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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/4tkiwLMHWrQsNXAGA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-finals-9off


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics
►Round 4 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScioSqR8TFzcmOqnmD8mM1RzTZegIVbhec9rY6gIYKeU_JrGA/viewanalytics
►Quarterfinal Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc68t6SzwhYBJc4oAOxjSv4ctoJv5Rv04Ocmr2zPFY4IgNGBw/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: >>145513517
►Quarterfinals: >>145529477
►Semifinals: >>145549561
►Previous: >>145560210 (Thanks Dill for making the last thread)
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Jucika is boring
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If my girl doesn't win then I'm gonna shit myself
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Sorry for the mobile post, but this bus only goes so fast and hijacking it is apparently illegal. Vote Frankie
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Go Tyr!
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this is still going?
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Cute redhead solidarity
>only boomers that'd know about her are Hungarian boomers
>only just recently got popular thanks to Twitter which is mainly used by millennials and zoomers
shit you're probably right, so self respecting Hungarian boomer would ever go on a Mongolian basket weaving forum's comic and cartoon board's tournament
I don't care who wins as long as Jucika loses.
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Jucika my beloved
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Who is Tyr by the way, I don't many cartoons, but I'd never seen her prior to this tourney.
I've heard of Jucika through /co/ but not Tyr.
What show is she from?
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Maiden of /co/ / Ms. /co/ Bottom 128 Semifinals


Damn, is Tyr'ahnee's chest really that big?
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Vote marceline! /co/'s best choice!
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Jucika is cute as a kitty
She's a popular comic character, with a special presence on this board.
What makes her uniquely bad?
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Link is to a zip file of the uncensored version and many alts.
Jucika is gonna win.
>t. meta knower
I thought you quit
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Seriously? You've never heard of Duck Dodgers even once until now?
Duck Dodgers.
Tyr'ahnee is built like a queen, probably because she is one
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You said the finale would be Ena vs Jucika "meta knower".
Advertiser-sama get down!
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Shucks I fell asleep for too long
Vote for Barred R5 here: https://forms.gle/B2V9T9sJvZ5MkZBe9
What kind of alts?
That was before host rigging.
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>/v/iggers don’t know about Looney Tunes
She’s a character from the Marvin the Martian realm
Best girl.
I changed that fate
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pic related feels
People trying to fix Ms. /co/, don't make me laugh. You can't beat the autism.

I'm more open, once my picks were out I still made art of other characters and didn't act like a sore loser.
Combinations of bottoms, mud, and hair.
I have it for Tyr
>t. Meta knower
Hair as in pubes?
I think I remember the name?
Wait, no I'm thinking of Darkwing Duck, what the fuck is Duck Dodgers?
Was that some Disney Chanel show? I never watched that growing up
Oh, it's a Donald Duck show.
Never watched it.

She's cute though, I understand why she's made it so far
The Zoomers might be less autistic when they become the ones in charge.
>Oh, it's a Donald Duck show.
Okay, it's just a troll
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Gentleman, I just want to let you all know it's been a honor serving alongside you. After the failure of my god robot wife, things went a bit quiet and times change as they should. But not once... did I ever stop cheering for someone to end this madness. May the best woman win.
Do men think a little patch of hair above the vagina is a "hairy pussy"? Hair grows all over the entire mons pubis all the way down to near the anus

Holy bait
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Requesting art of Duck Dodgers voting for Jucika, in front of Tyr'ahnee.
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>Duck Dodgers
>starring Donald Duck
Thank zlybro
>Donald Duck
wrong duck
you have missed out
No they won't, look at how the rigged Pomni and ENA
Yeah, exactly, there’s no fixing something inherently fucked up. Spammers will ALWAYS spam, falseflaggers will NEVER stop, and meta shit will ALWAYS play a role in votes. Just shake it off and have fun on the roller coaster, bros
Autism knows no age.
No definitive proof they rigged them.
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This got real boring after the qualifiers, I don't know why I stuck around.
The final round begins in around three hours from now. The tournament lasts a week, with two days prior for deciding the main bracket and one day after for the aftermath.
Quarterfinal matches
>thinks boomer powerhouse will beat middling campaigner built oddball at this stage
I just want to say, no matter who ends up winning this was fun to make.
Oh! So that's why her skin is all black.
That's cool.

Hmm I suppose then the question of who wins between her and Jucika will be based on how many people who participate in these tourneys actually watch cartoons, then.
Those who mainly browse /co/ may prefer Jucika, but cartoon fans will probably prefer the more conventional option
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Now we shall watch with baited breath as the end grows closer and closer. Dramatic endings are best kind, after all.
NGL Duck Dodgers with Donald would still be based
NOW THIS is what I came to see. Lovin it.
Yeah, I have fun anyway. It's some bitter people that try to use generational drama and other types of drama to win. Instead of actually doing a campaing like some of us.

Again, enjoy the ride.
Just FYI, the Finals will have some questions about the future rules.

First and foremost, you will have a chance to choose whether you want Seeded brackets back or if you want to keep Randomized. I'm sure most people already have a pretty good idea about this one, so I'll get to the point that's more interesting in my eyes.

I'll be honest, I never liked the concept of voting in the Finals in the first place. It's making people vote for some abstract tournament a year away that they might not even participate in. /v/ saw it last year when the 2023 votes were surprised to find out that they had apparently voted for Loser's bracket a year ago in 2022. I would much rather people vote for the rules that they can immediately see in effect. Therefore, the Finals for Ms. /co/ 2024 will include a poll to move all future rules questions to QUALIFIERS. If this gets voted for, from then on, questions about any potential rule changes will be placed in the Qualifiers poll, and their results will be applied immediately.

For a purely theoretical example, if we were to have a vote on the spin-off clause in the Qualifiers of Ms. /co/ 2025 and people voted to remove it, it would get immediately removed starting from Round 1 of Ms. 2025. Of course, people would later have a chance to vote it back in. Again, this is a purely theoretical example, we're not doing anything with the actual spin-off clause unless there's demand.

If you have feedback on this and suggestions for any other potential rule pollings, feel free to respond to this post and we may consider them.
The Italian comics did have Paperinik go against aliens…
Who'd be Donald's Eager Young Space Cadet?
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C2 is finally finished.
Now to wait until Mapanon gets here.
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She's from Duck Dodgers. She is the badass Warrior Queen of Mars who has a thing for the protag but Daffy is retarded
that's just The Duck Avenger in space
Because, and I know it sounds weird, I like strips and knowing that absoulutely nothing but coombait character and yes I know most other picks are that despite there being loads better chars that don't have the luck of being overpushed by dumb faggots bums me out.
Same reason I don't like Calvin and Hobbes minus the coombait part.
Oh fuck I confused Donald and Daffy.
How'd I fuck that up, I loved Loony Tunes growing up, I even watched that weird suburban sit-com with him and Bugs as a kid.

Isn't it kinda weird that both Disney and Warner have a major duck character with a two-syllable, alliterative first name?
I mean who copied who?
Hairy is all the way from pubis to anus
Bro this is a terrible video you were replying to a shitposter but if someone was legitimately asking who Tyr'ahnee is this would be the worst way to show her off, no one wants to see a minute long video where half of it is just some droning autist explaining the scene to us like we're 5 years old.
Why do /v/ fags vote here?
Keep out non conventional picks by instituting a waifu only rule
Love how you captured the specific styles of each show well in your own. The Marcy and ENA panel is especially emblematic of that.
Will there be a vote on removing the Elite Eight rule?
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Been there done that
>Therefore, the Finals for Ms. /co/ 2024 will include a poll to move all future rules questions to QUALIFIERS. If this gets voted for, from then on, questions about any potential rule changes will be placed in the Qualifiers poll, and their results will be applied immediately
isn't that what the pony tournament does?
Tyr’ahnee is like if someone genetically engineered a Ms. /co/ winner in a lab.
>Conventionally attractive, but unique looking
>Bad girl villain, but also good girl
>Action packed, does cool shit instead of standing around
>But also feminine, cute outfit changes, sings
>Right on the cusp of Millennial and Zoomer
>Just obscure enough to avoid the debuff, but popular enough to be recognized
>Good history with the tournaments
>Most people like her show
Jucika is a classic late game jobber. Her tougher opponent is Frankie because it splits the older vote but I have Marceline taking that via zoomer solidarity and some Millennials breaking rank.
That makes a lot more sense.
also, any chance of expanding FOTM to FOTY or at least a six month in advance ban?
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Jucika is a hard working young Hungarian woman in the prime of her life. She lives life to the fullest in her escapades. She has as many jobs and professions as Barbie. She's a hopeless romantic, or was until Pal finally got her hitched to a lucky lad. She's cute, she's sexy. But most importantly? She makes me laugh. And that's all it takes for me to have kept supporting her since I nominated her four years ago
Dictator-kun is back.
I think it's safe to say... Bloo won the whole tournament.
Because the filter was really easy this round.
It probably should be tightened a bit, I mean really don't have any business voting here.
Tbh I only watched Duck dodgers a week ago. Never saw it and I liked looney tunes growing up.
FOTY is absolutely retarded and should never even be considered. Best/Worst I would consider would be like 3 months.
PLEASE put the Elite 8 ban on the ballot. The ruling has only caused trouble since 2019. All girls should have the chance to keep year-to-year momentum or else we languish in silentfaggotry forever.
I like the move to qualifiers, frankly I always felt it should be right there anyways or at least nominations
Mickey for the straightman role
If he’s not allowed to be the sidekick then Jose
If we really want to go literal pig route then Peter Pig
Nah, we need to keep zoomer picks out after all the trouble they caused
>If you have feedback on this and suggestions for any other potential rule pollings, feel free to respond to this post and we may consider them.
Maybe you could match girls of each decade against each other in the brackets. Not splitting into different tourneys, but putting 2010s girls against 2010s, 2000s against 2000s, so on. It's a thought.
We need a side newcomer tournament. I feel I would like it if we could vote on recent cartoons, whatever they might be in its own category, but I mean super recent like the year Ms. /co/ gets released. It's unfair to campaing every year and then a newcomer sweeps your pick just because of different reasons. There's needs to be more splits to give you more chances.
Don't listen to the 5 vocal anons samefagging the thread.
Bejitabro btw
Anon all you describe is precisely why Tyr will job now. Meta is always oddball and predictably unpredictable if you’re thinking conventionally.
Hope it means E8 Ban gets put as an option. Alternatively on the flip side banning all 128 for complete fresh blood
I don't think Jucika is all coom bait, sure sexuality is a major part of her personality, but she's this spunky and lustful character who also has a unique origin.
Zoomer character ban full stop. Anything from 2019 onwards is illegible.
Is there anything that can be done about nominations bloat or is that just something we need to accept?
>Ms and Mr Zoomer
Fuck off lmao
Ok then maybe at next year's qualifiers we can vote on whether or not we want a 2nd round of qualifiers of the top 300 like some anons have been suggesting. It will help weed out a lot of the filler noms.
Try putting the newer cartoons and the older ones into their own sides of the bracket instead of mixing it all up, might reduce the seethe since people will be able to vote for their picks without getting completely demolished by spitefagging.
>, and their results will be applied immediately.
This is literally what NSA did to rig her picks
>Expand FOTM to FOTY
Kek fuck off
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Vote Frankie she actually has defined brea.... eyes... I was gonna say Eyes
Have you thought of expanding it from 128 to 256 or will mods extend the time limit for that?
Might be fair to divide up some rules between qualifiers and finals, depending on which spot seems more applicable. Some questions might be better to set up going into the main tournament, but others sit best whenever you can evaluate how certain events went down during the tournament itself. Could argue that having more time to stew on a topic might be good, but on the opposite end some questions might have less intimacy for either people who missed the previous tournament or return after months of being out of the loop. Might just be good sometimes to agree something was worth analyzing right after we saw how a tournament played out under certain rules or decisions, and get everybody's input right away.

All this is to say that I would appreciate some middle ground option beyond just deciding right between putting the rules in qualifiers and finals. I will also add that I do like the retrospective questions during finals, and they might be more welcome now that we can see the full form returns again. Then again, maybe I'm in the minority on that specific part.
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>I'm just a girl~
I mean specifically deciding if the ban should be repealed. The original intention in 2018 was that the brackets were too safe, CLEARLY Ms. /co/ has proven that we aren’t too stable. The tourney would work better without it.
>Elite 128
Exactly the opposite of what I’m proposing and would be a disaster.
I think is obvious splitting the competition in two would make a lot of people happy. Now with YouTube the amount of stuff you can consider cartoons is going up, the number is too high for just one simple competition.
256 would be fun but I doubt runners would put in the effort or if the mods would allow another two days
>but she's this spunky and lustful character
no, she's just cute. A big nothing personality.
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Marceline of the most!
That's retarded, this is a cartoon board, it should allow all cartoons.
This isn't some pretend board like /cr/ - cartoons retro, it's /co/.
>host posted
>thread immediately derails
I have never drawn Daffy before.
Institute a whitelist to allow more characters in
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Flat is where it's at, redhead.
>newcomer sweeps your pick
Pomni is literally the only newcomer who's done that this tourney. You want a whole tournament just for her?
Nah, you’re thinking too conventionally for these tournaments.
t. Knower
Tyr sissies…
While I get the idea here, keep in mind that some of the main case studies in recent memory (Pomni, Garland, arguably Ranni) would have made it even with a six month time gap. You'd have to go a year, and that might be going a little too far. Flavor of the year is still harder to stick than flavor of the month, at minimum.
If you want an oldfag tourney, go make your own.
Spearbros… they're trying to ban Primal
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>Banged Starfire
>Stole the Elite 4's clothes
>probably rigged the quarter finals
He can't keep getting away with this!
You deserve after what Fang did
Low-test claims like those is how I know you're actually Broly from DBS and not the actual Legendary Super Saiyan.
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These Jabronies don't even know what kayfabe is.
/co/ doesn’t read or vote for comics
I said this in 2019 btw and nobody believed me. A month is not long enough to stave off “FOTM”. One year is more sensible.
>flavor of the year in a yearly event
That's reductive.
If the whole ass strip was just about her being cute, then the panels would only amount to pin-ups.

While it's hard for us to grasp the complete character of Jucika, given we don't speak Hungarian, it's pretty obvious that she's an entertaining character even removed from her sexual appeal
>after what Fang did
You blaming a cartoon instead of NSA is peak mental illness.
I'm salty? Sure. Also Fang and Spinel. Asterisks or no asterisks.

But think that the number of cartoons is way too high for just 128. You can fill several tournaments with just one year of cartoons.
Every round should be randomized.
Make Toonami ruling a thing
whitelist add it already
That would ruin the fun crossover parts of these tournaments and imbalance things too much.
I love the feeling of weight and movement in this
Explain the whitelist.
It's a shame, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge weren't even included, it's nuts.
How were they passed over, they're great
Exactly, you always have next year after the recency bias dies down. If a girl can only win in the first year she’s introduced then what’s the point in having all the other girls?
>Kim lost in athleticism to a Hungarian telephone operator.
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You got close with that claim but I've got bad news. I'm a clone made from the bio-power in his genes and I have 20% shitter taste.
Tyr and Marceline would be best for a Queen vs Queen finale
I'd rather not do this until Mr. /co/ 2025 finishes. We've had the rule so long that I'd like to see it stick for at least what some consider the "canon" tournaments, dumb as that sounds. It also means we get the chance to rotate some big hitters like Toph, Raven, Hank, and Jack back in at least one more time. I'd say that would be the perfect time to finally decide on the rule instead of right now.
>Fun crossover
>He thinks threads getting derailed by Millennial-Zoomer shitflinging is fun
Make series limits five characters again.
Should have stopped reading all those incest comics and fought harder
She also sings real good.

In honor of her I've been re-watching Duck Dudgers. Still good. I forgot how much it reminded me of Futurama.
It allows anime.
Oh, then no. No thank you.
Her “special presence” came from a twitterfag
Thank you very much, trying to stick close personality/style-wise to the original show is important, even if I dont do a great job at it.

The action is always important too, thanks!
People say this every fucking year.
It’s never a “good time” always “wait until next year”.
Rip the band-aid off, the tournament will be better for it.
Bloo's going to get mentioned on that Iceberg isn't he?
Get rid of the grandfather clause or at the very least ban puppets and kaiju. Those are just live action.
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Waste image slots during nominations like Stan Smith and Ragatha did. If each thread can have up to 300 potential nominations and there's usually 5 parts (1500 max nominations, though usually it's about 1200), wasting at least 50 images per thread can remove up to 250 nominations from the final count. Use reaction images, repost nominations who got more than enough support, storytime stuff.
I've always thought a 129th-place side tourney with the candidates who polled 129-256 could perhaps be interesting. Every year there are solid candidates who just barely miss out (particularly in Mr)
Schizos would find something else to complain about.
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Can you bring back the forms having former OC and quotes from the previous year's Elite Eight for the rest of the tournaments? It was a nice touch.
Yeah whatever, and Daffy Dick sings like Tom Jones.
I actually want to see Peridot put up for a potential ban. Would it be a little extreme? Sure, but the character's been a continual red flag the past couple years.
/co/ doesn't need a whitelist. Compared to /v/ the number of borderline characters like Geralt or AM is practically zero here. Especially since the new hosts now allow Arcane characters who were the most requested. Feels like just an excuse to get toonami stuff on /co/
make the Toonami rule real but restrict it so only characters from the Western commissioned seasons can be allowed in
I wish there was rule to ban those posts. The joke is the crossover. Ponmi having to deal with the old picks.

At least it would be a faw more interesting topic.
>Using the words "canon tournaments" without a hint of irony
Fuck off you retard.
Blacklist all /sug/ characters
Did you draw a different set in case the other characters lost?
A forced presence perhaps
People say this is a slippery slope to banning any character if someone falseflags them, but I've yet to see another character get dedicated proxy spam like peridot.
Let Mr. /co/ vote on its own rules
I put "canon" in quotations for a reason. If you thought I was being completely serious about that part of my post, that's on you.
Should crossdressing be voted on? I know people thought that was done because NSA made that rule banning it
Yeah. We want to make more rules so we can make my waifus chances of winning better!
>Immediately begging for jannies because he disagrees with my post
I forgot the dang image. I need to sleep.
It's not Peridot's fault some turbo autist attached itself to her. Besides it'd just pull the same shit with someone else or claim to to cause trouble.

sug got stomped pretty quickly this contest anyway
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Knowing that was possible that I couldn't upload at time, besides live stuffs, made compilation sketches of matchs from prevoius rounds, including a barred ones.
Due to time, some details may not be very fine-tuned, at some degree. And sorry for scan's quality.

Good day.
Not only does this come off flooding which could get the tournaments banned, it didn't do anything to stop the bloat.
Make a side Steven Universe tournament for the /sug/ faggots.
The Elite 8 ban was installed to bring a little spice to a potentially boring tournament.
We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we don’t need extra spice.
Repealing the Elite 8 ban will strengthen the bracket, keep OCfags around year to year, keep up campaigning and momentum, and all around make for a more fun contest.
Yeah, exactly this. There's the point too that I've seen basically no one involved in these tournaments talk about the character outside Perifag. If this was some vocal favorite with one bad shitter amongst them it would be one matter, but Peridot is basically one insufferable guy backing them.
I wouldn't storytime anything in nominations unless I didn't like it, since it'll get spitevoted
This is the same faggot that hijacked the thread a few days ago and falseflagged KP btw, not sure if that matters.
I'd be less jumpy if people would stop bringing it up every single year, gay as hell and I expect some fags will probably cry for real when the tournaments inevitably continue instead of ending with an EE8 like they keep hyping up.
Could Astro Boy count? He has its own movie made outside Japan. Speed Race has its own show made outside of Japan. What about Sailor Moon, does the Toon Makers cancelled version counts?
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Guys I'm home! Sorry I missed last year, I was sick.

I said I would do it again, are you proud of me? I'm not.

See you next year. My hand hurts.
I'm pretty this is exactly why Ragatha failed so hard in the tournament. At least Stan Smith doesn't have to worry.
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She's almost there. Get Ceci in the finals!
>kim losing
that's a huge lie
that never officially came out
No because I don’t want to see Jucika every year
Yeah repealing the E8 ban would be nice based on previous runs
BASED JUDGES >>145565438
>but I've yet to see another character get dedicated proxy spam like peridot.
If people know they can get a character banned that way, especially Perifag, whats to stop him or others from falseflagging a character and getting them banned?
Mods will ban story times outside story time threads
I’m very proud of you tickleanon
Good art but I ain't that big on tickling.
>My hand hurts
...From drawing, right???
>My hand hurts.
You'd better take care of yourself and your hand. That shit WILL add up.
Welcome back!
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she's here to stay, let's get cozy anon
>Sorry I missed last year
Don't be.
What are you talking about
>Not only does this come off flooding which could get the tournaments banned
What? Literally how?
>it didn't do anything to stop the bloat.
People barely did it this year. Stan posted maybe 4 times per thread and Ragatha only maybe a dozen times. It wasn't strong enough to make a dent. I'll do it myself next year and show you guys what I mean.
That was never explained, how can Tom Jones be alive in the 24½th century?
I guess that's fair enough. I do want to see the EE8 happen, but more as a side vote to mark the milestone than a serious endgame to the tournaments. I do think ending the tournaments after year eight would be silly, and I don't see it happening either unless they have to conclude for reasons independent of that timing.

I just don't think this is the year to repeal the ban, even if it's more of a gut feeling. If we do it, I do think next year times nicely with who all is on the table. The other argument I could see would be to have everyone back for year eight, but that gets back to glorifying that milestone rather than it being a point of "oh neat".
>Pomnifags suddenly want the E8 ban removed after their pick ate shit
Make the E8 ban a year longer for extra spice
Not really. It's good to have a break from certain characters having the chance to sweep to the Elite 8 every year or get close right after.
Apparently the same way Daffy's grandmother was still alive in the 24½th century.
Oh shit, really? I've done that before and been fine
>after begging for long enough, overturning the Elite 8 rule is put up for a vote
>more people vote to keep it and a shitstorm ensues in the anti crowd
>a special presence
special is certainly one way of putting it
The voting forms always had OC from the last tournament shown off, and when you submited it there'd be a quote from one of the E8 members from last year.
You just come off as insufferable troll trying to play hero. Announcing your plans doesn't make it better.
fuck we need a rule that prohibits any elite 8 rule changes just so we don't end up like the /v/ tournaments with that shit
No, what’ll happen is people will say the EE8 was soooo cool that we can’t possibly repeal the E8 ban now (even though you don’t need the ban to hold it). This happens every single year, people always say wait one more year. We have the data!
I hope people realize that the E8 ban being repealed means that there will be constant arguments on whether a character should keep returning consecutively or not. That's arguably a reason almost better than rotating out a few big hitters for variety's sake. We've already seen semblance of this argument despite the year breaks, so removing that aspect would just amplify it.
You know we know you're trying to smear Pomni fans like you're trying to shit up Primal threads over Fang, right?
I'm down for an EE8 too, though I expect it might not be that fun because of Spinel.
Wow. NSA did something nice?
Thanks and it’s so in character I love it.
Frozen? I'm begining to think there was a new ice age.
This, the two year jail for doing well was always retarded. 2018 was our best year and it didn’t have that shit.
I see far less "let's wait another year" and more "I don't see why we should repeal this". Not sure where you're getting your alleged data from here.
It’s once again time to petition for the the Elite 128 rule, where all characters who qualified have to sit out a year
People who have tried spamming unrelated pics or using storytimes to derail schizo/troll threads and have gotten banned for flooding. I get that bloat is a little annoying but doing something like this could get the mods annoyed, which is the last thing we need.
What is this, kiwifarms?
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Not a tickle fag but
Ban Steven Universe for all the trouble it's caused
Not if you ban Spinel and replace her with someone else.
This. Anons fail to take in account that "one year" is actually a two year wait for each characters.
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>Hat mich jemand vermisst? Unterstützen Sie mich weiterhin!
Vote for Laura!
If we don't make a whole deal of it, could just throw it up as a special ranking at the end of the two tournaments next year. While tiny brackets would be fun if we could get past the issue of extending the tournaments several days to make it feasible, it also seems a little too inauthentic with only eight characters to consider for it. Better to simply just put it up to how everyone ranks them all, and have that as the EE8 for each tournament. It's a little anti-climatic, but it works.
Requesting art of Tyr showing off her sex toy collection to Jucika and Jucika being weirded out by Tyr's duck dick dildo.
5 characters per series, and remove grandfather clause characters.
I like it more because I’m a bondagefag
This year is fucking garbage.
But Broly... It's impossible to have shitter taste than being a Murder Drones supporter
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/CO/mpas, it's true and unfortunately that Teodora could not pass; but participant in a legendary match when facing Emmy; I think that, now we must focus the support on Emmy, who was notably an adversary of the floating redhead.
Listen to this wise anon.
You guys are focusing too much on the storytime thing. Forget that. They're not gonna give a single shit if nominations get reposted or reaction images are used. I'm not talking about dumping random unrelated images to spam.
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Just make the nomination time shorter.
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There's nothing stopping people from running a side bracket of just the new characters who debuted since the last tournament. We could try it in Mr. /co/. How should we format it? Top 32 newcomers from qualifiers? Is it just new characters or also characters who made the bracket for the first time?

Without gerrymandering the rules about who can compete(must be seen on screen, speak once, no background characters or inanimate objects ect.) the only thing we could do is implement a 2nd day of qualifiers just to kill off the bottom 500 characters and take out bloat for a real qualifiers poll.
Give examples instead of posting vaguely here.
Spinel would get spitevoted round 1.
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Redraw it, Duck Dodgers is a Donald Duck cartoon
canonically, would Kim be good at boxing/kickboxing?
This is an edit of something else, right?
There's no way there was an actual thing where a guy with a shirt like that had a needler.
Why are you being such a faggot?
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I'm glad for either character to win.
A Newcomer Side Tourmanet, maybe as a reward, the winner gets to be in next's year actual tourment by default.
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Jucifag that just sounds like a headache in the making I would lose interest in extremely fast
Spinel's attention has long since past. She'd be spitevoted into the ground immediately.
>Codify the rule with another rule
>After NEVER having tried a year without it since 2018
Pants on head retarded.
>People will argue
That happens anyway, there will always be arguments.
What repealing it will do is actually stave off silentfaggotry, keep OCfags around who support specific girls and don’t need to wait two years to come back, and strengthen the bracket for better competitions.
The data is we have NOT seen a singular line of girls that trade off wins every year. We have NOT seen obvious winners every year (or ever). We HAVE seen silentfaggotry and posters leave. We HAVE seen chaotic and unpredictable brackets.
E8 ban was created to break stability, we clearly don’t need that here.
Remove the retarded grandfather clause and meme shit like propane, stop wasting slots this is a MS./CO/ tournament nothing else but /CO/ female characters has any business being in this.
Someone explain to me what "barred" is.
Who would Donald Duck vote for?
Unless the Chaosfags start gassing her as the Chaos/EE8 ruining pick.
With her body, she'd probably be better at something a little more acrobatic like Capoeira.
I get the feeling she'd be great at it.
Btw, Sam forgot to mention this, but we'll also be including a vote on whether or not to keep the voting link on the OP.
That's how the real life Miss Universe does it.
Bobby, Donald’s barely clothed gold-pladed bitch is Xandra not that black thot
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she's a sailor, he's a sailor

it makes sense
anon that's fucking tony soprano
My votes for this round are Queen Tyr'anee and Franke Foster.
He’d cross out all the other names and write in Daisy and he’d sign it.
>What repealing it will do is actually stave off silentfaggotry
Okay, now THIS is wishful thinking.
In actuality this will just allow the hosts to ban any character they like
Nah, they'll be focusing on Eris (when she wins next year)
I'll do it if you post more apology tour Vero
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Vote x Emmy. She still has a chance
I would change it. Let people do some work before voting.
>TFW watching home shopping network selling jewelry and they mention “black Spinel”
Uhhhhh bros?
He'd vote for Tyr'ahnee since he knows the odds are in favor of Daffy getting cucked afterwards.
Who let this retard back in?
>When she’s been tainted by not just the Runner Up Curse but anti-NSA sentiment due to being her second pick in 2023
A group of girls that end up in jail tend to lose their representatives after two years. The girls who never make it to E8 keep their posters and OCfags around. This is just common sense and basic observational skills.
>pomni getting bullied by Tyr'ahnee AGAIN
She dindu nuffin.
I don't like the nomination round being made totally redundant by letting everyone who gets posted in. Remember Carl from Dragged In? Who literally didn't exist?

Anyone who complains about the qualifier poll being insufferably long gets told to suck it up because it's just trimming the fat, but it's kind of annoying that the fat is like 80% of the poll. Instead of just bitching about it, I might as well try to do something.
Samaritanon add the question about letting Mr. /co/ and King of /v/ be the first tournaments and Ms. and Queen be the dessert
That data isn't going against what I said. You argued against what I said was the general consensus I've seen, which while up for debate is a completely different question.
Shit that was a great suggestion Bobby.
Tyr got corkscrewed twice kek
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Chaos ALWAYS finds a way.
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I know who I'm voting for
This is just going to end with the male tournament being voted ahead first and then pushed back again when it actually happens later in the year. We saw this with Queen and King already a couple years back.
This is what I imagine when I hear "tournament".
None of them came back from last year.
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So uh... how's everyone been? These few hours will be tense and it's making even me jumpy! How's your pick been doing and are they still in this race?
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This sounds pretty reasonable. I was always thinking that the Finals ended up being extremely biased, partly because of the contestants that wind up there and partly because a fair chunk of people end up checking out by Round 1. Thanks for considering it, at least.
What's the hosts' stance on Carl from Dragged In? Is he disqualified, or is he grandfathered now
Again you're not being a hero, you're just acting like a tard, especially when that's such a minute problem in the grand scheme of the actual problems plaguing the tournament.
All this will do is open the doors for falseflagger and thread derailers to fuck the tournaments early. Yeah go ahead and nominate a character over and over again, that won't be obnoxious and open them for spitevoting.
Based CHAOSchad.
This would not be enough to let Ms have a good year, though it’d probably get rid of some of the shitposting since people will get out of their system with Mr.
They didn't let Marilyn Bugs back in. So, no.
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I have no fucking clue who any of these characters are.
>being insufferably long
This is the worst part those on the first page have a big advantage due to all the people who can't be bothered to go through the whole list
Based autist but USE THE OC ANCHOR
It's a meme side event that's mostly comprised of characters who were 'barred' from the main bracket by series limit or tiebreakers, 'punished' characters like Brisby and Emmy, and then complete memes like anime characters and inanimate objects.

Whole thing started last year because of Option 1 (a placeholder box on last year's qualifiers that actually got enough votes for the bracket). It's just a giant shitpost now and arguably too bloated desu.
So the answer is yes. Got it.
>How's your pick been doing?
They've all died, Broly. But I like all four remaining girls well enough!
go back >>>/v/
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One of my testicles is sitting at a weird angle. Guys..?
Then why are you here?
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I will be at work so I won't see the results till later tonight. I'm just happy my girl beat her 2020 rival
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It was supposed to be her year. And she's just had a new episode announced. Why did you vote her out?
I wish gaz had a serious shot -__-
Not to mention you'd be cucking out people who were late by spamming Ragatha over and over again. How hard is it to just suggest making the window for voting shorter?
I want to participate in the cool meme event of the year and shitpost about rules!
I can get the bottom row, but you don't know Frankie or Marceline? How?
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Pretty good as long as you're still backing me, henchman.
then squeeze it back into place
*Why did you rig her out?
They’re all gone, but the picks in are still great.
>E8fag has his yearly spergout
People want Pomni in jail this year anon, let it go.
>Why did you vote her out?
don't like tranny shit
You do realize not everyone is an American?
Some of us campaigned for our picks years ago.
>Eris retroactiveky goes back to being a chaosfag pick due to the NSA drama
Well I guess you have no reason to vote then. Better luck next year.
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They didn't vote her out, they voted to keep Tyr'ahnee in. And it was by
I'm proud of Pomni's run.
Are you for or against shortening the nominations? Because your argument is against it.
>t. never saw the last season of the Sopranos
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Fuck off, Jack. Your game was mid. CHAOS REIGNS.
Side tournament created for characters that were barred from entering the tournament (so basically all the meme nominations)
Bill now decided to add characters that failed to qualify, so now it's the coper's tournament
I get not knowing the bottom bracket, those are more obscure characters, but Marceline and Franky are main characters from some of the most popular cartoons of the last 20 years.
You could check the list dumbass
I voted for the better character simple as
I voted her out
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I'm going to nominate him so many times in our shorter nominations.
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I already told you, it was a mercy we gave her what she always wanted.
>Oh no you care too much
I care because I’m right. Every year proves the Elite 8 ban is a problem for Ms. /co/. One of these years someone will try it and we’ll never want to go back.
Based Hank
>Again you're not being a hero
I'm not trying to be, I'm not like those god complex tards trying to steal the tournaments. I'm just annoyed.
>when that's such a minute problem in the grand scheme of the actual problems plaguing the tournament.
It is a pretty big problem.
>All this will do is open the doors for falseflagger and thread derailers to fuck the tournaments early. Yeah go ahead and nominate a character over and over again, that won't be obnoxious and open them for spitevoting.
That's a completely fair point. I'm not saying this is a good system but I just don't know what else to do.

That screws over people in different timezones.
I was actually trying to argue in favor of shortening nominations but I guess I didn't think it through.
She's only two episodes in. The show will be close to or completely done when she returns, which is perfect. Besides, we need to wash the Turk's bad taste out of our mouths.
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Well, it's better than nothing I suppose. Nothing like losing the one you stand behind the strongest.
It was a hard fought battle against the Queen of Martians. I'll take it as a badge of honor.
Because how you treated Chel
>And she's just had a new episode announced
Wait, what?
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I like Pomni but she doesn’t deserve the asterisk crown of a FOTM. I’ll support her in 2026.
There are a couple plans but nothing I can say until the tournament is over.
Praise be!
>of shortening nominations
Just split the qualifiers into two parts
Hank's finally free from his torment.
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It's the reason I was made. The whole reason behind my cloning was for this purpose and without it, I have nothing left... but what's that goo? Oh NO WAIT NO
Because she's creepy pedo ryonabait.
Same, I’ll be voting for her when the E8 ban is off.
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I can almost understand the angle the anti-E8 crowd is coming from even if I think we'd get some spice out of it staying but I hope you guys aren't really serious about dividing the contests by an arbitrary age threshold.
shut up
Tyr = Frankie > Marceline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jucika
I I get your annoyed but come on doc, that was never going to be a good option no matter how big of a problem it might be. You gotta take it a bit easier while trying to figure out other solutions.
This might help.
>with a special presence on this board.
anon please don't tell me you actually believe this
Yeah, I agree Jesus. She wasn't the main one at fault this year.
Bejitabro btw
Yeah, I get the motivation but reorganizing the matchups by generation is the worst suggestion I’ve seen by far.
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>Gonna vote for me, partner?
We should just ban any character under the age of 20. They'll lose anyway.
Based Slappy
Unironically this instead of spamming/flooding the threads and putting the tournaments at risk
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Vote... for... Marceline.
They were falseflagging Chel before they even had a match up with her?
Those are cuppable breasts.
But have you considered that its fun seeing them fail?
i did ;p
>Spice out of it staying
You’d get even better spice from removing it, since there won’t be dead candidates losing their momentum just floating there after two years of irrelevancy.
The “spice” E8 brought was a weaker bracket with more room for memes and spite. Let the girls play.
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>no this character isn't all coom bait
>oh what's their personality like
>well, they're lustful
Wanted Gangle to be the digital circus representation.
I think they should be organized by trait. "The wacky one vs. The wacky one" so as to prevent personality repeats.
Based Lolong. You will win.
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Anon Jenny is 15 years old.
She's 5 years old.
How would that work?
Bless you IC this is great
Toph will break the loli curse someday.
And I was only 9 years old... I loved Shrek so much
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What are you talking about? You haven't watched Dragged In yet? Anon it's kino

What do you guys like about your girls? What's something you like about her opponent?
moving the voting link back to the OC anchor
>qualfiers part 1 is entire list
>qualifiers part 2 is top 300-500
I want to see who the top seed in Part 2 is after we know who the top seed is in Part 1
Tyr was put on timeout and as far as I can see, she's stronger than ever. I don't think there's as much of a pronounced effect on momentum as you say there is.
We should divide them by bmi.
Whoever pulled this stunt in the Mr nomations thread is an insane genius.
I hope Jucika wins just to upset people
By never watching the shows. Obviously I know of Adventure Time, but I have no clue which character Marceline is.
No, I wasn't.
The Hungarians are strong but the Queen will prevail!

Vote for Tyr'ahnee!
Jucika is funny and charming. Tyr'ahnee is cool and fiery.
I didn’t.
it doesn't have to be. we can protect barred, we can save it. first step is to vote mona. next step is to be there next year to be in control of the characters the make it into the bracket
Let's make it real.
That would be something to at least try out. I wouldn't mind test running this.
You're an absolute retard because your own creation ended up proving you wrong by getting a fun campaign

She's 25.
That is a fair quick description of both characters.
I like the idea of a newcomer side bracket but adding a 4th bracket, including bottom and barred, is a bit much. Then again, /v/ already has 4 brackets because of the loser bracket, so maybe we can handle it.
That sounds like a waste of time and effort.
Frankie if she vampire queen
That's not to mention a whopping five girls this year were returning picks. If anything, there's an argument we're already starting to see the reruns stacking up, so the idea that we're greatly hindering these characters doesn't hold up at all in that regard. I could really see us getting six or seven returning characters in an Elite Eight already in one of the two tournaments next year, or possibly even next month depending on how the cards all fall. This is WITH the year ban in place.
I'm sure someone can handle it.
I’ve been here every year and pointing to exceptions doesn’t negate what I’ve said. It’s not a universal law that an E8 member will NEVER pick up steam in a given year, but it is a principle—if a girl is in jail for two years, her campaign tends to lose steam at a significantly higher rate than average.

Well I also just like Jucika's comic strips
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Any request for the Tyr model? I still have two hours left before going to work
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Eating Pomni
>this is the character that would've beat Samurai Jack in a /tnt/ tournament because he's a literal who anthro character (albeit a non-existent one) that campooned harder
Would you ever consider splitting qualifiers in 2 parts so autistic retards don't spam nominations to use up images and generate spitevoting?
Eh, I've also seen some characters benefits from the hype behind their return. Really depends who you're looking at in the end.
Those are the muscles that will allow her to DEFEAT Lolong.
Bombing Hungary.
With what mouth?
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you're all retarded for wanting to remove the grandfather clause
the whitelist does not work, theoretically you could remove obviously stupid picks from it but that just means you'll have people constantly arguing to add this or remove that and the last thing Ms. /co/ needs is more arguments
i'd say you're /v/ tourists trying to make /co/ tournaments more like your own but i doubt any /v/tard who's actually seen the whitelist in action would advocate for it here. you're just dumb.
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Soon, it'll all be over for Jucika. The weakest of weak will finally be gone from our presence. And we could stop disinfecting everything.
Returning members persist because of their organic base of voters. What I’m talking about is the much decried silentfaggotry that gets them there, a direct result of the Elite 8 ban.
Not to mention, if all girls compete, the higher tiers will start taking each other out earlier in the bracket instead of all at the end.
>random chickenscratch drawing from 2020
Did you have this one saved anon, or were you digging through the archives to find something relevant for this matchup?
They never say that in the show.
Give us more sexy poses of Tyr’ahnee.
>Days without /tnt/ living rent free on anon's head: 0
Why can't people nominate using Google Forms?
I get why bloat can be detrimental but fuck these guys for using Ragatha for it. It didn't even take me three minutes, you didn't need to do that to her.
Marvin supporting Queen Tyr
>The creator’s official statement doesn’t matter because…. because it just doesn’t okay!?!?!?!?
Kill yourself retard all the hosts have to do is stick to the rules we already have on what qualifies as a ms /co/ character
Her smacking Pomni with the exit door. Door for reference.>>145566364
Hoo boy, i wonder who's it gonna be
Unironically yes. If it doesn't come up in the show, then it's not canon. Same as how Dumbledore isn't Gay.
/v/ tourists seriously wanna add their whitelist faggotry to /co/
A down-to-Earth, normal girl that's easy to sympathize with because of how much wacky shit she puts up with. Stunning when she puts her hair down and dresses up, cute without effort.
The girl that made middler schooler me lose my shit and gain a goth/punk rock girl addiction. "But she is le dyke" aside, I will never forget the many many boners she gave me and that sassy personality, which is why she's my pick to win.
A heavyweight contender in every sense of the word, if it's her year, she deserves it. Duck Dodgers is a good cartoon; I don't necessarily watch it for her, in the same sense I don't watch El Dorado for Chel, but she's got some really good snark and chasing after a dipshit like Daffy just makes you feel bad for the poor girl.
Her comics have always put a smile on my face, a fun bit of history that is somehow evergreen despite coming from a different country and a different time.Simplistic in her design, but that gives her free range to do anything and everything.
No matter who wins, it's going to be deserved and welcomed. I've had fun!
The Martians ruling over Hungary like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zTABEQ4Qh5Y with some guy (Omniman if there's a model) saying "Don't blame me, I voted for Jucika."
Don't listen to the trolls.
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Mapfag is currently missing but here's E4
Remember to vote ENA for 5th place
I don't think /co/ needs a whitelist, but the /v/ one has produced some pretty based runs. I don't care if shitters who never qualify like Doom are on the whitelist if it gives us characters like AM and Geralt.
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for me it's Doc from Fighting Game from King /v/
I don’t read everything a creator tweets, I thought it was a fan theory like over half the coney of the amazing Digital circus. You want to be direct you put it in the show.
Reminder for Mr. /co/: we may need to nominate the Watchmen characters under DC in order for them to be more visible
Now say it about the 4th-8th places since we have to vote for them next round
Fair, but Pomni still doesn’t act or sound like a child.
nobody but you tards are mentioning a whitelist
Marceline will beat Frankie with a silent zoomer majority, awakened by the loss of Pomni and ENA.
Tyr will beat Jucika because she represents /co/‘s wider base better.
And then Tyr will beat Marceline as the millennials circle the wagons against an Adventure Time rep.
It is written.
we should add crown steal that was a solid idea
imagine how based it would be if pomni came back and stole the crown from frankie
Is NSA still lurking here?
But you did see that in the movies
No. NSA isnt lurking. Idiot.
based. let's add an extra two days for it too.
Batman isn't going to like that.
That prequel slop to the Harry Potter movies isn’t a part of my childhood.
Death of the author anon. She's still a kid no matter how you slice it.
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Not happening.
I see, so if you come up with a fan theory that has no basis in the show THEN Pomni is a child…….
Fuck your childhood
As someone who voted both, I'm happy if Tyr'ahnee takes it all. She'd deserve the win, and really I'm just glad Marceline made it this far.
She’s very passive aggressive that’s pretty childish.
>full stops with no commas
Me on the right
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Damn Frankie looks like THAT
I did the drawing of D4. The hand is supposed to be ENA. I would suggest changing it to accomodate my drawing.
Word of God means nothing anon. Me saying she's a child holds way more weight. That's just how fiction works.
we don't HAVE rules you dumb stupid fuck
the only rule we DO have is that anyone who's previously qualified will remain eligible. that's called the grandfather clause, and you are currently arguing that it should be removed.
Half these threads have been full of passive aggressive posts.
If Tyr’ahnee wins Daffy gets the cock cage
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Damn Marcy looks like that!
How does that prove me wrong? He never should've gotten past nominations in the first place. He was a random AI generated image only I had physically seen until I nominated him. Keep in mind I never samefagged him once, the problem only gets worse from people artificially forcing their nominations in. What is the point of even having a support system if people will support anything that gets posted? If I'm being a big autistic wannabe hero baby and this is the way things are supposed to be, why not cut out the middleman and just make it "name, sauce, pic, you're in"? There must be a reason characters need 9 supports, right? If bloat isn't a problem and not liking it means you want to fusefag the tournaments, why have that restriction at all?
I kinda expect Jucika to win this round.
I mean, not everyone has seen Duck Dodgers, but anyone who's browsed /co/ has read some Jucika strips.
I think she very well could scrape by.

I expect Frankie to win the top ticket though, Frankie (as much as I never liked her or her show) is super popular among kids who grew up with that show.
Marceline is fun, but she's someone who attracts less aggressive loyalty than Frankie.
Just ban all furries.
Vote for Jucika!
Do you not think we’re childish? I mean he’ll anon we’re in a contest about cartoon woman.
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Come on guys, Marceline's OP machine is ramping up hard to the sound of guitars. We need to show ourselves lest we lose. VOTE FRANKIE FOSTER
It's a tournament for shits and giggles anon and sneaking in an AI character lead to shits and giggles. Get the stick out of your ass.
>The hero we need but don't deserve.
Don’t fuck this up /co/.
3/4 of these girls deserve the crown.
You’re so close.
>So afraid of furries he needs to keep them from participating in a tournament they have no reason to be banned from
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>but anyone who's browsed /co/ has read some Jucika strips.
not me
Jucika will win the whole thing cause meta.
It's her year!
Jesus Christ calm down dude
This. Zoophiles don't belong here.
Jucika got assanon’s blessing. There’s no way she can win
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>These suggestions
Holy shit, can you guys ever come up with something normal like I dunno, a better bracket?
That would make us manchildren.
Anyone but Jucika.
He really isn't
What's your idea then?
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Frankie is personally thanking all her voters with a high five and a thank you.
And what is "a better bracket?"
>suggestion to make a better bracket
here you go >>145566853
You're all clearly too retarded to handle these tourneys they should just be banned
Here’s a good idea
>Tournament split rule
We split the tournament into a comic tournament and cartoon tournament so comicfags can win for once
I just googled it
You’re part of the problem
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Seeing that the round was soon coming to a close and that the vampire queens victory over the redhead was all but assured, the syrupy and melting remains of the clone once known as Broly walked off into the wasteland. Intent on returning at the climax of everything and witnessing whatever may come next.
Unironically this
>even AI cartoon characters have to deal with having shitty, obnoxious creators
Duck Dodgers is more of a cult classic, but that's plenty for it to garner a serious audience on here. Jucika has her own fanbase here too, but it does feel more insular. That's a problem when this tournament brings in a lot of people from different parts of the board.
Queen of /a/bro btw
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Tyr'ahnee can switch from elegant to badass when need be and it's also funny how kooky she gets over Dodgers, who's supposed to be her enemy. Plus, her design is burned into my memory. A very iconic look.

Jucika looks like good, simple fun. I checked out her strips as research for this match and sensible chuckled to a few of them. I can see how having no dialogue helps with universal appeal.
Which is childish anon, I think you misunderstood what I said. I didn’t say she’s passive aggressive proving she’s a child. I said she’s childish reflecting behavior of a child. With that I could see why people would think she’s like a preteen or a teenager.
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Frankiebros… are we imaginary?
Slut whore bitch.
>4 /co/ tournaments
Isn't 2 enough?
Preteens don’t have voices that deep though.
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mmmmm yummy blood syrup
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No the Imaginary One is a bit more, robust, and a bit more...stupid
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Step 1. Ban the furries
Step 2. Ban all lolis
Step 3. pic related
Here's your chance to make history.
How about actually making like a hybrid between the old seeding placement and the new randomization? This will be okay with both sides as long as it runs smoothly.
Carl doesn't deserve this
Well that would explain why we never see her kids/ Frankie’s parent's. But I feel like if that’s what they were going for they would’ve put right said it or made more obvious hints to it like a wink to the camera.
Ban all normalfags
If Tyr'ahnee wins, Donald will cuck him in Mr. /co/lympus
Okay, but this is going to be incredibly biased and you're going to call me cringe.
>5th: Pomni
The girl I was rooting for after Ruby and the Drones died a violent death. Broke Chel's streak and made it to E8 after her first ever run, falling to Tyr'ahnee by a close margin who, again, is nothing to sneeze at. A shame she got so much shit flung at her, but ultimately, I'm pretty confident she just lost for all the other reasons anons have listed: she's fresh out of the box. If she didn't cut it in Elite 8, I think she probably would have made it next year, and now she's got a whole two years for her show to potentially finish (or at least give her more content) and do it again.
>6th: ENA
Comes right out of the box swinging by getting past Eda and even more notably Nicole, who took her out in 2022. Swings even harder when she takes out Jessica Rabbit to make it into the Elite 8, and falls to Marceline, who's had a very dedicate anon or several working for her. A good showing! My ENA plushie is currently staring at me as I type this, so I think that should tell you how I feel about the character herself.
>7th: Blackfire
Gonna be honest, shocked she beat Nani and that she's here at all. Don't hate her at all, even if Star's more to my taste, but I don't really have much to say about her. I think if Ty Lee managed to beat her, Nani probably would have gotten into the E8 just fine? Cool that she made it at all, though, honestly; a shame her OC couldn't quite save her.
>8th; Kim Possible
I also don't have much to say about Kim. Never watched much of her show. Kinda shocked she won as much as she did, even more than with Blackfire. Did the incestposting win anons over? I figured Kim Pine or Lola would have been the end of her, but maybe anons didn't want to see two Looney Tunes characters in their E8 bracket, and thus she remained.
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I already imagine us winning
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Sorry anon, I'm preoccupied
If Frankie gets to finals someone should storytime this. It's a /co/ classic.
We need the "people who annoy you" password back.
Ban this guy specifically.
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Poor Tyr, not even she could have predicted the wild winds going around on mars
Ah but they’re trapped in a digital world, that could mean a different voice or even hear me out with this the voice you have in your head. What I mean by that is what you think you sound like when you talk compared to what you actually sound like to other people.
It's just a fan theory, obviously she's her biological granddaughter. Plus we do see her at different ages.
I love that goofy looking Marvin model.
here's how to improve the tournament
>ban all furries
>ban all lolis
>ban all post-2010 comics
>ban anyone that complains permanently
>ban all that are drawn by Japan
>ban your mama
>ban the tournament if it goes to shit
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True, though the loli allegations also come from her design which isn’t what she looks like outside the digital world.
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And as he messily walked off into the distance, he'd turn around one more time with the faintest hint of what could be a smile. He was born an enigma, cloned from the original Broly who mysteriously vanished after the loss of Cyn, yet he still had the heart of a true saiyan warrior.
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I think rigged contestants ought to get a dunce cap which says "rigged" on it
>Did the incestposting win anons over?
Hell fucking no and I'm sad this might be her legacy now. She just has the same nostalgic waifu value as Frankie, down to being a redhead.
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Heres how you REALLY improve the tournaments.
>ban all cartoon and comic characters
Look, anons, lets be realistic. There were rigged Pomni votes outside of that time margin. You're seriously saying no one outside that time period phone voted or alt accounted? The number of thoses certainly exceeds any legitimate votes that happened to exactly match the fake votes and came at the 3 minute time span.
Those are the muscles that will allow her to JOB to Lolong.
We had it a couple rounds ago, but it was the actual answer from the episode.
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As the stanposter from nominations I don't support Carl's creator

I was just shitposting for fun, something he doesn't know the definition of
new rule
>furry porn is allowed
I don't know if you know this, but Kim is a household name like Lola Bunny.
I'm not part of the anti-furry party... but you do realize that nobody here will have no idea what you are talking about with Maogana.
Sorry you got caught up in this Stan bro
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I want to rub her tired feet after a long day at work, give her some head and after an hour or two, wake her up from a post-orgasm nap with the dinner I cooked for her.
Is that too much to ask?
People have also mentioned multiple times that they’ve been rigging against zoomer picks, which Pomni is the biggest member of.
Oh yeah I forgot about that obvious part there. Still you could write off the age thing with those being pictures of her grandmother when she was young and beautiful. Like I would’ve written in episode where Bloo and Mac find an old phot and see Frankie dated decades ago and another one while not as old still equaly old and think she’s imaginary only for it to be reviled it was an old picture of Madame Foster and Frankies aunt.
Jucika, Jucika, GO, GO!!!
Thus the normalfags are still posting shit
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The girl with the axe. The girl with the victory.
Fuck this tournament when does Mr./co/ start
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>9th place
>Gets to ride in next year as the strongest 2024 girl allowed in
We won in a way that matters
I’ll take a hundred furfags over a single normalfaggot tourist outsider.
>Give her some head
Definitely going to be maining him if he qualifies for the next tournament.
>Ban furries and lolis because...I just don't like them, okay?
Waifufags cannot make good arguments lol.
Why you so mean
Ban all puppets. I don't want to see that Kermit shit hogging up the threads on Mr. /co/
Oh yeah obvious for that big time. Man when I over analyze stuck in a doc ital world it always makes me want to re watch SAO abridged.
How the fuck is Mothra a /co/ character
Ban all niggers. Whites only.
that's it I'm keeping your mama permanently banned
Two weeks from now
Bejitatard btw
I do
>ban everyone that complains about the hosts fucking up for the umpteenth time

mascot tournament let's gooooooo

grandfather rule
What would you want changed about the bracket itself?
Might be too much of a nuclear option I just thought of, but once the poll is closed there could retroactively be a filter based on the standard deviation of (you)'s among the entire thing and any that doesnt make the cut gets denied.
With this spamming supports after your nominee classifies would not only not be a useless, for fun thing, but strategic to increase their chances while simultaniously making it harder for others. A pre-competition competition, if you will.
Can someone tell me the ages of the characters before I say they're attractive?
Grandfather clause, although I wonder if this is why people are so intent on Kong making it in.
The tons of western godzilla comics and cartoons with her in it. I know /co/ doesn't read comics but she is in them.
She’s not mean she’s just on her time of the month so she just lost track of her moral code!
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Why won't he embrace Carl's shitpost potential?
Maogana is literally what made Pencil Anon so infamous.
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You don’t know what “giving head” means?
>grandfather rule
are hosts are so retarded that rule is the dumbest rule anyone could have ever made
>What would you want changed about the bracket itself?
Don't need it if you're just going to pick the winner yourself anyway.
Never !
>What would you want changed about the bracket itself?
See >>145566985
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I’ve never seen give head be used to say you want to screw someone.
The nuclear option does sound reasonable on paper, but I imagine it would lead to some obvious picks getting fucked over in at least the first year it's used.
>retroactively be a filter based on the standard deviation of (you)'s among the entire thing and any that doesnt make the cut gets denied.
NOW THIS is the dumbest thing I've read all day. Holy Fuck just put the keyboard down and take a nap or something retard.
I love Carl so much bros
>The comics
By that logic I should nominate on of the Mars Attacks aliens for Mr /co/
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>Is this a real Miss. /co/ girl?
>Does she understand that her plan of winning would give Team FARTS a win?
>How can she believe that you can win without spite or dirtposting?
>Why doesn't she horny post anymore? Does she not understand /co/ likes hot girls? Is she not hot? Or is it both?
>Frankie Foster. Ms. /co/ 2024? Think again.
This AI slop
I actually like this idea.
I just realized I didn't say much about the characters themselves.
Yes, there's not much of her, but I find it easy to get behind a nervous wreck that's probably got the best head on her shoulders. I think Episode 2 helped add a decent chunk of character to her: she's familiar with gaming/coding logic, able to relate and empathize after abandoning Ragatha in Episode 1, and finds comfort in mourning the abstracted with her friends. Also, jesters are cuter than clowns. It's the hat.
A wacky, strange character, and I love me some weird bitches. Maybe it's her speaking mannerisms, maybe it's the cute school uniform, maybe I secretly have a thing for girls with BPD. Who's to say? Either way, I like her series and its "old PC game" vibes, which is probably part of the reason I enjoy Pomni and TADC just as much.
I can respect crushing on a bad girl, but I think Blackfire's a bit TOO bad for me. To quote an anon from yesterday, when it was her vs Frankie, it was a traditional wife versus a girl that would snort coke off your cock in a bathroom. And I'm just not the kind of guy that puts coke on a perfectly good cock (mine). This is definitely not because I like Starfire way more because she's cute, nope, not at all.
>Kim Possible
Again, haven't seen much of her show. I think she's okay, but the few times I did watch, I cared way more about Ron, Drakken, and Shego.
I don't doubt it; just the other day I walked past one of my co-workers who has the Kimmunicator sound as their text alert, even all these years later, and I think they're older than me. So it kinda makes sense that she's here, sorta.
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Lolong could you give opinions on this strip?
Okay but how would that actually work
You should, it'd be funny.
It means he wants to put his head between her legs.
That's unbelievably barbaric. I'd just settle for a way to have every nominee on one page. I know google forms has a limit, so maybe there might be a different website that can do it? Maybe?
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A combination of a lack of balance and being so frail a breeze of wind sends her crashing through the glass. The weakness of Jucika can never be underestimated.
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Honestly I think we shouldn't change anything outside of the Seeded Vs Randomized vote for a bit. NSA's constant rule changes just fueled arguments and fighting, and voting on them is only a slight improvement. It might actually make things worse in a close vote because people can't just blame the hosts.
Stats didn't change any rules after Ms. /co/ 2019 and we got a good few years of stability out of that, maybe we should ease off the tweaking?
Please don’t.
Imagine that irl it would happen with every crush you had (fictional or real); or at least exist some kind of parameters of this phenomenon that could occur.
Easy enough to make, yes. Just would need to define the rules to apply first.
Fair, just a random thought.
Here is the suggestion from the hosts themselves however
>Propose a thread or time limit [for nominations]
Here is one the hosts
We don't need more rules. Fuck off.
Because he won't be satisfied until fun is filtered out of the tournaments and the entire lineup is a bunch of boring silent coasters with no campaign
The real problem with culling down nominations is that if you end it early qualifiers begins at 10 PM minimum, and likely later if you want a good two or three threads for it. By then, you're missing prime time for people to jump in and vote on the form. It's a dumb issue, but it's an inherent flaw here. Even if you had nominations start a few hours early, still would be hard to squeeze them in before that time.
Brolybros vote for Frankie
>>Propose a thread or time limit [for nominations]
>Here is one the hosts
This would just screw over people in different time zones. No.
That was a disaster for Queen of /a/.
Is the rumor true that Jucika was based on her creator's niece?
Ideally it would just be an extension of the 24 hour qualifier period.
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As a kid she was cool older girl. As an adult she’s cute teenager. Interesting what time does to characters.
I’ve always liked Blackfire more than Star, the overly evil and bitchy attitude is really hot even though you would need to somehow dominate her or get her to like you too much to backstab you for a relationship to work.
>over people in different time zones.
If the character they wanted to nominate was worth shit someone would have already nominated it for them
Add back the timer to when the tournament starts at least.
So you're saying Marcy is going to lose all her voters and destroy her party?
I know what this is.
I fucking love guzzling down shit and slop. Who did I vote for?
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Don’t vote for Marceline, unless you really want a Queen that SUCKS! Wakka wakka!
I agree with the Frankiebro, maybe this can all work out as is without needing extra rules.
Blackfire is underrated because at the end of the day she’s a wife and obviously not shallow when it comes to appearences.
Is Jucika still a "terrible" elite eight member?
>Who did I vote for?
yes, and will be a terrible winner.
>Cute teenager
Anon she’s in her 20s.
this. After the series limit rule update made midway through Ms. /co/ 2019 (in response to SU swamping) there wasn't another change until Mr. /co/ 2021 when the transitional hosts that would eventually cede power to NSA took over.
The story is that it was inspired by a woman he met at his first job.
Worst source material is late stage adventure time. Worst girl is Jucika.
No. Her and her husband Mr Incredible are... amazing Elite Eight members.
Close, but not as bad as Mr. Incredible.
on some level you just have to accept the bullshit
perfect is the enemy of good
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He doesn't acknowledge Carl as a character, to him Carl is just part of his pathetic soapbox about "saving" the tournaments. He "doesn't exist" to him. I hate AI slop but I think it's hilarious that people have fun with Carl to spite his anon.
If you’re talking about that fat green alien she married I don’t think we know how that actually turned out outside of that one chibi short.
I'm new to these tournaments can someone explain to me what's with all the hate for Mr Incredible
That and any big change risks people arguing about how old tournaments would have looked under new rules and new tournaments under old rules and which wins are legit, you just make that problem worse. Hence we got the bulk of the rules settled early on, we added the /co/ original rule after Mr. /co/ 2018 and the 3 series limit midway through Ms. /co/ 2019 and things locked down for over 2 years after that.
Quickly Marceline, use the Kaioken to defeat Frankie!
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Is that so? My mistake. Still younger than me.
Carl is a symbol of everything he hates, that's why he refuses to have fun with him and it makes the shitposting that much sweeter
Hmmm... Y'know the only changes I can think of during that time is him adding a booru and a wiki being made.
this theory has always creeped me out
Nice to see you back drawing here.
Early 20s, just out of her teenage years.
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She gives me an active imagination.
>no rules changes since 2019
We added the series limit rule didn't we? That's why you had 5 SU characters in 2019. We shortened it to three per series.
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The only ones I can sort of tolerate are ones that don't alter later parts of the tournament, stuff like maybe having two qualifier rounds (One that gets like the Top 500 through and the second one acts like the current one) or adding an extra round to the start of the tournament for a 256 bracket. And even then that's just a lot of extra work for not much gain.
But yeah any rule change that alters the way previous tournaments would have played out is a fucking time bomb. You get that sort of shit out of the way early, we tweaked stuff a lot in 2018, one change in 2019 super early on to fight a problem we missed, and that was that for a while.
Seeded Vs Randomized is fine since that was an NSA rule change and we've had a chance to see both. I think Seeded will win because Randomized has not lived up to it's promises at all and it's screwed over girls of every seeding level, but beyond that? No changes.
This is a really fucked up theory, good thing it isn’t canon.
She'd be a weak winner, but as just an Elite Eight member she's fine. Finalist status is up in the air.

Regardless, she's not the worst for any of that in Ms. /co/, unfortunately.
'fraid so
How many Canadian boomers do you think are in these threads that would actually get the reference anon?
Clone High is loved by zoomers too.
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Her inky skin and white hair with her blush mark is cute.
We added the 24 hour limit.
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Hello and welcome back to the exciting Ms /co/ 2024! We are now standing at the semifinals and only one round away to the finals. So far so good, we are now down to four ladies as they use all of their strength to climb up to the top of the world. Let's see our two matches:

At match 1, Frankie managed to overwhelm Marceline with her fellow imaginary friends as they gang up on the vampire queen. What we thought that it's all over the Marceline when she suddenly unleashed a powerful sonicboom from her axe guitar that blows the friends away, but Frankie blocks the waves with a large wall-like imaginary friend that prevents her from getting blown away. The vampire queen isn't done folks as Marceline turns into her demonic form and knocks the imaginary friends away with a single swipe from her claws. Who will win this brutal battle between friends and fiends?

At match 2, Jucika is showing off her graceful movements as she swiftly dodges the laser blasts from Tyr'ahnee's gun with style! The Hungarian lady taunts her opponent like a classy bitch that pisses off the Martian queen enough to charge towards Jucika with laser sword in hand, but is soon outsmarted as Euro lady trips the queen with a kick that knocks her down face first onto the ground. Will Jucika overthrow this queen, or will Tyr'ahnee reclaim the crown?

This is getting wild folks as whoever will be our finalists is anyone's game. Vote now!
Reminder Frankie is a FOTM because of the new live-action movie that came out about Imaginary Friends at a foster home for imaginary friends with a main character named bloo.
That's why I said since. 2019 saw the last change and it was super early on, not even before Ms. /co/ was out, people were that widely agreed upon not letting 5 girls from one series dominate the brackets.
Makes sense that would be missed in 2018 given how low turnout was.
That was it for 26 months though, no rule changes until after Stats died and NSA took over. Shame for that mysterious car accident
A character who was once thought to be the next "buff guy winner" after Johnny Bravo and Kronk and got a very high 4th seed as a result in 2020 (compared to him being a midcarder in 2018 and not even qualifying in 2019), which immediately tells you that he was a metapick at his prime. Despite Mr. /co/lympus 2020 being rampant with OC and roleplay, Mr. Incredible was the most silent of them all despite being the main character in a beloved movie. When he reached Elite Eight, he jobbed to Hugh Neutron and got 8th place because it was apparent no one cared about him besides being a buff guy. Since Tom won, he outlived his usefulness and never qualified in 2022 following him ban, making him the second coming of Black Canary. When he qualified in 2023 he got falseflagged to death because, again, no one cared about him to do anything with him.

tl;dr he's a terrible character for being both a silentpick and a metapick at once, and he's proof that trying to vote for someone based on previous winners and "popularity" will backfire and cause your character to be shunned
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My queen…
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VOTE FOR MARCELINE! Lets get her to the crown!
fixed the left leg, accidentally colored it wrong

Reignite https://vocaroo.com/1hoGOzJ7kRri (embed)

Lifelight https://vocaroo.com/19AnGaJOs9Wh (embed)

Raphael's Final Act https://vocaroo.com/18hDUCY569zt (embed)
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He's also a shit father
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Since this is the end for one of us, any chance I could score that song I requested? Play us out for one last time?
It's been an honor Marcy. At least I've made it back to the Final Four.
Nobody watched that
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Vote for Marceline and she just might.
the fuck is going on with the deletes
Thank God someone actually explained why Mr Incredible is hated without being an obnoxious faggot about it, I already know why but there’s plenty of newfags here who won’t get it, last thing they need is some ritualposter spamming every thread about why he sucks.
attaching cuz im fuckin dumb

what song was it?

my tism wants me to fix shit that's nothing, but that's the last one
Marceline the lesbian Queen no thanks.
>When he qualified in 2023 he got falseflagged to death because, again, no one cared about him to do anything with him.
Actually 2023 was fun because outside of the cuck posting someone actually made him being quiet a campaign unto itself. He didn't make it far but he had some funny interactions with people like the Farquad poster.
Mr dweller
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it's a single autist
What's the rest of the image?
2018-2019 ms was mostly unwritten honor code rules until stats anon just made them official by writing them out and waiting to see what people generally agreed upon.
Well then it's not really 'Flavor of the Month'. Also people will argue FOTM for characters who's popularity is recent even if the characters themselves aren't(Jucika. If King of /v/ was running in 2020 they'd have said that about Among Us even though the game was from 2018).
Oh and how do you deal with situations like Pomni? She'd been appearing in public comic strips for a year prior to the pilot. Do Pilots count? Did Charlie's timer start with the pilot or the full series?
Can all this Mr bullshit wait until next month? I don't care about Mr Incredible or Stan, shut the fuck up
So it's the tournament autism that got Kiryu shat on, got in.
This is how fuckers take things way too seriously.
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oc from a few threads ago
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>both a silentpick
that's based though fuck campooners
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Wow sounds like the STAKES have never been higher. Waka waka.
Then is it really "/co/'s favourite girl in 20XX' if you can't even allow girls from that year? I get FOTM to avoid another Spinel, but...
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You can do this, Frankie
shut up kermit
Etymological fallacy. FOTM can last longer than a month.
Timer starts from their debut of their primary work.
There is a single autist who constantly posts about Bob, but he’s not wrong about the fact that he’s a very weak E8 member and hasn’t been able to make a proper comeback despite having everything he needs to be a great pick.
Ms. /co/ is almost over so people are coming out of the woodwork to shill their gay crushes
Wasn't If a box office disappointment? The twist was also really obvious if you've watched enough films, or even just media in general.
Mexican Radio. Either Wall of Voodoo or Authority Zero, your call at this point.
I dunno. Your victory might just be.
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How long then? You can't keep saying something is arbitrarily FOTM.
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Kermit, why you’ll make a bear Green with envy with that compliment. Waka waka.
Stan started posting during nominations
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what's the right image cosplaying
aah, i did both, they turned out alright

Authority Zero - Mexican Radio https://vocaroo.com/16H1vihaXIm3

Wall of Voodoo - Mexican Radio https://vocaroo.com/1dFsCoBGmE9X
So FOTM is a completely meaningless term that you use to describe something that’s new and popular?
One year, as stated.
>But what about *obscure edge case*
Then it’s ruled on with common sense.
> he jobbed to Hugh Neutron and got 8th place because it was apparent no one cared about him besides being a buff guy.
Okay but losing to fucking Hugh???
Marceline could kick ass if these tournaments were just a series of rap battles.
That campaign might've unironically killed him. It started in round 3 which became Farquaad's biggest victory percentage.
Hugh is one of the picks that’s hated by the ritualfag for some reason.
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Ah thanks Marcy! I'll listen now.
Hope things work out, no matter which of us wins
I've never seen an Incredibles movie but
>buff guy
Isn't Bob supposed to be really fat and out of shape
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Does Jucika Cook?
>thread is just rulefagging and ignoring any OC or waifus
>Meaningless term
No, it has a specific definition. Something with recency bias. Not all FOTMs can get snagged by any ruling, but a year is far more sane than a month for keeping out Spinels.
You know I just realized Jucika is the only girl who’s not from Cartoon Network left.
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I'm speedrunning to make one last quick render before I go. Please vote Tyr!
Then call it FOTY. FOTM is aimed at things that have no long lasting impact after a brief period of popularity, not just anything new.
same to you anon, best of luck
But still vote for Marcy everyone else lol
not after the montage
also it's a good film watch it and ignore the sequel
Maybe I'm not autistic enough for /co/ waifufagging but I don't get the Frankie hype. I like Foster's and it has a nice artstyle but I genuinely could not ever in my life be attracted to it. Frankie does nothing for me and off-model fanart won't change my mind.
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Tank Girl.
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He gets back in shape after he starts doing hero work again. Him being out of shape at the beginning of the film is supposed to signify him not being in his glory days anymore.
That was because he got fat when superheroes were banned, he got back into shape when he was called back to do superhero work.
>Not all FOTMs can be snagged by any ruling
What the fuck is this supposed to mean when you already want the FOTM rule to be extended to an entire year, are you claiming you can be popular for several years and still be FOTM?
Etymological fallacy.
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The bones say Jucika will lose. They've been right so far.
It's about her personality, anon.
Well, and kinda her looks. But most people aren't jerking off to the Foster's artstyle.
I have two ideas:
>Randomize only within the high and low seeds, and place them against each other. (Example: High and low seed characters will be placed against each other and vice versa).
>Randomize between the numerical placement of high and low seeds, and place in more different spots (Example: High and low seeds will be placed in different numerical spots instead of a fixed placement).
One other things is to randomize the bracket placement instead placing them in order like before.
Does this sound right for you?
It's technically called the "Spinel Clause"
You don't know the meaning plain and simple.
Nah her usual personality isn't great. It's about that one episode where she goes on a date and wears that black dress.
No, technically a new version of an old character can be FOTM or a new meme of an old character (big chungus) could be FOTM (for example, Monarch who won because of a relevancy boost). But to use rules to mitigate that would be pretty draconian. A year keeps *most* of that out without overstepping.
...which is balanced out by him being a metapick
The problem is time zones and trolls that will spam characters if there's a set limit.
I don't really care about her personality. She's not bad, but I never gave a shit about her. I watched the show for the imaginary friends.
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Good luck too,
But ignore her, she's delusional, vote FRANKIE
>It's about her personality
and she's bossy and angry all the time
We can rest assured that the only new rule is banning all furries and lolis which would greatly improve the tournament forever. We don't want that shit in Ms. or Mr.
Begone normalshitter.
>No, it has a specific definition.
That you're ignoring. FOTM to something with no lasting impact not just everything new. I have retards calling Spy x Family FOTM despite still being in the zeitgeist years later.
>where she goes on a date and wears that black dress.
That's definitely where all those ss shippers come from, and also Zone tan
Well then you're excluding girls of that year from "Best /co/ girl of this year' contests.

So Charlie couldn't even compete yet? Pilot isn't a primary work and the series hasn't been out a year.
go back >>>/a/
Normalcuck btw
Just go back to 2018 rules. Rulefagging has always been gay.
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Ok, the Wall of Voodoo original was good, good cover! I like.
now for the Y2K era one-
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Might as well post this and hope it helps Frankie since its too late for /mygirl/
Unless you have a crystal ball you can’t predict the future. What we can acknowledge is a basic principle of recency bias which has affected multiple tournaments. We also know the most egregious example of this (Spinel) normalized dramatically in about a year.
No actual argument huh?
Fuck you, Gaz shouldve gotten farther
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In this final hour remember to vote for Marceline, your vampire Queen! She's been the queen since 2010, lets get her to the finals and make it official!

Friendly Teeth https://vocaroo.com/1ll6ZLMOWNYg

Boulevard of Broken Dreams https://vocaroo.com/1iWnV338tB6E

Call me Maybe https://vocaroo.com/1mx2Fqgn9XK9
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Shut up
Gaz lost to a furry lol
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Get out the vote!
I would love to see Gaz make it to at least the Elite Eight, but am I the only one that has trouble trying to campaign her?
It's Jucika's year!
Thank you anon.
Not always true. Popular characters have been nominated late or forgotten to be nominated even with the time given. Imagine if we limited the time even more.
So if I'm reading this right, divide the high and low seeds, scramble among eachother, then put it back so that it'll still result in high v high and low v low on the first suggestion, and high seed v low seed on the second? Sounds easily doable
glad to see we're banning all the zoophiles for good
Your sense of humour reminds me of vampires.
It bites.
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What the fuck is wrong with you this doesn't make me want to vote for Marceline this makes me want to bleach my eyeballs.
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Alright, under an hour to go. I'll be so happy to see an end to this farce of an asterisk competition.
>I'm not going to list 4th to 7th because it's pointless.

Anything less is, and it's blatant organiser favouritism, and they know it. God, I can't wait for this mid-tier shitshow to be over so the maincard Mr. /co/ can begin...
Do you count the series limit change from 5 to 3? It was the last change Statsanon made, done midway through Ms. /co/ 2019 to apply to future tournaments after Steven Universe utterly swamped the tournament. (This also cemented the FOTM rule though I think that was actually added after the prior one).
Either way, Mr. /co/ 2019 through Ms. /co/ 2021 all stuck to the same rules and it was the sanest period we had
How is Marceline favored by the organizers?
>Do you count the series limit change from 5 to 3?
No. The series limit is the gayest of popularity-spite rues.
Early high seed knockouts are boring and always give the edge to the underdog in the late game. Let the jobbers job.
Please stop posting here.
If you need an anti recency rule because you're still mindbroken over an event from five years ago, maybe your picks are just shit.
He's just a bitch lol
I think we should vote now and also at the start of the qualifiers next year to see if there is a change of heart.
I do think we should have seeded brackets as that will help make it more competitve and keep drawfags and campooners in the game
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The AZ version has a broken link, seems to be missing a letter.
He's voting her out because he doesn't want her to eat shit for winning this year's tournament, not because he thinks she's rigged, those are the picks he doesn't care about.
This is fucking retarded idea. The whole problem with randomized is that you have high seeds killing each other early on.
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Go Jucika!
And Candace should've been included.
But what are you gonna do?
I really hope I don't overlap Mr. /co/ mains with you, fag.
Did you even campaign or draw?
Genuine question. Is every host on /co/ thin-skinned?
>referring to my other posts
Oh my god dude you're so fucking desperate. No one thinks your gay one year clause is worth it. Cry more about Spinel.
I aint suggesting anything, just asking for clarification to see if I understood anon's suggestion right, chill
What a fucker then lol. I don't want to wait 2 years for marceline to win
You're a hyper coomer.
You're weird.
She has a good reason to be that way when she is, but she isn't that way all the time. Frankie is generally nice and chill and only gets bossy when others are being retards.
Flat is for lolis and Marceline isn't one
Go Jucika, Jucika, GO GO!!!
>You're weird.
Because... I watched Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends for the imaginary friends?
>Shirley didn't even qualify after getting 2nd place in 2022
>No one even cared
Actually the worst elite 8 member ever. Even the dude that originally nominated her regretted her getting that far because of all the drama it caused.
He’s not even a host kek based retard
Jucika fucking SUCKS.
Based Earth first Dodger
Mars gets cucked again XD
She also has that ugly jaw line on her profile side when she gets mad and yells.
False consensus fallacy.
Emotional outburst.
Would a normal person really be a host for this?
I predict there will be another rigging incident.
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Let's see if the organisers can sift through and arbitrarily decide the winners in under 30min this time.
I stopped listening to the vocaroos here after I saw they were 20 minutes long.
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One last before I go to work. I promise I'll deliver a porn animation if she does win. Good luck Tyrbros.
>You're a hyper coomer.
Frankie is a fucking bitch and her fans self insert as Mac
These threads are terrible but Ms /co/ is still where all my passion and interests lie and it still stings to see people calling it shit, if Mr was like this instead of Ms I wouldn't even think of going there, the hope of getting to see people talk about and make OC for the girls they like is why I'm able to tolerate how miserable these threads get every single year.
no. just a special exception for pomni
Asperger's syndrome
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Rained out pool day with Frankie.
1 and my girl wins
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>I promise I'll deliver a porn animation if she does win.
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She's also not flat
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Ohhh we got a heckler here, you CROSSED, with the wrong bear, I’ll leave you in the DUST by Morning with my quips. Waka waka
>off by 1
It's so over...
Are we seriously doing a one year ban? What the fuck so wrong with you people?
Brisby also didn't qualify, but she got way more vocal discussion after the fact. When the 5th place pick from the same year you were a finalist is getting attention and not you, something went really fucking wrong with your campaign.
Uf I really hope not
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When will they learn?
>mfw at this pace TADC will be ending in time for 2026 and they'll say she won only because the shows ending like with monarch
It was decided that way since the first tourney six years ago.
One year is retarded.
She needs your vote!
No, it's going to be a 5 year ban, zoomer candidates can fuck off
I'm voting for Tyr'ahnee, but don't promise porn for votes after what happened with Wuya.
Jucika. Calling it.
One month was never enough. The literal brainlet argument back then was “month is in the name so we must only need a month”. The problem was never solved.
Who ya calling ugly? Come here fag imma suck your soul
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>I draw shit for this all time
>do people's requests that were ignored
>turns out shit so I don't post it
Is this wrong?
>Anti-Zoomerfags still crying
>them hips
>them thighs
It seems she also needs some male companionship. Yabba dabba don't mind if I motherfucking DO.
It's Pomnifags fault for HAVING to get that falseflag win over Chel and now she's gotta E8 sit out a year while her show is in prime popularity.
Frankie is an angry cunt why do people like her
The worst part is that it wouldn’t stop another Spinel. Remember the Peruvians?
Eh, it would be closer to Primal and Fag's win in that case. Venture Bros was a way more sudden and premature event.
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I like characters who are flawed.
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I understand but since I am mostly active I can do the project. Just I can't promise it being of high quality of course but I'll do my best. Either way, I can take suggestions of what you would like to see me doing with the 3d model if Tyr wins
Hosts deleted her three votes, please ubderstand
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Post what you make. Even Mspaint OC gets love here.
She's a hyper cunt
Sorry, Fang.
This one year is way too long
Make it a 50 year ban. Retroactive to now. Nothing after 1974. Ever.
You don't get to act like fags and try to throw it on Pomni, especially when every one of Chel's opponents got AI art. You ended your own girl's perfect attendance and now you have to deal with it.
It's the most logical thing to do, zoomer culture sucks. And I'm younger than you!
Marceline the Ugliest Queen
We'll see who's really crying when hosts put in the year long FOTM ban, zoom zoom
more like ban all non-lolis
The problem resolves when you stop seething over results not going your way and adding more rules.
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How do you think it feels for your soul to be vored and digested? Haha, asking for a friend.
Cope Pomni's gonna come back and win 2026.
You do know most if not all the girls nominated here would still qualify, right?
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She’s actually really all things considered and can often be kind. I think she’d be a good mom.
What if we just posted waifus?
She gets my vote
Frankie is so fucking loud....stop yelling all the time you stupid bitch
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>In recent news, the Martian Empire has invaded Hungary and is currently occupying Budapest in support of Queen Tyr'ahnee's battle with local resident, Jucika, as part of her campaign to take the Crown of /co/lympus.
>This would ordinarily violate the peace treaty between Earth and Mars, and further strain their already tense relationship. However, when approached by the Martian Empire for an exception to invade Hungary for a beauty contest, the Galactic Protectorate is reported as having responded, "Sure. Why not?"

>Queen Tyr'ahnee had this to say:
>"Some people say it is excessive to invade an Earth country to win a funny picture pageant. Those people are now in chains."

>The people in chains had this to say:
>"This is totally, completely unfair! I expected to be chained up by the Queen herself! Maybe move on to some rougher stuff depending on the mood, you know? But, yeah, I voted for her."

>We'll bring you more news on this story as it develops.
>This broadcast is brought to you by: The Martian Empire.

>Vote for Tyr'ahnee!
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This random courage side character going all the way to the finals will always be the most WTF moment of any /co/ tournament I've been apart of. It was even funnier when some of the courage fans admitted to not even remembering her from the show.
Frankie is a horrible person and LOUD
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>They didn't know
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Don't be upset, Marceline. I'm not shallow enough to hate you just because you're so ugly.
Seems like I ruffled somebody's fur and he can't bear it.
Because people love cake no matter how ugly it is.
She was one of my own favorite side characters, but it's upsetting she's gone further than the main three.
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You haven't had to deal with Bloo
she's not nice at all. Never wants anyone to have fun.
Vegeta you would fuck a physical form of combat if it were possible I don't care what your position of my drawing are
>"1 year ban"
>Mrs The Monarch would've been unaffected
>Betty Boop would've been unaffected
>Fang would've been unaffected
>Wuya would've been unaffected
>all the possible girls still in here would've been unaffected
so what does this prevent if it wouldn't have effected any of the previous winners?
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I like her!
>hosts may actually be considering the 5 year long FOTM ban
I didn't do anything lol. Sorry you're too dumb to see obvious falseflagging.
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>I don't fucking understand
The Bloo OC has been some of my favorite from the entire tournament, and it's almost tempted me to vote for Frankie this round.
Chelbro btw
>>Fang would've been unaffected
Not true at all.
>the episode that people love Frankie for
Vote for Jucika, the "perfect woman"!
>Boomerkeks having a complete meltdown over Zoomers still being allowed to compete
So… we agree that it isn’t a radical change? Good, so there’s no problem implementing it for sane futureproofing.
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Hey, anon. See this?
Pomnirigger btw
>5 year long
I hate zoomers more than most but this is fucking retarded beyond belief
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>Imagine drinking cum milk
I don't know what to tell you. Before 2021 I barely cared aboit Mr. /co/, it was all about the waifus, and every year, I got really invested and enjoyed the banter Now though, the blatant rigging and spite voting in the girls comp has killed my enthusiasm and now, I'm a faggot spite vorer like them.

I don't have a lot of attachment to the Mens comp so I can be more rational.
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Foster's Roster from the last time she was in the Elite Eight(Or the Final Four for that matter).
>It was supposed to be a simple mission. But we were set up. Peruvians in the hills everywhere. One of us sold out the group on Facebook. I know it wasn't me or Shego...never lasted long enough to know what happened to the other two
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Accurate. Soon we will make this future become true in a few rounds
Getting off /co/ here, but it also wouldn't have prevented Garland because he's existed for decades in his original interpretation.
The worst part, they like it cause they self insert as Mac. Frankiefags are ss shitters.
>>"This is totally, completely unfair! I expected to be chained up by the Queen herself! Maybe move on to some rougher stuff depending on the mood, you know? But, yeah, I voted for her."
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Beam me up, scotty…
>Zoomersissies pretending theyre not pissing their diapers at the possibility of their precious newslop being barred until its 1 year old
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You're right, we need to extend the ban until EVERY girl that beat my pick is banned. Ten years!
Primal was already years old by 2022. Unless we start extending the ban to include new media.
>self insert
Why would I want to be MAC when I could be me and give her a proper pounding
>Digging up old drama in a desperate attempt to pin Spinel on Frankie
That’s low
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You know she's dated men, right? Hairy men. With hair.
>implying chelfags didnt purposely rig as payback for the butt wedding
You couldn't beat Fang lol
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Here's that Ena costume I saw today! Please vote her 5th or 6th place anons, she left us too soon!
I hope things will get better one day, the fact that there can still be good first rounds and moments where people can talk about their girls in peace is enough for me to want to keep slogging through every year.
I loved Courage as a kid and the Courage flash games on the CN website, zero memory of this character
She blew Mac a kiss at the end of this
Not really. In King of /v/ 2021 people were only allowed to nominate the original interpretation but not the SoP one since the game hadn't released yet. So following that logic he would have been blocked from competing in 2022.
Fang's first run wouldn't be able to happen.
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>the self insert zoomers are back
Aren't you voting for a lesbian with daddy issues and you self insert as PB which is a troon thing to do?
Rig harder in 2026 maybe, Pomnibro.
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I just think she’s neat!
>Boomercucks still having a melty over the fact that 3 zoomer picks got into the E8 and one is still in
you didn't even read my post did you?
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Vote for Frankie Foster!
Wow, great cosplay!
no he still would've been allowed thanks to that one rule
They can always start to counteract the butthurt Chel rigging. But that's cringe.
>and you self insert as PB which is a troon thing to do
No proof anyone does that. The fosters ss threads shipping the two are proof of ss faggotry
Zoomie toonies WILL get banned until theyre 5 years old, and zoom zooms WILL be HAPPY about it
That's a nice cosplay, it's good to see people being that passionate about such niche cartoon girls.
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20 minutes left, my subjects
I have a hard time seeing Marceline as a zoomer pick, even though I wasn't a kid when the show first premiered. AT just FEELS like part of my childhood, even though it wasn't.
They were considered different characters is what I'm saying.
Anons, this is a Mongolian Beef Wig forum. Chill.
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My screen is showing a (You) on this post when I know for a fact I didn't write it.
Goofy ahh fetish fr fr
Your girls need that much of a handicap?
ENA if she real
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Oh, and here's that lilo and stitch autograph I got for the on behalf of the Nani bros.
I honestly have no clue how the "Disney hated that movie" rumor started when the animator said he was at the pitched and Eisner loved it from the beginning
I know, right? Said the the legs were leggings, everything else was paint. Surprised it stayed on that well, it was pretty hot in the convention hall even when I was just wearing shorts and a light t shirt.
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20 mins left....
Battler has been killed.
>don't let the orgy end now! Vote jucika!
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Craig put all the love he has for his wife into her.
Sorry my earlier dubs invalidate whatever claims you got
I miss the stitch drawfags
She's a 2010 character and people have been slandering her for being a zoomer pick the moment she made it into the Semi-Finals, maybe some people don't see it that way but it's clear there's still plenty of seething directed at her for being a zoomer girl.
Eclipsa is better.
I will say, the early rounds can be a lot of fun, but when it comes to crunch time, Ms. /co/ comps just can't keep it together.
We hear and vote, our Queen!!
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This would have win if boomers ruled miss /co/
only if you let us join
>yeah we've been waiting uh heheh hours for this
Not how it works zoomzoom.
She's shit
I miss the DeathWatch Announcers
We need to BAN zoomers we can't let them win against my girl again... I-I just can't take it anymore. Zoomers are too strong! I don't know how to campaign and make OC! I don't wanna be SHIT and FINISHED by zoomers! Someone is knocking at my door! It's another zoomer AIIIIIEEEEEEE
>I'm 26 and feel old as fuck already, AT came out while I was in middle school
>there are people here who still think she's too new
How old are most of the people that give a shit about Ms. /co/, anyway?
>boomers are furries because they likely grew up with animals they have probably fucked in private
We need to pillow those boomers asap

yes it does and it has this whole competition
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I always imagined this is what Talia looked like underneath her suit before the shitty face reveal (thanks Bioware).
Betty Bo-oh wait
Ban every cartoon after the 1950s because the dark age of animation started in the 1960s.
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Nah it would be Betty and Wilma
>only remembered cause of that beep beep meme song
Give it a rest
me too
Not that much older because all the nostalgia picks are from the 2000s.
We should vote to ban Ms /co/
Enough about your mom. Now kneel.
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>drab to frab, Fostingling
He'll be back in time for King because Beatrice will revive him again when she gets bored and needs someone to bully.
hahah that's the beep beep girl hahaha beep beep im a sheep thats her legacy
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under 18 judging by the art
I'm not a furfag so no
Im okay if Pomni wins
Can you even kneel anymore or will you blow out your kneecaps? Don't make me turn off your cpap machine
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I hopped on the bandwagon because she had a fun campaign with good OC, it felt a bit shallow with what a mess it turned into though

Posting theme
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Can’t resist the pearly whites.
I'm a furfag and still no because Lola is better.
A one-to-five year ban is essentially giving your pick a handicap because they're not good enough to win without it.
They're the most fuckable girls in /co/ second only to Jucika
You're in my belly.
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What do you want to bet NSA's in this thread off-trip encouraging some of this new rulefaggotry?
She's done it before.
Riggers need to unironically rope. Pomni didn't need rigging. Hell, I wasn't expecting her to survive the Semi's. the rigging meta has changed.
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Ban Steven Universe from these threads from now on. Their fans can't ever behave
we should ban all pre-fat man characters until they enter the public domain
She dumps at the end.
no thanks I have taste
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No furries need to be banned too
the real balls is still gone, I, NSA, stole his trip
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>NSA was the one that rigged in the first place
yeah, shit taste
I'm Frankie all the way. Love Jucika but Frankie is the lifeblood of /co/
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Well, Polls close in 10 minutes. Any last minute voters or flippers who want to support Frankie, now your chance.
Thanks for getting her this far again. We haven't had a good year in a long, long time. I still hope she can win and finally retire from the circuit.
FACT: zoomies were the biggest culprits behind rigging this year
FACT: if zoomie toonies got hit with an extended FOTM ban things would've gone far better
Ban everyone who isn't white.
A one year ban forces new hotness to prove themselves and arguing against it proves you can’t win without recency bias.
No lies detected.
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NSA lives in our hearts.
I'm starting to think NSA is the anon who made Carl
Ban like 80% of /co/.
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If You're Still in Line, you can still vote!
The one on the right canonically isn't
>zoomies were the biggest culprits behind rigging this year
more like shitty taste for not voting on Jucika.
>Ban Steven Universe from this board from now on
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I’d like to keep supporting her, if the voters will it.
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If we has a lil' miss /co/ for girls 17 and younger we could also not allow lolis and teens
All of FARTS has adult versions so it doesn't change anything
Every single word spoken here is true.
It came to me in a dream
You do.
I have to inspect every Tyr pic for "hidden details".

Anyway, 10 minutes left to vote for Queen Tyr'ahnee!
are there any actual, legit SU fans in these threads that'd want one to win, or is it all just shitposting?
Zoomie here, i'm glad I decided to watch cartoons aimed at boomers because that period before 2000 is so much better.
Brazilian Jucika.
>nobody has even mentioned we're voting on 5th-8th placements as well
Kim for 5th!
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Vote Jucika!
For fucks sakes just shut down 4chan at this point, it's an absolute shell of it's former self
I've suggested removing the E8 ban and NSA outright said that one was "never a question".
I'd also like to see a pre and post 2010s brackets, if only to calm down the retarded generational wars Ms. has every year
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>A year long FOTM rule is being rulesfagged right now
>When zoomers haven't had a champion since Spinel
Did Pomni scare them THAT much?
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10 more minutes to vote for the queen Marceline!
Boomer here, I'm glad I decided to watch cartoons aimed at zoomers because the period after the 2000s is so much better.
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She’s so fuckin cute!
Funilly enough there exist a Chilean Jucika
is it too late to ask for 256 bracket next year
or at least a character limit to Qualifiers? Like I'd say around 1,000 characters are a good enough pool to pick from.
Thanks for admitting you need a handicap.
Already banned check /trash/
Her defeating Jucika in personal combat and making her kneel.
>we could also not allow lolis and teens
Fuck off zoomer neo-puritan
>did [giga rigger like spinel] scare people
Yes, and it showed why allowing zoomerslop was a mistake
I voted her for 6th and Blackfire for 5th however.
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she deserves to win
Honestly, we may need a zoomer winner next year, if only to shut up the people that whine about tourneys becoming "boring and predictable".
that depends on what happens next, if you catch my drift...
And you needed rigging, what's your point again?
Don't you have "futa is not gay" essays to type?
Australian detected.
>He says this while arguing for a recency bias handicap
One year is what the Spinel rule always should have been
The month rule has been entirely useless outside of with Molly McGee
Less than 10 minutes until the hour long wait to remove another set of rigged votes
Pomni for 8th!
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>that whine about tourneys becoming "boring and predictable
How many meme picks do you think they need to force through before they shut up, they will never stop
I can't post the rest without a ban...
>And you needed rigging
This IS "lil' miss /co/", do you not remember our first winner?
Don't jinx it; I want this to happen.
I voted for SEXceline the SEXqueen
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>Bring us to your leader.
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Frankie-fans, you claim you want a straight woman but does this look like a straight woman to you? I don't think so. She's just another lesbian, worse even, another feminist revolter in the crowd, how can you live ignoring this fact?
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I have to go try to do my vote, I always wait and my computer keeps freezing.
Vote Frankie.
Oh, and Boxing Anon, if it ends up being Frankie Vs Jucika, might I suggest using the underground ring from 'Two Tribes' as the background basis? Fits the East V West Bloc and the vibes theme.
Let's go Frankie, for all the redheads who couldn't be here.
In the worst ways possible, Ms. /co/ is never boring and predictable.
>water laws
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I know, betty cannot born a baby but she's still cute anyways have a picture of Wilma
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I'm at work. I'll try to check the results but I'll only have 5 minutes to do so
>"futa is not gay" essays to type?
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5 more minutes
that's unfortunate
How did Dominator not make it to this point?
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I'm nervous Frankiebros...
5 minutes until disaster.
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Don't look at me, I'm voting against my waifus to keep them out of this dumbfuckery.
They are more consistently better but there are 2000s cartoons that are just great and felt more in line with my interests
The 90s were cool but sometimes they were missing their edge and it felt like it really was for kids although that never stopped me from watching

I'm all for both I just said if we had a separate one for them it would be cool as the lolis wouldn't get spite voted off right away by loli haters and the adults that would take their place by the loli-void would have more exposure
g'day m8
i wasn't there for the first I didn't browse /co/ at the time I was mostly /b/ /x/ /fit/ /an/ /fa/ /ck/
I'll try to catbox
Because Real Frankie exists in a world where PPG is a tv show, and thus has them on her shirt.
This woman is obviously a Frankie cosplayer from the PPG world where Foster's is just a tv show, hence having 3 female signs on her shirt.
Either that or someone made another Imaginary Frankie again. We really got to clean those up
Lost to Tyr'ahnee, would also probably get slandered constantly in the thread for being a zoomer pick if she had made it.
Marceline will never win.
Frankie forever.
I just got done rigging 120 votes for _____
>How did Dominator not make it to this point?
randomized brackets went against Queen Tyr'ahnee too early
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Redhead wife.
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>MORE suspicious last-minute votes
This is gonna be a long night. Give us hosts some time to figure out what to do.
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Peridot Riggernigger needs your power to shit up this comp
>They are more consistently better but there are 2000s cartoons that are just great and felt more in line with my interests
early 2000s cartoons are fine, Billy and mandy is my favorite show of the 2000s.
ENA had better not be in 8th again
Poor luck. She died to the Wuya hype last year and faced Tyr'ahnee herself this year. There was 2021 where she could have reasonably won, but Johanna.
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In this final stretch I give my energy, my heart, and my VOTE to Tyr'ahnee.
Now come the excuses... for shame.
Here we go again
Voted ENA for 8th to match her eternal 8th status
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KND was mine since I did have an interest in tinkering with stuff the 2X4 tech sucked me in. I'm surprised I didn't end up a /k/ommando
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Could they be friends?
Check trips.
probably not
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No she would bully Mac and Frankie wouldn't be cool with that especially since he helps out and really cares about his imaginary friends
Hell no
MLAATR's is mine, don't care what people say about me for that the aesthetics were kino and Tremorton would be a great place to live in.
For me it's EE&E
PPG doesn't exist in Fosters
Have this as the next OP to acknowledge the entire Elite 8. This is a good Elite 8 no matter what you fags have to say.
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Gentlemen… it’s been an honor.
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>I'm surprised I didn't end up a /k/ommando
It's never too late to start!
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>The qualifier results with the least votes is from an anime
How do we feel about this?
Retards who see 2000s and go "WOOOAAHHH CHILDHOOD"
>both angry bitches
I'll be honest, there never was any rigging. Balls and I just got caught up spitroasting Coayynon so we needed an excuse to finish before we posted the votes.
A former KND?
You could have had more if you voted for Kriszta too. Could have gotten a Jucika + Kriszta final.
Time's up. Let's see how the party ignites from here.
Got it in in time.
Now we hope. Frankiebros, hold your breathe
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Bottom and Barred finals when?
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Bruh its been 20 years now
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It's over
>getting spitroasted by Balls and Penis
Wtf Coayy that's kinda gay
Here we go again hahahahahabaa
results are open, go see your two finalists!!

At least it doesn't have 0 votes like that one spongebob character
I still don't get how this works unless its an electromagnet you couldn't trigger it/. If it was only tension then it would be like a hairtrigger that would go off accidentally during combat
Assume (and hope) hosts are just hyping it up.
Maiden of /co/ / Ms. /co/ Bottom 128 Semifinals Results:
>inb4 Marceline VS Jucika for the Zoomer vs Zoomer meme finale.
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Frankie...can she avoid the fate?
No they aren't, balls.
cici made it!
Marceline might clear then
Disappointing, but I would be fine with Marceline winning.
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Oopsies, turned out Pomni wasn't rigging and we had to redo the Quarterfinal's results. Tyranhee votes were actually just switched to Pomni!
Lolongbros, not like this.........
If Frankie knew how Vicky actually is? No.
>Vicky is so into Frankie that she tries to pretend that she is an actual good babysitter
Could work.
>Jucika won by THAT much
What the actual fuck? At least it makes Pomni's margin last time seem more believable?
>Jucika won by that much
>Tyr lost by over 60%
Real trip actually ctrl+f it
I hope Emilia makes it shes my favorite powerpuff girl
Frankie vs Jucika final
Frankie vs Jucika it is
>Jucika stomping Tyr by that much
Told you she's winning the whole thing.
Your final matchup is Frankie vs jucika!
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Jucika... good job.
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>Frankie vs Jushitka
RIP Laura.
I wish you got a spot on the real Ms. /co/.
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>Jucika won
Winner walks loser in the park on a leash?
Frankiebros WE DID IT!
>Frankie vs Jucika
Meh. At least we got some funny drawings out of this and I have a chance to watch something new.
A very down to earth finale this time it seems
And Kriszta wanted votes...
>Frankie won by that much
Huh. Strange. Kinda figured it'd be clos--
>Jucika won by that much
WHAT THE FUCK? And I voted for her too I'm just baffled
I'm really hoping Frankie takes it home this year.
>Jucika won by that much
-the air attack warning sounds like. This is the sound.
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>Jucika won by that much
Maybe the rigger IS still among us...
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This is the worst result we've ever had jesus fuck
>780 votes
Oh come on
If Jucika beat Tyr by that much Frankie's getting fucking annihilated lmao.
I don't think people were happy with way the previous round was handled and that caused spitevotes against Tyranhee
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congrats Emilia!
>Jucika advanced
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>jucika killing tyr by a wide margin
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>Tyr'ahnee actually lost to Jucika
Oh my fucking God lmao I wanted her to win but Jesus Christ I can't stop fucking laughing what the fuck
Jucika is being rigged to shit
No fucking way she won by that margin genuinely
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>worst options won
Okay, looks like Ms. /co/ sucks as usual. See you guys next month.
Zoomer blow out anon
Ow man. This has to be most boring, lamest, uncolorful finalists I ever seen.
Not on my watch
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha my Duck trap card worked!
Fuck yeah!
I voted for Jucika and I'm baffled.
Is this the most votes we ever had for a /co/ tournament?
baffling, honestly.
Yeah, and we did it. Best Girl is in!
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this only happened because of the bullshit with Pomni, right?
Frankie deserves to win so obviously Jucika is gonna win because that's the le epic drama choice to spur on years of future shitposting and arguing
>even pomni got 5th by a large margin
At least she wasn't shit on
Yep it's shit
Frankiebros. I'll switch to Frankie. Now Jucika can beat it. This is Frankie's year.
>That Jucika sweep
Damn...Jucikafags aren't playing around.
She was against the wicked queen Tyr'anee
There was no other option. I did what had to be done
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Pomniggers REALLY were seething after being caught cheating kek
This will be better for Tyr’ahnee because she won’t get what on and I don’t like he odds against Frankie
GG Martianbros you will be strong again
Jucika is so boring (also rigged)
/co/ always votes for the worse option as the queen. Not going to happen.
zoom along now

Nice rigging, retarded hosts. This has got to be the worst ms./co/ ever
It's not that I think Tyr'ahnee couldn't lose because obviously she has, but Jucika?
I liked both Tyr and Jucika but I genuinely excepted a Tyr stomp. I hope Jucika wins now, Frankie's boring.
>Tyr lost by that much
Fishy. Maybe Jucika was the rigger after all.
Fuck yeah I want to laugh at capeshit fags
>Juckia beating Queen Tyr'ahnee especially by that much
Fuck these spiteful little niggers that are zoomers and fuck digital circus and murder drones TOTAL ZOOMER DEATH
With how the meta goes, I assumed Jucika would win, but how did Tyr'ahnee lose by so much?
Jucika is the zoomer pick, sped.
ahhhh, feels GREAT, bros.
It’s over. You had three girls who would have been a good winner and you’re going to hand it to a twitter meme.
I'm voting Hungarian.
You know, this is 4chan
Tyrahnee probably lost because she's black.
Pretty sure the Spinel votes were routinely getting over 1000
No it happened because of this
If Frakie wins I'll tweet the results to Crag McCracken.
Nobody "deserves to win"
It’s almost like there were so many other girls being called rigged as a way to hide an actual rigged character
This is what Tyr'ahneefags get for trying to pull a Fang. You should never have accepted her "win" last round.
Perifag won.
>Pomni at 5th place
Fucking zoomer fags, she should be lower.
I'm a 60-year-old Hungarian, so no.
>2000s nostalgia coomers thought they could compete against zoomer meme coomers
Tyr'anee fags getting a taste of their own medicine
And by a 60% margin. Jucikabros... this doesn't look good.
This. We need coom.

Good match Marcy voters this was a fun round
>60s hungarian coomer girl
I sincerely doubt it, man.
>hosts point out exactly how the riggers got caught
>riggers rig again for Jucika, except better this time
No fucking surprise.
Nah she had her surge here, you did this yourself /co/, after all that is what happened with a certain show about technicolor horses
>Frankie is one of the eternal waifus
>/co/ is the sole reason Jucika became known and popular and would fit a Ms /“/co/“
Regardless we are getting a good winner
Or Faust. She's an old time channer
>saying this with that pic
Way to admit too spite voting you little shits this is why we're adding the 5 year ban
Queen Tyr'ahnee fans should vote for Frankie. Both shows are more connected tan Jucika.
Are you guys forgetting the threads were recently reminded Tyr already won a tournament? How do we know it wasn't because of that?
stupid no personality bitch
Don't give up, Lolongbros. We can still stop Jucika with Frankie, giving her the runner up curse.
Nobody bothers to rig 5th-8th. sorry anon
Tell Lauren too, also tell her that we love and miss her so much.
Ok sorry but Queen Tyr'ahnee is now officially this tournament's biggest jobber, even over Chel

Imagine getting stomped THAT HARD in the semi-finals while being the heavy favourite to go through, after previously jobbing a final a few years ago?
Are zoomers really so desperate for a win they’ve goalposted all the way to Jucika? Damn
donald doesn't thhh he kazoos
Hosts, anything to say about the data?


Spitevoting after what happened with Pomni.
Woah, what's up with that big gap in votes between Tyr and Jucika? I thought they're equally popular/known here
Exactly the girl hipster zoomers like you would flock to, kiddo.
damn fucking right.
Is what it is.
Both? Both is good.
How the fuck did Pomni lose to Tyrshit when goddamn Jucika blew her out of the water? I call fraud, fuckin riggers.
Eggman x Tyr'ahnee
Jucika is the most zoomer girl of all.
Big chungus tier.
>Riggers whining about cheating
God zoomers are so fucking shameless
I got my ideal match up from the elite 8! Man I’m so pumped and Frankie was one of my go to girls from the beginning! Fuck yeah this is great!
Jucika was the rigger... holy shit...
I thought about doing this too, a side tourney for 129th place. I don't know shit about google forms, though I could give it a try with some learning.
Should I draw the final girls in Fosters Style or should I draw Frankie in the Jucika style
dubs decides
She is the zoomer coomer pick
Honestly I think this is exactly what's going to happen. Because I can't see Frankie being a controversial winner at all.
>Tyr out
I was hoping to retire her this year. Oh well. I'll do that for Frankie instead.
Was it spite over the Pomni thing or what? How the fuck did Jucika stomp that hard.
Frankie is boring but Jucika isn’t?

Jucika only resurged because of a twitterfag.
►►Vote: https://forms.gle/raZGcvG8AR7QXhkZA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/the-end-of-ms-co-2024-jf8p
>pomni/tyr was a closer match than tyr/jucika
These are some of the most divisive 5th-8th votes I've seen to date, but here are your totals if you go 5th = x4, 6th = x3, etc. (I know this was how it was done for some side tournaments earlier this year.)

>5th: Blackfire - 1998
>6th: Pomni - 1987
>7th: ENA - 1938
>8th: Kim Possible - 1877

One word: silent fags.
she won by a large margin becuae she was supposed to still be competing. it's fine nos, justice is served.
jucika has literally nothing going for her....fuck you guys
Fosters style. We saw enough of Jucika's style.
>Frankie is boring but Jucika isn’t?
The comics and OC I've seen of her are charming, I don't really care about Frankie and I don't find her attractive at all
Considering all the porn and how much her character is pro sex I highly doubt that oh and she’s from the 60’s let’s not forget that you tard.
This seriously who the fuck even is Jucika there's no way this many people are voting for her
Vote against frankie for TOTAL ZOOMER DEATH
As a circusfag, I voted for Tyr so atleast the clown would lose to the winner. I don't know how this happened
Final girls in Fosters style
I bet you would have accepted a Pomni win though.
She can still get Bronze...again
Jucika's fucking rolling Frankie.
It's over.
Wll, RIP Marcy. good luck Frankie!

If you liked any of the songs I posted, you can find them all here

GGs! I'm off to relax after campaigning so damn hard!
Because pomni fags like you were mad at that result and voted against her
It’s Pomnifags having a spite meltdown combined with Jucika being the one choice both boomers and zoomers can settled upon
That’s why Jucika is going to win this, she is the most agreeable
>no middle ground options for the questions at the end
Can't wait for Jucika to rig-I mean win this year.
>Making the end poll required
Bad idea, makes people vote for things even if they don't care, please make it optional.
I voted for Jucika because she has the largest breasts of the remaining finalists.
I haven’t been silent all tournament and one of my favorite got in The final 2.
>Rigged the elite 8 question with unsubstantiated speculation
TEAM LOLONG I unironically want Frankie to win actually
>I but you would have accepted a chel win though
kys F*ngfag
I'm voting Jucika just because I want a damn comic to win this already
remind me who the fuck won last year
Don't complain about me, I voted for Tyr.
>t. Pomnifag
Not like this, not like this...
They're not unrelated. One led to the other.
I expected the results in reverse order
Rent free. hahaha

See you in Mr. /co/
>Na ja, es sieht so aus, als hätte ich verloren, aber ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie mir dabei geholfen haben, bis hierher zu kommen, und ich wünsche Emilia viel Glück beim Finale.
Thank you for voting for Laura!
>Silver and 2 bronzes
Eh, I expected similar, but with Blackfire bumped down to 7th.
Those are lieeeees lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. NSA's lieeeeeeessssss.
Not sure what to vote. On one hand, Frankie isn't bad. On the other, Jucika would be the most amusing and it's probably the only year she'll win, whereas Frankie will always be a "strong" choice.
At least give a GOOD red head, would ya? not that ugly Frankie.
As a zoomer I watched Fosters but was too young for Dodgers or I just kept missing the air time so I voted Frankie and I liked the Jucika threads
Forget Chel, forget Pomni, forget Murder Drones, forget Tyr’ahnee
If this happens DC and Marvel will be the biggest KWABs of the tournament
I like Newspaper comics more than capeshit anyway
why not the existential threat alligator? is he banned?
Pomni lost and is sitting out a year, cry about it
>Grrr! How DARE you spitevote! Spitevoting is against the spirit of the tournament! It isn't fair!
>I'm so totally gonna spitevote against you now...
I won't because when the data is made public and JUCIKA was revealed as the rigger, I don't want that big an * on this Ms. /co/ winner.
>E8 ban finally put to a vote for the first time since 2018
Vote it out! You wont regret it!
It's on HBO Max to watch at any time.
Delicious boomer tears
That's what you get for cheating out pomni
Frankie vs Jucika is HAPPENING.
Never bet on a runner-up coming back just because they're a strong pick, or even winning for that matter. I don't think this "curse" is doomed to never get broken, but you can't just bet on that. Look at Tyr'ahnee not making it back her past two runs, or Eggman losing in finals a second time if you jump over to /v/. If you think Frankie would be a great winner, this IS the time.
Where can I vote and view results
Did you have enough autism to tell her that ENA got into the top 8 on a 4chan waifu contest
These 5th-8th placement shit always confuses me dawg it's like the way it works changes every tournament.
Apologies for the wait gentlemen! Was in the bathroom.
Without further ado, I give you: The Finalist for this year's Barred from Mrs. /co/ iiiiiiiiisss...
>Pomni got 5th
Hell yeah! Nice showing Pomni! You did great!
This kind of logic always leads to popular girls never winning.
>Frankie is the zoomer pick
Capeshit will never win.
RIGcika sisters it's our time to become another underwhelming ms. /co/ winner.
>what you removed are rigger votes you cheaters
Jucika is sweet and cute and lovely. :shy emoji:
>301 images
I just want to get Frankie the fuck out
She’s always been strong, she deserves it, and we deserve not having to see her for every year for eternity since “she’ll have her year”
You know what else? Jucika will be eternal here too, it’s far past her prime and this isn’t even her first E8. So “she won’t have another chance” is an invalid argument
I'm doing my part! I'm so sick of that retarded rule it's unreal. It only causes headaches.
Reminder, there's a good chance all this generational shitflinging is gonna repeat itself in Mr, prepare yourselves because this may be the first time Mr will become a shitstorm.
Is this your first day on /co/?
Three noms rule, unless you want to kill caine for gummygoo.
Nah, we're bros.
wait where the fuck is the stupid "put the correct winners in the correct year" and "tell us who you're nominating for Mr /co/" rule?
anons, were you not here for last round?
if Jucika was rigged, the hosts surely would have caught it
it was spitevoting to get revenge for pomni
What the fuck?
Thanks I have since started watching and definitely see the appeal but I think it not being attached to my youth sealed my vote against her.
Just kill Jax
Man...does it feel so nice to destroy the spitefags, huh?
Now do yourselves a favor and blow your damn balls out.
>deserves it
Fuck off, Frankie was only scatposting for the first four rounds and Foster's fucking sucked as a cartoon anyway
It was me btw
Emmy the robot bros!
I have been here for about a decade and a half your full of shit if you think anyone knows who that bitch is
>the 301st image is Frankie >>145569109
She did it. She unlocked her imagination power. Jucika is JuCOOKED.
>our revenge is voting for a good character
>we are angry that our cancerous character lost
>The finalists are well known characters who were not barred but lost so they get “pity” votes
Absolutely shit finale unlike MS which is pulling itself together
Counterpoint, Frankie always gets content. Jucika doesn't get as nearly as much. Plus, she was basically a homegrown /co/ waifu.

Well, I'm not going to complain about the results between these two either way since they're both fine.
They revealed how they caught them last round, they avoided it this one.
>we can have a normal winner for the first time in six years and retire the gay ass psyop acronym or have Jucika
pls /co/
>Vote for Traditional AKA Seeded Brackets to return, they've been a disaster this year unfairly ruining several girls of all seeds
>Vote against all other rule changes, they're reactionary gut instinct ideas being pushed by temporary emotions and likely being stoked by trolls and possibly NSA(confirmed to go off trip and loved to force rule changes

Reject Chaos. Return to Stability. Return to Statsrules. No more rule votes.
>doing the E8 vote
Going to be peeved if this actually gets removed and affects next month with a lot of silent voters dropping out there.
After how this year turned out? I doubt the broships are gonna last if the new picks do well, because this isn't limited to waifu autism, this is an age conflict thing.
Perfect winner!
Yeah that's definitely spite. Jucika winning with an even wider margin than against Kim Possible? You Pomniggers sure do hold a grudge.
Why are people saying Jucika is the zoomer pick?? Is this the new gaslight grift?
She didn't qualify...
Hi there, keeping the theme to the same rings due lore reasons, but thank you for the suggestion!

Congratulations on Frankie making it to the end by the by!
>JUCIKA was revealed as the rigger
How? Tyr'ahnee had almost zero presence from the start. Jucika constantly had OCs and both pro and anti posts without being annoying, she was also the last comic rep.
Where to vote
Emmybros we did it!
>bro it’s the OC that matters
We had a chad doing gwenpool animations and look how that went
Every Ms. /co/ turns out shit. It doesn't matter.
Convince me not to vote for deleted of E8 ban
>Reject Chaos
>actually taking the falseflag seriously
Thanks for solidifying my vote for Frankie this round.
Yes it is.
Murder drones would've obliterated this contest if it mattered
You should vote for it, if you actually want a better ruleset.
There's more than one Frankie anon, and the shitposter actually left around R3 when they got exposed as Aliceanon.
We've been fighting hard to fight the silence allegations.
It's not spite you retards. It was rigs. It's obviously rigs.
>How? Tyr'ahnee had almost zero presence
Fuck off
Who got 5th-8th ?
Honestly the 5th-8th placements were all extremely close
Good to see that the E8 was consistently solid enough to have an even spread of 5th-8th votes instead of having the results be lopsided
no we didn't
Voting Jucika
>Tyr'ahnee had almost zero presence from the start.
The Hungarian is trying to revise history. How ironic.
I see. Both were posted at the same time. Can't believe Frankie broke /co/'s code there
>Tyr'ahnee had almost zero presence from the start.
Bait of the highest caliber right here.
Spite rigs, got it.
Every single spitevote goes to Jucika. It’s over, she won.
Look at how many girls have returned to power this year. It's not needed and could lead to yearly sweeps and stagnated results.
>the character is pro sex which means she’s zoomer repellent
zoomers are the most coomer generation bro
Lolong was right. Jucika is weak. She's had to riggernigger it this whole time.
I'm just trying to troll comics fans honestly
Good point I'm voting Jucika now.
>It's obviously rigs.
probably by our hosts /tnt/ are all meta chaosfags
2018 didn't, and Mr was already seeing salt last year because of the husbando autism, I expect things to get worse as long as people keep bitching about the other generation.
Hosts haven't said
It manages to be both. Zoomers propagated her recently, but the quality of the comics isn't analogous to their trash culture
This is the worse final I think I've ever seen holy shit
People have historically been extremely reactionary about it.
In 2020 and during the lead up to 2021 people wanted the exact opposite, a permanent retirement of all E8 girls(specifically to fight SCK and FARTS domination). That was the main idea for reform.
Then after they all flopped in 2021 people swapped and suddenly wanted no E8 rule at all.
It's not based in reason, but in emotional reactionary ideals, which is kinda cringe
The fuck are you smoking? She's had a bunch of drawfags, including the model guy
Can it be her pegging her opponents?
what the fuck is this lolong thing you autists are sperging about?
I can't wait until Gooseworx joins the 41%
wtf? How did Tyr lose I rigged like 30 votes for her
Should not have voted out my wife, Chel...
Tyr's one of the actual powerhouse fuckers that gets campaigning. All the weirder Jucika just STOMPED her like this.
I am retardicus
ok, name something that happened related to her in the threads. other than posts asking you to vote for her.
It’s literally never been tried. We’ve had years of the E8 rule, which was introduced to spice up “boring” tournaments, and it’s clear that Ms. /co/ is anything but stable.
Repealing the ban will allow for a continuity of campaigners and OC, finally the silentfag problem will start to fix itself.
True. They were also the ones shitting up the place and making fun of zoomers even though they already lost. /tnt/ was a mistake.
>FARTS becomes ARTS
Yeah, this seems logic
I thought I was the only one who doesn't get it
Go back
I can't wait until you join the 41%.
We've already started seeing a lot of Elite Eight line-ups dominated by returning characters, and if everyone's back there's going to be mass arguments over characters making Elite Eight twice or even thrice in a row. It's only seven characters anyways. Just avoids a shitstorm and I can already sense the voter remorse if we remove the rule.
If Frankie wins who's gonna replace her in FARTS?
I will join the 59% of Chads
Nobody. It becomes ARTS.
Nobody. retire the retarded spite psyop.
do you really want pomni back next year
Starfire or Kim Possible imo
but you'll get more art of them every year
This. This is the truth. No lies detected.
>It’s only seven characters
>Vote for Traditional AKA Seeded Brackets to return, they've been a disaster this year unfairly ruining several girls of all seeds, and have been abused in the past by NSA for gerrymandering.
>Vote against all other rule changes, they're reactionary gut instinct ideas being pushed by temporary emotions and likely being stoked by trolls and possibly NSA(confirmed to go off trip and loved to force rule changes). People have flipped flopped massively in the past about stuff like this(Permanent E8 bans/retirement was popular in 2020 and early 2021 prior to the mass jobbing, then people switched completely to wanting to get rid of E8)

Reject NeoNSA, Embrace NeoStatsAnon.. Return to Stability. Return to Statsrules. No more rule votes.
no one, it's ARTS now
Jucika it is!
>We can get a whole new lore era of the acronym
What makes a character deserve the crown over others?
No replacement 2025 will be the year of the drawfag because ARTS
Every anon will draw for the tourney regardless of their artistic capabilities
I can't believe Jucikafags rigged that hard holy shit
and you cant stop me :3
i want the voting link back in the oc anchor
No, I am retardicus!
this post singlehandedly switched my vote to Jucika
Nevermind, time to delete the E8 ban now.
They did you just have to read >>145569053
6th place is ball Buster
5th place is clowntits
7th place is polygontits
8th place is Kim pines
Reminder that all true DEDICATED WAIFUMEN will vote for Frankie so their waifu has a higher chance of winning by virtue of not having to fight a traditional pick
They're already part of SCK Coalition (or SCKT Coalition)
I’ve been against the E8 ban since 2019. This is NOT a new phenomena. You want to return to tradition? Our first and best year didn’t have it!
It still could. Also, silentfagging will still happen regardless of the ban.
I'm fine with them taking a short break and coming back with fresh ideas for art. We're not starving for OC, so not sure why this would sway my opinion.
This. Fuck the E8 rule
At least this year Kim didn't end 4th.
We ALWAYS get roughly the same E8 minus one or two newcomers/meme pics, now multiply that by 2 and you suddenly get repeat E8 members and maybe even girls making E8 for 3 straight years and the only way for her to stop making the E8 is finally winning, it is a neccesary rule.
First time I've even heard it desu, who are the other members?
Our first year also had Top 128 decided by whoever nominated first. Your point is invalid
The E8 ban keeps things interesting and makes it so that if your choice is truly evergreen you can prove it rather than just holding onto spite for a year.
End this thread already
Kim Pines, right
i can't keep up with zoomer slang anymore...
This made me change my vote to Frankie just to cancel out your vote.
Spitevoting is what hurts us
Dude I don't even like Fosters and I get why Frankie is a shoo in (at least on paper) for Ms. /co/
Lots of slientfags here. 708 responses most of them were silentfags and spam votes.
That was an idea NSA pushed specifically to reduce vote totals(to make rigging easier) and to make more people see the Wuya art she was hawking(to make rigging easier).
StatsAnon spoke firmly against this before his death, Ms. /co/ is for everyone on /co/ to express their favourite girl that particular year, not some meta thread centric contest (quote from 2019, paraphrased)
The suffering never ends.
That's not how it work. Scores get averaged, and it was very close. Pomni is 6th while Blackfire is 5th. Other two are correct.
>Silentfagging will happen
Some will, especially the first year. But without the two year jail sentence it will start to dissipate. Before too long you’ll be seeing far more active finalists. Years of the E8 ban has got us all fucked up.
cope. mald. seethe.
I voted to remove the E8 rule because some characters come back just to win or to job it really fucking depends and too many appearances would just cause fatigue. I think that's an okay way of doing it
that doesnt mean shit
see: the murderdrones fags
the 1 year Elite 8 ban is going to be lifted!!
>wanting the OC anchor to be filled with retards telling you they voted out of spite 93% of the time
just make a new anchor for it and leave the OC anchor alone
if you can't even be assed to open the thread and scroll down five posts you shouldn't be voting
Maybe the reoccuring E8 members SHOULD be winning? Alternating them between every second year just means they stick around for even longer instead of win and then leave
Meant to vote keeping it, going off your description?
It already was on the anchor and that never happened
Too bad Jucika* will be rigged in.
If I don't get an answer I'm gonna assume it's some brigading discord meme.
This is a good idea actually. Have it be below the anchor too so you HAVE to look at the OC.
>Why, yes I did change my vote from Marceline to Frankie.
It hurts
No fuck you.
If a girl is truly to be Ms. /co/, she'll beat anyone at any seed
a literal Wu.
You could have them push each other in shopping carts as Frankie red in the face ignores them to hang out in the cool Queen’s table at lunch. If Frankie dosent fuck it up that is.
Yeah, the false assumption in 2018 was that /co/‘s taste would stay static, this is not the case. The E8 ban only causes problems.
I’m very annoyed at how they phrased the question (very leading) but whatever, after 5 years of trying to get it to a vote it is FINALLY possible to leave it behind.
Someone just make a new thread, we've been the last thread on the catalog for like 5 minutes
We've already been seeing recurring E8 members winning more often, or at least getting close to it.
The meta has been obvious from the start and the fucking Jucka stomp of Tyr confirms it. Jucika's the winner.
anon, they stick around because there can only be so many winners
even if every character in the 2018 elite 8 won in subsequent years we still wouldn't be done with them
I voted to change it back and to get rid of E8 rule
Nah, I mean that a character voted out R1 could come back the next year and go to R4, and former E8s have gotten fucked regardless so with the rule removed who's to say how different it would be
That's rape. You want to rape voters with your literal who campaigns.
It's over...
Jucika is so boring
It’s not? Oh my bad than sorry.
when are we going to kill all metafags they've totally destroyed these tourneys.
but there'd be considerably less of them by now
... on opposite day
Both these finalists are kinda boring honestly.
I think this year felt more fair and the results more reasonable than recent years (despite the whining) so I'm voting we have more tournaments in this style going forward.
>another mid winner
Congrat's Juicybro's I guess.
Yes and now I'm gonna rape (You).
Frankie > Jucika
Tyr > Marceline

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