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Paulo is the new Mike edition

Comic: https://bcb.cat/
Booru: https://bcb.cat/candybooru/
Previous thread: >>146338596
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Fucking finally, damn.

Even Lucy doesn't understand why Daisy fell for Paulo.
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Oh boy I can't wait to see how Lucy makes this all about her. Since Paulo and Daisy look like they're about to be shoved into a Paisy-shaped then I'm looking forward to Volume 9 being a huge pity party for Lucy.
I won't turn down Lucy degenerating into a pathetic little ball of misery again. She certainly deserves it. But I'm pretty sure that Taeshi is talking about Mike here, first and foremost. We know she can't stop tormenting him for too long. Maybe Paulo and Daisy if their relationship crashes and burns, but that writing choice would be dangerously close to based for Taeshi.
>feeling empty inside
I'm sure plenty of people will be willing to fill that emptiness with their DICKS
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Damn right
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There's a quick and easy way for Daisy to feel a lot better and all it takes is her getting over her self-slutshaming
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Strange. I feel nothing.
I only stick to this threads because this comic made me feel something. I've been ecstatic then the kiss has happened in the Eternal Flame. I've got enough memorable and sweet moments from different chapters to keep reading this thing. And this is supposed to be a big moment. Why do I feel nothing then?
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Because you subconsciously realized that Daisy screaming I LOVE HIM in an empty Burgertron should mean that Paulo heard her, even if he is in the back. So the plot is only happening by Demiurge fiat.
Never worked in a kitchen? Shit's noisy.
Because there is nothing of substance behind Paisy. Mike and Lucy don't have a mountain's worth of issues between them but an entire range. Yet they still share a basic sense of chemistry. The dysfunction is a feature which offers at least some bile fascination. Paisy exists because the plot says it does. That same plot ignores the myriad problems that would actually liven up the ship, like Paulo's vision of Daisy as this innocent untouchable little sister running up against her desire to suck fat Somali dick. Since the plot ignores that sort of thing, there is no reason for the couple to stay separate. It's a foregone conclusion. There is no point in dragging it out so the ship overstays its welcome.
Even Lucy looks astounded by this sudden declaration of love.
>daisy what the fuck are you talking about.gif
Because it doesn't make sense at all. Paulo is like 10% of the things she describes him as, he's thinking of him like a Mike she would fuck instead of the fuck up he actually is, they have NOTHING in common aside from lust for each other (supposedly, Daisy isn't awestruck from his as she is from the track team, and Daisy is his literal last option), Paulo is in no position at all to be in a relationship at the moment (mom issues, got rejected by 3 different people in a row so he's not thinking clearly if he says yes to something with Daisy) and Daisy could really do better than Paulo
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New BH
How long have you anons been reading this thing?
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Been a bit since ive been here, but I hope everyone's doing well! Shit's becoming chilly honestly, given it's november. Here's a lil something I made recently - I dont really ship this, but there was this cute lil panel I saw and I felt like redrawing it.

since may this year! Binging it felt really nice, honestly.
The colors and tones in this page are really nice. Nice and homely, cozy even.
Oh man, for a decade at least, I think.

Cute drawing, anon!
thanks! feels nice to get random bursts of inspiration honestly - havent drawn anything bcb in...months, ngl.
>How long have you anons been reading this thing?
far to long back when homolust was a good webcomic still and we barely knew of the trolls. this shit is like crack, you keep telling yourself. just one more puff whats the worst that can happen just one more little rock thats all.
since eternal flame.

y'know, the weird thing is... bittersweet candy bowl is a story i never really had an opinion on. i think it's the first and only story i'm completely indifferent towards. yet i keep reading it and sometimes go back and reread chapters. it's odd.
hmmm the bad webcomics page should be updated its very very outdated. needs all the wonderful new lore from discord and etc funny shit/seething. hilariously this is the third result when you google bittersweet candy bowl wiki.
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I started on exactly this page. Really interesting lens to get a first impression through since I basically had the same perspective of Mike that James did. I think that's why I'm more sympathetic to him than people who suffered through all his old bullshit at the normal, excruciating webcomic pace.
I know /co/ hates it but I think the art is pretty and the melodrama is juicy and I just find this self-destructive obsessively-people-pleasing indecisive friend-alienating miserable retard cat to be one of the most personally relatable characters I've ever seen.
Let's take bets, when Daisy shuts up about Paulo to Lucy, and Lucy goes back to talk to him, will he fuck her a second time before confronting Daisy?
The comic has been sabotaging all potential alternative ships so no of course not. The square peg is being jackhammered through the round hole.
Paulo's dick is square?
>Two characters that have liked each other the entire comic are going to get together
UGH so forced
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>Daisy is literally making up a version of Paulo that doesn't exist to justify her attraction to him
>Paulo "likes her so much" that she has no idea why she's mad and instead of asking her begged the walking plot device to solve everything
>This is considered an organic pairing
paulo will take his break lucy will grab him to the washroom. he'll coom in 5mins raw inside her. she'll push him off walk up to speak with daisy.
when paulo and daisy are taking lucy will get up.
sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrp a long glob of cum will go down the middle of her legs super slowly till it hits the floor then all of it will come out quickly and you can hear it hitting the floor with a small splat. and she'll smugly smile at daisy while paulos face turns to shame and horror. lucy will grab daisys drink and whats left of her burger and walk out whistling. as daisy starts crying loudly and paulo is freaking out trying to hold her saying he's sorry lucy just grabbed him and forced herself on him.
Because this is clearly just a case of "the author wants to be done with a plot point"
Around New Year's Resolution
>Binging it felt really nice
Agreed, though a pit in my stomach forms when I think it took over a decade to make. and to wait for.
The entire comic...? Are we reading the same comic?
You again?
>Binging it felt really nice,
oh yeah it feels like after 5 mins of shooting up heroin shit felt amaszing then oh god the stabbing pain and you start puking everywhere
and youre hooked wishing the updates were as good as the first time you get no more rush only vomiting
>Two characters whose chemistry is just cycles of idealization/devaluation don't make a good ship
Yep. Paisy sucks. It's worse than Mucy, at least Mike and Lucy were near the top of each other's priority list, not bottom or below the bottom.
i cant imagine what it feels like either - i assume moments like eternal flame must have been agonising to wait for haha

it does make me wonder if i should just do a massive re-read of the whole thing to see how i feel about it now, since i had a lot of incorrect assumptions about the cast when i was first experiencing it.
stop hurting yourself anon you can quit you are better than this, stop letting tae poison your mind

break free you can do it
I thought about subbing to get a page early during the James/Mike stuff before I realized it's just a one-time fix and then you either keep paying just to keep up or take a week off when you unsub. Diabolical monetization scheme.
Daisy didn't give a fuck about Paulo that way until he bought her a milkshake and showed a reluctant interest in anime.
>bought her a milkshake and showed a reluctant interest in anime
What else do you need, bro?
could be worse, we could have to deal with so much god awful furry oc's from cringelords paying retarded money to get them in the webcomic like furry artists do. thank fuck shes not a furry, bet what happened to toby fox made her 14885 consider never allowing this add in something that looks cute only to find out after taking the money

that said oc is a anal vore scat feral cub fursona of some ultra degen and people now fucking hate you because this person is notorious in the scene and because you are not a furfaggot you didnt know better and you cant remove shit because they will unironically sue you and waste thousands if not tens of thousands in court because mentally ill furfags do shit like this all the time
Just because you didn't get it until it was spelled out for you doesn't mean that was the first instance
Taeshis one of the most heavy handed writers out there and one of the most obvious ships actually sailed over /bcb/s thick heads for 18 years, you all are actually braindead lmao
Do you think Daisy will bring up the Mike kiss?

Thanks anon I gagged a little.
Ignoring your hallucinations and desperate need to browbeat your betters into submission, the only hint of the ship came strictly from Paulo for the longest time. And even then it was stuck in cryosleep for most of the comic.
>Thanks anon I gagged a little.
fucking faggot procreation is based and high test as fuck women love getting their cervixes blasted with coom and letting it melt inside their vanal canal shits full of a bunch of hormones that makes them very very happy and love the person who coomed in them
No, but I wish she would just so Lucy gets pissed off.
Something that doesn't sound like an /adv/ post
>this guy bought me a milkshake and seems interested in anime, should I book a wedding in January?
Rule34 comment section looking ass reply.
How are you going to consider yourself better while you get filtered by a retardedly simple furry comic
ywnba enjoy the hiv turning into full blown aids within the next 5 years and aging by 40 years within the next 10 from all the surgeries hormone abuse and antibiotics/etc meds
How can I explain it to someone who got filtered by a basic statement, as if their brain shorted out on visual contact with the words?
Consistently? Since New Year's. Before then yeah I read it on and off during high school way back in 2011
These anons get it. Paisy consists of two morons settling for their last option because they've alienated their first, second, and third choices and are too impatient to wait. It's not fun-toxic like Mucy, or sabotaged by le demiurge like MikeXSandy, or boring-but-wholesome like AbbeyXJasmine. It's just a depressingly chemistryless ship.
Also none of them show any sign that "this is the one" without forcing it. Paulo has shown to be a skirt chaser and put his dick above whatever relationship he's in, and Daisy has a story of getting what she wants and still yearn for something else, and if you put them together you have a guy that knows about flings and is easily swayed by a nicer pair of tits and a girl who excuse him while thinking "but what if..." while sighing about the chances she lost
Collapse comments
It's obvious that Sandy has to go eventually because she's distant and inauthentic and everything that's bad for Mike, but it's so fucking excruciating knowing it'll be literal years before that happens. I started reading last year and at first I didn't get why /co/ was so negative about the comic but Jesus Christ I cannot imagine reading Eternal Flame as it came out, waiting weeks/months for it to unfold, feeling like there was actual progress being made, only for Mike to fucking go back to this fucking bitch.
sandy being a thing still not just with mike the cuck her still being in the comic is just beyond retarded and horridddddd writing
I think the Sandy situation has to be rooted in a personal experience of the writers because I went through something similar and there's a specific kind of impossible-to-explain guilt-driven rationale about the whole thing that feels very authentic, especially rereading On Call and Another Flame. It's interesting but also incredibly fucking frustrating because Another Flame (and pretty much all of the "what if" scenarios since then) just seems more interesting than what's going on now.
It'd be more believable if they were like "We actually should try this out, there is no reason not to. We've been friends and yadda yadda yadda."
Like it could be a bit more believable but I guess the bpd has to show up somehow.
friends barb each other all the time right right its ok honestly paulo is only a manwhore because he chases sluts and degens.

someone like daisy that would legit love him would you know change his brain chemistry to not be retarded i mean if we're talking realistic love and teenage stupidity
It'd be kino if Taeshi did the sane thing and it flamed out because Paulo and Daisy put each other up on a pedestal and they take disappointment badly, but you know. Taeshi.
I dunno man I just want these characters to fall in love already Goddamn
You had a point until "whores and defense", he literally had a girl that wanted to take him seriously, but it was not Paulo focused enough so she cut him before he had a chance to chase after another skirt (which he did right away)
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I maintain that MikeXSandy should have been endgame after Lucy jumped, and the subsequent "Sandy and Mike are bad together!!!" shit like the ghosting/arguing/cheating was both inconsistent with Mike and Sandy's previously-established characters and wholly artificial sabotage by le demiurge.

Whether she did it to satisfy her brainworms, or to milk more story out after having accidentally wrapped everything up early, I don't know, but either way I don't like it.
>Whether she did it to satisfy her brainworms, or to milk more story out after having accidentally wrapped everything up early
It's probably both to be completely honest.
I am absolutely sure that Taeshi was projecting hard on Sandy in EF. Not that Taeshi would make sacrifices for someone else, or even pretend to, but she would absolutely guilt trip the other person. That's what she does to Suitcase every single year.
Mike x Sandy was always doomed because if Lucy died, so would the comic. But once upon a time, Taeshi wanted her fursona to win out against an actual respectable opponent with legitimate appeal, not a ditzy whoring strawman that anyone but Mike could see through.
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God I wish Sandy was an actual character so bad
She's not amazing or anything, but Taeshi's digital watercolors really blow the actual comic style out of the water.
I'm amused by the implication that MikeXSandy means Lucy MUST die. Considering her obsessive need to have Mike at all costs, it's not inaccurate, but still.

I think best end for BCB would have been Lucy and Mike getting over their weird codependency: Mike can ride off into the sunset with his cool girlfriend Sandy, and Lucy can hold her head up high knowing she's strong and independent and don't need a man to lean on (and get Paulo to actually shape up and commit to her, if we must have everyone paired off by credits).
I want to pin down Daisy and have her look up at me with those big pleading eyes.
>Paisy consists of two morons settling for their last option because they've alienated their first, second, and third choices and are too impatient to wait.
I would say that applies only to Paulo imo, Daisy could always have tried to push Mike for more again when he is emotionally vulnerable but this is Takeshi so no. Daisy only fucked up her first relationship and Mike was too locked into Sandy's asshole.
> Paulo has shown to be a skirt chaser and put his dick above whatever relationship he's in
I don't think it's true. Paulo's extremely loyal to the person he's in relationship with and/or to the person he's in love with. He's been courting Tess for a whole year, he's never cheated on Jasmine or Rachel and he's honestly told them both that they can't continue their relationships because he's in love with Lucy. And it's only Lucy that produces this sort of reaction in him, it's not like he has ever been swayed away by any random bimbo. He casually flirts when he's free, but he's anything but unloyal.
> Daisy has a story of getting what she wants and still yearn for something else
I don't think it's true either. Abbey was comfortable and easy, but he wasn't really want she wanted. Daisy's got this whorish side inside of her, she's wants to be wanted, she wants the romance, the heart-throbbing spectates. She has personally told Abbey that much when he decided to confess his love in the most boring way possible. She's one high-maintenance bitch, she is.

Anyway, I think Paisy neither can work, nor should it work. Their lifelong friendship is the sweetest thing ever (I love Paulo's "well, I can't lie to her") and them being in a relationship will ruin it, especially when Paulo realizes his sweet adorable angel of a little sister is actually a vapid whore.
>Daisy gets a reality check and realises that her cheerleader strength is no match to that of the average healthy male
Abbey is a single data point, but there are none too subtle hints that Daisy would still go down on Mike if she could get away with it. I think Taeshi may have turned this perpetual secret yearning into a defining character trait.
I… don't really know. She kissed Mike vigourously in Double Down, but acted like she really was over him afterwards. This whole chapter was so confusing.
When Daisy tells Mike and Paulo she's over gray cat, she keeps making an obvious coy/knowing expression and/or twirling her hair. This can be seen both Double Down and Track Meet. Taeshi's idea of subtle telegraphing I supppse.
I'll give you an easier one, Augustus always wanted her fluffy ass and she knows it, he has always held her as option one and despite his background he has a better head on his shoulders than Paulo. You just need to pull him from Lucy's iron grip
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Daisy literally got herself knocked up by Augustus while still in a relationship with Abbey in bci.
Oh for sure. Augustus and Daisy would be a way better couple, if only for the sake of chemistry. Though it might not have much staying power since Daisy enjoys that bad boy attention factor while Augustus might treat her too much like a princess. I suspect once that conquest was over, Daisy's eyes would wander. Unless he got some of his old rizz back and turned up the sly playful energy, which should keep Daisy entertained.
I wonder whose idea it was to continue without protection. Would Augustus stealth Daisy? Would Daisy sabotage the condom? Did both of them decide to risk it? Does Augustus even know Daisy aborted his child?
Since 2021. I wish I discovered it sooner but oh well
Too early to see the end of the comic. Too late to witness the forums or that time Taeshi actively posted on the dedicated bcb porn site. Why are you staying around?
Jasmine or Rachel?
>Paulo's extremely loyal
So we're told, but consider that Paulo has:
>flirted with the purpose of making Tess jealous
>arguably cheated on Tess (depending on your definition)
>arguably cheated on Jasmine with Lucy
>told Lucy "I WAITED FOR YOU", when he'd actually been schtupping Rachel and flirting with various girls

Just about the only things Paulo and Daisy have in common are a wandering eye and a jealous streak.
Jasmine, but considering Rachel was willing to go all the way with him and was his shoulder to cry on and he dropped her because she wanted to chase after Lucy and didn't want to look like a manwhore
Think Paulo and Daisy would be the kind of pair to cheat on each other or have a swingers relationship as adults?
> flirted with the purpose of making Tess jealous
It's called shitty behaviour, not disloyal behaviour. Also, did he date Tess at the time?
> arguably cheated on Tess (depending on your definition)
Lmao, when? With Jessica? I don't really understand what you're referring to, Tess has severed all ties with him and made it clear that she only sees him as a friend at the prom. He didn't have any obligations to her.
> arguably cheated on Jasmine with Lucy
Again, when? Did they kiss? Did they bang? No, Paulo has simply fallen in love with Lucy, which is something beyond his control. When he came to understand what's happened, he broke up with Jazz. Sounds like quite a mature behaviour to me.
> told Lucy "I WAITED FOR YOU", when he'd actually been schtupping Rachel and flirting with various girls
Yet he waited for her, didn't he? Rachel knew from the start that they are not a pair, and he has not transgressed once since Lucy returned and until she explicitly rejected him.

> a wandering eye and a jealous streak
So we are told by the likes of you, anon, yet he has always been mature and honest about his relationships. He didn't lie to Rachel about the circumstanses he's in, he broke up with Jasmine as any honest man would, he's only flirted on the side when he was free and sure that the person he loves wants nothing to do with him.

> and he dropped her because she wanted to chase after Lucy
Man, you don't know a bit about love, do you?
Nta, but absolutely
Depends on how hard Paulo is simping after Daisy by that point. It could easily recapitulate the Mike x Sandy situation since having options should tickle Daisy pink.
>Yet he waited for her, didn't he?
No? He rocketed right into Rachel's snatch while knowing that's not kosher then started collecting crushes on Daisy, Mike and James to juggle through. That's not waiting, that's hedging.
NTA, but I think the latter should be categorized as emotional desperation. Paulo can't help who he falls for, though frankly harboring that many crushes at once is pretty pathetic. I assume when Paulo claimed he "saved himself" for Lucy, he meant in terms of solid romantic intent rather than sex or desire. Which is very specific and also pathetic.
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Hey man i'm not the one defending Paulo out of all people on 4chan
What little we saw of Tess and Mike's friendship was nice.
>It's called shitty behaviour, not disloyal behaviour
Tomatos tomatoes, or more accurately rectangles and squares.
>Lmao, when?
Jess and Rachel. I did say "arguably", but there was still a flame, and he knew that, and allowed himself to be used for the sake of spite. I don't want to victim-blame a rape victim, but Paulo was kind of asking for it.
>Again, when?
Paulo quickshotting Lucy in the dressing room. I don't remember whether he and Jasmine had already broken up at that point and I'm not gonna reread to find out, but sitting next to Jasmine after having just had sex with Lucy was at the very least tactless, immature, and generally shitty. Again, there was still a flame, he knew that, and rather than do the polite and responsible thing he just washed his hands of the matter so he could more quickly get sex.
>Yet he waited for her, didn't he?
No, see >>146429618

>he has always been mature and honest about his relationships.
Has he? He went out with Jasmine knowing he was still hung up on Lucy and trying to distract himself, and only came clean with her later when he started to feel guilty. Despite all the hints and interest Rachel showed, Paulo wasn't honest with her until she put him on the spot. He gets petty-jealous of Mike and throws tantrums. No matter how firmly Lucy rejects his confessions, he still holds out hope that if he's just nicer or cooler then NEXT time she'll swoon for him. Overall, the impression I get is that Paulo is only mature and honest when put under pressure, and even then he tends to squirm and make excuses unless he feels sufficiently guilty.
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Paulo didn't choose to sit next to Jasmine, Daisy made him sit next to her because she wasn't aware they broke up already, and Paulo wasn't dating Jasmine as a distraction he dated her because he never even considered Lucy an option as she only tried to fuck him when she was having an emotional breakdown.
Taeshi's done very well to make her furry husbando completely blameless.
for a large majority of the comic, Paulo has hounded after Lucy. Daisy has had crushes on Mike and Augustus and Dated Abbey for a while until they broke up with Paulo being a main reason why they did.

Taeshi did not build up Daisy loving paulo like this at all. She just whipped it out when she decided to awkwardly force them together because NOBODY can date outside the group at all or get in the way of MikexLucy.

Sandy being an actual character opens up the possibility of people feeling bad for her because she's been pushed into an industry known for exploiting people and can't connect with anyone her own age outside of Mike anymore due to it.

Classmates are casuallying hanging out after school or going home to do something or nothing, meanwhile she has to run off to auditions and shoots like work, and can't even eat a piece of junk food without it possibly blowing years worth of work up. The girl is going to crash out hardcore at some point.
Paulo dated Jasmine due to peer pressure from David to prove he wasn't a wuss by sowing his wild oats. He blew a chance at Lucy's heart (before such a thing heavily depreciated in value) out of personal insecurity and invited no end of problems into his life.
>She just whipped it out when she decided to awkwardly force them together because NOBODY can date outside the group at all or get in the way of MikexLucy.
Taeshi did hint at the possibility way back in volume one but, as usual, refused to lay the groundwork. The Paulo Show was the prime time to do that.
lucy rape scene when
Borderline if Alejandro ever does show up again. Bonus points if Mike kills him and suffers a mental breakdown. Nursed back to health by Lucy, paragon of right-headedness, naturally.
if taeshi had actually followed through on Mike being exiled from the table gang and Tess was still around, I could see her still being friends with him because she knows he didnt actually want Lucy to kill herself.

Even without tess, it's a shame taeshi is too scared to actually follow up on that because she made readers hate mike too much.
Never unless it's in that upcoming 90 page BCI. Lucy will be protected from now on.
>Even without tess, it's a shame taeshi is too scared to actually follow up on that because she made readers hate mike too much.
She'd just tell them to shut up and get back in line, as usual. Taeshi doesn't want to follow up on it because she can't figure out how to deal with the heavy drama and still make her desired plot work.
2012, I stumbled upon this by accident when the author used to spam ads across the web, if I could go back in time, I would buy bitcoins
> Tomatos tomatoes, or more accurately rectangles and squares
Not an argument. Shitty and disloyal are different things. And I'm not arguing that Paulo is a good person, I'm arguing that he's no "skirt chaser".
> there was still a flame, and he knew that, and allowed himself to be used for the sake of spite
Nope. He didn't expect Tess to care, just look at his reaction in Back and Forth (ch. 54, p. 30). He says "Wait, why the hell do you care? Make up your mind!". For all he knows Tess wants nothing to do with him, so why should he be wary about his behaviour?
> I don't remember whether he and Jasmine had already broken up at that point and I'm not gonna reread to find out
Well, you should have reread unless you wanted to embarass yourself. He broke up with her before doing anything with Lucy. The break up happened in Ten Seconds to Midnight (ch. 73), while Lucy's defloration took place a chapter later (Curtain Call, ch. 74).
> sitting next to Jasmine after having just had sex with Lucy was at the very least tactless, immature, and generally shitty
Already answered here >>146430293
> He went out with Jasmine knowing he was still hung up on Lucy
You should really reread the comic or at least learn how to use the Archive. He was not hung up on Lucy when he started dating Jasmine. Lucy went crazy when she saw him talking to Rachel and started abusing him verbally and physically as if he was Mike. He was ecstatic to get away from her. You can read it in Back and Forth (ch. 54, p. 13-14).
> He gets petty-jealous of Mike and throws tantrums
Has nothing to do with loyalty.
> No matter how firmly Lucy rejects his confessions, he still holds out hope that if he's just nicer or cooler then NEXT time she'll swoon for him
Does he? His only moment of weakness was in Double Down, when she acted friendly and trusting towards him. Other than that, he never tried to court her again after the events of the After You (ch. 97).
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> Paulo wasn't honest with her until she put him on the spot
Oh boy, let's go. He wasn't honest about what exactly? About his love, his obsession with Lucy? Rachel's known this from the start.
She's met him crying on the road after Lucy's disappearence in Leaving Home (ch. 76, p. 7) and still decided to drag him into bed. After the sex he's absolutely distraught, even saying that this was a mistake (ch. 77, p. 1-2). Later that day he says Rachel "I wish Lucy was here" (ch. 77, p. 20).
A week later, at Rachel's birthday party, he says he wants to hold Lucy in his arms again and that Rachel isn't exactly his girlfriend while Rachel is sitting next to him (ch. 80, p. 18), also saying that he should have taken care of Lucy (ch. 80, p. 20, 24). In the end, Rachel reaffirms that they are not dating (ch. 70, p. 47), while Paulo repeats that he really loved Lucy (ch. 70, p. 49).
A few months later he voluntarily reminds her that he's not fair to her because he still loves Lucy and Rachel again says that it's okay because they are not dating and that she knows their thing is temporary (ch. 83, p. 15-16).
And then Lucy returns, and Rachel knows very well that it means their little affair is over (ch. 96, p. 10), but when Paulo tries to talk to her about her feeling she shuts him down (ch. 96, p. 11).
So, it is Rachel who has started this relationship while being fully aware about Paulo's feelings, it is her who kept telling Paulo that they are not a pair and that they have no obligations towards each other when he was worried about her and it was her who has ended this relationship for good. How was Paulo disloyal or dishonest here?
> the impression I get blah-blah-blah
Well, the impression I get is that you shouldn't argue about the comic you haven't read.
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>All arguments justified and sourced with actual comic information and not schizo headcanon
Here's more
I don't know why people in this thread have to lie and make up shit to hold against Paulo when it's okay to just not like a character
Isn't this the whore who made out with Mike just one chapter ago?
That was, uh, that was a while ago, anon.
I dislike Paulo because he's a hypocritical crybaby loser. His relationship problems don't really factor into that, aside from the Lucy simping.
Almost three whole years and 8 chapters
>Daisy is a whore for kissing a boy and not liking it
A guy currently in a relationship. Even that was one of her less whorish actions.
If it does happen, I hope it leaves Lucy riddled with STDs so even Paulo will stop chasing after her
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Daisy meant well at least. And Paulo and Jasmine were really cute. At least until the Somali fucked everything up.
Jasmine broke up with him first because she was too busy with everything but her boyfriend. Even if Lucy was out of the picture, dating him was too much of an inconvenience for her. She pretended not to be too committed only to end up butthurt when he showed interest in someone else. She has no right to be upset, especially after a year of the weirdest non-physical relationship in the comic.
The breakup was mutual anon, and they brought it up at the same time at Tess' last Christmas party. Jasmine wanted to break up because she believed it was unfair to Paulo she never had time for him, while Paulo wanted to dump her so he could be with Lucy.
Jasmine did certainly love him, and his reasoning for breaking up certainly hurt her.
>Lucy already playing the part of a proud mother
Trying to get it more accurate to style without also getting the quality to get worse is a bitch
Also anyone else doing the AI shit it'd be really cool if you posted a cat box just cause I'd like to see the stuff you've all been creating :)
It was a weird relationship in the comic because they actually had some boundaries, though they weren't really communicated well. It probably would have fizzled out due to Jasmine being too busy, even if Paulo didn't start getting guilty feelings for Lucy.
Really it just wasn't hamfisted. Even though I guess you could say it was due to >>146430914 but it wasn't screaming "I LOVE HIM" out in the middle of the burgertron.
>> And I'm not arguing that Paulo is a good person, I'm arguing that he's no "skirt chaser".

Are we just memory hole-ing the whole defining aspect of his character when introduced and through the series being this arrogant dude that was a lady-killer? Or how many people he made out with? Or the numerous times he's been showing flirting with people? Or how easily he gets attracted to people then gets all pissy about it?

Even Veronica defines him like this.
He certainly fills the stereotype of the horny-one.
Him being sentimental about Lucy or whatever the fuck is just a way to cockblock potential romance options until it's reduced to only Daisy.
Also for angst. Nothing more.
I think the crux of this argument is if skirt chaser equals a lot of flirting and advances or doing that while dating/in-relationship with someone. He's pretty amorous and tries to be seductive but he reels it back whenever he (thinks) he is with a girl. Though he definitely has the womanizer aspect of a skirt chaser, that much is for certain, but that might be because he's been reset on his arc for the umpteenth time.

If him and Daisy were to get together at the lightning pace of in-this-chapter, I don't believe that he would still be flirting with the girls around the school in a serious manner. He may say "looking good today" but not anything like he did to Jordan in the bathroom.
Isn't this from the physical copies?
No, that's a normal digital BCI
Yeah, it's from Volume 4, it should be in the archive under Slut Dog unless archive anons changed the name or removed it
I can post full if so
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>Not an argument. Shitty and disloyal are different things.
But Paulo's not just shitty; he's shitty to his crushes and exes. His willingess to throw Tess under the bus, bully Mike while nursing a crush, drop Jasmine, use Rachel, ignore Daisy, all of this points to a shallow and selfish attitude towards romance and relationships.
>Nope. He didn't expect Tess to care
I'm not buying it. He brought up that Jess still cared TO JESS when she approached him. He allowed himself to be used as a tool to spite Tess, because doing so might be a route to a date, and maybe casual sex!
>He was not hung up on Lucy when he started dating Jasmine.
He may not have thought he was, but he clearly wasn't thinking very hard, given that he'd previously had a crush on her and soon decided he still did.
>Does he? His only moment of weakness was in Double Down
That's only sort of true even if you start counting from the most recent rejection; the cycle of Paulo flirting with Lucy, getting shot down/yelled at/slapped, then sulking for a bit before he gets back to idolizing her and trying again has been going since Vol 1. It's one of the things that made the awkward transition from joke to serious, like Lucy's tsundere violence. Even if you only start counting from the time Lucy reentered the comic, there's been 3 or 4 cycles. The initial return, Ferris Wheel, "I waited for you!!", and Double Down.

>How was Paulo disloyal or dishonest here?
By continuously and openly pining for someone else to and in front of Rachel, the girl he's fucking and who is giving him infinite kindness, affection, and patience. The fact that Rachel says she's okay with it, and knows what it is, only partially clears Paulo of being a shit for keeping it going. At best he's too weak-willed and selfish to break things off; at worst he's using her to fulfill his emotional and sexual needs while negging her into accepting that he's not going to reciprocate.
>By continuously and openly pining for someone else to and in front of Rachel, the girl he's fucking and who is giving him infinite kindness, affection, and patience.
Nta, but do you not understand what disloyal and dishonest means?
Because it's not just "Paulo doesn't appreciate a girl I like"
You do this at the start of your post too, you sidestep the question entirely and focus on Paulo being shitty to his exes (he's only had one ex and he treated her well the entire time after they broke up) when that doesn't matter in ANY capacity to whether he's disloyal, address the post or don't respond at all nigga damn
If a guy goes around fucking other dudes and then says "oh by the way I waited for you uwo" I'm sorry but I will look at him as if he had scurvy. And probably think he is not mentally stable
"Loyalty" in a romantic context implies more than just not cheating, anon. That's the bare minimum. It also consists in being a good partner, not falling in love with or holding out a flame for someone else, reciprocating their feelings and gestures of affection, not acting out of spite even if you break up, and so on. All of which Paulo has failed in.
Yes, he hasn't cheated on or directly lied to someone while he was with them. But saying "ah, well he wasn't actually dating her at that moment, therefor he owes her nothing!" is not the golden standard of loyalty you seem to think it is.
To add to your point Paulo isn't blatantly disloyal or a cheater. But he's still an incredibly shitty person to be around who has wandering eyes when it comes to romance.
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> he's shitty to his crushes and exes. His willingess to throw Tess under the bus, bully Mike while nursing a crush, drop Jasmine, use Rachel, ignore Daisy
First of all, why should I care? Shitty and disloyal are still different things.
Second of all, care to prove any of it? You're just reiterating this statements again and again, but I'm yet to see any basis for your opinion.
> I'm not buying it
Sure thing, anon. He's definetily lying in the panel when he's taken off guard and screaming (ch. 54, p. 30), but he's telling the truth in the panel when he's nervously smiling and acting unsure (ch. 54, p. 6). Don't buy it!
> He may not have thought he was, but he clearly wasn't thinking very hard, given that he'd previously had a crush on her and soon decided he still did
Source: I've made it up.
No, he wasn't. Your folly with "cheating on Jasmine" made it clear that you neither remember the comic nor are willing to read it again. Paulo wasn't interested in Lucy romantically for quite some time before he met Jazzy, and he only started to fall in love with her a lot later. I'm not going to conduct another study for you to ignore. Rather it's your turn to find at least some proof for your words.
> the cycle of Paulo flirting with Lucy, getting shot down/yelled at/slapped, then sulking for a bit before he gets back to idolizing her and trying again
Alright, let's put it to the test.
"The initial return" — Paulo was neither shot down, nor yelled at, nor slapped in manner that made him sulk and/or understand that Lucy doesn't want him.
"Ferris Wheel" — Paulo goes out with Lucy and is finally and clearly shot down.
"I waited for you!!" — Paulo didn't idolize her and didn't try his chances with her again, the whole point was to know why did she return at all.
"Double Down" — Finally, he did try to get her back romantically, I've said, or at least as a close friend.
Where are your 3-4 cycles? There are none. It's up to you to prove your own words.
> The fact that Rachel says she's okay with it, and knows what it is, only partially clears Paulo of being a shit for keeping it going
Why? Imagine Rachel was really, truly okay with it. Would there be any problem? No. Then why would he think that there is problem if he had many times asked her how she feels and she had many times repeated that she is fine just the way things are. Rachel is a mature person, she is older than Paulo, she is the initiator of their affair. Paulo did enough. She is responsible for everything that has happened to her, and it's up to you to prove me otherwise.

> not falling in love with someone else
You don't really seem to understand that love is a thing beyond any man's control. Lust is passing, it can be snuffed out. Love hits you on the head like a hammer, it makes everything different in a moment and it doesn't just pass. I mean, I liked Jasmine and Rachel too, but with Lucy being present these realtionships didn't have a chance. Paulo did everything right.
> "ah, well he wasn't actually dating her at that moment, therefor he owes her nothing!"
> "I don't want to date you and never will, but you are still mine so don't you dare to move on!"
Ah, yes, the golden standart of loyalty.

You really keep sidestepping the question, as was said by another anon. Go reread the comic or go home.

> has wandering eyes when it comes to romance
Still no proof but, by all means, keep repeating it, maybe it'll make you feel confident again.
I bet we'll get French kissing by the end of the chapter
>Still no proof but, by all means, keep repeating it, maybe it'll make you feel confident again.
When Paulo had that weird thing with Tess he went towards Jessica and Rachel. Though it was also a plot by the later two to get revenge on Tess, and Paulo and Tess weren't in anything official. But it only happened because Paulo was into it, and he had a close relationship with Tess and she was clearly hurt by the situation.
Then when Paulo dated Jasmine (upon David's recommendation) his attention went mainly to other girls especially Lucy with a few chapters dedicated to them together. Paulo clearly didn't consider himself attached to Jasmine or her as really his girlfriend, which is why he broke off with her so easily. Which lead to Jasmine feeling hurt.
When Paulo was with Rachel after the whole Lucy suicide attempt debacle it was very casual. Fuck buddies and all that, they were close for a bit with Rachel inviting him to a lot of stuff, then come spring Paulo's flirting with other girls namely Courtney. Which depresses Rachel causing her to break off with Paulo, and for Madison to get really made at the Somali.
Now with Daisy, Paulo has entirely disregarded her ever since Lucy came back from her Aunt's. And when his want to be with her didn't work out Paulo focused on his gay crushes of Mike and James. And since that really hasn't worked out at all Paulo is now focusing on Daisy.

Long story short Paulo is either incapable of being empathetic about his partner's feelings, or simply refuses to. And would rather focus on what he wants even if it hurts those around him.
The main question is from who?
>And since that really hasn't worked out at all Paulo is now focusing on Daisy.
NTA, but in this case it comes off as more of a friendship thing than Paulo hitching his emotional wagon to another person.
There's honestly a few ways the Paulo and Daisy situation could be interpreted. But none of them look good, at least to me.
It doesn't help that Paulo is trapped in obligate stupid mode when it comes to Daisy. We couldn't have two characters work to solve their own problems, now could we?
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And deny Lucy her divine right to be a plot device? Be happy that she's here to move things along
> When Paulo had that weird thing with Tess he went towards Jessica and Rachel
There was no "weird thing" between them at the moment.
> Then when Paulo dated Jasmine (upon David's recommendation) his attention went mainly to other girls
What other girls?
> which is why he broke off with her so easily. Which lead to Jasmine feeling hurt
His love for another woman lead to her being hurt, which is out of Paulo's control.
> Which depresses Rachel causing her to break off with Paulo
Lucy was the cause for their break up.
> with Daisy, Paulo has entirely disregarded her ever since Lucy came back from her Aunt's
When did he disregard her? At her birthday party, at the cinema or after his shift at Burgertron?

Your delusional little arguments are really beggining to run thin. aren't they?
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"That" type of girl huh
You know what? I don't get it. What is "that type of" girl? Paulo has chased after Tess, Jessica, Rachel, Jasmine, Lucy, and that random hussy he flirts with. What is that type?
"Has tits"
I think it's more about her self-worth than any material thing she lacks. I don't think the comic has been great about making that feel authentic, though.
>When did he disregard her? At her birthday party
Yes actually. Paulo wasn't going to go to Daisy's sweet 16 at all, and only went because Lucy forcefully changed his mind on their carnival date. Said Paulo x Lucy date chapter literally happened right before Daisy's birthday chapter.
>What is "that type of" girl?
Not fat
I can see her being hurt about the Sandy stuff because he specifically used it to be a jerk while she was still dating Abbey, but then again >>146442668 has a point that those aren't really types, because even if you go "not a nerd or geek" then what makes Jasmine or Jessica not one?
Also Lucy's neck must be stretched out to high heaven on that last panel
She looked like a preschooler when she dated Paulo

I'll stretch her neck out ifyouknowwhatimean
Obviously Daisy's talking about girls that aren't giant fluffy blobs like herself. Fluffy cat's having body image issues, and I imagine talking to someone built like Lucy isn't helping.
Can't wait for Lucy to get offended about this
>What do you mean THAT KIND OF GIRL!?
I guess you're right. I guess she just doesn't read as fat to me, but that makes sense.

Thinking about it, the way her confidence seems to evaporate whenever she's talking to someone she has feelings for is actually pretty relatable.
Rachel could be considered plump.
Imagine Taeshi being that straightforward about Lucy's feelings.
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>>Imagine writing paragraphs upon paragraphs trying to mansplain an insane bpd bitch's poor writing skills about a wishy-washy teenaged furry cat thing's lovelife.

It's just bad writing. Get over it.
Waaahwahhh, this forced drama is so fucking lame.
If Daisy had put even one skillpoint into perception she'd notice Paulo deep desire to fuck Matt or how he gets all flustered around her.
Instead she pretends to be all "Ugh, Paulo just WONT ever love me but I wont DARE ask him because Im suddenly having inadquecy problems and Veronica can't be pissed to write interesting subplots with satisfying set up and payoff. So let's just milk this teenaged angst for the next 10 years while the comic circles the drain of relevancy! Im sure readers will be enticed to see us get together in a decade!"

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Pretty, rich, more mature, and older
>Jessica & Rachel
Pretty, party girls, seem to be popular, sexually active, and a bit older and more mature
Pretty, younger, seems generally well liked in school, and mature for her age
Hottest girlboss in school
>Random hussy
Probably pretty or just in the crossfire of when Paulo's womanizer characteristics are conveniently relevant to the story
Gorgeous, mature, and successful career

Cute, doesn't seem very popular outside her friend group despite being a cheerleader, smart but intelligence seems irrelevant to Paulo (from her POV), and a nerd but not nerdy enough to be in the MMO group

Daisy's always been subconscious about her looks and felt inadequate when comparing herself to other girls because boys don't drool over her like the other girls. It's why she held onto Abbey as long as she did. He was the only boy other than Augustus who expressed an interested in her.

So as crazy as it is to say Taeshi is actually keeping a character trait consistent, it does actually make sense for Daisy to group all of them as "that type". From her perspective, they all have something she doesn't.
I've never seen anyone get btfo so hard they have to literally run away by multiquoting random shit in the middle of an argument lmao
I'm not the guy you were talking to
>claims to not be btfo
>starts posting cringe
It kinda seems like it idk
>lucy rape scene when
Rachel's the sexy kind of plump. With huge boobs, wide hips, and a bubble butt.
She makes up for it with personality
I bet Lucy would be on 4chan. She'd probably post lewd pictures of herself and make fun of anyone commenting on it
She’s the right kind of plump
More like plump and dump
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Think Augustus has a thing for plump girls?
Technically you’re not wrong
Someone’s embarrassed they got caught, aw.
Lucy would mock those choices rather than scold him over the theft. Augustus should get together with Rachel. She's losing patience with the idiots around her, he's getting sick of Lucy's shit. They have so much in common!
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since burnt bridges (right after Eternal Flame), 2021
I used to make threads less than a minute right after the page uploads (albeit with uncreative "edition" titles), but eventually lost motivation somewhen after I got this thread >>137227089 jannied for reasons I don't know to this day.
Stopped reading the comic for the story. I'm just skimming through the artwork out of habit.
>There's a picture on BCB /b/ of Lucy with a sharpie in her pooper and a shoe on her head
I'm dumb, the neck isn't actually that awkward if you draw it out. picrel.

Yeah, now that you point it out it does make sense.
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I forgot the image.
Hey, your titles were cool! I like this tradition. Thank you for your service, anon.
> since burnt bridges (right after Eternal Flame)
What a rough time to start.
Taeshi just not including Rachel on this page because she's clearly on the plump/curvy side so that Daisy doesn't seem too fucking stupid and instead putting either Sandy for no reason, or some throwaway background chick. Paulo was simping over a dude a few chapters ago, he's not exactly picky.

Taeshi has almost written well here in making Jasmine brainy and naive, James fluffy and bubbly, Rachel plump and horny, and Mike very kind and studious (sometimes). You could almost say she's giving them each a Daisy trait, but then we have Tess, Lucy and Maddison (and technically Jessica), 2 of whom are his major love interests and all of whom are total bitches. If he has a type that's it but, I've also listed almost everyone he knows, so he obviously has no type outside of having a pulse and talking to him. It just makes Daisy look stupid for thinking he has any standards at all.
Rachel is short, fun, popular and has big titties
Daisy is gigantic, fat and flatchested while also being a nerd
They don't compare at all
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No, no, Paulo does have a type. You're right in a sence that only Tess and Lucy were his major love interests. Paulo's kinda horny and hungry for attention, but he's never been so emotionally attached to Jasmine or Rachel. And I only think he'd ever liked James because he has been mistaking his hospitality and standart behaviour for being interested in him. I've thought so too until it was revealed that James has been going to the same school as Paulo for a whole semester and didn't say hi to him even once.
Anyway, Paulo must have a type, and sweet lil' Daisy is nothing like it.
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>actually includes the heart locket and ear piercing
Good job with the ai anon. SC fanart always gets me excited for SST's next work, and the following fanart it generates.

White cat knows what she wants. not choice
I just caught up and I still have no idea why anyone would like Paulo
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He's got this boyish charm.
I'm not saying they are comparable in quality, I'm just saying Taeshi purposely didn't put her in here so that Daisy can cry about being fat. Rachel obviously is superior in every way.

I agree that if Paulo had a type it wouldn't be Daisy. I'm just saying Daisy's insecurities are so poorly written that taeshi has accidentally negated most of them through one love interest or another. Rachel has big tits, but James has no tits. Lucy is a close friend, but he barely knew Jasmine. Maddison's a bitch, but Mike is usually kind (save for the usual bcb ooc allowance). Tess is an older girl, Jasmine is younger. I think Paulo does have a type, but his type is clearly not important enough for this drama to make sense. I'm including characters he was only somewhat interested in because this panel includes chicks he was not that close with. He has had so many romantic interests that there's no way not to just consider him a slut who doesn't really care as long as he gets attention.
I'll play devil's advocate here: Paulo's interested in all these different people who come in all shapes and sizes and STILL Daisy does not even ping his radar. On top of that, Mike never showed any interest in Daisy and Abbey refused to have sex with her. It'd be easy for a teenage girl who has been insecure about her body since volume 1 to, you know, remain insecure.
where'd this come from
Yes, but I'm just saying that her basis for being insecure about Paulo specifically when she's more than willing to throw herself at other guys is stupid. She has already shown that she's willing to have sex with abbey, dress slutty (or what taeshi considers slutty) with Mike, and is a cheerleader who shows her body in front of the whole school. So she's obviously not so insecure that she completely hates herself, even if she has always been jealous of Lucy. I'm not saying she's not insecure, I'm just saying that the examples she's going off of to illustrate this insecurity are strange, because his past dating history is probably the one reason she should have hope that he'd settle for her.
Daisy being insecure is nothing new so I got no problem with it. I just wish it didn't come with this forced as fuck "I LUUUUVVV PAULO!" stunt.

There's been no organic build up to this kind of thing. It feels more like Daisy fell back on him because she lost all her previous options.

And what good relationship advice can Lucy give? Start hitting him and hope he takes it as endearment and not tell you to fuck off?
Those are good points. Maybe the issue here is that Daisy knows Paulo has historically been a horndog and whereas she could tell her persistence is what grated on Mike's nerves and her favoritism drove Abbey away, Daisy's just not even pinging Paulo's radar. Which leads her to believe her body isn't up to his standards.
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It's one the Patreon Mini-comics. They are free to watch, just google it.
>Peppy Goth Rachael

Mating press
Maybe it doesn't feel organic because the comic has been dragging for forever by this point. At the start of this chapter we couldn't even remember how the previous one has ended.
>randomly only shoplifted goth shit
Uh huh, and I'm sure the piercings were just part of a con job.
She'd probably get mad when anons call her mid
Thank you, fellow anon, for elaborating the examples I was too impatient to.

You're playing ignorant of the examples given to you, and cherry-picking individual lines and pages while ignoring the context to support your argument. You've moved from arguing that Paulo is loyal and honorable, to arguing that his shallow selfishness isn't really his fault because he's just that stupid. In my book, it doesn't matter whether its stupidity or malice. Either way, he pays little attention or care to his partner or their feelings; that's a form of disloyalty, just like his eagerness to rebound ASAP, his flitting from crush to crush, and his double-standards for patience and understanding.

tl;dr: Paulo being a shallow, easily-distracted womanizer is a core part of his character from the beginning, and the only part of relationships he puts any effort into is the initial flirtation.
Lucy is so dense she obtained singularity status, and is now the prime mover and orbital center of everything around her. We are already inside the event horizon of Lucyspace.

I cannot imagine Lucy having anything but the worst possible advice when it comes to having an incredibly strong crush on someone incompatible.
>Have you tried cozying up to a "bad boy" to make him jealous?
>What about vacillating between gushing affection and cold aggression?
>If neither of those work, a suicide attempt worked out pretty well for me. I don't even have any scars!
Is this another flashback?
She's got that tails got trolled expression. You know the one.
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Examples that you've pulled out of your ass? I cite the comic, it's not that hard to find a citation that disproves me if you're right. But you just keep repeating the same nonsence that's not even true. Y'know, it's not that hard to admit that you don't remember the comic at all if you find yourself unable to actually answer to my points. But I guess it's easier for you to just keep embarassing yourself, isn't it?
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It's the ghosts of Paulo's love interests that haunt Daisy.
I can't believe Daisy killed them all.
Something out of a Jojo ending
I don't even know whats going on anymore.
who is that next to rachael?
Oh, that's Courtney, her locker's next to Paulo's. Paulo flirts with her sometimes.
Hm, I wonder if that one artist drew the Roxy I requested awhile back. Speaking of which, been a while since they posted here.
>Is taller than Paulo
>Is hot.

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Paulo fumbles everything. If he stayed loyal to Tess he could've eventually had the richest and bustiest girl in all of Roseville!
Imagine Daisy finally kisses Paulo and just immediately loses interest in him like she did with Mike
That would be hilarious.

Personally, I'm hoping for Daisy to realize that she's just projecting her ideal onto Paulo, and go mack on someone who's actually closer to what she wants, like Mike or Augustus. Ideally Augustus, since Mike is busy being depressed and is still prepubescent.
Kek, Jannies are fags.
What kind of autism is this?
Please fucking touch grass.
>Reddit: The Post
Stop responding you're embarrassing yourself
I swear it's the same two guys every other thread. Go jerk off or something.
Daisy is turbo jealous and insecure because Paulo has gone for every single girl at the school except for her. He's even gone after two boys, and I guess David is there as another distraction who keeps sabotaging her attempts to get close to Paulo?
Who's the favorite character this year? Remember to vote! https://forms.gle/7zdLjzrGcwCzLmvo8
>Taeshi made her remove the Most Hated because Mike was consistently at the top
Anon, I have a request...
>captcha VAG2GJ
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>another year of most liked Lucy x most hated Alejandro
I voted for James
If he doesn't get top 20 I'm done with this community
They love each other!
Sadly we're not going to get to see who's the most hated this year because the survey has one question
Sandy's slutty cheating pussy is my favorite character yet I can't cast my vote for it, what gives?
The character nobody likes is the most hated one, right?

You'll have to fall back to the slutty cheating cat
James is the best new character we've seen
You're more likely to have one person pick the most hated character as their favourite than the most nothing character.

New Sue-centric Square fic when?
What kind of bullying would you like your Sue fic to feature
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Popularity Contest is my favorite bcb chapter, I'd love to read a fic with Sue trying to stumble through the school year on her mission to become the most popular girl in school.
A story where Sue actually joins the cheerleaders and gets a train run on her? Then one chapter when she's being passed around the Track Team she sees Mike, and it's a horrible experience for both of them?
David is her most faithful ally, but she's just too bitter to not hate everyone around her.
I think he's doing a ghost Lucy one next.

Sue tries to become popular, because she's wants to publish a book on how to become popular, like "How to win friends and influence people". As the story progresses, she has to wrestle with the fact that her book ends up increasingly conflicting with her lived experience, as she has to decide if being a published author is worth lying to both the reader, and herself.
Wait, if Track Team is doing it - and I guess it happens after Mike joining - wouldn't David witness it too and not like it as well (or have quite the opposite reaction and participate)? As for Mike, who is to say he wouldn't get coerced into doing it by rest of the team or ever James who already tried to make him sway away from being miserable with Sandy, now trying to use puss for that task?
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>Daisy when Abbey tells her Paulo is a womanizer: decks him because "he doesn't know him like she does"
>Also Daisy
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>another Lucy fanfic
>As for Mike, who is to say he wouldn't get coerced into doing it by rest of the tea
That's the idea, the rest of the track team coerce him into violently boning Sue, and they also think that she's the source of his girl problems so they really egg him on. As for time it's right after Mike joins the track team but before David does.
The double oof, Sue trying to get popular and Mike trying not to lose new friends, and two cats putting on the best show for viewers together and later pretend it never happened (unless this isn't a one time thing...)
David sees Daisy as a means of pleasing Paulo and utterly abandoned his "support" of her once Paulo's attention turned toward James.
>unless this isn't a one time thing...
When the inevitable Track Team X Cheerleader Orgy happens Mike and Sue will probably avoid eachother
It would be more interesting if, for once, Mike acted like a protagonist again by standing up and telling everyone this is fucked up. It's destroyed his perception of the track team and he's horrified at the idea of Sue debating herself like this. All the better if she snaps out of it and they walk out together.
It would but sadly Mike had his spine removed by Lucy. Also instead of walking out together, Mike carries Sue. That way it's sweeter and more romantic.
>Sue needs to be carried out because somehow she injured her leg
That'd be funny.
It would be nice for Mike to remember the time he had both spine and bite, and if Sue doesn't snap out of it he could just carry her out of there himself as >>146454970 suggests
>I think he's doing a ghost Lucy one next.
I've started a small intro but I haven't really committed yet.

Could be a different cheerleader every time. Next week, Daisy is in for a surprise!

They're still in the MMORPG club, they'll awkwardly play vidya trying REAL HARD not to make any sex references in chat.
Who knows, maybe Sue will be happy that people notice her for once. She had to try real hard to join the cheer squad, this is just what happens when you get popular, right? Just like Rachel and Katie and Stacy?

>standing up
Not really a Mike thing. Or maybe he'll protest at first but relent once he pops a boner after they stick a black wig on her head
>Not really a Mike thing
It used to be pretty common. Eventually it even started working. It's a shame those days are long behind us.
>It's a Sue was bent or bended herself the wrong way and pulled a muscle situation
I don't know why but it's hilarious to imagine Sue trying to pull of a sexy pose or position only to hurt herself in the process.
Isn't Daisy cheerleader captain? If so she'd be the one coordinating all this cheerleading degeneracy, making fluffy blob cat the twist villian of the story.

Also for the scenario where Mike does succumb to peer pressure and vents all his frustrations aboout Lucy and Sandy into Sue. I can see the track team congratulating him on teaching "Sandy" a lesson only for Mike to go
>This isn't Sandy, this is my friend Sue!
To which they go "oops" and shrug their shoulders. Then the track team gaslights Mike into thinking that he totally didn't need to do all that stuff to Sue.
Getting goaded into running train of Sue should probably send Mike into a mental breakdown at this point. Like he just shuts down and makes everything awkward for everyone, which defuses the entire situation.
Sue would also definitely spend long nights thinking about him and what he did, with a truckload of mixed conflicting feelings about the situation. Who knows maybe Sue's crush on Mike and her desire for him will be reignited?
Mike's sense of self has had a huge boost thanks to befriending the track team and sharing that tender moment with Daisy. So I think he'd at least last through the experience, but he'd break down afterwards once he's home.
Sue of all people offering herself to him, though? That's just so wrong because he's never seen her like this. It'd be like Daisy overpowering and molesting him. Not unenjoyable, but a huge unwelcome shock.
>he just shuts down and makes everything awkward for everyone, which defuses the entire situation
"I know you feel bad,", Mike said, standing over Sue's broken, bleeding, oozing, impregnated, STD-ridden body, as he wiped the sticky mess off his dick, "but if you think about it, I'm actually the real victim. I have a girlfriend but they still pressured me!"
>thinking about him
Suddenly Daisy's crush on Augustus doesn't seem all that strange anymore
>she'd be the one coordinating all this cheerleading degeneracy
>Daisy sets up an "uninterrupted afternoon with the boys" reward for the next team to win a major competition, knowing the track team is up next
>Sets up a challenge for picking the cheerleader to "undergo" the reward
>Heavily skews the challenge in her favour
>Sue decides to try out at the day of the challenge
>Ends up beating Daisy by complete accident (while still making a fool out of herself)
>Daisy doesn't say anything because she's mad Sue just took her opportunity to fuck all the hot boys while still pretending to be the victim so she doesn't feel like a slut
I love embarrassed Sue!
When rape victims go to rehabilitation for what happened to them, they'll often have to go to a private place and "deal" with the sexual feelings they're experiencing when bringing the incident up. So Sye falling in love with Mike again after he brutalizes her isn't to farfetched.
Not really, since the only category is "Who do you like most" the characters on the bottom are just going to be the characters no one cares about one way or the other, like I'm sure there are people here who would vote Alejandro as their favorite but who is going to think about voting for Lily? or Error that black bird no one knows?
It's crazy to me that she did this and didn't just cancel it entirely if she didn't want to do all the number work
It's basically a worthless poll now because without multiple votes and gradations characters most people don't like will be undeservedly higher due to a stronger voting base that is less likely to vote for anyone else, IE, people who like Paulo, also generally like Lucy just more than Paulo, so Paulo being the 2nd most liked in reality is going to tank, meanwhile people who like Mike generally don't like anyone else as much and he's going to be guaranteed a top 4 spot despite only being liked by most likely less than 20% of the community
>Error that black bird no one knows
Isn't that the bird Paulo and Daisy saved that one chapter?
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No, error is the bird from https://bcb.cat/404. it's a bird taeshi used to scribble over art mistakes
Oh that's neat
Why would Daisy tell all this to Lucy, the girl she's jealous of? Lucy has repeatedly (even in this very conversation) called Daisy "boy-crazy" and/or "boring", and Lucy's mocked her for her crushes and desperation.
>Here, Lucy, have a ton more ammo to mock and belittle me while I'm vulnerable
Daisy having 11 stands seems pretty greedy, if you ask me
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i joined these threads whenever lucy was having those flashbacks about jumping off the roof i believe (or just sometime late 2016)
i dont know why time has gone by that fast but i feel like threads used to be more productive and funnier back then
Why is Daisy leaving Lucy out of her list of girls to feel insecure about? Paulo always goes captain Ahab and passes over better girls to simp for the white whale, Lucy'd be her biggest threat even if she did have confidence she could snag Paulo.
Daisy and Mike, two characters who could bounce their respective situations off each other and expect nothing but sympathy, are not allowed to do so.
She must have Boy II Man if she has that many. That begs the question if she’s good at rock paper scissors though
Maybe it's a colony type stand, where each separate individual is part of a greater whole. But here they're imprints of people Daisy knows.
Since 2007. I found it through a smackjeeves ad, which for you kids was like a less successful but more soulful version of webtoon. I've enjoyed these threads since they started (even when they're shit) because I was just hating this comic alone for years. Hard to believe how much of my lifespan I've wasted!
Sue looks cuter pregnant
Pregger Sue would need Mike as a husband. Someone who's extremely caring and has the reflexes to catch her whenever she takes a tumble.
She uses her stand to practice cheerleading
I wonder how many kittens she’s got.
>Because Sue's God hates her she has miraculous quintuplets
That would be average for a litter of kittens
One for every cat on the track team!
We need more fics with Stacy in them.
I really like that one! The AI does cute Stacys.
That idiot Mike could've been tapping that for years, Wonder if she'll put out on the first date in case Mike ever feels like it's not worth staying faithful to Sandy again.
I still like the fic idea of le demiurge trying increasingly hard to punish Sue for her hubris in dating Mike, final destination style, as Mike's anime protag-kun reflexes continuously save her.

>Mike breaks down after he and Sandy break up and Sue awkwardly comforts him - the universe, affronted that Mike is being comforted by Sue instead of Lucy (who is a block away, wondering why she was warped to an empty spot), has a passing driver throw a bottle at just the right arc to bean Sue, but Mike catches it and yells after the car. He and Sue agree to talk more often, and apologize for falling out of touch. On their way home, Mike sweeps Sue out of the way of a skater, a bicyclist, and a divebombing crow.
>When Mike asks if Sue still likes him, her saying yes is interrupted by a tree suddenly falling towards them, which Mike manages to drag Sue out of the way of. He then says he's glad, and asks if she would be interested in going out. The tree spontaneously bursts into flames, singing Sue's tail.
>As their first date ends, they both say they had a really good time, except for the whole thing with walking under a power transformer just as it exploded.
So, all the "God-eshi hates you personally" would start happening to Sue the moment she and Mike started their spark, or it would tie into all her past accidents revealing that both Amaya and McCain were constantly making sure she doesn't get Final Destination'd? And if they work as a pair, for how long would it continue further on? Would their kitten(s) share same negative luck?

I'm pretty sure Taeshi wants Mike feeling lonely and sad and with no one around him for at least few more years and chapters, so Stacy is gonna be showed under a rug with "please forget that they are good friends and he haven't alienated her on screen yet"
Certainly, but she is one of the characters with the smallest amount of screen and narratives time. So any would be authors would have to fill in a ton of blanks themselves.
I think there's three options for a Mike X Sue kitten. Has completely normal luck like a regular person. Terrible luck like the mother but reflexes the father so they can avoid it and compensate. Or has Sue's personality with Mike's good luck and reflexes leading to a superiority complex.
>Terrible luck like the mother but reflexes the father so they can avoid it and compensate.
Ah, kid becomes cat version of Milo Murphy. Sure, sounds fun. Other two options as well. And then there's kids of Lucy with the total opposite luck
Yeah, especially if they were to write Katie to some extent since they’ve been friends since first grade or kindergarten, but we’re never shown anything about it.
The MikexSue child being completely normal would be a good contrast to her parents. As she has to put up with her mom's clumsiness and her father's acrobatics, the straight man to their antics.

But if the kid has Sue's personality with Mike's reflexes and luck it will be a problem child. It'd want to prove that it's the best to everyone while having the skills and talent to back up it's bravado. So it'd be full of pride and confidence, and definitely try to be on top when it comes to being "popular".
Daisy is indeed bi. Even if she's only really interested in boys. She's probably just horny.

Would peer pressure Stacy and Sue into making out
>Would peer pressure Stacy and Sue into making out
I bet it's happened during the monthly MMORPG meet ups. The nerd squad would've played truth or dare, or spin the bottle at least once.
The dork gang would never. It any clique is going to do it, it'll be the cheerleaders, mostly consisting of popular girls and all.
She looks like I could pick her up with one arm and throw her on the bed.
It certainly could happen all it takes is the right scenario. Like Stacy saying she's bored so Sue (whose probably mad at her for a multitude of reasons) challenges her and suggests they play a game her popular friend's enjoy. And soon enough Sue's got everyone else on board because Mike has no spine, and Abbey doesn't like getting confrontational with women.
>I'm pretty sure Taeshi wants Mike feeling lonely and sad and with no one around him for at least few more years and chapters
She's doing a poor job of that then, since the last time we saw Mike he was happy and playing with David/James not counting him being cold in this chapter.
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Daisy is pathetic edition
The idea is that Sue's existing "designated loser" curse would escalate to more and more harmful extremes once she starts distracting Mike from the designated plot. Like how her she got her leg broken when she tried to escape her role, only more lethal. So you'd have scenes where Mike's feeling emotional and he's heading towards where Lucy just spawned, only for Sue to wander in and go "Hi Mike! How're you doing?" while being beset by horrible accidents meant to shove her back offscreen.

And of course, this spiteful curse would end up only further pushing them together:
>Mike saving Sue's life
>Sue doubling down in the face of adversity
>Mike internally contrasting Sue's attitude to the times he saved Lucy and got nothing but shit for it
>Sue internally contrasting Mike's attitude to the times she tried to be a good friend to Lucy and got nothing but shit for it
>The excitement of being protag-kun again jostles Mike out of his depression
>The dawning nervousness of realizing the universe has it out for her makes Sue all cuddly towards Mike and her friends
Eventually, when they escalate to doing it rather than just making out and texting pics, the condom breaks and Sue gets pregnant the very first time, forcing them even closer.

I like to imagine the kitten inherits both parent's smarts, Mike's reflexes, Sue's pride, but because they're not "supposed" to exist, has a certain baseline uncannyness. They're not as actively cursed as Sue is, but it's hard to fit in when events conspire to cut/blur them out of most photographs.
Well, Taeshi you could have done literally anything to develop on
>Daisy is stupid and thinks Paulo and James are an item
But hey, we needed a chapter solely about little Miss I Didn't Want It, a useless flashback and a chapter nobody liked
>I don't know what to do with this!
What the fuck is Daisy saying, this sounds like Taeshi saying she doesn't know what to do with this stupid scene because it should've been over by now
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Sounds like an ideal set-up to pair up Mike/Stacy and Sue/Abbey, if you ask me. Though a few lesbian dares to warm them all up won't hurt.
Amaya likes to watch. Silently.

Even Lucy's like "Wait, we merely tolerate each other, why is she telling me this?"
It's actually
>Daisy is sad because Paulo would sooner make out with another guy than with her
Man imagine the other person in this empty-ass restraunt. The fat girl is screaming and crying and her friend is glaring her down.
James is mopping, and thinking "Aren't those Mike's friends? Gee, I sure hope that girl that looks like me manages to win over whoever she's talking about."
I thought the context was pretty clear. Daisy openly simped after Mike for years despite the fact he was clearly not into her. It culminated with her slutting it up in a doomed attempt to change that. In return, she got a nasty look at the depths of her own desperation. Then Lucy "recently" called Daisy a boy-crazy whoreslut to her face. So now, Daisy is quietly simping after Paulo, thinks any advances would also be unwanted (which should be true thanks to orange cat's little-sister-Daisy complex), but can't shut off her feelings and has no idea how to resolve any of this.
And somehow Paulo has not noticed any of this.
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Oh no, how can she ever be up to Paulo's very high and refined standards? How can she bear making a fool of herself in front of the most stoic and cold headed character in Roseville?
Daisy just thinks that since Paulo hasn't hit on her, he wouldn't be interested. His standards, in her mind, are just everyone but Daisy. As for talking with Lucy, I guess that's just desperation. No one has sat her down and actually talked to her about it before.
Wow....Can Lucy look even more annoyed that her alleged friend is struggling to figure out how to handle her feelings when Lucy is the one who extended the invitation to go to Bugertron with the intent of helping her?

Yes, yes she could.
Reminder that Taeshi only has four months of in-universe time left before she runs out of story
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Personally I think Amaya would really be into a game of spin the bottle or truth or dare. But then again I've fallen into the fan characterization that Amaya is secretly the kinkiest character in the cast, it's always the quiet ones you know?
Anyways imagine Amaya ready and willing to kiss any and all of her nerd friends. Whether it be Stacy, the boys, or even Sue herself! Or Amaya making lewd gestures with her hands as she dares her friends to do stuff to each other.
>with the intent of helping her?
More likely she just wanted to find out what was going on between them. Either out of curiosity or so that Lucy could pretend she had gone out of her way for her pathetic so-called friends and feel better about herself. Lucy's getting way more than what she bargained for.
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New BH the mom is so hot
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I think Taeshi can feel the time slipping through her fingers
kek who made this?
Shame she's sabotaging her daughter in a very Sandy-esque manner.
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You do realise taeshi is also shitting on the characters right

There's probably a reason the author likes Sandy so much.
Is Amaya even into boys?

Also if the gang does the girly sleepover meme then Daisy would be 110% too into spin the bottle because it gives her a chance to make out with girls.
She'd also constantly bring up strip poker which wouldn't even be that weird given they're naked all the time anyway, she just wants to see girls undress.
>She'd also constantly bring up strip poker which wouldn't even be that weird given they're naked all the time anyway, she just wants to see girls undress.
Wow she's just like me fr
>Is Amaya even into boys?
She's into Mike so I certainly think so
I like the new art style but can't tell it is supposed to hint at this being a flashback or something.

There is also something both charming yet unsettling about the color pallet. Why do I feel like something terrible is going to happen in this comic?
Taeshi's been shitting on her characters a lot with her comments lately
You guys just don't get her early 2000's humour, you're supposed to see it as fun and not take it seriously, stop hating Mike despite her writing a lethany of how much she hates him on author comments
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The ride never ends
She went off (Lucy's imagined) script, that was very unbecoming of her
>There is also something both charming yet unsettling about the color pallet
It's because it's all flesh tones. Everything's a pink flesh tone or some tan color. Those color's are a minority in any present environment.

Unrelated but it seems flakops is a fan of Abbey x Stacy
>Amaya, having an excellent poker face and a head for algorithms, almost always wins
>Dares her friends to make out with each other for her amusement
>Introduces Abbey to consensual sadomasochism and power play
>Takes a voyeuristic joy in having Mike and Stacy play "X minutes in heaven" together repeatedly
>Takes leading role in teaching Abbey and Sue how to play her favorite 'games'
>Demonstrates aftercare by comforting Abbey that he's still a good person and Sue that she doesn't need to be ashamed

Next up: Amaya invites Daisy over again, and helps her get over her crushes and inferiority complex, while figuring out her (bi?)sexuality.
And she would want you to!

Stacy being in the popular group would probably welcome a boyfriend who will defend her from all the perverts that approach/find excuses to touch her all day. It's not a bad ship.

Misstress will be pleased
That's retarded, 20 years spent on fucking nothing just so the comic can end immediately after Mike breaks up with Sandy
>Mike and Lucy spent nearly two years sad and depressed but they're both going to get completely fixed in a month
>We wasted the entirety of their Junior year focusing on Paulo and Daisy just for the story to abruptly end when they finally moved out of the way
We'll still have the storyline of Paulo's mother not fucking loving him, so don't get your hopes up that Mike will even have the last three months of the comic to his own storyline

Wow, Ive never seen someone so get so btfo of a rebuttal that they actually post cringe like this, lmaaaaooo
OH NOES anon you can't say "bad" words like retarded or you'll get scrubbed by Jannies!
Rip Jasmine
>We'll still have the storyline of Paulo's mother not fucking loving him
A detail only ever brought up now and then for pity points.
I am genuinely, morbidly curious about how the hell Taeshi would continue BCB once the Goldimald arc ends. Timeskip to Lucy and Mike being parents, based on her own fantasies about having a kid?
Jasmine with no clothes
Jasmine with chopsticks in her hair
When Jasmine started dating Paulo she picked her wardrobe to say "eat me" and "I'm giving you a full and unbridled view of my body" and yet Paulo never tried to fuck her. No wonder she broke up with him, a girl has needs.
I browse this board every single day and I think I can maybe count a single time I have seen a thread for this comic that doesn't feature some strip where the characters are whining about someone they are in love with but are fighting with, or whining about being in love and getting rejected, or being in love and not realizing it until it's too late.

Does this shit have any semblance of an actual plot or anything? Is this ALL it is?
The plot has always been a slow burner but its author forgot how to write interesting character interactions. So now it's a vapid slog.
>Daisy and Lucy can't even be alone together for five minutes without it turning into a screaming match
Why does Taeshi pretend they're friends again?
Historically, and with great irony, Lucy has been the only girl Daisy has ever spilled her guts to when it comes to her feelings for boys. I do not know why.
No surprise in that, whatever girl she doesn't see herself as inferior to (Lucy, Jasmine, the other cheerleaders, etc) would probably just judge her for giving it so much importance (Sue) or doesn't really have anything of interest to say about it (Amaya). Lucy is the only one she says anything to because it comes more as her being BAFFLED that someone that is such a cunt to everyone and constantly shoots down people still attracts every of the guys she's pining after like it was forced by the narrative
oh hey! I just started this comic a few days ago. I'm only 40 chapters in but I find Lucy detestable in a way that makes me really want to drop the comic. Does it ever get better? It doesn't, does it?
Is Taeshi going to try to draw a parallel between Daisy and Paulo by having Daisy randomly start attacking Lucy like Paulo did Mike during New Years? The comment is a little hard to interpret, I suppose it's just as likely for Lucy to make some snarky "tough love" comment which sets Daisy off. It's weird how annoyed Lucy is that this situation she involved herself in didn't simply resolve itself.

Most replies will tell you not to read this comic, so I'll offer a different perspective. I think arguably bcb doesn't come into its modern identity until volume 2, which you haven't reached yet if you're at chapter 40. Given that you're right before the Acapulco saga (or sandy shored or whatever, idk, i don't fuck with retcons) you might as well read it, because the actual meat of the interpersonal drama kicks in there. It's not really fair to judge bcb by volume 1 imo, although I still consider it required reading.

Genuinely the comic is pretty good up through most of volume 5, or at least 4.
thanks for the thoughtful response! the irony of what you're saying is that the thing I'm enjoying most about reading it is how nostalgic it is for the internet culture I grew up with -- heavy "this author definitely watched inuyasha and read azumanga daioh" vibes, and it's comfy. but man I just want less of lucy being awful and more of... any of them being gay lol
If you can't stand Lucy now then she's going to get way worse when she's jettisoned the slice of life stuff and the pets and just becomes a baffling lunatic.
yeah but if she suffers it might be entertaining to read? maybe?
Ehhh.... Lucy usually just turns into this inert lump when she suffers so you don't even get to see her pov. Lucy's just SAD and other characters are very concerned for her.
If this is your stance and you wanna give it a shot, read the vacation arc (41-45) and see if you like the direction that goes. The comic runs with some good ideas for a few volumes before the quality of writing starts its downward spiral to today.
There's some Lucy suffering POV in the volume 2-3 era
>I suppose it's just as likely for Lucy to make some snarky "tough love" comment which sets Daisy off
Absolutely this. Lucy refuses to learn that other people don't actually like when she acts like a bitch. I guess that, despite all her resentment, Lucy got used to being handled with kid gloves.

>It's weird how annoyed Lucy is that this situation she involved herself in didn't simply resolve itself
That's how she's been acting for a while now. On the carnival ferris wheel, Lucy was all wistful and understanding up until the moment Paulo went off-script. The same thing happened when he wouldn't just fuck off and let her walk the rest of the way home after serving his purpose.
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You know what would be the funniest shit ever? If when Daisy blows up at Lucy, Paulo rushes out to defend white cat. Wouldn't that be hilarious?
>yet another reason why Paisy is a lousy ship
Taeshi might not be able to help herself. But imagine if Daisy of all people finally told Lucy off and it stuck.
Nah, we know Daisy walks Paulo home in the rain. So here's something funnier: Paulo tells Lucy to fuck off for making Daisy upset.
>Paulo tells Lucy to fuck off for making Daisy upset
Wow, actual character development.
If Paulo does tell Lucy off, expect the discord readers to side with the later. And even if that was planned there's a huge chance that Taeshi changed her mind halfway through and now it's something else.
>after Sandy dumps him again on Valentine's Mike has three months to speedrun his character arc
All the good Lucy suffering happens in depressing fanfics. The authors side with Lucy now.
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Yeah, I'm afraid the fun slice-of-life stuff drops off pretty sharply in favor of a more "School Days"/"Higurashi" kind of edgy misery drama. The only characters who get to have any fun are the side characters who barely appear. Hence why these threads love to talk about and draw Abbey/Amaya/Sue/Stacy, even though they haven't shown up this chapter at all and are barely relevant to the comic at this point.
They do become gay eventually, but the comic is shit by then.
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The very first picture uploaded to candybooru that wasn't deleted after is a school days reference. That show has been in the comic's DNA forever.
Also because whatever we can imagine is better than what the webcomic itself can put out

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