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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question of the day
What was your BEST experience with anal ever? Can you even remember? Do you think you can ever top your best experience with anal? Please let us know!

Previous thread >>11118188

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

>What's the lighter test?
It's a way to know if your chinesium toy is in fact silicone. Follow this guide:

>Anon’s Guide to Knotting

>Say hello

>Sock & Condom Stretching

>Anon does the math with J-Lube
>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon

>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods

https://youtu.be/9pSzsx3NwIs [Embed]

>Slim Shell Mold Making Tutorial (DIY Dildos)
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is it genuinely possible to be ready for action doucheless with a good enough diet? or is it just larp?
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psyllium husk for at least a day before anal, then yes. Some other dietary fiber can help as well, but husk is best bang for you buck
Rectum only, sure. Past the sigmoid, always a gamble.
past the sigma
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Yall are gay.
Anyone's got a playlist for Kegels and similar exercises?, and I mean, the ones that worked for you really well.
yes absolutely doable. work on your diet and get a bidet.
Yes, what >>11125105 says is true. Most (dunno math but I'd say almost all or 9/10) men will not be able to reach your sigmoid so yes.
Not always ready - you have to poop sometime.
>because they don't target your glutes.
yes they do lol
Bloodfucking anon from yesterday here. So, yesterday I couldn't take it and tried to fuck myself, but this time I took things slower. As a result, no blood at all! Going slowly, warming up and using enough lube is the key to success anons. Who'd have thought.
Disgruntled fuck machine anon, if you get a defective product and never warranty it, it is absolutely your retarded ass's fault

PS try to remember not to stick forks in power outlets
What is recommendation when going up on size? Is going from usable length 14.5cm (5.7") and width 3.8cm (1.5") to 18.5cm (7.3")ah and 5-6cm (2-2.4") too big jump on size?
I use poppers the day before I and anal session, I don't need to use them during the session but for some reason using them b4 makes anal feel really good. Is this in my head or do poppers like soothe your anus or something even after they leave your system?
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>What was your BEST experience with anal ever?
Maybe a few weeks ago. I was slowly getting back into anal after a months long break. I had lost motivation but got back into it with low expectations. Was riding the Squarepeg Steve, a curved dildo. It never did anything for me in the 2 years I had it, but this time it hit my prostate perfectly. I ended up going for something like 5 hours and even then I only stopped because it was getting so late. Up until then, only vibrators worked on me for prostate stimulation. I've been super motivated since then, trying to get a PO from dildos.

>Do you think you can ever top your best experience with anal?
Don't know, but it's fun to try!
This is how I do it. I still don't know how to clean properly.

+ another reasosn I like it is that it lowers expectations; it just happens when you're clean and happen to fancy it. Going all in with some horrific 2 hour cleanse builds anticipations which, for me, are doomed to be disappointed.

Though I really should learn how to, lmao. I just hate dicking around with all this poopy stuff.
from my experience, yeah it's quite a jump, more in terms of width/circumference than length. can't speak for everyone here, maybe how much you can stretch varies from person to person. i'd suggest maybe just going to a 1.75-1.8" width next. just my personal opinion though.
If you don't have any idea of what a drug does to your body you should refrain from using it because they can be dangerous. Poppers basically relax your muscles and stuff and that includes your sphincter so it "opens up" your ass more. It also creates that head rush because your brain gets less oxygen. The fumes do something so your blood cells have trouble getting oxygen through that gas exchange through your lugs or whatever the fuck it is. Less oxygen = that high feeling. Hopefully now you can see where the potential danger lies, but if you are still too stupid, if you inhale the fumes too much it can lead to extremities (fingers, toes) turning blue and lips turning blue etc from lack of oxygen and you can potentially pass out. If you do too much and pass out it is very dangerous. Also, do NOT ingest it in any way. Drinking poppers is essentially death.
Feel free to have fun with drugs, I do it all the time, but make sure you are SAFE. Learn about what you are taking and what the risks are and how you can mitigate them.
brehs, I can do 3 fingers horizontally now without too much pain. The squeeze hurts my fingers though.
Hi anons i wanna know what anal vibrator do people here recommend for a beginner
nice gorilla grip boy pussy
Had something that I don't think was actually a prostate orgasm last night. I was playing with a new toy and intermittently touching my dick while I played with my ass. Eventually I was plugged, actually w my smallest plug incidentally, and had my cock and balls tied, occasionally touching my dick and watching pmv. This one in particular I always like to cum to, it starts getting near the end where it's most intense, I'm not touching my dick but I feel my ass start to pulse like I was cumming, quicker and harder and then I had an orgasm that felt like it lasted forever. Managed to not touch my dick through that, but I also don't think it came from my prostate. I think it was just a mental thing. I was also pretty stoned.
Why fuck around with fingers?
gotta start somewhere and its good warmup
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you're sort of right about the mental thing, ultimately it comes from the prostate stimulation, but your state of mind during it is what really sets it off. For beginners, prostate orgasms come from being very relaxed, open to anything, and not expecting any particular outcome. That's why people say weed helps so much with it, it helps you become more sensitive and also helps you to "turn your brain off". The next hurdle is being able to recreate it again without that same expectation. Once you can do that a few times, it becomes easier and then some people can get to a point where they can have a full on orgasm or even super o very easily.
>Sudden cleaning mood
>clean desk
>clean monitors with alcohol
>look at mirror (giant closet with mirror covering it)
>it's covered in suction cup marks
Do you think my parents noticed?
It's probably been like this for a year or two lol
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>second time doing anal
>playing with dildo
>dont touch dick for several minutes
>start feeling good in ass
>cum exactly like normal
what the fuck????
a few times I was able to have wet orgasms (at least I think they were orgasms, weren't really like what people described here) where I just squirted out a ton, i think I came like 10 or 11 times in the end and I soaked through my sheets 0_o
haven't been able to cum in a long while though it sucks idk how to get back to there, every time I eventually just get frustrated about not cumming even though I'm trying not to think about it

yea. It can be very tricky though depending on underlying conditions. I have IBS and sometimes no matter how carefully I watch my diet it still turns out badly even with psyllium. I'm just now discovering that ginger of all things seems to give me near-perfect digestion.

As a side note, enemas aren't a guarantee of safety unless you go all-in on a deep clean, and if you have bad digestion/diet any accidents will likely be extremely unpleasant.
It's fine you will just have to spend some time stretching to take it all

Better that than having 14 toys that only get slightly bigger and after a while you'll never use almost any of them
It blocks your blood from carrying oxygen and in exchange it loosens your muscles and you get a head rush

If you take too much you can't carry enough oxygen in your blood and then you pass out and die
>feel good or die
sounds like a win-win.
>What was your BEST experience with anal ever?

Nothing has topped the first time i got a prostate vibrator down there, the pleasure it gave me felt amazing. That moment made me want to try more than just a vibrator, surely

>Do you think you can ever top your best experience with anal?

I haven't done a lot and it's been just a couple months since I started so yeah I hope so. I'm still new to riding dildos so I'm still trying to feel comfortable with long sessions and get a PO out of it eventually.
Why do you guys prefer riding over lying and doing it with your hand? Riding feels kind of awkward and it's a little hard to balance and keep it up, or stop the toy from sliding out
except for the very big area of brain damage and not dying in between those.
I'd rather not find out what advanced retardation feels like
my wrist and shoulder hurts afterwards ;_;
>What was your BEST experience with anal ever?
Back when I lived with my parents, there was a period of about a year and a half straight where I was never home alone long enough for buttstuff. When I finally got the chance again, I was expecting it to be a disappointment compared to the anticipation of knowing the chance was finally coming. In fact it was completely mindblowing, and after I finished I lay there for several minutes until my legs stopped twitching enough to stagger to the bathroom to clean up. I've never had a session as good as that before or since.
In the spirit of harm reduction I'll correct what you've said:

The rush you get from poppers isn't from low oxygen; it's from a rapid drop in blood pressure. When you huff nitrites, they diffuse into your blood through your lungs, and react in your body to produce nitric oxide, which causes smooth muscles to relax. Other than in your anal sphincter, smooth muscles are found throughout your vascular system, and their relaxation causes blood vessels to dilate. As pretty much every blood vessel in your body dilates at once, your BP crashes, your heart starts to race in an attempt to compensate, blood rushes out of your head and you end up in a delicious sissy slut stupor.

As a secondary effect, they also react with the hemoglobin in your blood, transforming it into methemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for binding to oxygen and transporting it to your tissues, and when converted to methemoglobin, it's not able to do so. If you reduce your hemoglobin levels to a sufficient degree, you of course will develop hypoxia, but this is a difficult thing to acheive in a single session. Your risk of hypoxia increases if you use poppers many days consecutively, before your body is able to recover lost hemoglobin (this can take 5-14 days depending on how much you inhaled, which nitrite it was, your genes, age, nutrition etc).

Despite how I've made it sound, occasional, moderate use of the right poppers poses negligible risk. Different nitrite variants carry their own risk profiles - amyl nitrite is the most well tolerated and isn't associated with side effects like vision changes, which are a result of ocular blood vessel damage. Stay away from the others, especially isopropyl nitrite. If you absolutely must use poppers and can't get amyl, the next best option is N-butyl nitrite.
Depends a lot on the exact measurements.

Jumping from 1.5" to 2.0" diameter is likely to be difficult but doable, if not right away then in the near future. 2.4", not so much. You'll need some way to bridge the gap.

The length will probably be difficult but it's not such a big deal since it's not necessary to insert the whole thing.
>What was your BEST experience with anal ever?
I think the first time (or one of) I did anal with an actual dildo (before i just used fingers), i had a strong orgasm after only a few minutes. Thick ropes of cum leaking out
Did not manage to reproduce that yet. Only kind of cheating with edging and then milking (watery cum)
Hope to do it again sometime
Thanks for the correction, knowledge is power
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>another tagmap user reaches out
>gets ghosted by them next day
damn, you guys here are extremely skittish. another blueballing added to the tally board.
UPS's own internal logistics and policies are so terrible that the plug I was supposed to get two weeks ago is stuck in limbo because they literally don't know how to deal with a pickup location refusing to accept a package.
Credit to the guys at Topped because they decided to just send another one to an actually functional pickup spot rather than waiting for UPS to sort their bullshit out.
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Best experience was when I lost my anal virginity, I had experimented sticking things up my butt a little bit when I was younger, and I had been fingered by a gf, but getting fucked by that guy was possibly the best sexual experience I've ever had
He really took control, I had no idea what I was doing, he was firm yet gentle, and just submitting to him was a very different kind of experience to anything I'd ever had
I was not ready for him to kiss me, I mean, I'd never kissed a man before that, not seriously, but getting manhandled, being held down and pounded, feeling him on top of me, and following his instructions all just felt so natural
I just did what he told me, even though I didn't even go over to his house to get fucked to begin with, just to try sucking a dick, but I was so damn horny, and he was bigger than me, I don't know I just gave myself up to him and his dick
Everything he did to me felt ten times more potent than anything I've ever done since then, I doubt I'll be able to top it, it was my first time after all
I've been trying to fist to fist and the problem I'm having is angle. I reckon I can get my fist in, but I can't get a good angle to leverage it. Not really sure how people do it.
>Shaved all my body hair and bought panties and programmer socks to help immerse myself in the fantasy
>Can't stop jerking off in panties now instead
I guess it's just a new fetish unlocked. I'm actually gonna need to wear chastity more to stop myself.
just go on [s4s] lole
How safe is coconut oil on silicone toys like the aneros models?
Dissolves them entirely. Usually it acts so quickly that it can break apart in your asshole and forms a silicon layer over your prostate that stops you from being able to stimulate it.
Wrong. See >>11125862

Please read >>11125862
What you're experiencing is residual buildup of nitric oxide in your smooth sphincter muscle, which causes it to relax more easily. If you want to have this effect safely 24/7, you can get it with L-Arginine or L-Citrulline, which also boost NO levels in muscle tissue.
been with someone who had a mostly liquid diet and she was ready no matter what
mostly everyone i've been with wasn't the case
>What was your BEST experience with anal ever?
I got my first plug (XS Hush) and immediately went in the deep end trying to wear it 24/7, got accustomed to it really quickly and was really worried I'd already get bored of it after 2 weeks or so. At that stage I knew barely anything, other than having something shoved up my ass felt good. Not mindblowing like I've read some people's experiences, but good enough to keep me constantly wanting something up there. Anyways, wanted a pleasant buzz in my ass after being completely exhausted. Expected myself to fall asleep quick, so just turned it to max vibration. Prior to that point I was always sort of tense during anal which hampered my enjoyment, but still addicting. I always grind against my pillow to help me sleep, since I cum really quick from it and I go really hard against my pillow it tires me out. Like a few minutes after maybe my third orgasm of the night I was about to immediately fall asleep. Plug is still going, suddenly feel a sharp pressure building up in my insides, legs quiver for a good 5-10 minutes, try to make it stop but could barely move. Having my hole spasm around it the entire time made me cum my brains out. Best fucking experience of my life.
>Do you think you can ever top your best experience with anal? Please let us know!
Soon. I've gotten fucked daily by a friend of mine for a weekend before and that was similarly really good. Still not as good as my prior experience, but it was the first time I've fucked (in general) and was pretty nervous the whole time. Best session from that was again when I was about to pass out of exhaustion. I was worried that if I legitimately fell asleep though it would hurt his feelings so I wasn't fully relaxed. I'm going to broach the subject at some point before we fuck again, but I don't know how to phrase it.
Adding onto the second answer. I've only been doing anal for a few months now, but turns out my hole is pretty stretchy. I've gone from my XS plug, to cock, to being able to fist myself without pain in a month. Did it this Tuesday. Getting stretched out like that was fucking amazing. Rotating my fist inside of me made me feel like I was going to instantly cum. I really can't relax enough while anally masturbating to enjoy it fully though which is incredibly unfortunate. When my friend was over we did try fisting but couldn't get it all the way in, almost though. We're going to try again soon and I can't wait.
Nah, fucking machine pounding my asshole in either doggy or on my back with my knees by my ears
Hypoxia is a very real and dangerous risk, don't act like it's a statistical improbability

Fucking gonna get people killed
Completely safe if it's real silicone, only fake silicone is scared of coconut oil
>Fisting after just a month
A true anal slut
I agree, hypoxia is all but guaranteed by taking the drug; it's so statistically likely that it's effectively a deterministic function of dosage. Moderate dosages therefore are statistically guaranteed to cause moderate (read 'safe') drops in SpO2.

But in your case kid, the odds ARE unfavorable due to your mental handicap. Stay away from drugs. Hell, a skittle is probabilistically more fatal to you due to choking risk than are poppers to a person of normal mental ability
My hand is pretty small, so fitting that in isn't as impressive as it sounds. Could get most of my friend's hand in, but not all the way. I want to get bigger toys but I know I'll go overboard if I'm left to my own choices so I have my friend give me permission to get new toys when he thinks I deserve it. Already have a few in mind when I'm allowed.
I'm that anon whose got a uterus, cock and balls, and looks like a woman while also having a prostate. Still need to go to a urologist to figure out if I have a vagina that can be reconstructed
In the mean time I need that hole filled. Should I buy a douche kit or just accept the poop
How is that even a question?
That's a lot of writing, u mad?
Read the FAQ, dumbass
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I made it /d/ bros, I am on my way to being a anal slave!

If this doesn't fall through, I'll post some stories of my trainings.
Why you posting chatgpt text
Flexibility helps, but I think to a certain extent it's an unavoidable limitation of self-fisting. Laying on your side and reaching back is probably the best position for leverage. I tend to default to squatting and reaching forward, though. Probably not good for my back.
When you say you look like a woman do you mean androgynous or actual legit woman?
forgot image
Post pics
>get rid of the one plug I had out of shame and disappointment
>have extremely low libido so its okay I don't need it
>some months pass
>am in the mood enough to get off
>without using the butt, while just going at it like normal the involuntary body motions are unmistakably like I'm trying to sit on something

well I guess I'm rewired
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imo using your hand is fine for the smaller end of toys, but becomes less feasible the bigger you go. Part of it is that a length can limit your leverage, but also it's just helpful to be able to use a variety of strong muscles + body weight rather than putting the whole load on one arm (or I guess you could do two if you really wanted, but it's still a lot less than both legs + optionally both arms to push up with).
>a length
a high length
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Are there any fun dildo riding videos where you can ride along. Like those cock hero videos where you would fap along to the beat?
Preferably not with a focus on sissyfication as I find it a bit much.
Yeah, they are called dildo hero or similar
I usually do a lot of ATM on the dildo, but I noticed there's a small herpes rash on my lip, would it be retarded to still do this, or its one of these "can't infect yourself" situations?
fecal matter carries a lot of bacteria, so I would avoid contact with your herpes. Let it heal first.
im new, what's ATM?
ass to mouth
same anon here, I'd like to add that if it feels like you just can't quite get past your knuckles, you can probably get over it with more warmup. Go up and down the scale of fingers, keeping them together in a cone shape. Treat it as a game to how much you can loosen up. Then when you're feeling ready, try to push in with all five fingers still in the cone shape.
There's no fecal matter (at least not visible amounts) I clear up well, I was thinking more along the lines of the risks of tranferring whatever herpes carries down to the ass.
How do you guys keep getting HFO after having one very good anal session? I have a problem where after I had one, I carry that exception to next session and that keeps me from getting it. Like I feel really good and all in the next anal session but in my mind I think back to that HFO I had last time which get me impatient and keeps me from getting one anymore.
Any recommendations for hole-focused gay porn artists like Dan Draws Boys (@dan_draws_boys on Twitter)? I love his work but he only uploads like once every three weeks

Anyways I'm happy that I'm at the point where I can take a few days off playing and still fit my Gape Keeper 93 after just a few moments of warming up with my fingers.
I have a heart conditon where my aortic valve is a little deformed and allows backwash on thr way out. Would it be a bad idea to do popper and just heir on the side of caution or should i try it already tried delta gummies (I know fake weed but its all Im willing to go get.) So just avoid popper because heart or just be carefull and moderation?
avoid poppers
they give so very very little compared to the risk they pose to you
you can have a wonderful and fulfilling experience without poppers, most people don't use poppers and have a great time
>be me
>experimenting putting things up my butt for a few weeks
>mostly put dildo on flat surface and ride it
>feels pretty good, but nothing really special
>continue unperturbed
>in bathtub
>lubed up
>slowly grinding on dildo
>roll over and fuck my asshole, holding the dildo in my hand
>hold on a god damn second
>what the fuck
>it feels so good
>holy fucking shit i feel so much pressure and pleasure inside me
>fuck myself harder
>asshole cant take it but it feels so damn good
>dildo slips out
>immediately shove it back in
>start absolutely pounding my asshole
>body shaking, feel dizzy, asshole clenching on dildo involuntarily
kept at it until i got too tired to continue
what the fuck
what the actual fuck was that, it felt so damn good
>blown out asshole
>face of a man's
>someone saved this
Its not worth it. I've done poppers before several times and its OK but its not like a "wow this is a game changer" type of thing. It makes things maybe 10% better and only for like 2 minutes
>>blown out asshole
And this is bad?
Automated teller machine, it's where you can get money from the bank outside their working hours
It'll probably kill you
Yep yep, Xanthan Gum works pretty well at making slime on its own. Now all I need to do is find some glycerin and I'll have my own lube.
What does roll over mean here ?
If you just xanthan gum to make lube, does that make it xanthan cum
Man's crashed his car so badly the vehicle rolled over
God, your friend is so fucking lucky. I'd kill to be in their status. Let us know when they can fist you with both hands.
This reads like hyperbole, i hope you know that
I've masturbated so much for so long that I haven't gotten dry loads in years. If I go even just a few days without masturbating I can feel my prostate swell up. I can't wait to see how my massager will feel.
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If anyone has the Stoic from Neotori, does its flare act as advertised or is it just a useless gimmick?
The face is my type.
>be horny
>use dildo
>don't cum
>be not horny
prostate is in butt
poo come from butt
big poo push on prostate
prostate make cum
white juic out
I cannot explain but I once leaked from shitting so I'd also not mind an explanation
>finally have free hour to myself
>butthole is clean and lubed up
>entire hour spent trying to loosen up enough to get my fist in
>got all the fingers early on, but not the hand
My right hand now hurts too, and im horny, horrid scenario
is there any secret to it, aside form making a cone with your fingers? any specific position i should go for?
>out with friends Friday and last night
>figure I won't have time for a long anal session this weekend
>get back home at midnight last night
>spontaneous extreme horny in the shower
>prostate assuming direct control
>usually do deep clean for longer sessions because I like to break out the big toys
>no way in hell there's time for that now
>hop out, eat 15mg gummy, do shallow clean and everything looks good
>squirm around on a plug, browsing smut while the edible kicks in
>absolutely go to town with my smallest dildo for like an hour
>can't even get off the floor for 30 minutes afterward
>just lying there getting aftershocks in the endorphin haze
>back in the shower I go
>now I am high and I must shitpost on the internet
>end up going to bed 5 hours later than planned, worth it
I should be rocking the smaller toys more often. I like going deep, but DAMN shallow cleans are so convenient.
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Damn, I had like 3 dreams in the last month about me going into adult shops to buy a dildo. I think this is a sign to finally buy one, when even my dreams try to push me in this direction
which vibrator you bought for that?
>do some play in the shower
>barely able to get the knuckles past the entrance
so close, so close, but not close enough
but now i know that I can just barely hold all 4 fingers of my fingers next to eachother when vertically inside me, and 3 horizontally
Hopefully my butt soreness passes before I try again tommorow
i've been anal only for months now, i use my dildo every 1-2 weeks and i cum handsfree every time
it's gotten more predictable somehow, i just have to fuck myself hard and fast and i'll cum in my cage pretty quickly. after that my ass is really sensitive and i can have dry orgasms until i get bored basically.
How long did it take from buying it to being able to cum exclusively from it?
it took me maybe a few weeks to figure out what it takes to cum fully but i was having dry orgasms from the start iirc
i volunteer my cock
Anon who previously gave advice here. My next suggestion is to try fucking yourself with as much of your hand as you can fit, trying to push a little deeper with each thrust. Doesn't have to be a big motion, just a slight but firm push-and-pull with your knuckles in should be fine.
I want more anal but I'm still so cozy and sleepy from pounding my prostate into jello last night
Well, my fellow buttsluts, I must bid you adieu.

Life has given me a pulmonary embolism and hence blood thinners, on top of 15 years of ulcerative colitis. So my desire to see a fake rubber dick poke out of my stomach is, sadly, relegated to dreamland.

Have fun. O how I envy you all.
Can't you just pivot to prostate focused stuff? Depth play is nice but it's only part of the game.
Interesting. I have IBD, I dunno if it's UC or CD but everything I see to do with anal says you shouldn't put do it if you have IBD. Did you ever encounter any problems outside of thinners now making it impossible? Also what that other anon said, nothing wrong with some gentle shallow depth stuff still.
Does anyone like anal sex but not anal masturbation?
err how is anal on shrooms
Shrooms make me want to vomit :/
When not i'm too whacked out to do anything
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So uh I'm 5'2 and decided to transition in 2021. I really don't like the dwarf mode aesthetic so I didn't really have a choice...anyway I had no plans to be a bottom but my penis hasn't worked in over a year and I want to orgasm. How do I be like a top notch bottom in terms of cleanliness. I want to change my lifestyle and then in like a month be able to finger my butthole without needing to prep or any kind of mishaps.
U gay now
>finally get xlube
>tired of stringy thin lube, want to make something thick
>read instructions, it says 1-2 caps into water
>since I want it on the thick side, I'll go with 2 caps
>make it after some initial trouble
>it's thin
>even worse, it creates an endless line to the bottle that is hard to break so it gets everywhere
>it slips out of my hands too so it's just all over the floor
I was imagining something more like a gel, like aloe vera or something. Should I try adding more power to the existing bottle, or do I have to start from scratch? Is what I want even possible with xlube or should I settle for something else?
Just add more powder, it gets goopy and it will be even stringier
I swear I replied to this. Fuck, does this mean I made a post about how to keep your asshole clean somewhere else?
Yeah you posted it on the pony board
I'm paranoid enough that you'll make me look through that board for the first time to find it.
Blend it for a few seconds and it should slice it up a bit. They recommend not using a blender because it cuts the links, I believe. I use a bottle from lube life and closing that type of cap breaks the string as well. Might try blending my next batch slightly.
Does anyone have a good way to make the stuff look like cum?
Lol I was joking but please repost whatever you had to say I've been refeshing the page forever
Basically it was just to take psyllium husk in whatever form you want twice a day, replace 1 meal with liquid (I replace lunch with a smoothie) and avoid grease, fat, dairy, spice and keep to similar foods for most days. That should keep you ok for shallow and fingering but anything more and you'll need to clean, but cleaning can be done pretty quickly unless you want to go for depth.

I get a thick lube when I mix 3 caps with a 0.5-liter water bottle. Also, I think it's easier to make a new batch from scratch rather than adding more powder to an already made lube. If you're having trouble with the stringiness of the lube, I would recommend using a lube syringe. This way, you can use your finger to loop the lube around the syringe on top of the bottle, and it will eventually tear apart without making a huge mess.
Ugh bottoming sounds so complicated >:[ ok how do I clean myself properly. I've ordered a douche I'm not sure how to use it effectively. Do you have to wait a while after douching? Since water is an antilubricant i imagine it's not great to do things right after cleaning.

food grade titanium dioxide powder is the usual recommended stuff, I've seen people post about using liquid white food color as well
Yep, you need to wait 30 mins after cleaning. Probably minimum 15 mins if you're confident you're good. Basically for a shallow clean, less water is better. Put a small cup of warm water in your bulb or whatever you have, lay on your side and squeeze it in slowly. Your aim is to not get it in the sigmoid which is further in, or you need to do a full deep clean. So slowly, gently and less water. Then you only need to hold it for a minute, shoot it out and sit on the toilet for a bit to make sure you get everything out. Do it again and unless it's completely fucked, trust that you're good and leave it for 30 mins. Sometimes you may need to do it 3 times, but I find that 3rd time can sometimes trigger deeper movement.

After that, you should be good to go to town with anything that's like 8 inches. But yeah, diet control is really key if you want to be good to go at all times. I ended up with this diet on my own anyway before I really got into anal and it ended up working out really well because my shits are just super regular now.
I guess i will just have to get used to it if I ever want to O. I assume it isn't even possible for me but I gotta try. I hear it can be really hard to achieve. My diet sucks rn, I eat a lot of cheese and drink a lot of caffienated rootbeer so I guess nk more root beer and cheese
do you guys take any cum supplements? i came with a dildo yesterday but it wasn't enough to drip out with the cage on. i'm on hrt btw
Post a pic of yourself I'm curious
Also, fix your diet and eat lots of fiber and you wont need any douches
to be fair, food coloring is pretty much just titanium dioxide anyway
get one of those suction cup basketball hoops for next time they come over. they'll associate the suction cup marks with that and you can go back to having fun
Can you please tell the story?
Depends on how much you take, I've had smaller amounts, like 1g and it was alright, but 3g I was way too out of it to attempt. I personally prefer MDMA to shrooms by a lot if you can get your hands on that
Use distilled water, there are chemicals in tap water that will break the polymer bonds or whatever the fuck of the lube, making it more watery
I did use distilled water, although I've had it for a while, but it was unopened until now. I also got the water hot in the microwave before mixing
is it still "hands free" if you use your hand to uhh operate the toy?
Ahh I knew I forgot to mention something, I've also experimented with water temperature, I've mixed it before with hot water and it came out very liquidy and I've made it with both colder and room-temperature water and it came out much thicker. That would probably be the issue.
Oh alright I'll try room temp water next time
doing this rn cuz my XL Stan just got here :3
You're doing a shallow cleanout for an XL Stan?
I mix Xlube with room temp distilled water and its so cash every time. I keep a jug of distilled water for my clothes iron, and... for mix lube for my ass
fucking kek
so i tried some stuff without lube and i bled like never fucking before and i was wondering is it okay if i just let it be for a while or is there anything extra that i can or should do? im kinda worried about infections and stuff.
it's pretty amazing. i have a lot if experience with this. shroom + weed will get you so tripped out it will feel like getting fucked by god and you can make yourself almost believe it
Do you think there are culinary applications for Xlube? Obviously, at normal concentrations it would not be particularly appetizing, but I wonder what would happen if you added small amounts of powder to a sauce or something. There are certainly many roles for hydrocolloidal ingredients like gelatin and corn starch in the kitchen, after all. And the chemical XLube is made of is approved as a food additive.
>I've seen people post about using liquid white food color as well
If you do this, make sure to add the food colouring to the water before you mix in the lube powder. Otherwise it gets trapped by the structure of the lube and ends up looking less like cum and more like a bottle of spiderwebs.
Good for the arachnophiles.
It is actually a neat effect. I bet if you put it in a clear sphere, added underlighting, and set it on a rotating base, it'd be a good crystal ball prop.
no just the prep lmao, obv deep
X-ray is so good, wish there were more of it
Does the weed help counteract the nausea? Last time I had shrooms the nausea fucked me up.
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I'm wondering do you guys stay completely relaxed or do you flex your kegel muscles to achieve wet orgasms when having anal session? When I'm having a session I stay completely relaxed and that way I can get dry orgasms with my dildo but never had wet ones so far.
>dry orgasm
Can you go for another round right away after you had one?
Anyone else using vaginal lubes for women exclusively because it's more fun that way?
I can get multiple dry ones in one session
>tell the story?
Sure, I guess
>be me
>horny teenager
>have experimented with some butt stuff on my own and with a gf a bit
>like it a lot
>cant believe how much i liked it when she fingered me
>dumped by gf for whatever dumb teenage reason
>we used to have sex two or three times a day every day
>sometimes more
>she was so much more sexually experienced than i was
>the sex was great, she was able to come multiple times from just getting penetrated with no foreplay
>i felt like a sex god when i was fucking her
>feel a bit inadequate suddenly
>enjoying being single, hook up with some chicks, cant seem to scratch that itch though
>start cruising for easy pussy on tinder and elsewhere online
>some success, not as much as i'd like
>regularly updating all my profiles and such
>minmaxing that shit
>one of them suddenly starts getting loads of friend requests and messages from horny dudes
>as if losers
>chat to some of the regulars in the chatroom of said site, they say the attention is because i have certain things that i unwittingly put on my profile
>kek to myself, leave my profile as is
>enjoying the attention i guess, even if it's almost exclusively dudes
>their messages are a mix of funny and if im honest, a bit hot, like erotica sometimes
>dry spell begins
>cant get any
>still regularly reading messages from horny dudes
>not helping the situation tbdesu, some of them describe what they want to do to me in excruciating detail
>one really pushy middle aged guy keeps messaging telling me all about how he would suck the semen straight outta muh dik
>imagine what it would be like to get blown by some guy
>not really into it
>am i?
>miss me with that gay shit bruh
>tell him to fuck off and leave me alone
i also get this and it's as what >>11127150 said
>he messages again and says he can tell that i want it
>consider blocking him
>just ignore him
>he messages again
>read his message for some reason
>sends some nude pictures of himself
>notice he's pretty hung too
>describes how he would do it
>tells me i dont know what im missing out on
>am suddenly reminded of what a gay dude at my summer job said once
>you straight guys dont know what youre missing out on, the things we get up to
>i dont reply to his message
>read that message again
>compelled to stare at his photos for some reason
>he messages again
>tells me that he wants to smoke a few bowls with me then suck me off and thats all
>tells me how i could go under the covers of his bed, and wouldn't even see him
>promises the best blowjob of my life
>i mean
>its not like he's fucking disgusting
>a bit fat, a bit older, below average looks in the face department, but if im not going to see him then what does it even matter
>cant believe im even thinking about doing this
>twenty minutes later im shaking as i ring his doorbell
>brought some beers with me
>humongous hulk of a man opens the door
>who the fuck is this
>holy shit that's him
>he's a hell of a lot taller than i expected, broader too
>doesn't everyone lie about their height online?
>languidly slouches in the door, smirking down at me
>feel two feet tall
>asks me what a little boy like me is doing there
>mumble something about a blowjob
>he grabs my waist and pulls me in the door, closes it behind me
>takes my beers from me, then drags me to a bed
>obviously not comfortable with any of this, but for some reason i just do as he says
>as promised, bong is right there, he hands me a lighter and i immediately start getting high
>maybe that'll take the edge off
>pass it back and forth a few times
>kinda scary being in this dude's dim house just us
>weed is taking effect now though
>start to relax
>laugh at the whole situation
>he's high too
>tfw SSRIs so MDMA is out of the question

I hate it.
it's more about technique for me
hitting the prostate gives the best orgasms, but if i want to cum wet i need to target a deeper spot and go hard and fast until it builds up to something entirely different. took me a while to figure this out desu and it might be totally different for you.
>we're actually having fun despite my nervousness
>he pushes me back on the bed
>im too high for this shit man
>he throws my pants in my face, then covers me with about 700 blankets
>heavy as fuck
>laughing my ass off
>and then he's sucking my dick
>yo what the fuck
>not really into it at first
>but to be fair im getting hard, so i guess ill just bust a nut and go
>starts feeling really good
>oh shit
>what the fucking fuck
>cant see what he's doing on account of all the blankets, try to fight my way out of them
>suddenly lots of pressure on the head of my dick
>something wet is tightly writhing on it
>eyes actually roll back in my head
>all the fight goes out of me
>two seconds later im coming against my will
>must have been a fucking liter of semen
>he tortures me for a few moments as i finish coming
>finally it ends
>exhausted, panting, feel hot all over, i finally manage to get the blankets off me
>hes naked
>standing over me a bit
>im frozen
>his dick is right there
>its actually really big
>it wiggles a tiny bit
>its not even fully hard
>like a deer in headlights
>he asks me if im gonna just stare at it
>grab my pants and bail
>whatever bro i didn't sign up for this
>go home
>what the hell was that
>where the fuck are my beers

>a few days later
>he's messaged me a bunch but im not replying
>have thought about that blowjob almost every hour since
>thought about how shocking it was to see his dick like that too
>he messages to ask if i want to come over and get high again
>remember how that blowjob felt
>pause for a moment
>still cant believe this is happening
>eagerly agree to getting sucked off again, but nothing more
>and thus began about a week of incredible blowjobs
>hide my face under pile of blankets at first
>gradually get a bit more comfortable with the whole situation
>he's always naked, says it gets him horny
>whatever, the blowjobs are out of this world
>can't help but notice that his dick is really big
>cant help but stare at it sometimes
>one time im coming down, still high as a kite, feeling that post orgasm glow
>feel something in my hand by my side
>its his package
>its heavy and warm
>he obviously wants me to reciprocate
>hes told me about how he jerks off to me after im gone
>this isn't happening, my head is still spinning and his dick is way too big
>ive never sucked a dude off either
>i mean i guess i know what to do, ive seen porn and been blown before
>how hard could it be
>actually wonder what it would be like for a second
>tell him i have to go, he's a bit crestfallen
>tell him ill make him come another night and bail
>this has gotten too real
>dont want to suck him off
>dont want to suck anyone off
>do i?
>wonder what it feels like to suck a dick
>try to think about something else
>suck on my own finger
>two fingers
>three fingers
>wonder if i could make him come like he makes me come
>remember how it felt making my ex gf come over and over
>i felt on top of the world
>fuck that whore
>think about making him come
>wonder if he would scream and grunt like she did
>try to push these thoughts away
>go to bed
>cant sleep
>thoughts swirling around my head all night
>get up and message him saying i cant come over any more

>a week later
>unbidden, i keep thinking about him
>what does it taste like?
>would it fit in my mouth?
>could i even do this?
>why do i keep thinking about it?
>and why am i feeling so fucking horny when i think about it?
>try to get drunk and pass out
>but i message him instead
>ask to come over and suck his dick
>before i know it im at his door
>he opens it naked
>half erect
>it pokes me in the stomach as he drags me inside
>im kinda woozy, cant resist him directing me to his bedroom
>but im also strangely eager
>i gently cup his balls and rub his dick
>he has a hand on top of my head
>guiding me down
>as i crouch in front of him i feel tiny compared to him
>feel tiny just compared to his dick
>insatiably horny
>really stare at it now
>stroke it
>i can see his pulse in his dick
>i ask him if he likes it
>he groans something and pulls my face towards it
>i dont resist
>rub it on my face
>can smell it
>wonder if my dick smells like his
>lick it along the whole length
>im loving the feeling of crossing this line
>fit the head in my mouth
>the whole thing starts to slide along my tongue
>cant go very far
>cant get it into my throat
>resolve to still make him come
>work the head
>stroke the shaft
>lick his balls
>trying my best to be a massive slut
>im actually loving it
>ive been hard the whole time
>he's loving it too
>he's moaning, and he's fully erect now, throbbing
>suddenly he grabs me and picks me up
>throws me on the bed
>rips my pants off, and then gets on top of me
>rubs his huge dick on my much smaller dick
>im absolutely loving it tho
>he's got a buttplug and some lube out
>asks me if i want to feel it inside me
>i just want him to get to work and practically shout yes
>just fucking do it already
>then he's sucking me
>but i can feel the plug trying to push its way into my ass
>he tells me to relax
>i try to relax
>feel a sudden pop
>why does that feel so good
>he's sucking my dick and im almost losing my mind
>he's working my asshole too, pulling the plug out, pushing it in
>pulling it out, pushing it in
>he stops sucking my dick
>but he keeps pulling it out, and pushing it in
>feel like im going to come
>its almost like agony, but instead of painful it's just so damn good
>he pulls it out one last time
>i ask him why he stopped, and to put it back in
>plead with him
>call him daddy
>he slowly runs his hand down my chest and stomach, barely touching me
>i push my body up to meet his touch
>he looks down at me, and asks if i want him to fuck me
>i hesitate
>hadn't planned on that
>he runs his hand back up my side and over my chest and it feels electric
>tell him hes going to need a condom and lots of lube
>lots of lube
>he's already got them both under a pillow
>this fucking guy
>i sit up and open the condom wrapper, and trembling, i put it on his dick
>is that really going to go in me?
>he's slathering it in lube, it's seriously dripping everywhere
>and then he's on top of me
>im facing him and i shrink back into the bed under him
>he holds my legs up to my sides
>im trying to see what he's doing down there
>but he just kisses me
>my eyes are wide
>wasn't ready for that at all
>his face is so rough
>he's so manly
>i pull back, and he kisses me again, more forcefully
>im having some second thoughts
>oh god i can feel something on my asshole
>not sure about any of this
>very strong feeling coming from my asshole now
>he's pushing quite hard
>he stops kissing me and whispers in my ear to relax
>like fingernails on the back of my neck
>the feeling in my asshole gets really strong
>realise he's opening me up
>i moan
>cant believe i made that noise
>he pushes harder
>i cant take it
>i make a noise that is something between a scream and a groan
>his body is right on mine now
>he's inside me
>i feel so full and stretched, feel like im at my limit
>his hand finds my neck
>and he just stays there
>he holds my neck, i cant move, i can barely breathe
>holding me down
>inside me
>kissing me
>im kissing him back
>it feels like im coming but the feeling is all inside me
>i feel him move
>i feel intense pressure all around my ass
>he moves gently at first
>barely at all, but gradually faster
>he's moving more
>the feeling is growing
>he's moving faster
>stops kissing me
>starts fucking me
>he's fucking me harder and harder
>at every thrust i feel like it's right on the edge of too hard
>but then the next thrust comes and it's harder, and im still right on the edge of what i can take
>harder now
>im paralysed
>he is holding my arms by my sides
>i cant make noises that aren't just grunts and moans
>pounding me now
>waves of pressure and pleasure flow over my abdomen
>down to my legs
>up to my shoulders
>whole body is on fire
>then he's flipping me over
>mounts me from behind
>grabs my hair
>prone bone
>it's even harder again
>as if he never stopped fucking me, the pleasure returns immediately
>i cant handle it
>i just try to ride the waves of it
>cant move
>can barely even scream
>feel lightheaded
>it just doesn't stop
>the pleasure just keeps on coming
>and coming
>and coming
>i dont know how long he had me like that
>finally he pulls out and blasts me with his come all over my back and all over the bed
>i am barely registering anything at this point
>i just lie there
>still shaking
>i feel like he's still fucking me
>i feebly try to stir
>cant get up
>my legs dont work
>my head cant think
>i dont understand what just happened
>we just lie there together for ages
It took me a while to come to
I stayed at his house that night
And the next
And the next
I was hopelessly infatuated, I loved it when he came in me and on me, but I always wished he would never stop, he truly did have incredible stamina, and a very short refractory period though
I gave up my ass to him literally every day for the weeks until I had to go back to university
Unfortunately we never met up again after that
>unfortunately no we never met up again

Okay you need to find that man and tell him you'll do anything to stay with him forever

You found the perfect cock to fuck you to perfection, your not ever gonna find another guy to do it that good
So I think I've gotten close to whfo but still fall short

>weed edible
>edge 2 for 20-30 minutes
>ride suction cup dildo on wall

I have what I think are orgasms where my entire butt clenches hard and it feels really good, but it effectively pushes the dildo out so strongly it breaks the suction and even if it doesn't it get so overwhelming I can't keep going. It feels like I want to cum but it just doesn't come out. I can repeat this a few times.

Not sure what the next step is. A good fucking machine would probably be my best bet but I don't have enough privacy to have one. If my family found the toys I have now or the edibles it'd be the biggest shit storm of my life.

I'm thinking maybe I start exercising more to have more physical stamina and possibly a chastity cage. I'm wondering if anyone else was in a similar state and managed to finally cross the line.
I could be wrong but I have experienced the same thing, I think its like an "anal" orgasm vs a prostate orgasm. Its like the nerves just get so overstimulated your abdomen and everything just clenches hard on its own. It feels very good, also in my experience goes hand-in-hand with a squirting orgasm sometimes.
I'm well aware
This was over five years ago now, I'm not the same blushing, trembling twink I was back then
I did try looking for him but he has moved from his house and I haven't seen anyone like him online
I've had a couple of, I don't know, I would call them boyfriends but I'm straight, so I guess they were guys who would fuck me
Nobody has ever compared although I still loved it
It was like he had a sex aura or something, well, really it's more likely that because he took my virginity everything was so new and exciting that it got me in the right mood, I do still think about him sometimes, feel a bit pathetic when I do, I have wondered if he ever thinks of me, or maybe it was just a Tuesday for him
>but I'm straight
Every fucking time
That sounds right. I'd love it if it came with a squirting orgasm.
Though that just takes me back to how to have a prostate orgasm. Maybe I just need to stick with the edge for aslong as it'll go and see what happens.
This story makes me really question my sexuality it's so hot
You just have to say no homo after he comes in you and then you're all good
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the squirting orgasm I've experienced is usually because I'm very hydrated beforehand, so my prostate is very swollen and I probably have some urine in my bladder, all of which is expelled when my muscles spasm hard. It's definitely a mixture of urine and prostate fluid, that's what people say a "squirting" orgasm is. If you want to try for a prostate orgasm instead, I've found better success with a slow type of massage with a toy. Hard and fast = anal/squirting orgasm
Constant but slow = prostate orgasm.
Good luck, fren!
it's definitely possible to cum like you would masturbating with your dick.
Oh yes, I've done that before too, but for some reason its a lot more rare for me.
it happens pretty reliably for me if i do something like you described, hard and fast and not really aiming for the prostate but deeper.
Is it normal for the aneros not to feel like much of anything the first time?
Have you had any experience with hard plastic prostate massagers and how was it?
I really wanted to get one but the cheapest one they had in the local sex shop was one that proved to be out of hard plastic.
Never took anything non-elastic up my ass so I am a bit cautious about possibly hurting myself by shoving something in there that might as well be an action figure based on its firmness
>Is BBC a porn myth
I hardly find any black guys attractive but it still bugs my mind

I actively avoid porn with black guys because most of it is cuckshit but avoiding it especially just feels like an insecure overcorrection
In case I would actually find a black guy who is my type it and would let him fuck me it might be of use to know if it‘s for real or just a porn category.
I've got a prostate massager that has a back-and-forth motion meant to simulate fingers, and it seems to work well, but I can't figure out what to do with my muscles as I hold it in place.

By default I've been what I'd describe as tensely relaxed. It feels like the muscles around my genitals and ass are relaxed (neither clenching as though holding something in, nor straining as if trying to shit), while my core is tensed and my breathing is kind of tight. But if I try to relax my abs and breathing, my ass involuntarily clenches, and if I try to change position the same thing happens.

When I am in that state, I can feel a pressure like needing to pee, but it feels trapped before it can come out. It's similar to if you stop peeing mid-stream, though without the burning sensation that can also bring, and I'm also not consciously clenching the muscles to hold back. But when I lose the relaxed state and involuntarily clench, the pressure vanishes.

The pressure waxes and wanes and quite a bit of precum leaks out of my chastity cage, but it never really reaches a climax of any kind, and I eventually end up just opening the cage to cum manually. It feels like that tension in my core is part of the problem. Do I need to figure out how to relax both areas at the same time, or is there something else I can do to coax things along to a proper anal-only orgasm?
this makes me feel funny
It's normal for it to feel like nothing for years.
its a fucking meme toy, bought one on the recommendations of this group and its bullshit, wont be doing that again
>Sometimes just play with my hole using a couple of fingers
>Recently get more and more thoughts, fantasies and urges about using toys
>Even to the point where it was a part of a dream I had
>Been holding off because I've never entered a store for them in my life and I'm nervous as hell
>Don't even know where I'd store them
Just hornyposting into the void to blow off some steam
Just buy it online and have it shipped.
My current living situation makes it so I can't really have things on my porch, too easy to steal. Maybe I could look at other options, but I feel safer buying from an established place near me, quality-wise too.
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>I've got a prostate massager that has a back-and-forth motion meant to simulate fingers
Name of the toy?
Try the mindgasm exercises with it in, that's the shortcut to figuring it out.
Also put a little extra lube up your butt. The more freely it can slide against the walls of your rectum, the more you'll actually feel it against the prostate.
The vast majority of brick and mortar sex shops mostly sell PVC or otherwise ass cancer garbage. Fedex and UPS let you re-route deliveries to pickup locations, and Amazon has drop-box lockers fucking everywhere if you're buying from them. I don't get things delivered to my door either.
Hmm, I'll look into that then. I did a little reading and thought I'd just go for a plug and a smaller toy to start, work up to it. Get something metal maybe? I dunno, just what I read from guides online.
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go for silicone, metal is uncomfortable as hell.
Okay, noted. I only decided because I think there's a specific smell that some toys made of specific materials get? But there's probably good cleaning methods.
>some toys made of specific materials
Those toys are known as "not silicone" and should not go in your ass. Read the FAQ.


The egg plug is a good starter. I pretty much started off on medium, and that graphite supersoft is comfortable for extended wear.

None of my silicone has an oder either; you can just clean it with dawn too.
It's generic chinkshit from Amazon now listed as "currently unavailable". The search keyword would be "digging motion" but I didn't see any others that are actually available.
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I usually have my sessions in the bathroom so lube is easy to clean up. For you guys who do it elsewhere, how do you manage not getting lube everywhere? Some will inevitably leak out, right?
Just wash the sheets afterwards. I try to wash the sheets after sex anyway. Try is the operative word but honestly it doesn't always happen.
I have a big canvas drop-cloth I got from the hardware store, large enough that it still covers a good area when doubled over. I only rarely manage to get enough lube on it that it soaks through, and even then I'm generally toying on one of those thin foam IKEA mattresses that has a removable washable covering.
Old cheap towel, and those disposable microfiber grease rags from the auto section.
I don't use an unnecessary amount of sloppy lube. It's just store bought lube, it goes on and stays on. I guess the trade off is you need to reapply after a while. Even with that though, I have a towel down.
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For me, it doesn't really make a difference. I can get a wet orgasm with flexed kegel and while relaxed, but to be fair i also never had a dry orgasm before.
How much noise does the hush 2 make? I want to get one but I'm afraid my roommates might hear it go off. Mainly in the next room and the room under my own. Also, I guess the bigger the size the louder and stronger it is?
Just tell your housemate. Maybe he'll join in or show you his secret dildo collection.
Kind of a vague question, but are there any fun anal activities that aren't just doing anal to feel good? Like games or tasks you do that incorporate anal? I kind of just want to do more of it when I'm not horny.
can silikon smell "weird" or did i just get scammed?
like a chemical smell...
i'll just do the test
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I want to get a bigger toy and my biggest fantasy since forever is getting raped by a futa orc or oni. Any recommendations/ideas?
XL Stan
It could potentially have residue on top of it but any strong smells should go away after washing it. You can also boil it for 10 minutes to try and remove any residues and kill bacteria. As someone who makes silicone dildos, I'd say it doesn't really have a particular smell and putting it up to my nose I can't detect anything but the demolder I use smells like machine grease.
I guess that means it's not silent at all. Fuck, I was hoping the 'silent enough for public play' part wasn't just false advertising.
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How big? I have one of these in XXL and it's great. The dual density part starts after the head so the head is extremely soft.

hit or miss for me, usauly i lose interest but there have been some times where its amazing.. prob depends person to person
>idk how these would interact with hrt
pygeum and lecithin make me drippy/ have bigger loads, it does take like a week to see results tho
if it contiunes to bleed see a doc
if it was just from playing, take a break for 1.5-2 weeks from playing, no need to do anything special for it
unlike the other anons i like my aneros, tho it can take a bit to pick it up.. for me its the best when im crazy horny and dont want the work of riding/streching
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how big? as long as your not too aggressive on yourself so you dont bruise yourself then you should be fine
>have hush large
high speeds can be a bit loud, but u can just play music or white noise to cover.
on lower speeds its not noticeable, when i go in public i limit the speed to half
if your in a dead silent room with another person they might hear it but at least in public theres enough background noise that noone would notice
this is what plugs are made for...pop it in and chill, otherwise id recommend chastity, and if you like it dressing slutty while like in your room chillin
I dunno how loud it is. I was just being funny. Looking it up though, it reaches 45.5 decibels. Looking at charts that might look very quiet, but I have an air compressor that has a 45 dB rating and I panic I'm going to bother the person in the apartment below me whenever I have that on, but I suspect it's louder than 45. A fridge idling is about 40dBs I think, so the plug will be a bit louder than that. It probably wouldn't be noticeable if it was a constant sound, but if you turn it on suddenly, I imagine people in a room over might be able to hear.
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Stan looks interesting indeed, does the curve feels as good as expected? XL might be too much tho.
from BD I also had M (maybe L) sleipnir in mind. thoughts?

that might be too much I think.
around 7.5cm diameter maximum I think.
Yeah I already do all of that. I wear chastity, put a plug in and wear panties every now and then. I'm thinking more like gamifying riding. Something to get me to practice and build stamina even when I'm not horny.
ah u might like faproulette you gotta sort through them but they do have some decent ones
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>high speeds can be a bit loud, but u can just play music or white noise to cover.
Would a fan + tv work well to cover up the noise? And do you think the vibrations themselves could be felt? I was looking for an S, M maybe.
>Looking it up though, it reaches 45.5 decibels.
You're right, how did I miss the db rating on their own page lol. And the smaller models would be even quieter, I hope. I wonder if that's inside the butt or if having it inserted makes it even quieter.

I guess I won't know until I buy and test it myself.
A single standing or box fan would most likely cover the noise. Fans are loud. The plug is harder to hear when it's in your butt. The vibrations won't be felt through the wall or floor. Incredibly untested and not scientific but it feels like maybe double the strength of an electric toothbrush. If you place it ON the floor it might be loud but no chance anyone feels the vibration that's not you, unless they're touching your butthole or taint.
also, I don't think the smaller models are any weaker, AFAIK they all use the same internals and just the casing is different.
Keep in mind that some BD models are bigger than their size would imply. I know Seraphina, Bishop, and Vector are all +1 size compared to everything else.
Sounds the same as what I get but I've been stuck with this and not been able to get further on orgasms

Any advice?
If he ball gags you then you're getting turned gay
That's how it always feels, it's a scam
I don't understand, I always have to squirt like 50-100 mL up my ass
get a waterproof mattress cover
That's a relief anon, that sounds manageable and I think I'm going to get it, thank you!
Oh shit, I wonder if I can get an exercise bike and recreate the ass pounder 4000.
are the clear dildos on amazon safe?
i want another horsecock but dont want to spend 90 bucks to get one from neotori
Clear means it's not silicone. If it's PVC then you should avoid it. If it's TPE then it's kinda okay but these toys are not very flexible in my experience. There are silicone horsecocks in the 50-70 range on Aliexpress.
My Hilt 75 is arriving tomorrow and I'm so excited.
I was kind of afraid it would be too big for me, but in anticipation for getting a bigger toy I managed to work my way up to inserting all fingers on one hand and I even just managed to fuck myself a little bit with two small toys.
Unfortunately I've never been able to cum with my ass so far, so this week I've committed to exclusively masturbating anally, which has been every day so far. Can't wait for tomorrow.
>I'll get a Gape Keeper 75
>It's only 2.4 inches max diameter
>I take bigger knots than that all the time!
>This is certainly a good decision
It is possible that I have made some kind of error
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I was thinking about getting one of those. I'd also have to work it in a bit. The biggest thing I have is a 1.8in diameter buttplug. Let us know how it is. Anyone else have any experience with the hilt?
Do bottoms really. I can't fathom continuing to identify as straight as opposed to even at least bisexual after having and enjoying sex with (multiple!!) men. Is the shame/stigma really too much? I.e. you just can't stand the thought of having to come out to friends and family if you kept on down that road?
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If I plan on bottoming, how much psyllium husk should I take the night before?
Never mind, this was a great idea
There is no magical amount of psyllium husk. You just need to become familiar with your own body and how it works.
maybe they are like me
i think cocks are hot but that men are unattractive
Kind of new to toys. Is it normal for silicone to stink even after very thorough washing?
Like a chemical smell? If it's that, then it's probably not silicone.
Didn't have any smells brand new or after washing it for the first time, only after I took it out.
not the original anon responding to you but you're welcome. I have the largest hush 2.0. I don't use plugs often so it doesn't see much use but if you're into it, it's a good product with good software. When I do use plugs, I generally prefer glass plugs as they retain zero smell even if they're less comfy (silicone can smell for a little bit but will go back to normal after airing out for a few hours in my experience)
Yeah, as I said here >>11130083, silicone can retain smell for a little bit.
The other anon thinks you're talking about a new toy but I assume you mean after use.
Anyway, if you're using silicone as a plug and leave it in there long enough, no matter how well you clean out beforehand you'll eventually get some stink on your toy. In my experience, even if you wash it well and boil it, it can still retain that smell for a while but it will eventually dissipate.
Yeah its after use. Its a Helix Syn V and I got it from their official site so it shouldn't be counterfeit. Its just weird that its so pungant even after washing it. Its only the part that goes inside that smells though, not the rest of it.
i hopefully have an 8 inch with 6.6 girth arriving today
FINALLY a nice upgrade, unless they lied about the size
i'm excited
i had the same problem. i tried washing it tons of times, along with a bunch of other shit to no avail. this sounds weird but hear me out, i used arm & hammer litter box deodorizer as a hail mary and it worked. it's basically baking soda with some extra stuff; i just sprinkled some on top, left it for a few hours, rinsed it off and the smell was gone. it's not like it masked the smell either, actually neutralized it and left it smelling kinda nice too. give it a shot if nothing else works, you can find it in any grocery store.
My order got delayed by a day. I'm incredibly pent up because usually I cum like twice a day from playing with my dick but now I haven't cum since sunday.
I really wanna play with my ass but given the double insertion and whatnot yesterday I think it's better to take some rest, not to mention that I can tell it's a bad day for cleaning out today.

(sorry if doublepost, don't think my first post came through properly)
Tpe as Bad as pvc
When the knot pops in I cum every time
1/4 cup to a 1/3 cup daily

Keeps you squeaky clean
Who here cums with a fucking machine

I need pro tips on getting that analgasm
You're measuring in cups? I take like half a teaspoon. I feel like if I took that much I'd end up constipated for sure.
holy shit i'm officially a size queen. i got all dressed up and eased it in without using a smaller toy to warm up. the girth is perfection, i just came from doggy style the first time. need to start working on my depth so i can take the entire thing.
That's way too much anon, you're just pooping pure psyllium at that point.
I take a few teaspoons, I don't think psyllium can constipate you. Aren't people with constipation also recommended psyllium to make their shit softer?
Psyllium can cause constipation if not taken with an adequate amount of water. If you take many times more than a typical dose, there'd be no way you can ingest enough water.
Psyllium works great for GI issues, including constipation, but only if you do it right.
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Had the exact opposite happen this morning. Was clenching down on a prostate massager, had like two or three dry orgasms but then realized I had to stop to go to work. Let myself relax a bit, and when I pulled on the plug as soon as it popped out I came. (Ended up being late for work.)
THC has well documented antiemetic effects, yeah, it can help with nausea. it also amplifies the feeling of the shrooms, so be careful dosing. shrooms and weed potentiate each other. it also helps to take the shrooms as a tea preparation; eating the whole body is often what causes a lot of nausea.
Upgrading from an 8 inch realistic dildo to one of those generic blue ones that's 9 inch. I think it's a bit thicker as well. I figure a bit more length will help with riding and I can always use more girth. I find it hard to find stuff larger that in silicone though. When you go bigger, everything becomes PVC.

I also got some of those little nipples suckers to see if they do anything or if they are just a meme/scam.
that's fine, honestly i'm mostly in the same boat, i love cock but 99% of guys just don't do it for me

i don't let that stop me from keeping in touch with people I've had fun with though???

relatedly, I swear to god my own cum tastes the best and I'm always disappointed that other guys cum, even when good, is not AS GOOD as my own
>When you go bigger, everything becomes PVC
Local stores/domestic stores? That's my experience with them, just shop online.
>I find it hard to find stuff larger that in silicone though. When you go bigger, everything becomes PVC.
lmao what
read the fucking FAQ
>I find it hard to find stuff larger that in silicone though. When you go bigger, everything becomes PVC.
the XL Seraphina is 16.88 useable, literally wrong.

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