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>Superior robin
>only one that didnt have a love interest as robin
>outside of artemis all his love interests are someone else's and they're just settling for him until they can get their real target
>they never let him be with artemis
Artemis is probably dating some other Amazon in a lesbian relationship.
He never pressed his dick against Catwoman so no
He doesn’t have his own signature chick that’s a unique character they made for him to get with like the rest do because he’s gay
Get out of here Judd Winick
Let’s be honest, it’s for the better that he doesn’t get Artemis. Cross brand relationships almost never work in DC.
He's technically not Robin anymore
Getting a signature chick doesn't guarantee that you don't end up gay. See Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown. She was his main girl for years and now he's gay.
being one of the Robins is the only thing he has right now
I thought his writing for him was the only thing Jasonfags liked
Except its not.
Well oficially bi, and his boyfriend hasn't shown up in over a year, and they scrubbed him from pride stuff, they're just going to repair him with steph within 2 years.
And he viewed jason as bi.
>to repair him with steph within 2 years.
I feel so bad for Steph, literally being used as a doormat for a cocksucker like Tim. And the redditors will cheer it on.
He also wanted Jason to have HIV and be a former child prostitute. Winick loves to profit off HIV and gay people.
Its the only one he has that isn't sloppy seconds or even thirds.
Artemis is gay now
Clearly the writers don’t think a women would work for him. He acts too emotional and homosexual.
Why we talking about Tim in a Jason thread?
That makes two writers who wanted him to have aids. What is it about him that makes people think he’s perfect for rape and aids wtf
Starlin hated Jason because he hated how Batman had a kid sidekick and did everything he could to get rid of him, including throwing his name into a raffle for AIDs.
Winnick did it because this fag he knew on the cast of the Real World or whatever it was called died of AIDS and thought it was neat, so he wanted to bring it into comics.
Tim has a female character who was literally created to be his hot blonde female who wants him. Tim may also be going through his faggy phase but at least he has a woman waiting for him to get over it. Jason’s entire character revolves around his feefees concerning more important males. They won’t make a female for him because his character is inherently homosexual, so sloppy fourths or bust.
>the redditors will cheer it on
Reddit loves timsteph, so they were the ones that hated splitting them up most.
>but at least
But at least nothing. Being the homosexual Robin is his only claim to fame now that everyone does everything he can do but better.
Artemis was with chicks before jason, and they made a whole webtoon because people ship them so hard.
His boyfriend hasnt shown up in over a year. He's just back to being "detective robin who's robin because batman needs someone to do so". They didn't even put him on the pride book.
Jason does nothing better than the others. Holy cope. Tim was competent for literal decades.
Do people act as if he's not the only robin with a solo that got over 100 issues? And one of the two longest lasting robins?
Maybe you can argue he does the edgy boy thing better than azrael and huntress?
>Artemis was with chicks before jason
Nah, you can't take this one back. Once a faggot, always a faggot.
It's amazing that even tim dating a dude means he has more love interests that aren't shared than jason.
It’s been years since he was edgy with any teeth so not really. Really hollow right now. Sad state he’s in.
I mean, one has been dead for nearly two decades, so it's not really that amazing.
People say that as if every bi character that isnt ivy hasnt been put back with their usual preference right after.

Also this is comics jason came back from being a hentai tentacle monster
Jason has been pushed since 2005, almost 20 years, and in that period his only love intrests are someone else's ship where he isnt as popular or artemis who got bruied right after.

And jason is the only robin that didnt have a love intrest while he was robin. All the others did.
>And jason is the only robin that didnt have a love intrest while he was robin. All the others did.
Probably because he was only around in the post-crisis for three years in the post-crisis before he died?
He should die again. Not much of a loss in this state. They could revive him when they have a use for him again. Though it might be pointless considering I cannot think of one character who would be legitimately affected or upset he died this time around.
>Jason has been pushed since 2005, almost 20 years, and in that period his only love intrests are someone else's ship where he isnt as popular or artemis who got bruied right after.
Twenty years under the management of the same people who put the final nails in Tim's coffin. The last twenty years have been hard for Jason, and by extension Tim because the powers that be did not understand what made them popular in the first place
True. Not even a girlfriend to cry over him. Just like last time kek only the funeral would have even less people.
>People say that as if every bi character that isnt ivy hasnt been put back with their usual preference right after.
Bisexuality is fine for females, but nobody likes it in males. This isn't even a /co/ phenomenon.
>He should die again. Not much of a loss in this state. They could revive him when they have a use for him again
DC would hire you on the spot, that sucks.
Yeah because I just love to see a pointless bloat character meandering who’s allies either don’t particularly care about him or hate him, all while he repeats the same exact plot line over and over again but worse. Killing him again would be a mercy, only narratively it would be a waste as nobody would be sad about it.
90% of the Jason fans you talk to are the same: they were teenagers who were hyped up on TDK in 2008 and the Arkham games and discovered The Red Hood DTV and thought it was the hypest shit ever.
Very few of them probably read comics regularly, let alone read 90's Batman.
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>getting this upset over Jason
Holy shit, is it 1988 all over again?
Not upset. Just being reasonable. Too many characters of his affiliation and he’s certainly one of the first that comes to mind when people talk about trimming the fat.
>Hey you know that character that got massively popular thanks to that animated movie? Yeah, we need to get rid of him, we absolutely do not need him and we don't need the money of those people who were interested in seeing more of him
This take is so retarded, only Didio could make it.
Idk, dick had a gf early in pre-crisis with the whole girl named robin too thing. And tim got his first girlfriend ariana in like his first year. And damian got teased with a girl back in waht 2011?
Maybe but unlike tim since 2011 jason got the constant book treatment, which only stopped about 3 years ago. Largley casue the film did so well.
Didio largley liked jason, cause he hated dick.
That movie is good, but its odd. Even if you hate tim, he's ultimatley very influential. He was the first robin to have a solo, and the first to wear pants.
That's stupid desu. At this point if he dies it'd have no weight.
>Maybe but unlike tim since 2011 jason got the constant book treatment, which only stopped about 3 years ago.
That's true but those books were terrible. DC knew there was an audience for this character but just kept dropping the ball repeatedly. There was even talk about Jason becoming Nightwing, it was just a mess.
No shame in getting rid of the character of the same name who is genuinely nothing like the character in the movie, the thing people actually liked. If they rebooted him and made him more like his old self I’m sure more people would want him around. As he is he’s just an edgier nightwing with none of the established characters or storylines.
Was this supposed to be a positive argument?
>Redwing anon
I knew I was talking to a retard!
>At this point if he dies it'd have no weight
Exactly. Nobody would care this time around that’s how much of a null void of a character he is now. He means nothing to anyone now.
Did he fuck starfire?
3 generations of batchicks, I don't know if Damian has anyone. Maybe Rose, but she's already been through everyone in the family's inherited desire to give it to Nightwing.
Your obsession is getting pathetic, redwing.
That's why killing him would be bad come on.
Its more popular than any comic currently published.
No. He didnt even fuck half of this list, at best he kissed them once lol. Outside of talia, artemis and rose and maybe one no-name
The nightwing thing was just didio hating dick, it did happen, just that no one liked it.
Damian has a love intrest, she's just not a bat but a goth russian girl.
Literally who
>Its more popular than any comic currently published.
webtoon and tumblr are the same thing, a platform for retarded people to watch ships for FREE. And it was so successful that they had to resort to a marriage of two characters more popular than those in the series for the end.
Yet another thing he beats Jason in. It’s over.
Jason's badass. Tim's a lame and gay geek. A self insert for the dweebs who read his comics.
Only because he was the Robin at the time. As far as the people who just watched the cartoons and movies, Robin is Dick Grayson.
Why are manchildren so assblasted about Jason?
Nothing badass about him anymore
Jason is popular amongst normies while Tim is known as the gay one.
Stop talking out of your ass anon
>last appearance: 4 years ago
Anon, that's a Lobdell pet character, not a signature love interest.
Fucking Babs gets bought up as a love interest for him more than her.
>A self insert for the dweebs who read his comics.
O'Neil and Wolfman fucked up when they made Tim really subservient to Batman.
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She was mentioned in Gotham Knights
>gotham knights
the guys didn't even bother to give her a face
Jason's best comics as Robin were when he was the good boy who paid attention to Batman.
Mike Barr> Jim starlin
No reason to have the squire constantly against the knight. And Tim rebelled, in time.
So war Bernard, kek.
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>Jason's best comics as Robin were when he was the good boy who paid attention to Batman.
True he was a cute kid too but in the eyes of the neckbeards, he was a loose cannon.
Is Bernard mentioned in the games now?
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Poor Barbara, having to live with this fake news being spread around
Because that's what was pushed from Starlin's run onward.
Same way Babs as Batgirl was a perfectly competent hero for well over a decade, but Post-crisis she was rewritten as being in over her head and better off as Oracle.
Jason: the king of sloppy seconds
>Because that's what was pushed from Starlin's run onward.
The fucked up is that it amplified after Starlin left. I doubt most readers in 1993 had issues from five years prior, so hearing Jason was a shitbird from Bruce or Dick really warped his perception further.
No one is assblasted about him, just pointing a basic fact such as he's the robin with the least love interests that are just exclusive to him rather than hand-me-downs. But jason is a character generally popular with csauals (either the dudebro kind or chicks who love shipping) who seem to get mad when this basic unarguably fact is brought up.
Its part of the story from the beginning so idk.
Yes, he was popular in that role. Which given that jason had at best been divisive was a major thing, had tim not been popular its likely robin as a concept would have died there and never been revisited in a serious manner.
>no fanart
>no talk online
Dude, why do you even pretend people care? Its like counting ari being tim's first love interest. And she is a non-entity.
>Dude, why do you even pretend people care?
People will care when DC gives them a reason to care.
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I made a list of characters who could be Jason's love interests
>Jason is generating fans from outside of a dying medium
This is bad how?
The DC DTVs did nothing to keep the momentum up either though. He didn't even exist in the New52 inspired DCAMU
>He didn't even exist in the New52 inspired DCAMU
In hindsight, this was a blessing because the New 52 stuff was never as good as the previous stuff. I can't believe it took until Gotham Knight for them to give something back to the fans.
Didio didn’t like Jason. He just wanted a replacement for Dick so he could get rid of him.
>signed off on his resurrection, something the last 17 years of editorial fought tooth and nail against
>starring role in Countdown, a book he was all for
>constant book in New 52 through Rebirth
That's some weird way to not like a character
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He did the same thing for Hal Jordan but was also responsible for Future State/Far Sector in which he wanted to replace Hal Jordan with a black lesbian. For every one good action Didio does, he makes three to four to five bad ones.
i think you confuse it with not caring about a character dying cause he has no fans and not caring about a character dying because everyone knows theyll just be revived like 3 seperate times before the next universe reset
Far Sector was fine, though, since it was isolated and didn't even seem like it was mainline due to the imprint. Bringing her to mainline was lame, though.
Yes the oly popular one is artemis and to a lesser extent rose since that's the one pushed by batmedia, unless we're talking gay ones then its dick, harper, tim, bruce, slade (all of which are also shared with dick, lmao)
The fact that two are, and that a fanproject did another is pretty funny.

Also mainstream donna never was to be fair.
You can argue didio didnt love jason, but considering what he did to everyone else, jason was at the very least the second one he disliked the least.
Didio obviously didn't hate Jason, but he didn't exactly care or understand him, which one could probably argue is just as bad as hating the character.
>>signed off on his resurrection, something the last 17 years of editorial fought tooth and nail against
The original plan was for Jason to die at the end of Under the Red Hood, but Winick somehow pulled off a miracle and kept him alive.
>>starring role in Countdown, a book he was all for
As Dick’s replacement
>>constant book in New 52 through Rebirth
A decade of character assassination
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There, I named all the interesting components of the Batfamily.
DIdio wanted jason pushed, but it wasnt a good push, sure i can agree. I feel it damaged him a lot becuase it just gave him more inhereited dynamics from dick, compared to tim or damian who, even if it took a while, got more unique ones by the end of it all.
>I feel it damaged him a lot becuase it just gave him more inhereited dynamics from dick
It was so lazy and so bad, that one would assume it was sabotage. Like, who the fuck was asking for Starfire and Arsenal to stage along with Jason?
You see didio thought that giving him characters people liked to see with dick would make jason more popular than dick rather than make him feel like off brand nightwing.
What a stupid man.
Arsenal hanging with Jason could've been great but they did it wrong. Dick's been a piece of shit to Roy despite Roy being clean and on the straight and narrow or years. Roy being a big brother type for Jason who gets him and wants to help him out , and Jason finally having a big bro he could trust in could've been great.
But instead they just wanted to have them as basically the same age, with Jason replacing Dick
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Not canon according to the comics.
I see what you did here.
Didio contracting one of the the biggest sci-fi writers of the last decade to do a self-contained Green Lantern story with a new character set out in the ass-end of nowhere isn't Didio trying to replace Hal, retard.
Jo was part of Didio's 5G project that would have seen characters like Hal and Bruce replaced.
Didio's plan didn't end with replacing everyone, but rather making all readers hate Legacy. That way he would get back to what he always wanted, super friends with blood and guts.
Jayfag copiumfingers wrote this post.
Roy is just as big a moralfag as Dick is over murder. Jason was running around decapitating guys and bombing buildings like a psycho. Roy wouldn't have been a big brother, he'd have beat his ass and tossed him in jail without the guilt Bruce and Dick had holding them back.
Yeah, but he was also a druggie and an idiot who thought it would be a great idea to have a kid with a mass killer.
>super friends with blood and guts.
And this is bad because...?
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>he'd have beat his ass and tossed him in jail
Lol like he could. Even his daddy got outsmarted by Jason before.
Newfag pls
jasonfags and his masturbation for scenes with no importance whatsoever, just because Jason is taking advantage and there's a little writing effort. When it's the opposite, and it's Jason getting his ass kicked, they cry and say that DC is sabotaging the character.
Are you going to bitch this entire thread?
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Keep seething Royfag.
Honestly i feel that would have been worse, it would have made jason come up as a worse inserted character by explicitly tearing the dick relationship down to prop it up, rather than just acting like its not there in this setting.
mean, their island is canonically not far from the island of lesbos.
Roy was there specifically to infiltrate her organization and it's not like he intentionally got her pregnant.
>by explicitly tearing the dick relationship down to prop it up
Yeah but, Dick has been a major dick to Roy time and time again.
jasonfags mad at roy and dick's tough love friendship trying to tear it down to get their lobdell era trucker cap cheerleader back.
fuck outta here
>”Roy, you stupid junkie bitch, you miserable ginger fuck up, kill yourself and save Lian the shame of being her father.”
>”Wow… Dick is being extra nice to me today!” :)
anon the comics are least important part of dc. People only care about the adaptations.
No one gives a shit about Roy now that Lian’s back.
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He’s cute.
Oh nice, it's just more of what I wanted from this trio. Will check this out.
They know the meaning of the few cents they paid to kill him and how inflation matters.
He's going from Williamson's Green Arrow to Layman's Titans but cope harder, Jayfag.
There's Rena if somebody wanted to marry Pre-Crisis with Post-Crisis, but Morrison and his attempt to put the red hair back probably soured a lot of people on that idea.
A shame since her and Nocturna would be good to have reincorporated somewhere in his past, though best to keep her to the past for no fridgings or other nonsense.
>everyone does everything he can do but better.
Not true. He's the smartest one.
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Didn't ask retard
making Jason a good guy was DC's mistake, he works much better as Batman/Nightwing's villain
His background with Bruce is too good to be wasted in being another antagonist.
>DC still doesn’t let Dexter S o y do his Red Ronin mini series idea he had
>But they let a fucking Webtoon happen
I’ll never not be angry about this. They take Dex off of RHatO Rebirth despite the shit ton of art he does for it (officially and for fun like pic) alongside his Red Ronin pics. It might not have been good but I reckon it would have stood a decent chance with a good enough editor.
>His background with Bruce is too good
That is exactly what makes him the perfect antagonist for Batman.
How it can work? Why would Jason even bother with antagonizing Dick? These two have no history to speak of to make it work. If they ever decided to make him a villain again, it can only work with Batman. So, you Dick tards need to give up this desperate dream of yours and stop pretending that you know better.
He is too ugly and socially retarded to get anything else sadly.
True. Besides, making Jason a villain again at this point is just stupid and can't work. He has done too much good for his heel turn to be believable.
>No one is assblasted about him
He says that in a thread that is baiting on shipperfags being stupid enough to get triggered by some random youtube video.
>at roy and dick's tough love friendship
>Arsenal is working everyone’s last nerve.
>first 6 issues are more about Donna and Roy
>Dick isn't much of focus
Roy is truly at his worst when he is with Titans.
He is. It's funny how Dick fans who pretend to care about Roy and still triggered about RHATO are suddenly silent. As I said before, it's really all about Jason and they don't really care about Roy.
It's typical. They act like they don't care about him, but they still spend hours having melty over him.
His background with Bruce makes Bruce looks like the antagonist.
The bond they shared wasn't the same as Roy's "bond" with Dick. The way they worked in the Outlaws wouldn't have worked the same exact way it did if you replaced Dick with Jason. They were able to his off as well as they did because they share similarities, not because Jason was a copy of Dick like some who didn't read the book keep claiming.
What significant good has he done?
Saving the world. Saving and helping multiple kids. Saving Gotham multiple times. It would make no sense for him to suddenly turn around and start hurting people when he risked his life multiple times to help others.
>making Jason a villain again at this point is just stupid and can't work.
Not really. Even after all these years, his points still stand. Batman hasn’t improved, the Joker is still out there, and Gotham keeps getting worse. It’s only a matter of time before someone pulls the trigger and brings back the real Jason.
Jason was a villain in only TWO stories. He has been back for 20 years now and almost all his stories he has been a good guy that include his media appearances.
Just 1 really. It was only in Morrison's terrible ooc take he was a villain who actually hurt people. In UTRH and BFTC, he was just the antagonist.
Even in this Daniel claimed that he was under the influence of Lazarus Pit.
He is also a mass murderer. These two things can coexist.
What non-Titans Roy stories do you think are better?
95% of Roy's appearances and character development has come from the Titans franchise.
Your post doesn't even make sense. He see Gotham getting worse so his solution is becoming a villain to make it even worse? Never mind that Jason saw it himself that the Joker doesn't stay dead.
This. "JASON SHOULD BE A VILLAIN!" is a legit idiotic idea. His fans didn't like him because they saw him as a villain. Didio even said that he got angry letters from his fans telling him that Jason isn't a villain.
His solution is becoming a crimelord to control crime, not make it worse. He’s taking matters into his own hands because Batman’s current method is failing.
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>shove eight heads in a duffel bag
>rig it with bombs and toss it at crimelords
>control crime?
Under the Red Hood
That one where he kicks Tim's shit in
The one where he goes up against Green Arrow
Brothers in Blood
Battle for the Cowl
Revenge of the Red Hood
That second Batman & Robin arc

Am I missing any? You could argue Countdown, even though he calms down as third wheel to Donna and Kyle.
They aren't his stories, smarty. Showing up for one or two issues in someone's else book where he act as antagonist at best can hardly count when he has a series that reached over 100 issues where he is a good guy.
Yeah? It’s more effective than dressing up as a furry and beating up poor people at night.
>the solution to crime is by becoming a criminal!
>totally not a villain, tho!
That's like "g" pretending that the "solution" to drug is by controlling it (so they could benefit from the money).
I think he was a fun villain/antagonist. Nobody really cares about the ‘gud guy sometimes murderer but not really it’s mostly talk’ version.
>100 issues where he is a good guy.
More like 100 issues where the writer kept retconning the character until he became what he wanted to write.
What a bold claim to make.

The truth is, most don't care about him being a villain which is why every attempt has failed. This is actually a fact.
Rectoning his past maybe, but Jason was the good guy in his series and that stay true for 100 issues.
Still, being a good guy doesn’t make him a better character or more interesting. If anything, it makes him worse.
It actually does. Bad guys lose and are nothing but fodders for the good guys. To say Jason is worse than how he was treated when they tried to push him as a villain really prove that you don't read comics. It's not exaggeration to say that his character was almost ruined for good.
True but I included it because many times when people say “villain” they mean “antagonist”
Do you even read comics? Good guy Jason is literally a jobber. Hell, the idiot even lost to Punchline.
I mean, he did keep them under his thumb and told to stop dealing to children or else he’d kill them. Probably saved some lives by doing that instead of letting them go to war over territory.
I wish time actually progressed for characters in DC. I'd love to see grumpy mentor Jason after years of shitty missions.
Roy is always on everyone's last nerve, that's been his role since day one.
Roy and Donna is peak Titans, it's the superior ship to Roy and Cheshire, Donna and Kyle, Donna and Terry, etc.
Dick taking a backseat when he has a solo book is the right move.
What am I supposed to be upset about? Everything sounds awesome.
Does Bruce love Jason more than Damian?
Bruce doesn’t love Jason more than anyone, so no. People like to debate if he even does love him but that’s retarded. He probably does just not very much, he regrets him more than anything.
You act like Jason was wining left and right when he was a villain and wasn't the bad guy of the week to beat and then forgotten about. Jason has his fair share of wins as a good guy.
Well, he does have a soft spot for Jason and was willing to let Damian go at some point. He does love all his boys the most in general.
He loves everyone more than Damian. He chose Dick. Jason and Tim to be his sons whereas Damian is a rapebaby forced upon him..
Donna and Roy is great because it shows everyone's true colors.
The other 3 OG titans all think she's slumming it with him and can do better and think he's trash for being with her.
shitposting aside the one he loves the most is either Dick or Jason, both have merit to the claim, Tim and Damian are the ones getting keked there
Alfred seems to have loved Dick the most tho
Wasn't that addressed during the climax of UTRH?Jason is right in his face practically begging for love and acceptance while seething that Batman is trying to run off to help Nightwing in Bludhaven.
Bruce loves anyone more than Damian. Not that he doesn't love Damian but he never picked Damian to be robin that was Dick
War games happened because batman had that plot too and it was not smart.
Obviously not. His actual son vs some random kid he picked up because he looked like Dick who grew up to be a criminal. Anyone who thinks otherwise is biased.
>His actual son
You mean his tube baby? Damian was basically forced on him against his will.
lol this is far from how he actually treated them though.
Bruce kept away from Damian and was uncomfortable with him. He was all smiles with Jason.
They forgot how he didn't care when his "actual son" basically "died" the first hr met him or how he was willing to throw him back at Taila.
That's not how it happened. He saw Blüdhaven blow up before they even started fighting and asked Jason to let him check on Dick, but when Jason basically refused and went on fighting, Batman along with it and didn't mention Dick at all.
Alfred loves Bruce the most above all.
>Was this supposed to be a positive argument?
Yes boomer
Webtoon is future now
You forget the lengths he went to bring his son back and was glad he was back, compared to the street kid he left dead, said he did it to himself, and was actively unhappy with his return to life.
Only in Tomasi run who admitted himself that he is a big Damian fan. He didn't care much in BI or the main Batman series. Not only that, he and Damian spent years at odds and not even living together.
This. To Alfred Bruce > the boys (and his daughter should be above them, but the writers keep forgetting about her) > everyone else.
When you think about it, Batman and Robin was always a series that existed in its own and fit nowhere. It's basically Damian fanfic.
Talia got some jugs in that thumbnail, woowee
For real. Bruce was obviously sad, but flat out said that he wasn't losing it like when Jason died.
Morrison said it too. He acknowledged Tomasi, but said his take was different and Bruce was actually handling well. He also mentioned that it isn't the same as with Jason.
>Used goods whore
You listed three interesting members and tacked two cancerous tumors on at the end.
You people do know that books like Dick becoming Batman and Grayson happened under Didio, right? The idea that he was pushing Jason over Dick is completely false. Kory and Roy end up with Jason because they had nowhere else to go with the new reboot. The idea that Jason needed them is completely hilarious considering that he just had a very popular movie before his book came out.
True, Jason got saddled with them, not the other way around.
No, everything that happened in DC was conspiracy against Dick Grayson. At least, according to his fans.
>>constant book in New 52 through Rebirth
That was because of the movies success
>The idea that he was pushing Jason over Dick is completely false.
And stupid. Jason being so terribly mismanaged after UTH was under Didio. If it wasn't for his fans flooding DC with letters demanding a book with him and the movie success, Jason would have probably end up in limbo or dead.
Dickfags need to bring out their receipts of intentional sabotage like us Jasonfags
And other characters were successful and had their books taken away. If he let Jason stay, he liked him. Giving him a 90's X-men writer was Didio's token of liking him because he thought 90's Marvel was what DC had to be.
Dickfags believe that anytime Dick isn't portrayed as the most special person to ever have existed that it's a conspiracy to undermine him.
>admitting to ballot stuffing
What the fuck is wrong with capeshit writers
bring out the receipts nigga >>145606693
Tim isn't interesting at all.
I want to see him lead the Suicide Squad.
It was everyone who worked in the company, so even interns and letterers who just thought Robin or Jimmy were lame could write their name in.
The whole thing sounds like it was probably a prank war between offices.
Gave me an idea >>145607641
>what is rich grayson
>what is wanting to kill dick off
Come on anon
That was Morrison (and had already happened before too, why do people act as if its some new thing that didio did anyways), and then got undone in didio's new 52 reboot, after didio had wanted, where then he wasn't Nightwing for 3 years, then the dick amnesia plot which king said was supposed to be temporary was extended for all of didio's remaining tenure,a nd the wanting to kill him off before the writers all protested. Come on. Or how didio has flat out said he dislikes legacy characters.

You can say he didn't like jason, which countdown and having him always in a book at the expense of other character dynamics is at odds with, but he certainly hated dick.
Dont forget that the book slate didio made after infinite crisis had dead dick and jason as Nightwing. That was what he wanted out of dc at the time.
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AND that his plan for another event was to make dick evil. Which HE posted publicly on his facebook.
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The fucked up part is that Starlin was just a useful idiot in Denny O'Neil's plan for solo Batman. This dude was openly taking credit for killing Jason and then scurried like a rat when the marketing team kicked the door in demanding he fix this bullshit and looked the other way when Starlin got the boot.
>receits provided that didio hated dick
>no response
Stay classy about a well respected dead editor who defined the popular batman.
But that's literally what happened.
The fact that you people keep crying over stuff that DIDN'T HAPPEN prove how spoiled you are. Jason actually got KILLED OFF, he was turned into EVIL person. They made him an actual monster and ruined his character to the ground and yet you dare to make a conspiracy theory about Jason was being "pushed" at Dick's expense? What a joke.
>but muh ric grayson!!
Never mind that DC spent the last couple of years shilling Dick hard and yet they are still crying about this. You truly hit a jackpot when you called them spoiled.
> Jason actually got KILLED OFF, he was turned into EVIL person
But I thought you people liked Red Hood.
A lot of what Denny laid down is what's hurting Batman today, Joker gets away with casual murder.
I think that what truly bothers them. Despite how terribly Jason was handled and how little he got, he end up becoming very popular surpassing most characters. They don't really care about Roy or Kory and if any other bat character end up with them instead of Jason, they wouldn't have cared. They are seriously insecure about him.
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What im saying, is that there's objective proof that didio hated dick, his literal first pitch was making him evil, his second killing him off. That's a fact. That he got blocked from doing it because OTHER WRITERS liked him doesn't change it.

Jason was killed by o'neil/starlin who did have an out against him, that's a fact too. He was made "evil", but honestly it might have been a replacement to the dick stuff given the timeframe matching, and he got a massive push as the red hood and then an animated movie which made him really popular. The tentacle hentai thing didn't last at all.

And I mean we know for a fact didio WANTED to make jason Nightwing, he's made that public. And he wanted dick dead, 1+1=...
And no people complain about tim being put in the titans, or damian getting raven or cassie, or dick now getting on. Or Conner being given to dick. The difference is that they all have their own dynamics while jason...only gets other people's.
Case in point, Jon. He recently got hurt and kidnapped and Damian had zero reaction over this while Dick is the one who cared and helped him out. Imagine if it was Jason instead, you would have both Dick fans and Damian fans crying and having meltdowns over. Hypocrisy and double standards at its finest.
Where are you living damian fags hate that? Just like timfags hated Conner being made dick's friend in YJ.

And again, the thing is that you notice how this is different from every single friendship damian's had being given to dick while Damian in universe doesn't know them anymore?
>Jason is going to prove that he's better than Bruce... but taking up Dick's mantle
What makes me sad is that DC's material absolutely shits on Marvel from the highest mountain, but Didio was such a fraud that he gave Marvel the market. His terrible decisions will continue to affect DC for years to come.
>And I mean we know for a fact didio WANTED to make jason Nightwing, he's made that public. And he wanted dick dead, 1+1=...
Did it happen? What happened to Jason instead? He literally got turned into ugly monster. As I said, you keep crying about stuff and where Jason had it happen to him 10 times worse.
Damian fans are more busy fighting each others about whether Williamson run was good or not. I barely saw them get triggered over this as Dick fans did over Jason. Let's not lie to ourselves here.
They reminded me of meme of person begging for oppression. They are trying so hard to play the victim role over things that didn't happen.
He's also the reason why dc and marvel stopped doing fun crossovers like JLA/Avengers.
He made jason nightwing tho, he then turned into a monster at the very end of the arc but jason wore the costume and acted as if he was. Because that got far along into production. And again, the argument isn't if it happened or not, just that didio WANTED it to, we can argue jason was written worse (which sure) but didio's intent was to push him, it just didn't work like he wanted to, because nothing worked like how didio wanted it to. Someone said "there's no receits didio hated dick", and objectively there are, there's proof he's provided.
Dunno, I saw some of it, but mostly when they started the thing. And they don't really care about non-kid jon outside of a way to age damian. It also helps that dick isn't presented as the same age, or as a friend, but a mentor figure
How was he planning on giving a 12 year old aids anyways
Denny's been dead for years and his batbible was thrown in the bin the day he left. You're holding grudges at a DC that's literally dead.
Hell even most of the people who were there in 2010 are gone.
Maybe? But that's also what made batman the giant mega popular character, and what serves as the inspiration behind every popular take that isn't the 60s show.
Without denny jason wouldnt even exist desu.
Probably through blood transfusion. It it wasn’t gay sex or drugs that gave you HIV, or would be transfusion.
A perfect world… imagine…
>He made jason nightwing tho, he then turned into a monster at the very end of the arc but jason wore the costume and acted as if he was
The entire story was spent insulting Jason and it was so painfully obvious that Jones hated his gut. Trying to pretend that Jason was being pushed here over Dick is a serious desperate attempt.
Wait, wasn't it the story where Dick wished that Jason died? How the heck would anyone think that it was a story to push Jason?
Doesn’t most of them wish he had stayed dead normally? He’s kind of problematic.
Why the hateboner for him?
Why's it always the most nerdiest losers that hate Jason? Is it because normal people like him? Or because he shoots guns and kills bad guys?
Normies have turned on kekson for being all talk and using fake bullets.
Insecurity, really.
>Normies have turned on kekson for being all talk and using fake bullets.
Normies shit and pissed themselves over getting to play as him in Arkham Knight and GK.
And don't forget IN2 where Jason was the most demanded character.
Literally none of them did and only Dick did in the story where he wished that Bruce died with him too.
>make thread with inflammatory OP
>over topic where jason ends dead last of the robins
>why are people so assblasted over jason
Are jasonfags actually retarded?
>where he wished that Bruce died with him to
Was he jealous or what?
>over topic where jason ends dead last of the robins
You are the ones who tried to turn it into this lmao. The lack of self awareness is almost impressive.
>op is the superior robin
>Why did people bring the other Robins into it
Can you read nigga?
>have a melty over random video talking about Jason and women
>nooo we are totally cool and not triggered at all.
Impressive indeed.
Well yes, generally writers hate when the editor forces you to do something. Again, im not saying it was done well. but this is didio, dude couldnt do anything he wanted well. This is the guy that cut dc's market share and pissed away the time when dc started to do well in a second. This is the guy who not a single push actually landed from.
Why this bothers you when you keep claiming that you don't care about Jason?
Again why be shocked when an OP meant to bait does it? And again over something where Jason isn't superior at.
I wasn't posting on this thread before. But you can't seriously argue why people bring the other Robins in when the OP does so. Come on. Can you read?
>Is it because normal people like him?
This is a huge part of it. Comicfags absolute hate it when a mainstream take on a character becomes popular and thus becomes to be what defines them to most instead of how they are in the comics.
No, but most of /co/ is. So what you get here are the worst ones.
Smarty, the idea was already canceled by the time the story happened. The story didn't exist to push Jason. He appeared as fodder for Dick and that's it. Jones wasn't being forced into anything. Just stop reaching.
I think its just that that take is good, but the actual comics arent, and then people who don't read comics try to act like they do.
Dude, we know the ending to infinite crisis was changed late, the jason as Nightwing stuff was already going to happen, this is an attempt at having dick in it which is why its so dogshit.

The original idea existed to push jason, can you at least agree with that, even if the actual execution obviously didnt.
Does jason really end dead last?
Well steph has less. But she at least had 2 by the time she was robin. And she gets no overlap.
>we are totally not triggered!
>we know it's a bait
>got baited anyway and spent two days crying over it
How did Jason do it, bros? How did he manage to rent free in these people's mind?
You have to remember that those same comicfags were coached into hating the character.
>taking a joke as being triggered
Sure buddy.
>Why do people that read the comics judge things by how they are in the comics
It's a mystery
Ill be honest, i dont hate jason. I like the movie, ive said so a hundred times already. I think outside of winnick and lodbell accidentally once he hasnt been written well as red hood. Even pissing away great ideas like him as dark batman. So he's just fantastic potential that has never been fuffiled. I honestly just came in for actual discussion over stuff, but it seems a lot of it is just dominated by super sectarian stuff rather than an attempt to actually talk which is disheartning.
>it-t just a joke
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will save you the embarrassment of being this triggered over fictional character.
Except we have proof that the main writer at the time hated Jason and that the editor was intentionally aloof when it came to Jason.
>Ill be honest, i dont hate jason.
just referring to the older generation of nerds.
"Dude", Jason was literally being written from the beginning as antagonist for Dick to take down. It would requires from someone to turn off their brain off completely to see it as attempt to replace Dick.
No I'm saying as to why comicfags aren't as fond of Jason. They read the comics after Jason came back and since he hasn't been good in them they don't like him. Instead of how he's in other media.
I'm talking the idea from where it comes from. its clearly a recycling of that pitch that didn't end up happening. Just like batjason was. And like how they recycled the tim pitch too.
Was Rena mentioned? I really liked her.
Well you have to remember for much of the 90s and mid-2000s Tim Drake was THEIR Robin. Having Jason comeback didn't sit well with them.
Most of his haters are other Robins fans. Don't pretend that they hate him because he wasn't written "good".
If we mention her too much they might remember she exists and that’s the worst possible scenario. Let’s just pretend she doesn’t.
Most of the Jason hatred is from Dick's fanboys...not Tim's.
How girls he had? I remember Isabel and Essence.
What HAS he been actually good in to justify the normie fanfare outside of the movie? Do they just really like the concept without knowing that they ended up doing nothing with it and he’s nothing like that now?
Desu, there's some overlap between tim and jason fans, given how they paired them up in the new 52 and how jason was written as a villain for tim.Tim fans see damian as competition , not jason generally. Weird jump.
I miss Essence. She looked cool.
The concept is great. But yeah he was in the worst written Arkham game, the awful titans show and the Gotham knights game which was midling. Dick and tim and babs are in all these too. Poorly too
Best pairing
It says a lot about Jason that he managed to steal the spotlight in everything he appeared in.
Original? He had 3. His main parings are with Artemis and Rose.
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>What HAS he been actually good in to justify the normie fanfare outside of the movie?
The trope of a weakling dying a terrible death and coming back as a Gigachad who destroys everything is very popular. But for me, I love the dynamic of Jason and Bruce. It's so unique.
They both have their merits, but I'm leaning a bit towards Rose. It was sweet how she risked her life to save him without hesitation.
Jason appeals to both people who like edgy gun toting types and women who love tortured pretty boys with daddy issues.
Funny thing, Batman was a character that I didn't care much for and it was because of Jason I became interested in him and his comics. Their dynamic was definitely great.
I'm neither and I like Jason. I don't care much for his guns and I just find his character really interesting.
Rose is pretty fitting for Jason. She is young and energetic which someone as suicidal as Jason needs.
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Jason vibes me as the type of dude to fuck waitresses and single moms.
>Tim fans see damian as competition
Goddamn that is the saddest shit ever.
>Helena Bertinelli
>Helena Wayne (AU)
>Joker's daughter
>Bette kane
>Miss martian
>Rose wilson
>Sonia Zucco
>Daphne Pennyworth
>Harley Quinn (AU)
>Beatrice bennet
>Donna Troy
>Empress (AU)
>Donna Troy
>Lady Blachhawk (Au)
>Tam Fox
>Warlock's daugther
>Miss martian (AU)
>Bette Kane (AU)
>Annie (AU)
>Firestorm (payne) (AU)
>Lady shiva
>Cassandra Cain (Au)
>Raven (AU)
>Nightsar (AU)
>Nobody II
>Cassie (AU)
>Alexis Luthor (AU)
>Her unnamed ex
>Nick Gage
>I loved you Jason... but you were too reckless
Wow Bruce, that's really nice.
Generally its
>Dick vs Jason
>Tim vs Damian
Tim and damian fans tend to like dick,and dick fans tend to like them depending on which era of dick they prefer
Tim and damian fans generally either like jason or are ambivalent.

Obviously not counting general batfamily fans that like all of them.
He only lost because the plot demanded it, but when he won, it was against big names like Batman, Joker, Green Arrow, Nightwing, and Robin. Meanwhile, good guy Jason is a pathetic loser who constantly needs Batman to save his ass.
Why even include AUs?
Completions sake. Plus some are different aus from others where it's meant to echo mainline
Forgot au Barbara for tim too.
So its Dick>tim>jason>damian>steph
You forgot tarantula for dick.
>>Donna Troy
Why does everyone act like Donna is a catch? Terry Long put his dick in that.
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Guys, I had the fever dream where Jason got a good run again.
lmao when was the first time?
Two weeks ago.
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He never got one.
DC needs to give Jason a GF or else he’s going died alone
Why'd they never bring back the red guns? They were cool as fuck.
Whatever happened to Jason’s ghost sword?
Jason sissy...
Too associated with Morrison's take on Jason I guess, doesn't really fit the more semi-realistic style that Jason usually has now.
Lobdell was the only one interested in that, and even then, I guess they wouldn't fit much with the kind of non-magical stories they give Jason nowadays.
Honestly the All Blades is cool because it gives him something exclusive, but when it gets too fantasy, yeah then it gets overbearing.
Too azrael.
Bitches love a flaming sword tho. Speaking of which, what’s Azrael doing these days

Supporting cast of Ram V's Detective Comics. He's been pretty cool
Too mystical, and then you'd have to remember that they'd be eating his soul.
How did The Hill end again?
Does Tim even know how to steal a hubcap? No? I rest my case.
Totally, if Bruce is gonna go a few rounds with Barbara then Dick can break a mattress or two with Selina
Most inferior you mean
That’s Stephanie.
She’s a women and still less of a whiny bitch
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Wow - 300 posts of four tim queens arguing with three jason queens about which of y'all are bigger queens
Why do you have homo pics in your disk, Dick fan?
I think we can all agree that Dickfags are the biggest queens.
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To be fair, there was never an EIC who spent a full 15 years talking about how he wants Jason dead.
No EIC that's ever come back 5 years after being fired to drive the half-joke even further into the dirt.
No one who's a fan of Rose as a stand-alone character wants her with Jason.
Still doesn’t change the fact that she’s the most inferior Robin.
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Rose belongs to her chad father, Jason is a pussy
Lmao sure.

Also, why would he care about what this hypothetical fans want?
Oh no, this one made up doesn't care. What we ever going to do...
Dick's fanbase is almost exclusively fujos and gay men. While Jason and Tim certainly have those, they have a higher percentage of those who are not, Jason especially.
All three of them?
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Everyone knows what Rose and her family want.
The only thing of significance he did was die. Somehow less than Steph looking cute in that costume kek.
Rose and him can be fun but I still prefer him and Artemis mostly because I don't think Jason would like being inlaws with Diddystroke
How does he feel about him getting with his daughter anyways
Rose told Jason that he likes him.
But that's the best part. Slade being Jason's father in law and Bruce having to deal with it would be hilarious. Imagine the family dinner.
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>Jason: Why don’t you kill the Joker?
>Bruce (points to Slade): Why don’t you kill HIM?
>Slade: He tried. Now, please pass the egg salad.
There's some tim queens but u feel it's mostly Dick vs Jason. It's mostly about how jason takes stuff from Dick
I'm kinda surprised that no one has ever tried to ship Harley with Jason.
Blonde women absolutely ruin Jason.
What did he take from Dick besides his 2 friends?
The love interest? And the friends is pretty big desu. But just generally, the two's fanbases (which arent general batfam) are the ones with a rivalry
>the two's fanbases (which arent general batfam) are the ones with a rivalry
I feel like Timfags are the ones who get into slapfights with Jasonfags more often
That was only for a year or two. The Timfags pivoted to hating on Damian pretty quickly. With Damian gone Tim can be ROBIN ETERNAL, the World's Greatest Robin (TM).
you don't say
Check it here dick is mentioned more. It used to be the case, but tim and jason don't really overlap, even during tim's edgier phase jason was a full on villain and the new 52 paired them.

Compared to this, now that jason is written as relatively mature he overlaps most with dick. Taking a couple of dick's angrier traits for himself.
Timfags looked at DC forcing Tim into the edgelord Titans team with Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven, and complained.
Jayfags looked at DC forcing Jason onto an edgelord Outlaws team with Starfire and Arsenal and said "yes daddy didio give me more".

Timfags are smart and Jayfags are tards. Life imitates art.
Did they complain at the time? With the benefit of hindsight yeah, but back in 2003 too?
>Taking a couple of dick's angrier traits for himself.
nigga post crises Jason was always angstier than Dick at his angstiest
I'm talking about red hood jason. And not really post crisis jason varied writer from writer a lot. Barr wrote jason as the sweetest kid ever. Wein gave him some anger but was generally logical. Starlin wrote him as a ball of anger.
>With the benefit of hindsight yeah, but back in 2003 too?
Many people hated Identity Crisis, killing off Tim's dad, getting rid of Steph and Willingham basically nuking his supporting cast and him getting tossed in Bludhaven, and Johns using him as his Dick clone for TT03. The evidence of this was all over now dead bulletin boards and livejournal
It's just that IC, Infinite crisis, Titans 03, also brought on many new readers to whom that Tim was status quo. And that's where you get people who like Baman Jr/Dick Clone/Perfect Robin Tim.
There were different generations of Timfags.
The guys who started reading between Lonely Place of Dying and No Man's Land, and the guys who picked him up in the early 00s.
The former mostly saw it as character destruction for Tim, Dick, the Titans, Young Justice, and the Outsiders franchises.
The second ate it up.
>9 year old Jason is cooler than and less of a dog to Bruce than the current one
That's my point Jason was written with anger issues even if it was intentional to make him less likeable or whatever it was still a trait he had that naturally carried over to Red Hood. I think what you're talking about is DC making the Robins into TMNT clones.
Im saying before identity crisis, that i know was divisive. Just the titans thing on its own. I assume removing dick from it also got that reaction. I thought that was bullshit back then
And yes I've made that observation too, id argue there's three timfag generation. Adding the ones that while close to the second really love the red robin stuff, while there's plenty who seem to resent it
Do you have links of that btw? I believe you but I am much newer so id like to see it with my own two eyes
Do they? From my experience all three have a super high percentage, about the same as dick.
The only people who liked Starfire and Arsenal Outlaws were fujos everyone else memory-holed it and pretend that the Dark Trinity were Jason's one and only team
>Im saying before identity crisis,
There were like 6 months between the beginning of Johns TT and IC/Tim's dad dying. People mourned YJ being cancelled, but approached the Johns series with cautious optimism. Dick at the time had a lot going on and him leaving the Titans wasn't really critiqued that much.
At the moment Dick leaving the Titans didn't seem like a big deal I suppose because it's not like the Titans brand was particularly strong, and Dick immediately got another team to lead in the Outsiders. I think people understood why they wanted Teens in the Titans again and the tie in to the show's launch.
Dick fans didn't really start taking offense to Dick being ousted from the Titans until New 52 glazed over his history with the team.
I'll have to dig, a lot of it is in erased forums like I said.
DC's official forums being long dead was a big blow to fandom anthropology. Livejournal should still have some things around.
Kid Jason would’ve curbstomped a motherfucker if it meant getting to eat
just because he liked smokin' wit cigarettes doesn't mean he was a violent psycho.
Collins and Barr's Jason was cut in the "street urchin with a heart of gold" archetype. He felt bad about stealing and didn't want to be a career criminal.
Living in the trenches of Gotham as a kid was probably going to come with issues down the road.
Not sure he really works with a team of like established characters. He seems more like guy to have his own set of goons.
A lot of Jasonfags still complain about Lobdell and the Outlaws.
That’s hilarious. Now I’m curious what Jason’s dad would think of her kek
Would be good to see, for history's sake at least
Still some time. And arguably he's the one that got changed the least, which speaks to how the other three YJers got it (even if one I think ended working).
And the outsiders thing to me has always been strange, so hearing that people didn't take issue with it was odd. And titans was getting a cartoon and where at least more prominent than the other non JL teams, no?

Tho yeah, at the time wally wasn't on the team either, but they all had the history. Same with cyborg, donna and starfire later joining the JL, while cyborg only having ties to the JL in the new 52 was disliked.
It worked with the Dark Trinity mainly because Lobdell was whipped into shape by the editors
Damian or Dick is the one he loves the most.
This. It’s blatantly obvious.
Damian has the least on that, bruce didn't even really bond with him initially. Its dick. Dick's the one bruce calls his greatest achievement and he's the one he has the strongest bond with.
I liked N52 Outlaws and Dick fans and Winick fans still seething over it makes it even better.
You people are such bunch of children.
>who is daddy's favorite? kyaaaa!!
Based. The series is 10 years old at this point and we have people still crying over it. Roy being bro to Jason is so much better than his relationship with Dick who usually lives up to his name.
It says a lot about its relevance and impact.
He also got a new team completely seperated from other Batman characters and they still complain
New 52 roy is roy in name only desu.
The rebirth outlaws are fucking awesome, the new 52 ones are lame.
>Jasonfags have daddy issues
>New 52 roy is roy in name only desu
Blah blah it's not like we are talking about comics where characters have at least 10 takes from 10 different writers through the years.
That would imply that people actually know and read comics. I bet you that most people who complain about the Outlaws haven't even read it.
Shouldn’t he be more of a mommy issues guy? Kid was like 8 and homeless and taking care of his dying druggie mother and probably was the one who found her and his real mother literally sells him out and watches him get beat to death. Dude must have the mother(kek) of all mommy issues.
This is why he likes Amazonians
Bruce's favorite children are, in order:
>The memory of who Dick was as a child
>The concept of Cass he holds in his mind
>The corpse of Jason when he was Robin
>Shouldn’t he be more of a mommy issues guy?
He's both actually.
It all makes sense now.
Last time I checked, it's Dick fans and Damian fans who are obsessed with daddy's love.
he just has issues in general
Tumblr hands wrote this.
Well, yeah. It's literally a post from tumblr kek.
Both his fans and Jason himself are notoriously obsessed
Ironic considering the original post.
I am agreeing with the original post
I remember when someone said that they see Jason as Bruce's favorite and you people spent the entire thread having a meltdown over it lmao. Come on, now.
Well that’s also a stupid claim only because if that were anywhere near true, than UTH wouldn’t have happened like that.
So, why you got triggered over it instead of ignoring it? Maybe because you are the ones who are actually obsessed?
I’m not getting mad at anything. Chill out.
Jason is Brucies special angel who can do no wrong <3
He got you cornered, eh?
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Cassfags getting higher and higher on that copium while trying to forget just how little Bruce and Tim actually cared for her.
When is Jason coming out as a mtf transexual? It's all we want out of her.
Girls are a distraction, Red Hood doesn't need them. He pleasures himself by sucking his own penis, and spends most of the day focusing on his life's mission: trying to justify his existence.
>and spends most of the day focusing on his life's mission: trying to justify his existence.
This is why Jason’s the People’s Robin.
In real life, Jason would be an emotional wreck with serious abandonment issues,
>I liked N52 Outlaws
Congratulations on having shit taste.
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>like Red Hood
>think about Red Hood
>get really sad all of sudden because Jason's life is nonstop suffering
I love all my batboys, yes even Damian.
Wasn’t that sort of how he was originally written when they brought him back
Yeah, but everyone focused on the homicidal aspect more.
Apparently the Titans roster was a predetermined thing to tie in with the 03 toon too, blame Dildio besides Johns and Berganza in the "infinite wisdom" of stooges.
They needed Robin and the other NTT-based members, and wanted to absorb whatever members of YJ Didio didn't hate. Johns even said he chickified Cassie simply because he "didn't get her motives for fighting", I guess writing girls outside Courtney was too hard for his brain.
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There would have to be a duel with Kate then.
Good point anon. There’s a gay one now but the trans slot still needs to be filled. He’s perfect for it.
>the bait thread reached 400+ replies
>It's all the same schizos and autists as usual
I'm starting to think you guys deserve having your weekly bat-threads getting derailed.
Damian is the only other Wayne. He is the only grandchild of Martha and Thomas. That alone makes him way more valuable than Jason.

After Morrison's planned arc for Damian, other writers have Bruce hug Damian and tell him he loves him unprompted. Bruce never hugged Jason until he was a corpse, only touches Jason when he's beating him or trying to manipulate him with affection, and the first and only time he told him he loved him was last year while he was Clockwork Orange'ing him. Sure he loves Jason somewhat but he wishes they never met.

Paradoxically the strongest argument that Bruce loves Jason is that he shits on Jason constantly while also giving him relatively huge amounts of real estate in his mind rent free. There are endless reasons why Bruce loves the other members of his family. They're geniuses, they're in peak human condition, they're accomplished, they're perfect in their fields, they're totally pure hearted, they're unfailingly heroic, they all worship his same religion.

Bruce's descriptions of Jason are something between a Doodlebob abortion and the Anti Christ. He gives hilariously long speeches about how Jason has always been broken, uneducated, brutish, disrespectful, burdensome, so on so on. Then he keeps angsting over Jason at length, saying Jason's name dramatically regardless if anybody is there to hear, making weird monuments to Jason, and now including Jason in outings with the high value kids. For some reason, the acknowledgement the other kids struggle to earn by being the most exceptional human beings on the planet, Jason gets just by being Jason the broken ugly dumb crazy ghetto criminal bastard crackbaby.

Bruce doesn't show real affection to Jason, Bruce only thinks about cuddling his corpse so often that it feels like Jason gets more of Bruce's tenderness than all of the other kids combined. In reality, Jason is disposable.

Low quality bait OP, low quality bait thread.

Better OP, better thread.
How many times do I need to tell you retard that he didn’t want Jason to have HIV?
Jasonfaggots ruin everything
Oh no, someone on the internet doesn't like my taste! How tragic! How devastating!

Why are you so obsessed with this? Why do you feel so strongly about it that you have to write a long bs post about it? Do you see yourself in Damian or something?
Good question. Literally every single thread about Jason, you have this guy having a meltdown about how Bruce totally "doesn't love Jason or care for him". It's strange how obsessed he is with it.
It makes you wonder if any of them are anybody crossing over from Bat-Tumblr, since I'm pretty sure they think they can be bolder on /co/ and there are a few Timfags people think they've spotted. Might be the same for the Jason ones.
You people act like you made a big discovery. /co/ is known as /co/mblr and it's not a secret that the same people who are on reddit, twitter, tumblr and even forums like CBR come here too. 4chan isn't a secret place.
You should be more worried about the fact that you like trash. That’s the real tragedy.
>You should
Lmao, you are really a silly dude.
>a cape reader judging someone else taste
Lack of self awareness is truly something.
>Robin Lives got delayed
I legitimately hate DC.
Oh come on. How much?
It's bound to end in slop anyway, like that the foregone conclusion is Jason Stupid Angry Bitch, goes bad or dies no matter what universe it is.
Two weeks.

I'm liking it so far and Jason hasn't been blamed. I actually liked how it was implied that Jason learned violence from Batman. The ending though will break or make the series for me. If it's another attempt at "Jason is always doomed and nothing would have changed" narrative, it would be just another slop from DC.
The series is the best I have seen from DC in years.

But this is true.
Nah, this is better than the awful Cass threads.
There’s nothing wrong with calling people out for liking shit writing.
I'm curious to see what you consider a "good writing". I have a feeling that your answer will be hilarious.
Good writing is simply not Lobdell’s garbage.
Kek, as expected. Afraid that you would be mocked for you taste? Don't throw rocks when your house is made of glass next time.
Lobdell's writing is much better than a lot of cringe we have today. Jason and Bizzaro talk scene alone surpass a lot of so called "wholesome moments" made by Taylor or Williamson.
That I agree with. Taylor's Nightwing and Williamson's BR made me realize that I was too harsh on lobdell because the Outlaws Saga was far better than both of them.
I hate that they try to spin that he was doomed. His attitude changed real quick as a kid when he had a decent place to sleep. It wasn’t too late for him then, he just needed some extra care. Imagine how he could’ve been had he been taken in and raised by a normal family.
>The gayest*
That's because the editors were ghost writing that scene scott was locked in his cage where he belonged
Literally wholesome moments? With him? Anything vaguely decent with him has an underlying disturbing or uncomfortable feel. That hug scene people parade around that he and Bruce made up or whatever was literally just him being manipulated again with context. Any wholesome scene with him involved is always deeply ingenuous because they don’t like him.
It's not our fault that all the other robin threads die before even getting 50 replies
>That hug scene people parade around that he and Bruce made up or whatever was literally just him being manipulated again with context
Lmao, this is really prove without doubt that you haven't even read it so why you pretend that you know what's going on? Listen I don't care nor I think you should read it, but judging the book over something you saw on Tumblr without context isn't the way to go. It's ok to say that you aren't interested in it and move on.
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I think they're talking about this
They hate each other anon. Cope.
I'm not sure from where come the idea that Bruce is manipulative of Jason? Like, what would he even gain from it and for what reason he would do it? Bruce for sure can be really controlling with Jason and that something he got yelled at for it by him, but manipulative? Nah.
This kills the jasonfag headcanon. Notice how they can’t refute this argument? It’s a solid argument that the only thing Jason has left is that he’s easy to manipulate and use.
You are too obvious. Here's the ((you)), now shoo.
>no argument
I accept your concession.
I'm pretty sure they mean this >>145635818 and which hug you are talking about? The one they had after their big fight? There's actually a nice context behind it where Bruce went out of his way to tell Jason personally about Roy's death and be a comforting shoulder for him. That no matter how ugly things get between them, Bruce will try his best to be there for him.
This, Bruce is a psycho.
2 types of people in this thread
It was a strategical play anon. Jason folds easily to the slightest affection because he is weak. Bruce knows this. It’s easy to put two and two together.
Ok, and what he gain from Jason "folding" if he actually doesn't care for him? Why not just throw him in jail or simply not bother with him and let someone else deal with him? You are just not making sense.
If Jason is supposed to be a smarter than a normal person why does he keep falling for the same tricks over and over again? Is he really just an idiot or just plain desperate?
The only one desperate here is you, anon. Stop talking nonsense.
Yeah, I actually liked this issue and it's one of the nicest things I have seen Batman do for anyone.
He’s a highly trained man who he can easily win the favor of. He trained and raised this one himself he’s owed that manpower. It’s like if you hand raise a calf yourself on high quality feed and grass you’d want to eat the good meat in the end, yes?
You think Jason is pretty "weak" so why would he care to gain the favor of this supposed weak man when he has an army of humans and robots?
He would not train a weak man. Jason is heavily flawed yes, but he still has his uses. He just has always been weak mentally and has emotional outbursts like a little bitch. It’s his own fault.
I miss these two. Their relationship is one of the best I have seen from DC.
>he isn't weak
>he is actually weak
You ok, fella?
I never understood why he didn’t just put him in jail. A mass murderer is a mass murderer. Why does he get special treatment? Does he expect him to just break out?
Ignore him. This dude has such deep hatred towards Jason and has been projected his feelings on Bruce. He doesn't care about facts or truth so any discussion with him on this topic is a big waste of time.

True, Jason was such a great big brother to him.
Anon, this thread says differently.
He is, but since batman is the focus most stories focus on his issues with his father (or father figure depending on the take) batman. ANd his issues with the others that get his attention.
Jesus dick fucks
Jason has been a broken dog since 1988 at latest. He jumped to make up lame excuses for the deadbeat mom who didn't want him. Then the dumb bitch dumped him again and stood around while he got beaten to death, and he still crawled on the floor like a dog to save her. He has no self respect. It's embarrassing and pathetic. He's lucky to be a tool for Batman.

Oh wait. How about covering up that his first mom was a junkie and he still chose to babysit her? He lied about her being sick to make them both look better. Bruce saw through the lie, and maybe he saw potential in the truth.

You guys still don't think Jason was doomed from the start? Harley's delusions for the Joker was a phase. Jason has been like this his whole life.
In the run where she's evil that was made to discredit her as a character? Where the next thing he adopted her and was the only one given a plan by bruce for his death? Its not strong evidence.

How much bruce cares for each shifts story for story in reality. But dick is the one its the most consistent. Cass has had the least bad blood with bruce, since she kinda just doesn't fight him back when he's controlling. Tim is complicated because they went from boss-underling to father-son really rushedly, but he's hugged him sometimes? Jason is mostly post mortem to make his tragedy worse, but he was very paternal when he was robin, but then as red hood they made bruce far shittier to him to justify it. And damian mostly didn't get it until the new 52 where he then spent a stretch of it dead and then bruce was amnesiac.
When this guy will ever shut up? Why is he in every Jason thread?
Yes, absolutely. But that's also a case where many roys have a better bond with dick anyways, so the point that jason is a better bro is also shallow, come on.
I cant decide if a batfamily fag or an anti bruce guy wrote this.
>Cass has had the least bad blood with bruce
Yeah, because she is mostly a nobody to him.
Skills of a highly trained combatant supposedly, brain of a violent unpredictable manchild, not hard to get. Sorry this is too complicated for you. He’s built to be used and manipulated as a tool, as he always has been. He was memorialized as a simple solider and that’s all he’ll ever be.
He too obsessed and Jason is basically rent free in his mind.
Its mostly a case where the meta aspect comes in play, writers would rather write the robins as filling that position for bruce, but cass's solo gave her that dynamic when tim was more so a workplace tie for bruce. But also steph has even more bad blood, as has barbara consistently. So at some point it just becomes that cass is the one that sees the least issue with him generally.
Again who are you talking about.
Just stop giving him attention.
Why is it that Jason threads bring the other robins in the OP more than Dick, tim or even Damian threads?
Probably both kek. For some reason those family shilling faggots that hate him exist when Bruce literally built them and they would be nothing without him.
Anyone who dislikes Jason is the same guy apparently.
Are we forgetting he literally built divine power armor to break into Hell and rescue Damien from the clutches of Lucifer?
..i like the family and i like bruce, i feel that's condusive? I feel the family gives bruce more dimension and something beyond just being spooky to criminals. And him being flawed with them is cool. I think that's the normal take?
He had the shortest run as robin of the main 4 (stephanie doesnt count, sorry), and he's been framed as most antagonistic to the others, while having the least overlapping fanbase on /co/ meaning that they try to force a rivalry proclaiming him as better more often than the others.
He just go on and on. Dude, take a deep breath and shut the heck up.
I like some of it though literally anyone can agree that there’s too many and certain specific character fans are insufferable about le hecking abuse and whatever.
The issue is that bruce's feelings on damian are inconsistent. Snyder and Tomasi have bruce loving him a lot (snyder has him loving all 4 about the same generally, but damian's the kid), but then other writers show him being the most at odds with damian.
I can't believe that in a thread with a controversial Op people talk. Next you'll find out storytimes havee images.
Kek, he keep having this supposed imaginary Jason fans in his head who are the ones totally obsessed and not him. Never mind that he is every single Jason thread without fail.
Every attempt at culling them backfires, so I don't think there's a good solution. But you should move most out of gotham. Jason really should be back with the outlaws desu. The abuse thing I don't really get. He's emotionally stunted, but that's what makes batman cool, and they bring out some emotion out of him, which only his girlfriends do otherwise.
NTA, but dont most of those things actually happen in this thread? Maybe its false flagging, but you cant act as if that isn't happening here?
A lot of it was pre crisis where he was a completely different guy with that copycat origin as well. It’s sort of amazing that he didn’t do anything standout or interesting in his time as Robin that it was so forgettable they were able to completely warp the narrative of that time after he died. He did literally nothing of worth but die. Nobody ever even brings up the rapist that he absolutely killed.
And it's always the same freaking thing.
>Bruce hates Jason
>Jason is trash
>Jason is mass murderer who should be in jail
>wah wah Jason fans are meanie who are picking on me and obsessed with other robins wah
Every. Single. Thread.
I agree. We should silence anyone who speaks badly about Jason and have our 20th meaningful discussion about how all the writers hate Jason and UTH was the only good story he got and all his modern stuff is shit and it’s all the fault of the writers who all are secretly conspiring against him to shill Dick or whatever. He had potential!! Tim is gay and shit!! Kek what else?
>Bruce is… LE BAD but also Jason is his favorite
Did I get it all?
Ill be honest, i just made the last comment and really because the other robins come up a lot, didn't make any of the others. Bruce loves jason, its what makes their shit interesting. Jason can be cool, he just isn't most of the time. Jason barely kills, how is he a mass murder?
and don't forget.
>crying endlessly about roy and kory
We're gonna have to keep having these meaningful discussions until we can agree that Dick and Tim are gay.
Well to be fair you guys claim the opposite all the time and it is just plain wrong.
You mean "the Bruce and Jason were roommates" guy? Yeah, he is irritating and doesn't really care about talking. He is just there to whine about Jason and his fans.
And you say people bring the other robins in too much.
I dont think that's fair, jason being robin is very important, it showed that other characters could be robin (now you can argue that was bad,and that it should just be dick, but another topic), and the post crisis origin was good, the story with the rapist I thought was compelling but it did just..never get mentioned again.
Who would even say that? Even if you hate jason, jason meant a lot to bruce, objectively so.
That's another guy I like arguing about them
>Tim is gay and shit!!
Where's the lie
It's both hilarious and annoying. I think it's funny how Jason get under people's skin without doing much. When was the last time we even saw him?
Not really. He was a hard lesson to learn yes but ultimately replaceable. He is more of a symbol and only meaningful in his dead rendition. I disagree with the roommates take but they were more mentor and mentee than anything.
He was not shit for decades. Literally had his own solo spanning years. Jason’s longest stretch being not shit was while he was dead. Tim is gay because fujoshis get to write things now but it is something that will need to be fixed seeing as even the fujos won’t eat it.
Why would a thread with an inflammatory OP annoy people. A mystery.

And he's shown up this month thrice with a mini dedicated to him.
It's some guy who makes long posts about how Bruce totally hates Jason and he was just "his roommate" (he seems to miss the unfortunate implications of this). He is literally in this thread complaining as usual. Like dude, hates Jason all you want, but there's no obligation for you to be in every thread of his.
But he's still gay
Do they forget that winnick wanted to make jason bi? And that he has just as many people who want him to be gay?
>literally had his own solo spanning years.
So does Carol Danvers
Speaking of Mexicans why do all Jason fans want him to be brown and latinx? Wouldn’t that be a negative stereotype that their kind dislikes with the disturbed impoverished brown kid grows up to be a violent criminal and professional killer?
Calling Jason "superior" hurt you that much? Are you seriously this insecure? Do you realize how immature you sound?
Xe should be a gay latinx kween
Carol cant even get to 100 and cant get one in a decade, tim got to 184 for an entire one.
He should be asian. He thought lady shiva was his baby mama, otherwise he'd just be really retarded.
Why does he look so happy being naked
Most Jason fans want him to be brown and gay so it’s not really a good argument. They keep implying weird shit with him anyways so tick tock Jasonfags. Your turn will come soon and I hope it’s not the reveal that he really was molested as a boy kek
The funny thing, we had threads like that about Dick, Tim and Damian with their fans shilling them and yet we don't see Jason fans having meltdowns or even their threads reaching 100 posts, but they are apparently the obsessed ones.
Whatever makes you feel better Timfren
The fact that bruce cared for jason is why he feels sad about it, why dick feels sad over it and wants to be good to tim and damian. If he's just some guy that doesn't work. And he was a kid bruce took into his house, he cared.
Ive criticised jason a lot in this thread, because I thought it was meant to be a place of actual discussion with the OP and constant comparisons. But you need to ignore literally every single jason story to say bruce doesn't care about him.
Most twitter/tumbler fans want everyone to be gay and brown.
Seriously, lmao. How childish you have to be to be this triggered over op that only have two words?
He is a homosexual exhibitionist and he finally gets to indulge in one of his greatest subconscious desires (the other one is slaughtering people with a machine gun for buying crack)
No? But if you put that in the OP you should be able to back it up.
Haven't seen a thread with any of those with the OP comparing them to others. If anything I've seen more ops shitting on the three . If there was one which called them superior they should expect people who disagree naturally.
I love Jason threads they're so schizophrenic and fun
About the same that you need to be to get this upset someone criticises a character you like. Unless you're OP you shouldn't give a shit
Are they? They feel tame to me.
Just like Jason
Jason is my favorite and I do criticize him a lot myself and have no problem discussing his flaws, but that guy is so extreme and obsessed with hating Jason. Dude, he isn't real so freaking chill.
Isnt that all of co?
I missed the fun part never mind. I hate him.
My issue with jason is that he writes himself but somehow we've only gotten like 5 good stories with him, its legit strange. And yeah, weird.
Anon why do you keep saying freaking. You can swear here it’s allowed.
He isn’t very likable to the masses.
Id say the opposite, he's generally likeable to them, UTRH does heavy lifting there (the other adaptations don't have a super popular jason so there's that). Because its his best story removing all the bad parts so its just the good stuff. And its the issue, you see that and think he's great and that he must have a ton of great stories that explore that conflict and then...no
Jason is for Artemis in Amazon position EXCLUSIVELY
I'm not upset by you, I'm annoyed with your worthless posts and love for playing the victim role. You have no idea how many times I harshly criticized Jason which what I like about him. He is flawed and complex character which what makes him such a great character. You are just bashing him endlessly and you have nothing of value to add to this discussion because your hatred blind you completely to make any rational post regarding him.
Best love interest for him, by a mile.
Maybe its controversial, but jason shouldnt have a bat on his chest.
I don't swear in real life so why I would do it on the internet? I'm not two faced guy who show his ugly colors like a coward behind the screen.
Any complexity he has is caused by contradiction and writers doing whatever the hell they want with him. He is not a good character because of this he is not inherently complex he’s just pulled apart and stuck everywhere.
>the other adaptations don't have a super popular jason so there's that
Arkham Knight says hi. It's literally what made him popular among the gamers.
If it was used as a taunt it would be better. His current symbol is ugly. He shouldn’t have one at all. They took his actual symbol and namesake from him kek.
I dunno, that exposed him, but jason's ass there. The whole game's plot is to be fair. And its UTRH that made him popular, its why they could sell the red hood DLC before the game came out and make good money.
Wdym, he has a red hoodie. Get it, red hood?

Im so sorry.
Good for you and I really don't care. Can't stand him? Don't think he is good? Stop talking about. There are plenty of characters I don't care much for and I don't go around obsessing over them and try to convince everyone to hates me to makes me feel better about myself.
I genuinely bet whoever came up with that strange getup really thought that’s what his name meant
Maybe to you, but many liked him in the game and sympathizd with him. You could tell with the millions of viewers over his videos in the gave and how many fan videos they made about him.
You sound mad. I’m sorry anon. He’s fine sometimes I guess.
Good point, but i do think it was far less than the animated movie. Which was his first exposure, and remains dc's second most successful animated flick.
I like the three jokers one honestly. And the arkham knight hoodie, and the brief new 52 one. If he has the mask its cool.
I think this is the real issue here. This weird obsession to make people hates Jason. Funny thing, I have seen someone a while ago (not here) talking about how weirdly obsessed these people are with trying to get Jason fans to hates him.
I like It eyeless this one is cool. I still think my favorite is the with the eyes that aren’t fused to his eyebrows or any part of his face. The blank look is unsettling.
Hate not hates.
Now that you mentioned it, this is actually true. Many times you see some girl talking about how you should like Bucky or Helena or whatever worthless trash they themselves don't care for instead over Jason. It's kinda creepy how weirdly obsessed they are with this.
Somehow helenafags are more annoying than jasonfags. Neither can let shit go.
Because they are some batfamily member fan who feel threatened by Jason's popularity. It's stupid and ridiculous, but that comic community for you.
Fandom spaces are always cringe and terrible and it's getting worse with every new generation. I bother mostly because of fan works and when I sometimes feel like talking about the work.
>remains dc's second most successful animated flick
First. It's their most successful one.
Wtf really?
Yes. It's not exactly surprising with how extremely popular it's.
With how he is now it’s unlikely they will make a story as successful as that one again. Unfortunate.
You're right, i thought it was doomsday, but no.
Bat/co/mblr in action, since the DC Boards went the way of the dodo and that's where a lot of the brainrot was before. That and scans_daily before they went from being supreme edgelords wanting to transvestigate some cringey Titans fanart kid to being more authoritarian and "SHUT UP, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT".
Having at least one is good enough. Most of DC characters don't have a single popular story as this one. Certainly none of the robins do.
Yeah there are a few Jasonfags that like to shriek he must be a Blasian or black latinxxx. Not just a shithouse of muscle either, but has to also fill the fatty role. He needs to tick off all the boxes, but it'd just make these threads even more insufferable if that were canon.
It is something that happened a while ago to be fair

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