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Sharing is caring edition
Previous: >>11100023
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>tfw you forget your anniversary with your giga gf
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i love elves so much bros like fuck i just want to be the annoying man thing that tries to befriend a giant qt elf, one that she tolerates at first but for some reason refuses to let go of, forcing her to grapple with the emotion of enjoying something that she knows is perishable and will inevitably cause her grief in the future the more she opens up to my presence yet is unwilling to force herself to detach herself as she finds (much to her chagrin) me a fun welcoming yet fleeting companion in this minute part of the great eternity she shall live out.
god damn i love elves
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>god damn i love elves
You and me both, anon.
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Giant elven hands typed this post
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>giantess wants to confess
>has you standing in her palm
>but she can't bring herself to say it
>instead she just giggles awkwardly while looking at you bashfully and keeping you on her palm
>it is cute and all but you've been standing there for a while and you can't just jump down from this height
>you can feel her palm becoming slippery from sweat so you are afraid to move anyway
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Recap from last thread. Sorry if I missed yours, etc...
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. edition.
The Funky Giantess >11116423
A very big cow >11104564
Houses in this economy >11105563
Casual foot domination >11110674
Giga aliens vs Terra aliens >11110944
Pet giant doggirl >11118984
Swimming accidents >11119158
>Ma'am pls (gatcha edition) >11127409 >11127969 >11127973 >11128548

Cross thread with monstergirl giantess because it's good
Gremlin wife >11116178 >11117278 >11117279 >11124600 >11124602 >11124602 >11124603 >11124604 >11127029 >11127030
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Sorry for weird format this time. 4chan's being gay because there's been an uptick in spam bots lately and including more than like 4+ quotes gets the stupid error message.
Still works if you put the number into desuarchive.
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Well why didn't you?
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Word of warning: under no circumstances should you agree to let an elf use you as her insole, unless you're prepared to spend the next few decades trapped in her shoe after she forgets to let you out.

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