I'm a casual and don't really know anything about Hulk so it's not really my place to judge, but I recently learned of the concept of the "green door" and I have to say, it sounds really fucking stupid. Like more retarded than the Speed Force and maybe even the whole Spider-Totem Other Web nonsense. Hulk and pals just being mutants from gamma radiation keeps things nice and simple and way cooler in my opinion. But what did you actual Hulk fans think of this retcon(?) when it came out?
>>146457633Ever since the Peter David years just about every writer does a variant of "Everything you know about the Hulk is WRONG!" and it gets tiresome that writers always want to have their profound Alan Moore/Swamp Thing moment with Hulk when they have an opportunity to just let loose and have fun with the character.
>>146457633I like when Hulk hits things hard. Nothing else makes sense.
>>146457633>I'm a casual and don't really know anything about Hulk so it's not really my place to judgeGo read Hulk instead of making threads about HulkThat is all
>>146457633you should try reading the comic instead of rushing to judgement based off AI generated clickbait
>>146457633This>>146459495. OP is a dumbass as usual. Immortal Hulk was great, and they've been chasing that high since
>>146459495>don't come to a discussion board to discuss
>>146459550You could try having something to bring to a discussion, faggot.
>>146457633Yeah Hulk's supernatural now. It's stupid.
>>146459550why would you try to discuss something you haven't actually experienced?It's like going to /out/ and saying "hey I learned about bears recently, anyone think they're kind of retarded?"
>>146457633It's all about good and evil and ultimately forgiveness. It's Christian as fuck what with God, Hell, resurrection, and making friends from your enemies. I'm sure there's some 8 hour Youtube video essay about how Immortal Hulk is all about the Bible and Jesus.
>>146459533>Immortal Hulk was great
>>146459574it's kabbalistic, not Christian
gamma radiation is actually the powers of SatanHulk isn't 'the strongest there is'Hulk is a pathetic weenie who only exists to have his entire being erased and overwritten by Satan so Satan can have a body to destroy all life in the universe with
>>146459587the archive says it's been more than 7 years since you did this, but that can't be right
>>146459603I'll take some crab juice with that.
>>146459550Discussion implies have two parties with similar understanding of the topic to have an exchange of opinions and ideas. You posted something based off hearsay and stuff you couldn't be bothered to learn/experience yourself, and yet still felt confident in that flawed stance. In short, you're an idiot
>OP admits their being a pleb about Hulk>is annoyed with green door concept>asks for opinions>gets told to stfu insteadThis board fucking reeks
>>146459611>gamma radiation is actually the powers of SatanThat's not what it is. Gamma is Gods Wrath, not Satan. Hulk is God's Wrath personified
>>146459638just read the comic, OP
>>146459638Yeah, that's an opinion, calling OP a moron.
I got just the Hulk run for OP.
>>146459565You really think that someone must 'experience' something before asking about it? No one is allowed to askWhat is sex?What is skydiving like?What is the difference between a root canal or a crown?Is this comic any good?That's a lot of autistic nonsense anon. If you're butthurt that OP heard something shitty about a run you like just say so.
>"it's not really my place to judge">literally makes a judgement on the next sentenceMaybe you should kill yourself OP
It's telling that no one is actually defending the concept and explaining why it's good and is just saying for OP to shut up(it's shit)
>>146459713That's not what OP was asking, OP came in and said, effectively>I've never had sex, but I just learned what a blowjob is, and I think it sounds really fucking stupid. Sex should just be penis in vagina, nice and simple. But what do people who do have sex think?
>>146459731Enabling retards is above me
>>146459630>all this to justify gatekeeping on an anonymous board
>>146459664Exactly an opinion being right or wrong doesn't really matter or need justification when the subject is just retarded.
>>146459770>gatekeepingNothing is stopping OP from reading a comic and forming an actual, educated opinion over the subject
>>146459770read the comic, OP
>>146459731>It's awesome because I think its awesomeThis
Well this thread took an interesting turn. To clarify, I'm not saying the entire run is bad or anything (as I said, I'm a casual, never read it), I just think that singular concept sounded stupid, but I wanted to know what the reception it got from actual fans because even similar world shaking retcons like the speed force and spider totems have mixed reception from the fans like some thinking it's retarded or some thinking it's super cool.
>>146459844>I just think that singular concept sounded stupidI don't even believe you fully understand the concept itself. You formed an opinion without reading the story, or having proper context for that matter. Moreover, Hulk has had ridiculous magic-tier abilities for YEARS. The guy sees ghosts and smells lies for fuck sake.You came into this on bad faith.
Trying to make characters more via powerset has led to all of them becoming less interesting.Godzilla was cooler before he was some hyper evolved extra dimensional being or an ancient tree or a hyper evolved ameoba.Optimus was cooler before he was literal a robo angel.Spider-man was cooler before he was a magically ordained dimensional anchor.Batman was more interesting before he was the world's smartest ninja scientist.
>>146459889to be fair, most writers either forgot or ignored Hulk could see ghosts until Ewing dug it up and tied it in to the Green Door
>>146459693Ottley was wasted on that.Decent save on his part, though.
>>146459844You don't even have the right to post this. Casual.
...not gonna go 3 - 0...
>>146457633>>1464598443 hours went by in which you could have read some comics and came to your own conclusions, but you did what instead? Jerked off to some onlyfans thots? Fuck off zoomer.
>>146459911>Batman was more interesting before he was the world's smartest ninja scientist.But that is what made him interesting
>>146459646So, Spectre?At least Spectre is fun, with ironical punishmentCant say the same thing with Hulk
>>146460089It made him gay. Being good at solving riddles under pressure> Being able to program a sentient robot clone that can travel to different dimensions.
>>146459770The only people who ever complain about gatekeeping are those whom the gate is meant to guard against in the first place.Either nut up or get shut out.
>>146457633It is stupid, but that's comics. That said, I think Ewing isn't that good of a writer. If he could either sell me on it as a great run or at least a wild ride, I would have been able to finish it.
>>146460166Look at this whiny nerd - 'well I can so-solve riddles. that's better than som-some robot and a fort on the m-moon' fucking LMAO
>>146457633What is this inspired by, anyway? Not the "what's behind the green door?" thing, but the manifestion of a rectangular portal. Is it based on the doors from Authority/Planetary, or is that based on something else too?
>>146461150Visualizing doorways is an astral projection technique. It could be from that.
>>146459557>>146458871>>146459495>>146459533With all due respect what have you brought other than >NOOOOO DONT CALL IT RETARDED
>>146459889>You came into this on bad faith.I’d argue the people refusing to explain why it isn’t retarded are actually acting in bad faith. It takes two minutes to explain why it isn’t, so do so.
>>146462839why does this thread deserve anything more than a firm "read the comic, faggot"
>>146462860Because it's not about the fucking comic run but the concept of the green door & making Hulk a supernatural entity. Fucking explain why it's not retarded already!
>>146462872read the comic first and maybe we can have a conversation
>>146462860>I concede it’s retardedThere we go
>>146462860If this were the case you wouldn’t still be in the thread like a whiny little bitch lol.
>>146462876Fuck off. You've done nothing to defend the concept that's at hand whatsoever. You've only spammed the whole thread.
>>146457633It’s basically a mental barrier that connects all of his retarded named personalities that nobody normal ever enjoyed. The thing is, much like venomfags have been slurping up retarded lore for years and refuse to admit knull isn’t the only retarded part of it, hulkfags take this autistic faux depth EXTREMELY seriously. They’re manchildren who can’t accept that the character is at his best when he’s a bumbling retard who smashes shit like a toddler, nor accept that comics are written by different people and try dumb things so they require and feast on retarded Morrison-esque retconned throughlines to try and make it all make sense rather than ditching what didn’t work and moving on with it.So basically, it’s exactly as retarded as you think it is.
>>146462872What answer would make you happy? Honestly? You're opposed to The Hulk, something that was heavily inspired by Universal Monsters like The Frankenstein Monster, dabbling into the supernatural?
>>146457633>Like more retarded than the Speed Force and maybe even the whole Spider-TotemWhoa, slow down, let's not get hyperbolic.
>>146463179Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll are both sci-fi, jabroni.
>>146463413You reminded me that there is the Thor supervillain called Mister Hyde who was just a guy who loves the book so much he wanted to make the actual formula and succeeded
>>146457633the Green Door ultimately doesn't recontextualize Hulk's entire history like the Speed Force or Spider-Totems, it just introduces a (somewhat) small retcon to his origin that the arc then bases its own "present day" story around. The One-Below-All wasn't secretly behind Hulk's entire history or intentionally behind the creation of the Hulk and other gamma mutates, in the vein of your Knulls or your Romuluses, it's just using gamma radiation as a means to access the material plane through physical beings and be the motive force behind the Immortal Hulk story arc.And, at the end of the day, Ewing wrapped up the story and put his toys back in the box. Leader closed and locked the doors. The One-Below-All is effectively gone. The Green Door did not become the ongoing status quo of Hulk, like the Speed Force is now an intrinsic part of the Flash.So the only true judgement that should be leveled at the Green Door and Immortal Hulk should not be based on its presumed larger effects on the status quo of the character, but rather whether you enjoyed the storyline in and of itself.But you didn't read the comic before deciding to form an opinion, so you're just a fag.
>>146462839Faggot, I have like six other posts itt besides the one you quote in your asspain.
This will be my final post on /co/.How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.Enjoy your book.
>>146463474>but rather whether you enjoyed the storyline in and of itselfThis is particularly why modern comics and modern writers suck. They aren’t auteurs, they aren’t important and nothing they write is intellectually satisfying. It’s all just autofellatio and masturbation for these remarkably untalented, unoriginal hacks.
>>146463827yes anon, yes, everything is terriblenothing good ever happens yadda yadda
>>146463827Not that anon but I can just hear your fat fingers and imagine the neckbeard given what you've typed
>>146463827You’re right and the autistic hulkfags anon mentioned above are REEing because of it.
>>146463855>given what you've typedThis sounds like a bot trying to sound like a person, ESL LARPing as an American or a genuinely illiterate autistic dude.
>>146457633What even is it bitch???
>>146464029See: >>146462971It’s a retarded retcon Ewing created in IH because he thinks he’s intelligent, yet only about as deep as a puddle.
>>146462971>hulkfags take this autistic faux depth EXTREMELY seriously. They’re manchildren who can’t accept that the character is at his best when he’s a bumbling retard who smashes shit like a toddler, nor accept that comics are written by different people and try dumb things so they require and feast on retarded Morrison-esque retconned throughlines to try and make it all make sense rather than ditching what didn’t work and moving on with it.Looks over at Sonic t. Hedgehog
>>146464294I genuinely think hulkfags are more autistic than sonicfags and horsefuckers combined.
>>146463826I never understood the scariness of the Hulk, in and out of universe. He's just a big raped guy.
>>146464307any lolcows? are are they on a different spectrum? 'Cuz I never seen like, a specific mainstream hulk "fan organization", youtube channel or stuff like that.
>>146464332>any lolcows?you are literally replying to him
>>146464344Anons yes, but I haven't seen like... a dedicated hulk fan irl.
All in all this was probably the best Hulk thread in a while.
>>146459844All the people telling you to read comics have not read any comics, let alone the ones they are demanding you read.
>>146464459yes anon, nobody reads comics, why would anyone? they are all bad
>>146464492I read some comics and I often wonder why I do. Mostly just to see how bad they'll fuck up this month, I guess. At the very least, reading and engaging with lots of media, even the terrible shit, is integral for developing taste and learning to understand what makes a story good and bad. Maybe don't read too much capeshit though.
>>146464522>Maybe don't read too much capeshit though.Most of it is awful.
Unrelated but I'm reading the Planet Hulk collection which includes issues building up to it in other issues like Fantastic Four and so on. The moment I get to Secret Avenger's/Illuminati it's impressive how immediately pissed off the writing makes you with Bendis's bullshit and the first page is obnoxious. Besides that the Hulk issues were good and curious how the rest will be as someone who mainly just watched the animated film that condenses stuff and swaps Silver Surfer for Beta Ray Bill in a smart move/pleasant choice since he's fucking rad.
>>146459574God has an equally evil alter ego in that, it is not Christian, it is some esoteric stuff like Gnosis.
>>146457633Have you tried reading it and forming your own opinion independent of the hivemind?
>>146468037Why bump the thread from page 7 just to say this?
>>146468174Go back to your preschooler cartoon thread.
>>146468565I don’t watch cartoons clown, I buy more comics weekly than you have in a year
>>146468636>I buy more comics weekly than you have in a yearThat means you're a rube.
>>146469501>y-you don’t read comics>you’re wrong, I not only read them I buy them>t-that means you’re a rube!!Blow your brains out. Stream it.
>>146469835Buying comics in current year is rube behavior, yes
>>146459802Dude, just get your head out of your ass and quit being an elitist fuck. It's this shit that makes you a total loser.
>>146459927Hulk can see ghosts?
>>146459968>Fuck off zoomer.Gen Z's 1995-2009. And a lot of dudes jerking off to OF thots are millennials.
>>146463826>How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?Pretty hard to do when he's been pretty goofy in the MCU at the time. No one would see him as anything but big green giant ape man.
>>146466512Should've kept the Conan-like stuff as the new status quo instead of what we ended up getting.
>>146469901yeah but AFAIK it only came up a few times across his history before Immortal, and mostly shown with him being able to see and hear Doctor Strange's astral form
>>146469887retard newfag
>>146457633>But what did you actual Hulk fans think of this retcon(?) when it came out?people liked it when it came outIH was one of those comics where you had to be there to experience it, the storytimes where fun and not as boring as the comics coming out these days
>>146470134>green giant ripping it asap>storytimes lasting all dayreally had to be there
>>146458504Immortal actually follows off of things from PAD's Hulk
this scene was probably the direct inspiration for TOBA and the Green Door
>>146470342green doorgreeeeen doooor
>all these apologistsno one wanted to read your shitty comics and now no one will read them because of you
>>146462839OP, with all due respect what you brought other than>NOOOOOO THIS IS A RETARDED IDEA
>>146470696There are more people reading it nowGo cry on reddit
>Spider Totems, but with environmentalism!
>>146470231and don't forget: IH outselling King's Batman for several months in a row, absolutely mindbreaking batfags in the process
>>146469979All it takes is one turn of expression to make him big green giant RAPE man.
>>146462971Finally someone actually explains what the concept is & why it's dumb. Meanwhile all the defenders of it still are refusing to make any sort of actual argument for why it's good.>>146463179Hulk has his roots in science gone wrong. Not the supernatural. It's making a scifi character into a literal magical monster. I don't care for that. It also serves to make Hulk more overpowered than he already is.
>>146472335except he got the concept completely wrong because he didn't read the comic
I can't stand how every writer tries make Bruce out to be a bad guy, or a pathetic nerd. The only reason he was turned into the Hulk at all was because he was trying to save someone's life.
>>146470342That makes sense, but maybe it should have been reworked better.
>>146472381but that's not what Immortal Hulk did
>>146472485Why do they draw his face like that? Where the fuck is his mandible?
>>146472485holy religion metaphor that's so heckin' NOT athiest
>>146472545>casual doesn't know Hulk looks different depending on which Hulk is in controlkekaroonies
>>146472609Fine. So which one has the weakest jaw?
>>146472629"Dumb" Hulk, the same one with giant brow ridges
>>146472629>Hulk>weak anything
>>146463179Frankenstein is seen as one of the first Sci-Fi novels for a reason, anon. It's not supernatural in nature. Neither is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which is the much bigger influence on Hulk. He got his powers while trying to make a better nuke for god's sake. He's a science creature all the way and making him actually secretly some magic thing is fucking stupid, same as when they did the same thing to Spider-Man with all the retarded totem shit. And I say this as someone who fucking adores magic stories. Like 80% of the comics I own are magical in nature instead of sci-fi. But that doesn't mean I want science heroes and villains to be made into crappy magic ones with a retcon that does the cliché thing of tying them to some grand mystical destiny.
>>146472381To play devil's advocate... That guy only needed his life saved because Bruce was trying to make a bigger and badder nuke. Were the guys who made the Tsar Bomba good guys?
>>146459557he brings a opinon; it sounds stupid. Also he compares it to the Speed Force, what more do you want him to bring to the discussion? what are you bringing? nothing!! you are just a entitled faggot telling another dude to red, fuck off, fucking loser.
>>146472676Hulk's had an odd connection to the supernatural for a long time
>>146472676>same as when they did the same thing to Spider-Man with all the retarded totem shit.You mean back in the 90s?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdyLCIY4Niw
>>146472676this reads as crying for the sake of crying
>>146472877Is your argument that it's somehow better because the seeds were planted in the 90s cartoon???
>>146472979this reads as a faggot cope
>lashing out cuz madread the comic newfag
>>146473127He says having spent the entire thread spamming the same shit over & over. No one's reading a dumb comic. Especially if you're not gonna sell it to them.
>>146459565none of you would have the right to talk about sex and relationships and waifus if that were true
>>146472485Shit dialogue.
>>146457633Sounds like you didn't read the story as just heard about the green door from some short form content, go read the book and then come back, inortal hulk was actually really good and added some supernatural stuff back to the hulk like how he used to have. Idk if you knew but hulk is basically a monster, it's a monster movie in comic book form. We can tell you didn't actually read it.
>>146459770Gatekeeping keeps the faggots/actors/ degenerates/ and self insert writers from taking control of your hobby.
>>146459844Just read the comic, you can legit loon it up on YouTube and play it in the bg, there's no excuse, stop being a lame ass faggot bitch
>>146462857Someone already explained 2 times that hulk has already had magic and supernatural powers, READ THE FUCKING COMIC YOU FAGGOT.
>>146462872Ohh my bad your actually just fucking retarded, too retarded do check the wiki or read the source material or read the posts telling you hulk has had supernatural shit he could pull out his green ass for 70+years but you continue to show your obviously actually retarded. Wasted a lot of time you could have just read the comic and referenced what happens so we know you know wtf your talking about, but your retarded.
>>146462939And you've done nothing to show you know anything about what your speaking, your just retarded.
I like the U-Foes, they are pretty cool
>>146475159Joe fucked them real well
>>146475169yeah no wonder they decided to fuck up Spider-man afterwards, like Ironclad especially got fucked up and squished about like playdoh. Vector and Vapour probably need couples counseling every time they accidentally on their part but deliberately in Joe's case use their powers against one another.
>>146473341Then why are you on a comic book bored with no knowledge of said comic your discussing? Ohh yea your retarded. Gotcha.
>Iowathere's your science fiction you stupid faggot
>>146472713As I already said, by that time I had 6 other unrelated posts itt. Right now, I have 20 unrelated posts itt. Be less of a pearl clutching useless faggot contributing absolutely fucking nothing.
>>146472713>telling another dude to redFuck off yourself, illiterate ESL faggot.
>>146463826>>146464309>>146469979Why not give him the Shin Godzilla treatment? That would make him look unnerving or scary.
>>146473478wouldn't that be nice
>>146460153>>146471213Hulk isn't really The Wrath of God he is the embodiment of a creators urge to destroy their own work, put to productive use by converting it into the endless antagonism that fuels comics.Its just that Marvel has their Creator Proxy also be its literal god figure.Also if The Hulk and Gamma is a creators urge for destruction then The Fantastic Four and their Cosmic Rays are a creators urge to make the work in the first place, which fit in with them being the wellspring for basically all of Marvel.
>>146459911YesAlso Gandalf is cooler when he's just "a wizard"
>>146459889>smells liesThat, I haven't heard of
>>146472365NTW but having read and bought every issue of IH anon said it as simply and clearly as can be.
>>146475060That anon didn’t say anything about magic powers…
>>146472609>>146472609Wish they expanded on this a little more. I don't think they really delve into design of hulks too much. At least they did something by bringing back harpy.
>>146476736They did that once. It was cool
>>146478467Wish they did more with this. Felt like a "Super Sonic final boss".
It's just a metaphor, OP. And it only applied to Ewing's book. You'll probably never have to think about it again.
>>146478569It's come up in other books but you'd have to read comics to know that.
The speed force is great. I can't imagine anyone younger than 50 having a problem with it.
>>146478577Which ones? I certainly havent read every book Marvel has published.
>>146478788I didn't spoonfeed OP, I'm not spoonfeeding you.
>>146478705What, do you think people don't gain sentience until 50?
>>146478795>>146478793Kek, ok Anon.
>>146478200then you're just an idiot, the Green Door has nothing to do with Bruce having multiple personalities
>>146459646>high energy photons are God's Wrathjesus fucking christ who came up with this braindead shit?does it piss off god when an atom radioactively decays? what the fuck?
>>146479280gamma radiation isn't God's Wrath, nor is it the "powers" of Satan, it's just a vehicle Mega-Satan (who is God's Hulk) uses as a bridge to the real world from UltraHell
>>146479307oh well it all makes sense then
>>146459713>What is sex?Salty coins and milk.
>>146462872Hulk started out as a half supernatural entity. That's why his original transformations were night based before they decided to make it based on adrenaline instead.
>>146479321you could try reading a comic for once
>>146478828It got brought up in Spider-Man when one of his gamma powered villain's was talking about it for a bit.
>>146463474>The Green Door did not become the ongoing status quo of Hulk, like the Speed Force is now an intrinsic part of the Flash.We'll see. The current run is expanding on the Green Door and TOBA lore. Its very much still a part of Hulk's status quo.The book just doesn't get much hype because its kinda milquetoast.
>J-Just read this crappy com-No
>>146480790why are you acting like taking pride in deliberate ignorance is at all respectable? Especially when you clearly care how many people are telling you to read it to form an actual opinion lol
>>146459611>Hulk is a pathetic weenieHulk being the strongest there is absolutely fucks with whatever story you can do with him; and his best stories almost always see him either as an underdog or against an equal threat.
>>146466512Planet Hulk is fun, and world war hulk is far worse.
What's with all the hulk threads all of a sudden? I've been getting back into hulk recently (read the lee run before, currently reading bill mantlo's hulk) so it's quite the coincidence.
>>146481342Something Something Death Battle general something
>>146481344who the hell still gives a shit about Death Battleis that where OP learned about the Green Door, because that's even more pathetic than reading about it on the wiki or something
>>146481268yeah actually finished Planet Hulk after watching the movie, was a very enjoyable story with some fun expansions from the movie like the Brood gal, more of how Hulk's defiance spread to the people and just fleshing him out plus the obvious use of Silver Surfer instead of Beta Ray Bill. I'm going to actually reread Immortal Hulk soon before trying to get through Gruendwald Cap since am a massive Serpent Society fan plus just like ol Steve and gonna check Avengers Academy just to see Hank Pym treated well.
>>146481351I think most people that didn't learn about it through reading the comics either learned it via wiki/youtube crawling after the initial hype for Immortal Hulk died down or through battleboarding type bullshit yeah.