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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/4tkiwLMHWrQsNXAGA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-finals-9off


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqAx_JUs5ZsPoHcELwZJaMm0AbChcpUZA43UgZDYgJo/edit?gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12rbjffcRh6985pDuQEIiF9bjO6uqMmU6eOl4oqKa4og/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGgk7LwGqjg7mcAcyaGiU28lSj5j_I1_1-NZmClWOpHKfDnA/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpb-Sahyp-d2t3VVvVXmKA_6wDsYVkH2OStqlRV6i66-f1Ig/viewanalytics
►Round 3 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyW60CEIglA6xDiW-v9bUlDhDH09PF9LyuMxsZenZ3wnmwfA/viewanalytics
►Round 4 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScioSqR8TFzcmOqnmD8mM1RzTZegIVbhec9rY6gIYKeU_JrGA/viewanalytics
►Quarterfinal Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc68t6SzwhYBJc4oAOxjSv4ctoJv5Rv04Ocmr2zPFY4IgNGBw/viewanalytics
►Semifinal Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0YVqNtAg522Gsgq1vVaO9mHOsS-bP-SMzlgmiV9qszntAYg/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/msco2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145410341
►Qualifiers: >>145431393
►Round 1: >>145450994
►Round 2: >>145473384
►Round 3: >>145492195
►Round 4: >>145513517
►Quarterfinals: >>145529477
►Semifinals: >>145549561
►Finals: Current
►Previous: >>145565435
It's fine. Funnily enough, hosts started doing averages after Curly Brace got 6th instead of 5th during Queen of /v/ 2021 in favor of Alice from Black Souls. The latter had a lot of 8th place votes as well, but because she technically topped 5th she got the honor instead. Considering Curly Brace won when she returned, the change seemed very reasonable.
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Good news for Chelcels everywhere!
Funny and ironic that Jucikafags for the need to keep reiterating they were natural non rigged voters
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Can't believe Jucika rigged...
Another year. Another asterisk.
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Broly Foster votes for his wife Frankie
Okay so, which would actually be best between Jucika and Frankie? I'm not too bothered by either. Which would be the most accepted and enjoyed winner? Who would be the least sore losers if they lost?
jucika is shit
>Chel lost to Pomni who lost to Tyr who lost to Jucika
Chelbros I don’t feel very dinosaur tier anymore…
>Boxingfag OP again
Jesus Christ you hosts have the biggest biasboner for this fag.
I was thinking of running a 129-256 side tournament. Plenty of picks people are passionate about just barely miss the cut off. This gives them a chance to shine, and eventually win 129th place.
The problem with this: there are enough side tourneys as it is. Barred has recently allowed non-barred characters to be nominated, so many characters in this space end up there anyway; another tourney is redundant.

I don't know if anyone mentioned it last thread but what are your thoughts on a 1 year ban for qualifier characters who get less than x votes?
vote Frankie for TOTAL ZOOMER DEATH
Maiden of /co/ / Ms. /co/ Bottom 128 Finals
Allright, give me a good short Jucika strip and I'll try to animate it.
Accepted winner would be Frankie.
Sore losers would probably also be Frankie.
She is the hipster zoomer pick. Rigged as fuck.
I'm voting Frankie, but Jucika has the surge. This last match was decided rounds ago.
I knew it was far from a cakewalk for Tyr'ahnee, but a blowout of 62% is the last thing I thought would happen. I'm not even angry, just extremely baffled.
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I believe in Jucika.
Incidental 87's mother shall be avenged!
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Ms. /co/*
delete the rigger euro pick
>Jucika was the only one in the Elite 8 to have support and OC since the beginning
>everyone is getting mad for some reason
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It's tragic, but I'll just have to vote against her. A tarnished victory is no victory at all.
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Vote Frankie!
Vote Traditional Seeded Brackets!
Vote OP Voting!
Vote to Keep Elite 8!
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So finally the moment arrives. This is it. It's over for Jucika. The weakness and AIDS have corroded her utterly by now. It's time for her to hit the mat, taste the dirt, pack her bags, and go home. She's simply ran out.
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Well, RIP Marcy. good luck Frankie!
Let's get Marceline into at least 3rd place!!

https://files.catbox.moe/oq9yy4.png (embed)
If you liked any of the songs I posted, you can find them all here

GGs! I'm off to relax after campaigning so damn hard!
They think it's a retarded idea from a retarded person
Frankie > Jucika
Tyr > Marceline
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People who like Frankie will be overjoyed she finally won. People who don't care will mostly just go "ah, fine" and accept her fine. Jucika has her share of fans, but she's going to have a lot more headscratching going on. Can't say for certain on the last point, but I imagine Frankie's voters are more likely to just shrug and move on.
At least we can get an actual iconic waifu for once instead of that shitty redhead.
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What were the placements for 5th through 8th?
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Tell me anon, will you be remembered as "He who sided with Frankie" or "He who sided with Jucika" in the years to come? Will you be remembered as part of the winning team or the losing team?
Tell me anon, which side are YOU on?
bland pick
You should vote to repeal the Elite 8 ban.
It was introduced after 2018 because people thought it was too safe and predictable… only to have every single year be a shitstorm of unpredictability. The E8 rule does nothing, except kill support for the characters jailed for two years, leading to silentfaggotry and OC makers leaving. Returning girls do well as often as they lose early (see Tyr, just got shitstomped).

The E8 ban was a kneejerk reaction to a year that was unironically ran too well. Get rid of it, you won’t regret it.
Emilia deserves the win lets bring our girl home
Jucika makes Johanna and Shirley look like far more tolerable finalists
My main tends to just miss the cutoff, and I don't want her in Barred or Bottom because that's literally a celebration of losers. I'd much prefer to enter her in your tournament.
The Jucikafags have the stink of Pomni on them. I think they would be the sorer losers.
Shego should probably be retired from this I pretty much never see Shego threads here anymore while the other four do
Why do you think Jucika was rigged?
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>OC Anchor
>Add a vote to remove E8 series limit
>Tyr'ahnee third
>Frankie, sorry but she can't resist the pearly whites
On a scale of 1 to 10 how hard is Jucika being rigged?
>blatantly lying
So how the fuck did ENA make top seed this year? She's been irrelevant for quite a while.
Ticklefag delivered
Vote for Jucika because Frankie is dumb
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Boomer here. I love Jucika!
murderdrone fags are already sour, you want to dump salt in their wounds too?
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Here's why the E8 ban needs to GO
>It only causes problems every year when heavy-hitters are left out. Don't like Propane? People are just using it as a proxy Hank vote. Do like Propane? You can vote her and Hank as winners together.
>Not happy with how an Elite 8 round was handled? Sorry, your character is punished for two years. Tired of seeing the same characters over and over again do well? They can build up momentum year after year and fuck off sooner.
>Seeing salty losses whining? Better hope they weren't an elite 8 loss, because under the SHIT rules, you have to deal with them being pissy sports for at least two years. If you remove the Elite 8 ban, you can BTFO them one year sooner, and get your laughs even faster.
>NSA LOVED the Elite 8 rule, and no amount of pestering her would let her even put it up for debate.
>RETVRN TO TRADITION. First tournaments didn't have the Elite 8 ban, and they were the best ones. Enough said.
You CANNOT prove me wrong.
Lolong you're coping so hard right now
>b-but....you can't just OC your way to the top! MUH MUH SILENTFAGS!
I dunno about this, Lolong...
That's gay and pointless, like your penis.
This, make it a 5 year ban instead, total zoomer death now!
fuck off
We had 3 side tourneys last Mr. /co/ with the unofficial LB so it's not too bad but you make a good point with Barred, since Barred pretty much already fulfils this niche it's kind of unnecessary
I'm fine with it, but I do agree any more than 3 side tourneys (this, Bottom and Barred) would be a distraction
Have a Spicy Jucika! Made right here on 4chan by NewGuy in a drawthread!
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Buh-bye apefuckers, better luck next time (in 700+ days)

Anyways Frankie and Jucikafags this is your one chance, whoever draws the most good Peridot art for me gets all my votes and their pick is guaranteed to win Ms. /co/, chop chop
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>Tyr'ahnne lost, 40% to 60%
Only if we can add the FOTY ban
I'm just calling it now. If the Elite Eight rule is voted off, there's going to be a lot of remorse when we start seeing spite over whether picks should keep coming back or not. The point about brackets homogenizing harder around big picks is fair, but I believe the real cost will be the extra hassle this will throw into discussion. I can also see burnout in certain cases, since some people likely underestimate how much effort goes into primary campaigners if their pick makes it to the Elite Eight.

I thought the consensus was that we just stick to the Stats ruleset for now with you-know-who finally ousted.
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Interesting end result, was hoping Laura would make it. Penny Crayon held pretty well, and Emilia really powered through, been really fun.
This is a good chance especially for Mr /co/ as it will vote for both Marvin and Daffy, if our Queen and Empress wins!
This one seems easy enough. (Bonus points if you reaplace the loud man with Franky).
Frankie would be the sorest loser but honestly either girl deserves the crown.
>>Jucika was the only one in the Elite 8 to have support and OC
in bizzaro world maybe
If your girl needs a handicap that huge to compete then they're probably just not that good.
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I'll explain my picks since this is the final round. No, I'm not going to change my mind.
I'm coming as somebody who watched Foster's Home and has never fucking heard of Jucika until these tournaments. I like Foster's Home, but not that much. It's not in the upper echelon of Cartoon Network, and Frankie certainly isn't a standout character. I don't dislike her, but I don't find her very notable either.
>She's hot!
No she isn't, and your offmodel art won't prove me otherwise. The show has a neat artstyle but it's not very good for getting off, and Frankie especially isn't that attractive.
>Her personality!
Is what, exactly? She has one, but it's not really something that compels me. I don't give a shit about her. I watched the show to see Bloo be a little shit with Mac and because I liked Wilt and Eduardo. Frankie was just there.
So why Jucika? Because she seems genuinely charming and likable. Her design is decently attractive and she's a sweet person. I like all the comic strips people have posted of her, and her OC is great. Notice what I said there? Her fans shared her source material and that sold me on her despite not knowing who the hell she was. Good job, Jucikabros. Frankie OC is good too of course, but it's not swaying me, sorry.
Fuck your falseflagging and meta logic. I don't give a fuck if Jucika is a who and I don't give a fuck about your twitter boogeymen. I don't give a fuck if Frankie needs to "finally retire" or that she "earned it" after 2019. I don't care about her and I like Jucika more, that's that.
I have also voted for Seeded Brackets (though I don't entirely care either way) and against the Elite Eight rule. Fuck your coping, deal with the year long break. I like seeing fresh new Elite Eights each year.
Lolong you've been saying this since the start and now she's a fucking finalist.
Queen had a lot of OC. Gwenpool had an entire animator backing her, but look at how that went.
Unenforceable, or at least not worth the effort. I'd rather them get the polls out on time than waste a second doing something with so little benefit.
Murder Drones get way too many votes for it to apply to them. The qualifier ban would be for characters like Augie picks who get like 1-10 votes but continue to clog up the qualifiers every year.
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Vote Jucika! We can finally have a comic winner! For the glory of Hungary!
I personally like newspaper comics better anyway
This fag is from Turkey lmao
No idea, I tried rigging for her but it doesn't seem like it was enough to get Tyr to win.
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>>Add a vote to remove E8 series limit
this isn't a thing on /co/ you fucking tourist
We will stop her from getting that crown and she will end up hugging Batman's shit and finished fist.
Can we get rid of the grandfather rule too?
I thought it was a strategic way to get Frankie better chances of winning
>NSA LOVED the Elite 8 rule, and no amount of pestering her would let her even put it up for debate
Which is only super ironic because NSA seethed HARD everytime whenever her characters jobbed in E8.
Kill yourself faggot.
Reminder Stats would've banned all furries and lolis by now.
>total zoomer death now!
It wouldn't just affect zoomers retard
How the fuck are there this many people actually voting for Jucika.
>drawing anything for a turkroach
>>Tyr'ahnee third
you will never be white
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E8 should stay. It's funnier.
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My wife will always be as relevant to me as the day I first laid my eyes upon her
>Most boring outcome
>Jucika winning by that much
Calling bullshit but whatever. Boring finale. Maybe next year's wont be as shit
Not the real Perifag. Kill yourself.
This is one of the most disingenuous claims you can make in fucking finals. You have to really be confident to claim this, and you're dragging down EVERYONE to try propping Jucika up further. Kindly fuck off.
Voted to repeal.
And not just because I'm spiteful over Pomni, but this has been brewing for a long time.
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>We will finally have a "traditional" waifu.
>Everybody is still throwing a fit over it.
You waifufags will never be fucking happy.
Good thing Pomni will qualify then as it will have been way more than a year in 2025
Have any of you spiteful shits considered just *asking* why people voted for her instead of throwing out ever possible accusation?
And not just Jucika specifically, I notice nobody here seems interested in doing ANY exit polling to find out why characters are losing.
I don't give a shit about traditional, I don't care for Frankie.
Here's why the E8 ban needs to STAY
>the best tournaments had it
>no Noble Nine situation
>only sore losers would want it gone
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Anon, I...
uh oh the denial phase
Bobby has been right every fucking time he spoke during this tournament.
They should still remove it for /v/ then because it's dumb and isn't even here
>We will finally have a "traditional" waifu.
Yeah Frankie is good it's the metafag meme shit that's the problem
The dyke is out too? Nice. Both Frankie and Jucika are fine for Ms. /co/.
Currently updating the challonge brackets before setting up the finale poll.
If you'd like to request any funny questions added to it, say so now.
>Noble Nine situation
the fuck is this
She's a the only good character
I won't deny the volume of Jucika OC, but the ONLY one? Even if you dismiss small amounts, you're saying POMNI had no support or OC? Is this one of them there false flags?
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>Not the real Perifag
God damn I always get so jealous of these artists
It was not going to happen either way, Bobby.
>whoever wins
>I win
And there is nothing any boomer or zoomer can do about it
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Gigachad’s OFFICIAL picks:
>Traditional seeded brackets
>Anchor voting
>Qualifier rulefaggotry in the future
>Repeal the Elite Eight ban
marvel and DC not only job to manga, but now job to 60 year old hungarian newspaper comics
holy shit the state of the american comics industry
I'll be satisfied no matter who wins but I'll be voting Jucika because
- She's a comic character and those never win
- She's more obscure and Frankie is an evergreen character that can win again in the future (especially since we're getting a Fosters reboot and if the E8 rule gets retired she can just have revenge next year)
- Jucika has the larger set of breasts.
I have had to watch my girls go down in pretty much every round.

I live in pain.
Bobby was counting both girls. Ms. /co/ has been joked for having winners that aren't human or (in at least one case) have some other caveat that keeps them from being traditional waifus. Despite their own sex appeal, anons voted out the vampire and the Martian in favor of two unambiguous, sex appeal heavy women.
>trying to falseflag to antagonize the other campaigns
lol, lmao. Jucika supporters have made OC playing along with the other campaigns. Stop trying to spitevote
Some fags are afraid of a gamefaqs situation where the same characters are voted winners over and over again. Which is retarded, because champion retirements have always been acceptable
Jucika is a real waifu with sex appeal
Ga'dangit, Bobby!
Simple as.
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Prove your the real Peridot fan.
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You are officially the worst /co/ poster of all time
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>my girl jobbed early and is free from autists and asterisks for another year
Feels good.
She’s the rigged character. They stepped up the emails once they saw she almost lost to Karen.
Frankie won't be in the series only Madame Foster and Bloo
The rest will be different
>against the Elite Eight rule
I meant against getting rid of it, my bad.
If your candidates are truly good they won't be affected one bit by a one-year break. So suck it up
>Repeal the Elite Eight ban
That doesn't seem very gigachad to me.
Jucika is STRONG
Make some quality OC then you fag
How are Betty Boop and Wuya not tradiotional?
Let's go Ceci! I'm fine with Emilia too.
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If Jucika wins, does that mean that Eastern European animation and comic characters will have a chance to win for Mr /co/? So, I'm for Jucika!
This! It's so fucking pathetic; why do you fucks even nominate these shitty characters
>each round getting like 700-800 votes
how? /co/ feels like theres never more than 100 people here these days
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how long can Lolong prolong the... swan song
>The best tournaments had it
2018 did NOT have it.
>Noble Nine
We aren’t leddit, and our taste is anything but stable (or Black Canary would still be relevant, Tyr would have won, etc)
>Only sore losers want it gone
Advocated for every single year since 2019, the specific girls in the Elite Eight do not matter, the bad ruling is what matters.
shot, your right.
>repealed Elite 8 ban
>TADC more than a year old
Right, more than 3 side tourneys is too much, so this could work, but barred already kind of fills the niche. Yet there are some characters that don't fit in either of the current ones. Thanks for feedback.
Not so much of a funny one, but maybe add something pertaining to this?
I'm still waiting. Prove you're the real deal you fagoot.
I'd probably have fun with that
The E8 ban is so things aren't predictable but I feel like tournaments are still predictable the only difference is the characters that should have won by now like half the FARTS girls haven't won, and instead we got shit like Dr. Mrs the Monarch (who is from a good show, but not really indicative of a "most popular girl on /co/) or Betty, or Fang, or Wuya. None of these girls really seem like they are that popular, the only particularly popular one here is the fucking dinosaur and we all know how controversial she is despite that.
If the E8 kept getting filled up with heavy hitters/FARTS girls then at least they'd be guaranteed to win some years, instead of people voting for random underdogs no one really cares about out of spite or contrarianism.
>she almost lost to Karen.
This someone who almost lost Karen no way even made it past round 2 legitimately
>Remove the E8 ban
>Fotm memes just get spammed every year until they win since the momentum doesn't have have a chance to die down.
Pomnifags are gonna vote in that removal, guaranteed.
Plenty of people made quality OC, but only this fag gets to be the OP every time he does something. The host bias is obvious, stop trying to deny it fag.
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I slightly differ, as I voted everything the same way except I simply preferred Jucika. But good choices! May the best girl win!
do it
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Does Jenny approve?
We should have write-in options.
I... I Kneel!
Bobby has shit taste again
>Repeal the Elite Eight ban
You're a virgin.

Jucika fucking SUCKS.
5. Karine (The Bellybuttons)
6. Calcetinera (Calcetinera)
7. Emet (Warrior U)
8. Beeronica (Beeronica)
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True. I'm voting to keep the E8 rule, just to cuck Pomnifags out of competing next year
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I didn’t ask for handicaps.
But the best year was 2021.
Voting for Frankie now thanks
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Damn, as a Pole I feel obligated to help my Hungarian friends, but Foster's Home was an Early Gen Z classic and I don't want to hand out Pomnitrannies an easy victory, especially considering how much I loved old SMG4 back in the day, and how much of a disgusting freak Gooseworx is. Decisions, decisions...
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Doesn't matter. The series name and her absence will still put Frankie in the mind of people voting.
Jucika will WIN
no Mr /co/ isn't as fucked as Ms /co/
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trust me bro
No one that cares about Jucika cares about tradition.
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The winner of the tournament goes home with Johnny Bravo
Maybe you're new to /co/ but Jucika threads have been a regular thing for years.
FOTM memes still qualify every year it, retard-kun. Murder Drones and Vivziepop stuff have been consistent qualifiers. if anything, you'd have LESS FOTM memes because now you have 6-7 popular elite 8 characters denying slots
►►Vote: https://forms.gle/raZGcvG8AR7QXhkZA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/the-end-of-ms-co-2024-jf8p
Gamefaq have a character tournament and these nine always stomp their competition and can only lose to themselves, since no rule exists to bar them for a year they always consistently reach the finals
Who's gonna tell him?...
Simply kill yourself faker.
FOTM memes still get spammed anyway
>Do like Propane? You can vote her and Hank as winners together.
This is the most idiotic sentence I've read in all of /co/ this year, and considering this is right at the end of a Ms /co/ tournament that is saying a LOT, you would be giving Ms fags reasons to try and ruin Mr if something like this ever happens.
Murder Drones have also been a thing. I'm not denying Jucika has a dedicated fanbase, but having consistent threads doesn't always speak for the board as a whole.
They were a “regular” thread occurrence once people reposted a twitter thread
>Jucika beat Kim 60-40
>also beats Tyrahnee by a similar ratio
Kek it's not even subtle
>the ideal Elite 8 for the average /tnt/fag
>Jenny pimping out Frankie to Broly
Lmao wtf is this image?
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>mid tier campaigner train character will win again
If you had any doubts the fucking Tyr'ahnee blowout should put that to rest
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You are a slave to the status quo, and fear of the unknown.
Marceline didn't use the Kaioken in time.
Maybe next year.
>not wally
you fucked up.
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I like to think when Frankie and Marceline saw each other they did this both being from the same network and all.
The autism in that image is palpable
>no trip
E-mail grabber btw forgot to mention that
im rigging one vote for jucika every 15 minutes for the next 24 hours
literally undetectable
Sweet! I got 5th.
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Oops wrong image
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Wow it’s almost like normalfags are gonna normalfag.
What does that have to do with Ms. /co/ though? The guys who voted in a literal dinosaur?
Champion ban is still in effect.
Jucika is Johanna. Even has the same people supporting her.
>she's a bitch
of course
Remember when that guy did samurai anne comics? That was cool.
If you're really perifag, then prove it by spamming the board NOW
>Elite 8 gets removed
>Optimus returns in two weeks
finally I'll get to officially execute him in the tournaments
I... kinda dont care who wins
/co/ doesn't have normalfags here
Dodgers that’s how.
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lol i'll draw that tomorrow if someone doesnt do it first
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This is a connective map. Claim a tile and draw! Each square tile is 200x200px and there are 25 in total.
>you can request any tile that is adjacent to a completed one. Check the latest update to see which ones are available or have already been claimed.
>you can draw several tiles, but only claim one at a time
>try to make your tile connect to those next to it
/Yeah but at least under the current system it's by franchise rather than individual characters. That guarantees at least a little variety.
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You can’t handle the truth.
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Ya know... Black Hand could BTFO augie/zosky like he did with tourney and perifag. He's the one who posted the frozen ice cube Daffy Duck art on /tnt/. I'd be interested to know what other posts he made on there as well. It wouldn't be overkill considering the spam throughout various tournaments (on other boards too) and the whole toddler rape thing.
I don't care now that Jucika is a finalist
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I'm voting to remove the elite 8 ban so I can watch The Amazing Digital circus lose again sooner
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Incorrect. I feel the elimination of the E8 will lead to a consistent top 8, creating a new status quo.
The difference being is that Murder Drones is stupid and Jucika is not.

its gonna happen to frankie too :3
I wonder how salvageable this is
>blantant rigging gets you into the finals and likely the winner
who should I rig for Mr /co/
Vote Jucika for Marvel/DC blowout.
Make those cape shitters cry.
Wouldn’t that be fun?
Two years of tard jail is NOT FUN.
Jucika is also stupid
That' how it should be IMO. People that love drama and controversy are terrible for democracy.
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At least she's a cute bitch!

> Verification not required.
Honestly I just don't want Jucika to win.
for me it's Dog Nigga but I'll still vote for him
Gonna flip a coin for this one, cause i don't really care about either
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>People ITT actually want Elite 8 removed beyond that one guy on /tnt/ who couldn't stop talking about it
oh lord please be shitposting please be shitposting
Sorry, I don't negotiate with roaches
if there was a rigging, it should be apparent right?
if the number of voters didn't instantly increase by hundreds, a rigger can't change other people's vote. so unless the total voter count increased proportionally with the votes on Jucika, there was no rigging.
>no Mr /co/ isn't as fucked as Ms /co/
This. Most of them won the victory deservedly without cheating.
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>a guy posts cartoons I don't like, Black hand heckin' doxx him!
Least psychotic /tnt/ user by the way
> Jucika was the only one in the Elite 8 to have support and OC since the beginning
Am I a joke to you?
Barred is for characters who will never pass qualifiers like Cheesecake. It does not fill the niche of characters who could make it but just missed out.
this. She better job hard
If this was a Velma joke /co/ would get mad at it
Yeah, that's like a double asterisk right there.
BRB rigging literally every matchup and replacing the E8 entirely.
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Precisely. Your fear clouds your judgement. You refuse to look at the years past. Ms. /co/ has many problems, being consistent isn’t one of them. No more training wheels.
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Post your Mr. /co/ picks
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I might actually make an appearance there too, so far the art has been great and it doesn't take much effort to rig with my automated script
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From nia4294
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This guy.
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Delivering E4
Why do you cling to the rule like a baby? It has done nothing good for the tournaments. Literally a 100% negative.
>Tyr lost
I'm upset, but relieved. Having to pay attention to all this is exhausting. I'm gonna go outside for the first time in a week now.
I can't wait to be literally just one guy who goes around very obviously rigging for girls I don't want to win to disqualify them, singlehandedly ruining that character's chances for all her supporters!
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If no one else does it, I could take the middle panel for Frankie and Jucika. Two variants, one for each outcome.

We got Marceline and Pomni, with ENA in progress. That leaves Tyr'ahnee, Blackfire, and Kim to be added.
The vote count was very high. Like 70 higher than the previous round, which was also rigged.
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>Insincere Gigachad posting while pretending they aren't absolutely assblasted and aren't just voting for whatever would benefit their side the most
This Boomer-Zoomer war is dumb as hell and both the zoomers and boomers are extremely fucking retarded and shortsighted to be voting entirely around their hurt feelings.
You know what, I'm just gonna say it. I'm fine with either girl winning this tournament.
Balls, you moron! That's the semifinals form!
Damn. Frankie just might be a great forever girl for Johnny. Jucika will eat the poor boy alive!
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Vote for Frankie, Jucika has no real legacy here and was barley discovered like 4 years ago. Frankie has a much bigger legacy and influence throughout the board's entire history.
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>/tnt/SISSIES want the elite 8 ban to stay
>4chan GODS want it to go
Yep! I'm voting for it to be repealed!
Zim again if the ban is removed
Still doesn't line-up.
enjoy your vacation!
I guess I'll go with Fry and Bender
>zoomer anime
Where the fuck do I vote
If they win will they legalize gay butt marriage?
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Shut up!
I think Jucika is more fun than Frankie, but Frankie is a classic waifu and I won’t begrudge /co/ for having good taste. Overall, ms /co/ had surprisingly good taste this year.
The only E8 that would have really pissed me off winning is Blackfire, because muh sexy gif and nothing else does not a winner make
>A Finalist
This is honestly amazing to me, I never dreamed we'd make it this far. Thank you to all of you who have shown support for my girl over the past week. But it's not over yet, we've still got one more round to get through! Let's show this blue-haired broad how we do it down in Brazil!

Shame Laura couldn't make it to the finals, but I admire how far she made it, too. Definitely hope she can make a comeback next year. GG to Penny Crayon, too.
So what's the general /co/nsensus on this finale? Personally I like it. I like both characters and there hasn't been a lot of shitflinging. It's actually been mostly comfy.
It annoys me that saying BH doxing people is fucked up makes anons accuse you of defending scum. I can hate fuse, NSA etc while also believing they shouldn't be fucking doxed. This is why I haven't posted on /tnt/ in years.
I think the tyr'ahnee guy was taking the top spot that's claimed.
I don't think any drawfags care about kim or blackfire
I can't explain the margin, but this is how I think Jucika won.
>the runner-up curse still being a big issue with even an anon this year admitting to voting against Tyr'ahnee because he doesn't like seeing the same faces in finales
>I wouldn't solely blame Pomni voters for this, but Tyr'ahnee being the closest during the rigged round probably caused spitevoting because of people in general thinking that match was foul play
>Jucika has made no enemies during this by her drawfag using the banter to her advantage in good humor and how she was discovered making it hard to pin her on any group in the generational fighting
>comic fans pushing hard for a winner now more than ever
exactly. it's the coomers who really hold power
Easy pick for me. Glad to see someone already ready to push Courage this year.
well i'm a Jucika supporter but i don't want her name to get tainted by rigging, so the hosts should investigate then.
What do you think Mac would do if he saw this?
>So what's the general /co/nsensus on this finale?
rigged garbage
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No. I have seen tourneys without the E8 rule, and they do not go well. Miss /mlp/ does an elite 4 rule, and as a result the competition is much more homogenous year after year, with the same competitors consistently getting far, leading to very similar final rounds.
I understand the need for progress my friend, but traditions have their place when they work. Especially when they foster change, instead of encouraging it.
I'm glad you think I could be mr. /co/ Anon but stop posting my picture.
Please try to make your drawing connect with D4's so I can add it.
I'm voting Jucika because the Jucika strips are really growing on me. Don't really have an attachment to Foster's.
You know, with how often we quibble about rules, why not just decide how each year works? Maybe one year, the elite eight can't participate, or the top 16. Or, perhaps, one year we have a tourney of 256 with No Series Limit.
Blackfire also has a sexy voice, is much needed capeshit representation, and is canonically both a mother and tentacle rape victim.
So I’m confused what are the other placements for the girls who’s in what place for 5th 6th 7th and 8th?
Who were the 5th-8th spots again ?
>because muh sexy gif and nothing else does not a winner make
Jucika is all sex appeal
Removing the E8 ban may or may not be a bad idea but shit, there's always something bad, I'll take the chance and see what happens. Worse comes to worst it'll be rolled back. /co/ decided to suddenly vote a fucking dinosaur once and now Shirley doesn't even show up although that's probably because she was insanely rigged. Many characters have a history of not mattering after a bit, but then there's two-time finalist Eggman in /v/ so who's to say. Probably won't end well but fuck it
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does horse show even have 128 waifus?
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Be sure to vote Frankie for the winner.
Also vote for Traditional Seeded Brackets, Keeping the Elite 8, and keeping voting in the OP.
It's time to return to tradition.
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Gil Nexdor.
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no they haven't
she had a surge in popularity FOUR YEARS AGO on TWITTER and has been forgotten since
people wanna rag on FOTM characters all the time, jucika is a literal FOTM
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Him and also Seymour Butts
I'm okay with it.
"traditions" include Daylight savings time and circumcision. Elite 8 ban is /tnt/ranny garbage that they love! Get it out of the 4CHAN tournaments!
if that happens after 2 years, we can vote to reinstate it.
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drawing done, now I just wait for the winner.
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We’ve NEVER had a year without it since 2018. If it’s a disaster people will scramble to have it back (but it wont be).
>year after year and fuck off sooner.
This is such a dumb argument. There is only ONE winner, per year. The idea that you're going to "get rid" of several recurring characters, that's literally years of tournaments. This right now is only the SEVENTH one, we haven't even had eight, if all of the E8 of 2018 were winning one after the other, we still wouldn't be finished til next year.

I'm not even gonna start on "anonymous people might complain longer!". So fuckin what.
of his new wife could qualify then so could he again
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Mr. /co/ legitimately needs a hero.
I’m sure those autists have created enough OCs to fill the ranks, kek
Just post both
>>Jucika has made no enemies
I think this needs way more emphasis. Some of you guys get really toxic about your pick to the point that others don't want to give you the satisfaction of the win.
Who is Marceline aiming for, the anon right there who doesn't need to be blown a kiss, or the Marie in the other tree?
Claiming C3
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Based Brolybros
Frankie lesbian confirmed
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So, i'm sick and fucking tired of you assholes having a go at the hosts. I mean, these guys have been putting up with your retared shit for the last 6 god damned years and EVERY FUCKING YEAR, someone ballet-stuffs one of the characters and then the hosts have 2 choices:

>Ignore it and be constantly shit on for not doing their job
>Actually attempt to do something about it and get constantly shit on for "Rigging"

Honestly, the fact that more of them haven't fucking quit is beyond me you ungrateful, autistic, gangly-dangly, fuckknuckle cuntbags.

Anyway, vote Frankie.
slippery slope.
then rigging will become a legitimate voting strategy.
You were based with Marceline now you're cringe
Same. I would rather have Jucika win but I'm happy if Frankie wins too. Both deserve it.
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How so? I put it with the surrounding tiles and it seems to line-up fine enough, there's some stuff that can be smoothed out but once the map is done we usually clean up some tiles to make them transition better into each other so I figure we can just do that then if it's an issue
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why are offsite niggers in charge of 4chan tourneys anyway?
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She’s not a FOTM she’s a FOTT she only really gets noticed when Mrs. /co/ starts up. Just think though skinner if she wins now the fan art of her will stop after this year.
>Straight line argument
This was the argument in 2018 that got the ban in the first place and every single result in the future has debunked this line of thinking into the dust.
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Voting for Frankie. It's time. I have no attachment to some Hungarian fucking shit.
This is a very good explanation. Honestly I'm voting Jucika because I'd like to see a comic win for once.
No lies detected, fellow Phosbro.
The Mighty Monarch
Damn, that's another point. Tournaments have changed so much since then, so I'm not sure I can fully trust the current "meta" with removing the rule. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but that's my own take right now.
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She's the most good-hearted girl there is.
Drawfriends this is a sign.
Damn straight. That's why Jucika's got my vote.
D4 is a pixel to the left. Needs to be moved one to the right.
Also, who is the girl at the bottom of B5? I feel like no one has taken C5 because they don't want to draw the body for a character they don't know.
And who is the character holding the yellow and blue umbrella in D4 supposed to be? You can only see their hand.
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Donald obviously!
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I'm gonna go all out this year
FINALLY, a candidate that I really identify with! I was worried that this tournament wasn’t being very inclusive, especially after voting out the LGBTQ+ picks, Pomni and ENA. Thankfully now I feel secure and safe enough to vote for a queer candidate, just like me!
Bender and Hank Wimbleton (Madness 12 in a couple of days by the way)
the E8 autist is a known samefagger, 50-75% of posts calling for its removal are most definitely him and another 20% are shitposters
The voting link just goes to the semifinal voting form, what's happening?
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capeshitbros... are we FINISHED?
>four years ago
Do you know what form means anon? If Jucika was only popular in 2020 and then vanished then yes that's form. But still being popular after 4 years is real legacy.
I'm not doing 2 versions, winner/loser get filled in after we know
No one fucking cares
That hand is from ENA actually with her asterisk umbrella. There are two ENAs! I just didn't have the space to draw it all since I only took 1 tile.
Let's be real here. Juckia would top Frankie.
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Split qualifiers in 2
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Marceline may be out, but she's got one last parting gift to give.

Traditional waifu bros... DO NOT OPEN
Jucika has been popular since late 2019 so almost 5 years at this point.
This anon said they were using C3 for Frankie/Jucikia
I still remember you from 2020, I’ll throw you a vote when the time comes
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My boy, Emmet!
I'm also gonna push for a lot of Camp Camp and Simpsons characters. These tourneys in general need more Simpsons representation, and I figured RT shutting down would give CC guys a boost like Ruby got in this tourney.

This, Mr. /co/ needs more protag winners.
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I doubt he’ll win but if he does I’d love to see fan art of him pushing the Mrs. /co/ winner away and kissing his wife like this famous photo
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how many times will this be claimed?
refer to this post:
How do we read the 5th-8th placements again?
You know I'm curious now.
For those of you voting for Jucika, did you also vote for Jessica Rabbit? Because I did and now I'm thinking maybe they scratch the same itch.
claiming B3
>Also, who is the girl at the bottom of B5?
Pretty sure it's Jessica.
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Honestly, I'll say Jucika.
Frankie is a very divisive character, those who grew up with her show, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, love her. But those who didn't watch that show -- like me -- always found her (and that show in general) annoying as hell.

Meanwhile Jucika is definitely a /co/re character, and discounting those who have turned against her due to her success ITTs, pretty beloved across the board.
Jucika wins cause meta.
When it comes to "classic powerhouse" vs. oddball the latter always wins at these moments.
RT shut down a year ago, that boost is gone
You need to draw the rest of chel's body just below pomni. That's who that is supposed to be.
Me? Yes.
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I'm sorry my friend, but I would always use the original google search instead of the "updated" to fill it with ads and AI. Tradition has its place in society, sometimes what works just works. I hope you will see that one day.
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>Waifufags are now switching their new motive to remove E8 ban because "muh tradition."
We will never get a good Ms /co/ ever again.
Either him or Panchito Pistoles
Did Marcy just push the red into her pretty pink face?
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Yes I actually mean it
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if it ain't broke don't fix it
Yooo you guys still going on? It feels like yesterday when it was first editon where I nominated Black Canary and she got into top8.
Fuck, time flies for sure....
>tfw 34yo
Have a good one from a boomer anon, don't let drama overrun this tho
It's fun, and should remain fun.
Yeah, I wanted to have the winner in the center like a couple others suggested earlier. It's hard to do naturally since the middle is usually taken earlier, but this is the perfect chance to do it. That's unless >>145570431 was going to do the same idea, in which case I might be fine relenting.
No, you’re looking at it backwards. You’ve ONLY experienced the modern tourneys with it in. The results make it clear that it’s anyone’s game every year and /co/‘s taste changes with the wind.
Keeping two year jail sentences in only weakens the bracket for memes and fotm, creates a caste of silentfags, removes any year-to-year continuity, and most of all IT ISN’T FUN.
Who would you like to see as Ms. /co/'s first ever black winner if there ever was one?
oh great the /v/tard is here
It's cutting off Chel, and I think the person holding the umbrella was meant to be ENA kek.
I don't care what that anon said.
I 100% agree but that's never going to happen because the tournaments are barely tolerated by mods on a good day

I wasn't focused on that match, but this actually makes me think. I'm surprised no one came up with the idea for Marceline to handicap Frankie's redhead power by draining the red from her hair. Unless I missed it.
This would mean people would start deliberately rigging characters they DON'T want to win so they will be removed.
Midna won over Hornet, though
Such miracles are possible
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fuck the asshole who drew D4 for adding an ENA arm and then expecting someone else to finish it
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Well said
>Ms. /co/
>Ain’t broke
If we get rid of the E8 ban Raven is getting in every year and I'll do whatever it takes to guarantee that.
Black Debbie
It was back in May, four months ago.
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>a caste of silentfags
I still don't get this. If anything, the current rule encourages picks proving themselves again after the break. We've seen several picks bopped for being silent after returning.
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I just saw and... Well. I guess this is the end of the line. I'm sorry for not being active enough and for the lack of content.

I love you all, thank you for the support for Tyr. Good luck Frankie and Jucikabros. I'm returning work
You don't understand, we made a kneejerk reaction that's been a constant source of trouble a long time ago and it needs to stay!
The elite 8 ban IS broke, and we WILL fix it!
Thanks. Those were some crazy times back then.
With Mathematics
awwww. what a sweetheart
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On /co/, humanity is safe.
Did you miss the great mind breaking of 2019? Sounds like it, lucky you. Godspeed, boomer
Frankie definitely feels like the more "fitting" pick by as long shot. But meta aside I've never been much impressed with Jucika, she's basically a twitter meme that had a huge waifu surge cult here a few years ago. Frankie's an old toon classic to me so i go her.
The idea of comics winning is funny but a non-Marvel/DC capeshit winning is even funnier
Probably best for the artist of D4 to just edit out the ENA umbrella and have it just be Chel and Pomni on that tile. Unless the guy who did the ENA tile wants to draw two ENAs.
>My boy, Emmet!
oh yeah...Lucy didn't get past fucking qualifiers....She was a fun character at least.
the chadest
And remember, whatever we pick now affects Mr. /co/ next month too
Raven will never ever win
Ms. /co/ is always broke with or without the Elite Eight. I'm voting to keep it.
That's just ENA's head though on the snowman, the rest of her body can be holding the umbrella
Though I'll be honest I did not inherit your artistic vision for the above tile so if you want you can edit my tile to make it transition more smoothly into yours, you hereby have my permission
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My nigga
Wow it’s almost like Raven will have active supporters pushing her year to year instead of being silent and when girls beat her they earned their crown who would’a thunk it?
>Even your reverse psychology psyop sounds based
/v/ is a totally different beast, although there is more cross-pollination than ever.
i mean, we coulda just had tyrahnee...
This is ms. /co/, meta capital of the world.
>no Stats
>no NSA
Batkek time is here

>20789 results

>20789 results

>Frankie Foster
>2693 results

>Franky Foster
>72 results


Frankiebros, we're toast.
Big mistake. You had a chance at greatness.
you sassy bat.
r8 my picks

Literally the most deserving winner in a long time. Jucika is kinda funny and neat, but is a slut and carried by sex appeal and memes.
She's cute, but also Queen Tyr'anee can rot in hell. Hoping for a double humilation of her.
>Randomized Bracket
It's more fun this way, gives each matchup in round 1 actual suspense instead of setting characters up for the sole purpose of jobbing. Random brackets give lower seeds a fighting chance
I think that makes more sense. More people engage at the beginning of the tournament too.
>OC anchor
This is actually a genius idea.
>NO to abolishing elite 8
This is a good rule. I don't want the same characters every year.
>Any general feedback or comments?
Ban inanimate objects like Propane, please.
i put her eye toward the camera, so it's the viewer
Please can we have a seperate rule list for Mr. /co/? I don't want Ms. /co/ to ruin it.
LAFFIN, nice stuff anon
2018 was good.
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I'm campaigning for Frankie to the end, but it's only right I campaign for everything I believe in.
We should revert NSA's changes completely, so get back to Traditional Brackets, Seeded Brackets. They haven't proven themselves capable this year. Some girls got horribly unlucky, high seeds fighting high seeds, mid seeds getting nothing interesting and fading away, low seeds fighting low seeds keeping too many jobbers around. It doesn't help low seeds and it doesn't consistently stop high seeds, and that's assuming everything is above board, which under NSA it wasn't. Wuya and Eris got Gerrymandered to win.
As for the other two, I support keeping things the way Statsanon did it. Moving the voting link was an effort by NSA to reduce voter numbers and make influencing people easier. It cut voter turnout in half last time, it utterly nukes the casual voters who never step foot in the threads. As Statsanon said in 2019, this is a board wide popularity contest, it shouldn't be controlled by the threads entirely.
For the same reasons I'm also keeping the Elite 8 in. The reponse to this has just been way too reactionary track record wise. There's really only been broad support for getting rid of it post-2021. I foresee a really bad scenario where right after getting rid of it, we keep getting repeat E8's without NSA fudging the numbers anymore and people immediately want it back. We've only had one tournament since 2021 without NSA's involvment. I'm willing to reconsider this one, but we need more time, another year or two without the NSA factor.
TLDR: I'm a StatsAnon purist. Remove the last NSA era rule and restore bracketing, don't change anything else, reject moving the voting link and reject removing E8. The years under his system were consistently the best and I want a couple years of stability before we consider any changes.
I'm voting to unleash the full E8 to ravage the tournament. Now that is chaos.
I think more people who vote in these threads are big /co/ browsers rather than cartoon watchers.
The silent majority of the participants must have seen and liked the reposted Jucika comic strips here on /co/ but never have seen Duck Dodgers.
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Face facts, man, we never had a good one. Every single time, someone had to be fuckhead and stuff the ballets and then that triggered the autists to fire back. I have not been in a single one of these that didn't devolve into "Rigging" accusations about all the E8.

>2018: Somewhat civil because tumbler/twitter didn't give a shit so 90% of the autists didn't care
>2019: Shitshow with Spinel
>2020: Mrs Dr The Monarch shitshow (Mostly with Fang getting as far as she did)
>2021: Muriel Shitshow
>2022: Fang Shitshow 2, Electric Boogaloo
>2023: Wuya Shitshow
>2024: Pomni Shitshow
>Same characters every year
That already doesn’t happen, and the E8 ban isn’t the reason. This is an unfounded fear.
You have 120 of the same characters every year. That's a /tnt/ metafag argument
Me? I don't want jail sentences, and want to keep going
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>Jucika gets threads all the time! she totally isn't forgotten outside of tournaments!
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Kevin wetsworth the vampire wizard
I voted for Jucika but I have to admit I'm surprised at how decisive it was. At any rate, I'm actually fine with whoever wins the final. I like both Frankie and Jucika, so may the better Ms. win!
I wasn't paying that much attention to finals tho, later coof happened and I had other shit on my mind, now it's also "muh lawgoy career" so that's that.
What happened? I remember statsanon was running the show.
nice to see actual drawfags and not mainly aislop
It feels like a tradition for someone to draw a random inside scene in a corner while other people draw outside scenes around it, only no one to make a real effort to blend the two settings together so you just sort of get half a house that just evaporates into nothingness
who are the finalists? the brackets are not updating
If the elite 8 rule is ditched, it will be brought back in 2026, because next year everyone will bitch and moan about either Frankie or Jucika dominating their waifus
>Random brackets give lower seeds a fighting chance
Does it though?
Cyn probably would have won her seeded fight against Amity, or at least both of them would have had a shot.
this. It's just /tnt/ fag seething.
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Don't think Ramon is eligible but this guy certainly is
>The silent majority of the participants must have seen and liked the reposted Jucika comic strips here on /co/ but never have seen Duck Dodgers.
Due Jucika was 10 votes away from losing to fucking Karen there is no silent majority, it's just rigging
I'm pretty sure not everything I made made it to the OP, but it sure as hell has happened pretty often.

I appreciate it big time, but I too would like if the hosts allowed for other pieces to shine.
>Pomni chokes in Top 8 her first year
>immediate calls from outspoken anons to end E8 break
>2024: Pomni Shitshow
Not over yet. Jucika winning's gonna add another glaze of weirdness to the year.
Cabschads get in here
>But those who didn't watch that show -- like me -- always found her (and that show in general) annoying as hell.
Opinion immediately discarded
Let’s talk strategy. What are we feeling is the best bet to raise the profile of a given character to get them through qualifiers? It seems like good OC is a start—see how well the Drones did in qualifiers before getting BTFO in round 1.
Going back to the way StatsAnon did things would be nice.
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Vote Frankie Foster for Miss. /co/ 2024
The link just goes to the semifinal form, what's the deal?
Frankie vs Jucika
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you'd think after ENA made her return, got top seed, had a ton of vocal support, and made it to the elite 8 again this faggot would've shut his stupid mouth but i guess he's committed to being a retard
Voting to keep E8 because of the massive seethe that will happen
Cum gave me the wrong one, trap and betray him anons
►►Vote: https://forms.gle/raZGcvG8AR7QXhkZA
—TIMER: https://itsalmo.st/the-end-of-ms-co-2024-jf8p
I grew up with Foster's and even I found her annoying. I seriously don't get the appeal.
/co/, my son, you must decide:
>A true contest of power and skill, maxed difficulty, a true champion
>A two year handicap because a girl got far in a popularity contest one year, leading to a sickly bracket ripe for FOTM, Spite and Memes
So if reading the room correctly, are people that WANT to keep the elite 8 ban simply shitters afraid of strong characters?
It takes at least a year if the character doesn't already have notoriety.
What's the point. I love Frankie but Jucika will win. Why even vote.
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i nominated White Mare, but she did too good to be in bottom and too bad to be in main. Treeshaker could do good in mr. though.
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thx anon
If a character is truly strong then they can sit out a year and come back. This prevents spite years.
Cum's had it rough. I'll wait to TRAP and BETRAY him later.
Jucika is a beloved character.
She has threads relatively frequently here which reach the bump limit.
Plus, in these very threads, her comics have been posted again and again, meaning those who don't know about the final few characters were exposed to Jucika in a deeper way than they have been with Tyr or Pomni or whoever
To help Frankie.
Mr still isn't happening yet you cunts wait until the tournament's over before you start hyping yourselves up.
Fuck off, this gets discussed every single year.
Oh yeah a boring status quo option, truly the master of chaos.
This is going to be how King fucked up Queen last year with the crown steal; I don't want this shit to happen in the /co/ tournaments.
>Jucika is a beloved character.
There's others I would rank above her, but Bumblebee is the one who would probably have the best chance out of all the black girls I can think of in terms of broad appeal
I chalked it up to her being Lego but I know Unikitty and that Lady Bone girl are well liked so whats the big deal?
>Frankie is a very divisive character
No she's not Battler. Now shut up and go cuddle with Grimm you fucking gay schizo.
The claim was that the same characters wouldn't be seen year after year because they would "fuck off sooner", as in win. There's only six winners in total right this moment. It's acting as if winners are dolled out like candy, as opposed to one single winner once a year. You can only have one character "fuck off sooner" per year, how many years are you suggesting are spent getting rid of perennial characters by having them win? Five? Ten? Will no other new "same character year after year" arise in that time? You're pretty much demanding everyone vote for characters they don't want for the sake of an undetermined future tournament, not the tournament they're voting in right now.

As it is, "the same characters" are NOT seen year after year because there's a gap for E8. And plenty miss the E8 after the gap anyway, so who are these supposed same characters?
Correct. They don’t want to win like Jenny did.
You never know. Enough Frankiefags can turn the tide. It starts with each one of them voting anyway, despite how things look.
>a true champion
Only possible if all past winners are banned
Voting for a winner to get rid of them is retarded. Winning should be a celebration.
This. The hate is from some butthurt zoomer.
>She has threads relatively frequently here which reach the bump limit.
a few schizos circle jerking does not translate to board wide popularity, this bitch almost lost Karen fucking Karen plankton's computer wife from Spongebob. Do you really think Karen could have made it to the finals if she didn't go against Jucika in round 1
If your character is truly strong, they don't need a handicap to keep out THE CHADS and aren't afraid to compete
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Don't worry in two years she will surely win Ms /co/.
Why would zoomers hate Jucika*? They went through the effort of rigging her.
Let's consider this our form of revenge, Ms. /co/ bros
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The guy who made Carl seethes like hell about Carl being in the qualifiers so I have to nominate him now
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>Traditional Waifu
>Traditional Normal Woman
>Traditional /co/ girl
>Wants a return to Traditional Tournament Rules
Me thinks Frankie is embracing tradition
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>but also Queen Tyr'anee can rot in hell.
anon don't do it like this man
you must let go of your anger. we all must let go of our anger if Ms. /co/ is to improve.
t. pomni supporter
good choices otherwise
A lot of the fanbase seems to have self-inserted into Mac, which is weird because Frankie was never actually into him? It’s worse than the Wendy/Dipper thing because at least that was an actual plot point, Frankie/Mac was just a recurring joke that went nowhere and made them both look bad.
Yeah, this is my main concern. This should be put up to a separate vote there, and if anything if it passes there too it means we can go fresh into next year with no Elite Eight rule for the first time. Throwing it in haphazard next month is just asking for trouble, and I really don't want Jack and Hank of all characters to be the testing ground for the rule being removed. It's just asking for potential spite.
I see them in the catalog but I never go in them. Far as I'm aware she's got a cult following but isn't like a widespread engaged character like one's with classic toons are.
1 year*
If you vote correctly.
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Our new God, Mr. Burns!
I'm really split on the E8 rule. On the one hand it's exhausting seeing the same group of 16-20 power characters reliably getting into the latter rounds. On the other hand, all the E8 rule has done has made it so there's an alternating pool of such characters and it might be better if they could eliminate themselves in the early rounds...
Also fuck random brackets vote seeded brackets. Also vote for rule changes at the beginning of tournaments, it would have been great if we could have voted in seeded brackets this year.
Voting for Jucika cause she ain't shotacuck bait.
The Elite 8 should stay in their place until next 2 years, that way there's more variety in what characters compete.
>best ms /co/ winner
>didn't need to ban the strong with "muh rules"
Yep! Another point for CHADS to repeal the ban!
cyn was not low seed, she was in the 30s
>Queen Tyr'anee can rot in hell
lmao least salty Pomnirigger
Do you lose the ability to be attracted to Frankie once you grow up?
Shut the fuck up faggot ruining Mr isn't gonna make our years better.
Oh man. It was the year the Steven Universe Spinel move came out, and so she had a really good tournament run that then exploded into chaos because it was revealed the contest had been rigged in her favor. It’s a bit like Captain America the first year.
It’s only gone downhill since then kek
Ok zoom zoom.
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I know he ain't going far, because he never does, but every year I nominate my boy Raimundo and hoping that he joins his waifu Wuya on the mountain.
I think he has a genuine shot at winning. He's constantly lost by close margins to other E8 characters. He only lost to Carl by 10 votes.
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This. Return to Stats Or suffer my curse
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Way to go Frankie, in it to win it one more and you get the crown that’s SUPER!
Ah yes, the silent normalfag majority's most beloved and cherished female character: Jucika.
Correct. If there are more high seeds, they will clash earlier. Also, they’ll finally have some active year-to-year campaigners instead of sitting in jail for two years only to silently make it halfway there again.
Based. CHADmundo deserves it.
Im on the boardwalk rn and conceived at least 5 strangers to vote on this
That guy loves the elite 8 ban too. Really makes you think...
Voting for Frankie because I feel her fans would have a bigger melty if Jucika won. And I want this Ms. /co/ to end on a chill note so it's easier to move forward in a good direction from here.
The real retvrn to tradition is repealing the Elite 8 ban.
Which boardwalk? The answer heavily determines which candidate will win.
>Frankie fans are bad sports, so vote to placate them
Really, nigga?
>ignoring how the rule was decided upon in 2018
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And now that this lowly tournament is starting, I've come to tell you to vote for XJ-6! She's sure to have it in the b- ...What do you mean it's already the finals and she didn't get there?!
Banshee Boardwalk

I'm supporting E8 remaining as a lot of the arguments against it only really hold up in the 2021-2023 era which is...not exactly reliable data on account of you know who fudging the everything.
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>Frankie is conservative
>Jucika is liberal
A fitting final fight!
Yes. I don't want another character that gets Asterisk shit like I know Jucika will.
>Carlfags getting uppity
E.Z CHADS how we feelin'?
I don't want to make our years better, I want to make everyone else's worse
They must feel the same suffering we did
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imagine if the elite 8 rule gets voted out here and then mr. /co/ votes it back in

What if we had WRITE IN VOTES!?
If you REALLY HATE a certain matchup one round, you can write in any character you want, that wasn't already in this years bracket. You only get one write in vote per round to avoid spam though.
The write in option would end at elite 8

Vote for Frankie cause Jucika is a worse option in every way
like you were even here in 2018
The true return to tradition would be to have less than 400 voters.
>Wanting Rai to win a rigged piece of shit
But why?
>she had a surge in popularity FOUR YEARS AGO
She has been a fixture of /co/ since her discovery on Twitter 4 years ago.
>She is a FOTM
She's been consistently popular for four fucking years now.
Many people, including myself, who are rooting for her never knew about her before /co/
It is good that you are trying to fit in zoomer. Someday you will get it.
I don't know. I could see both girls having their fans either be chill or freak out.
>Traditional seeding
>Repeal the ban
Feedback: Stop announcing rigs and take care of it quietly, have a waiting period every round to mask it.
That would defeat the entire purpose of an elimination tournament.
I just remembered not too long ago people were debating on Jucika's merits as a character in a stealth thread and someone brought up Frankie as an example of a successful contestant with similar appeal but more well regarded due to nostalgia. Whew, how prophetic.
>be toon
>get angrily disowned by your father because he only made you to represent some abstract idea he despises
Kind of depressing when you think about it
Stats had the E8 ban and his years were some of the better one's of Ms.
I'm voting to remove the Elite 8 ban. We have enough data. It doesn't do shit except punish high performers. Your plucky underdog still faces the same handful of them in the Elite 8 regardless, and are actually MORE likely to win than characters who do it repeatedly. We have a single former Elite 8 winner in each tournament. It doesn't even help with what ban advocates say it helps with, so why keep it?
Keep the Elite Eight.
isn't that the same thing as 2021 where a rule got voted for only to be voted out in Mr?
>Pomni 5th
>Blackfire 6th
>ENA 7th
>Kim 8th
Am I reading that correctly?
After 2018 (the best year) first applied in 2019 (the worst year), thus, the most traditional ruling is without it.
stupid it would make the tournament a giant mess and silent fags would just write back in losers
fuck OFF you are a fucking gigaretard
ENA came back after sitting out a year and had an active campaign, fuck she had a more consistently active campaign than she did in 2022
CAPTAIN mr./co/lympus Deadpool
N-no ju-just mr./co/lympus Deadpool
It's the complete opposite
Frankie was created by Lauren Faust so she's most definitely liberal as fuck
And Jucika due to being from a 20th century Soviet country probably holds lots of beliefs that could be considered outdated now
Mr /co/ should hold a vote in the qualifiers if they should adopt the Ms /co/ rule changes, then Ms /co/ can have the same, etc etc
There's a far stronger anti-jucika sentiment at the moment, with people claiming she was rigged. If she won, a lot of people just simply wouldn't accept her. Most people can at least accept a Frankie win if it happens.
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> Jucika is kinda funny and neat, but is a slut and carried by sex appeal and memes
Her medium is basically memes incarnated and it works great even if there's no sex appeal whatsoever. Frankie's medium is a kid's show. Who's gonna rewatch it? There's nothing much to it besides the nostalgia, and therefore there's nothing much to Frankie besides her sex appeal. On the contrary, Jucika's comics are being read decades after their creation.
My vote is for Jucika.

> The book cover on the third panel says "Self-defence".
>The first year to not ban elite 8s was Jenny's
>The first year with the elite 8 ban is Spinel's year
This year sorta turned me off from randomized. Doesn't seem to do shit as far as getting a more varied final remainders, and more often actually gets screwy unsatisfying early power matchups.
Imagine if she didn’t sit in tard jail for being too popular.
>and conceived at least 5 strangers
damn that's a lotta fuckin
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I want this sweet baby biscuit to at least get to round 1.
What are you talking about, this is super competitive, Frankie is a very popular character here, she very will may win.
The chance of any one character getting enough votes in a single round is very slim.
Also, write in votes would only be valid for characters that weren't already in the bracket this year, so if they lost a vote, they're out for good
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AI characters can't be toons because they have no soul
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Enough of this nonsense! This is the last time you'll ever embarrass the strongest in the universe! I'll see you in Mr. /co/!
2018 > Stats Years > This year > NSA Years
What the fuck does Mr ever do you to deserve this shit? Fuck off
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>jucika is a literal FOTM
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I want it as a Reject Reform, Embrace Tradition, StatsAnon era rules take. And I'm a fucking Foster Fanatic.
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Reminder that Democracy might be mathematically impossible
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I love to vote-a
>wanting to see Optimus again
Did getting AIDS, turning into a girl and being shoved up someone's ass make you become FAGatron?
Hmm, any ideas for Frankie and Jucika content for drawfags?
>Frankie's medium is a kid's show. Who's gonna rewatch it? There's nothing much to it besides the nostalgia
Anon, you do know that kids watch cartoons made before they were born, right?
I wouldn't necessarily attribute any freakouts to any particular fans, because when you funnel all the voters into a match where a good portion of them will be invested in neither option, you're more likely to get salty responses. The loudest complaints won't come from fans, but anti-fans.
imagine if i took a fat steamy dump down your throat
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Some people might unironically be angry that the other tournaments get to have fun more often while Ms struggles with that, instead of putting their efforts into improving Ms they want to kneecap the other tournaments and bring them to this level.
I don't give the slightest fuck about the fate of the E8 rule. If it stays, it stays, if it goes, it goes. I really do not care.
>a few schizos circle jerking does not translate to board wide popularity
perhaps, but certainly consistantly beating other super popular characters in a tournament does.

You can bitch and moan and pretend that there's some rigging campaign, but Jucika is a popular character, and she has earned second(or first) place in this tournament
Now... The OG edition..... those were the days....
yeah but you're expecting people to know everyone that was in the tournament. People will jump in in the middle and not backcheck. It's just piling on work for the hosts to dig through invalid suggestions.
>Average pro-E8fag argument
>I'm supporting E8 remaining
changing my vote to repeal the E8 rule because rwbyfags are always wrong
True and checked.
see >>145570647
Maybe I phrased it wrong, I don't think "Frankie fans" would have the bigger meltdown, but Frankie voters. As in all the people who claim Jucika is rigged and will never accept her winning.
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New Jersey
I don't think you understood his post.
So, what you're saying is that all the Frankie votes are from kids?
Unbelievable that Jucika's closest matchup this whole tourney so far has been against Karen in round one.
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>but certainly consistantly beating other super popular characters in a tournament does.
Who are you trying to fool she was 1 votes away from losing to Karen
Chicken Little 5 when?
I could try and make something of it but I'm not entirely sure what the above panel artist wanted for connecting Chel/ENA to the bottom panel, if nothing else my idea for ENA is that her head is on the snowman and then her disembodied body is holding the umbrella
I can try to make something out of it but I feel like the guy who made it has a better idea of what he wanted the second half to look like so if he wants to edit my panel I'm all for it
>average peepee poopoo doodoo fart
>No don’t you see, it’ll save the tournament and bring us to the holy land/cast us into the pit of despair and put a plague on all our houses!
I thought she was russian?
You can't count on every random anon to have watched Duck Dodgers or FHfIF, but every anon who reads the threads has read a good amount of Jucika.
So, everyone who hasn't watched the TV shows the previous characters were in, has no attachment to them.
But Jucika, they've built an attachment through reading her comics in these threads.

In practice, this makes her very strong. She has a great waifu energy, and can be read in reposted old comic strips.
It is no surprise she's made it this far
>Tired of seeing the same characters over and over again do well? They can build up momentum year after year and fuck off sooner.
this logic makes no sense
they already fuck off by way of the E8 ban
DOES stop motion count?
hey balls who are the5th place 6thplace 7thplace and 8th place girls? Like who is what spot?
It's time, meme and tourney magic will redeem him
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Some important realities about Jucika:
1. She is a modern meme.
>but every anon who reads the threads has read a good amount of Jucika.
you can't count on anons to read the threads
also i've been here the whole time and i haven't opened a single comic because i don't give a shit
They hanging out at a cafe, chatting and having fun while a bunch of anons are fighting between themselves in the background.
>if nothing else my idea for ENA is that her head is on the snowman and then her disembodied body is holding the umbrella
That's actually a good idea. Just draw the rest of her body and Chel's ass.
>does animation count as animation?
I don't care, still voting for her
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2. She is widely recognized as a feminist icon in her home country (mostly for being a dirty slut).
>not watching DD or Fosters
Anon this is a yearly thing since the big question is posed in the finale
>Jucika was brought back by tumblr
Frankie just won by this alone
Karen is from the most popular cartoon of all time.
The fact that Jucika won in a match against her, is a testament to Jucika's popularity
For >>145569790 I plan to make a piece where one wears something representative of summer and the other something autumnal, since tomorrow is the official change of season.
Although I can't decide who would wearing what. Suggestions?
a modern meme from the past it's basicly Shakespeer gyrating in zack snyders face saying bitch I'm the bard people love me!
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3. She is LITERAL communist propaganda.
Jucika will win
>t. meta-knower
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the anti-E8 sperg has no real arguments, he hates the elite 8 because he has an autistic obsession with purity and works backwards from there to rationalize it. nothing you say to him will ever change his mind because he has no interest in discussion.
The point is that people can and still do watch Fosters Home, or any "nostalgic kids show" in history.
The only reason people read Jucika is for the illustrations or symbols. It's more of a historical relic rather than anything with actual substance
She's from the Simpsons?
>Jucika is gonna be ms. /co/
lmao capeshitters btfo
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4. She’s a literally who (see also desuarchive which has Frankie with 10x higher volume)
I think the majority of voters actually *do* read the threads.
I mean, back in king of /v/ 2021 the obscure RPGmaker game protagonist, The Batter, stormed through the entire bracket.
That wasn't because people started loving the 2008 Belgian indie RPG OFF in 2021, it was because he had a great thread presence.
People made OCs, people memed about him, placed him in pretend teams.

If people didn't read the threads, then the most popular or more attractive women and men would have won every year, but that hasn't happened.

I'm 22, I'm not going to watch children's shows I have no nostalgic connection to in this juncture of my life.
Spongebob is outwatched and outsold anon
I considered doing a tourney stream for Duck Dodgers for this very reason, but I simply don't have the time.
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Bro do you any idea how old those shows are?
I want a tournament of the STRONG
The truly popular, damnit!
The elite 8 crutch will be purged, and only the popular will survive!
Lmao ok zoomer
Jucika winning wouldn't be ideal, but it's whatever. Like a Betty Boop year.
So you and every other host are aware that the results, even after removing rigged votes, are still affected by them, right?

Will you at least give the unedited results of the quarterfinals? Please
Spongebob has been bigger than the Simpsons for around 25 years now.
That's part of why she's funny.
Some random eastern block, state-run propaganda outlet decided to publish psuedo-smut comics about some floozy named Jucika, it's hilarious
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That was a great run!
I might've lost in the end, but I still made Elite 8 after all these years! And even Semifinals! Can't be disappointed if you aim low.

Honestly, just getting Marceline into E8 was already my dream come true, I fully expected her to lose at any point after R3, but she just kept going right until Semis. I was fully prepared to face all sorts of smearing about dykes and calarts and whatnot, and then it just... didn't come. Only a little in the end, but that was from reactionary retards who just shit on anyone. Man, this is... actually kinda touching that /co/ still likes Marceline that much and the reception of her going far was so positive. I really, genuinely didn't expect it. This makes me think that Marceline has a real, unironic shot at winning Ms. /co/ one day. Let's make this happen when she's eligible again Marcybros. I guess sometimes attachments really do stay.

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>Ich habe vielleicht verloren, aber ich bin noch nicht fertig! Helfen Sie mir, den 3. Platz zu gewinnen; Unterstützen Sie mich weiterhin.
Vote for Laura!

>Viel Glück in der letzten Runde, Emilia. Ich hoffe, dass du Bottom gewinnen kannst.
Jucika is from the 50s lol
Wow, and Batter is a horrible winner and we got two more Batters in a row. What kind of argument is that?
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No, because not only is The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985) an animated film with an original plot, but its Mysterious Stranger scene is NOT a direct adaptation of the unfinished Twain book, merely loosely inspired by one of the chapters and paraphrasing a line of dialogue; the visual depiction of Satan for instance is completely original to the film. Therefore the Mysterious Stranger, Satan, featured in the animated film, is /co/.
Alright I'll see what I can do
>she's a literal who according to the general public, therefore she shouldn't represent our own niche website
Wouldn't a character being obsure to normies make them MORE deserving of winning Ms. /co/?
Of course it does.
An AT performance was overdue and Marceline is definitely the worthiest girl of the show.
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Voting against the E8 won't bring back Pomni
Voting against the E8 won't bring back ENA
Voting against the E8 won't bring back Tyr'ahnee
Voting against the E8 isn't gonna bring back whatever fun you lost because of spitefagging and generational shitflinging that led to your picks getting voted out
None of this is gonna make Ms better
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>Do you really think Karen could have made it to the finals if she didn't go against Jucika in round 1
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Vote for Jucika.
I have rock solid arguments that nobody can reasonably challenge because the only challenge (including the phrasing of the question in the form) is “what if consistency happens” when the hypothetical doesn’t match the data AT ALL. Ms. /co/ is anything but consistent. Girls do well, they crash and burn, every year is a new opportunity. What the ruling does do, however, is kill year to year oc/campaigning, and create a caste of silentfag top seeds that neither sink nor swim. It’s anti-fun, solves nothing, and cheats the champions out of the challenge. No, it isn’t a tradition fallacy, some rulings are good (like Champion bans for example).
Stop trying to tell me why I should NOT vote for someone and start telling my why I SHOULD vote for someone. Sell me your pick, don't just attack the other one.
Karen has made it to the sweet sixteen before- there's precedent
and 5., you were already proven wrong when you pulled this bullshit before
you are autistic and i'm not reading your wall of cope
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> The point is that people can and still do watch Fosters Home
Children are stupid. You can't say that "people still watch X" if only kids do so. And you're still missing the point.
> The only reason people read Jucika is for the illustrations or symbols
> only read for the symbols
Behold, the most literate animation fan.
literally animated so yes
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Impressive… let’s see Frankie’s stash-
Discount Supervillain, there you go
I'm not arguing who *should* win, I'm arguing who will.
That reply chain was about this person wondering why Jucika won.
I was explaining that the outcome of the tourneys is determined by the lay Anon who reads the threads.
If Jucika wins this whole thing by more than 10 votes, Karen should be immediately promoted to runner up
if E8 removal gets voted for then rule changes in qualifiers better be voted for too just so Mr can remove it instantly
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As someone who 3D models, Carl really looks like an actual character. I know it has visual oddities but for some reason it doesn't look as obvious as AI usually does, I can usually immediately tell just from the overall look alone whether something is AI but I had to pay more attention to this one. The thumbnail could easily trick you and is probably why he got supports in nominations.

Maybe for next year I'll make a Carl character model, I've procrastinated learning how to rig long enough
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...in bed.
Besides, we already have book characters taking part in the tournaments anyway. The Coraline movie is a straight adaptation of Gaiman's novella but you don't see anyone debating whether or not it's /co/.
>Instead of just some of the same old characters every year, we want all of the same old characters every year
Honestly, the tournament being full of OGs instead of meme picks like Pomni sounds nice.
Haha, yeah, imagine her still winning tho, wouldn't that be humilating, haha, well, no chance that's happening, right?
>Freakshit screenfucker
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Be sure to vote Frankie and not Eurotrash… I mean Eurotrish… I mean…. Just vote for Frankie
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Nominating The Flash from DC Comics
If Ms fags are actually angry enough to vote for this and Mr repeals it this might provoke the angry voters into trying to shit up Mr out of spite.
What a whore, lol
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I think it's hot as FUCK that Frankie is much taller than Mac and Bloo and just casually towers over them like a goddess from above, sometimes kicking or stepping on Bloo in frustration
I meant as in A symbol
a symbol of feminism, of soviet Hungary, of horny authors
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I think that /v/ and /co/ have very different voter bases desu, and perhaps this is an issue with Ms. /co/ specifically. Like you said campaigning demonstrably has a big affect on /v/ tournaments, which is how you get characters from niche games beating gaming icons like Mario and Eggman. On the other hand, it feels like campaigning matters the least in Ms. /co/, and over the years I've seen characters with fantastic OC, some of which are from popular shows like Amphibia, get obliterated in the first round. Ms. /co/ is a cruel game
>Hurr I’m Mr. Logical you have no arguments, you won’t engage in good faith
Okay, here’s an argument

Why are you like this?
The dykeshit can be ignored, it was added in the post-Pen Era
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just imagining the edgy nihilistic posts directed at opponents is enough for me to vote to get him past a qualifier at least
Damn Frankie is such a slut. I think I will vote for the pure Jucika.
God damn, people are FAST
I think the women-based tourneys are more about waifu-fagging
>I'm 22, I'm not going to watch children's shows I have no nostalgic connection to in this juncture of my life.
Retard, I'm a zoomer and rewatched DD recently because of this contest. It's a great show. Many children cartoons are bad, but not all of them. lel, what do you even enjoy?

>Batter is a horrible winner
Another retard. We /v/tards love him, he's one of the best literally me characters of the board and belongs to a very fun and creative game, even if it isn't perfect
>I've procrastinated learning how to rig long enough
What did he mean by this
I'm not sure why it wouldn't.
Guy Gagné was faster
Meanwhile, in canon:
>Jucika: prolific slutbag
>Frankie: Went on a date that one time
Face it, Frankie’s got the popularity.
didn't read lol
> Eurotrish
She's going to die by suicide due to the Paris Syndrome, isn't she?
Lmao. Great job.
I thought it looked familair
Love this artist
I didn't think someone would actually go through with referencing the Europe episode
Seethe, LOL
the funbag stratagem hasn't failed me yet this year so I am opposed to any changes that deviate.
How many of that with Broly?
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How the fuck is Garland remotely like to Batter? He is more like if Pomni had won this year.
You're learning how to fucking what
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Okay, fair. But Alice shouldn't be in the tourney. Both the American and the European versions being present in this tourney was proof of that, she's a /lit/ character
Brooding mentally unwell violent edgelord with a one-track mind obsession with his mission. /v/ has a type.
>There's the possibility that one of the FARTS members might finally win these things
Great, then we've established that all the Frankie's voters are kids and all the Jucika's voters are either feminists or Hungarian communists?
>Perifag is back in /tnt/ again
>keep putting in Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
>wonder why that doesn't work
>look it up
>she was the 2020 winner
Holy shit time's a bitch
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I don't see him
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My man, the good half of Jucika's popularity is due to her not being a slut despite all the circumstances.
Batter and Jack are literally the same kind of character, cool characters. Just shut up, stupid Chaos. P*mni sucks, not like my kings
but I like Jack's character unlike Batter
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Marceline lost, my day is ruined.
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jucika fags can't make up their minds about what her character is because she has none
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I have edited E4 to connect properly with D4, I hope this settles this minor territory dispute
YEP, I'm thinkin' Frankie's Ms. /co/ 2024.
Literally less personality than Captain Crunch or Tony the Tiger.
Shut up ryonabait
Jucika was made to be cute and appeal to a general audience of boomers reading newspapers
Your waifu was made to appeal to a few thousand internet sadists
Three of my favs in one picture.
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In the new thread
I'm going for Jucika but honestly this is a great finals, and I'd be happy with either girl winning. Also it's funny seeing people still trying to find out who the meta or traditional pick is an a finals where both girls would be traditional winners.
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/tnt/ ban successfully evaded, this whole time I thought the black guy banned all my turkish proxies somehow but it was actually really simple
>Jucika was made to be cute and appeal to a general audience of boomers reading newspapers
which is why she's shit
fuck general audiences. i know we don't agree on a lot around here but thought we could at least agree that normalfags have shit taste in everything.
Easiest finals of ms./co/ yet. Go ahead, rationalize a Jucika win.
The biggest problem with randomization is that's not any less different from the old seeded bracket. In other words, it's entirely unnecessary since we literally have Spinel who was rigged towards victory, Monarch who won out of pitty, and most notably Recette who won despite being a low seed. All of them are from seeded tournaments.

The only change I want is to randomize the placements of characters but still keep the seeded bracket.
>That one /tnt/ fag who for months shat on Jucika to the point of being seeing as a schizo namefag and /co/ voting her to finals solely to “spite” him since everyone is a Kiwifarms user, when that user actually likes Jucika and this was their strategy to get votes
Is this the single greatest campaign of all time? Double if Mr Incredible makes E8 since that’s the same person
The point is that, if the silentfag majority were an actual thing, they wouldn't vote for Jucika of all things. The prevailing narrative is that they vote without perusing these threads and that they are largely normies/offboarders. Thus, I simply find it suspicious that all complaints about the silent majority completely die off around round 3 and that Jucika supporters conveniently ignore them.
>zoom zoom is making shit up again
Well then shut up spectre
So did you leave Russia to draft dodge?
Real talk, you had a great run, and I'm definitely voting you for 3rd place.
I honestly wonder if the new movie is going to give the Transformers characters a boost.
>The only change I want is to randomize the placements of characters but still keep the seeded bracket.
what the fuck does this even mean
/co/ always chooses the wrong choice.
I meant in a meta context, since the topic was the effect campaigning has on the results, but still
>Brooding mentally unwell violent edgelord
This doesn't describe Batter really well desu. OFF doesn't come across as chuuni and self-indulgent as something like SoP does. I'm aware there's a lot of cope surrounding this last point but The Batter ultimately is meant to be a questionable figure, not something you idolize and want to self-insert as.
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on behalf of Jucika supporters (at least i hope we can agree on this) if there was any rigging in her favor, it should be corrected. it doesn't worth tainting her name forever just to win once, especially since the other options were also popularly and exceptionally considered as acceptable.
so please hosts if you can see anything suspicious, you should act according to your best judgement.
>He will never eat bacon
>/tnt/ bullshittery
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I'm actually working for the FSB, that's why I have so many different IPs
You are 14 years old.
Mr. /co/ 2019 was fine. The Elite Eight rule had nothing to do with 2020 getting fucked over.
If they had seeing anything they would have said so already. They clearly aren't shy about throwing votes out if they have to.
You said before you were buying VPNs cheap to dodge bans you lying little fuck.
did your parents drop you when you were a baby
I can draw Peridot getting massacred by an unrelated character tomorrow.
Hahaha saved
You are confirmed brown
No, Pomni has a slightly lower total score. It's Blackfire, Pomni, ENA, and Kim in that order.
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Congrats to Laura for getting that far, she's getting my 3rd place vote!

Penny vs Emilia was good battle, lots of fun! Good luck, I picked her!
Round 6 is history! And with going on to the finals, we're down to our final 2 teams, and competitors.
We've also had another 2 team eliminations.

>Villainous Vengeance
Queen Tyr'ahnee have fought bravely, she couldn't keep the Hungarian Heroine form taking the final spot. And with that, it looks like no vengeance will be served today!
>Alt Alliance
She may be a vampire, she may be a demon, but Marceline was still not strong enough to capture her place in the finals. And so, this Alt Alliance is no longer a hot topic!
>The Awakenings
Frankie has fought her way to the finale. Will this finally be her year? Will the FARTS finally win? Only 1 round left to find out.
>European Vacation
Jucika is not letting down, and with her now in the finals, she is in for her toughest match yet.
At 67 she may not be young anymore, but maybe she still has what it takes, to go all the way.

With that let's remember the ones we've lost, and pay our respects to the 2 who didn't make it this round, and the 124 others we've lost so far.
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13* and one of the highest ranking agents, not to flex or anything
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he doesn't give a shit about what makes the tournaments better or worse
the asshat only supports removing the E8 for ms. /co/, he says mr, /co/ and the other tournaments "can handle it" which should tell he's full of shit. he's just opposed to it because it fucked over a character he liked back in 2019 and his autism-boner has been throbbing ever since.
probably not but I can hope
I don't care if it's late this needs to be next threads header
She had a boyfriend in the past, isn't?
Do you know how it's calculated?
Perifag working for the FSB would actually explain a lot.
Rigging this rigging that. I voted for jucika because I didn’t want to vote for a silent majority pick that hasn’t been relevant or had threads for a decade. Jucika is popular on /co/ and has been for years. Her making this far isn’t a surprise

I feel like only fags who don’t even use the board/hide in their singular general think jucika’s outcome is foulplay
Bloo is not a man THOUGH
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It's time.
Sorry for no cavalcade of funny question like last year. I'm drawing a bit of a brainblank here and nobody submitted anything.
Yeah we all knew she was bi.
yes he was in season 1 I think
>using the same lies the dog retard used
Really? Just like SU, no originality
Uh, wrong post to respond to?
Mr. /co/ is a much more stable tournament and I have no dog in that race. Maybe repealing the ban wouldn’t be appropriate for them.
Ms. /co/, on the other hand, is OBVIOUSLY not consistent, it’s a nut house every year, so let em all duke it out.
>You’re full of shit for recognizing the temperamental differences between Ms. /co/ and Mr. /co/ and suggesting rulesets to accommodate them is bad because *headcanon*
What are you on about, autist? I first joined these in 2021 and thought the rule was stupid then. Never liked it. Why should characters be jailed for "reasons"? How can I call my win fair if they only had training wheels on the whole time? But the /tnt/roons said it was "too new", and now they're saying "it's too old"
Fuck shitters with WEAK characters, I want my mains to fight the strongest and to keep trying until they win or I get bored of these
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meanwhile in reality
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Season 3 actually
It's funny how both Marceline and Frankie have asshole exes
What the fuck is this question, I keep typing "Aye-aye captain" and it's not working
Frenchbros, Hungary MOGGED us......
Frankie winning would be absolutely unexpected. It would break the weird, obscurer and less history filled opponent who has been dominating with 60% blowouts. It would be a shift from the last five straight years of tournament culture. It would break all expectations and change everything
Frankie Foster winning would be the ultimate chaos pick
>The Awakenings European Vacation

Boy the infinity of interpretations and meanings in this
I agree. This time she's the underdog.
"Tits, ass, or personality?"
Except now you are making her the expected champion.
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skibidi toilet will win mr /co/ 2024
That's just a female character thing.
Repeal the e8
Mmm Frankie
Same Marceline bro. After years of spike for Bubbline and just generally most noodle limbed shows it was really nice to have a genuinely fun run like this
Nothing I can say can change that Jucika won over 60% on quarterfinals and semifinals which is unheard of outside only the most dominant opponents
Jucika is the heavy favorite, there’s no way around this
Repeal the Jenny rule. If your pick can't beat a previous winner, they don't deserve a win.
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blessed are the meek
Fang was a good winner
repeal the /co/ only rule
if your pick can't beat characters from anime and video games, they don't deserve a win
Marceline was due for a great run, and I'm very happy she finally got it. Fully agree with you here.

This is also true. This is the seventh year, so having NOTHING from it would just be overkill. Maybe I'll push for Ice King next month if a certain anon doesn't come back.
repeal all rules
if you can win without handicaps you don’t deserve a win
Repeal the Elite 8 rule and replace it with the Elite 128 rule
I'm tired of seeing the same shitters every year, we need some variety and fresh blood in the bracket
I actually agree. NSA was a bad host. Should never had moved Shirley down to 3rd place. If Shirley competed in finals, Shirley was 2nd place. Moving her down just illegitimates the final which is where the main problem with Fang's win comes from.
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which one we voting for bros
anon Jucika vs Tyr was heavily influenced by people just trying to avenge Pomni getting screwed over. It's not really aaccurate indicator of how strong she is, and these finals will be very close
Repeal the ban on rigging. If your pick can't beat Peruvians they don't deserve a win.
>Ms. /co/, the aggressive tournament that hates everything got Pomni, a Gen-Alpha character to 5th place
>Mr. /co/, the chill tournament that likes everything won't have any Skibidi Toilet characters qualify
It means I wanted them to the seeded character matches to be placed randomly instead of traditional placements like how back then, the highest and lowest seed gets to be placed in the first match.
But doing this, it would give something refreshing for both high and low seeds without altering the familiar rule.
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>/tnt/ is currently having a meltdown over getting their precious elite 8 ban repealed while being impaled with constant peridot ass
spitevoting out round 1
I still can't get over the fact you guys let Mona Lisa get 5th.
People talk about Jucika or whatever but these side tournaments have REALLY proven the voterbases shit taste here. Holy crap.
I am not voting for literal Youtube Kids slop you fucking cunt I don't mind Pomni because at least her show has some thought to it, Skibidi is mindless nonsense aimed at literal toddlers.
Draw Frankie and Jucika together,
cameraCHAD for sure
the only one metling down is the anti-e8 sperg as his arguments get decimated one after another
bejitabro btw
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Everyone may have forgotten but I haven't.
isn't Skibidi Toilet an action series?
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Lolong could you please dissect this strip
Repeal the Elite 8 rule. We need more OGs every year. Top 16 should be nothing but OGs.
Jack's out so Daffy and Courage.
It's an action series with as much thought put into it as all the times you slammed your action figures into each when you were 5, completely mindless nonsense.
I feel it needs to be said: spitevoting is overstated. I sincerely doubt there are enough people who take this tournament seriously enough to swing the outcome.
That piano was at least city level.
Based falseflagger bro
Mona Lisa was actually barred, she should have won
Yeah and that's based.
Not everything needs to be some uber complex le super deep series about humanity and genes and death or whatever.
The thing blows up and I like when it blows up.
the guy in favor of the bans can only say "cope or rope", sounds like a meltdown to me
I was gonna do it myself but the lights went off ha haha you're the best. Thank you.
>Plus4 admin may have to get jannies not because of one of their own home brewn spergs but because of an offsiter underage having nonstop melties
No, expand the Elite 8 rule. The Top 16 are already nothing but OGs. Ban the Top 16 every year.
Peabody sama....
That piano would DESTROY SHITjita.
Leave the E8 ban, I can’t rig around too many heavy hitters without looking suspicious. Thanks.
cope or rope
How do you go from the G-Man from Half Life singing in a toilet to a robot war?
Black Hand is a smart guy. He'll probably figure something out.
A damn shame, I loved being able to post lewd art there without anybody having a hissy fit
Star Wars exists you fucking jackass go watch that if you don't want a good excuse to see things explode.
No, ban the Champion Clause and the E8 rule. I want to vote for Jenny every single year.
who the fuck knows
You accidentally made it sound kind of cool, but I still shan't be watching skibidi slop.
make low effort arguments, get low effort responses
I'm serious. I want nothing but FARTS and other heavy hitters.
Fuck these meme pick we've been having since 2019.
Get Raven and Starfire back together, same with full FARTS. We need all of them in at once. Every year will be our year.
Anon this isn't a blog, take your personal life elsewhere
It's literally the creator using the series as a gateway to get zoomers into mech fights.
Like compare season 1 to what's currently happening. Shit's crazy.
Lmao you didn’t address a single point.
>no u
concession: accepted
Fuck off back to your Sharty shithole you faggots I'm not watching your toddler garbage no matter how hard you shill it.
Ian is one of the deadest memes. It wouldn't even be funny to nominate him, just pointless and sad
>inb4 duckulafag
I'm genuinely not. I just think Ian doesn't have any traction anymore, and you can't force it
Oh hell yeah, 77 finally came out? Thanks, I've been waiting for it but don't want notifications for the random meme shit that guy makes
Total FARTS domination
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On it. Gimme strength.
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Sure, hope he shares his genius ways with the 4chan staff too
I like the elite 8 ban because without it we’d never get such classics as Propane or Shirley.
Keep Ms. /co/ weird.
convince me to commission art of ny waifu
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your points have been addressed time and again but you ignore it because you're mentally ill
i don't owe you shit
They need to focus on Danger Mouse himself, he’ll be eternal so the right push can get him somewhere
Yeah, I also voted for Jessica. She's a nice woman.
He'll probably just rangeban the turks
Artists need to eat
>make Shitpost using Gmod
>it gets popular
>makes more
>those get popular
>decide to change it to convert little kids into mecha fans
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So what are you going to do after Jucika wins, anons?
At least the new generation is going to have based tastes in mechs and surrealist dark comedy instead of current tv slop.
How do you get Propane from the elite eight ban? Propane wasn't even in the E8, it got cucked in round 4 by ENA
Convince me to not commission art of my waifu.
I like Jucika more because she's cuter
I don't like seeing the same characters every single tournament, I'm not voting to have more of them constantly qualifying and losing.
Skibidi Toilet can't qualify. It goes to Barred from Mr. /co/lympus.
>Addressed time and time again
False. There’s basically an argument from tradition and an argument from false comparison. Neither have weight.
>I don’t owe you shit
No, you don’t. Thanks for failing to construct an argument though, helps my case.
Escape back to the non-bizarro world timeline where Frankie wins (aka this timeline)
Please get rid of the red stars. I don't even watch cartoons like that and don't give a shit about most girls
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if this came out fifteen years ago, 4chan would be worshipping it. Only contrarians hate this KINO
I've done all my commissions on a budget below 10$ and I've loved it all
>skibidi toilet c-c-can't q-
Shut up BITCH.
The Elite 8 will be less effective at its job if we go back to traditional seeding. The Elite 8 rule allows 8 contestants in that may not have qualified otherwise, but in a traditional bracket those spots are first round fodder anyway so it doesn't actually matter.
guacamole nigga penis
You did great and were a worthy opponent.
Hank expy
Give me a reason as to why is eligible for Mr. /co/lympus.
W-who is THAT~??
it's based, that's why
An angel
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>Danke Freunde!
Make sure you watch her cute movie after this.
laugh at FARTSfaggots
I think for full effect we need to get Azula, Toph and Shego as runner-ups, only for them all to job to up-and-coming underdogs
and after that the tournaments will probably end when the Secret Trans Government bans them in 2030 or something
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An explanation as to why Jucika has no grip strength, though I suspect she had a weak grip from the start. An unfortunate fact for every massage parlor in Hungary.
>Not allowed in /co/ or /v/
On the one hand that feels unfair since it IS an animated series and if it counts as non eastern animation it should be in, on the other hand I do not give a single shit about that literal kindergartener slop and I do not want to see it in either board's tournaments, especially since shartyfaggots will use it as an excuse to raid, get a feeling so complicated...
The Elite 8 rule attempts to fix a problem that doesn’t exist (and creates more problems instead). It’s never done its job.
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That's actually exactly what he did lol, I was wondering why every single one of my turkish proxies gave me a ban thinking he couldn't have possibly banned all of them somehow then coming to the realization that he banned every single turkish IP so I switched to american ones
Wait is Elite 8 actually a question being asked this year? The fuck?
I didn’t vote yet so what else is being asked?
I think I'm retiring from tournaments. Nothing to do with Jucika, I'm just tired and the thought of doing this again deflates me.
to remove it
It's eligible for Barred from Mr. /co/lympus
he died
Absolutely lol at Marvel and DC for not being the first ones to get a comic champion
randomized vs seething
rule questions in qualifiers
link in OP vs anchor
After 5 years of discussion and debate, repealing the Elite 8 ban is finally on the ballot.
>The Elite 8 rule attempts to fix a problem
and it succeeds
>We need a return to the tradition of 2018!
...so we're also unbanning Jenny, Spinel, and the rest, right?
Umm... Captain America
The fuck does that strip have to do with grip strength?
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That's IT
They're going to win EVERY TOURNAMENT from now on.
Intentional misrepresentation.
Do pro-E8fags have any good faith arguments or is it just more of this?
Why are you like this bro?
No. It's a character from an animated film, vaguely inspired by some of Twain's books and travelling around them in a meta sense. By your logic Mrs. Brisby couldn't be nominated because she is from an animated film adapting Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, but she's been in the E8.
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I hate how right you are, it's a metafagging thing as if you're on tournament 5 or 6, I just don't like bogus character bans and want to try next year, or start a tournament and find out "oh sorry, your favorite character did well last year you aren't allowed to try now"
don't try to make sense of his autism
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Reject Reformism.
Return to StatsAnon.
Traditional Brackets | OP Voting | NO to repealing the Elite Eight.
Vote Frankie Foster, a Traditional Waifu for a Traditional Tournament
Where the hell is the form?
>intentional peepee poopoo
You're the one saying that 2018 was good because it didn't have an E8 ban.
If you want a full return to the rules of that year, then you need to unban EVERYONE affected by it.
I ate it
>44 dubs
>44 seconds
Maybe Frankie has a point
The most traditional is no elite 8 ban anon, the first year didn't arbitrarily blacklist 7 non-winners
And what's more traditional than newspaper comics, the birth of the medium?
Give me ONE reason to commission art of my waifu
We already know Frankie isn't going to win. I'm not voting for Jucika (literal who) but I've accepted the loss at this point.
I don't know this show at all but you make a reasonable argument. I will give her a vote.
vote for jucika
One can only hope fellow Tiffbro.
broken fingers

You're welcome.
Removing the E8 rule revokes the importance of the E8 entirely, then it’s not a honor to make it there it’s just a random round
Like the Wiki should remove all references to E8 if this passes
It is looking very cute. Sending my strength.
No, we go back to first come, first served nominations.
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The first year didn't have any fucking former girls. The choice to make an Elite 8 was made at the end of that year along with winner retirement.
And it wasn't even just about keeping things fresh, it was also to make ranking that high feel special.
he's bad news, Gangle.
Juat stick to Jax. He's plenty toxic enough for you.
Jucika is winning lol.
So from what I hear from anti-Elite 8 people, it just boils down to "I want the same picks in every year, especially mine,"
I'm not giving up on Frankie.
I’m making the claim that not having the E8 in place made 2018 better (among other things). The champion ban is a sane and rational choice for further years (unlike E8).
This is a false comparison, the champion rule does not harm the tournament in any way.
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>If you disagree with the elite 8 ban, then you ALSO have to do "insert extremely hyberbolic thing only a retard would do" because I SAID SO!
Why are the training-wheels fags like this?
pretty much
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Holy fucking ASS
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Nobody posted him?
And what does that have to do with grip strength?
Because he's a mega autist. You might as well ask a schizo why he thinks the government put a chip in his brain
When in October the Mr. /co/?
Maybe a rule to ban all characters that come from YouTube. Only leave TV and streaming characters. It's even confusing what's /co/ and what's not on YouTube.
The ban was never meant to be an honor. You can honor the top 8 without it.
Either FARTS jobbing dies or Comics jobbing dies and one of them get their very first champion
Choose wisely
Between this and the the triple 22 posts from last night (22 dubs exactly 22 minutes before the round ended while discussing Frankies age which is 22 circa the show) Frankie has been showing some serious dubs.
I guess the bad luck curse from the first 4 rounds is paying it's debts.
>I’m making the claim that not having the E8 in place made 2018 better (among other things).
and you'd be wrong, 2019 onward have been shit because spinel mindbroke everyone
BASED! No more Augie Dougie shitter picks either? A truly CHAD tournament for the TRULY popular!
periodot guy is spamming on /tnt again
I mean, why do you want to do something only a retard would do?
>the champion rule does not harm the tournament in any way.
Of course it does, banning a winner means that it's no longer a tournament of the strongest. It also means all of the OC artists that campaigned for them leave. Why are we punishing the hardest workers for success?
For a true return to tradition, we need to unban Jenny.
are you retarded
Better there than here
So it comes down to Faustfags in denial against board autists with a greater sense of self-importance than good taste.
You don’t honor the top 8 at the Olympics, and no one cares if there isn’t that stigma of importance shown by being given a year vacation
That moves everything from the Elite 8 to the top 3
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Anti-culture girl.
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The pro-Elite 8 argument is and always has been "I hate other picks doing well". It's a petty sentiment that isn't made more correct just because it's shared by a lot of people.
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Reformist. Down with seeded. No more silent voters. Thread based voting system. Pro-Revolution posting. RP derrivved ballots.
Vote Jucika
Nope, getting in the top 8 is the actual success, not getting thrown in jail for two years. The status is there, and the name should remain (only the ban itself is on the ballot).
And the kneejerk ruling was decided for year 2 because it literally went too well, and people wanted a mix up.
Well, guess what, we are never in danger of consistency. Tiff can do amazing one year and do nothing the next. That’s how these go.
So the problem doesn’t even exist to be solved.
Nigga your grip strength has nothing to do with your fingers getting crushed.
Well, it's a bit more balanced. She complains about both the lanklet and the manlet, not just the short guy
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The original top 7 could've likely beaten Spinel, just sayin'. You created this mess yourselves with your weakling handicap.
Secret Squirrel and Danger Mouse
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I'm voting for repealing the E8 ban, only for the sole reason of seeing what its like and what we end up getting from it.
People recently thought the Salad Fingers guy was doing some sort of pedo ARG on instagram but it was just an unrelated local nonce who happened to live in the same area of the UK
Like Loser's bracket, right?
>OC artists don’t make art for the former champions
LMAO bad faith.
Nobody is interested in a repeat winner. The rulings have mutually exclusive issues. Tying them together is also bad faith.
Break your fingers and then test your grip strength.
How me vote
Me wan vote pretty lady
Everyone votes for Elite 8 again.
>what we end up getting from it
The same characters every year, probably.
I'm pro-elite eight ban and campaigning for both these guys this year.
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Support. StatsAnon's years were the best and I've seen so many of the arguments the Reformatists are using be parroted by NSA loyalists or people in the same circle. No more rule changing. Undo the bracket changes and make it Traditional/Seeded again, and that's that.
This entire tournament I have not seen a SINGLE piece of Frankie fatfag art. WTF gives, did all the architects go into hiding or something?
I'm voting Frankie. If my literal who can't make it then neither can Juckia!
It’ll be the best year ever (until the year after that).
Nah, that one's a little too confusing. Plus, it was forced upon if my vague knowledge of /v/ tourneys under NSA were like. I feel like theres more of a choice here.
I'm pro-E8 and all my picks have been in E8.
I just want to see new shit year to year instead of all my picks duking it out in the final rounds.
It's nice to see something else once in a while.
This is the closest Frankie is to winning right now and the two figureheads of the fatfags are retired, they don’t want to potentially ruin her chances.
Cheesecake Anon didn't get in, Onceler Anon retired, and Frankie hasn't had a single safe round where anyone left could take the risk, it's been a fight for her life since R1.
Jenny, Chel, Starfire, etc was never beating Spinel. She had half the board being posts about her. She had the Facebook. There was no character who could have defeated her unless the Facebook was exposed that year
>I just want to see new shit every year
Always happens regardless
>Same picks duking it out late game
Would happen less with the big dogs in the bracket from the beginning
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>board people only use intermittently will be spammed and wiped at some point
>people will go to sleep
>after they wake up spam will continue, since discussion is intermittent people will just ignore shit like usual
>then it gets wiped again
It's just a pointless tantrum, legitimately who cares?
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>people give reasonable arguments for keeping the ban
>anon gets pissy after the fact
Nice projection. You should run a theater.
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>Finally banned
Well this one was faster, I'm liking this /tnt/ board, I'll keep coming back to it just to see how long this black hand guy can go without jannies (my prediction is a few weeks at best)
Loser's bracket was an NSA idea, she wanted weaklings to stay longer.
Keeping the Elite 8 ban was an NSA idea, she wanted weaklings to not have to fight the most popular.
Randomized brackets was an NSA idea, she wanted to give weaklings easy brackets against other weaklings and force the popular against themselves from the very get-go.
It's that simple. NSA liked shitty weakling picks like Wuya and Black Hat, and her faggot rules let her rig her favorites. Repeal the elite 8 ban.
Fangfags think their pick could’ve beaten Spinel.
this is the most disappointing finale possible
Imagine if Black Canary defeated Spinel and then never came back
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It's time to do the right thing and heal this tournament. Vote Frankie... however many times you have to.
While it’s fine in moderation, tired of Barred becoming more of a “sorry you didn’t quality” competition, at least for the winners of these tournaments. It was funny as fuck seeing the Nostalgia Critic or Option 1 win these.
>Nobody is interested in a repeat winner.
Okay, so then there's no problem with letting Jenny compete again, since everyone would vote against her.
Phew, absolutely bad faith post. Haven’t addressed a single point btw, just said “not reading” and pouted.
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Little John! It can't be!
It's the Archery Qualifiers next month
I like both, I don't know who I'd pick if they were pitted against each other. Maybe DM because his fanbase makes funnier stuff.
Bruh, Muriel almost beat Spinel.
For me it’s wanting heavy hitters to win faster so we get rid of them quicker
The Fattening Force of Fatfags lost its greatest leaders and the main character of it all actually had to try for the entire tournament. So I don't feel like it and also feel like it'd be in poor taste to do that to her.
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the dead will return
/a/ was first come first served and look at how that turned out
Not interested in this argument. I’ve laid out my perspective on this. Feel free to try and push it, but I will not be joining you. I like the Champion rule.
You’re a worthless human being. I really hope you know that and cry over that fact every night, you dirty sperg.
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No matter who wins, this will be seen as the best and least controversial Ms. /co/ champion since Jenny.
Facts: Spinel is the only legitimate winner. Jenny only won because she was the least offensive (plus, calling the trophy a jenny just sounds better). There is no evidence the Peruvian Facebook group had any appreciable affect on the outcome. The reaction to Spinel's win has been more damaging to the tournaments than Spinel could ever hope to be.
Ban all characters.
Our Elite 8 should be Propane, Eustace's truck, Pomni's left shoe, Jack's sword, MEGAS, Pomni's right shoe, the fire hydrant next to the shifty-eyed dog from that one episode of the Simpsons, and Loona's butt.

Loona's butt vs fire hydrant meme finale.
Loona's butt sweeps.
>I'm liking this [place that barely anyone visits or cares about]
Have fun, better there than here
People only argue "for" the elite 8 bans based on hypotheticals that have never happened. People argue AGAINST the elite 8 based on problems that HAVE and DO happen. Pro elite 8 ban is fantasy. Anti elite 8 ban is reality. Handicap fags are literally living in lala land. I trust in FACTS.
RATku will fucking pay for this, one way or another.
>Would happen less with the big dogs in the bracket from the beginning
No, we'd just have less jobbers on there from the start.
We'd still end up with 16 OGs and maybe the occasional scrimblo.
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anti-E8fag has no explanation for ENA having a stronger campaign this year than in 2022
I responded on there, retard. Your post wasn’t even about the actual arguments. Imagine having to make false assumptions to justify yourself for getting called out.
E8 ban was a Statsanon idea, it's just one that NSA kept.
She also kept 128 girls, she also kept hosting it on /co/, she also kept it named Ms. /co/.
The problem is the stuff NSA invented/added, and E8 1 Year Rule is an old Statsanon era rule.
Every horror youtuber and their mother has been covering that fag for the last month
That's meta though
The first tournaments were first come, first served and they are considered the best ones
I'm pretty sure even without the two year vacation clause, the populars would all get shit on in a year or two and we'd have an unpredictable yet inoffensive midcarder taking it all
But you hate the E8 Rule, when it's the same, but less punishing to the less successful.
Why are the E8 being rewarded for losing?
Who's whiter Juckia or Frankie?
>Pro elite 8 ban is fantasy. Anti elite 8 ban is reality.
That's right. Don't ban Elite 8.
Jucika would probably go down a little worse than Monarch desu.
>/a/ is a shithole
WOW! What a surprise!
Muriel wasn’t close
Exceptions don’t negate the principle. Sure, some girls may *happen* to pick up steam any given year (another proof of my “there is no method to Ms. /co/‘s madness” point), but the principle of the thing remains the same: leave a girl in jail for two years, they tend to lose their narrative.
>All this mental gymnastics about traditional winner
Both girls are traditional candidates lmao.

Spinel beat Raven by like 200 votes in the finals. She had the SU fanbase at its peak, the meme power with Channel, and all of Peru behind her that year. Nothing was taking her out
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They aren't nominating the character from the book, they're nominating this character, from the Walt Disney film, or from another adaptation like the Soviet one

I don't see why those being adaptations should mean they don't count. They're not the only ones, and they are being nominated for their own merits as animated film characters. Coraline has been in several times, and her film is a book adaptation as well, but again, the film is what's being nominated.
>Jenny only won because she was the least offensive (plus, calling the trophy a jenny just sounds better).
That is so stupid that I'm not even dignifying your post with a (You).
>Revoking the winner ban
I’d rather not see people’s picks that they’ve worked hard for been completely humiliated and destroyed by this saltfest of a tournament where too many are incapable of taking the L.
It's a friendly angel. What kind of fruit do you like the most?
ain't no way it's true, bluds why did it have to be him?
Fang didn’t even exist yet lmao
But there is credit to that, Fang would have been the only character who was bizarre enough with such a fandom she could have outdone Spinel in her own game
Peak Spinel likely would have beat peak Fang but that’s the only one who’d have competed
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i'm no scientist but if you put two girls in the same situation and get different results it means there's something else responsible
They considered the best ones because they were small events with just a few anons having fun with something new.
I'm not in denial. Faust is a great cartoonist and might just be THE most influential cartoonist in the history of 4chan. Since Frankie is her self-insert, she deserves to win for that alone.
Exactly, spite is a constant and would keep high tiers in check for a good balance. There’s no reason to add jailtime nerfs on top of that.
The argument and polling isn't to revoke the winner ban. That's only a dumb hypothetical people that like the elite 8 ban come up with.
where are these sprites from? Did you make them pixel anon?
I mean, it’d be believable if Fang didn’t have a previous loss on her record.
You're thinking of a different time, like an actual boomer who remembers when you could buy a car for 50 cents. These things have become too big. You're not gonna be happy with the results of first come, first served in a modern tournament.
No, it's just an image I found.
>The narrative is lost
Oh so the E8 haters are all from /tnt/ and this is about campooning momentum
Yeah well have you ever meta girl?
he will dominate the bottom tournament for sure
I honestly don't get why specific iterations can't compete either. Plenty of Faust's superhero girls should be here.
P-p-p-pedophilebros.... He's coming back
200 votes*
faggot probably samefagged suggestions to put it on the poll in the first place
Face the facts, MLaaTR is a mid-ass cartoon and Jenny is pretty boring in it. Most of FARTS is more interesting and attractive than her.
Peritranny basically admitted defeat to this site's jannies since he can only have his spam actually do shit on a place with no jannies and a single admin
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The main argument for repealing it relies on using data we know is cooked.
We have had exactly 1 non-NSA tournament where there wasn't a strong returning class of E8 girls. Every other pre-NSA one had a very strong returning class, SCK, FARTS, all that.
That's a simple thing to state. Your data is fucking bunk.
I could also appeal to tradition, Statsanon felt E8 was best and he can't make an argument in his favor since he's dead.
Or I could simply state it would make people who support it say every tournament with the E8 rule was invalid, and people against it say every tournament after is invalid. As nasty as NSA's rule changes were the fact most of them were either forced in or pushed through extremely iffy polls meant most of the blame went to her.
If a tight vote results in a rule change 48% of anons don't want it'll be fucking hell and that will be the end of everything.
Return to StatsAnon rules, Embrace Tradition. I think we've had enough of your reform attempts
You don’t need to be a scientist to understand that your implied correlation (time in jail MEANS she got more campaigning) vs my correlation (time in jail IN PRINCIPLE TENDS to skew towards less campaigning).
Pointing at an outlier and calling it the norm isn’t helpful.
I enjoy Sheila as a character, but unlike Jucika she has to carry the baggage of having won as a direct result of her series getting cancelled.
bros... let's do a fusion tournament with a loser's bracket with no E8 ban
>Letting the spitefags from ms make the important decisions and not the chill voters in mr
Opposite, the E8 defenders are on /tnt/ seething.
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Holdfast to the dream, Anon! With wisdom comes strength, with unity, resilience! May the requiem of Spawn's hellfire spin and dance on the the throne of Mr. /co/!
There is no "quicker" when it's only a single winner per year. How many years do you want spent on "getting rid" of characters? Five? Ten?
Look anon, as someone who supports Frankie, I find it really funny how you keep insisting that Frankie was the underdog in the match with Ruby
evidently you're not a scientist either because in science if you encounter data that contradicts your previous theories it means those theories are wrong
Mr.fags already had their one time of deciding rules that applied to us, now it's payback time, bitch
The elite 8 was the original reform.
>Appeal to tradition
No E8 is more traditional.
>Data is bunk
It’s all we have, so either the data suggests that the E8 is cancer or we are equals, the point goes to repealing the E8.
>mods sticky the cancellation announcement
she got a movie right after though anyway
Someone’s assblasted because their picks aren’t universally beloved and respected like Jenny is.
The decision to ban the winner was made simultaneously with the E8 ban.
Free Jenny and return to tradition.
you're right we should go back to beating rocks together because tradition is always whatever comes earliest
so It comes down to a living doll vs a Bri'sh student....
While I like fat art of Frankie and have drawn it in the past I recognize it's extremely niche, alienating, and simply not appropriate for campaign art.
we should beat each other to death with clubs and whoever is the last man standing gets to decide the winner
it's tradition
It doesn’t contradict anything. The core theory is that Ms, /co/ is truly unpredictable. The E8 ban was enacted prematurely because people worried it would be too predictable.
The data suggests a common issue is loss of momentum/campaigning creating silentfags. You point to an exception, a proof of unpredictability (the precursor to an unprompted boost in enthusiasm) and claim it strengthens you point, when it does not. The very nature of that unpredictability is why the E8 makes no positive impact.
>No E8 is more traditional.
"Dude, Paganism is clearly more traditional, let's go back to human sacrifice!"
I won't rest until the entire 128 is nothing but OGs!
Repeal the Elite 8!
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Same with me desu. It's incredible to have an AT character in the Elite 8 for the first time, and I was perfectly fine with leaving it at that. It's a bit like say America's soccer team getting to the World Cup Quarter Finals. It's not exactly winning, but it's exceeding expectations, especially considering how strongly a lot of /co/ntrarians feel about the show.

But seeing the traction behind her campaign, the decisiveness of her wins, and the excellent OC to come out of her ascent of Mount /co/lympus, it's almost sad that we'll have to wait a couple years to see her try again. But there's bound to be plenty more wind in the sails from the silent majority for her noodly-armed co-stars, who've also managed achieve their own waifu status.

And in that case, I can't fuckin wait for what the next tournaments bring us!
>If a tight vote results in a rule change 48% of anons don't want it'll be fucking hell and that will be the end of everything.
I want the E8 rule repealed but I do agree on this point. It ought to remain in effect unless a supermajority agrees to repeal.

The E8 ban exists based on hypotheticals and we have nothing to compare the current system to because it's what we've always done. That doesn't mean it's good or even does what it's supposed to. If the strong returning class of girls happens anyway, what exactly are we stopping?

Voting Frankie btw.
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it's hilarious just how much that retard colony worships the elite 8 rule. They can only think in hypotheticals, I guess that's what happens when you make a general to discuss hypotheticals all day
It's fine if she has a little muffin top but more than that is risky
Frankie’s always been a fatfag pick, her love of cookies was the awakening for way too many people, thankfully not me though I can only go to somewhat chubby territory before it starts becoming gross.
Appeal to tradition is a fallacy, but I met the argument in kind. If you are going to make that argument, you still lose.
I think Mrs./co/ should be determined with a lottery instead of a tournament
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Phrasing it as time in jail is just inherently biased and seeding the listener to your view point.
'A year enjoying the wonders of /co/lympus', see I can do that too? Call it what it is, the Elite Eight Rule.
Along with being an honor to make the runners up feel special so it's not just the winners(Jenny being retired and becoming a judge was a big deal in 2018, so the E8 getting a temporary retirement seems fitting), it's also to stop constant repeats(which all the non-NSA evidence suggests would happen.With the exception of Ms. /co/ 2021 all the Pre-NSA tournaments had a ton of returning E8 girls, this year included).
Oh, and if you wanna make the argument you're making, you also have to agknowledge it gives a cool down to girls who got involved in drama. Sitting out a year can help things mellow out. Pomni is gonna need it.
I can see exactly where this is gonna go if you get your way. E8 will be repealed, and now that NSA is gone we'll be back to 2018-2020 style with 4-6 girls returning every time, and people will immediately cry to bring back the 1 Year rule.
This already happened with Brackets. A ton of people thought Randomized would fix perceived problems, but instead it basically just randomly screwed over girls, including seeds who would have been safe in Seeded years. Several characters who got stomped R1 would have been fine or had a close fight in their seeded options.
>ENA would have fought Mayday
>Frankie would have fought Mabel
>Shego would have fought Heather
>Ruby would have fought Kim Pine
>Tiff would have fought Lapis
>Cyn would have fought Amity
NSA also said he'd make things better and look how that went.
No more rule changing, no more NSA, no more attempts to 'make things better', it never fucking works. Let's get rid of NSA's last change and keep things how Stats had them for the two best years of tournaments. No. More. Fuckery
Maybe if he were to enter Bottom, but he's not gonna
ew faggot
That wasn't a real tourney it only turned out that way because some schizo started out of the blue with no warning most people didn't know about it when the nominations were happening
>Anti-E8fag still samefagging because his arguments have been completely destroyed
This whole Elite 8 question is basically the monkey-ladder hypothesis.
The elite 8 ban was made on hypotheticals to begin with. We've had the elite 8 ban in practice for years, and it SUCKS
Genius, I mean think about it, that way the winner could be anyone, even your waifu!
I go there but i'm pretty ambivalent to the rule, you're just clashing with the few who think its srs bsns
>The data suggests a common issue is loss of momentum/campaigning creating silentfags.
and the data also shows that this isn't always the case, because ENA came back after sitting out a year with a stronger campaign. so there are, at the very least, other factors at play.
but you don't care about any of that because you started with your conclusion and worked backwards.
Bite me I don’t like huge excesses of fat on my girls.
Make sure to keep nominations and qualifiers tho
She is only universally beloved and respected on /co/ because she won the first Ms. /co/, but, as I said, there were far more deserving winners. Ms. /co/ might as well be called 'least worst' than 'the very best'.
by trying to one-up your opponent instead of immediately shutting them down you concede that their argument is valid. you lowered yourself to their level.
I personally believe Stats was a robot.
Only becsuse the host was a retard desu
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
Stomp 'em in the nuts.
I'ma stomp 'em in the nuts.
>There were far more deserving winners
Then why haven’t they won yet after 5 years?
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Anti-Repeal or Anti-Having an E8 Rule?
The way the question is phrased in the poll isn't even 100% obvious. NO is for keeping the rule and 'YES' is for getting rid of it.
Either way, I think I've made my point. It's another floorhardy reform attempt build off the back of faulty assumptions relying on known rigged or tampered with years and ignoring what all the viable data says.
It's another attempt to fuck with the rules to make things better. Just like how a ton of people thought Randomized Brackets would make things perfect right up until their girl rolls a 1 and gets fucked over. Just like how NSA said she'd make things better and then cut attendence in half and rigged the brackets for herself.
Reject Reformatism. Stay with StatsAnon Rules. Vote for Tradition.
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>he FLED
Not being eligible for 2-4 years might’ve had something to do with it
He’s against having the E8, he was the one pushing it this hard in the thread, notice how the shilling for the removal of the E8 suddenly quieted down?
Dodgers has only had 250 threads since 2012 while Jucika has had her 100 since 2019. In terms of board presence, Jucika's actually the more relevant property.
That said I like Tyr'ahnee more and am surprised she got stomped, I can only attribute it to people already having Wuya last year and wanting a more plain girl (the two aspiring champions are both "Cute girl next door" normies.)
Elite 8 bans ARE that hasty, stupid thing that causes problems and gets osmeone or something fucked over, anon
Y'know, Temp is not so bad when he can control his autism.
Here comes England's horny fellow
I feel like I've barely see actual fans of characters complain about the lite 8 timeout. Usually it's only the runner-up that's upset most of the other girls are happy to be there. This anti-E8 schizo has been railing against it for years but it's not really causing much problems. Some of them have even said they want it gone just to see what happens.
honestly even with the possibility of bad luck i support randomized brackets in theory. but i think it's too easy for hosts to abuse.
Wait, that’s how it was phrased?? I’d better double check
Peritroon can even handle a jannyless alt chan, sad
Where's temp anon? Haven't seen him in a minute
No it doesn’t you guys made 2021 one of the worst years ever and that one couldn’t be blamed on NSA or tourist riggers or pity boosts, if there’s better picks to vote for you keep failing to do so.
shut up bitch
>Do we repeal the "No climbing the ladder " rule because not being able to eat the bananas sucks
>Or do we keep the rule because we might just make things infinitely worse in our attempt to get the bananas
Shit, you're actually right.
range banned
I mean, I already said Spinel is the only legitimate winner - as in, the majority of voters legitimately liked her over her competition rather than disliked her less.
I think the NSA years speak for themself.
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I swear I had a point & click game with this fellow back when I was like 2 years old gaming on Windows 98 and XP, but I haven't been able to find the game since.
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there he is officer
that's the one guy
he somehow got over 100 bans here and a permaban so you sure wont be seeing him any time soon

>Marvin’s girl gets fucked again
Daffy wins again
Tyr’ahnee loses again
Marvin gets the cuck cage
That’s literally what it is. You are barred from participating, building a narrative or campaigning for an entire tournament, a two year hibernation. I don’t claim to be unbiased, the ruling is bad in my opinion, and I will gladly state that.
>Honor argument
The honor is being in the top eight (success), not being barred from competing (punishment).
There are just as many previous top placers that have fallen off and died, always some new blood. Always a surprise. Ms. /co/ is never consistent.
>Cool down involved in drama
This is actually true and one of the only good points made by a pro-e8ter. Given the niche use case of “cooling off”, I’d argue the negatives vastly outweigh this positives. But this *is* true. You’d have to sacrifice drama cooldowns.
>I can see how this will go
As can I, and it’ll be great.
>Hyper consistency
We have no reason to expect this.
>People will whine
They always do.
Also a stupid ruling from the get go, once again an attempt to stir the pot for fear of consistency and it was shit, just like E8.
>No more rule changing
Removing a bad rule is a different conversation than adding a new rule, and NSA outright REFUSED to entertain an E8 ban repeal directly, for years. Tying this to NSA is inaccurate.
>Two best years
2018 was the best year, and the years you’re referring to would have been better without a gimped bracket.

Good effortpost.
She wouldn’t have won without the riggers but she would have made the E8, whether or not she could have won after that is a mystery that’ll never be answered.
>there were far more deserving winners
There are at most 3 or 4 possible girls that could maybe be thought of as better.
He can just grab a phone to get past it, that said he'd have to wait once he airplane moded a new ban away
Secret is my man so have to go with him
Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away
Our hearts were ringin'
In the key that our souls were singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh, yeah
Hey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
Ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da
My thoughts are with you
Holdin' hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love, remember
How we knew love was here to stay
Now December
Found the love that we shared in September
Only blue talk and love, remember
The true love we share today
Hey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
There was a
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), golden dreams were shiny days
The bell was ringin', oh, oh
Our souls were singin'
Do you remember never a cloudy day? Yow
There was a
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), never was a cloudy day
And we'll say
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya (dee ya, dee-ya), golden dreams were shiny days
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya!
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya!
>You are barred from participating, building a narrative or campaigning for an entire tournament, a two year hibernation.
explain ENA
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I commend your intelligent and high-quality post
>This year's Ms. /co/ finals is full of generational wars and shitflinging over the E8 rule
Never change...
>C2, D2
fucking seriously
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I think this tournament SUCKS
Yes. The question is basically "Should we get rid of the Elite 8?".
A Yes is a vote for getting rid of it, a NO is a vote for how we've been doing it since we started.
I'm not sure if that's poor ballot design or intentional fuckery, but either way, don't get Palm Beached.
Regardless of which side you are on make sure you actually read it carefully and don't get screwed. The LAST thing we need is a Butterfly Ballot debacle.
That’s not Temp schizo he’d be a lot more obvious to spot than that.
Wow! It's as if the /tnt/ metafags that jerk each other off all day over hypotheticals are full of shit, and arbitrary bans of almost-winners is fucking stupid!
Wow it's late September
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Guess who won Ko/a/ this year.
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explain ENA
Already done. An outlier, proving my point about how inconsistent Ms. /co/ is. Girls get random bouts of high and low energy. This is a good thing, and precisely why the E8 ban is trying, and failing, to fix a problem that does not exist.
Explain what? Hype for the dream barbecue game made her popular again?
wait, that actually finished? i thought that tourney went so bad it got banned from the board.
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Do you want to have a calm logical discussion about this or do you want to rant and ree and rush into judgment like NSA? I believe keeping the E8 Rule is for the best (So a 'no' vote), but shutting down apposing evidence isn't how you do it.
>An outlier
and why is there "an outlier"
>Newfags keep falling for that fake post every single time
>Girls get random bouts of high and low energy.
Because of the Elite 8 rule.
He is arguing against the E8 rule.
Dream BBQ isn't out
It was only Qo/a/ that got banned
>You are barred from participating, building a narrative or campaigning for an entire tournament, a two year hibernation
I am not the character I campaign for. When they reach E8, I find another one to root and campaign for.
Seeing my character win battles, get OC because of it, and get immortalized in the Yearly E8 image is a huge honor, one I'd gladly take over campaigning for the same character year after year after year after year.
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We've had the ban for SEVEN YEARS and it's caused countless problems
The only people that want to keep it are using hypotheticals to argue FOR IT
Reasoning based in FACT that something is a problem is better than reasoning based in THEORY that something COULD be a problem
No, that's just a bait image someone posted a thread to make a screencap of.
Thus far, the only """official""" /a/ winner is Suiseiseki, at least since the old SaiGAR tournaments held on /a/ in the 2000s.
It's funny because someone's probably gonna believe you're being serious.
Because, as stated multiple times, Ms. /co/ has no consistency. Some of her fans decided to participate more heavily this time, she got a different bracket, people woke up on a different side of the bed this week. Doesn’t matter.
All that does matter is that she doesn’t have the same pool of anons jacking her off the same amount every year, so the consistency argument is bogus, and E8 is unnecessary.
huh when did this happen
>operating systems
>draws the same generic animu girlus that don't reflect the systems in any way
thanks japan
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We've had single-elimination brackets for SEVEN YEARS and it's caused countless problems
The only people that want to keep it are using hypotheticals to argue FOR IT
Reasoning based in FACT that something is a problem is better than reasoning based in THEORY that something COULD be a problem
The only problems it causes are occasional bouts of seething because someone's girl is gonna be locked away for another year it's not that fucking important unless you believe your waifu will lose all power after just 1 year on vacation in /co/lympus.
The finalists are so shit people only want to talk about the elite 8 rule
>Because, as stated multiple times, Ms. /co/ has no consistency. Some of her fans decided to participate more heavily this time, she got a different bracket, people woke up on a different side of the bed this week.
huh sounds the e8 ban doesn't have that much of an effect
Mona could have won if she made OC like option 1. Watch next tournament, I'll campaign for an actual barred character in Mr./co/ whoever it maybe and they'll take the gold.
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>>Data is bunk
>It’s all we have, so either the data suggests that the E8 is cancer or we are equals, the point goes to repealing the E8.
Uh, no?
Exclude the years NSA was hosting. Ms. /co/ 2021 doesn't have a strong returning E8 trend. Every other year does. Even if you exclude the 2018 ones that's still 5 against 1.
We haven't had 'girls returning every time' because NSA's been fucking em consistently since 2021 and Ms. /co/ 2021 is the only legit tournament to buck the trend. The ones before it don't, and this one is right in line with that, mostly returnees.
>it's caused countless problems
yeah countless problems, because I can't even count one
He said he got banned, most likely by Black Hand himself
Again, as I said, there is no evidence that Peruvian Facebook group had any appreciable affect on the outcome. Check the number of voters for each round of Ms. /co/ 2019 and you'll notice the discrepancy between it and every other Ms. /co/. Face it, Spinel won fair and square as opposed to every other year.
False. Citation: happens to girls not in the elite 8 all the time.
>I am not the character I campaign for
Obviously didn’t claim this.
>When they reach E8, I find another one to root and campaign for.
Not everyone does this.
>get immortalized in the Yearly E8 image is a huge honor
Which I would love to see continue, and has no bearing on the rule in question, which is simply the ban, not the existence of a top 8 or the name associated with it.
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those generic anime girls came straight from futaba channel so you better pay them respect boy
>caused countless problems
Uh huh.
That's NSA's exact image she's used before, name and all
Elite 8 members get rigged out and are served with undue punishment (Raven, Toph, Chel)
People proxy in stupid shit for popular characters arbitraily not allowed to participate (Propane, Eggman Nega)
This shit is why rounds 1-3 are the only comfy rounds.
Spinel's years had way more voters than any other Ms /co/ that's an undeniable fact, FoTM isn't so strong it'd cause several hundred extra voters to appear out of thin air and then disappear after a single year.
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can we stop arguing with this asswipe? he's not gonna change his mind. it'd be more fun to clown on him.
why are they called wallet and vomit
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NSA loved the elite 8 rule and wouldn't even entertain repealing it
It's not hard to post a common reaction image
>/tnt/ wants the hosts to be be modded
>random tournament autists given the power to dox
I hate teente so fucking much
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>Characters with heavy campaigns that have made E8 have done better after having sat out a year
>Characters with heavy campaigns that hasn't made E8 have done worse year over year
Such as?
Yeah that's an exceedingly stupid move
If you complain about fotm shit, you're a gay retard
It wasn't because she actually liked it though.
It was because getting rid of it would have made it even more obvious how badly she was cooking the books.
HER motives are irrelevant now
why do we let those faggots run OUR tournament, I want a real Ms /CO/ not Ms /tnt/
Damn, it's almost like the E8 won't effect any waifus that have staying power or something.
>False. Citation: happens to girls not in the elite 8 all the time.
Name some.
No more handicaps.
>repeal the elite eight rule
>repeal the jenny rule
>repeal the character limit
>repeal the generalization statute
Correct, so repeal it. It does nothing positive and only introduces negatives.
>Obviously didn’t claim this.
I can pretty clearly read "you" in your post.
>Not everyone does this.
Sounds like a them problem.
>Which I would love to see continue, and has no bearing on the rule in question, which is simply the ban, not the existence of a top 8 or the name associated with it.
If the ban is revoked, there's no longer any significance behind E8, since everyone who didn't win can simply try again next year.
Why not expand it to Elite 16? Elite 32? Or perhaps shrink it to Elite 4? There's no actual difference between them and those they beat, so it can be as big as we want.
This. And it's not like NSA actually liked the rule, she engaged in meltdown mode everytime her picks lost in a E8 round.

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