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If the anime of the powerpuff girls Z had been a success in Japan, apart from possibly giving it another season...

What other cartoons do you think Cartoon Network might have seen as candidates to be adapted into anime? Obviously not all cartoons, but those that could have been lent for an adaptation. Whether it's because his idea or concept might work in Japan.
Personally, I feel that Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory and The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy could have been options from CN.
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>/a/ thread on /co/

The Powerpuff Girls anime has already been talked about on other occasions here on /co/
>The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy

The Japanese probably would have made Billy not so stupid
I love these witches
Dexter's Laboratory would have been the best choice to also have an anime adaptation
for me, its momoko
I don't remember much about this... How different were the girls in this version from their original versions?
Not sisters, different "real" names and Blossom is not the brains of the group anymore.
>Not sisters
any yuri?
Ben 10
Adventure time would have been ironically enough better animated cheaper and better written. Sorry, well written.
Evil con carne
but... thats lewd....
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She's so cute!!
>Blossom is not the brains of the group anymore.
She's not? Please tell me it's Buttercup and not Bubbles.
Doremi really is just a CN cartoon with the serial numbers filed off
IMO Samurai Jack would absolutely work as an anime, but this also doesn't account for the fact that other samurai & ninja anime existed before Jack and are actually on par. I'm talking stuff like Sasuke, Dororo, & Lone Wolf and Cub. I'm not saying Jack wouldn't exist because there's already samurai/ninja anime, I'm saying that there's a bit of stiff competition and the cyber aesthetic might do a bit of lifting there.
Sorry to disappoint you... but at least Bubbles is not ALSO a videogame maker and hacker here.
Courage the cowardly dog except courage is less scared all the time and filled with determination
what does 'adapted into anime' mean? if anime means its made in japan, but they change the art style. Why couldn't they just give shows a good art style from the start? (although I prefer the powerpuff girls original design to the anime one)
pedo sex appeal, like all anime (and some cartoons)
Samurai Jack is already heavily inspired by eikyo stylization. Making it anime would be like doing an interpretation of an interpretation and too much would get lost in translation. It'd be like trying to make a Western version of Panty Stocking.

Ben10 is a bad choice because it's too stylistically similar to anime to begin with. And I mean that in the sense that a lot of anime itself is derived from productions like Toei and Tomy who did similar "Action Figure" style shows like G.I. Joe and Transformers that existed to push toys. Doing an anime for something like that wouldn't noticably improve or justify the style and would probably come off as a worse version of Kamen rider.
Billy and Mandy, hands down.
Japan has plenty of their own horror tropes they could easily borrow from to make it work.
>being well written
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Miyako for me, she's really cute.
That looks basically indistinguishable from any other anime. Like they sucked everything original out of the style.

A lot of CN's stuff relied on its artist's creativity in making a cartoon that didn't look like everything else. I don't think they should get an anime adaption, but a translation would be fine, as was done for King of the Hill.
>bubbles is the brain
LOL. epic.
>Not related whatsoever
>Regular girls, not lab grown
>Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are pseudonyms (in the Japanese version but not the English dub)
>”Blossom” isn’t smart but a ditz
>”Bubbles” is a popular rich girl
>”Buttercup” is relatively the same
>They all have their own families that we see on screen
>Professor Utonium had no desire to make them and they got their powers by fluke
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Speaking of which, the Professor's was originally designed to look like Dexter
I finally tried watching a few episodes of this and besides making my dick hard the show sucked pretty bad
I meant the Professor's son
>”Bubbles” is a popular rich girl
does she do the laugh
It beats that unmade live action PPG by Diablo Cody or that 2016 reboot any day. I feel this show wouod have been better if they used Dynamo more and make the show part magical girl, part mecha in the vein of Rayearth.
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Did you watch the english dub or the original japanese?
Imagine if they stuck with this design and make this show part PPG, part Dexter's Lab.
Some of them are better written than every cartoon.
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I don't recall, but she uses desu
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>Ben10 is a bad choice because it's too stylistically similar to anime to begin with. And I mean that in the sense that a lot of anime itself is derived from productions like Toei and Tomy who did similar "Action Figure" style shows like G.I. Joe and Transformers that existed to push toys. Doing an anime for something like that wouldn't noticably improve or justify the style and would probably come off as a worse version of Kamen rider.
Maybe the original, and even that had a lot of writing problems, but AF looks just like every other capeshit show from that era.
Princess, her sister, and her cronies do iirc
If they did, would the Powerpuff Girls in this version play the roles of Dee Dee and her friends occasionally and blow up stuff in his lab?
>AF looks just like every other capeshit show from that era.
But that's part of what I'm getting at, these shows have the primary goal of pushing toy accessories.
Saying "it doesn't look like He-Man, it looks like Batman!" misses the point that all of these shows are designed first and foremost to translate to action figures, regardless of country of origin.
Whether it's from Japan or America, the outcome of Ben 10 will look to similar.
yeah it's anime
This. If it were a cartoon it would be both boring and have ugly designs.
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Here's what I think might happen, Dee Dee and her friends would appear, but not as his sister, but as Princesses from another world similar to that Cartoon Network Dexter Comic. Making it an isekai as well, and they fall for the Professor's son after he helps them and view him as a hero from another world and want to marry him.
Since everyone is getting it wrong, the personalities of the ppgz are

Ditzy, vain, boy crazy, very heroic and brave

Ditzy, but not a bimbo like blossom. More ditzy in that she's always calm, peace and love vibes. All the boys are crazy for her

Pretty much the same as the original
At least it wouldn't be incestuous
>At least
You misspelled "unfortunately".
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Shut up you weebfags
Concession accepted.
why were they written as dumb kid brothers
they didn't even have super powers until the last episode
Yeah, she's cute. There was this scene where it was late at night where they called the girls and its implied that she was undressing... they really liked to lewd these girls.
Also becomes part harem.

Yeah. Shame really.
Those bikinis and poses of the girls...
They really loved to shill ice cream and candy especially in the first few episodes
I think it would depend on how much creative freedom CN gives the Japanese to adapt their series and on directors and screenwriters to hire

Because for the Powerpuff Girls anime, they gave Toei a lot of creative freedom to reinvent the characters and their world
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>boy crazy
She's really horny for boys
Ah, yes... She almost always went crazy for attractive guys

She even fell in love with Buttercup's brother in this version
Is my eyesight failing or is Blossom wearing a micro bikini?
>they didn't even have super powers until the last episode
and still pwnd the PPGZ in their first episode
Why are the girls so fuckable ToT?
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It was quite distracting trying to watch this show.
Japan is too based for this world.
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What about Johnny Bravo?
Come to think of it... How would the Japanese have reinvented Johnny Bravo?
Half the girls he hit on would be underage
There are already so many anime that have the sex hungry perv archetype. Master Roshi, Jiraiya, etc. Hopefully they spice it up with lolis.
Does this answer your questions?
Ben 10 is a obvious one
The anime did well, it's just the deal was just for 1 season and CN didn't care to renegotiate so we got back to Precure.
johnny bravo has the personality of ataru moroboshi but not the obsessive alien gf
The original concept art for the anime was closer to the original cartoon but CN pushed Toei to making it different since the character designer was Sailor Moon's creator Naoko Takeuchi, it was basically "we're paying for a new twist by the creator of a popular show, not for a redo of what already exists" even though Takeuchi liked the original and wanted to keep the aesthetics of it.
I forgot to attach the concept artwork, woops
Apart from the lolicon porn, this series has nothing going for
They absolutely should have gone with that look.
Takeuchi didn't make the designs. It was Miho Shimogasa, who happened to work in some episodes of Sailor Moon.
I stand corrected, thanks

Supposedly, the toned down violence was also from CN rather than Toei. The staff had already worked on Futari wa Pretty Cure, which was a magical girl show with a lot of violence as it was meant to be a sibling show to Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, the Cures engage on punching, kicking and such instead of stock animation attacks. I'm honestly surprised CN objected to it considering how violent the original PPG was, it was in line with Pretty Cure's violence, if not moreso during those times the girls chopped off monsters' limbs.
I'm surprised nobody has said Teen Titans yet. The show's creator is Japanese-American and the art style used a lot of anime motifs, at least in the 2004 series.
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That's what it looks like, in the official artwork they appear with the school swimsuit.
Those DVDs had to be sold.
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I like princess in the anime.
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People would watch the show on TV regardless of gender, but only guys bought the DVDs
Apparently there was some Gwen anime spin off that was considered but dropped. It would've been about her and Kevin.
They wouldn't have been able to since they only paid for the PPG license, it's probably why they abandoned that concept. Ken as not!Dexter would've been an only child who gave the girls their powers iirc.
Probably because TT03 is somewhat close enough.
I love how the official art is a little more risque than the series.
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They know their market
It’s fucking awesome
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>We never had an episode based on this where any of the girls playfully groped Kaoru
You see, home releases are not aimed at kids in Japan, kids back in the day just thought it's "good enough" with catching it on TV and re-runs, or now in streaming, so home media releases were sold to a periphery adult audience of otaku and lolicons at a premium price. So they used riske covers.
I saw this picture as a poster on Ebay
It wouldn't be like those Bleedman comics would it?
By Brazilfags
Now that you mention it I wouldn't put it past them, depending on how young not!Dexter Ken would've been they likely would've put him and Blossom together. Here's some old site that describes what could've been. http://ppgcom.gooside.com/ppgz/index2.html
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Those brats
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Bubbles isn't even mad that her skirt was lifted.
Bubbles is a huge slut so it's no surprise.
With the reboot of the PPG coming up, would they attempt to try another PPG anime?
If it were a breakout success? Probably...not. I don't know, I feel like Z might've put them off the idea. I wouldn't mind a second attempt though, without making it too generic. How did the Suicide Sqaud animu do? I know the R&M animu was apparently deemed shit.
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Suicide squad was good i liked it, but a lot of people is fucking sick of suicide squad so only harley enjoyers like myself watched it and it flopped which is really bad because it ends revealing it was all part of joker’s keikaku so we really need a season 2
What would a Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends anime be like?
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Imagine something kin to this but more chaotic
How would Frankie, Madame Foster, Mac or even Goo be portrayed?
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>What other cartoons do you think Cartoon Network might have seen as candidates to be adapted into anime? Obviously not all cartoons, but those that could have been lent for an adaptation. Whether it's because his idea or concept might work in Japan.
You make things very easy for Japan... I think TMS, Toei, or Gainax would have agreed to do it
Better hire Trigger for that hypothetical new anime... Or if they want to make a magical girl anime with the powerpuff girls again, let Toei include more action
And more Dynamo to mix it up with mecha
Dexter's Lab. Perfect fit for a horny imouto character.
Don't you mean onee-san?
No, Make Dexter the old brother and DeeDee his young sister this time
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>Perfect fit for a horny imouto character
Dexter's insecurity with his height and age is half of the show's comedy. I can't think of a worse place to have an imouto character.
there was a fake Dexter's Lab anime in the groovies called Deedee and Dexter
I'm normally not a Bubbles fan but seeing Z Bubbles in that two piece swimsuit arching her back like that makes me want to dump gallons of my semen into her.
That's Italians for you, man.
Not even the japs draw preteens dressed like that on TV. They always go for things like frills and skirts, if not outright one pieces.
yeah this is a very silly place to insert it..
Maybe with Mandark and HIS sister it would work...
If they did another season of PPGZ how would they portray Bliss?
I remember seeing one fanart where they adapted it to the style of PPGZ and it really looked good... So I don't see that it needs a very radical change

But the one I'd like to see is Bunny, I would like her to be presented as a muscular girl but a little silly and a little clueless, like the original
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Are those brazilfsgs in this room with us anon?
She is beautiful
This clip comfirms they are also /co/
>That's Italians for you, man.
If they were French they would be topless.
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I'd expect a Billy and Mandy anime to be like GeGeGe no Kitaro or Dororon Enma-kun.
>but not the obsessive alien gf
That could just be Suzy.
>a muscular girl but a little silly and a little clueless, like the original
Bunny was designed to resemble someone with down's syndrome.
I think the same, besides... I feel that if a hypothetical anime adaptation had been made, the Japanese would have made Mandy very similar to Anna from Shaman King
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Absolutely, Mandy and Anna are very similar.
Billy and Mandy with Grim having adventures within Japanese folklore
I'd love this, have them interact with different yokai.
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There was a more decent Shaman King crossover fanart but I can't find it, it had Billy as Yoh and Grim as the spirit.

Hmmm... If that Billy and Mandy anime had come out...

Would this have influenced the original series at all? Like Mandy being a little more empathetic and Billy not being so stupid
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Could they have used this as a basis for the designs?
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Unprotected sex with Miyako!
Mandy needs a bit more adjusting in the anime style department but yeah, this would be a great basis.

Do you think so? Like the PPG anime changing so much of the girls ignoring their canon (not so much Buttercup), the anime would probably soften Mandy. Not TOO much I hope, like, Anna is a good example of a limit to that kind of personality. If they changed the cartoon to reflect that, we'd get a lot more of these moments. Billy doing even more dangerous shit going into battles and Mandy being more concerned for his well-being.
Is this worth watching if you like the orignal show?
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It serves as a curiosity but I would say it doesn't have much rewatch value. Check out the Japanese version though.
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How the hell are Americans and Europeans so mentally different? Are Europeans immoral or are Americans just entering another stage of insufferable puritanism yet again?
It's almost like being a hivemind is retarded
The real answer is not all horniness is equal and never has been. Some people just have better self control.
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I think PPGZ was made by people who want to have sex with little girls.
Do you like Zettai Karen Childen? Because it's pretty much just Zettai Karen Children with a Powerpuff Girls skin.
And those people should be protected and given more shows to work on.
>moe anime
TMS would never bother as they lost too much money on that Rick and Morty venture (they even cut Sakamoto Day's budget in half just to pay off it's production costs), Toei is slowly moving into doing nothing but kids anime as even One Piece is in the prosses of moving to Wit Studio (They still have Dragon Ball as of now but that could change to Bandai Namco Pictures at any moment) and Trigger is Netflix Japan's bitch as they're now doing a second season of CyberPunk: Edgerunners (Yes, before PSG season 2).

Maybe The Answer Studio, OLM or Wit Studio as Studio 4°C is now reserved on locally created and produced features.2amjh
It came from Toei's Doremi unit, what did you expect?
Scooby Doo, only this time...the Monsters...ARE REAL!
So that was why the girls kinda look like Ojamajo Doremi characters.
>they lost too much money on that Rick and Morty venture
Please tell me that's true, it would be hilarious and deserved for not even bothering to make it look anything like anime.
It's hard to give you a proper explanation without going into full blown /pol/ territory.
But a lot of it can be summed up as Catholics vs. protestant dominated societies.
It is, it's why Sakamoto Days looks the way it does.
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>>moe anime
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Didn't this show confirm that Blossom has a heart cutout on her panties?
Well why wouldn't she?
I mean, for one episode.
No, always. She just doesn't change it.

I do the same thing.
There are a lot of generic-looking anime, but this is not one of them. If you don't know what you're talking about, it's okay to not post.
I was talking about back in the 2000s, when the PPGZ anime had just been released... If this had been a success and CN had been encouraged to adapt other series of theirs to anime, then those studios would have been options for them to make that hypothetical anime. Obviously referring to that decade
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PPGZ was a success... for Adults, Kids were not interested and the show was plagued with lolicons and hence no season 2 got made.

In short, most of it's market was 18 and up, even back then.
>that subtle hint of cleavage in bubbles
She is pretty healthy
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That's a drawing that the creator of PPG made, right?
Many little girls in Latin America liked PPGZ. Not sure about Japan or other markets though
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Success or not, one thing is for sure, it has a really cool transformation sequence.

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Were the close-ups of skirts really necessary? Can you imagine little Timmy telling his parents that his pp felt funny because he saw the PPGZ? That would be really awkward.
Japan was strictly straight men over the age of 18 years old.
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>Were the close-ups of skirts really necessary?
This show was always on the verge of fanservice but always restrained itself, we can't go that far.
It would have been infinitely worse because Japanese perv comedic relief characters are almost all fucking terrible
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So... Official art, right?
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That's right
Was it a failure? It ran for 50 episodes and even got a DS game. Ir was more successful than PPG 2016 at the very least
This shows OP's are peak capsule of the end of the mid 2000's
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>This clip comfirms they are also /co/
Welcome to /co/
That was signed for before the show aired, they had to release them.
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>No reboot that uses a anime like look but keeps the hyper violence that made the series stand out
>Instead we got a shitty "modernization" and another reboot by Craig coming only because it's the only job anyone is willing to give him anymore

Rick and Morty: The Anime bombed, of course they're not going to have another anime be based on a Warner Bros property.

No idea about how well Suicide Squad Isekai did but War of The Rohirrim was bashed beyond belief due to everyone saying "They canceled Bye Bye Bunny for this shit?!?"
>better written
nah, they'd just add more tits and ass
I hate the shilling of animeslop here, most of the time they will never create a truly faithful show that 90s PPG was, because girls x blood is just not what jap boys want. West weebs love sexy children but sex and blood don't mix usually in anime for teen shonens, it's mostly in adult ova type of media.

Honestly, someone should just make notPPG of their own since indies can indeed get away with both and usually do, since most online artists actually support coomism, just not autistically like 4chan users are.
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Honestly, I doubt they'll ever replicate the original PPG even with McCracken at the helm. He's mellowed over the years and the absence of Tartakovsky and Rudish, who helped out in the action scenes, will be noticeable.
>ecause girls x blood is just not what jap boys wan
What is Mai-HiME also
>teen shonens
most 2000s and 90s shonen had more violence than ppg. Ppg was less violent because it was treated like a shoujo.
>most 2000s and 90s shonen had more violence than ppg.
Not with female protags shithead, read before posting. The main leads will always been men before women, and boys before girls
>Not with female protags shithead, read before posting
Read my first line as well dumbfuck.
>sex and blood don't mix usually in anime for teen shonens
Most shonen have both fanservice and blood and every shonen has at least 1 female lead. Other than my Hime you also have nanoha with only female cast if that's what you were asking for.
But where are the sources that PPGZ flopped?
Laura Haruna will like to have a word with you.
>FusionFall(FF) PPG
How many more PPG version we have, they would literally make some kind of movie with that concept
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>show was always on the verge of fanservice but always restrained itself
Yeah, even back in the day I noticed that.
>kusogaki billy & mesugaki mandy
Fuck off Famicom
Too bad they gave her that dumb ass Ronald McDonald form instead of adapting her suit from the OG show
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There aren't enough for a PPG-verse if that's what your getting at, but theres also the Power Punk Girls
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oh lawd
>The only other CN anime adaptation since then has been Rick and Morty

me as blue looking up bubbles skirt
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Because it was post 1997 Toei. And this was a decade after, i read on /m/ yhat Toei now wants to be a Kids only company, making shows for babies, i mean they are losing One Piece after all.

Remmeber when they Greenlighted Sailormoon Crystal for the sole porpuse of c°u°cking other companies of giving the IP a fair try, and then didnt do shit fot 2 years at all until they got called out? and when the final product showed up it look rushed as fuck, almost as if they only recently started to work on it?

Toei has been shit past the 95 subway terrorist attacks, plus they are pro shota but anti loli as fuck, as of now.
And that end up bombing (only 192,000 views worldwide, tops, including streaming), even Tiny Toons Looniversity did better then it and that still bombed. (only 300,000 views worldwide, tops, including streaming).

You need at least 2 million views to be a success, and thats per country.
Why are numbers so fucking bloated now?
PreCure is still under the 7-11 demographic, but besides that all they have is Dragon Ball, and that and a few others might be transfer to Bandai Namco Pictures.

Power of Hope: PreCure was aimed at male otaku and that turned a large profit, they might back track on the whole kids anime thing.
SpongeBob gets over 5 million views per episode, it anything it's under preforming.
If you want a show with action, go watch futari wa Precure instead
I'd love to see those brats in the show.
Momoko's butt in the foreground
You could say they got away with it... Since the girls are far away and don't do anything but a little jump of Surprise and that's it
Bamco Pictures? what's that?
no one talks about how cute annie/seduca was
Because they shove and force it to our troaths for years even after it got REALLY BAD, same with simpsons, they only keep the show alive as a money laundry schemes, and dont tell me those dont exist, look at what WB did with the tax write offs of BatGirl and Coyote vs Acme.
I have a good feeling about Courage with the same humor but more of a Junji Ito tone to the horror. Maybe a single villain/force/scenario spread out over a season.
I can never get their civilian names straight so I just call them Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup like the dub does.
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Sakurako Kintoki is her jap name, and yeah, she's a cutie.
Why the fuck was it so lewd then?
The worst I remember in Doremi is the pedo guy but that wasn't directly lewd.
Normies want SpongeBob, Simpsons is kept afloat because of Latin America, they're not money laundry schemes like Green Eggs And Ham: The Animated Series for Ellen Degeneres' friend/talk show.

Coyote vs Acme hasn't been wright off yet, thats still under limbo.
No one knows.
If you've seen any other non-subversive magical girl show, then you've already seen PPGZ.
This show was so fucking dogshit but little me, along many other young boys, only watched it because the girls looked really attractive.
Kaoru is by far the best one btw.
>Kaoru's boobs are the biggest
Was this made in Italy? Sounds like Spanish
Man, Anna made me feel things when I was a boy...
Apparently the animation was made in Italy, but the promo is in Latin American Spanish.
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>School principal was bald, with huge eyebrowns and mustache
WTF? He was literally like Edajima.
The /v/ threads about Fusionfall are great. Those who knows, knows why.
Original Japanese with Subs is the best way. English dub is fine but they changed a lot.
I thought PreCure was huge among otaku basically from the beginning
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I think there is also a bit of censorship in the english version, here is the japanese version with english subs if anyone is interested
It is.
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AKSHUALLY he is based on Daruma dolls
triple rape
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Here's your tomboy
Thank you. I will take care of her everyday.
>to this date the subs are still based on crappy tv-rips
Be the change you want to see
What anime versions of them be like?
>Many little girls in Latin America liked PPGZ
>Osaka/Okinawa-ben Grim
I'm down.
huge sluts who seduce older men.
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If all of my husbandos' shows they came from, in a alternative universe they would be an japanese anime show instead of being a western cartoon. How it would look like or what will the plot about?

Will be like a slice of life furry anime kino or something?
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Do you think Mandy and Anna would get along? Or would both be able to come to punches?

If it's the latter, I imagine Mandy trying to defend herself with Grim's scythe while Anna chases her with her spirits
I would have loved to see an anime adaptation of Samurai Jack... And if possible, that it had an artistic and visual style similar to prequel ovas of Rurouni Kenshin's

Just imagine Jack's story but with that more adult tone of the ova, and if his creator had been involved in the production... It would have been quite a spectacle
What wpuld an anime Johnny Quest be like?
It would have been very interesting honestly... Although we don't know if they would still keep Johnny to be a Western boy or make him a Japanese boy
They might give Hadji an actual harem since he is royalty?
Maybe they would keep him and the others the same, but they'd probably add a Japanese member to the group in their adventures, he'd probably be like a scientist version of Rock from Black Lagoon.
Why didn't the original 1960s Space Ghost not get an anime? It did get a manga adaption. Adult Swim and Toonami should have capitalized on this.
>Space Ghost wasn't big enough to get a anime back in the day.
>Rick and Morty: The Anime bombed so Warner Bros isn't going to make any more anime adaptions besides releasing stuff thats already finished or is whapping up production.
You're lucky if Go Go Mystery Machine is done by a Japanese studio.
I bet children are safe around the creators and fans of PPGZ...
Secret Saturdays just replace cryptids with Yokais
What the fuck this rocks. Thank you for sharing anon
Kids still love SpongeBob grandpa you were supposed to grow out of it after the 5th grade
They'd tolerate each other at best I believe but not enemies probably, unless Mandy decides to be an asshole like in the KND crossover, only then Anna would have to fight if needed. Reminds me of Anna and Tao Ren not interacting much and Anna not bossing him around like she does everybody else. Mandy and Anna are both powerful in their own ways but also both want to relax while their silly boys are around so I think as long as they keep their bossiness to their respective groups, they can watch TV and eat pizza together. Also, Anna can read minds but, to Mandy, most people are very transparent already.

Still I'd really like to see that battle.
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>I bet children are safe around the creators and fans of PPGZ...
Of course they are
What would a Justice Friends anime be like?
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I forgot the pic. I mean these guys from Dexter's Laboratory to avoid confusion.
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I don't know if they would still keep it a parody of the Avengers, but chances are if they choose to be original and based on their culture... Most likely, they will make "Justice Friends" but based on Japanese heroes

Characters like Kamen Rider, the Super Sentais, Ultraman or maybe even heroes of Shonens of fights

>Still I'd really like to see that battle.

There are two of us, I'd also like to see that fight
They could have appeared on PPGZ and make an anime version of that one episode where Major Glory and Val Halen turn down the PPG. But if it was in the anime maybe they could make them at first sexist and at the same time racist, them being classic American heroes vs Japanese magical girls until the girls prove to them their prowess.
Yes by Kentaro Nakajo was serialized in Bokura published by Kodansha in 1968


You heavily underestimate the female lolicon fanbase.
Those are next to non existence, it's 99.99999+% cis male.
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Dexter's Laboratory was popular enough in Japan to have had an adaption. This commercial in CN Japan is probably the closest.

You've never been to a comiket then.
I have, more then once, the women are at the boy love/yaoi booths.
If it ever happens... I would love for Shinichiro Watanabe to direct that Samurai Jack anime adaptation

He could easily do a kind of Cowboy Bebop with the Samurai Jack universe, it would be very interesting. Now what I'm not sure is what his version of Jack would be like, as I feel that his Jack would be similar to Jin from Samurai champloo but more empathetic
Not going to happen.
I want to call her the C word but don't wanna get hit with her mallet.
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BL books are only really present for one day of the comiket.
Thats the point, Comiket is a man's convention.
Hey, it's okay to dream
You do know that over 70% of the vendors and 40% of the attendance is female, right?
It's not a man's convention by any means and lolicon has always had a big female following over there.
It’ll never not be funny to me that ATLA is unpopular in Japan. They hate Aang’s design.
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The two jp bros I've spoken to that actually watched it said they liked it, and apparently the sentiment during the time it was airing over there was positive.
However, there's three problems:
1. Not all cable providers carried Nickelodeon over there, and the ones that did put it in the higher tiered packages
2. Unlike nicktoons that actually had an audience over there, ATLA aired at an unfortunate timeslot. Teens were busy with extracurriculars.
3. Apparently there was a long ass delay for Nick JP to air the dub of the last two seasons, so the people who cared had mostly moved on.
Also no merchandise.
its funny how this surprises westerners
japs don't need avatar
they have lots of action adventure shows tailor made for them
We just want Japan-sama to notice us. We’re tsundere.
>Based off a thread about a twitter post made here
There are a lot of western toons that aren't popular there, it doesn't necessarily translate to hate but rather indifferent.
>they have lots of action adventure shows tailor made for them
Largely this.
European tradition.
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See also Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch, which is also a magical girl show. These are the hidden inner covers for DVDs.
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Not even that, The Japanese support whats on the top, not whats on the bottom.
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She needs more fanart
>When you realize more adult men watch your show then little girls.
Why didn't Hamtaro do this towards Laura and Kana?
All good except for Voltron.
I didn't make that, I just found it.
what are you even trying to say
Support whats on top, not whats on the bottom.
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There was some fanservice for a little while in the beginning.
Then... Unfortunately, ATLA was unlucky when it came to broadcasting and promoting itself in Japan

How sad honestly
That was just her belly and that wasn't the intent.
As a European tradition!? What do you mean by European tradition!? Can the girls there wear micro bikinis or something?
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Hamtaro saw her naked. It's "use your imagination" fanservice.

Her first swimsuit was kinda skimpy.
She had underwear (bra and panties) on, not nude.

Laura's swim suit could've been skimpier but she is not that kind of girl.
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I wonder what it would've been like if they went with a Dai Mahou Touge tone instead.

If Anna decides to try and capture Grim, then I could see a fight starting. Otherwise, they'd stay out of each other's way I feel. She'd probably feel sympathy for Mandy after watching Billy (and be glad that's not her).

That's just it, I have no clue if it would be successful because when you look at PPGZ it's only PPG in name and design (just the girls and professor, the mayor and especially Bellum look like crap) but barely anything else.

Adaptation? Since when? You mean it getting dubbed? That said, I wonder if it would've gone well had it been animated like that commercial.
Why would she wear a bra when she's totally flat and 10 or 11 years old?

Do people wear underwear under their pajamas?
>That wasn't the intent
Unaware of "yume" fanservice, aren't we?
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Could Fushionfall be adapted?
Okay? Is their taste sacred?
It's a undershirt.

Do people wear underwear under their pajamas?
Yes. Very.
Ok? Who gives a shit if something is "needed", if its good its good. the west did not need DBZ after all the tacoball Brazilians flooding the internet, but here we are.
>Adult animation is just boomerslop
Look, an adult can get out of the closet already, we don't need to fool ourselves into thinking top is "high culture".
its just as important to understand whats popular now as it is to pay respect to animation history
if the stuff on the top was still appealing to general audiences it is what would be made now
kids wanted anime because western animation was pretty lacking in good action series that hit the right mark of action, drama, and humor

you obviously had action shows but a show like dragon ball z, pokemon, or sailor moon could have never been made in the west

i mention these because these are what got anime put on the map, but the list goes on

even today kids are watching JJK and Demon Slayer
Wasn't there a comic of JB fighting a kars Kuzco somewhere?
Stop reading
>Simpsons is kept afloat because of Latin America
A la grande le puse cuca
kids are the target audience of most cartoons and most anime
A bit unrelated but have they ever thought of doing a game that's a WB/CN equivalent to Kingdom Hearts? Like a JRPG that combines anime characters and something like Looney Tunes/Scooby Doo/Johnny Quest characters?
Ok Boomer
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there's a chinese tom and jerry gacha
It is.
Kids would watch anime if it was 100% like Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs (fluid, pre-synced animation that is done on at lease 2s) but at last they only watch Sazae-San, Chibi Maruko-Chan, Doraemon, Anpanman and older anime like Hamtaro, Heidi, Anne of Green Gables and Mirumo De Pon.

Kids don't watch JJK, MHA and Demon Slayer, they're still watching Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker and Popeye (and MeTV Toons had of part of that).
Monolith Soft Unit 1 was reported to work on such a project (as Unit 2 is doing Legacy, another Zelda game (this time for Switch 2) where Zelda is the main playable character and is bult using the Breath of The Wild/Tears of The Kingdom engine, and Legacy started development after primary work of Tears of The Kingdom was finished in 2022).
>a WB/CN equivalent to Kingdom Hearts
Space Jam took that role already
Kids anime dried up in the late 2000s, it's part of why Bandai Namco Pictures happened, Sunrise Studio 9's profits dried up and they moved all of their kids content and whatever staff that didn't get laid off to Bandai Namco Pictures.

Most anime is now aimed at otaku, the only kids anime left are all long runners like Doraemon and Anpanman.
He means a AAA game by a major Japanese company.
See >>145627628
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Yea, got to make sure Daffy Duck and Porky Pig have their JRPG where they travel with some girl to Hogwarts, Bedrock, Townsville and The Matrix.
Oh no Famicom again
The WB/CN equivalent to Kingdom Hearts from Monolith Soft existed for a few years now.
>Scooby Doo, only this time...the Monsters...ARE REAL!
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If Hogwarts is included, does that mean Harry Potter would appear and would they make him a shota type character where a lot of older females get attracted to him? Or better yet, have Negi Springfield and other Negima character appear in the game and have them meet other Harry Potter characters?
this isn't evidence or even a rumor of that
Yes it is, real the tcrf.net link and watch the YouTube video.
Be specific
give a time stamp
This was literally animated by toei
Studio Mook did Swat Kats, not Toei.
I think it's more about the fact that atla is an anomaly in western animation but it wouldn't have been so special to a japanese person.

All this talk aboutwhat Japan thinks, but what about what other Asian countries think about ATLA? Do their opinions not matter?
is ATLA even that popular outside of America?
I think a big reason for its popularity in America because anime was still pretty uncommon when it first aired
only CN really had anime, not Nick or Disney

But Europe, Latin America, and Asia all had anime long before the West did
I know it's overall liked in the Philippines and Indonesia.
It's also loved in LatAm.
I always thought PPG was a stupid girl show and never watched it (except for the movie) until I played Fusionfall and met Blossom. I crushed on her hard and got into PPG.
Honestly, it would be interesting to see an animated adaptation of it... But if it happens, I feel that the ones who will animate it will be Warner Animation or the Mir studio
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You get Snipple and like it, they're much better then Studio Mir anyway.
Venture bros
Awww, thats even cuter
Good stills, low fluidity.
I hate third worlders so much
What does “look like anime” mean here?
America is heavily religious, and also obsessed with child safety. Euros don't really care about their kids as much and treat them like adults once they're about 13.
Super kissable
Wasn't Inspector Gadget produced in the US?
Only season 2 was, season 1 was spilt between the US, France, Japan and Canada, the later used Taiwan for their episodes.
>and treat them like adults once they're about 13
No wonder their divorce rates are so high and all have broken families and all their women lose their hymen before the age of 15 lm@o
sad society
Nigga why you lying
I'm not.
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It probably means that they don't have more stylized designs like most anime usually have.
How do you think people would receive a 2003 Teen Titans anime adaptation today by the Trigger studio? I understand that part of people at the studio are fans of the TT2003 series and would probably love to do an animated project of the Titans
Even then it will still bomb, because otaku wouldn't touch it because it's not of Japanese origin.
Trigger is doing a second season of Cyberpunk Edgerunners and even shelved PSG season 2 because it it.
Plus all of Trigger's westaboo tendencies are mostly gone anyway.
>Kids would watch anime if it was 100% like Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs
not again with this shit..
They were made in Japan by Telecom Animation Film, before they jumped shark (which could've EASILY been avoided by NOT doing Return of The Joker and just do Laura Haruna instead).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJZAAAtEe4 (Telecom prier to 2003 had a tendency to be credited as TMS who was their parent company).
Is this real
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Anime is better lol
True, but I'd be lying if I said PPGZ was a better show than the original.
Better than the reboot
It's a doujin
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That cameo
Oh yes, the crossover that happened... I would have liked to see them interact with their original versions
Nice cameo
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A bunch of seconds of nothing
It would only remain to pray that one day DC and Warner will allow it to happen...
Would they do crossover one day? A PPGverse?
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He's a chill anon.
It's good in its own right. Not as violent as the original. Don't like the changes the English Dub did.
Wow I remember this. They did the artstyle well.
The problem was they didn't rehire the actual Powerpuff Girls voice cast (Cathy Cavadini, E.G Daily, Tara Strong, Tom Kenny, ect.) and made the bus strictly for South East Asia on the cheap.

Thats why it never aired in North America.
They used mostly Canadian actors didn't they? Because it is too good to be an SEA dub. SEA dubs are like the bare minimum.
PPGZ definitely aired stateside. I remember seeing it on TV.

It's a good read. I could barely concentrate tho.
uooohhhh ToT
not really a crossover, a cameo
I never caught it, must of been a Hawaii thing as they have Japanese channels like how California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Texas have Spanish channels (*cough*Telemundo*cough*).

I know they didn't air it in the base 48 + Alaska.
The fact they didn't get the actual PPG voice cast back is why Cartoon Network US didn't air it.
I just had a serious Mandela moment. I know for a fact I saw PPGZ as a kid, but according to the internet it apparently only ever aired in Australia in English
And The Philippines.
I thought it aired on Boomerang in 09.
Not in the US.
>I never caught it, must of been a Hawaii thing as they have Japanese channels like how California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Texas have Spanish channels (*cough*Telemundo*cough*).

How many of you gringos caught on LaTam uncut DBZ on Telemundo?
Shit was whacked.

>fucking off-tune Spanish Head Cha La
>Disrespecting Ricardo Silva

Fuck you Jason what do you mean!?
I don't speak Mexican, I don't know or care who that is
Yeah, they used Ocean. All the edits and changes wound up carrying to other international dubs though.
The SEA eng dub of Cardcaptor Sakura is pretty good. Their dub of Azumanga Daioh is better than the 'official' dub.
SouthEast Asia. For a good long while there was a dubbing studio based in Hong Kong that did its own dubs of anime for broadcast on English TV in asia, using talent from HK/Singapore/Canada, without any relation to the major dubbing studios in North America. So they often did dubs of stuff that already had English dubs, like CCS. But unlike the 'mainstream' Cardcaptors dub, the Asian (animax) dub was basically uncensored. Original JP music, character names, themes, etc.
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If they stuck with Ken's original design, would he run into Dexter?
Wrong, the SEA dub of CCS waa censored too, and its BAAAAD
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would rape
They already have Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
>Plus all of Trigger's westaboo tendencies are mostly gone anyway.

Just because they no longer include those trends, doesn't mean their taste for Teen Titans has disappeared

You just wait until one day Warner calls them for it and they would accept without problems... Or at least that's what I want to believe
Warner Bros Japan, maybe, but the Trigger of 2014 doesn't exist anymore and if Warner Bros Japan would to offer Trigger a job it will be for a adaption of a manga none of you ever heard of, you're lucky if another Dragon Pilot happens with Trigger (anime original IP).

Warner Bros America, no, thats been illegal since 2000 (Mook's contract with Hanna Barbera was made before the law was put into effect hence why Cyber Chase was allowed to be made), baring a short stint between 2009-2012 when the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan was running the country and lifted said law but once the Liberal Democratic Party took back the country in 2012 it became illegal again.
would do it consensually
You might be thinking of something else. They even kept the storyline about the girl falling in love with her teacher.
Simpsons did it.
Could PPGZ appear in an SRW game with Dynamo Z?

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