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Prepare to see Finn emasculated in more ways than one
She left Adventure Time before that was done to Finn. It is a false approximation to attribute those aspects of the character to her when all she did was make Finn cry a little before trying to hook him up with FP. The rest of the staff ruined that after she had already left.
The way she handled SU and the reception and consequences it left on the cartoon world in general, it’s safe to assume she would do the same with Finn
It really isn't. You have to take into account a person working with their own characters who can be whatever they want them to be VS working with someone else's characters and only pushing the boundaries of what can be done with them.
I would argue SU only got as bad as it did because she didn't keep a tighter ship with the production crew, but that is beside the point of her handling of Finn's character. Penn became more hands off after she had already left.
>gives steven a cute brown waifu
>actually makes him kinda chad in the end
Are you sure about that, Anon? Steven kinda got a bit of balls at the end of the series
SU themes and style of animations have ruined a lot of western cartoons in an attempt that they are trying to copy said themes. The shows had a good idea but left a negative impact on the genre we are still seeing today
They misspelled "Princess Bubbledyke and Gashceline movie"
>Steven has cute brown waifu
>cries the entire end of SUF
>Chad Steven is only for a small moment
>goes back to being crybaby bitch and regrets it
>runs away from brown waifu and hot alien gems bc emotional

His fat bohemian father is more of a Chad than him
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>Loses his girlfriend
>Loses his arm
>Loses his dad
>Bounces from girl to girl like a burnout in college
>Meets his mom and she's turned herself into the cloud.
>Fern dies
>Not even really integral in the final battle.
>Has a girlfriend for the entirety of the series
>Still has both arms
>Dad isn't a deadbeat runaway
>Lars dies and Steven brings him back cuz he's the GOAT
>Does not meet mom cuz she basically an heroed herself to make him.
>Basically becomes the Space pope.
>Cries sometimes but has an actual support network of friends and not allowed to just stew in his own bad Juju
I dunno, Steven kinda wins this one. He's a bit messed up but later adventure time put him through the WRINGER.
>fumbles and gets rejected by Connie
>all of the villains were fakeouts
>instead the only "villain" he fights is himself turning into a toxic masculinity penis monster
>still no fight, literally ends with everyone crying until he cries so much he powers down and agrees to go to le therapy
>fumbles and gets rejected by Connie
When he asked her to marry him when she thought she was just gonna get some dick at a picnic. They're still lovers. He still won
Adventure Time didn't really go to shit until after Sugar left. In fact, I'd argue her handling of Finn's angst when given the reigns, while definitely not the direction I was hoping the show would go, was a thousand times better than what came after. Like she at least allowed the kid to get some emotional catharsis instead of wallowing in depression while everyone around him treated him like a creepy pest.

Hell, for as much as Steven Universe fell off a sheer cliff, Steven at the very least became more effective in the most literal sense of developing his Gem powers. Finn couldn't even get that: He went from trashing all but the strongest monsters to getting his shit pushed in every week so the creators' pet characters could solve the problem. Steven also had a gf, and the women in his life didn't roundly treat him as an annoyance.

Basically I'd be way more worried about the other two if you're specifically concerned about Finn's character arc in the movie.
She's going to turn Huntress Wizard gay, isn't she?
How about you watch the show you insane schizo. Fuck.
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this board screams and cries that it wants girly alpha men who aren't gay because muh tranny stereotypes, then it rejects chad straightboy steven because he's girly in personality. the whole attitude to the show and how insane it makes the retards here a full decade on is very telling, i feel
The one that give finn the fire princess love interest?
Are the jannies in on this Sugarshilling? We already had this thread on how Sugar shit the bed on AT. She started the Finn hate and couldn't stop screwing with Finn even with Flame Princess after she got her Bubbline ship by having Bubblegum mess with the relationship from the get-go.
The only thing she cares about AT is Marceline and bubble gum being gay,

the movie is going to be about their wedding or some shit like that
What can you even do for a movie by this point for Adventure Time? Anything related to the show currently is like way past its initial premise
Reminder that Rebecca was team Finnceline and wanted the shota to inseminate the Vampire Queen but AT crew undid her handiwork and pushed Bubbleline as soon as she left the show...
I actually trust Becky more than the people she left behind. Her style is saccharine but that's better than cynical, which is how I feel Finn was treated after her departure.
I fucking hate women
That's not a woman. According to wikipedia, it's bisexual, non-binary, and genderqueer.
>heroic chad
>fool archetype, but not obnoxious
>believes in God
>borderline faggot
>cries all the time
>all of his friends are cointelpro political propaganda that ruined an entire generation of young westerners
>probably atheist
She turned Marceline into a lesbian after she canonically had a boyfriend before, a boyfriend we saw on screen
A lesbian for princess bubblegum even tho they canonically hate each other
Steven can't be atheist he's the antichrist.
She was one of the writers who did respect Finn you dumb brainrotted incel. Muto is the problem.
>what is a bisexual?
She left for SU because she wanted fp to be finn LI to the point lapis was basically Steven own FP but plans changed for that.
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The scene from the Adventure Time movie where Banana Guard shouts "Get his stuffing rags off!", and then the Banana Guards anally rape Finn was a bit much, but the way Christmas Island started playing timed with his orgasm was comedy gold.
>when go with me exist
Also finn got REJECTED by Marcie by thta point
Sounds like you self insert too much
The one that ruined and make finn pathetic was muto
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>No gf
>One less arm to jerk off
They made Steven look like a gigachad by sheer contrast.
It's like SU's flaws suddenly disappear when talking about AT. It's crazy.
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Didn't Muto basically go
>Uhm, ackshually, Finn having a prosthetic arm in place of the one he lost is cheating, so he's going to have just a useless stump from now on
or am I imagining things?
where's your proof?
not watching until someone confirms it has no ghey in it
I bet deep down, though she could never admit it, she resents that people took the heartfelt stuff she wrote with marcy and PB and made it sexual instead of a beautiful story about stranged acquaintances who always wished they could be friends.
yeah she basically left stuff unfinished that nobody else knew what to do with. Flame Princess was her baby, nobody knew how to write her. so they wrote a plot that was obviously about Finn overreacting to something he'd done wrong, only to.. at the last minute be like yeah no they're actually broken up. and they actually were considering each other bfgf before that, despite all evidence.
Thank you. so sick of people acting like that wasn't how it was.
>fool archetype
not watching it my friend
That's secondhand from the Q&A for the finale live screening. He said something about wanting to show Finn accepting his disability, being comfortable with no robo arm. People have interpreted this as Finn never using a robo arm again, but I doubt this is what was meant, because that would be retarded.
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>Rebecca Sugar comes back
>retcons Bubbline
>makes Finnceline real
What would be your reaction, /co/?
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Only a matter of time before Lily Orchard uses the movie to lie about Rebecca Sugar again.
I hate men
>Also finn got REJECTED by Marcie by thta point
In season 1 it's canon that finn is 12 and marcie is 1000 years old. Cartoon logic aside that would be pretty fucked up to make canon. He's a literal child flirting with immortals, it's creepy.
And I don't think she had anything to do with the FP travesty, so maybe she'll give him the happy ending he deserves
Lmao and yet Sugarshills tell you that she le straight and that actually shipped Finnceline and created Flame Princess as sloppy rebound ship after she fucked the core dynamic of the show.
Wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to do historical revisionism since they DEI/Dyke bucks are finally running out and she deeps down know that homosexual ships are not popular with the general audience hy default
if you don't think girl on girl is hot you're gay
the series ends with Finn winning: Huntress Wizard
Are you serious? She's was token background girl thrown at last second when the show stopped being popular because one of the writers was going through an incel phase on relationships
She has the most in common with Finn than any of the other girls. Who the fuck cares if she's a late add?
They will course correct hard and give Finn the final fun adventure with Jake he deserves.
>why would finn be with the only girl who's an adventurer???

i don't care.
His journey through the deadworlds could have been a last great adventure if they didn't make him a whiny bitch about everything.
Instead of
>My bro died and I never got over it! I've been sad and missing him my entire life even though I'm an old man! It messed me up!!
It could have been
>Oh shit this one's for real huh, finally dead. Hey I wonder what my best bro's been up to? Hey demon guy, where's Jake the Dog?
>'Hey man you can't just walk in here, stay back.'
>Oh are you going to stop me? Just you, by yourself? lol
>*instantly owns him with decades of warrior skills*
>Good times, now to find my bro.

Could have been a fun romp through hell with a crazy overpowered Finn with hints and clues to the kind of crazy life he's had. Instead it just felt sad, like he never developed past the point we last saw him.
I can't believe you losers are debating over who's the less cucked.
Pathetic self inserters
Kind looking bean mouthy in real life though.
talking about fictional characters isn't self inserting, smoothbrain. scholars have been discussing fictional protagonists for millenia
self-inserting is when you write fan fiction with you, literally you, as a character interacting with other characters. you know, like Dante's Inferno, one of the most significant works of literature in history. so i guess you're stupid either way
>Prepare to see Finn emasculated in more ways than one
The fuck else could they possibly do to him?
Who cares, it's just going to be another movie where the same five celebrities they always use just do their regular voices because they aren't actually qualified to be voice actors.
>Believes in God
It's pronounced Glob
They could take away huntress wizard, I guess, and have him turn into what old Billy became.
Why can't they just let poor Finn rest in peace? Has he not suffered enough already?.
Bro, with how emasculated Finn was the entire rest of the series, it's not like she can really do much worse.
>They are still lovers
She feed and sneed every single cock at college
I never realized how depressing Finn's life is, holy shit.
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Yeah Rebecca Sugar was the one who actually wanted to give Finn a gf rather than just wanting him to keep pining after Bubblegum forever
I didn't know stephen king transitioned xD
This was announced alongside the movie months ago, why is this news? Also >>147084985
She made ONE episode implying she and Bonnie had a past. She didn't say they were going to get back together or anything, she just made them had a past together. The rest of the writing staff could have done anything else with her and chose what they chose.
>Dad isn't a deadbeat runaway
Well, by the DeMayo Family standards, he is and did. He ran away from what should have been a stable and loving home. He did the beach bum thing for years and only held his shit together so well, but tried to make it work for Stephen. He's just NOT Finn's Dad. What a jerkoff.
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>Two more hours of PBG/Marceline lesbobait (Also Finn & Jake are there I guess)
Pinkshit will be the villain and Finn will kill her and take Marceline as his bride.
I think that was a group decision.
How hard would it be to get that little sexy fat assed queer jew broad face down ass up.
I really REALLY want to hatefuck her brains out.
I wonder how many retarded "indie ukulele girl" songs she'll shoehorn into this.
anon, I'd hate to break this to you, but in the unlikely event Sugar would ever have sex with you, she's going to be wearing the dick.
>Implying it would be the first time I've wrestled a top queer/lesbian woman for dominance and won.

I'll be spending the night using the pretty little cunt like a far too tight fleshlight.
yeah right, you sound like you're 13
I stopped watching AT at season 6, should I bother with the rest?
watch some of it and decide if you want to continue you absolute retard. Why are you crowdsourcing your decision to watch something?
Seasons 7/8 are like a more grounded version of season 6, which might be more to your taste. The miniseries were good. If you're gonna continue you should definitely finish up season 6 first
If I were AM, I would have done things to this bitch that you couldn't even imagine.
huntress wizard is still hot as fuck though. finn won.
>western animation is collapsing, but if you're jewish, there's always work
It's just a coincidence
So I guess AT is now of institution now right?
Finn being awkward and being pushed away by PB was the first major time that had ever happened, that thing about making their dynamic "weird." You can see it literally transitioning to her style of writing, because you have the shot with her looking elegant and sweet while sitting on the roof with them, then that scene happens and it becomes the "ugh Finn, don't be weird. I gotta leave" shit, changing PB's characterization to be more in line with Sugar's annoying, broken, melodramatic mindset.

Finn laying on the floor with a piece of her hair and a photo with candles and crying for the entire episode was not "a little." It was fucking bizarre.
Marcy’s been acting like an immature teenager for 1000 years so I don’t see why the age gap is such a big deal.
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Don't forget admist the crying and hair holding he also sang a sad song about being obsessed with PB, another staple of Rebecca's autism.
>Prepare to see Finn emasculated
is he not already? That show is gay as fuck
PB and Marcy giving flat caged femboy Finn lovetaps on the balls with baseball bats. PB jokes that when they finally crack his nuts, she'll just replace them with candy and mount him in a vending machine. Drop some coins in the slot (ending up in a storage bag up his ass), press the button and the magic wand up his ass tickles his prostate hard enough that you can just wave a stick in front of the dispenser and his sugar sissy juice gives it a good cotton candy coating.
You kvetch-mex pendejx, she started the Bubbline shit and also let Bubblegum throw a ratchet into the mix from the get-go with Burning Low. If she really cared about Finn, she would of moved on since she got her precious Bubbline and would have let Finn & FP be together without Bubblegum intervening.
Again what's with this industrycuck level astroturf? Is Sucrose really that desperate that they need bots and shills to pretend that she isn't a raging faggot so she can get back into Hollywood's good graces?
Hey, I wouldn't mind having her go freebooter and open her own studio outside of California, if she has the guts to go east.
Pendleton who?
>They're still lovers. He still won
That sounds like copium to me.

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