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>Lucy after Mike shot her down
Okay, at least this is a cute page, I'll give it that.
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Starving a small child edition
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Sue watching this happen
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Yes but here's how it could still work.

Paulo will realize how little him and Daisy have in common and dump her like all the other girls.

Then him and Sue will skateboard off into the sunset.
It’s really annoying how much Paulo shows up from a comic with four main characters, part of why I despise him greatly.
The Paulo Show never ends
Same anon, same…
>i do i do i do i do
>Paulo settling for a chubby girl below his league who will shower him with unconditional constant affection because she knows she's uglier than his exes
YFW this is all a dream, Daisy was crying under a tree in the rain got hypothermia really quickly. Passed out got found by someone got raped first, her hole decontaminated of evidence second, then finally third paramedics called and she is having some hardcore lucid dream in the hospital because her body is in panic mode and her brain is pumping out DMT(yes dumbdumb this is why we dream its naturally made in our brain) hard to keep her calm and forgetting she passed out in the rain. Things will fast forward quickly something will feel off for her, since shes already married. Something will feel off&odd again wondering did I akways have 7 kids with Paulo wait why dont I... waitamIdreaming does something to see if she is dreaming finds out she is indeed dreaming. Figures out the only way to wake up is to start doing insane shit. Kills their children infront of Paulo, pulls a EoE and is choking Paulo the fuck out on the ground till WOOOOOOOOSH POOF.
>Eyes open slightly something feels off
>Everything is heavy and painful cant open her eyes fully still hardly able to see
>Eyes open half way realizes shes on a bed bunch of shit around her
>Remembers she was under a tree in the rain owaitiminthehospital
>Leg feels really odd trying her hardest to move her arm as well as fully open her eye
>Finally is able to lift the sheet slightly and check out why her leg hurts
>( _ ) pisses herself
>Half her leg is amputated above the knee other leg is missing her foot
>\(〇O〇)/ screaming and crying trys to get off bed
>falls flat on her face start screaming and flailing even hard nurse finally notices because they are all lazy POS who do nothing all day minus the horrifically hareful and misgnostic totally of 15-45 mins combined total of real work they have to do daily
Paulo is the only main character, hence why everyone else has to share their chapters with his storyline on the off chance they manage to get one, while he gets a dozen chapters just to himself
jesus christ something happened
Daisy sure is putting a lot of emphasis on the fact that Paulo is HER boyfriend. It's gonna suck for Paulo when he realizes the only reason Daisy wants a boyfriend is to gloat that she has something the other girls don't have.

I knew this would happen!

I wonder if the mother also have a salad and try to pass of the difference in plates being, "this is what us girls eat~".
Imma be real, I barely give a shit about who these teen cats fuck, but I swear this PauloxDaisy stuff makes no sense, it's been established they are good friends, how do we not know Paulo's feelings towards her aren't just those of inadequacy? It feels like a lazy attempt to give every main character a relationship, but back in volume 2 or so daisy was way more mature, calm and collected with Abbey n shit, so why is she acting so erratic all of a sudden? I'll say Taeshi is kind of overhated here, but this really is mediocre writing. Good channel btw
It's what happens when an artist is held to absolutely no standards.
>but I swear this PauloxDaisy stuff makes no sense
Makes perfect sense retard. A person like Diasy wants neeeds to be loved by someone anyone. Even if this person was bad to them sometimes in the past. They will forget all about that, they will create an image of the person in their head, they will even create false memories or delete shit that happened to them in their brain.

Women like Daisy are rather common, also they are teens. who date retards and will fuck anything because they are you know. trying to understand wtf love/relationships are/is.

Paulo is a manwhore hung like a pornstar with half the intelligence, bitches get wet just walking near him. they hear all the stories how Paulo made X whore coom like 2 dozen times in one night because they fucked on and off for 4-7 hours. teens only care about sex and fake emotions as their brains are growing trying to understand shit and develop. When said women are brokenheads like Daisy they keep slipping down the abuse scale, ending up like those retarded chicks that go I can fix him. even tho her bf beats her all the time controls her life completely keeps her away from her friends/other people basically re-writes her brain that her bf is her god that loves her completely even if he beats her yells at her controls her etc hers he has his problems but its not his fault and and I set him off by doing things i forget make him mad! its not hjis fault its mine he loves me!!!!
but yeah daisyxpaulo works perfecly its beyond realistic dude. did you fucking not go to high school this was everywhere. god damn youd have people that would never talk to each other at school or make it seem as if they would hate each other. meanwhile they are fucking each others brains out once school is out pretending to care about each other.

once again they're teens they're retarded they're learning shit Paulo has never had real love getting his heart broken after a long relationship. daisy just wants love from anyone
Jesus fuck that is painful to read.
Taeshi's trademark super-cringe when she gets into this lovey dovey shit.
I know she does crazy melodrama so I shouldn't expect the "nice feel good" moments to be any less unhinged, but god its like you see her age-regression in real time with how she writes these scenes.
People are saying this pedophile isn't Taeshi yet it's on a Taeshi thread. So it's offtopic?
Maybe it was a mistake for Taeshi to cut her plans for the Abbey/Daisy/Paulo love triangle so she could instead bring back Lucy and have her scream at everyone
Been that way for months. Anons keep posting it because they hyperfixated on something else. Weirdly it doesn't get reported and removed, unlike many other retarded purges in the past - even though they were on topic. (I'm looking at you Eternal Flame Autismo Saga)

Again, Flak0ps and Taeshi have drawn fanart for one another's comics so I guess that's how the bleed-over happened.
Both are BPD creators with a similar enough art-style, so I guess whatever - BCB and BH are the same fucking shit apparently.
The author is a friend of taeshis. I don't know why people keep posting that comic in these threads because they have nothing to do with bcb other than that the authors know each other. It'll pass, eventually.

Not a bad comic but /co/ is too retarded to read context clues or consider the possibility that story might be any longer than the latest page posted, or even that things may happen in it that aren't good, so it's a terrible idea to post them here. It'll only upset the tards.
I want to draw something related to this comic. Help a retarded brother out?
Draw the grey cat and his sister kissing
I don't even mind PauloxDaisy in theory, but this conclusion feels so lukewarm and clunky. Paulo runs after her in the rain then...has to go back to work after stating he'll be her boyfriend? After the cheesiness of Eternal Flame (which I actually enjoyed soz) this feels so...tepid.
>Jesus fuck that is painful to read.
yeah well just because im high does not mean im wrong deal w/ it 4eva alone. PauloXdaisy works perfectly and feels natural because the comic is written by someone with BPD and understands how a woman can create false images of a man I forget what the term is called again is it splitting??
Imagine if after all that pining for love and affection, Paulo takes Daisy for granted because it turns out all he really needed was to feel secure after repeated emotional beat-downs from Lucy.
uhh anon thats hateful shes a woman, they cant be pedos and the term is pedosexual you biggot respect the lgPT hate monger stop spreading hate towards their reproductive rights/cycle.

also holy shit this comic is getting creepier by the page, is this like a cry for help trying to normalize something that happened to them as a child? drawing this shit so other go wow this comic is great while the message is either ignored or people say how loving and cute the mother is for clearly grooming her child and or sexually abusing her/pimping her out at childrens beauty pageants which i imagine is rather normal with these events from what ive seen on tv fuck that tlc show was beyond unsettling and surreal felt like chris hasen was gonna pop outta nowhere getting on a megaphone and going ok sooooo take a seat everyone i brought the party v& your immoral pedo party is over mothers your off to jail for a few months men who have not done nothing yet youre getting at least 30 years for just being here even tho none of you have committed a crime and we have proof the mothers have been doing this for years as well as videos with them clearly in them/filming the abuse themselves.
srsly once again the fuck happened to this comic
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Unrelated to current page but I'm not on these threads often - has it ever been brought up how much Madison looks like Taeshi? Was this intentional?
>Was this intentional?
yes, its also why she is the voice of reason/reality and also a bitrch. very subservience tae 2deep4me amazingly brilliant selfinsert
IDK Flak0ps history, but I wouldn't rule out her being SA'd by an adult, possibly a woman when she was younger.

Although, I'm not really sure this is a pedo angle in BH though, just a body-dismorphia pre-ED kind of angle.
The Mom is fussing over her daughter not being a skinny perfect model kid. Not because she necessarily wants to fuck her.

BPD has a genetic factor, so BPD mothers often make BPD children - especially daughters.
The weird starving kid angle does happen with lots of trad wives who are very much into trad-roles, so being this picture-perfect model type is enforced. Since the kid is put into beauty pageants, this is pretty common.

There is also a strong correlation with eating disorders and BPD.
So is this a reference to the author's own experiences growing up? It's probable.
Draw Paulo skinning Mike alive while funkytown plays on a radio
Mike and Sue having a platonic, normal conversation about school.
>while the message is either ignored or people say how loving and cute the mother is
Anon, once you come down from your high please go read any comment on this comic on comic fury.
why the fuck would i do that
Everyone is ripping the mom a new one, which is the intended reading so congrats
wait really creepy figured tumblr twitter ''people'' would read this webcomic
Flak0ps doesn't hate the mom as much as the readers do
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parents material
How would Daisy feel knowing Paulo would've never worked up the nerve to tell her how he feels if it wasn't for a complete coincidence of him overhearing her?
So Fawn's going low-carb whether she wants it or not. Considering the circumstances, that's not the worst thing that could happen to her.
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She wouldn't. This shit is contrived as fuck and extremely awkward.

Imagine denying the smart goth twink for Paulo's fucking ass. lmaaaaaaaaao
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Kek nice
Cassidy and Mina flirt with Abbey while Jasmine looks at the two like >:(
honestly despite everything even fucking augustus is a better match for daisy than paulo. paisy sucks so much this whole confession reeks
How could Mike lose his skin to a twink?
Damn, that’s brutal.
Cool art though!
>How would Daisy feel if she knew for a fact that she's below James on Paulo's priority list and he'd completely forget about her if Mike threw the race?
>How would Daisy feel to know that Paulo had even struck out with Mike of all people before her?
>How would Daisy feel to know that the only reason she's not Paulo's absolute last pick is that he doesn't want to take David's knot?
>How would Daisy feel to know that she only has a shot with Paulo because Lucy told him to fuck off-
Oh wait, she already knew that. Realistically Daisy should be riding the high that Paulo picked her before the crash as her (reasonable) insecurities reassert themselves.
>his scarf is also meat
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Pretty sure it was axed because Taeshi wanted Gus to be Lucy's security blanket and the age difference.
But Gus has always been more into Daisy then Paulo ever was.
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Yes he has, retard forgot what the fuck she wrote.
If this isn't true love, standing beside him despite him whining about other women, I don't know what is.
Never forget what she took from you.
>ywn suckle Alejandros sweaty cock like a hungry calf
Calm down Lucy
Genuinely amazing.

Draw Sandy but she is made out of sand.
Poor Rach
Paulo himself doesn't know how he feels, because he's a broken head fucking retard.

If Paulo was real dude would legit need a girl who likes him like literally loves him. But retard is to fucking dense to realize this, that he has a girl that legit loves him without ever dating or fucking him. Just by being friends with him just by being around him. Said girl would need to confess her love to him.

And literally go meme'ing it up with '' I can fix him" but like for realizies fix him with legit love emotions and deep caring. Slowly over time fixing&healing that broken head retard as the relationship gets older and longer. Till retard finally realizes what love truly is HOPEFULLY not growing completely dependent on the person or worse they both become co-dependent. And Paulo fucks this poor girls head up while shes trying to fix him and in turn bad hardcore co-dependents happens and they neeeeed each other to live/survive.
No after like a year of dating someone Paulo finally learns what love truly is what an emotion relationship is what a real friend is. Slowly the retard opens up and starts healing all his shitty insecurities all his faults, because said girl '' calls him out'' whenever he does/says something stupid. Thus Paulo would learn from his mistakes and become a better person.

Till finally whenever they break up. Starts like the true test of this relationship and if Paulo has grown up and became a better person.
How Paulo would take getting his heart broken, would be a super important fork in his life. If he goes full retard self-destructive suicidal blaming her autistically screeching how much he needs her etc etc as if he learned nothing. Or if accepts that people do indeed move on nothing is forever set in stone only death and le taxes are. To thank her for everything and if thats how she truly feels she no longer wants to be together, then fine so be it. It will hurt a lot there will be a long massive time of lonelyness.
also after the break up if he starts manwhoring it up fucking a bunch of chicks in hopes of filling the void. Instead the retard walks right back in the circle at the start not learning anything.

instead takes it easy~ maybe does have sex with a girl that really wont stop hitting on him. Because lets face it after being in a relationship for so long having sex almost daily. Taking that away from someone, jerking off does not cut it and shit messes with you mentally.

that even with bad break ups its common for the girl to call you over just for sex. to the point she will get super agressive and enraged if you keep saying no. because not every chick is going to get super drunk and head to a club being a massive fucking whore getting banged in the washroom by a kneegrow filming it to send to you as petty revengejokes on her as that shit soon turns into getting gang raped Hsv 2, hep a,b,c,d all the way to fucking zetta and full blown african AIDS not homosexual HIV postive but insta kneegrow african death AIDS. Most women dont want to have sex with random people because they are A completely use to the shape/size of a penis B the sex will be terrible no matter what the odds of a dude pleasuring her are like less than 5% C there is no emotion passion or love worse of all odds are no primal its breeding time bitch tip to full on balls deep 180+ pounds a minuet while rubbing her clit nonstop or using a wand/vibrator causing her to be nothing more than a drooling bumbling retarded drugged out from hormones fool.
thus calling your ex for sex even if you hate them now.

i'd be fine/cool to have sex with someone after a break up just dont turn it into a habbit a bad self destructive habbit as your desperately fill that void with pointless emotionless sex. Pleasing some degen whore with daddy issues that has as much sex as the average bath house going faggot. Hopefully pushing to see this person on the weekends so its not just random sex
Absolutely incredible! Really like how you mesh it with the backgrounds
This is a very refreshing change from the Aislop that gets posted on these threads lately. Thank you for giving us some soul, anon
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Ahit forgot the necklace.
This is so cute anon
wat? wait did tae bootleg gaia online calling it gaiaia in the comic?
Not that I'm aware of. Would be quite the coincidence, I just wrote that because I couldn't think of anything clever.
ah I see, also because of this I looked into how gaia was doing. wondering if my old account with a bunch of monthly pay piggy items from before 2007 were worth anything. Turns out they created a simple cash shop item, that random gave you a letter for one of the 2003-2013 monthly items. Minus the first item the halo.

Damn that sucks my old habbo account had some stuff worth quite some monies. Re-releasing paid donator items that hardly anyone had till 2005. Basically making all those cool old rare items that only had a few dozen/hunded/low thousands because shit cost 2.50$ each in the early/mid 00's. for it seems an item that costs a few thousands gold, makes everything fucking completely worthless. Wow what a dick move.

Fucking gaia man always a disappointment nice to know things never change kek nice to know the 50ish dollars I spent for monthly donation items when the site was a baby, that they said they would never re-release or place for sale in the shop. That they did just that but for as cheap as possible and in gacha form too! wonder how much asshurt this caused when the mods said they were gonna do this.
That sucks
I like the way you drew their hair, especially for Sue
>>McCain did it for me

What a reliable guy
What’s gaia?
Forum based website it seems
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What is Mina? A dog, a squirrel, a Neopet?
AW, it’s perfect…

Mina is a dog, but with weird ponytail ears. Not sure what breed she is, but I like to think she’s a doxie.
draw your favorite ship
Draw Felix wrapping his arms around Finn, feeling his muscles
Jasmine should have made her move when she had the chance
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weeding when ??
>most women dont want to have sex with random people because they are A completely use to the shape/size of a penis

As much as this is schizo posting, Im pretty sure the reason most women don't have sex with randos is the risk of rape and the risk of physical harm.

You underestimate how much the average woman is terrified of the average man.

Paulo would need to confront his Mommy-issues and learn to be happy with himself before he would be a good romantic partner.
Those are all great points, if done by a competent writer.

But instead Paulo is written like an emotionally stunted 12 year old girl with BPD waiting for someone to whisk him off his feet and announce their undying loyalty and love. Which is about where Taeshi is mentally and has been for sometime.
NOT a 16 year old boy with mommy issues,low-self-esteem and commitment issues.

REALISTICALLY Paulo would spend his days at his shitty day job, playing video games, jerking off and getting high.
He certainly wouldn't whine and sob to Mike about his issues or react to everything with sobbing. He'd get angry and kick shit or go do something physical.
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this one went better
It barely looks like Daisy at all, no offense.
none taken, iam still learning to use this stuff
Well looking forward to you getting better at it then
Milfy looking cat
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Dope Amaya :D
She's signing "love" right?
This is so lifeless compared to the actual art being posted today on this thread. I'm glad that we had a drawnanon on here today to show us the difference.
You’re awesome anon
I believe so
But I guess also Paulo is so fucking toxic and immature, only desperate bottom of the barrel types would put up with him.
What is with that Daisy fetus in the background?
Love your art, very nice

Augustus' aborted child came to watch the wedding
(AI likes to turn everything face like into the prompted character if the strength is set too high, creating flesh monstrosities like these)
Her intentions are a little complex, so tourists basing their opinion on a single page will obviously sperg out about the negative parts of the comic
Rare to see a webcomic creator trying to be nuanced
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Destined for something greater like teenage motherhood
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>She couldn't have Mike
>She couldn't have Augustus
>She lost Abbey because he saw through her bullshit
>"Are you sure you want...me?"
Poor Paulo doesn't realize he's 4th of Daisy's list, and she'll probably drop him the moment a new, more successful guy shows an interest in her.
Oh shit, you're right.
They are both last choices, LMAO!

Also you're forgetting "Retconned Sandy crush" cuz she wasn't gay or whatever.
>in an offtopic comic being posted in a BCB thread cuz similar art styles or whatever autism

Yeah, sure buddy.
Surprisingly happens when you read stuff other than BCB.
Imagine Daisy leaving Paulo for Sandy
Daisy enters a polycule with Mike and Sandy but not Paulo
Daisy, Roseville High's 2 time Twinkie Eating Champion!
i know the subject is platonic, but is it weird that I think MikexSue could actually work?
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Canonically Sue had a crush on Mike in middle school
Sue should crush Mike with her hips
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Amaya :)
Abbey broke up with her explicitly because she chose Paulo over him, what is this delusion
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I love my wife Amaya
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It should come back. It would probably be one of the more stable relatioships of the comic. Or maybe the only stable one.

Not that anon, but, I guess in a way what you said and what he said could be the same thing. Abby saw what was happening (Saw through the bullshit) and gave Daisy a choice. She couldn't tell paullo to actually fuck off, so she picked Paulo over him even if she didn't literally say it word for word.
Abbey and Daisy getting forced back together by Paulo was kinda dumb desu
it was very dumb and paulo should have been slapped for guilt tripping him in front of the whole class like that.
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Hey, that's actually pretty good.
>that weird kid at school
Oh, I am waiting to see more of that.
She's gonna let her have her McDonald's.
I fucking love mentally stable girls! <3
Eeeh, it seems like Sue's crush on Mike dropped after he showed proofs of Sandy's existence and instead crush on Lucy (who knows if friendly or actual crush) developed. Even Lucy would call her a bitch if she knew what she was like towards Mike for an entire year. Doesn't sound like a good idea to smooch those two cats together anymore, but would be fun to see how such couple would look like if it happened years ago
I still think it's hilarious that Mike would tell the mentally unstable girl obsessed with him that he picked his scarf color because of her eyes, then proceed to kick her to the kerb, absolute chad.
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>Mike rejects Lucy for Sandy
>Daisy leaves Paulo for Sandy
>Paulo attempts to rebound with Sandy (to get one over on Mike because 'something something nerds')
>Lucy develops a cuckqueen fetish towards Sandy

Sandy, queen bitch of the universe.
>chad is when you pass up an actual girlfriend for a girl that cheats on you for a year
I think it's cool how much Nume's art has improved, love seeing artists grow
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i'll always hate the ending of EF because of how easy of a layup taeshi had and she STILL FUCKING MISSED!

It's eternally funny that Sandy did so much damage to the group without directly doing anything to anyone besides mike.

Even before the Ghosting and Cheating, her dating mike mentally fucked Daisy and Lucy and by extension through both, Paulo
Sandy can't help being perfect; the jealousy and spite of lesser others is simply her cross to bear.
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not her fault the others are messy.
Yeah, those cats are stupid
>someone who cares about you and wants the best for you
Oh I get it. What's best for her is to show off her 5 year old body to pedophile audiences and pedophile judges
She's nine outta nine, and to the mother's perspective, she's not whoring her out.
Her mother is not evil, just ignorant.
I don't get any monstrosities, do you prompt with solo tagged?
If it knows there's supposed to be one actor it generally does so
You’re missing the point anon
Yeah, like a lot of things it was pointless
Well no wonder, in this case it's Death of the author. If you needed to comment on Twitter for the point, then you failed as a writer or artist or both.
Twitter is for explaining the joke, which is why there's so much fail around there.
It's not the author's fault you're obstinately retarded.
Faith probably went through the same thing when she was little, and figures, "well, I came out of it okay". So she honestly doesn't see that she's harming Fauna.

Unfortunately, Faith probably did not come out of it "okay" and is serious denial about it.
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orale man, please teach me your ways

would you post this ones ? looks cute
>do you prompt with solo tagged?

oh, that explain
>Sandy quits modeling and gets married to dogs, not a single dog but all dogs
>Every dog that recognizes her gets free use of her body
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I uploaded it to the booru and the prompt should be there, also what do you need help with?
like what you do to get the bcb style ? i use the daisy lora, should i use less steps or more scale ? i usualy use "eauler a" sampler
mybe is just matter of ussing the correct promts ?
also, what booru ??
All the information should be at the bottom, if you copy all that it should give you a good idea of how to prompt Daisys
thanks bro
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Very good, thank you. Your art has been a boon to this thread.
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Holy wow anon, that looks amazing
I see you like your woman faceless
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daisy is a fucking rave why you dancing macarena ??
do the style looks better in this one ??
I unironically could see this on the cover of a model magazine in bcb. Sandy is becoming so popular, that people are making artwork of her, idolizing her.
It looks a lot better anon
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Well I've finally got my rant done about how PauloxDaisy has the potential to be interesting. The only thing I forgot to put in it is that Daisy would perceive Paulo as only going after Lucy. Hopefully I unfry the brain of that one anon from last thread with this.
I'm spoiling it because I got lazy and used my phone camera and it's not some image I would want to see on the first page.

Bless you draw anon bless you.
I'll suggest McCain trying (failing) to skate with Sue and Amaya
bless you and your doodles Hamlet
BCB fails at being a slice of life comic because it's characters aren't endearing and unique enough to sufficiently pull it off. The common theme of the chapters are also very uninspired.
The comic could lean into the more absurd and succeed that way comedically or write something very relatable.
Instead its just "Blahblah school setting, bland thing happens." earlier on it did at least try to do slapstick and I guess somewhat crude humor? But it's lost all it's edge and style and is extremely watered down from what it used to be.

BCB fails as a romance because the characters are not unique or compelling enough, the characters have too much overlap in personality because Taeshi literally cannot write what she does not know.

Thus everyone defaults to BPD personality, anger issues cuz shitty parents or being a le-stupid-and-or-nice character fill in.

The shitty-parent angsty ones are the closest it gets to being good, but she decided Abbey and Augustus were played out and would rather focus on Paulo/Mike/Lucy/Daisy pissing and shitting over stupid melodrama instead which
usually amounts to 'WAAH, WHY WON'T x LOVE ME?!"

I don't care about any of these characters because they are all shitty and awful. In order to make this plot work it would need an entirely different writer who is less insane and more mature.
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I will now remind you of Hopscotch, the better anthropomorphic slice of life school comic that delivers better comedy and mostly without any dialogue.
The dog counterpart to Lucy


Need an account to see the prompt btw

If she didn't have a boyfriend before coming in, she'll have one at the end of the night whether she wants or not
Thanks anon, this did help unfry my brain.
Draw Molly introducing Justin to her brother Abbey
Could Mike x Rachael have ever worked
Kizuna and Flower girl chatting
Many thanks.
Glad it did.
>The shitty-parent angsty ones are the closest it gets to being good
Yeah those were the best, they had a lot better pacing to even though it was mostly contained to those chapters.
>pissing and shitting over stupid melodrama instead which usually amounts to 'WAAH, WHY WON'T x LOVE ME?!"
Oh yeah I agree with this, it's just that I was trying to show the potential of a PauloxDaisy arc getting more into a pursing of dreams vs. love type deal. All of the previous ones the characters never really discussed the future other than maybe Paulo and Jasmine. Rachel couldn't discuss the future with Paulo and kept him in the dark (well, very obvious hints that he couldn't pick up on) about wanting to actually stay together. Of course, any actual interesting plot developments rely on it not amounting to "WAAH, WHY WON'T x LOVE ME?" and maybe something more interesting like "Do I put off my dreams for x." or "Do I string x along until I go off to pursue my dreams." Which I believe these more interesting questions Daisy has enough forward thinking to introducing into the plot. (If the chance is taken)
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>If she didn't have a boyfriend before coming in, she'll have one at the end of the night
well she noticed you anon
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"hey anon i noticed you were checking me"
(i never went to a rave so i dont know how girls talk in there)
This is the sluttiest Daisy I've ever seen. Would still totally grab her belly though.
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iam trying to make her a pov kiss and hug, but no luck so far
And I noticed she doesn't watch her drink
I swear, the more setup and attention the Paulo&Daisy ship gets, the less compatible they seem.
What a lousy pairing
Daisy looks a lot more prettier with makeup on
They're so loud, I don't think anyone knows how girls talk in there.
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i give up with the kiss, couldnt make it work
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I guess she thought he was lying to spare her feelings since he never brought it up again. I kind of think he was too. Taeshi leaned so hard into Paulo treating Daisy like she's too good for him to even think about it that I'm not convinced he's actually attracted to her.
I totally forgot about that interaction between them. Though I agree with (both of?) you that it shows how they are pretty destined to not be compatible. At the very least, that Daisy would think Paulo still has his heart on Lucy (even though he insulted her).
Daisy feels like such a confusing character to me, especially when it comes to love.
Yeah, I hope it can be straightened out with this arc but that's too hopeful.
Holy moly that's some great stuff! Like the banter and the complex but readable poses
Very nice, draw anon
FinnxFelix shippers eating good rn!
For practicality, what are those ear guards gonna do for those cats and dogs?
Oops, my bad. Don't draw under the influence. Haha
I didn’t know there were any left to be honest
Oh yeah, this is real nice
I can’t believe she got married 100 times
I'd like to request a picture of Sue gaming in late 2000s style on her desktop. Maybe playing the orange box or something.
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SOOO Romantic!
Truly, Paulo has always yearned for Daisy.

In b4 Taeshi retcons the water-color era to make their romance "more obvious"
Good luck anon
Would consummate marriage with right there on the altar

Paulo knew Daisy wanted to stay with Abbey for some reason and he wanted her to be happy. Plus, he wanted Lucy more than Daisy. He can want both at the same time.
The clothes are surprisingly decent
i love you man
Do you mean bump?
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The easiest girl at the con
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Taeshi just wants too many things at once, maybe it's the BPD?
>Daisy means so much to Paulo!
>And if she criticizes him he'll ghost her for months and need an ass-kicking to make him stop
>He'll even lie to her face to get her hopes up and then just openly say he didn't mean it and is only there because of the ass-kicking.
Paisy can't work because Lucy would have to stay with them forever to tard-wrangle this awful ship by screaming at everyone and hitting Paulo.
We could just make our own version of the comic with these loras
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Oh shit, sorry I forgot.
Yes, its common knowledge Taeshi is fucking mental.
Nta, but it still looks good though anon.
That's amazing anon - I'd say you've made it better anyway! Also, those outfits are really cute, I think there is a winter outfit competition that someone is hosting that you may want to submit to. I think Taeshi linked it on her bluesky or some other anon could link it.
Thanks, brother.
Nice, I'm glad you like it. :)
Yeah, I'm extremely lazy, but if someone has the patience to go through the effort to summit it, I give my full consent to enter it.
Slutty bride daisy hnngg

Also fun fact but generally panties are meant to go over stockings and garter belts
I found the whatever-you-call-a-bluesky-tweet tweet and it has the form linked on there https://bsky.app/profile/rusbus94.bsky.social/post/3le36mu5w4k2h
To enter it you do have to have a discord account sadly.
Thanks, brother. I'll look into it. :)
McCain would later remember this while going through winter SERE training.
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Yeah it's basically splitting. People are either all good or all bad. If they are "perceived" as all bad from good, someone with BPD will often go through devaluation - where all their once good attributes are twisted to be all horrible.
Then it can shift frequently, so they'll be the scum of the earth unworthy of your time to a perfect flawless angel of a person.

There also is a low tolerance for abugity. So somebody has to be constantly screaming their adoration from the top of a mountain and constantly tending to them for someone with BPD to feel "secure". If someone is vague with their emotions or not entirely comfortable with people totally honest 100 percent of the time - something most humans do - then that can be cause for splitting.

Anyways, to the average reader this is bonkers style of writing that makes for a frustrating read because no character is consistent and everyone is so sensitive and dramatic.
Wait, genuinely why is she supposed to be upset at?
I’m also confused about what the principal means, surely she would have some idea why the students are mad at Tess? She was THE high school bully next to Roger, surely people have reported about them before? If she is a new principal, she would have at least been told about the things they did. Both of them are still going to this school tf
I don't know if it's been mentioned but the NSFW bcb booru is down
It's an hour later but it works on my machine.

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