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Was up in the attic and saw this weird discoloration at the intersection of the decking and the joist, is this bad and should I do something about it?
pick a screw driver and try your hardest to punch a hole on it.
If you can, then you have some bigger problems.
It's water damage. You got a leak that dries out in the heat and as the process repeats over and over the wood blackens from the rot.
What ar you doing up in the attic?
What are you? Some kind of ghost hunter?
The house is from the 60s, but the roof has been reshingled recently before we bought it. How can I tell if it's just an ancient leak that is now no problem?

installing new bathroom shit vent you goon
Test with a screwdriver to see how bad the rot is already, just try and jam it though if it's rotten it'll go through. Test with a moisture meter after it rains to see if the wood there is still getting wet, or if it's an old leak. If it is rotten, you will need to sister a support beam to the main rafter, and likely replace the wood and roofing above it as well.
What are you? Afraid of ghosts or something?
>The house is from the 60s, but the roof has been reshingled recently before we bought it. How can I tell if it's just an ancient leak that is now no problem?
Get some water soluble ink.
Children’s Crayola markers are probably a good cheap choice.
Make a visible pattern over the spot and general area, with clear distinct lines.
Take a photo or several.
Wait till it rains heavily, and then maybe wait a few days.
Check the pattern you drew with the markers.
If the markers have bled you may have a leak or other source of water.

As for mold, naybe you have some, but there are sprays you can get at Home Depot etc., that will kill a small spot quickly.
Major rot also takes a long time, so I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

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