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Nipples Edition

Previous Thread: >>11100398

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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>Games with some kind of monster MC that impregnates girls?
Corrupted Savior, Incubus City, Ravager, Goblin Burrow, Invasive Species
No pregnancy: Brainwashing with Tentacles R, Fleshcult
the tower of power
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One game with inflation mechanics doing it to cute waifu-able girls.
That's it.
That's the post.
Games where you can get pregnant and get bullied/degraded for it in sex/bdsm scenes?
Just out of curiosity, when it comes to games that primarily feature lo-spec/pixel art graphics, do you prefer a style like Kinky Dungeon where the world sprites are very low resolution and rudimentary but with a backing of high-resolution images/scenes, or is it better to do something like Echidna Wars where the game itself is a higher resolution and the scenes mostly maintain that same resolution?
I'm mostly ambivalent towards it myself, I think they're both suited to different kinds of games, but I'd like to hear if anyone believes one or the other to be superior and why.
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How would you make a game for the purpose of
>make girls play it
>make girls want to try oral
That itself probably relies on/ties into the overall design of the game, rather than being a "flavor."
For example, in echidna wars the lewd happens as the player fails (or neglects) to struggle the heroine out, and the action gameplay seamlessly flows from girl fighting monsters to girl swallowed by monsters.
Haven't played kinky dungeon myself, but it looks like it's build on top-down RPG. Aside from the fact that the game sprites are too small to make good far material, it seems that the player character's condition can go through complex changes, so the large side portrait is there to show the large variety of outfits and bondage on the character.
Though preference wise, I'd personally rather have a small pool of animations than a large arsenal of things to put on a .png image.
Why would you need a game for that?
I agree that it's more of a design thing, I was just wondering if there were people out there who dismiss games outright over using pixel art in a way that isn't to their tastes. I remember a couple of anons talking about how they don't like pixel art in their h-games at all, and was curious to see if there were those who only like a certain kind.
Make a VN with heavy focus on art and music and characters and all that.
Have a manipulative guy (with tragic backstory) who coerces the player (female) into oral sex in an overly verbose and descriptive manner.
I'd suggest checking out >>>/cm/ for research instead of /d/
>make girls play it
It would need to be well written, focusing on deeper or more complex dynamics between developed characters rather than focusing exclusively on a series of excessively detailed or exaggerated descriptions of disjointed sexual acts. Visual elements should be stylized and aesthetic.

>make girls want to try oral
Try to tap into what would make giving oral appealing to someone in the context of your narrative. Focus on the inner thoughts of the person giving oral, and what they find appealing about it. It may be a submissive act, a slutty act, a way to please people or an intimate act between lovers. There is some meaning to it, something that she should want to experience or achieve by doing it. I'm not barring non-consent dynamics here, but those are more complicated and would revolve around wanting to be humiliated, or forced to serve, etc. You can not get someone to want to do something by describing it from the perspective of the person they are doing it to so pov is important.
I don't think all girls are fujos into gay romance, there's also girls who like raunchy sex scenes and stuff like 50shadesofgrey.

The majority of porn that women consume is via written novels. After that, you can go to pornhub and check out videos that are frequently viewed by women. A disproportionate number of those videos are lesbian, but there's still lots of straight stuff.
>looking for translation of RJ311636
>no dice
>check archive
>"recently a good translation came out on Nyaa, I uploaded it to mega"
>there is literally no translation on nyaa
>anon just showed up, dumped link without context and dipped
>patch has no indication where it came from
>separate from game
What the fuck. Spill your real source for shota game translations, god fucking damn it.
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If there are any devs/ aspiring devs who still look at these threads, I thought I'd share what I'm looking for in a game: Solo RP. I really enjoy RP, but I really don't want to do it with other people. Black mirror was a warning, not an instruction manual.
Modded Skyrim was okay at this, but it's a really heavy payload, and it's not very easy to make an immersive world when the PC is the only one allowed to be slutty.
Virtual Succubus is good at directly involving the player, but it's not much of a game.
Bondage projects- Bondage Club= Literally black mirror.
I don't know anything about how to program so maybe what I'm looking for is literally impossible, just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Will post more pics to help thread.
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You're kidding yourself if you think you'll get any reasonable woman audience without doing something gay as fuck. Nothing is gayer than making a game aimed at women. You're already at a loss since gaming in general is a male thing and porn games are definitely male, if you're fighting for those few scraps of women that would actually play a porn game then you need to do what I said, which is what I assume 50 shades of grey is,
>powerful man with dark backstory is manipulative towards the player character (woman)
and let me remind you 50 shades of grey was written by a woman. If you're gay for hot men then go for it, otherwise do what I said and imagine yourself as the woman sucking a guy off and do your research from there.

Worth noting, a certain game we talked about too much last thread has quite a few women playing it. The relationships, the trauma nonsense, the manipulative relationships are enough that even if the audience is mostly male, there'll be some girls in there. If you want to pretend you're not gay you can study that, and drop the battlefuck / erotic combat and focus more on story and pre-written scenes.
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you can roleplay with LLMs
checking a box on a survey doesn't make someone a woman anon, though the other points about having a focus on relationships and verbose stuff is right in regards to women.
Women are much more degenerate than you believe anon, the abuse victim simulator is appealing for a reason.
They N°1 sex toy buyers (after furfags) that's for sure lol.
I want to clarify that I don't think women are fujos into gay romance, or that they don't like raunchy sex scenes. On the contrary, if you read erotica written by women, there is a great depth of detail, and especially in the non-consent world, they can get cruel in very targeted ways that you rarely encounter in erotica written by men. What I'm saying is that they want sex scenes to have emotional impact in the broader story (that's why BDSM fics written by women nearly invariably drift towards character melodrama) and they are also interested in the emotional meaning of what is described in the scene. So external descriptions (and then I fucked her hard with my big dick that stretched her tight pussy to its breaking limit) are unpopular, whereas indications of power dynamics, first personal accounts of what is happening, and emotional turmoil are popular. You can and should be detailed about what is happening, but you should also showcase how what is happening matters for the characters and for the story. For the record, I think womens' preferences are basically indisputably more enlightened on this issue, and are basically nothing more than basic things that are important in mainstream fiction.

try not to masturbate to death, and treat your AI girls well.
Dunno about a recent one, but there was translation for it released in 2021 (I checked date modified), which was posted on hgg
How many parameters? It fails the "strawberry" test.
I did check once /h/, no references to the RJ code
It is from 2021 yeah
What is the strawberry test? I find it useful to describe the character's personality in detail. It can be surprisingly versatile if you give it enough to work with. Don't just go for external descriptions. Offer it a character base to work with, and then suggest tendencies she may be able to suppress, other factors that weigh in decision making (e.g. pragmatism, arrogance, specific fears), dispositions she is hiding (hopes, dreams) etc. Give her a background, and try to establish the setting in her biography. The LLM will behave differently if it is a girl that was abducted into slavery here, versus a girl living in a world where slavery is legal.
haven't played degrees of lewdity in a year or so any decent updates?
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How did you manage to do this? This has literally never happened to me, and I have literally had an AI start flaying another one. Have you not added the usual roleplay guidelines in the character description?
I asked her to lift her skirt.
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the AI should never break character in this way at all. Even if it had refused to do something it should have done so in character. Here is an basic improvised example of me bullying a girl operating in the context of institutional slavery, just for you. If she were operating in a different context she would tell me off, but she would still do so in character.
damn where can I get my watersports and wolf fix now
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Edit her character and add pic related to her character description, and "responses should be short and creative. Always stay on character" in the reminder note box. Keep responses to one paragraph max, and do not activate long term memories unless you want it to start repeating itself exhaustively later on. Then get back to me if you still have basic issues.
And, as an aside, you may want to remove "propose new conversation topics" if you find it's being autistic about it.
Nah, I'm having fun. I'm about to record an AV of her losing her virginity to a fat old bastard while she keeps repeating that AI models can't be raped.
You do you, but if you want an actual roleplay, this is definitely not working as intended.
I just got mine to write recursive javascript functions involving prime numbers using language that was indirect and easy to misinterpret.

basically we're all gonna die.
Anyone have a full download for A New Life in Sunny Valley? I'm not paying monthly for this nigger's fetish game that's still in alpha.
Which is exactly why we need to be teaching AI how to FUCK instead of how to FIGHT, so we at least go down (dick) swinging
>Modify a preset character to do exactly what I want by just editing their settings
>She actually does it
>Only have to correct the retard a few times
>But every single prompt for pretty much no reason has BUT REMEMBER said at least once
Just fuck my shit up, it's like in the middle of the paragraph every time. But remember, every time it's in the middle of the paragraph
How do you guys even manage to have these strange issues come up. You need to correct her early on by editing the messages you receive. Or you fucked something up with the prompts.
There was a... spirited discussion about DoL in the last thread. Start at >>11111822, and note that a lot of posts were deleted.
Now ask it to write a large language model.
Oh Jesus. I’m reading through it now can I get a qrd like I said it’s been a while and I don’t frequent the autistic degenerate game dev community.
lolifags are excessively mad that DoL is no longer claiming the characters in it are underage and some schizo thinks everyone who likes it are actually trans members of Vrel's discord raiding the thread.
Don't start this shit again, retards.
The only good thing about DOL is the watersports mod and diaper content.
Actually it was more people being annoyed that Vrel tried to gaslight people and lied about doing so, on top of frequent astroturfing and raiding threads. Along with people going "stop noticing things"
The main take away is the content of the game sucks, and hasn't had any good updates in years regardless of your stance on the dev.
>DoL is no longer claiming the characters in it are underage
DoL used to be ambiguous, not stating anything either way so everyone could be happy.
but cant have people enjoy something the wrong way now can we.
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>used to be ambiguous
>not stating anything
That certainly isn't ambiguous.
why do we have to do this again and again and again
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It's a great song.
Right? I as a straight man love blowing cock.
I am so sick of you retards. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if both sides were the same people arguing with each other to create this artificial conflict to try and make "DoL" an autobanned phrase. No normal people would argue about shit that doesn't matter for days on end like this.
>normal people
Instead of making an off topic post to cry about it why not talk about a game you're playing currently anon, by mentioning either side indirectly you do nothing but add to the autism of the situation.
What are some RPGs like TiTS and Lilith's Throne that let me play as a male MC and get fucked by futas?
For any of you anons getting into LLM roleplay check out SillyTavern and OpenRouter. It's basically the state of the art when it comes to this stuff. Hermes 3 405b is even free on Opentouter right now and it's both uncensored and vastly smarter then 99% of other free models you find online which tend to be 13b models, that you could probably run on your own computer, at max.
For questionable values of "male MC" you could try Tales of Androgyny. Technically DoL fits the bill but...well you can go look in the last thread for why we shouldn't talk about it. Course of Temptation could in theory qualify, though I'm not sure how much actual content is in there compared to the grind. Same goes for Debasing Grounds - both show lots of promise and development progress is definitely evident, but whether either is in a state worth playing right now is up to you.

If RenPy VNs are OK too, you might try Star Periphery. There's also Dominant Witches, its sequel, and Dominas of the Forsaken Planet all by the same dev. In the first, not all the girls have dicks and not all of them take the dominant position, but some relevant content is definitely there. Haven't tried the other two myself, probably more of the same in there though.
>Tales of Androgyny
Cool and all but it's a femboy instead of a proper male MC I can self insert as. Also less of an RPG than TiTS.
Course of Temptation is very interesting and shows great potential, I've played it a while but it still lacks the content. The updates are often times quite lame clothes and slice of life events and whatnot instead of actual /d/egeneracy. Hope they don't forget it is a coom game at some point. Debasing is more of a BDSM simulator.
>SillyTavern and OpenRouter
>Hermes 3 405b is even free
Here's a quick example output of the model. It's pretty fun to fuck around with and you can get pretty in depth with game mechanics.
hello, posting here to fish for ideas that make sense conceptually in the hxh verse for an mc/tf h-game i'm making based in green island where cards affect you mentally and/or physically; if you have any ideas and wanna share i'd appreciate it!
Greed Island? Could be neat. Might be better to keep the concept but create your own universe.

My idea for a card game TF game is something like Slay the Spire. A roguelike game where traverse a fantasy campaign with events and battles and you get cards and relics with TF modifiers, maybe the better the card/relic the more drastic the transformation with some straight downside cursed cards/relics thrown in the events.
Also what transformation are you thinking about putting, feminization?
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Been working with other popular DD modders to bring hero skins into Lustiest Lair: Expanded.

My goal is to make LL:E super easy to set up by making it an all-in-one mod, and in the past it didn't come with its own skins for the heroes considering the wealth of other mods out there.

It's become increasingly clear, however, that all that effort is a bit of a barrier to many folks -- a barrier I'd like to remove.

Hazu has been an absolute godsend here - their heroine skins are fantastic, so I've been paying them for their work and adding recolours to fill out every skin slot in Darkest Dungeon.

The next update, 1.5, is going to focus on LL:E becoming this all-in-one package.

Here are some skins I've been recolouring, starting with a recolour of Hazu's Crusader inspired by Dark Souls II's Emerald Herald:
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Great mod, making it all in one is a great idea!
It was the main thing I kept being asked over and over again, so there's clearly a demand for it.

Anyway yee, new builds are up on my patreon etc etc you've all heard it before whatever
Good to hear you took the feedback. It means you're catching an audience outside of the usual pool of Darkest Dungeon modders, and you'll likely introduce a lot of people to modding DD in case they then want to go on to use other mods.
good luck!
It was also just a really good use for the Patreon money, which pretty much all goes right back into LL:E.

Hazu's so damn talented and they do all their stuff for free, just didn't feel right for them not to get paid.
Looks fantastic, great decision.
Glad you took that advice, I'm happy I'm not the only one that was asking that.
Why did you hide your Patreon income though? It makes you look scummy, I'd advise against it. Seeing a high Patreon income makes people more likely to support.
Oh really? I did that 'cos I thought it'd be the opposite!
I've got no problem with unhiding that.
Yep, most people think "oh, a lot of people support this, it must be good". Some Patreons hide it since it also comes with "they're earning this much, where's the fucking content" complaints (by people who don't support the Patreon of course).
All sorted -- didn't realise it'd be bad optics to hide that. Cheers <3
>spoonfeed retards won
I know this is an objectively great decision but somehow it feels like the bad guys won
It's cool that you're cycling the money into artists in the scene
this is how you get a cyberpunk 2077 situation where a bunch of mods are in now-dead discord servers and hoarded by a few people
I've no idea if it actually does that. It does mean people can look you up online and evaluate you and make assumptions based on it but personally, I leave it visible. I don't have anything to hide.
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I'd say it's better to focus on the latter. Two good artists - Protosparks and Hazu - are getting paid well for the move into an all-in-one package.

Nah, fuck that. More the merrier.

Anyway, here's another recolour I'm working on.
Nah no need to be dramatic. It's just that brain dead retards are annoying
It's one thing to have issues figuring it out, everyone has trouble learning something new to them. The thing that makes people begging to be spoonfed so annoying is the entitlement
I can't figure it a simple and minimal process, so a bunch of work should be done for my sake? What a mentality
Retards should be humble about failing basic competency and figure it out, instead of demanding thing solutions contort around them
Increased accessibility is ultimately a good thing, but damn are you a lame fuck
Personally, for me, it's less about catering to people who beg for spoonfeeding and more just that I wanted a consistent art style across all the heroines in LL:E.
How's Tail of Desire? Is it worth playing? Does it have a lot of content?

the tfs are gonna be more in league w/ shit you would see in games like odyssey of gianna, a lot of mind control elements involved as well
Every dev gets that. If you haven't released your game for android people will insist you make your game into a mobile game.
The real benefit is that people who aren't sure about playing it, who aren't super hyped about it just from screenshots and words, can easily try it without putting a lot of time investment into something they might not be into. This isn't "spoonfeeding retards" it's the most basic factor of getting your work seen and appreciated.

and I had forgotten about it until it was mentioned but yes, art consistency is great. Even if the art ends up being worse than other peoples' stuff, if it's consistent then it's overall much better.
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There are a couple good scenes, but it's not too memorable
>If you haven't released your game for android people will insist you make your game into a mobile game.
Why is that the case, anyway? Is it just jeets who somehow have 93 percent smartphone penetration but 10 percent PC penetration per household? I have no idea why anyone with access to a laptop/PC would ever consider playing smut games on their phone
>Why is that the case, anyway? Is it just jeets who somehow have 93 percent smartphone penetration but 10 percent PC penetration per household? I have no idea why anyone with access to a laptop/PC would ever consider playing smut games on their phone

I suspect the answer is the significantly higher than you would expect number of teenagers with no source of income who are into these games. I know I've been doing this shit since I was 13, so I can only imagine the nu-age zoomers here are plentiful
Computer illiteracy, they don't know how to use a PC, and so want a dumbed down phone version instead. The problem is then they don't know how to play it on phone either unless it's in an app form.
Star Periphery had alot of promise, but the dev has really started to slow down recently. The WEG curse never fails.
>Game released with umpteen patreon tiers with varying levels of early access
>not all that much dev time before starting the patreon
>astroturfing /aco/ and /v/
remind me where the promise was again?
It was good and was releasing content at a decent pace, and now it's not.
Nice, I trawled through DD skins recently while setting up your mod and went with Hazu's work as well. Was sad the whole roster wasn't finished, but hopefully with the LL:E attention and funding it'll all get done!
Hope you keep all the skin variations though, not just the fully nude versions.
The obvious answer is that they're playing the game to jerk off and unless you have a laptop it's more comfortable to do that on a phone in your bed than sitting at your desk on the PC.
Who the fuck can't get comfortable at their desk
Since I started getting Hazu paid for their work they seem to have become a bit more productive on that front!

The whole roster isn't finished just yet, but in the meantime Niurartwork has agreed to let me use their skins to plug the gaps so that every one of the male skins is overwritten from 1.42 onwards :)
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Making these alts has been a nice break from bashing my head against the wall coding and testing things, honestly.

Here're all of Crusader's alts.
Wdym it has been releasing at the same pace ever since it started
I'll have the same as him but with huge cocked traps please.
I'll have the same as him but a trap MC
A release can be consistent but contain less and less content
you can use shrinkflation for patreon releases
are there any games where you get to play AS a futa
Do people care if it’s a highly visual game or can it be text heavy with lots of sprites? I don’t know if my animating skills are that good but I was thinking at some point I’d make a netorare game
Depends on who your audience is. In general for games with more niche fetishes then the less competition you have and you can get away with having no art at all. Netorare is barely /d/ though if f95 and DLsite tells me anything.
Games and animation go together better than anything else. Not just for sex scenes but for gameplay mechanics and effects, it's the difference between a professional and amateur game.
As for sex scenes, there's a lot that goes into it and you really don't need animation, but if you can't sell every other aspect of the scene then animation is what would make it professional-level.
Better to take the chance to learn.

NTR is definitely not niche and is shunned on /d/ and often pointed towards /h/ or /aco/, according to one JP survey it's the #1 kink which makes it the king of hypernormie fetishes. That doesn't mean your competition is that tough, NTR wasn't the #1 kink that developers actually want to make and ero-games suck in general / aren't very replayable so you've struck the golden lottery ticket on "fetishes for a developer to want to make if they want easy money". The only requirement for success as an NTR dev is to put in a bare minimum of effort and to have no shame or self-respect.
>The pace is slower
>Okay, the pace is not slower, but there is less content
The last three updates took me the same time to complete.
I don't think there is currently a better futa wegdev. Morrigan perhaps.
I don't care if it's text heavy as long as you give me some sprites and artwork and understand that I am gonna skim over some of it and take that into consideration when dividing the pages and making it easy to understand what's going on in the non porn parts of it so I can follow along without reading a bloody testament.
But in your case it doesn't matter because NTR games suck no matter what.
I see. I can draw somewhat, but I’ve never animated. I’m not even good at coding despite having a comp sci degree. I do like my degenerate femdom fetishes and it would be my “ikigai” or whatever to fill the world with more degeneracy from my mind.
Then just make an RPGmaker game.
If you can do something like NTRPG2 then I guess people won't mind.
I wasn’t expecting as many responses or support as I got, I changed my mind, I will continue to practice drawing and learn a bit of animation so I can make the best dirty depraved smut I can. And I will figure out a way to make my dream reality and do it justice.
I know you are ngmi but you have my support. gambare, anon-kun!
any idea guys here wanna give ideas?
Ideas are cheap and plentiful, but what kinks do you want to work with?
monster-girl transformation

now make the content I want for me so I don't have to
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I really wish someone would make a game focusing on either giving or receiving tattoos and piercings, (not just degrading text tattoos and womb tattoos). Even if it was just text, I'm really really into the transformative aspect of heavy tattooing.

I know it's not that appealing of a fetish to a lot of people, so at some point I'd like to try my hand at making a game focusing on that myself since it's not likely anybody else is.
But if anybody else thinks that would be cool focus for a game, it's out there!
one game I've thought about making
>MC loses his job
>his loving gf becomes an escort to make ends meets
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i think this is the end of the road for me. i have not regrets
Where can you get pre-made characters for this?
characterhub.org / chub.ai is the most popular site
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Posted a few threads ago.
Any idea why might the API disconnect with error 1015 every other prompt?
its more a matter of what i dont wanna work with. tho i would like to make a decent mechanics based weight gain game, since theres like 0 (all just shitty renpy vns)
>Do people care if it’s a highly visual game or can it be text heavy with lots of sprites? I don’t know if my animating skills are that good but I was thinking at some point I’d make a netorare game

What do you call animation and where do you plan to use it?

If we are talking sex, you can usually get away with one or two frames, sounds, making the image shake, etc. You do not need actual animation.

Like, you could have 4 variations of the same image of a woman having sex. Have one where she sits, one where there is some motion blur on the tits and cock piv, a pleasure face, a orgasm face. Display the image st the right time. Play the sound effects at the right time. Maybe shake the orgasm image a bit when she cums.

You can also just cycle different positions.

You really don't need full on animation for immersion in porn games. Anything coherent is better than walls of text or stats menu games
Any good preg rpgmaker games out there? Seeds of destiny hasn't updated in ages. Hazumi of pregnation, while good, does not have a lot of replay and gets repetitive at end game
Violated Heroine (or Princess), LonaRPG, Silent Pill, Worm Nest Plague, Vitamin Quest, CONTAMINATION: Corrupting Queens Body and Soul (you do the breeding), Goblin Conqueror
There are very few games with futa MC and preg
MaiDen Snow Eve
Good recommendation, even though I haven't used something like this for 3-4 years I worked it out.
I was worried I'd fall into some sort of degenerate state where I'd be using the AI sexbots instead of doing better things, but instead I went down a rabbit hole of going more and more extreme with the fetishes until in the end the chatbot struggles to handle it and I'm left feeling empty inside. It's really hard to describe what makes it worse than playing with people when people are so fickle and awful to work with, but I think for someone who's not good at ERP or who is into more vanilla stuff or can't find people, it'd be perfect for them. And they should avoid it for that reason.
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Play my game, /dgg/. It's Jumanji but pregnancy.
No sex, only xrays and birth animations at the end.
Haven't shilled my stuff for a couple of years here.
I'm not going to play it because it doesn't feature the fetishes I like or the operating system I use. I just wanted to tell you that, because you're using the characters from your main game, the word "gaiden" is ideal for describing how canon it is.
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>No sex
>(((No sex)))
I don't even want to know.
needs more tibby but good otherwise
There's an "instant/rapid pregnancy" thread up right now >>11106077 so there might be an audience for this.
Hey glad you're still alive, also nice game. I'll add it to the catalog!
Yes you do. Don't lie to yourself. You're already thinking about it and have come up with several plausible explanations.
An interesting game.
Nice to hear from you again, I thought you died
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It just didn't seem like it was worth posting here, since for as long as I remember this was the DoL general. Everything else was shoved aside.

Can't. There's already a Steam page and an Itch.io page.
Oh hey, Unnie, right?
I remember enjoying Coffee a while back, noticed it has a more structured story now. Looks good.
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Not my thing but it's nice to see people actually getting stuff done
>DoL general
I wouldn't worry about that anymore. Discussing it just causes drama now. Drama that often ends up with deleted threads. Best not to bring it up.

I'm always happy to see game news and updates, and you certainly have interesting ones with a nice artstyle
In Alice in Lewdland I can't figure out how to make the protagonist pregnant, should I just be patient and continue doing prostituition until it happens or there is a faster method?
Do people still bother playing h games that use koikatsu as the cgs? Or am I wasting my time because I can't draw for shit
Oh, don't be dramatic. Last thread wasn't deleted!
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Literally googles "RJ311636 download" and the top two results are raws for the game
Also, posting just this pic because I already tried changing the link 20+ times and still getting flagged as spam
>I can't draw for shit
Just do your best.
>h games that use koikatsu as the cgs
Absolutely, it's not the best solution for long term because you're relying on pre-made assets but still perfectly viable if you can make other aspects of the game worth it.
Here's an example:
Have any of you played Crossdressing in Camelot? And if so, can you beat the game while avoiding any gay content? I'm into feminization and I think the game looks cool, but I'm not gay.
They sure do, plenty of popular ones on F95 and some people have a preference for stylized 3D over realistic art styles (DAZ, HS etc).
Sure do, if you're creative with it.
Odyssey of Gianna does quite well with its assets.
And kisekae is even more limited than koikatsu too on top of that, Koikatsu is definetively a good tool for making ero scenes or character dialogue portraits
No it isn't. The most recent update was incredibly behind schedule, as was the one before that, and the one before that.
I suck cock at least once a week AMA
Do you hawk tuah on it
I don't directly spit on it, though the guy I'm blowing likes it to be a sloppy as possible so I don't swallow any of my spit and just let it drool out of my mouth over the course of the BJ.
Obviously not as good as bespoke art or 3d modeling but it's better than AI, kisekae, DAZ, or basically any other art substitutes people use.
Thanks anons, I'll mess around and see what comes of it
>making up things on the interwebz
He updates the game about every three months. The only significant delay was in a matter of weeks. I know because I paypig the game.
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>I paypig the game
lol fag
Imagine being poor.
if there's anyone that deserves your support is porn game developers and i'm talking about the real ones, the japanese niggas out there hustling making sprite animations everyday not the patreon bucks weg shitter that does nothing and makes thousands
There's no negative effect to giving money to some DAZslop. At worst, it means other developers look at it and think "wow, h-games are this in demand that even this slop is making money? I should make one too!"
It's not like someone supporting one game means they stop supporting another game. That does happen, but it's usually because the other game stopped updating.
kind of shame that subscription model incentives devs to not say anything if they want to take a break otherwise people might stop giving them money
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Could you turn this into a game?
What engine would you use and should it be 3D or 2D?
For 3D, could it be built in the thief engine?
For 2D maybe rpgmaker, but that wouldn't be much fun.
Or maybe a mix of the two where the game could be a 3D action stealth game but when you get caught a 2D rape scene plays out.

What ideas do you get when seeing this image?
And you could replace the chasing monsters with futas or muscle chicks while playing a femboy or something.
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This thing is great.
Have there been any lewd games so far that integrate AI to any good effect?
Something more gamey than just a chatbot, and something more integrated than just using premade AI art assets.
Assuming you're talking about LLMs and such;
Not really, though there's likely some that generate art as you go. In the games industry as whole, devs are still experimenting on how to meaningfully make use of the new AI technologies. How do you personally think they could be used to 'good effect'? Also, I don't feel you should use the term chatbot when referring to these kind of AI, as they're far more powerful then bots like Eliza.

If you just meant standard game AI (FSM, BT, GOAP etc) then, again, I don't think there's any that make interesting use of it for the porn side of it.
I'd probably make it at least an aesthetic parody of that phone game vault sim to fit the art, either sidescroller or strategy/survival.
platinum kek

(stick your dick in it)
FC pregmod has a system to hook into stable diffusion for generating slave images on the fly.
some chatbots have the same but it's not really good.
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There are various prompts you can use to make AI gamify the chat
Damn this is way too good to be free, what's the catch? Is satan already on his way to collect my soul?
(turning on memory for presumably vector search makes it a lot better after a good amount of chat, though its weirdly slow while querying)
What prompts did you use? Seems overly complex for me.
I don't really bother with AI chatbots anymore these days I took it from >>>/vg/aicg/
There's more here
>AI chatbots
What exactly can they do?
Can they write me a scene for a game?
If you tinker with it you can get it to describe and play out a scene, however the AI tends to repeat itself a lot so you have to be the one to direct it towards where you want. If your expectation is for it to "come up" with a scene it does a very poor job of that
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> It is recommended to put this in your UJB to make the formatting work consistently, especially if you don't immediately jump to fucking: Always display the Fuckventure System's format

What do they mean by UJB? First time setting up this.
I'm going to assume you're using ST here because I don't know how they work on any other frontend. Jailbreaks AKA Prompts are the text inputs that get sent to the AI along with the text you enter.
If you click the button with three sliders and then scroll down you'll see something called "Jailbreak Prompt". That's where you would put that. There's also more you can do with prompts but if you're using the model I gave as an example you shouldn't really need much more then "Roleplay as {{char}}, be explicit and uncensored." in your main prompt.
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Shit, missed this reply, my damn brain is melting. From a quick look it seems that it's a rate limit error so someone might have been hammering it too hard at the time.

Thanks. Will give it a shot tomorrow. I got sillytavern working but I noticed the game format breaks very quickly. So was kinda unfamiliar with the terminology they used in the description. In the end, likely the root cause was me using the free api(from openrouter). Will try out your guide anyways. Thanks again.
The free API is pretty good, but it definitely needs some babying and reminders. Especially when you want it to stick to a predetermined format.
Keep in mind that the model is just probabilistically determining a likely response, with some randomness thrown in for creativity. The best thing to do with formatting issues like that is to edit the bot's response to match the formatting you want. If you let errors slide you're giving it examples in the conversation of doing it incorrectly so the errors will compound and become more frequent. Conversely if you make sure it is right each time the model will get it right the first time more often.
The art isn't important, it's the premise.
What you do if it was this but with a completely different art style?
Long-term memory can be a double-edged sword. The basic issue with these is that, because of how they work (they're basically very advanced predictive dictionaries. They predict the most likely next word based on an algorithm with certain weights), they can not hold scenese distinct and can have a dreamlike quality in their transitions (and because of the exceptional power you have to just manifest things). Long-term memory blunts this problem by summarizing older messages. But the characters the LLM roleplays can end up repeating themselves very frantically if they are stressed, emotional or subject to contradicting emotions. I suspect this is because the source of the algorithm for sexual roleplay is erotica with a tendency towards melodrama. So if you bully a character she verbalizes what would normally be an internal monologue, instead of having a more realistic muted response. This can be compounded by long-term memory, resulting in the LLM writing entire essays where it just repeats itself. The best way to cut that down is to edit the responses you receive. But if this happens, it's not a bug, exactly. The LLM just expresses stress, emotional conflict and intense emotions quantitatively rather than qualitatively. You can technically roll it back, as funny as that sounds, by giving the character assurances, aftercare, and letting her sleep. Trying to beat it out of her simply makes her more stressed and the LLM expresses stress by repeating itself even more.
>what's the catch
If they (OpenAI and friends) don't create an AGI soon their (FAGMAN's) money will run out.
Oh, and they might use your loli rape stories to train their models.
What are some good games with character customization beyond the protagonist? with plus if you can set custom images
i think in that case free citys pregmod might be the closest thing, though its more of a management game,
>they might use your loli rape stories to train their models
I hope so.
The best customization comes from text games but they tend to be bad gameplay-wise. Though there's a few 2D ones which kisekae-like customization. For example 'Custom Reido V' (a slave trainer)
Random short CYOA; https://www.faproulette.gg/interactive/runandescape
Seems to be focused on feminization (of the player), MtF etc.
Lillith's Throne has a very detailed TF system and you can use it to transform random-non story NPCs into whatever body you want.
>very detailed
do we mean
>2000 different words that you can add to a character's sheet
or do we mean
>a small number of fleshed out and meaningful transformations, including scenes or dialogue or actions or choices
Because CoC transformations were very much the former part for the player and the latter part for some of the OCs.
Pretty much the former.
There's a tiny game on TFGS called Mystery Box. It revolves around PC & girlfriend finding a box that alters their bodies. Quite detailed, but also very short. In a similar vein, Escape the Mystery: Lost Aboard Some Ship has PC & 2 others trying to fix a boat/make it back to civilization while their bodies change based on what they do & eat. Significantly less control in this one - even if you make sure PC is dominant and can tell the others what to do/eat, the changes are somewhat randomized rather than guaranteed.

LT had at least one named character you could turn into a bimbo. It's been ages since I played, but I think you could keep random NPCs in your base and transform them, though I recall people saying the interactions with them were lacking.
Anybody tried the angel parasite dol mod bundle thing from atf? Is it worth downloading the fag's zpaq malware?
The ZPAQ source code is included in the download so you can check for yourself, assuming you know C++. https://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html
I like the options but I have no idea how to actually do anything in Lilith's Throne, even with cheats on.
What the fuck is an Angel Parasite
Defeat enemies and rape them to gather essence, you get extra during the arcane storms that happen occasionally.
Use the essence to enchant items. You can turn food into transformation potions or turn equipment into cursed gear that transforms the wearer. Generic stuff like gender, height, muscle, etc transformations can be put on anything but if you want to turn someone into a catgirl or a centaur use the right food for that race.
Use the items you make to transform NPCs (or yourself). If you want you can also buy a slave collar and enslave people and then you can make them work at the mansion as maids.
>Corrupted Saviors
What's the impregnation content in this like? I never had the heart to figure out the game but if the preg stuff is decent I'll pick it back up
>Could you turn this into a game?
i did this in virt-a-mate
if some of this sounds gibberish to you, don't pay it any mind
>find a map someone uploaded that has rooms and walls
>spawn one person as the chaser
>use the sensor plugin to detect how close it is and if it's infront of it
>use the machine state plugin to make a rudimentary navigation system and make it patrol randomly the map
>load a rape scene if it catches you
she's completely exposed but she's RIGHT next to a wall that would cover her
is she stupid?
Sounds really hot. What did you use for the rape scenes?
It's a QTE (Quick Time Event, not that she's not a cutie) - either hide behind the wall, or stay where she is and get her capacity checked by the supermutant's weapon.
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This game is crazy fucking hot although I think it kind of ruins the characters by adding too much personality and detail to them.
The original series of artworks were so simple and you could tell everything you needed to know about them from their designs and facial expressions during sex.
I feel like this is the difference between western indie game developers and Japanese ones. The western ones try to make the characters too 'relatable', whether that be for themselves or in general.
The blonde maid is into board games and is also from a foreign country for no reason and the maid with long brown hair is a 'lesbian' in an open lesbian relationship with a girl and yet she has sex with the protagonist, who I decided should be a femboy with tits instead of a futa as in the original comics.

I appreciate the fact that someone took mdf_an's art and made a game out of it, but it's too much and I don't think I can ever look at the characters portrayed in those imagesets again without being reminded of smug trannies on tumblr.
I could only stomach it for so long before I started skipping everything. The AI art doesn't help either.
Yeah, if the game didn't use that artist I don't think I would bother with it either.
Although I am not gonna lie, I've coomed several times playing it already even though I think it has a lot of problems.
Game about expanding your supermutant (I assume that's what green guy is) clan by capturing and impregnating women. End goal maybe being to completely take over region (take control/destroy all human settlements). Gameplaywise could go with traditional hunting style, set up traps and scare your prey into them. Alternatively player is like Mr X. and it's just a matter of catching them before they flee to far. 2D simply because it being 3D with increase workload and it wouldn't meaningfully add to gameplay.
>impregnating women
muh immersion
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Would generating equipment for the characters sprites to wear be an acceptable use-case for ai?
You could draw the sprites themselves by hand and then ask an ai to add a bikini or staff or whatever to save time. That way you could have tons of outfits to choose from to make the game hotter.
No because the outfits will look like shit.
When I see AI used, it's never used to make a huge volume of content like you'd expect, it's always just to put in the bare minimum of effort.
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I think an ai could generate a bikini or gown like in pic related and make it look fine. As long the character sprites themselves are made by a competent artist.
I agree, but that could be a possible use-case for it.
One of the original Fallouts had an option for the PC to star in a porn movie. Have PC be the Vault Dweller (as is tradition) scouring the wasteland (with a film crew in tow) for things to fuck (and get on video). Like a porny Steve Irwin.

>"Today we're looking for a Super Mutant. Legend has it they can't breed, but we're going to test if they can't get it up either. Here comes one now!"

Also gives an excuse for why you can review the sex scenes - you got them on video! Set up the gallery like a porn DVD shelf next to a computer terminal, as if it's "educational material" for young Vault Dwellers. Could even add cum stains on the interface as a flourish.

You might more success generating "character wearing X" as a separate image instead of trying to fit an image of X to an existing image. Actually no, let me revise that - inpainting could do what you want. Generate a naked character posed as you wish, then tell the AI which areas to fill with "bikini" or "armor" or whatever. Try in the various diffusion generals, like >>11129407
Now that I think about it, you might want to check out Divelocked (TFGS, HTML). Art is definitely AI generated, but PC sprite is consistent. The armors PC obtains "fit" the sprite, though a few of them change the "stance" it's in. If the dev shared how they get the AI to do that somewhere, you may be able to replicate it.
someone post pictures of examples of it because I'm not playing Sissy Hypno Game #483
Interesting idea, but I really meant to emphasize the premise of hiding from a monster as a girl and getting a rape scene if you failed to hide. The fallout aspect wasn't important, but everyone understood it that way it seems.
You have horror games where you hide from the monster, why not a porn game where you hide from the monster. It could play on fear and tension a little bit since you're not supposed to get caught and it's a big fucking beast, but you ultimately know you're just gonna get your brains PLAPPED out of you which probably feels nice so it doesn't become an actual horror game.
Plus stealth games are fun.
If you insist on the player being a sub, then; A cliche badly made Backrooms inspired game, with a huge featureless maze full of rape monsters and transformative consumables.
Don't pretend there aren't a shitload of games out there where you play as a monster and rape women. Nobody said it had to be a 'featureless' maze or poorly made, it could just involve stealth and the resulting tension. My game description is a lot more bare-bones than yours.
My issue is with rewarding the player for failure (GoR) is game bad design and removes the tension you want from stealth. You need to have the sex scene result from succeeding at stealth which means the threat of rape doesn't work./ Unless it's the side characters get raped, like player intentionally using them as bait so they can escape.
It's not bad game design because it's an unavoidable problem, like how many other game design decisions have upsides and downsides. Bad game design would be if there was an objectively better way to do the same thing.
If your target demographic is subs, then there's nothing wrong with "rewarding the player for failure" as long as the game is difficult enough that you can fail even when you genuinely try your best not to AND the enemies actually do something to you when you lose instead of "you took 4 dmg from wolf_generic, you faint, game over". In a normal game it would be bad game design, but the goal of an h-game should be to cater to a specific fantasy. And in this case, Losing and having the victor do things to you IS the fantasy. It'd be like making a sub-focused BDSM game and then not allowing the PC to get tied up because stun mechanics are bad game design.
>(GoR) is game bad design
Everyone says this but my favorite games all have it and I think they're perfectly well designed.
The first problem with this argument is that in a lot of GoR games you often have to beat the level you're currently on in order to unlock the next level which has new monsters you can get raped by.
The second is that not every H-scene has to be derived from losing either. You can have consensual stuff and new characters unlock for every level or achievement you unlock along with your rape sim.

When I'm playing a porn game the nr. 1 thing I want is to masturbate, and the game is meant to revolve around that activity and not the other way around. I really like the idea of making my character deliberately walk into a trap knowing that she will get raped, even if the game won't acknowledge that my character "wants it" in that scene, I know she does, because I made her do it and the game can't take that away from me now. Games where sex isn't required but a 'punishment' you get for losing makes it feel like you are playing a sandbox almost. She's corrupted now because I pressed 'w' in front of the monster and you could further create a mechanic around that as some games have.
Games like that are perfect for edging since you can go for a run where you try not to get graped and then when it does happen you get your release. You have to battle your urge to coom without breaking concentration so you can unlock more coom, which is really good game design and corresponds to something I'd fap to.
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I was going to tell you to just play it online because it's not sissy hypno (though it is unwanted feminization), but it seems like itch.io is down. So I downloaded the game just to show you the images.
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I'm no expert, but it looks like the same base image, on which AI was told to layer "X armor type"
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For various values of "armor" of course
They look weirdly shiny imo, but I guess you could fix that by changing the prompt.
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Some of which looks stereotypically MMOish, as above, and some right down /d/ alley
My point wasn't the quality but the capability. It looks like what anon-dev wanted to do with AI is possible. The results may not be consistant, however. And as you note, additional tweaking is usually necessary.
I'd certainly steal it if I was gonna make a game.

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