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Thread for damsels in distress, bondage, peril, bad ends and game overs. Everything from kidnapped girls to defeated heroines.

Previous >>11099825
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I like pictures in the backgroung - someone clearly planned snatching her and won't let her go anytime soon.
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Looks painful. I like it
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There is a good amount of clockwork peril and I'm curious like what/where the source/origin of this peril came from.
There is a weird mystery manga where it's prominently featured, but I think it's not the first time it shows up. More common is to have an action scene in a clocktower.
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Speaking of clock peril.. I've seen something where girls head is sticking out so clock is supposed to crush her neck. And also girl tied to gear mechanism that is supposed to mangle her.
Still love this one you posted. Lovely half-mummification.
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Good shit.
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I wouldn't call it common, but it's come up every now and then. I like it, making the timing element itself the peril is a neat novelty, it's got about as strong a "her time is running out" vibe as you can get.
I once saw some western cartoon of some boy genius detective in some clock-based deathtrap. He and his goofy partner's heads were stuck through a clock face, and the hands were sharp, so they'd get decapitated when it ticked around. I don't think I've ever seen it in anything else, though. Besides porn.

>I've seen something where girls head is sticking out so clock is supposed to crush her neck.
This one?
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>And also girl tied to gear mechanism that is supposed to mangle her.
I swear I've got something like that too, but I'm not finding it.
I think stuff like this is a little more common. Still directly involving the clock, but the fall's the peril, not her getting decapitated or twisted apart.
Yes this one.
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