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Previous Thread: >>11126190 #

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Request Anchor
(You)r idea of /ddg/-tan
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Here's the red demon's sometimes-rival, sometimes-friend, sometimes-fuckbuddy, sometimes-threesome sharer
Tall beefy bottom heavy muscular asuka langley with pubes and armpit hair. Just posing in public or on a beach etc. Abit embarrassed about her outrageous body.
Futa in a shady looking bathroom stall pressed tight up against the wall shoving her dick and balls through a glory hole, getting absolutely milked and loving it, but on the other side of the stall wall there's some weird tentacle monster mass taking up most of the stall doing the sucking, there may or may not be a hint of a formerly human host's husk from which the tentacles are all originating from
Futa in front of the bathroom sink taking care of their morning wood with one hand while they brush their teeth with the other
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cursed image.
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Here, quickly anon, feast your eyes upon this.
Thank you B/U/C status identifier, I was wondering if I should pick it up and keep it in my inventory.
Blessed image
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How thick is too thick?
When it no longer fits in my ass or mouth
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Requesting Akari (Pokemon) giving futa Arezu a blowjob.
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Back view
NTA but all of these are equally disgusting.
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One more of her
Lovely periwinkle demon as well
Thanks I greatly appreciate it
Don't listen. They are beautiful.

I think one improvement could be the setting/actions. Bring them to a gloryhole, or show their holes being used.
Requesting a hung and lanky Astolfo pressing his dick against a busty Jeanne D'arc as he is kissing and holding her in a tender embrace. Both should be nude save for them wearing thigh highs (white for Astolfo, indigo for Jeanne).
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requesting cock transformation sequence where a smug camilla gets turned into hinoka's hyper cock, cumming a bunch in the last panel
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Was doing that yesterday toothbrushing is too hard for ai still
She's also gorgeous. Would it be possible to have them both together in an image? I imagine that's not the easiest gen, but I think it'd be worth it.
Uncursed image
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more uncommon monster girls or "experimental gens" as anon put it last thread, a wild card request more or less
Vampire goth miku with massive boobs and an excessively cumming penis. with a neutral tired expression
crabman here, I fully plan on working more of this monstergirl at least when I get off work. I love what the lora does vs normal Alraune gens so I really wanna see how I can push it more.

Probably dump a folder of the failed gens since the Lora is pretty strong and good gens are really gacha heavy.
Requesting a large chubby white haired cowgirl in a black virgin killer sweater. lactating a lot
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Beaches are no longer safe
careful! that crab might clamp onto you foreskin
Zionist crabs trying to steal our girls' (male) foreskins!
Very cute.. sigh, astolfo please.
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Sleepy saggers
i want to gently massage/tease their balls till they explode in a wet dream
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>le tanned tomboy childhood friend appears

also, toned prompt=immediate bulging abs,why? I even tried it a 0.8-7 strength
Yeah the weights do nothing for it even abs at like .4 is just there. Can try athletic maybe instead
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this, I love seeing sleeping beauties having such good dreams that they're at full leaking mast, and even more seeing them erupt like geysers mid-dream
and then of course the groggy realization they've made a mess all over themselves, their sheets, everything
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tried it,still got abs.Might be the lora honestly. It's nyantcha style 2.0 by Goofyai, honestly no idea what's different about it,this guy shits out loras every day and refuses to give instructions or make basic changelogs.

This pose is really cool though I'm glad I got it working without any loras or overprompting
Thank you. Hes is just ideal..

Shame about that fith leg. Love the pic otherwise taurs are so underrated.
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Christ I'm blind.
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oh man this turned into a great day,i liked your other two as well but, but dunno how to explain it. still bless you, and your crabs
no worries lol. But do post more taurs!
hyper titty, futa yuri correcting satori with her fat cock (cumflation alt if available)
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I got a bunch but the ones on hand are more 1girl. Been fixing up my uldcards again and trying new stuff on nai.
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On red moons even demons get punished
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More like that!! How about with a cute elf girl?
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Not my finest work
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Don’t listen. They are beyond vile.
I really like how the dicks looks with the nai3furry loras
I really need to stop slobbering over dicks
>now imagine how she pulls off Spinning Birdu Kick
NTA but all of these are equally based
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life isnt very daijobu
>starts leaking cum unwittingly
>overfills her condom
>starts splurting cum leaving a trail
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Random thought, what if centaurs functioned as vampires, a curse that gets passed.

Here are some vampire centaur futas:
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Yeah the dicks are the best I've seen on a model same with the balls. The balls look like they're fucking 20lbs heavy full of cum for whoever comes close. The scrotum is fighting for its life trying to hold them up. Hopefully can salvage the good features on the Lora remake whenever I get to it or best case nai gives the furry model out on nai4 release since apparently they're not doing nai4 furry since it received poor reviews because (surprise) the pruned artists
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May I ask why
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Cool idea.

I really cant figure out a painted effect in krita.
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Honestly both models would be much better if they just gave us access to the large version without having to burn through that currency. Unless they have a reason for it anything but the wallpaper size and above should be 0 anlas
I was trying to do some bushy girl yesterday but I think the artist I use sucks for that, I think the best bush I saw was back in 1.5. How does your setup does for that? Feel like it would do great

I'd like to see a newly futafied tomboy gf absolutely burying her new dick in her also newly (VERY) feminized bf.
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dia bro the reward for rescuing her from tentacles is fantastic...
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...the after effects can get hard to deal with during dates though
You could try "linea alba" instad of toned, it works better for me
really nice oni
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Im the actual final Witchblade, .y left hand carries sickness like sick to your stomach from overfull and my right index finger has all the healing witches power. My presence drives other wielders to come to permanently hate it and everything about it. Then it crawls onto me or if they give it to me some portion of their wishes come true. Could I get a Witchblade Cursed Loot forced refeminizer focus on public sex urinal sex pet that is multiplex present with everyone to deal with superior stuff or all world will lament for scraps of superior, or this way. Picture of my eventual Pretty. Jesus blutos sun airman Higgs is like my man legacy Hyde Heterodyne. The items she's wearing with descriptive enchantments pleasure excruciating and sensitivity gains, magic maid powers equal to Olivia Dragons dogma magoi. With impregnable fuck udder. Decency to not mess with me I'm most dangerous person in the universe. With inescapability and soonest news and help people based on delays to coming true to melt in helpfulness away of that form
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more seaslug
On a sweet note, I was in the gutter left home because I was Ghathanathoa and Reginald Hargreeves died to cure me, in the mattress he was singing row row row your boat. He is Lucy in cyberpunk edgerunners that's how cool he is and how much he loves every umbrella. I was Wendy gambler star when I had to become Arthur to splintercushion my enemy, but also Hook I never grew up, always an adult, man.
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I've been experimenting with various img to video AI tools, and I think KLING AI is the best option, it actually seems ideal for creating /d/ content.

Every other service I tried had much more restrictive filters that didn't allow you to upload anything that was slightly provocative, but KLING actually seems to like futas. Something about girls with big penises gets past their filter. So long as their breasts are covered, it's not too difficult to get an img prompt loaded.

Every other service I tried also has text restrictions that prevent any sort of sex-related prompts, but so long as you say ""rod between legs"" instead of penis, and ""milk"" instead of cum, you can get some pretty interesting results.

As a heads up, if you include anything explicitly sexual in the text prompt the video will come back nearly static with maybe a few things floating around on the screen.

They're not really aesthetic or erotic in any way lmao, but it's interesting to see what a very early version of AI porn video prompting looks like. Also fun to see your AI renders come to life.

I can post more renders if anyone's interested
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To be honest its not good but not awfull either, it stays surprisingly consistent and the face doesnt melt, would probably be way better if it wasnt censored to hell
Anything new in the last months? Pony still king?
>actual african black girl
>straight hair
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Quad amputee futa trying (and failing) to suck her own cock.
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>Misty would like to battle!
Nahida (Genshin) consentacles please
Eggs too wouldn't be bad
Give me nature's bounty
Futa interracial couple.
White futa decorated with QoS/blacked stuff.
Black futa decorated with QoH/bleached stuff.
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Can I have a black dickmaiden wearing angelic robes?
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Here you go
lick it off the floor like a disgusting filthy animal

*uploaded wrong pic
hell yeah, thanks
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Oh, this comic book style lora works really well with uno makoto.
Share the style lora, anon
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This is how rabbit milk tea is prepared in Gensokyo
3d pig is not /d/
You can pick slanteye artists here: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff
Whoa, based. Definitely not enough futa of these two together.
How about one with Utena fucking bakunyuu Kiwi's tits?
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Nice! Can I get a nude version as well?
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I never imagined Kiwi having a big anything but that does sound fun
Cute, but what's up with the extra thicc lines around the dick?
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Where/how can I find some specific art by prompt ant style? There are too many sites out there that post AI art. If anyone has suggestions for the biggest one, that could help.

I'm looking for art on amano megumi (muchin's character) on his style.
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It's just an artifact of the style/inpainting that would take ages to fix
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Futa Konata Izumi jerking it to porn on her PC.
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It's CSR at 1 and Kittew at 1 along with a Chiaroscuro LoRa to provide some mood
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Experimenting with templates
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Can you do Twi'leks or sexy aliens with that?
thanks. could you do one in a gothic dress? with a more anime face
oh my god I didnt know I needed futa utena, thanks for opening my eyes
Futanari on head swap man please.
show me that bush
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Trying to gen 3 femboys together, but for some reason I can only get 1 normal sized and 2 giants.
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>one immediately after my post just happens to work
if i am having trouble with composition or character sizes, i find its always easier to roughly photoshop something together and then img2img. it typically holds even at like 90% denoise
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k got bored with this
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Requesting more of the ssbbw/wheyfu futa couple together, cute, lewd, or both at once to the discretion of the maker.
Lovely, bless you anon. I always thought of Kiwi as being pretty stacked for some reason, I guess because I want Utena dicking her down in as many ways as possible, and bigger T&A kinda help with that.
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Not really an ayylmao enjoyer but I hope this is good
More than good, that's excellent anon! May I have her with s smaller penis? Some pubic/armpit hair would be fine too if you like!
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I'm going to switch up the model I'm using to see if I can get a more anime look
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The Cum Pump Gym is open!
Requesting hyper muscular and futa Hex Maniac in gym clothes lifting weights, please
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Damn that's yummy, thank you! Won't request any more ayys, but love your demons and succubi.
Do I add her nut into my protein smoothie? I bet that's just loaded with my macros. I'd drink it every day. And her normal sized penis is adored.
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anytest seems capable of adding stuff if the area is left undrawn. It's a problem for some stuff when you want size to be variable.

Couple as regional also doesn't seem to respect hard edges.
This experiment was a mixed bag
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will this suffice?
absolutely, if you can go bigger i'll appreciate it
>t. not that anon
holy shit YES
You'll have to ask her for her leftovers. The Cum Pump Method uses direct intestinal absorption to maximize nutritional uptake for the biggest gains!
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1. More!
2. What's the story here, demonic possession?
3. I feel like demonic identities would want to take on forms of arousal. Why scare away sinners with bestial and horrible forms when you can seduce them into betraying God with big soft boobies and leaky penises? A succubus should be a more powerful and coercive agent for Lucifer than some loathsome monster.
>that freemason hand gesture on the left
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you can tell it to do "character sheet" and use use adetailer to automatically inpaint the whole body then the face
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Had to break out the bara tags
Talk about an upgrade
Requesting Sadako from the Ring as a futa with balls, rubbing her small dick (with a red cockhead) against another dick(frotting) and cumming.
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I think it's sexier if it's just a corruption rather than a full on possession
Definitely gotta expose her cock!
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What a convenient request. Here's Hex working out at the Cum Pump Gym!
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Thanks anon, it's beautiful. Quite beautiful indeed. Inflated belly is one of my kinks, but could you make her muscular and without the belly? I would love to see her as an absolute unit
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really cool, do you generate the backgrounds first and the character afterwards?Your gens always have great backgrounds with actual good scene composition,or is it a ton of inpainting on the original image?
I just prompted "indoors castle" at the end of the prompt. The model I'm using is pretty good at background compared to other pony finetunes.
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Here's Hex after a few months of her new routine, checking out her guns!
NOICE! Absolute unit, indeed. Thanks a lot, anon.
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Bonus pic. Hex right after a workout, so she's filled to her limit.
Give her a normal penis and I'll marry her.
>when the rug you bought at Bed Bath and Beyond was actually a demonic circle
goddammit not again!
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In retrospect, I probably should have gave him a nose to begin with.
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Based. Fucking hero
love it, thanks
Requesting 2B as a very chubby futa housewife. but still a slim neck
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All the spunk spilled by anon's gives birth to our mascot.
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Nai freaking sucks at pubes which is wild to me considering it's a furry model.

Mind sharing which Niku Rino lora you're using? The faces look good, I've made a couple but always struggle because of the fucking nose hooks.
Really nice, more onegai
really cute mouse, make her eat cheese
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Amazing cock
>free the nipple
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gird up thy loins
What is this anytest everyone keeps referencing? I looked back 6 threads and the link is gone. Deleted. Nothing about it.
There's never enough Nico
Heyy anon, could I request some pics of this boy in your style?
Love her cock ring!! She should also have nipple rings
thats surprising because what was overflowing from that bikini was promising
I need to be sandwiched between white and black
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pierced and de-inverted nipples
Her blushing is adorable!! Sweet innocent succubi.
a 4 breasted cowgirl teacher lactating though her string bikini bra
hyper goes here i guess
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Yeah it's one of the bigger flaws for me. On the other hand I can gen hung lilligant who needs a hand
Nice clothes!
Love the tummy and the pajama pants
Would like a Lopunny like this, but less hyper
download the latest file (CN-anytest_v4-marged_pn_dim256.safetensors) into in your controlnet folder, and then just load an image along with it the controlnet, and it should work; adjust weights for how strongly the generation should be guided by the loaded image
maybe it should be added to the OP, as it's a good and straight forward (no preprocessors) controlnet
Thanks for sharing. I'll do just that.
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>231. Suguha w/ third leg

Very late reply sorry I was busy with a national exam for medical residency... I can't describe how happy I am 0.4 anon, you're the best. I love the experimenting you did like picrel and also glad that you had fun doing so. Thank you so much.
Shut the fuck up.
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This is great. Which model are you using?
heres your (you), now that you got your attention scamper off and be a shit stain elsewhere
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It's this one https://civitai.com/models/642788/niku-ringo-nihon-otonari-no-oku-sama-no-himitsu-style-lora
Sorry about this anon, but you just reminded me how much I like Niku's nose hooks.
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she's so fixated in her bigness
had a field day with this one
I love the rng.
lovely, can you make her cum inside her pants?
I dunno, let's find out
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Have her whip it out.
Thank you.
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she needs giant mom balls to match

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