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that require a woman's body to function
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Allegedly the artist is female, but surely there's no way a woman is the artist behind such works
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Something like this definitely counts right?
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How about an entire mech that require a woman to function?
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Z-ton made some like this. Though it's power armor and not a full mech. Easy enough to upscale the flesh it produces though.
it's interesting. is this part of a series or a one time thing?
Very nice. I used to have an image of a ffishparasite that turned women into mermaids in a similar way, I'll look for it later
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This isn't what I'm talking about but I'm still gonna post it. If I was a wealthy man I'd have a fish tank in my home like this
Man, if ethics and acquiring sex slaves wasn't a concern, there's so much I would do. At the very least I'd want a couple of wallbutts and a hucow embeded into a VR and milking machine.
Well I was thinking I would just hire them and pay them to do it. By the way I found the image and a couple more
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That is a different, but also very fun scenario. I imagine for some girls it'd be like a dream job. What would the working conditions be like though? Being a mermaid for too long straight has got to be straining if you're only doing it with current day tech. Living on premise is a given, but will you let them ever take off their tails?
there's already women who do this for a job in some restaurant in china or something
I know, but I don't think those jobs are what you'd want from a pet mermaid. Someone who just shows up for shows, and know she's never going to wear her tail for longer than her performance. There's a difference between being hired as an actor who wears a mermaid costume, and being hired to live as a mermaid.
It's from Shantae if that helps you look.
Pirate's curse specially....the mermaid canning factory + giga mermaid.
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I have the sprites from that level here. A mass transformation factory like this is so kinky, I'm disappointed that there's so little like it in porn. It seems like such an obvious and popular concept, but almost nobody draws things like this, or if they do, they don't really get the assembly line part of it right.
Isn't this not even a porn game? Meanwhile the fish are literally sucking their pelvis
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It isn't. This is an S tier doujin premise, and they're wasting it on a T rated game.
Shantae is not porn correct.
The plot is that Tech baron is selling canned mermaid meat for profit for his nect venture....but can't supply enough mermaids for demand.
So kidnaps gals to turn into pseudo mermaids with the weird fish things.
Then you fight the mom/queen mermaid, giga mermaid whose like 20-30ft tall, to free her and destroy the factory.

Niche indie game. So people barely know anything on it.
Hell Siren Queen is like 5x giga mermaid size, is a mermaid...but has no fucking art and you literally strip her nude to beat her. Only plant/alruane siren has art as she is first boss like GM is.
As fucking if. Z-ton dropped this incredible concept one day and never touched it again.
Thats a good way to get horrifically wrinkly bitches
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>Niche indie game.

Still, I'm not asking for more mermaid factory content specifically, just factory transformation stuff in general. There's only a couple images that hit the vibe I want well, and of them most of them are furry, the best one is some horrendous western bimbo garbage from someone who doesn't know how to draw. Still, that's the only image that captures the vibe I want from a factory repurposing women's bodies as fast as the machines can operate.
I've saved every image in this thread so far

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