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Post a picture of your work bench, dedicated work area, or most commonly used tools for DIY. What was the last thing you worked on there, simple or big?
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insanity in a conex
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yes, i do know where everything is
no, you cant borrow anything
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I don't have any real good pictures of the whole bench... This is one of my common work areas. I have a ton of different benches, but most of them are horizontal storage space. This one is by the walk in door at the farm shop and has a 6" Wilton on the corner. It is where I do most quick projects. Last night I rebuilt a hydraulic cylinder for my baler there. Also have an outside bench where I do anything that is dirty work so I don't have to clean inside the shop as much.
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Actually going through my pics looking for a different one and I found this pic of the outside bench... I love this motherfucker like you wouldn't believe! I do a ton of nasty work here that keeps the interior of the shop much cleaner.
A chaotic but sexy mess. I gotta have my tools.
Is that a container? How much did it cost you? Did you install the lights yourself?
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Can't stand clutter/dust

Must contain everything
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>Is that a container?
20 ft standard height built into a shed
>How much did it cost you?
$7k circa the firey but mostly peaceful summer of 2020. used discount or scrounged shit everywhere i could
>Did you install the lights yourself?
yes theyre just the cheapo barrina tube style leds from scamazon. theyre hung with zip ties and the little stickem tie mounts
What kind of fag has an OSB work surface?
Added 10” to an interior door for the big shed figured it could use some paint too. Yes I’m not good at painting
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Introducing The Dench™
- half workbench
- half desk
- half titebond
- sportin' a fresh coat of BLO
- secret hole technology
Constructed from Homerian 2x12 SYP ripped in half and sandwiched together. I think I bought 3 fresh boards just for this which are most of the top and verticals with the end grain visible. The rest is scrap that I had on hand that I used as filler. There is a shallow trench in the back to sweep trash into. Somehow it all ends up on the floor anyway.
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>half titebond

I’m still wondering if I fucked up on the bench vise placement with muh bench. I wanted to tuck it all the way to the right side but then I would never be able to put larger items in the thing. If I went all the way to the left, it’s sort of sticking out in the path I need to walk to go into the house. So I went 2/3 of the way down, however that cut me from a full 6’ long bench to like 3.5ft on the main work area, then another 2ft on the other side of the bench. I guess it works out ok though because as I’m taking stuff apart, I can put random hardware and assemblies off to the right on the other side of the vise and there’s less of a chance I knock over a parts tray and send screws into another dimension.

Whenever I need a big area though, I’ll toss a couple saw horses in the driveway with a couple 2x4s bridging the saw horses and a sheet or half sheet laying across
Here’s the most genius idea I had building this bench…

So the water heater for this house is a stubby fat boy like 40gal that sits in the cubby hole behind the bench. It’s under the stairs of the actual house. They had a light bulb in there and it would make the cubby all hot, plus you couldn’t really work in there without accidentally hitting the bulb. I took the bulb out when I did the water heater.

Meanwhile the one outlet that was good for the bench is placed in a spot where any time I needed to plug something in, the cord would be running directly across the work area, and that’s super annoying when cutting or soldering or anything.

So I got rid of the light fixture, ran some of that grey PVC onto the leg of the workbench and put an outlet down there. Now if I need to plug in a saw or compressor or anything, I have the cord running out from under the bench, not on top of whatever I’m working on. And then I put a power strip in the corner of the bench out of the way, and the power cord for that goes through the bench top into that outlet box. Plus if anything running off 120V starts smoking or bursts into flames, that switch right on top of the workbench controls the outlet underneath and I can easily cut power.

So if you don’t have a convenient outlet near your bench, make one. It was pretty easy once I found a good box and plate to cover the old light fixture.
Forgot pic
That strikes me as the sort of bench a homosexual might do work at.
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Didn't even have to load the full jpeg to confirm.
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the bench i made. last thing i was doing was goofing off
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I couldn't work on these grimey benches, clean your shit up

>muh '' i know where everything is''
The cope of every disorganised fool

Where are the tools?

Fucking based; what do you work on generally?
>do work at.
I’m not sure any work gets done at a bench lookin like that.

Wood gets fucked when your drilling and soldering and slicing shit on top of it and then PB blasting it or setting a used power steering pump on there. We’re not all autist woodworkers
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>The cope of every disorganised fool
words of a notools faggot
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Not him, but I try to have a place for everything and force myself to not leave half-completed projects laying around for more than one night, especially if it’s not your main project that you will be coming back to tomorrow.

But I’ve only learned that over the years since I’m good at keeping shit organized when I keep up with it, but if I begin to let something go for a couple weeks, then it will become a shit show for the next year and I will never clean it up.

I had these damn clamps laying random places for a couple months because they had no designated place, but I finally put a board up on the wall to hang them and it feels so much better.
Really cool design. What are the dowels
in the front for?
I stick toggle clamps in there to hold boards vertically. Mostly for marking dovetails and lining stuff up. Sometimes I saw dovetails there but it takes some fiddling to get enough pressure.
>Fucking based; what do you work on generally?
just about anything I decide to. for a while I fixed old tube radios, and have about 30. also some old transistor stuff, lots of projects with chinesium components, power tools, lawn equipment, appliances, etc. latest thing I fixed up was an ebike for my brothers wife.
looks like someone who pretends they fix things.
>>he doesn't utilize a storage tote system
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I do, and also have a image library of what's in it.
OMG so much room!
can you please stop shitting up the thread with your trash
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Yeah my bf was out cruising when I took that
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tripfags were generally abused as children, which is why they come to an anonymous website and identityfag - so they can receive abuse so they feel loved. The only way you can help them stop hurting themselves is to ignore them. Let their every post go unreplied to. Eventually they try posting anon and get replies again, and they can start to heal
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Nice. Here's the other bay
Familiarize yourself with the filter my friend! I don’t care enough to delete the tripcode for you and then enter it again when needed. That takes time and I’m not willing to use that time to appease your delicate sensibilities. If you care so much, figure out the filter.

Tbh my things don't break that often hence the neatness of the space; as they used to say in the army ''a good technician is a bored technician.''

And as inviting as spaces like these >>2861443 are, 99% of the items just act as a dust collector for the 358 days a year you're not using them. Tote it all.
nothing wrong with tripcodes
>Tbh my things don't break that often
This sounds like a cope. If you were handy and had the skills to repair all different types of stuff, you would have friends and family and neighbors constantly piling shit on your desk and in your garage.
Yes there is. Take for example the post immediately following yours. Despite the fact that this is an anonymous image board, the attention whore compulsively posts cutesy calling-card images like a 12 year old girl while complaining that an anon's very nice neat and clean hobby area is not authentic enough to be posted here, as if everyone must be poor and wallow in filth and squalor joylessly consooming tools as a cargo cult substitution of a paternal relationship. You see, tripfags are bitterly unimportant in real life and so they metastasize into niche communities online where they establish themselves as a big fish in a small pond. Being forced to notice them feeds their ego, even negative attention such as this providing precious morsels of dopamine. You see, without even addressing him directly, I now have more of a relationship with the tripfag than his own father. While most normal adults will prefer to live normal lives around other normal people who do not normally have broken bits of trash that they bring you to repair in exchange for sex, the tripfag gravitates toward this dynamic. They are foul creatures bereft of any redeeming quality and the humane treatment is to asphyxiate them by ignoring and filtering them.

I got picrel today because it was $8. Goin in the junk drawer I think.
>Tote it all.
what a stupid idea. no. a toted tool is a tool you will never use.

moot created them and that makes them good. go back. also didn't read.
Peg board/open shelving is the equivalent of leaving all your dishes/pots/pans/utensils/condiments out on the counter ''in case I need it''

Like unless you're brain damaged or a property manager how often do you need bolt cutters lmao
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Kek. Best definition of pegboard yet.

Pretty much right. My totes include bullshit that never gets used such as “Generator power cords”, “DVD Player & Poker Chips”, and “Assorted Shit”, all clearly labeled!
>Peg board/open shelving is the equivalent of leaving all your dishes/pots/pans/utensils/condiments out on the counter ''in case I need it''
except the in kitchens they are hung up and on shelves not put away in drawers so they are easily accessible.

the only people who put all their tools away are people who do not use them. If my tools were all in totes that would be a giant pain in the ass if all I need is a screw driver and have to go digging for it, nope walk up take it, use it, put it back.

your tote thing is beyond retarded.
>Pretty much right. My totes include bullshit that never gets used such as “Generator power cords”, “DVD Player & Poker Chips”, and “Assorted Shit”, all clearly labeled!
exactly. I have totes, and they contain the shit I rarely use. I have pictures of what is in them so I don't have to rummage through them, just look up what's in it, go to that numbered tote.
You're making my point for me; rarely used shit gets put away in totes, day-to-day are in easy reach as seen in pic.

If I have an ongoing project there are two tool holders on the bench that can hold all the handy stuff, otherwise I don't need every socket and hex key on display where it only serves to catch dust
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>and here's the shelf where i keep my bucket of drills and drill bits
and you are making my point ALL my tools are out because I use them. YOU do not.
>where it only serves to catch dust
this is the proof. you don't use your tools. tools don't catch dust. you are wrong, and you know you are wrong.
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Yeah have fun fixing all your broken shit pal. That's what adults do, constantly repair their possessions. I'll give you a call when I need my septic drained so I don't have to dust off my plumbing tote that I haven't needed to access in five years. Retard.
Brah, at least make up an excuse like “my bench is so clean because I took that pic right after I spent the whole weekend organizing the garage!”

That bench is too spotless.

>haven’t touched a plumbing tool in over 5 years
It shows
nta btw
>tools don't catch dust

Guarantee your shop looks like this

Is cardboard illegal where you are?
Growing up my dad would kill me if I left his bench covered in paint/grease like some of the shitpits itt
This...don't know what garbage you guys are buying that you're always elbows deep in repair jobs
I purposely buy run down shit on the cheap and then fix it up or salvage it for parts that are worth more than I paid for the entire thing...
I got some good, free, shelving, from work. I was talking with someone, the subject came up and I blurted out "damn, I love good shelving". I....I probably shouldn't have said that, out loud.
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Huh - I just posted this in another thread, but here it is - basically a little rolling workbench, made out of junk, from work. It's pretty good, for watching DIY videos while working on small shit - soldering connnectors, fixing hedge trimmers, rebuilding oil burners, whatever. I can wheel it into the driveway or all around the garage, so I don't have to walk back and forth to my main workbench.
Cardboard goes on the ground when painting or doing dirty ass work in the driveway. A man’s bench is going to get paint and grease on it and some burn marks from a soldering iron or torched part over time, plus the obligatory drill bit going though whatever is on the bench.

I can’t imagine having to throw a sheet of fresh cardboard on the bench twice a day when I go to crack open something dirty and/or greasy, and then having the shit slide around because it’s cardboard. That simply isn’t realistic for somebody who has to get shit done.
just admit that you were here to larp at DIY and show off your unused bench expecting real men to congratulate you on keeping your bench clean like a limp wristed faggot you are.
This is how I know you don't DIY. you can't DIY without dust. and I don't care if I have "dust" in my shop or on my tools. once a month I go through and vacuum shit up.

>Growing up my dad would kill me if I left his bench covered in paint/grease
NOW we understand. widdle babby was paddwed for making a mess and daddy made hum feewl bad. :(
I find stuff to fix. I once went through and disassembled all my fans to oil the bushings so I can get another 10 years out of them.

I took apart all the power tools I inherited and changed out the 40 year old grease.

I have a spreadsheet I started in 2012 of all the shit I have fixed, designed, built or whatever. it's at 319 right now, because I haven't updated it in a while.

I buy lawn equipment from thrift stores for cheap, fix them, and give them to people. sometimes I get stuff from free piles.

I just repaired my sister-in-laws ebike.

I just fixed a folding chair that I have had for over 10 years when the cheap rivets in it broke.

the only time my bench is idle is during the summer when it's too hot in there (even with A/C).
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>This is how I know you don't DIY.
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I mean they’re sort of right, you can’t sand one goddamn board in the garage without everything being coated with sawdust.
>larp at DIY
>real men
>limp wristed faggot
Nice projection kid. I like how you hit the trifecta of cringe without revealing your insecurity.
>That bigass knipex bolt cutter
Albeit sexy, you have to give it back Jamal.
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believe it or not, those were scamazon price dump to a hundo. back when a benjamin was more than mcdonalds for 2
gay man cope
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i like the anons who have organized and clean workshops, even if there isn't a lot in them. it beats shops that are crammed with junk that no one could possibly work in.
i try to keep things neat but it's a never ending battle.
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> yes, i do know where everything is
Same here. With my manly man workbench!
(pls send help)

sound mind
Thread winner
that 'viper' sign is so fucking gay
You're gay
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it's a structural load bearing poster. i got it as a freebie back when the 1st gen was in production. if it makes you feel any better, this is on a different part of the ceiling. it's also load bearing too and unfortunately, equally as gay.
i need to get more posters but free ones are pretty hard to come by nowadays.
Some jobs are meant to be done outside
>tfw you get yourself a paint gun and try to use it the first time
>fire it up in the garage with the door 1/3 open and a fan blowing towards it like normal paining jobs
>underestimate how atomized the paint gets and get dizzy after pulling the trigger for a couple seconds
>open garage door fully
>start spraying more
>fans are blowing everything directly at the front of wife’s car
Oops. My bad. Wife’s car got some extra clear coat.
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you may not like it but a pallet on the forklift is peak workbench performance. always at the right height and driven to a convenient location
>it's a structural load bearing poster
gay joke
is there a workbench that keeps your legs nice and warm with minimum electricity or fuel like wrapping them in a nice layer of blankets
what are the specs on that table top drill press
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it's a floor standing model. you can see it in the corner of this pic. it's a mastercraft (hobbiest) model, 1/2 hp motor 12 speed. it's kinda noisy but runout is reasonable. they were bringing in the new models and clearing these out for $100 so i can't complain. mind you, this was a good number of years ago. no way you'll find that now.
Looks nice anon
>Power cords and cocks

Uh yeah, I guess those can go in the same tote... You do you man.
Unfathomably based... I use my forklift as a workbench and weld positioner all the damn time.
I just planted some of picrel the other day, lowe’s wants my review!
That's a super dusty Sunday, are younstste side? If so by younger brother (26) will buy it off you if you're no longer using it.
I keep wanting to keep it. Sentimental value. That’s the OG Sunday! frame from back in the day before life got in the way of having fun and breaking bones.

>tfw some fat cop actually wrote me a ticket for riding my bike at this skatepark where no bikes were allowed
I got a bench made of pallet wood
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This one?
Nah mines 2 metres long and 60cm wide L shaped, I'll take some pics later
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Saw bench/ anvil stand.

vaguely portable.
wonder what your kitchen cabinets look like if your shop cabinets look like that
those were my old kitchen cabinets. reused them when we reno'd the kitchen with new cabinets.
Same here. My dad also did the same. There’s a good overlap between kitchens and workshops.
>ask Maintenance crew member for a hose fitting at lunch
>yeah just go in to the workshop, it's on the second shelf on the left you can't miss it
>reno'd the kitchen with new cabinets
they look fine
couldn't have been cheap either
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Best its been in years. Normally it's a gigantic mess, and the other half of garage still is.
If you change the layout, you can't reuse the cabinets.
3d printers are this tiny?
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It looks smaller in the picture than it is but yeah without the outer shell they aren't that big. I may build a little enclosure out of scrap wood for it but I sometimes need the entire work bench. You can do really fun stuff with them and they are cheap as hell now. I made these little red/blue wrench holders with them for instance. Don't get one if you are just going to print out junk IMO, use it as an excuse to get good at cad and start thinking of fun problems you can solve. I'm attempting to get my kids into it by designing RC cars etc.
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Dude used a single pallet. It inspired me to start on a similar project designed as beginner's project for poorfags and post it.
this >>2873887

but also, you're not looking closely enough. the finish was in various states of damage. it would certainly be an eyesore if the rest of the kitchen was reno'd. they were basic builders cabinets, so pretty low end. they were pretty old. you should be happy that i repurposed these instead of trashing them like most reno projects.
idk doesn't look like mdf with laminate
i never mentioned mdf. carcasses are laminated chipboard. doors are solid wood. all basic builder cabinets were made like this in my area 20 years ago. i'm not sure why it bothers you so much that i reused old cabinets in my workshop?
That’s the most utilitarian thing i’ve ever seen.
> mastercrap, tuck tape, rockwoll insulation
Canadian detected
> plumbing
20.0 year old moen fawcet cartridge detected
just curious they look like the cabinets in soprano house
I made the mistake of not buying the puller tool the first time I ever changed one of those and I almost destroyed a tile wall yanking on it with channellocks.
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Most impressive thing using that as furniture is a 6 year old hasn't snapped those screws off
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you mounted your vise like a retard. it should be forward to the edge. the static jaw needs to vertically clear of the front of the bench so you can grip long shit that hangs down
do any of you anons use an air compressor?
i'm thinking about buying an air-powered die grinder to replace my dremel 3000 which plugs into the wall but i'm not sure of the differences in cutting power, speed and reliability
all i know is that the 130W motor in the dremel is way too weak for my needs
what kinda shed construction do you need for a workspace esp the floor
Concrete floors with rubber mats to stand on and no steps at the door is nice.

Good ventilation is important.
is a concrete floor really necessary
is there a way to make it so it can be easily removed later like a bunch of tiles
Die grinders do work. There’s a few cordless options too. Depends how much you want to step up.

Lots of people will go with something like pic related or a knockoff of it if they’re tired of burning out Dremels but don’t want to step up to a die grinder.

Whatever it is, make sure you don’t care if paint and grease get on it and it can handle metal parts being dropped on it.
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noted quads
>air compressor
there are 2 kinds of compressors. ones that are too small and ones that cost too much. hobbyists almost exclusively have the former. usually about the first time you use whatever model you buy, youll figure out you really needed a 50+ cfm rotary screw. 5hp 1ph 240v 2 stage compressors are the best compromise. theyll run most consumer grade die grinders at about 50% duty cycle and can be run on a 50a dryer plug
a lower overhead choice would be to get a quality electric 1/4" die grinder like picel and buy a 1/8" collet for it. itll smoke a dremel in comparison
thanks for the advice bros, i think i'll check out corded die grinders
>Bosch and Makita
>Everything well organized
One of the few white anons on this board.
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Concrete is not necessary, wooden floors work fine.
so it's just a lumber frame resting on blocks or what
AI slop
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no just oldskool advertising. its a staged picture from the cover of a general machinery catalog circa the early 00s. see how the dust collection tubes just sit on the floor
heres a pic in a friends wood floored shop. they actually exist in the wild
Learn how to how upload images in the correct orientation.
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here you go sweaty
ok bros
i've been looking at some die grinders and they all run at like 25,000+ RPM but the parts i'll be cutting are recommended to be cut at around 10,000 RPM otherwise it could heat up the surface and distort the shape
wat do? wat buy?
Probably a pendant grinder, those usually come with a foot pedal for speed control
There’s variable speed options including >>2876734

Like other anon said, foot pedal should be variable speed.
ty frens
yeah but what's underneath the wood as in the base of the building
the hardwood is over 1-1/4 plywood that's on top of 1/2 steel plate. that entire portion of his shop is cantilevered out over a hillside on 12" wide flange beams decked with steel plate. all scrounged material from a decommissioned rock plant he worked at
Look into old machine shop floors. They cut boards into short pieces and stood them up so the endgrain was the floor surface. Essentially tiled the entire place with them. If they damaged an area they could pull them out, drop some new board pieces in and keep right on keeping on. Apparently they were set over concrete though. I dunno if you could just put down a vapor barrier and some sand and then level that and start with the wooden block floor though?
consider necking yourself
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Didn't see a dedicated pack out thread but figured this was close enough.

Long story short, new job assembling 98% of the time bikes from kiddie snap togethers to $400 mmountain bikes. This is a traveling job that is being outsourced almost exclusively at walmarts. So all work is done indoors, no rough terrain. I don't need a shit load of tools but I do need to be able to fit about 4-5 impacts and a bunch of wrench sized specality tools and general wrench and deep wall socket sets. From my SUV I have to move a 40lb bike rack, 6ft folding table, 2 gallon air compressor, and my tools. Typically in a shopping cart so I am going to have to lift this thing in and out of a cart.

I do not have a done of cash and I have to buy a bunch of these tool to be able to handle all orders or I have to decline a bunch of work since I'm lacking equipment. All I know if my oversized tool bag is just really a pain in the tits to transport all these items. I can make it work but it is messy and disorganized.

To the point of this rambling of a post. Given the low pimact nature of the job, working indoors, and the importantance of mobility and weight. What are your thoughts on the HART pack out system? They got the 3 piece deep tool, medium tool, and see through organizer on sale for $74 at walmart right now.
I asked about this a few days ago in another thread. Anon said he’s been running one for a couple years and it’s holding up, but it’s not as nice/smooth as a Packout. But considering the price, you can get a 4/5pc setup for the price of a Packout base, why not?

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