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File: 1726951337090204.jpg (3.08 MB, 2953x2500)
3.08 MB
3.08 MB JPG
>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread: >>145549106
File: Aunt Grandma Nude.jpg (213 KB, 1140x1108)
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213 KB JPG
Requesting Aunt Grandma naked and covering herself.
File: download (12).png (2.63 MB, 1500x1374)
2.63 MB
2.63 MB PNG
Requesting Slave Stephanie Brown chained to Cluemaster from The Batman (2004).
File: Marceline Susan.jpg (395 KB, 1920x1180)
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395 KB JPG
Requesting Marceline playing the bass from "Five More Short Graybles" while Susan Strong sings loudly and passionately.
I dont know if billy is cured but i gonna post my request anyway

Mabel, Pacifica and Dipper with Bigdad desings in a comic where mabel enter the attic saying
>Hey bro bro have you seen my c-
And then he found pacifica wearing mabel clothes in top of dipper in the bed, all with surprised faces, in awkward silence until dipper say
and pacifica say
And mabel with a total red face
File: JR Wildtake.png (1008 KB, 1165x564)
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1008 KB PNG
Requesting Jessica Rabbit in Pjs going full Slick Wolf starting to madly Wild take and howl at a dumpy just woken up Roger rabbit
File: Image.jpg (21 KB, 246x385)
21 KB
Requesting Rule 63 of Carl.
Feel free to do your own interpretation of the design.
File: Gerty x Stereo.jpg (494 KB, 1200x1995)
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494 KB JPG
Gerty abducted by Stereo Monovici from Space Goofs and then both fallen in love (just like a image below).
File: IMG_0978.jpg (78 KB, 432x1381)
78 KB
Requesting Jessica Rabbit as a demure/modest woman. You can either do the same look as the reference pic or do your own take on it.
File: Mini.jpg (1.04 MB, 1178x1223)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
/r/ing Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine stretching.
File: 120129019201929192.png (960 KB, 1496x480)
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960 KB PNG
Requesting the scene on the left redrawn in the style of "Death Tome."
File: Judge Charlie Brown.png (356 KB, 500x835)
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356 KB PNG
Requesting Charlie Brown as Juge Holden from Blood Meridian
File: Molly Jo.png (2.72 MB, 2410x4380)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
Requesting Molly Jo (Amphibia) as a sexy MILF.
File: Moana 2 Moni.png (1.99 MB, 1458x1108)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB PNG
Requesting some art of Moni (one of the new characters) from Moana 2, with a cute smile in a full body draw. Anything with him is fine!
File: 1726863948839.png (1.16 MB, 1203x618)
1.16 MB
1.16 MB PNG
Requesting Meredith the Mindtaker from Birdgirl recreating the rose scene from American Beauty
Requesting bipedal Kiara and Vitani playing basketball.
File: Moon Bunny.png (3.22 MB, 1769x1708)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB PNG
Requesting Moon Girl as a Playboy Bunny.
Requesting these girls as a roller derby team.
File: 1724643226310512.png (1.02 MB, 1600x900)
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1.02 MB PNG
Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference), also add the earrings pls
Requesting Colonial man fighting alongside Iron Fist. Teamup, not fighting one another.
File: SAMANTHA.jpg (509 KB, 637x1243)
509 KB
509 KB JPG
Can I get S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A. from Telebugs blowing a kiss.
Requesting Reed Richards using his superior intellect to beat Galactus at Hungry Hungry Hippos and being unbearably smug about it.
File: 1726875711503752.png (1.12 MB, 1600x900)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy
File: 1720038784718.png (1.96 MB, 1600x900)
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1.96 MB PNG
Requesting this cover but with Apocalypse Samurai from Mutant Busters wearing his mask and shooting a blue laser from the bottom muzzle and with a blue muzzle flash
File: Reference 1.png (642 KB, 781x477)
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642 KB PNG
Requesting Punished Beast Boy telling a confused/ concerned Terra 'Dr. Hate made me go NUCLEAR!!!'

reference for 'punished' look is included
File: 724728672357.jpg (228 KB, 1865x1297)
228 KB
228 KB JPG
Requesting Rigby getting transformed into a human by a wizard or something and while he starts freaking out telling Mordecai he needs to help him revert back but Eileen who has been openly eyeing human Rigby interrupts him saying maybe he should give being a human for a day a try.
File: 1704396183230.jpg (85 KB, 780x308)
85 KB
Requesting Miko wearing only panties, fishnet leggings, and pasties on her nipples.
File: America Intensifies.png (3.93 MB, 2221x1920)
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3.93 MB PNG
Requesting Time Lincoln and Captain America standing side by side looking like they're about to kick someone's ass.
Requesting Billy Batson accidentaly walking in on his sister Mary undressing.
File: aZ7bdo6_700b.jpg (26 KB, 379x368)
26 KB
Requesting your favorite dad character wearing the No Ma'am shirt.
File: Ref.png (3.22 MB, 3000x1370)
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3.22 MB PNG
Requesting Michiru from Brand New Animal dressed up/cosplaying as Animal Man from DC Comics.
Requesting a piece showing Johnny and Fluffy getting ready for their date.
File: 1727045815885230.jpg (86 KB, 500x526)
86 KB
Requesting Two Custodes guarding Duck Dodgers

An /a/ character cosplaying as a /co/ character is an /a/ request.
File: Mary's Marys.png (755 KB, 2160x1728)
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755 KB PNG
And here's an alt:
File: Clancy_Wiggum.png (119 KB, 307x464)
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119 KB PNG
Requesting Chief Wiggum as a buff guy!
Preferably on-model with the Simpsons style.
File: abbigail ranger.png (3.15 MB, 2211x1749)
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3.15 MB PNG
Requesting Abby from Gone Feral dressed as a scout leader.
File: waller cleavage.png (3.87 MB, 5124x3947)
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3.87 MB PNG
Requesting angry Amanda Waller looking and frowning at the viewer with her massive deep cleavage taking up most of the image.
I don't know why he's spamming my old VERY DELIVERED request. I don't like it. I was grateful and don't like someone trying to make it seem like I wasn't.
Requesting a Boy Version/Genderbend of Bunny.
Obvious samefag.
File: Jesswildtake meme.png (435 KB, 984x342)
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435 KB PNG
wip https://files.catbox.moe/v3lrfw.png
File: BlackAdamDesign01.jpg (571 KB, 1920x1356)
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571 KB JPG
Reading a wall of ancient egyptian hyrogliphics
File: IMG_2244.jpg (118 KB, 999x451)
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118 KB JPG
Requesting Huntress Wizard and Jungle Princess mudwrestling.
File: Untitled-1.jpg (397 KB, 2065x1500)
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397 KB JPG
Requesting Caitlyn from Arcane dressed as the right pic.
File: nvn842g783478t3.jpg (829 KB, 3556x1204)
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829 KB JPG
Requesting Frankie being princess carried by Prince Charming.
Requesting Penny Peterson dressed as Chel from El Dorado.
Optional: preferably with Peabody and Sherman in Tulio and Miguel's "god" outfits.
File: harleyed cass.png (3.06 MB, 1914x2574)
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3.06 MB PNG
Requesting Brainwashed/"Quinnified" Cassandra Cain in a fusion of her Batgirl outfit and Harley's costume.
File: 1716475742185083.jpg (175 KB, 986x762)
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175 KB JPG
Requesting Supergirl and/or Powergirl wearing lingerie akin to the set on the right. Optionally; Replace the hearts with the El-logo if you draw them on Kara.
Requesting Thog the Amazonian posed like this with a spear (going for a less-cartoony style, not the Groening style)
File: 20240920_005157.png (426 KB, 604x464)
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426 KB PNG
Requesting Ace as Linnya Wazzo. The ancestor to Tinya Wazzo, the Phantom Girl from the Legion. Which she wears the outfit itself

Playing with the idea of Ace with amnesia but she's secretly a Bgztlians with telekinesis this whole time
Requesting Dominant Lina
File: gator charlette.jpg (149 KB, 1280x1024)
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149 KB JPG
Requesting the Voodoo going wrong and Charlette getting turned into a gator.
File: cup and balls.jpg (565 KB, 1608x1536)
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565 KB JPG
Requesting The Legion of Superhero's Shrinking Violet..
(I like the short green dress with black leggings - but the newer sorta-anime style is okay.. )
The set up: The old 3 cups magic trick. SA cup is raised with Violet having just been revealed, hugging her knees and laughing.
File: 1726883441385548.png (202 KB, 720x466)
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202 KB PNG
Requesting wanda pierce dress as Sasami Kawai from Magical Project S
File: cartoon party vs dragon.png (3.34 MB, 4162x2789)
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3.34 MB PNG
Requesting the cartoon party fighting a dragon like in the image on the right, the dragon is maleficent.
File: RIP Charles Deetz.png (1.6 MB, 1617x1143)
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1.6 MB PNG
Requesting an animated version of the bellow image. Wednesday, as I imagine with the rest of her family, would be acting as if she's attending a wedding.
File: Gwen Tennyson.jpg (652 KB, 2561x1335)
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652 KB JPG
Requesting Gwen Tennyson cosplaying as Aela the Huntress
File: Fadlfu2(2).jpg (561 KB, 1260x1900)
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561 KB JPG
Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay
File: 1726883330664080.png (96 KB, 720x447)
96 KB
Requesting Annie Bramley dress as Mai Shiranui
File: 1726900931520198.png (135 KB, 1024x2048)
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135 KB PNG
Requesting Queen Vexus playing
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks on
Nintendo DS
Is it that hard to look after your own post?
File: 1726883609402329.png (133 KB, 690x382)
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133 KB PNG
Requesting Candle Fox does a Instant Implants Meme
File: 1726903002732476.png (85 KB, 720x428)
85 KB
Requesting Candle Fox have mechanical limbs like Aigis from Persona 3
File: request19.png (870 KB, 1440x1080)
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870 KB PNG
requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse being nudged (or licked like the dolphin's a puppy dog) by a dolphin like Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper
File: file.png (494 KB, 682x893)
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494 KB PNG
Requesting Red Riding Hood (Revolting Rhymes) vs. Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish), plz. (Either the two fighting, or Red presenting Death's pelt to her girlfriend, Snow White)
File: amphibia 40k.png (1.71 MB, 3000x1604)
1.71 MB
1.71 MB PNG
Requesting the calamity trio in the warhammer 40k universe fighting as in the image on the left.
>Anne as an Imperial Guard.
>Sasha as a Adepta Sororitas.
>Marcy as an Inquisitor.
File: Cocktail amalia and eva.png (3.97 MB, 2093x2935)
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3.97 MB PNG
Requesting Evangelyne and Amalia wearing cocktail dresses (white dress for Evangelyne and black dress for Amalia) while drinking at a bar as in the image.
File: raven co requests 9.21.png (461 KB, 946x1373)
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461 KB PNG
File: Holy dragon.png (328 KB, 776x346)
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328 KB PNG
Requesting Collin as a Holy Sheep Dragon
Requesting Tanis in a " walk like an Egyptian" pose.
File: encanto.jpg (131 KB, 1024x1024)
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Requesting Isabela Madrigal from Encanto bound and gagged with a cloth gag over her lower face like in the reference, fully clothed. You don’t have to add the flower designs to her dress if too meticulous.
File: Snake Hunt.jpg (3.19 MB, 2005x1500)
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3.19 MB JPG
Requesting Conan and Jiraiya teaming up to kick some sorry snake tail.
File: Izumeko.jpg (256 KB, 2060x635)
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256 KB JPG
Requesting Izzy wearing Yumeko's school uniform
File: Saiyajin Maxima ref.jpg (1.11 MB, 6025x1440)
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1.11 MB JPG
Requesting the Oozaru transformation face/scene, but with Saiyan Maxima
File: Lola_Stella.jpg (140 KB, 883x742)
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140 KB JPG
Requesting Lola wearing this pajama.
Requesting your favorite marvel or dc heroine as a Brainiac drone as in pic related.
pose is free
File: reference.png (981 KB, 873x1117)
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981 KB PNG
Requesting Azula getting drunk off ginger ale like Kana
Well, here's to more women in that dress
Requesting the iconic “Professor X makes Goku and Vegeta kiss” meme with Flapjack and Chowder being subdued from Mogging Marvel by Soft Serve doing her shit.
File: Olive is not welcomed.png (506 KB, 500x825)
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Requesting Olive from High Guardian Spice as this Garfield meme
File: 15256113.jpg (232 KB, 1920x1080)
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232 KB JPG
Requesting audit chloe carmichael dress as Luna Platz from mega man star force https://files.catbox.moe/p7q1hu.jpg
File: Soundwave.jpg (518 KB, 1585x1184)
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Requesting G1 Soundwave as a triple-changer with his satellite mode from RotF and stealth bomber mode from Cybertron.
File: MourningHarley.png (895 KB, 1271x382)
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895 KB PNG
Requesting Wonder Woman mourning Harley Quinn
File: Eddy Lee Kanker.jpg (708 KB, 1719x1820)
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708 KB JPG
Requesting Eddy motorboating and grabbing Lee Kanker's ass
File: 122723553_p1.png (1.18 MB, 2037x1415)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
Heh, great. Not OR but good work anon.
File: 1675413405033.png (1.13 MB, 1805x718)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB PNG
Requesting Garfield as Nightwing's sidekick
File: black widow.jpg (1.4 MB, 2775x2088)
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1.4 MB JPG
Requesting Natasha Romanoff wearing golden age Black Widow's costume
That's pretty neat!

>meme outfits are only requested by one person
I miss when I could be confident that other anons were just trolling and not genuinely mentally retarded.
Fuck you, I almost choked on my coffee. Next time warn people before being very fucking funny.
File: take it off.jpg (1008 KB, 2286x1080)
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1008 KB JPG
Requesting Mrs. Boonchuy getting unwillingly undressed by Sasha and Marcy
File: darkwing shadow.jpg (1.04 MB, 1666x1680)
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1.04 MB JPG
Requesting a pulp magazine or comic cover influenced by the Shadow magazines and comics.
Or possibly in a special "team-up edition."
- with Duck Savage. Duc a l'Orange (the Duck of Bronze)
Thank you.
File: 1726903255508756.png (219 KB, 678x391)
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219 KB PNG
Requesting Fee marriage piri piri in there wedding dress
File: 1726903098022299.png (86 KB, 720x418)
86 KB
Requesting Kim Popularé dress as B.B Hood from Darkstalkers
File: 1726934067587487.png (259 KB, 649x287)
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259 KB PNG
Requesting the left pic with Snap smoking the cigar/twirling the gun and Queen Rapsheeba dancing in a bikini.
File: R63 Mac Frankie stuck.jpg (827 KB, 3026x1488)
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827 KB JPG
Requesting R63 Mac or Frankie Foster or both of them stuck in the washing machine and Mischievous Bloo closing in
File: egyptian dahl.png (2.41 MB, 1274x1612)
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2.41 MB PNG
Requesting Mary Dahl/Baby Doll in an Egyptian outfit for working with King Tut.
File: 1291029101913913.png (1.1 MB, 1859x1125)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
Requesting Kathy taking a selfie.
File: lkmugshots.jpg (289 KB, 1585x1971)
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289 KB JPG
Requesting shocked Kovu and happy Kiara mugshots.
File: val workout.png (3.97 MB, 1610x1898)
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3.97 MB PNG
Requesting Valeria Richards in a Fantastic Four workout outfit similar to this. Maybe incorporate just a little Doom aesthetic since she's his favorite goddaughter.
File: Astrid Hofferson Bim.png (853 KB, 1069x961)
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853 KB PNG
Requesting bimbofication of Astrid, but keep her a viking please.
File: nx5rfhj6u3h31.jpg (63 KB, 399x600)
63 KB
Requesting a superdickery-style comic cover
Read this post >>145606693
I think it deserves Silver Age-styled cover with caption "Jimmy, you have SUPER-AIDS"
You may look at these for inspiration.
File: streetrat selina showoff.png (1.56 MB, 1306x955)
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1.56 MB PNG
Requesting young "streetrat" Selina Kyle wearing/showing off a haul of stolen jewelry. Try to incorporate some cat-themed jewelry, if possible.
File: rigka.gif (2.03 MB, 500x789)
2.03 MB
2.03 MB GIF
Requesting Rigby strumming a chair like La Parka.
File: patty melt.jpg (515 KB, 1804x1424)
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515 KB JPG
Requesting at camp, as a night storm rages.
Rrain-soaked Peppermint Patty (like refs) stands in the cabin doorway.
She's wearing / pulling off a drenched nightgown or long-T..
"Grab a towel for me Chuck. I just got drenched in that storm."
Requesting Mabel in Business Mabel mode, posed like on the right. Not a Bigdad age-up or anything like that.
File: Raven Fusion.jpg (733 KB, 4500x3542)
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733 KB JPG
Requesting Raven fusion
Requesting the surrounded meme drawn with Willow, Luz, Camila, Amity and Vee wearing white tank tops and panties around Hunter
Requesting colors.
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/yu06ke.png
File: Mac Harem Request update.jpg (2.26 MB, 2604x2852)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB JPG
Requesting Mac getting kissed by Frankie and Goo, I suggest to give him red blushes on his face and maybe kiss marks too.
not OR, really good anon
File: francell req.jpg (206 KB, 1800x725)
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Requesting Francell absorbing the morning mimosa ladies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LQ0-NQSxA4
File: Gabi X Gogo.png (3.44 MB, 2414x1808)
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3.44 MB PNG
Requesting Gabi Hernandez and Gogo Tomago taking a selfie together.
I request nothing, starring no one.
File: facilier husker.jpg (110 KB, 1024x768)
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Requesting Dr. Facilier playing poker with Husker and down to his underwear and hat with the rest of his clothes in the pot and looking nervous from the pressure.
File: combine_images (2).jpg (266 KB, 722x501)
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266 KB JPG
Requesting Ziggy either taking Garfield to the vet to get fixed or just doing the procedure himself. The punchline being Ziggy getting fixed instead.
File: A better ending.png (2.37 MB, 1580x1280)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB PNG
Requesting Titan Luz and Philip sharing a passionate kiss under the rain
File: jazz girlz.jpg (487 KB, 1880x1432)
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487 KB JPG
Requesting these two hepsters at a dim smoky downstairs club dancing, smoking jazz cigarettes and/or reciting poetry.
That schizo has a tendency to hound on anyone requesting particular things, don't mind him.
File: Satinaphobia.png (563 KB, 1236x698)
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563 KB PNG
Requesting Sakuri from Demonophobia (Guro game) being scared of Satina or having a picnic with her in hell
Replace the anime character with an actual bird raven
Shes's from RWBY so she's /co/.
File: Fish Police Brutality.jpg (520 KB, 1596x489)
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520 KB JPG
Requesting the Fish Police brutalizing Oscar.
File: 1696910513270.png (1.1 MB, 1570x432)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
Requesting Bumblebee laughing when he's on Cyber-steroids.
File: 1726867906535524m.jpg (209 KB, 722x1024)
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209 KB JPG
Reposting a repost for a commission. It got buried in the last one.
No idea what I'm looking at, but I like it.
File: nocedabods.jpg (657 KB, 1120x2400)
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657 KB JPG
Requesting Luz and Camila Noceda doing the bikini pose from the bottom picture
File: dork dream diaries.png (553 KB, 880x568)
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553 KB PNG
Requesting Nikki Maxwell (Dork Diaries) dressed as Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
You already got this
File: LadyDevidecimal Idea.jpg (1.86 MB, 3372x1650)
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1.86 MB JPG
Requesting Hexadecimal as a LadyDevimon variant.
File: WeissFreezeGoon.png (3.22 MB, 2004x2167)
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3.22 MB PNG
Requesting Weiss Schnee from RWBY (Either her RWBY X DC design (upper) or her Volume 1 design (lower) turning/turned into a Mr. Freeze goon from BTAS after grabbing a freeze gun.
File: Ghost Gals.jpg (340 KB, 1257x1868)
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340 KB JPG
Requesting the top pic redrawn with Kat and Lydia replacing Luz and Anne.
Care to show it for the rest of the class?
File: Carl K and friends 2.jpg (398 KB, 1288x779)
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398 KB JPG
Requesting from Kolchak :The Night Stalker
- Carl Kolchak.
- with Carl with the Winchester Brothers (animated but not anime versions) ,
(and maybe Cas if you feel like it.)
File: 4o5oCOxkqBqi.png (1.38 MB, 1000x1000)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
Sorry, rest of my post got cut off somehow.
Requesting them kissing.
File: vy4u2hg7834it4.jpg (1020 KB, 3880x2044)
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1020 KB JPG
Requesting Huntress Wizard wearing the same outfit as the Dryad from Terraria.
Should Black Adam be like, writing them? being featured in them? reading them? Why did you post him?
File: Skeletor on throne.jpg (127 KB, 720x528)
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Requesting Skeletor indiscriminately firing an AK-47 while standing on a balcony
My bad I'm gonna say reading them I guess, idk I enjoy ancient egyptian aesthetic? At least it's something different and not the same old coomer prompts
Requesting Superman mowing the lawn of the Aqua Teens
File: I GAVE THEM THE CHAIR!.jpg (1.09 MB, 2861x937)
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1.09 MB JPG
Requesting the Sneed Bros. attending Trump's trial as vengeful spirits.
File: Veeloved Wife.png (583 KB, 1558x614)
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583 KB PNG
Requesting a redraw of this comic strip but with Vee and Anon instead
File: goat heavenwip.jpg (312 KB, 1558x742)
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Requesting Goat smoking a bong with a happy Pigman. (or Pigmen)
Both of them have little floating wings on their shoulders and small halos.

Goat is blowing out a cloud of smoke saying
"Maybe this won't be so bad after all"
File: superboy & starfire.jpg (553 KB, 2046x1663)
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553 KB JPG

Delivery for a request from an earlier thread
File: IMG_9580.png (63 KB, 998x1426)
63 KB
Requesting Cavewoman Brittney Wong doing some prehistoric Kung-Fu kicks.
File: Mai.png (913 KB, 794x962)
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913 KB PNG
Requesting Mai with a fat ass. Any (rear showing) pose, outfit and expression will be fine
Already delivered.
File: angel dominique.jpg (71 KB, 490x418)
71 KB
Requesting Angel posing like this.
File: stop liking evil women.png (2.48 MB, 2974x846)
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2.48 MB PNG
Requesting Multiman (Phineas) taking away a blushing and confused Control Freak (Candace) and leaving an annoyed Rainbow (Isabella) behind like in the reference of the knight and a female dragon.
File: terra milk.jpg (844 KB, 911x1859)
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844 KB JPG
Requesting Terra drinking milk
File deleted.
Requesting Raven wearing these shoes.
Requesting Casey getting some encouragement from his father.
Already here sir, just scroll up>>145605678
Nice, didn't notice because of the lack of (you). I'll try to delete the request image.
File: co ref.png (1.92 MB, 2210x1450)
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1.92 MB PNG
Requesting Cigarettes the Cat eating sushi off backside of Julie the Billionaire Bikini Supermodel Astrophysicist like in the top left corner.
File: wondy takes on 2.jpg (1.03 MB, 1705x1024)
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1.03 MB JPG
Requesting Wonder Woman in pic related with Batman and Superman
Requesting the Turtles killing and eating Bebop and Rocksteady.
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requesting catfight
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Counter-requesting Superman and his two teammates moving into the renovated Aqua Teen House.
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Requesting the manga panel on the left with June Way.
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Requesting Lacey and Nia dressed as Starfire and Raven.
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Requesting the Kanker Sisters in this setup from Petticoat Junction with the swimming sisters in the water tower grabbing for clothing.
Requesting kissing.
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Requesting April getting arrested.
Requesting Livewire firing off a corrupted version of Baou Zakeruga

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Requesting Ruby and Jinx leading an invasion on Lebanon.
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Requesting the same angle and face with Shnitzel. But he'll be saying "Radda radda..." and then ...Radda...radda radda radda.
Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.
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Requesting Goth Velma turning into Lady Death, similarly to the bottom image, but with an excited evil grin
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Requesting anon proposing to kim pibe from the pov of anon and kim pine is crying tears of happiness.
Wasn't able to find any good reference outside of just kim herself
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Requesting 2003 April O'Neil and Karai in BLACKED underwear
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I hope it's to your liking.
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Requesting a version of the image on the right side but with the brown rabbit and the yellow rabbit that appear in the Robot Dreams movie.



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I was torn on whether to Catbox this or just spoiler it.

Doing God's work.
File: your co girls.jpg (77 KB, 632x878)
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Requesting the righht as green anon and the left as your favorite co waifus.
Dayum! Incredible work anon this is some good food.
Requesting a redraw of this pic but matching closer to the show's style
Model reference https://files.catbox.moe/cmvk1p.png
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Requesting old Devlin Levin and Ken Tennyson playing chess
Also requesting coloring
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Requesting Gwen wearing the dangerous beast outfit. https://files.catbox.moe/k2p680.jpg
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Requesting Marie offering some puff puff.
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Requesting Deadpool sewing Sailor Moon's mouth shut.
Requesting the Lockhorns accidentally crashing their car into the store where Cathy is trying on a swimsuit.
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Requesting Hailey Banks as a lofi girl like in the right pic.
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Requesting your waifu dressed like this
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Requesting a recreation of the right image with Eda letting Camila borrow a similar dress from her

Requesting an adaptation of the ending of Stardust Crusaders where Charlie the Unicorn and Startaur look up to the ghosts of Nyx, Krell and Norwell in gratitude. (or you can leave Norwell out - he didn't really help that much)
Suggesting Blue Diamond
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Requesting Will Harangue saying something like. "Not only is Ben Tennyson a danger to public safety, he's a threat to traditional family values." with a picture of Ben arm in arm with Looma or Attea, both if you can swing it.
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Requesting the following.
A male character of your choosing slams his fist on the table repeatedly in the first frame, then he screams "FeminaziI!!! FEMINAZI!!!" at a terrified female character (again, your choice) while he is being held from lunging at her.
Suggesting Pacifica.
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Requesting Anna and Elsa sitting at a bonfire in the woods and coughing from the smoke from the fire
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Requesting Casey Calderon and Carlota Casagrande sharing a passionate kiss at the beach.
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Requesting Otis and Bob just chilling.
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Requesting glomer being grabbed from punky's pov
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Requesting a "compromise" redesign of the Chipettes, mostly keeping the OG look but with the tails, fuzz, and animal ears of their descendants.
Most excellent. This is going to get reposted a lot, anon.
You know, if you can't think of an actual request, you don't have to post anything. You certainly don't have to grab a random image saved on your heard drive and go "idk, make it /co/ somehow."
>random image
I drew it for this very occasion, like, a few hours ago. With a mouse.
It's Oktoberfest, requesting some busty ladies as barmaids serving steins of beer.
Not many deliveries.
File: Devil D and Turok02.jpg (726 KB, 1636x957)
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Requesting Turok in a mix of Native and tacticool gear fighting a bunch of creatures with Devil Dinosaur.
The "Horde" of *whatever* can be more implied and mostly obscured by dust. Possibly Moon Boy's monkey-men people.
File: It was me, Sonic!.jpg (216 KB, 1025x1437)
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Requesting Scourge as Reverse-Flash.
File: Lulu's gonna.....jpg (81 KB, 1497x699)
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Requesting Lulu telling Arnie that she's gonna go fuck his cousin
File: Bret Reagan inside job .jpg (335 KB, 1809x1162)
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Requesting Reagan wearing that and chugging one of the stiens, spilling some on her breasts, with Bret in lederhosen struggling to keep up with her.
Requesting Milf version of Mina Harper cosplay as Mai-Ling
Requesting Mikey and Choji looking after Cousin Spunky.
In view of the Sonic x DC crossover, requesting Katella the Huntress as Giganta.
Requesting Supergirl as a Oktoberfest barmaid
Would you mind if I add Super Robotnik instead of Superman?
Go ahead, I just used that panel because it was what I had on hand.
Why not Power Girl?
I prefer long hair
Okay, quick sketch (with a touch of tracing).
By the way, Catbox doesn't work anymore.
File: brown milfs.jpg (338 KB, 2437x1366)
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Requesting any of these three brown milfs
>Super Robotnik
NICE, thanks. Though I'd say Katella's chin needs a little work. Thanks again.
>I'd say Katella's chin needs a little work
As I said, a lot of tracin was involved, and Giganta's chin is bigger than Supes'. Besides, it's just a sketch.
How about this?
File: IMG_4273.jpg (1.57 MB, 2471x3214)
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Sorry, not coloring this.
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Requesting Pearl and Amethyst dressed as Walter and Jesse during a drug deal
Yes that's much better, thank you.
Perfection, thanks!
File: BV Shotgun.jpg (876 KB, 1756x1716)
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Requesting Betty and Veronica lounging on a bed.
There is a plate with a small pile of ground weed and a bong, joints or a hooka.
One of the girls is shotgunning the smoke from her lips into the receptive lips of the other.
Naked jealousy.
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Requesting Big the Cat as Bane.
File: Summers almost over.jpg (278 KB, 2819x729)
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Requesting femboy Double Trouble wearing a white sundress and hat, bending over and tucking his hair behind one of his ears. Have one strap hanging off his shoulder, showing one of his nips, with slight tan lines from the dress.

Bonus points if he has a "shadow" shining through the dress. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9010452
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Requesting Agent K from the replacements wearing a Mobster suit/costume
It has nothing to do with jealousy. It's been blatantly pointed out already since last thread.
Watch as he requests it one more time next thread
That's really good. It's unfortunate how so many high quality and effort deliveries get lost amongst the spam or are ignored in favored of the softcore porn ones.
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Requesting Niffty using a vacuum cleaner on both Vaggie and Charlie sucking up their clothes leave me them in just they're underwear
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Requesting Aang in Sun Wukongs' armor
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Requesting Oswalda Cobblepot in the same pose as Kim Kardashian
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In celebration of the new dB next week requesting bardok vs omniman
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Requesting Casey Krinsky dressed as Zatanna on the left panel
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Requesting Pony from China Il in a green or yellow bikini or one piece.
Standing by, or relaxing in (maybe holding a Tiki Drink - don't forget the umbrella) a small inflatable kids pool in a backyard.
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Requesting G1 Skywarp wearing a vampire costume, similar to right side of pic, just without the necklace.
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Requesting Mr. Lassen living under Bart's bed.
There is no rhyme or reason to this
this with numbah 5 and numbah 3
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holy shit a reference would be nice huh
File: Battle.png (1.23 MB, 1370x777)
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Requesting two /co/ characters of your choice posed like this
Easy mode would be Luke Cage and Iron Fist
That's the obscurest and most retarded same VA req in a while
File: gay riley.jpg (138 KB, 482x340)
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Requesting this with Riley
OR here, thank you for doing my request (and sorry for the guy spamming it). I really appreciate the time and effort you took to make this. It came out as a great fun piece of art!
Oh well, I'm happy with the way it turned out. It was a good way to practice some ideas I've been wanting to try. I wanted to try and do a dappling effect, but none of the colors save black were dark enough to really get the effect right. I'm gonna keep trying with any requests that interest me and keep up the practice, it's been enjoyable and I'm having fun.
Also, I don't blame the NSFW stuff nearly as much as I blame the spamming faggot with plain cringe requests.
Velma with big freckly tits
Nope, that fucking Lute one beats it.
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Requesting Venom and Orca fighting and flirting.
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You didn't say which wall of ancient egyptian hyrogliphics...
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Requesting Kris Kringle taking some time off to enjoy the sun and waves.
He's carefully applying suntan oil to his red-haired, freckled wife Jessica.
Not really no. They're also not shoving in an anime character.
Not the requester but this is what it's all about.
"Each of these characters has a 'singing voice VA' and each of those 'singing voice VA's played the same character in a Broadway play" is absolutely more retarded than "these three characters share a VA."
Both requests are retarded but at least the first is them singing karaoke that has a deeper connection under the surface of what seems like a manatee. Meanwhile you could refine the other by just eliminating Choji & replace Spunky with the older version just hanging out with Mikey or better yet dressed like Mikey.
Cursed, but neat
Requesting the image on the right but with an extra busty Nurse Doom domming Hello Nurse
File: ThunderTurtlesMoon.jpg (2 MB, 4000x3000)
2 MB
Requesting an homage to the Thunderbolts* movie poster with the Ninja Turtles and Sailor Moon in the center. It's for a crossover I'm planning to work on.

Have the tagline say "Where is my mind?"
OR here, was not expecting a delivery of this caliber. Thanks.
Kara or Diana dressed up as Sailor Mars.
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Requesting Amy.
Diana, just her

And have Harley Quinn dressed up as Sailor Moon
OR here neat a cursed delivery that's a first and I can't quite tell is that a sonichu reference?
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Inked, probably not gonna color it anymore though
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sorry, uploaded wrong version
Not OR, but that’s really good
Could someone please add these deliveries to the booru?
You can do it yourself.
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Dude, are you Dan Mora?
Requesting Princess Clara dressed up as Stormfront
Ha, I wish. I just kind of ripped off his artstyle. Hopefully I'll get to his skill level someday
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Requesting Keno and Galaxy having a romantic moment together.
Requesting older and younger Nocturna in place of Mortica and Wednesday respectively.
Requesting Kenny and Michael Jackson (in his decomposing state) on a swing set
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Requesting Sam Sparks licking the tip of Barry the Strawberry.
and another of Sam with her face covered in strawberry jam.
Homie it directly references the during the Stone Age joke
Good delivery but I don't know how to feel about it.
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Requesting the image on the right with Leni loud
I like Magi-Fate
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Requesting Saitama doing some training with Gogo, laconically commenting something like "hey, you're pretty good."
Preferably with some background element implying her attacks are ridiculously powerful.
>retarded request
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Requesting the right pic with Courtney Babcock
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Requesting Prince Keldor courting Light Spinner.
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Requesting Mrs Boobchuy wearing the shirt on the left
Requesting Goku's severed head on a pike in the foreground of Catradora's big kiss.
Requesting Nora Rita Norita and and Hello Nurse wearing the underwear the women are wearing in the middle, though posed like this https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7267087.

Also requesting Nora Rita wearing the outfit on the right.
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Any Maria Santiago requests? No Lincoln
Black little dress :)

Have her giving a kissy wink expression to the viewer with wearing the clothes like in the reference except replace the brand with “Nickelodeon”
This one's lame.
You know what i want, Billy my Boy. Make her embarrased this time, maybe even give her a different skimpy one-piece
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Requesting Cassie from Dragon Tales

Any drawing of her lol
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Requesting this with /co/ characters
This with Abrham Lincoln?
Make her muscular and with bulging veins like this.
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Requesting Hondo and Don Carnage shaking hands.
They are shaking hands and smiling in an amicable way thoughts of bloodshed and betrayal dance through their minds.
They both have one hand (the one not used in shaking) behind their backs.
They are either signifying (at least to themselves and the audience) a promised betrayal signified either by crossed finger OR a concealed weapon.
That's disgusting. Take your garbage to /trash/
based and hot
Having her seduce lois einhorn from ace ventura
I’m not breaking any thread rule so shut up.
You mean Lincoln Loud?
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Requesting a recreation of Meat Loaf's Renegade Angel album cover with Xavier.
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Requesting leggy lamb dressed like juno
Keep wait
No. President, Abraham, Lincoln.
File: Spoiler Image (162 KB, 1000x1262)
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Cute, but you might wanna spoiler that one
very cute, I love the expressions
OR here. Very-very noice. Thanks so much my fren
The Kilamanacho Mountains were never the same again.
Barry looks shell shucked, he got that Thousand Island Stare
Why are you posting my drawing?
File: Susan Quinceañera.jpg (2.08 MB, 4492x5000)
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Requesting Ginormica wearing a puffy quinceañera dress of her own because of her movie's 15th Anniversary.
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Requesting something similar to the bottom ref image, but with Five staring down a giant, buxom Hulk/Tetramand/Sheeva-like version of Glitch Miko clad in the remains of her uniform
Delivery (wip). Might add colors later.
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Requesting Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Harley Quinn do the hands of sincerity.
Requesting this cover but with Jerry Smith and his family(rick and morty). The date: January 7,2021.-
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Requesting Spider-Boy eating a hot dog.
No I just never proof read my posts. I liked your delivery I've never had a request done that was drawn in a weird aka cursed way
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And I couldn't resist a slightly racier version : https://twitter.com/Alex_Nonyme_/status/1839217994204872955?s=19
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Requesting Speed Racer X or general late 90s to 2000s edgy anime style remake versions of Penelope and Pandora


OR here, this is awesome! I really like it, I'll wait for the colored version (but if you can't, no worries), thanks!
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Requesting a heated debate between Monkey Moses and M. Bison.
>Beast Boy on the carton.

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Isn't this an /aco/ request? How lewd is too lewd for this board.
I'm just gonna leave this here if you are interested.
No nips, non lips, go yips
It wasn't what I expected, but it's a good delivery for October.
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Requesting a fusion of Miss Piggy and Blue Diamond.
Requesting Rankin Bass girls sitting in front of a fireplace
You get what you deserve :-)))
Nice work
Beth Flag : Jerrmily Mort
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Requesting women from Spongebob Squarepants as a Girls Gang.
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Requesting Dexter-turned-into-a-hot-girl/Dextra in a playboy bunny suit that incorporates lab coat elements & Dexter's color scheme.
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Requesting Giulia laying claim to Luca on front of Alberto, like so.
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Requesting Numbuh 5 lazing around like so.
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Requesting the Foot Clan member Natsu getting mutated and loving her bigger muscles.
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Requesting Sallie May wearing a Oktoberfest bar maid outfit chugging a mug of beer while offering you a bite of her brat
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Requesting a short comic with Leah bending over and leaning on her counter, pushing a pile of books towards Andrea saying "Here you go sweety", Andrea noticing that their is an extra book in the stack and saying that she didn't pay for it, Leah saying "Keep it, it's on the house" while giving her a wink, then Andrea looking at the book showing it's the Kama Sutra with little book markers sticking out of the side.
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Requesting Charity from Undergrads.
She's got a splattering of bubbly vanilla milkshake splashed all over her face and dampening her shirt.
She's saying "Rocco. Do you see this horrible mess? Roccco? Rocco?"
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Requesting a redraw of these superman panels with Bizarro saying "I hate you" and "I'm not not proud of you" to the bizarro world's cube earth.
Amazing work as always
>I'm not not proud of you
I think "Ashamed" might be better than "Not proud".
not proud sounds derpier and more in character
Also, Bizarro is a retard and should be more likely to say "me" instead of "I'm".
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Requesting Gertrude from I hate Fairyland and Jesse Sanchez from Street Angel playing rock paper scissors with the crucible and BFG on the ground with the icon of sin the bgd.
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Requesting Batman not being amused that Cheetah is celebrating his 85th anniversary on a Monday
>Shantae reference
This guy is a known crossboarding spammer, don't bother. He spams over 100 requests in just this thread alone.
Who? I just grabbed the reference because it was the pose I was looking for, I don't care about Shantae.
Requesting Warrior nun Areala preparing to do battle in her god armor with sister Friede from dark souls
Hope this helps.
Huh uh sure, you just happened to find that specific image first when looking up references despite the fact that so many requests here and on other boards in the past has used a Shantae reference.
Yes, I did. Listen, I don't know who this spammer is, so you're accusing me of being a spammer. I don't even see any other Shantae requests other than mine.
If booru admins are lurking this user has a habit of uploading shit that doesn't originate from 4chan. He recently reuploaded an I Hate Fairyland pic that was already deleted for not being from here (as far as I know).
The Dominator and Tyr'ahnee artwot was saved from this post, but I think it might be art from Twitter. The style looks to familiar unless it is an artist that visits this board. I can't seem to find any other source?
I could only find the source of one of his uploads, that's why I didn't report the rest.
I can't really prove that they aren't from /co/, but there also isn't much proof for them being from /co/.
That said, the Anne image is interesting, because it seems like someone (probably him) was requesting that image for a while.
I assume the image he uploaded to the booru was a commission or a request from a non-/co/ artist that he then posted here.
Some of these were requests from previous threads, though it's of no consequence if they're deleted, will take fault.
true but i think that you got what I'm trying to request
those details aren't that important to me and i don't mind if they got changed
If they are for past requests then I guess it is fine for them to stay up. Perhaps the source should link directly to the request
It isn't from here, it was a commission
That only applies to the Anne image, and even then, it just got posted without context in some thread
I haven't seen any request asking for the other two.
Here's the other one.
This guy really wanted to see Anne holding up the Core lmao
File: tiddies and beer.jpg (460 KB, 2869x1169)
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Requesting Tricia Lange wearing one while pouring beer onto her breasts
Manatee shit
I’ve actually seen that before, and it’s one of the reasons I thought it might be fun to request this and see other people’s interpretations of what it would look like., whether it be attractive or not.
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Requesting Taskmaster winning a figure skating competition.
Requesting this with a character of your choice.
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La Commedia è finita
https://files.catbox.moe/l3d0z9.png Minor edit
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Requesting KO getting knocked away by a villain, landing face first into Wilhamena's cleavage
Thanks! I plan on coloring it but I won't have time until sometime this weekend so I probably won't be finished with it until the next thread.
Cute, fangs really suits Candace.
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Requesting Shocking Suzi wearing a trans flag cape.
File: at the same time.png (46 KB, 847x1364)
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double trouble
Requesting artist's buff character of choice in the middle of a bulk.
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Requesting Sub Zero scolding Caillou’s parents for assumed neglect with tears streaming down his eyes proclaiming “HE’S A GOOD BOY”
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Requesting Alfie posed like this but smirking.
First, thanks for the drawing Billy. Second, how can someone survive those ropes?
The incredible bulk
Johnny Bravo
That's not what that means.

This one's actually funny.
Damn, my request was ignored again! Shall I take this as an opportunity to let go and think of a better request...naaaahhh
Sorry, I>>145655885 didn't mean to reply
Glad you liked it. Drawing shibari is a bitch
what do you weirdos see in this black tub of lard?!
raven's got some drip
lmao even
File: metalhead debra.jpg (61 KB, 199x377)
61 KB
Requesting Debra examining Metalhead
Requesting Batman Training with Heihachi Mishima
Would Batman even approve of a man who threw his son off a cliff, shoots his grandson in the back and coomed inside some Swedish slut just to prove he didn't have a genetic disorder?
No, but that was not a factor in making the request.

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