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Neil Gaiman scandal keeps getting worse

Why haven’t Disney cancelled Miracleman yet?

Will they use the scripts Gaiman has already written or get a new writer? Seems like a project that only exists to court his favour so why would Disney bother now they’re cancelling his other projects?
What's the website? I am not seeing anything like this popping up in the last few days. This an old article?
Right wing conspiracy to cancel a left wing creator. Nobody actually believes this shit. He will return soon like James Gunn.

So sick of the right wing creation that is cancel culture.
If you can't take a bath on your own gazebo while sticking your fingers up your housekeeper's ass what even is the point of being rich??
He’s so fucked. He blamed having autism for raping a woman

>”Claire" first spoke out on the Am I Broken: Survivor Stories podcast at the end of July. Now she speaks with Tortoise, with new information including Gaiman's position (relayed by lawyers), the phone call audio in which he spoke with contrition and blamed his autism for assaulting her, and the revelation that Gaiman never donated to the rape crisis center as he told her he would.
It’s a fair argument, how can you understand if a woman doesn’t want sex if you’re autistic?
Shut up trannie.
>loses tons of money
>isn't able to afford life extension tech in ten years
>dies at 80 instead of 800

MeToo over here slaughtering blud in the crib.
Such an argument legally has no standing
>blames his behavior on a poorly understood and broadly defined mental illness
>doesn't actually donate to organizations that help combat rape
It's like he was made in a lab to create the perfect liberal stereotype.
I am an avowed Nazi and I wanted him to finish Miracle Man
>if it's happening to someone the left hates, it's good, no matter who is doing it
>if it's happening to someone the left likes, then it's a right-wing conspiracy and the chuds have gone too far again
Sandman Season 2 is going to be interesting
I do this because I like Neil as a writer and have zero interest in society getting this prudish.
Mircleman must be a cursed title
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>get a new writer?
Who? Who the fuck would be willing and capable of follow up Moore and Gaiman on a book? Maybe if Waid and Ross teamed up again they could pull it off, but it's also about a willingness to do it. Whoever tries to write volume 3 needs to be perfect or else there will be hell to pay.
Moral of the story is to not interact with women in any way, especially not fucking them.
But my boy got needs
Cates was willing but then the car crash happened
I'll start caring when he's found guilty by a court
Like I said, willing AND capable.
But sex is icky anon!!! Sooo icky!!!
>145631734 (fag)
You are so bad with bait. At least be more clever.
HASN'T, you fucking brongoloid
>Not even able to do the most basic shit in the website
I thought summer was over
the court of public opinion disagrees, just look at what Ellis has done in the last three years after his "accusations"
>Like I said, willing AND capable
Well that would exclude Ross and Waid too then.
NTA but technically Disney could be considered plural
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Comic book writers are creeps and weirdos. More news at 11.

but he was suppose to be one of the good ones
He was kind of an asshole to fans about Death and some other characters being swapped or "reimagined" for the Netflix series so he lost the goodwill of a lot of people who might have otherwise defended him.
On the one hand, I never believe women. On the other hand, Neil gleefully supported the vandalism of Sandman, the only really significant thing he's ever done, and a creator supporting cultural vandalism is to me unironically more gruesome than rape. So even if he isn't guilty and this is just the usual feminine hysterics, I hope he not only loses his career but maybe even does jail time off it somehow.
>/co/ - Comics & Cartoons
This fucker deserves jail for killing Archive
Jail time is never on the table unless there's definitive proof. Once the liberals have canceled you though you're never getting forgiven, it's over.

In the future I'm betting a lot more rapist feminist guys just shut their mouth publicly about most of their opinions. If they ever get caught they can maybe try and grift to the other side.
Oh, fuck you. Destroying people was all fine and well and good when they were people you didn't like, but now when it's someone you like, society is getting too prudish? Women wanted this power, you were told they were going to use it dishonestly, you cheered when it happened, and NOW you are pretending, suddenly, society "got prudish"?

Newsflash, moron, none of those women are prudes, they're opportunists neing opportunistic using the tools you gave them, because you enjoyed Owning The Chuds.

This will continue, like this, until everyone gets it into their heads the understanding that women are radioactive and walking liabilities. That isn't going to happen until a lot of high-profile men on YOUR SIDE get hit with this, until you understand the monster you created, until you realize that no amount of being a Good Ally matters, until you realize that as you were warned "Listen and Believe" in the court of public opinion is a terrible fucking stance given how much women love lying, until you all stop being this fucking stupid.

It'll take a long time. You can't stop it now. You should have stopped it a decade ago. You didn't, and now you're stuck with it. Enjoy.
No such thing
He's unlikely to face any jail time. At most, he'll probably just have to pay a bunch of settlements out to his alleged victims. He is a multimillionaire and even before he began his writing career, he was already from a very wealthy family. He could probably retire right now and live comfortably for the rest of his life on his royalties alone and just stay out of the public eye as much as possible. That would probably be the best course of action for him right now.
>fuck you
you're being a prude doesn't change the fact that I like Neil Gaiman as a writer and I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life adding asterisks to stories I like just because you got a vendetta against him.
>It’s a fair argument, how can you understand if a woman doesn’t want sex if you’re autistic?

Didn't some autistic guys try to make an argument they couldn't be pdfs because they have the mind of a child?

Lawyers would love this one.
I'm not a prude either. I'm just not a dishonest slime like you who changes their opinion on a social virus only when the victim is on the wrong side.
That's exactly what you'll do. There will be a disclaimer in front of everything now.
I guess neither you guys checked to see if this was accurate or not right?
Learn some reading comprehension, fuckwit.
I don't know how you can say you're not being dishonest when then you literally saying you don't believe in the accusations and that you're only using them to smear mud on him.
Literally the definition of dishonesty right there.
I agree with all that but none of that matters. His legacy is ruined now which is probably what he cares most about.

Even if nothing is proven, damage is done people are always going to call him a rapist. Lefties don't forget, they still shit on dead people.
British disinfo campaign.
I'ma pass.
Fuck off, privileged fuck.
He should have said he was drunk then claimed the women raped him.
No I don't think I will, I think I will just tell people it was just right wing propaganda.
I don't care, I'm not that other poster. I'm just saying it's retarded.

Of course it's not a defense.
But you're not actually checking to see if it was accurate?
Gaiman dick suckers cope about it being right wing when the entire industry is liberal artists lol.

In a few years when people have moved on but Gaiman is still canceled what will the new cope be?
Boris Johnson's transphobic sister having a paywalled podcast is the only proof I need this is just astroturf bullshit.
It was never believe all women my guy, fucking recognize the audience you're talking to here.
>relatively famous guy
>gets accused of molestation/rape by women
the women are necessarily lying and the guy is innocent
There's no such thing as transphobia, troons are just really disgusting to be around, they stink like shit and trigger an uncanny valley response. It's like saying someone is shitphobic for not wanting to share a room with a bucket of shit.
Did you take your meds? No one has any idea what that means or how it relates to the topic.

Bongs should be segregated into their own internet like China.
>>relatively famous liberal guy
>>gets accused of molestation/rape by women
>>the women are necessarily lying and the guy is innocent

Fixed that for you. Still never getting uncanceled either check, see Ellis
>No one has any idea what that means or how it relates to the topic.
Everyone in this thread knows what that means, it's literally is an inescapable fact for you.
Take your meds bong. Imagine being fucking British, worse than a Canadian by miles.

Gayman bros it's tough.
I swear to god this mehturd shit is just ensuring a generation of men distrust and despise women. Feminism is inherently self destructive
I love how Gaiman still has his stans in woketard spaces defending him or at least saying to separate the art from the artist, but JK Rowling is completely unforgivable and all her works should be buried and denounced for the crime of saying that troons using suicide threats to guilt lesbians into hopping on their dicks is wrong.
Transphobia is worse than rape if you think about it.
Right wing fags are hypocrites for supporting the puritan fascism that is cancel culture that leftist sjw feminazis push
This but unironically. Women have extended the definition of "rape" so far that it doesn't mean anything. Remember Mattress Girl? At least with the accusation of transphobia, I can assume someone at least maybe said a sentence that is maybe crude. Women use "rape" to mean "I don't like that guy" even in the absence of any actual interaction.
The gay man just can't stop kneeling.
Yes they are really stupid, but those few people don't really matter.

In the end his peers and that side overall will never accept him back. I can't think of anyone who was ever let back after these type of allegations?
I'd normally agree with you, but in all instances of Gaiman being accused, he confirmed that he actually did have sexual relations with those women.
Probably because Rowling is so brain damaged from her transphobia yhat she can’t shut the fuck about it for two minutes and every so often says something absolutely deranged, like when she was ranting about ScotRail hiring trans drivers because she misread an ad that said they were hiring TRAIN drivers.

At least more recently she’s shut her trap a little after she realised she was in legal jeopardy over her inflammatory comments about the Olympic boxer she was actively smearing and incorrectly claiming was a man.

Gaiman meanwhile is dealing with allegations about past sexual misbehaviour.
Yeah but from what I heard it was all consensual sex.
He'll simply be "retconned" into being right leaning, obviously.
I don't. I thought you were just a schizo making characters up on the spot.
Bros why are they so desperate to spare Gaiman? Is Sandman really that good, it seemed kind of gay honestly.

I haven't seen this amount of seething over a creator like this >>145633142
Oh, sure. If I'm being totally honest, Gaiman probably did do some things that were not completely above board. Famous people do do things like that. But what was the actual situation? Is this a case of women deciding they can retract consent decades after the fact, and update interactions that were formerly "consensual if weird" into "deep trauma that can only be healed with a convenient cash payout"?
The ending to Sandman certainly got an interesting perspective now so Neil Gaiman must be a good writer.
I mean you do have to pay to even hear the allegations so maybe not entirely pure reasons there.
How about a more interesting question:

Who do you guys think is next? Is Alan Moore off the table?
It would be more likely to be Grant Morrison because he's a lot more in the public eye.
If you virtue signal on social media then you are 100% some kind of sexual predator. It happens all the time. They should smash this motherfucker's hands with a sledgehammer so he can never again touch a woman and more importantly never be able to post on social media.
>Right wing conspiracy to cancel a left wing creator. Nobody actually believes this shit. He will return soon like James Gunn.

Ellis-bros SOON!

>two more weeks
Yeah but isn't he trans non-binary now or something? They will never be allowed to touch him.
If Morrison does any new "big" projects in the next fives years or so, women WILL come for him. It is all based on paydays and attention, so if Morrison can just ride out the wave until the pendulum swings back he'll be safe.
The protection magic ONLY works if the person is making an effort to be female or is female. If they see what they decide is a male, the attack still goes through.
Is that true though? You would think it would set a bad precedent for them.

Maybe Morrison will smell blood in the water and start trooning out.
This isn't Twitter, faggot, you can say pedophile here.
So you’re a sexual predator by virtue signalling against people you don’t like virtue signalling
>You would think it would set a bad precedent for them.
There are no "rules," only justifications. The mob decides, beforehand, if they think they can successfully destroy someone. If they think they can get away with it, they will invent any justification necessary as a pretense, but none of them believe in anything but their personal power.

If he does troon out, he becomes "harder" to attack, but it needs to be pretty committed to work.
>/co/ - Comics & Cartoons
What comic or cartoon is this thread about?
Retards are known to be incredibly horny. I should knowm
Neil Gaiman is a famous comic creator!

If you're unaware of him you can check google, or you can continue seething :)
Weak but funny bait.
Being trans didn't save Chris-Chan.
>Neil Gaiman is a famous comic creator!
Which Neil Gaiman comic or cartoon is this thread about?
The future fate of Miracleman. Is it cancelled, or not? It's in the OP. Do you have reading difficulties?
I see you've chosen to continue seething! That's unfortunate :D
I’ll do it
Chris-chan raped his elderly mother. Plus no one fucking believed he was trans anyway, which made it hilarious that they had to accept him.
Neil Gaiman supported hate speech by supporting “free speech”

He also supported child porn by advocating and paying for the lawyers of that manga salesman who sold loli manga

He’s a right wing crypto Nazi pedo so he was always bad
Has he actually been convicted or taken to court on anything yet
He's never going to be, I'm not sure why people keep trying to deflect with this?

You people understand that Warren Ellis was never charged, was accused for much less, and is still canceled?
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It literally says Miracleman in the OP. A long anticipated comic, delayed by DECADES due to legal and rights bullshit, that only recently got continued, who’s fate is now uncertain thanks to the lead writers personal situation
He's currently under investigation in New Zealand because of the nanny but he hasn't been charged with anything yet. There were a couple of other women in the past that he paid settlements to and made them sign NDAs.
Thank you.
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Ed Piskor wasn’t charged with anything.

His career was ruined overnight and he killed himself not long after
Jesus. Was there anything to substantiate what the allegations were? What was he accused of?
People keep saying none of it matters unless he's charged. If you didn't know that probably you didn't read the thread.

If it wasn't your intent my bad.
Link the posts talking about Miracleman.
>"Hi Neil, how's the wife and kids?"
we was accused of creeping on women and sending some text to a minor
You quoted two.
Seethe faggot. Go try and janny for Gaiman back on reddit.
Piskor sent some flirty text messages to a 17 year old girl who liked some of his art on social media. This was during COVID lockdown and he says he did it because he was lonely and isolated. It came out later that the girl's boyfriend was encouraging the girl to continue chatting with Piskor because the boyfriend wanted to get a job in the comics industry and thought that Piskor could help with that.
Quote the others.
Didn't he get fucked financially by his divorce?
He probably needs the cash.
good I always hate his writing and now feel extremely vindicated.
On many modern browsers, there is a function that allows you to search for text on a loaded web page.
>I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life adding asterisks to stories I like just because you got a vendetta against him.
Lol, let's not pretend you have principles, all it'll take is one young pretty white woman going "Oh my god, isn't he a rapist?!" and you'll crumble.
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>people think they won’t cancel Miracleman
>a niche legacy comic with low sales
>when they cancelled all future projects in tv and movies, and put all existing ones in hiatus

Disney cancelled the graveyard book adaptation
Netflix cancelled dead boy detectives adaptation

Production of Good Omens season 3 has been stopped. Gaiman offered to step away to help them continue it but seems likely it may get canned

Gaiman has minimised his presence over Sandman season 2 entirely since the allegations so they might just continue it but remove his name

He needs the live action money for his legal fees and divorce fees and since he can’t get big work again. Admitting fault and stepping away is fine if he gets some cash
Yeah, I hear Neil got fucked pretty hard in the financials hence why picsreel happened.
My point being Miracleman makes absolutely nothing in comparison to even one of these adaptations OP. That comic was just Marvel being nice to Gaiman because he’s a team player, he even sold them Angela after winning the rights to her from Todd Mcfarlane. He’s had previous Disney adaptations. Only makes sense they’d let him finish Miracleman.

Until this. Now it’s not worth it because he’s toxic
You're acting like this is a principle but it's really just a simple want.
>On many modern browsers, there is a function that allows you to search for text on a loaded web page.
Cool. So use it.
Has anyone got fucked this hard before?

All Ellis had was a shitty Castlevania show right? That's grim.
You just mentioned Miracleman. So did I.
We're now at the point in the thread where the astroturf posters stop replying to actual people.
Stop responding to the off topic poster. His posts aren't /co/ related.
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What did Neil Gaiman mean by this?
The boyfriend was also talking shit about Ed in a livestream chat after it all blew up and claimed he and the accuser were no longer dating, while pretending to be a random person who just happened to have the boyfriend’s art for an avatar.
No fooling. Now quote all the others.
They can't fucking help themselves. How retarded do you have to be to post something like that knowing what kind of shit you get up to.
What do you mean by this anon?
The thing is. These aren’t random women he either never met or briefly met at a convention or something

These are women he admitted to being in relationships with, all talked to seperately but had consistent stories about him raping them by taking things too far and ignoring them telling him to stop.

Seems like a sick fuck. Sixty year old creep groomed a 19 year old nanny and held it over her head that he could fire her and she’d be deported while he stuck a stick of butter up her ass
You know what's weird? I never see you guys actually discuss the allegations.
How come?
Quote me all the posts that don’t mention Miracleman or his other work
Is he still doing conventions? Will he get backlisted from them?

Waiting for the right time to unloaded my signed stuff. Hoping it gets rarer.
>These are women he admitted to being in relationships with
It's a two-way street anon, if Neil was in relationships with them then they were in a relationship with Neil.
They do it plain sight, thinking they're invincible.
They never think it will come for them.
So, 90% of the thread.
This is an orchestrated conversation.
>Seems like a sick fuck. Sixty year old creep groomed a 19 year old nanny and held it over her head that he could fire her and she’d be deported while he stuck a stick of butter up her ass

>while he stuck a stick of butter up her ass
Wait what??
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>I believe survivors
>NO, not those survivors!
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Everyone's protected until they're not. The bigger a lot of these guys get, they risk for them getting exposed goes way up.

The small ones don't get caught nearly as much.
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He better not say these women are falsely accusing him. That would be setting his legions of fans on them to attack. Just be quiet and accept it Gaiman
Fight fire with fire.
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What does this tweet have to do with anything with what you're saying?
It’s not “prudish” to think 55 year old men shouldn’t abuse women and ignore them telling you they don’t consent
Who are you fighting?
HAHAHA, what a fucking idiot. Don't use your platform to defend yourself guys!

These world views are never thought out until it's too late.
He's 63.
I don't believe he did abused those women, I think it's all a right wing hatchet job.
I'm a diagnosed autist and I think this is a shit legal argument
That's not what he said on our date...
And? The primary victims of abuse are abused by people they know. Not strangers.

Most rapes and sexual abuse is from people you know
Stop fooling. Quote them you troll
I'll respond to you since everyone ignored you, and you really seem to want it.
Lmao, these accusations are from over a period of 15 years you dumb fuck
Means you're just describing consensual sexual relationships and trying to pass them off as sexual assault.
>getting away with rape for 15 years

Not bad actually, pretty based. Cosby still has the record though.
They go back a lot further than that. One of the women said that he assaulted her when they were both in their 20s.
What did the woman actually say happened?
>These are women he admitted to being in relationships with, all talked to seperately but had consistent stories about him raping them by taking things too far and ignoring them telling him to stop
Yes, but they're women. "Taking things too far and ignoring them telling him to stop" could mean anything from "taking things too far and ignoring them telling him to stop" to "okay well I didn't tell him to stop, and actually I enthusiastically participated and asked for more, but secretly I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I pretended and he should just read my mind because patriarchy."

Women lie. That's just what they do.
No one answered me so I looked it up.

Holy shit!
He pushed her down on a couch and tried to climb on top of her and awkwardly tried to kiss her even though she told him repeatedly that she wasn't interested in him. The woman said that she attributed the behavior to him just being really socially awkward and not understanding social cues so she overlooked the incident until years later when the stories from the other women started coming out.
>until years later when the stories from the other women started coming out.
You don't find that suspect as fuck?
Because these stories are paywalled, they're not just in the Ether so she would have to pay to hear these stories.
Neil Gaiman says we need to believe all women and condemn sex pests. Live by the cancellation, end by the cancellation
>friend of Amanda Palmer
She was there to fuck.
He will have to be. Women won’t feel safe with a known predator in the building.

Any places allowing him a platform would be supporting rape
>Neil Gaiman says
Well Neil Gaiman isn't my guru so what else you got?
Was Amanda Palmer the other girl who accused him? Neil is such a fucking moron, one of the least careful wealthy men.
He’s his own guru so he faces the end of his career and probable charges in New Zealand
It actually supports his claim that he's socially inept around women and that a lot of these accusations could be misunderstandings because he failed to adequately communicate with these women before he started trying to do weird sexual stuff with them.
Yeah, I have very little sympathy for him. I just as a rule now do not believe women on anything unless there is reasonable evidence. Not testimony, evidence.
So, I should keep holding onto them or...?
Are the alleged NDAs also "proof" of this?
He's cancelled all of his appearances for the time being.
Amanda Palmer was his wife and was the one who supported the open marriage in the first place.
>he's socially inept around women and that a lot of these accusations could be misunderstandings because he failed to adequately communicate

NTA but that explanation isn't going to help him kek. Not sure why other people still think that.
What a chud
>what will the new cope be?
No need for a new cope. Someone will post a panel in sandman, a dialogue in coraline or apage from one of the batman issues he wrote next to the narrative: "see? he was always sort of a chud writer, the signals were there".
I have never read of his stuff and this doesn't make me want to start
>Because these stories are paywalled
You can listen to the entire podcast for free on Youtube or Spotify.
I just doubt that it actually even happened is what I'm saying.
You’re telling me the liberal male feminist celebrity virtue signaller in an “open marriage” that ended with divorce turned out to be a rapist?

I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you
Wow his wife is a fucking moron too. She should know it puts her finances at risk too.

If you're going to sexually assault women at least be smart enough to pay them off properly.
It's probably smart to pay them off even if you didn't.
I think it may have happened but it's a communication issue. The girls expected one thing and he expected something else and everyone ended up disappointed.
Oh, I really want to wait to see if they actually blacklist him first though.

Did Warren Ellis get blacklisted from conventions too?
But it doesn't actually sound like Neil sexually assaulted her.
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People are already pointing out his Calliope story in Sandman is entirely self referential to Neil Gaiman himself

It’s about a writer who rapes a muse to force it to give him inspiration for his writings
Buddy I'm saying it didn't happen at all like as in it straightup didn't happen.
So Neil Gaiman shoving a stick of butter up your ass is fine with you? Weirdo
Whatever you say dawg. All I'm saying is he was fucking retarded either way.

I'm pretty sure he was actually was a sperg and assaulted women though. It's too late for him now anyways. Rip.
Why can't rich people simply not be sexual creeps
Don't try to distract from the fact that girl consented to it.
Neil Gaiman himself has said that he had sex with all of these women but the women are saying that he coerced them to do things they didn't want to and Gaiman says that everything was 100% consensual.
>consented to it

Says right here she didn’t >>145634291
But she clearly did
He also saying they’re mentally ill and have memory problems.

Why exactly is he having sex with young mentally ill women with memory problems? Seems like an odd type to be into
Since 2015 It's like women got together in order to destroy art. Ridiculous. I home Gaiman manage to keep creating masterpieces.
>He also saying they’re mentally ill and have memory problems
That comes from his Scientology background. Although he doesn't currently practice Scientology, he was raised with those beliefs and seems to have internalized some of their ideas.

Scientologists say that a lot of rape allegations are false because what women are really remembering is the in utero trauma of being a fetus when their father was penetrating their mother.
He hasn’t made a masterpiece in 20 years. Dudes been coasting since Sandman
what if sandman is just the story of a dude who dreams about slavery and finally dying while being properly replaced by someone... whiter than him?
>destroy art.
Gaiman hasn't written a thing worth reading since the 1990s and he was overhyped even then.
I’m a lefty and I firmly believe that mob justice is for cocksuckers. I can’t stand this fuck, but fuck the court of public opinion and anyone who endorses it.
I believe people who support things should face that

If you believe in the death penalty then you get the death penalty for a capital crime
Have you read any of his 2000's books?
>I believe people who support things should face that
I don't think you actually believe that.
NTA. Live by the sword, die by the sword. When you're hoisted by your own petard, I am under no obligation to feel any sympathy for you, even if I opposed all the previous hoisting.
The opposition.
Ellis should never apologized.
Did I stutter?
Anon I think you're just saying things in a pretentious bluster.
Don’t read misogynist literature
I don’t feel any sympathy for him whatsoever. I’m still not endorsing mob justice. You do you, though.
>Neil gleefully supported the vandalism of Sandman
I think you need to get on autism drugs, ideally a bullet.
>thinking people should live and face the consequences of the standards they themselves publicly declared are important is “pretentious”

There’s a reason gay pastors who preach pray the gay away being found out as fags is such a big deal.

Not sure why you think Gaiman is a special exception and he doesn’t deserve to face the same treatment he has publicly condoned as others careers and lives were wrecked
to be fair, the boxer was an actual Russian disinfo campaign that took like 3 days to sort out.
I'm not sure how to make it any simpler than two incredibly well known sayings. Let's try a cartoon analogy, then.

>A villain loves to feed townsfolk to a dragon
>at the end of the story, the villain himself gets himself accidentally eaten by the dragon, who is now used to sacrifices
How should the audience react?
1) Oh no! The dragon ate another person!
2) Well...
The alt right incels are seriously out to get Neil because their Russian paymasters ordered it. Ignore the disinformation campaign everyone
This is a lie, he didn’t do this
Buddy we live in a society of laws, not your hisch school post apocalyptic daydreams.
>cartoons are just like real life!
So you’re false flag baiting then.
Good work libcuck.
>we live in a society of laws
>this means you are not allowed any beliefs outside the absolute letter of the law

Ok autist
>Buddy I'm saying it didn't happen at all like as in it straightup didn't happen.

If you think hard enough about it, rape doesn't exist at all. You can't prove a woman didn't consent!
He admitted that it happened, but he says that they just "cuddled and made out" and the nanny says that there was anal play.
Ok bait but you still need to 41% yourself.
So we have the word of Gaiman, a confirmed liar. And this woman who hasn’t had any record of lying
>This is a lie, he didn’t do this

Really though, you can't prove he didn't. That's enough evidence that's needed, he's fucked.
What was even the woman's name?
>you can't prove he didn't
That's not how this works though.
>I’m still not endorsing mob justice.
I'm not endorsing it either. I maintain a firm position that I am opposed to the court of public opinion, and that I disbelieve the allegations given inconsistent details but that it is not my place to render any legal judgement.
I just also think this couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
>Don't try to distract from the fact that girl consented to it.

How do you know she consented to it? We don't know either way until the claims are investigated.

I don't think he has denied any of the claims yet? If I was innocent I would probably do that.
What's your beef with Neil Gaiman?
It is actually how this works though. Gaiman is fucked now, seething about it isn't helping him.
>It is actually how this works though
It really isn't.
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Does Liefeld have beef with him too?
uhhh #beleiveallwomen sweety.

this is the world you people have enabled.
It doesn't matter if he apologized or not. They wouldn't have forgiven him either way, please understand.

The only way to stop these allegations is to pay everyone off properly or avoid women.
>This isn't how it works!!

Tell that to Warren Ellis brother. This is exactly how this works. Sorry.
>you people
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Even if you were an absolute phenom and write the perfect 10/10 followup you'd just be considered the guy who followed up on Gaiman's work.

Nobody's going to take that offer.
Which one? There are several accusers now.
"Hey want to take over writing this thing from a guy accused of rape... Where are you going?"

How would it help your career? Just write your own work at that point.
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Even if he wasn't accused of rape it's such a ballsy high risk mediocre reward move. Literally the only example I can think of is when Ridley Scott directed Alien and James Cameron took over and directed Aliens. Everybody told him not to do it because even if he did a good job Ridley Scott would get the credit. It's only by totally changing the genre of the movie that he got the spotlight and I dunno if that's something that would work here.
And men stick butter up women's asses. That's just what they do.
I agree, and yeah it's probably really rare that it works out like that. I don't see why anyone would want to do it, unless they're just starting out. I imagine everyone is actually scrambling to avoid any connections to Gaiman right now.

If Gaiman and ellis weren't onions cucks they could team up on a project about men getting falsely accused.
The rapes didn’t help his likability
Except Gaiman already took over after ALAN MOORE of all people on Miracleman.

Nobody considers Gaiman’s work on Miracleman to be as good as Moores either. So this wouldn’t be as big a deal as you’re making out
How is Gaiman falsely accused?

And Ellis was accused of being a predatory guy grooming fans and friends to having sexual relations with him, while he was doing this on a massive scale and lying to some people they were dating, etc. Sometimes he was pretending to “mentor” women while just being after pussy. Ie the guy turned out to be a total sleaze even to people who would see him as a colleague and personal friend, and he was trying to hide his actions behind veil of irony. There was even that one underage girl he was chatting that he immediately started being sexual towards when she turned eighteen, totally creepy behaviour like he was just waiting for the “well it’s legal now!” defence to cover his ass.
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Let me clarify; I don't think he's falsely accused. I was just speaking to who would work with him now.

Sorry for the miscommunication.
Notice the eay these guys always talk. They go on about standing with the victims but they never condemn the crime.
>No source
OP is a fag.
>cancel culture.
>right wing creation
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>Nearly ten years later Gaiman and Claire had two phone calls, in response to a letter she sent him detailing her ongoing trauma from the incident. Tortoise has heard recordings of these calls. Neil Gaimain admits that he “fucked up”, calls his behaviour “shitty,” and offers to pay Claire $60,000 to cover the cost of her therapy, and promises to make a “hefty donation” to a rape crisis centre where she once worked.

>Neil Gaimain admits that he “fucked up”, calls his behaviour “shitty,” and offers to pay Claire $60,000 to cover the cost of her therapy, and promises to make a “hefty donation” to a rape crisis centre where she once worked.

If this one is proven he is giga fucked. No one is going to give him benefit of the doubt.
Never ever apologize to women.
I mean if you raped them sure? He offered to pay her off and donate to a rape shelter lol.
Gunn made and unfunny, stupid joke. This guy actually committed a crime. Grow up.
Eat shit, retard.
This kinda makes it sound like you personally have done some skeevy shit.
How is him donating to a rape crisis center proof of anything other than him being a good man?
The 2000's were 20 years ago, anon.
Never apologize. Period.
This was almost a good bait but it needs to be a little funnier.
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Was Terry Pratchett secretly evil too, or was Gaiman just shovelling shit about his dead “friend”?
He probably pissed off Gaiman when he said he he could get women without raping them.
Weird how the losers who all show up to defend creeps never storytime any of the creeps' comics.
I believe all famous people are creeps and weirdo's. Even the "super wholesome chungus" celebrities ala Weird Al and Tom Hanks are secret scumbags.

So yes.
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>writes about rape
>has never raped anyone
How does he do it?
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i won't defend him or do story time but i WILL post that part in the sandman where that old guy cums blood
they both seem jewish enough
>Tom Hanks
Confirmed Epstein client, so yes.
>Weird Al
I think he's innocent. He's just a goofy, Church-going guy from the midwest who happens to be consistently popular by staying novel and funny.
The entire British establishment has been controlled by freemasons doing secret gay shit for the last 400 years.
Objectivism making niggas rape vulnerable women
How do you know? Maybe he's just really good at rape.
Got cucked by his wife and the second woman he brought into the marriage when they left him for each other.
>Scientologists say that a lot of rape allegations are false because what women are really remembering is the in utero trauma of being a fetus when their father was penetrating their mother.

Is that how they defended Danny Masterson?
fucking wild that Scientology brought us a The Mars Volta and That 70s Show crossover
weird world
Needs at least two bandoliers, a second rifle with multiple barrels and shit, and for fuck sake get some more fucking POUCHES!
You should calm down about Joanne
He's Brit*sh. Need I say more?
>Twice divorced and all the kids trooned out, how about you Todd?
I honesty loved watching the kfab videos, they were so comfy. I fucking hate retarded liberal #metoo women
the shit against Gaiman is serious, Ellis never r*p*d anyone
never retreat
It’s scary, the stuff Gaiman did could make women unalive themselves
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>she’s only 21 man, not cool
Knew this freak was a creep from back in the day

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