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In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

>I want a cheap RC training plane that is turnkey.
XK Beaver
Eachine Wing Dragon
OMPHobby T720
Hobbyzone Champ (used only)

>I want a good FPV fixed wing platform.
ZOHD Drift
Sonicmodell AR Wing
Finwing Albabird

>I want a basher fixed wing model for doing crazy shit that is easily repairable.
RCFactory, Hacker and other similar profile models

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Joshua Bardwell - https://www.youtube.com/@JoshuaBardwell
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/@Painless360
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/@FliteTest
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/@PeterSripol
RCModelReviews - https://www.youtube.com/@RCModelReviews
Andrew Newton - https://www.youtube.com/@AndrewNewton
RCGutt - https://www.youtube.com/@rcgutt
RC Test Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@rctestflight
Think Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@thinkflight
Tail Heavy Productions - https://www.youtube.com/@TailHeavyProductions

Previous: >>2825538
>enjoy flying my mini 2se around
>it's not quite what I wanted, didn't know
>try to get into fpv
>everything is back ordered
>try and buy used
>nobody on the marketplace wants to sell their shit

I've never dealt with such a terrible group of hobbyists in my life.
>message guy about his setup he's selling
>tell him I'm coming from 2 hours away
>arrive, cash in hand ready to go
>he asks if I wanted to fly it
>No thanks, it's getting late and I still have a 2 hour drive home
>He asks if I have any experience flying large drones
>Told him I've put about 20 hours on my mini 2 and I've played with my friends mini whoops
>He says sorry, he can't sell to me
>The drone isn't a toy and it's dangerous in the hands of someone experienced

I couldn't fucking believe it. I've had people I messaged ask me how much experience I have and ghost me, but to deny me in person?

I lost my shit.
shoulda juicy flicked his ass
Are you telling me you can't find a Nazgul or some shit?
I've always heard that you shouldn't discharge a lipo below 3.0-3.2v, that makes sense.
what about voltage sag under load, is it fine for the cells to go under that range during a heavy burst load?

I bought a completely overkill hobbywing max10 g2 (rated 150A continuous 880A peak) for my short course truck and the data logs are showing it going below 3.0v per cell sometimes when I'm near the end of a pack, pic rel, 5.8v @ 154.8A. on my shittier zeee 2s lipos it's even worse, I've seen 5.2v.
it's set to max punch and the battery cutoff is set to the highest.
This one kinda depends. If you push any LiPo too hard, it'll get hot and puff, but if you look at tinywhoop stuff, those batteries often sag down to like 2.8V and then recover to 3.5V and do just fine. I'd recommend testing it all out a bit. If your pack is getting uncomfortably hot, maybe add another pack in parallel if you can. On another note, how thick is your wire?
rusty wires
12awg for both esc and all my 2s packs, stock XT60 connectors. they're all hardcase so I can't get a great temp reading but, they don't get that warm
K, that'll probably do fine.
also keep in mind that the value is at the point of measurement. not at the actual cells
What RTR 1/10th scale truck should I buy?
Also what is best for long grass - ground clearance? I have a 1/16th HBX but it struggles a bit on all but the shortest grass. Still not quite sure about truck vs truggy here. I'll mostly be using it in a field but occasional dirt and beach usage

vague wishlist:
> 4wd
> brushless
> oil shocks
> metal gears
> fast
it would be a bonus if it supported 4S as I could use my quad batteries on it too (3000mah lion packs). but seems like most are only 3S.
Are your Li-Ion packs 18650s? If they are, they're probably built out of Murata VTC6 cells which are only rated for 15A continuous. RC cars/trucks can call for a lot of amps really fast. Might wreck your cells.
whats the best Tx protocol iyo?
Right now it’s hard to recommend anything except ELRS.

If you’re doing *super* long range then the antenna tracker products/integration of Dragonlink is still superior, but 99.9% of people don’t need that.

If you’re doing MAVLink stuff then RFD (with the TXMOD option for RC control) is far more mature than ELRS’ MAVLink support.

But for general hobby use, ELRS is the clear winner right now.
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what do you want out of it aside from performance on grass? handling, speed, tricks/bashing?
my three 1/10 sized rigs can handle grass fine to varying degrees.
rustler bl2s is light and low with wide tires not great but ok. can't handle thick taller grass very well
pro4 sc10 with proline trenchers does pretty good but, I haven't driven it in a lot of different grasses yet as I just got it setup a week ago
my 6s typhon doesn't give a shit and flies through grass, its weight and skinny tires seem to help traction a lot. even on slicks it'll walk its way out of grass most of the time.

take a look at the arrma vorteks/granite 3s, team associated MT10 and pro4 SC10, arrma typhon 3s, maybe redcat's Valkyrie MT or TR.
> metal gears
i know the associated and arrma ones have plastic spur gears at least.

>lion packs
yeah, don't do this. grab a couple SMC packs or something https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?1767093-Battery-Load-Test-Comparisons
ELRS or multi (Open TX or Edge TX) is what you need on this day and she. I like Crossfire too, but most people do not use this as a primary radio system.

Hip Hop is the best protocol for extremely small micros (see 1:96 RC P-51).

Single protocol is old hat, at this point, but any of the Futaba protocols, Graupner's HOTT and Multiplex's M-Link systems are the best ones. That said, for the love of God do not buy a Spektrum DX from the late 2010s or one that runs on DSM2 early 2010s Spectrum's are alright, though.
In this day and age. I am phoneposting right now.
When you say "Hip Hop", are you referring to an actual radio protocol, or FHSS? If I look it up, all I find are internet radio stations for the genre.

As for the multi protocol chip. I've not used that thing once since moving to ELRS. The only time I've had a partial signal drop was five miles away when I turned my battery in front of the antenna. CC2500 would drop if I merely flew behind my house or even thought about a failsafe.
I am looking for the most pleasant balsa kit to build and maybe post a build log of anyone is interested.

How does a Hiesbok Rudy or Bambi sound?
It is an actual radio protocol, I should have made that more clear.

It is a very niche radio protocol.

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is it actually safe to charge lipos at 5C? some manufacturers list 2C - 5C
>>everything is back ordered
not from my experience but i order all my stuff on aliexpress
Generally not, I would rarely charge a battery over 1C, except for a Graphene, which should be able to handle 2.5C.

I usually take graphene battery C ratings at face value, but standard LiPos, I usually divide their started performance by 2. C rating is a meme, mostly.
>Spektrum DX DSM2
my first drone failsafed into a river at like 100 ft away in direct line of sight thanks to this dogshit protocol. I still have the radio collecting dust. What should i do with it? Got it for free, is it worth even listing on fb marketplace or just throwing away
DSMX mod with AS3X+ and SAFE compatibility. Or a multi/ELRS/Crossfire swap. You will need a lot of parts for the swap, though.

Speaking of Spektrum and Horizon Hobby in general. I have an E-Flite X-Vert that I cannot figure out how to set up for my TX16S running OpenTX. Does anybody know how, I want the stabilized vertical move to assist in landings (tailsitters make me nervous).
oh I already fully switched to ELRS and a zorro a year ago. I was cleaning up and wondered if there is even any second hand demand for an old spektrum DXe radio or if i should just trash it
Yes, there are time of Spektrum cocksuckers who get other people to buy Spektrum and plunge them into a world of misery.

>t. My DX8 G3 feel apart in my hands the second time I went flying with it. (The shell opened up and it started spilling switches).
Seems pretty interesting, but price stings a little.
I wouldn't do it unless I was outside, had cash to burn, and I needed to bang out packs for race practice. Have charged at 2C for my entire time in the hobby and have never had much for degradation. For bigger packs, I slow down to 1C or less if they start to warm up. Don't burn your house down just so you can charge in 10 minutes instead of 30-60.
It is, I think it is made in the U.S or made in small batches, hence the price, compared to Plantraco which is mass produced (still pricey though).

There is a reason why 900 MHz is uncommon.
yea they are VTC6. Guess I'll buy some 3S lipos then.

>what do you want out of it aside from performance on grass? handling, speed, tricks/bashing?
General bashing. I'm a total noob to trucks. I just want something fast fun and durable.
I'll take a look at the ones mentioned. Thanks
>There is a reason why 900 MHz is uncommon.

Crossfire, R9, Dragonlink & RFD have all been around for ages. Before ELRS (which can also operate on 900MHz) probably half the people I flew with were using Crossfire. It’s not uncommon or expensive.
I was thinking that when he said it, but didn't want to talk out of my ass. There's always more to learn.
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what's the name of this type of cable?

damaged my walksnail cable by puttin a cooling fan (for the moonlight VTX) too close to it it removed the insulation on some of the little wires and now its very flimsy if i touch it the camera stops working (because of a short/noise between the little wires)

maybe i can get these in bulk for cheap if i dont buy directly from walksnail
That picture's tiny as hell, but I think those are LVDS cables?
They're sold on the site as coaxial cable. It's not accurate, I know, but we're dealing with China here. That's the name you're going to find them under basically anywhere.
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I posted this on /toy/ but after being told about this thread I am asking again here. I would appreciate any help.

I've been wanting an RC car for a while and I saw some Tamiya cars that looked cool at my hobby/toy shop.
I've never built an Rc car before but I like painting fantasy miniatures so I have an airbrush setup and lots of acrylic hobby paints in little dropper bottles and pots. Can anyone tell me what tools, parts, batteries, or controllers I would need to buy in addition the the kit itself?

I would get one that's already built but I think if I built one myself it would help me understand the machine better if something broke or needed to be replaced. Also I would feel more connected to the car if I built and painted it myself.

pic rel was taken at the hobby store I get my miniature stuff from.
Some cars I like are the grasshopper, hornet, frog, blitzer beetle, rising fighter and neo fighter. I also heard about the new hornet evo which also has a cool shape. Something lightweight since I ride the train everywhere. My cousin has a traxxas rustler that I used to play with a decade ago but I remember it being massive and really heavy. I think a light buggy that fits in a tote bag would be ideal.

I plan to drive around the park or on the slopes of the woodsy hills behind my house. I don't care much for super high performance or speed but if anything, I would prefer good handling so I don't flip over. As for the plastic covering, should I get masking tape or any other kind of adhesives for assembly and painting while I'm at the hobby store?
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>Can anyone tell me what tools, parts, batteries, or controllers I would need to buy in addition the the kit itself?
basic hand tools, exacto blade, most tamiya kits are all phillips or JIS so use something decent, standard snippers work fine but if you already have flush cuts use that, polycarbonate specific paints are a must(unless it's a hard plastic body) I'm sure you can look up lexan paint prep and go from there with the painting exp you have, 1.5mm 2mm and 2.5mm hex drivers may be needed, a hair dryer is nice to have when applying decals, removable thread lock for at least the servo, double sided tape.

for electronics you'll need an esc, motor, standard size servo for the 1/10 kits, receiver + transmitter with easy end point and expo adjustment (flysky FS-GT5 as an example). some tamiya kits come with a basic hobbywing esc + tamiya brushed motor which are just fine to start with, should say on the box.

basic upgrades I'd recommend right away, CA glue + tire foams are a good idea, and a bearing kit so you don't need to tear it down all the way if you want to replace the plastic/bronze bushings later. also some tape on the inside anywhere the body touches something so it doesn't rub thru, like the body mounts. oil shocks are nice too but, I'd just feel out the kit as it is stock and upgrade as shit breaks (it will) or when you feel the need.

>should I get masking tape or any other kind of adhesives for assembly and painting while I'm at the hobby store?
I can't vouch for all the kits but my tt02 (picrel) came with window masks, if you want to do something that isn't box art grab some masking tape, tamiya makes some.
>traxxas rustler..massive and really heavy
check dimensions, I'll bet they're close.

for batteries, 6 cell Nimh or 2s lipo with a tamiya connector + a decent charger.
tldr of batts; nimhs are heavier, less power dense, cycle life is higher, less fuss overall. lipos preform better and are lighter, but you need to take care of them a bit more than you would a nimh, needs balance charger, storage charges when not in use, low voltage protection set on esc, they're also potential fire hazards.

as much as I like my tt02 and will build another kit someday, tamiya kits are cheap plastic and aren't that great performers stock. expect breakage and upgrades later on as you use it.
Hi all. Can u help me and give good video with how to diy cheap aerial photography drone. Cz my English is not so good and for me is hard to find something good. (And I know nothing about drones)
>how to diy cheap aerial photography drone


Buy a used DJI. Even one from 8-9 years ago will be far better than anything you can diy.
buy a broken DJI
2nding for this. DJI stuff is fantastic and insanely easy to pick up and learn. The tracking is ace and the automated control is perfect. Have a couple hundred hours on my mini 2 alone and still recommended it to everyone.
True. Some of those are 915 or 833 MHz, though as opposed to true 900MHz. Crossfire is 915, I believe, bit do not quote me on this.

It is kind of splitting hairs, really, but I guess 900 is a family of frequencies.

On a separate note, I need a paint to brush by hand that is as light as possible. Would acrylic ink work instead of paint?

This is for two RC models that each have a target weight of 500 grams and I need a good metallic finish for one of them.
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When people refer to 900MHz in relation to RC, they are referring to the 900MHz ISM band in general & not to exactly 900MHz.

In ITU region 1 countries (Europe) a 900MHz RC link must operate around 868MHz, while in ITU region 2 countries (US) it must operate around 915MHz.
Oh, alright, that makes more sense.
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anyone played that fpv kamikaze game?
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Tfw that new drone of theirs closely resembles one I designed a few years ago (mine on the left). Who knows, maybe they even saw mine in Google image search while they were designing theirs
I'm guessing this is just compressed all to hell, because I can't see anything to shoot at and it looks far inferior to my analog footage.
Unpacked my old larvax, which I'd stopped using after my jumper t16's ribbon cables went fucky. Since then I fixed it but everything got deleted.

I'm trying to bind it again, which seems to be working. (its the frsky version) i know it's the old firmware that works with the multi module because it worked before and i certainly haven't updated it. I get rssi telemetry, but I can't arm the thing.

In mixes I have it set
ch1- throttle
Ch5-arm switch

They say the green light on the fc should stop blinking and go solid on when armed but nothing happens.

Wat do?
Thanks. I let my cousin talk me into buying a rustler 2 wheel drive with all the stock parts. It’s a RTR bundle that comes with a charger, radio control, battery and all assembled. I’m kind of worried that I’ll run out of battery in the middle of using it and then have to go back home. (The place I plan on using it this week is about 2 hours away).

I’m still waiting for it to come in the mail but I am planning on going into the city this Saturday. There are many hobby shops but I have 2 in mind: 3300mAh 8.4V 7-cell hump NiMH Battery, Series 3 Power Cell and the 3000 mAh 7-cell flat.
Is it overkill to bring 2 fully charged batteries? I won’t be punching it full blast the entire time. In the event that both stores are out of stock, are any other batteries or brands worth looking into that are compatible with a rustler and the charger that comes with it?

This is from their website: Rustler includes a powerful 8.4 volt 3000 mAh Traxxas Power Cell rechargeable NiMH battery pack to reach its 35+ mph top speed. Fast 4-amp charging is available virtually anywhere thanks to the included 45+ watt USB-C battery charger with iD® technology. Power adapter and cable sold separately. For maximum charge rate use Traxxas 2912 45-watt power adapter and 2916 100-watt power cable.
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I know it's more of a camera than a drone, but I want one. Are there any open source diy drones that can do the whole follow-me-take-pictures gimmick reasonably well? Pro and Pro Max just came out for preorder.
>For maximum charge rate use Traxxas 2912 45-watt power adapter and 2916 100-watt power cable.
lemme just save you some trouble should you go this route as my buddy did, traxxas were cunts and limited their usbc nimh chargers rate on anything but their own usb power brick. even with chargers of the same or better usb PD specs, on the same usbc cable, it wouldn't do the full 5amps rated. we probably tried 8-10 usbc pd chargers before he bought the traxxas one, finally giving ~60w at the wall compared to maybe 20w.
I fucking hate usbc power standards so much.

invest in a decent mixed chemistry charger if you still like the hobby a month or two from now and want to expand to lipos or charging two packs at once, etc. oh and don't let traxxas' marking make it sound like you're stuck with their batteries, companies make packs with their connector, SMC comes to mind.

>Is it overkill to bring 2 fully charged batteries?
lol no, but for someone new that'll give a decent enough run time.
Thanks. How long does it usually take to charge one of the batteries I mentioned from 0-100? I have no idea since I used to just use my cousin’s car.

Can you recommend any brands for charger or battery me to look out for? I live in South Korea and while there are hobby stores in the capital they may have different brands from the USA or charge more for NA/EU products. My cousin also said that wheels make a big difference too and linked me to pro-line racing.

I can look around myself but my biggest fear is that I get a piece of kit that isn’t compatible with my car. I’ll probably get another traxxas battery since they’re pretty cheap over here.
>Are there any open source diy drones that can do the whole follow-me-take-pictures gimmick reasonably well?

The short answer is no. A DIY approach simply can’t achieve that level of either hardware or software integration.

While it’s theoretically possible to DIY an open source drone that does some semblance of CV follow-me stuff, it will be many times the size/weight, cost many times as much & it will be a horrifically clunky setup that never even comes close to the performance of the commercial offerings.

If you want a tiny follow-me drone, the DJI Neo (announced yesterday) is exactly what you want.
>Can you recommend any brands for charger or battery me to look out for?
I like my gensace imars d300 no complaints (doesn't come with a traxxas battery plug, you'd need an XT60 male to trx female adapter), i don't have any other charger worth mentioning so I can't say much more.
>How long does it usually take to charge one of the batteries
eh like 40-60 mins on a 1C charge rate. 1C example; 3,300mah pack charged at 3.3amp, or a 500mah pack charged at 0.5amp, 10,200mah pack at 10.2amp etc.
the lil traxxas usb c nimh charger with their psu does like 1.5c-ish
>pro-line racing.
good but pricey, the traxxas stock stuff is alright for the lower powered stuff like your rustler.

Get gatekept and stay gatekept

In other news, the dji madlads actually did it. 135g gimballed 4k with reasonable flight time and performance and a sane pricetag. absolutely bonkers.
This kind of stuff checks out. They're still pushing old battery types and trying to tie people down with stupid nonsense. I'd probably be replacing the battery plugs on everything and using my own receiver. Fuck those guys and their boomer marketing. Never again. I'll buy a kit that needs electronics before I buy a RTR any day since it'll be less work than tearing their bullshit out.
Is it feasible to make an RC airliner fuselage from PVC pipe, either 3" or 4" diameter.

I want to make a Dart Herald, Friendship, CV-580 and H.S 748 airliners. All other surfaces will be foamboard with scrap wood reinforcements.
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oldfag who never posted on this board before but wanted to say hi.
these are my 1/10 cars
I built the bandit vxl into a cope rustler/slash, then I bought a slash and put the vxl electronics in it with a 272r transmission. I'm waiting on some slash vxl axles before I even attempt to run it on 3s.
I'm considering an lcg chassis swap for the truck, kinda just want to build it to do a bit of everything. most annoying thing is it just wants to dive and roll on tarmac, but I'm hoping the chassis and some thicker shock fluid/swaybars can help.
thanks for reading my blog
Long grass you would want bigger and wider tires but it's really only a problem with cheap 1/12th or smaller cars. Get a 3s/4s basher and go nuts.
yeah that's what I did to my 4x4 bl2s rustler (bought it before I knew any better), swapped it, and my other 2s stuff, to xt60. horizon does similar shit with their "smart" batteries but, at least their IC plugs are backwards comparable to EC plugs.
it's a shame they're such assholes about patient trolling (sealed receiver box and inboard shock legal bullshit) cause they have some decent stuff.

lcg chassis makes a huge difference. if you don't punch the throttle to hard those axles should hold up on 3s for a lil while.
I've seen a lot of people say they like traxxas products but hate how they do business and I get that. I like how they're similar to small block American cars, where you have literal decades of aftermarket support and similar factory parts. arrma might make better stuff out of the box, but they're parts are way more expensive and it's not uncommon to not even be able to find replacements
can you re-bind the receiver?
>way more expensive
yeah, when I crashed my typhon I did like +$200 in damage if I bought parts from them. thankfully some anon here told me about jennysrc.
I could bitch about the electronics (plastic geared servo, just why?) that came with my rustler but it takes a hell of a beating and shrugs it off

Found the problem, apparently somehow after being stored for like 3 years it set itself to the wrong UART?

Whatever, it works now.
Sounds like something I had happen at one point. One day, I had a flight controller decide to just change a bunch of settings for seemingly no reason. Since then, it's been fine, and I've never seen another instance of that issue.
>tfw giving tech support on ebay to the guy who bought my used walksnail flywoo firefly
I feel kind of sorry for the guy. I even gave him the option of cancelling the order before shipping but he wanted to go ahead anyway
>trying to get it to work with DJI goggles. I told him it won't but he says he "read online" that it will but if it doesn't he'll just have fun without goggles
>now he doesn't seem to even have a charger or batteries and is asking about them

I can actually sympathise with this seller now >>2841964
>it's not uncommon to not even be able to find replacements
Especially if Traxxas sue them into oblivion for making aftermarket parts like they have in the past
maybe they should get better lawyers
My rustler came in the mail and it works fine so far but the NimH battery doesn't last as long as I would like. I got a charger capable of nimh and lipo charging and a Chinesium Lipo battery. The guy at the store put a traxxas converter on it for me so it could connect to the rustler. I tested it and everything and it works fine. Both batteries charge and work with my car. My cousin told me I should look into getting better wheels eventually or make space in the chasis for a bigger battery if I want. I haven't driven it with the lipo battery yet, I only tested to see if it turns on and runs.

But my battery charger has this button that changes the charge rate I think.
It lists
4a 100%
3a 75%
2a 50%
1a 25%
I don't know what to set it to so I just leave it on 1 to be safe. My lipo battery is 7.4v, 5200 mAh 50c. The nimh traxxas battery is a 8.4 volt 3000mah battery. What should I set the respective charge rates to? Please don't start a fire in my bedroom guys, since people have told me that Lipo batteries can be catch fire if I mistreat them. My cousin says he never charges his batteries overnight but I'm not sure if he's just being cautious/paranoid or if that's just standard practice.
Can you take a photo of your charger for us, or tell us the brand/model?

>My cousin says he never charges his batteries overnight

The number one rule of LiPo batteries is that you NEVER charge unattended.
The 4 amp charge rate isn't even 1C for the LiPo. I tend to charge all of mine at 2C. Would be feeding that sucker 6 amps. But yeah, treat lithium batteries with respect or they'll fuck you up someday. I charge in a steel drawer with sand and gloves at the ready. Don't think a CO2 fire extinguisher will help with those as a lithium fire will rip the oxygen off the carbon and burn hotter.
remember to turn on LVD on the ESC when you run the lipo.
4amps is babby mode for those size of packs.
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yeah I know, thanks. the guy at the store told me to hold the down the button on the transmission until it turns green before I use the lipo battery.

here is the box

So you're saying I can charge my lipo battery at my charger's max setting without reducing the lifespan or causing either of them overheat? right? as for the traxxas 3000mah battery, the ideal rate would be 3 amps, if I am understanding this correctly.

Also is there a way to know if a battery is full or not? I don't have any way to check. If I charge my Lipo battery for about 60-70 minutes at 4amps would that be enough to go from 0 to 100%?
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> lipo battery at my charger's max setting without reducing the lifespan or causing either of them overheat? right?
no, it can't output enough power to put it at 1c or above. outside of internal cell damage and a failing charger that's out of your control that rate is perfectly fine for that battery. I charge my 2s lipos at 2c (10.4amps) and occasionally 16amps when I'm impatient
traxxas rates all their nimhs that are above 3000mah to 4amp. in my experience some nimh packs will have their charge rating on the pack itself, I have a couple that say 3amp max and are 3000mah.
feel free to charge slower if you're in no hurry.

>Also is there a way to know if a battery is full or not?
when your charger says 100%, downside of a charger without a basic screen. something like picrel or a multimeter, a 2s lipo is 8.4v at a full soc, 4.2v per cell.
Thanks, I appreciate it
>Also is there a way to know if a battery is full or not?

The charger will stop when the battery is full - that's what the 'cell terminate voltage' is. Hopefully it will beep or something, or maybe the lights will just switch off. Have a look in the paper manual if there is one in the box.

Just make absolutely certain that you select the correct battery type.
thank you for the info. it seems simple enough
I just realized that I got your two packs mixed around halfway through what I said. 6 amps was incorrect. I meant to say 10.4 amps. Bear in mind that a properly stored LiPo will be around 25% charge, so it'll probably get done in about an hour at full speed. I'd recommend a better charger.
for some reason my traxxas battery isn't charging well at all. I leave it plugged in for an hour and then I when I test it, I hold down the gas for about 8 seconds then it slows down and stops.

Now I know you wouldn't normally floor it the whole time but why is this happening?

>get a better charger
If my battery can handle a stronger feed then I probably will, as well as getting a second lipo battery. but I want to use my current lipo until it dies to see the charging issue with the traxxxas battery persists with my Lipo battery.
>for about 8 seconds then it slows down and stops.
that's the nimh right? if it is the voltage is sagging enough for the low voltage protection on the ESC to shut it down. switch it over (solid red light iirc) and try again. do not forget to switch it back on for the lipo otherwise you could damage it once it gets low enough.
>it once it gets low enough.
the lipo's voltage gets low enough*
yes it's the NimH. The speed control light was blinking red before I turned it off then on again. It was solid red and when the battery was empty again, the light would turn off every time I hit the gas.

The motor makes a sputtering/rattling noise like a purring cat or a growling stomach as well when I hit the gas but I assume it was just struggling to spin with no power. The wheels were turning just fine though.
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js I'm glad I found a general I can talk about rc shit that's not reddit or fb
I have a lcg chassis on the way along with some 60/80wt shock oil, hopefully I can get the body roll under control.
my goal is to make this truck a good all rounder for skate parks, bashing, grass and tarmac.
xl5, bl2s, or vxl esc? if it's brushless that might be "cogging" which can happen when the packs low. that's my first thought anyway
it's xl5. This is what I got
Just don't run it completely flat. That kills lithium batteries. Should always finish with at least 3.3 volts left at resting voltage, and then being it back to 3.7-3.8 volts when it gets put away.
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I have the next model up essentially, its okay when starting out but fuck me, if you break your car it'll take around 8 hours to put each 6s brick back into storage. Time for an upgrade.
Can I get a few recommendations for a 5 inch freestyle frame? 20x20 stack and a avatar hd v2. Preferably under 100$
Does anyone know why this one is cheaper than the other offers?
okay, I drove it around for a while today after work and it was working great thankfully. This was with my LiPo batter. i'm charging it now and until I can figure out what's wrong with my NimH battery I'm going to use my LiPo exclusively.

As for the little white capped cord that I plug into the dual charger, am i supposd to put some kind of cover on it or something or tie it to the bigger cords that go into my motor?

>8 hours to put each 6s brick back into storage
I don't understand
btw can anyoe recommend some tires that I can put on my Rustler that have better handling? I find that I swerve too much when I'm going fast. My cousin recommends pro line racing and two of the big hobby shops here stock that brand.
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You'll want to discharge your LiPo batteries back to storage voltage after use to increase their lifespan and lower the risks in storing them etc etc, depending on your charger and battery capacity this can take 5 minutes to hours. I want one of these very soon.
That thing only does 5W discharge. Get a dedicated discharger like the ISDT ones, they’re well worth it.
it's only £10 cheaper than unmannedtech??
you know it's the Eco version right?
my imars d300 has an xt60 port for external discharge (doubles as a DC input too) if you want to build your own discharge bank. a lot of icharger models have this feature as well.
I believe thats the only hdzero version:
and im from switzerland so buying from ali has some cons besides that its already 10usd cheaper
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>white capped cord
Are you talking about something with 3 wires? (It'll be the number of cells +1.) If you are, that's likely your balance lead. It makes sure that your cells don't eventually end up at wildly different levels of charge. Having imbalanced cells can cause dangerous levels of overcharging and overdischarging.
yes, that thing. I know that it's meant to be plugged in when charging but I wasn't sure if I need to cover it or tie it down or anything
As long as it isn't going to get sucked into moving parts, just pretend it isn't there. I put rubber bands on all of mine so I can keep it from falling into a prop or something.
Is free flight welcome here?

I am going to make a free flight hang glider from some old plans. I will post my progress and results, as well as the plan itself.

My version is downsized to be "pistachio scale" or about 8 inches.

Sounds cool. I've heard of slope soaring but not rc hang gliders. Do you payload an fpv camera or just fly LOS or what?
It is not RC, unfortunately, but it flies and could be converted to RC, if you used a servo to animate to pilot's arms. Think RC paraglider or skydiver more than an airplane. I would probably blow up and time the plans to make an RC version, which would have a 32" wingspan and use 1/4" balsa wood instead of the 1/16" that I will be using.

No battery will be on board so LOS. The model will be dropped instead of thrown sure to the nature of the Rogallo wing (which is really easy to make).

A Czech company, Hiesbök, makes am RC model that features a Rogallo wing called El Rogallo. It is the only commercially available RC model with a Rogallo wing.
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Fellas, I’m looking into purchasing a 1/6 gasser. I’m no stranger to two strokes. I have my eyes on a FG Marder that comes with a Zenoah G260RC. My LHS offers one and I think it looks nice and they have parts. I tried looking for info about the car on google but all I found were vague rc forums that have posts from 2016 last. Anyone have experience with this car? Any upgrades worth doing? What’s the ground clearance? The hex size?
I learned that /diy/ did not allow PDFs to be uploaded, I will convert the file to a .PNG tonight. I will probably uploaded some more simple plans from Outerzone and Aerofred. I might Photoshop some plans for downsizing some models to Pistachio scale, so they can be easily printed on a single sheet of printer paper. The balsa can be no smaller than 1/64" thickness, so I need to keep that in mind.
sharing progress on the sim, any other heliboopter flyers out there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVfsebPlpIw
ros sucks
literal garbage trash shit
holy shit they still make that thing? I remember it from probably the pre 2000's
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With all the 4WD and Brushless options people just aren't as interested in a 1/5th 2WD Petrol these days.

That's some advaned rc flight maneuvers, no one would know how to control that thing here, it's mostly quadcopters and other general rc stuff , rc helis are the darkside of rc world...
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1st build, 1st flight, lmao
nice flying anon. I've only flown a blade nano s3 heli on babby mode, my LOS skills are dogshit.
how long does it take to fly LOS with minimal assists anyhow?

tape those up asap
Already got heatshrink over the problem 2. The rest are secure where they are.
for regular LOS flight I'd say about 150 to 200 hours, for piro flips and other tricks it's more like 500 plus hours on the sim, having a good radio and setup helps. Using mikado vcontrol touch with a mikado simulator interface and rx2sim USB device. You just gotta crash until you stop crashing basically, which can be in the thousands.
Also when I say LOS flight I mean in all directions, you have to be able to fly in all orientations and that takes time, for more simple stuff it's maybe 150 hours but If you get into an orientation you are not comfortable with, the chance of crashing skyrocket, so just fly in that orientation till you stop crashing, it's how I learned anyways and watching auggie copter tutorial videos, he opened the door for me. Believe it's linked in the original post above. But I understand most people dislike helis for this reason, I just find it more of a meditation at this point and stress reliever flying helis as it's more rewarding and i can fall asleep doing these tricks in my head instead of counting sheel. I see it more as a gift now.
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It's the rustler fag again. My cousin told me that the XL5 ESC that comes stock with a Rustler cant handle an 11.1v battery, which sucks since it limits what batteries I can use or buy where I live.

What would be the next logical step up for an upgrade? I live in East Asia so some western brands might not be easily available.

Also I have this traxxas nimh battery that came with the car but it wont charge on my dual charger (which charges my LiPo battery fine). The traxxas charger it came with needs a car cigarette lighter socket but I don't own a car. Will a cheap Chinesium AC to DC adapter let me plug it into my wall just fine or will I end up burning my apartment complex down?

Pic rel is what I'm looking at. my traxxas battery is a 3000MAH 8.4v 7 cell battery. I highlighted the adapter's specs. None of the big hobby shops here stock them or they're closed on weekends.
I did that once. Had a little crash, turtle mode, fly around and hear snapping sound. Decide to land to figure out wtf it is. My balance connector pins are exposed and creating tiny explosions as I fly.
Got a buddy who did line of sight without issue on his first go, like his mother birthed him with a quad. Imagine my envy when I still can't do it.
Yeah, it'll work, but get ready to wait.
are you sure you charged it correctly on the other charger? set it to nimh at 3a and wait for it to complete.
Got a busted tinyhawk 2, on battery it boots up, plays a few notes, flashes lights for a few seconds, but doesn't turn the motors and won't bind. Vtx and camera works normally. Reads 3v on the 5v pin.

On usb it connects to beta flight but no gyro or anything, no voltage on 5v or 3.3v pads. No video, no lights.

Is it dead or is it possible it just lost some basic components?
What does Betaflight l show for arming disable flags?
Marder guy here, so I did my research, I ordered it. A bunch of French guys did reviews. Apparently a cover for the pinion and Spur gears is a good investment, and a samba exhaust is better than the box kind that is stock. Reason I’m interested is because electric Is a bit boring, all it has is speed and acceleration but gas has SOVL and it makes boomers sneed from what I hear, also I prefer 2wd because I like the challenge of spinning out and crashing unlike 4wd. Also it’s cheaper and less complicated desu
Yeah, they made a 30th anniversary version too but I don’t like it because the parts would be harder to find. FG got bought by T2M, a French company and they sell them now in Europoorea. What did you remember about it from the 2000s?
post pics when you get it setup anon.
>but gas has SOVL
yeah, I want a losi 5ive-t for the same reasons.
Will do, I ordered it just yesterday and I’ll have it by the end of next week hopefully. Look out for it in the next thread
Also upon having a look at it, the blinky lights are all on the vtx board, none on the fc
Yeah, if your gyro is fucked, it's probably time to replace. Probably cracked your PCB.
God speed
Dang, whats the best cheap whoop fc so i can salvage the motors and runcam nano
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I have not done too much because of college. I need to buy balsa for the hang glider. Sorry about the delay. My bad for delaying.
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Here is a bonus model. One that was available in the East Bloc, Czechoslovakia, specifically. The plans were released in America in 1974 in American Aircraft Modeler.

The plan is simply called "Czech Glider" and the designer is Jiri Kalina.

I think I will dump some more plans as well to see if anyone else is interested/willing to attempt making these. It is /diy/ after all.
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Kinetic Energy Chuck Glider from 1956. The plans are alright, but not what most people are used to and they look a little bit "busy". Note that this needs to be divided in half and printed on two pages. A little Photoshop magic should fix that.
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The next three are by Ron Warring, a prolific modeller in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. These gliders were all published in 1945.
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Correction, four models.
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If you are a parent, maybe make one of these for your kid. Gliders were my favourite toys.
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Here is a glider from 1937, note the unorthodox configuration. This design was modified in 1941, but I think this plan should suffice.
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This is my last contribution, also from 1937. This glider set an endurance record of 58.4 seconds.
Try out the BetaFPV Air flight controller. The 4-in-1 lacks a VTX, which you seemed to indicate yours still worked. They're cheap as all hell. Alternatively, you might still be using FrSky D8. They've got other cheap units with that built in too, but they're older and heavier.
Yeah but DJI. Geofencing and shit.
Even their little fpvs are geofenced? That’s so fucking gay.
I hope they go full scorched Earth if congress decides to ban them and removes all geofencing and other undesirable qualities.
where are the powered plane plans?
What choice do they have? Isn’t the gps and recording/knowledge of the operator’s/drone’s location what congress is upset about? Get rid of it and there’s no issue. I want one for filming, as my 3” freestyle drone handles like shit with a gopro stuck to it, but I can’t abide geofencing.
can i make a plane with construction lumber
Not an RC plane. Balsa, basswood, and Birch are what you need. You need aviation grade wood for full size.
softwoods are aviation tier and birch is heavier than softwoods like pine, spruce etc
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik seems to hate UAVs of all kinds. She's done the Countering CCP Drones Act and the Drones for First Responders Act. Both royally fuck the hobbyist.
Alright, that is fair. Birch can still be used, though. Comet kits made during WWII used birch as well as (sometimes) cardboard.
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Thanks, I'll get one. As for the vtx, the tinyhawk 2 one works but I can't find any information about it. Best I got is this diagram of a sled meant to replace it. Probably the pins are correct?

Finally got the thing open and put it under the microscope and i dont see any visible damage. Gonna try flashing new firmware onto it if I can.
>>The drone isn't a toy and it's dangerous in the hands of someone experienced
yeah, and you're supposed to get experience by being his friend I guess..
People like that are pathetic, its like people telling you not to experiment with lasers. I built my first drone from scratch and crash landed it in what I later figured out was a forbidden zone due to a hospital helipad not far away. I'm super experienced now.
You can pair a gopro with a harkrc gimbal (thats what I did, on an edu450 frame). Some nice Sony cameras have a connection allowing them to be integrated into a single board computer (https://support.d-imaging.sony.co.jp/app/sdk/en/index.html). Its what the cartography variant of the Orlan drone uses.
You could buy a dji but you'd learn nothing about building drones.
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no, congress wants all those features because they (theoretically) keep retards from flying over an airport or a football game. They gave the FAA a blank check for remote ID and that's working out wonderfully. They want to lock out DJI because it can send data back to Chyna. If you have any security concerns you would already avoid DJI, but they do have the best product.

you did that and no one died?
If you can get it to work, that would be excellent. Do a diff all before flashing so you have a backup of your settings.
>that's working wonderfully
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, with their estimated 20% compliance rate that's probably being overestimated.
Holy shit it sort of works, still no gyro, but now the lights on the FC are blinking not just the vtx. I uploaded the matek411 4.10 firmware from emax. I think I might actually need 4.11 for matek 411rx

It sticks at sending reboot command to bootloader though now
was sarcastic. They picked the worst and also most useless way of doing RID.
>doesn't warn manned aircraft about drones
>doesn't warn drone pilot about manned aircraft
>doesn't allow for more flying fields to be added
>needs to readable by wifi or bluetooth?
>expecting town cops to enforce this
Went into expert mode and turned on "no reboot sequence, manually rebooted it, and successfully installed the newer emax firmware. Didn't fix anything so I loaded some ancient generic matekf411rx firmware and now I have gyro and rx!

Time to see if I can load factory settings and get it all back together
RID is more about accountability than ACAS & is primarily aimed at hobbyist/recreational products. It’s not intended to be an alternative to ADSB.
Ayy, very nice. I've had a few cases where an impact scrambled the flash on my stuff before, so it's always a good idea to try that before calling something dead. May you fly again soon!
You forgot the part where every module has to be certified to be legal, so they're all expensive as fuck when they could use off the shelf stuff that people already have. They did everything they could to make people hate it.
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thanks for admitting it doesn't do anything for safety, which is the excuse they use to restrict the hobby.
>They did everything they could to make people hate it.
That's intentional. I'll just leave it at that.
Are you referring to the theory that the FAA also thought it was a stupid idea, but were required by Congress to implement it, and so they intentionally did a shitty job? I mean, it's not too hard to believe. People involved in aviation do tend to be a little sharper than average.
>you did that and no one died?
Just me and a drone in a large empty field? All that happened is that I put it in 'stabilize' mode (only using inertial sensors) and kept pushing the wrong knob to put it in the mode that uses the GPS. There was never any danger of a flyaway, it was just a rough landing.
I do, however, know some retard in academia with all of the necessary permits who has two flyaways, one of which landed in the middle of traffic in the city center.
I don't know if the FAA thought it was a stupid idea, but I can tell you for a fact that the implementation being horrific is intentional. It is designed that way to deter which it does.
I will work on them, but they are usually for models that are much larger, so I might just link some PDF downloads. I will show Ugly Stik, Tiger, Falcon, Kwik Fli and Kadet plans. These were all will known designs from the 1960s and 1970s and require either a .40 or .60 2 strike nitro engine. My recommendation is O.S, for nitro or electric. Electrifly also *had* good motors. The current ones made by Horizon Hobby (instead of Hobbico) are horrible.

For used engines, Enya, Fox, K&B, HB, Super Tigre, Rossi, Irvine and Webra are all good, but avoid Chinese engines except for Magnum and newer ASP ones.
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>implementation being horrific is intentional. It is designed that way to deter which it does.
nta but, yeah. there's a lot of bad info out there about laws and whatnot. like the bullshit lies I heard from multiple people about low powered analog VTXs <1W not needing a HAM license when in reality anything not FCC certified needs it. add in RID, no fly zones, and part 107 if it applies to you, and it can be overwhelming to anyone starting out.

reminds me of all the bullshit ATF laws that have no effect and only fuck over honest people.
And I'm back in the air, thanks!
Accountability is a big part of safety. People are less likely to do stupid/illegal stuff if there is a high chance they'll get caught.
Tell that to the people on the road. I can take one 10 minute drive and see at least 10 people who are well below what I would call qualified to drive. I live in a low population area, and they seem to get worse in other places. RID isn't going to remove any tards.
Except people get done for driving/traffic offences all the time. I don’t understand your comparison.
Oh, my favorite lately is seeing people cut across 4 lanes of traffic to take an exit.
Nearly every adult in America drives a car, as opposed to less than 1% flying hobby UAVs. How many have you actually seen flying something and got caught doing something wrong?
and when they don't install the RID module?
That's the funny thing, isn't it? Unless they're flying long range or from in a house or car, it's pretty fuckin easy to tell who is flying. Humans have these weird things called eyes that the government keeps forgetting about.
One of the biggest issues is people flying in urban areas, where it’s pretty much impossible to find a remote pilot amongst the hundreds of buildings & thousands of people.

Another big issue is people using drones to drop drugs/weapons into prisons, where they don’t stick around long enough for anybody responding to a report to get on sight & see them.

In both of these cases, having RID hardware forced onto easily accessible COTS drones like DJI’s will have a noticeable impact. It doesn’t make it impossible to do bad stuff with drones & get away with it, but it stops it from being _so_ easy that any braindead meth dealer can do it without thinking.
But then, everyone with a brain realizes that you can easily slap together a working aircraft with very basic parts, and skip RID quite easily. RID only hurts the well meaning pilot. I can build an airplane for $100 that will auto drop packages or even just crash land right at the site. I'm just some guy who tinkers around and doesn't really know shit. It's just that easy. Even if they take away the flight controllers, old phones, Arduinos, Raspberry Pi clones, and Wii remotes are all easy substitutes. Airframes can be printed, or built from wood or foam board. RID can't stop crime in the slightest.
You give far too much credit to the general public. Building an autonomous plane for $100 & programming it to land/crash at a specified location is beyond the abilities of the vast majority of people. You only have to look at some of the questions that regularly come up on RC groups all over the Internet to see that even people who profess an interest in the stuff are often completely clueless.

Anybody can buy a Mavic, install an app on their phone & duct tape a brick of drugs to it. But task people with flashing iNav/Ardupilot onto a Matek board & you’ll lose probably 90% of people.

I’m not saying that what we do is super complex. I’m saying that the average person is fucking dumb.
I fully agree with you that the vast majority of people are dumb as fuck. That said, the dumb ones don't tend to be that hard to catch because they make a million mistakes.
Any other recommendations besides DJI ? Just to drive drone around. Recommendations for RC with screen too.
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I got bored yesterday and tried to refurbish my ancient ~20yo integy 3300mah nimh pack that split in half and needed new wires due to corrosion, when I got it 5-6 years ago it was already like this.

first charge after 12v car battery shock and rebuild with xt60 and 12gauge wire, 578mah, ~50mohm. ~6watt discharge to 0.3v per cell 384mah
2nd charge 746mah 52momh, discharge 580mah
3rd charge 894mah 49mohm rest overnight for idle discharge check, dropped to 5.5v
4th 619mah 5Xmohm
discharged with tt02 torque tuned motor hw 1060 stock gearing to 6.2v, charged up 988mah 45mohm
discharged with tt02 to 7.5v, 1327mah 45mohm
discharged with tt02 to 7.7v, 1653mah 39mohm
discharged with rustler 4x4 bl2s on road to 6.56v, 2135mah 42mohm
discharged with rustler in grass to 6.5v, 1833mah 42mohm

doing a slow deep discharge+charge cycle with my charger again tonight just because. I hope it doesn't phantom drain again.
not sure I'll use it much if ever but, it was fun seeing the capacity go up.
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So I've got a chink shit mavic 2 clone, advertised as 4k flying drone. Produces a wifi signal that wifi_cam can interact with. My question is, is there software I can use to interface with it that doesn't feel so much like spy ware. Has anyone reverse engineered one before?
can I use the cameras that come with a DJI phantom for architectural photogrammetry or do I need something better?

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