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A tool box if you have room for it. Cheap tool cabinets are definitely going to be a thing of the fucking past.
> buy more shit from china
Ahh, no. Just like the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act, it’s going to be a rough ride.
You might want to pay off any debts as soon as possible, and hoard non-perishable food.
Hope you bitches like snap-on because soon they’ll be the cheap tool brand
Harbor freight is owned and operated out of camarillo, CA

Begone shill
he won't. he didn't do it last time.
Lmao… a person can’t be that stupid, you must be shilling, what you’re shilling for is confusing though, I’ll admit
Boomers have garages and basements filled to the rim of tool hordes. Most of them haven't been used in years or even decades. As more and more of them die off, estate sales are going to be the place to go to get cheap tools. The Boomer that would have wanted $50 for an old Craftsman wrench will now be dead and his zoom zoom grandchildren selling his shit will gladly take $0.50 for an entire wrench set just to have it gone.
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>Boomers have garages and basements filled to the rim of tool hordes. Most of them haven't been used in years or even decades. As more and more of them die off, estate sales are going to be the place to go to get cheap tools. The Boomer that would have wanted $50 for an old Craftsman wrench will now be dead and his zoom zoom grandchildren selling his shit will gladly take $0.50 for an entire wrench set just to have it gone.

This has always been the case. Deals always will be out there if you have the gumption to go after them.

I've pretty much stocked up on cheap stuff years ago when the gettin' was good. I even topped it off with a grand finale HF shopping spree on their dime when they sent me almost 4 grand in gift cards after the class action lawsuit! Lol.
>heat up tools in air fryer
>say heat treated had to be done in america
>stamp made in america on it
>get tax breaks
Also say you had to hire immigrants for minimum wage to do it because no one else applied.
Go to estate auctions. You might have to deal with resellers competing against you but you can still get plenty of high end tools cheap that way. I keep all the good stuff and sell the low end stuff at flea markets just to get rid of it.
>hoard non perishable food
What is it with you retards and constantly thinking the worlds gonna fucking end
Prices are gonna go up then correct, we’re not immediately going to be transported to a nuclear wasteland because you can’t buy cheaper Chinese crap anymore
Yeah but craftsman tools are shitty especially neglected craftsman tools with no warranty other than by being replaced by some piece of trash china wrench by Stanley
Well, i aint gonna be able to afford no $400 2Ah battery for my drill every 2 years anymore, so im going corded.
How stupid are these posts? You guys sound like twinks. Anyways the lighting is 40% off. Winch is $100 off. Icon is marked down too.
FFS no

My MAC box is has Rusty Wallace driving Pontiacs which has less rust and drawer wear them my Yukon that's 3 years old.

Buy a set of 3 jaw pullers
>My MAC box is has Rusty Wallace driving Pontiacs which has less rust and drawer wear them my Yukon that's 3 years old.

Your toolbox is rusting out? What kind of shithole do you keep your toolbox in?

>Buy a set of 3 jaw pullers

Jesus christ... I guess if he has no gear pullers the hf ones will be better than nothing. The cheapo chinese pullers are annoying to use though.
I don’t understand icon,

Icon is priced at 40% of snap-on, but if you literally walk into a community college and ask for a free application they give you a student email

The. You can buy snap-on at 60% off which puts it at the icon price point

Are blue collar people just retarded and lazy?

And just go for the “easy” option over the best option?
I'm saying that's the sale going on right now silly billy. Are you aware of the date? Pretty dense.
>I don’t understand icon
You don't seem to understand a lot of things.
Snapon is for retards. "i have to have the best" idiots are a joke. I have several Icon tools and they are great. I also have a omni pro 220 and I bet I can out weld most of the muh Miller or muh Lincoln bros with it. I did go with the Milwaukee M18,M12 lineup but not because its the best but because their lineup fits my needs if Bauer had the same lineup I would have used them and saved a ton of cash. I have learned that people like you talk a lot about tools rather than using them.
No what I mean is this, icon 3/8” metal handle non flex ratchet is what $59.99 MSRP?

That’s the exact same price you can get it from snap-on on their SEP… so why not buy the snap-on? It’s the same price
Why would I jump through hoops to buy a ratchet? I have been stacking tools for 20+ years and have never felt the need to buy snapon. My wife and I don't get christmas gifts for each other we buy a tool we need. This year is a 3rd function for our tractor.
> buy tool for wife
What kind of tools do chicks want?
Its not for the old lady its for our use on the farm or whatever to make our lives easier.
I don't buy snappon because I associate the brand with retards who overpay for shit and are constantly thousands in debt to the fapon truck. Even though I have enough money to buy snapon tools to replace all my regular tools, I would rather not because I don't want to be associated with those faggots

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