and put the Fang debate to bed by losing to the clown. Chelfags came into this tournament delusional that they "deserved" a win.
Sorry ive been away, is there any substantial evidence of a rigging or are people just calling for an asterix because of sour grapes
>implying I'm going to trust a FUCKING MARTIAN
Hey man I was trying to be nice it’s free advice take it or leave it, don’t twist it cause you’re pissed. Shit happens and unless you can prove with evidence you were cheated, you just come off as someone crying that life isn’t fair.
2010s is still zoomer zoom zoom
Both the Millenials and the Zoomers need to stop acting like women and stop fighting each other this shit is fucking retarded.
She's also known as Dr. Girlfriend, her whole name is kind of a mouthful as well to write out.
He's coming back. The joke was that he ruined the "dream match-up" by ranking higher than Agent 47 in the Battler four-way last December.
Marceline, you know Go Go Girls? Europop? You still taking song requests
All of this can also lead him into false flagging.
The hosts deleted 128 votes and Pomni lost by THREE votes post deletion
It's a mess
>ENA lost to Marceline
I'm salty
>It's not like the Queen Tyr'ahnee is going to pass a tax policy that will affect the board and (you)
She's not?!
That's retarded
See now you're just trying to stir shit up
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>Battler loses by 1
>Pomni loses by 3
>Isaac loses by 4
Half the people pushing "total zoomer death" are just falseflagging zoomer shitposters.
It's Margaret Woolworth Carrington von Schumacher Chanel Astor Livingston Compte de Saint-Exupery Mountbatten Windsor Armani Roosevelt Von Trap wykenhamp Hearst Montgomery Rothschild Johnson & Johnson Twillsworth Dolce Gabana Von Zweiger II Montgomery de LaRoche Geico Vanderbilt Lannister van Burean Butterworth How I Met Your Mother Wrigley Louise-Dreyfus Ludwig Morgan Stanley Dumont Lamborghini Forbes higbee Winthrop Chanel Remy Martin Fitzwilliam Kennedy Motel Six Fairchild Brook Pritzker Davenport von Stolen Monty Python Ellisworth Aston Martin Haverbrook Ziff Launder Hilton DuPont Kinkaid Winslow Coors Oviatt Marlborough Pembroke Huffington Bush Mellon Sinclair Mellencamp Starbucks van Dyke III Montgomery Marriott Barrington Chadsworth Big League Chew Chesterfield Kensington Boothbishop Longbottom Nottingham Meisterberg Burgermeister Tudor Hapsburg Rockefeller Onassis.
Tranny that shouldn't have been in in the first place.
Marceline turning Frankie into a vampire.
Short comic:
>Bloo in a Marceline mask gloating about having rigged the whole tournament
>Frankie walks up to him, looks at him judgementally
>he says "What? I'm helping"
Hosts said they found rigging for Pomni and removed 128 votes.
Now they're sour that their clown didn't win.
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This sucks man
And so is the 2000s...
That assumes zero rigged votes could have been missed. It's just as likely rigged votes were missed as legitimate votes caught in the crossfire if not more so.
Proof? What if he just went out for cigs?
Marceline hypnotizing Frankie with the power of The Empress
No it isn't nigga she was never going to qualify without that cartoon, Lois Lane isn't popular and cape girl picks already struggle if they don't have well liked cartoon adaptations.
This went to shit hard. More importantly though, what's your post from?
Isn't this what NSA did? Why do hosts keep doing this? How did they know the point votes weren't genuine
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Uh did something happen?
Nice falseflag bro
Nope, you all just babies back then
This(half is actually low) and it is very obvious.
>dr. girlfriend
>1893 results
Pomni lost fair and square eat shit cry about it zoomers
Foster got big right when early zoomers were coming of age to watch cartoons like it. It's not a pure millennial pick compared to something like Cartoon Cartoons. You can even argue Duck Dodgers counts, but it's helped by not having been pushed AS hard.
The winner material has arrived.
Both are from Cartoon Network so maybe the two of them seeing each other and doing the predator hand shake and a C and an N pops up on there arms as they shake.
I agree. Pomni fags truly are brain dead.
the old results had him losing by MORE, Isaac bro....
>Hosts said they found rigging for Pomni
Again, liar. They never said who rigged, falseflaggers have been targeting Pomni, with literally no evidence given they don't have acess to the votes that were deleted.
Don't worry, revenge will come.
Vote with your heart.
Don't let any of this distract you from the fact Jucika is obviously taking this now.
Where did they mention the deleted votes? I don't doubt that they did but I didn't catch that part.
But enough about Frankiefags
Pepsiman is not even part of the whitelist but I guess he would be affected too since he started as a commercial character
/v/ doesn’t need a grandfather clause, it just needs hosts and voters with common sense in the same way we allow certain characters that didn’t originate in /co/ media to participate
We all know Queen Tyr'ahnee is far more about foreign policy than anything else. I do find the idea of introducing homegrown Martian birds into Earth's biosphere very fascinating, though.
>Claim to have rig detection
>Delete whatever they don't like
Maybe it's autistic, but I don't really care about what other people think when the logic is obvious. Nothing changes. People who hated Pomni will say it's sour grapes no matter what or how they act.
the count is invalid either way. if Pomni has to lose, at least let it be in a fair fight.
Rigging autism aside, Tyr has had more established performance and made finals before while also being from a good show. Jucika has barely any board presence
Tyr'ahnee. If Skeletor managed to break his curse for Mr, so should her for Ms.
>/v/ doesn’t need a grandfather clause, it just needs hosts and voters with common sense
They're doomed
Oh, then I guess Pomni lost fairly then.
>Only zoomer picks remain
Fang and Wuya are anti-riggers. They deserve an anti-asterix.
The is more of a zoomer pick though…
I seen his corpse
I'm all in for Tyr'ahnee.
>hosts are /co/ users and most /v/ fags are retards
Looks like hard ruling is the only answer
I don't really like frankie, I don't really get the appeal of any of FARTS apart from Raven and Saphire
Isn't rigging for a false flag still rigging? Unless you mean it was done to cast doubt on any of the winners, regardless of who they were.
Well, it's possible. (Her catchphrase)
nigga Frankie is more 'zoomer' than Tyr
Cloacasterisk is all Fang gets
>tax policy
She would be more interested in Open borders with Mars
Yeah, of course that's where they bring it up. Fuck. They know bringing it up like this causes more shit flinging and yet they do it every time. At this point it has to be intentional.
Okay zoomer
There's no evidence for that. There is evidence that they removed a lot of votes based solely on the time of voting. Logic dictates that the chance of there being legitimate votes that got caught is considerable.
How does ms. /co/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the tourneys.
I'm going to trust the hosts that they're not rigging for being so transparent with everything. NSA wouldn't even open forms.
I grew up with both shows
We have /v/ fag hosts now at least.
but i heard if tyr wins Mr. Warner Bros himself will revive Duck Dodgers
I'm gonna go read some My Hero Academia fanfiction. Maybe I'll feel less deflated afterwards.
>ATLAB reps have been doing bad this year.
I thought this show was held as the best written cartoon on the network? What happened?
Teen Titans Go zoomer spotted.
Wait, I just realized that the vote image never had her iconic horn in them!
Of cause she lost, no one could recognize her!
metapooners decided they were too popular and predictable.
He’s dead Jim.
And here I thought Recapanon was going to have a boring time this year...
The Rigger could have been ANYONE. Any of the Elite 8 could have been rigged.

I'm leaning ENA, because her loss was much more pronounced than any round in the past, much less votes than she normally gets.
I'm just going to vote Jucika because I'm tired of seeing her and if she wins she's gone for good, you people go and do whatever the hell you want because everything from this point forward stinks
Honestly it’s the fanart, we get some great bangers from it.
You don't think much, huh? The older zommers go as back as the 2000s, those can post in here already.
>himself will revive Duck Dodgers
That would suck it had a good run and a good end it doesn't need to have it's corpse defiled
/co/ artfags have shit taste.
Vote Kim for 4th!
fucking MARCELINE winning is the most suspicious thing out of all of this really, Pomni is just getting shit on because of zoomerhate
Honestly it would also explain how ENA got so far.
It's new, not evergreen.
I don't like to speculate because, shockingly, no random anon on the internet is going to "crack the case," but I think it's pretty feasible Marceline just came through because she's had a dedicated anon making content for her, while ENA-focused OC only started showing up like this round and maybe the last.
Again, note for future hosts:
Never say there was rigging publicly, just do it without saying. /co/ will never be able to handle that decently and it hurts more than anything
>Isn't rigging for a false flag still rigging?
Yes I do think there was rigging, the graph is pretty clear.

>you mean it was done to cast doubt on any of the winners, regardless of who they were.
Anon I...
I shit on Pomni because I don't like the character nor shallow ass show.
what date are the mr /co/ qualifiers?
Bejita was the one who was rigged for, after all the rigged votes got removed he lost
>Tyr'ahnee only has eyes for Dodgers
Even if that were true, Tyr'ahnee would still let you marry one of her beautiful servants
What’s up?
>in the same way we allow certain characters that didn’t originate in /co/ media to participate
we do that because of the grandfather clause
Asking this too
Zoomers do have garbage tastes
I would even say it should have been shorter. Season 2 wrapped up everything perfectly. Season 3 was meh.
Toph is the fan favorite and gets the most tournament hype. The others are too quiet, and have their own flaws that likely hinder how easy it is to campaign for them. Azula is the most powerful after Toph, but nobody's put in serious effort to advance her beyond midcarder status.

The boys are hard to push for different reasons: Aang would feel too basic, Zuko likely suffers from his "pretty boy" status that is just lost on a lot of /co/ voters, and I don't recall much tournament attention at all for any other potential guys. Iroh is really likable and an old guy, which makes him the clear favorite for Mr. /co/.
I believe it is two weeks after the final round of Ms./co/
Jessica Rabbit should have won
A romantic one.
Did you also add Dr Mrs The Monarch?
And Lady Au Pair?
her actual name, Sheila, might skew the results too badly.
>We did a stupid thing a long time ago, so let's keep doing that stupid thing because uhhhhh
>Again, note for future hosts:
>Treat /co/ like a parent treats their kids about how the tooth fairy is totally real and gave them a quarter for their tooth rather than treating /co/ like adults
This. And make sure to check for rigging a few hours before votes are revealed so you time to clean them up. That way the only time it'd be a problem is if the rigging happened right before the reveal.
This has all been the fault of that "roll for a wedding" drawfag btw.
yep, Marceline is gone, as is Try.
Who you nominating for Mr. /co/ and what’s going to be his costume for the costume theme round?
They are full of ""lolis"" so they get spited voted.
Vote x Emmy
She still has a chance to do it
She's not in the top 4.
To clarify on Toph, nobody's pushed for Azula much at all after she did at least make Elite Eight once. She absolutely could, but there's just not much excitement around the idea what I've generally seen. Even Shego gets a couple anons at least saying they want people to vote for her every year.
>It's only page 9
I mean.. okay, pretty based ngl. Thanks for all the cool art.
Iroh has some pretty vocal haters, like the people who push the "Iroh was a war criminal" without actually knowing what a war crime is.
I didn't even vote for Pomni but it's hard not to admit she was hard done by and if Tyr was the one short of 3 votes after 128 votes were canned you would have all lost your shit
So she was rigging during all/most rounds and the graphs looked normal but then this one the rigger decided that stealth was optional?
>Logic dictates that the chance of there being legitimate votes that got caught is considerable.
Logic also dictates that the chance of there being rigged votes that were missed must also be considerable. It can't just go your way. The genuine, unbiased take is that either is just as likely.
Image limit but enjoy:

I was hopping we would hit 2000 but what ever...
It is what it is
I hope alicefags flop hard this year and start developing taste for once.
Peridot's got a fat bulge. Nah just kidding that's a fun little doodle
We've been having ENA OC all contest, what are you talking about?
This, it's been trendy to shit on zoomers from the very beginning. Hosts just picked an easy target.
Gwenpool did this in her boxing match
I voted against the zoomer clown on purpose because of how loud the fucking thread was about it.
Never participated before, I just wanted to make sure my girl Frankie got her vote from me.
Dexter was right when he made all the round 1 losers into winners
new thread >>145549550
Fuck off
Just about every instance of confirmed rigging ever has been for zoomer series. Emmy, Steven Universe, Ongezellig, Glitch Techs, DTVA, and so on
Why would I think Amazing Digitsl Circus which is a zoomer store sis suddenly clean under these claims
I wish someone would chronicle all this retardation its very funny
Hey guys!
New Amazing Digital Circus trailer just dropped. 1.6 million views in 6hrs

Well either way I'm sure Cumanon already has the next thread cooked and ready to go
More like Jew thread
There's a wiki for that.

I would just ignore search results for trying to confirm if a character is more popular than another or not in most cases. There's too much to consider. In some cases like candlejack, people don't even do the meme right by not saying the full n-
Why isn't Primal considered "Zoomer" then? ANd that has the biggest rig of all.
because they won't tell us who it was rigged for
Kill yourself
>1.6 million views
Let me guess you rigged those too?
>1.6 million views in 6hrs
They fell off HARD
All Gendy toons are millennial by association.
Fucking ironic Pomni got new stuff today.
Some murder in old mansion stuff
Rigger got cocky, tale as old as time.
it is
Yes, but the issue anon, is that those votes are completely indistinguishable. They are counted as trustworthy because there is zero way to discover a spaced out patient rigged vote. Therefore, we need to stay within the direct realm of what was proven and the resulting effects of it. There was no way to prove all those 128 votes were fake. Therefore, the removals were not trustworthy.
I forgot one, yeah thank you for adding to my point anon
Uh, Courage is a "Zoomer" show now?
Cumanon quit Ms /co/, he said so himself
Trips of truth, it really was ENA!
let's not let the votes distract you from the fact that Jimmy is still fucking dead
How about we don't go after anyone specifically because riggers don't fully represent the character or their fans?
Reminder that the rapidly approaching septs are cursed with explosive diarrhea.
She can kind of time travel, within a single issue. Is this whole tournament 1 issue?
Jax has a vacuum, so I feel that the episode will be more like Luigi's mansion.
in a different timeline this alone would have won Pomi the tournament. Well it is what it is.
>Cumanon quit Ms /co/
good now make the rest of them quit
I hate how the emails thing was handled last year because if there was a fair whitelist system it would've been the best way to go forward
I hope Jax opens up a vacuum vore fetish to a lot of kids the same way I used to have one.
>Being a threat ain't so bad. That means people fear you.
There are several Marcyanons. The one making covers might have gone to sleep or killed himself over all this shit or something else. Wait til next thread.
Repetitive and boring after like 10 minutes.
Tell that to everyone else in this thread
Don't let the rigging distract you from the fact that I just stole your toast and currently escaping
Legally, yes.
>Note the “just about”
Literally she was the only example in history and even then NSA fucked with the results to get a zoomer toon to win
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
Ima' stomp 'em in the nuts.
It sure is.
The emails thing from last year was fundamentally stupid because it actively favored rigging.
A ballot stuffer is just naturally more likely to have a bunch of throwaway emails than someone that's only going to be voting once.
Yeah but people false flag the entire tournament like that incest crap with Kim possible.
how am i supposed to make myself a toast sandwich now
Need a source for this.
Yeah but she's the QUEEN of riggers. The most blatant example of a literal who being rigged into finals. None of the zoomer characters can compare besides maybe Spinel, who still had FOTM to carry her.
How did Statsanon die, and... Why?
Which means any removal at all is not trustworthy, not just the magic number 3. The removal of suspected rigging is something the voter base asked for. If results like this are unacceptable, then we shouldn't do it at all.

This is also assuming all the rigged votes were for Pomni. With the evidence we have, could you conclude that absolutely no Tyr'ahnee votes were removed?
Of those three characters, Marceline is the one with an actual personality
>in a different timeline this alone would have won Pomi the tournament.
And it wouldn't have been a good thing.
This is Ms /co/ lmao
a broken heart
cat crash
I don't like her "personality". Sometimes being simple one isn't that bad.
>I've done. I can't take it anymore. This tournament has been a miserable experience for me since round 2, and I can't take another fucking second of this.
I want nothing to do with Ms. /co/ ever again.

It's Cum-over, sadly you did this. You drove an innocent man out of this tournament.
Car crash. Said he was driving somewhere, then just... never posted again.
car crash apparently
probably distracted from overwork or sleep deprivation since back then we only had one host managing everyone
: (
My night is ruined.
the hosts never confirmed pomni, people are projecting what they want to see, it could have very well been any of the other elite 8, the factor of just 3 votes is not ideal, but statistically it couldve been 300 rigged votes they didnt catch, either its all okay or we shouldnt remove votes at all
>All the boogiemen out of the final four
Too bad, cause she's the best lol
pomni... no!
Hope Pomni has fun at the gala
Marceline is still there
We think he died in an auto accident on a sleepy night on a dark Georgian highway or something. I think he made sure to post the first afterparty thread before he perished.

Or maybe even AFTER ooOOOOOOOooooo.
One guy can do this for years, but four of them can’t??
Jucika is still in
Yes they confirmed it was pomni in the last thread you tard why else would everyone be blaming her only?
I think Mr. Incredible was rigged, there was no way he beat Scotsman by four votes in 2020.
Well evidently, enough people liked Marceline's personality to get her this far.
Tyr'ahnee is still there
Jucika is clearly rigged.
>sees obvious rigging
>immediately gives up
Funny how Chel loses by 4 votes then get what on by Pomnifags as having a meltdown then Pomni loses by 3 and has a schizo meltdown far worse then Pomni
Frankie's still there.
She’s earned her spot as a modern day classic.
A /co/ staple.
WHO confirmed?
We don't actually know if Stats died in a car crash or not but it's the most plausible explanation given his extremely sudden disappearance
show me where they confirmed it was pomni dumbass, people are just saying that cuz her votes are close and they dont like the circus show
It was one if the threads the following Mr /co/, someone posted a news story of a car wreck.
Pretty much, they all quit after this. Once this thread dies its joever for this years Ms.
She lost by 4% not 4 votes
2020 was anti-Gendy for some reason probably because of Fang that year which is why Jack lost to Daffy by 1 vote and Aku jobbed the next round so it makes sense the other Gendy guy would lose
ESL-kun... You need to learn more before you can falseflag
Marcy is a zoomer pick. Voting her out,
it's only a bloody image board poll
Zoomers hate Genndy
How do we know it was her?
Imagine if it turned out he had pulled a Cumanon before Cumanon ever existed and just decided Ms. /co/ wasn't worth hosting

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