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Roommate has a bitch visiting who was just traveling throughout Europe for two weeks.
Pretty sure I just found a bed bug nymph in my kitchen.

I’m so tired of living with roommates. This is the third time I’ve had bed bugs and every single time it’s been my roommates bringing them in.

As a seasoned pro at this by now, diatomaceous earth, neem oil, washing/drying clothes and storing them in garbage bags while “disinfecting” the house, and a steamer is just about all you need to solve the problem.
It’s not scary like the internet makes it out to be, it’s just a tedious pain in the ass.

Biggest pro tip from me is to do whatever it takes to not be a 30 year old failure like me with roommates that you hate.
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Is that all? Have anything else on your mind you'd like to share with us?
Your mom was not as good in bed last as her backpage profile advertised.
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>It’s not scary like the internet makes it out to be, it’s just a tedious pain in the ass.

Welcome to life, lil buddy.
Make him pay for having th0tva4em removed.
>Biggest pro tip from me is to do whatever it takes to not be a 30 year old failure like me with roommates that you hate.
actually a good tip
>proclaims to have eradicated bed bugs for 3 times with diatomaceous earth and neem oil
<still has bed bugs
>blames europeans

consider this, your neighbor has them. they do spread through vents and shit.

it might help, the diatomaceus earth, buy the only way itll eradicate them is if its saturated with nitroglycerin.
she brought nothing to your bed OP. stop being jealous.
>This is the third time I’ve had bed bugs
how long between infestations? maybe you just aren't /diy/ing it right
They were at different apartments, 5+ years apart.
diatomaceus earth doesn't do shit to bed bugs at all you've been scammed that shit just cuts up your lungs that's it

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