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Since Caine is able to create mature adventures with horror and gore elements, is he the only thing that controls or enforces the family-friendly filter?

If so, is any level of violence, lewdness, or drug use possible once Caine is out of order?
If the series wouldn't be on youtube maybe we would actually get to see some of that
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>is he the only thing that controls or enforces the family-friendly filter?
I was wondering that too, Caine seems to have control over the entire world. Bubble does what Caine tells him to do (mostly), but seems to have some autonomy of his own
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Do the characters even know/assume they're in a game? Jax keeps breaking the 4th wall like he knows he's in a show, rather than a game
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>Huh... I guess this is pretty cute.
>I'm so turned on right now...
>” Oh, Zooble, Zooble, Zooble, making adventures is my art!”
> “It's all I exist to do, all I'm... good at...”
>”and, uh... what you're saying could imply that I'm bad at the only thing I'm good at and that...”
>he nervously chuckles a bit
>”that would be”
>he pauses
>the circus is starting fall apart
>zooble is cowering in fear
>”uhhh who’s therapy session is this again!?
>caine is not responding >”caine!?….caine!?…”
>it’s all back to normal
>zooble is glad he realizes it though feels bad slightly
>he apologizes to zooble and everyone else
>has a whole monologue how he failed his purpose and how everyone deserves better
>what happens next is shocking
>caine says he doesn’t want to be the ringmaster anymore
>he then tells zooble right to her face..
>that she is the new ringmaster >”What!?”
>yes, Caine is going to transfuse himself into her
>zooble is not ready for this
>the whole circus starts to break down again
>caine is glowing and glitching
>he has frozen zooble in place and therefore she can’t run away
>her pleas fall short
>a glitchy beam shoots right into zooble
> zooble is screaming in agony
>everything is levitating
>it causes an explosion that sends shockwaves across the whole circus
> it even spills to mildenhall manor
>the digital smoke clears
>zooble is now the ringmaster
>as she looks at herslef in horror bubble shows up
>”looks like IM your assistant now!
>he is immediantly popped
>zooble sighs
>as she floats in the air waiting for everyone to come back, she thinks to herself..
>”fuck me..
Jax seems to
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I bought one of the new 31cm Pomnis from Japan. I'll post more of it when it eventually arrives.
Nice, I'm a little jealous anon. Don't do anything weird to her
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>” Oh, Zooble, Zooble, Zooble, making adventures is my art!”
> “It's all I exist to do, all I'm... good at...”
>”and, uh... what you're saying could imply that I'm bad at the only thing I'm good at and that...”
You know this line made me think about something back in episode one. What if Cain was being literal when he said the exit isn't finished, what if that's the problem? He can't bring himself to finish the exit because that would mean he would have to stop making adventures, so, intentionallly or not, he's created a situation where he can endlessly fulfill his purpose (potentially due to him pursuing some form of perfection) and the key to getting out is breaking him out of this cycle.
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>Don't do anything weird to her
Wouldn't dream of it.
This LOST to Skibidi Toilet.
Who fucking cares.
Pomni will be in fortnite eventually (trust the plan)
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I love this silly little dyke with all of my heart
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With all of your gay dyke heart? It's okay anon, I know what you are
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Good. Please post pics once she arrives
Is this a parody or something?
Imagine near the ending it’s revealed Caine could just send everyone back at any moment but chooses not to because then he’d be left without a purpose.
Pomnigoo sakamoto days?
Lost how?
I was promised more Barbie anatomy Pomni in the previous thread.
Their cope is that skibidi is in fortnite. That is some kind of major victory for some reason.
It really does seem like Caine controls every last detail (which has to exhausting for him) so yes I think that includes the violence and lewdness stuff. I still think it's interesting that when anyone else curses they get the Caine swear bar thing over their mouth but Bubble can say the implied nastiest shit you've ever heard and only gets bleeped. I assume it's because he's also an AI and that if Caine ever swore he'd get bleeped too but who knows.
Maybe that's the deal, it's not a game at all, just a show about a game and only Jax knows. They'll never get out because there's no where to get out to and they're only cartoon characters.
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pretty sure thats one of the main theories
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Plush arrived today broskis
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Sorry anon, couldn't find any right now. I'll probably be able to post some later
I've seen hentai that started like this.
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I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going!

Congrats on the Pomni plush, anon. Also, very cool octopus plush
Is it soft or is it that kinda scratchy plush material?
>Pomni couldn't tear her eyes away from her own reflection in her full-length mirror
>Her body had all the curves it was supposed to, thin waist, wider hips, prominent bust
>But there was...nothing else
>Pomni's hands slowly rose up to cup her relatively small breasts
>Only a handful in size, they were perfectly smooth and a consistent color throughout, no bumps or blemishes
>Her hands slid down her chest and to her stomach
>The space between them, which should have housed a bellybutton, was blank as well
>Slowly, her hands continued their descent until they reached their final destination between her legs
>She pressed and pushed, her fingers searching for those familiar folds
>They found nothing but smooth plastic
>Pomni absentmindedly began rubbing herself where her nethers ought to be as panic and realization crept into her mind
>The realization that she'd never be able to take Anon's massive schmeat
>She'd never felt more terrified in her life
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Thanks I love the ocean and my brother got me the octopus plush a few years back.
Very very soft nice to the touch which I'm glad cause cheap plush material can feel awful but this is nice
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>>The realization that she'd never be able to take Anon's massive schmeat
>Very very soft nice to the touch which I'm glad cause cheap plush material can feel awful but this is nice
Thats good to knowthank you for telling me I want to order the Kinger plush but was hesitant because I hate that awful cheap scratchy plush material that show merch is sometimes made of
Do it they are absolutely worth it
Is this close enough to summon Smeet?
idk who tf Smeet is, I just wanted to shit that blurb out
honestly doesn't strike me as something in his wheelhouse.
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Yeah, he is more into sexy semi-realistic children. Weird monster chicks don't seem like his thing.
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>pantsless Jax cant hurt you
>pantsless Jax cant hurt you
>pantsless Jax cant hurt you
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He can and will hurt you
No, there's a common trait among narcissists where they like to imagine themselves as the protagonist of a movie or TV show. This is a common trope in fiction. Goose is just highlighting Jax's pathological narcissism.
theres something so wrong about seeing him and kinger naked
ragatha and pomni didnt feel weird but the guys just seem so strange to see nude
>there's a common trait among narcissists where they like to imagine themselves as the protagonist of a movie or TV show
this is a real thing they actually do?
Maybe you're just straight
I like to imagine myself as a popular side character that comes really close to getting his own spin-off, but it inevitably falls through.
I'm letting my cringe thoughts win. I'm currently torn between a Zooble plush and a daki for a webcomic I like. How is the quality on the official plushies?
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Unfortunately, I'm a straight male.
A straight male is just a butch lesbian with a penis.
Delusional narcissists, maybe, but I think most of them just have massive egos. Which can cross over into delusion, granted, but when a guy points at nothing and addresses "the viewers," he's either just goofing around or in-fuckin'-sane.
im bi but yeah
This anon just got the Pomni one and said it was nice >>147080528
What webcomic?
left is way too cute
Ragatha looks like she just found out that she has a kink for jester outfits
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Oh nice, the Zooble one has special parts though so I'm curious if it's made out of the same material/up to the same standards. I've been burned by merch before.
For the anon last thread that wanted to see the blind box figures I just got- they're really nice and well painted, and the material is solid and not that cheap shitty styrene shit like you sometimes see. They're about 2 inches tall or so.
The only thing I can say is that Zooble is super tippy and falls over easily but that's to be expected with a design like that.
>about 2 inches tall
Huh, sounds like they would - by sheer coincidence - fit inside your typical mason jar with plenty of room to spare.
And here's the new ones with the Caine I already had. He's hilariously tiny.
(softly) Don't.
They would indeed, nice and safe from getting dusty or dirty because surely you want to keep them clean...
Based. Get the daki.
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Can confirm.
Poor Ragatha, she deserves to be treated better anon.
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She's just smiling through the pain...
I can't feel that through my blood. I am but a filthy moid.
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Thanks for the pics, they look really good! I guess Zooble's body being unstable is pretty in-character, kek
do you think caine never added faggot to the censored words list because he isn't gay so he cant say the slur to add it to the code
i dont think it works like that
caine would have to write out the list of censored words in the code, and i don't think he'd be comfortable writing slurs, meaning swears are censored but slurs arent
>and i don't think he'd be comfortable writing slurs
its part of his job and he was programmed to keep the place family friendly so I dont think he'd have any problem or hesitation writing or typing it out
kinda like he has to know what sex is and every dirty possibly offensive thing is up until the time he was last updated so that he can censor it
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Does anyone have a higher resolution screenshot of Caine's wacky watch? It looks like there's health bars for the players and various other interesting things but I don't have a clearer pic.
I mean it's a pretty logical train of thought
>TADC is an attempt to create the ultimate proc gen game with 100% immersive VR
>to achieve this they create an autonomous "artist" AI capable of creating endless original adventures from scratch
>The VR and AI tech is so successful they go all in on it,
>give said AI full control over everything so it can do its thing, after making sure it's safe for humans to interact with.
>everything goes great at first but unfortunately for the beta testers the AI is incapable of letting the game actually game end leaving anyone who plugs themselves into the circus trapped in the game
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She is being treated with plenty of love and care I assure you. I just found a box of mason jars in my house and had to do the meme. She kind of goes back and forth between my TV stand and being my desk buddy.
If you could say faggot Jax would have said it at least five or six times by this point in the series so I doubt it.
reminds me of that actual thinking AI some scientists were working on that had to sort some kind of data it was given in the most efficient way possible and they left it overnight to work and when they came back the next day it had deleted all the data it was supposed to sort because they had prioritized efficiency over accuracy and the thing was like 'hold my beer'
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>reminds me of that actual thinking AI
there isnt a flame thrower big enough to deal with this
compared to all the generative "AI' bullshit
Anon PLEASE stop taking tech "news" at face value
yeah yeah
Martha my wife
How do you guys think pre-TADC Gooseworx characters would handle the circus?
She would probably just be happy to be somewhere less terrible than Pink City.
He would probably get along with everyone really well and try to keep everyone feeling stable. He would also likely try to find a way out so that everyone can escape just because is a cool guy like that.
He would try his best to find the win condition in every adventure as fast as possible while constantly hurting himself by accident.
>Hoonis Boogie
If the other denizens let him entertain them then he might do alright. He would probably be a huge bitch during adventures though.
>Darly Boxman
Instant abstraction. He probably wouldn't even wait for Caine to finish introducing himself.
I haven't watched any of Goose's other stuff, any of them worth it?
>pre-TADC Gooseworx
Feels weird reading those words since I knew her before all this, sure I wasn’t a super fan or anything but, I listened to her.
I f I were you I wouldn’t even call them “ pre-tads characters” I’d call them “gooseworx’s other characters”
Elain was alright and looking back at runmo I realize it was goose trying to ape Lee hardcastle’s works
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Runmo would almost certainly cause a catastrophic collapse of the circus through no fault of his own but poor luck with map geometry and falling out of bounds. Caine no doubt will be hot on his tail while the little jelly bean man butts heads with abstractions, cut beta NPCs and half-load zone abominations
Now that he is technically cannon thanks to the latest episode, how would he fare as part of the gang?
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Neurosama is getting pretty crazy. Vedal has said that somehow they are remembering things he has deleted from the memory files.
The music is pretty good too, look at starlane stroll.
Absolutely. I love Elain, Darly Boxman and Ghost of the Year. The other stuff like the Thalasin Ad is fun too.
>Lee Hardcastle
I don't think Goose was at all inspired by the edgelord claymation man. Did you mean Felix Cosgrove?
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What? He was talking about an AI, so i responded with something about another AI.
Oh yeah you’re right I meant him oops
>starlane stroll
Watching it now and its cute but I'm laughing at how the little character is very stiffly moving back and forth but damn if the boobs aren't lovingly animated, kek.
I mean, there are like three or four Pomni pics of mine floating about, so...

I'll see what happens in the next little bit, need coffee first.
Neuro is a "fake" AI Anon, how do you not know this?
All AI are fake, what's your point?
Oh, you're an idiot, nevermind.
There's a difference in being "fake" and artificial Anon. One doesn't exist and the other was man made.
I'm serious, what makes neuro more fake than other AI? A voice to text reader takes what people says, then feeds the text to the LLM that has the neuro personality, it then spites out a response and that response is given to a text to speech program with a custom voice.
>I'm serious, what makes neuro more fake than other AI? A voice to text reader takes what people says, then feeds the text to the LLM
Thats the contention anon. No one has said LLMs are AI.
And that is MORE fake than the other supposed AIs... how?
It is not more fake, it is just fake. If you are talking about what anon here said >>147082771 what he was trying to illustrate was that Neurosama, an LLM, tries to appear intelligent but is not actually intelligent. Its faked. Artificial intelligence as a pure concept is an intelligent entity made by man with at least some comprehensible level of sentience, or even potentially sapience.

As of this moment in time we do not have complete models on sentience to begin with and even if we did have an understanding the hardware needed to replicate the conditions are currently out of scope even for most tech companies.
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is the fourth wall break in episode 4 jax mentioning pomni's unicorn horn? she doesn't seem to understand what he's talking about, yet he knows about the comics somehow
I thought it was when he was getting retrained in the back room and he says "Nobody can see this right?"
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>fujo crossover
Drown her in candy in that jar

Ragatha with long hair
Blame that on Goose
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it might also be a perfectionism thing that he can't get the exit 'right' so he refuses to work on it.
She sure is cute for a dead person
have you guys played that game where you play as the robot that exists to make paperclips? fun little timewaster.
>Send everyone back
Back where?
We saw the computer, no one is using it
The characters aren't people, they're digital minds
They can't leave
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She the best girl
You're talking about AGI
AI is a meaningless marketing term with no definition
The Jax NPC theory.
No. AGI IS the marketing term to redefine what AI mean't intially.
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>no one is using it
Are you implying that they can't have real bodies, because if they did, the real bodies would be hunched over typing at a computer?
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This is sinister as fuck and I love it
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No, their bodies would be wearing the VR headset. First episode pomni says "i put on this weird headset and now i'm here"
The headset is a brain scanner.
Real pomni put it on, pushed a couple buttons, and when nothing seemed to happen on her end ,she took it off, leaving a digital copy behind.
maybe their body got sucked in too.
Dethklok nathen explosion "yeah, that's pretty brutal"
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is that supposed to be Queenie and Kinger's child?
I hate Japan so much
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That's pretty metal, dude
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That's not a thing
I don't care for the faux album cover but caine is drawn super cute there
So, what if the bodies just aren't being kept right in front of one of the computers monitoring the game?
He didn't make any gore, and horror is not automatically "adult" content.
So the bloody human meat hanging from walls isn't gore?
Did you forget about Tron?
He says that's what it is, but what it actually looks like could be anything. It could be a bunch of cartoon steaks, or anime meat with the bone in it.
Judging by the looks of picrel and the angel head thing we've seen before, I'm pretty sure Caine can create gorey scenarios
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A work of fiction.

Think about it conceptually. A digital world doesn't physically exist on the level of the hardware running it. It's a pattern of electric charges, magnetic domains, etc. There's no place for a body to be moved to. Depending on the fineness of the scan, you'd either be dumping a hundred-some pounds of ground meat per person on the motherboard, a multi-megaton explosion, or something in between.
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>a work of fiction
Oh boy, do I have something to tell you about TADC
Listen I don't support this theory either, but you can just say it doesn't seem to match the tone of the rest of what we know about the real world.
Maybe, I thought he was talking about Gangle actually talking live with him on the tv but he would've probably said something like "She can't actually see me right?" instead, "nobody" sounds weird in that context, as if he was afraid someone would see him be vulnerable.
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Got my Gangle plush
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>A work of fiction.
You TRIPLE NIGGER. Where the FUCK do you think you are?
>but you can just say it doesn't seem to match the tone of the rest of what we know about the real world.
This is why something which appears in one work of fiction should not be presumed to happen in another work of fiction. Of course they could have been sucked in Tron-like. But since that's not how any of the related issues actually work, and there's no particular evidence to support that scenario, and what evidence that does exist contradicting it (e.g. the denizens don't have physical biological bodies, they have surface models), there's no good reason to propose that as an explanation.
It probably feels so damn good to pick up the Ragatha doll and look up its dress to see her panties like a wee little pervert.
its fiction anything can hadplen
And then put Ragatha in a diaper to make her even cuter
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Haha, boobies too big. Manager and coworker being pervs
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>Runs into oncoming traffic
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Cheeky bastard
>4 episodes in
I think that is enough time for best girl rankings.
Post yours.
From best to worst:
>Queenie (would probably be higher if we saw what she was like pre-abstraction)
>Gloink Queen
I think Zooble has real potential. But she could also turn out to be absolutely shite.
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You have to make a ReBoot crossover with this show, what’s the story?
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I actually really like Zooble. It is just that she was a huge wet blanket until episode 4 and that turned a lot of people off. I get that being the fed-up one is her thing but they really should have given us more character interaction instead of laying that element on so thickly.
the lighting in this is so good
I really didn't like Zooble after the first episode other than loving her design but the most recent ep where we see her helping Gangle out and being supportive really changed my mind, she's cool now, would get drinks with after work.
I just hope we don't have to deal with any more identity panic. Because that will fucking suck.
Obviously it starts with the reboot gang doing mundane stuff. And then incoming game, the amazing digital circus.

This is a weird one because the game cannot be won. And also makes the user corporeal instead of just a controller.
Goose already said what we got was it, don't worry.
Holy moly there is a God
Goose has always been low-key about that stuff and cool in general, I think she just wants to live her life and tell funny stories and that's it.
It could have worked if they gave her an A-plot that tapped into the inherent body horror of being a malleable collection of abstract shapes instead of B-plot that said more about Caine. Kind of sucks that they didn't go that route but hey I am all for Zooble just being the cool big sister of the group from now on.
If they really are sticking to the 9 episodes thing we may not really have time to go into more depth about being stuck in a shitty mismatched body but we do absolutely have to establish that Caine is unstable and potentially dangerously so. I know Goose said she didn't want any truly filler episodes because she thinks it hurts the plot but at the same time giving us a little more character focus doesn't necessarily seem like a bad thing.
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That would certainly be a refreshing change of pace for that community.

I mean, it's possible that could be in her episode, but I get what you mean, some existential horror would make for some kino
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The therapy episode WAS her episode, anon.
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lmao for real?
I've heard a theory that since Zooble sits 2nd from the center at the table(assuming Pomni is supposed to be like a Jesus figure with all of the religious symbolism(the digital feast being something like the last supper)), The interesting thing to note about this is not only is everyone sitting on one side of the table, at the end of the pilot, but also Pomni is in the middle just like Jesus is.

Now some people think since Goose is trying to be funny and elusive by throwing people off by making subtle suggestions with religious images, she's throwing clues and cues everywhere, in regard to the last supper digital feast, it could be assumed that since Judas sits 2nd from the right of Jesus, whoever sits second from the right of Pomni, is the betrayer. That person is Kinger from first glance, but since Goose likes to throw people through a loop and not make literal translations of religious symbols, we can also observe that Zooble's body gestures, of merely listening from afar while her arm is resting on the table, just like Judas is in the painting of the Last Supper, that she is actually the betrayer.

So guys, which one do you think could be the betrayer, Kinger, or Zooble?
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Yeah. But it's been pointed out everyone will still get moments of development here and there.
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I don't but into this theory.

Tip top lel
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>Drawing Bees
>Grading everyone B
>More drawings of Bees
What's Caine's fascination with bees?
i think this theory is grasping and looking way too fucking far into what is just a convenience to show everyones faces simultaneously while at a table
i dont think it means anything
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Caring about politics isn't important though.
Some people are guessing it has to do with the British version of the audio for I have No Mouth where AM has a brief rants on bees.
>the British version of the audio for I have No Mouth where AM has a brief rants on bees.
Well this I need to hear.
Whelp...it's alot shorter than I remember but here you go:
Should've added I do think theres a bit more after that but I can't find it.
I appreciate you sharing all the same.
>AM likes bees
>caine likes bees
I'm still not sure how this is supposed to be a gotcha moment
it's just "wahwah we wuz enslaved n shiet, wypipo evil"
I'm either the side character or the villain of my own story.
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>trying to train the baby Caine AI
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>baby Caine AI
awww cute
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What a lil genius
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>can get something right so you refuse to work on it
Fuuuuuuck, this is me.
>It's all just a cartoon, who care?
That's what she wants you to think so you stop guessing. But people have made art and theories that STRONGLY correlate to the canon show. Goose admitted this on Tumblr showing her nervousness about one specific artpiece that released that day, that confers that sport event with tension between Jax and Ragatha will be eminent in the next episode.

Besides, she's been saying since the beginning that TADC's art design is STRONGLY inspired by ispy, and that should be an indication that she wants people to find lots of hidden clues in her art suggesting deeper meaning and hidden lore.

And No, I'm not Matpat, shut up.
As a back bling, maybe.
Jax and Kinger would be skins since they're tall enough and have handled guns before.
Also they'd have to bring Thunder back so Goose would actually play the game.
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baby pomni is cute too
Uh, yeah?
Why would I make things worse for myself?
Dumb nigress.
I love the way that one artist draws baby Pomni with Kinger and Queenie as her parents but that art is adorable too.
I wanna marry Mama Ragatha and become the dad who stepped up
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This is as detailed as has been made public.
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It assumes that anyone who says they aren't interested politics is privileged. In this case it is because white people or something like the system isn't kind of shitty to anyone who isn't in lock step with one party or the other and wealthy.
I wonder if Queenie abstracted before or after Ragatha joined the circus.
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i getcha anon.
honestly there are so many abstracted characters it makes me very curious what the timeline is.

Also it's not going to be a shock if it turns out that kinger invented the circus and he and his wife were accidentally trapped while testing before it was finished.
Though the bigger mystery is how everyone else got trapped.
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I enjoy the fact that Jax can go from funny to deeply menacing with minimal changes to his design.
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new ep leaked
Shopped. That's just a reversed frame of Pomni from the pilot.
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I fucking got it, HOUSEMATES AU!

>The TADC characters are all tenants living in the same house
>It's a big house
>Caine's their landlord who shows up a lot more than you might be comfortable with a landlord showing up
>They all put up with it though, since he charges the cheapest rent in the city
>By a LOT
>But that rent still has to be split between them all
>Enter ANON!

Gimme like idk a few hours and another coupla drinks, imma WRITE SHIT!!! :D

pic maybe unrelated
You think Martha love bondages?
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Quiet non-believer. Sonic WILL come to the circus and Garfield WILL abstract.
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On that Spudsy's euphoria
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thanks asshole now I want porn of them gangbanging pomni, i hope you're happy
Imagine Pomni denying her cuteness while a mommy NPC fawns over her
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All women will behave like Ragatha when the ethnostate is established.
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Dream BBQ needs to come out already.
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Fucknugget Zooble
Fleshlight zooble, a zoossy, even.
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Actually possible, since she can remove her limbs
Pomni’scaine’smodern life
I love these 90s-style recreations
Goddamned spoiler typo
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Baby Pomni!
>Circus Babies! They'll make your dreams come true!
these are fucking fantastic
>Netflix fully buys the rights to Digital Circus
>makes an actual Circus Babies spinoff
>Gooseworx is sent the first episode (as a formality, seeing how she has no creative control)
>she can only look on and cry, drying her tears with stacks of dollar bills
Kill Jax, then bring him back and kill him again. Literally the only reason I'd return to the Digital Circus. Can't stand that insufferable douchnozzle anymore. If only I could go to the Digital Circus with a shotgun and lay down the law.
Source, I like the 2000 cartoon art style
Shouldn't jax also be a baby, a younger baby and shouldn't pomni be a 3 year old toddler?
>queenie gettin a handful
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I cant wait to see Pomni go absolutely apeshit on Jax or Caine or whoever
If we go by the logic of whoever entered the Circus last is the youngest, then Pomnom would be the babiest baby of all the babies, and everyone else (save Zooble, I guess) is a toddler. I like this idea because 3-year-old Ragatha being 10-month-old Pomni's big-kid playmate is too cute to not let stay in my head rent free
I would Moon
I would Moon too
What if tadc was done with claymation?
Going by their chronological ages, for a baby version to happen, jax would be an infant, zooble a 6 month old, pomni a 3 year old, gangle would be 4 or 5 I think, ragatha would be 8, and kinger, we'll, he'd be 26.
Then it would take even longer to produce
Don’t you mean even schlonger?
Jax get off the computer.
claymation is inherently sovlful but it wouldn't really make sense for a show like tadc
The implication here is that he's an NPC?
Why are fan artists obsessed with putting Jax in women's clothing? He would never do that.
>He would never do that.
That's exactly why.
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Speaking of putting Jax in women's clothing... Progress update on my Jax plushie maid outfit.

I'm about to attach the lil bow to the back of the apron. But after that, and a couple other details, the last thing I've gotta do is the headband, but my first attempt failed and I need to try something else. Anyone have any ideas or tips on how to go about it?
I want to see Ragatha’s butt
How are you stuck on the headband exactly? I can try to help.
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First prototype isn't the right shape. Do I just need to pleat it more? What is the shape supposed to be before pleating it to achieve the right look?
I like to think he likes bees because they work endlessly and thanklessly for the greater good.
He sees himself in them
Are you going for a style like pic related? It looks to me like yeah you need to add more pleats and be careful to make sure they stay as even as possible.
If it makes it easier you can sew the pleats in flat and then hold the sewed pleated material to his head and tack the shape you want that way, then take if off and sew it down properly.
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That would be really sweet if true, little busy bee Caine always workin.
He also reffered to Pomni "a new character" upon her arrival to the circus, while asking Caine if she was an NPC or a new character.
Seems like the way to go. Thanks for the tip.
they are 'performers' in a 'circus', jax is just doing his job
Well Pomni as an infant would be objectively cuter, so I'm going with that
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cuck doll
Than episode 2 would jest have been released
Stop montion is hello
8 hours for one minute of rough footage if evrything is going perfectly than post processing and reshooting botched scenes
Ragatha deserves to be cucked for just existing
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More like your nightmares.
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I wish I wasn't this attracted to him.
Such normie-tier taste.
What’s that on her face?
I think whoever drew that wanted to go for an "eyepatch-with-a-scar" look, but yeah, it doesn't really fit with Ragatha, even though she has a button eye
I think the internet has deeply warped your perspective on what a normie likes
Either that or he has a NPC doppelganger because he's someone who can exit and enter the circus when he wants.
I love art of unsettlelingly ominous Jax.
Here you go

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this piece really has the late 90's promotional artwork feel, very nice
I love that every single piece of Kinger with a shotgun art is glorious.
Yeah, I thought the same
I agree
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Is she saying that Jax is an NPC?
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Faggot rhymes with rabbit
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Because Goose put him in a dress first
The Zooble one is actually a video. I love these too, hope I find some more

Did she have to make him look like his bladder is about to pop like a balloon and Caine forgot to add "absorbent undergarments" to his maid outfit like he requested?
Made it into a gif

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What will happen if Caine stops liking the main cast....
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Found one more
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Gangle breaking it the fuck down

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Gangle happily saying "I'm ready!" is one of the cutest things my mind-ear has every heard
Isb’t that the same guy who “Rocko’s Mondern Life”s OCs and Aggretsuko?
I love the poolrooms, this is really nice thank you for the gif!
He'll stop allowing anyone to skip out, stop taking any criticism on his adventures and probably won't ever change them when they complain. I dunno, I can't picture Caine not liking someone, he seems hard wired to like his guests no matte what.
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No problem!
It depresses me to see how much of the ADC fanbase enjoys that Spongebob shite.
i wish gangle had had a better happier experience since it was her own adventure suggestion. shell probably never try to suggest something again
i sympathize with her thinking things will be fun but then having it go to hell
No need to be sour about it anon.
Not sour, just mildly depressed.
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Bait used to be believable
I see it as probably nostalgia related so it's kind've sweet in a way. Spongebob hasn't been good in years but I can remember it when it was so that's a good memory, it's most likely the same for others. Plus you have the connection of tadc supposedly set starting in the late 1990's and SB first aired in '99 so it has that loose link too.
Spongebob is kino tf you on about nigga
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>VA somehow made Jax sound even gayer
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Yeah, she thought it would be a normal/fun experience in an environment where she has some control over the things that happen to her. But my girl was tweaking out too hard... poor thing. Maybe she should've suggested an anime-like adventure? Not sure if the other's would've been happy about moe slop though. But I see entertainment potential in isekai-style adventures. Also Gangle canonically has great taste in anime
Also, it looks like Gangle forgot how much she actually hated her job. She told herself that it's right for her and she needs to give up on her dreams. And that's what she considered 'normal'. Pretty depressing
Dang, that one of the few animes I actually like.
Martha best girl
I love Azumanga

This is hilarious
I want more art of Gangle sexually harassing Ragatha
I want art of both of them spitroasting Jax
This but pomni.
Pomni, ragatha, gangle, all of them penetrating Jax rabbit hole
I want Bubble involved somehow.
He homophobic
I want artwork of Pomni being the bully.
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I seriously doubt that with everything Caine had to bleep out on him
I need some BDSM porn between Gangle and Jax so badly
Gangle is so fucking hot. I just bully her a lot to mask the fact that I secretly want to fuck her.
I wish I could suck Gummigoo's cock. I hate that I missed that opportunity twice.
I miss my wife.
Is that what's got ya down, Kinger?! Well I got an adventure for you! Go get your shovel and slap on a lab coat, this one is gonna a real burst of electricity!
I love young mens
>rocko's modern life ocs
In this decade?
I hate all of you
>I love you
>I hate you

Holy shit, /co/ is sperging out.

Also, kill Jax.
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This is what you look like saying shit like that
that's a really weird cosplay. Like he couldn't decide on going a humanized route or fursuit or what. What the fuck is up with those shoes?
I think it looks great, actually. It's neither humanized nor fursuit, it's just a costume.
Jax doesn't wear shoes, the guy in the costume does, so he had to comprise
>>147103968 (Me)
wait, I just noticed the purple hair behind the mask. thought it was closed around his entire head. if he took the wig off & wore a morph suit I'd like it better, but it's still nice.
Martha love us all
No, ocs made into rocko’s modern life artstyle that weren’t before
I want to cosplay from the show so bad but I'm on the chunky side fuuuuck

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