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slighty depressed giants edition
prev thread >>11100640
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Still very much looking forward to this >>11125113
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cute giants in ripped clothes
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I really want to loom over a city like this, just kinda mocking tall buildings with my bulge
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i mean she can certainly try, i can always just shrink her a little smaller to make things even harder for her

though ngl i'd love a girlfriend that would just love to be tiny handing out in my underwear all the time like pic related
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Would you ever put her in the opposite end of the underwear?
maybe if she wanted me to, but otherwise probably not as it would be much more enjoyable for me with her in front
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>Had a sizedream about me growing
>grow to about 80ft
>felt like a really good stretch, probably strechted in bed for real
>heart pounding fast as fuck
>walk around, can hear and feel the THUDS of my steps
>stepped on a car and could literally feel it crumble under my foot
>get so excited I wake up
goddamn, how do I get this back?
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>tfw not a giant cute boy and part of the harem of a tiny bratty princess
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>tiny bratty princess sitting on anons shoulder walking through town and telling him who to crush
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>tiny bratty princess x giant knight who gets aroused from crushing people
kino pairing
short kid that gets bullied all the time grows huge and crushes his school underfoot as revenge
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What kind of girlfriend anon?

>"I hug your dick because I'm tiny and I need heat"
>"N-no! I wasn't kissing it, shut up!"
>Tries to kick you in the balls but it's barely a tickle and ends up with a foot stuck between them.
>Masturbates when she thinks you won't notice her.
>"You are mine, your dick is my property Anon"
>"Don't ever cheat on me, I'll hate to damage you."
>When she got jealous she tried to bite your balls off, but only managed to get herself stuck with your ballsack in her mouth.
>Hugs possessively your dick and glares in the direction of any female voice, even if no one notices her through the fabric.
>"Your dick is nice anon, It feels nice to nuzzle against."
>"I appreciate that we can always have 'Private' time of sorts"
>Likes to listen to you while sitting on your dick like a mini statue of "the thinker"
>You sometimes swear she cries in her sleep and clings to your dick/balls, apparently it's comforting for her
>"A-anon, uhm... T-thanks again f-for lettting me stay here! You don't have to put up with me if you don't want, you just-"
>"O-oh... y-you don't mind... y-you? You like it? Uh-u-uhm..."
>Hides her face by shoving it into your foreskin/ballsack
>Loves to feel your heartbeat through your skin, it's very relaxing for her.
Dere Dere
>"Hi Anon! I'm ready for another day with you!"
>"Onward' Mighty Steed! To Adventure!"
>Likes to ride your dick like a horse, so of course always tries to keep it erect when around the house.
>Loves the idea of always being there for you, sometimes when no one is watching, she unzips your pants a little and pokes her head out just to tell you she loves you, and gets back inside.
for me, based on these probably hajidere/tsundere > dere dere > kuudere > yandere

normally not fond of tsundere girls but something about a tiny tsundere girl blatantly liking me by willingly being in my underwear despite insisting its for other reasons is super arousing to me, and the others are more or less how much they express their enjoyment being there (also not a fan of yanderes and even if she is tiny i'd be somewhat concerned)
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>"S-sorry Anon! I accidentally made you cum in your pants again, I'm very sorry"
>"H-here! Let me clean it up!"
>Doesn't know or gets too much into it, but her licks, kisses and suckles are enough to make you keep cuming.
>Probably the later because it makes her feel that despite her clumsiness and tendency to mess things up, she still makes you feel good.
>"Uhm-Uhm.... Can I?... You know..."
>"Yay! Thank you!"
>Even if she sleeps using your cock as a bodypillow, every morning she stands on your thigh, eyeing your morning wood and politely asking for permission to go back to hugging your dick.
>Secretly a sexual deviant, absolutely loves the idea of being inside your underwear all day and not having to talk to anyone but you. (Her favorite kink are headpats)
>"Good morning Anon!"
>"I hope I'm a good girlfriend, your dick certanly thinks so"
>It's like her purpose in life is to please you and your dick, spends all the time inside your underwear trying to memorize your routine, erogenous zones, preferences, etc. Could practically draw your dick from memory.
>Completely interested and invested in any of your tastes, loves to learn everyday new things about you.
>"Awww do you like it when I do this baby? Comon tell me how much you like it"
>"A boner! What would other people say Anon? Fufufu~"
>Loves to tease you, mostly at inappropiate moments, and you swear she has some succubus dick magic, it's impossible for a girl this size to feel this good.
>Even if she edges you all day and once home makes you beg for her to allow you to cum, always makes sure you understand how valuable you are for her, all while she rubs the tip of your now soft dick and watches you squirm of course.
Well it was hit post! Got any similar fantasies

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