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been 12 years on this cesspool

hope you are all well
i've been here since 2015 and i'm already feeling i wasted my life here
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What ever happened to board-tans?
Oh hello, sorry I forgot your url
Board culture is generally more homogenized more, contemporary board memes generally suck, not as many drawfags, take your pick
Been here since 2007. You never leave. help
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Hooray! Habby birbdey.
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I think anons should bring it back
Because I am..
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I wish board-tans were popular again
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Been here almost as long and have had a genuinely good time. Shared obscure content, done some artfagging, indulged in discussions too unsavory for the normienet. And if I ever feel down I can always pour all my negativity out here, so that I'd feel better IRL.

8/10, will be back tomorrow.
Didn't have a great day. Hopefully tomorrow is better. Goodnight friends.
Good night.

I hope this is my last year here, it was fun.
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>12 years
rookie numbers
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>mfw i look in the mirror and realize twenty years have passed
there's no escaping this place
>stuck on /co/ for 444 years
how awful, also checked
i'm glad i got to see it before 2016, at least.

i miss generals a little bit. sure, they became insane shitpost vortexes of nothing, but they could be fun.
wwhens /hsg/ comin back
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There must be a way to escape from this place

t. 2019 oldfag
I'm here for life. Either me or 4chan, whichever croaks first.
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>tfw I've been using this site since I was 15 (2012)
>I've done nothing with my life in the past 12 years
If you didn't start posting here since at least the first third of the site's total lifespan, you can't call yourself an oldfag.
Don't forget you're here forever
I always keep thinking how good it was before, and yeah, things were better in some ways before the election. But I don't want to see it through my nostalgia goggles. There is still good threads, fun OC and some very memorable moments and discussions even now. Yeah, quality threads are more rare and harder to find, but wasn't it the same before?
We remember all the great times, but don't want to remember digging through pages and pages of absolutely terrible low-quality shitposts.
The final two digits of your post signify how many more years you'll be on this site.
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Afraid to admit that I’m one of the fags who came here later on, just off the cuff before everything went to shit in 2016 (like, mid 2015.) was a teen at the time, meaning that was one of those retards who was indistinguishable from all the autistic man children.
I admit I probably shouldn’t been on here but I was desperate for some social interaction so there I was. And I can say being here has been one of the best and worst decisions. Mostly because when it’s good, it’s great and I have a good time lurking or even interacting in threads. When it’s bad, it makes me wish all the retards and faggots shitting up the board would fuck off already so we can actually discuss shit.
so it’s you who posts that abomination in those threads…
but yeah, I don’t blame you for missing generals. /trash/ generals just aren’t the same with how they just end up being people spamming porn and cringe ritualposts
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I really wish i could leave sometimes but everytime i try i come back because this is one of my only outlets. That and also the cartoon discussion is usually good when im not insulting and arguing with folks.
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I stopped taking this board seriously in 2014

Everything I post now is done purposely to make this place shittier
>You now remember /mlp/ quest
Oh it was fun
I've been here since 2018. I'm not proud.
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Been on 4chan since 2005, started on /a/. Weirdest change by far is seeing people be anti-anime here in any capacity. /co/ was originally mostly comics-focused, with the cartoons mainly being discussed were the old Spielberg cartoons and the DCAU since they overlapped with the comics focus.

Don't forget, you're here forever.
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2009. You're the closest things to friends I still have left I guess.
Im 35 years old and and a shizoid neet female who hasnt showered in a actual month and ive been on this shit hole since i was in high school. i love you guys you are my only friends
I’m a turbo newfag (started being here around 2019) but I’ve had a fun enough time around here, especially in terms of art discussions/drawings and writing and stuff. /co/ has a lot of shit, but it’s still pretty fun sometime. I just love cartoons and comics
Been here about 13 years and hate almost all of you, but I love comics. There's no good place to discuss them online, and none of my friends read them.
>Weirdest change by far is seeing people be anti-anime here in any capacity.
It coincides with 4chan ceasing to be a content creator and becoming a content aggregator, a situation that has not been corrected or improved by the emergence slop threads because nobody saves or circulates slop.
You hate me too? :(
> It coincides with 4chan ceasing to be a content creator and becoming a content aggregator
I don’t get it
Not him, but 4chan used to be a place where memes and actual internet content came from, and not a place where people posted twitter and reddit content.
Oh right, I agree. And usually those memes are just templates spammed over and over again
This site used to be a hub for creating new memes, but all the creative anons upped sticks and left ~10 years ago. Now that all the new memes are being made on websites that anons actively hate, 4chan has in effect become anti-meme even though the site is now only capable of aggregating memes made elsewhere.
Since 08 for me.

I love you guys.
>Since 08
How does it feel knowing you’ve been told to fuck off by anons who are newer than you? Like post-2016 new?

Meh. Its always funny spotting newbies though. The ones who call me a "new tripfag".
The Fappening and 2016 elections brought in a lot of…undesirables that killed any real fun this site used to have. Now it’s all outrage bait.
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i joined one year after you, but same here. i've done a lot of cringe shit though, not gonna lie.
NTA, I think most people starting off do some really retarded shit, tee bee ach.
Like I recall doing some stupid shitposts with another anon who mentioned he used shit like Reddit, went by a name (which expectedly got people using it to make fun of me for being a faggot) and fumbled some ERP on /trash/ so hard that I called a cuck.
I keep visiting this place even though I don't read comics or watch cartoons anymore.
And yet, the day this place is gone, I won't miss it.
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>taking 4chan seriously
>Now it’s all outrage bait.
This. It's barely worth browsing the catalog anymore, and I expect it'll keep getting worse.
alright, good to hear i'm not alone on any cringe stuff. then again i'm the type of person where i almost feel like everything i do online is embarrassing. thank god we're all anonymous though, and therefore we'll just be forgotten somewhat quickly for the most part.
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>There must be a way to escape from this place
Every now and then we still get really good, genuinely productive threads. About a month ago there was a Popeye thread that was just genuine discussion about his shorts, the era they were produced in, people posting clips and webms, it was fantastic. They're rarer than they used to be but this place isn't totally dried up.
An oldfag is someone who either migrated here from Something Awful when 4chan was created or started posting here the first few years after the site was created. Hope this helps.
I am unemployed and likely to be homeless by next month
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>cannot use 4chanX anymore because I refuse to update my old Firefox browser so I have to use Edge
>all the words and scumbags I filtered with 4chanX are visible again
>I refuse to update my old Firefox browser
Why, out of curiosity?
/g/ told me that Firefox is woke nowadays, and /g/ is never wrong, riteguise?
But seriously, I had to stop because sooner or later the new versions disable add-ons I love to use.
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Still around on some boards.
Been here since 07, I miss the old days but still find some good threads now and then. I miss my holiday lantern threads the most. Felt like a weird dysfunctional family that was better then my actual dysfunctional family. I feel so old now, and I have no where else on the net to post on with out feeling like a relic of a bygone era that was the mod 00s
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>I miss my holiday lantern threads the most
We should do something like this again, I'd be happy to show myself to everyone.
>asks about board-tans
>doesn't post board-tans
Why do the newer generations consider those characters board-tans?

I miss Judge Anon.
Hold up ... is that Gail Simone?
I hate to admit how much I genuinely like /b/-tan design
Especially bc it could genuinely lend to some funny expressions if you play into his eyes being reaction images n shit
What? He shows up from time to time in Dredd threads once in a while... or did something happen recently?
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/polgbt/ my beloved
He should be still around, at least every time someone makes a thread about 2000AD. He's also a brony so you know where to look for him

Haven't seen him as much anyway.
So how many of you anons remember how you found this shithole in the first place? I ended up on /a/ originally, Bleach was just coming out and I was looking for torrents.
I too miss them, console-tans suck and just cannot compare.
so anons and especially oldfags
what made you unable to stop browsing this shithole that we call /co/ board?

personally, i lurked here since 2016 and i kinda enjoy it here, I like reading other anons' shit takes and opinions, and sometimes i stumble into really good takes. but i miss a lot of now-dead threads.
NTA but same, used to post on the hag threads in /a/, thank god I can be anonymous here i
My inability to use reddit.
I'm not an edge lord but God damn everyone on the site types like a massive faggot
I started using 4chan when I was 14 in 2010, and now that was 14 years ago. I've been in this place for half my life now. I'm not really sure how to feel about that.
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>i kinda enjoy it here, I like reading other anons' shit takes and opinions, and sometimes i stumble into really good takes
Basically me. I got to drawfag a few times and hope to do more stuff in the future, it's kinda fun
Its not just /co/
4chan isnt a free speech platform, but the combination of anonymity and loose speaking regulations means I can trust you cantankerous niggers to speak your truth and not be coerced into masking your feelings because of a linked identity, upvotes, or appeals to authority from one user over another. The leaks and resources are cool but 4chan used to be much more reliable for those things than now, now there are 100 fakes for every real leak.
But the conversation topics due to the boards are so varied that anything I do in my life I can find or make a thread to talk about it. Sure the attitude and general standoffish/rude nature can get old but that's just old internet, something I'm more than accustom to, and a defense mechanism to ward off undesirables like a pig rolling around in mud. It's not perfect but in a sea of filth and garbage this is the one coral reef in crustal blue waters left.
>what made you unable to stop browsing this shithole that we call /co/ board?
there's not where else I can talk indies with the same speed or attention to obscure material. even leddit, which has the biggest on topic forums after us, just lacks variety in general. even the specialized subs. The fact you are not allowed to go against the current without being openly shamed is also a big factor.
Pretty much what you said desu
to be frank, i don't really watch cartoons anymore, or TV in general. the closest i'll get is rewatching shit i used to watch when i was younger, but that's about it. very rarely will i watch a new cartoon.

but what keeps me coming here is just for threads of webcomics and maybe a cartoon i USED to have an interest in. and also the occasional funny OC. same goes for stuff like /v/, though i admittedly have a bigger interest in vidya.
Despite the quality of this site tanking over the years, there are still a minority of people that actually have insightful points to make and some interesting discussion to have. I also like that I don't need an account, I hate tying my email to things.
Has DC ever had the Joker quote that
Same, enjoy yourself
Came on here about 2009.
After a year or two on /b/ got sick of it. Porn when I was looking for funny. Funnies when I was looking for porn. People spouting nonsense to try to be the most lulrandum till I got sick of it.

Came to /co/, made a thread that was basically "remember Rover Dangerfield?" and actually had some online interaction.

Eventually got into comics cause would be on /co/ and not know what half the threads were talking about. Tried to dive right into Blackest Night and got well put together instructions and recommendations.

I wouldn't be the 4chan user I am without /co/, and I will forgive you bastards.
I've been here since 2006. I'm 33 now, NEET, and have done nothing with my life. I can't believe how fast it has gone and how shit this site has become. Yet I cannot leave because it's still the closest thing to old internet that we still have.
Redpill me on rover dangerfield, is he just a Hannah Barbera-tier ripoff of Rodney or is there substance to it?
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God, that Popeye thread was so good, it was like an oasis in a desert of shit.
You know the rules and so do I

Also, nobodyis stopping anybody from making funny memes and OC. I still do that for my homeboard
>Came to /co/, made a thread that was basically "remember Rover Dangerfield?" and actually had some online interaction.
Was this the thread?

There are only two OPs with "Rover Dangerfield" in them and they're both from 2008. All the others (on desuarchive) date from 2013.
I don't know what it is exactly, but I just can't use any other site for more than 5 seconds without hating it. Everything other than 4Chan just feels insincere to me even though everybody here shitposts all the time.
Funny you say that when anons here arent just capable of being insincere but bitterly sarcastically so.
Coming here constantly feels like Stockholm syndrome to me, I hate all the ragebait and culture war garbage as well as the exact same coomer threads repeated over and over again, and scrolling through the catalog feels so boring when it's the exact same 2-3 shows discussed every day.
True, but let's not pretend that the administration wasn't a large part of the problem (still is, in fact).
Irony poisoning. You've spent so much online time in the company of insincere people that you interpret real sincerity as if it was fake.
Because I like it. I get to read old war comics and whatever else someone storytimes, it's like radio but with comics.
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i remember a while ago, someone described it as.....a wide open field filled knee-height with shit. there are a lot of people digging around in the shit. you wonder why they would subject themselves to this. but if you dip your hands in, you might find a nugget of gold. that's why we're here, to keep finding the gold within the shit.

i'm wondering if a /cog/ board would work. /vg/ seems to operate well.
Basic story of fast talking cityboy who gets sent to a slow small town, and after some struggles wventually adapts and loves it more than the flashy citylife, but with a cartoon dog and Rodney Dangerfield's comedy routine.

Apparently theres some behind the scenes stuff where it was gonna be designed more of an adult comedy and the final cut we got was a neutered version of what Rodney was first hoping for.

All around notbad family film.
Ah shit it probably was me.
Sure as shit don't remember using a trollface as the pic, or is that just a thing due to the archive.
>or is that just a thing due to the archive.
It's just a thing. To conserve space, scrapers back then almost never saved the original image (or even thumbnails). It's patchy on desuarchive for the first half of the 2010s too.
What a concise synopsis. Thanks anon
Keep talkin, Boco.

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Whoops that wasn't the fucking image I meant to post
A likely story
Idk I think a lot of posts on other sites are really just cirklejerks and hate bandwagons. Just look at the 3000 vids that pop up as soon as something decent comes along or somebody does a nono.
And after 2 weeks everybody forgets about it.
It's a shame the main artist for /co/nrad ended up trooning out
Did it affect the quality of their art?
Oh, fuck. I’m an old fag.
That’s when I got here too. Those were the good years.
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I've been browsing 4chan since 2014, my friends know I browse, my wife knows I browse, I even got all of them to browse as well.
/co/ is still the one board I'm too ashamed to admit to them I browse semi-regularly
Its because anime has gotten worse
So you enjoy the current trend of everyone hating everything on principle and not even reading/watching anything they’re complaining about?
I heard it was an evil place full of evil people. I came to check it out and /co/ was pretty chill back then (2008) so I hung around. It’s been shit since 2012. It changed so fuckinb fast it blew my mind. I keep hoping it will get better, but it wont.
Oldfags are from 2004-05. Anything after is a different flavor of newfag. And I say that as an 08 newfag.
why tell them? what boards specifically? My friend saw me browse /co/ one time and tסld me I was a huge loser, so I never bothered to tell anyone else
>My friend tסld me I was a huge loser
You need better friends, anon.
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Troon in question here, i dont know if my art has necesarily gotten better, but at least is more ambitious, im tackling what is probably going to be a 30 minute long finale to a series of animatics im working on, and it all started because i did that first animatic for board geeks.

Ive been in this place for 13 years and i genuenly believe it made me improve and grow a lot art wise and i got you bunch of freak losers to thank for that. You were a reliable audience when noone else was paying attention to my stuff
More power to your arm
>the last time anyone gave a shit about them in any actual capacity was when the Friday Night Funkin' mod came out
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Your loved ones notice when your sense of humor changes, when the topics you talk about change, when your perspective changes. Eventually they ask what's up and where did get that from.
One friend browses /tg/ and /vg/, another friend browses /a/ and /trash/, the other one browses /sp/ and /tv/, they all browse /v/.

My wife browses the girl boards.
uuh facu what should i call you now
I used Twitter for a but just to follow some artists but apparently you have to make an account to see posts, so fuck that
i think sometimes here is funny. and i encounter by luck people who are into the same stuff as me. also i came here mostly to kill time and see "what is the new news" on the stuff i like since i don't use any major social media anymore.
You can call me fip or fipindustries, that has always been my artistic nickname
This was a while ago, I don’t talk with him anymore but I still never find it a good idea to let normalfags know you browse 4chan in general, even if most boards are normal
Sounds cute. Everyone I know browses the usual SM stuff, which is fine I don’t really care, but /co/ and 4chan in general is just a personal thing to me
I respect your art, but I seriously wonder why you’d take the trans route
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I have a twitter account just for that reason. I'm convinced that the people who post on that site are genuinely far more deranged than the people that post on 4chan, and the people that bring twitter stuff here always seem to be more unhinged in general. It's a fucking cesspit that I would not interact with to any capacity if it wasn't for some artists I like that post there.
oh, i always thought it was ballsy to just sign with your power word on the net, but i admit i haven't checked your blog in millenia, though you still did
It's THE PLACE The Place the place......
If anything at all is Happening TM, I can find out about it here. The hobby boards can give you good advice, but ultimately it is only as good as what you make of it. Browsing 4chan is in no way a replacement for actually doing stuff in real life.
It's also fun to shitpost and comment on topics because nobody I speak with shares the same interests.
>My wife browses the girl boards.
cgl? is she racist
Because I was here when it was still marginally good. You however, have no fucking excuse. I'm going to make my best attempt to fucking leave after the bullshit the mods have pulled this time.
>One friend browses /tg/ and /vg/, another friend browses /a/ and /trash/, the other one browses /sp/ and /tv/
...how freaky is your sex life
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I got into 4chan in 2009, I think i was aware of it a year before from newgrounds and ED.

I thought /b/ was a magical wonderland but that I was very quickly dissapointed. I discovered /x/ like any good tween would and stayed there collecting weird art until tripfags killed the board in 2011. Then I opened int and co, never looked back
>I'm convinced that the people who post on that site are genuinely far more deranged than the people that post on 4chan
That's because they're normalfags but without the social filter a person normally have when interacting in person.
Mix in a good amount of genuinely insane people for them to duke it out with, and you end up with a feedback loop of deranged lunacy.
what if I already know my long term goals but can't find the energy to carry them
Twitter's become increasingly looney over the last 4 years and now genuinely feels like only schizos post there now outside of the artists and corporate-owned accounts like news agencies. I think I can genuinely say that the average 4chan poster is less insane than the average twitter poster now, it's that bad. Some people here are just as bad, sure, but I'm talking averages.
Anon, i live in a third-world shithole where no one gives a single fuck about comics and cartoons and since i consumed a lot of US media through the years and most of my sense of humor consists of '90s /tv/ humor and references (literally used to explain Animaniacs jokes to friends and family members but no laughs) so imagine my surprise when i found autists like me in one place and when i reference a cartoon scene and someone actually got it.
so yeah this place isn't perfect but it's better than my reality.
I've been here since college. I'm 40.
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4chan still counts as social when you really think about it, plus it's not like the stigma this website had 15 years ago holds up

/cgl/, /ck/, /a/, /vt/, unironically /adv/, /r9k/ when she wants to be a cunt
and yes she's a little bit racist and transphobic, still a fem-zoomer so you can't expect miracles

If anything I'd say this place has made me more vanilla. Spending time arguing with retards who treat contrieved fetiches as a replacement for a personality makes you appreciate the simple things in life.
Been here since 2012, I just like the anonymous nature of it all and how some of my niche interests are catered to. Shit has gotten a whole lot worse though, especially /co/
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I understand this viewpoint but I think it really comes down to balance and moderation. Considering how, in the real world, friendships and especially romantic relationships are hard to genuinely have, finding communities online isn’t bad at all to talk about your interests. I agree that having real life goals for yourself (like learning a language, how to fix a car, whatever) is important to having a fulfilling life, but acting like “touching grass” and interacting with real people is automatically better than talking about stuff you love with like minded people isn’t logical, to me at least
Been here since 2004. I was posting on /co/ before the first thread had dropped off the last page in 2006. Honestly it's just the habit of it all. 4chan has information and perspectives on basically any subject you can think of that you don't see other places. It's weird but if you know how to see through the bullshit you get a much more honest appraisal of what real people think about things here. It's kind of like the matrix. After a while you can see past the shills and the ideologues and you just see real opinions.
Still like your art but I care not for most of the fetish-heavy stuff your more recent output has been.
> she's a little bit racist and transphobic, still a fem-zoomer so you can't expect miracles
Semi based. Let me guess, she supports fags and dykes?
>I was posting on /co/ before the first thread had dropped off the last page in 2006.
Pics or it didn't happen.
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>stuck on /co/ for the next 11,444 years
When your consciousness gets uploaded to the higher will please romanticize and remember us, anon.
>THAT gif
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i just really like dressing as a girl and having titties. some people are just like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thanks man, and fair enough
>/r9k/ when she wants to be a cunt
inb4 his wife is moid chan

i'm surprised you can have friends browsing trash and not be assaulted by their fetishes at least once
Not sure what your life story is...though it's as simple as going on eventbrite and looking up an event to do in your area practice makes perfect. Good luck, anon. (verification not required!)
Whatever happened to /co/lette?
/vt/ is a girl board?
Nigga all they do is be catty and gossip.
>floating island /co/
I miss that
My great work of immense genius is climbing upon its robotic limbs: Mechanica
If anyone is experiencing anything better, I call him a liar
You've been saying your big break is just around the corner for almost as long as there's been a board.
>manchild disintegration
>desperately trying to keep it together in his last moments before his personality is reupholstered and he forgets this interaction
>all he has is scraps from 2010 /ic/
Mechanica has zapped another one
>even the real GUY has been replaced by a bot
Now that is depressing.
>post obviously generated by an LLM
I didn't want to be right.
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A whole ass list damn.
Don't forget about me.
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She regards them with pity instead of outright hostilty
>oh he probably got molested by his uncle
>oh her daddy issues are so bad she hates all men now
sort of thing

I'm serious, I was on the camp who said the dude ruined it beyond the first scene. The pixelart is gorgeous and the girl is adorable, she unironically reminds of my wife.

That's the difference between talking to some tranny gooning on the other side of the country, or the planet, and talking to a guy who's been your friend most of your life. We have very different fetishes and political views and we're still bros, that's what friendship is all about.
>moid chan
I don't know who that is but I do warn her never to reveal any too personal details in this place, I bring up the example of that /soc/ girl who got decapitated in her car.

You'd be surprised, obviously you have the parasocial waifufags and trannies but it's also a huge gossiping witches coven. Some of the most prominent doxxers and "antis" are women(biological).
Been here since 2006. Maybe 05.
Found this place from NeoMonsterIsland, mainly for the hentai
Been on /co/ since almost day 1/
I was 13 when I got here. 32 now.

Jeez, how old is this thing?
It hasn't been updated in at least 10 years
>I don't know who that is but I do warn her never to reveal any too personal details in this place
only women who browse r9k do it in an organized effort to troll the local incels, it's quite infamous
Well that aged poorly
Whatever happened to the guy?
he actually used to live around me. Or maybe still does, idk
he was known to be a personal friend of moot then he was discovered to be a mod. people put 1 + 1 and realized moot straight up gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wanted on /co/

Quantity of arbitrary bans went down massively after he left.
He became (turned out to be?) a mod and went on some crazy power trip bans that caused his reputation to plummet. They were extremely arbitrary and sometimes came down to someone not liking something he did.

Yeeeeah...it could use some tweaking.
Needs to be updated.
yeah. He went on too hard on the early (pre culture war) feminism threads.

Getting banned by him was like a rite of passage

wonder how many anons posting itt used to tripfag
Last I heard, he was running socials that were mostly pics or vids of him working out, but that was a long time ago.
Wasn't there some series or character that if you said even a slightly non-positive thing about he'd ban you too?
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He films himself shoving stuff up his ass and jerking off, he's a minor meme/porn celebrity
X to doubt
>the girl is adorable, she unironically reminds of my wife
That's really concerning
>I'm serious, I was on the camp who said the dude ruined it beyond the first scene.
Same. When I first saw this gif in isolation I thought it'd be about an energetic girl having the time of her life. Nope.
I still don't buy you're a vanillafag
they died when WT Snacks got fired and Moot left
Since 2008 here, hello gentlemen. The last 16 years were a hell of a ride, huh.
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Yes that's exactly right, she goes there when she's feeling down to browbeat and gloat at the incels. Makes her feel better every time.

I don't think so. All guys have at least one pornstar that makes them go
>oh man she's so cute/hot, I wish I had gotten to her before she took 700 miles of dick on camera
I just happened to get lucky

I know, right? Almost feels like it was made out of spite

I am, obviously you pick up shit from this place but it's mostly benign. Stirrup socks, naruto-style fishnets, feet, armpits.
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I actually got into comics thanks to this place, nowadays we are lucky if we have story time thread that last 20 hours.

With cartoons fags /co/ became really simple.
I thought you were older...
I am 2 years older but in the same scenario, honestly i don't regret wasting time in this place. Got some genuinely good laughs here.
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>she goes there when she's feeling down to browbeat and gloat at the incels. Makes her feel better every time.
that... firmly a "creeps bullying creeps" thing senpai. Dunno why you would tell us this
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Legitimately, there are some very mentally ill basket cases to encroach upon that website if you look, actual deranged statistics in real time.
Same year as well.
What he said
>Practice makes perfect
I mean.....it doesn't seem to help that much.
When did leave again?
iirc in 2013 an aussie was assdevastated over a female tripfag on the /int/'s australia general and he actually hacked 4chan to get back at her. Also stole moot's account and leaked screenshots of #janiteam (old janny IRC) OP list. Redwood completely forgot to use a different handle.
you must draw /co/nrad (the /co/ board-tan) as tribute for your artistic growth now
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/co/nrad for modern audiences
She still gets talked about and drawn occasionally in the /coc/ threads.
I've learned a lot of stuff from 4chan from politics to pirating to just random cool stuff. Despite the reputation this shithole has, it's pretty useful.
Where do you post your work?
The fucking weirdest thing to me whenever this image is posted is the /pol/tan in it was something I drew for the /v/ of the now defunct eight-chan specifically in the context of "this is Vivian James' uncle"

how did that find its way here?
I miss the /co/ music Playlist.
Inertia, honestly. But as an artist there's value in that people can be negative here without consequence- it means I can find genuine opinions sometimes, be it of my work or critiques of other works that I can learn from, even if then I also have to filter out those being negative just for obnoxious contrarianism or outright mental illness
Oh that is a terrifying website. Finding shit I was posting 12 years ago and cringing, I hate it. Glad I learned to stop using tripcodes

It can be hard to convey to people how much imageboards can help you improve on art under specific circumstances. Good luck, the preview is looking cute.
Anyone have those Frank West /co/ playlists somewhere?
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A reminder to all; you are here forever. You might leave the site and never post again, but you will always remember your time here. Happy Birthday, 4chan!
Escape can only be gained via filling your life up with enough outside shit and to do something so bad it fills you with trolls remorse causing Reddit and X to be bearable.
>Reddit and X
Why would you trade this cesspool of mental illness to worse cesspools of mental illness?
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I miss the frequent Storytimes
I miss when /co/ was /slow/ and threads could last days on average
I miss Dan Dashley and all the other storytimers
At least for me, the appeal is the anonymity. I'm not even super controversial, but cancel culture exists, and I don't want to plaster my opinions all over the internet where anyone who disagrees with me can decide to ruin my life.
I rarely express my opinions here, i just talk about certain shows and leave for 3 weeks. shitposting isn't fun anymore to me
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I've been on 4chan since like 2017 and it already feels like I've been on these insane asylum forums for decades instead of years:
I cannot fathom how Anons who have actually been here for decades feel about being here that long.
Not even talking about shitposting. If you say "I liked Show X" on other websites, anyone could crucify you.
18 years. You get kind of numb to the idea of stabbing your own eyes out after the first decade
I first got on this site in the late 2010s because I wanted to discuss about The Loud House show on /trash/, ended up on The Sin Kids thread if anyone remembers or even knows that, spent a few years there while occasionally lurking in the other boards until it slowed and died sometime during the pandemic, and have been on other boards ever since with /k/, /co/, and /pol/ being my most visited boards.
And the reasons why I'm still here despite the site slowly getting worse and worse every single day is because I lack friends and have a lot of time and I don't like going on other sites like Xitter even though 4chan is slowly becoming that site that they hate what with all the Xitter posting on this fucking board.
I'll probably still be here until 4chan shuts down (most likely when the Y2K38 Problem happens assuming that this fucking site still runs 32-bit software and hardware).
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I have nowhere else to go.
You get used to it.
t. a 2008 newfag
No place on modern /co/. I'm sorry... Just not anymore
She still mention on the waifu tournaments.
>no one wants to make any new /co/ OC except for a handful of autists who stuck around for a literal decade if not even longer
>"gee, what happened to that one character /co/ created???"
Gee anon, it's a mystery.
I'll say it was something to experience the late 00s capeshit boom with you guys
I've been here longer. I'm not proud lol. Though to be fair, I just lurk here briefly every few days now. I rarely post and it's been YEARS since I was a regular poster (as in not since sometime in the 2010s).
This poster's description of early /co/ is accurate.
We need a board split. Comics and cartoons don't belong together.
Agreed. It should be Comics and Manga, and Anime and Cartoons together.
I come here briefly every few days and browse the Catalog. I read some of the storytimes and occasionally click on other threads if they look interesting. I haven't really "hung out" here in ages though. Not really since the early-mid 2010s.
I joined around 2017 I think (mostly used /m/,/tg/, and/fit/ before). Originally I came for the Scalie Schoole and other webcomic/OC threads. Stayed because this is the best source of schizo cringe outside of/x/
Japanese and weebs should not be subjected to beanmouth and bluesky rants from superheroes.
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>It should be Comics and Manga, and Anime and Cartoons together.
>I don't think so. All guys have at least one pornstar that makes them go
>>oh man she's so cute/hot, I wish I had gotten to her before she took 700 miles of dick on camera
Angela White for me
>I bring up the example of that /soc/ girl who got decapitated in her car.
The what now?
You know what, sure, give an hour to get out of bed
Mentioning Aussies, does anyone know what happened to /co/'s Dr Sivana?
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here we go, one last for the road
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>It can be hard to convey to people how much imageboards can help you improve on art
yeah no kidding
> don't think so. All guys have at least one pornstar that makes them go
>oh man she's so cute/hot, I wish I had gotten to her before she took 700 miles of dick on camera
A lot of JAV stars are like that for me, though I enjoy seeing them get their asses brutally kicked in GIGA superherione films. I honestly amazed Japan could think up a concept as hot as that
>Stirrup socks, naruto-style fishnets, feet, armpits
Based vanilla normie
Im in the same boat, it's striking how the internet I grew up on is just completely dead. I feel like I need to move on, I can't even relate to anybody online anymore. Most 30 year olds probably don't spend a lot of time posting i guess.
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Modern YouTube is so sad to look at, nothing but faggot video essays and culture war bullshit and tik tok trash
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I like the undone fly
The most annoying faggots on forums were always the popular members with autisticly high post counts that had some kind of reputation. I hate that shit. It's fun to yell into an anonymous void and hear something back without mods and self appointed mini-mods breathing down your neck. Forum culture was always gay incestuous hogshit and I'm glad phbb boards are dead.
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My latest webcomic page which I post just because of that pussy troll earlier in the thread who pretended like I didn’t start it the other day
Im immune to that environment because im constantly changing into a different cool person
It helps that notable artists post here and form connections here, although the industry doesn’t like that
These are some of the worst panel layouts I've seen outside Linkara's godawful Lightbringer comics.
Blah blah blah everything is bad and everyone complains about it practice makes perfect, anon.
Shit like this is why I don't tell people I browse /co/
practice makes perfect is this myth that i lament became so pervasive.

on itself practice doesnt do much, the idea is that you are practicing guided by some principle youre trying to perfect, when you practisce you are trying to improve a given technique or a standard, just repeating the same thing over and over heedless of the principles of composition, anatomy or color theory is not going to take you anywhere, otherwise you are just spinning in circles
If there IS one thing that’s worse than all the baiting and retards, it’s the schizos. Good lord, has this site gotten worst with the amount of schizos post 2020
Im innovating you retarded industry tool, you have nobody to consult for my style of comic book paneling besides me.
No, fuck off. Everybody is a “beginner” to you who has yet to receive industry approval, get your verbal garbage away from my art.
Don’t worry since I can identify a bunch of artists and also other people and also explain their verbal tics, etc
Here “principles” are something defined by your social group and “spinning in circles” means I am going without being accepted by you, just as I want. Shut up
Pics or gtfo
>practice makes perfect
guy's "art" hasn't improved since he started posting here nearly two decades ago >>145718936
Remember Fenna?
You're still arguing in favor of practice, you retard.
Stop trying to sound like a smart contrarian and shit.
fuck off already
hey, look if you are an outsider artist who is only making art for themselves and a very small select audience of people who see your vision more power to you.
you actually hit the nail on the head, yeah, the principles and techniques were actually defined by specific social circles, they were designed to be appealing ans aesthetically pleasing to the social circle known as "most people". and if that is not the group you want to cater to then that is fine, keep on trucking. henry darger never did his illustrated books for noone but himself and people consider him an excentric genius
i tried to have a board-tan thread 2 years ago but it didnt go anywhere this is a nice excuse to post more /co/nrad content
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I thank you for ALMOST getting CLOSE to admitting you don’t care at all about art and advancing it, just the social group and the lifestyle associated.

I only care about socializing with other real artists who are normal people instead of careerist NPCs, like Coelasquid from here.
>they were designed to be appealing ans aesthetically pleasing
They were designed so that each panel should be joined to the other by a rational superstructure that the eye responds to.
hey genius, guess who actually determines wether art has advanced and evolved, its society at large who collectively decides wether something is brilliant or stupid, you can put on a paper crown you made on your own and claim that you are a brilliant artist but that doesnt mean shit if noone agrees with you.
but you know what, fair is fair, maybe someone 40 years from now will discover your art and claim that it was actually ahead of its time, what do i know
This shit is barely more coherent than a Gene Ray blogpost.
>guy derails another thread
This asshole is proof that schizophrenics are narcissists who just have to make everything about them.
That’s another metaphor that a unique artist like me independent of the social group would have his art project revolve around making him look good

Ironically, artists like Alex Hirsch lived much more like that, despite using the beanmouth style
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>here since 07

You will never leave.
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there is a reason why this was/is still a banner
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doesn’t help that some anons are genuinely egging him on for god knows why. because I seriously doubt people here are that retarded to give him of all people credit for “outsider art”
you call me a leftist and appeal to objective beauty grounded in god.

this is what beauty grounded in god looks like, whereas your art looks indistinguishable from the scribbles you would find in any progressive post modernist art gallery, you are using the classic leftist participation trophy excuse of >its my style, you dont get it!
You’re struggling with the fact that my project Mechanica connects to the work of /co/ artists like Rebecca Sugar, Coelasquid, and my best friend, and the natural thing to do would be to celebrate it, but you don’t because of careerism which has destroyed your soul.
What fun!
Even more desperate.
“God” doesn’t mean a man in a painting. You are pushing idolatry to spite my Catholicism.
Dan Dashley!!! The man who got me into Love and Rockets! I hope he's still doing good somewheres, my love of Fantagraphics and alt comix in general owes a lot to him.
Schizophrenics are so monumentally arrogant because they think they're the only people in the world who can access the one perfect truth.
She's basically public domain, you can use her right now.
Otherwise the main person still using her is Psuedo, who always drew her the most, and as expected by that, at this point slightly tweaked her into a more personal version that feels more his own
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>We’re trapped in a nihilistic echo chamber.
Indon't know many other places with a high population that I would wanna go for comics or cartoon discussion, so if I wasn't here it would be me maybe bringing it up to 5 friends on a small discord or likely nothing at all.

Plus the comic storytimes are nice being shown things I may not have considered otherwise.
hay man he's the board's pet schizo, have some respect
Put it down
but then i'd have no schizo to randomly bombard my threads with inane nonsense
It's true he's gotten worse though, he sounds even more deranged than some years ago.
as some weeks ago. It's probably an episode. Don't think he's been ever medicated, schizphrenic episodes work in spurts.
>I miss Dan Dashley and all the other storytimers
What made me fall in love with /co/. I miss philly and the franco belgian thread.

Cartoons have definitely overtaken the board in interest - but I can't say I haven't enjoyed it.
>he sounds even more deranged
This. I really believe he's experienced some kind of psychotic break. If you check his oldest posts in the archive, he's still full of shit, but clearly baseline sane. But all his recent posts reads like he's fighting a losing battle with himself to put his words into logical sequences, and he frequently makes basic typographical errors that are absent from his older posts, and which are very common among schizophrenics.
>the franco belgian thread.
I miss the scanlation projects. They moved to the backup /co/ site, but that place is basically dead except for the Miss /co/ board.
While I don't read all they post the guy doing the old British comics is doing a hell of a job.
>I miss the frequent Storytimes
Killed by captcha faggotry.
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dose anybody remember what painting did they used for the front page it looked a bit similar to this
>front page
Who the fuck sees the front page?
Looks vaguely familiar. What year was it?
>curry diarrhea hair
Eh, I prefer your older stuff.
For me, it's j/aco/lyn. I don't even remember the last time I saw something new with her.
I do. Briefly every ~3rd major firefox update when my extensions starts breaking and I have to restart the browser for update purposes. I can't be assed to change my old frontpage bookmark.
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Board-tans peaked with /x/-tan
Browsing since 2008 here.

Just giving the thread a quick bump before reading it.
Anon who suggested the drawing here, kudos to you for actually doing it. Looks really nice in your style, good shit.
I spend most of my time lamenting the fact that my homeboard /x/ is a shell of its former self. We weren't always like this.
that one's no longer relevant anymore. Should be a black gf now
there isn't. But it's not all bad. /co/ not only got me to draw again after years of hiatus but I also improved over a year.
Honestly I wish I browsed /co/ more when I got here instead of just wasting away years of my life to /pol/
>t. election tourist
Everyone was pretending to be magical schizo and real delusional schizos thought they were in good company. Many such cases.
Those people were few and far between before anontalk made /x/ a bunker for /b/. The schizos didn't come until everyone who actually wanted to talk about paranormal stuff got driven out by /b/tards and a tripfag named Aeris.
>Whatever happened to /co/lette?
Psu went patreon only.

the person who drew these is a post-op tranny.
To be honest all the girls are hot, you just don't see it because they don't get much attention
His art as actively regressed by an absurd degree though, practice alone does not lead to improvement.
He's not talking about the subject matter of the painting, he's say that you can't believe in objective beauty standards in art yet make something that would make a classically-trained artist want to murder you. Classical art is based on a number of principles that you do not come even close to following, don't bring up objective beauty in art unless you're willing to be compared to the masters.
im not post-op, where did you get that rumor from?
>inb4 show it to prove it
yeah, nice try
checked the guys webcomic after a few years and saw tranny rants and how he changed pronouns and shit like that. stopped giving a shit after that and deleted it from my bookmarks. that was like a decade ago, I'd expect him to have killed himself since then
I like the male version of /lit/

The female one looks too much like /mlp/ and I question why purple hair for a literature board.
Bro if op's pic was your art, there was someone years ago who made a tumblr with your stuff stating that he was transitioning to female and he even had his pic posted wearing female clothes (face and everything i think)

Ngl but if it wasn't you, thank god

But it killed a lot of hype around your stuff
are you by chance cold fusion? i remember he used to read my comic long ago until he dropped it. for what is worth the "tranny rants" were mistakenly reblogged to the wrong blog, they werent meant for the comic blog
no, i am trans, i just never got bottom surgery, sorry to dissapoint
anon is autistic and thinks everything bad in life comes from the same group of people he hates
/co/ started hating anime because /a/, and weebs in general, got really aggressive about hating comics and cartoons
I've been here the same length of time. Though I usually just read the front page or check the catalog once every couple days now. (Not to imply that I'm well-adjusted.)

I hate the passage of time.
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Dying tranny board for tranny porn addicts

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this is the only website left where i can call a retard a retard.
i believe the ability to be rude to people is essential to maintaining the quality of an internet community, otherwise it gets overrun with insufferable dickweeds acting behind several layers of social posturing and mind games.
sometimes you need to tell someone, as bluntly and unambiguously as possible, to fuck off.
I'll be so glad when I never have to hear about granny's again. 75% of them are sex freaks like gay people and a lot of them don't mind fiddling teens like gay people. This is just fags 2. I don't caaaaaaaaare niggers. Don't let your kid hang out with any kind of see pervert. Simple as.
Fuck tranny not granny I'm a drunk retarded

Granny is funnier though.
give your granny a hug, anon
can we please rewind the clock 10 years? Internet sucks now. I miss forums. Most of the ones I used to post on are either dead or abandoned.
I've seen it all
if biological, i would love to be your friend
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I think that /pol/ tan was posted on the shimmie and people thought it was 4chan's.
Why did I think you were here before?
Or am I thinking of Onsokumaru?

How is SA even alive at this point. Lotax is dead, goons aren't actually goons anymore and that site culture is ancient.
same thing, go and kill yourself.
Only thing I can say is, there is nowhere else to go, not like I'd go anywhere else.
You can say shit here you'd get banned on other sites for and I don't mean stupid tranny shit or "being on the wrong team" shit.

If this place goes, it'd suck. So much disposable threads,but it's still fun.
Came here in 2006. You can leave, but you always come back.
I mainly draw /pol/ tan and you are correct.

Over the years of drawing him, I kinda grew out of anime and cartoon stuff and appreciated realism over the years, which i think is kinda dry for artistic growth but idk.

I think the board tan you main would usually decide the kind of person you're interested in becoming

Not sure about the memetard newfags on /pol/ loll, that was me when i was younger on /new/ and shitposting and avoiding the good threads, but politics fr affects my bank account NOW


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hello, my ancient brother.

It's truly crazy when you think about it, one the very few 4chan subcultures that has truly died and never returned.
Honesty I think the last time I saw 4chan contribute to memes was the retarded looksmaxxing stuff, and obviously Wojacks
i read the ongoing posts before i read OP. less time wasted
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>An oldfag is someone who either migrated here from Something Awful
nobody migrated, they all crossposted from a handful of internet communities that shared the same sense of humour.

off the tip of me tongue:

>several DC++ / IRC hubs
>razier side of newgrounds
>a couple minor goon-brand comedy forums

Plus all the porn casuals that found this site through /h/ + /d/
why did you transition? i though you were quite comfortable with how you were doing. at least that's what vibe i got from your old comic / anecdotes.

did you march yesterday?
If you are referring to guy - that's what schizophrenia does to you when it goes full swing. completely demolishes your skills.
When we stopped dictating what was and what wasn't a meme - aka making original content, all we were left was with reposters.

Nobody remembers how ridiculously toxic early twitter weebs / smug anime face posters were around 2012-2014. the east v west fags you get today are small time compared to those fuckers. that's when the anti-anime sentiment started - outsider jokes being used to troll locals. /v/ had it waaaaaay worse than us tho'
it just made me happy, simple as that. Btw if you are cold fusion, for what is worth, i always did appreciate your comments, you were my only fan at the time and your comments always encouraged me to keep drawing
I am not, but I always take the time to say hi whenever I see you around, loved your short stories.
Thanks buddy, apreciated
Nah just myself, been going out in public for years hitting my head against that wall with little results.
By “skills” you mean the delusion that I want to work in animation from 2009 and the past couple years. Zoomers finally shut the fuck up with trying to manipulate my imaginary animation career so you use this metaphor.

There are no drawing skills required for industry animation, just the skills required to work with spoiled rich kids and artists from /co/ deluded that they can ever leave.

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