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Do you think she would have pegged Jeremie?
I had a crush on her when I was a kid. I haven’t seen this show in years does it still hold up?
Eh, it's okay.
The lore revelations from Season 2 never have much of an impact on the plot outside of the Franz Hopper orb McGuffin.
Xana's master plan from Season 4 felt pretty underwhelming after all the build-up.
No, because she is Jeremy's personal bitch
Are you sure? Jeremy doesn't seem to be that much of a dominant figure. He feels very "takes-it-up-the-ass"-coded
But is there pegging?
There is a comic of Jim giving it to Jeremy while Aelita tells Jeremy what to do.
Does that count?
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Yea, they could have at least shown the robot army marching towards civilization just as the multi-agent program is initiated and wipes out XANA. That way, it would feel like the stakes were at their highest instead of just the death of Hopper
You know, whenever I come across that comic, I can't help but feel like there is something off about it. Not the subject matter (I'm fine with that) but the art style just looks weird to me.
And yes, I realize I'm saying that about a porn comic based on Code Lyoko of all things.
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Do you think she would have pegged Ulrich?
Nah, Sissi seems like too much of a pillow princess. Yumi on the other hand...
Reminder that she's like 24 years old.
The relationship drama made my nuts chafe
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Only mentally and chronologically. Even then, it wasn't like she acted all that much more mature given she was inactive for 10 years
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She probably wanted Ulrich to Blitzkrieg her anus
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>tfw I thought Her and Odd had a thing together
>Turns out she was his "cousin" on campus
I blame the Miguzi promos having multiple clips of them together
Yakubian genes.
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I mean, they did push things a bit, including one time pretending to make out to fuck with Sissi's two cronies since nobody would believe in kissing cousins apparently
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Please don't bring up that comic.
No, Yumi pegs Ulrich

Also who would peg Odd?
>Not the subject matter (I'm fine with that)

You're fine with pedophilia?
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I'm fine with drawings. You know, those things that don't have feelings and aren't real?
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I remember being really enamored with the pilot/early concept back in the day. I wonder if that would've turned out much better than the actual show did.
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Tough to say. The original concept, from we know, seemed a bit more vague in general terms, like how XANA (or at least the entity that would become XANA) could just manifest in the world and attack, as well as cause some kind of damage to the real world when it attacked Xanadu (the virtual world that would become Lyoko). I remember a neat little fanfic years back trying to bridge Garage Kids into Code Lyoko, I think it was made just the year prior to season 3 and the prequel two-parter. If I'm remembering right it was something like this
>Yumi and Odd just barely manage to help Ulrich in driving off XANA
>A few days later, a news report mentions the lab being discovered, since it was just right there, out in the open of the building
>However, Aelita contacts Jeremie and leads everyone to the underground lab, which somehow went unnoticed
>The rest is as seen in the show
Definitely wasn't the best way of bridging things, especially since the author created a plothole by having some of the supercomputer tech being found and confiscated, as well as not really explaining WHY the world isn't effected by XANA attacks afterwards. Still, it was pretty fun from what I can recall.
Yeah it's shit like that which confused the Hell outta me until I got older
>When did Aelita and Odd hook up?
>Was there an episode where Jeremy and Aelita had a falling out?
>Are we skipping episodes again?
Nope. Just two friends who got maybe a little too close at times, but nothing really malicious to hurt Jeremy
Human Amy Rose.
Why are you getting off specifically to drawn children and not drawn adults though
>My father stole my life from me. He was a totally crazy second-rate magician, and because of him, I'm nothing, I'm no one!
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It would have been a one season wonder, and I don't think it would have had the wide appeal CL did. Garage Kids was just a little bit too anime derivative and it would have been competing with a lot of really good sci-fi anime that was coming out at the time. I think it would have been considered an anime rip off rather than its own thing.
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No no bring that up
Why aren't you fucking off back to X with the other scolds concerned with the rights of drawings
>immediately deflects and goes on the attack

Face the wall, pedo
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why isn't this gif bigger?
Is that AI-generated garbage?
Beefcurtains that hang like the scrote on a bull and an eight inch clit were only s couple features he added to her code before pulling her out of that computer
Jeremie tried to be dominant and protective of her after she first materialized and she rejected it because she wanted to be her own person. It was pretty based of the show to give Jeremie a reality check that he didn't own his 3D waifu.
i never liked those moments
Everyone in this show is like 12 and yet they act like a bunch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer teenagers
What? Nooo...whatever gave you that idea...?
>cries about attacks
>is the one who began attacking with baseless accusations
pot, meet kettle
There's also a comic where Ulrich takes the initiative with Aelita because Jeremy is a beta bitch who refuses to make a move.
S03E60 E08 Temporary Insanity
why not?
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No we aren't
Thinking about it, that's probably the only time XANA did a scheme similar to another one. That being the amnesia episode from season 1. Both involve someone getting their mind messed with and basically making them a massive liability during the XANA attacks. Hell, Ulrich's even the victim in both cases, just with Odd also getting affected in Temporary Insanity

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