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Since the old thread got nuked, here’s a new one
like I said in the old thread right before it got nuked, I love this character

decided to try the ol' boob measuring formula on her using that image. at her canon height of 4'8" I found in another image, I'd say she's around a 28ZZE bra (think Z+Z+E, a.k.a. 31 cups bigger than a "regular" old Z cup).

breast weight graph I found says that that size would be on average around 153 lbs for both boobs. the pic that lists her height also lists her weight as 186 lbs, which, props to the artist for trying to make her tits sound heavy as fuck compared to the rest of her tiny frame, but 186 is woefully small given her size. she's more realistically around 240-50 lbs if she's say, 90 lbs taking her boobs out of the equation
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anyone here like some marie?
Baded af. These two characters are peak. I know Marie has a backstory but does Annabelle have one that anyone knows about?
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Does that artist still post? I tried joining his Twitter but I don't think he ever accept subscribers anymore
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Not really posting much of that character unfortunately.
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New WIP for this character. Not sure about the caption
he just like me fr (minus ten inches)
Who is the artist for these?
The Cantankerous Avian
Anybosy got women with normal or even small tits but with huge nips?
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>Body is so hyper fertile that you keep getting pregnant every year up til your 40's
>Always give birth to triplets (minimum)
>Breasts keep growing bigger and bigger to produce gallons of milk needed for your offspring
I remember sponson posting an image of a woman with hyper ovaries
I wish there was more content like that
I'll post it if I can find it
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Not exactly the one I'm thinking of, but same idea
catgirls gotta birth litters. it makes sense
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nice to see you in the wild, good stuff
>Yes, and
>Getting so overwhelmed by your own hormones thanks to this inhuman fertility that even TRYING to contain yourself does nothing but drive you completely feral
>Try to cope by becoming a professional surrogate, but even being pregnant isn't enough to contain your ravenous urge to get even MORE children fucked into you
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>Get hornier and more frustrated every day to the point where you're just ready to breed with anyone who'se willing to mate with you.
>Only start to calm down after you see those two familiar lines on your pregnancy test yet again.
>Now back to breastfeeding your ever growing litter (that's how you spend most of your days at this point anyway).
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Im a big guy
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Why is the artist trying to judge me for liking massive tit's
I think they're doing it for a laugh.
Doesn't make it any less annoying though
Marie is hot as fuck though.
Will concide yeah she is
I am glad we agree on this.

Im usually against reductions, but if you have giant beachball sized tits that cause you constant pain and make you miserable, get a reduction.
Contrary to this though (admittedly, the sizes indicated have never actually been achieved by anyone), supermassive boobs don't generally cause chronic back issues like that.
They make you more prevalent to them, and they do prevent sporting pursuits, as well as a lot of other physical interests, generally the body actually does adapt itself enough that the weight isn't going to impact a person in their daily life.
You're more likely to get bad back pain from stuff like improper support, or support dependence, which is why constant bra use is actually not very healthy as the body figures it can skimp on connective tissues.

There are heart load and muscle/joint load complications with gigantomastia, yes, but they're unlikely to constantly inflict pain like that.
>Contrary to this though (admittedly, the sizes indicated have never actually been achieved by anyone), supermassive boobs don't generally cause chronic back issues like that.
Back pain is caused by poorly fitted bras. For larger breast sizes it is harder to find correctly fitted bras, so most people assume the back pain is directly caused by the breasts rather than the bras.

After a certain point, buying a bra that is not custom fitted just deals more harm than good.
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If my wife/gf had beautiful giant tits I would be more than happy to pay for her custom bras. If she even mentioned reduction surgery it would make me suicidal.
>Have wife with giant tits (slim bod)
>I insist she gets measured correctly and we buy her actual fitting bras in her giant cup, small band size
>Refuses and just uses bigger and bigger bands to compensate.
>"You're not a fucking 42 DDDD anonwife..."
>Can't push the issue too hard or she'll know just how extensive my 'research' on boobs really is.

Oh well, she doesn't have back/neck pain or complain about them at all and is really turned on by me being goo-goo-ga-ga for her giant tits.
I wanna bury my face between those massive heaving milkers and deeply inhale.
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It might surprise you but breast tissue is comparatively safe circulatory-wise. Genitals are heavily innervated and supplied by its own subset of the cardiovascular system similar to the brain.
Comparable to mistaking boobs for primary sexual characteristics, maybe? Chests of both men and women are secondary sexual characteristics, but because men are more open to discussion, it's breasts getting all the attention. Women won't tell you they observe armpits in the same rate as men observe cleavage.
I forgot to say, stabbing or shooting a boob is as dangerous as stabbing or shooting a muscle.
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Is Coppernicous still hanging around this thread? I was wondering if they had an update regarding their new stuff with Elise
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>240-50 lbs
>90 lbs taking her boobs out of the equation
Boobs being more than 50% of her weight is so hot
he's also wrong, more tissue actually reduces the amount of genetic issues and cancers, look it up
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>Women won't tell you they observe armpits in the same rate as men observe cleavage.
yeah uh i'm sure women look at armpits but i think you're underestimating how much men look at tits
I’m pretty sure women are also looking at tits, we just don’t see a man’s chest that way.
Can confirm
Would suck on Zoro's right tit while jiggling the other
Got a comm of Bridget from my Motionless story from the artist that did those dual womb pictures in a previous thread. They added text, which I didn't expect, but whatever. I think2t0p its pretty cute.
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This looks great! Three questions:

1. At what point in the story does this picture represent?
2. Can we expect more pics like this in the future?
3. Can we expect any updates to Motionless or Abby Alone anytime soon?
Around the time she's 18, so chapter 4ish.

I'm working on getting one of her post immobilization, after that I may have to wait a while to commission more. Decent art is expensive and I'm technically losing money on my stories at this point with all the time I put into them.

And on that note, the next chapter of Motionless is nearly there, but it will take me at least another week or two. I work two jobs and both are a nightmare this time of year. I haven't had much free time, but I should be able get some real writing done once things let up again.
Would you be opposed to other people commissioning art of your characters? With permission, of course
>Barely fit anywhere
>Everything has to be tailored
>Stuff still rips all the time, as few fabrics have enough give at such scale
>The power and influence is nice, but it only means you've gotta deal with more people
>Oh, and pictures fail to do justice to the scale, meaning some idiots fail to take things seriously without seeing themselves
>So they just gawk and waste the first five minutes when actually witnessing it all, after all the effort of going to meet their pitiful selves in person
>Not to mention all the drunken macho men who feel emasculated simply on sight, get mad and try to prove god-knows-what
Et cetera, et cetera... And some people wonder why going on a rampage is so common, or just simply becoming numb and uncaring about causing damage.
I guess I was imagining her bigger at that point in the story.
30Z+U cup, each boob around 57 lbs
Technically she would be, but the artist went with this size. I didn't want to ask them to make her bigger, and it was close enough. She wouldn't be 18 at this size and that's a whole barrel of worms I don't want to open.
I wouldn't hate that, I suppose
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Really makes my mind RACE. Imagine the weight crushing down on your lap
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It’s empathy baiting. Pity is a positive force in attracting a mate for women.
legit question, how do i learn how to draw proper hyper? i already know how to draw decently but i decided to get on big hot stuff like hyper bodies and penetration too
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draw circles, draw woman attached to circles.
Try to capture the size and weight of the breasts/belly/whatever body part your drawing. I’m not an artist myself so I can’t give anything more specific than that, but I’ve found that the best hyper art really conveys that along with that they are a part of the person in question.

Also would love to see your art when you’re done.
it doesnt looks as easy as it sounds, not at all
u guys have any speedpaint saved so i can kinda get the idea?
it will be my first try but i havent done anything yet, i was hoping to practice some things about it before doing the actual first try
I'd say take a look at realistic weight gain pics and try to apply that to specific bodyparts you want.
Add some shading of cellulite, wrinkles, but not too much-sketch out how much muscle might be needed to carry it.
Hyper tits? Maybe it's not spheres, but teardrop dufflebags with swollen nipples tenting underneath.

That and proportions.
Then again, I am just a random anon blabbing shit.
YES. Especially a breeding pair "afflicted" this way, churning out dozens of kids as surrogates for less fortunate couples
Don't know how to post videos but here's a link!

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there's not really a science to it, just reference art you like and draw. draw big boobs/bellies and make them bigger until your dick tells you to stop
Idk if I posted this in here or the chounyuu thread, so here is something I drew up
why is she lactating piss.
Wait, you don't? Weirdo.
where is your piss stored??
i wish there was more immobile content
As usual little sister is superior.
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There really should be some slice of life mangas about that. MC keeps growing bigger and has to deal with the daily struggles and embarassing situations her massive breasts cause her.
Hell yeah, brother. Other than TavernMoth and Coppernicous, there is a severe lack of written immobile content
It really sucks, immobility is so hot but in terms of content for it its entirely monopolised by fatfags while most chounyuu artists draw the girl walking around with 2 tons worth of titflesh protruding from her.
The thing is that immobilization would happen at sizes waaaay smaller than weak retard coom-cave dwellers think. And women are even weaker than the weakest man.

Ever lift a 50 pound back of livestock feed? Imagine strapping that thing around your chest and living your life. Yeah, no fucking way a woman is carrying around even 50 pounds of tits, guaranteed.

Boobs weigh almost nothing. Think of the biggest titty ladies you know, and their knockers are 25 pounds, tops, for the WTF biggest. Most are way less.

So you pretty much have to give women super strength as a plot device every story about boobs big enough to pique your fancies anyway.
Impossible to live normally weight =! Immobile because of size
Its hotter when the immobility comes from/with her breasts being so large and unwieldy
This is like a Tony Hawk video game where you enter the b1gt1tt13s cheat code
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For me it's the compination of both;
>breasts so heavy that slowly heaving herself up from bed takes 15+ minutes every morning. And when she's walking she has to always tilt herself backwards, otherwise she will just fall over immediately as her huge breasts are swinging back and forth heavily.
>breasts so massive that squeezing through doorways is always a problem, and finding any clothes that fit is next to impossible. And her expensive custom bras always start to feel too small after few months.
Huge long fucking hyper tongue
Cock milking tentacle that hangs out that's too big to pull all the way inside her mouth
Deepthroating one cock and jerking off another one with her tongue sticking out of her mouth passed the first one
OH MY GOD YESSSSS this is so good thank you ;-;
My absolute favorite is when the girl still maintains her confidence and dignity despite her adverse attributes.

I wrote a story about a woman with two 100 pound breasts https://www.literotica.com/s/jessicas-day

When she was in high school she used a wheelchair, but in order to be independent she has to exercise two hours every day to maintain her mobility. Even then movement is a hassle for her.

Too many artists and authors don't think about balance and weight. For some reason, I have a hard time getting aroused by an image if it doesn't feel realistic. If she's struggling like she would in real life, I can imagine her actually existing.
Can you do the same for >>11106312 her?
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Nice. I wouldn't mind if the story went into even more detail about her morning routine; making breakfast etc. I love that stuff when her breasts are a constant hindrance to her no matter what she does.
This rocked. Do you have any plans to make more like this?
Seconded. I’d love to see your take on a story where the girl is completely immobilized and is reliant on helpers/various contraptions in order to move around
That's called Colostrum- typically produced a few days after a mother gives birth. It's basically ubermilk to give the kid's digestive system a jumpstart.
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I used this pic when I got 34Z+Z+J in a previous thread, which is so big that the weight chart I have doesn't even go that high, so I had to extend it manually, giving me tits somewhere in the neighborhood of 108 lbs each
I specifically used the one in the upper-left where she's bending over, so if that size seems too high, even for her, I'll just put that down to the artist not drawing her boobs 100% consistently the same size each time
Thanks! I have one I wrote as a greentext a while back that I might expand one day. I've got a bigger project I'm currently working on.
I like this , it's funny, but she should use a cart to carry her balls
It's like she's daring you to say something about her overwhelming sexuality, that's always hottest
I honestly prefer cases like in >>11101735 where the biggest inconvenience isn't their bodies being directly harmful or inconvenient to themselves but to others and trying to get along with them. Knocking objects and people over with a too-big pair of breasts, accidentally flooding places with cum, a fat ass that has to take a second chair and let someone else use that lap as their own, etc
Does anyone have a clue what Anon is referring too? I can only find that breast size is not directly related to cancer risk, but factors that could increase size - like obesity - is. Dense breasts are mentioned to be a cancer risk, but that may be more about the difficulty of diagnosis rather than occurrence?
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Is it this one?
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TFW your balls keep swelling, inconveniencing you more and more every dime, but at the same time increasing your guilty pleasure of how they feel
I love this too, especially in like an office environment where he/she is seen as a sex object despite her competency. Anyone got any pics of that btw (ive seen every pic on this thread chain through archives).
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Best part is seeing the adjustment in standing posture, and the potent back muscles developed.

Having fuckoff big boobs isn't an automatic back-breaker unlike what most think (it's only really suddenly getting masses of weight on an unconditioned body), but the way the body adapts to deal with it is hot in itself.

A shame it's so rarely done well.
Does anyone have any updates Tavernmoth and Coppernicous’s latest stories?
Does anyone know that one doujin artist that draws really shortstack big boob girls? Super vague but I remember a comic where a girl gets stuck in between two walls and his artstyle looks almost like paint of how pixelated it is. Seen the OP pic it reminded me of it but for the life of me I can't find the guy
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Not quite but really close. I finally managed to find it now though, I thought it would be impossible but I managed to narrow it down.
The artist was called Full Flap and the comic itself is called September-October 2020 Paid Plan Benefits on exhentai. but thank you for bothering to look it up.
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Seconding this. I’ve been waiting with baited breath for both of these guys to release new stuff
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