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>Would you ____ a maid dressed in tight latex clothing?
Ah who am I kidding, considering where we are. Of course you would...

New chapter of the Latex loving childhood friend story (Includes Maids):
Hope you like it
Last thread:
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Good to see you're still at it, I'll good it a read tonight.
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Oh, I guess I should post at least one maid.
Hope you liked it
Don't worry anon, I got more.

pic related: Two maids having a bit of fun during their break
Warrior maid, doubles as housekeeper and bodyguard
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Gasmasked maid
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Blue Archive has been a godsend for latex nuns.
Pun absolutely intended
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>My my, you have been a naughty maid, haven't you? Perhaps you need some more serious restraint for that potty mouth of yours badmouthing after what you said about our master.

>Please, I swear... I will never say it ag...MMMPF!
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Problem being you can never play as one, right? That one story arc is the only reason I'd even consider playing the game, but not even Sakurako can be played in that uniform as far as I'm aware (though she does have official artwork wearing it).
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>When your account isn't going to well and you want to boost engagement numbers...
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New chapter:

I recalled this discussion regarding drones in an older /d/latex thread while writing this
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Ahh, wholesome latex fetish content. Loved it.

Any chance there's going to be some bondage content involved? Drone stuff introduced a bit of dom/sub interactions, was that building to something?

Pic maybe related. Tomika wants to try a vacbed, but needs a second, so of course thinks of her best friend...
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Oh bondage and vacbeds are definitely in the cards, I'll say that much.

Although in what context, you will have to wait and read ;)

Btw. What do you think of the more philosophical parts of this chapter? Like I said I was inspired by the discussion on a previous thread and took an outsiders perspective on dronification
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The philosophical stuff was interesting, though it seemed a bit unfocused. Too many concepts with not enough page space to explore them properly, maybe, but then it's more a fetish story than a serious commentary on economic/political systems.

Like, you did a bit on capitalism/communism and over-centralisation, then some individualist/collectivist, and that all made sense, but then the MC made connections from there to dronification without really expressing them. Just "ahha" moments that left me mostly mystified. Perhaps that's just me, I tend to miss more subtle subtexts like this. Or maybe you just didn't want to get too down into the weeds and distract from the rubbery goodness, which is definitely understandable, lol.

It did make me think though, so mission accomplished in that regard. Like, the drones you describe are kind of authoritarian communist, collectivist kind of thing - everyone equal (equally mindless), working together for the success of the group, while ultimately following the orders of their supreme drone leader. Or at least that was my interpretation. I'm not that well read on this kind of stuff.

Haruto's initial reaction to dronification seems a little overboard to go straight to freaking out 'you must stop!', but also very fitting for a teenager. When she actually does go too far, I feel like he wouldn't let it sit for months if they're as close as they are. He didn't strike me as quite that passive.
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Perhaps I could have made the whole intellectual discussion more concise.

I wanted a more critical look, and specifically and outside look on the whole drone fetish, going beyond the usual drone circle jerking of 'Horny, happy and blank'.

It is similar to themes I have briefly touched upon in my second work: 'Dronified Love'

Anyway let's leave the philosophical implications of dronification there. Next chapter is going to be about Kigurumi Cosplay and a Mecha RTS game I had an idea for and am using for this story.
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> I wanted a more critical look, and specifically and outside look on the whole drone fetish, going beyond the usual drone circle jerking of 'Horny, happy and blank'.
Yeah, the MC's horror and thoughts are definitely accurate. From the outside, drone fetish is pretty damn alarming. It's just fucking hot too.

> Next chapter is going to be about Kigurumi Cosplay
I figured that, given the helmet at the end of the chapter. Look forward to it. There seems to be some overlap with drones IMO, with the whole losing your identity, but less emphasis on the blank obedience and more having a different identity instead. At least that's always been my interpretation of Kigurumi.

A lot of the content is very crossdressing/trans focused though, especially heading into 'female masking', which I'm not into. A lot is also in Japanese, or at least the stuff I've come across, which makes it hard to get a handle on the motivations
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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only latex fan on earth who really doesn't like drones. Don't get me wrong full coverage is hot as hell but I don't like gas masks and the whole long-term-mind-control theming just bothers me. Honestly I don't like how most latex-adjacent head coverings look, full on bondage hoods without eye holes are the only ones I think I enjoy. Beyond that hypnotizing someone all shined up to do sex things is nice, but you're going to do all that to give them a day job? Man what is the point.

There's also this inherit contradiction of the collectivist nature of most drone fantasies with the material fact that latex is impractical (especially full-body suits that are time consuming to put on and remove and can be physically taxing/restrictive to wear) as well as an expensive luxury fabric. Those properties don't lend themselves to "the common man."
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Nah, I like gas masks etc. but drone stuff kinda creeps me out because of permanent mind control and all that.
Also, most of the fiction I've seen seems to be "what if megacorps actually did slavery?"
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>"what if megacorps actually did slavery?"

I feel you. I don't think I have seen a rubber cult yet, with some Jim Jones like figure leading them.
Ending could be a happy or a bad one, depending on what you want to go for.

>Escape the rubber cult, but it still has its teeth in your mind
>Mass cult death, although that goes into the macabre
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Another thing that could also work really well with drones is a ninja clan where the shadow warriors surrender their identities to become tools to be used for assassination and subterfuge

Think the Dark Brotherhood and their worship of Sithis but with 100% more shiny clothing and even less individuality (although they would specialize their tools for certain tasks)
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>I don't think I have seen a rubber cult yet
Could always start one.

I'm fine with the facelessness. (I'm told I'm a lot more outgoing in a zentai suit.)
The drone mind control... seems like that is taking away the fun.
The rubber ninja could be smuggled in with a box, although the in box entertainment is likely not included
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Well it's good sportsmanship to includean extra reward in case they check the box.
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In this episode: Tomika wears a latex plugsuit and kigurumi mask to a convention
Nice chapter, thanks. That part of Haruto discovering doujin was amusing
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Bump. "Maid" is probably my favorite variant of the rubber girl.
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I also quite like the inflatable plugs.
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New chapter soon, either tomorrow or the day after
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Was a bit in a hurry when posting the link
I hope you all enjoy the new chapter
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Good chapter, thanks
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>Kig hair put into place in the span of a single sentence
Now this is real wish fulfillment fetish writing.
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Fair enough. I wanted to get to the meat of the story.

Assuming you are more knowledgeable in this then I am, what does the kigurmi wig care taking usually involve? I read about it needing to be brushed regularly.

I also imagined the hair being attached to the mask, but I don't think that is always the case.

Besides that part, how did you like the chapter as a whole?
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It's not an actual problem, not like the story would be better with an agonizing description of slow hair straightening, brushing, and styling. The relationship of the characters is more important than every little detail.

Wigs can be both attached or removable depending on the maker. Wig care usually involves a lot of brushing, some kind of product to keep frizz manageable, and redoing any styling, which can take a really long time. Sometimes steaming the wig helps straighten it out too if it's gotten really bad.
The biggest thing though is that latex is one of the quickest ways to frizz up a wig. Not that it stops people (including myself), but it's not the kind of thing you could take care of easily right before going to a con.

I still liked the story. The only other little nitpick is that kigs usually don't talk (because they're usually men) but even if they did it would probably be really hard to hear their muffled speech over the noise of a con. Again, not actually a real issue because the story should be more than just "WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
Thank you very much for your input, I hope you will like the next chapters as well.

As for the wig frizzing up: It would probably not as bad if you kept the mask and the suit separate before putting them on, I'd imagine.

I might revisit some of the things you just told me in the future, especially considering what happened in the most recent chapter: >>11122844
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Even if you try to keep them apart, it goes all frizzy shockingly quickly. The longer mask's hair the quicker it gets bad.
Easiest way to totally avoid it is using masks with hard plastic molded hair instead of wigs.

It was only a matter of time before Haruto got dragged into the metaphorical latex swamp, so I'm looking forward to see the next chapter.
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>some kind of product to keep frizz manageable
Wait, you mean like a real product, that you can buy? Or where you just talking about fictionary reasoning for why you'd not have to worry about it in fetish stories?
>Sometimes steaming the wig helps straighten it out too if it's gotten really bad
You mean like submerging the wig part of the mask in steaming hot water or something? You can do that? Wouldn't that just destroy the synthetic strands of the wig?
Also, sorry if I'm asking too much thread-unrelated stuff.
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>>Wait, you mean like a real product, that you can buy?
Wig care stuff. I use a couple different brands. Leave in conditioners and styling sprays for wigs. At the end of the day kigurumi use the same kinds of wigs that a regular person does, just bigger to fit on a big plastic bobblehead instead of a normal head.
Steaming is similar to how you might steam a more delicate bit of clothing instead of ironing it directly. Exposing it to the steam instead of the actual hot water has less risk of damaging things.
Again, this is all stupid nitpicking, and really isn't something that you'd need to worry about including in the stories. It was just a funny thing that I had some personal experience with.
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>Leave in conditioners and styling sprays for wigs
Oh then I'm going to look into both of those things. I'm guessing stying sprays are more used to be able to keep the hair in more eccentric or specific style than just letting it be straight down?
>use the same kinds of wigs that a regular person does
Sadly I have no experience in that area, otherwise I guess it would've helped with maintaining kig hair too.
>Exposing it to the steam instead of the actual hot water has less risk of damaging things.
Oh, so not putting it in boiling water itself, just exposing it to the steam from it. I think I might look into this too and do some smaller tests with this and see if it could help straighten it out.
Also, I'm not the one you were taking to about the latex/kigurumi story, I just kind of hijacked the conversation a bit because of some questions I've had for a while, sorry about that.
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>I'm guessing stying sprays are more used to be able to keep the hair in more eccentric or specific style than just letting it be straight down?
Styling gel or glue is what I've always seen it called. Needs to be reapplied every so often but helps to keep hair in whatever bullshit anime style you set it in. To a point at least.
>I have no experience in that area,
Yeah, I wouldn't expect anyone who doesn't wear a wig to have any experience. Just explaining why the products exist and that they're not a fetish story fiat.
>sorry about that.
No need to apologize.
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>Needs to be reapplied every so often but helps to keep hair in whatever bullshit anime style you set it in.
I see I see. So leave in conditioners might be something to start with. Either way, now I have some searchable terms for this.
>Just explaining why the products exist and that they're not a fetish story fiat.
It makes sense too, I've just never thought about it since it's never been relevant before.
>No need to apologize.
Bad habit of mine. Still, thanks for answering my questions! I've gained some hope and motivation that I might be able to get this kig wig hair problem "straightened out"... heh...
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If you're looking to wrangle a kig wig yourself, then look into a tangle teezer brush, or something similar.
Start with small chunks, working from the bottom to the top. Take things slow, spray with sillicone spray (I use "Simply Stylin' light Silk Spray" It's like $18 on Amazon) and slowly try to gently work out any knots. Don't just yank.
It is painfully slow going.
I have already been starting brushing it regularly to try and get most of the knots and tangling out, but it seems like it doesn't really stay untangled. But then maybe getting a brush specifically for that to make it easier, and a styling spray to make it stay, is what i've been missing.
>It is painfully slow going.
Yeah I've kind of already gotten that you have to go very slow and methodical, but I'm thinking it could be worth it in case it turns out well.
Also, I guess I should be happy have I don't have a latex bodysuit if that makes it even harder to maintain the wig hair, even if the idea of wearing one is exciting.
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Who drew that art ?
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Probably iin, judging from the style
Cant find that specific art in his galley though.
It was posted on twitter a while back.
I wish someone would translate the more recent Sho-yan stuff.
New chapter soonish

Probably by tomorrow.

Would love it as well but it seems the guy who translates the first chapters quit.

From what I have read with MT it does have a semi-wholesome ending.
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New chapter released, I hope you like the boat trip.
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Nice. Change of place, and bit of peril. I do hope that won't be only underwater adventure.
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Brace yourself, winter is coming
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Source? Nothing shows up on saucenao.
I wish I knew too. Found in bondage thread and wanted to share.
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god tier kig artist dumping
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actually most i should probably post in the layered thread as they are not latex
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Only because it wasn't indexed yet as the image is very new

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whats the artist on this? no way im gonna get search results for letters
Here you go:

Click the arrow next to the post's number for image search. SauceNAO is usually the best for drawn images
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This artist doesn't seem to have a pixiv, so here's the X post I was linked containing it-
Looks like a gacha blessed us with another new latex char

This time: Zipper all the way down, couretsy of Nikke
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Can't wait for Thursday morning. Though EVA cleared out my gems, and Rouge was someone I had to try for (and failed), so I still have nothing. At least Escape Queen Quency is going into the regular pool so I can also put her on wishlist.
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New chapter, with big developments
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>“Stupid hair…” Tomika mumbled as she removed her Artoria mask and brushed its hair straight. “Only an hour in bed and it has gone all frizzy again.”
Thought it would be fitting there...

Was there something else you liked in the chapter?
Probably the scene after the vacbed if I would guess.
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Obviously the relationship payoff was the big highlight.
But I also got a laugh at the others telling her to delete everything on her social media.
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i decided to finally read the rest of Bionikokoro after leaving it on chapter 3
>chapter 4
by far the biggest one and and a roller-coaster from start to finish, probably the best chapter in the story
>chapter 5
nice little epilogue to tie everything up, feels like a great ending to this story, i just wish we got more info about the fate of THAT bitch
>chapter 6
this is what i thought the story was actually going to be like from the begging but i was wrong, still good to see a more fetish oriented part of the chapter even if it is not entirely canon
overall i give Bionikokoro 9/10. interesting premise, good writing, lovable characters and of course latex goodness
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Thank you very much for your review

Perhaps I should have added a scene in court regarding Ichika in chapter 5. Needless to say, as we like to say in Germany, she is going behind Swedish curtains

Chapter 6 was sort of meta lore (Like how VTubers got their own lore and backstories), for the rest of the main story I wanted to do something more grounded and substantial

Which of the Bionikos has been your favorite?

I do hope you will find my other stories to your liking as well.
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New chapter:
This week: Parental quarrels, one apple falls far from its stem, the other... not so much.
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there is this really hot series of pics where a school girl gets progressively put into more and more bondage, im pretty sure it involves latex
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degenerate hand holding
Here have some more.

Although I wish there would be more images like this where the man wears rubber as well, and not just over his cock.
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ditto, I love latex cuddling
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Bump with my comission I made for Shimoneta Tomen
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gimme latex bondage
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might be not the most appropriate thread but, did anyone had Lok'narash's deleted work?

this one are incomplete, https://e-hentai.org/g/2241488/06e9b69e48/

pic related
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This time: Christmas, exhibitionism and a meeting with a certain latex e-celeb teased in past chapters
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Yeah, sorry, the last two are Ai slob using this >>11149323 as a preset. I would like to offer something better, but I'm struggling to find new stuff .
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Nice holiday chapter, thanks
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if i were to look for a mask like this, would it just be a half-gasmask without the hose?
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Latex mermaids are so incredibly arousing to me. It's like a monster girl transformation but completely reversible and you could even do it IRL. So hot
I'll be happy to give you another
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New chapter, next one is going to be the final one.
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>Sho-Yan translations went from poorly typeset MTL crap to stopping completely
Pain to more pain
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Latex under clothes?
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After a long break due to an exam, project and a flu

I hope you all like the end of this series.

Some ideas for the future:
>Latex witches
>Female super soldiers in skintight clothing and powered by HORNY
>A couple surviving the Zombie Apocalypse by wearing full latex gear and gas masks
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That was very enjoyable story. Thanks.
Can't wait to see next one.
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Am I the only one who likes this stuff for the sweat/smell buildup instead of the bondage/humiliation etc.?
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I swear I've seen all these images before
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Have something new then
Any more piercings over latex examples like these ? The more the better.
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Sorry for the long silence. I am very busy with Uni, and now managed to get an internship for next year. Here is an out line for the second idea after a bunch of discussions on a discord server:

>It starts with the female lead getting suited up, while she is internally mono-logging about her backstory
>She still remembers how they (enemy faction) slaughtered her village leaving her as the only survivor when the elite soldiers, I am going with WraithLynx as a WIP name, find her tucked away
>Ever since she had only two wishes: To become a Wraith herself so she can take revenge on them
>Worked her way up in the military until she finally was chosen after a grueling test
>Uniform is a sleek black bodysuit, connected to the wielder to enhance their power by arousal, hood and gasmask with a veil like Nøkk from RS6 has covering their heads, plus additional pouches and bags to carry equipment
>After checking all systems the overseers of the Wraiths sends her to a training holodeck room where another WraithLynx is already training, aces it
>FeMCs turn: She gets a taste of combat but ultimately fumbles it due to getting too drunk on revenge (and other things ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), while she "butchers" the projection of the enemy combattant to pieces and passes out
>When she wakes up she is chastised but is allowed to stay, though she got a long way to go
>Future ideas: Tours of duty in various battlefields, philosophy of war and camaraderie
Any more ideas for female soldiers in latex bodysuits?
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