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I put my motherboard into a PC case with a broken power button. I really don't want to reinstall everything in a new case. I was thinking I could use a momentary SPST switch.
Is that possible? Can I just put a new header on, thread that cable into the back of a button with the cable threaded through the case grille holes, and secure that button to the top of the case? Thanks bros
Have you tried whacking the wires that lead to the broken button together?
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The same thing happened to me and I bought a similar switch. Yeah just wire it up easy.
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but why go with a boring button?
yeah, just make sure it's a momentary push button. I'm lazy and just have wires hanging out, one of my others I just reach in with a screwdriver and short the right pins.
Just move the [RESET] button wire to the [POWER] header.
the power button isn't directly connected to main power so all you need is connect 2 wires together, any button will do
>i have no idea how it works but i need to look cool for the thread
>modern pc
>reset button
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Super easy to do. The power switch is just connected to two jumper contacts on the mainboard. You can replace it with whatever.
>>i have no idea how it works but i need to look cool for the thread
stfu cuck, it's a momentary toggle switch
>25 fucking dollars for one damn switch
welcome to trump's USA
You'll never be /fa/ if you refuse to spend on novelty.
i just touch a screwdriver to the mobo power pins to turn mine on.

the power switch and wires are bloat

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