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Biggest Goku fanboy vs Biggest Superman fanboy
the infinite void would break under their combined weight
No one would be able to out debate ben if he was into powerscaling
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You betcha!
I'll give it to the superman fanboy.
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I don't know about all that but My Queen solos JJK, DDD, KnY, Gachiakuta, Nue Exorcist, Kagurabachi, Centuria, Madan no Ichi, and Choujin X.
But can she beat Rapeman?
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>has access to phoenix force which was given to him at birth
>has power cosmic
>has full Odinforce
>absorbed Zeus's power
>has powers of Gaea
Thor is STRONG.....
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HE approaches...
Friendly reminder this guy is canonically slower than Wolverine
>Wolverine is faster than Selina
>Selina BTFO all Flashes
My HERO!!!
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Why is manga beating comics so badly?
>CHADverine is IMMEASURABLE speed
Wolverine? You mean the canon CASUAL moon buster?
You mean the guy who's depicted to always be sub spiderman level?
New to Powerscaling and I have two questions
1: why people just always assume any DC or Marvel MU against non DC or Marvel characters ends with a DC/Marvel win?
People don't even bother researching or making a single argument, it's always "they are comics so I'm sure they win, even if I don't know who this character or the character he is fighting against is"
2: what the actual fuck is "dimensionality"? What does that mean, and how it relates to power?
Can a multiversal guy lose to a universal guy just because the latter has higher dimensions or something?
Also how true it is that the common understanding of dimensionality comes from Capeshit comics?
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Nope. I mean the moon buster.
Mostly because the logic of “comic characters are busted. No explanation needed” and “Comic characters have existed for so long you can find a page of one of the low tiers beating up a high tier” have basically become normal in the space. It’s why people assumed that Rocket or Iron Fist would just immediately win their fights.
It usually refers to things like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dimension. People usually use it to say that a lower dimensional being, say 2D, can’t beat a higher dimensional being, 3D, because the latter can interact with a higher plane of existence and would be effectively untouchable by the former. Like a 3D being could stab a 4D being, but the 4D being could just waltz back in time to stop the stabbing from ever happening. Sometimes people use it to say that being able to destroy a universe with more dimensions makes someone stronger than a being who has less dimensions.
>too strong for death battle
>too strong for vs battles wiki
Hulk victim.
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You know. I'm starting to think that 17 was on to something, becoming a Park Ranger...
1. Because people don't read comics, and comicfags take a bunch of stuff out of context to make it seem like comic heroes are overpowered.
2. VSBW jargon. Doesn't mean shit in the source material or in relation to power.
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Would Goku consider a 50% enraged Ostrich a “deadly” threat to his life?
*2 months from now*
>*panting* Haah... Haah... I gave... hah... it my all... but how are you so fast?! You truly are something base classic Tails
3 - 0
Funny you think Ian Flynn’s gonna let Tails hang out or fight with any of the cool guys in DC
On the other hand, if only Sonic is allowed to race Flash, and Flash curbstomps him with his gajillions times lightspeed, then that’ll confirm the entire sonicverse is slower than peak human
...said Batman while wearing the Flash's suit.
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>not fraudchecking speedsters
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>Doesn't mean shit in the source material or in relation to power.
You're clinically retarded, since most fiction that include dimensionality imply it in the setting and/or state it directly that the higher ones be infinitely larger than the lower ones.
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Name one and post the scene.

You can't? Figures...
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>listroon already seething at CapeGODS
Thor solos your verse.
Time to kneel and apologize to VSBWscholars
Hitler would put his jew ass where he belongs.
Neither of them are actually all that good at debate. They are, however, good at picking their opponents.
I really hated that twist they introduced in Avengers BC.
>Phoenix imbued Thor with her power at Thor's birth
>His mother is Gaea and he also gets her powers
>gets Odinforce from Odin
You rike?
There are a number of factors. The most damning is probably that the monolithic status of some characters makes them (for lack of a better term) too well known to spark interest. To put it in another way, how many Christians have actually read the Bible vs learning about it through osmosis. If one assumes that they know everything they need to know, then they become less likely to engage with the material.
Contributing to that is adaptational dissonance, where the media surrounding the characters has eclipsed the popularity of the original media. This leads to people assuming familiarty in addition to the already present osmosis.
Finally, manga generally comes out at a faster rate than comics.
I can't really answer the second question, but regarding the first question: People who say, "They're comics, so I'm sure they win," clearly don't read comics. Take the Joker, for example. He's smart, cunning, and can hold his own against Batman in a fight (though Batman is undoubtedly the better fighter). However, some goons will point to feats from Emperor Joker—where he had reality-warping powers—and use that to claim the Joker could beat anyone.

What they fail to acknowledge is the context of that feat: the Joker was amped, meaning he had powers far beyond his usual capabilities. Feats like that shouldn't count for his "normal" version. This happens a lot in comics, where characters temporarily gain power-ups that allow them to perform extraordinary feats. If the people citing these examples actually read the comics, they'd understand this.

Additionally, many DC and Marvel characters have been around for over 60 years, which means decades' worth of feats. People assume that within all that time, the character has likely done something ridiculously powerful—and they're right to an extent. But they often ignore that characters get nerfed, and these feats can be retconned within that time as well.

On top of that, they might cite alternate versions of characters without understanding the distinction. For example, Spider-Man from Earth-161 and Spider-Man from Earth-13 are vastly different characters with entirely different abilities.
Thor on his way to get as many bloodlines as Ichigo.
Debating skill is just one small fraction.

You also need to be knowledgeable on the subject you're defending, the subject you're opposing, and the powerscale framework.
>Like three cape episodes total post-RT shutdown
Have we moved beyond "Oops All Capeshit" now? Are we in for "Oops All Anime"?
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Why is this even a debate? I've seen people argue endlessly over this.

Round 1 (no prep time): Luffy low-diffs Mr. Fantastic.

Round 2 (with prep time): Mr. Fantastic neg-diffs Luffy.

Are people on Twitter that retarded.
if you're just arguing brute force beween the both of them then yeah luffy wins but reed more than likely has a gadget that would one shot him
he's more akin to someone like rick or the doctor than he ever would be luffy, the stretching powers are just a bonus
>Phoenix imbued Thor with her power at Thor's birth
Why? What the fuck has he ever done with the phoenix force? What is the narrative purpose of it?
I'm not too well-versed in Reed's standard equipment. If you were to pull Reed out of nowhere, what gear would he typically have on him? Assuming he's not preparing for a fight and is just on a standard mission, what would he carry with him 80–100% of the time?
Dont jinx it. Also itd be more video games since most of the recent eps have/will be vidya centric
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Because powerscalers have no regard for consistency. The fact that Goku beats Superman 99% of the time doesn't matter to them because they ignore all of the "antifeats" as they call it.
What are some powers that the creator decided to forget or scrap because they were two powerful? Obvious one
>SHITraki forgetting Giorno’s sensory overload and reflecting attacks
star finger
DIO having hermit purple
sandman's sand powers (actually sound based fuck you)
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I'm a /m/an and I can see the pieces of Gunpla models this fucker traced. Not quite THIS embarrassing, but holy shit it's funny.
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JoJo is the biggest asspull series ever, all stands are inconsistent with their powers but no one cares since stands are creative and have cool designs. Don’t get me started on killer queen
keep in midn that's part of the same page as him blowing off galactus' leg
>recovers immediately
Get started on Killer Queen.
Gets Hakai'd to oblivion
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Rocks are OP
Still sub Spidey level
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I look like this. Guess my favorite character.
*Rocks thrown by the STRONGEST HUMAN are OP
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It's past your bedtime kid.
This chart is funny because Goku doesn't even have any feats that compare to Superman's highest, first of all.
Second, this chart implies that Goku is consistently outputting high level destructive feats as the series progresses, while Superman somehow gets "weaker", when everyone who watched the show know and read the manga know Goku doesn't do that.
Guess spidey is faster than bats and flash.
Doesnt exist
This MU sucks because Reed being an elastic guy is the least impressive thing about him.
He could give Rick Sanchez a run for his money
That's a given, DCattle jobs to a single Marvel ant
He'll just invent something out of no where that's beyond the scope of one piece world using materials maybe sea stone and some coconuts
I thought Reed was already above Rick.
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Dbfags have been wanking a single big feat from a decade ago and proceed to ignore everything that makes it questionable
No. It is a comparison between narratives. Dragon Ball as a franchise is one where the characters are always gaining power as a matter of the plot. Superman (and a lot of the big two comic characters) vacillates a lot more because foes come and go without ever necessarily growing in power, which Superman generally has actual fights with even if he doesn't necessarily struggle.
Comic books have more to source from than their opponents due to the nature of them. Plus with how wacky Comics gets with it's use of science and scale.
Dimensionality is considered higher because if they manipulate said dimension in the same way we manipulate ourselves in 3D spaces they're going to be doing things like slowing down time just by thinking it or by dimension hopping to find the one thing in the multiverse that kills (you)
In inventions hell no. My biggest peeve about the character is he so rarely makes anything cool like Doom does, he just says he’s the smartest and everyone agrees and kisses his feet. He should put his money where his mouth is more often like the Zeno Room, but that would change the status quo too much for them.

Maybe whoever said that gave Reed the Ultimate Nullifier, which does far outclass Rick in every way, but they shouldn’t as that’s neither Reed’s invention nor possession. Without that Rick’s basically toonforce
I know Reed is ridiculously smart—I'm aware of The Maker, the Council of Reeds, and the living math equation. But in a fight with no prep and, at best, his standard equipment, can Reed really hold his own? Can he truly jury-rig or MacGyver something to take down Luffy? It seems pretty difficult to whip something up when you're actively being attacked.

It's kinda funny how (as someone who started reading Jojo's recently) you can tell the majority of People who talk about Jojo here don't fucking read the mangas.
>forgetting Giorno’s sensory overload
It wasn't forgotten, it's just useless in most of the fights Giorno had, for that shit to work Gold Experience needs to touch you, and by the time Giorno can reach you with his stand he will just Muda'd you to end the fight, The black Sabbath fight was the only instance were Araki could have tried to showcase it again, but maybe the power doesn't work on stands.
>reflecting attacks
Same as above, Diavolo literally cuts himself to avoid the damage reflection after he got stung/bit by a scorpion/Snake (I don't remember the animal but I know it was some poisonous shit) created by GE, in the anime whoever they forgot about that and made Diavolo step on the animal (who I think was a Scorpion now that I think about it)
>Star finger
Useless attack that has more drawbacks than advantages, I genuinely don't know why the community is so obsessed with this thing...
>DIO having hermit purple
DIO uses it for utility because his actual Stand is better in almost every way (even the range disadvantage is kinda nullified once you take the time stop into account)
I won't comment on Soundman because it's been a while since I read SBR, I should re read it soon.
All the opposite, Jojo is legit very consistent and logical when it comes to the power system (it isn't perfect though) the problem is that the series still holds the audience to the same standards it had during the 90s when readers actually had a brain and tried to understand what was happening on the story.
Current Shounentards find slop like JJK "complicated" just because it uses a lot of words to try explain simple stuff, that's why most retards needed 10 years to understand King Crimson and GER, and why to this day people still get Mind raped by Stone Ocean.
What because he'll talk over you and call you an antisemite?
Because you can wank Batman up really high because he's beating multiversal threats despite being just a human. And lots of characters have gotten a hit in on Batman.
>people on Twitter
Post examples. You can probably get a no prep time Mr Fantastic win if you use some outliers.
I wish people would use powerscaling autism on Batman, just to expose how stupid their logic is as a whole.
There’s feats you could use to wank Batman - the ordinary human - as 2x as powerful as True Darkseid in pure strength alone
You are wrong.
Goku is consistently on a higher level. Goku never gets dazed or knocked out from being punched into a mountain or skyscraper. Superman does.
You can.
Outerversal fire hydrant
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>Goku is consistently on a higher level. Goku never gets dazed or knocked out from being punched into a mountain or skyscraper. Superman does.
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>Goku is consistently on a higher level. Goku never gets dazed or knocked out from being punched into a mountain or skyscraper. Superman does.
>Dragon Ball as a franchise is one where the characters are always gaining power as a matter of the plot.
Good job, you described your average shonen protag, accelerated evolution as an ability won't just make you stronger than Superman, especially since the gap between the two is uncountably bigger, and Superman doesn't get weaker so his previous high-tier feats don't get nullified.
Who wins?
People do all the time and it's actually a problem because it ruins fun match ups by making him so strong
>Iron Man
Luffy sisters? Didn't know Reed was pro life.
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I've seen people post this claim without any real explanation. All they say is that he was stretching into the fourth dimension, but they never clarify whether he was amped or not.
>Nobara asks Goku for a hair
>Goku gives it to her
>Nobara spams her CT
Yup yup, SHITku loses
>goku never gets dazed or knocked out
have you never watched or read any dragon ball or DBZ material ever?
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>Goku is consistently on a higher level. Goku never gets dazed or knocked out from being punched into a mountain or skyscraper. Superman does.
It's not Gunpla, it's Bay Prime. Specifically Revenge of the Fallen version, but every image I can find of it is a webp.
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>Uses Super and filler scenes
>Expects me to take him seriously
So you've never actually watched or read any DB/DBZ
Because they don't read the comics, they just see the scan and wank and they buy it.
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>Posts scene from the literal manga
>So you've never read it
You're retarded beyond belief.
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Pretty sure that's just a cube, not a fourth dimension
>g-goku never even gets dazed!
>posts a cherry picked page from a fight where goku spends half of it in a daze and getting his ass torn open
I think the best Reed matchups are ones that focus on his intelligence so - The Doctor,Rick Sanchez and Mr Terrific
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That kick would've killed Superman.
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Notice how much more damaged the ice was compared to Goku?
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>Compares ice to multiple islands worth of rock
Keep coping.
Because its never would X-run of a character beat non-comic character, its always would this weird amalgamation of a DC/marvel character so you end up with weird supermans that are immortal time travelling wizards that can shrug off reality warping and can destroy the multiverse by punching the air and you'll have people screaming until they're blue in the face that goku beats that in one hit
One thing that needs to be considered is that Reed has the power to make blades out of his body, and historically Luffy has not dealt with sharp objects well.

Luffy still wins, but this is a factor to consider.

They both lose to Plastic man.
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Currently Goku is a lot stronger than Superman. But Superman is really powerful right now because of the upcoming movie.
>he doesn't know about glacial erosion
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>Completely mind broken
1% Freiza shrugs of attacks more powerful than what nearly kills 100% Superman. Facts are facts.
Yes gocucks are mindbroken
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>Regenerated from a puddle
Okay, that’s got to be an outlier. Like when Wolverine regenerated from a single drop of blood.
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Reminder that it takes 54 Quadrillion Megatons to blow up the Earth. And Frieza effortlessly kicked that away.

Frieza (still holding back) is quite literally quadrillions of times more powerful than Superman based on canon.
Always funny how you post any of the many canon shots of goku jobbing and all the cope comes out looking for any random panel of supes reacting to a hit
Superfags really can't get Goku out of their heads, huh?
Gokufags really can't get Superman out of their heads, huh?
Schizos really can't get other schizos out of their heads, huh?
>Black Suit Spidey
>Iron Man
>Luke Cage
>Iron Fist
I can't believe people liked this obnoxious faggot
>Realistic Superman and Goku lose to Marisa
Yup, yup, TouhouCHADs can't stop winning!
Talking fast isn't debating
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He's still the most popular YouTube powerscaler (even though he barely posts anymore).
If Goku's so great, how come he didn't stop the JFK Assassination? If Superman's so great, how come he didn't unsink the Titanic?
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Our response?
Is Ben really a fan of Superman? Makes sense since Kal-El is Jewish power fantasy inspired by Moses and DBZ is basically aryan invasion theory
It's a misrepresentation.
It's from a scene in Spiderman Darkhold when Spiderman walks into Reed's lab unannounced and sees Reed as a blob of flesh on the floor, and Reed reforms and explains that's the form he takes when noone is around, so he doesn't have to waste neurons on holding his body in rigid form. He still had bones and flesh and organs, he wasn't a liquid just a mushy solid.
Reed doesn't have any regeneration powers, not even vsbattle pretends he does.
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My response.
Ben doesn't give a shit about fiction. He's 100% politics.
Reminder that Makima is nothing but a turd in some sewer somewhere in the current manga .... . .. .
That's the guy with the eyepatch from the Yakuza games, right? He may not be a world destroyer, but he's a decent street level fighter.
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I did nazi that joke coming
When do we get Asura vs Kratos? It's been a while.
>Realistic Superman and Goku can't dodge slow bullets (the only offensive ability touhous have) and hit her exactly once (the maximum health of a touhou protagonist)
Troonhu sisters... we finally found someone weak enough to beat...
They cancelled the episode after they found out there's no way they can storyboard it considering the massive power gap
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I was thinking about Tooru Vs SCP 096 after a quick re reading of the WoU arc in Jojolion. And I have some thoughts about it
>Fight dynamic
When making fanart or talking about the MU people usually picture 096 running towards Tooru while WoU levitates around ominously triggering calamities, Tooru always oblivious of what's coming towards him, Listening to music or sleeping.
But if we go with the most accurate depiction of the characters Tooru would be aware of 096's presence the second WoU activates. this is because, despite what people like to tell you about the stand, WoU isn't a fully automatic stand like for example Sheer Heart Attack.
The head doctor's identity IS Tooru, there's no distinction between WoU and him, he shares senses and personality with the stand and he talks through it (the same way Diavolo talks using King Crimson)
During the arc he is always aware of what's happening with Josuke while stalking Yasuho.
So in a combat Scenario Tooru wouldn't just sit unaware of what's coming to him, he would pretty much know 096 is on his way.
>Nobody talks about Calamity's adaptability
Calamity is more than just "Stuff will hit you and injure you to an unreasonable degree". It is basically anything that can go wrong.
Even stuff that isn't directly damaging you can occur because of Calamity, Josuke's Calamity made it so a random guy snapped his neck the moment Josuke touched him incriminating him for murder, Mamezuku's Calamity made his food grow worms and rats, and Norisuke's calamity made his injuries get worse after they already stabilized.
So if 096 has some specific weakness (I don't think that's the case but it's still valid to point it out) that might be targeted by calamity in some way
Also, this isn't an argument but the fact that we are dealing with the SCP universe opens a lot of doors for animation potential related to the calamities.
There'll be more. Anime outside of DB or Naruto is niche and iffy on views.
Putting son there is giving the results
Fug Luffy probably loses to any of these guys.
What can she do?
Isn't this guy a groomer
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Bruce enjoys the pain, the bondage, the druggings. It's what keeps him going.
>n-no u
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>Isn't this guy a groomer
Worse, he's a powerscaler.
>immediately posts more mindbreak over SuperCHAD
This is an indictment on powerscalers and powerscaling as a whole. All should kys.

>The fight ends as soon as the distance is closed
Another thing I disagree with. Dododo De Dadada and Obladi Oblada can work as pretty effective Stalling tools for Tooru, OO is specifically useful because it's really hard to get rid of (you need water for that but if 096 is fixated on chasing Tooru I don't think he would take a break to splash himself for a while)
Also calamities get more crazy the closer you are so there's still a lot of chances for anyone to win at close distances.
>Tooru/WoU can't work offensively
Weird misconception I've read on a couple of communities, Tooru can pretty much attack using WoU, he literally attacks the Higashitaka family with it during the whole arc while also attacking Josuke and Mamezuku, Jobin's death is the prime example of how Tooru's method of attack works: he stalks you, moving closer and closer while showing WoU's back, maximizing Calamity while also setting up ways for said Calamity to kill you, once you are targeted by Calamity you can't get away from it so easily, so any action the enemy takes would result in an accident.
On top of this there's also rock insects
>Calamity can only target one person at a time
I don't know from were this came from.
During the whole arc we see that WoU can exist in 3 different places at once, if not more. Constantly bringing Calamity to the higashitaka family, Josuke and Mamezuku, and Yasuho.
And on top of that Joshu was targeted by Calamity when Yasuho was still about to be a victim of it.
Tooru did explain that there's an "order" and depending on your actions against the user you can go from a minor priority to the next to die (like Yasuho did) but I think said order has more to do with intensity than the ability to target multiple people at once, because we even see Mamezuku and Josuke suffer from the piercing rain almost at the same time.

Last two points have nothing to do with Tooru vs 096 but I wanted to talk about it anyways
Top kek
Like a week ago he was complaining about the vocals in Wicked
>weeb samefagging his slobbering over husbando nobody cares about
Weebs are fucking disgusting.
>Gets exposed for grooming a girl
>Runs away from YT
>Comes back a year later
>Still gets 100k views in 24 hours

Who are you talking about?
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People still downplaying the GOAT

Reminder that Goku can be scaled higher than Marvel and DC combined.
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This is your hero?
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>Best feats in fiction
>No antifeats
Powerscalers can't stand him.
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Nah, Hulk is my HERO!!
>Slow bullets
Those bullets are often made of light, they seem slow because the girls are moving at MFTL speeds
>hit her exactly once
Touhou characters can survive small black holes to the face, when you lose after one hit on the games it isn't because the characters die but rather because they lose the Spell card duel.
It is somewhat canon that the girls lose a couple of times before clearing all the enemies so if anything their durabilities should scale to whatever spell cards they beat
Also Touhou protagonist do have more than one health, I think the limit was 8 or 9
She can use magic, fly at MFTL speeds in her broomstick, shoot magic lasers, misiles, stars, and potions with varied levels of power.
A normal master spark can illuminate a night sky to make it look like it's daytime, or clear huge clusters of clouds, so around town level. And during Touhou 11 she battled a Hell Raven with the power of nuclear fusion who was able to turn into a subterranean sun that was later described in a grimoire as dense enough to have it's own gravitational pull and just as hot and dangerous as the real sun, Marisa outgunned said sun so her AP should be around small Star level.
In one of the fighting games she can fight an oni with the power of control density, this makes her able to create black holes in the palm of her hand and throw them as special moves, Marisa and all characters of that game are able to survive said attack. According to powerscalers a black hole of that size would be around City level or something, so that's her bare minimum durability.
Japan's print industry as a whole is healthier thanks to its commuter lifestyle
Accessibility and distribution is essential
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Weakest Hulk solos.
Son Biten solos, she can. Control monkeys
Hulk solos.
Hulk is sub Gorilla level, Biten wins because she can just send a bunch of Gorillas to Bully Hulk.
Marvel atoms are... high outerversal.
Hulk solos the verse.
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can't even beat a toddler
Is it supposed to look like she has a penis?
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>DC bias
All 2hus are futas
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You really wanna play this game?
Nice attempt but the guy on the picture isn't a monkey, Hulk still loses.
>Hulk after half an hour in Gensokyo
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>got all his gains back
>destined to become a destroyer of worlds
Yup yup. Doomsday? Becomes a Basedfag.
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>DevilArtemis: then after the space shot the camera goes back to Kratos who is standi-PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA aaah ok my bad
>Chad:...so the moon shatters and there's a close-up of Kratos sayi-STOP GIGGLING DEVILARTEMIS
>Kratos' va: Wait I'm still alive? Is this one of those comedic bits from Wiz and Boomstick?
No wonder it's taking so long
>Hulk after a minute in the One Piece world
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>Juan Piss fags trying to butt in
>hulk lost to this
Dude....he WANTED to do this episode and pushed for it to win
He made it clear he would've done it anyways even if Death Battle never did it after it lost the tournament of champions TWICE
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>Hulk can keep up with this Thor
My HERO!!!
He's loud and proud about being a jew, he loves fairytales
That boulder would have KILLED Superman.
>DCucks and SHITgon Ballfags shitting up the thread
>nnnnnnnnnooooooo you can't mention DC
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Yup, yup, Marvelchads win this thread, again.
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Classic Thor or JMS Thor?
Only Walt Simonson Thor need apply.
>Thor finally gets a good 3D model
>has no fights this season
obvious joking aside, wanting to do an episode and agreeing with some cosmic depiction of Kratos are two different things
This Thor looks like he could Eat Vegeta in 3 bites
I look like this.
This looks like Hulk with human skin cosplaying as Thor.
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Just say Goku
You still have not shown me Goku destroying a multiverse
I really Koreans.
why do koreans have the same name?
just say danny phantom
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every time i hear about some overpowered korean character it's always just these guys who have 10 gorillion abilities from some dogshit isekai nobody has actually read besides the person who put them on vsbattles
>higher IQ
IQ doesn't mean a goddamned thing if Luffy was outwitting fighters better than he was in pre-TS One Piece.

>Luffy's weakness is water
And there's my cue to stop reading any further.
>Publicado en
Kirby …. . Kratos . . . . .. The Entire Fate series… .
these threads are so repetitive and unfunny idk why they dont get moved to /trash/ with all the /dbs/ parroting
Didn't Fate just get banned or something from the VSBW?
Wtf is 8D AP?
It didn't, they're rebuilding it since the profiles were trash
8 dicks ass pounding. Exactly what it sounds like.
Wait it did?
I don't get the last one
You just know that character looks generic as fuck
Shit. There goes some of my excitement then. Link?
A lot of this is based on assumptions with no concrete evidence. It’s obvious these people are just repeating information they heard on Comic Vine years ago.

Also—Reed doesn’t just carry the Ultimate Nullifier or his anti-Galactus mech around with him at all times.
NTA but it's supposed to form a sentence, some thing, wrong we too low, holy fuck, bang ding ow.
Japanese isekai wanking can be pretty bad but Korean manwhas are irredeemably boring. I bet every manwha has a character named sung jinwoo
Sung Jinwoo is for Popeye to fraud check.
These threads aee proof the death internet theory is real
>The black Sabbath fight was the only instance were Araki could have tried to showcase it again
you are a hack. GER could have used it when he beamed the hell out of Diavolo
How so?
>it's too """crazy""" for Kratos to be mountain level

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I can defeat Thor without even trying.
All of you are bots
Worse, they're third-worlders.
Why would GER bother with getting Diavolo to kill himself if the entire point was to showcase RTZ?
astolfo DICKS DOWN bejita.
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Yup yup
>ESL babble
>Diana kills some random blonde dude with a beard
...on opposite day
>Drunk Thor literally tanking that
>since the profiles were trash
I hope they differenciate with eras: DJ era, old Fate and modern Fate so the wank can stop.
That's actually pretty reasonable. I don't like VSBW because of its tendency to rely on outlier inconsistencies when ranking characters, but this is at least a good move from a curation point of view.
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Biggest Jobber?
I agree to a certain extent that powerscaling as a genre invites a lot of low effort botted content, but that is more on Youtube, TikTok, and Twitter.
Well it goes beyond just Fate to include all of Type-Moon.
Sudden realization; would Black Barrel be able to kill Elder Scrolls dragons?
It's gonna be so ridiculous if they actually animate Kratos busting planets and stars just to keep up with Asura.
I don't know shit about Elder Scrolls. sorry
Oh you're fine. Was more or less just thinking outloud.
Damn that bitch could kill WW with her eyes closed
didn't she job to storm?
In a 90's popularity contest.
And She would job again
WW is not exactly popular
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that's the rock of eternity
goku tanked it
People always say that this place is constantly full of /dbs/ posters, but a lot of the time it feels like the main people posting about Dragon Ball are posting antifeats. Or does that also count as /dbs/?
>does that also count as /dbs/?
imagine king of /v/ but daily
that's /dbs/
yes they count
Bullshit. There isn't enough getposting here to justify the comparison. Plenty of rigging accusations, though.
/dbs/ is full of cuck posting and Jiren agenda. But they also post anti-feats too.
Rigging accusations are part and parcel for powerscaling topics.
getposting is not part of /a/ culture. simple as
yeah that definitely counts
nobody loves shittalking DBZ characters more than /dbs/
>goku never kisses his wife
>bejita in general
>tien jobbing to a door
the list goes on and on
No one hates Dragon Ball more than /dbs/.
Does Invincible have good or bad world building?
Same schizo kitchen sink worldbuilding as big 2 comics. There's robots, mutants, magic users, psychics, aliens, anything the marvel and DC has done so I'd say it isn't even worldbuilding, it's an extremely generic superhero world that's copy pasted for subversion i.e. making Superman kill the justice league.
A character with pregnancy hax is weaker or stronger against women?
Because on one hand you could argue a preggo haxer wouldn't be as effective against a woman because they can endure and carry on pregnancies (as Mpreg usually ends up with the male dying)
On the other you could say that women end up capacitated when pregnant so the preggers would act like a debuff of sorts, as opposed to males who would be in a "Do or die" situation.
Hulk vs Me (carrying the pregnote)
Refresher: If I write someone's name in the pregnote, they become 9 months pregnant instantly.
Comic artists have a bad habit of stealing shit from mecha anime.
ZSHITly would never be able to knock SSG Goku like that btw
This Thor looks like he could blink the entire DC cosmology out of existence.
This Thor looks like he would get folded in half by Wonder Woman.
Reed could unironically beat Doctor Who with all his history of one-off inventions that just sit in his lab.
It would be pretty funny if, after all the debate of who Luffy should fight between Naruto and Plas, Reed just sweeps in on the strength of a popular game and extreme contrasts in themes
Why is my HERO Jetstream Sam not here then?
This Thor looks like he'd fold Wonder Woman in half with his pinky finger.
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This Thor looks like he would get folded in half by Wonder Wonder calmly blinking at his general direction.
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Donatello is for Tim Drake
Jessie what the FUCK are you talking about?
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Well yeah, early on it is largely generic. Down the line though, we do get world building, but it is basically all centered around Viltrumites or Mark. Avenues that could be explored deeper often just get relegated to sideshow fair.
I get why it is so much about Viltrum, but it is also annoying when you have Rognarrs and the IR gun that feel relatively plopped in.
...and by folded I mean his laundry.
The Pregnote, Mr. White!
....Wonder Wonder?
...And by folded i mean he gets erased out of existance.

>Large town level


Okay so Rise level?

>Wonder Wonder
DeFECTive ESLmics........
...and by erased out of existence I mean the dirt on his clothes is erased.
Canon. WonderWONDER, my HEROINE, has EFFORTLESSLY defeated Odinson the Unworthy. Perhaps the real Thor, pic related, could give her a worthy challenge.
...alongside the Marvel multiverse.
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...'s entire pile of dirty laundry.
Weiss is for Raphael, battle of the Tsunderes
...Dirty Loundry is another way of saying Marvel Multiverse, by the way.
ESL Woman...
>always "they are comics so I'm sure they win, even if I don't know who this character or the character he is fighting against is"
It's probably comics having such a long history that you can find a random crazy feat if you dig up (eg. superman sneezing a galaxy, flash walking a nanosecond memes) and whoever said that is going off that alone.
>2: what the actual fuck is "dimensionality"?
A square is 2d. A cube/human is 3d. The cube...is stronger than the square? vsbw loves that stuff but imo unless there's context for it to matter just going with universal/multiversal/uber-powerful is enough lol.
>why is he not there?
because that is funny
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Who's it matched against?
>Guy on the Death Battle Subreddit starts posting compilations of what the aftermath of various Death Battle episodes would be
>A lot of these outcomes are naturally very depressing when you consider the ramifications for 2 seconds, especially when characters revert back to their actual morals and characterizations
>People start getting mad and calling the guy edgy and spiteful
Wow, it’s almost like Death Battle would be a MUCH better show with a better variety of endings if not EVERY episode defacto had to end in homicide, and let characters with no-kill rules actually stay in-character.
What caused the death battle fanbase to become so parasocial?
Well it is because they have come to see Death Battle as the authority on the topic of powerscaling. To challenge that authority in such a feverishly charged space will inevitably draw these sorts of emotions.
Death Battle invited it upon themselves with SS vs MM. The fandom should lay blame at their feet instead.
That's like judging Luffy if he had to fight in a full swimming pool.
Going to reddit is not healthy. It's always an unhealthy place no matter the fandom.
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
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Ultraman max can turn into an army of himself and grow to 900 meters tall and just fucking doesn't most he time for some reason.
Because his color timer would be used up faster than if he just turned stayed at his 45 meter height.
I mean they essentially never established limits for her ability since it's super effective against the strongest character in the setting.
The Dark Baltan fight seemed to be as long as any other, and he did both in that.
He had a minute time limit as opposed to his usual three minute.
Mick Foley in his prime, as Cactus Jack vs BTAS Joker.
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>The chances of Kamiya making Bayonetta x DMC are now higher than Death Battle doing the Dante vs Bayonetta rematch.
>We actually got a proper Okami sequel before an Amaterasu Death Battle.
I want to shitpost but Itsuno leaving Capcom and Clover's revival killed my desire. No one else but Kamiya could pull off the crazy stunt he did. The guy was throwing hints about Clover at our faces this entire time.
They're going to use this to wank Ruby but even still it would be cool if she did that in the actual show. She probably beats regular street level Donnie
IDK why some people think soloing a verse is hard. Anyone who can atleast destroy a planet can solo a verse imo.
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Weiss is going to die again and release the most painful dying scream.
Looks more like a Moa than an ostrich

Ok but draw a character below
Speak the fuck up, chad.
Against the lepprechaun would be a better match.
I suck at drawing tho
>People start getting mad and calling the guy edgy and spiteful
What did those stupid idiots expect? Tatsumaki, Hal, or Jojo 1 of course would feel horrible after killing kids. Batman needs to break his code to win a DB. The webseries is edgy and spiteful fanfiction trash by default so doing extended epilogues just makes matters worse for everyone.
Friendly reminder that statements are worthless and feats are all that matters. Don't tell me a character can do something, or show me another character saying they can do it. Show me them doing it.
Show me God creating the world. No statements.
>Friendly reminder that statements are worthless and feats are all that matters.
We know. Tell that to DB's "writers" and "researchers", not us.
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Hw, ahh... How strong are you?
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You would think She-Hulk would, but she is actually sceptical
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Death Battle without Death is no friend if mine
Does that mean you won’t be upset when Jiren gets pulverized by Atrocitus?
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Reed was able to defeat prepped Kang and Dr Doom while being being stuck in a timeloop. I don't think you understand anything about Reed Richard. He has the ability to somewhat get to The Thing's strength level, who had knocked out the Hulk before.
I have no idea what’s gonna happen but I do feel like they’ll have sonic blitz the JL at least once but it won’t be a power scaling fest
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You can’t post a single building level feat of Reed, he’s sub spider man level who Luffy would slaughter
Post them bitches, all I’m seeing is scaling and statements from FRAUDvel faggots who don’t want to lose to another ch/a/d character, post speed feats as well, Reed couldn’t even fathom of grabbing a lightning bolt, PLAS has way better arguments then this shit
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Mind sharing the post?
>>The chances of Kamiya making Bayonetta x DMC are now higher than Death Battle doing the Dante vs Bayonetta rematch.
You know, I didn't even consider that. Kamiya will show Ben and Chad how it's done.
i would go as far as to say
debating isn't real

it's just advanced
nuh uh
uh nuh

at least all these media, online debates without any proper judges
MY goku

he's superman and goku fused
gay sex
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SHITler lost chud, otto can debunk you
>Lost to Wonder WOMAN
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I would to...
>wins all of his matchups
>BTFOs Superman
>BTFOs Wonder Woman
>BTFOs Vegeta
MarvelFags probably forgot Thor is even based on the norse god, and the norse god wins because he is the og and without the og marvel thor can't exist
Monarch of Pointland
Lost to World Serpent, lost to Superman, lost to Wonder Woman, Lost to Kratos, Gorr, Lost to Útgarða-Loki, lost to Cat, lost to Old Age, lost to venom. What a loser!
The MarvelFags are probably the AI shitting up these threads
As an impartial unbiased third party, I can safely assure Thorfags and Hulkfags are the cancer that's killing these threads
Fact checked, seems pretty accurate to me
No lie detected
Post Luffy destroying an island
Reminder that Marvel fans are synonymous with being Cucks
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They can't use Dragon Ball Heroes because it contradicts itself rendering any attempts to calculate a characters abilities null.

For example, SS Blue Vegeto Kaioken x20 got demolished by base form Cumber. Then Cumber transformed 4 times and then struggled to kill Super Saiyan Goku. Grand Priest Ultra Instinct Goku got negged by Laggs, who then became a Zarbon-like henchman immediately afterwards. Heroes is just a hype engine to sell whatever new card/s to Kids.
I mean a lot of those fake Ai videos are made by them so...
>PISSfy melty
>Mass replying
>Anti-CHADvel post got deleted
Yup yup yup, CHADor and BEASTulk won yet again!
>gets called out for being a shitskin
>"W-W-W-We won!!!"
Sonicsisters, Our response????
TRANSnic would win, he is HIM
And he could probably also solo all of marvel too
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Yup yup! They are so valid together! And with the power of love they could easily solo Hulk and Thor
>Yup yup yup

You can't be serious. Post age.
I don’t know about all that but Sonic folds the laundry of every single character posted in this thread.
Bot post.
>Every single Sonic post in /dbg/ out of NOWHERE
By odin's fade... The clapping of their ass cheeks is so heckin' valid... I kneel SonicGODESSES...
>pulls out Gamma Cock
>Biggest Superman fanboy

but that's not what I look like

Not even close little bro
Yup yup yup! It seems like TRANSnic's ass was too much for Marvel's finest to handle and drained them of their power, truly, he is the strongest character in fiction
>His dick snaps to half in TRANSnic's valid booty
Your too slow!
Holy FRUACK... As an impartial unbiased third party, i can definitively assure you... Sonic Goddesses won
… the eternal punching bag for capeCHADS contest.
Both job to the biggest Hulk fanboy.
Probably thinks Snyder is one of his parents people.
Transonic from X-Men?
Did Sonicbros just win the homosexuality olympics?
He likes Batman v. Superman. Clearly he doesn't like Superman at all.
There can only be one TRANSnic around here
Yeah, I'm thinking trans sonic stomps
You are factually incorrect. Ben love Superman so much that he calls our DC comics for being GAY and uses SuperMAN as the ultimate MAN comparison. Do not speak to me again until you understand basic context clues in his tweets.
Sounds like he doesn't like Superman or comics at all. He seems to be one of those chimp brains that only watches media to look for political things he doesn't agree with to whine about. He's a fan of bitching.
>Capecucks resort to posting homosexual fantasies to thrash SonicGODS
Despite CONsoomerVel being successful, Ben holds his ground with DC. Get a clue, bitch.
>Sonicucks resorting to falseflags to make capeCHADS look bad
Don't know who this retard is. Are you him?
>there's a literal soijak dedicated to MarvelKEKs
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roshi/goku reading minds
there’s technically no reason goku can’t read the mind of every opponent in a vs match
>they can't cope with being literal Soijak icons
Kek it’s funny how MINDBROKEN they are by capeGODS.
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>Ben SHITpiro is lurking here
>is a DCuck
Capeshit literally fucking sucks and it just some jewish propaganda to make everyone liberal ZOG slaves
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>Thread about DC vs Dragon Ball
>Marvel and Sonic sissies feel left out
P-p-please play attention to me!
CHADler won, SHITews lost
>tranime and trannyga out of nowhere
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Chuds fucking WON tranny
Seethe and cope Capetroon
Kek, based, canon.
Untermensch cope mold
Unbothered Aryan Gold
This is Rope fuel for the capetroon
Samefag, ChudGODS are superior
Hitlerxirs, the capeCHADS are making fun of us again…
>nazi germany had roughly 13.6 million soldiers during the war
could they take on episode 1 goku
He would side with them because they were the good guys
>Red Ribbon Army but worse
GODku sneezes those fags away.
red ribbon was after goku trained with roshi for 8 months
>Already bulletproof and superhumanly strong the moment we first see him
Yup yup yup, GOATku wins again!
Aryan gods won and ascended to hyperborea tho
… in Hitler’s dying fantasies.
might be bulletproof but we seem him struggle to break through metal walls so he might struggle to fight their tanks
No lies detected.
…on delusion day.
...where i deny the fact im a good little goyim and eat my bugs
Hitlerbro btw
WAIT i forgot episode 1 goku still gets oozaru for 10x boost
GAYdolf SHITler is cooked
...On opposite day
Yup yup yup, SHITler lost yet again to our HERO!
>There are actual brown eye subhuman here who think they fictional characters could ever amount of CHADtional CHADcialism
Lmao, sharty will execute all you powerscaling troons
>think they fictional
maybe the adolfbro cope could be that episode 1 goku wouldn’t have any control over oozaru and so his tail could easily be cut like puar did
>/dbs/pic babble
>No arguement tho beit
>Still mindbroken by the fürher
Capetroon... Feel free to concede to ShartyGODS
Yup yup yup, the capeCHADS won again.
O algo
Every single word in this post is factually correct.
Bothered tranny mold
Unbothered chud gold
No lies detected.
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who’s a good match for him
....Instead I worship a fucking VEGAN (LMAO)
/dbg/ lost.
/dbs/ lost.
Capetroons lost.
/co/mblr lost.
Chuds won.
NatSoc won.
Sharty won.
>natsoc won
in my involuntary celibate delusions.
>/pol/ rambling
Raped by the funny horse show btw
K, b, c.
where do i go for jak scaling? söybooru?
And basedjak wiki
and there's also the basedjak archive channel
Post Kratos destroying a planet.
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i feel like that wouldn’t work unless you’re taking a version of the ‘jak from a specific narrative
post someone saying kratos can’t destroy a planet
Dennis in /CSM/
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The last section of Kamen Rider Kabuto has the riders not using Clock Up, and every time the ability is featured in other series and films its portrayed as regular Super Speed instead of how its portrayed in the show proper.

Kamen Rider Faiz has the least used Final Form, with it only being used twice in the show despite the form having virtually zero draw backs. It has more screentime in the alternate universe movie
It's easy you just need to identify them, and wiki does so
For example there's lots of 'jaks where chud has the black sun which has some esoteric shit going on that could probably put it at outerversal
I-I-I can’t……
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>people unironically asking for more jaks
Grimm. Soijacks party got raped by the underage faggots that compose the /funkg/ general, btw. Which was very funny.
What are you doing here FUNNYstream Sam?
Chudsisters wtf??? I thought we were based esoteric aryans, not jobbing to literal toddlers!?
I still want to see them get humbled by the powerscaling community, like actually getting bodied by capeshit fans has got to be the most pathetic thing ever
friday night funkin should be outerversal because it can damage the ears of real irl humans
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>Grimm. Soijacks party got raped by the underage faggots that compose the /funkg/ general, btw.
CapeCHADS won.
Ok but why Nue's Exorcist though?
As the average Sharty user I can not refute this and have no choice but to kneel before my betters.
new thread
How does she deal with that guy from DDD who supposedly can’t be perma killed?
Nice ChatGPT
just convert, brah
Thank you, I worked really hard on it.
Who's that? I genuinely don't remember a character with that ability.
The closer thing to that in my head is the Iron Bull guy
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Strongest Cunny in fiction?
I dunno Tatsukmaki was REALLY enjoying shaking the entire school building filled with innocent children just to get three bullies in the Webcomic
marge what happened to the sharty
Queenly behavior
Inferior stats.. it must take real skill playing every God of War game and reading every novel with you eyes closed 99.999% of the time.
>Guy who made a Russian spy, the incarnation of war, a giant leech, and the Devil feared by others fall for him Vs the guy who made a warrior killing, emotionless machine fall for him
You have a lot of faith in people who likely never played any of the games, just listened to other people making shit up and intentionally misinterpreting things they read
Plastic Man's greatest advantages are negated by haki
>b-but psychic immun...
Haki isn't psychic, it's psychological and would still affect Plas. Armament haki is specifically meant to fuck up shapeshifters too so he can't just tank it.
He tanked 3000 years as individual molecules on the sea floor, then immediately fought the incarnation of psychic fire death of all Mars and beat him mid diff. Haki is fuck all.
Post Luffy destroying an island.
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Has he really done anything THAT impressive?
Kratos hasn’t even destroyed a moon so no, he’s really not that impressive.
Skibidi Toilet? Wins.
This will make things more "autistic", but I believe that comics, for the purpose of battle boarding, should be split into continuities. The continuity that should be used should be the one whose overall power scale most resembles the "universe" of the character's opponent.
… the never gonna be on Death Battle contest.
They already do this tho
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Who takes it?
...if Death Battle didn't want millions of free views, which they do. Troons all on suicide watch lmao
>Who wins? [Women] or [Men]
You should already know the answer to this question
No lies detected.
Reminder that DDLC Monika isn’t a real reality warper in her world that she accidentally destroyed the game and can’t even do code like YandereDev. Monika is a fraud .. ….
New thread
Wanda and Jean take turns soloing and resetting the DC universe

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