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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

NNN Edition
QOTT: What's your favorite cage design? Least favorite?

Previous Thread: >>11153430
Belt Thread: >>11100686


>Lock Tracker & Chaster Pointers


>Guide to Nipple Orgasms
(PDF) https://files.catbox.moe/fa55vs.pdf
(Audio) https://files.catbox.moe/uheaeu.zip
Anchor post for any cage timers you want to share

See the Lock Tracker Rentry for some tips when creating a lock.

(Please_be_nice) https://chaster.app/sessions/mNUPxCItBMbMFuvO
(Andrea22) https://chaster.app/sessions/T0knRoNjEkmsZg9T
(SissyDoll) https://chaster.app/sessions/yKHhcAYenyyIVNjs
(ShiShi) https://chaster.app/sessions/emFAo947AsJcr4qv
(OneEyedJack) https://chaster.app/sessions/aczKV6xnd2nT3MWu
(MissChaste) https://chaster.app/sessions/OyVGnEEXpsn2PdZE
(sbubyppupy) https://chaster.app/sessions/BwbxTHVqFtjZfDlV
(Ericka) https://chaster.app/sessions/Nqa2axCYPGjHUemf
(adleir) https://chaster.app/sessions/TPlLNK4kPM4NEpRv
(Duder818) https://chaster.app/sessions/ysIMbftdfXJJGqow
(BrittanyJane) https://chaster.app/sessions/D0EnVsUowBBmoMmC
(Kettu_fox95) https://chaster.app/sessions/PwTAFeH4gEBvskzs
(LockedLolly) https://chaster.app/sessions/UL6ygdGPa3c7l2DC
(PsuedoNekoArc) https://chaster.app/sessions/2nVi6mBRJx9hCvV9
(sissypansy) https://chaster.app/sessions/hLcVmsrkbycD1FmW
(Blubimbo) https://chaster.app/sessions/s8AsDMmwoAuCy1YN
(Grey_) https://chaster.app/sessions/shRzwkOTSZB8tPSD
(LittleEngine) https://chaster.app/sessions/v8guSu9DAS0rcUg0
(AsahiTrue) https://chaster.app/sessions/SOegdbU8rAtEmX2G
(D1ana) https://chaster.app/sessions/NL5yXPSAoT2T65VD
(Axera_h) https://chaster.app/sessions/DdEpquUHzgofn9TX
(Sqizward) https://chaster.app/sessions/hMwOAP1pX4qi3RBV
(break_my_clitty) https://chaster.app/sessions/gV35fr8Gv40WUydf
(AHeavilyModifiedMoe) https://chaster.app/sessions/hNNWEcL2CxySloAV
(porrov) https://chaster.app/sessions/F1jpYCEBgSEjazxb
(ed) https://chaster.app/sessions/EzZ0nxqIi2S31avb
(SpookyCage) https://chaster.app/sessions/lkcXHtt248wfhDFU
(Delv) https://chaster.app/sessions/Vv2ARRfn5udAQWzc
(MsAdequate) https://chaster.app/sessions/idg2qCAeAWGzRs1m
(LexiSissy) https://chaster.app/sessions/dn3Qkhh5jh2Av2e6
(Vixie) https://chaster.app/sessions/ac6WATsbHciJo7aT
(dumbcanadian) https://chaster.app/sessions/7v9PCkwIgjlTrIBn
(RougeNoire) https://chaster.app/sessions/M5YJ0hTVz7VjGAfZ
(smol_lilly) https://chaster.app/sessions/oncmjJ4HTEjvkSqt
(shadowcat) https://chaster.app/sessions/eT5SCfZxHoA9VvLn
(adleir) https://chaster.app/sessions/TPlLNK4kPM4NEpRv
(frz) https://chaster.app/sessions/tosRkGMMNtM6f7zp
(Lexxit) https://chaster.app/sessions/uYhjdRB99sc6GKgX
(Roku) https://chaster.app/sessions/NWIN5QNbSMC5cEFN
(Anon1112) https://chaster.app/sessions/2hg9DyjH55GfCpbs
(Xdress33) https://chaster.app/sessions/ukQtYFNM9fx1g2Lz
(iridiumsprinkler) https://chaster.app/sessions/weHeiGVI7bT18bVL
(VirginHealer) https://chaster.app/sessions/8IUzGND5X8g0qeVy
(Fawegrrth) https://chaster.app/sessions/IRxv8BP8bQbIi9V5
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New cage comes today, probably haven't worn in a year or so. Last time I indulged it became impossible for me to keep it on after a couple of days I had to cum. How can I not do that this time around?
Put the keys in an not easily reachable place. If you really wanna indulge, there's lockboxes with timers. Obviously you can always smash it open but it's usually enough of a deterrant.
>>Guide to Nipple Orgasms
Does nipple masturbation stimulate oxytocin production?
What are the consequences, all of them for males?
Just give up your key, or put it in a lockbox and use chaster.

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it arrived and it's on but even though im cut the skin on the under side of my cock really doesn't want to go in the nub with the rest of my cock.
trump should make chastity mandatory to curb degeneracy
yes this is my fetish
new to chastity, anyone know where I can find sellers on AliExpress with discreet packaging? All the listings I've found so far either have no reviews or reviews warning that the packaging wasn't discreet
I live with roommates unfortunately, don't want to take any chances that they check the mail before I do
no unfortunately every box comes in pink and it says GIGANTIC SISSY FAG on it
i was wondering why nobody has said some perverted shit about the election here yet

What do you mean discreet? The cheap crap from China doesnt even come in labeled packages. The outer bag is just a opaque plastic bag, and the inner package almost never has branding. Literally a plastic bag. This is China we are talking about, they dont really do the whole fancy box thing.
Buy the smallest PO box at a local post office for like <$10 a month and send it to that.
God I never thought a chastity cage would be so comfortable
something about being unable to get hard just feels right.
I just wish I was able to constantly use my.nub. in larger cages, even slightly larger, my dick sometimes gets pulled to the back of the cage nub size, but then can't go back to normal. But when I wear the nub, it sticks out slightly at all points due to just wearing it making me slightly hard, I have a strap around my waist to keep it from going too far but it is still there.
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Long Yue's Daily Life

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>cage outside of clothing
Holy shit that seems like a bad idea.
chaffing speedrun any%
Sorry for such a late reply, kinda forgot about the thread!

At the moment I'm using a combination of Vitamin C, B6, B12, Zinc, L-Arginine and Magnesium on top of Maca and Tongkat Ali, though I only use the latter two only on thursday-sunday when I actually have time to be lewd. Honestly gets me so horny I'm constantly thinking about sex and lewd.
>wear cage all day
>comfortable, barely notice it
>fall asleep wearing it
>wake up hours later with an intense need to take it off
I don't remember it clearly cause i was half asleep but I don't think I was in pain it was more of a "I'll sleep way better with this off" type of thing. I'm glad I don't have a keyholder desu
how would one go about ordering on aliexpress and having it delivered to a pickup point? they don't have such options. do I just put in the address of the pick up point as delivery address?
also does it matter if you do anything on the website or in the app? or is it them just wanting you to use the app because data farming or something
Yeah, just use the address of the pick-up point if they accept general packages. If it's like, a post office, you just request your mail held there and put the address as your own house, though.

I use the website over the app, but that is a me doing a "reee I will not use the app when you got functioning web interface" in general
>reee I will not use the app when you got functioning web interface
yeah exactly me, shit's stupid
Humble ask to be added to the list
Is it just the last two that get your going or a combination of them all?
At least the Zinc helps as well, helps with cum production. I think the Vitamins are more for mood than actually being horny, but I feel they generally improve my well being. Magnesium probably doesn't change my libido, I started taking that for sleep issues. All of these are just smaller add-ons in comparison to Tongkat Ali and Maca.

For lewd browsing sessions I also get stoned or get out the poppers to really max the horniness
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I'm honestly curious how many of these poor caged people are regular browsers of this thread, and how many are actually fully locked.
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Regular lurker here. I don't strictly follow the timer, and I doubt anyone does. While I can sleep locked, I only do so when I'm in the mood. I will unlock to shave when I wake up anyway.
Captcha: 0N0HRT lol shut up
>try to cum through anal only
>always end up cumming with vibrator on cage
I'm so fed up.
lock up you vibrator
You shave daily?
Add & share as much as you can, please https://chaster.app/sessions/2Fwmz0MjOVoZsK8k Thanks
Yes, I do. The small stumps gets annoying if I don't, and they emerges fast. I can afford to be more lax with my facial hair, but not down there.
I have a holytrainer V5 and I think the ring could be slightly smaller... My ring is 45mm and I can downsize to 40mm or 36mm. Currently I can fit my index finger to the first knuckle under the ring.
Would it be a mistake to directly jump to 36mm? I think I'm gonna do it.
buy knockoff HT parts first to try sizing, rings are like $15 and its worth it to be sure before going on the real thing
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Okay so I found an adjustable ring that can fit around my larger then average testicles, and a cage that fits well. I've locked myself twice, and both times I had loads of fun. The problem is the adjustable ring handles adjustment with handcuff style teeth and a cotter pin. Lubrication and a sheath help protect my skin from the teeth will putting the device on, but over time the teeth start biting down. While fetishistically marvelous, I do plan on keeping my genitals intact. A ring solution a ring solution might not be for me.

Does anyone have any belt style chastity recommendations?
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Lower your vibrator until it just edges you or doesn't make you cum at all, and then combine it with anal. Or get to the edge with your vibrator and then finish with anal.
Last night my girl wanted to spicy up our NNN and wrapped me in packing foil, cut a hole for my dick and unlocked my cage. Then sat next to me to watch movies together. Teasing me, playing with me and making out obviously made me rock hard. However, she didn't bother to touch my dick at all. She just let me stay like this with my raging boner until I went soft and then she put back the cage and cut me out. That was strange. I wanted to jerk off so much or even just to feel her touch on my dick but I couldn't do much about this. Seriously, that packing foil is stronger than it seems and with arms wrapped separately it's almost impossible to get out.
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Enjoy lads. Source: me. Not posted anywhere else so save it or lose it. I might put it somewhere eventually tho.
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Link to the cage?
Would be interesting to pass along to others that struggle with ring sizes -- get something adjustable, find your best size from it, then go for a custom large ring from a place like CK who has stuff all the way up to like, 70mm.

Been looking into belts myself without too much luck -- harder to search for on aliexpress imo lol
The "B-pink" style of https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805226690184.html is the one I usually see with the most recommendations on other sites though, still trying to find a cheaper option for the style (no butt ring, thin wire bottom rather than the flat "y" plate)

Usually what I hear the most of though is difficulties getting them to fit great.

The teeth and hinges are an obvious problem for me, but for everyone else: set the size, lube up, and fit as one does. The plate system is also a pinching hazard, but I was able to find a thin piece of plastic to act as a guard, then when everything was locked, pull the lubricated guard out.
Is that an OC character? Its very well done
please add me to the list!
...I really like the look of my nub and saltshaker, but the dome doesn't pinch and can be worn for a long time...
>want to be caged so bad
>have a few cages already
>bf is NOT into it AT ALL
>try wearing a cage and offering him the key but he says it's "weird"
he won't collar me either, which is even worse
about to buy my first cage, super nervous but also excited. probably going for a cobra type in either pink or black. any advice, things i should know?
I'm new too. Apparently many people have an allergic reaction to the black die in the cobras, so be careful. That's why I'll buy a pink one. Also I bought some knock offs to try before black Friday and choose my preferred measurements.
Not really an OC, just a random character. I don't think I ever made an actual OC lol. Thanks.

I wish it would be easier to find websites that allow me to just sell single images. I don't wanna do patreon because I can have very irregular output so a monthly subscription seems unjustified. But the single sell websites like gumroad or ko-fi don't allow porn. I found fansly/onlyfans but both seem mostly focused on real people. There are some v-tubers on fansly though it seems. I dunno, it would be nice to just have some people toss me a dollar here and there without any kinda commitment.
very cute, i'd love to see more of your work
if he didn't tell you to take it off then just do it anyway. it's your natural state
I thought Patreon had a per-post option rather than a monthly one. Or maybe that was Fanbox.
idk if I should ever be free, y'all decide for me https://chaster.app/sessions/UPvAFNh9DfWzLpfn
This isn't your personal blog, faggot.
Go away
Get a real job, jackass.
ugh can u like stop discussing chastity in the chastity thread
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Damn I had to dig a little but patreon does have some kind of shop where you can sell content. It still seems that it forces you to set up at least 1 subscription but I can just make this a donation tier and call it a day. Not that I'd be against having recurring income I just know that I can't offer recurring content in return. Guess I'll be on patreon soonish.

damn that's good, got any sauce? Animation is tricky...
Make sure to shower, and lubricate. And accept that your first one might not fit the best. Go slow at first and if it hurts or pinches, stop.
i've been verifying a lot of pics on chaster these past couple of days and I've noticed that a lot of people write their 9's like a lowercase g. This feels like a significant tell to me. If I meet someone in real life writing g for nine. I'm going to assume he's locked up.
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Im thinking about going back in after Locktober but I think I need some encouragement....
yeah it didn't fit very well so i'm returning it. i don't think chastity is for me but it's good i tried i guess
can i get a replacement ring for a ht that is just a circle instead of the weird shape they have going on? it keeps pinching my balls but other chinese cages i have with a perfect round ring are fine
Don't give up too easily. Getting locked is a lot of fun and worth doing; even if you are just a hobbyist (for lack of a better phrase). What part of the device did not fit well? Was the ring difficult or the cage?
Has anyone here had experience introducing chastity play to their sex life with a monogamous partner? To clarify right off the bat: I'm not into the cuck shit that seems to always accompany chastity. I like the control and "tease and denial" aspects of it. Not the SPH or degradation aspects that some people lean into.

For context I've been pretty upfront with my kinks with my gf. She's still easing into some of them over the past 4-5 months (like anal for her or stimulating my p-spot) but I'm sure she'll get there. She's adamant that she doesn't want threesomes of any kind and I am OK with that (even though having a hung trans escort destroy both of our butt holes would be very hot).

I am encouraging GF to be assertive in our kink and sex life. Thinking of how to introduce chastity, but without all the baggage that this kink seems to have online. Maybe I should do it in context of chastity for both of us??
Can i share 5 little images here of a VRChat avatar?
A friend gave me the booth model Airi and the EvilFall set and I my mind was blown. Let me show you
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It's a set of assets for base Airi got some sort of corporate dystopia bad end vibe to it.
>base https://booth.pm/en/items?adult=include&tags%5B%5D=Airi%E7%94%A8
>assets https://yaoklisub.booth.pm/items/6105492
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inside of the model shows it's got the toys for a female but the outside is the interesting part
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sci fi gonads and a chastity cage constructed where the clit could be
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another angle

this blew my mind. very creative.
not really as hot as i thought it would be, also my pp is too wide for the head to fit into the head part properly, and when i get hard my pp just pushes the cage off. i feel like it looks cute in hentai and stuff but irl it's just kinda lame. maybe it's different with a better fit and a good keyholder, but i feel like i just wasted money and kinda degraded myself for no reason. it's a learning experience at least i suppose.
anon would never have survived the old bdsm general here. It was almost all blog and we liked it
>also my pp is too wide for the head to fit
You'll have to buy a few cages and go through some trial and error to find one that fits comfortably, but snugly, anon. Sorry, it's just the name of the game. Bit cheaper if you have a 3D printer, but that's a different can of worms.
>my pp just pushes the cage off
I mean, yeah... that'll always happen. The trick is to not get hard. Punish your balls and your nipples. Stay limp forever <3
>>11168701 me
another thing I notice is that a lot of you wear smartwatches.
>Punish your balls and your nipples. Stay limp forever
this is the part of it that ruins it for me, i actually have issues with going limp when i shouldn't, also cbt and stuff is not hot
>Pushes off

Well if it aint for you, then it aint for you. Should you decide to keep going, double check how tight your ring is, and baby oil to moisturize your dick prior to inserting into a cage, It does take a few tries to "get it". And now, sack tapping aint required. A well fitting device will restrict you enough.
shit taste, every part of your genitals has to suffer or chastity is pointless
how exactly does your dick suffer? sure it stays limp but
thats hardly a problem
ball slaps do feel greeeaaat tho, so also not really suffering
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Damn, I'd love to fuck a femboy with a cage dangling from his sack and slap his little balls with my cock
Kinda gay, bro.
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Tie him up and fuck him until he cums from anal
what cages should i look into if i have a PA piercing? its 0g.

this one kind of tickles my fancy, but i have no idea about price, anyone know?
When the fuck is kemono getting fixed? Or is there another site?
Damn, id love to be that femboy
neko house is your better bet but it's empty like hell currently
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Please visit me a lot.
there was chastity stuff on kemono?
How do I make my dick as small as possible? Temporary is fine, I know long term chastity can help I just wanted to know if there was anything else I can do.
For once, unironically banding. Will LITERALLY kill your dick.
2 questions,
1) Are the chaster timers actually real for some people? Someone is currently over a year, with another year to go.
2) I've recently got a 3d printer, any STL recommendations to look at? And will the resin I usually use be fine, or would that not be body safe, even after curing?
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I made a mistake balancing this lock and had to remake it. Please visit this instead
favorite lookswise is a salt shaker. Not an inverted ine.I'm a grower and I think that would fit me well.
I only own a "dome salt shaker" thing, from aliexpress. I like it but I'd prefer it pink; mine's black.
Least favorite: umm, anything else, I guess. Closed,transparent cages look loke shite. They fog up quickly afaik.
>will the resin I usually use be fine, or would that not be body safe, even after curing?
No, typical resin-printed items are not body safe, even just for prolonged external contact. Something like keyboard keycaps where your fingers are in frequent contact ought to use a specifically body-safer resin, and I wouldn't trust even those with my sensitive tissues for longer periods of time.

One of the things with those resins is that exposure causes sensitization. As your body is exposed to them, you gradually develop an allergy. What's worse is that it's not just the resins that you become sensitive to, and other chemicals with medical uses are also affected by the sensitivity. There are people who've ended up allergic to their own bone implants because of that.
Only if you leave it in for hours on end like a retard

Perfectly safe if you do 10-30 minutes max
Far easier than chastity after a few attempts
Don't listen to >>11172951 they're full of shit

3d printer resin is body safe once fully cured. There is no "body-safer resin" like the retard anon claims

It's toxic when uncured and it's inert once cured. That's how all resin works

That said, most printer resin gets rather brittle once cured so I wouldn't trust that on my dick
Ignore >>11173019's attempt to ruin your body. There is a reason some resins advertise ISO 10993 certifications and others do not (whether the chinks actually HAVE the certifications they claim is a different matter).
Ignore >>11173039 being an autistic retard who'd rather be right than keep your anus safe
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Not to be a pinkpiller, but estrogen and constant chastity will help to make you permanently limp at least.
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>depressed about life stuff, having trouble carrying about anything
>lock up dick for a day
>feel happier overall, suddenly want to start exercising and being productive
I feel like there's a meme about this
>fit into the smallest nub size HTv5 knockoff flaccid
>gets nearly pushed off far from my body because boners go backwards apparently when they can't grow outward

I have tried multiple ring sizes and legit don't know the solution who came up with this stupid penis backup mechanic
You can buy straps, or get some soft cord and make your own to hold the ring close to your body if it's a recurring problem.
My wife and I are 100% monogamous and do this stuff. I approached it from the tease and denial angle when I first brought it up. While introducing her to videos of it online I emphasized that I hated the cuck shit and she agreed so that's not on the table ever. My wife is also not a top so it was hard at first for her to take charge. In the beginning I was just giving her ideas and eventually she started to come up with some in her own. Being a keyholder is honestly a lot of work so make it easy for her and don't get upset that she can't read your mind.
Online is not real life and you just need to talk about what you want so its enjoyable to both people and set expectations and boundaries. Also if she is not a top already you won't make her into a top. A switch or service top is the best you can do. I still regularly Dom because that's what she likes and it keeps things moving smoothly.
I couldnt find an answer in the faq, I want to downsize to something more snug. If I got a 1” nub where im almost 2” soft would it still be comfortable longterm? Im used to having room in my cage
how do you guys cum in an inverted cage? I don't want to fuck my ass everytime.
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Hey did anyone else get a stupid amount of anon votes recently? Is there someone angy in here botting/using vpn to add time to people?
hi T
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wore one of these and my dick suddenly had red dots all over it after having it a few weeks.
is it the dye? chaffing? I have red dots all on where it touched that are sensitive and kinda itch sometimes but less now that the cage is off
I read it could be an allergic reaction to the dye of a cheap 3d printed cage
It's probably allergy to the black dye. Throw it away and buy something that isn't black.
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I bought this so
prob will just do a flat metal one if this doesn't help
being locked is too comfortable to hate
I did, but I wouldn't mind if they did it again...
If i get 50 votes i want it to be 50 real people fucking me, not one sweat....
If you like it you should post your link again so he knows who to add to ;P
hi <3
>want to start
it's meaningless unless you actually do it
Restricting to logged in people doesnt sound too bad. We can whine at them or bully them back then
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Just starting something to see me through the end of NNN
No need to add to the list
Add 1 hour remove 2 hours is some pussy ass bitch shit
Trying to find sissies and transgirls in chastity on twitter and bsky sucks because it's all just fat hairy men who refuse to add tags so I can filter them out
I hope you get one week
Sounds like razor burn. Try it again in a few days after it clears up.
people actually use bsky??
anyway use telegram
well im not using twitter because im tired of seeing hate speech and this is the next best thing since tumblr banned porn

Stop being retarded. Twitter is what you make it. Block the topics/people you don't want to see and it will be exactly what you want it to be.

If you engage with toxic shit, guess what? It is going to give you more of it.
i didn't ask, not sure why you went off about hate speech for no reason

anyway like i said check telegram
>im tired of seeing hate speech
And you come to post on the internet hate machine? That's pretty fucking retarded, faggot.
you're an idiot
But you'll post here.... Okay retard
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more like this?
>buy knockoff HT
>cage is great but every size ring chafes on my balls after a while
>buy salt shaker cage from aliexpress
>cage rubbish but the ring is perfect
does anyone make a basic circular ring that fits a holy trainer cage? i cant find such a thing anywhere
Is it possible without estrogen? I don't wanna be a femboy- I wanna be a jacked himbo but completely useless in bed as anything other than a cock sleeve
What's bad about it? I'm thinking of getting a salt shaker from Ali. Is the lock fucked or anything?
i can never get the holes to line up with my peehole so when i do a piss it's a gamble whether it's going to spray everywhere or just get completely blocked other than that it's fine
Well thanks for replying, I wasn't going to use it long term anyway, just a session. Yeah other than with that insane catheter therecis no way around that issue for you, I'd say.

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