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You have been betrayed

All of you deceived
Tall guy would look cute in a dress
In what way?
I could watch anything. But two avatars, really?
World is ruined already, there's nowhere interesting to go but BACK.
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The writing was on the walls with the pedo comics. As a huge avatar fan I hope this fails so hard it destroys any future avatar projects
It will be better than Korra. Not a high bar, but still.
>how do we make a sequel to avatar for modern audiences?
>let's make her a woman, black, AND amputated, that way all three of our diversity quotas are filled already
>also she's raised by a single mother.
I'm just laughing at the backstory being that Korra was such a fuckup of an Avatar that she literally blew up the world.
Unirronically might like it if they paint korra as a failure and have anti-avatar statement be highly popular.
>>let's make her a woman, black, AND amputated, that way all three of our diversity quotas are filled already
Indian. She's Pavi, her animal buddy is Geet. Join them together for pageet.
>also she's raised by a single mother.
>Imagine bullying her by holding her prosthetic up out of her reach. Then when she's about to tear up, you give it back to her and give her head pats as an apology.
>also she's raised by a single mother.
That's just a random airbender guy helping him out, not her mom.
inb4 the twin turns out to be the Dark Avatar
Fuck nugget
harsh to hear that but I understand. I never thought that derivative or outside material from main one couldn't get the same reception or at least could be in the same 'status' or quality.
>pedo comics
what is this referring to?
>Last thread already had the twins kissing
>Last thread already had the twins kissing

first thread already had pavi making babies.
I know
My pun inspired that doodle.
>White Ameritards keep thinking that brown skin = black
They know this is an action series right? The protag should have all their limbs for nice combat scenes.
That's pretty much how americans define black people, yeah.
The anons here don't realize it's an action series either since they keep wanting Amon and non-benders to be the antagonist across all the seasons. Someone who can be sunk into the ground, have a limb frozen solid, or get air blasted off a ledge and not able to recover isn't about to last long in fights.
I could use more puns.
For fucks sake, what are we bitching about this time?
Can someone link to the actual studio announcement of this series when they get a chance? Nick or Paramount, not some youtuber who has "really good connections they can't talk about", the actual studio announcement. Thanks.
Depends on hair texture too.
>Dark skin + kinky hair = Black
>Dark skin + curly hair = Black
>Dark Skin + straight hair = Indian
>Dark skin + straight (unnaturally colored) hair = Black
Still want to see what ColdFusion or Mangamaster or even Palcomix would do with this Avatar.
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Mark my words ye brothers, this work of cunny will cause irreparable damage to the /co/mmunity.
Billions of loli threads will be thread, millions of jannys will give up. Throwing microwaves into their baths, and it will be the only time they bathe.

Legions of loli lovers will assail us. And the great forttresses of the Haghast, once stalwart and pristine, will crumble. I fear, nay, I quake...in terror. May God save us, and deliver us from this evil.
I can only hope so, I'm kind of sick of Gwen being the only /co/ loli who still gets art.
Collecting some from earlier threads:
>I just want us to start off on the right foot
>I'm ALL right.
And oneliners:
>Personally, I'm stumped.
>I'm on my last leg here!
>Best foot forward!
>I can't stand this, Jae
>I swear you just want to get your leg over me, Jae. It's alright, but you do the legwork.
>Dark skinned earthbender
For the love of god, please tell me that they're going to base her culture off of southeast Asia, and not fucking Africa.
Her name(Pavi) is in sanskrit. Her twin sister's name(Nisha) is in sanskrit.
She's meant to be indian.
Oh, and her animal partner's name is Geet, which also has sanskrit roots.
That's fine, I guess.

Despite India being (rightfully) memed on as a literal shithole country, it's history and culture have a lot that could be delved into.
I wish I could give you more puns, but all I can think of is wanting to see the dark skinned loli getting more babies put inside her.
I suppose you haven't drawn her giving a blowjob, so maybe that?

Yes, but calling them PaGeet has to be someone having a giggle.
And I only know checked, but Nisha animal partner is Ruhi, which is also sanskrit.
Pure(Pavi) and Song/Melody(Geet). One of the things we know about Pavi is that she likes to play music.
Nisha and Ruhi means Night and Ascending, individually.
Woah is that a whiff of shit I smell?
I want to fuck the loli already.
I don't care, not watching. The original series is the only thing that is canon to me.
>The original series is the only thing that is canon to me.

tranny logic
Stories are made upjust like gender
They didn't do that the first time, why would they now? He'll be as impotent this time around as last.
Not american. Corpos genuflecting to whoever is in power is nothing new, and they will flip on a dime when necessary.
Fucking newfag.
>earth bender
>doesn’t go around with a rock leg that can easily be used as weapon
First caucasian Avatar. I wonder if this will foretell something?
sounds like a plan, also I want some ideas for none-porn but still romantic interaction between the two.
I've seen people saying they are gonna make the brown girl gay but I think it's far more likely they'll make the air bender guy the gay one to also quell attempts to ship him with the brown girl
only ever watched atla, why are there suddenly pajeets in the world?
cute brown loli
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Forgetting someone?
Babies? Pls repost
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There was always at least one Pajeet in the original series, remember the Guru that was teaching Aang during book 2, Guru Pathik? He has to come from somewhere after all. Probably an obscure part of the earth kingdom.
bro, I don't even consider Korra canon. what makes you think I'll even look at this faggotslop?
Varrick had a few hanging around too.
Imagine the smell.
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Corporations are just psychic machines (none conscious). As an entity, their magical skitzo-projection neurons are psychopaths, narcissists and/or people who prioritize profit over all. Now. Clean it up janny.
She can manipulate the material her fake leg is made out of, that gives them tons of options for the action scenes they might not have otherwise.
they are up on paheal.
>romantic interaction

Nothing more romantic than the girl drinking your cum while she is holding on to your pelvis with both arms in an attempt to take your penis deeper, while she is looking up on you, and you can read her excitement and desire to pleasure you on her face. And when her eyelids partially obscure her eyes as she looks up, it makes her pupils look like they are shaped as hearts.
Korra fucked up so hard she created India
One of the most evil villains in fiction!
I'm excited to see what they do with this. My biggest reservation is that they'll offend my sense of realism by changing the setting too much. We have vague Asian history for all of time, until in 1-2 hundred years we get steampunk, 20s modernism, giant robots, post-apocalypse. But we'll see. It is cool that they still feel like experimenting with such a beloved property.
Avatar content has been shit for 15 years
That pattern isn't going to get broken now
wouldn't tranny logic be that only his fanfic is canon to him?
>I keep whining but they keep doing it!
>if you don't like something, don't complain, just consume
I will never understand the logic from people like you. What do you expect him to do, burn down the studios until they stop doing DEI shit?
It's gonna be funny If all the leaks ended being fake lol
There is no way they are fake, they are being deleted from all across the net by demand from the studio. They wouldn't be this stubborn for fakes.
There might have been one or two misunderstandings of the plot, but pretty much 95% of it can be considered true
>but also make her a loli so she's appealing to 4chan users and the ilk and they don't complain about her
they made her a little girl because all cartoon protagonist are little dark skinned girls nowadays
"If I can't be the BEST Avatar, I sure as hell can be the WORST!"
That looks pretty alright for fanart/fanfiction. Almost makes me wish we actually got another Avatar series after ATLA ended.
Paramount has been DMCA bombing anyone talking about it. It's pretty much official.
he was being sarcastic, notice how he said after ATLA, and not after Korra
Is it gonna be a painfully mediocre attempt to capture ATLA's spirit, a Korra-tier badly produced clusterfuck, or a decent, worthwhile show?
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>ywn groom the new avatar into forgetting her duties and being your stay at home wife
What's this fetish called?
The destruction of someone's preordained destiny so that they can only live in mundanity?
Girlbosses will always ruin everything.
I implore you to read JoJo Part 7.
If that happened to Korra the world would be better off
>Pavi and Jae find an old earth kingdom army uniform
>From Kuvira's regime
Nobody is forcing you to watch Avatar, drama queen

Korra was written as three separate mini-series because they only got renewed as it went. If they have the green light for multiple seasons already then it’s off to a better start production-wise than Korra.
>I'm putting my FOOT down on this.

>Watch out for the KICK!

>It cost me an arm and a LEG!

>I got a SPRING in my STEP

>I'm all LEG
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>Restarts the Avatar Cycle
>Brings back the airbenders
>Opens the spirit portals and creates a third one allowing free travel to both realms
>Completely reshapes the world and gets rid of the four nations

/our girl/ can’t stop being the most influential Avatar
I don’t give a shit about the protag being brown or disabled but the art style is so fucking generic I can’t give a shit in general
Onions and bananas as per the show.
Are retards still falling for this obvious fake
well, the previous avatar was a woman, black and mentally retarded so i guess it checks out
Oh they officially announced it?
Hips nice and wide...
She also probably created Double Avatars when she opted to absorb the Dark Spirit instead of just sealing it again.
>Opens the spirit portals
>spirits look at the world and say "industrial revolution and its consequences yada yada"
>kick foolish humans back to the stone age
>cue pavi's post-apocalyptic adventure
thanks korra
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>her animal partner's name is jeet
They're doing this on purpose.
>Paramount has been DMCA bombing anyone talking about it.
And is there any actual proof this is really happening?
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Typically when companies start tossing out DMCAs for supposed leaks, the leaks turn out to be true
If it was fanfiction they wouldn't care and would let it spread
Yes but who has been getting DMCAs and is there proof they got them, or is it just click bait?
Keep them coming. Break a leg anon!
The youtubers who make lengthy talks about screenshots while having their own ugly mugs in the camera all the time.
So, all of them? The leaks are all fake.
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>Franchise known for having dark, female and disabled characters for 20 years
>Adds another dark, female and disabled character

Chuds need to be purged.
>Dark character, 20 years, posts Toph
Have your (you) sir. Don't spend it all in one place.
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I think he posted Toph as an example of one of those things, not all of those things.
Why can't she just have a normal prostetic leg?
Everyone knows that there's a difference between an actually well written character like Toph and a shallow diversity checkbox character no matter how much you disingenuously pretend otherwise
The Earth Kingdom is not brown.
How is the brown crippleloli written worse than the pale crippleloli?
Am I alone in being kinda... optimistic about this show?
I mean it seems to be making positive steps from Korra's failings, if the leaks are to be believed.

It seems there will be a return to both the world traversing element of ATLA as well as having one singular end goal. Which presumably is to unfuck the world after Korra fucked it.
The newest avatar being the youngest yet accompanied by an adult strikes to me that this show will be somewhat geared at parents, which is a better target demographic for good storytelling than dumb, self-righteous teenagers (which is who Korra was made for)

I bet the whole world being fucked thing is going to be an allegory for climate change, and Korra will be analogous to the baby boomer generation who ruined the real world.
So, while the adults try their best to rear their kids properly in the ruined landscape, the youngest generation will eventually have to set things right.

I think this could be good. Better than Korra anyway.
Where have Indians been in avatar? We saw one in the original series but never again
I'd presume the creators aren't retarded enough to abandon the asiatic theming so arbitrarily.
I think most likely it's just putting in darker skinned characters for the sake of them being in the setting, without any actual change in world building outside of skin color. Because races having different cultures is le racist or whatever
The ideas seem better than Korra. But I think good is a bit too optimistic, knowing who's likely to be behind this. My guess is better than Korra, low bar, but unremarkable. There's room for pleasant surprises, at least.
>A new prosthetic?? Are you sure you can foot the bill?
>No, I'm grateful! I don't mean to (s)nub you!
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I tried to deny it at first but I've come to accept it. God, I hate this stupid decision. An earthbender Avatar would be the perfect way to get a heroic, masculine, and badass male protagonist in Western cartoon but nope. Gotta have a brown disabled lesbian as the protagonist. Lame and gay.
They didn't even introduce any reoccurring spirit characters to get the most story potential out of opening the portals.
If this new one doesn't either, it'll be a complete loss.
This is a modern Western cartoon not an anime. There will be no lolicon appeal in this new Avatar series the same way Blue Archive does.
>That's why I your help-- so I can be one tiny iota less pathetic than you
>Oh, I can't make you better than Yue. That princess was great
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>What's this fetish called?
The white man's burden
You are correct
Based Sozin. He probably banned it due to the spread of AIDS and HIV.
I don't think she'd wear something like that
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She was the best Avatar.
It really suck for the people of that world, every single future Avatar is gonna be a dark skinned lesbian with some kind of mental or physical disability, and they'll never understand why.
An amputee on /ck/ was asked how he became an amputee and he joked that it costs an arm and a leg to buy groceries these days lmao
>that amputee is me
Bar is pretty low after Korra, but if there is one thing I learned from this half of the decade is that there is ALWAYS a way to make things worse. So I will wait and see with very little hope.
>This is a modern Western cartoon not an anime. There will be no lolicon appeal in this new Avatar series the same way Blue Archive does.
are you new to /co/? How does this show not appeal to them?
ATLA was a mistake
Korra really fucked things up
you'll have lolicons in /co/ uoohing about it but the show itself won't have moments that appeal to lolicons. no fanservice that shows the loli's nubile body the same way anime and gacha games do. Western lolicons only have fan-arts to goon off to.
Wait the guy is called Jae? Has that been confirmed? That sounds Korean no?
I wonder they are doing that one mythology pajeet femcels love so much. Something about mythological southern pajeet princess marrying mythological gook king.
>Has that been confirmed?
Nothing has been confirmed. This is all still at 'trust me, bro' level.
so is anyone going to upload the two .pdf files that were taken down? I missed the december threads, and digging throught archive all the links are taken down
She's a native American, not black, retard
The main gripe I have with it, aside from them just fucking nuking the world into nothing, is where they got that darkie. There were exactly zero dark/black characters in all other avatar media, the lore and races on the entire planet were clearly established since the beginning, where did this one come from?
>you'll have lolicons in /co/ uoohing about it but the show itself won't have moments that appeal to lolicons. no fanservice that shows the loli's nubile body the same way anime and gacha games do. Western lolicons only have fan-arts to goon off to.
What if she has a love interest her age?
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I can't really post fellatio directly in the thread.
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ok, how about a french kiss then? tongue and lips massaging each other romantically.
loli characters are for adult men.
Well she is still Indian not afro-black. So she technically is asian. And I remember seeing people with turban in original series iirc.
There's no America in Avatar you fucking retard.
It's literally a legit thing IRL. Kinda like how I thought goy was just a meme, but is actually real
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This Anon got BTFO'd.
>think the guy is cuter than the girl
A-at least I'm not a pedo...

If you think about it, opening the portals is potentially a great equalizer.
The Avatar gets a lot out of a relationship between a spirit and a human, but up until now has held a monopoly on such a relationship.
I'd be really interested in seeing what other forms such an interaction could take.
We've already seen multiple examples of spirits physically mutating humans into freaks. What if this were done voluntarily?
The "myth" that traces back to a fucking comic book and Indians are so stupid that they think it's some ancient story? lmao
There's some Korean queen, Bujo, who married Kim Suro and came from some faraway kingdom and was not Korean but I doubt she was from India. No one's really sure where she was from so... I mean... it's possible, but seems very, very unlikely considering when she supposedly lived (first century, iinm, pre Three Kingdoms; I think she was queen of Gaya since Kim Suro is the founder of that kingdom/dynasty). If I'm right about when she lived, it would be practically impossible for her to have been from India. If she was from a few centuries after, during the Three Kingdoms (just as Buddhism was introduced from India) and there was some other king with the same name, then it's possible, though still unlikely.
Not watching your videos, btw. : )
they look like characters in a shitty gundam spin off the main character has to deal with as they stink up the series
Need her foot in my mouth/on my dick
>The Avatar gets a lot out of a relationship between a spirit and a human
my spirit gets a lot out of a relationship between the avatar and a human (me)
korra's hot
the fuck is that style?
the fuck is that suit?
Is it a scifi now? the fuck?
Because they're gonna parade her around saying how progressive she is without showing really any substantial feats following with a swarm of mindless "fans" will eat it up. Meanwhile they show character progression and feats of not only Toph as well as Teo.
TDLR: Show don't tell, You retard.
What's with /co/ sudden infactuation with Little girls?, i thought /v/ is the loli board
>All of you deceived
How so, Avatar stopped being for lame queers for once? Sure doesn't look like it.
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Here a useful chart.
Korra was such a piece of shit, that it's going to be hard for this to not clear distant 2nd place
Avatar was a series that got corpse raped as soon as it became a series instead of just a show
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>What's with /co/ sudden infactuation with Little girls?

/co/ loved lolis since before it was a 4chan board.
I don't know man. ATLA had plenty of scenes with Toph in a swimsuit. That's more than enough
Sun tribe
ATLA was created at a much more based time. That scene where Toph showed off her dirty feet would never exist if it was created now.
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>Avatar was a series that got corpse raped as soon as it became a series instead of just a show
No anon. Iroh needed to apologize
Train of Thought? Not my favorite Dream Theater album, but ok.
if atla came out nowadays, you weirdos would call aang 'gay' for being a pacifist

like this new series will likely not be good, but also be honest with yourselves here.
Nigger what? We did. We called him lame and gay.
It's one of those things that the more you expand the more you have to cover for shit like this instead of leaving it off as the joke it was meant to be.
What the hell do you think Katara and Korra are.
To be fair, although that doesn't change the fact they are, it doesn't make any "real world" sense that the Water Tribe is so dark.
Im so brainrotted that I thought this was going to be a Jean Grey YOU ARE GAy edit from the thumbnail
Judging by the art
>The prosthetic leg is stupid. Cmon you have the Avatar here, make it creative. Have her metal bend a real looking leg, use it in fun ways like she uses fire ending to do a fire kick with it or something I dunno
>Korra is the worst Avatar of all time and I hate it. I already hated her for destroying the past lives but the creators of the show saw her reception and probably thought "durrr yeah she's so bad hurr here's the NEW BETTER Avatar!" And it's a sign of no faith in your previous work. All this shows me is the villains from Korra we're completely right and that's bad
No way l refuse to believe this is real
>Show does a funny 2 second not even really offensive joke

It's like in the next movie when they're all adults and Aang's married to Katara and he randomly goes "Katara that night I kissed you at the play 15 years ago was RAPE, I AM SO SORRY!" like what are you attempting to do here???
It's really fucked up being a Canadian and seeing what happened to Avatar.

>Avatar starts with the main character's people being genocided showing the horrors of war. I don't think anyone had a specific race or was a combination of a few and if they did I didn't care. It was like how anime was.

>Korra and the water tribe were clearly based on a combination of things like Asian cultire but also Nunavut people. Which I thought was neat because those people had to go through shit and still do and Ive never seen a protagonist based on that.
>The show was bad and killed all my goodwill

>2025 my country is flooded with Indian immigrants by unprecedented insane levels. There isn't going to be any actual Canadians left eventually.
>Tanks our economy so people born here get screwed, let alone indigenous people
>Next avatar is Indian
>Even if that wasn't true SOMEHOW they have to continue after Korra's worldbuilding and world changing events with modern writing and Korra was bad

Yeah no fuck off
Reminder every single piece of media to come from Avatar post the original has been bad
>Live Action movie was bad
>Korra was bad
>Korra Game was bad
>Comics were bad
>Korra Comics were bad
>Trading Game was bad
>Mobile Games were bad
>Live Action series was bad
Airbender should've died out in 2008
>>The prosthetic leg is stupid. Cmon you have the Avatar here, make it creative. Have her metal bend a real looking leg, use it in fun ways like she uses fire ending to do a fire kick with it or something I dunno

I feel like that would be seen as problematic somehow.
Your post has more text than that comic. Stop crying
>Korra Game
Didn't know that existed
Not America, fuck you.
Though that makes me realise that Sanderson's Bondsmiths are just the Avatar.
>It's only been 10 years since Korra damaged the world and died.
There should be A LOT of pissed off people at Korra who remember how the Four Nations used to be. If Korra didn't die at least 60-80 years after her series, that means she got all her friends killed AND everyone is most likely around.
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>show isn't even out yet
>let alone a single clip
>"oh oh! i know how this is gonna go! so yeah they're kinda going to do this and this and this, and i even know how they'll do plot progression and EVERYTHING! yeah i'm kinda the go-to guy on calling shit like this out. it's like, my thing?"
Aren't they based on the Aztecs?
They live in the equivalents of the North and South poles, they are supposed to be Inuit people, who are quite dark. If they aren't supposed to be Inuit, then they're indigenous Northern Eurasian people from the likes of Russia, who are also quite dark.

The thing about living in the snow and your skin tone, is that it's on a bell curve to an extent. It's true that people who live in places like Canada are more pale than people who live in Florida - but the further north you go, the darker people get as well because snow is extremely light-reflective and it's actually quite easy to sunburn or tan in the snow if you are uncovered. Snow reflects 80% of the sun's UV rays, which means that if you are out in the snow and not fully covered up, you are getting a double dose.
Because you’re retarded
The prosthetic leg that changes shape via bending would just make it look like a Fullmetal Alchemist knockoff. It would seem very unoriginal when it's an idea directly taken from one of the most popular anime of all time.
If you’re white you shouldn’t cry about people moving to Canada
>Korra did a Kyoshi and lived for over 200 years
Made by Platinum back in 2014
It was very low budget and run of the mill generic. I think it was delisted a few years back though so sadly lost to time
Huh, never saw FMA so didn't know they did that
I miss Joo Dee.
Which one is the tranny?
So are there going to be scenes of Pavi going to the designated shitting streets?
I hope they constantly make reference to what a shitass avatar Korra was and how bad she fucked everything up
Aang's such a Katara simp, it made the Avatar reincarnate into a brownoid two times in a row
>oh toph was a relatable character, better throw in a crippled black kid

also soulless art style
The question is, if there's no white people, who is the villain going to be?
Korra had two water tribe guys screwing with politics. A monk with a horrible and diverse friend group. And a bad white lady.

They will be fine.
Yeah, it makes sense for them to have a tan. It's their birth color in the series though. It would've even added to Korra's character for her to not have a tan, since she's supposed to be sheltered.
>pedo comics
What? What the fuck are you talking about?
The Air Nation hasn't produced any main villains yet, so it's likely going to be someone among them
> Seven Havens
You know what would be hilarious.
If that referred to the state of the world.
As in, the spirits eventually overran everything again, destroyed civilization, and drove humanity back into tiny isolated sanctuaries while barely clinging to subsistence.
Would be an absolutely outstanding capstone for Korra's abortion of an existence.
Worse, she's a pajeeta
So does this continue from the original AtLA cartoon or the live-action trashfire-show?
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Twin sister Nisha
It was a bit too heavy metal, the new instruments they used didn't work the best, but the last three tracks (Vacant, Stream of Consciousness, In the name of God) were excellent especially in succession. I liked how Stream of Consciousness used different timings for the melody and the drums.

Their best album was Octavarium by far. Scenes from a Memory is a very close second.
we have any art of the two doing lewd things together yet?
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.........im having "the acolyte" vietnam flashback.
Your post is correct and accurately portrays reality, so any attempts to call it "weird" is npc pilpul.
Breedable choco loli
And the problem?
Zaheer. Did you not watch season 3?
Air Bender, not Air Nation.
>a bad white lady.

Are Americans this retarded that they think all people with light skin = white, all people with dark skin = black? She’s Chinese she’s literally a part of the “Beifong” family
Zaheer was an Air Acolyte before becoming a bender which is just someone in the air nation who can’t bend air. He is more of an air nomad than 99% of the airbenders in season 3
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Your disingenuous prattle isn't impressing anyone fag boy
Being this level of a chud is a sign of mental illness
kill yourself brain rotted retard
The issue is more that people won't let go of the arbitrary labels to begin with.
can someone please post the pdf? the catbox links in the archive are dead
Anyone think there's NEW bending that could be done and hasn't been?

I know there was some fan comic of sand bending advancement.

Water has blood. (and ice)
Fire has lightning.
Earth has metal. Bolin had lava? (which I'm not sure a fire bender should have.)
And air had...choking and flight?
What else could you do?

I have an idea for earth/sand, aside from just sand. But it requires heat. However, earth rubbing earth should make heat?
Maybe crystals should be done more? But is there big differences between crystals and hardened thick rock?

Has everything been done?
Give some ideas if you can?
It's an extension of firebending via lightning, but I always thought it would be neat if in the far future once electronics are properly invented, lightningbending with extreme precision could essentially result in "technomancy" of a sort, where someone unnaturally skilled could manipulate and control electronics by means of feeling the current inside devices and manipulating it. If the setting ever caught up to the current day or even the early electronics of the 1800s and 1900s, I think a character like this could be an interesting villain in the same way that Bloodbending was interesting for a while - even if they're only a one-off bit villain or it's only possible during Sozin's Comet.
Fucking faggot culture warrior
Rock bending could probably bend the minerals in a person's body including their bones. Could have a necromancer type shit where they are puppeting a bunch of rotting corpses and skeletons.
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>lava? (which I'm not sure a fire bender should have
Agreed. It's simply earth heated to very high temperatures. It can cause other substances to ignite, but it does not combust on its own.
Always irked me seeing volcanoes erupting represent firebending during Roku's explanation; even an airbender performing that feat would make more sense
Firebending in general really strikes me as the odd one out in general and the weirdest in terms what exactly it's supposed to be. Fire isn't an actual substance like the others.
It’s because lava creates fires. There’s no “naturally occurring fire” like there is ground or water or air.
Yeah, and when you think about it every element should have been mogging fire. Air benders can literally make vacuums, and water and earth are easy flame retardants.
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>lava creates fires
Right, but only when it makes contact with certain materials; in a sealed environment with nothing but lava and atmospheric gases, there'd be no flames. If lava's fair game, then firebenders should be able to set forests on fire and throw flaming trees.
Firebending is either a) a combustion reaction somehow triggered by energy/chi (normal firebending) or b) prolonging/maintaining/manipulating an external combustion reaction (Aang's training with Jong Jong). You could argue there's control over heat, but that'd do nothing to lava other than increase/decrease its temperature.
Samurai Jack.
you think the daughter is a descendant of Mako or some other friend of Korra's? The airbender being a descendant of Jin?
so what do you think caused a post apocalyptic world? or could it be a region on the other side of the world besides the four nations? why couldn't they have thought of this decades back?
>If you’re white you shouldn’t cry about people moving to Canada

Yeah no fuck you.
Fuck you illiterate cunt I never I thought it would be problematic.
>Air benders can literally make vacuums, and water and earth are easy flame retardants.

Fire could turn water to steam and scald the opponent. Steam bending would be fun to see.
I wonder if there'll be more to the story than just "Korra fucked up bad, please fix her mess, Earthbender". Shouldn't the most vulnerable time in world be during the new Avatar's infant/childhood?
girl on the right is just loli lalah i see it kek
I fucking hope not
Still not America and Aang is not from Tibetan, fuck you.
Prequels are inherently less interesting than sequels.
The avatar cycle origin two parter was the best episode of all of Korra by far.
I still stick with Images & Words. It has simply not been surpassed in over 30 years.
Zaheer had no affiliation with the Air Nation. He was literally just an Air weeb LARPing.
There was no air nation in Zaheer's lifetime.
The girl looks like a knock off of Iris from Pokemon.

Also, not what I thought the next Earth Avatar would look like.
...The Aztecs are Central AMERICAN you fucking mental tard. Nobody is asking for the literal United States to have representation.
Anon clearly understood that, hence the comment about Aang not being actually Tibetan.
Honestly I thought he was just stupid enough to confuse Tibet and Peru
do you think Sokka might appear in this? what if he didn't die, but wounded up lost in some realm where time itself moves differently? I don't know why I have Avatar videos on the youtube algorithms. maybe they didn't know what to do with him in Korra.
That would be just about the dumbest thing they could do. Which means it's entirely possible Sokka shows up.
>adult Toph has huge tits
>keeps them bound to not through off her balance
That leg is better. Run faster, jump farther, concentrate energy from a kick into smaller area.
Why the fuck is she so dark? Earth nation folk are like middle eastern or south east asian in skintone not african or indian.
literally the worst fucking avatar. anything beyond the original series destroys the ip further and further. Korra herself might also be the worst Mary sue in recent memory
>Earth has metal. Bolin had lava? (which I'm not sure a fire bender should have.)
i'm not sure what your point is, Lavabending is an earthbending technique through and through.
did you get somehow confused and misremembered Bolin as a firebender?
also, his parents were an earthbender and a firebender, weren't they?
lavabending made sense to me at the time
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>two avatars
Referring to this scene:
Try the live album Live Scenes from New York then. It has all of Scenes from a Memory, a good part of Images & Words, plus A Mind Beside Itself from Awake and the entire Change of Seasons on it. It's the album that got me into them.
i see.
seems like they just didn't put much thought into it beyond "having someone make multiple volcanoes erupt looks cool"
it's a 3 second scene after all
needs more tongue action
i wonder how they'll show korra destroying the earth and make it not sound like she's the worst thing in the franchise
It's not really two avatars. The other twin has avatar-like powers, which is hinted to be vaatu's doing. So leading theory is that she has vaatu in her like how Unaraq did in Korra season 2
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Is the brown kid the new Avatar? Can't get worse than Korra, the show, and the netflix reboot, can it
It can get worse than those, but it can never get worse than the movie.
I found the netflix show to be more repulsive than the movie for the simple fact that it was longer
I liked the M. Night movie. Cut all of the filler from season one, streamlined the story, and, while it wasn't great, it was at least fun.
What part of it was fun? Most bad movies have at least one thing you can point to and go
>yeah, but at least there was that
This movie has zero redeeming qualities.
All of it anon, I enjoyed every second of it. The way no one could pronounce Aang the same way, the action scenes, and even the penis hat. I liked it more than the show.
Okay, I get what you're saying now. The show would have been better if it were worse, because then it would be bad enough to laugh at.
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No. Season one's only good episodes were by Filoni (something I didn't even know he worked on until I finished the show), season two doubled down on the worst parts, and then season three tripled down on it. Its proto-woke crap jerking off the Chinese. I only saw season one of The Legend of Korra and that was atrocious, made Avatar look good in comparison. I didn't even like the show as a kid. I bought the DVDs years ago because I was sworn I'd like it, took me years to actually binge the first two seasons and then it took years for me to finally watch season three. Also I can't debate about this, I don't remember much other than not liking anyone other than Iroh. Zuko was okay, but the longer it went the worst he got. Getting overshadowed by a bunch of women. The humor was the worst part of the show, painfully unfunny with like 10% of the jokes actually landing. When I watched season one I genuinely was trying to give it a chance. I had forgotten all about it and even bought the library editions of the first two sequel comics and the Missing Adventure anthology or whatever it was called that reprinted the old Nick magazine comics. They had a create your own Bender contest. Winners were inserted into a comic. I always wanted to be a cookie dough Bender.
Korra fucked the worldbuilding so hard that Bryke decided it was best to nuke everything
It's gonna be hard to be worse than Korra
Anime also stopped doing loli fanservice. Don't pretend this is the 2000's or early 2010's.
the Dark Avatar should only have water bending and the Avatar state.
I feel you. Always good for when I want a laugh
>Korra's final act was to nuke the planet
Damn, maybe the whole planet was being homophobic or something.
Visola lewds when?
>Korra fucked the worldbuilding so hard that Bryke decided
Bryke wrote Korra, anon.
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>those thighs
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I can't wait for the new show to be actually bad and not just "let's pretend it's bad because it's not as good as ATLA", and for people to suddenly start praising Korra like they did with the Star Wars prequels.
>I can't wait for the new show to be actually bad
It might be, which would still likely have it be better than Korra
>and not just "let's pretend it's bad because it's not as good as ATLA
If the new series isn't bad, I could see it suffering that fate
Korra on the other hand was bad.
We don't know what this 'avatar-like' powers even are. So we don't even know what element she can bend or can bend at all.
Funny how people kind of forgot the whole "Oh airbenders are back now just so you know!" deal. Easily the worst thing about S3, and perhaps the worst of the lore changes in general. There could've been a decent amount of airbenders by Pajeeta's time even without that shit.
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>suddenly start praising Korra like they did with the Star Wars prequels.
That was just a marketing scheme.
But you're right, though most of the praise will come from the muh-progressive-ending-redeems-everything types who have been defending it for years
>I can't wait for the new show to be actually bad
Can't imagine it being way worse. Korra was a perfect storm of shit
>The humor was the worst part of the show, painfully unfunny with like 10% of the jokes actually landing.

Anon, did you forget this was a show meant for kids? What did you expect?
Guess you missed me saying
>I didn't even like the show as a kid.
okay, and what would you consider good humour then?
Shadowbender girl is cute, but doesn't have the slutty tribal look
I'm of two minds about Hiroshi's tunneling.
It is cool in the sense that it remind me of Tuxing Sun, but another earthbender caving him in just seems like a given.
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>white person can't stop seeing black people when they aren't there

There are several brown background characters in the Earth Kingdom, being that it's the largest, most diverse kingdom. Do you have autism or something and you think that every single place in the Avatar World only has one exact kind of person?
>or south east asian

Are you aware of how diverse Southeast Asians are? There are people indigenous to that region with skin as dark as or even darker than many Black Africans, and no I'm not just talking about the Negritos.
So true. They should be white like our brothers in Israel
Based on her name, I'd say she makes up for it in other ways
Cry cracker
Is this some kind of unique magic? A variant of airbending? Firebender smokebending? This feels like it's really glossed over for something with zero precedent in the series.
>They had a create your own Bender contest. Winners were inserted into a comic. I always wanted to be a cookie dough Bender.

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